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Macroeconomic Outlook

     February 10, 2012


1.   International Outlook

2.   Domestic Outlook

Will the stock market “rally” end?

 Performance of stock markets
     (index 31/08/11=100)           1. Critical points:
                                      Greek debt matures in March:
      S&P      Bovespa                     Delay in concluding agreement
                                           between the Greek authorities and
      FTSE     Nikkei                      creditors;

110                                        New imposition of fiscal adjustment by
                                           the “troika” to release the second aid
                                           package to Greece;
                                      French elections in March with opposition
100                                   standing great chance of winning;
                                      Consolidation of view that Portugal will
                                      need a new aid package to honor its
                                      commitments in 2013;
 90                                   Elections in the US;
 09/12/11    09/01/12    09/02/12
                                      Will the oil price continue to rise?

Greece: more fiscal adjustment?
                 GDP (annual var.- %)                                    Total debt (% of GDP)
     8                                                     200
     4                                                     170                                                 165.4
     0                                                     140

    -4                                                     110
    -8                                                      80
                    GDP                                     50
     1/9/03               1/9/07               1/9/11             2003              2007                 2011

          Current account (% of GDP)                                        Nominal salary
   -4                                                                    (index: 4-month moving average )
                                   Current account
                                                           110                                            109
  -12                                                      100

                                                            90                             Salaries
    1/6/03                1/6/07               1/6/11       80
Source: Bloomberg. Production: MB Associados                 1/6/03              1/6/07               1/6/11

Greece: more fiscal adjustment?

         Industrial production                                         Unemployment rate
                  (Annual variation - %)                                       (% )
Dec-10                          Jun-11                   Dec-11
                                             -1.7                 20

  -4.8          -4.8                                              15

                       -8.1                          -7.8         10

                                                          -11.3    5
                                                 -12.3             Nov-07     Nov-09       Nov-11
Source: Bloomberg. Production: MB Associados
Portugal: on the same path as Greece?

                    GDP growth                                    Maturity Profile
                     (% a year)                                    (billion euros)
                                                                   15              15       13

  0                                                      2012     2013     2014   2015     2016

                                                                        10-year interest rates
                                               -1.7                           (% p.a.)
 -3                                                     20
                                    GDP                 15
  1/9/07                  1/9/09               1/9/11   5
                                                        9/2/11           9/8/11          9/2/12
Source: Bloomberg. Production: MB Associados
Portugal and Greece: medium-term outlook
                                                             Public spending on social security
                        Population                                    (% of GDP – 2007 figures)
                        (´000 people)
                                                                    Italy                               14.1
                                                                 France                             12.5
                                                     12         Austria                             12.3
                                                                Greece                             11.9
                                                              Portugal                          10.8
                                                             Germany                            10.7
                                                                Poland                          10.6
                                                     9        Slovenia                       9.6
                                                              Hungary                       9.1
                                                              Belgium                      8.9
                                                                  Japan                   8.8
                     Greece                                     Finland                  8.3
                                                                  Spain                 8.0
                                                        Czech Republic                 7.4
                                                               Sweden                 7.2
       1950       1975        2000        2025    2050
                                                         OECD average                 7.0
Source: UN, OECD. Production: MB Associados.

France: will the primary result start worsening again?

US: job creation in the private sector

                   ADP survey                                             Payroll survey
         (absolute var. – ´000 people)                               (absolute var. – ´000 people)
                                    131                                                      176
                                                       170                                           257
   0                                                             0

-400                                                          -500
                                   ADP                                             Total

                                   Av. Apr/10-Jan/12                               Média Out/10 a Jan/12
    Jan-08                  Jan-10                 Jan-12         jan/08         jan/10         jan/12

 Source: ADP and BLS. Production: MB Associados.

