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1.A comparison between Culture and Tradition..
What is culture?
E. B. Tylor, an anthropologist states culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge,
belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member
of society." It is also defined as set of traditions, customs and values of a particular time. It is a
"state of mind." It is the way we behave, react to certain things, the way we perceive and interpret
our values and beliefs. In its varied manifestations it forms the basic principles, ethics, workings and
behaviour. It is the way of life. Culture has been different for different communities, societies,
civilizations, etc. Culture is something that separates the humanity from the other living beings.
For example, more content...
What is a craft?
Craft can be defined as a pastime or a profession that requires particular skills and knowledge of
skilled work. So it can be also defined as something that is made by hand or machine which needs a
particular skill. There are various types of crafts, one being the handicraft – it is something that is
made completely by hand or by using simple tools. Usually this term is applied to the traditional
process of making goods. One more example of a type of craft is studio craft in which craftsmen
work alone as individuals or in small groups to make pottery, weaving, wood work, metal work, etc.
The history of craft is that, the craftsmen used to form guilds in the urban areas to produce goods
and they would survive on the exchange of these goods. So these craftsmen were considered on a
higher position than the farmers as their occupation required a larger skill set and higher level of
education. So once an individual was trained under the craftsmen he would travel to another place
and set up his workshop. That's how different kinds of crafts propagated. So as places changed, the
material changed and processes changed to produce the craft. These way different varieties of items
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Polish Tradition And Culture
This past Christmas Eve, my Polish grandmother joined us to make our traditional Polish dinner,
and she insisted that we make pierogies, a Polish dumpling, from scratch. The process was long
and messy, but worth it. During the nine hour cooking period I began to think that I have always
loved Polish food, but I don't know much about it. This experience points out my limited
knowledge of my own culture. With better understanding of Polish traditions and culture, I can be
more helpful next time Christmas rolls around. To prepare Polish dishes, an individual needs to
learn about food customs and cultures, know about the cuisine's history, and know how to prepare
the meal. These are all necessary so that I can become a better cook and share more
The first thing to do when making pierogies is to put together the dough. Usually, "The dough is
made from flour, eggs, and warm water" ("History of Polish Pierogi"). This is most important part of
the pierogi, because if the dough is not good the whole thing will fall apart. Next, is the filling.
The pierogi commonly come in three varieties, pierogi with cabbage, cheese and potatoes (pierogi
ruskie), and meat (pierogi miesem). Once the type is decided, "The filling is placed in the middle,
and the dough folded over to form a half circle or rounded triangle shape. The edges are pressed
together to seal the pierogi, so that the filling stays inside during the cooking process. The pierogi
are cooked in boiling water until they float on the surface" ("History of Polish Pierogi"). The
dough is the most important step, even though this part is crucial, it decides whether or not the
pierogi survives through cooking. Pierogies also come in sweet varieties along with savory.
Sweet pierogies are filed with applesauce or jam ("History of Polish Pierogi"). Leaving sweet
varieties aside, the last step in cooking pierogies is topping them off. They are usually finished with
onions, mushrooms, bacon, and melted butter ("History of Polish Pierogi"). There are many
different ways to make a pierogi, but this is the most common way and probably the most
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Culture, Traditions, Culture And Identity
Culture, traditions and Identity
Are people losing their traditions, culture and therefore identities?
Why I chose this topic:
I chose "traditions, culture and identity" because I think that this topic is important for everyone,
because it is part of a person and I think this is an interesting topic.
The aim of this topic is to show how people value traditions and to tell people about the traditions of
my country and to answer the main question that is "Are countries losing their traditions, culture and
therefore identities?"
Global Perspectives
Definition of culture
Culture is the way of living, it can be referred to food, religion, how to live, clothes and it can also
be related to human behaviour.
Definition more content...
One of most important reasons is because of finances, many people see the country in crisis
economics, so people immigrate to other country to turn their lives better, or other reason to
immigrate is to find new job because in their country there is a lot of unemployment or because of
politics, because people may donВґt accept some rules about their country so they immigrate.
Nowadays, we can see that people are moving from place to place and this can effects in different
ways their traditions and cultures.
For example: It can affect people because in some countries, they have their own tradition and their
own cultures, if a person was born in a country that has unique traditions and cultures, and she or he
lived there whole life, they adapt to this.
If they move to another country, it will be hard to live there for a while because they are not used to
their traditions.
Another aspect is that moving to another country can help losing some traditions.
For example, if someone moves to another country and they canВґt afford to visit their family every
year to celebrate Easter, then that holidays will stop becoming important for that person, and will
stop becoming a tradition.
Other effect is that when person moving to another place they can start to adapt to new tradition that
the place could have so they start to losing their first traditions to have another traditions, because
they can feel comfortable with this. National
I live in Portugal so, therefor I
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Culture, Tradition, Traditions, And Traditions
The literature review chapter will allow one to have a general insight about the implication of
culture, traditions, and their cognation. The level of considering culture, identity and traditions when
organizing private events; weddings and the role of modernization .......furthermore, the history of
weddings and how marriage have changed over time in the Arabic society is identified. Finally,
trends affecting marriages in Qatar are emphasized to provide a deeper understanding of the current
marital situations and the reasons behind divorce.
At the present time, the idea of culture, traditions and their transparency with evolvement in time
has come to fore. Different authors discuss separately these topics in relations to personal needs in
a diverse way. However, the apparent gap of this literature review will be identified.
As these concepts are interrelated, this literature review will provide a conceptual framework,
illustrating the chain thought behind this research, which assists in supporting the aim of this
2.1. A Culture
Clarke (2008) elaborated in his book that recently writers are struggling to focus on exploring the
common aspects of different culture and beliefs in relation to ethnicity, identities and the
construction of their boundaries. There are several components which are supporting these unwanted
boundaries. For instance, human's behavior, their languages, beliefs religions and not to forget the
society they are living in. Adding to that,
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Cultural Tradition And Cultural Traditions
It is clear that cultural tradition delivers set foundations into a person's lifetime, giving identity and
sense of belonging to a person and their social group. It allows individuals to feel part of something
and understand their ancestral values and customs. Several people believe that it is very important to
preserve cultural traditions because they feel as if tradition is the main enabler to a shared identity
and to a construction of social consistency and unity. People also believe that conservancy of cultural
traditions forms exclusive bonds within members of the community, holding people with the same
background together to pass on cultural values, and excluding those who aren't part of the culture.
