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Sample Descriptive Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Sample Descriptive Essays" presents a unique set of
challenges, as it requires a delicate balance of creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to
effectively convey vivid imagery through words. The difficulty lies not only in the need to
generate compelling content but also in ensuring that the descriptive elements are rich enough to
captivate the reader's imagination.
One of the primary hurdles is the demand for a heightened sense of observation. The writer must
immerse themselves in the chosen subject matter, whether it's an object, a place, or an
experience, and meticulously capture its essence. This demands a keen eye for detail and a
mastery of language to transform mundane observations into an engaging narrative.
Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and generic descriptions. Striking a balance
between providing a unique perspective and adhering to established conventions is a tightrope
walk. The essay must offer a fresh and original take on the chosen topic, steering clear of
overused phrases that can dilute the impact of the descriptive elements.
Crafting a seamless flow is another aspect that adds to the complexity. Transitioning between
different descriptive elements without losing coherence requires a skillful use of language and a
deep understanding of narrative structure. The essay should read like a cohesive story, with each
paragraph seamlessly connecting to the next.
Additionally, managing the length of the essay can be a challenge. Descriptive writing often
tempts writers to indulge in lengthy descriptions, risking reader fatigue. Striking a balance
between providing sufficient detail and maintaining brevity is crucial to keep the reader engaged.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Sample Descriptive Essays" demands a high level of
craftsmanship. The writer must navigate the intricate landscape of observation, creativity,
language use, and structure to create a compelling and immersive narrative. Success in this
endeavor requires a dedication to detail, a flair for language, and an understanding of the
delicate art of descriptive writing.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, a variety of resources
are available. Professional writing services, such, offer support in creating
custom essays tailored to specific requirements. These services can be valuable for individuals
looking to enhance their writing skills or seeking expert guidance in producing high-quality
Sample Descriptive EssaysSample Descriptive Essays
Dell s Buyout
Dell s Buyout
Dell has always been one of the largest PC makers in the United States. Recently,
though its share of the PC industry has been declining. It went from the number one
low cost provider of PCs in the world to number 3. Its inability to adapt to the new
markets that have emerged has caused the company to fall behind other hi tech
companies such as IBM, Apple, and even HP. I feel this is an important topic because
it is an example of a large company that has lost touch with what consumers want and
is currently trying to restructure itself in order to gain back the dominance they once
had. Consequently, Michael Dell has announced his decision to attempt a leverage
buyout in order to retain control of his company. Furthermore, ... Show more content
on ...
Furthermore, he praises Michael Dell as the perfect man to take Dell Incorporated
out of its slump. He stated that he (Dell) is the man to do it. No one cares enough
about the future of the company. He put in 700 million of his own money and
spearheaded the deal (BBC News). This is different from the view point of the New
York Times which doesn t necessarily take a side with the shareholders or Michael
Dell, but rather analyzes the effect this move might have on the hi tech market and
the probability of Dell Inc. seeing growth in the long run and continuing to compete
with larger hi tech companies. According to the BBC article, analysts are stressing
the fact that a leveraged buyout will give Mr. Dell the flexibility in turning the
company around, by no longer needing to show strong results every quarter to
shareholders on the stock market. Moreover BBC points out that the company lost
its direction between 2004 2007, the same years when Michael Dell stepped down
from day to day management of the company. This includes the unsuccessful launch
of the Streak tablet back in 2010 (BBC News)
However, Aaron Ricadela from Bloomberg News presents another side of the buyout
in his article titled Dell Pressed to Sweeten LBO bid amid T.Rowe Opposition . It
brings to light the opinion of the opposition, the shareholders, whom have
Compare And Contrast Goffman And Richard Schechner
Both Erving Goffman and Richard Schechner describe the manner in which we
conduct our lives as a performance of sorts. The diagram to the right is Richard
Schechner s conception of performance as a fan, showing each of the categories of
our lives that we perform as he sees them (Schechner 2003). The aspects of the fan
that relate to cultivation of Instagram pages are performance in everyday life and
the art making process. Many of those I interviewed saw their Instagram from an
artistic standpoint to a certain degree; they treated their social media as a
performance space where everyday life and art making meet. They were not trying to
create something so far removed from their everyday life that it no longer represented
their own experiences,... Show more content on ...
As I mentioned, in the setting of a prep school there is pressure to act a certain
way to be perceived as worthwhile to peers. If we consider the group as one s
classmate and role as a female student at a prep school, we can see that individuals
fall into these behaviors due to the pressure of this environment. We see through
the interviews included earlier that some are very aware of the fact that they are
trying to influence others opinions of them through their Instagram activity. Other
women I spoke to seemed to follow the rules they learned in high school, the
tradition of their group or role in Goffman s words. This sentiment is clear when,
in her interview, Caitlin mentions that, although she would like to think she doesn t
care about the traditions of her group, she still subconsciously ascribes value to all
of the ones she described. However there was one woman who, although she
presented herself in a manner almost identical to the others in this group, revealed a
staunch belief in her own individuality on Instagram. Through her comments to me
she undermined this statement by emphasizing that she would never post a photo
that makes it look like she is REALLY trying, implying it was necessary for her
photos to seem casual and like she was having fun, and discussing the standard set in
high school, revealing characteristics that were present in her own page. In this way,
she falls into the category described by Goffman of the person who is relatively
unaware they are performing in a
Differences Between Lurhmann s Romeo And Juliet
Adapting Romeo and Juliet from the iconic play enjoyed by millions over centuries
in an attempt to modernize has obviously meant that nuances in the original stage
performance have needed to be lost, in its original state the play was designed and
written to be heard and experienced audibly, however that scenario would have led
to a very boring dark and un discernable movie, leaving the viewer with little to see
and experience visually. Much planning was needed to bring about Mr. Lurhmann s
idealistic ideas including new settings in a modern world and utilizing the newer
techniques for camera and lighting, as well as bringing the story into the newer
century. Panning camera scenes with lighting designed to emphasize key elements of
the scene... Show more content on ...
Religion is referenced frequently to display that not only is law no longer a
influence on the violence. Water is a focus for Romeo and Juliet the beach, the
iconic fish tank scene and the balcony scene also iconic, the beach is shown as a
place of change while the city is concrete rigid unable to accept change.
Throughout the movie Lurhmann uses media coverage to keep with the ideals of
our age using the news to keep the city s residents updated on what is happening
with the upheaval also using humor as did the original. Lurhmann uses the lighting
to his best advantage in the movie often highlighting characters and various
different scenes or parts of scenes to add to each piece and build romantic sense,
suspense, and feeling, the sets chosen to help tell the story have a very up to date
feel and the use of different camera angles add to the modern vibe, wardrobe is one
of the most important ways this has also been brought into the new century with
many choices being made specifically for the nineties when the movie was filmed
all of the choices Baz Lurhmann have made carefully chosen as they were made this
an unforgettable movie that has captured the hearts of an entire generation of
romantic females yet again proving Romeo and Juliet still live in the hearts of many
for years to
The Success Of The American Government Essay
The American government is known to promote democratic values throughout the
world. Though the ideals America was fighting for during the Cold War, the
government still managed to participate in the overthrow of democratically elected
Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadegh. Mossadegh threatened to nationalize Irans
oil in 1951 and later gained the support of the Iranian government. The British
companies had many investments in Iranian oil. It is with the approval of
nationalization that the economies of both British and Iran were ultimately
harmed. The British government requested the help of the US so that they could
perform a coup to overthrow Mossadegh. With suspicions of Mossadegh supporting
communism, and being supported by the Tudeh Party, the United States
government was willing to sacrifice their democratic ideologies and credibility in
the region for the insurance of an anti communist leader. This would prove to
cause problems that still resonate in today s political and military negotiations in
this region. The people of Iran were for the support of anything except for a
monarch under the rule of the Shah. This was very clear as he had fallen out of
favor during his rule and Mossadegh would win the democratic elections. The threat
of communism was the main purpose of the Cold War for the US. The Truman
Doctrine and the Marshall Plan are perfect examples of how the US government was
able to contain the spread of communism to countries that were or could be at risk
Summary Of Child Observation
On November 7,2016 at 2:50 pm, Shawn was in the special education room for
work completion. When his teacher showed him the work to be finished Shawn was
adamant he had already completed it. Staff showed Shawn that the work was
incomplete. Shaw refused to comply at which time staff started the sequence of his
behavior plan. A timer was started for five minutes, to allow Shawn to comply with
the directions. Due to Shawn behavior at the end of the five minutes, he needed to be
escorted to the break room. During the transition to the break room, Shawn punched
staff in the face, kicked, and attempted to bite staff. Shawn refused to enter the room
fully to allow for staff to close the door. Staff entered the room, Shawn then began to
hit, kick,
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Discourse
Destiny Campbell Enc 1102 Stuart Dees 14 September 2016 proposal for research:
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority discourse Researcher John Swales in The Concept of
Discourse Community explains that there are six characteristics that need to be
identified for a group of people to be a discourse community. According to Swales,
there are six characteristics that make up a discourse community. They are common
public goals, mechanisms of intercommunication among members, participatory
mechanisms to provide information and feedback, utilizing one or more genres in
communication, a specific lexis, and a threshold level of members with a degree of
relevant content and discourse expertise (220 222). Discourse is in communities are
all around us.... Show more content on ...
With this research I plan to go back to the roots of why sororities use Greek
language in their discourse community and how it helps them form a sisterhood
that is shared only amongst the community. Sororities and fraternities are
becoming more prevalent in universities all across the nation. Today, there are over
9 million members of the Greek communities and the number is continuously
growing each year ( Greek Life Statistics ). The terms fraternity and sorority
describe groups of men and women who join together to offer fellowship,
academic support, leadership training, participation in campus activities, service to
the community and University, and preparation for future careers ( What is Greek
Life? ). People that in are the Greek community all have at least one thing in
common. Whether they just want to be apart of a sisterhood/brotherhood or
deeper things like they all share a common belief or goal. Sororities have five basic
benefits: sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, philanthropy (charitable causes
/community service), and socializing ( About Sororities ). These benefits are
included in the values and beliefs of a sorority as a discourse community. Greeks
all speak a language that they learn in the process of becoming part of their
fraternity/sorority(recruitment process). Agendas, e mails, and text messages are all
forms of a genre. A genre is anything that is written down and shared in the discourse
community. Face to face interaction is a way to advertise for events and also another
way to advertise for events is through
Le Gros ChГЄne Essay On Symbolism
Symbolic [ edit | change the code ] Le Gros ChГЄne , painting by Gustave Courbet
(1843). Many trees of this kind are loaded in popular tradition (given the reputation
of hardness of wood) of great symbolic value in Europe, often linked to a context of
justice: in France, King Saint Louis did justice under a majestic oak. in Great
Britain, Robin Hood had his headquarters in an oak forest Sherwood . in Great
Britain too, the future King Charles II was hiding in an oak during the Battle of
Worcester (the Royal Oak ). The oak symbolizes in several European cultures the
perenniality. The Oak Wedding is celebrated after 80 years of marriage in French
folklore. Sacred tree among the Romans , Celts , Germans and Eastern Slavs , the
oak symbolizes virility
Oprah Winfrey Biography
Born on, January 29th, 1954, to an unwed teenage mother, Oprah Winfrey spent
her first years on her grandmother s farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi, while her
mother looked for work in the north. Life on the farm was primitive, but her
grandmother taught her to read at an early age, and at the age of three Oprah was
reciting poems and bible verses in local churches. Despite the hardship of her
physical environment, she enjoyed the loving support of her grandmother and
church community, who cherished her as a gifted child. Her world changed for the
worse at age six, when she was sent to Milwaukee to live with her mother, who had
found work as a housemaid. In the long days when her mother was absent from their
inner city apartment, young Oprah was... Show more content on ...
She is one of the partners in Oxygen Media, Inc., a cable channel and interactive
network presenting programming designed primarily for women. With her
success, she has also become one of the world s most generous philanthropists. In
2000, Oprah s Angel Network began presenting a $100,000 Use Your Life Award
to people who are using their own lives to improve the lives of others. She now
publishes two magazines, O, The Oprah Magazine, and O at Home. The launch of
her first magazine was the most successful start up in the history of the industry.
When Forbes Published its list of America s billionaires for the year 2003, it
disclosed that Oprah Winfrey was the first African American woman to become a
billionaire. The Oprah Winfrey Show remained as popular as ever, airing in 140
countries around the world. Many of her regular guests, including Dr. Phil McGraw
and Dr. Mehmet Oz, have gone on to shows of their own, produced by Oprah s
Harpo Productions. Over the years, she has also used her program to promote the
many philanthropic ventures she supports. After filming a Christmas program in
South Africa, she established the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, near
Johannesburg. Her legendary generosity has extended not only to her favorite
charities, but to her loyal viewers. She celebrated the beginning of her 20th season on
national television by giving every member of the studio
The Stryker Organization
The Stryker Organization has been a pioneering healthcare company, for nearly eight
decades. We have been known for innovative ideas and technology, which are main
staples of our business model. Previously, our company has made substantial
changes to our reporting for our readers ease. Nowadays, we are faced with a similar
problem regarding our internal financial reporting methodologies.
As noted by many members of the Stryker Organization s Finance Training
Development Department, our current financial reporting system has been
inoperative. Numerous employees who are inadequate in finance and accounting are
especially struggling with understanding the reports and how they relate to their work
and divisions. Aggregately, our current... Show more content on ...
Lastly, creating a tone that is positively structured is important for employees morale.
This will keep employees engaged to understand more about the successes versus
needs of improvement regarding the financial updates.
The Subsequent Solutions will Improve Stryker s Internal Financial Reporting
Improving the tone and language will engage employees
Within our current report, the tone and language are promoting a negative attitude
amongst employees. As seen in the document s introduction, there is a heavy
emphasis on the company s slowed growth. In fact, the idea of growth being slowed
was written repetitively five times. In addition, the language and tone create a
situation for misinterpreting the report. Our finance and accounting staff are
understanding a completely different message from the report compared to our other
employees.This is specifically evident when the report touches on sales growth and
earnings per share.
To implement our solutions, we need to write our introduction in a more positive
tone. Doing so will be more professional and keep the employee morale instead of
emphasizing the negative aspects. According to the Writing Center at UNC Chapel
Hill, writing in a positive tone will influence on our readers perception. Therefore,
this is important to engage our employees and help them better understand our
financial standing. In addition, the Purdue Owl says, inappropriate
Essay On Ellen Pence Domestic Violence
Approximately 12 million people in the United States are affected by domestic
violence. Research on domestic violence has increased noticeably over the past 20
years. While greatly improving public awareness and understanding of this serious
social problem, this research has also created much controversy and
misunderstandings. Findings of domestic violencevary widely from study to study.
Some studies suggest that women and men are equally likely to be victimized by
their partners, but others determine that women are more likely to be victimized.
Some studies conclude that minorities and whites undergo equal rates of domestic
violence, and others conclude that minorities suffer higher rates (Samuels Thacker,
n.d., p. 1). Little has been done to recognize Ellen Pence and her contributions to the
world of domestic violence. Ellen s persistent commitment and efforts generated an
entirely new narrative, which centers on the conclusion of victim blaming and
provides solid hope that we may one day resolve this ongoing, global issue.
Ellen Pence assisted in building the foundation of batterer programming with the
Duluth program. The program forged new ground and bridged the interests of
advocates and criminal justice officials in developing its Power and Control Wheel
from women who ... Show more content on ...
As battered women s advocates worked in the 1980s to corrupt domestic violence, the
question became what to do with the male batterers who were being arrested. The
misdemeanor charges against most of them overcrowded the jails for the remainder,
which meant that batterers then ended up on open probation with little supervision.
Some women did not want their partners in jail, they just wanted them to stop the
abuse, and jailing proved in many cases to increase the hostility rather than improve
the men s behavior and attitude (Dasgupta, 2010, p.
Correlation Between Hiv And The Prevalence Of Hiv
verify exchangeability.
In the fourth study, based in Andhra Pradesh, India, Schneider et al. (2011)
examined the association of circumcision with the prevalence of HIV in men who
have sex with men (MSM). The cross sectional study sampled 387 Indian men from
six drop in health centers, who were between the ages of 18 49. Men were selected
from the drop in centers, interviewed, given written informed consent and were then
tested for HIV. Of the men tested for HIV, 18.6% were positive. Interviews were
completed in order to get information about risk factors that could be associated with
the prevalence of HIV in this population, which was quite high. Of men selected for
the study 63.1% were circumcised and 36.9% were uncircumcised ... Show more
content on ...
In the final study, Kibira, Nansubuga, Tumwesigye, Atuyambe, Makumbi (2014)
explored the relation of HIV prevalence and risky sexual behaviors among
circumcised and uncircumcised men in Uganda. In the study design, 9,524 male
participants aged 15 59 years old were studied from data from the Uganda AIDS
Indicator Survey. This national survey was divided into a two stage stratum cluster
sampling that involved selecting households for interview (Kibira et al., 2014).
During the interview of each household, blood samples were collected for HIV status,
circumcision status, and interview questions that addressed risky sexual behaviors
including: unprotected sex, numbers of partners, and transactional sex (Kibira et al.,
Based on the result, there s a direct correlation of circumcised males with lower
HIV prevalence among all age groups. HIV prevalence was 35 37% lower in the
circumcised men, after controlling for several variables (Kibira et al., 2014). The
study showed risky sexual behaviors are also important factors affecting the HIV
prevalence on both circumcised and uncircumcised men. The riskiest behavior
practice in all men was unprotected sex, followed by multiple sexual partners, and
transactional sex. The practice of risky sexual behavior was found to be significantly
higher in circumcised men than in uncircumcised men. The research showed that
although HIV prevalence has shown to be significantly lower in circumcised
The Second Amendment
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve
neither liberty nor safety. This quote from Benjamin Franklin illustrates how an
emphasis on safety can drastically reduce the freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the
United States, especially the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which
states that ...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
However, with active shooter situations such as Columbine; the Tucson, Arizona
shootings, which nearly killed former Representative Gabrielle Giffords; and recent
situations at Newtown, Connecticut; Los Angeles International Airport; and Westfield
Garden State Plaza mall in New Jersey, the federal government has questioned this...
