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AI tools in Scholarly
Research and Publishing
Brian Pichman
• The evolution of AI
• AI in research methodologies
• AI in academic publishing
• Exploring AI tools and technologies
• Building an AI environment
• Navigating challenges and ethical
• Future trends and opportunities.
A Few Disclaimers
Before we get started
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
The Generic Disclaimers about AI:
AI is…
Challenging Credibility
Remember when ..
• Wikipedia outlawed
• Can’t use internet as a
• Online Education isn’t real
Inherently Neutral
Technology can be used for
good things, or it can be used
for bad things
Puzzling Opportunities
AI can create jobs – invention
of cars didn’t eliminate jobs
Constantly Changing
New rules, new techniques,
and constantly impacting
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
“AI Winters”
Many Flavors Of AI
Its important to explore how we can use AI across various types
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
The Many Uses of AI
AI Can Be Used Almost
There are a variety of tools that
leverage AI that you can use today.
The first part of our day will talk
about the mechanics of these AI
uses and the second part of the day
will be exploring some of our
favorite tools.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Generative AI
Generative AI
Uses trained data to create any sort
of media – text, audio, or visual
The Many Uses of AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Exploring AI
How Does Generative AI Work?
• Training Data: Generative AI models are trained on a dataset of desired
• Generator Network: Creates new data from random input.
• Iterative Learning: Continuous model adjustments during training to
improve data generation.
• Sampling: Utilizes the trained model to generate new data samples
(improperly done gives you AI “hallucinations”
• Most AI models that generate context are trained on things found on the
World Wide Web
Training Generative AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Books written by an AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Generative AI
Lensa App
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Generative AI
Professional Headshots
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Generative AI
What is a Deep Fake?
Using Ai to Manipulate an Image or Video
DeepFakes use Ai to generate or manipulate content
Commonly used to create realistic but fabricated videos
Involves digesting content to learn how to mimic the patterns of
the target
Once trained can edit existing or generate new content
Ethical concerns over usage (misinformation, identity theft,
privacy) & - great tools for practice
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Generative AI
Can AI Detect AI?
It was easy to tell what was AI generated and
what wasn’t – through word choice or if that
text resembles anything in existence. Early
AI detection methods worked with high
Early 2022
Now, there has been more content ever
created generated by AI … thus when an AI
leverages that created content as part of its
“brain” it won’t know what’s AI generated or
not. Called “Generative Inbreeding”
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Data Perspective in 2019
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Some More Estimates
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Operational AI
Operational AI
Is the use of AI to make day to day
tasks easier – whether that is AI that
joins meetings and takes notes or
acts as a coach. Operational AI
also satisfies departmental needs
ranging from coding to marketing.
The Many Uses of AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
How is AI being used across organizational units?
Operational AI
Edit images and remove
content a lot quicker.
Finalize videos.
Social Media
Get help writing or debugging code.
Leverage AI to impower your day-
to-day operations
Automatically create content, find
related content, or grow your
social reach.
AI can be used to secure or even
breach infrastructures
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Operational AI
Image Editing Made Easy
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Conversational AI
Conversational AI
Type of Ai that allows you to communicate
just like speaking to someone
else. ChatGPT is a great example.
Leverages many types components to
o Natural Language Processing (NLP)
o Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
o Natural Language Generation (NLG)
o Speech Recognition
o Dialog Management
This type of Ai is commonly used in
Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, Interactive
Voice Response (IVR) Systems.
The Many Uses of AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
• Leverages opensource Ai architecture leveraging the GPT framework.
• One of the best implementations of Ai that generates human like responses.
• Complete developed to handle natural language understanding and
• Requires training on content to be able to generate responses.
• If trained on bad content or no content cannot deliver quality responses.
“Wise” Conversations
Conversational AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
There are a lot of service providers that exist where you can upload
your own unstructured data and train it off your knowledge base,
PDFs, PowerPoints whatever it may be. Then you can ask questions
about the data pulled.
AI Can Collect Data
Training AI Off Your Data
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
AI Powering Chat Tools
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Operational AI
AI Personalities
You can ”teach” an AI to be kind, be sarcastic, or even
You can train it on your own data or data that exists
AI Can Take On Many Forms of Personalities
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
…or for companionship…
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
One Example Tool – Google Dialogflow
Training Models
Teach the AI to respond and train on
responses that you feel aren’t
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Digital Twins
This is the understanding of building
a Virtual (or Augmented) Reality
environment for communication or
The Many Uses of AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Imagine a digital twin of a librarian or a tutor that understands the
student’s classes, what they are struggling with, and build a
relationship with this partner to help them through anything they may
be struggling with
Unique Learning Experiences
AI as a Personalized Learning Assistant
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Metaverse enables immersive virtual reality classrooms, providing a
dynamic and interactive learning environment ->
• Nursing Labs,
• Diversity Awareness Training
• History
Field Trips without the Travel
Virtual Reality Classrooms in the Metaverse
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Analytical AI
Managing Data Better
Use AI to digest information faster
than a human can with more
accurate calculations and new
The Many Uses of AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
And How We Use It
Other Forms of AI
Optical Character Recognition
Think of how a picture of your license plate
allows a machine to translate that to text and
run a query to determine who violated a toll.
Also see this in scanners that can take an
image and convert this to text.
Consider how you can take a photo of another
language and have it translate to yours
Advance User Preferences
This is the concept of an AI providing solutions
based on historic user’s preferences and
comparing it to similar users.
Compare how Amazon or Netflix makes
recommendations based on your purchases or
views – or even how Amazon guesses when
you might run out of a specific product.
Sensory Data Analysis
Your wearables that detect heart rate for
instance can determine without user
intervention if you are working out and even
what kind of work out such as jogging or
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
• When editing or using filters in photos (do X to eyes and Y to
• Identification of license plates from an image in a toll violation
• Facebook’s ability to identify and recommend faces in photos
• iPhone users can have their phone categorize people by facial
patterns – in which you then define their name
• Google’s Image Recognition
How we see AI In Everyday Life
Image Recognition
Think of how we can use facial imaging
to determine moods
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
AI Cognitive Intelligence
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Have AI Powered Insights
Using AI and Data
• Pull in all data sources to find trends and
predictive analytics.
