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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
Executive Summary
2799 killed in two years
Killings by the Egyptian authorities varied, as it evolved
from civil killings during protests and marches to armed
scattering of peaceful sit-ins in which the army was
Systematic killings were evolved then into other forms of
which we mention torture and killings inside prisons
using deprivation and torture beyond what human
beings can stand.
Again recently it evolved into direct assassination and
liquidation of individuals.
The study has included three periods of time according
to the associated incidents; as the first period, which falls
between June, 30, 2013 and August, 13, 2013, has
witnessed 316 murders, followed by the period between
August, 14 and August, 16, 2013 which has witnessed
2007 murders and last but not least the period between
August, 17, 2013 and August, 12, 2015 where a total 476
murders were committed by the current regime. That's
all what the Coordination has manages to document
according to supplied information and the
documentation of the big events only.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
UNTIL AUGUST, 13, 2013[
AUGUST, 16, 2013[
AUGUST, 12, 2015[
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
First: Executive Summary
Second: Introduction
Third: Methodology
Fourth: Attached laws
Fifth: killings during the period time from [June, 30, 2013 until August, 13, 2013]
(316 killed)
Sixth: killings during the period of time from August, 14 until August, 16, 2013]
(2007 killed)
Seventh: the period of time from [August, 17, 2013 until August, 12, 2015]
(476 killed)
Eighth: Recommendations
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
Political incidents had a huge impact on rights conditions in Egypt especially in the period of
time since June, 30, 2013 when protests started happening for the support of elected president
Dr. Muhammed Moursi. Protests went on streets and sit-ins in major squares since June, 28,
2013. Theses protests were against an opposing movement to the elected president called
"Tamarod" or "Rebel" which has also announced that they'll hold protests in the streets. But
after that has happened we find the army appearing and taking a hold of the action by
supporting the opposition against Moursi over his supporters. The army officials hence
declared in July, 3, 2013 what they called "Roadmap" which was declined by Moursi's
supporters and as a result they continued their protests and sit-in around the "Rabia" and
"Nahda" squares.
- Until that moment the scene has appeared to be a kind of political incidents taking
place for both supporters and the opposition. While we find that the security forces
especially the ministry of internal affairs which have joined hands with "Thugs" to
assault the protestors. They have decided to use violence against Moursi's supporters
the kind of violence we can only call a systematized violence by the regime itself.
Violence has been used by these authorities in different incidents such as using armed
power to scatter sit-ins and executions sentenced to civilians later.
- The army made no effort to appear less involved with these violent incidents and
showed off its formation and weapons more often.
- Violence against detainees evolved during the school year, besides civil massacres and
mass murders, the situation was evolving inside prisons to the extent of direct and
intentional killing using different ways of torture or deprivation of proper medication
and treatment.
- A new violation has surfaced at the end of the school year manifested in assassinations
and direct liquidation of the opposition to the current regimes which could happen at
the streets or even at their households.
- Students also were subject to direct killing not only while participating in public
peaceful protests but also inside their campuses or university dorms.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
The above demonstration points out that the current regime in Egypt is using various killing
machinery, overlooking all articles and provisions of the local constitutions or even the
international charters and conventions. That necessarily means, we should pay attention to
the systematic crimes committed by the regime and put an end to its severe spread in society.
• This report was based on different methods of gathering and collecting information
as follow;
- Previously issued reports on human rights by local and international organizations,
especially the "Human Rights Watch "reports on the incidents of "Rabia Aladawia" ...
- Newspapers, media and news sites.
- Observation and documentation unit inside of the Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
- The incidents of Sinai were excluded considering that we have no available reliable
documentation techniques inside it.
1. Provisions involved with the right to live;
The right to live, be free and feel safe is a basic right of the rights established by the
international law of human rights. The third article of the International Declaration of Human
Rights states that" every individual has the right to live, be free and feel safe". The sixth article
of the International Covenant of the political and civil rights also states that" every individual
should be entitled to the right to his own life and that the law should be the provider of it and
that no one should be deprived of his life arbitrarily". The fourth Geneva Convention, issued in
August, 12, 1949 which concerns the protection of the civilians in time of war, banned violence
towards a person's life or physical safety. It also banned every form of killing, mutilation,
cruelty and torture against people being protected by this convention.
- The international covenant concerned with civil and political rights has also
declared in article no. 6: (-1 that every person has the inherent right to life, it should
be protected by the law and that no one should be arbitrarily deprived of his own
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
life. The international declaration of human rights, article 3 says that" everyone has
the right to life, liberty and guaranteed personal safety).
2. Articles attached to providing protection to medical missions:
The "Fourth Geneva Convention" along with the two additional protocols to the Geneva
Conventions in 1949, provided special protection for medical missions and crews that was
mentioned in articles from no. 14 to no. 24 in the same convention. It ensures the principle of
freedom of movement and mobility for the medical crews and missions. It also provides
necessary accommodations for those crews to accomplish their missions which includes their
evacuation, moving, applying first aids to the wounded, the sick, pregnant women, women in
puerperium and necessary vaccinations for children.
Article no. 21 of the "Fourth Geneva Convention" in 1949 states that" the procedures of
moving the wounded, the civil sick, the old men and women in puerperium which take place
on land by vehicle convoys and hospital trains should be respected and protected ….., side by
side with the hospitals mentioned in article no. 18. Article no.23 of the same convention states
that" Each of the high contracting parties should ensure the free passage of all medicines'
consignments, missions and objects necessary for religious worship intended exclusively to
residents of another contracting party of civilians, even if the opponent. Also permitting all
consignments of essential food, clothing and food supplements sent for children under the age
of 15, pregnant and women in puerperium …., these consignments should be transmitted as
fast as possible.
3. Articles concerning Genocide and anti-humanity crimes;
What proves that the killing happened after the use of armed forces to scatter the masses of
people in "Rabia" and "Nahda" sit-ins is defined as a genocide is what has been mentioned in
the Genocide Convention in 1948: (II article, genocide means any of the following actions that
could be meant as a method of utter or partial destruction to a national or ethnic or racist or
religious group of people in any of the following forms; a) killing members of the group, b)
causing serious bodily or mental harms to the members of the group, c) submitting the group,
deliberately to living circumstances that could only lead to its utter or partial physical
"Crime against Humanity" means (specifically any type of prohibited acts which are specified
in Rome whenever it's committed whether it's in the form of a wide-range attack or a
systematic one against any group of civilians, these acts include premeditated murder,
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
annihilation, rape, sexual slavery, deportation or compulsory transmission of inhabitants,
along with segregation and other crimes. Genocide and crimes against humanity are due
punishment whether they've been committed during the time of war or peace equally.
4. The right to sit-ins and peaceful protests;
The European Convention on human rights stated in article no. (11), that every person has the
right to hold peaceful assembly, just as demonstrated in the Arab Charter on human rights in
2004, in the article no. (24), where it was stated that every person has the right to hold
peaceful assembly.
According to the code of conduct for law enforcement officials adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations in 1979, article 2: (law enforcement officials on duty should
respect and protect human dignity, preserve and dignify the human rights of every person). In
article 3: (law enforcement officials are authorized to use power only when they have to and
when necessary to the performance of their duty).
5. The criminalization of force and firearms to face proper sit-ins:
It was stated in the fundamental principles regarding the use of force and firearms by the law
enforcement officials which was issued in 1990 and the most principles that the two
documents revolve around are;
- Not using force unless it was highly recommended or strictly necessary to perform
- Respect the principle of proportionality meaning that power use should be suitable
to the desired legitimate perspective.
- Considering the use of firearms as an extreme measure that should be used only
when the less affirmative methods are insufficient to suppress violence.
- It's been denoted in the well-known Havana Convention of 1955, which has been
approved by Egypt that protestors shouldn't suffer from assaults as long they keep
their protests peaceful. If protestors attack security men first, only then the security
men should have the right to attack back by shooting some rubber shots at the
protestors or even fire guns at them if needed but only to the lower part of the body
(feet and legs) only to stop them not to kill them. Random shooting or beating of the
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
protestors which leads to serious or even deadly injuries id considered a crime
against humanity especially if it was done to a huge group of people which is
incriminated by the well-known international charters that are joined and signed by
[June, 30, 2013 until August, 13, 2013]
(316 killed)
[7 massive incidents with a total of 316 killed]
After the removal of so many small incidents which might have resulted in the death of
one or two persons, we have a number of days eventful with crimes of mass killing,
demonstrated as follow;
(1)July, 2, 2013 Bein-elsarayat Incidents- Giza (23 killed)
- This is considered the first incident of mass killing, it was after the speech that Dr.
Moursi has delivered as a response to the consequent threats addressed to him by the
army officials which concern his approval of what is called "Roadmap". Crowds favoring
Dr. Moursi started to gather around the Nahda Square but the police forces used some
"thugs" to scatter this sit-in which led to a fight between members of the sit-in and
"thugs" and as a result there were 23 victim who fell dead on this night according to the
official statistic declared by the ministry of health then.
(2)July, 5, 2013 incidents of the "Refusal Friday" (36 killed)
Reports mentioned that police forces shot live ammunition at the refusing-protesting crowds
who protest for what happened in July, 3, 2013, in this incident 36 was killed besides more
than 1000 wounded.
(3)July, 8, 2013 the incidents of "Republican Guards" (100 killed)
Police forces shot live ammunition at the members of the sit-in that took place right in front of
the facility of republican guards' club, the shooting happened while the protestors were
performing the Fajr Prayer (a Muslim prayer performed before the early beginnings of the
morning) which led to the death of 100 person-that's what have been documented- deaths at
the beginning were around 57 persons according to the ministry of health sources then was
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
declared to be 61 deaths according to another report coming out from the department of
forensic medicine. The injuries were said to be more than 435 persons. The number of the
deaths rose up later as some of the injured passed away, eventually they became 100 killings
including the photographer" Ahmed Assem" whose camera had the misfortune of
documenting the moment he was shot by the sniper who killed him.
(4)July, 15, 2013 , the incidents of "Ramses" (10 killed)
Demonstrations went into streets in July, 15 from before Al-fath masjid in Ramses but the
police forces accompanied with a number of thugs assaulted the protestors which led to the
death of 10 people besides the injury of hundreds of them, some with severe injuries, in
addition to the apprehension of 500 protestor.
(5)July, 19, 2013 Mansoura incidents (5 dead women)
A group of thugs supported by the police forces attacked a peaceful march which had gone out
into streets from before "Almansoura Stadium" after performing Taraweeh prayers in the
month of Ramadan. The March head towards "Abdulsalam Aref" St., passing by "Terah" St.,
where the incident took place. Thugs have been armed with metal weapons and also firearms
and cartridges. The attack led to the death of 5 women and girls from Mansoura city, the
names of the victims are; Hala Abo-shueisha a high school student, Islam Abdulghani a
certified pharmacist, Amaal Farahat a housewife, Feryal Alzuheiry a housewife, finally passed
away after laying down injured for a week the same as Seham Algamal who was a member of
the party and a people's deputy in the former Peopl'e Assembly who died weeks after
suffering from being shot with ammunition during that incident.
(6)July, 26, 2013 the incidents of "Alkaed Ibrahim" Masjid (12 killed)
Police forces accompanied with armed thugs attacked thousands of protestors gathered in the
square of "Alkaed Ibrahim" Masjid. The attack happened by shooting live ammunition,
cartridges and tear gas bombs at the protestors. Lots of thugs were also equipped with metal
and firearm weapons which led to the death of 12 persons and the injury of another 270.