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12). If somebody were to invade a home, that owner deserves to have the right to
pull a gun to defend him or herself. The police can t protect everyone, instantly, 24
hours a day, seven days a week. And the fact that victims might be able to defend
themselves can also deter criminals (Lott par. 14). Almost every parent at some
point tells their child, Don t put your fingers in the electrical outlet, or you ll get
shocked. Naturally, the child will put his or her fingers in the outlet just to see
what will happen. After getting shocked, the child will cry. The parent will then
say, I told you not to do that. This is part of human nature. Everybody thinks that
they know best and nobody else can tell them what to do. This situation would also
apply to gun control, as more gun control laws would cause criminals to push the
envelope even more and commit more crimes involving guns. When the state of
Illinois passed Concealed Carry legislation this last summer, many who believe in
the right to bear arms as defined in the Constitution hailed this as a victory and
could not wait to obtain the right to carry concealed weapons. Tom Gibbons, the
State s Attorney for Madison County, gave citizens of the county the right to carry
before the official signature of Governor Pat Quinn in a press release dated June 6,
2013. In the press release, Gibbons said that to deny this right to law abiding
Center Based Learning Observation
K is a Kindergarten student currently attending a Center Based Learning school. His
teacher requested an OT consultation due to concerns about classroom functioning
skills. Social emotional: Upon entering the classroom he was observed at the table
with other classmates. He sat on a short wooden modified tomato support chair. He
appeared to require this support to maintain balance for sitting. Fine Motor: During
consultation he demonstrated cylindrical grasp for puzzle placement. He appears to
have increased bilateral upper extremity tone when an attempt was made to redirect
extremity for completion of task. He was able to scribble with prompts. He required
hand over hand to complete this task. He demonstrated palmar grasp for picking up
The Sense Of Belonging Through Human Interaction
In one of the most well known masterpieces by Pink Floyd, Hey You , focused on
one of the most important aspects of human life the sense of belonging through
human interaction. The lyric highlights Roger Waters skill as a brilliant lyricist and
composer, who reaches out to his audience with the haunting melody and emotionally
charged lyric. Waters has touched many lives with this piece by explicitly
emphasizing on the pain of desolation and disassociation. He constructs his dialogue
based on a life of his former bandmate Syd Barrett, whose life was severely affected
by heavy drugs use, social desolation, and ultimately developed into mental illness.
Waters introduces the audience to the song with the sound of an acoustic guitar in a
low lying, gloomy, yet captivating tone painting a picture of an eerie state of mind.
He then grabs their attention by using a bold holler and plea, Waters writes:
Hey you out there in the cold,
Getting lonely getting old,
Can you feel me?
The verse renders an image of isolation and desperation for human interaction and
recognition. Relatedness is one of the most important parts of basic human
psychological needs; along with competence and autonomy, they create a trifecta of
conditions that must be met in order for human to growth and integrate. Failure to
satisfy these conditions can have negative impact on human emotion and can
ultimately demoralize and desolate us mentally (Deci, 2000). Waters then repeats the
same question at the
The Effects Of Television Violence On Today s Society
Aside from video games, there is a multitude of media that today s youth is exposed
to every day. Such media includes social media websites such as Twitter and
Instagram, movies, television, and news broadcasting programs. Television, however,
plays arguably the largest role in influencing adolescents in today s society. According
to Marina Krcmar and Kathryn Green, Viewing of violent televisionand interest in
television violencehas been linked to a host of antisocial behaviors such as increased
aggression, decreased sensitivity to violence and the suffering experienced by the
victims of violence, and an increased sense of fear and helplessness (Krcmar 195).
This means that after long term exposure to violence on television, people
essentially become desensitized to violent and gruesome acts. This can lead to a
decreased feeling of empathy for a real life victim and an increased feeling of
helplessness in a real life situation of violence. If one is desensitized to violence, the
odds immediately become more likely that one will not see any consequences for
committing violent actions in the real world. Aside from committing violent acts, this
form of media exposure can also encourage risk taking behaviors. Risk taking is the
tendency to engage in behaviors that threaten or harm and individual s physical or
mental health... [and] poses an actual threat to the individual engaging in the activity
(Krcmar 196). Krcmar is saying that not only does the risky behavior
A Short Note On Elastic And Inelastic Traffic
Elastic and Inelastic Traffic In this day and age, the design of networks can puzzle
some individuals. In fact the naming of the devices within a network can be very
daunting if someone takes into account that everything can be named within a
network or internetwork. This might include items such as workstations, printers,
servers, switches, routers, mobile devices, and tablets. A great designed and
executed naming style could easily permit the users the ability to browse with
ease and connect to these pieces of equipment by name. Each device s name is the
beginning of the variables that need to be checked into, and also the network
address. The different ways that are discussed within this paper apply to being able
to map an address with its name and varies from both static host files and dynamic
domain name systems (DDNS) (Mitchell, 2015). Unlike DNS that simply functions
with static IP addresses, DDNS is also created to support dynamic IP addresses, like
those that are appointed by a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
(Mitchell, 2015). The utilization of dynamic name resolution methods are at many
times the best decision. The naming method that is chosen must be constant all over
the network and names need to be unique, significant, and small. This naming
method will also allow a user to look for and identify names that are assigned to the
devices. Development of an Addressing and Naming Model Within the scenario
given, the organization is made up of ten
Donna Tartt s The Secret History
The Secret History Theme: The Effect That Choices/Tragedy Has
Donna Tartt s novel expresses the idea that the choices made in our youth will have
an impact on our later lives, be it a few images that create a shadowy presence in the
mind of a person throughout their life, or a completely alternated series of life events.
This novel provides the reader with excellent examples of how negative life events
and choices can alter our thoughts and personalities for better or worse. All five
major characters in this novel undergo some degree of change as they struggle to
accept the true weight of their actions.
To illustrate this idea, the character of Charles Macaulay experiences possibly the
most prominent change over the course of this novel. In the early stages of the
narrative, Charles is friendly, caring and mild. He gets along well with ... Show more
content on ...
When Richard confronts Henry later in the novel, after the death of Bunny, Henry
tells him, ... My life, for the most part, has been very stale and colourless. Dead, I
mean. The world has always been an empty place to me. I was incapable of enjoying
even the simplest things. I felt dead in everything I did. But then it changed, the night
I killed that man . He went on to tell Richard that It enabled me to do what I ve
always wanted most; to live without thinking . After the first murder, Henry became
even more rational than he was previously, spending a great portion of his time
planning out how to get away and how to deal with Bunny. It is difficult to map out
Henry s change in character as from the start he came across as listless and
emotionally unresponsive but he markedly became even more strange and reclusive
toward the end. This is shown by his elusive behaviour during the time Richard tried
to get answers out of him in chapter 8, when he talked about the mundane as if
nothing was wrong and then abruptly
The Great Gatsby Love
Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. It is when two people get together
regardless of the material and other s judgements. In The Great Gatsby written by
F. Scott. Fitzgerald, Gatsby tries his best to reconcile the past with Daisy, take the
blame for her, and eventually, he dies for her because of his deep love. However,
what Gatsby loves is truly the idealized Daisy in his memory of past. Ultimately, all
the characters in the Great Gatsbywant to use love to achieve their American Dream.
The Great Gatsby is a story of the thwarted love between Gatsby and Daisy on the
surface, but in fact, it is a symbolic implication of the disintegration of the American
Dream in the early 1920s, the superficial pursuit of pleasure, wealth, partners... Show
more content on ...
He idealizes Daisy that she is still the young girl at Louisville. Gatsby is full of
beautiful fantasy and illusion towards his dream, Daisy, just as the illusion of his
American dream implicated by the green light. When Gatsby regards Daisy as his
dream, it indicates that his dream is illusive because of the idealism of Daisy, just
as the American Dream in the 1920s is illusive and worthless by the corruption of
the wealth and moral values. Moreover, Gatsby s loving Daisy includes his pursuit
of American Dream. Daisy lives in East Egg, coming from old money, she is one of
the people who own nobility and elegance. She perpetuates a rigid class structure
that excludes newcomers from its upper reach. The personality of Daisy leads to
James Gatz making up the person Jay Gatsby to achieve her, hence, his identity is
mostly an act. His method of earning money is criminal by bootlegging alcohol.
More specifically, he wants to gain Daisy because of his will to get into the noble
American aristocracy to achieve his own American Dream. Yet he can never gain
acceptance into the American aristocracy. Indeed, he treats Daisy as his possession.
Gatsby himself remarks Daisy as a grotesque rose which he invested her with beauty
and make her his dream. Without Gatsby, she would merely be the idle, bored, rich,
young girl with no particular moral strength or loyalty. Daisy leads to the
Impact Of 2012 Olympics On Hospitality Essay
2012 Olympics and its impact on the hospitality industry of London.
Research Background / Context
On 6th July 2005 London was selected as the host city for the 2012 summer Olympic
and Paralympics Games. The games is often labelled as the greatest show on earth
which involves thousands of sports persons both men and women from around the
globe aiming to reach the ultimate in sporting achievement. The Olympic Games will
take place entirely in London, but the bid team had stressed throughout their
campaign that the games would benefit the whole of Britain.
The proposed research is on the impact of the hosting of the 2012 Olympics in
London and its impact specifically on the hospitality industry. Other studies have
been done on ... Show more content on ...
Athens 2004 would have benefited from its investment in urban regeneration and
transport infrastructure. Before the Games Sydney 2000 was a great city to visit and
now is better again after its Olympic experience. Atlanta 1996 was located within 2
hours flying time from major US cities. It was a major domestic convention hub
before the Games with comparatively few international visitors. But as inbound
statistics reflect, Atlanta is still a major domestic convention hub with no hard
evidence of an Olympics afterglow in the inbound market.
Barcelona 1992 achieved incredible tourism image transformation but the hotel
market in the post Olympic era was badly over supplied for several years. Whereas
Seoul 1988 opened its inbound tourism industry. The city added several hotels and
infrastructure investment which dramatically improved the tourism appeal and till
now Seoul remains a strong hotel market. As seen here Barcelona and Seoul were the
two most successful cities in creating additional inbound traffic. But the point to note
was that both these cities had low profile tourism at the time of hosting the games and
so they had much to gain from the hosting of the games.
When we refer to the term Hospitality we normally refer to the relationship between a
guest and a host.
Staying Positive
Staying positive was one of the hardest things to do in my life. Having to struggle
for 6 straight years will start to make you think you are cursed. At the age of 14,
both of my parents were pronounced dead. One because of exsanguination, the
other inability to feel their mate dying. Leaving little old me orphaned and a little
sister to take care of. My sister, Ana, was 6 when my parents had died, she did not
understand so I let her believe that they had gone to a magic school where they
would learn how to make chocolate appear out of nowhere. Now, at the age of 20,
I had a steady job, going to college, and was about to become a pack warrior. My
training had begun at the age of 15 training, had taken up most of my nights leaving
me with little to no sleep. School, my jobs, and Ana took up all of my days.... Show
more content on ...
Mainly she missed having someone to talk to that would not command us to do
something. Lola was territorial meaning no one could touch Ana without her
growling. When I was first left with my sister, we had gotten a room in our pack
house. There had been no orphans in our whole pack before us. Our pack was not
violent we were peaceful our Alpha was not an idiot, he knew his strengths and
weaknesses. Many packs feared us for our alliances, most tried to either stay away or
become our best friends. Many of the pack children teased my sister and
The Evolution of Human Communication
Technology started out as a way to help the human population make life easier on
humanity, but once it becomes smarter than us will it really help or hinder our way
of life. The definition of technology is machinery and equipment developed from the
application of scientific knowledge , according to Google. When you pick up your
smartphone do you ever really think that it may be hurting the humanrace? Once your
child sees you doing this action every hour of every day they will want to also do
what you are doing. Children have been getting phones with more power than ever
before, but are they using it correctly? Who has been there to teach them what to do
on the phone other than their friends? The school systems are doing things such as
limiting your child s use of electronic devices during classes to increase learning,
but is this really working? This smartphone that you have supplied your child with
could cause them to start wearing clothes like the other children are wearing. As an
adult I can tell you from my own experiences I have become more dependent on my
smartphone to tell me things about my friends, what I m going to do tonight and
what to wear thanks to my applications that have eliminated the need to look outside.
Taking a look on how technologywill affect the next generation and how it currently
affects society is a good thing, but when you see all of the dangers that we may be
faced with it makes you think should we change our ways? In the 1900 s social
The Influence Of Television On American Culture
TV today has a great deal of constructive outcomes and impacts on our public and
American culture. TV gives us supportive data, different types of instruction and
diversion, which can provide some beneficial outcomes on the public. On an
everyday premise, TV keeps us educated with a lot of supportive data. However,
viewer must watch with wisdom. Viewers must remember the televisionis a tool to
stimulate our thoughts, ideas, and creativity. It should not a be used as manual to
shape an individual s identity or ideas. TV has dependably been a wellspring of
contention in the United States. How it influences our public and the general
population have sparked inquiries that individuals have been mulling over as far back
as televisions creation.... Show more content on ...
Control is about point of view. Regardless of whether you are the over the top strict
parent or the lighthearted, youthful child who needs to know everything. Restriction
will dependably be a heated civil argument, both sides have their advantages and
disadvantages. Religious clashes periodically can be kept away from by the
oversight of certain material that individuals deem annoying or hostile. Restriction
can be utilized to avoid politically roused promulgation. Copyright infringement can
be avoided. It keeps organizations from spreading wrong or misrepresented claims
about their items or different organizations. However, the right to speak freely is
bargained. Media moguls can push their plans under the restriction. it thwarts upon
the opportunity of the press. It covers individuals from things that they must think
about. Oversight in books, plays, and motion pictures may impact the general
feeling and significance of the written work. Nevertheless, those that are empower
to regulate need to be regulated also, the television industry is a multi billion dollar
business and often personal agendas, power and money can influence individual
that have been trusted to assure that TV is appropriate, fair, and safe for the public.
It is impossible to create a one size fit all programming, However, all children should
be projected from graphic harmful
Realism In The Slynx
Depiction of the post historical time in the Tolstaya s novel represents a perfect
morally corrupt world in need of a saviour. This degraded setting echoes the failed
utopianism thinking of the early post Soviet period, as according to Agren: it [The
Slynx] is a reflection of the postmodern and late Soviet disbelief in the utopian idea of
state promoted progress as a grand narrative. Even though Agren argues that the anti
utopianism of the novel was inspired by the Soviet collapse, the Blast in The Slynx is
commonly associated with the Chernobyl catastrophe , which puts an end to the
Soviet fascination with the progress. Although the technological disaster or a Blast
puts an end to the Soviet utopianism, fragmentary Soviet narratives... Show more
content on ...
In her novel, Tolstaya presents an ironic treatment of the conventional dystopian hero
through the character of Benedict who fails in his enlightenment mission.
Nevertheless, the conventional messianic features can be traced in Tolstaya s
intelligentsia figures, which will be discussed later in the
The Sharing Of Social Media
Introduction With the advent of social media, the sharing economy has become
one of the biggest stories of this past decade. The sharing economy can be defined
as the collaborative sharing of resources to be used for consumption, with the
sharing of goods and services being exchanged for a profit. Interest in the sharing
economy has surged with the emergence of highly popular peer to peer
marketplaces like Uber or Airbnb. It provides a whole new way for individuals to
use underused or unused resources to find new profit opportunities. Under utilized
goods can have value based on a rental price depending on the market. These firms
only provide a cloud based application that is used as a marketplace for people to
share their goods and services. It has become an attractive business model for those
looking to make more incomewith more flexibility. As demonstrated with Uber,
regular consumers are able to use their own vehicles to provide transportation
services to others. Airbnb users are able to provide any available un utilized space
from their own homes to visitors who need a place to say. Furthermore, these
platforms allow for regular consumers to also become the suppliers, depending on
their own assets. Because the marginal cost of supplying these goods is little to
none, these services are often priced at much lower rates. This makes the sharing
economy model very attractive as an alternative to other established business models.
However, the sudden rise of such a
Cosimo De Medici s Influence On Florence
The Medici family earned their status by commerce rather than warfare, marriage or
inheritance, and they were the first princely dynasty to do so. Cosimo de Medici
never held office, but ran Florence through his wealth and strategic mind from 1434
1537. He played a large part in the patronage of the arts and the political development
of the city. His patronage allowed men to achieve such impressive architecture.
Brunelleschi, for example, who restored the church at San Lorenzo. Cosimo centered
the city around cultural and creative achievements. He allowed Florenceto enter the
age of the Renaissance by proving himself and his policies to the people, and making
the citizens of Florence proud.
Cosimo de Medici was born on September 27, 1389 in the city of Florence, Italy.
He was also known as Cosimo the Elder, Cosimo il Vecchio (Italian), and Pater
Patriae (Latin), meaning Father of his country (Encyclopedia Britannica Online).
Cosimo received the best education available during the 14th century (The Medici
Family). He grew up with a sense of classical ... Show more content on ...
He was a skilled and wealthy politician who used his wealth to his advantage in
maintaining absolute control in Florence (PBS). During Cosimo s era, there were
many accomplishments. In 1436, Brunelleschi completed his dome and in 1446,
Donatello unveiled his David. Both with the help of Cosimo s funding and
patronage of the arts and architecture. In 1437, Cosimo opened the first public
library in San Marco. The Battle of Anghiari ended with a Florentine victory over
Milan in 1440. Another great achievement that occurred during his era was the
publishing of the first book, the Bible, by Johannes Gutenberg (PBS). Cosimo also
founded the Platonic Academy of Florence. He was a great contributor to the arts and
Cosimo managed and funded the Renaissance in Florence single handedly (Tom
Argumentative Essay On Antidepressant
Antidepressants have become the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United
States. These drugs work in many different ways, but are intended to treat serious
psychological disorders such as depression. They can be prescribed by any
medical doctor, however, and are often used even when they are not clearly
indicated as necessary or even effective. Americans are increasingly turning to
antidepressants as a quick fix to real or perceived psychological problems that can
often be treated more efficiently in other ways with less risk to their physical well
being. Antidepressants are drugs that are primarily used to treat depression, although
many are frequently being utilized in other disorders. The main types of
antidepressants are tricyclics,... Show more content on ...
Many people with mild to moderate depression can be successfully treated with
psychotherapy and other non medical interventions such as bright light; exercise;
relaxation techniques; eliminating the use of substances like recreational drugs,
alcohol and caffeine; getting regular sleep; eating a balanced diet; and stress
reduction. But when these interventions have been tried and failed, or when a patient
s depression is severe enough to interfere with their ability to function in their work,
relationships, and self care, doctors will recommend antidepressant medications as
well. There are several different classes of antidepressants to choose from, including
older medications called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and tricyclics;
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); norepinephrine and serotonin
reuptake inhibitors; and others. Despite the differences in these medications effects
on neurotransmitters, chemical properties, side effects, and pharmaceutical company
advertising, they all are EQUALLY EFFECTIVE in treating depression. The choice
between them, therefore, is made on the basis of other factors. When deciding which
antidepressants may be best for a given patient, a doctor should take into
consideration several factors. The first is the patient s history. If a patient has
Driving Improved Business Performance Through Top
Organisational structure
1. Driving Improved business performance through top team effectiveness:
Holden is a global manufacturer and distributor of motor vehicle, engines,
components and parts. Holden and GM globally, viewing Australia as design centre
of excellence and an important springboard into the growing Asian markets.