• AI can also identify objects, do language
translations, and discuss what it sees in a
piece of data, document, or image.
Data Is Important
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Have AI Powered Insights
Using AI and Data
• Microsoft’s built in AI tool is remarkable –
discuss what you are wanting to accomplish
and it can gather the solutions through a
conversation and access to the data in a
Office 365 CoPilot
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
What’s Next?
Further Exploring
AI has also expanded its abilities to
understand empathy, robotics, and
more. How can we embrace AI and
help others be ready for the future?
The Many Components of AI
Steering The
Ship of AI
• Historical Context
• From basic algorithms to advanced neural networks.
• The rise of big data in research.
• Key Milestones
• The development of machine learning and deep
learning models.
• Breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP)
and computer vision.
• The Shift to AI-Enhanced Research
• Increased efficiency and accuracy in data analysis.
• The growing importance of interdisciplinary AI
AI In Research
•Transforming Data Collection
•Automated data scraping and aggregation.
•Use of sensors and IoT devices in data
•Revolutionizing Data Analysis
•Machine learning models for pattern
•AI for predictive analytics and modeling.
•Case Studies
•AI in genomic sequencing and analysis.
•AI applications in social science research.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
AI in Research
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
AI in Social Studies
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
AI for Social Good … powered by research
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Real Product Examples From Researched Data
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Xander – AR Glasses with Text
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Starkey’s Genesis AI Hearing Aid
AI in Academic Publishing
• Automated Processes
• AI-driven peer review and editorial decision-
• Automation of formatting and style checks.
• Plagiarism Detection
• Advanced AI tools for detecting plagiarism and
ensuring originality **
• Enhancing Accessibility
• AI-powered tools for improving the readability
and accessibility of academic texts.
• Translation services to bridge language barriers
in research dissemination.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Something for you
Future Directions in AI for Research and
Emerging Technologies
•Natural Language Generation (NLG): Tools like GPT-3 are
revolutionizing content creation, enabling the automated
generation of research summaries, reports, and even entire
•Semantic Analysis and Knowledge Graphs: Enhancing
search capabilities, making it easier to discover and connect
related research across disciplines.
•AI in Peer Review: Automating the initial screening of
manuscripts, checking for plagiarism, and ensuring
submissions adhere to guidelines.
Impact on the Landscape
•Customized Content Delivery: AI will
enable more personalized research feeds,
recommending articles and data sets based
on individual research interests and past
•Enhanced Data Analysis: Tools like
TensorFlow and PyTorch will become more
user-friendly, allowing researchers to perform
complex data analyses without deep
programming knowledge.
•Accelerated Discovery: AI-driven
hypothesis generation will speed up the
research process, identifying potential areas
of study by analyzing vast datasets.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Skill Development
for AI in Academia
• Data Literacy: Understanding data collection, management, and analysis
• Machine Learning Basics: Familiarity with concepts like supervised and
unsupervised learning, neural networks, and model evaluation.
• Programming Languages: Proficiency in Python or R, given their
prominence in AI research and data science.
• DataCamp: Provides interactive Python and R courses tailored to data
science and AI.
Funding and
Grants for AI in
• Government Grants: Agencies like the National Science
Foundation (NSF) and the European Research Council (ERC)
offer grants for AI research projects.
• Private Foundations: Organizations such as the Allen Institute
for AI and the Sloan Foundation provide funding for projects
at the intersection of AI and research.
• Corporate Sponsorship: Tech companies like Google, IBM, and
Microsoft offer grants and resources for AI research and
Implementing AI Solutions:
• Infrastructure Development: Funding can support the
acquisition of necessary computing resources, like GPUs or
cloud computing services.
• Training and Workshops: Grants can be allocated for staff and
student training in AI technologies and data science skills.
• Research Projects: Specific AI projects, such as developing AI
tools for data analysis or enhancing library search systems,
can be funded to improve research and publishing processes.
Tools and
• TensorFlow & PyTorch: For machine learning and deep learning
• Jupyter Notebooks: For sharing live code, equations,
visualizations, and narrative text.
• Hugging Face's Transformers: For state-of-the-art natural
language processing.
• SciKit-Learn: For data mining and data analysis.
• AllenAI's Semantic Scholar: For AI-powered research tool for
literature review.
• Google Scholar & Microsoft Academic: For comprehensive
literature search.
• Zotero & Mendeley: For reference management and sharing
Applying AI
Building Your Own Environments
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Conversational AI
Conversational AI
What are some tools to build your
own Conversational AI?
You can leverage OpenAI API
The Many Uses of AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Training Data
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Trained Data with Personalities
1.This controls the randomness of the model's responses.
2.Lower temperature (e.g., 0.0) means more predictable and
conservative responses.
3.Higher temperature (e.g., 1.0) makes responses more creative and less
2.Frequency Penalty:
1.This reduces the model's likelihood of repeating the same line of
thought or content.
2.A higher frequency penalty discourages repetition.
3.A value of 0 means no penalty for repetition.
3.Presence Penalty:
1.This affects the likelihood of introducing new concepts or topics in the
2.A higher presence penalty encourages the model to talk about new
3.A value of 0 means no emphasis on new content.
Providing Context: You can include specific instructions or context in your
prompt. For example, "Act like a friendly and knowledgeable assistant" sets
a tone and character for the model's responses.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Google Colab
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
AWS SageMaker
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Data Scrubbing
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Interviewer AI
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Digital Twins
This is the understanding of building
a Virtual (or Augmented) Reality
environment for communication or
Real World Uses
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Ovation VR
Learn Public Speaking
Ovation was developed to help you
build your skills and confidence by
providing real-time training tools and
feedback as you speak to a realistic,
simulated audience.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
…how about assistive technology?
Challenges and
•Data Privacy
•Ensuring the confidentiality and
integrity of research data.
•Bias in AI
•Identifying and mitigating bias in AI
models and datasets.
•Ethical Research Practices
•Responsible use of AI in research.
•Ethical guidelines for AI research.
Copyright Concerns
• Copyright and AI in Research
•Understanding copyright laws in the context of AI-generated content.