US: job creation figures*

   Revised figures show that an extra 180,000 jobs were created in
                                                               Current Revision
250                                                                                                 243
                                                               Previous                       203


      Jan-11                     Apr-11                       Jul-11              Oct-11            Jan-12
 Source: BLS. Production: MB Associados * In seasonally-adjusted terms

US: job creation figures (YoY change)

US: initial jobless claims figures (´000)

        470                                                                      Average*


        350                                                                           358
            3/2/11                              3/8/11                           3/2/12
Source: Department of Labor. Production: MB Associados. *4-week moving average
US: GDP growth without government contribution (QoQ -%)



 -6,0                          GDP without government
        2008q4       2009q4          2010q4         2011q4

US: Ongoing fiscal adjustment in the government

Development of fiscal deficit                                         Federal spending, defense
        (% do PIB)                                                   and non-defense (annual var.
   3.0                                                         10

  -1.0                                                          6

                                                                -2                               -2,6
  -9.0                                                                                           -3,7
                                                        -8.6    -6
-13.0                                                                              Non-defense
      Sep-01                Sep-06               Sep-11          2005q4        2008q4      2011q4

 Source: Bloomberg/BEA/Treasury. Production: MB Associados.

China: consumer inflation (CPI)
Crescimento acumulado em 12 meses - %

 25                CPI
                   CPI – Food
 20                CPI – Except food


 10                                                                                              10,5

    5                                                                                             4,5


    Jan-04                             Jan-06                 Jan-08          Jan-10         Jan-12
Source: National Bureau of China. Production: MB Associados

Drought in the southern US

   Concern over the winter
   wheat harvest, particularly in
   the Mid-South areas
   (Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma
   and Texas) most affected by
   the drought;
   The drought has not affected
   the corn and soybean crop
   for the time being as it is not
   yet planting time but if the
   soil humidity is below that of
   Spring, the need for rain
   during planting increases to
   ensure the crops are not
   damaged at the beginning of
   their development.

Drought in Mexico

The New York Times reported: “A drought that a government official called the most
severe Mexico had ever faced has left two million people without access to water and,
coupled with a cold snap, has devastated cropland in nearly half the country”;
The drought, accompanied by lower than usual temperatures, has already raised the
price of some products, such as corn and beans.
Goldman Sachs has revised its estimates for the coming three months: (i) Soybeans from
US$ 12.15 to 12.90; (ii) Corn from US$ 6.30 to 6.90; and (iii) Wheat from US$ 6.20 to

Europe: Intense cold

The intense cold in important producing regions of Europe could put the winter grains harvest at risk.
It is still too early to calculate losses as the forecast points to this extremely cold weather continuing in
the coming days.


1.   International Outlook

1.   Domestic Outlook

Industry in January should remain weak (annual variation - %)

Production, exports and imports of autos and light commercial
         Production, imports and exports
             (6-month moving average) – ´000 units

                      Production (right axis)
320                                                         80
                      Exports (left axis)                                           Var.
                      Imports (left axis)                                      Jan11/Jan10 - %
                                                            60    Production       -6,6%

240                                                                Exports         + 8,2%

                                                            40     Imports        + 17,7%

160                                                          20
   Jan-08                                     Jan-10   Jan-12

 Source: Anfavea. Production: MB Associados

Anfavea: total inventories (plant and retail)

     Inventories in days                                         Total inventories
                                                                 6-month moving
49                                                               average
 Jan-07             Jan-08              Jan-09         Jan-10       Jan-11           Jan-12
Source: Anfavea. Production: MB Associados

FGV Surveys : retail and services

                         Services                                Retail
                             (index)                              (index)

140                                             140





 95                                             115

Jul-08          Sep-09 Nov-10             Jan-12 Apr-10     Nov-10    Jun-11    Jan-12

 Fonte: FGV. Elaboração: MB Associados.

FGV survey: homebuilding

                                 Homebuilders´ Confidence Index



     Jul-10                              Jan-11     Jul-11         Jan-12

Fonte: FGV. Elaboração: MB Associados.

Inflation estimates (%)

                        IGP - M               IGP - DI
                                                                   Montlhy         12 months
    Dec-11                -0,12                 -0,16               0,50             6,5
    Jan-12                0,25                  0,30                0,56             6,2
    Feb-12                0,30                  0,25                0,56             6,0

     2010                 11,3                  11,3                         5,9
     2011                  5,1                   5,0                         6,5
     2012                  4,5                   4,7                         5,5
Sources: FIPE, FGV and IBGE Estimates: MB Associados 07/02/2012.