Despite their Australian market successes, Holden realised that to complete on the
global sytage they need to move to a higher plane of leadership and collaboration. In
essence, Holden wished to have an outstanding executive team, with excellent
individual skills but also the mechanisms to engage effectively as a team, to realise
strategic business imperatives.
In Australia, the company recently recruited a new ... Show more content on ...
build an understanding of the impact of team s leadership on organisational climate
e. Agree a plan and a prioritised agenda for the team development
The Board also developed specific goals representing priority areas for improved
team effectiveness: these include direction and purpose, work processes and
behavioural norms. In subsequent assignments with Holden we have helped the
cascade of change process further to organisation.
3. The Outcome
For the Board
a. A new mandate and role clarity for the members of the board
b. Shared accountability for agreed business outcomes
c. Agreed meeting structures and more effective meeting processes
d. Better leverage of individual capabilities and collaboration around the board table.
For the business
a. 20% increase in the profit to $285 ( in comparison to ford and mitsubishi )
b. Holden s exports have increased consistently over the periods.
c. Holden has maintained its market leadership in Ausralaia.
Holden mission is to provide the automotive products and services to meet customers
expectations profitability. In pursuing these goals they will endeavour to build the
relationship that will far outlast their product and series. Their mission is to help
sellers and sales organisations reach their sales potential, by transforming their
process through research based strategies in the form of game changing sales habits.
Through our years of experience, they have seen sellers derive immediate sales
Summary Of The Book By Peter Pan
As Trevor, Hannah and Sean wander around the separate world, Trevor flips
through pages and passages in the book that describes exactly what they are seeing.
This brings up the theory that someone must have stumbled upon this world, escaped
and wrote a book (Journey to the centro of the Earth) about it. The movie depicts an
alternate universe where dinosaurs are still alive, birds that are thought to have been
extinct still wonder,fungus (mushrooms) grow to be larger than houses and water
that sparkles a bright blue. As the trio wander through the center of the Earth they
are speechless as to what they are seeing. Trevor realizes that Max wasn t as crazy as
what everyone thought him to be and Hannah realizes the same about her father.
In ... Show more content on ...
The deal is that every spring, Peter can come and get Wendy to help him with
cleaning his hut in Nederland. However, as the years pass, Wendy starts seeing less
and less of Peter Pan and the island Nederland, eventually becomes a smudge of dust
in her memory, and Wendy matures into a young woman who enjoys growing up. In
Journey to the center of the Earth, the story literally takes place in the center of the
Earth. The place is thoroughly described in the book treasured by Trevor s brother
and Hannah s father. It is a place that was thought to be fictional but turned out to be a
reality, when Trevor, his nephew Sean and their guide Hannah fell into it. There, the
trio are highly fascinated with a world they did not believe existed but as they
encounter many inhabitants of the place wanting to kill them, which is the same as
what Wendy and her brothers from Peter Pan encountered, the trio continuously fight
through every obstacle that they are faced with to get home.
One of the other connections that I made between my texts was also how the
settings influenced the characters feelings, actions and relationships. In Swept
away directed by Guy Richie,one of the main characters Amber Leighton is a very
rich and spoil 40 year old woman who likes to get her way. Amber Leighton is the
type of women that is not easily impressed even though she is married to a wealthy
and passive partner (Tony). Tony decides on a surprise vacation for Amber with two
other couples,and as
Essay On Residential Care
Residential Care promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the CICL. Residential
care gives out activities through the houseparents, visitors, and volunteers. These
activities are given out daily, the children are preoccupied most of time, which leads
them to momentarily disregard the opportunity to commit deviant acts again. The
activities conducted by the facilitators involves cooking, cleaning, washing,
recreational activities, spiritual activities, and educational activities. Moreover, these
activities improve the children s capacities and capabilities. These activities guide the
children to change their behaviors. The activities given also improves the children s
Residential care prevents the children from committing deviant ... Show more content
on ...
Since household chores is the most common activity given in the residential care
by the facilitators, the effect of this activity is massive. As mentioned by Moore
(2013), Housework may not be glamorous, but it s necessary, and knowing how to
do it efficiently and effectively is a life skill. Based on the survey results, 69% of
the respondents claim that they never did the activities given in the residential care,
such as cooking, cleaning, and washing among others, while the remaining 31% did
the said activities before being admitted in the residential care. The results imply that
the activities improve their skills, especially their life skills. In residential care, the
children are taught how to cook, clean and wash their clothes. These activities were
not usually performed by the majority before being admitted in the residential care.
On the other hand, the skills of the minority are enhanced since they are expected to
perform these activities daily. Overall, the activities provided by the residential care
promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the children in conflict with law. These
activities are performed by the children daily. Furthermore, these activities help the
children from committing deviant acts again. The said activities improves the
children s
Nuclear Energy And Nuclear Power
In March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan causing a nuclear accident at
three Fukushima Daiichi reactors. The accident caused three nuclear meltdowns and
the release of radioactive materials ( Nuclear Energy ). This accident is the exact
type of incident that often holds people back from an environmentally friendly
energy source. This article goes on to say that everybody in the area was evacuated
and deaths were only results of the natural disasters and not the nuclear leak.
Additionally, accidents have occurred in many other companies that do not use
nuclear power, yet they have had higher death totals. Along with these points, nuclear
energy has many positive aspects. For example, nuclear energy use has benefitted...
Show more content on ...
As global warming becomes an even greater problem and efficient sources of
energy are hard to find, nuclear energy has increased in popularity. For example,
Global climate change and depleting stores of fossil fuels have brought the need
for new energy sources to the international stage. US president Barack Obama
publicly supported the creation of new nuclear power plants in the United States
as an alternative to fossil fuels ( Nuclear Energy ). Also, as the years go by, nuclear
energy is becoming a source that unites many nations around the world. For
example, last year the global community came together in Paris, France, where
leaders and representatives from almost every nation discussed the problem of
global warming and what the world can do to slow this increasingly dangerous
issue. The main goal was to knock down the net of carbon emissions released into
the atmosphere to zero. Although many thought that this would be impossible, after
much discussion they realized that it would not be too difficult by using nuclear
energy. This plan has proven to be effective by both France s and Sweden s
dramatic drop in carbon emissions by using nuclear energy (Newsela Staff).
Therefore, with global warming increasing, and there being a lack of alternative
energy sources to which to turn, nuclear power is becoming increasingly popular
globally due to its many benefits
Essay On Presbycusis
Please answer these questions as thoroughly as you possibly can.
1.Please describe presbycusis of the cochlea giving the types and the anatomical site
effect and the implications.
Presbycusis is an acquired hearing loss associated with aging. There are four types
of presbycusis: sensory presbycusis, neural presbycusis, metabolic presbycusis, and
mechanical presbycusis. Sensory presbycusis occurs as a result of damage to the
outer hair cells and inner hair cells of the organ of Corti. More damage is noted with
the outer hair cells than the inner hair cells. Speech discrimination is typically normal
in this population because the hearing loss is typically confined to high frequencies.
Neural presbycusis affects hearing all frequencies of pure tones. The hearing loss
associated with this type of presbycusis increases as the frequency of the sound
increases. Speech discrimination is approximately 60% accurate. Neural presbycusis
is degeneration of the spiral ganglion and the loss of auditory neurons throughout the
cochlea and auditory pathways. Neural presbycusis is not evident until the number of
normally functioning neurons fall below a critical minimum. The impact of this type
of presbycusis varies in age of onset and severity. It is also thought to be simultaneous
with phonemic regression. Phonemic regression occurs ... Show more content on ...
Since the stria vascularis is responsible for maintaining chemical balance within the
cochlea, dysfunction in this structure will obviously result in auditory system
deficits. In this type, the audiogram is typically flat, as an indication of 30 40 dB
HL at all frequencies. The degree of degeneration in stria vascularis is directly related
to the magnitude of the hearing loss. Patients with metabolic presbycusis commonly
have very good speech recognition
Why Do Kids Get Less Due To Stress
Do you know on average how many kids get less than 8 hours of sleep due to stress?
40% of the U.S. gets less than the recommended amount of sleep. There are many
reasons for teenagers, this day in age, to be stressed. Some causes are the amount of
homework, having too many extra curricular activities, and putting too much pressure
on yourself. Some effects are not getting enough sleep, not having enough time to do
homework, and stressing out majorly.
The amount of homework in my grade is a lot. We have the same homework in
most classes each week, just different lessons, but it is really time consuming. I
have 9 classes and 7 of them we actually get taught something. (The other two being
mentoring and resource) Also a lot of times my teachers plan their tests on the same
day. There are nights where I stay up really late to study or do my homework. So, on
those nights ... Show more content on ...
When you put pressure on yourself you can reach even higher goals than you ever
thought you could. Also you can set your goals too high which isn t a bad thing but
you want to set them to where you can achieve them. I like to overachieve and go
the extra mile on work and projects inside or outside of school. Though, sometimes
you just need to let it be and just stick to the rubric because it stresses me out
sometimes and it will probably stress you out too.
There are many cause and effects to teenage stress in the day of age we live in.
Some causes are the amount of homework, doing too many extracurricular activities,
and putting too much pressure on yourself. Some effects of teenage stress are not
getting enough sleep, not getting you homework done on time, and stressing
yourself out majorly. There are many other reasons why stress is so bad for
teenagers. I listed three causes on why teenagers stress and three effects on what they
do when they are stressed. Next time you start stressing, just take a deep breath and
don t
The Fuller Invented Pieces Of Theatrical Lighting...
Loie Fuller invented pieces of theatrical lighting equipment. She created a unique art
form by crafting multi media spectacles out of fabric, motion and light. In Fuller s
autobiography, she talks about how the glass of the rose windows in the great
cathedral had rays of sunlight that came on into the church in different directions, and
made it very colorful. I think this is a moment that inspired her. It was something that
caught her attention, and she just couldn t simply take her mind from it. This was
something that encouraged her to keep digging into the things lights and colors can
do in dance. In one of her videos, it shows her twirling her dress in many different
ways while her dress is also changing colors. This was very unexpected for me. It
was different and it made me think about the things she had to do to make this idea
into a creation. I was also able to see how the lights reflecting in the church inspired
her because the color of her dress kept changing as she twirled so smoothly. It was
very settle and something you wouldn t usually notice right away like the lights in
the church. In the reading, she states, What is the dance? It is motion. What is
motion? The expression of a sensation. What is a sensation? The reaction in the
human body produced by an impression or an idea perceived by the mind. A
sensation is the reverberation that the body receives when an impression strikes the
mind. (Fuller, 17). She is explaining the thought process that she goes
Social Classes In Regency England
Social Classes in Regency England Regency England was very different from the
world today. Society revolved around social classes, which typically correlated with
wealth and family ties. There were many different social classes in the era. The
highest class in society was the royal family, consisting of the king, queen, prince,
and princess. The next highest class would be the aristocracy. This would include
dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons (Ray 37). Knights and baronets were
not included in this class. They were considered commoners (Ray 38). The gentrywas
a very wide class. Land owning males in the gentry, like Mr. Darcy in Pride and
Prejudice, were called gentlemen (Ray 39; Gao). Ladies were also considered gentry
(Ray 12). With all of these different classes, one might say that social classesplayed a
big factor in Regency England society. The way people lived in Regency England
depended on the class they belonged in. Their estate, their clothes, and their
vehicles were all influenced by their class. In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy, who
was a gentleman, owned the Pemberley estate (Ray 219; Austen 163). It was a
beautiful, large, stone estate on high ground, surrounded by woods and nature
(Austen 163). This showed that Mr. Darcy was clearly upper class. Since he was
upper class, he also dressed the part. He wore tight breeches, ruffled shirts with neck
clothes, and high collared jackets ( Pride and Prejudice, Novels). Owning a personal
carriage showed
Anterior Thoracic Nerves
The Anterior Thoracic Nerves 1 is part of the thoracic region in the spinal nerve that
originates thoracic vertebrae 1 (T1). When T1 is not functional and there is limited
activity in the upper extremity, it causes a debilitating condition called scapular
winging. The muscles affected are serratus anterior, trapezius, and rhomboids. Loss
of function of the Anterior Thoracic Nerves 1 would affect the antagonist muscles of
Shoulder Medial Rotation (Serratus anterior, Trapezius, and Rhomboids), not the
synergist muscles that create the movement (Pectoralis major, Subscapularis,
Latissimus dorsi, Teres major, and Anterior deltoid). Scapular winging causes you to
lose ability in lifting, pulling, carrying, and pushing heavy objects. Serratus anterior
Mark Antony Persuasive Essay
The words, Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! (3.1.) ring loud enough for every
citizen of Rome to hear. Our beloved ruler, Julius Caesar, has been killed by his
own traitorous companions! We must crown the next best man for the job, who is
certainly Mark Antony! Antony should undoubtedly be our next leader seeing that
he is noble, persuasive, and confident. First and foremost, Antony is the most noble
man in all of Rome. For instance, even after Caesar s death, Antony continues to
prove his loyalty towards him. Soon before he gives his speech at Caesar s funeral,
he says, Thou art the ruins of the the noblest man / That ever livГЁd in the tide of
times (3.1.256 57). This quote clarifies that Antony is only pretending to make
amends with... Show more content on ...
Although he is an honourable man (3.2.95), he makes hasty decisions without
thoroughly thinking them through. For instance, his impulsive behavior is
revealed when he sends his troops too early in the final battle. O Cassius, Titinius
starts, Brutus gave the word too early, / Who, having some advantage on Octavius,
/ Took it too eagerly; his Soldiers fell to spoil (5.3.5 7). Clearly, Brutus would not be
a favorable leader, because he does not consider the repercussions of his actions.
Rome does not deserve a ruler who can not understand the potential risks that come
with heavy
Essay On Crocodile Dundee
Curious is the word that usually comes to mind when one thinks of Australian
cinema; it s wacky and unique styles can be seen across many if not all films that
are considered Australian . It should be of note that some Australian films are
produced overseas or with an international cast, they are still generally considered
Australian because they are often predominantly funded by Australian funding
schemes. This essay s focus will be the 1986 film, Crocodile Dundee. Crocodile
Dundee is a classic Australian film, it is the cornerstone of most Australian
stereotypes today and often the first point of call in the topic of Australian films
1986, in particular, was an eventful year in film; blockbusters such as Aliens, Short
Circuit, ... Show more content on ...
In addition to the landscape, another typical portrayal of Australia is one purely of the
outback and low density far out towns with odd customs along with limited
infrastructure compared to other (non backwater) towns.
Another very blatant characteristic of the film is the use of slang and nicknames for
many characters; in this case slang is much more present in the slightly longer
Australian Version of the film where the international version of the film featured
much less slang (especially slang without context), but references to city cowboys ,
old bush tricks and sheila are mentioned in the film more than once.
A common scene in many Australian films and also Crocodile Dundee is the local
pub, where everybody gets together for drinks and other shenanigans that often
occur because of all the drinking that takes place. The pub is often a location earlier
in Australian films; and is a great place to introduce a character s personality, flaws
or even entire new characters as alcohol begins to affect the
American Hockey League
The American Hockey League, The National Hockey League top affiliate league,
the second best hockey league in the world all ways to describe the AHL. The
Question is what really is the AHL? With just over a month till the AHL kicks off
the regular season 33 days to be exact. Let s dive into what the AHL Is really all
Justin Bourne of The Athletic Toronto recently wrote a piece A closer look at who
makes the NHL, who falls short and why and joined Dimitri Filipovic a journalist for on his podcast.( 184 the
bourne resurrection/)
Bourne a former professional player playing in ECHL and AHL. Bourne also spent
two seasons as the Toronto Marlies Video Coach.
Bourne describes the AHL ... Show more content on ...
The Senators a club that has embraced the AHL development path with just two
players on their last season roster not play in the American Hockey league. I mind
you a pretty good squad a goal away from facing off in the Stanley Cup Finals, Dion
Phaneuf and Thomas Chabot who was returned to junior are the two.
The AHL main goal though is the development and the graduation of prospects to the
Nation Hockey League.
AAAA Players caught in between the AHL and NHL. AAAA comes from Baseball
meaning a player caught between AAA and the MLB. Hockey is no different with
the AHL and NHL. These players do have many short comings these players just
can t seem to put a complete game together. The NHL is just a step faster step more
physical everything is just intensified that little bit more. The NHL is a very
cautious league in were a little mistake can cost you a game something can t afford a
third or fourth line player to cost you.
Also politics can play a part in way players can be stuck. Draft position, size, stats,
players that might certain criteria a provided to match them are giving more chances
look at Nail Yakupov his first over status continues to give him an
A Child Should Never Die
A child should never die. But when it happens, it s the worst feeling in the world.
Just sitting and wondering what that child could have become. Joey was only 12
years old. It wasn t his time to go. He didn t get to say his last goodbye. Sometimes
I wonder why him. Why was he chosen to die? The only option is to believe he s in
a better place, and looking down on us. While we are down here living our life, he
ll be up there living his new one. It was July 24, 2015. I m getting ready to leave to
go to the fair to feed my rabbits. I ran out to the garage to get all the things we need,
then ran back inside to grab some other things. My dad was sitting in the front living
room, getting my little sister s shoes on. My dad s phone started... Show more content
on ...
So I quickly went and checked. The post said We had a bad accident happen today.
Joey was on his way to go get his Ipod from his friends house, and was hit by a truck
on the way there. By how it looks now, he isn t doing good. The doctors think he is
brain dead. They said the truck ran him over and he flew 30 feet from where he
was hit. We will keep everyone updated on what happens. By the time I was to the
end I was about to cry. I don t know how I managed to do this, but I pushed through
it and still went to the fair. On the way there Joey is all I could think about. I had so
many questions running through my mind. I thought it would be good to go to the fair
and not think about what happened. But that was almost impossible.
Once I got to the fair I went around to find my one friend. Once I found her I didn t
say anything about what happened. Every couple minutes I kept going on my
phone and checking for updates, but I never saw anything. After a while of going
on rides my friend had to go. So I found my other two friends (Natalie and
Keverlyn). Since they didn t like going on rides, we played games most of the
time. We decided to go watch the pig auction at around 5:30. We watched it until
around 6:00 o clock pm. At that time I was still checking my phone for anything
new. All I saw was more and more comments each time. I also saw a Go Fund Me
account was made for Joey. By 8:00 o clock there still was no update. But then I saw
it. It
Skin Cancer In Australia
Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the skin. Cancer that
only affects cells in the skin s top layer is called superficial cancer. Cancer that
spreads deeply into the skin or to other parts of the body is known as invasive cancer.