They think that the actual preservation of traditions means not to change the customs and
traditions, to not grow from our culture, for example not learning another language because you
already know your mother tongue. It is a way to group up and tag everyone in a form of an
alliance, and to have better organization and awareness of where everyone comes from. I think the
actual process of preservation is altering something so that it will remain as is, not change, be
lifeless. Like a butterfly in a glass case, people preserve butterflies by killing them and modifying
them to stay in the same appearance. The butterflies in display are dead but admirers only see the
look at the appearance. If people value their own and other cultural traditions and want them to be
alive in
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Korean Culture and Traditions
Ruth Benedict was quoted saying, "Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex." In many
ways, through studying a foreign country or culture, this statement is very true. In most cases,
cultures do pass from generation to generation. But this has nothing to due with biology. Obviously,
cultures can be passed through music, art, folklore stories, and games. But some of the best ways
that culture and tradition are passed on are often overlooked. For example, South Korea is one
country which over the years, through wars and independence, has retained a strong sense of culture.
The country has easily maintained its culture through language, religion, and holidays.
Language is one of the most unsurpassed ways to continue more content...
Respect in Korean culture has an enormous importance. In this way Hangul will keep traditional
values always present.
Likewise religion is also an important part of Korean culture and tradition. In Korea, the religion
encompasses a number of different traditions. Traditional shamanism, Buddhism, Christianity, and
Confucianism all play a role in Korea's religious tradition. The modern separation of Korea into
North and South Korea has also shaped religious practice. Over forty percent of Koreans today
associate themselves with religion. This affiliation is divided amongst the aforementioned religions.
The cultural impact of these religions is vast.1
Firstly there is Shamanism, which in itself is traditional. The term Shamanism comes from the
practice of using a Shaman as their guide in their religion. Shamans, who are mostly women, are
usually recruited by people needing help in the spiritual world.) A kut is a service which the
female shaman, or mudang holds in order help their clients in such ways as curing diseases,
exorcisms, and praise the gods of the area. These rituals are also used to help the spirits of deceased
individuals find their way to heaven. Shamanism also has elements which are sometimes animistic
beliefs, which can be seen as being culturally connected to
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Cultural Communities Essay
In this essay, I will argue that to understand a person's behaviour, ways of life and their development,
we need to understand their cultural practices and circumstances of their communities. I will also
discuss how this can be done and the implication for this in early childhood education. Rogoff (2003)
argues that humans are develops as cultural beings: "people develop as participants in cultural
communities. Their development can be understood only in light of the cultural practices and
circumstances of their communities– which also change" (p. 3–4)
According to Gonzalez– Mena (2003), understanding cultural differences can be confusing and no
one can possibly know all about the culture of every family who might come into more
6). However the same action in some other cultures is not considered appropriate. Tools, such as
machetes, saws or cooking knives are not used by children when they are young. In different
cultural communities it is expected that children will engage in activities at vastly different times
in childhood, and may regard in other communities as surprising or even dangerous. For example
in Fiji, children at age 12 are often regarded as capable of caring for themselves or tending another
child. My parents would sometimes leave me and my younger brothers and sisters at home and go
shopping in Fiji, but not in New Zealand. In New Zealand, it is an offense to leave a child under
age 14 years without adult supervision.
Rogoff (2003) makes the points that: "interpreting the activity of people without regard for their
meaning system and goals renders observations meaningless. We need to understand the
coherence of what people from different communities do, rather than simply determining that
some other group of people do not do what "we" do, or do not do it as well or in the way that we
do it, or jumping to conclusion that their practices are barbaric" (p. 17). For example a generation
ago in Japan, the United States and in urban areas of China formal education began with primary
school and most children under five years were cared for, educated and raised by their full time
mothers, grandparents, or older siblings (Tobin, Hsueh, & Karasawa, 2009).This view
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Culture and Identity Essay
Culture and Identity
Culture and identity could have many different definitions. Culture to me is what made you the
person that you are today. The background and history of a person that is the reason of who they are
and what they stand for. Identity to me is the certain characteristics that belong to a person that
makes them different from everyone else on this planet. The world with no culture or a lack of
identity would be a rather boring place. Identity and culture are what makes this world an interesting
place, there is a distinct relationship between identity and culture and one without the other they
could not exists.
In the essay "Real Indians Eat Jell–O" by Laurie Carlson, it seems that she has trouble finding her more content...
But simply making fry bread for special occasions and hearing about tales of coyotes does not give
her culture, but hearing stories about her grandmother and her grandmothers past which she never
seems to ask about, does.
My family history is somewhat vague in some areas but for the most part I know most everything
dating back to my great grandparents. My great–grandfather was born into a low class white
household in Moscow, Russia. He immigrated to America with his mother and father at age eight.
After very little bouncing around they ended up in Detroit where they ended up staying. My
great–grandfather stayed in Detroit and started a family and a business which is still there to this
day, Warholak Tire Service which is located at 9411 McGraw street in Detroit. Once my
great–grandfather got the business going he joined the upper middle class of a suburb around
Detroit. As my grandfather grew older he and his brothers took control of the tire shop until my
grandfather started his own business, a junk yard. Which also stands to this day as Bridgelake
Auto Parts in Clarkston. When my grandfathers business became successful he too joined the
upper middle class just as his father did so many years before him. My grandfather soon had a
family and my mother was one of four children. My mother then became a teacher and married a
successful business man being of course my father, hence me being born into the
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Essay on My Country, Culture, and History
My Country, Culture, and History
Most people have not had a chance to know their country's history especially when they don't live in
their home countries. I am fortunate enough to know even the pioneers of the land presently known
as Uganda. Uganda lies on the equator, east of Africa, bordering Kenya in the east, Tanzania in the
south, The Dominican Republic of Congo in the west and Sudan in the north. According to my
fifteen years of adventure in Uganda, I will say it is a very good place to be which I am proud to call
My family's origin is traced way back from one of the earliest migrations in Africa, the Bantu
migration. The Bantu people are believed to have migrated from the Niger Basin in West Africa by
1000 A.D. Due to more content...
The empire grew so big that it couldn't be controlled by just one person and few elders. This led to its
final downfall. Its down fall gave birth to new smaller kingdoms among them included is the
Buganda, Busoga, Banyankole, and part of the original Bunyoro Kingdom. These came to have
different languages after some time though the languages still had similar dialects like "ntu" and
"ndu". My mother is from Busoga. The people are called Basoga, and my father is from Buganda
and the people are called Baganda. Since a child takes the father's culture, I am a Muganda.
However, I speak both languages, that is, Luganda and Lusoga.