IPCA – categories of use – accumulated over 12 month in %


                                                       Monitored       Services       IPCA




   Dec-04                                Dec-06               Dec-08              Dec-10     Dec-12
Source: IBGE. Production and estimate: MB Associados

IPCA – free and controlled prices – accumulated over 12 months in %

Acc. Growth 12 months - %
                                                                                  2010   2011   2012
13,0                                                                               5.9    6.5    5.5
                                                     IPCA         Free prices
                                                                                   7.1    6.6    6.2
                                                     Controlled                    3.1    6.2    4.8



    Dec-04                              Dec-06              Dec-08              Dec-10          Dec-12
Fonte: IBGE. Elaboração e projeção: MB Associados.

MB Nairu estimate                    (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment)

13,5                                                                           Nairu
   May-03                  May-05                 May-07               May-09                May-11
  Fonte: IBGE, MB Associados. Elaboração: MB Associados.

Note: The NAIRU rate measures the unemployment needed to maintain inflation at the target.
Worsening in the Current Account deficit in the coming months

    (accumulated over the last 12 months – US$ billion)

Balance of Current Transactions (US$ billion)
                                           2011        2012(E)

Current transactions                       -52,6        -78,0
 Trade balance                              29,8         18,0
   Exports                                 256,0        302,2
   Imports                                -226,2       -284,2
 Services                                  -37,9        -44,5
   Travel                                  -14,5        -15,5
   Transport                                -8,3        -11,0
   Equipment rental                        -16,7        -19,0
   Other services                            1,6          1,0
 Income                                    -47,3        -54,5
   Salaries                                  0,6          0,5
   Interest                                 -9,7        -12,0
   Profits and dividends                   -38,2        -43,0
 Current transfers                           2,8          3,0
                                             0,0          0,0
Current transactions (% GDP)                -2,1         -3,1
Source: Central Bank. Production and estimate: MB Associados

Exports (US$ billion)

         Raw materials                                                                                     156
                                                        93                          90        92
                                       84                                           80
                        75                              73
          65                                                        67
          35            40

                                                                                              36            42
                                       22               27                          28
          16            20                                          20
        2005           2006           2007              2008        2009        2010         2011         2012 (P)

                                                          Raw materials                    Manufactured
          Annual                                                           manufactured

        variation - %                  2011/10                 36              28              16
                                      2012/11 (P)              27              17              11
Source: MDIC. Production and estimate: MB Associados.

Was the worsening of the Trade Balance in January
         Trade balance in January                                              Exports
                      (US$ million)                                          (US$ million)

                                                                            2012             2011       Var. %
Jan-05                                       2.195                   January Average   January Average 2012/11
                                                         Raw materials 6.954     316     6.686    318    -0,7
Jan-06                                         2.835     Semi-man.     2.503     114     2.332    111    2,5
                                                         Manufactured 6.214      283     5.924    282     0,1
Jan-07                                        2.523
                                                          Highest falls – Raw materials
Jan-08                                923                           (Daily average Var. %)

Jan-09                 -530
                                                                            Iron ore               - 31.1
Jan-10                   -180
                                                                               Corn        - 7.6
Jan-11                             398
                                                                           Soy bran        - 7.0
Jan-12          -1.291                                                 Coffee grain       - 5.1
                                                                        Copper ore        - 3.7
Source: Mdic. Production and estimates: MB Associados.
Difficulty in expanding the quantum of manufactured goods

                       Raw materials              Manufactured



     nov-03                                                nov-07     nov-11

Source: Funcex. Production and estimate: MB Associados

Balanço de Pagamentos (US$ bilhões)
                                                         2011    2012 E

Current transactions                                     -52,6   -78,0
Capital and financial account                            111,9    91,5
   Capital account                                         1,6     1,5
   Brazilian investment abroad                           -23,0   -25,0
   Foreign investment in Brazil                          114,3    90,0
      FDI                                                 66,7    55,0
     Total shares                                          6,2    15,0
    Securities in Brazil                                  -0,1    10,0
    Loans and medium and long-term securities abroad      47,6    15,0
      Loans and short-term securities abroad              -6,1    -5,0
   Others                                                 18,9    25,0
Errors and omissions                                      -0,6     0,0
Reserve assets                                            58,6    13,5
Source: Funcex. Production and estimate: MB Associados
Macroeconomic Estimates