Over the past decades, the incidence of skin cancer has risen in Australia and is one
of the highest in the world, two to three times the rates in Canada, the US and the
UK. Around 2,000 Australians die from skin cancereach year. Two in three
Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70. Skin
cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers and GPs have over
1 million patient consultations per year for skin cancer. Skin cancer is the highest
cost of all cancers, with annual costs around $300 million. Hence ... Show more
content on ...
The majority of skin cancer is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation
from the sun and artificial sources such as solariums. Research indicates that it is
not just the overall amount of UV radiation that determines the risk of skin cancer,
but also the pattern of exposure that shapes that risk, as well as the type of skin
cancer that develops. Anyone can develop skin cancer but many people in Australia
are at higher risk than others. People who work indoors and have infrequent but
intense periods of exposure may be at higher risk of melanoma than someone who
works outdoors but avoids being sunburnt.
UV radiation is not related to temperature. A cooler or windy day in summer will
have a similar UV index to a warmer day. If it s windy and you get a red face it s
likely to be sunburn. You can also get sunburnt on cloudy days, as UV radiation can
penetrate some clouds and may even be more intense due to reflection off the bottom
of the clouds. This was very interesting to me because before my research I believed
I could not get sunburnt when it was not sunny and that cloudy days reduced
Granville Island Public Market In Toronto
In our everyday life, we drink, we think, we study, and we eat, do not know since
when, eating become the most important thing in my life. Open any app on my
phone, all I see is food, the best sushi in downtown Toronto, the best Korean
restaurant in greater Vancouver area, or best street food in Taipei; every time I
open an app, I started to think when and where can I try them. After joining this
class, Food Matters, I started to think that where do these foods come from, what are
they made of, and how do they connect to my life. Thanks for Professor Stahlbrand,
that gave us a chance to explore the local markets in Torontoand find out some
answers for the questions. Because of the New ONE program, I get an opportunity to
visit Kensington Market, and to find out the multicultural part of Toronto. During the
short trip, I found many things there, including the different kinds of shops and
stores, are in the market, the different kinds of culture you can see in the market, and
the different kinds of street style are performed in the market. I found out that there
are a lot of restaurants there, for example,... Show more content on ...
I think the most distinct characteristic that Granville Island Public market that has is
the culture, here in Toronto, the two markets are not multicultural or localized; yet,
the Public market is not. The Public market is located on an island, Granville
Island, in my opinion, the reason why this market is so famous is not only because
of the Public market, also the small stores beside the market. I remembered that my
favorite thing to do there is exploring new stores. The Public market is like
Brickworks market, LOCAL TO THE MAX, however, the stores beside it is cool,
lots of aboriginals arts, dreamcatchers, Totem Poles, and street artists. Instead of the
multicultural market, I must say that Public market is a more local combine with
aboriginal culture
The Real Hooded Man Please Stand Up Analysis
Sovereignty And Reality Versus Imaginary In the ВЁLoss Of The Creature,ВЁ
Percy explains how we can deceive ourselves; similarly, Morris shares some of the
same concepts in his text ВЁWill The Real Hooded Man Please Stand Up?ВЁ
Percy talks more about how we experience things, while Morris talks about how we
perceive photographs. Through both of their texts, you can directly and indirectly
tell that they share common concerns and that they also share a common thesis.
Percy is concerned about people having the ability to lose their own judgements. He
believes that our sovereignty is loss. This means that we are not in control of our
opinions, but that we use other people s opinions to replace our own. For example,
imagine you were going to a concert... Show more content on ...
To begin with, both issues results in a number of consequences that are important.
They are both about consequences that are caused from lost.
As can be seen, Morris and percy also differs. Morris issues are based on reality
versus imaginary. Percy issues are based on how you experience things with
preformed judgements.
In conclusion, Percy describes what is lost, why it is lost, and consequences of it
being lost. Loss of sovereignty is losing your judgement, which happens because
of preform ideas. These preformed ideas inches its way into our heads and we
begin to believe them. In effect, you lose your identity, you rely on others, and you
become powerless. Correspondingly, Morris also explains what is lost, why it is
lost, and consequences of it being lost. When you lose what is true; it is majority
because of our assumptions being wrong. Our assumptions are what we believe. We
will rather believe our inferences than what is actually true, even if we know are
assumptions are wrong. Consequently, you lose the ability to decipher between
reality and make believe. In summary, we need to push ourselves away from all of
this nonsense because the effects could be
Explain the Purpose of Hermeneutics
The primary need of Hermeneutics is to determine and understand the meaning of
Biblical text. The purpose of Hermeneutics is to bridge the gap between our minds
and the minds of the Biblical writers through a thorough knowledge of the original
languages, ancient history and the comparison of Scripture with Scripture. Through
Hermeneutics, Biblical Interpretation can be achieved in three ways; historically, the
message and the doctrine.
The Bible is totally authoritive and inspired by God, however is it propositional or
not? To be propositional means that God reveals certain truths at which we respond in
accepting these truths. These certain truths may be found in scripture, creeds and or
the teachings of the church. Non propositional ... Show more content on ...
The Liberals believe that the writers of the Bible accommodated their recipients and
hence the Bible is not binding on us. Non propositional theology is often favoured by
liberal theologians because it places the emphasis on human experience and
The third school of interpretation is Traditionalism. Traditionalists maintain that the
Bible is full of truth, God is revealed within the Bible and that it is inspired by the
Holy Spirit. One of the key characteristics of their approach to the Bible is its
emphasis on the need to understand the nature of the different types of literature
within the bible. However, traditionalists would not accept the fundamentalist s
notion of inerrancy as many would acknowledge that there are mistakes in the Bible.
These are seen as a reflection of both the historical context in which they are written
and the human fallibility of the authors. As with Liberals, traditionalists believe that
some aspects of the Bible need to be reinterpreted for today. Traditionalists place a lot
of emphasis on the process of exegesis. However, after establishing the intended
meaning of the author the next step in the traditional approach is the question of how
it should be applied to Christian today. However, whereas fundamentalists believe
that the true meaning of a text should be clear to each reader;
The Mythological Story and The Book of Job
Myths have always played a part in society. Mythological stories not only entertain
the reader, but the mythological story also plays a major role in cultural beliefs.
David Bidney writes, The function of a myth is thus held to be one of validating or
justifying cultural beliefs and practices (19). The mythical tale reiterates the moral
practices and beliefs that a culture needs to succeed. There are four purposes for
writing a myth: First myths help in expressing humanity s fear and wonder of nature,
myths helps to explain the creation of the universe, myths gives the readers moral
guidelines that should be followed, and finally, myths gives instructions on how to
contend with crises. Because The Book of Jobfrom the Old Testament... Show more
content on ...
Eliphaz s logic tells him that Job is not a righteous and upright man. Despite hearing
the argument, Job still declares that he is not guilty of sinning against the Lord. Habel
explains that God pursues him like a lion so that he can demonstrate his prowess as
a hunter. Job is perfectly willing to have the birds, beast, fish, and earth testify to
the truth of God s ways (58). Job is telling his friend that God does not seek
retribution on the earth (natural disasters are not God s way of punishing), but that if
God did, it would be the just and right thing for the Lord to do.
When examining Job, the reader finds that morality plays an intriguing part of the
overall message. Job is a person who lives by example, and he stands for the ideal
believer. Job is a man of integrity and honor. Norman Habel writes, The
blamelessness and integrity of Job is a governing theme introduced in the
prologue and developed throughout the subsequent dialogue speeches of the book
(82). The reader finds that Job s integrity is being tested throughout his story, and
the examples of how he lives should be copied by the readers. In this case, the
readers should follow Job s devout faith and unfailing belief in the Lord. The Book
of Job provides the moral guidance needed to make this a mythological story. The
reader is guided through stages of Job s psychological life, but because of the
Study on Essential Hypertension
Essential hypertension, otherwise known as primary or idiopathic hypertension, is a
condition of raised blood pressure with no identifiable cause. Secondary hypertension
occurs when blood pressure elevation results from a specific and potentially treatable
cause. These include renal diseases, endocrine causes, congenital cardiovascular
causes and pregnancy.
This study however, will focus on essential hypertension so as to avoid unnecessary
confusion. Blood pressure is relative to each individual and tends to vary markedly
depending on height and weight. Levels of blood pressure ... Show more content on ...
In the arteries, there is thickening of each of the layers in the vessel wall, thus
narrowing the lumen and reducing its effectiveness. A similar development occurs in
the arterioles causing increased rigidity of the walls thus reducing their ability to
contract and expand. Hence the lumen size is reduced. As a result, there is slowing
down of the blood flow resulting in ischaemia of cell tissue.
This then increases the pressure through the vessels and the left ventricular
myocardium or heart muscle undergoes hypertrophy. Ischaemic heart disease and left
ventricular failure are common results of hypertension in this case.
Due to occurrence of the above, the blood vessel in the brain become more fragile
and paves the way for haemorrhage. Damage to small blood vessels within the
cerebral hemispheres produce microscopic infarctions (localised necrotic areas)
appearing as small areas of brain destruction that fill with fluid, otherwise known as
hypertensive lacunae.
In malignant hypertension the vessels undergo similar changes but more acutely.
Therefore the damage is more severe, leading to actual cessation of blood flow
through the vessels. This results in multiple areas of tissue necrosis as in the
glomeruli of the kidney.
As the glomeruli are part of the filtration system in the nephron of the kidney, damage
can hinder removal of waste products, salt and water from the blood stream.
Progressive destruction of
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and...
Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance of Employees | | By: Chakana
Moore, Patricia Davis, Eric Luken, Michelle Dailey, Jeffrey Webb| |
Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance
Human Resource Management
Research Project November 21, 2011
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance of Employees
Workplace monitoring has been a point of discussion within businesses as Human
Resource Management feels that there is a need to watch their employees and how
they conduct themselves at all times during the work day. Unless a government
employee, employees are subject to any monitoring the employer ... Show more
content on ...
Last exception is the consent . Consent exception applies to even when the sender
of the intercepted communication has been assured that all email communications
would remain confidential and privileged. In Smyth v The Pillsbury Company,
Smyth sent emails to his supervisor that contained unprofessional comments from
his home computer. Because his supervisor gave consent to the company to
intercept the emails and the emails were later retrieved by the courts, Smyth was
terminated and was not able to be protected under the consent exception. A second
commonplace monitoring method used by employers is internet tracking. Internet
tracking can be used to visit non work websites like Facebook and Yahoo accounts.
Statistics show over 90% of employees admits to visiting other websites doing
work hours. About 76% of firms monitor internet use. This can help companies
prevent employees from going to inappropriate sites which could possibly create
legal issues. For instance, a New Jersey case contained a log that showed one
employee accessing porn websites. This activity caused an employee to be arrested
due to repeatedly logging on that site when told by his supervisor to stop. Also, this
type of activity draws attention to companies and causes law enforcement to get
involved and companies can be charged with aiding and abetting legal behavior if
found with evidence. A third form of employee
Salutary Neglect Research Paper
The American Revolution was inevitable and America could have not gradually and
peacefully developed independence within the British Commonwealth without the
violent revolt. The colonist were getting fed up with the way that they were being
governed and they felt as if they did not have rights. They wanted everything to go
back the way it was before because they did not want to break away from the British
but they wanted the salutary neglect to continue. Salutary neglect consist of the the
government having rules and not enforcing them which would eventually cause an
uproar from the Colonists. The peace with salutary neglect eventually was disturbed
when the British decided the Colonists needed to pay taxes due to large national war
debt that was upon them but the Colonists did not agree with that decision. The
colonist attempted different ways to get the attention of the British one of which was
the diplomatic way. They attempted this by having a Declaration of... Show more
content on ...
But the British was not listening to their calls for changes in their government. This
is how the idea of the minutemen came about and it was created to defend
themselves against the British militaries. The minutemen were supporter of the Sons
of Liberty and at any time would run out to the field with a gun of some sort and a
bucket and defend themselves against any emergency. On the night of April of 1775
British troopers marched into Concord to seize military equipment that the Sons of
Liberty were smuggling in. When the British came across the minutemen and the first
shot was fired and which side shot first is still a mystery. This shot is known as The
shot heard around the World. After this moment it was known that relations between
the British and the Colonials could not be the same as it was
Circus Animals Are Inhumane Research Paper
Title: Should animals be used in circuses for entertainment purpose? For years
animals have been used in circuses for performances to entertain audiences. While
acknowledging the fact that many of the circus animals are not seriously maltreated,
this essay holds the view that training animals for performances in circuses should be
banned since it is inhumane as it deprives animals of their freedoms and potentially
poses threat to both their physical and psychological behaviours. To commence with,
circuses are unlikely to provide adequate spacing to circuses animals, especially when
they are touring around. Unlike those animals kept in zoos, not only the enclosure
sizes of the animalshas to be compromised for their portability, the environments...
Show more content on ...
And this life changing decision is not made by the animals themselves. This means
that even if the animals are unwilling to make this trade, they have no chance to
escape but to accept their fates. Therefore it is convincingly to say that this act is
robbing animals of their dignity and liberty, which can hardly be acceptable by
nowadays moral standard. [557 words, excluding in text citations] References
Stroud, P. (2007) Defining issues of space in zoos. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2,
219 222. Pitsko, L. E. (2003). Wild tigers in captivity: A study of the effects of the
captive environment on tiger behavior (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University). Tait, P., amp; Farrell, R. (2010). Protests and circus
geographies: exotic animals with Edgley s in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies,
34(2), 225 239. Heidenreich, B. (2012) An introduction to the application of science
based training technology. Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice, 15, 371 385.
FГ¶llmi, J., Steiger, A., Walzer, C., Robert, N., GeissbГ
јhler, U., Doherr, M. G., amp;
Wenker, C. (2007). A scoring
Confederation History
It all started after the declaration of independence during the time America was busy
fighting the revolutionary war when Congress realized that they needed to form a
plan to move forward and unite the thirteen states as a nation. It was then when
continental congress met up in Pennsylvania and created a secured a document
known as the articles of confederation. The article of confederation was written on
November 15, 1777, and ratified by all thirteen states on March 1, 1781. When the
articles of confederation were written it had many goals in mind to set and preserve
the country and its freedom keeping America and independent nation. Since the states
were coming from Great Britain a country where they weren t represented by the
British government... Show more content on ...
The Federalists and the Antifederalists took opposite sides when discussing how
power and government should be divided. The Federalist were those who believed in
the constitution and believed that change needs to happen. A nation without a
national government is no nation at all , is what is said about the beliefs that the
Federalist had. The Federalist believed that the country needed a strong government
made up of experienced and intelligent minds that have long term goals in mind to
run a country rather than a state, making the business of government no longer just
viewed at as local making each state their own. It was time to conjoin together the
states and make the country a whole. However, then come along the Antifederalist
who had an opposite view on the situation. The Antifederalist believed that the
country shouldn t have a strong national government that has so much power to be
able to govern the states. The reason why the Antifederalist thought so strongly in
their belief was because of the experience they had with great Britain, they didn t
want to lose everything they worked so hard to earn; letting the national government
just take their precious livelihood their farms and land and all that they worked for to
build a comfortable life for themselves. The Antifederalist believed that the
constitution was going to
Sinners In The Hand Of An Angry God Rhetorical Analysis
Jonathan Edward s Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God was a strong and intense
sermon, that was well known in the first Great Awakening. This sermon had a huge
impact on many sinner , but was targeted mainly to Edward s puritans in his
congregation. He evoked fear in the sinners, while describing the harsh punishments
of not repenting the sins to the mighty God. Edwards emphasize his purpose and
beliefs of this forgiveness by using rhetorical strategies such as logos, pathos,
ethos, imagery, and syntax. His tone and diction also helped to support this
purpose which allowed them to understand the seriousness of the situation. Edward
s diction included repetition to express his tone. In his sermon he repeats the word
wrath , which means extremely angry, over and over he makes it clear that god is
very angry with his people. Putting heavy emphasis on this word shows the dooms
of the sinners in hell. His diction also includes complex sentences such as this
statement (Edwards87) However you may have reformed your life in many things,
and may have had religious affections, and may keep up a form of religion in you
families and closets, and in the... Show more content on ...
Personification seeks fear like stated, The bow of God s wrath is bent, and the
arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart, and
strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, and that of angry
God, without any promise or obligation at all that keeps the arrow one moment
from being made drunk with your blood. (Edwards 87) ; That world of misery, that
lake of burning brimstone, is extended abroad under you. There is the dreadful pit of
the burning flames of the wrath of God; there is hell s wide gaping mouth open; and
you have nothing to stand upon, nor anything to take hold of. (Edwards 88). The
personification is the comparison of hell and a huge monster, giving more
S. E. Hinton Passion
Have you ever read S.E. Hinton s book? Hinton is a famous author who wrote about
teens and inspires them all over the world. HInton s books are based on her point of
view when she was growing up as a child. She mostly concentrated on theme and
character .S.E Hinton is a popular author who writes about how it was to be a teen
and teenagers all over the world have read her books. She also sold 4 million books
all over the U.S. and is known mostly for her body of work.
S.E. Hinton was born on July 22, 1950 in Oklahoma, Tulsa ( Hinton,S.E. and (
S(usan)E(loise)Hinton. ). Hinton is 67 years old , currently living in Brooklyn, New
York as an American ( S.E.Hinton ) ( S.E.Hinton Jon) ( S.(usan)E(loise)Hinton. ). She
graduated High School and she earned a B.S. at the University at Tulsa in ... Show
more content on ...
Hinton passion was to write stories and novels about adults and teens ( Hinton,S.E. ).
Her secondary job was working as a consultant on the film adaption of her novels, it
involved the casting, script writing,directing and even acting (Chaston). Grady P.
Hinton and Lillian P. Hinton are S.E. Hinton parents, she also had a younger sister
named Beverly ( Hinton,S.E.. ) ( S.E.Hinton ). She met her future husband David
Inhofe, in school (Chaston). Later on they got married in 1970 and had one kid
named Nicholas David ( S.E.Hinton ) ( S(usan)E(loise)Hinton. ). One of her school
friends mother read the manuscript and immediately saw commercial possibilities
for the book. The women, a writer herself, urged to Hinton to get in touch with her
agent in New York ( S.E.Hinton ). When Hinton S.E. was in junior she found out
her dad was diagnosed with cancer, a terrible and fatal disease. To help her dad deal
with his
The Transmission Line Cable Model
Thus, components like a mast or bridge girder can be analysed more
comprehensively with compartively with lesser degrees of freedom.