Buganda had a centralized system of government which by 1750 was the best organized in the
region (my Uganda). The King, known as the Kabaka, helped by the Prime Minister, known as the
Katikiro, Nalinya or royal sister, Namusoke the queen mother and Gabunga or Naval. The Kingdom
was divided into counties, which were further divided into sub–counties. Sub–counties were divided
into Parishes and sub–parishes. The Bantu had mainly extended families with the eldest still being
the leader. Some families practiced polygamy but this depended on how rich the man was because
he had to pay heavy dowry to the in–laws. The men's major role was to serve in the king's army.
They went hunting and took care of the animals. All this applied to the sons in the family. The
mothers were responsible for taking care of
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Essay My Personal Culture
Culture defines people's values, beliefs, and personal interests. Culture is important because it allows
people to maintain a unique identity society. Many cultures have common interests, while others
may have customs that differ greatly from that of another. Technology has had a huge impact on
present day cultures. Many culture have been altered including my own, and some have been
created due to the rise of technology. Cultures differ so greatly that someone belonging to one
culture may not agree with the values of another, which then causes social and ethical issues. My
culture shares many similarities with others around the world; most of which have connected more
people in recent years than ever before. Cultural gaps, and lack more content...
In the past, things were primarily about skin color, and issues regarding people of a particular skin
color were handled by such, and not ethnicity. Black people were black people, whites were whites,
and so on. The point is that by distinguishing myself from a general role, I am able to have my own
identity, and I can make choices for my best interest, and not for the majority.
In spite of their differences, both African and African–American culture have been able to connect in
certain ways in recent years, as well as other cultures. Technology, specifically social media has
allowed my generation to connect with one another even with our cultural differences. There is a
chemistry that exists within my generation that my parent's generation never could have imagined
was possible. The International Association of Business Communicators says "At its core, social
media are about sharing information across boundaries. We can now find out what we want from
whomever we want. Social media is breaking down hierarchical, regional, age and cultural
boundaries" (IABC). Things have changed socially, through digital means, and it's a big part of what
makes me and my generation unique. Today, people in the United States can interact and
communicate with people from anywhere around the world. I listened to some weird electronic
music from France one night and it is amazing that I can do that. The internet has
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The Importance of Culture Essay
What is culture? The definition of culture as explained by the English Anthropologist Edward B.
Taylor in his work Primitive Culture: "Culture or that complex whole which includes
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of
society." (Atafori). In addition, culture is the habits of people and is an important part of any society.
Culture ties people of a community together, gives an individual a unique identity, and serves as the
founding principles of one's life.
First, culture unites people together in a society. Further, culture gives common interests to one
another in their society. For instance, Deepa Kartha emphasizes, "Culture is essential for the
existence of more content...
Her dad would create a drink by boiling dried orange peels in water. Additionally, she carries the
tradition of her father's drink on later. For instance, Li writes that she chooses, "nature's provision
over those orange– and pink– and purple–colored medicines" (Li 144). Therefore, the custom
individualizes her from other people that do not have the same custom. Moreover, the language one
person speaks sets them apart from other people of different cultures. In addition, German–American
anthropologist Franz Boas studied Native American languages; Boas contends "that language was a
fundamental aspect of culture" ("Franz Boas"). Because communication is essential to life and
community, sharing a common tongue binds people. Therefore, numerous aspects of culture are the
foundation to build a person's identity.
Furthermore, the fundamental of one's life comes from his or her cultural values. For instance, suggests that "symbolic anthropology looks at how people's mental constructs
guide their lives" ("Culture"). Therefore, culture sets values in a person's mind, which leads to how
that person thinks throughout life. Parenting expert Armin Brott points out that children books
shape a child's thinking into "mothers are the truer parents and that fathers play, at best, a secondary
role in the home" and youngsters "believe what they hear" (Brott 287). For example, the book
Mother Goose and the Sly Fox Brott explains:
Fox, a neglectful and
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My Family Traditions
My family has a lot of different traditions, but one stands out more than the others. The holiday I am
talking about is Christmas. My family has always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. We start
the celebration by going to our church's Christmas Eve service. During this service, we sing
Christmas songs and watch a video of the first Christmas. After the service, all my family goes to my
grandparents' house to open presents and have supper. The meal is different than most Christmas
meals. All of my family members bring an appetizer instead of bringing a main dish. One of my
cousins is Haitian and one of uncles is Italian, so we have a lot of different cultures represented.
My favorite is my uncle's meatballs. Once we eat we have two different places to sit. One is
called the kids' room and the other is the adult room. You are supposed to sit at the kids' table if
you are not married. Once we have finished eating we all head to the living room to open presents.
Before we open presents, one of my younger cousins reads a Christmas poem. A different cousin
reads the story every year.
When it is finally time to open presents, we always open them one person at a time and always go
from youngest to oldest. We go one at a time because my grandma likes to see what everyone got.
Once everyone has opened their presents, my grandma tries to recruit some people to play bingo.
She likes being the person who calls out the numbers because that's what her mom always did. We
have been doing all of these things for as long as I can remember. My dad says they have been
doing things this way for the last 40 years. My grandma is the main person that has been carrying on
these traditions.
I would say my grandmother is the glue to our family so everyone follows her lead. I think that
my other family members are so used to doing these things that they will continue to do them in
the future. I would say I am a participant in this tradition. I am one of the younger grandchildren,
so I do not say much or try to change anything. If I did offer a new idea, I do think my grandma
would consider it. My whole family takes part in this tradition. I have six aunts and uncles and
twelve cousins, so my family is pretty big. Everyone
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Traditions Are Important For Our Society
One concept that is present in every culture is tradition, and whether it be secular or religious, they
each bring a unique significance to each culture. Nevertheless, traditions are important and
somewhat necessary because it helps keep a culture "on its feet" and it provides a sense of identity
for people. Traditions may vary from little things like going to your favorite restaurant on a special
day like birthdays or family reunion, to big important traditions like eating Kosher in Judaism and
the mandatory following of the Five Pillars of Islam. But keeping traditions are so important for our
society today because it allows people to honor those who came before them in hopes of improving
their culture and make positive contributions to society. This also puts better emphasis on family
life and teaches how to strengthen family life through tradition. Although some ceremonies and
rituals prevail longer than us, they make us feel part of that larger sense of things as we pass them
down to our own children, to their children, and so on. Traditions are important because they are
the basis of all knowledge within the realm of a giving culture or religion; however, they can also be
sexist in nature, dangerous, or just immoral. Some traditions may even include some influence of
gender roles as apparent in the Maori tribe with women being prohibited from positions of
leadership and power, and in the Muslim faith where women 's role in society has been subject to
controversy and
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Culture, Culture And Culture Essay
Many times we hear concepts like 'Oriental culture', 'Italian culture' or 'Gothic Culture'. So we can
understand and verify that it is an important concept related to the idea of the society where we live
in. Culture, in Sociology, is a concept developed during XVIII and XIX centuries that has had
various definitions.