•Copyright challenges with using AI to analyze or generate text and
• balancing innovation with respect for original works
• Mitigating Copyright Risks
•Best practices for using copyrighted materials in AI research
• Asking for permission
•Tools and approaches for copyright compliance and fair use.
• AI and Intellectual Property
•Navigating the complexities of IP rights for AI-generated outputs.
•Recent cases and precedents in AI and copyright law.
Legal Highlights
• AI-Generated Art and Copyright: A U.S. court ruled that AI-generated art cannot
receive copyrights under U.S. law. The court's decision emphasized that only works
with human authors are eligible for copyright protection. This ruling was a significant
development, affirming the Copyright Office's rejection of an application filed on
behalf of an AI system called DABUS. The office and the court have maintained that
human authorship is a fundamental requirement for copyright eligibility
• AI-Assisted Works: Despite the ruling that purely AI-generated works cannot be
copyrighted, the U.S. Copyright Office has clarified that AI-assisted works may still
qualify for copyright protection, provided there is significant human creativity
involved. This means that while the AI itself cannot be considered the author,
creative modifications or arrangements of AI-generated content by humans can be
copyrighted. This distinction underlines the importance of human involvement and
ultimate creative control in the creation process.
• EU's Approach to AI and Copyright: The European Union is also navigating the
complexities of AI and copyright law. An early agreement within the EU proposes
that companies using generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, must disclose any
copyrighted material used to develop their systems. This is part of the EU's broader
initiative to regulate AI technologies, ensuring transparency and accountability,
especially concerning high-risk AI tools. The EU's proposed rules aim to balance the
need for innovation with the protection of citizens' rights and copyright laws
Protecting Data
•Libraries may not be directly
involved in the collection of
research data, but they play a
crucial role in the stewardship and
dissemination of research and
should advocate for and support
ethical practices in data
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Data Privacy and Bias
•Protecting research data is like safeguarding a
treasure. We use advanced methods like
encryption to keep it secure, just like a chest with a
strong lock.
•We're also careful about how we share and use
this data. We follow strict rules (like GDPR and
HIPAA) to make sure we're handling it responsibly,
so the information doesn't end up in the wrong
•To prevent AI from being biased, we diversify the
data it learns from—much like how a well-rounded
diet is better for health
•Regularly checking and fine-tuning our AI models
(like proofreading a critical essay) helps us correct
any biases and ensures the AI's decisions are fair
and reliable.
Data Acquisition
and Integrity
• Sourcing Data Ethically
• Guidelines for ethically sourcing and
using data in AI models.
• Considerations for public vs. private
data usage.
• Data Integrity and Quality
• Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of
data sets.
• Techniques to cleanse and validate
data before AI processing.
AI Hallucinations
and Misinformation
• Understanding AI Hallucinations
• What are AI hallucinations, and why do they occur?
• Examples of hallucinations in AI models and their impact on research
• Combating AI-Generated Misinformation
• Strategies to detect and mitigate the spread of AI-generated
• Implementing checks and balances in AI systems to prevent
What's Next?
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning
What's Next?
Ai can enhance many of our day to day task to make them:
• Update course guidelines and policies to recognize Ai and if its
approved or not.
• When Ai is approved – highlight what tools are approved
• Research tools that will enhance the Ai experience
• Should we use as an academic aid or productivity assistant?
• Be "ok" with change
• Understand not all Ai is created equal
• Ai changes fast – What works today may not work tomorrow.
Thought Provoking Ideas to guide better understanding
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
The Challenges
Ai can enhance many of our day to day task to make
• Is using Ai bad or just bad right now?
• Is Ai just the next generation of using the Internet as a
• It's been around in various iterations for years, why all
the noise right now?
• What data source is the Ai using?
• Security of Data – Who owns it?
• Ai Generative Inbreeding
• Ai standards (Responsible Ai / Ethics Ai)
• Note: Ai is as good as the data it's provided.
Ai will make you rethink
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning
Suggested Standards for AI Data Use
1.Proactive Assessment of Data Protections: Researchers should
assess the type of protections needed for sharing scientific data from
participants, including considering restricted access when necessary, even
if data are technically de-identified.
2.Robust Consent Processes: It's essential to develop consent processes
that provide clarity about the future sharing and use of scientific data,
including any limitations on future use and general data management
3.Limitations to Data Sharing: There may be valid reasons to limit data
sharing under certain policies, especially if sharing could compromise
participant privacy or safety, or if limitations are stated in informed consent
4.Review of Conditions for Data Sharing: Institutions should review and
communicate appropriate limitations on the future use of data and consider
potential risks when sharing data with repositories or other users.
5.Privacy Considerations for All Scientific Data: Data used in research
deserves privacy considerations, regardless of whether it comes from non-
research settings with different privacy standards.
6.Commitment to Responsible Data Sharing: The research community
should remain vigilant against potential misuse of data and enforce terms of
data use agreements.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning
While Researching
•Minimize Data: Collect no more personal data than
necessary for conducting research.
•Pseudonymize and Anonymize Data: Convert data to
anonymized or pseudonymized form as soon as possible,
and securely delete fully identifiable data.
•Secure Data Storage: Keep personal data secure and
in compliance with data protection law.
•Retention and Destruction of Data: Retain data
subject to periodic review and securely destroy it when no
longer needed.
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning
Consent Forms?
•De-identification of Data: Where consent for
identifiable data sharing isn't given, data should be
shared in a de-identified format.
•Use of Data Sharing and Use Agreements: Utilize
agreements to establish clear conditions for data sharing,
particularly for controlled-access data.
•Understanding Legal Protections Against Misuse:
Familiarize with and communicate legal protections, such
as Certificates of Confidentiality, which prohibit disclosure
of protected information for non-research purposes.
Remember, if you collected survey data that is fed into an
AI, what does that do?
How should consent look like for data?
Evolve Project | Brian Pichman
Feel free to reach out!
Questions / Contacts
o Brian Pichman

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AI tools in Scholarly Research and Publishing

  • 1. AI tools in Scholarly Research and Publishing Brian Pichman
  • 2. Agenda • The evolution of AI • AI in research methodologies • AI in academic publishing • Exploring AI tools and technologies • Building an AI environment • Navigating challenges and ethical considerations • Future trends and opportunities.