Advancement of such basic transmission line cable models is the concentration of
the present work. a simple but efficient model discussed for describing motion of a
vibrating cable utilized in a transmission line [20]. The model has been created for
a transmission line cable with each of the end at a similar height, and by
neglecting inertia in the longitudinal direction. Since the displacement of the every
end have been restricted, the model can t be connected for analysis of cable
supported structures. A simple transmission line cable model was basically
created in the present work, which can be used efficiently to determine a different
kind of types of cable structures like suspension bridges , guyed towers , , cable
stayed bridges etc . The dynamic response of the whole} cable used in a structure
was defined with the assistance of only nine degrees of freedom , viz . Three
translations at each one end and also three general co ordinates for demonstrating
motion of an middle level on a cable . Due to the fact that the movements of the end
points are considered in the design} , it may be merely utilized with every
displacement dependent , finite element model .The accurateness of the recent
formulation was shown by checking} the free and forced responses of transmission
line cable with accessible} analytical data .
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Sample Descriptive Essays

  • 1. Sample Descriptive Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Sample Descriptive Essays" presents a unique set of challenges, as it requires a delicate balance of creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to effectively convey vivid imagery through words. The difficulty lies not only in the need to generate compelling content but also in ensuring that the descriptive elements are rich enough to captivate the reader's imagination. One of the primary hurdles is the demand for a heightened sense of observation. The writer must immerse themselves in the chosen subject matter, whether it's an object, a place, or an experience, and meticulously capture its essence. This demands a keen eye for detail and a mastery of language to transform mundane observations into an engaging narrative. Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and generic descriptions. Striking a balance between providing a unique perspective and adhering to established conventions is a tightrope walk. The essay must offer a fresh and original take on the chosen topic, steering clear of overused phrases that can dilute the impact of the descriptive elements. Crafting a seamless flow is another aspect that adds to the complexity. Transitioning between different descriptive elements without losing coherence requires a skillful use of language and a deep understanding of narrative structure. The essay should read like a cohesive story, with each paragraph seamlessly connecting to the next. Additionally, managing the length of the essay can be a challenge. Descriptive writing often tempts writers to indulge in lengthy descriptions, risking reader fatigue. Striking a balance between providing sufficient detail and maintaining brevity is crucial to keep the reader engaged. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Sample Descriptive Essays" demands a high level of craftsmanship. The writer must navigate the intricate landscape of observation, creativity, language use, and structure to create a compelling and immersive narrative. Success in this endeavor requires a dedication to detail, a flair for language, and an understanding of the delicate art of descriptive writing. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, a variety of resources are available. Professional writing services, such, offer support in creating custom essays tailored to specific requirements. These services can be valuable for individuals looking to enhance their writing skills or seeking expert guidance in producing high-quality essays. Sample Descriptive EssaysSample Descriptive Essays
  • 2. Dell s Buyout Dell s Buyout Dell has always been one of the largest PC makers in the United States. Recently, though its share of the PC industry has been declining. It went from the number one low cost provider of PCs in the world to number 3. Its inability to adapt to the new markets that have emerged has caused the company to fall behind other hi tech companies such as IBM, Apple, and even HP. I feel this is an important topic because it is an example of a large company that has lost touch with what consumers want and is currently trying to restructure itself in order to gain back the dominance they once had. Consequently, Michael Dell has announced his decision to attempt a leverage buyout in order to retain control of his company. Furthermore, ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, he praises Michael Dell as the perfect man to take Dell Incorporated out of its slump. He stated that he (Dell) is the man to do it. No one cares enough about the future of the company. He put in 700 million of his own money and spearheaded the deal (BBC News). This is different from the view point of the New York Times which doesn t necessarily take a side with the shareholders or Michael Dell, but rather analyzes the effect this move might have on the hi tech market and the probability of Dell Inc. seeing growth in the long run and continuing to compete with larger hi tech companies. According to the BBC article, analysts are stressing the fact that a leveraged buyout will give Mr. Dell the flexibility in turning the company around, by no longer needing to show strong results every quarter to shareholders on the stock market. Moreover BBC points out that the company lost its direction between 2004 2007, the same years when Michael Dell stepped down from day to day management of the company. This includes the unsuccessful launch of the Streak tablet back in 2010 (BBC News) However, Aaron Ricadela from Bloomberg News presents another side of the buyout in his article titled Dell Pressed to Sweeten LBO bid amid T.Rowe Opposition . It brings to light the opinion of the opposition, the shareholders, whom have
  • 3. Compare And Contrast Goffman And Richard Schechner Both Erving Goffman and Richard Schechner describe the manner in which we conduct our lives as a performance of sorts. The diagram to the right is Richard Schechner s conception of performance as a fan, showing each of the categories of our lives that we perform as he sees them (Schechner 2003). The aspects of the fan that relate to cultivation of Instagram pages are performance in everyday life and the art making process. Many of those I interviewed saw their Instagram from an artistic standpoint to a certain degree; they treated their social media as a performance space where everyday life and art making meet. They were not trying to create something so far removed from their everyday life that it no longer represented their own experiences,... Show more content on ... As I mentioned, in the setting of a prep school there is pressure to act a certain way to be perceived as worthwhile to peers. If we consider the group as one s classmate and role as a female student at a prep school, we can see that individuals fall into these behaviors due to the pressure of this environment. We see through the interviews included earlier that some are very aware of the fact that they are trying to influence others opinions of them through their Instagram activity. Other women I spoke to seemed to follow the rules they learned in high school, the tradition of their group or role in Goffman s words. This sentiment is clear when, in her interview, Caitlin mentions that, although she would like to think she doesn t care about the traditions of her group, she still subconsciously ascribes value to all of the ones she described. However there was one woman who, although she presented herself in a manner almost identical to the others in this group, revealed a staunch belief in her own individuality on Instagram. Through her comments to me she undermined this statement by emphasizing that she would never post a photo that makes it look like she is REALLY trying, implying it was necessary for her photos to seem casual and like she was having fun, and discussing the standard set in high school, revealing characteristics that were present in her own page. In this way, she falls into the category described by Goffman of the person who is relatively unaware they are performing in a
  • 4. Differences Between Lurhmann s Romeo And Juliet Adapting Romeo and Juliet from the iconic play enjoyed by millions over centuries in an attempt to modernize has obviously meant that nuances in the original stage performance have needed to be lost, in its original state the play was designed and written to be heard and experienced audibly, however that scenario would have led to a very boring dark and un discernable movie, leaving the viewer with little to see and experience visually. Much planning was needed to bring about Mr. Lurhmann s idealistic ideas including new settings in a modern world and utilizing the newer techniques for camera and lighting, as well as bringing the story into the newer century. Panning camera scenes with lighting designed to emphasize key elements of the scene... Show more content on ... Religion is referenced frequently to display that not only is law no longer a influence on the violence. Water is a focus for Romeo and Juliet the beach, the iconic fish tank scene and the balcony scene also iconic, the beach is shown as a place of change while the city is concrete rigid unable to accept change. Throughout the movie Lurhmann uses media coverage to keep with the ideals of our age using the news to keep the city s residents updated on what is happening with the upheaval also using humor as did the original. Lurhmann uses the lighting to his best advantage in the movie often highlighting characters and various different scenes or parts of scenes to add to each piece and build romantic sense, suspense, and feeling, the sets chosen to help tell the story have a very up to date feel and the use of different camera angles add to the modern vibe, wardrobe is one of the most important ways this has also been brought into the new century with many choices being made specifically for the nineties when the movie was filmed all of the choices Baz Lurhmann have made carefully chosen as they were made this an unforgettable movie that has captured the hearts of an entire generation of romantic females yet again proving Romeo and Juliet still live in the hearts of many for years to
  • 5. The Success Of The American Government Essay The American government is known to promote democratic values throughout the world. Though the ideals America was fighting for during the Cold War, the government still managed to participate in the overthrow of democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadegh. Mossadegh threatened to nationalize Irans oil in 1951 and later gained the support of the Iranian government. The British companies had many investments in Iranian oil. It is with the approval of nationalization that the economies of both British and Iran were ultimately harmed. The British government requested the help of the US so that they could perform a coup to overthrow Mossadegh. With suspicions of Mossadegh supporting communism, and being supported by the Tudeh Party, the United States government was willing to sacrifice their democratic ideologies and credibility in the region for the insurance of an anti communist leader. This would prove to cause problems that still resonate in today s political and military negotiations in this region. The people of Iran were for the support of anything except for a monarch under the rule of the Shah. This was very clear as he had fallen out of favor during his rule and Mossadegh would win the democratic elections. The threat of communism was the main purpose of the Cold War for the US. The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan are perfect examples of how the US government was able to contain the spread of communism to countries that were or could be at risk
  • 6. Summary Of Child Observation On November 7,2016 at 2:50 pm, Shawn was in the special education room for work completion. When his teacher showed him the work to be finished Shawn was adamant he had already completed it. Staff showed Shawn that the work was incomplete. Shaw refused to comply at which time staff started the sequence of his behavior plan. A timer was started for five minutes, to allow Shawn to comply with the directions. Due to Shawn behavior at the end of the five minutes, he needed to be escorted to the break room. During the transition to the break room, Shawn punched staff in the face, kicked, and attempted to bite staff. Shawn refused to enter the room fully to allow for staff to close the door. Staff entered the room, Shawn then began to hit, kick,
  • 7. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Discourse Destiny Campbell Enc 1102 Stuart Dees 14 September 2016 proposal for research: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority discourse Researcher John Swales in The Concept of Discourse Community explains that there are six characteristics that need to be identified for a group of people to be a discourse community. According to Swales, there are six characteristics that make up a discourse community. They are common public goals, mechanisms of intercommunication among members, participatory mechanisms to provide information and feedback, utilizing one or more genres in communication, a specific lexis, and a threshold level of members with a degree of relevant content and discourse expertise (220 222). Discourse is in communities are all around us.... Show more content on ... With this research I plan to go back to the roots of why sororities use Greek language in their discourse community and how it helps them form a sisterhood that is shared only amongst the community. Sororities and fraternities are becoming more prevalent in universities all across the nation. Today, there are over 9 million members of the Greek communities and the number is continuously growing each year ( Greek Life Statistics ). The terms fraternity and sorority describe groups of men and women who join together to offer fellowship, academic support, leadership training, participation in campus activities, service to the community and University, and preparation for future careers ( What is Greek Life? ). People that in are the Greek community all have at least one thing in common. Whether they just want to be apart of a sisterhood/brotherhood or deeper things like they all share a common belief or goal. Sororities have five basic benefits: sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, philanthropy (charitable causes /community service), and socializing ( About Sororities ). These benefits are included in the values and beliefs of a sorority as a discourse community. Greeks all speak a language that they learn in the process of becoming part of their fraternity/sorority(recruitment process). Agendas, e mails, and text messages are all forms of a genre. A genre is anything that is written down and shared in the discourse community. Face to face interaction is a way to advertise for events and also another way to advertise for events is through
  • 8. Le Gros ChГЄne Essay On Symbolism Symbolic [ edit | change the code ] Le Gros ChГЄne , painting by Gustave Courbet (1843). Many trees of this kind are loaded in popular tradition (given the reputation of hardness of wood) of great symbolic value in Europe, often linked to a context of justice: in France, King Saint Louis did justice under a majestic oak. in Great Britain, Robin Hood had his headquarters in an oak forest Sherwood . in Great Britain too, the future King Charles II was hiding in an oak during the Battle of Worcester (the Royal Oak ). The oak symbolizes in several European cultures the perenniality. The Oak Wedding is celebrated after 80 years of marriage in French folklore. Sacred tree among the Romans , Celts , Germans and Eastern Slavs , the oak symbolizes virility
  • 9. Oprah Winfrey Biography Born on, January 29th, 1954, to an unwed teenage mother, Oprah Winfrey spent her first years on her grandmother s farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi, while her mother looked for work in the north. Life on the farm was primitive, but her grandmother taught her to read at an early age, and at the age of three Oprah was reciting poems and bible verses in local churches. Despite the hardship of her physical environment, she enjoyed the loving support of her grandmother and church community, who cherished her as a gifted child. Her world changed for the worse at age six, when she was sent to Milwaukee to live with her mother, who had found work as a housemaid. In the long days when her mother was absent from their inner city apartment, young Oprah was... Show more content on ... She is one of the partners in Oxygen Media, Inc., a cable channel and interactive network presenting programming designed primarily for women. With her success, she has also become one of the world s most generous philanthropists. In 2000, Oprah s Angel Network began presenting a $100,000 Use Your Life Award to people who are using their own lives to improve the lives of others. She now publishes two magazines, O, The Oprah Magazine, and O at Home. The launch of her first magazine was the most successful start up in the history of the industry. When Forbes Published its list of America s billionaires for the year 2003, it disclosed that Oprah Winfrey was the first African American woman to become a billionaire. The Oprah Winfrey Show remained as popular as ever, airing in 140 countries around the world. Many of her regular guests, including Dr. Phil McGraw and Dr. Mehmet Oz, have gone on to shows of their own, produced by Oprah s Harpo Productions. Over the years, she has also used her program to promote the many philanthropic ventures she supports. After filming a Christmas program in South Africa, she established the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, near Johannesburg. Her legendary generosity has extended not only to her favorite charities, but to her loyal viewers. She celebrated the beginning of her 20th season on national television by giving every member of the studio
  • 10. The Stryker Organization The Stryker Organization has been a pioneering healthcare company, for nearly eight decades. We have been known for innovative ideas and technology, which are main staples of our business model. Previously, our company has made substantial changes to our reporting for our readers ease. Nowadays, we are faced with a similar problem regarding our internal financial reporting methodologies. As noted by many members of the Stryker Organization s Finance Training Development Department, our current financial reporting system has been inoperative. Numerous employees who are inadequate in finance and accounting are especially struggling with understanding the reports and how they relate to their work and divisions. Aggregately, our current... Show more content on ... Lastly, creating a tone that is positively structured is important for employees morale. This will keep employees engaged to understand more about the successes versus needs of improvement regarding the financial updates. The Subsequent Solutions will Improve Stryker s Internal Financial Reporting Improving the tone and language will engage employees Within our current report, the tone and language are promoting a negative attitude amongst employees. As seen in the document s introduction, there is a heavy emphasis on the company s slowed growth. In fact, the idea of growth being slowed was written repetitively five times. In addition, the language and tone create a situation for misinterpreting the report. Our finance and accounting staff are understanding a completely different message from the report compared to our other employees.This is specifically evident when the report touches on sales growth and earnings per share. To implement our solutions, we need to write our introduction in a more positive tone. Doing so will be more professional and keep the employee morale instead of emphasizing the negative aspects. According to the Writing Center at UNC Chapel Hill, writing in a positive tone will influence on our readers perception. Therefore, this is important to engage our employees and help them better understand our financial standing. In addition, the Purdue Owl says, inappropriate
  • 11. Essay On Ellen Pence Domestic Violence Approximately 12 million people in the United States are affected by domestic violence. Research on domestic violence has increased noticeably over the past 20 years. While greatly improving public awareness and understanding of this serious social problem, this research has also created much controversy and misunderstandings. Findings of domestic violencevary widely from study to study. Some studies suggest that women and men are equally likely to be victimized by their partners, but others determine that women are more likely to be victimized. Some studies conclude that minorities and whites undergo equal rates of domestic violence, and others conclude that minorities suffer higher rates (Samuels Thacker, n.d., p. 1). Little has been done to recognize Ellen Pence and her contributions to the world of domestic violence. Ellen s persistent commitment and efforts generated an entirely new narrative, which centers on the conclusion of victim blaming and provides solid hope that we may one day resolve this ongoing, global issue. Ellen Pence assisted in building the foundation of batterer programming with the Duluth program. The program forged new ground and bridged the interests of advocates and criminal justice officials in developing its Power and Control Wheel from women who ... Show more content on ... As battered women s advocates worked in the 1980s to corrupt domestic violence, the question became what to do with the male batterers who were being arrested. The misdemeanor charges against most of them overcrowded the jails for the remainder, which meant that batterers then ended up on open probation with little supervision. Some women did not want their partners in jail, they just wanted them to stop the abuse, and jailing proved in many cases to increase the hostility rather than improve the men s behavior and attitude (Dasgupta, 2010, p.
