internet programming cs8651 ip database servlet interface session handling cookies js example javascript js objects js dom innovative teaching teaching pedagogy reflexion reflection index reflective analysis reflective report reflective index ramco rit education best practices teaching methodology one minute paper innovative practices ajax with database ajax with php ajax with xml callback methods xmlhttprequest wsdl uddi soap web services ajax php file handling in php php operators php database connection php built in functions php data types regular expression using php validation xmlhttprequest object xml elements xml namespaces sax parser well formed document valid document xml schema dtd xslt servlet database connection jdbc http servlet generic servlet url rewritting hidden form field server side programming function tags format tags xml tags sql tags core tags tag library jstl jsp storing json exchanging data array java script object notation stringify parse stringify() parse() json function files json http request exception handling date object java script regular expression using javascript objects html event handling thin pair share tps yogaraja ritrjpm teaching practices modern teaching types of dss dss design porcess dss components dss architecture
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