One exhaustive definition is in Browne (2015, p. 31):
"Culture refers to the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, dress, diet, roles, knowledge
and skills, and all the other things that people learn that make up the 'way of life' of any society"
So when we use the expression 'Italian culture' we know that we are talking about the entire set of
believes, knowledge and the whole way of life that characterise Italian people. Something connected
to their country but that is with them wherever they go. If they are born in Italy or within an Italian
group of people they will speak Italian, they will eat traditional Italian food when they are home,
they will be probably Catholic etc.
While many concepts inside Browne definition are familiar and easy to identify like language and
diet, three of them need a proper explanation for a better understanding of them.
Values, Norms, Roles
What are 'values'?
The word 'values' is often used in our daily language. When we listen to someone that is talking
about her or his values we understand that that person is talking about something that marks out
what characterize her/his own concept of 'what is important,
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Value Of Tradition And Culture
Value of Tradition and Culture The life cycle of the people represents important values of tradition
that exist in their culture. No matter the race or where the person is from, it seems to live within a
specific tradition, customs, and morals. Values exist in all cultures, and are passed down from
generation to generation. One's tradition and culture are very beneficial because it offers many
positive effects and by helping construct the persons' sense of self–identity. As well as, holding a
community/family together that supports one another through difficult problems and moments of
happiness. However, traditions might also cause negative effects because harmful traditions still
exist. It exists in many different forms that can create damage in the persons' life by holding them
back from success. Most likely, imposing them to limitations. A positive value that tradition provides
is a sense of creating self–identity. Tradition plays many significant roles in life by reflecting the
personality or view of the person. It also provides a close inspection of their culture. For example,
the author in "The Way to Rainy Mountain" N. Scott Momaday, seems to describe his life as a man
who left his family's homeland to make his own, but always had a strong relationship with his
grandmother. Momaday describes the sense of self–identity by connecting his essay about his family
history. He reveals his emotions into his grandmother's death when he stated, "Although my
grandmother lived
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Essay about Cultural Experience
English 1130
Fall 2012
Cultural Diversity Assignment I didn't know where I should go to visit for my culture experience
paper. I am neither into a play or temple, but I absolutely love food, all kinds of food. I think meals
and restaurants are a great way to experience a different culture. The problem was what kind of food
I should try and won't be too disappointed? So I called my brother who has numerous experiences
in food. He told me that I should try a Greek food and there is a Greek restaurant in uptown called
It's Greek to me, it is a nice place to go and offers delicious authentic Greek food. I was attempting
and exciting. Therefore, I decided to try Greek food for my culture experience. Next following day,
my more content...
They all looked amazing and delicious, I had to stop and take some pictures. My dish Beef Kebob
had four juicy steak nuggets, and a moist medium–rare with flavors you won't find anywhere with
some onion and pepper in between them. Couple this with vegetables and home–style potatoes. I
took a first bite of potatoes and it tasted so sour. I didn't like much but I didn't get bother by it. As
soon as I took the first bite of my steak nuggets, all the sour potatoes thoughts were disappeared
and I felt so happy chewing on the steak. It was so tender and delicious. My boyfriend's dish also
looked amazing, he really loved it. I didn't try because I don't like the taste of lamb. Soon after we
both cleaned out the plate and left no room for desserts. We had to promise each other that we
would come back again next time. After that, I called my brother and thank him for the
wonderful suggestion. He told me little bit about Greek culture on food. He said his Greek friend
told him that food is very important in Greek, Greek people take food very seriously. Family
loves to come together and cook for a nice meal, enjoy the food, laugh and have fun together. I
don't know much about Greek culture, but I guess I am interested in it now because this experience.
One thing I notice that Greek food is amazing and they do really appreciate the food and create
amazing dishes. I am glad that I chose Greek restaurant for this cultural
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Orality And Tradition
Like the tradition of English literature, the literary tradition of Barak Valley of Assam began its
journey with orality or oral tradition. It is believed that English literature originated with 'verses of
an extemporary kind' (Albert 9) which were composed and verbally expressed long before the
written records. It is also interesting to note that poetry emerged much before the composition of
prose as a form of literature in written form. Most of the old English compositions derived their
subject or theme from religion and intended to deliver moral lessons. Likewise, orality and folk oral
(literary and cultural) tradition of Barak Valley are indeed extemporary in nature and are mostly in
verse form. Their rhymes are surprisingly well–balanced and they convey some sorts of moral
lessons experienced in day to day lives.
The rural societies, abounded with rich tradition and folk culture, have always been the source of
inspiration for the writers of world's greatest literatures including Bengali literature which has
produced Nobel Laureates like Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941). Orality or oral culture
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They deal with men's inner selves. Hence, their presence/influence is more visible besides being
active in men's inner streams of lives rather than the outer wings of society (Sujit Choudhury 49).
However, the attributes of written literature and culture, combined with conducive technologies are
absent in oral cultures and hence, their scope and development of thoughts and ideas are, to some
extent, limited. Yet, that does not detract the importance and role oforal tradition in our day to day
lives. Folk oral tradition and culture which include folklores, myths and legends have, lately proved
to be significant sources of writing history not only in this part of the globe but also in other parts
of the world as
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The Culture And Traditions Of Africa
Africa is a continent marked with a beautiful, yet violent and turbulent past. Its distinct culture is
displayed through singularity in art, language, traditions, values and beliefs. However,
unfortunately, much of ancient African heritage disappeared due to active elimination by slave
traders and colonists. Even today, Africa is one of the most negatively judged continents on this
Earth. Simply the word 'Africa' might conjure up images of ebola or war as compared to 'North
America' which might evoke words like wealth, liberty and freedom. The source of modern
discrimination and disdain towards the "less developed or third world countries" in Africa originated
in 18th Century Europe – at the dawn of the slave trade. Contemporary writers, like Achebe, have
taken up the challenge to confront these biases and falsehood ingrained in European society with the
publication of African literature. A closer look at the culture and traditions explored inThings Fall
Apart suggests that Nigeria and in a larger scale Africa was much more advanced, rich and complex
than described in the writings of the colonial era.