  • 3. A Few Disclaimers Before we get started
  • 4. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 4 The Generic Disclaimers about AI: AI is… Challenging Credibility Remember when .. • Wikipedia outlawed • Can’t use internet as a source • Online Education isn’t real Inherently Neutral Technology can be used for good things, or it can be used for bad things Puzzling Opportunities AI can create jobs – invention of cars didn’t eliminate jobs Constantly Changing New rules, new techniques, and constantly impacting
  • 5. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 5 Examples
  • 6. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 6 “AI Winters”
  • 7. Many Flavors Of AI Its important to explore how we can use AI across various types
  • 8. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 8 The Many Uses of AI AI Can Be Used Almost Everywhere There are a variety of tools that leverage AI that you can use today. The first part of our day will talk about the mechanics of these AI uses and the second part of the day will be exploring some of our favorite tools.
  • 9.
  • 10. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 10 Generative AI Generative AI Uses trained data to create any sort of media – text, audio, or visual content. The Many Uses of AI
  • 11. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 11 Exploring AI How Does Generative AI Work? • Training Data: Generative AI models are trained on a dataset of desired content. • Generator Network: Creates new data from random input. • Iterative Learning: Continuous model adjustments during training to improve data generation. • Sampling: Utilizes the trained model to generate new data samples (improperly done gives you AI “hallucinations” • Most AI models that generate context are trained on things found on the World Wide Web Training Generative AI
  • 12. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 12 Books written by an AI
  • 13. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 13 Generative AI Lensa App
  • 14. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 14 Generative AI Professional Headshots
  • 15.
  • 16. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 16 Generative AI What is a Deep Fake? Using Ai to Manipulate an Image or Video DeepFakes use Ai to generate or manipulate content Commonly used to create realistic but fabricated videos Involves digesting content to learn how to mimic the patterns of the target Once trained can edit existing or generate new content Ethical concerns over usage (misinformation, identity theft, privacy) & - great tools for practice
  • 17. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 17 Generative AI Can AI Detect AI? It was easy to tell what was AI generated and what wasn’t – through word choice or if that text resembles anything in existence. Early AI detection methods worked with high accuracy. Early 2022 2024 Now, there has been more content ever created generated by AI … thus when an AI leverages that created content as part of its “brain” it won’t know what’s AI generated or not. Called “Generative Inbreeding”
  • 18. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 18 Data Perspective in 2019
  • 19. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 19 Some More Estimates
  • 20. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 20 Operational AI Operational AI Is the use of AI to make day to day tasks easier – whether that is AI that joins meetings and takes notes or acts as a coach. Operational AI also satisfies departmental needs ranging from coding to marketing. The Many Uses of AI
  • 21. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 21 How is AI being used across organizational units? Operational AI Edit images and remove content a lot quicker. Finalize videos. Editing Programming Management Social Media Security Get help writing or debugging code. Leverage AI to impower your day- to-day operations Automatically create content, find related content, or grow your social reach. AI can be used to secure or even breach infrastructures
  • 22. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 22 Operational AI Image Editing Made Easy
  • 23. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 23 Conversational AI Conversational AI Type of Ai that allows you to communicate just like speaking to someone else. ChatGPT is a great example. Leverages many types components to function: o Natural Language Processing (NLP) o Natural Language Understanding (NLU) o Natural Language Generation (NLG) o Speech Recognition o Dialog Management This type of Ai is commonly used in Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems. The Many Uses of AI
  • 24. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 24 • Leverages opensource Ai architecture leveraging the GPT framework. • One of the best implementations of Ai that generates human like responses. • Complete developed to handle natural language understanding and generation. • Requires training on content to be able to generate responses. • If trained on bad content or no content cannot deliver quality responses. “Wise” Conversations Conversational AI ChatGPT
  • 25. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 25 There are a lot of service providers that exist where you can upload your own unstructured data and train it off your knowledge base, PDFs, PowerPoints whatever it may be. Then you can ask questions about the data pulled. AI Can Collect Data Training AI Off Your Data
  • 26. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 26 AI Powering Chat Tools
  • 27. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 27 Operational AI AI Personalities You can ”teach” an AI to be kind, be sarcastic, or even funny. You can train it on your own data or data that exists already. AI Can Take On Many Forms of Personalities
  • 28. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 28 …or for companionship…
  • 29. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 29 One Example Tool – Google Dialogflow Training Models Teach the AI to respond and train on responses that you feel aren’t correct
  • 31. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 31 Metaverse Digital Twins This is the understanding of building a Virtual (or Augmented) Reality environment for communication or trainings. The Many Uses of AI
  • 32. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 32 Imagine a digital twin of a librarian or a tutor that understands the student’s classes, what they are struggling with, and build a relationship with this partner to help them through anything they may be struggling with Unique Learning Experiences Metaverse AI as a Personalized Learning Assistant
  • 33. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 33 Metaverse enables immersive virtual reality classrooms, providing a dynamic and interactive learning environment -> • Nursing Labs, • Diversity Awareness Training • History Field Trips without the Travel Metaverse Virtual Reality Classrooms in the Metaverse
  • 34. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 34 Analytical AI Managing Data Better Use AI to digest information faster than a human can with more accurate calculations and new observations The Many Uses of AI
  • 35. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 35 And How We Use It Other Forms of AI Optical Character Recognition Think of how a picture of your license plate allows a machine to translate that to text and run a query to determine who violated a toll. Also see this in scanners that can take an image and convert this to text. Consider how you can take a photo of another language and have it translate to yours Advance User Preferences This is the concept of an AI providing solutions based on historic user’s preferences and comparing it to similar users. Compare how Amazon or Netflix makes recommendations based on your purchases or views – or even how Amazon guesses when you might run out of a specific product. Sensory Data Analysis Your wearables that detect heart rate for instance can determine without user intervention if you are working out and even what kind of work out such as jogging or bicycling.
