body cell glucose lactobacilli calcium phosphate indigenous microorganisms fermented fruit juice fermented plant juice plot harvesting transplanting seedling green house rice hull composting small ruminants vegetables chicken concoctions and extracts organic fertilizer client budgetary requirements time frame checklist memorandum of agreement events proposal events management floor plan location map vicinity map concept chromosomes centriole endoplasmic reticullum goldi complex ribosome cell membrane cel wall chloroplass lysosome mitochondria organelle self identity political self spiritual self physical self sexual self positive image digital self private self behavior self experimentation observations big data gather information statement of problem hyphothesis identifying problem scientific method granite basalt core mantle geology less dense thick oceanic crust rocks continental crust layer of earth deformation crust selection breed natural selection variance genotype phenotype artificial selection ovule ovaries non- vascular vascular seeds gymnosperms angiosperms weight foods mineral protein fats calories metabolsm heart blood vessel blood vena cava veins arteries circulatory system fructose galactose monosacharide carbohydrates macromolecules phytagoras eudoxus astronomy physics science arstotle multiple proportions composition laws elements compound conservtion of mass chemical change physical change gas liquid solid matter benefits ratio molasses fermentation organic fertilizer concoctions
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