Nigerian Culture
To provide a "control set up" for later examination of African culture through the lens of a European
followed by an African native, this section presents basic facts of African culture necessary for an
unbiased point of view. Igbo tribal or traditional religion is centered around the ancestral spirits and
the deities of natural forces such as the sky, earth
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Essay On Culture And Tradition

  • 1. 1.A comparison between Culture and Tradition.. What is culture? E. B. Tylor, an anthropologist states culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." It is also defined as set of traditions, customs and values of a particular time. It is a "state of mind." It is the way we behave, react to certain things, the way we perceive and interpret our values and beliefs. In its varied manifestations it forms the basic principles, ethics, workings and behaviour. It is the way of life. Culture has been different for different communities, societies, civilizations, etc. Culture is something that separates the humanity from the other living beings. For example, more content... What is a craft? Craft can be defined as a pastime or a profession that requires particular skills and knowledge of skilled work. So it can be also defined as something that is made by hand or machine which needs a particular skill. There are various types of crafts, one being the handicraft – it is something that is made completely by hand or by using simple tools. Usually this term is applied to the traditional process of making goods. One more example of a type of craft is studio craft in which craftsmen work alone as individuals or in small groups to make pottery, weaving, wood work, metal work, etc. The history of craft is that, the craftsmen used to form guilds in the urban areas to produce goods and they would survive on the exchange of these goods. So these craftsmen were considered on a higher position than the farmers as their occupation required a larger skill set and higher level of education. So once an individual was trained under the craftsmen he would travel to another place and set up his workshop. That's how different kinds of crafts propagated. So as places changed, the material changed and processes changed to produce the craft. These way different varieties of items were Get more content on
  • 2. Polish Tradition And Culture This past Christmas Eve, my Polish grandmother joined us to make our traditional Polish dinner, and she insisted that we make pierogies, a Polish dumpling, from scratch. The process was long and messy, but worth it. During the nine hour cooking period I began to think that I have always loved Polish food, but I don't know much about it. This experience points out my limited knowledge of my own culture. With better understanding of Polish traditions and culture, I can be more helpful next time Christmas rolls around. To prepare Polish dishes, an individual needs to learn about food customs and cultures, know about the cuisine's history, and know how to prepare the meal. These are all necessary so that I can become a better cook and share more content... The first thing to do when making pierogies is to put together the dough. Usually, "The dough is made from flour, eggs, and warm water" ("History of Polish Pierogi"). This is most important part of the pierogi, because if the dough is not good the whole thing will fall apart. Next, is the filling. The pierogi commonly come in three varieties, pierogi with cabbage, cheese and potatoes (pierogi ruskie), and meat (pierogi miesem). Once the type is decided, "The filling is placed in the middle, and the dough folded over to form a half circle or rounded triangle shape. The edges are pressed together to seal the pierogi, so that the filling stays inside during the cooking process. The pierogi are cooked in boiling water until they float on the surface" ("History of Polish Pierogi"). The dough is the most important step, even though this part is crucial, it decides whether or not the pierogi survives through cooking. Pierogies also come in sweet varieties along with savory. Sweet pierogies are filed with applesauce or jam ("History of Polish Pierogi"). Leaving sweet varieties aside, the last step in cooking pierogies is topping them off. They are usually finished with onions, mushrooms, bacon, and melted butter ("History of Polish Pierogi"). There are many different ways to make a pierogi, but this is the most common way and probably the most Get more content on
  • 3. Culture, Traditions, Culture And Identity Culture, traditions and Identity Are people losing their traditions, culture and therefore identities? Introduction Why I chose this topic: I chose "traditions, culture and identity" because I think that this topic is important for everyone, because it is part of a person and I think this is an interesting topic. Aim: The aim of this topic is to show how people value traditions and to tell people about the traditions of my country and to answer the main question that is "Are countries losing their traditions, culture and therefore identities?" Global Perspectives Definition of culture Culture is the way of living, it can be referred to food, religion, how to live, clothes and it can also be related to human behaviour. Definition more content... One of most important reasons is because of finances, many people see the country in crisis economics, so people immigrate to other country to turn their lives better, or other reason to immigrate is to find new job because in their country there is a lot of unemployment or because of politics, because people may donВґt accept some rules about their country so they immigrate. Nowadays, we can see that people are moving from place to place and this can effects in different ways their traditions and cultures. For example: It can affect people because in some countries, they have their own tradition and their own cultures, if a person was born in a country that has unique traditions and cultures, and she or he lived there whole life, they adapt to this. If they move to another country, it will be hard to live there for a while because they are not used to their traditions. Another aspect is that moving to another country can help losing some traditions. For example, if someone moves to another country and they canВґt afford to visit their family every year to celebrate Easter, then that holidays will stop becoming important for that person, and will stop becoming a tradition. Other effect is that when person moving to another place they can start to adapt to new tradition that the place could have so they start to losing their first traditions to have another traditions, because they can feel comfortable with this. National I live in Portugal so, therefor I
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  • 5. Culture, Tradition, Traditions, And Traditions The literature review chapter will allow one to have a general insight about the implication of culture, traditions, and their cognation. The level of considering culture, identity and traditions when organizing private events; weddings and the role of modernization .......furthermore, the history of weddings and how marriage have changed over time in the Arabic society is identified. Finally, trends affecting marriages in Qatar are emphasized to provide a deeper understanding of the current marital situations and the reasons behind divorce. At the present time, the idea of culture, traditions and their transparency with evolvement in time has come to fore. Different authors discuss separately these topics in relations to personal needs in a diverse way. However, the apparent gap of this literature review will be identified. As these concepts are interrelated, this literature review will provide a conceptual framework, illustrating the chain thought behind this research, which assists in supporting the aim of this dissertation. 2.1. A Culture Clarke (2008) elaborated in his book that recently writers are struggling to focus on exploring the common aspects of different culture and beliefs in relation to ethnicity, identities and the construction of their boundaries. There are several components which are supporting these unwanted boundaries. For instance, human's behavior, their languages, beliefs religions and not to forget the society they are living in. Adding to that, Get more content on