  • 12. Correlation Between Hiv And The Prevalence Of Hiv verify exchangeability. In the fourth study, based in Andhra Pradesh, India, Schneider et al. (2011) examined the association of circumcision with the prevalence of HIV in men who have sex with men (MSM). The cross sectional study sampled 387 Indian men from six drop in health centers, who were between the ages of 18 49. Men were selected from the drop in centers, interviewed, given written informed consent and were then tested for HIV. Of the men tested for HIV, 18.6% were positive. Interviews were completed in order to get information about risk factors that could be associated with the prevalence of HIV in this population, which was quite high. Of men selected for the study 63.1% were circumcised and 36.9% were uncircumcised ... Show more content on ... In the final study, Kibira, Nansubuga, Tumwesigye, Atuyambe, Makumbi (2014) explored the relation of HIV prevalence and risky sexual behaviors among circumcised and uncircumcised men in Uganda. In the study design, 9,524 male participants aged 15 59 years old were studied from data from the Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey. This national survey was divided into a two stage stratum cluster sampling that involved selecting households for interview (Kibira et al., 2014). During the interview of each household, blood samples were collected for HIV status, circumcision status, and interview questions that addressed risky sexual behaviors including: unprotected sex, numbers of partners, and transactional sex (Kibira et al., 2014). Based on the result, there s a direct correlation of circumcised males with lower HIV prevalence among all age groups. HIV prevalence was 35 37% lower in the circumcised men, after controlling for several variables (Kibira et al., 2014). The study showed risky sexual behaviors are also important factors affecting the HIV prevalence on both circumcised and uncircumcised men. The riskiest behavior practice in all men was unprotected sex, followed by multiple sexual partners, and transactional sex. The practice of risky sexual behavior was found to be significantly higher in circumcised men than in uncircumcised men. The research showed that although HIV prevalence has shown to be significantly lower in circumcised
  • 13. The Second Amendment They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. This quote from Benjamin Franklin illustrates how an emphasis on safety can drastically reduce the freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the United States, especially the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which states that ...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. However, with active shooter situations such as Columbine; the Tucson, Arizona shootings, which nearly killed former Representative Gabrielle Giffords; and recent situations at Newtown, Connecticut; Los Angeles International Airport; and Westfield Garden State Plaza mall in New Jersey, the federal government has questioned this... Show more content on ... 12). If somebody were to invade a home, that owner deserves to have the right to pull a gun to defend him or herself. The police can t protect everyone, instantly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And the fact that victims might be able to defend themselves can also deter criminals (Lott par. 14). Almost every parent at some point tells their child, Don t put your fingers in the electrical outlet, or you ll get shocked. Naturally, the child will put his or her fingers in the outlet just to see what will happen. After getting shocked, the child will cry. The parent will then say, I told you not to do that. This is part of human nature. Everybody thinks that they know best and nobody else can tell them what to do. This situation would also apply to gun control, as more gun control laws would cause criminals to push the envelope even more and commit more crimes involving guns. When the state of Illinois passed Concealed Carry legislation this last summer, many who believe in the right to bear arms as defined in the Constitution hailed this as a victory and could not wait to obtain the right to carry concealed weapons. Tom Gibbons, the State s Attorney for Madison County, gave citizens of the county the right to carry before the official signature of Governor Pat Quinn in a press release dated June 6, 2013. In the press release, Gibbons said that to deny this right to law abiding
  • 14. Center Based Learning Observation K is a Kindergarten student currently attending a Center Based Learning school. His teacher requested an OT consultation due to concerns about classroom functioning skills. Social emotional: Upon entering the classroom he was observed at the table with other classmates. He sat on a short wooden modified tomato support chair. He appeared to require this support to maintain balance for sitting. Fine Motor: During consultation he demonstrated cylindrical grasp for puzzle placement. He appears to have increased bilateral upper extremity tone when an attempt was made to redirect extremity for completion of task. He was able to scribble with prompts. He required hand over hand to complete this task. He demonstrated palmar grasp for picking up
  • 15. The Sense Of Belonging Through Human Interaction In one of the most well known masterpieces by Pink Floyd, Hey You , focused on one of the most important aspects of human life the sense of belonging through human interaction. The lyric highlights Roger Waters skill as a brilliant lyricist and composer, who reaches out to his audience with the haunting melody and emotionally charged lyric. Waters has touched many lives with this piece by explicitly emphasizing on the pain of desolation and disassociation. He constructs his dialogue based on a life of his former bandmate Syd Barrett, whose life was severely affected by heavy drugs use, social desolation, and ultimately developed into mental illness. Waters introduces the audience to the song with the sound of an acoustic guitar in a low lying, gloomy, yet captivating tone painting a picture of an eerie state of mind. He then grabs their attention by using a bold holler and plea, Waters writes: Hey you out there in the cold, Getting lonely getting old, Can you feel me? The verse renders an image of isolation and desperation for human interaction and recognition. Relatedness is one of the most important parts of basic human psychological needs; along with competence and autonomy, they create a trifecta of conditions that must be met in order for human to growth and integrate. Failure to satisfy these conditions can have negative impact on human emotion and can ultimately demoralize and desolate us mentally (Deci, 2000). Waters then repeats the same question at the
  • 16. The Effects Of Television Violence On Today s Society Aside from video games, there is a multitude of media that today s youth is exposed to every day. Such media includes social media websites such as Twitter and Instagram, movies, television, and news broadcasting programs. Television, however, plays arguably the largest role in influencing adolescents in today s society. According to Marina Krcmar and Kathryn Green, Viewing of violent televisionand interest in television violencehas been linked to a host of antisocial behaviors such as increased aggression, decreased sensitivity to violence and the suffering experienced by the victims of violence, and an increased sense of fear and helplessness (Krcmar 195). This means that after long term exposure to violence on television, people essentially become desensitized to violent and gruesome acts. This can lead to a decreased feeling of empathy for a real life victim and an increased feeling of helplessness in a real life situation of violence. If one is desensitized to violence, the odds immediately become more likely that one will not see any consequences for committing violent actions in the real world. Aside from committing violent acts, this form of media exposure can also encourage risk taking behaviors. Risk taking is the tendency to engage in behaviors that threaten or harm and individual s physical or mental health... [and] poses an actual threat to the individual engaging in the activity (Krcmar 196). Krcmar is saying that not only does the risky behavior
  • 17. A Short Note On Elastic And Inelastic Traffic Elastic and Inelastic Traffic In this day and age, the design of networks can puzzle some individuals. In fact the naming of the devices within a network can be very daunting if someone takes into account that everything can be named within a network or internetwork. This might include items such as workstations, printers, servers, switches, routers, mobile devices, and tablets. A great designed and executed naming style could easily permit the users the ability to browse with ease and connect to these pieces of equipment by name. Each device s name is the beginning of the variables that need to be checked into, and also the network address. The different ways that are discussed within this paper apply to being able to map an address with its name and varies from both static host files and dynamic domain name systems (DDNS) (Mitchell, 2015). Unlike DNS that simply functions with static IP addresses, DDNS is also created to support dynamic IP addresses, like those that are appointed by a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server (Mitchell, 2015). The utilization of dynamic name resolution methods are at many times the best decision. The naming method that is chosen must be constant all over the network and names need to be unique, significant, and small. This naming method will also allow a user to look for and identify names that are assigned to the devices. Development of an Addressing and Naming Model Within the scenario given, the organization is made up of ten
  • 18. Donna Tartt s The Secret History The Secret History Theme: The Effect That Choices/Tragedy Has Donna Tartt s novel expresses the idea that the choices made in our youth will have an impact on our later lives, be it a few images that create a shadowy presence in the mind of a person throughout their life, or a completely alternated series of life events. This novel provides the reader with excellent examples of how negative life events and choices can alter our thoughts and personalities for better or worse. All five major characters in this novel undergo some degree of change as they struggle to accept the true weight of their actions. To illustrate this idea, the character of Charles Macaulay experiences possibly the most prominent change over the course of this novel. In the early stages of the narrative, Charles is friendly, caring and mild. He gets along well with ... Show more content on ... When Richard confronts Henry later in the novel, after the death of Bunny, Henry tells him, ... My life, for the most part, has been very stale and colourless. Dead, I mean. The world has always been an empty place to me. I was incapable of enjoying even the simplest things. I felt dead in everything I did. But then it changed, the night I killed that man . He went on to tell Richard that It enabled me to do what I ve always wanted most; to live without thinking . After the first murder, Henry became even more rational than he was previously, spending a great portion of his time planning out how to get away and how to deal with Bunny. It is difficult to map out Henry s change in character as from the start he came across as listless and emotionally unresponsive but he markedly became even more strange and reclusive toward the end. This is shown by his elusive behaviour during the time Richard tried to get answers out of him in chapter 8, when he talked about the mundane as if nothing was wrong and then abruptly
  • 19. The Great Gatsby Love Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. It is when two people get together regardless of the material and other s judgements. In The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott. Fitzgerald, Gatsby tries his best to reconcile the past with Daisy, take the blame for her, and eventually, he dies for her because of his deep love. However, what Gatsby loves is truly the idealized Daisy in his memory of past. Ultimately, all the characters in the Great Gatsbywant to use love to achieve their American Dream. The Great Gatsby is a story of the thwarted love between Gatsby and Daisy on the surface, but in fact, it is a symbolic implication of the disintegration of the American Dream in the early 1920s, the superficial pursuit of pleasure, wealth, partners... Show more content on ... He idealizes Daisy that she is still the young girl at Louisville. Gatsby is full of beautiful fantasy and illusion towards his dream, Daisy, just as the illusion of his American dream implicated by the green light. When Gatsby regards Daisy as his dream, it indicates that his dream is illusive because of the idealism of Daisy, just as the American Dream in the 1920s is illusive and worthless by the corruption of the wealth and moral values. Moreover, Gatsby s loving Daisy includes his pursuit of American Dream. Daisy lives in East Egg, coming from old money, she is one of the people who own nobility and elegance. She perpetuates a rigid class structure that excludes newcomers from its upper reach. The personality of Daisy leads to James Gatz making up the person Jay Gatsby to achieve her, hence, his identity is mostly an act. His method of earning money is criminal by bootlegging alcohol. More specifically, he wants to gain Daisy because of his will to get into the noble American aristocracy to achieve his own American Dream. Yet he can never gain acceptance into the American aristocracy. Indeed, he treats Daisy as his possession. Gatsby himself remarks Daisy as a grotesque rose which he invested her with beauty and make her his dream. Without Gatsby, she would merely be the idle, bored, rich, young girl with no particular moral strength or loyalty. Daisy leads to the
  • 20. Impact Of 2012 Olympics On Hospitality Essay 2012 Olympics and its impact on the hospitality industry of London. Research Background / Context On 6th July 2005 London was selected as the host city for the 2012 summer Olympic and Paralympics Games. The games is often labelled as the greatest show on earth which involves thousands of sports persons both men and women from around the globe aiming to reach the ultimate in sporting achievement. The Olympic Games will take place entirely in London, but the bid team had stressed throughout their campaign that the games would benefit the whole of Britain. The proposed research is on the impact of the hosting of the 2012 Olympics in London and its impact specifically on the hospitality industry. Other studies have been done on ... Show more content on ... Athens 2004 would have benefited from its investment in urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Before the Games Sydney 2000 was a great city to visit and now is better again after its Olympic experience. Atlanta 1996 was located within 2 hours flying time from major US cities. It was a major domestic convention hub before the Games with comparatively few international visitors. But as inbound statistics reflect, Atlanta is still a major domestic convention hub with no hard evidence of an Olympics afterglow in the inbound market. Barcelona 1992 achieved incredible tourism image transformation but the hotel market in the post Olympic era was badly over supplied for several years. Whereas Seoul 1988 opened its inbound tourism industry. The city added several hotels and infrastructure investment which dramatically improved the tourism appeal and till now Seoul remains a strong hotel market. As seen here Barcelona and Seoul were the two most successful cities in creating additional inbound traffic. But the point to note was that both these cities had low profile tourism at the time of hosting the games and so they had much to gain from the hosting of the games. When we refer to the term Hospitality we normally refer to the relationship between a guest and a host.
  • 21. Staying Positive Staying positive was one of the hardest things to do in my life. Having to struggle for 6 straight years will start to make you think you are cursed. At the age of 14, both of my parents were pronounced dead. One because of exsanguination, the other inability to feel their mate dying. Leaving little old me orphaned and a little sister to take care of. My sister, Ana, was 6 when my parents had died, she did not understand so I let her believe that they had gone to a magic school where they would learn how to make chocolate appear out of nowhere. Now, at the age of 20, I had a steady job, going to college, and was about to become a pack warrior. My training had begun at the age of 15 training, had taken up most of my nights leaving me with little to no sleep. School, my jobs, and Ana took up all of my days.... Show more content on ... Mainly she missed having someone to talk to that would not command us to do something. Lola was territorial meaning no one could touch Ana without her growling. When I was first left with my sister, we had gotten a room in our pack house. There had been no orphans in our whole pack before us. Our pack was not violent we were peaceful our Alpha was not an idiot, he knew his strengths and weaknesses. Many packs feared us for our alliances, most tried to either stay away or become our best friends. Many of the pack children teased my sister and
  • 22. The Evolution of Human Communication Technology started out as a way to help the human population make life easier on humanity, but once it becomes smarter than us will it really help or hinder our way of life. The definition of technology is machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge , according to Google. When you pick up your smartphone do you ever really think that it may be hurting the humanrace? Once your child sees you doing this action every hour of every day they will want to also do what you are doing. Children have been getting phones with more power than ever before, but are they using it correctly? Who has been there to teach them what to do on the phone other than their friends? The school systems are doing things such as limiting your child s use of electronic devices during classes to increase learning, but is this really working? This smartphone that you have supplied your child with could cause them to start wearing clothes like the other children are wearing. As an adult I can tell you from my own experiences I have become more dependent on my smartphone to tell me things about my friends, what I m going to do tonight and what to wear thanks to my applications that have eliminated the need to look outside. Taking a look on how technologywill affect the next generation and how it currently affects society is a good thing, but when you see all of the dangers that we may be faced with it makes you think should we change our ways? In the 1900 s social
  • 23. The Influence Of Television On American Culture TV today has a great deal of constructive outcomes and impacts on our public and American culture. TV gives us supportive data, different types of instruction and diversion, which can provide some beneficial outcomes on the public. On an everyday premise, TV keeps us educated with a lot of supportive data. However, viewer must watch with wisdom. Viewers must remember the televisionis a tool to stimulate our thoughts, ideas, and creativity. It should not a be used as manual to shape an individual s identity or ideas. TV has dependably been a wellspring of contention in the United States. How it influences our public and the general population have sparked inquiries that individuals have been mulling over as far back as televisions creation.... Show more content on ... Control is about point of view. Regardless of whether you are the over the top strict parent or the lighthearted, youthful child who needs to know everything. Restriction will dependably be a heated civil argument, both sides have their advantages and disadvantages. Religious clashes periodically can be kept away from by the oversight of certain material that individuals deem annoying or hostile. Restriction can be utilized to avoid politically roused promulgation. Copyright infringement can be avoided. It keeps organizations from spreading wrong or misrepresented claims about their items or different organizations. However, the right to speak freely is bargained. Media moguls can push their plans under the restriction. it thwarts upon the opportunity of the press. It covers individuals from things that they must think about. Oversight in books, plays, and motion pictures may impact the general feeling and significance of the written work. Nevertheless, those that are empower to regulate need to be regulated also, the television industry is a multi billion dollar business and often personal agendas, power and money can influence individual that have been trusted to assure that TV is appropriate, fair, and safe for the public. It is impossible to create a one size fit all programming, However, all children should be projected from graphic harmful
  • 24. Realism In The Slynx Depiction of the post historical time in the Tolstaya s novel represents a perfect morally corrupt world in need of a saviour. This degraded setting echoes the failed utopianism thinking of the early post Soviet period, as according to Agren: it [The Slynx] is a reflection of the postmodern and late Soviet disbelief in the utopian idea of state promoted progress as a grand narrative. Even though Agren argues that the anti utopianism of the novel was inspired by the Soviet collapse, the Blast in The Slynx is commonly associated with the Chernobyl catastrophe , which puts an end to the Soviet fascination with the progress. Although the technological disaster or a Blast puts an end to the Soviet utopianism, fragmentary Soviet narratives... Show more content on ... In her novel, Tolstaya presents an ironic treatment of the conventional dystopian hero through the character of Benedict who fails in his enlightenment mission. Nevertheless, the conventional messianic features can be traced in Tolstaya s intelligentsia figures, which will be discussed later in the
  • 25. The Sharing Of Social Media Introduction With the advent of social media, the sharing economy has become one of the biggest stories of this past decade. The sharing economy can be defined as the collaborative sharing of resources to be used for consumption, with the sharing of goods and services being exchanged for a profit. Interest in the sharing economy has surged with the emergence of highly popular peer to peer marketplaces like Uber or Airbnb. It provides a whole new way for individuals to use underused or unused resources to find new profit opportunities. Under utilized goods can have value based on a rental price depending on the market. These firms only provide a cloud based application that is used as a marketplace for people to share their goods and services. It has become an attractive business model for those looking to make more incomewith more flexibility. As demonstrated with Uber, regular consumers are able to use their own vehicles to provide transportation services to others. Airbnb users are able to provide any available un utilized space from their own homes to visitors who need a place to say. Furthermore, these platforms allow for regular consumers to also become the suppliers, depending on their own assets. Because the marginal cost of supplying these goods is little to none, these services are often priced at much lower rates. This makes the sharing economy model very attractive as an alternative to other established business models. However, the sudden rise of such a
  • 26. Cosimo De Medici s Influence On Florence The Medici family earned their status by commerce rather than warfare, marriage or inheritance, and they were the first princely dynasty to do so. Cosimo de Medici never held office, but ran Florence through his wealth and strategic mind from 1434 1537. He played a large part in the patronage of the arts and the political development of the city. His patronage allowed men to achieve such impressive architecture. Brunelleschi, for example, who restored the church at San Lorenzo. Cosimo centered the city around cultural and creative achievements. He allowed Florenceto enter the age of the Renaissance by proving himself and his policies to the people, and making the citizens of Florence proud. Cosimo de Medici was born on September 27, 1389 in the city of Florence, Italy. He was also known as Cosimo the Elder, Cosimo il Vecchio (Italian), and Pater Patriae (Latin), meaning Father of his country (Encyclopedia Britannica Online). Cosimo received the best education available during the 14th century (The Medici Family). He grew up with a sense of classical ... Show more content on ... He was a skilled and wealthy politician who used his wealth to his advantage in maintaining absolute control in Florence (PBS). During Cosimo s era, there were many accomplishments. In 1436, Brunelleschi completed his dome and in 1446, Donatello unveiled his David. Both with the help of Cosimo s funding and patronage of the arts and architecture. In 1437, Cosimo opened the first public library in San Marco. The Battle of Anghiari ended with a Florentine victory over Milan in 1440. Another great achievement that occurred during his era was the publishing of the first book, the Bible, by Johannes Gutenberg (PBS). Cosimo also founded the Platonic Academy of Florence. He was a great contributor to the arts and Cosimo managed and funded the Renaissance in Florence single handedly (Tom