Incidents remained till maybe after 10 hours of attacking the protestors, synchronizing with
Asr Prayer until the early hours of the next morning when the navy forces decided to fire
directly at the protestors around the square of Alkaed Ibrahim and Alraml Station downtown
Alexandria. It wasn't only attacking the protestors or the prayers who couldn't finish their
Taraweeh but it was a siege to the prayers that lasted for more than 12 hours while the
prayers were inside Alkaed Ibrahim Masjid. Inside the Masjid there were women, kids and
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
men threatened by asphyxiating gas and the attack of tens of thugs until the Masjid was
opened and 84 protestor were apprehended on the next day, according to Alshehab Center of
human rights.
(7)July, 27, 2013 Almanassa (platform) incidents (130 killed)
After the authorization that "Abdelfattah Alsisi" asked his supporters to give to him in order
to face what he called" potential Terrorism", the police forces attacked the members of the sit-
in on the borderlines of Rabia Aladaweya square and infront of the platform in Nasr City
where the numbers of the dead were statistically estimated with more than 70 women among
the total number of 130 to 220 martyrs and a number of injured that surpassed 5000.
Rabia field hospital announced right after the incident that the number of the dead was then
estimated with 127 person, in addition to 4500 injured among them 700 injuries caused by
fire shots, cartridges and bone fractions, the rest were suffering from gas traces, in addition to
hundreds of other cases that were treated in hospitals and medical centers and there was no
time to count them. This probably points out that the number of the dead surpassed the
declared number considering the passing away of some injured cases besides fact that others
had gone to other hospitals for treatment.
[August, 14 until August, 16, 2013]
(2007 killed)
1. Rabia Holocaust [1300 killed]
1.1General Overview
After reviewing all former and latter incidents, we get to confirm that the political regime that
has grabbed his hold around the country since July, 3, 2013, made its decision to violently
attack any opposing person which appears clearly in the incidents of "Republican Guards" and
"The Platform" as major incidents. It's also obvious that the current regime is seeking utter
destruction of any opposing sit-ins which means its violation to both international and local
laws demonstrating regulations and restrictions to sit-ins' scatterings. These violations led to
a huge number of injured and dead casualties that to be added to a long list of violations that
doesn't fit in this report, such as lethal injuries as well as the embarrassing "Missing Persons"
file which represents a huge dilemma for the Egyptian society.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
2-1 How the "break-up" happened and how that led to more dead casualties;
- According to "Human Rights Watch" report it happened as follow;
a- Insufficient …. , ambiguous warnings …..
"Earlier to August, 14, the government was threatening and announced its plan to scatter the
sit-ins using firearms but these menaces failed to reach the Rabia square, were in sufficient in
media and failed to set a firmed date to the final scattering of the sit-ins. The warnings
announced in the morning of the scattering weren't heard by so many and failed to give the
protestors sufficient time to leave before the police forces start to use armed power towards
them. The great majority of the protestors interviewed by Human Rights Watch on their
background of the incident, said that they did not hear the recorded warnings that was
broadcasted by the police forces through microphones near at least two entries to the sit-in,
just minutes before the shooting began".
b- Besieging the sit-in .., and blocking every way out
According to the confirmations by "Watch" reports too, it was confirmed that "police forces
after that has besieged the protestors for most of the day, then the attack began through the
main five entries of the sit-in so that no safe exit was provided till the day was over. Even the
injured who needed immediate medical care or the persons willing to escape found no safe
exit. Instead, as reported in so many cases, police forces intentionally fired at people trying to
c- More than 12 hours of attacks …
It was added by "Watch" report that: "scattering of Rabia sit-in lasted for more than 12 hours,
starting at sunrise until sunset where police forces with the coordination with military forces
were determined to start attacking at around half past six in the morning".
3-1 Sides hold responsible for murders …, and utilized weapons
According to "Human Rights Watch" report there has been a diversity of utilized weapons as
• Lethal and deadly weapons...
• Both police and army forces joined hands in using force towards the protestors
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
• Setting fires and sentencing both sit-in squares to death
- Security forces opened fire at the protestors using live ammunition which caused
hundreds to fall dead with bullets in heads, necks and chests. "Human Rights Watch"
also asserted the use of lethal powers indiscriminately. Snipers were centered inside
vehicles and next to them where they were able to shoot at massive crowds of
protestors. Many witnesses also said that they spotted snipers shooting at protestors
from helicopters just above the Rabia arena.
- The police in coordination with the army forces have started their attack with throwing
tear-gas cans and firing cartridges at the protestors near the sit-in entries. Swiftly, in
just a few minutes, these forces started shooing live ammunition at the near entries
which was confirmed by many witnesses. The police forces then used the army
bulldozers to crawl slowly into the sit-in through the five main entries. Two entries
were located on the road of victory (Tareeq Alnasr), two others were located on the
"Tayaran" St., and another one through "Anwar Almofti" St. behind Rabia Aladaweya
Masjid. At early morning hours, the bulldozers were crushing the random improvised
barricades set by the protestors and other installations. The creeping forces were
supported by snipers spread on the roofs of nearby official facilities. Doctors from Rabia
field hospital said to "Human Rights Watch" that the great majority of the injuries they
were treating was caused by fire shots which mostly was located into heads or chests.
Security forces were shooting at medical utilities since the early morning. Snipers were
taking positions that enabled them to shoot at anyone wants to get in or out of Rabia
field hospital.
- In the early afternoon, just after a brief recess at midday the shooting was decreased
and then the security forces had intensified the shooting as it crawled its way into the
deepest point of the sit-in. Security forces killed a lot of protestors at these last few
hours as no one was protected because of the wide spread fires. Around 5:30 p.m., the
police had surrounded the rest of the protestors around Rabia Aladaweya Masjid and
field hospital which were near the center of the sit-in, then took possession of the
hospital. At this moment, every last person in the hospital was ordered to leave,
including the doctors, with strict orders to leave the deceased corpuses along with the
injured behind. After the departure of the last protestors remaining in the arena, fires
broke out at the platform stationed at the arena of the sit-in, the field hospital, the
Masjid and the first floor of Rabia Hospital. The evidences fiercely indicate that the
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
police forces intentionally set those fires. Security forces held over 800 hundred
protestor around the day as captives, attacked, beaten and tortured and in some cases,
executed instantly according to the testimony of six witnesses.
4-1 Documented Testimonials
(a) Testimony of Dr. Ahmed Rami:
- The police and army paid "thugs" to cooperate into the killing of protestors
- Safe passages for those who wanted to leave were a mere illusion
- Ambulances weren't allowed into the sit-ins
Dr. Ahmed Rami, a leading politician at the freedom and liberty party, describes the last scenes
of the holocaust on his behalf saying that: after Fajr prayers I went to walk my kids home, it
was then when I knew of the attacks over the square so I headed back to"Rabia" square taking
the "Tayaran" St., path. Over there I remember noticing one of the ambulances loaded with
recruiters ready to sneak into the sit-in, that was at the beginning of the day but I couldn't get
through the square itself so I stayed at "Sa'a" square just about 400 meters from Rabia. When I
failed to get in, I headed towards "Alalf Maskan" area and there I saw police officers shooting
live ammunition also at the protestors, I stayed there just until before the curfew was
announced and then I went back again to Rabia to help rescue anyone away from the square
using my car. I took a lady who lost her husband and some other protestors who weren't
originally from Cairo away from the police ambush.
Rami adds seeing the prohibition of ambulances from entering the square to help the injured,
as well as seeing police officers while they were shooting live ammunition at the protestors
and people inside the sit-in. I have also witnessed missiles shot at the tents and instantly set
them to fire, probably they were firebombs. I saw the planes shooting at the protestors, I saw
the media personnel prohibited from entering to film the incidents except those accompanied
by the security members. Dr. Rami continues saying that it worth mentioning that the
coordinators of the sit-in had already chose a safe path to use it as an exit in case of real
attacks, they planned on getting women and children out first through the path between the
Masjid and to Anwar Almofti St., or even relocating the sit-in at another location in case they
were attacked. What actually happened is that the first to get hit was the broadcast vehicle
which was located in the designated path which eliminated every hope of using this path as a
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
safe exit. The evacuation plan failed because there was no safe exit unlike what was alleged by
the police forces. There was no choice but to stay where you are to help rescuing as much of
the injured and wounded persons.
(b)Ms. "Manal Khedr" stresses the fact that:
- Injuries were severe and lethal …., head and abdomen were targeted
- The injured were dying not only of their injuries but because of the prohibition of
ambulances from reaching them.
- Security forces directly attacked the utilities harboring the injured inside.
I went into Rabia hospital- which is located at Rabia and not the field hospital- and there I
heard unusual screaming, the injured asking anyone who can help them to step forward and
inject or cover their wounds. I thought I would be able to help a couple of cases. Although the
hospital had five floors, I couldn't go past the third floor as each floor had around 50 to 60
cases lying between an injured, a wounded or a martyr. It was only around eight o'clock in the
morning when I decided to give some help although I'm not a doctor. I was assigned for
example to put the brain of a deceased person back into his skull and tie it with plasters so it
wouldn't fall out during his funeral. I was also assigned to relocate or tie some exploded
intestines that fell off the person's abdomen and that was done so that the doctor could suture
them back rapidly as a renovation to the lacerated corpuses.
What have been mostly painful was that the doctors had to choose which cases to attend to
first due to lack of doctors, places and supplements and moreover no blood to transfer to
patients, that's why several cases that only needed blood transfer and suffered from severe
hemorrhage weren't taken care of. The doctors also had to overlook critical cases and fatal
injuries in the brain, heart or chest. We were standing helpless while the injured were slowly
dying because we knew we couldn't do anything to help them. This floor had only four
operation rooms while the injuries were beyond every anticipation.
Khedr adds that it was hard for us that day to just move around the floor because of the blood
shed everywhere, every step meant stepping into a blood bath which reaches over the foot
with almost an inch. We had to push the blood towards the stairs using mobs as if we were in a
slaughter house or were hit by a flowing stream but it's drowning us with human blood
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
I remember on that day that I filled more than one thousand syringes with antibiotics all by
myself, aside from others who were also working in a great energy. One of the most difficult
situations was a young man brought to the hospital with almost 100 cartridges distributed all
over his body to the extent that his back looked just like a strainer or a filter with all the
cartridges in it. He kept moaning in pain , crying and couldn't move and the doctors had to
look at him in an ease as if he wasn't injured at all and say to him that he should wait till the
end of the day to get treated. Cartridge injuries back then were considered a luxury against
other injuries caused by lethal weapons. All we could do for this poor injured was to spray him
every now and then with some water.
Khedr affirmatively says that the injuries she saw refute every allegation that says police
forces were trying to scatter the sit-in, it was meant to be a daunting massacre or bloodshed.
Khedr says, for example we saw an amputated leg (from foot up to thigh) carried by a young
man and behind him comes others holding the owner of the leg. That person was shot with a
bullet that had the power and the volume to amputate his leg right above his thigh exactly.
Another case was a falling out brain and eye and a third case of a falling out kidney right
through the body and a fourth case of a heart showing from the chest of an injured ….. etc.
She proceeds: the shooting at the hospital doors was stopping and in case we needed
something from the field hospital, we might send like five guys and receive back probably two
or three of them while the rest would get killed at the doors of the hospital. Also during my
existence inside an operation room we were surprised by a heavy bullet that penetrated the
hospital walls and we had to lie down on the floor as the bullet or the missile has left a big
opening in the wall that exposed us to the snipers and the shooters. We mostly thought that it
might have been shot from aircrafts or snipers positioned on top of surrounding buildings.