  • 36. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 36 • When editing or using filters in photos (do X to eyes and Y to ears) • Identification of license plates from an image in a toll violation • Facebook’s ability to identify and recommend faces in photos • iPhone users can have their phone categorize people by facial patterns – in which you then define their name • Google’s Image Recognition Examples How we see AI In Everyday Life Image Recognition Think of how we can use facial imaging to determine moods
  • 37. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 37 AI Cognitive Intelligence
  • 38. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 38 Have AI Powered Insights Using AI and Data • Pull in all data sources to find trends and predictive analytics. • AI can also identify objects, do language translations, and discuss what it sees in a piece of data, document, or image. Data Is Important
  • 39. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 39 Have AI Powered Insights Using AI and Data • Microsoft’s built in AI tool is remarkable – discuss what you are wanting to accomplish and it can gather the solutions through a conversation and access to the data in a spreadsheet. Office 365 CoPilot
  • 40. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 40 What’s Next? Further Exploring AI has also expanded its abilities to understand empathy, robotics, and more. How can we embrace AI and help others be ready for the future? The Many Components of AI
  • 41.
  • 42. Steering The Ship of AI • Historical Context • From basic algorithms to advanced neural networks. • The rise of big data in research. • Key Milestones • The development of machine learning and deep learning models. • Breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. • The Shift to AI-Enhanced Research • Increased efficiency and accuracy in data analysis. • The growing importance of interdisciplinary AI research.
  • 43. AI In Research •Transforming Data Collection •Automated data scraping and aggregation. •Use of sensors and IoT devices in data collection. •Revolutionizing Data Analysis •Machine learning models for pattern recognition. •AI for predictive analytics and modeling. •Case Studies •AI in genomic sequencing and analysis. •AI applications in social science research.
  • 44. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 44 AI in Research
  • 45. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 45 AI in Social Studies
  • 46. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 46 AI for Social Good … powered by research
  • 47. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 47 Real Product Examples From Researched Data
  • 48. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 48 Xander – AR Glasses with Text
  • 49. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 49 Starkey’s Genesis AI Hearing Aid
  • 50.
  • 51. AI in Academic Publishing • Automated Processes • AI-driven peer review and editorial decision- making. • Automation of formatting and style checks. • Plagiarism Detection • Advanced AI tools for detecting plagiarism and ensuring originality ** • Enhancing Accessibility • AI-powered tools for improving the readability and accessibility of academic texts. • Translation services to bridge language barriers in research dissemination.
  • 53. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 53 PublishDrive
  • 54. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 54 Storipress
  • 55. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 55 Something for you Future Directions in AI for Research and Publishing Emerging Technologies •Natural Language Generation (NLG): Tools like GPT-3 are revolutionizing content creation, enabling the automated generation of research summaries, reports, and even entire articles. •Semantic Analysis and Knowledge Graphs: Enhancing search capabilities, making it easier to discover and connect related research across disciplines. •AI in Peer Review: Automating the initial screening of manuscripts, checking for plagiarism, and ensuring submissions adhere to guidelines. Impact on the Landscape •Customized Content Delivery: AI will enable more personalized research feeds, recommending articles and data sets based on individual research interests and past behavior. •Enhanced Data Analysis: Tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch will become more user-friendly, allowing researchers to perform complex data analyses without deep programming knowledge. •Accelerated Discovery: AI-driven hypothesis generation will speed up the research process, identifying potential areas of study by analyzing vast datasets.
  • 56. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 56 Example:
  • 57. Skill Development for AI in Academia • Data Literacy: Understanding data collection, management, and analysis fundamentals. • Machine Learning Basics: Familiarity with concepts like supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, and model evaluation. • Programming Languages: Proficiency in Python or R, given their prominence in AI research and data science. • DataCamp: Provides interactive Python and R courses tailored to data science and AI.
  • 58. Funding and Grants for AI in Academia Opportunities: • Government Grants: Agencies like the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the European Research Council (ERC) offer grants for AI research projects. • Private Foundations: Organizations such as the Allen Institute for AI and the Sloan Foundation provide funding for projects at the intersection of AI and research. • Corporate Sponsorship: Tech companies like Google, IBM, and Microsoft offer grants and resources for AI research and development. Implementing AI Solutions: • Infrastructure Development: Funding can support the acquisition of necessary computing resources, like GPUs or cloud computing services. • Training and Workshops: Grants can be allocated for staff and student training in AI technologies and data science skills. • Research Projects: Specific AI projects, such as developing AI tools for data analysis or enhancing library search systems, can be funded to improve research and publishing processes.
  • 59. Tools and Resources: • TensorFlow & PyTorch: For machine learning and deep learning projects. • Jupyter Notebooks: For sharing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. • Hugging Face's Transformers: For state-of-the-art natural language processing. • SciKit-Learn: For data mining and data analysis. • AllenAI's Semantic Scholar: For AI-powered research tool for literature review. • Google Scholar & Microsoft Academic: For comprehensive literature search. • Zotero & Mendeley: For reference management and sharing research.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65. Applying AI Building Your Own Environments
  • 66. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 66 Conversational AI Conversational AI What are some tools to build your own Conversational AI? You can leverage OpenAI API The Many Uses of AI
  • 67. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 67 Training Data
  • 68. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 68 Trained Data with Personalities 1.Temperature: 1.This controls the randomness of the model's responses. 2.Lower temperature (e.g., 0.0) means more predictable and conservative responses. 3.Higher temperature (e.g., 1.0) makes responses more creative and less predictable. 2.Frequency Penalty: 1.This reduces the model's likelihood of repeating the same line of thought or content. 2.A higher frequency penalty discourages repetition. 3.A value of 0 means no penalty for repetition. 3.Presence Penalty: 1.This affects the likelihood of introducing new concepts or topics in the response. 2.A higher presence penalty encourages the model to talk about new things. 3.A value of 0 means no emphasis on new content. Providing Context: You can include specific instructions or context in your prompt. For example, "Act like a friendly and knowledgeable assistant" sets a tone and character for the model's responses.
  • 69. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 69
  • 70. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 70 Afforai
  • 71. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 71 Google Colab
  • 72. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 72 AWS SageMaker
  • 73. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 73 Data Scrubbing
  • 74. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 74 Cryfe
  • 75. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 75 Interviewer AI
  • 76. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 76 Metaverse Digital Twins This is the understanding of building a Virtual (or Augmented) Reality environment for communication or trainings. Real World Uses
  • 77. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 77 Ovation VR Learn Public Speaking Ovation was developed to help you build your skills and confidence by providing real-time training tools and feedback as you speak to a realistic, simulated audience.