  • 6. Cultural Tradition And Cultural Traditions It is clear that cultural tradition delivers set foundations into a person's lifetime, giving identity and sense of belonging to a person and their social group. It allows individuals to feel part of something and understand their ancestral values and customs. Several people believe that it is very important to preserve cultural traditions because they feel as if tradition is the main enabler to a shared identity and to a construction of social consistency and unity. People also believe that conservancy of cultural traditions forms exclusive bonds within members of the community, holding people with the same background together to pass on cultural values, and excluding those who aren't part of the culture. They think that the actual preservation of traditions means not to change the customs and traditions, to not grow from our culture, for example not learning another language because you already know your mother tongue. It is a way to group up and tag everyone in a form of an alliance, and to have better organization and awareness of where everyone comes from. I think the actual process of preservation is altering something so that it will remain as is, not change, be lifeless. Like a butterfly in a glass case, people preserve butterflies by killing them and modifying them to stay in the same appearance. The butterflies in display are dead but admirers only see the look at the appearance. If people value their own and other cultural traditions and want them to be alive in Get more content on
  • 7. Korean Culture and Traditions Ruth Benedict was quoted saying, "Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex." In many ways, through studying a foreign country or culture, this statement is very true. In most cases, cultures do pass from generation to generation. But this has nothing to due with biology. Obviously, cultures can be passed through music, art, folklore stories, and games. But some of the best ways that culture and tradition are passed on are often overlooked. For example, South Korea is one country which over the years, through wars and independence, has retained a strong sense of culture. The country has easily maintained its culture through language, religion, and holidays. Language is one of the most unsurpassed ways to continue more content... Respect in Korean culture has an enormous importance. In this way Hangul will keep traditional values always present. Likewise religion is also an important part of Korean culture and tradition. In Korea, the religion encompasses a number of different traditions. Traditional shamanism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Confucianism all play a role in Korea's religious tradition. The modern separation of Korea into North and South Korea has also shaped religious practice. Over forty percent of Koreans today associate themselves with religion. This affiliation is divided amongst the aforementioned religions. The cultural impact of these religions is vast.1 Firstly there is Shamanism, which in itself is traditional. The term Shamanism comes from the practice of using a Shaman as their guide in their religion. Shamans, who are mostly women, are usually recruited by people needing help in the spiritual world.) A kut is a service which the female shaman, or mudang holds in order help their clients in such ways as curing diseases, exorcisms, and praise the gods of the area. These rituals are also used to help the spirits of deceased individuals find their way to heaven. Shamanism also has elements which are sometimes animistic beliefs, which can be seen as being culturally connected to Get more content on
  • 8. Cultural Communities Essay In this essay, I will argue that to understand a person's behaviour, ways of life and their development, we need to understand their cultural practices and circumstances of their communities. I will also discuss how this can be done and the implication for this in early childhood education. Rogoff (2003) argues that humans are develops as cultural beings: "people develop as participants in cultural communities. Their development can be understood only in light of the cultural practices and circumstances of their communities– which also change" (p. 3–4) According to Gonzalez– Mena (2003), understanding cultural differences can be confusing and no one can possibly know all about the culture of every family who might come into more content... 6). However the same action in some other cultures is not considered appropriate. Tools, such as machetes, saws or cooking knives are not used by children when they are young. In different cultural communities it is expected that children will engage in activities at vastly different times in childhood, and may regard in other communities as surprising or even dangerous. For example in Fiji, children at age 12 are often regarded as capable of caring for themselves or tending another child. My parents would sometimes leave me and my younger brothers and sisters at home and go shopping in Fiji, but not in New Zealand. In New Zealand, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 years without adult supervision. Rogoff (2003) makes the points that: "interpreting the activity of people without regard for their meaning system and goals renders observations meaningless. We need to understand the coherence of what people from different communities do, rather than simply determining that some other group of people do not do what "we" do, or do not do it as well or in the way that we do it, or jumping to conclusion that their practices are barbaric" (p. 17). For example a generation ago in Japan, the United States and in urban areas of China formal education began with primary school and most children under five years were cared for, educated and raised by their full time mothers, grandparents, or older siblings (Tobin, Hsueh, & Karasawa, 2009).This view Get more content on
  • 9. Culture and Identity Essay Culture and Identity Culture and identity could have many different definitions. Culture to me is what made you the person that you are today. The background and history of a person that is the reason of who they are and what they stand for. Identity to me is the certain characteristics that belong to a person that makes them different from everyone else on this planet. The world with no culture or a lack of identity would be a rather boring place. Identity and culture are what makes this world an interesting place, there is a distinct relationship between identity and culture and one without the other they could not exists. In the essay "Real Indians Eat Jell–O" by Laurie Carlson, it seems that she has trouble finding her more content... But simply making fry bread for special occasions and hearing about tales of coyotes does not give her culture, but hearing stories about her grandmother and her grandmothers past which she never seems to ask about, does. My family history is somewhat vague in some areas but for the most part I know most everything dating back to my great grandparents. My great–grandfather was born into a low class white household in Moscow, Russia. He immigrated to America with his mother and father at age eight. After very little bouncing around they ended up in Detroit where they ended up staying. My great–grandfather stayed in Detroit and started a family and a business which is still there to this day, Warholak Tire Service which is located at 9411 McGraw street in Detroit. Once my great–grandfather got the business going he joined the upper middle class of a suburb around Detroit. As my grandfather grew older he and his brothers took control of the tire shop until my grandfather started his own business, a junk yard. Which also stands to this day as Bridgelake Auto Parts in Clarkston. When my grandfathers business became successful he too joined the upper middle class just as his father did so many years before him. My grandfather soon had a family and my mother was one of four children. My mother then became a teacher and married a successful business man being of course my father, hence me being born into the Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on My Country, Culture, and History My Country, Culture, and History Most people have not had a chance to know their country's history especially when they don't live in their home countries. I am fortunate enough to know even the pioneers of the land presently known as Uganda. Uganda lies on the equator, east of Africa, bordering Kenya in the east, Tanzania in the south, The Dominican Republic of Congo in the west and Sudan in the north. According to my fifteen years of adventure in Uganda, I will say it is a very good place to be which I am proud to call home. My family's origin is traced way back from one of the earliest migrations in Africa, the Bantu migration. The Bantu people are believed to have migrated from the Niger Basin in West Africa by 1000 A.D. Due to more content... The empire grew so big that it couldn't be controlled by just one person and few elders. This led to its final downfall. Its down fall gave birth to new smaller kingdoms among them included is the Buganda, Busoga, Banyankole, and part of the original Bunyoro Kingdom. These came to have different languages after some time though the languages still had similar dialects like "ntu" and "ndu". My mother is from Busoga. The people are called Basoga, and my father is from Buganda and the people are called Baganda. Since a child takes the father's culture, I am a Muganda. However, I speak both languages, that is, Luganda and Lusoga. Buganda had a centralized system of government which by 1750 was the best organized in the region (my Uganda). The King, known as the Kabaka, helped by the Prime Minister, known as the Katikiro, Nalinya or royal sister, Namusoke the queen mother and Gabunga or Naval. The Kingdom was divided into counties, which were further divided into sub–counties. Sub–counties were divided into Parishes and sub–parishes. The Bantu had mainly extended families with the eldest still being the leader. Some families practiced polygamy but this depended on how rich the man was because he had to pay heavy dowry to the in–laws. The men's major role was to serve in the king's army. They went hunting and took care of the animals. All this applied to the sons in the family. The mothers were responsible for taking care of Get more content on