Summary of short-term estimates

                                     2010       2011       2012

GDP (at market prices) - %            7,5        2,7        3,5

Exchange rate (end of period) – R$/US$
                                    1,66        1,87       1,80

SELIC (end of period) - % p.a.       10,75      11,00      10,50

IPCA - %                              5,9        6,5        5,5
Source: FGV, IBGE and Central Bank
Estimates: MB Associados

MB Associados
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1.739 – 5th floor
        São Paulo – SP – 01452-001
       Telephone: (011) 3062 - 1085
           Fax: (011) 3062 - 8482

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  • 1. Macroeconomic Outlook February 10, 2012 1
  • 2. Index 1. International Outlook 2. Domestic Outlook 2
  • 3. Will the stock market “rally” end? Performance of stock markets (index 31/08/11=100) 1. Critical points: Greek debt matures in March: 120 S&P Bovespa Delay in concluding agreement between the Greek authorities and FTSE Nikkei creditors; 110 New imposition of fiscal adjustment by the “troika” to release the second aid package to Greece; French elections in March with opposition 100 standing great chance of winning; Consolidation of view that Portugal will need a new aid package to honor its commitments in 2013; 90 Elections in the US; 09/12/11 09/01/12 09/02/12 Will the oil price continue to rise? 3
  • 4. Greece: more fiscal adjustment? GDP (annual var.- %) Total debt (% of GDP) 8 200 4 170 165.4 Debt 0 140 -4 110 -5.0 -8 80 GDP 50 -12 1/9/03 1/9/07 1/9/11 2003 2007 2011 Current account (% of GDP) Nominal salary -4 (index: 4-month moving average ) 120 Current account -8 110 109 -10.0 -12 100 90 Salaries -16 1/6/03 1/6/07 1/6/11 80 Source: Bloomberg. Production: MB Associados 1/6/03 1/6/07 1/6/11 4
  • 5. Greece: more fiscal adjustment? Industrial production Unemployment rate (Annual variation - %) (% ) Dec-10 Jun-11 Dec-11 25 20.9 -1.7 20 -2.8 -4.8 -4.8 15 -5.3 -8.1 -7.8 10 -10.0 -10.9 -11.3 5 -11.7 -12.3 Nov-07 Nov-09 Nov-11 -13.1 Source: Bloomberg. Production: MB Associados . 5
  • 6. Portugal: on the same path as Greece? GDP growth Maturity Profile (% a year) (billion euros) 30 3 20 15 15 13 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 10-year interest rates -1.7 (% p.a.) -3 20 GDP 15 13,28 -6 10 1/9/07 1/9/09 1/9/11 5 9/2/11 9/8/11 9/2/12 Source: Bloomberg. Production: MB Associados 6
  • 7. Portugal and Greece: medium-term outlook Public spending on social security Population (% of GDP – 2007 figures) (´000 people) Italy 14.1 France 12.5 12 12 Austria 12.3 Greece 11.9 Portugal 10.8 Germany 10.7 10 Poland 10.6 9 Slovenia 9.6 Hungary 9.1 Belgium 8.9 8 Japan 8.8 Greece Finland 8.3 Spain 8.0 Portugal Czech Republic 7.4 6 Sweden 7.2 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 OECD average 7.0 Source: UN, OECD. Production: MB Associados. 7
  • 8. France: will the primary result start worsening again? 8
  • 9. US: job creation in the private sector ADP survey Payroll survey (absolute var. – ´000 people) (absolute var. – ´000 people) 400 500 131 176 170 257 0 0 -400 -500 ADP Total Av. Apr/10-Jan/12 Média Out/10 a Jan/12 -1.000 -800 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 jan/08 jan/10 jan/12 Source: ADP and BLS. Production: MB Associados. 9
  • 10. US: job creation figures* Revised figures show that an extra 180,000 jobs were created in 2011. 300 Current Revision 250 243 Previous 203 200 157 150 112 100 50 0 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12 Source: BLS. Production: MB Associados * In seasonally-adjusted terms 10