Around half past five in the morning two bombs were casted upon the hospital and caused the
thick glass surrounding the hospital to severely shatter. The glass pieces rushed towards the
chests and hearts of the injured holders, parents and the paramedics. The parents fell right on
their sons or relatives. After that the forces broke into the hospital and forced us to depart the
hospital and leave without looking back otherwise we would be killed. The hardest thing could
be remembered from this moment was the injured taking holds of our clothes, begging us,
looking at us and asking us to take them out of here which wasn't possible at the time. Even
doctors were forced to leave the operation rooms and get out of the hospital. A little while
after that, the hospital was set on fire with every human being inside of it. Hundreds of the
injured were burned alive inside the hospital. A lot of cases left there were easy to fix only if
there was equipment for performing blood-transfer procedures. The third floor was left with
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
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2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
nearly 60 to 70 injured alive, we can estimate the number of the burned alive on that day only
inside the hospital with nearly 300 victims.
5-1 Killing 8 journalists at Rabia "Holocaust":
Police forces killed 9 journalists in Rabia alone, their names are: (Mosaab Alshami- a journalist
at Rassd Network, Michael Douglas Deen- British, photographer at the British Sky News
Network, Adam Muhammed Adam- a camera man capturing videos of the platform of Rabia
Aladaweya sit-in, Ahmed Abdulgawad- a journalist at Alakhbar and a reporter for Masr 25 T.V
channel, Ahmed Helal- a journalist and a member of the media committee of the Party of
Liberty and Justice, Ahmed Muhammed Shaker- a journalist and a photographer, Habiba
Ahmed Abdulaziz- a journalist at Emirati Gulf News, Islam Abbas Abdulhafeez Almetnawy- a
journalist and a program director at Nile News channel.
6-1 The figure dilemma
Although it's not the final figure that could be estimated concerning the Rabia Holocaust, we
can say that the average estimated number could be 1300 dead in Rabia alone.
2- "Nahda" holocause [90 killed]
2-1 General Overview
Police forces followed the same measures that were followed in the Rabia holocaust, to scatter
the crowds of the "Nahda" square in Giza. According to "Human Rights Watch" report: "around
six a.m. the police forces asked the protestors to leave the square through speakers, then
almost right after this announcement started shooting at the protestors including those who
were trying to use the alleged "safe" exits. Eye witnesses described how the police forces
started shooting the protesters intentionally and indiscriminately, using cartridges, tear gas
and live ammunition. While some protestors were hiding inside the building of Faculty of
Engineering at Cairo University, violence had increased as the police forces shot at the
protestors hiding inside the building".
According to the documents, more than 90 person were killed during scattering the crowds of
Alnahda only.
2-2 Documented Testimonials
Dr. Ahmed Gamal confirms:
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2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
- The bullets was aimed at the head and the upper parts of the body
- The army was there during the holocaust
- The safe paths were nothing but a lie
Within the area of "Nahda" sit-in, Dr. Ahmed Gamal mentions: the most outstanding thing
happened there was the moment of Sheikh "Ahmed Abuldahab" death, he was one of Alnahda
protestors originally from Atfeeh. Abuldahab was our Imam into the Fajr prayers that day.
After the holocaust began while he was coming out from the garage attached to the building of
faculty of Engineering, he was shot directly in the head which made his brain completely fall
out of his head. Probably it was a half-inch bullet. The second scene- Gamal is adding, while we
were trying to leave the square we noticed the forces positioned on top of Giza bridge. The
forces there stayed still for nearly half an hour, then they started shooting that's when we
started running towards Alestikama Masjid where three of us were hunted down at the door
of the Masjid with severe injuries caused by straight shots of live ammunition into their heads.
Concerning the lie of "safe paths" Gamal says: there was no safe path to exit from the square,
on the contrary, the forces entered the square through the path of "Bein Elsarayat" and
through the area in front of Alnahda Statue. There were forces positioned on top of the bridge
in the Giza square path that's why the firing didn't cease at the area of the statue and from the
top of the Giza Bridge.
Gamal asserts that most injuries seen that day inside the square were straight shots to the
head. The shots types varied- according to him- between half-inch bullets resembling thin
piping or at the size of two joined fingers, those were shot by the grenade launchers stationed
at the top of armored vehicles or from aircrafts, those bullets had the power to explode the
heat instantly or completely amputate a limb whether it was an arm, a leg or any other organ
of the body. Other injuries we witnessed, also according to Ahmed Gamal, were caused by 12
m bullets and those injuries were a lot around Alorman Garden, most of the bullets shot within
the Giza square were also 12m. At Nasr-eldeen or Alharam tunnel area where we headed later
and protestors coming there in huge numbers, the bullets varied, there were machine-gun fire
which came from the roofs of the surrounding buildings-buildings under construction- and
from above the Metro Station, also from above two buildings to the right of Alharam Tunnel.
There I saw severe children injuries, one of those children received a bullet to his foot that
amputated it and another 12 year-old kid received a bullet to his abdomen. A lot of youngsters
also received bullets that exploded their heads completely. Gamal thinks that what he saw and
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
witnessed was beyond any explanation and asserts-on his behalf- that the army forces were
very excessively apparent around Alnahda Square and during the Nahda holocaust. Warnings
and scattering sirens used in wars, had a yellow color just the same as the army tanks, were
stabilized on the police armored vehicles and it was obvious that it wasn't a part to the vehicle
but attached to it. There were two aircrafts hovering around the arena where the Nahda
Massacre had happened, one belongs to the police forces which shot directly at the protestors,
a little above in the air there was another helicopter that belonged to the army looked as if it
supervised the situation. There were also other armored vehicles and mobile troops within
the arena.
Regarding his testimonial to what happened to the field hospital in Nahda Square, Gamal
proceeds saying that it was in one piece and the injured kept coming to the doctors in it
hoping for some medication even after the forces had evacuated the whole square and finished
the bloodshed, even then the field hospital was intact. By then the forces headed towards the
field hospital, taken out the injured and incinerating the hospital once and for all. All the
injured taken out from the field hospital were assaulted first and then apprehended. Among
those injured was Waleed Abo Shama who was injured with a bullet either from a heavy
machine gun or from an aircraft, that the bullet penetrated his arm and went through. Waleed
was assaulted by several hits on the spot of his injury either with the body of the weapons or
with their feet mercilessly and then he was apprehended. Because the forces used a very little
amount of cartridges, it was only normal to find the injuries lying in the field hospital ranging
from critical to lethal. The numbers of the injured were taken out and apprehended from the
hospital ranged from 50 to 100 cases. The hospital was small and couldn't intake more than
this estimated number. The reason for the deliberate firing of the hospital clearly has no
justification and could only be answered with a huge question mark.
Dr. Hussein affirms that:
- Tear gas cans were thrown into the field hospital forcing everyone inside to come out
"Morning of that holocaust we felt the importance of self-composure as we were attacked very
early and from every side with live ammunition and grenades which caused at once nearly one
hundred cases of suffocation. I was holding alone more than five syringes to cure shortness of
breath and bandages for stopping hemorrhage. That lasted until I was shot myself and couldn't
help anyone anymore… then a member of the police opened one of the hospital windows and
asked" Is that a hospital?" … everybody shouted "Yes" thinking that they might leave us
continue what we are doing. It was only a few seconds later when they threw an incendiary
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
and asphyxiating bomb at us which made every breath as our last. So we came out
surrendering but I went first to a room which had some of the injured lying while I was there
another bomb was thrown at us and I witnessed the incineration of an old man that I know
from Shobra right in front of me, he was a volunteer electrician in the hospital ..!!
3- Governorates on the same day [321 killed]
- All railway stations were closed in all governorates, a curfew was announced in 14
governorates and the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced a state of high alert in its
departments and stations after the attacks and fires that happened to some police
facilities, churches and some other buildings.
- Security forces have suppressed all demonstrations that were hold that day, killings
happened during those demonstrations as follow:
- Omraneya - Haram Tunnel- Nassreldeen incidents resulted in 16 dead all civilians.
- Nozha- Alf Maskan incidents resulted in 16 dead all civilians.
- Suez-Suez Governmental Cabinet and Hamza Masjid incidents resulted in 16 dead all
- Kurdasa police station incidents resulted in 16 dead, 13 of them were joining the police
- Malawy police station- Minia and Samallout police stations incidents resulted in 41
dead among them 6 police personnel.
- Modereya Squre scattering of crowds- Beni Sweif governorate incidents resulted in 13
dead all civilians.
- Tamia police station, around Fayyoum Governmental Cabinet and police department
incidents resulted in 31 dead among them 7 police personnel.
- Scattering protesting crowds near the Local Council building in Kom Eldekka-
Alexandria which resulted in 51 dead among them 3 police personnel.
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
- Scattering protesting crowds near Helwan police station which resulted in 34 dead
among them 4 police personnel.
- Scattering protesting crowds in Dokki, Muhandeseen and Mustafa Mahmoud Square
which resulted in 51 dead among them 1 police personnel.
- Scattering protesting crowds in Thaqafa Square near Mary Gerges (Church of Saint
George) Church in Sohag which resulted in 18 dead among them 1 police personnel.
- Scattering protesting crowds in Saleheen and Ismaiilia Courts Compound which
resulted in 18 dead among them 7 police personnel.
- Aside from other killing incidents where the dead didn't exceed 10.
4- Ramses II in August, 16, 2013 and associated incidents in governorates [296 dead]
On Friday, August, 16 National Coalition Supporting Legitimacy in Egypt called for protests on
Friday under the title of "Wrath Million Protest" which was after Gomaa Prayers. The
protestors had to gather in Ramses Square right in the middle of Cairo. It was two days after
the merciless protestors' scattering in Rabia and Nahda sit-ins (August, 14, 2013), when these
incidents happened. It started with funeral procession marches of the people killed during the
crowd scattering, from several Majids in Cairo heading towards Fatteh Masjid in Ramses
Square (the capital's largest Square) where it was joined by several other marched coming
from different locations in Giza (west of Cairo). Besides all confirmations that said the
attackers were "thugs" paid by the security forces to attack marches, other witnesses said that:
"military choppers dropped snipers on top of near surrounding buildings to the square. These
choppers fired their guns at Moursi's supporters."other organizations that were also trying to
document these incidents, said that there were snipers shooting at Ramses protestors from
flying military choppers". According to eye witnesses, at 10 o'clock p.m., security forces
intensified its attacks on the protestors and sieged hundreds of them within Fatteh Masjid
where some media personnel were able to broadcast from within the Masjid where they
helped documenting the peacefulness of the people under siege inside the Masjid. The sieged
protestors were also menaced to be burnt along with the Masjid at any moment. The siege
continued till the dawn of the next day where everyone inside the Masjid was apprehended.
These incidents resulted in 185 dead according to statistics.
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
• On the same day other killings happened as a result of the attacks done by
security forces against protestors, most important incidents were;
- Ibrahimia, Haddra and Sumouha incidents in Alexandria which resulted in 35 dead
civilian citizens.
- Arbaeen sit-in scattering of protesting crowds incidents in -Geish St.,-Suez which
resulted in 23 dead civilians.
- Istiqama and Garden City Marches incidents which resulted in 15 dead civilians.
- Fayyoum Security Department (Modereyat Al Amn) incidents which resulted in 15
dead civilians.