  • 11. Essay My Personal Culture Culture defines people's values, beliefs, and personal interests. Culture is important because it allows people to maintain a unique identity society. Many cultures have common interests, while others may have customs that differ greatly from that of another. Technology has had a huge impact on present day cultures. Many culture have been altered including my own, and some have been created due to the rise of technology. Cultures differ so greatly that someone belonging to one culture may not agree with the values of another, which then causes social and ethical issues. My culture shares many similarities with others around the world; most of which have connected more people in recent years than ever before. Cultural gaps, and lack more content... In the past, things were primarily about skin color, and issues regarding people of a particular skin color were handled by such, and not ethnicity. Black people were black people, whites were whites, and so on. The point is that by distinguishing myself from a general role, I am able to have my own identity, and I can make choices for my best interest, and not for the majority. In spite of their differences, both African and African–American culture have been able to connect in certain ways in recent years, as well as other cultures. Technology, specifically social media has allowed my generation to connect with one another even with our cultural differences. There is a chemistry that exists within my generation that my parent's generation never could have imagined was possible. The International Association of Business Communicators says "At its core, social media are about sharing information across boundaries. We can now find out what we want from whomever we want. Social media is breaking down hierarchical, regional, age and cultural boundaries" (IABC). Things have changed socially, through digital means, and it's a big part of what makes me and my generation unique. Today, people in the United States can interact and communicate with people from anywhere around the world. I listened to some weird electronic music from France one night and it is amazing that I can do that. The internet has Get more content on
  • 12. The Importance of Culture Essay What is culture? The definition of culture as explained by the English Anthropologist Edward B. Taylor in his work Primitive Culture: "Culture or that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society." (Atafori). In addition, culture is the habits of people and is an important part of any society. Culture ties people of a community together, gives an individual a unique identity, and serves as the founding principles of one's life. First, culture unites people together in a society. Further, culture gives common interests to one another in their society. For instance, Deepa Kartha emphasizes, "Culture is essential for the existence of more content... Her dad would create a drink by boiling dried orange peels in water. Additionally, she carries the tradition of her father's drink on later. For instance, Li writes that she chooses, "nature's provision over those orange– and pink– and purple–colored medicines" (Li 144). Therefore, the custom individualizes her from other people that do not have the same custom. Moreover, the language one person speaks sets them apart from other people of different cultures. In addition, German–American anthropologist Franz Boas studied Native American languages; Boas contends "that language was a fundamental aspect of culture" ("Franz Boas"). Because communication is essential to life and community, sharing a common tongue binds people. Therefore, numerous aspects of culture are the foundation to build a person's identity. Furthermore, the fundamental of one's life comes from his or her cultural values. For instance, suggests that "symbolic anthropology looks at how people's mental constructs guide their lives" ("Culture"). Therefore, culture sets values in a person's mind, which leads to how that person thinks throughout life. Parenting expert Armin Brott points out that children books shape a child's thinking into "mothers are the truer parents and that fathers play, at best, a secondary role in the home" and youngsters "believe what they hear" (Brott 287). For example, the book Mother Goose and the Sly Fox Brott explains: Fox, a neglectful and Get more content on
  • 13. My Family Traditions My family has a lot of different traditions, but one stands out more than the others. The holiday I am talking about is Christmas. My family has always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. We start the celebration by going to our church's Christmas Eve service. During this service, we sing Christmas songs and watch a video of the first Christmas. After the service, all my family goes to my grandparents' house to open presents and have supper. The meal is different than most Christmas meals. All of my family members bring an appetizer instead of bringing a main dish. One of my cousins is Haitian and one of uncles is Italian, so we have a lot of different cultures represented. My favorite is my uncle's meatballs. Once we eat we have two different places to sit. One is called the kids' room and the other is the adult room. You are supposed to sit at the kids' table if you are not married. Once we have finished eating we all head to the living room to open presents. Before we open presents, one of my younger cousins reads a Christmas poem. A different cousin reads the story every year. When it is finally time to open presents, we always open them one person at a time and always go from youngest to oldest. We go one at a time because my grandma likes to see what everyone got. Once everyone has opened their presents, my grandma tries to recruit some people to play bingo. She likes being the person who calls out the numbers because that's what her mom always did. We have been doing all of these things for as long as I can remember. My dad says they have been doing things this way for the last 40 years. My grandma is the main person that has been carrying on these traditions. I would say my grandmother is the glue to our family so everyone follows her lead. I think that my other family members are so used to doing these things that they will continue to do them in the future. I would say I am a participant in this tradition. I am one of the younger grandchildren, so I do not say much or try to change anything. If I did offer a new idea, I do think my grandma would consider it. My whole family takes part in this tradition. I have six aunts and uncles and twelve cousins, so my family is pretty big. Everyone Get more content on
  • 14. Traditions Are Important For Our Society One concept that is present in every culture is tradition, and whether it be secular or religious, they each bring a unique significance to each culture. Nevertheless, traditions are important and somewhat necessary because it helps keep a culture "on its feet" and it provides a sense of identity for people. Traditions may vary from little things like going to your favorite restaurant on a special day like birthdays or family reunion, to big important traditions like eating Kosher in Judaism and the mandatory following of the Five Pillars of Islam. But keeping traditions are so important for our society today because it allows people to honor those who came before them in hopes of improving their culture and make positive contributions to society. This also puts better emphasis on family life and teaches how to strengthen family life through tradition. Although some ceremonies and rituals prevail longer than us, they make us feel part of that larger sense of things as we pass them down to our own children, to their children, and so on. Traditions are important because they are the basis of all knowledge within the realm of a giving culture or religion; however, they can also be sexist in nature, dangerous, or just immoral. Some traditions may even include some influence of gender roles as apparent in the Maori tribe with women being prohibited from positions of leadership and power, and in the Muslim faith where women 's role in society has been subject to controversy and Get more content on
