best journal manuscript paper technology science open access journal ijmst international management kenyatta mount kenya jomo jkuat kakamega campus kakamega shamberere kisumu kenya university research online appointment india investigate healthcare hospital online appointment system mku kabianga lagos lagos state polytechnic tmt mdg ict mmust muliro resource computing grid bus routes and proposed model proposed economic models resource management model grid computing actuarial sciences stem mtsu interdisciplinary psm six-sigma methodologies lean biostatistics biotechnology examine anova human head teachers staffing reward system challenges discipline training appraisal human resource management human resources stereotypes traditions prejudice. stereotype modification possibility cultures phenomenon intercultural communication language tourist kenyan kenya methodist university universities private employee remuneration morale employee turnover analysis envelopment data optimization artificial neural network (ann) ann dea data envelopment analysis (dea) supplier evaluation declining investments smes globalization liberalization impact on smes economic growth established fdi financial performance financial leverage capital structure dissemination knowledge medical conferencing video live surgical demonstration new surgical skill acquisition medical knowledge dissemination and updation video conferencing technology routing pds nearest neighbour algorithm vehicle routing problem public distribution system adherence turbulent aspirations jeopardizing corporate governance knowledge methodologies information management knowledge management attacks ieee 802.11 security adhoc network microwave soil soil moisture bistatic scatter remote sensing microwave response
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