treatment covid-19 nursing management causes and treatment human resource medical administration of exogenous surfactant surfactant therapy heart defect congenital heart defect coarctation of aorta apnea neonatal apnea inflammation of the brain mengoencephalitis medical devices cardiac pacemaker artificial cardiac pacemaker drug calculations drug formula pediatric drug calculations collecting information record vital events vital statistics newborn assessment apgar score autoimmune disorder guillain-barré syndrom gene mutation disorder acid alpha-glucosidase neuromuscular disease pompe's disease management of neural tube defect myelomeningocele neural tube defects ntd spina bifida pregnancy-induced hypertension pih magnisium therapy eclampsia pre-eclampsia physiological and pathologically jaundice types of jaundice management of child with neonatal jaundice jaundice neonatal jaundice child skin problems skin disorder anatomy of ear physiology og ear ear infection otitis media home management corona treatment fear and anxiety management difference between fear and anxie nursing stress management techniques tyoes of stress stress management nnr tray iucd tray ppiucd tray episiotomy kit delivery trolley articles delivery set instruments procedure kit normal delivery surgical instrument type of breastmilk breastfeeding practices exclusive breastfeeding complimentary feeding breastfeeding gastrointestinal tract perforation gastrointestinal perforation case study case presentation perforated bowl intestinal perforation supportive and palliative care death during childhood care of dying child stages of grief terminal illness rl solution normal saline fluids different typed og intravenous fluids iv fluids intravenous fluids list of medical supplies medical equipments hospital triaging room equipments firstaid energency department essential equipments
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