- Omraneya- Haram Tunnel- Nassreldeen incidents which resulted in 12 dead civilians.
- Ismaiilia- Ismaiilia Law Courts Compound- August, 16 which resulted in 11 dead
[August, 17, 2013 until August, 12, 2015]
(476 killed)
1- Abo Zaabal Massacre, 18/8/2013 "Death Wagon" [37 dead]
(a)Incidents narration:
In the morning of August, 18 and after Rabia Holocaust, 45 cuffed men were apprehended and
thrown into a prison deportation vehicle that fits only 24 persons. An hour later the vehicle
stopped at Abu Zaabal prison during that the apprehended were suffering from the
overcrowded vehicle and facing difficulty in breathing at a temperature near forty. The
apprehended had to wait the admission of another 600 apprehended persons into the prison
which took hours. When they felt that they can take no more given their number and the
temperature degrees, they started to ask for help and to bang the doors of the vehicle.
According to the incident's only survivor Hussein Abdulaal they were asked to curse President
Muhammed Moursi and to name themselves after women names and so they did hoping for
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
some mercy to be bestowed upon them but in vain. After staying for seven hours in the "Death
Wagon" they were finally allowed out but at the moment some of them were already dying.
(b)A documented testimony on the incidents of Abu Zaabal prison:
- The witness" Muhammed Abdulmaaboud Ibrahim", Sharkia resident, said that he was
arrested with other four persons in an army ambush at Suez-Cairo desert Road. Those
four were heading back home to attend the funeral of one of the Rabia sit-in scattering
casualties. He added that they were deported to Abu Zaabal with four more persons
after their detention in Masr Ehgedida police station for three days. He pointed out
that the deportation vehicle was very crowded and that they demanded for another
deportation vehicle to take them but in vain. The eye-witness said that they left inside
the deportation vehicle within the walls of Abu Zaabal from six in the morning till
three in the afternoon, referring to that most of the detainees died or fainted except
for only five of them. He proceeded that they kept shouting out asking for water or to
come out from the vehicle but a police official standing near the vehicles said to them
(no problem … we want you dead) and in other cases they were asked to curse
President Moursi or themselves. The only survivor ended his alarming testimony
saying that after they came out from the vehicle one of the officers was using Tasers to
electroshock the dead to make sure they're not just fainted.
(c) How the killing happened ….
According to some witnesses:" There were very ambiguous circumstances surrounding the
group execution that happened. Eye-witnesses who were the seven persons surviving that
holocaust affirmed that the vehicle was left within the walls of the prison for around seven
hours. After the prisoners objected to the way they are being treated and the throwing of
words between the prisoners and one of the officers, security members threw gas bombs
inside the vehicle, closed the doors and sit around waiting for 37 prisoners to die".
2- August, 30, 2013, Sphinx Square incidents [6 dead]
- Massive demonstrations went out with hundreds of thousands of protestors in what
so called" Resolution Friday" denying what happened in July, 3, 2013. Police forces
stood against those demonstrations using more police reinforcements and shutting
down most of the roads and squares leading to Rabia Square. In the evening, Ahrar
Movement which represents some groups called "Third Square", called for protests
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
against the rule of both Armed Forces and Muslim Brotherhood. Six persons of the
movement including one girl were killed in Lebanon Square (west of Cairo) by police
3- October, 6, 2013 incidents [51 dead]
The fortieth anniversary of the October War victories witnessed an ironical tragedy … while
some Egyptians were celebrating the victories of the 6th
of October War in Tahrir Square and
other squares all over the Republic, police forces were shooting against peaceful crowds
refusing the roadmap … which resulted in more than 51 dead protestors, some of them had
their heads exploded … their brains dangling over their heads.
4- January, 14-15, 2014 the constitutional questionnaire [12 dead]
Two days of questionnaire witnessed great demonstrations all over the Republic against the
constitution …. Police forces attacked unarmed (peaceful) protestors which resulted in 12
dead casualties … as explained:
*One martyr in Auseem … 2 in Naheia … Giza.
*One martyr in Cairo *One martyr in Beni Sweif
*6 martyrs in Sohag … among them a beaten to death student and a 14 year-old kid.
*One person died the next day of the severity of his injuries
5- Third anniversary of the January Revolution incidents [103 dead]
The demonstrations went all over the Republic in a memorial of the January Revolution while
the police forces showed those protestors no mercy. Those incidents resulted in 103 dead
protestor distributed over different governorates as follow:
*79 victims from Cairo **20 victims from Giza **two from Minya
**One victim in both Dakahleya and Alexandria
Among them were 22 university students (20 males- 2 females)
**6 students at Alazhar University among them was Sumaia Abd Allah a freshman at Islamic
Studies Faculty, Alexandria branch.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
**3 casualties at Cairo University among them Ruqaia Hashem Eslam a freshman at Media and
Information Faculty
**3 students at Ain Shams University ** 3 students at Tanta University
** One student at each of the following universities: Benha-Alexandria-Menufeya-Minya-
Helwan Private University
6- May, 2014, Helwan and Matareya incidents [12 dead]
Regime forces set a siege over Arab Elwalda in May, 2, 2014… where huge amounts of
cartridges, gas and live ammunition have been thrown at the protestors which resulted in 8
dead. On the thirty-first of the same month 4 were killed among them were two ladies.
7- Killed students inside campuses and student dorms [20 dead]
The outcome of the security attacks against students inside campuses and university dorms
for two school years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 ……., are 20 dead distributed according to
their universities as follow:
**8 in Alazhar University: (3 at Nassr City branch- 1 at Assuit branch- 4 at university dorms)
**12 casualties in other universities: (8 in Cairo University- 2 in Alexandria- one student at
each following university; Ain Shams and Beni Suweif)
Their distribution according to a timetable:
2 ………. November,2013
5 …………. December, 2013
6 ………. January, 2014
6 ………… March, 2014
1 ………… April, 2014
The last but not least casualty was Anas Almahdi who was killed in May, 2015 of a severe
injury included a concussion after being brutally attacked by the administrative security.
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
8- Defaa Gawei Stadium incidents [20 dead]
More than 20 dead casualty fell in the attacks by the police forces against Zamalek Ultras on
front of Defaa Gawei Stadium in Febreuary, 8, 2015, before the match between Inbi and
Zamalek taking place within the General Football Tournament.
9- January, 25, 2015, Fourth Anniversary of the January,25 Revolution
16 people were killed and dozens wounded during the demonstrations break up that swept
Egyptian governorates today, and stretched from Alexandria in the north to Upper Egypt... for
the memorial of the fourth anniversary of the January 25 revolution and in spite of the
authorities initiative to step up security presence in Tahrir Square, and the concentration of
military vehicles in the surroundings and the entrances of streets leading to it. All those
measures were taken to prevent demonstrations in Cairo. Four demonstrators were shot dead
by the security forces, one of them in Ain Shams and three in Matareya, during the Security
disperse of the demonstrators, protesting against the coup. In Giza four demonstrators were
killed, and two were killed in Beheira, two more in Alexandria, one of them during the army
disperse of a demonstration in Awayed area. Witnesses said that security forces forcefully
dispersed the demonstrators in a situation moving back and force between the two sides.
Socialist People Alliance Party has announced the killing of girl member of the party called
Shaimaa Alsabbagh with bullet cartridges, following the security intervention to disperse a
stand in Talaat Harb square near Tahrir Square on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the
revolution and said the party that the stand was peaceful to put wreaths on the memorial in
the field.
10- 17/7/2015 Eid al-Fitr Massacre [6 dead]
Security forces committed a massacre against the Egyptian people on the morning of Eid al-
Fitr and after the Eid prayer, where tear gas cans and cartridges were fired at the prayer
plazas, killing six citizens in Nahia 2 and 4 in Al-haram, including a woman.
11- Killings within departments and prisons as a result of torture or deprivation of
treatment [161 dead] :
During the two years of systematic violations against Egyptians and even within departments,
prisons and places of detention. The Egyptian citizen was not spared from the abuse and
violation of his dignity and wasting his life sometimes with direct systematic torture and other
with deliberate medical neglect…
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
a) In the period between 06/30/2013 and 12/31/2013, 20 deaths in places of detention were
detected, including 7 cases of torture and 13 cases of medical negligence leading to death.
(And that's only if we exclude the massacre and deportations vehicle that led to the deaths of
37 people, which already talked about previously).
b) While during 2014 has been more than 77 deaths monitored inside of detentions [5 cases of
torture ... and 72 medical negligence case].
c) Starting from January 2015 until the date of issuance of this report, the Egyptian
coordination of Rights and Freedoms has spotted more than 64 deaths in places of detention,
including 8 cases of torture...56 case of medical negligence ...]
A follower of this file does not miss that this serious condition, which collected the lives of
scores of Egyptians. Violations affected all men, women and children … doctors, teachers,
engineers, journalists, university professors and politicians ... criminals. Which demonstrates
the seriousness of what pursued by the state's policy towards all citizens ... and its
deactivation of the laws to ensure the safety and dignity of the citizen and his right to a fair
10- Physical Liquidation [32 dead]
At the beginning of 2015, Egyptian security authorities pursued a serious approach that
violates all constitutions and charters of human rights where it resorted to field physical
liquidation of opponents of the regime and more dangerous that the state official systems did
not hesitate to use the term " liquidation " as 32 cases of physical liquidation were located as
follows :
** January 25, 2015: (Omar Shaalan - Raed Saad - Beheira) (Hamdi Alhindi - Damietta)
** January 26: (Bilal Osama Ezabi ... Port Said)
** March 9, 2015: (Sayed Shaarawy ...Nahia)
** March 17: (Ahmed Gabr ...Sidy Bishr Alexandria)
** March 21: (Sohaib Abdul Karim - Jihad Abu Alros...Sarqia)
** April 28: (Hossam Badr Marzouk -Mohsen Muhammed Attia - Hanafi Abdel Azim - Reda
Abdel Salam Mahmoud ..... Beni Suef)
** May 16: (Liquidation of 2 in Helwan area)
** May 19: (Islam Attiyto student/engineer, following his abduction from the Commission on
the university exam)
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Comprehensive report on the Killings by the
security forces.
During the period June,30th
2013 till August,
** June 30: (Mohammad Sami … Khaled Mahmoud - Mohammed Sibai - where they were killed
by detonating a car owned by one of them after being arrested at a March in October City) .
** July 1: (liquidation of 9 leaders of the Brotherhood in a house in October 6 City after being
shot directly in the house right after breaking into the apartment and arresting them).
** July 5: (Mohammed Al-Faki ... Mlij village - Menoufia was killed by security forces during his
** August 6 :( Magdi Bassiouni ... Alayat- security forces stormed his home at dawn and killed
him without resistance).
In Fayoum: (Rabie Murad, a working teacher, Abdel Nasser Alwani a working accountant
Abdul Aziz Heiba a working teacher, Abdul Salam Hateta a working teacher, Ayman Salah a
working teacher, these five friends from Fayoum were sitting together in a house on that day
when security forces stormed the house and killed them all).
• After the former demonstration of all systematic killings and mass murder and practiced by
the political system, the Coordination recommends the following:
1) Activating the laws and constitutions for the protection of the rights of individuals, citizens
to a dignified life and guaranteeing their safety.
2) Activating the laws, constitutions and international covenants and charters for the
protection of the rights of individuals to freely express their opinion and the right to peaceful
3) The legal and judicial institutions should perform their jobs that include, the inspection of
prisons and ensure the provision of psychological and physical care and safety of detainees
and prisoners in general.