  • 27. Argumentative Essay On Antidepressant Antidepressants have become the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States. These drugs work in many different ways, but are intended to treat serious psychological disorders such as depression. They can be prescribed by any medical doctor, however, and are often used even when they are not clearly indicated as necessary or even effective. Americans are increasingly turning to antidepressants as a quick fix to real or perceived psychological problems that can often be treated more efficiently in other ways with less risk to their physical well being. Antidepressants are drugs that are primarily used to treat depression, although many are frequently being utilized in other disorders. The main types of antidepressants are tricyclics,... Show more content on ... Many people with mild to moderate depression can be successfully treated with psychotherapy and other non medical interventions such as bright light; exercise; relaxation techniques; eliminating the use of substances like recreational drugs, alcohol and caffeine; getting regular sleep; eating a balanced diet; and stress reduction. But when these interventions have been tried and failed, or when a patient s depression is severe enough to interfere with their ability to function in their work, relationships, and self care, doctors will recommend antidepressant medications as well. There are several different classes of antidepressants to choose from, including older medications called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and tricyclics; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors; and others. Despite the differences in these medications effects on neurotransmitters, chemical properties, side effects, and pharmaceutical company advertising, they all are EQUALLY EFFECTIVE in treating depression. The choice between them, therefore, is made on the basis of other factors. When deciding which antidepressants may be best for a given patient, a doctor should take into consideration several factors. The first is the patient s history. If a patient has
  • 28. Driving Improved Business Performance Through Top Team... Organisational structure 1. Driving Improved business performance through top team effectiveness: Holden is a global manufacturer and distributor of motor vehicle, engines, components and parts. Holden and GM globally, viewing Australia as design centre of excellence and an important springboard into the growing Asian markets. Despite their Australian market successes, Holden realised that to complete on the global sytage they need to move to a higher plane of leadership and collaboration. In essence, Holden wished to have an outstanding executive team, with excellent individual skills but also the mechanisms to engage effectively as a team, to realise strategic business imperatives. In Australia, the company recently recruited a new ... Show more content on ... build an understanding of the impact of team s leadership on organisational climate e. Agree a plan and a prioritised agenda for the team development The Board also developed specific goals representing priority areas for improved team effectiveness: these include direction and purpose, work processes and behavioural norms. In subsequent assignments with Holden we have helped the cascade of change process further to organisation. 3. The Outcome For the Board a. A new mandate and role clarity for the members of the board b. Shared accountability for agreed business outcomes c. Agreed meeting structures and more effective meeting processes d. Better leverage of individual capabilities and collaboration around the board table. For the business a. 20% increase in the profit to $285 ( in comparison to ford and mitsubishi ) b. Holden s exports have increased consistently over the periods. c. Holden has maintained its market leadership in Ausralaia. Mission Holden mission is to provide the automotive products and services to meet customers expectations profitability. In pursuing these goals they will endeavour to build the relationship that will far outlast their product and series. Their mission is to help sellers and sales organisations reach their sales potential, by transforming their
  • 29. process through research based strategies in the form of game changing sales habits. Through our years of experience, they have seen sellers derive immediate sales
  • 30. Summary Of The Book By Peter Pan As Trevor, Hannah and Sean wander around the separate world, Trevor flips through pages and passages in the book that describes exactly what they are seeing. This brings up the theory that someone must have stumbled upon this world, escaped and wrote a book (Journey to the centro of the Earth) about it. The movie depicts an alternate universe where dinosaurs are still alive, birds that are thought to have been extinct still wonder,fungus (mushrooms) grow to be larger than houses and water that sparkles a bright blue. As the trio wander through the center of the Earth they are speechless as to what they are seeing. Trevor realizes that Max wasn t as crazy as what everyone thought him to be and Hannah realizes the same about her father. In ... Show more content on ... The deal is that every spring, Peter can come and get Wendy to help him with cleaning his hut in Nederland. However, as the years pass, Wendy starts seeing less and less of Peter Pan and the island Nederland, eventually becomes a smudge of dust in her memory, and Wendy matures into a young woman who enjoys growing up. In Journey to the center of the Earth, the story literally takes place in the center of the Earth. The place is thoroughly described in the book treasured by Trevor s brother and Hannah s father. It is a place that was thought to be fictional but turned out to be a reality, when Trevor, his nephew Sean and their guide Hannah fell into it. There, the trio are highly fascinated with a world they did not believe existed but as they encounter many inhabitants of the place wanting to kill them, which is the same as what Wendy and her brothers from Peter Pan encountered, the trio continuously fight through every obstacle that they are faced with to get home. One of the other connections that I made between my texts was also how the settings influenced the characters feelings, actions and relationships. In Swept away directed by Guy Richie,one of the main characters Amber Leighton is a very rich and spoil 40 year old woman who likes to get her way. Amber Leighton is the type of women that is not easily impressed even though she is married to a wealthy and passive partner (Tony). Tony decides on a surprise vacation for Amber with two other couples,and as
  • 31. Essay On Residential Care Residential Care promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the CICL. Residential care gives out activities through the houseparents, visitors, and volunteers. These activities are given out daily, the children are preoccupied most of time, which leads them to momentarily disregard the opportunity to commit deviant acts again. The activities conducted by the facilitators involves cooking, cleaning, washing, recreational activities, spiritual activities, and educational activities. Moreover, these activities improve the children s capacities and capabilities. These activities guide the children to change their behaviors. The activities given also improves the children s skills. Residential care prevents the children from committing deviant ... Show more content on ... Since household chores is the most common activity given in the residential care by the facilitators, the effect of this activity is massive. As mentioned by Moore (2013), Housework may not be glamorous, but it s necessary, and knowing how to do it efficiently and effectively is a life skill. Based on the survey results, 69% of the respondents claim that they never did the activities given in the residential care, such as cooking, cleaning, and washing among others, while the remaining 31% did the said activities before being admitted in the residential care. The results imply that the activities improve their skills, especially their life skills. In residential care, the children are taught how to cook, clean and wash their clothes. These activities were not usually performed by the majority before being admitted in the residential care. On the other hand, the skills of the minority are enhanced since they are expected to perform these activities daily. Overall, the activities provided by the residential care promotes positive behavior and attitudes to the children in conflict with law. These activities are performed by the children daily. Furthermore, these activities help the children from committing deviant acts again. The said activities improves the children s
  • 32. Nuclear Energy And Nuclear Power In March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan causing a nuclear accident at three Fukushima Daiichi reactors. The accident caused three nuclear meltdowns and the release of radioactive materials ( Nuclear Energy ). This accident is the exact type of incident that often holds people back from an environmentally friendly energy source. This article goes on to say that everybody in the area was evacuated and deaths were only results of the natural disasters and not the nuclear leak. Additionally, accidents have occurred in many other companies that do not use nuclear power, yet they have had higher death totals. Along with these points, nuclear energy has many positive aspects. For example, nuclear energy use has benefitted... Show more content on ... As global warming becomes an even greater problem and efficient sources of energy are hard to find, nuclear energy has increased in popularity. For example, Global climate change and depleting stores of fossil fuels have brought the need for new energy sources to the international stage. US president Barack Obama publicly supported the creation of new nuclear power plants in the United States as an alternative to fossil fuels ( Nuclear Energy ). Also, as the years go by, nuclear energy is becoming a source that unites many nations around the world. For example, last year the global community came together in Paris, France, where leaders and representatives from almost every nation discussed the problem of global warming and what the world can do to slow this increasingly dangerous issue. The main goal was to knock down the net of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere to zero. Although many thought that this would be impossible, after much discussion they realized that it would not be too difficult by using nuclear energy. This plan has proven to be effective by both France s and Sweden s dramatic drop in carbon emissions by using nuclear energy (Newsela Staff). Therefore, with global warming increasing, and there being a lack of alternative energy sources to which to turn, nuclear power is becoming increasingly popular globally due to its many benefits
  • 33. Essay On Presbycusis Please answer these questions as thoroughly as you possibly can. 1.Please describe presbycusis of the cochlea giving the types and the anatomical site effect and the implications. Presbycusis is an acquired hearing loss associated with aging. There are four types of presbycusis: sensory presbycusis, neural presbycusis, metabolic presbycusis, and mechanical presbycusis. Sensory presbycusis occurs as a result of damage to the outer hair cells and inner hair cells of the organ of Corti. More damage is noted with the outer hair cells than the inner hair cells. Speech discrimination is typically normal in this population because the hearing loss is typically confined to high frequencies. Neural presbycusis affects hearing all frequencies of pure tones. The hearing loss associated with this type of presbycusis increases as the frequency of the sound increases. Speech discrimination is approximately 60% accurate. Neural presbycusis is degeneration of the spiral ganglion and the loss of auditory neurons throughout the cochlea and auditory pathways. Neural presbycusis is not evident until the number of normally functioning neurons fall below a critical minimum. The impact of this type of presbycusis varies in age of onset and severity. It is also thought to be simultaneous with phonemic regression. Phonemic regression occurs ... Show more content on ... Since the stria vascularis is responsible for maintaining chemical balance within the cochlea, dysfunction in this structure will obviously result in auditory system deficits. In this type, the audiogram is typically flat, as an indication of 30 40 dB HL at all frequencies. The degree of degeneration in stria vascularis is directly related to the magnitude of the hearing loss. Patients with metabolic presbycusis commonly have very good speech recognition
  • 34. Why Do Kids Get Less Due To Stress Do you know on average how many kids get less than 8 hours of sleep due to stress? 40% of the U.S. gets less than the recommended amount of sleep. There are many reasons for teenagers, this day in age, to be stressed. Some causes are the amount of homework, having too many extra curricular activities, and putting too much pressure on yourself. Some effects are not getting enough sleep, not having enough time to do homework, and stressing out majorly. The amount of homework in my grade is a lot. We have the same homework in most classes each week, just different lessons, but it is really time consuming. I have 9 classes and 7 of them we actually get taught something. (The other two being mentoring and resource) Also a lot of times my teachers plan their tests on the same day. There are nights where I stay up really late to study or do my homework. So, on those nights ... Show more content on ... When you put pressure on yourself you can reach even higher goals than you ever thought you could. Also you can set your goals too high which isn t a bad thing but you want to set them to where you can achieve them. I like to overachieve and go the extra mile on work and projects inside or outside of school. Though, sometimes you just need to let it be and just stick to the rubric because it stresses me out sometimes and it will probably stress you out too. There are many cause and effects to teenage stress in the day of age we live in. Some causes are the amount of homework, doing too many extracurricular activities, and putting too much pressure on yourself. Some effects of teenage stress are not getting enough sleep, not getting you homework done on time, and stressing yourself out majorly. There are many other reasons why stress is so bad for teenagers. I listed three causes on why teenagers stress and three effects on what they do when they are stressed. Next time you start stressing, just take a deep breath and don t
  • 35. The Fuller Invented Pieces Of Theatrical Lighting... Loie Fuller invented pieces of theatrical lighting equipment. She created a unique art form by crafting multi media spectacles out of fabric, motion and light. In Fuller s autobiography, she talks about how the glass of the rose windows in the great cathedral had rays of sunlight that came on into the church in different directions, and made it very colorful. I think this is a moment that inspired her. It was something that caught her attention, and she just couldn t simply take her mind from it. This was something that encouraged her to keep digging into the things lights and colors can do in dance. In one of her videos, it shows her twirling her dress in many different ways while her dress is also changing colors. This was very unexpected for me. It was different and it made me think about the things she had to do to make this idea into a creation. I was also able to see how the lights reflecting in the church inspired her because the color of her dress kept changing as she twirled so smoothly. It was very settle and something you wouldn t usually notice right away like the lights in the church. In the reading, she states, What is the dance? It is motion. What is motion? The expression of a sensation. What is a sensation? The reaction in the human body produced by an impression or an idea perceived by the mind. A sensation is the reverberation that the body receives when an impression strikes the mind. (Fuller, 17). She is explaining the thought process that she goes
  • 36. Social Classes In Regency England Social Classes in Regency England Regency England was very different from the world today. Society revolved around social classes, which typically correlated with wealth and family ties. There were many different social classes in the era. The highest class in society was the royal family, consisting of the king, queen, prince, and princess. The next highest class would be the aristocracy. This would include dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons (Ray 37). Knights and baronets were not included in this class. They were considered commoners (Ray 38). The gentrywas a very wide class. Land owning males in the gentry, like Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, were called gentlemen (Ray 39; Gao). Ladies were also considered gentry (Ray 12). With all of these different classes, one might say that social classesplayed a big factor in Regency England society. The way people lived in Regency England depended on the class they belonged in. Their estate, their clothes, and their vehicles were all influenced by their class. In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy, who was a gentleman, owned the Pemberley estate (Ray 219; Austen 163). It was a beautiful, large, stone estate on high ground, surrounded by woods and nature (Austen 163). This showed that Mr. Darcy was clearly upper class. Since he was upper class, he also dressed the part. He wore tight breeches, ruffled shirts with neck clothes, and high collared jackets ( Pride and Prejudice, Novels). Owning a personal carriage showed
  • 37. Anterior Thoracic Nerves The Anterior Thoracic Nerves 1 is part of the thoracic region in the spinal nerve that originates thoracic vertebrae 1 (T1). When T1 is not functional and there is limited activity in the upper extremity, it causes a debilitating condition called scapular winging. The muscles affected are serratus anterior, trapezius, and rhomboids. Loss of function of the Anterior Thoracic Nerves 1 would affect the antagonist muscles of Shoulder Medial Rotation (Serratus anterior, Trapezius, and Rhomboids), not the synergist muscles that create the movement (Pectoralis major, Subscapularis, Latissimus dorsi, Teres major, and Anterior deltoid). Scapular winging causes you to lose ability in lifting, pulling, carrying, and pushing heavy objects. Serratus anterior
  • 38. Mark Antony Persuasive Essay The words, Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! (3.1.) ring loud enough for every citizen of Rome to hear. Our beloved ruler, Julius Caesar, has been killed by his own traitorous companions! We must crown the next best man for the job, who is certainly Mark Antony! Antony should undoubtedly be our next leader seeing that he is noble, persuasive, and confident. First and foremost, Antony is the most noble man in all of Rome. For instance, even after Caesar s death, Antony continues to prove his loyalty towards him. Soon before he gives his speech at Caesar s funeral, he says, Thou art the ruins of the the noblest man / That ever livГЁd in the tide of times (3.1.256 57). This quote clarifies that Antony is only pretending to make amends with... Show more content on ... Although he is an honourable man (3.2.95), he makes hasty decisions without thoroughly thinking them through. For instance, his impulsive behavior is revealed when he sends his troops too early in the final battle. O Cassius, Titinius starts, Brutus gave the word too early, / Who, having some advantage on Octavius, / Took it too eagerly; his Soldiers fell to spoil (5.3.5 7). Clearly, Brutus would not be a favorable leader, because he does not consider the repercussions of his actions. Rome does not deserve a ruler who can not understand the potential risks that come with heavy
  • 39. Essay On Crocodile Dundee Curious is the word that usually comes to mind when one thinks of Australian cinema; it s wacky and unique styles can be seen across many if not all films that are considered Australian . It should be of note that some Australian films are produced overseas or with an international cast, they are still generally considered Australian because they are often predominantly funded by Australian funding schemes. This essay s focus will be the 1986 film, Crocodile Dundee. Crocodile Dundee is a classic Australian film, it is the cornerstone of most Australian stereotypes today and often the first point of call in the topic of Australian films overseas. 1986, in particular, was an eventful year in film; blockbusters such as Aliens, Short Circuit, ... Show more content on ... In addition to the landscape, another typical portrayal of Australia is one purely of the outback and low density far out towns with odd customs along with limited infrastructure compared to other (non backwater) towns. Another very blatant characteristic of the film is the use of slang and nicknames for many characters; in this case slang is much more present in the slightly longer Australian Version of the film where the international version of the film featured much less slang (especially slang without context), but references to city cowboys , old bush tricks and sheila are mentioned in the film more than once. A common scene in many Australian films and also Crocodile Dundee is the local pub, where everybody gets together for drinks and other shenanigans that often occur because of all the drinking that takes place. The pub is often a location earlier in Australian films; and is a great place to introduce a character s personality, flaws or even entire new characters as alcohol begins to affect the
  • 40. American Hockey League The American Hockey League, The National Hockey League top affiliate league, the second best hockey league in the world all ways to describe the AHL. The Question is what really is the AHL? With just over a month till the AHL kicks off the regular season 33 days to be exact. Let s dive into what the AHL Is really all about. Justin Bourne of The Athletic Toronto recently wrote a piece A closer look at who makes the NHL, who falls short and why and joined Dimitri Filipovic a journalist for on his podcast.( 184 the bourne resurrection/) Bourne a former professional player playing in ECHL and AHL. Bourne also spent two seasons as the Toronto Marlies Video Coach. Bourne describes the AHL ... Show more content on ... The Senators a club that has embraced the AHL development path with just two players on their last season roster not play in the American Hockey league. I mind you a pretty good squad a goal away from facing off in the Stanley Cup Finals, Dion Phaneuf and Thomas Chabot who was returned to junior are the two. The AHL main goal though is the development and the graduation of prospects to the Nation Hockey League. AAAA Players caught in between the AHL and NHL. AAAA comes from Baseball meaning a player caught between AAA and the MLB. Hockey is no different with the AHL and NHL. These players do have many short comings these players just can t seem to put a complete game together. The NHL is just a step faster step more physical everything is just intensified that little bit more. The NHL is a very cautious league in were a little mistake can cost you a game something can t afford a third or fourth line player to cost you. Also politics can play a part in way players can be stuck. Draft position, size, stats, players that might certain criteria a provided to match them are giving more chances look at Nail Yakupov his first over status continues to give him an
  • 41. A Child Should Never Die A child should never die. But when it happens, it s the worst feeling in the world. Just sitting and wondering what that child could have become. Joey was only 12 years old. It wasn t his time to go. He didn t get to say his last goodbye. Sometimes I wonder why him. Why was he chosen to die? The only option is to believe he s in a better place, and looking down on us. While we are down here living our life, he ll be up there living his new one. It was July 24, 2015. I m getting ready to leave to go to the fair to feed my rabbits. I ran out to the garage to get all the things we need, then ran back inside to grab some other things. My dad was sitting in the front living room, getting my little sister s shoes on. My dad s phone started... Show more content on ... So I quickly went and checked. The post said We had a bad accident happen today. Joey was on his way to go get his Ipod from his friends house, and was hit by a truck on the way there. By how it looks now, he isn t doing good. The doctors think he is brain dead. They said the truck ran him over and he flew 30 feet from where he was hit. We will keep everyone updated on what happens. By the time I was to the end I was about to cry. I don t know how I managed to do this, but I pushed through it and still went to the fair. On the way there Joey is all I could think about. I had so many questions running through my mind. I thought it would be good to go to the fair and not think about what happened. But that was almost impossible. Once I got to the fair I went around to find my one friend. Once I found her I didn t say anything about what happened. Every couple minutes I kept going on my phone and checking for updates, but I never saw anything. After a while of going on rides my friend had to go. So I found my other two friends (Natalie and Keverlyn). Since they didn t like going on rides, we played games most of the time. We decided to go watch the pig auction at around 5:30. We watched it until around 6:00 o clock pm. At that time I was still checking my phone for anything new. All I saw was more and more comments each time. I also saw a Go Fund Me account was made for Joey. By 8:00 o clock there still was no update. But then I saw it. It