  • 15. Culture, Culture And Culture Essay Culture Many times we hear concepts like 'Oriental culture', 'Italian culture' or 'Gothic Culture'. So we can understand and verify that it is an important concept related to the idea of the society where we live in. Culture, in Sociology, is a concept developed during XVIII and XIX centuries that has had various definitions. One exhaustive definition is in Browne (2015, p. 31): "Culture refers to the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, dress, diet, roles, knowledge and skills, and all the other things that people learn that make up the 'way of life' of any society" So when we use the expression 'Italian culture' we know that we are talking about the entire set of believes, knowledge and the whole way of life that characterise Italian people. Something connected to their country but that is with them wherever they go. If they are born in Italy or within an Italian group of people they will speak Italian, they will eat traditional Italian food when they are home, they will be probably Catholic etc. While many concepts inside Browne definition are familiar and easy to identify like language and diet, three of them need a proper explanation for a better understanding of them. Values, Norms, Roles What are 'values'? The word 'values' is often used in our daily language. When we listen to someone that is talking about her or his values we understand that that person is talking about something that marks out what characterize her/his own concept of 'what is important, Get more content on
  • 16. Value Of Tradition And Culture Value of Tradition and Culture The life cycle of the people represents important values of tradition that exist in their culture. No matter the race or where the person is from, it seems to live within a specific tradition, customs, and morals. Values exist in all cultures, and are passed down from generation to generation. One's tradition and culture are very beneficial because it offers many positive effects and by helping construct the persons' sense of self–identity. As well as, holding a community/family together that supports one another through difficult problems and moments of happiness. However, traditions might also cause negative effects because harmful traditions still exist. It exists in many different forms that can create damage in the persons' life by holding them back from success. Most likely, imposing them to limitations. A positive value that tradition provides is a sense of creating self–identity. Tradition plays many significant roles in life by reflecting the personality or view of the person. It also provides a close inspection of their culture. For example, the author in "The Way to Rainy Mountain" N. Scott Momaday, seems to describe his life as a man who left his family's homeland to make his own, but always had a strong relationship with his grandmother. Momaday describes the sense of self–identity by connecting his essay about his family history. He reveals his emotions into his grandmother's death when he stated, "Although my grandmother lived Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Cultural Experience English 1130 Fall 2012 Cultural Diversity Assignment I didn't know where I should go to visit for my culture experience paper. I am neither into a play or temple, but I absolutely love food, all kinds of food. I think meals and restaurants are a great way to experience a different culture. The problem was what kind of food I should try and won't be too disappointed? So I called my brother who has numerous experiences in food. He told me that I should try a Greek food and there is a Greek restaurant in uptown called It's Greek to me, it is a nice place to go and offers delicious authentic Greek food. I was attempting and exciting. Therefore, I decided to try Greek food for my culture experience. Next following day, my more content... They all looked amazing and delicious, I had to stop and take some pictures. My dish Beef Kebob had four juicy steak nuggets, and a moist medium–rare with flavors you won't find anywhere with some onion and pepper in between them. Couple this with vegetables and home–style potatoes. I took a first bite of potatoes and it tasted so sour. I didn't like much but I didn't get bother by it. As soon as I took the first bite of my steak nuggets, all the sour potatoes thoughts were disappeared and I felt so happy chewing on the steak. It was so tender and delicious. My boyfriend's dish also looked amazing, he really loved it. I didn't try because I don't like the taste of lamb. Soon after we both cleaned out the plate and left no room for desserts. We had to promise each other that we would come back again next time. After that, I called my brother and thank him for the wonderful suggestion. He told me little bit about Greek culture on food. He said his Greek friend told him that food is very important in Greek, Greek people take food very seriously. Family loves to come together and cook for a nice meal, enjoy the food, laugh and have fun together. I don't know much about Greek culture, but I guess I am interested in it now because this experience. One thing I notice that Greek food is amazing and they do really appreciate the food and create amazing dishes. I am glad that I chose Greek restaurant for this cultural Get more content on
  • 18. Orality And Tradition Like the tradition of English literature, the literary tradition of Barak Valley of Assam began its journey with orality or oral tradition. It is believed that English literature originated with 'verses of an extemporary kind' (Albert 9) which were composed and verbally expressed long before the written records. It is also interesting to note that poetry emerged much before the composition of prose as a form of literature in written form. Most of the old English compositions derived their subject or theme from religion and intended to deliver moral lessons. Likewise, orality and folk oral (literary and cultural) tradition of Barak Valley are indeed extemporary in nature and are mostly in verse form. Their rhymes are surprisingly well–balanced and they convey some sorts of moral lessons experienced in day to day lives. The rural societies, abounded with rich tradition and folk culture, have always been the source of inspiration for the writers of world's greatest literatures including Bengali literature which has produced Nobel Laureates like Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941). Orality or oral culture more content... They deal with men's inner selves. Hence, their presence/influence is more visible besides being active in men's inner streams of lives rather than the outer wings of society (Sujit Choudhury 49). However, the attributes of written literature and culture, combined with conducive technologies are absent in oral cultures and hence, their scope and development of thoughts and ideas are, to some extent, limited. Yet, that does not detract the importance and role oforal tradition in our day to day lives. Folk oral tradition and culture which include folklores, myths and legends have, lately proved to be significant sources of writing history not only in this part of the globe but also in other parts of the world as Get more content on
  • 19. The Culture And Traditions Of Africa Africa is a continent marked with a beautiful, yet violent and turbulent past. Its distinct culture is displayed through singularity in art, language, traditions, values and beliefs. However, unfortunately, much of ancient African heritage disappeared due to active elimination by slave traders and colonists. Even today, Africa is one of the most negatively judged continents on this Earth. Simply the word 'Africa' might conjure up images of ebola or war as compared to 'North America' which might evoke words like wealth, liberty and freedom. The source of modern discrimination and disdain towards the "less developed or third world countries" in Africa originated in 18th Century Europe – at the dawn of the slave trade. Contemporary writers, like Achebe, have taken up the challenge to confront these biases and falsehood ingrained in European society with the publication of African literature. A closer look at the culture and traditions explored inThings Fall Apart suggests that Nigeria and in a larger scale Africa was much more advanced, rich and complex than described in the writings of the colonial era. Nigerian Culture To provide a "control set up" for later examination of African culture through the lens of a European followed by an African native, this section presents basic facts of African culture necessary for an unbiased point of view. Igbo tribal or traditional religion is centered around the ancestral spirits and the deities of natural forces such as the sky, earth Get more content on