  • 78. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 78 EqualReality
  • 79. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 79 …how about assistive technology?
  • 80. Challenges and Ethical Considerations •Data Privacy •Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of research data. •Bias in AI •Identifying and mitigating bias in AI models and datasets. •Ethical Research Practices •Responsible use of AI in research. •Ethical guidelines for AI research.
  • 81. Copyright Concerns • Copyright and AI in Research •Understanding copyright laws in the context of AI-generated content. •Copyright challenges with using AI to analyze or generate text and images. • balancing innovation with respect for original works • Mitigating Copyright Risks •Best practices for using copyrighted materials in AI research • Asking for permission •Tools and approaches for copyright compliance and fair use. • AI and Intellectual Property •Navigating the complexities of IP rights for AI-generated outputs. •Recent cases and precedents in AI and copyright law.
  • 82. Legal Highlights • AI-Generated Art and Copyright: A U.S. court ruled that AI-generated art cannot receive copyrights under U.S. law. The court's decision emphasized that only works with human authors are eligible for copyright protection. This ruling was a significant development, affirming the Copyright Office's rejection of an application filed on behalf of an AI system called DABUS. The office and the court have maintained that human authorship is a fundamental requirement for copyright eligibility • AI-Assisted Works: Despite the ruling that purely AI-generated works cannot be copyrighted, the U.S. Copyright Office has clarified that AI-assisted works may still qualify for copyright protection, provided there is significant human creativity involved. This means that while the AI itself cannot be considered the author, creative modifications or arrangements of AI-generated content by humans can be copyrighted. This distinction underlines the importance of human involvement and ultimate creative control in the creation process. • EU's Approach to AI and Copyright: The European Union is also navigating the complexities of AI and copyright law. An early agreement within the EU proposes that companies using generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, must disclose any copyrighted material used to develop their systems. This is part of the EU's broader initiative to regulate AI technologies, ensuring transparency and accountability, especially concerning high-risk AI tools. The EU's proposed rules aim to balance the need for innovation with the protection of citizens' rights and copyright laws
  • 83. Protecting Data •Libraries may not be directly involved in the collection of research data, but they play a crucial role in the stewardship and dissemination of research and should advocate for and support ethical practices in data management
  • 84. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 84 Data Privacy and Bias •Protecting research data is like safeguarding a treasure. We use advanced methods like encryption to keep it secure, just like a chest with a strong lock. •We're also careful about how we share and use this data. We follow strict rules (like GDPR and HIPAA) to make sure we're handling it responsibly, so the information doesn't end up in the wrong hands. •To prevent AI from being biased, we diversify the data it learns from—much like how a well-rounded diet is better for health •Regularly checking and fine-tuning our AI models (like proofreading a critical essay) helps us correct any biases and ensures the AI's decisions are fair and reliable.
  • 85. Data Acquisition and Integrity • Sourcing Data Ethically • Guidelines for ethically sourcing and using data in AI models. • Considerations for public vs. private data usage. • Data Integrity and Quality • Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data sets. • Techniques to cleanse and validate data before AI processing.
  • 86. AI Hallucinations and Misinformation • Understanding AI Hallucinations • What are AI hallucinations, and why do they occur? • Examples of hallucinations in AI models and their impact on research integrity. • Combating AI-Generated Misinformation • Strategies to detect and mitigate the spread of AI-generated misinformation. • Implementing checks and balances in AI systems to prevent misinformation.
  • 88. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 88 Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning What's Next? Ai can enhance many of our day to day task to make them: • Update course guidelines and policies to recognize Ai and if its approved or not. • When Ai is approved – highlight what tools are approved • Research tools that will enhance the Ai experience • Should we use as an academic aid or productivity assistant? • Be "ok" with change • Understand not all Ai is created equal • Ai changes fast – What works today may not work tomorrow. Thought Provoking Ideas to guide better understanding
  • 89. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 89 The Challenges Ai can enhance many of our day to day task to make them: • Is using Ai bad or just bad right now? • Is Ai just the next generation of using the Internet as a source? • It's been around in various iterations for years, why all the noise right now? • What data source is the Ai using? • Security of Data – Who owns it? • Ai Generative Inbreeding • Ai standards (Responsible Ai / Ethics Ai) • Note: Ai is as good as the data it's provided. Ai will make you rethink
  • 90. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 90 Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning Suggested Standards for AI Data Use 1.Proactive Assessment of Data Protections: Researchers should assess the type of protections needed for sharing scientific data from participants, including considering restricted access when necessary, even if data are technically de-identified. 2.Robust Consent Processes: It's essential to develop consent processes that provide clarity about the future sharing and use of scientific data, including any limitations on future use and general data management practices. 3.Limitations to Data Sharing: There may be valid reasons to limit data sharing under certain policies, especially if sharing could compromise participant privacy or safety, or if limitations are stated in informed consent documents. 4.Review of Conditions for Data Sharing: Institutions should review and communicate appropriate limitations on the future use of data and consider potential risks when sharing data with repositories or other users. 5.Privacy Considerations for All Scientific Data: Data used in research deserves privacy considerations, regardless of whether it comes from non- research settings with different privacy standards. 6.Commitment to Responsible Data Sharing: The research community should remain vigilant against potential misuse of data and enforce terms of data use agreements.
  • 91. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 91 Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning While Researching •Minimize Data: Collect no more personal data than necessary for conducting research. •Pseudonymize and Anonymize Data: Convert data to anonymized or pseudonymized form as soon as possible, and securely delete fully identifiable data. •Secure Data Storage: Keep personal data secure and in compliance with data protection law. •Retention and Destruction of Data: Retain data subject to periodic review and securely destroy it when no longer needed.
  • 92. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 92 Researching, Talking, Adopting, and Learning Consent Forms? •De-identification of Data: Where consent for identifiable data sharing isn't given, data should be shared in a de-identified format. •Use of Data Sharing and Use Agreements: Utilize agreements to establish clear conditions for data sharing, particularly for controlled-access data. •Understanding Legal Protections Against Misuse: Familiarize with and communicate legal protections, such as Certificates of Confidentiality, which prohibit disclosure of protected information for non-research purposes. Remember, if you collected survey data that is fed into an AI, what does that do? How should consent look like for data?