4) Providing the rights of citizens in judiciary representation and fair trials
5) Open an urgent investigation into all the incidents of the killing of citizens, and bring those
responsible to trial immediately
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en القتل

  • 1. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 Executive Summary 2799 killed in two years Killings by the Egyptian authorities varied, as it evolved from civil killings during protests and marches to armed scattering of peaceful sit-ins in which the army was involved. Systematic killings were evolved then into other forms of which we mention torture and killings inside prisons using deprivation and torture beyond what human beings can stand. Again recently it evolved into direct assassination and liquidation of individuals. The study has included three periods of time according to the associated incidents; as the first period, which falls between June, 30, 2013 and August, 13, 2013, has witnessed 316 murders, followed by the period between August, 14 and August, 16, 2013 which has witnessed 2007 murders and last but not least the period between August, 17, 2013 and August, 12, 2015 where a total 476 murders were committed by the current regime. That's all what the Coordination has manages to document according to supplied information and the documentation of the big events only. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21 CONTENTS OF THE REPORT FIRST: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECOND: INTRODUCTION THIRD: METHODOLOGY FOURTH: ATTACHED LAWS FIFTH: KILLINGS DURING THE PERIOD TIME FROM [JUNE, 30, 2013 UNTIL AUGUST, 13, 2013[ )316KILLED( SIXTH: KILLINGS DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM AUGUST, 14 UNTIL AUGUST, 16, 2013[ )2007KILLED( SEVENTH: THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM [AUGUST, 17, 2013 UNTIL AUGUST, 12, 2015[ )476KILLED( EIGHTH: RECOMMENDATIONS
  • 2. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 IN THIS REPORT YOU SHOULD FIND: First: Executive Summary Second: Introduction Third: Methodology Fourth: Attached laws Fifth: killings during the period time from [June, 30, 2013 until August, 13, 2013] (316 killed) Sixth: killings during the period of time from August, 14 until August, 16, 2013] (2007 killed) Seventh: the period of time from [August, 17, 2013 until August, 12, 2015] (476 killed) Eighth: Recommendations E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 3. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 INTRODUCTION Political incidents had a huge impact on rights conditions in Egypt especially in the period of time since June, 30, 2013 when protests started happening for the support of elected president Dr. Muhammed Moursi. Protests went on streets and sit-ins in major squares since June, 28, 2013. Theses protests were against an opposing movement to the elected president called "Tamarod" or "Rebel" which has also announced that they'll hold protests in the streets. But after that has happened we find the army appearing and taking a hold of the action by supporting the opposition against Moursi over his supporters. The army officials hence declared in July, 3, 2013 what they called "Roadmap" which was declined by Moursi's supporters and as a result they continued their protests and sit-in around the "Rabia" and "Nahda" squares. - Until that moment the scene has appeared to be a kind of political incidents taking place for both supporters and the opposition. While we find that the security forces especially the ministry of internal affairs which have joined hands with "Thugs" to assault the protestors. They have decided to use violence against Moursi's supporters the kind of violence we can only call a systematized violence by the regime itself. Violence has been used by these authorities in different incidents such as using armed power to scatter sit-ins and executions sentenced to civilians later. - The army made no effort to appear less involved with these violent incidents and showed off its formation and weapons more often. - Violence against detainees evolved during the school year, besides civil massacres and mass murders, the situation was evolving inside prisons to the extent of direct and intentional killing using different ways of torture or deprivation of proper medication and treatment. - A new violation has surfaced at the end of the school year manifested in assassinations and direct liquidation of the opposition to the current regimes which could happen at the streets or even at their households. - Students also were subject to direct killing not only while participating in public peaceful protests but also inside their campuses or university dorms. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 4. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 The above demonstration points out that the current regime in Egypt is using various killing machinery, overlooking all articles and provisions of the local constitutions or even the international charters and conventions. That necessarily means, we should pay attention to the systematic crimes committed by the regime and put an end to its severe spread in society. REPORT METHODOLOGY • This report was based on different methods of gathering and collecting information as follow; - Previously issued reports on human rights by local and international organizations, especially the "Human Rights Watch "reports on the incidents of "Rabia Aladawia" ... - Newspapers, media and news sites. - Observation and documentation unit inside of the Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms. - The incidents of Sinai were excluded considering that we have no available reliable documentation techniques inside it. ATTACHED LAWS 1. Provisions involved with the right to live; The right to live, be free and feel safe is a basic right of the rights established by the international law of human rights. The third article of the International Declaration of Human Rights states that" every individual has the right to live, be free and feel safe". The sixth article of the International Covenant of the political and civil rights also states that" every individual should be entitled to the right to his own life and that the law should be the provider of it and that no one should be deprived of his life arbitrarily". The fourth Geneva Convention, issued in August, 12, 1949 which concerns the protection of the civilians in time of war, banned violence towards a person's life or physical safety. It also banned every form of killing, mutilation, cruelty and torture against people being protected by this convention. - The international covenant concerned with civil and political rights has also declared in article no. 6: (-1 that every person has the inherent right to life, it should be protected by the law and that no one should be arbitrarily deprived of his own E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 5. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 life. The international declaration of human rights, article 3 says that" everyone has the right to life, liberty and guaranteed personal safety). 2. Articles attached to providing protection to medical missions: The "Fourth Geneva Convention" along with the two additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions in 1949, provided special protection for medical missions and crews that was mentioned in articles from no. 14 to no. 24 in the same convention. It ensures the principle of freedom of movement and mobility for the medical crews and missions. It also provides necessary accommodations for those crews to accomplish their missions which includes their evacuation, moving, applying first aids to the wounded, the sick, pregnant women, women in puerperium and necessary vaccinations for children. Article no. 21 of the "Fourth Geneva Convention" in 1949 states that" the procedures of moving the wounded, the civil sick, the old men and women in puerperium which take place on land by vehicle convoys and hospital trains should be respected and protected ….., side by side with the hospitals mentioned in article no. 18. Article no.23 of the same convention states that" Each of the high contracting parties should ensure the free passage of all medicines' consignments, missions and objects necessary for religious worship intended exclusively to residents of another contracting party of civilians, even if the opponent. Also permitting all consignments of essential food, clothing and food supplements sent for children under the age of 15, pregnant and women in puerperium …., these consignments should be transmitted as fast as possible. 3. Articles concerning Genocide and anti-humanity crimes; What proves that the killing happened after the use of armed forces to scatter the masses of people in "Rabia" and "Nahda" sit-ins is defined as a genocide is what has been mentioned in the Genocide Convention in 1948: (II article, genocide means any of the following actions that could be meant as a method of utter or partial destruction to a national or ethnic or racist or religious group of people in any of the following forms; a) killing members of the group, b) causing serious bodily or mental harms to the members of the group, c) submitting the group, deliberately to living circumstances that could only lead to its utter or partial physical destruction. "Crime against Humanity" means (specifically any type of prohibited acts which are specified in Rome whenever it's committed whether it's in the form of a wide-range attack or a systematic one against any group of civilians, these acts include premeditated murder, E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 6. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 annihilation, rape, sexual slavery, deportation or compulsory transmission of inhabitants, along with segregation and other crimes. Genocide and crimes against humanity are due punishment whether they've been committed during the time of war or peace equally. 4. The right to sit-ins and peaceful protests; The European Convention on human rights stated in article no. (11), that every person has the right to hold peaceful assembly, just as demonstrated in the Arab Charter on human rights in 2004, in the article no. (24), where it was stated that every person has the right to hold peaceful assembly. According to the code of conduct for law enforcement officials adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1979, article 2: (law enforcement officials on duty should respect and protect human dignity, preserve and dignify the human rights of every person). In article 3: (law enforcement officials are authorized to use power only when they have to and when necessary to the performance of their duty). 5. The criminalization of force and firearms to face proper sit-ins: It was stated in the fundamental principles regarding the use of force and firearms by the law enforcement officials which was issued in 1990 and the most principles that the two documents revolve around are; - Not using force unless it was highly recommended or strictly necessary to perform duty. - Respect the principle of proportionality meaning that power use should be suitable to the desired legitimate perspective. - Considering the use of firearms as an extreme measure that should be used only when the less affirmative methods are insufficient to suppress violence. - It's been denoted in the well-known Havana Convention of 1955, which has been approved by Egypt that protestors shouldn't suffer from assaults as long they keep their protests peaceful. If protestors attack security men first, only then the security men should have the right to attack back by shooting some rubber shots at the protestors or even fire guns at them if needed but only to the lower part of the body (feet and legs) only to stop them not to kill them. Random shooting or beating of the E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 7. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 protestors which leads to serious or even deadly injuries id considered a crime against humanity especially if it was done to a huge group of people which is incriminated by the well-known international charters that are joined and signed by Egypt. KILLINGS DURING THE PERIOD TIME FROM [June, 30, 2013 until August, 13, 2013] (316 killed) [7 massive incidents with a total of 316 killed] After the removal of so many small incidents which might have resulted in the death of one or two persons, we have a number of days eventful with crimes of mass killing, demonstrated as follow; (1)July, 2, 2013 Bein-elsarayat Incidents- Giza (23 killed) - This is considered the first incident of mass killing, it was after the speech that Dr. Moursi has delivered as a response to the consequent threats addressed to him by the army officials which concern his approval of what is called "Roadmap". Crowds favoring Dr. Moursi started to gather around the Nahda Square but the police forces used some "thugs" to scatter this sit-in which led to a fight between members of the sit-in and "thugs" and as a result there were 23 victim who fell dead on this night according to the official statistic declared by the ministry of health then. (2)July, 5, 2013 incidents of the "Refusal Friday" (36 killed) Reports mentioned that police forces shot live ammunition at the refusing-protesting crowds who protest for what happened in July, 3, 2013, in this incident 36 was killed besides more than 1000 wounded. (3)July, 8, 2013 the incidents of "Republican Guards" (100 killed) Police forces shot live ammunition at the members of the sit-in that took place right in front of the facility of republican guards' club, the shooting happened while the protestors were performing the Fajr Prayer (a Muslim prayer performed before the early beginnings of the morning) which led to the death of 100 person-that's what have been documented- deaths at the beginning were around 57 persons according to the ministry of health sources then was E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 8. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 declared to be 61 deaths according to another report coming out from the department of forensic medicine. The injuries were said to be more than 435 persons. The number of the deaths rose up later as some of the injured passed away, eventually they became 100 killings including the photographer" Ahmed Assem" whose camera had the misfortune of documenting the moment he was shot by the sniper who killed him. (4)July, 15, 2013 , the incidents of "Ramses" (10 killed) Demonstrations went into streets in July, 15 from before Al-fath masjid in Ramses but the police forces accompanied with a number of thugs assaulted the protestors which led to the death of 10 people besides the injury of hundreds of them, some with severe injuries, in addition to the apprehension of 500 protestor. (5)July, 19, 2013 Mansoura incidents (5 dead women) A group of thugs supported by the police forces attacked a peaceful march which had gone out into streets from before "Almansoura Stadium" after performing Taraweeh prayers in the month of Ramadan. The March head towards "Abdulsalam Aref" St., passing by "Terah" St., where the incident took place. Thugs have been armed with metal weapons and also firearms and cartridges. The attack led to the death of 5 women and girls from Mansoura city, the names of the victims are; Hala Abo-shueisha a high school student, Islam Abdulghani a certified pharmacist, Amaal Farahat a housewife, Feryal Alzuheiry a housewife, finally passed away after laying down injured for a week the same as Seham Algamal who was a member of the party and a people's deputy in the former Peopl'e Assembly who died weeks after suffering from being shot with ammunition during that incident. (6)July, 26, 2013 the incidents of "Alkaed Ibrahim" Masjid (12 killed) Police forces accompanied with armed thugs attacked thousands of protestors gathered in the square of "Alkaed Ibrahim" Masjid. The attack happened by shooting live ammunition, cartridges and tear gas bombs at the protestors. Lots of thugs were also equipped with metal and firearm weapons which led to the death of 12 persons and the injury of another 270. Incidents remained till maybe after 10 hours of attacking the protestors, synchronizing with Asr Prayer until the early hours of the next morning when the navy forces decided to fire directly at the protestors around the square of Alkaed Ibrahim and Alraml Station downtown Alexandria. It wasn't only attacking the protestors or the prayers who couldn't finish their Taraweeh but it was a siege to the prayers that lasted for more than 12 hours while the prayers were inside Alkaed Ibrahim Masjid. Inside the Masjid there were women, kids and E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 9. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 men threatened by asphyxiating gas and the attack of tens of thugs until the Masjid was opened and 84 protestor were apprehended on the next day, according to Alshehab Center of human rights. (7)July, 27, 2013 Almanassa (platform) incidents (130 killed) After the authorization that "Abdelfattah Alsisi" asked his supporters to give to him in order to face what he called" potential Terrorism", the police forces attacked the members of the sit- in on the borderlines of Rabia Aladaweya square and infront of the platform in Nasr City where the numbers of the dead were statistically estimated with more than 70 women among the total number of 130 to 220 martyrs and a number of injured that surpassed 5000. Rabia field hospital announced right after the incident that the number of the dead was then estimated with 127 person, in addition to 4500 injured among them 700 injuries caused by fire shots, cartridges and bone fractions, the rest were suffering from gas traces, in addition to hundreds of other cases that were treated in hospitals and medical centers and there was no time to count them. This probably points out that the number of the dead surpassed the declared number considering the passing away of some injured cases besides fact that others had gone to other hospitals for treatment. KILLINGS DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM [August, 14 until August, 16, 2013] (2007 killed) 1. Rabia Holocaust [1300 killed] 1.1General Overview After reviewing all former and latter incidents, we get to confirm that the political regime that has grabbed his hold around the country since July, 3, 2013, made its decision to violently attack any opposing person which appears clearly in the incidents of "Republican Guards" and "The Platform" as major incidents. It's also obvious that the current regime is seeking utter destruction of any opposing sit-ins which means its violation to both international and local laws demonstrating regulations and restrictions to sit-ins' scatterings. These violations led to a huge number of injured and dead casualties that to be added to a long list of violations that doesn't fit in this report, such as lethal injuries as well as the embarrassing "Missing Persons" file which represents a huge dilemma for the Egyptian society. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 10. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 2-1 How the "break-up" happened and how that led to more dead casualties; - According to "Human Rights Watch" report it happened as follow; a- Insufficient …. , ambiguous warnings ….. "Earlier to August, 14, the government was threatening and announced its plan to scatter the sit-ins using firearms but these menaces failed to reach the Rabia square, were in sufficient in media and failed to set a firmed date to the final scattering of the sit-ins. The warnings announced in the morning of the scattering weren't heard by so many and failed to give the protestors sufficient time to leave before the police forces start to use armed power towards them. The great majority of the protestors interviewed by Human Rights Watch on their background of the incident, said that they did not hear the recorded warnings that was broadcasted by the police forces through microphones near at least two entries to the sit-in, just minutes before the shooting began". b- Besieging the sit-in .., and blocking every way out According to the confirmations by "Watch" reports too, it was confirmed that "police forces after that has besieged the protestors for most of the day, then the attack began through the main five entries of the sit-in so that no safe exit was provided till the day was over. Even the injured who needed immediate medical care or the persons willing to escape found no safe exit. Instead, as reported in so many cases, police forces intentionally fired at people trying to escape". c- More than 12 hours of attacks … It was added by "Watch" report that: "scattering of Rabia sit-in lasted for more than 12 hours, starting at sunrise until sunset where police forces with the coordination with military forces were determined to start attacking at around half past six in the morning". 3-1 Sides hold responsible for murders …, and utilized weapons According to "Human Rights Watch" report there has been a diversity of utilized weapons as follow; • Lethal and deadly weapons... • Both police and army forces joined hands in using force towards the protestors E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 11. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 • Setting fires and sentencing both sit-in squares to death - Security forces opened fire at the protestors using live ammunition which caused hundreds to fall dead with bullets in heads, necks and chests. "Human Rights Watch" also asserted the use of lethal powers indiscriminately. Snipers were centered inside vehicles and next to them where they were able to shoot at massive crowds of protestors. Many witnesses also said that they spotted snipers shooting at protestors from helicopters just above the Rabia arena. - The police in coordination with the army forces have started their attack with throwing tear-gas cans and firing cartridges at the protestors near the sit-in entries. Swiftly, in just a few minutes, these forces started shooing live ammunition at the near entries which was confirmed by many witnesses. The police forces then used the army bulldozers to crawl slowly into the sit-in through the five main entries. Two entries were located on the road of victory (Tareeq Alnasr), two others were located on the "Tayaran" St., and another one through "Anwar Almofti" St. behind Rabia Aladaweya Masjid. At early morning hours, the bulldozers were crushing the random improvised barricades set by the protestors and other installations. The creeping forces were supported by snipers spread on the roofs of nearby official facilities. Doctors from Rabia field hospital said to "Human Rights Watch" that the great majority of the injuries they were treating was caused by fire shots which mostly was located into heads or chests. Security forces were shooting at medical utilities since the early morning. Snipers were taking positions that enabled them to shoot at anyone wants to get in or out of Rabia field hospital. - In the early afternoon, just after a brief recess at midday the shooting was decreased and then the security forces had intensified the shooting as it crawled its way into the deepest point of the sit-in. Security forces killed a lot of protestors at these last few hours as no one was protected because of the wide spread fires. Around 5:30 p.m., the police had surrounded the rest of the protestors around Rabia Aladaweya Masjid and field hospital which were near the center of the sit-in, then took possession of the hospital. At this moment, every last person in the hospital was ordered to leave, including the doctors, with strict orders to leave the deceased corpuses along with the injured behind. After the departure of the last protestors remaining in the arena, fires broke out at the platform stationed at the arena of the sit-in, the field hospital, the Masjid and the first floor of Rabia Hospital. The evidences fiercely indicate that the E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 12. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 police forces intentionally set those fires. Security forces held over 800 hundred protestor around the day as captives, attacked, beaten and tortured and in some cases, executed instantly according to the testimony of six witnesses. 4-1 Documented Testimonials (a) Testimony of Dr. Ahmed Rami: - The police and army paid "thugs" to cooperate into the killing of protestors - Safe passages for those who wanted to leave were a mere illusion - Ambulances weren't allowed into the sit-ins Dr. Ahmed Rami, a leading politician at the freedom and liberty party, describes the last scenes of the holocaust on his behalf saying that: after Fajr prayers I went to walk my kids home, it was then when I knew of the attacks over the square so I headed back to"Rabia" square taking the "Tayaran" St., path. Over there I remember noticing one of the ambulances loaded with recruiters ready to sneak into the sit-in, that was at the beginning of the day but I couldn't get through the square itself so I stayed at "Sa'a" square just about 400 meters from Rabia. When I failed to get in, I headed towards "Alalf Maskan" area and there I saw police officers shooting live ammunition also at the protestors, I stayed there just until before the curfew was announced and then I went back again to Rabia to help rescue anyone away from the square using my car. I took a lady who lost her husband and some other protestors who weren't originally from Cairo away from the police ambush. Rami adds seeing the prohibition of ambulances from entering the square to help the injured, as well as seeing police officers while they were shooting live ammunition at the protestors and people inside the sit-in. I have also witnessed missiles shot at the tents and instantly set them to fire, probably they were firebombs. I saw the planes shooting at the protestors, I saw the media personnel prohibited from entering to film the incidents except those accompanied by the security members. Dr. Rami continues saying that it worth mentioning that the coordinators of the sit-in had already chose a safe path to use it as an exit in case of real attacks, they planned on getting women and children out first through the path between the Masjid and to Anwar Almofti St., or even relocating the sit-in at another location in case they were attacked. What actually happened is that the first to get hit was the broadcast vehicle which was located in the designated path which eliminated every hope of using this path as a E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 13. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 safe exit. The evacuation plan failed because there was no safe exit unlike what was alleged by the police forces. There was no choice but to stay where you are to help rescuing as much of the injured and wounded persons. (b)Ms. "Manal Khedr" stresses the fact that: - Injuries were severe and lethal …., head and abdomen were targeted - The injured were dying not only of their injuries but because of the prohibition of ambulances from reaching them. - Security forces directly attacked the utilities harboring the injured inside. I went into Rabia hospital- which is located at Rabia and not the field hospital- and there I heard unusual screaming, the injured asking anyone who can help them to step forward and inject or cover their wounds. I thought I would be able to help a couple of cases. Although the hospital had five floors, I couldn't go past the third floor as each floor had around 50 to 60 cases lying between an injured, a wounded or a martyr. It was only around eight o'clock in the morning when I decided to give some help although I'm not a doctor. I was assigned for example to put the brain of a deceased person back into his skull and tie it with plasters so it wouldn't fall out during his funeral. I was also assigned to relocate or tie some exploded intestines that fell off the person's abdomen and that was done so that the doctor could suture them back rapidly as a renovation to the lacerated corpuses. What have been mostly painful was that the doctors had to choose which cases to attend to first due to lack of doctors, places and supplements and moreover no blood to transfer to patients, that's why several cases that only needed blood transfer and suffered from severe hemorrhage weren't taken care of. The doctors also had to overlook critical cases and fatal injuries in the brain, heart or chest. We were standing helpless while the injured were slowly dying because we knew we couldn't do anything to help them. This floor had only four operation rooms while the injuries were beyond every anticipation. Khedr adds that it was hard for us that day to just move around the floor because of the blood shed everywhere, every step meant stepping into a blood bath which reaches over the foot with almost an inch. We had to push the blood towards the stairs using mobs as if we were in a slaughter house or were hit by a flowing stream but it's drowning us with human blood instead. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 14. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 I remember on that day that I filled more than one thousand syringes with antibiotics all by myself, aside from others who were also working in a great energy. One of the most difficult situations was a young man brought to the hospital with almost 100 cartridges distributed all over his body to the extent that his back looked just like a strainer or a filter with all the cartridges in it. He kept moaning in pain , crying and couldn't move and the doctors had to look at him in an ease as if he wasn't injured at all and say to him that he should wait till the end of the day to get treated. Cartridge injuries back then were considered a luxury against other injuries caused by lethal weapons. All we could do for this poor injured was to spray him every now and then with some water. Khedr affirmatively says that the injuries she saw refute every allegation that says police forces were trying to scatter the sit-in, it was meant to be a daunting massacre or bloodshed. Khedr says, for example we saw an amputated leg (from foot up to thigh) carried by a young man and behind him comes others holding the owner of the leg. That person was shot with a bullet that had the power and the volume to amputate his leg right above his thigh exactly. Another case was a falling out brain and eye and a third case of a falling out kidney right through the body and a fourth case of a heart showing from the chest of an injured ….. etc. She proceeds: the shooting at the hospital doors was stopping and in case we needed something from the field hospital, we might send like five guys and receive back probably two or three of them while the rest would get killed at the doors of the hospital. Also during my existence inside an operation room we were surprised by a heavy bullet that penetrated the hospital walls and we had to lie down on the floor as the bullet or the missile has left a big opening in the wall that exposed us to the snipers and the shooters. We mostly thought that it might have been shot from aircrafts or snipers positioned on top of surrounding buildings. Around half past five in the morning two bombs were casted upon the hospital and caused the thick glass surrounding the hospital to severely shatter. The glass pieces rushed towards the chests and hearts of the injured holders, parents and the paramedics. The parents fell right on their sons or relatives. After that the forces broke into the hospital and forced us to depart the hospital and leave without looking back otherwise we would be killed. The hardest thing could be remembered from this moment was the injured taking holds of our clothes, begging us, looking at us and asking us to take them out of here which wasn't possible at the time. Even doctors were forced to leave the operation rooms and get out of the hospital. A little while after that, the hospital was set on fire with every human being inside of it. Hundreds of the injured were burned alive inside the hospital. A lot of cases left there were easy to fix only if there was equipment for performing blood-transfer procedures. The third floor was left with E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 15. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 nearly 60 to 70 injured alive, we can estimate the number of the burned alive on that day only inside the hospital with nearly 300 victims. 5-1 Killing 8 journalists at Rabia "Holocaust": Police forces killed 9 journalists in Rabia alone, their names are: (Mosaab Alshami- a journalist at Rassd Network, Michael Douglas Deen- British, photographer at the British Sky News Network, Adam Muhammed Adam- a camera man capturing videos of the platform of Rabia Aladaweya sit-in, Ahmed Abdulgawad- a journalist at Alakhbar and a reporter for Masr 25 T.V channel, Ahmed Helal- a journalist and a member of the media committee of the Party of Liberty and Justice, Ahmed Muhammed Shaker- a journalist and a photographer, Habiba Ahmed Abdulaziz- a journalist at Emirati Gulf News, Islam Abbas Abdulhafeez Almetnawy- a journalist and a program director at Nile News channel. 6-1 The figure dilemma Although it's not the final figure that could be estimated concerning the Rabia Holocaust, we can say that the average estimated number could be 1300 dead in Rabia alone. 2- "Nahda" holocause [90 killed] 2-1 General Overview Police forces followed the same measures that were followed in the Rabia holocaust, to scatter the crowds of the "Nahda" square in Giza. According to "Human Rights Watch" report: "around six a.m. the police forces asked the protestors to leave the square through speakers, then almost right after this announcement started shooting at the protestors including those who were trying to use the alleged "safe" exits. Eye witnesses described how the police forces started shooting the protesters intentionally and indiscriminately, using cartridges, tear gas and live ammunition. While some protestors were hiding inside the building of Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University, violence had increased as the police forces shot at the protestors hiding inside the building". According to the documents, more than 90 person were killed during scattering the crowds of Alnahda only. 2-2 Documented Testimonials Dr. Ahmed Gamal confirms: E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 16. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 - The bullets was aimed at the head and the upper parts of the body - The army was there during the holocaust - The safe paths were nothing but a lie Within the area of "Nahda" sit-in, Dr. Ahmed Gamal mentions: the most outstanding thing happened there was the moment of Sheikh "Ahmed Abuldahab" death, he was one of Alnahda protestors originally from Atfeeh. Abuldahab was our Imam into the Fajr prayers that day. After the holocaust began while he was coming out from the garage attached to the building of faculty of Engineering, he was shot directly in the head which made his brain completely fall out of his head. Probably it was a half-inch bullet. The second scene- Gamal is adding, while we were trying to leave the square we noticed the forces positioned on top of Giza bridge. The forces there stayed still for nearly half an hour, then they started shooting that's when we started running towards Alestikama Masjid where three of us were hunted down at the door of the Masjid with severe injuries caused by straight shots of live ammunition into their heads. Concerning the lie of "safe paths" Gamal says: there was no safe path to exit from the square, on the contrary, the forces entered the square through the path of "Bein Elsarayat" and through the area in front of Alnahda Statue. There were forces positioned on top of the bridge in the Giza square path that's why the firing didn't cease at the area of the statue and from the top of the Giza Bridge. Gamal asserts that most injuries seen that day inside the square were straight shots to the head. The shots types varied- according to him- between half-inch bullets resembling thin piping or at the size of two joined fingers, those were shot by the grenade launchers stationed at the top of armored vehicles or from aircrafts, those bullets had the power to explode the heat instantly or completely amputate a limb whether it was an arm, a leg or any other organ of the body. Other injuries we witnessed, also according to Ahmed Gamal, were caused by 12 m bullets and those injuries were a lot around Alorman Garden, most of the bullets shot within the Giza square were also 12m. At Nasr-eldeen or Alharam tunnel area where we headed later and protestors coming there in huge numbers, the bullets varied, there were machine-gun fire which came from the roofs of the surrounding buildings-buildings under construction- and from above the Metro Station, also from above two buildings to the right of Alharam Tunnel. There I saw severe children injuries, one of those children received a bullet to his foot that amputated it and another 12 year-old kid received a bullet to his abdomen. A lot of youngsters also received bullets that exploded their heads completely. Gamal thinks that what he saw and E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 17. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 witnessed was beyond any explanation and asserts-on his behalf- that the army forces were very excessively apparent around Alnahda Square and during the Nahda holocaust. Warnings and scattering sirens used in wars, had a yellow color just the same as the army tanks, were stabilized on the police armored vehicles and it was obvious that it wasn't a part to the vehicle but attached to it. There were two aircrafts hovering around the arena where the Nahda Massacre had happened, one belongs to the police forces which shot directly at the protestors, a little above in the air there was another helicopter that belonged to the army looked as if it supervised the situation. There were also other armored vehicles and mobile troops within the arena. Regarding his testimonial to what happened to the field hospital in Nahda Square, Gamal proceeds saying that it was in one piece and the injured kept coming to the doctors in it hoping for some medication even after the forces had evacuated the whole square and finished the bloodshed, even then the field hospital was intact. By then the forces headed towards the field hospital, taken out the injured and incinerating the hospital once and for all. All the injured taken out from the field hospital were assaulted first and then apprehended. Among those injured was Waleed Abo Shama who was injured with a bullet either from a heavy machine gun or from an aircraft, that the bullet penetrated his arm and went through. Waleed was assaulted by several hits on the spot of his injury either with the body of the weapons or with their feet mercilessly and then he was apprehended. Because the forces used a very little amount of cartridges, it was only normal to find the injuries lying in the field hospital ranging from critical to lethal. The numbers of the injured were taken out and apprehended from the hospital ranged from 50 to 100 cases. The hospital was small and couldn't intake more than this estimated number. The reason for the deliberate firing of the hospital clearly has no justification and could only be answered with a huge question mark. Dr. Hussein affirms that: - Tear gas cans were thrown into the field hospital forcing everyone inside to come out "Morning of that holocaust we felt the importance of self-composure as we were attacked very early and from every side with live ammunition and grenades which caused at once nearly one hundred cases of suffocation. I was holding alone more than five syringes to cure shortness of breath and bandages for stopping hemorrhage. That lasted until I was shot myself and couldn't help anyone anymore… then a member of the police opened one of the hospital windows and asked" Is that a hospital?" … everybody shouted "Yes" thinking that they might leave us continue what we are doing. It was only a few seconds later when they threw an incendiary E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 18. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 and asphyxiating bomb at us which made every breath as our last. So we came out surrendering but I went first to a room which had some of the injured lying while I was there another bomb was thrown at us and I witnessed the incineration of an old man that I know from Shobra right in front of me, he was a volunteer electrician in the hospital ..!! 3- Governorates on the same day [321 killed] - All railway stations were closed in all governorates, a curfew was announced in 14 governorates and the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced a state of high alert in its departments and stations after the attacks and fires that happened to some police facilities, churches and some other buildings. - Security forces have suppressed all demonstrations that were hold that day, killings happened during those demonstrations as follow: - Omraneya - Haram Tunnel- Nassreldeen incidents resulted in 16 dead all civilians. - Nozha- Alf Maskan incidents resulted in 16 dead all civilians. - Suez-Suez Governmental Cabinet and Hamza Masjid incidents resulted in 16 dead all civilians. - Kurdasa police station incidents resulted in 16 dead, 13 of them were joining the police force. - Malawy police station- Minia and Samallout police stations incidents resulted in 41 dead among them 6 police personnel. - Modereya Squre scattering of crowds- Beni Sweif governorate incidents resulted in 13 dead all civilians. - Tamia police station, around Fayyoum Governmental Cabinet and police department incidents resulted in 31 dead among them 7 police personnel. - Scattering protesting crowds near the Local Council building in Kom Eldekka- Alexandria which resulted in 51 dead among them 3 police personnel. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 19. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 - Scattering protesting crowds near Helwan police station which resulted in 34 dead among them 4 police personnel. - Scattering protesting crowds in Dokki, Muhandeseen and Mustafa Mahmoud Square which resulted in 51 dead among them 1 police personnel. - Scattering protesting crowds in Thaqafa Square near Mary Gerges (Church of Saint George) Church in Sohag which resulted in 18 dead among them 1 police personnel. - Scattering protesting crowds in Saleheen and Ismaiilia Courts Compound which resulted in 18 dead among them 7 police personnel. - Aside from other killing incidents where the dead didn't exceed 10. 4- Ramses II in August, 16, 2013 and associated incidents in governorates [296 dead] On Friday, August, 16 National Coalition Supporting Legitimacy in Egypt called for protests on Friday under the title of "Wrath Million Protest" which was after Gomaa Prayers. The protestors had to gather in Ramses Square right in the middle of Cairo. It was two days after the merciless protestors' scattering in Rabia and Nahda sit-ins (August, 14, 2013), when these incidents happened. It started with funeral procession marches of the people killed during the crowd scattering, from several Majids in Cairo heading towards Fatteh Masjid in Ramses Square (the capital's largest Square) where it was joined by several other marched coming from different locations in Giza (west of Cairo). Besides all confirmations that said the attackers were "thugs" paid by the security forces to attack marches, other witnesses said that: "military choppers dropped snipers on top of near surrounding buildings to the square. These choppers fired their guns at Moursi's supporters."other organizations that were also trying to document these incidents, said that there were snipers shooting at Ramses protestors from flying military choppers". According to eye witnesses, at 10 o'clock p.m., security forces intensified its attacks on the protestors and sieged hundreds of them within Fatteh Masjid where some media personnel were able to broadcast from within the Masjid where they helped documenting the peacefulness of the people under siege inside the Masjid. The sieged protestors were also menaced to be burnt along with the Masjid at any moment. The siege continued till the dawn of the next day where everyone inside the Masjid was apprehended. These incidents resulted in 185 dead according to statistics. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 20. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 • On the same day other killings happened as a result of the attacks done by security forces against protestors, most important incidents were; - Ibrahimia, Haddra and Sumouha incidents in Alexandria which resulted in 35 dead civilian citizens. - Arbaeen sit-in scattering of protesting crowds incidents in -Geish St.,-Suez which resulted in 23 dead civilians. - Istiqama and Garden City Marches incidents which resulted in 15 dead civilians. - Fayyoum Security Department (Modereyat Al Amn) incidents which resulted in 15 dead civilians. - Omraneya- Haram Tunnel- Nassreldeen incidents which resulted in 12 dead civilians. - Ismaiilia- Ismaiilia Law Courts Compound- August, 16 which resulted in 11 dead civilians. THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM [August, 17, 2013 until August, 12, 2015] (476 killed) 1- Abo Zaabal Massacre, 18/8/2013 "Death Wagon" [37 dead] (a)Incidents narration: In the morning of August, 18 and after Rabia Holocaust, 45 cuffed men were apprehended and thrown into a prison deportation vehicle that fits only 24 persons. An hour later the vehicle stopped at Abu Zaabal prison during that the apprehended were suffering from the overcrowded vehicle and facing difficulty in breathing at a temperature near forty. The apprehended had to wait the admission of another 600 apprehended persons into the prison which took hours. When they felt that they can take no more given their number and the temperature degrees, they started to ask for help and to bang the doors of the vehicle. According to the incident's only survivor Hussein Abdulaal they were asked to curse President Muhammed Moursi and to name themselves after women names and so they did hoping for E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 21. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 some mercy to be bestowed upon them but in vain. After staying for seven hours in the "Death Wagon" they were finally allowed out but at the moment some of them were already dying. (b)A documented testimony on the incidents of Abu Zaabal prison: - The witness" Muhammed Abdulmaaboud Ibrahim", Sharkia resident, said that he was arrested with other four persons in an army ambush at Suez-Cairo desert Road. Those four were heading back home to attend the funeral of one of the Rabia sit-in scattering casualties. He added that they were deported to Abu Zaabal with four more persons after their detention in Masr Ehgedida police station for three days. He pointed out that the deportation vehicle was very crowded and that they demanded for another deportation vehicle to take them but in vain. The eye-witness said that they left inside the deportation vehicle within the walls of Abu Zaabal from six in the morning till three in the afternoon, referring to that most of the detainees died or fainted except for only five of them. He proceeded that they kept shouting out asking for water or to come out from the vehicle but a police official standing near the vehicles said to them (no problem … we want you dead) and in other cases they were asked to curse President Moursi or themselves. The only survivor ended his alarming testimony saying that after they came out from the vehicle one of the officers was using Tasers to electroshock the dead to make sure they're not just fainted. (c) How the killing happened …. According to some witnesses:" There were very ambiguous circumstances surrounding the group execution that happened. Eye-witnesses who were the seven persons surviving that holocaust affirmed that the vehicle was left within the walls of the prison for around seven hours. After the prisoners objected to the way they are being treated and the throwing of words between the prisoners and one of the officers, security members threw gas bombs inside the vehicle, closed the doors and sit around waiting for 37 prisoners to die". 2- August, 30, 2013, Sphinx Square incidents [6 dead] - Massive demonstrations went out with hundreds of thousands of protestors in what so called" Resolution Friday" denying what happened in July, 3, 2013. Police forces stood against those demonstrations using more police reinforcements and shutting down most of the roads and squares leading to Rabia Square. In the evening, Ahrar Movement which represents some groups called "Third Square", called for protests E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 22. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 against the rule of both Armed Forces and Muslim Brotherhood. Six persons of the movement including one girl were killed in Lebanon Square (west of Cairo) by police forces. 3- October, 6, 2013 incidents [51 dead] The fortieth anniversary of the October War victories witnessed an ironical tragedy … while some Egyptians were celebrating the victories of the 6th of October War in Tahrir Square and other squares all over the Republic, police forces were shooting against peaceful crowds refusing the roadmap … which resulted in more than 51 dead protestors, some of them had their heads exploded … their brains dangling over their heads. 4- January, 14-15, 2014 the constitutional questionnaire [12 dead] Two days of questionnaire witnessed great demonstrations all over the Republic against the constitution …. Police forces attacked unarmed (peaceful) protestors which resulted in 12 dead casualties … as explained: *One martyr in Auseem … 2 in Naheia … Giza. *One martyr in Cairo *One martyr in Beni Sweif *6 martyrs in Sohag … among them a beaten to death student and a 14 year-old kid. *One person died the next day of the severity of his injuries 5- Third anniversary of the January Revolution incidents [103 dead] The demonstrations went all over the Republic in a memorial of the January Revolution while the police forces showed those protestors no mercy. Those incidents resulted in 103 dead protestor distributed over different governorates as follow: *79 victims from Cairo **20 victims from Giza **two from Minya **One victim in both Dakahleya and Alexandria Among them were 22 university students (20 males- 2 females) **6 students at Alazhar University among them was Sumaia Abd Allah a freshman at Islamic Studies Faculty, Alexandria branch. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 23. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 **3 casualties at Cairo University among them Ruqaia Hashem Eslam a freshman at Media and Information Faculty **3 students at Ain Shams University ** 3 students at Tanta University ** One student at each of the following universities: Benha-Alexandria-Menufeya-Minya- Helwan Private University 6- May, 2014, Helwan and Matareya incidents [12 dead] Regime forces set a siege over Arab Elwalda in May, 2, 2014… where huge amounts of cartridges, gas and live ammunition have been thrown at the protestors which resulted in 8 dead. On the thirty-first of the same month 4 were killed among them were two ladies. 7- Killed students inside campuses and student dorms [20 dead] The outcome of the security attacks against students inside campuses and university dorms for two school years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 ……., are 20 dead distributed according to their universities as follow: **8 in Alazhar University: (3 at Nassr City branch- 1 at Assuit branch- 4 at university dorms) **12 casualties in other universities: (8 in Cairo University- 2 in Alexandria- one student at each following university; Ain Shams and Beni Suweif) Their distribution according to a timetable: 2 ………. November,2013 5 …………. December, 2013 6 ………. January, 2014 6 ………… March, 2014 1 ………… April, 2014 The last but not least casualty was Anas Almahdi who was killed in May, 2015 of a severe injury included a concussion after being brutally attacked by the administrative security. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 24. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 8- Defaa Gawei Stadium incidents [20 dead] More than 20 dead casualty fell in the attacks by the police forces against Zamalek Ultras on front of Defaa Gawei Stadium in Febreuary, 8, 2015, before the match between Inbi and Zamalek taking place within the General Football Tournament. 9- January, 25, 2015, Fourth Anniversary of the January,25 Revolution 16 people were killed and dozens wounded during the demonstrations break up that swept Egyptian governorates today, and stretched from Alexandria in the north to Upper Egypt... for the memorial of the fourth anniversary of the January 25 revolution and in spite of the authorities initiative to step up security presence in Tahrir Square, and the concentration of military vehicles in the surroundings and the entrances of streets leading to it. All those measures were taken to prevent demonstrations in Cairo. Four demonstrators were shot dead by the security forces, one of them in Ain Shams and three in Matareya, during the Security disperse of the demonstrators, protesting against the coup. In Giza four demonstrators were killed, and two were killed in Beheira, two more in Alexandria, one of them during the army disperse of a demonstration in Awayed area. Witnesses said that security forces forcefully dispersed the demonstrators in a situation moving back and force between the two sides. Socialist People Alliance Party has announced the killing of girl member of the party called Shaimaa Alsabbagh with bullet cartridges, following the security intervention to disperse a stand in Talaat Harb square near Tahrir Square on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the revolution and said the party that the stand was peaceful to put wreaths on the memorial in the field. 10- 17/7/2015 Eid al-Fitr Massacre [6 dead] Security forces committed a massacre against the Egyptian people on the morning of Eid al- Fitr and after the Eid prayer, where tear gas cans and cartridges were fired at the prayer plazas, killing six citizens in Nahia 2 and 4 in Al-haram, including a woman. 11- Killings within departments and prisons as a result of torture or deprivation of treatment [161 dead] : During the two years of systematic violations against Egyptians and even within departments, prisons and places of detention. The Egyptian citizen was not spared from the abuse and violation of his dignity and wasting his life sometimes with direct systematic torture and other with deliberate medical neglect… E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 25. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 a) In the period between 06/30/2013 and 12/31/2013, 20 deaths in places of detention were detected, including 7 cases of torture and 13 cases of medical negligence leading to death. (And that's only if we exclude the massacre and deportations vehicle that led to the deaths of 37 people, which already talked about previously). b) While during 2014 has been more than 77 deaths monitored inside of detentions [5 cases of torture ... and 72 medical negligence case]. c) Starting from January 2015 until the date of issuance of this report, the Egyptian coordination of Rights and Freedoms has spotted more than 64 deaths in places of detention, including 8 cases of torture...56 case of medical negligence ...] A follower of this file does not miss that this serious condition, which collected the lives of scores of Egyptians. Violations affected all men, women and children … doctors, teachers, engineers, journalists, university professors and politicians ... criminals. Which demonstrates the seriousness of what pursued by the state's policy towards all citizens ... and its deactivation of the laws to ensure the safety and dignity of the citizen and his right to a fair trial... 10- Physical Liquidation [32 dead] At the beginning of 2015, Egyptian security authorities pursued a serious approach that violates all constitutions and charters of human rights where it resorted to field physical liquidation of opponents of the regime and more dangerous that the state official systems did not hesitate to use the term " liquidation " as 32 cases of physical liquidation were located as follows : ** January 25, 2015: (Omar Shaalan - Raed Saad - Beheira) (Hamdi Alhindi - Damietta) ** January 26: (Bilal Osama Ezabi ... Port Said) ** March 9, 2015: (Sayed Shaarawy ...Nahia) ** March 17: (Ahmed Gabr ...Sidy Bishr Alexandria) ** March 21: (Sohaib Abdul Karim - Jihad Abu Alros...Sarqia) ** April 28: (Hossam Badr Marzouk -Mohsen Muhammed Attia - Hanafi Abdel Azim - Reda Abdel Salam Mahmoud ..... Beni Suef) ** May 16: (Liquidation of 2 in Helwan area) ** May 19: (Islam Attiyto student/engineer, following his abduction from the Commission on the university exam) E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21
  • 26. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Comprehensive report on the Killings by the security forces. During the period June,30th 2013 till August, 12nd 2015 ** June 30: (Mohammad Sami … Khaled Mahmoud - Mohammed Sibai - where they were killed by detonating a car owned by one of them after being arrested at a March in October City) . ** July 1: (liquidation of 9 leaders of the Brotherhood in a house in October 6 City after being shot directly in the house right after breaking into the apartment and arresting them). ** July 5: (Mohammed Al-Faki ... Mlij village - Menoufia was killed by security forces during his arrest). ** August 6 :( Magdi Bassiouni ... Alayat- security forces stormed his home at dawn and killed him without resistance). In Fayoum: (Rabie Murad, a working teacher, Abdel Nasser Alwani a working accountant Abdul Aziz Heiba a working teacher, Abdul Salam Hateta a working teacher, Ayman Salah a working teacher, these five friends from Fayoum were sitting together in a house on that day when security forces stormed the house and killed them all). Recommendations • After the former demonstration of all systematic killings and mass murder and practiced by the political system, the Coordination recommends the following: 1) Activating the laws and constitutions for the protection of the rights of individuals, citizens to a dignified life and guaranteeing their safety. 2) Activating the laws, constitutions and international covenants and charters for the protection of the rights of individuals to freely express their opinion and the right to peaceful demonstration. 3) The legal and judicial institutions should perform their jobs that include, the inspection of prisons and ensure the provision of psychological and physical care and safety of detainees and prisoners in general. 4) Providing the rights of citizens in judiciary representation and fair trials 5) Open an urgent investigation into all the incidents of the killing of citizens, and bring those responsible to trial immediately E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 21