  • 42. Skin Cancer In Australia Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the skin. Cancer that only affects cells in the skin s top layer is called superficial cancer. Cancer that spreads deeply into the skin or to other parts of the body is known as invasive cancer. Over the past decades, the incidence of skin cancer has risen in Australia and is one of the highest in the world, two to three times the rates in Canada, the US and the UK. Around 2,000 Australians die from skin cancereach year. Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70. Skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers and GPs have over 1 million patient consultations per year for skin cancer. Skin cancer is the highest cost of all cancers, with annual costs around $300 million. Hence ... Show more content on ... The majority of skin cancer is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and artificial sources such as solariums. Research indicates that it is not just the overall amount of UV radiation that determines the risk of skin cancer, but also the pattern of exposure that shapes that risk, as well as the type of skin cancer that develops. Anyone can develop skin cancer but many people in Australia are at higher risk than others. People who work indoors and have infrequent but intense periods of exposure may be at higher risk of melanoma than someone who works outdoors but avoids being sunburnt. UV radiation is not related to temperature. A cooler or windy day in summer will have a similar UV index to a warmer day. If it s windy and you get a red face it s likely to be sunburn. You can also get sunburnt on cloudy days, as UV radiation can penetrate some clouds and may even be more intense due to reflection off the bottom of the clouds. This was very interesting to me because before my research I believed I could not get sunburnt when it was not sunny and that cloudy days reduced
  • 43. Granville Island Public Market In Toronto In our everyday life, we drink, we think, we study, and we eat, do not know since when, eating become the most important thing in my life. Open any app on my phone, all I see is food, the best sushi in downtown Toronto, the best Korean restaurant in greater Vancouver area, or best street food in Taipei; every time I open an app, I started to think when and where can I try them. After joining this class, Food Matters, I started to think that where do these foods come from, what are they made of, and how do they connect to my life. Thanks for Professor Stahlbrand, that gave us a chance to explore the local markets in Torontoand find out some answers for the questions. Because of the New ONE program, I get an opportunity to visit Kensington Market, and to find out the multicultural part of Toronto. During the short trip, I found many things there, including the different kinds of shops and stores, are in the market, the different kinds of culture you can see in the market, and the different kinds of street style are performed in the market. I found out that there are a lot of restaurants there, for example,... Show more content on ... I think the most distinct characteristic that Granville Island Public market that has is the culture, here in Toronto, the two markets are not multicultural or localized; yet, the Public market is not. The Public market is located on an island, Granville Island, in my opinion, the reason why this market is so famous is not only because of the Public market, also the small stores beside the market. I remembered that my favorite thing to do there is exploring new stores. The Public market is like Brickworks market, LOCAL TO THE MAX, however, the stores beside it is cool, lots of aboriginals arts, dreamcatchers, Totem Poles, and street artists. Instead of the multicultural market, I must say that Public market is a more local combine with aboriginal culture
  • 44. The Real Hooded Man Please Stand Up Analysis Sovereignty And Reality Versus Imaginary In the ВЁLoss Of The Creature,ВЁ Percy explains how we can deceive ourselves; similarly, Morris shares some of the same concepts in his text ВЁWill The Real Hooded Man Please Stand Up?ВЁ Percy talks more about how we experience things, while Morris talks about how we perceive photographs. Through both of their texts, you can directly and indirectly tell that they share common concerns and that they also share a common thesis. Percy is concerned about people having the ability to lose their own judgements. He believes that our sovereignty is loss. This means that we are not in control of our opinions, but that we use other people s opinions to replace our own. For example, imagine you were going to a concert... Show more content on ... To begin with, both issues results in a number of consequences that are important. They are both about consequences that are caused from lost. As can be seen, Morris and percy also differs. Morris issues are based on reality versus imaginary. Percy issues are based on how you experience things with preformed judgements. In conclusion, Percy describes what is lost, why it is lost, and consequences of it being lost. Loss of sovereignty is losing your judgement, which happens because of preform ideas. These preformed ideas inches its way into our heads and we begin to believe them. In effect, you lose your identity, you rely on others, and you become powerless. Correspondingly, Morris also explains what is lost, why it is lost, and consequences of it being lost. When you lose what is true; it is majority because of our assumptions being wrong. Our assumptions are what we believe. We will rather believe our inferences than what is actually true, even if we know are assumptions are wrong. Consequently, you lose the ability to decipher between reality and make believe. In summary, we need to push ourselves away from all of this nonsense because the effects could be
  • 45. Explain the Purpose of Hermeneutics The primary need of Hermeneutics is to determine and understand the meaning of Biblical text. The purpose of Hermeneutics is to bridge the gap between our minds and the minds of the Biblical writers through a thorough knowledge of the original languages, ancient history and the comparison of Scripture with Scripture. Through Hermeneutics, Biblical Interpretation can be achieved in three ways; historically, the message and the doctrine. The Bible is totally authoritive and inspired by God, however is it propositional or not? To be propositional means that God reveals certain truths at which we respond in accepting these truths. These certain truths may be found in scripture, creeds and or the teachings of the church. Non propositional ... Show more content on ... The Liberals believe that the writers of the Bible accommodated their recipients and hence the Bible is not binding on us. Non propositional theology is often favoured by liberal theologians because it places the emphasis on human experience and rationality. The third school of interpretation is Traditionalism. Traditionalists maintain that the Bible is full of truth, God is revealed within the Bible and that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. One of the key characteristics of their approach to the Bible is its emphasis on the need to understand the nature of the different types of literature within the bible. However, traditionalists would not accept the fundamentalist s notion of inerrancy as many would acknowledge that there are mistakes in the Bible. These are seen as a reflection of both the historical context in which they are written and the human fallibility of the authors. As with Liberals, traditionalists believe that some aspects of the Bible need to be reinterpreted for today. Traditionalists place a lot of emphasis on the process of exegesis. However, after establishing the intended meaning of the author the next step in the traditional approach is the question of how it should be applied to Christian today. However, whereas fundamentalists believe that the true meaning of a text should be clear to each reader;
  • 46. The Mythological Story and The Book of Job Myths have always played a part in society. Mythological stories not only entertain the reader, but the mythological story also plays a major role in cultural beliefs. David Bidney writes, The function of a myth is thus held to be one of validating or justifying cultural beliefs and practices (19). The mythical tale reiterates the moral practices and beliefs that a culture needs to succeed. There are four purposes for writing a myth: First myths help in expressing humanity s fear and wonder of nature, myths helps to explain the creation of the universe, myths gives the readers moral guidelines that should be followed, and finally, myths gives instructions on how to contend with crises. Because The Book of Jobfrom the Old Testament... Show more content on ... Eliphaz s logic tells him that Job is not a righteous and upright man. Despite hearing the argument, Job still declares that he is not guilty of sinning against the Lord. Habel explains that God pursues him like a lion so that he can demonstrate his prowess as a hunter. Job is perfectly willing to have the birds, beast, fish, and earth testify to the truth of God s ways (58). Job is telling his friend that God does not seek retribution on the earth (natural disasters are not God s way of punishing), but that if God did, it would be the just and right thing for the Lord to do. When examining Job, the reader finds that morality plays an intriguing part of the overall message. Job is a person who lives by example, and he stands for the ideal believer. Job is a man of integrity and honor. Norman Habel writes, The blamelessness and integrity of Job is a governing theme introduced in the prologue and developed throughout the subsequent dialogue speeches of the book (82). The reader finds that Job s integrity is being tested throughout his story, and the examples of how he lives should be copied by the readers. In this case, the readers should follow Job s devout faith and unfailing belief in the Lord. The Book of Job provides the moral guidance needed to make this a mythological story. The reader is guided through stages of Job s psychological life, but because of the
  • 47. Study on Essential Hypertension PRESENTATION BY: GIZELLE WILKINSON SUBJECT: ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION STUDENT NUMBER: M00037713 CLINICAL SCIENCES II INTRODUCTION Essential hypertension, otherwise known as primary or idiopathic hypertension, is a condition of raised blood pressure with no identifiable cause. Secondary hypertension occurs when blood pressure elevation results from a specific and potentially treatable cause. These include renal diseases, endocrine causes, congenital cardiovascular causes and pregnancy. This study however, will focus on essential hypertension so as to avoid unnecessary confusion. Blood pressure is relative to each individual and tends to vary markedly depending on height and weight. Levels of blood pressure ... Show more content on ... In the arteries, there is thickening of each of the layers in the vessel wall, thus narrowing the lumen and reducing its effectiveness. A similar development occurs in the arterioles causing increased rigidity of the walls thus reducing their ability to contract and expand. Hence the lumen size is reduced. As a result, there is slowing down of the blood flow resulting in ischaemia of cell tissue. This then increases the pressure through the vessels and the left ventricular myocardium or heart muscle undergoes hypertrophy. Ischaemic heart disease and left ventricular failure are common results of hypertension in this case. Due to occurrence of the above, the blood vessel in the brain become more fragile and paves the way for haemorrhage. Damage to small blood vessels within the cerebral hemispheres produce microscopic infarctions (localised necrotic areas) appearing as small areas of brain destruction that fill with fluid, otherwise known as hypertensive lacunae. In malignant hypertension the vessels undergo similar changes but more acutely. Therefore the damage is more severe, leading to actual cessation of blood flow through the vessels. This results in multiple areas of tissue necrosis as in the glomeruli of the kidney. As the glomeruli are part of the filtration system in the nephron of the kidney, damage
  • 48. can hinder removal of waste products, salt and water from the blood stream. Progressive destruction of
  • 49. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and... mANAGEMENT 350: hUMAN RESOURCE mANAGEMENT| Legal and Ethical Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance of Employees | | By: Chakana Moore, Patricia Davis, Eric Luken, Michelle Dailey, Jeffrey Webb| | 11/21/2011 Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance Human Resource Management Research Project November 21, 2011 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance of Employees Introduction Workplace monitoring has been a point of discussion within businesses as Human Resource Management feels that there is a need to watch their employees and how they conduct themselves at all times during the work day. Unless a government employee, employees are subject to any monitoring the employer ... Show more content on ... Last exception is the consent . Consent exception applies to even when the sender of the intercepted communication has been assured that all email communications would remain confidential and privileged. In Smyth v The Pillsbury Company, Smyth sent emails to his supervisor that contained unprofessional comments from his home computer. Because his supervisor gave consent to the company to intercept the emails and the emails were later retrieved by the courts, Smyth was terminated and was not able to be protected under the consent exception. A second commonplace monitoring method used by employers is internet tracking. Internet tracking can be used to visit non work websites like Facebook and Yahoo accounts. Statistics show over 90% of employees admits to visiting other websites doing work hours. About 76% of firms monitor internet use. This can help companies prevent employees from going to inappropriate sites which could possibly create legal issues. For instance, a New Jersey case contained a log that showed one employee accessing porn websites. This activity caused an employee to be arrested due to repeatedly logging on that site when told by his supervisor to stop. Also, this type of activity draws attention to companies and causes law enforcement to get involved and companies can be charged with aiding and abetting legal behavior if found with evidence. A third form of employee
  • 50. Salutary Neglect Research Paper The American Revolution was inevitable and America could have not gradually and peacefully developed independence within the British Commonwealth without the violent revolt. The colonist were getting fed up with the way that they were being governed and they felt as if they did not have rights. They wanted everything to go back the way it was before because they did not want to break away from the British but they wanted the salutary neglect to continue. Salutary neglect consist of the the government having rules and not enforcing them which would eventually cause an uproar from the Colonists. The peace with salutary neglect eventually was disturbed when the British decided the Colonists needed to pay taxes due to large national war debt that was upon them but the Colonists did not agree with that decision. The colonist attempted different ways to get the attention of the British one of which was the diplomatic way. They attempted this by having a Declaration of... Show more content on ... But the British was not listening to their calls for changes in their government. This is how the idea of the minutemen came about and it was created to defend themselves against the British militaries. The minutemen were supporter of the Sons of Liberty and at any time would run out to the field with a gun of some sort and a bucket and defend themselves against any emergency. On the night of April of 1775 British troopers marched into Concord to seize military equipment that the Sons of Liberty were smuggling in. When the British came across the minutemen and the first shot was fired and which side shot first is still a mystery. This shot is known as The shot heard around the World. After this moment it was known that relations between the British and the Colonials could not be the same as it was
  • 51. Circus Animals Are Inhumane Research Paper Title: Should animals be used in circuses for entertainment purpose? For years animals have been used in circuses for performances to entertain audiences. While acknowledging the fact that many of the circus animals are not seriously maltreated, this essay holds the view that training animals for performances in circuses should be banned since it is inhumane as it deprives animals of their freedoms and potentially poses threat to both their physical and psychological behaviours. To commence with, circuses are unlikely to provide adequate spacing to circuses animals, especially when they are touring around. Unlike those animals kept in zoos, not only the enclosure sizes of the animalshas to be compromised for their portability, the environments... Show more content on ... And this life changing decision is not made by the animals themselves. This means that even if the animals are unwilling to make this trade, they have no chance to escape but to accept their fates. Therefore it is convincingly to say that this act is robbing animals of their dignity and liberty, which can hardly be acceptable by nowadays moral standard. [557 words, excluding in text citations] References Stroud, P. (2007) Defining issues of space in zoos. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2, 219 222. Pitsko, L. E. (2003). Wild tigers in captivity: A study of the effects of the captive environment on tiger behavior (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Tait, P., amp; Farrell, R. (2010). Protests and circus geographies: exotic animals with Edgley s in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies, 34(2), 225 239. Heidenreich, B. (2012) An introduction to the application of science based training technology. Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice, 15, 371 385. FГ¶llmi, J., Steiger, A., Walzer, C., Robert, N., GeissbГ јhler, U., Doherr, M. G., amp; Wenker, C. (2007). A scoring
  • 52. Confederation History It all started after the declaration of independence during the time America was busy fighting the revolutionary war when Congress realized that they needed to form a plan to move forward and unite the thirteen states as a nation. It was then when continental congress met up in Pennsylvania and created a secured a document known as the articles of confederation. The article of confederation was written on November 15, 1777, and ratified by all thirteen states on March 1, 1781. When the articles of confederation were written it had many goals in mind to set and preserve the country and its freedom keeping America and independent nation. Since the states were coming from Great Britain a country where they weren t represented by the British government... Show more content on ... The Federalists and the Antifederalists took opposite sides when discussing how power and government should be divided. The Federalist were those who believed in the constitution and believed that change needs to happen. A nation without a national government is no nation at all , is what is said about the beliefs that the Federalist had. The Federalist believed that the country needed a strong government made up of experienced and intelligent minds that have long term goals in mind to run a country rather than a state, making the business of government no longer just viewed at as local making each state their own. It was time to conjoin together the states and make the country a whole. However, then come along the Antifederalist who had an opposite view on the situation. The Antifederalist believed that the country shouldn t have a strong national government that has so much power to be able to govern the states. The reason why the Antifederalist thought so strongly in their belief was because of the experience they had with great Britain, they didn t want to lose everything they worked so hard to earn; letting the national government just take their precious livelihood their farms and land and all that they worked for to build a comfortable life for themselves. The Antifederalist believed that the constitution was going to
  • 53. Sinners In The Hand Of An Angry God Rhetorical Analysis Jonathan Edward s Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God was a strong and intense sermon, that was well known in the first Great Awakening. This sermon had a huge impact on many sinner , but was targeted mainly to Edward s puritans in his congregation. He evoked fear in the sinners, while describing the harsh punishments of not repenting the sins to the mighty God. Edwards emphasize his purpose and beliefs of this forgiveness by using rhetorical strategies such as logos, pathos, ethos, imagery, and syntax. His tone and diction also helped to support this purpose which allowed them to understand the seriousness of the situation. Edward s diction included repetition to express his tone. In his sermon he repeats the word wrath , which means extremely angry, over and over he makes it clear that god is very angry with his people. Putting heavy emphasis on this word shows the dooms of the sinners in hell. His diction also includes complex sentences such as this statement (Edwards87) However you may have reformed your life in many things, and may have had religious affections, and may keep up a form of religion in you families and closets, and in the... Show more content on ... Personification seeks fear like stated, The bow of God s wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, and that of angry God, without any promise or obligation at all that keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood. (Edwards 87) ; That world of misery, that lake of burning brimstone, is extended abroad under you. There is the dreadful pit of the burning flames of the wrath of God; there is hell s wide gaping mouth open; and you have nothing to stand upon, nor anything to take hold of. (Edwards 88). The personification is the comparison of hell and a huge monster, giving more
  • 54. S. E. Hinton Passion Have you ever read S.E. Hinton s book? Hinton is a famous author who wrote about teens and inspires them all over the world. HInton s books are based on her point of view when she was growing up as a child. She mostly concentrated on theme and character .S.E Hinton is a popular author who writes about how it was to be a teen and teenagers all over the world have read her books. She also sold 4 million books all over the U.S. and is known mostly for her body of work. S.E. Hinton was born on July 22, 1950 in Oklahoma, Tulsa ( Hinton,S.E. and ( S(usan)E(loise)Hinton. ). Hinton is 67 years old , currently living in Brooklyn, New York as an American ( S.E.Hinton ) ( S.E.Hinton Jon) ( S.(usan)E(loise)Hinton. ). She graduated High School and she earned a B.S. at the University at Tulsa in ... Show more content on ... Hinton passion was to write stories and novels about adults and teens ( Hinton,S.E. ). Her secondary job was working as a consultant on the film adaption of her novels, it involved the casting, script writing,directing and even acting (Chaston). Grady P. Hinton and Lillian P. Hinton are S.E. Hinton parents, she also had a younger sister named Beverly ( Hinton,S.E.. ) ( S.E.Hinton ). She met her future husband David Inhofe, in school (Chaston). Later on they got married in 1970 and had one kid named Nicholas David ( S.E.Hinton ) ( S(usan)E(loise)Hinton. ). One of her school friends mother read the manuscript and immediately saw commercial possibilities for the book. The women, a writer herself, urged to Hinton to get in touch with her agent in New York ( S.E.Hinton ). When Hinton S.E. was in junior she found out her dad was diagnosed with cancer, a terrible and fatal disease. To help her dad deal with his
  • 55. The Transmission Line Cable Model Thus, components like a mast or bridge girder can be analysed more comprehensively with compartively with lesser degrees of freedom. Advancement of such basic transmission line cable models is the concentration of the present work. a simple but efficient model discussed for describing motion of a vibrating cable utilized in a transmission line [20]. The model has been created for a transmission line cable with each of the end at a similar height, and by neglecting inertia in the longitudinal direction. Since the displacement of the every end have been restricted, the model can t be connected for analysis of cable supported structures. A simple transmission line cable model was basically created in the present work, which can be used efficiently to determine a different kind of types of cable structures like suspension bridges , guyed towers , , cable stayed bridges etc . The dynamic response of the whole} cable used in a structure was defined with the assistance of only nine degrees of freedom , viz . Three translations at each one end and also three general co ordinates for demonstrating motion of an middle level on a cable . Due to the fact that the movements of the end points are considered in the design} , it may be merely utilized with every displacement dependent , finite element model .The accurateness of the recent formulation was shown by checking} the free and forced responses of transmission line cable with accessible} analytical data .