  • 93. Evolve Project | Brian Pichman 93 Feel free to reach out! Questions / Contacts o Brian Pichman o

Editor's Notes

  1. Discover how AI is revolutionizing research methodologies and publishing processes, making data analysis more efficient and streamlining academic workflows. This talk will cover the latest trends, challenges, and future opportunities of integrating AI in academia. Ideal for scholars, publishers, and tech enthusiasts aiming to stay ahead in the digital age. We will also explore new tools and how to build your own environments.  
  2. AI – Jobs ( Good Example – remember when the car was invented) AI Art, Media, replacing AI  not true, its going to open more opportunities for people Stealing Data  Maybe. But like any tool, it can be used for good or bad. Fun Fact, Facebook, Google’s “free” service is actually using your data. Other dangers —> company can make a Geek Squad like support and scrub their public data on Apple or Microsoft and make a free or cheaper support system (good or bad?) What does that do —> will people start hiding support articles? 
  3. AI Changes daily, here are some examples of it changing daily This is just the tip of the ice berg of the AI Controversy – celebrities may be getting impersonated by AI, but be mindful of the topics we cover today as a set of guidelines on your exploration of AI Can’t put the genie back in the bottle, its out , so how can we use it and how can we use it ethically – will be our focus today
  4. Generative AI -- Images --Videos --Music --Text --Code Operational --- -- Social Media, -- Security -- Marketing Graphics Conversational Ai Question and Answer Help With Understanding Meta Verse – AI / Digital Twin Analytic Ai Data Miniming User Preferences Predictive
  5. Generative AI -- Images --Videos --Music --Text --Code
  6. Example of trained data I provide
  8. Over two-thirds of the world’s data is user-generated (Baseline) User-generated data is everywhere, from social media posts to emails to customer reviews. There are over 900 exabytes of this user-generated data according to Baseline.
  9. Operational --- -- Social Media, -- Security -- Marketing Graphics
  10. Conversational Ai Question and Answer Help With Understanding Upload Data or Information – Unstructured Data
  11. Example of an AI tool that lives in your teams or slack chat that can respond to questions as they are asked.
  12. In 2013 this movie came out .. 10 years before the rest of the world was talking about what AI can do
  13. Meta Verse – AI / Digital Twin Analytic Ai Data Miniming User Preferences Predictive
  14. Highlight the potential of the Metaverse for global collaboration, enabling students from around the world to interact, share ideas, and work on projects together.
  15. Analytic Ai Data Miniming User Preferences Predictive
  16. AI in Automation
  17. Thing of how AI can take unstructured data and pull it together insanely fast Detection
  18. AI and genomic surveillance combined to detect outbreaks in healthcare. EDS-HAT integrates machine learning with genome sequencing for rapid identification. DNAnexus' precisionFDA and Lifebit's platform make genomic data actionable. These initiatives advance precision medicine and improve health outcomes.
  19. AI is increasingly playing a pivotal role in research, offering new ways to analyze complex social phenomena and providing insights that were previously unattainable due to data volume, variety, or complexity
  20. Discover OOrion, the app that helps visually impaired people easily find their lost items. Using their phone's camera, users can quickly find their stuff. And that's not all ! OOrion also allows you to search for text with the camera and scan nearby objects for additional information. It operates offline, and is entirely compatible with Siri and VoiceOver, the iPhone's screen reader.
  21. Genesis AI is Starkey's most advanced hearing technology yet, re-engineered from the inside out. It's not just Starkey's newest hearing aid, but a multifunctional health and communication device utilizing advanced AI technology that exceeds biological sensory processing capabilities. It's also the only hearing healthcare system to feature an all-new processor, all-new sound, all-new design, all-new fitting software and an all-new patient experience.
  22. GUIDi is an AI smart belt empowering the visually impaired by implementing MEMS and AI technology to wearable devices. We help users achieve their personal and highly intelligent navigation system independent of the internet or GPS Whispp’s AI Assistive Voice Technology and Calling App converts whispered speech (people who stutter severely speak relaxed and much more fluent while whispering) and vocal cord-impaired speech (throat cancer, vocal cord paralysis, ALS) into a person’s natural voice, in real-time.
  23. Generally, AI can streamline peer review, assist with plagiarism detection, and improve the discoverability of research through better search algorithms and recommendation systems. AI-driven analytics can also provide insights into readership patterns and article impact, helping publishers and authors understand their audience better.
  24. When writing a book with AI, such capabilities translate to generating ideas, proposing edits, and crafting entire sections. Using AI writing software to generate content can significantly expedite your writing process, producing top-notch work in a fraction of the time required for manual writing.
  25. AI in your corner, suggest topics or even write entire articles.
  26. DeepMind's AlphaFold: Revolutionized protein folding predictions, which could accelerate drug discovery and our understanding of diseases.
  27. A deep learning library that offers a practical, code-first approach to learning AI, suitable for librarians and researchers new to the field. Google's Machine Learning Crash Course: Offers a quick introduction to machine learning concepts and practices.
  28. TensorFlow is a free and open-source software library for machine learning and artificial intelligence. It can be used across a range of tasks but has a particular focus on training and inference of deep neural networks. It was developed by the Google Brain team for Google's internal use in research and production. PyTorch is a machine learning framework based on the Torch library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing, originally developed by Meta AI and now part of the Linux Foundation umbrella. It is free and open-source software
  29. Jupyter Notebooks are an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. They are widely used in data analysis, statistical modeling, and machine learning, and have several features that make them particularly useful in these domains: Live Code Execution: Jupyter Notebooks allow users to write and run code in a variety of programming languages (primarily Python) in real-time. Visualization: Users can create graphs and interactive visualizations inline, which is useful for making sense of data and model outputs. Research Documentation: Libraries can use Jupyter Notebooks to document research processes, methodologies, and findings in a way that is transparent and reproducible. Publishing Data-Intensive Reports: Libraries can publish interactive reports that allow other researchers to explore the data and analyses themselves. This is particularly useful for digital humanities projects.
