cryptography authenticity integrity confidentiality security protocol key private key public key mac decryption encryption algorithm artificial intelligence ai cognitive computing personalized medicine traditional medicine lowa hospital accessibility trusted consistent accurate relevant data machine learning nlp question-answer pair q-a pair qa optimize solution risks healthcare patterns cryptographic keys security bootstrapping networking sensor spins internet key exchange ike diffie-hellman key agreement bootstrapping pki public key infrastructure digital signature digital certificates availability authorization medium access control internet of things iot internet protocol hip ip ipsec project tracking risk avoidance risk information sheets ris risk management plan risk monitoring risk mitigation risk risk management management plan monitoring mitigation rmmm plan rmmm cryptographic hash function secret cryptographic key hash function message authentication code md5 sha256 sha1 example authentication hmac limitations fully he somewhat he swhe algorithm swhe fhe algorithm he algorithm he fhe disadvantages advantages pailler elgamal rsa algorithm examples of he use cases cipher text homomorphic encryption traversal left-right-root left-root-right root-left-right inorder traversal postorder traversal preorder traversal tree traversal closingperiod openingperiod year-to-date ytd quarter-to-date qtd mtd month-to-date wtd week-to-date period to date parallelperiod time series function data extraction data mining data management data warehouse dwh multi dimensional array mdx artificial intelligence eg. cc edge up sports wayblazer lifelearn welltok vantage software ai example cognitive computing example
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