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prostaglandin progesterone melatonin gaba leptins horses physiology reproductive organs artificial insemination estrogens clitoris oviduct female genitals sow animal reproduction conception t maing buffalo-bull boar organs horse ai morphology live concentration motility sperm collection legs circumference soundness virtual fracture of penis balanoposthitis bucks rams stallions vices injury coitus sliding dyenin microtubules glucose fructose proteins plasma seminal plasma composition govind congenital aniaml prepuce spermatogenesis propiomelanocortin sexual maturity factors affecting libido buffalo bull dismounting ejaculation intromission mounting penile erection and protrusion courtship sexual arousal copulatory behavior precopulatory behavior mating ability libido dihydro-testosterone androstenedione androgen binding protein icsh in males lh in male fsh in male testosterone male reproduction dystocia neuropeptides gonadostat theory parturition estrus cycle pig cl ovary female 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anestheisa hysterectomy ovariectomy sheep and goats. marcenac technique post-perative care preoperative preparation operative sites anesthesia retropulsion rotation version fetotomy forced extraction mutation cervical dilators right sided torsion side of torsion prognosis etiology of torsion schaeffers method rolling diagnosis of torsion of uterus degrees of torsion post-cervical torsion pre-cervical torsion maternal causes of dystocia bacterial elimination uterine involution ovarian rebound peruperium definition stages of parturition theories of initiation of parturition definition of parturition achondroplasia parrot mouth polydactyly perosomus elumbis schistosoma reflexus congenital fetal defects teratology vaccines tuberculosis leptospirosis trichomoniasis hydrothorax ascites hydrocephalus fetal maceration fetal mummification abortion problems of pregnancy formation of placenta types of placenta placenta definition implantation maternal recognition of pregnancy fertilization artifacts attenuation echogenecity anehoic definition of ultrasound basics of ultrasound types of probes fertility parameters herd parameters high producing dairy cows effect of heat stress on reproduction effect of high proteins effect of high plane of nutrition androvax fertility control fecundity laboratory. flushing embryo recovery dpbs non-surgical moet superovulation post partum ovarian cyclicity seasonality feral buffalo swamp buffaloreeding vaginal strictures llama vaginal cytology tvt psuedopregnancy canine mummification stillbirths porcine entero-virus porcine parvo-virus conception failure pregnancy failure ovarian cycts functional infertility in sheep and goats breeding season infections reabsorption uterine lavage vuvar surgery fluid accumulation transition period donkeys relaxin assay laboratory tests transrectal palpation campylobacter fetus trichomonas fetus mycobacterium listeria herpes virus ibr leptospira rickettsia microbes fungi viruses bacteria infectious infertility early embryonic deaths failure of fertilization prepubertal anestrus post-service an post partum anestrus summer anestrus luteal cysts follicular cysts ovarian cysts in cows treatment nutritional causes functional causes of infertility tricomoniasis ovaro-bursal adhesions freemartin white heifer disease hormonal causes non-infectious causes anatomic defects congenital causes infectious causes select synch timed insemination ovsynch basics of estrus synchronization fornix fallopian tubes anatomy of ovaries primordial follicles dominant follicle ovulation follicle regression follicle atresia follicle recruitment dominance follicle selection antral follicles ovulatory follicles subordinate follicles dominant follicle 2 follicular waves follicular growth waves kamar marking devices mount detectors electronic sensors radiotelemetric devices remote sensing devices pedometers electronic chips vaginal probes estrus detection methods seasonal breeders factors affecting estrous cycle length of estrous cycle in domestic animals duration of estrus hormones of estrous cycle signs of estrus estrous cycle in domestic animals peptides steroids prolactin ecg oxytocin estrogen ovarian steroids gonadotropins endoscopic low dose insemination equines procedure distension media fiberoptic scopes steerable scopes rigid scopes diameters insufflation endoscopes large animals hysteroscopy neuropeptide y opiods role of gonadotropins mechanisms of puberty time of puberty age of puberty factors affecting puberty definition reproductive hormones functions of ovaries oviducts follicles corpus luteum pets technology teaching
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