types classification cancer application treatment fungi advantages production algae dna introduction sem bacteria microscope histroy microorganisms fermentation translation eukaryotes prokaryotes definition gene expression virus sample magnification electrons flurochromes light microscope stage hormones stem cell applications scope centrifugation principle tem electron microscope compound microscope parts light vaccine disadvantages protein contamination adulteration uptake nutrients tca cycle structure post transcriptional mod pentose phosphate pathway oxidative phosphorylation transcription rrna trna mrna rna nucleoside nucleotides thymine cytosine guanine adenine genome organization polysaccharides oligosaccharides monosaccharides disaccharides carbohydrates protozoa objecte lense soil examples mutualism commensalism antagonism amensalism mesoparasitism endoparasitism ectoparasitism facultative parasitism obligate parasitism parasitism beta carotene vitamins daffodil golden rice spores pathogens mycology ssdna ss rna ss dna ds dna prions virions brown alage green algae red algae vacuum electron gun high resulotion transmission electron microscope resolution electtron gun carboxylation calvin photosynhtesis dark reaction photosynthesis ii photosynthesis i dark thylakoids chloroplast stroma lenses scanning laser confocal fluoresence flurophores condenser lens slides speimens occular lens eyepiece dark field microscope baground body of the microscope base mirror leneses specimens samples father of microbiology recombinant dna technology molecularbiology finger printing signals human physiology neurotransmitter neuron uses instrument mass spectrometry single cell pcr sebaceous gland sweat gland epidermis skin properties terms pcg primary gonads endoderm ectoderm mesoderm germ cells stem cells primordial spermatogenesis egg sperm testrogen estrogen diseases hormones' thyroid pituitary glands endocrine adrenal repressor positive regulation tryptophan trp operon replication fertility f plasmid regulation negative positive arabinose ara umb differentitaion expression blood vessels tumor growth angiogenesis cancer proteomics proteomics ultracentrifuge industry medicine differential centrifugation sub cellular fraction assay comet agar gel electrohoresis example process lactic acid limitations appliations em viruses microbiology genetic biochemistry diagnosis citric acid downstream processing toxin toxoid ratio limitation biogas plants phytotheraphy drugs chemotherapy single cell oil sco molecular cancer therapy at protein level exvivo cancer therapy at gene level therapy cell proliferation prevention cancer therapy-cellular level radiation theraphy cancer therapy industrial biotechnology single cell protein scp feed annual
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