  30. State-of-the-Art Models: Access to pre-trained models like BERT, GPT-2, T5 for NLP tasks. Transfer Learning: Fine-tune these models on a specific task to achieve high performance. Wide Range of NLP Tasks: Suitable for tasks like text classification, translation, summarization, and question answering. Community-Driven: An active community that contributes to a repository of models and tools. Easy to Use: The library provides a simple interface for using and training transformer models.
  31. Semantic Scholar (AI-Powered Research Tool): AI-Powered Search: Uses machine learning to understand the context and relevance of papers. Broad Coverage: Indexes millions of research papers across many disciplines. Semantic Analysis: Highlights key phrases and summarises research papers. Personalized Feeds: Recommends papers based on your interests. Citation Analysis: Tracks citations to measure impact and find influential research.
  32. Zotero: Metadata Extraction: Uses AI to automatically extract metadata from PDFs, web pages, and other documents to save users time when building their reference library. Automated Tagging: AI algorithms can suggest tags for library items based on content and metadata, helping users organize and find literature more efficiently. Mendeley: Recommendation System: Utilizes AI to recommend articles based on a user’s library content, reading behavior, and collaborative filtering techniques. Search Optimization: AI enhances search functions by interpreting user queries and returning the most relevant results, including identifying similar documents in the user’s library.
  33. Conversational Ai Question and Answer Help With Understanding Upload Data or Information – Unstructured Data
  34. Show this
  35. No Setup: Offers a Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup to use, facilitating easy entry for users new to machine learning or those working on projects that do not require complex environment configurations. Zero Cost: Provides free access to computing services, including GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and TPUs (Tensor Processing Units), which can significantly accelerate machine learning tasks. Collaboration: Designed for collaborative projects, it allows multiple users to comment, share, and edit notebooks, akin to Google Docs. Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Google Drive and other Google services, allowing users to store and manage their notebooks alongside other documents. Pre-installed Libraries: Comes with many machine learning and data analysis libraries pre-installed, so users can start coding without worrying about the installation of these libraries.
  36. End-to-End ML Service: A comprehensive service that covers all steps of the machine learning process, from building models to training and deploying them at scale. Scalability: Provides scalable infrastructure that adjusts to the needs of the machine learning models, whether training with large datasets or deploying compute-intensive models for use. Managed Jupyter Notebooks: Offers fully managed Jupyter notebooks to create and manage machine learning workflows with ease. Deployment: Simplifies the deployment of machine learning models with one-click deployment to the cloud, enabling users to quickly set up a secure and scalable environment for their applications. Monitoring and Optimization: Includes capabilities for monitoring model performance and automating the tuning of models, ensuring that deployed models are both efficient and accurate.
  37. Marketing / enrollment Aid
  38. Created by an FBI Profiler
  39. Rapidly Interview Potential Students, Potential New Hires, etc
  40. Meta Verse – AI / Digital Twin Analytic Ai Data Miniming User Preferences Predictive
  41. Data Privacy Strategies to protect research data and participant confidentiality. Legal considerations around data usage. Bias in AI The importance of diverse data sets to reduce model bias. Methods for auditing and correcting AI models. Ethical Research Practices Adhering to ethical guidelines in AI deployment. Considerations for human-AI collaboration in research.
  42. Legal and Ethical Considerations: These developments highlight the evolving nature of copyright law in the age of AI. The legal framework is adapting to address the unique challenges posed by AI technologies, including questions of authorship, creativity, and the use of copyrighted materials in training AI systems. The distinction between AI-generated and AI-assisted works is crucial, as it impacts the applicability of copyright protection. Furthermore, the requirement for transparency in the use of copyrighted content in AI development reflects a growing emphasis on ethical considerations in the digital realm.
  43. Sourcing Data Ethically Collecting data for AI is a delicate task. We follow ethical guidelines to ensure we're not overstepping personal boundaries or misusing sensitive information. We weigh public versus private data use, ensuring we have the right to use the data and that it's collected with participant consent where necessary. Data Integrity and Quality The accuracy of our AI models depends on the integrity of our data. We implement rigorous verification processes to ensure the data we use is accurate and reliable. We employ techniques to clean and validate data before feeding it into AI systems, much like fact-checking before publication.
  44. Understanding AI Hallucinations AI 'hallucinations' occur when AI generates or interprets data that doesn't align with reality. It's crucial we understand why these errors happen to prevent them. By analyzing instances where AI has 'hallucinated', we can develop strategies to prevent such occurrences, ensuring the integrity of our research. Combating AI-Generated Misinformation We stand guard against AI-generated misinformation by setting up checks and balances, much like peer-review in academic publishing. Strategies include cross-referencing AI outputs with verified data sources and implementing fail-safes to catch and correct AI errors before they spread.
  45. So really you want to think whats next with Ai.. What are the challenges what can you do with it, what should you not do with it?
  46. You really want to take time to think through what your approach will be now with Ai, but also be open to change.. As just like we discussed at the beginning of this presentation..  The stance on Ai will change, you may want to prevent it now, but that’s an impossible task to undertake forever..  As usage of Ai grows understanding how Ai can fit into your classes, your usage in the school will be critical.  This is no different then how online schooling wasn't accepted when it first came out, this is no different when the internet first came out and everyone was against using it as a source for papers.. 
  47. There are tons of Challenges and ethical dilemmas that will occur with Ai. As much as I'd love to say you'll be able to run away from them, the only answer is for how long?  As Ai continues to evolve there is wide speculation that it will be harder and harder to detect..  As mentioned earlier there is an exponential growth in data storage even over the last decade, since everyone seems to be leveraging Ai to develop new content.. It will be blended into iterations of itself and soon there is an anticipate Ai will become almost indistinguishable from originally generated content.  Along with this Security will continue to become harder and harder to combat, as I anticipate in the future if not already, Hackers will develop there own Ai that will help them navigate security vulnerabilities faster, figure out how to exploit a persons network quicker and generally make combatting Ai with Ai a topic of discussion soon.  
  48. Thank you for attending out presentation..  We would love to open it up to non-ai generated questions please. ;)