  • 11. US: job creation figures (YoY change) 11
  • 12. US: initial jobless claims figures (´000) 470 Average* 430 390 366 350 358 3/2/11 3/8/11 3/2/12 Source: Department of Labor. Production: MB Associados. *4-week moving average
  • 13. US: GDP growth without government contribution (QoQ -%) 6,0 3,7 2,8 2,0 -2,0 -6,0 GDP without government GDP -10,0 2008q4 2009q4 2010q4 2011q4 13
  • 14. US: Ongoing fiscal adjustment in the government Development of fiscal deficit Federal spending, defense (% do PIB) and non-defense (annual var. %) 3.0 10 -1.0 6 2 -5.0 -2 -2,6 -9.0 -3,7 -8.6 -6 Defense -13.0 Non-defense -10 Sep-01 Sep-06 Sep-11 2005q4 2008q4 2011q4 Source: Bloomberg/BEA/Treasury. Production: MB Associados. 14
  • 15. China: consumer inflation (CPI) Crescimento acumulado em 12 meses - % 25 CPI CPI – Food 20 CPI – Except food 15 10 10,5 5 4,5 0 1,8 -5 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Source: National Bureau of China. Production: MB Associados 15
  • 16. Drought in the southern US Concern over the winter wheat harvest, particularly in the Mid-South areas (Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas) most affected by the drought; The drought has not affected the corn and soybean crop for the time being as it is not yet planting time but if the soil humidity is below that of Spring, the need for rain during planting increases to ensure the crops are not damaged at the beginning of their development. 16
  • 17. Drought in Mexico The New York Times reported: “A drought that a government official called the most severe Mexico had ever faced has left two million people without access to water and, coupled with a cold snap, has devastated cropland in nearly half the country”; The drought, accompanied by lower than usual temperatures, has already raised the price of some products, such as corn and beans. Goldman Sachs has revised its estimates for the coming three months: (i) Soybeans from US$ 12.15 to 12.90; (ii) Corn from US$ 6.30 to 6.90; and (iii) Wheat from US$ 6.20 to 6.80. 17
  • 18. Europe: Intense cold The intense cold in important producing regions of Europe could put the winter grains harvest at risk. It is still too early to calculate losses as the forecast points to this extremely cold weather continuing in the coming days. 18
  • 19. Index 1. International Outlook 1. Domestic Outlook 19
  • 20. Industry in January should remain weak (annual variation - %) 20
  • 21. Production, exports and imports of autos and light commercial vehicles Production, imports and exports (6-month moving average) – ´000 units Production (right axis) 320 80 Exports (left axis) Var. Imports (left axis) Jan11/Jan10 - % 280 60 Production -6,6% 240 Exports + 8,2% 40 Imports + 17,7% 200 160 20 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Source: Anfavea. Production: MB Associados 21
  • 22. Anfavea: total inventories (plant and retail) Inventories in days Total inventories 56 6-month moving 49 average 42 35 28 21 14 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Source: Anfavea. Production: MB Associados 22
  • 23. FGV Surveys : retail and services Services Retail (index) (index) 140 140 135 125 130 125 110 120 95 115 Jul-08 Sep-09 Nov-10 Jan-12 Apr-10 Nov-10 Jun-11 Jan-12 Fonte: FGV. Elaboração: MB Associados. 23
  • 24. FGV survey: homebuilding Homebuilders´ Confidence Index 150 140 130 120 Jul-10 Jan-11 Jul-11 Jan-12 Fonte: FGV. Elaboração: MB Associados. 24
  • 25. Inflation estimates (%) IPCA IGP - M IGP - DI Montlhy 12 months Dec-11 -0,12 -0,16 0,50 6,5 Jan-12 0,25 0,30 0,56 6,2 Feb-12 0,30 0,25 0,56 6,0 2010 11,3 11,3 5,9 2011 5,1 5,0 6,5 2012 4,5 4,7 5,5 Sources: FIPE, FGV and IBGE Estimates: MB Associados 07/02/2012. 25
