diseases treatment brain symptoms neurotransmitter spinal cord central nervous system causes prevention nervous system neurodegenerative disease disorders of nervous system structure behavior obesity sums acetycholine glia neuron motor neuron diseases disorder cure progressive disorder neuropathy amyotrophic lateral sclerosis multiple sclerosis (ms) duchenne muscular dystrophy spinal muscular atrophy (sma) parkinson’s disease (pd) memory disorder hallucination biology lifescience psychology mental disorder mental health schizophrenia bioinformatics cath protein scop centre deaddiction drug syndrome guillain barrre syndrome gbs ribosomes tongue eating louse cymothoa exigua c.elegans tiger royal bengal tiger bird conservation vulture sparrow great sparrow campaign disease bmi body mass index fat reflex patellar reflex knee jerk reflex tidal energy fire wood energy hydrogen energy wind energy solar energy solar resources resource energy salmonella para typhi salmonella typhi water born disease water contamination typhoid adenosine triphosphate atp nrem4 nrem3 nrem2 nrem1 stages sleeping pattern sleep cycle sleep non rapid eye movement rapid eye movement non rem rem fluorine oxygen nitrogen carbon pet camera positive anti electron proton annihilations cancer heart scan technique positron emission tomography pet vitamin c vitamin b vitamin k vitamin e vitamin d vitamin a vitamin vitamins nutritional nutrient deficiency malnutrition biostatistics wilcoxon interquartile range median inhibitory excitatory synaptic cleft gaba dopamine glutamate glycine synaptic ‘pruning neurodegenerative disorders enteric glial cells axons and dendrites astrocytes satellite cells oligodendrocytes macroglia microglia cells glia cells synapse axon genetic material dendrite nerve cells interneuron motor neuron sensory neuron peripheral nervous system expensive method benefits sgrnas general procedure genome endogenous gene human disease mutations exogenous gene gene gene knockin knockin neuropathies neurologic exam tissue biopsies nerve conduction study (ncs) genetic testing blood work history and physical exam dysfunction nerve signaling lou gehrig's disease mutations in the sod1 gene c9orf72 gene neurological disease diagnosis autoimmune disease cag basal ganglia neurodegenerative disorder trinucleotide repeat htt (huntingtin) huntington’s disease dystrophin muscle wasting dmd loss of muscle muscle spinal neurological examination huntington’s disease (hd) types of diseases
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