abdominal injuries plastic surgery hollow viscus injuries retroperitoneal haematoma pancreatic injuries duodenal injuries gastric injuries selective angiogram splenic salvage procedures splenectomy balllance sign kehr's sign splenic injuries pringles manoeuvre extrabiliary injuries liver injuries blunt abdominal injuries penetrating abdominal injuries zones of the retroperitoneum cullen sign grey turner sign definitive surgery for trauma damage control surgery trauma laparotomy fast dpl atls trauma blunt abdominal injury penetrating abdominal injury robinson tube drain sump drains yeates drains mechanisms of drains t-tube drain pen rose drain chest tube pig tail drains jackson-pratt haemovac foley's catheter drains surgical drains drug abuse tramadol crack heroin opioid toxicity opioid overdose morphine opioid treponema pallidum tpha tertiary syphilis primary syphilis venereal disease research lab vdrl sexually transmitted disease std syphilis ctpa doppler studies venous doppler ultrasound d dimers d-dimers virchow triad anticoagulation well's score pulmonary embolism pe deep vein thrombosis dvt knee dislocations elbow dislocations hip dislocations shoulder dislocations types of joints anatomy of the joint dislocations orthopaedic dislocations z-plasty complications of flaps mathes and nahai classification grafts and flaps composite flaps monitoring of flaps management of flaps flap reconstructive ladder graft failure anatomy of the skin wound cover meshed skin graft full thickness skin graft split thickness skin graft split skin graft skin graft dumping syndrome roux syndrome braun enteroenterostomy oesophagojejunostomy gastrojejunostomy billroth roux-en-y anastomosis peptic ulcer disease gastric ca gastric cancer gastrectomy nccn breast cancer diagnosis of breast cancer update on breast cancer breast cancer breast paramalignant effusion paraneoplastic pleural effusion pleurodesis malignant pleural effusion pleural effusion mpe urethral dilation micturating cystourethrogram retrograde urethrogram urethrogram mcug rug urethroplasty internal urethrotomy urethral strictures urethra posterior urethral valves
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