  • 26. IPCA – categories of use – accumulated over 12 month in % 15 Monitored Services IPCA 10 7,9 5,5 5 4,8 0 Dec-04 Dec-06 Dec-08 Dec-10 Dec-12 Source: IBGE. Production and estimate: MB Associados 26
  • 27. IPCA – free and controlled prices – accumulated over 12 months in % Acc. Growth 12 months - % 2010 2011 2012 13,0 5.9 6.5 5.5 IPCA Free prices 7.1 6.6 6.2 Controlled 3.1 6.2 4.8 9,0 5,0 1,0 Dec-04 Dec-06 Dec-08 Dec-10 Dec-12 Fonte: IBGE. Elaboração e projeção: MB Associados. 27
  • 28. MB Nairu estimate (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment) 14,5 13,5 Nairu 12,5 Unemployment 11,5 10,5 9,5 8,5 7,5 6,5 5,5 May-03 May-05 May-07 May-09 May-11 Fonte: IBGE, MB Associados. Elaboração: MB Associados. Note: The NAIRU rate measures the unemployment needed to maintain inflation at the target. 28
  • 29. Worsening in the Current Account deficit in the coming months (accumulated over the last 12 months – US$ billion) 29
  • 30. Balance of Current Transactions (US$ billion) 2011 2012(E) Current transactions -52,6 -78,0 Trade balance 29,8 18,0 Exports 256,0 302,2 Imports -226,2 -284,2 Services -37,9 -44,5 Travel -14,5 -15,5 Transport -8,3 -11,0 Equipment rental -16,7 -19,0 Other services 1,6 1,0 Income -47,3 -54,5 Salaries 0,6 0,5 Interest -9,7 -12,0 Profits and dividends -38,2 -43,0 Current transfers 2,8 3,0 0,0 0,0 Current transactions (% GDP) -2,1 -3,1 Source: Central Bank. Production and estimate: MB Associados 30
  • 31. Exports (US$ billion) Raw materials 156 Semi-manufactured 122 manufactured 102 93 90 92 84 80 75 73 65 67 62 52 35 40 36 42 22 27 28 16 20 20 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (P) Semi- Raw materials Manufactured Annual manufactured variation - % 2011/10 36 28 16 2012/11 (P) 27 17 11 Source: MDIC. Production and estimate: MB Associados. 31
  • 32. Was the worsening of the Trade Balance in January unusual? Trade balance in January Exports (US$ million) (US$ million) 2012 2011 Var. % Jan-05 2.195 January Average January Average 2012/11 Raw materials 6.954 316 6.686 318 -0,7 Jan-06 2.835 Semi-man. 2.503 114 2.332 111 2,5 Manufactured 6.214 283 5.924 282 0,1 Jan-07 2.523 Highest falls – Raw materials Jan-08 923 (Daily average Var. %) Jan-09 -530 Iron ore - 31.1 Jan-10 -180 Corn - 7.6 Jan-11 398 Soy bran - 7.0 Jan-12 -1.291 Coffee grain - 5.1 Copper ore - 3.7 Source: Mdic. Production and estimates: MB Associados.
  • 33. Difficulty in expanding the quantum of manufactured goods 250 Raw materials Manufactured 200 150 100 nov-03 nov-07 nov-11 Source: Funcex. Production and estimate: MB Associados 33
  • 34. Balanço de Pagamentos (US$ bilhões) 2011 2012 E Current transactions -52,6 -78,0 Capital and financial account 111,9 91,5 Capital account 1,6 1,5 Brazilian investment abroad -23,0 -25,0 Foreign investment in Brazil 114,3 90,0 FDI 66,7 55,0 Total shares 6,2 15,0 Securities in Brazil -0,1 10,0 Loans and medium and long-term securities abroad 47,6 15,0 Loans and short-term securities abroad -6,1 -5,0 Others 18,9 25,0 Errors and omissions -0,6 0,0 Reserve assets 58,6 13,5 Source: Funcex. Production and estimate: MB Associados
  • 36. Summary of short-term estimates 2010 2011 2012 GDP (at market prices) - % 7,5 2,7 3,5 Exchange rate (end of period) – R$/US$ 1,66 1,87 1,80 SELIC (end of period) - % p.a. 10,75 11,00 10,50 IPCA - % 5,9 6,5 5,5 Source: FGV, IBGE and Central Bank Estimates: MB Associados 36
  • 37. MB Associados Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1.739 – 5th floor São Paulo – SP – 01452-001 Telephone: (011) 3062 - 1085 Fax: (011) 3062 - 8482