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Personalized Recommendations and
Search with Retrieval and Ranking at
scale on Hopsworks
MLOps World 2022
Jim Dowling, CEO, Hopsworks
H&M Personalized Fashion Recommendations
Personalized product recommendations based on previous purchases
● articles.csv - detailed metadata for each article_id available for purchase
● customers.csv - metadata for each customer_id
● transactions_train.csv - purchases for each customer with date
Predict the article_ids each customer will purchase.
Recommender systems are information filtering systems that personalize
the information coming to a user based on her historical interests, the
relevance of the information, and the current context (e.g., what is trending).
Some paradigms for recommender systems:
● Collaborative filtering
● Content-based filtering
● Social and demographic recommenders
● Contextual recommendation algorithms
Recommender Systems
Facebook posts
Collaborative filtering
Netflix movies
Collaborative filtering
Alibaba products
Retrieval and Ranking
Freshest features
Spotify Weekly
Collaborative filtering
Collaborative filtering
Youtube clips
Retrieval and Ranking
U2I and I2I
“It's digital crack”, Andrej Karpathy
Analytical/Batch Recommendation Systems
Database or
Batch Program
(with model) Model Registry
download model
consume predictions
store predictions
read batch data for scoring
Analytical (Batch) Recommendation Service
Facebook posts
Collaborative filtering
Netflix movies
Collaborative filtering
Alibaba products
Retrieval and Ranking
Freshest features
Spotify Weekly
Collaborative filtering
Collaborative filtering
Youtube clips
Retrieval and Ranking
U2I and I2I
“It's digital crack”, Andrej Karpathy
Operational/Online Recommendation Systems
Analytical ML
Operational ML
with historical data
Operational ML
with real-time data
Artisanal ML
(Laptop ML)
‘Big’ Data
Increase Business Value with more Real-Time Recommendations
User History & Context
Item 2
Hundreds Dozens
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Online Recommendations: Retrieval and Ranking Architecture
3-Stage Retrieval, Filtering, Ranking
Personalized Music
Discovery Playlist:
● Retrieval: Nearest neighbor search in
item embedding space
● Filtering: Remove tracks user has
heard before (e.g. w/ Bloom Filters)
● Ranking: Re-use embedding space
distance from and tade off between
score, similarity and BPm to reduce
jarring track transitions
Social Media Feed:
● Retrieval: Random walks on social
graph to find new items in user’s
● Filtering: Remove posts from muted or
blocked users
● Ranking: Predict user’s likelihood of
interacting with posts, but “twiddle” the
list so adjacent posts are from different
Examples by Nvidia -
3-Stage Retrieval, Filtering, Ranking
eCommerce “Add to Cart”:
● Retrieval: Look up items commonly
co-purchased with cart contents
● Filtering: Remove candidate items that are
currently out of stock (or already in your
● Ranking: Predict how likely to buy each
candidate item the user is, but reorder to
maximize expected revenue
Social Media Feed:
● Retrieval: Many candidate sources for the
various rows/shelves/banners
● Filtering: Remove items that aren’t
licensed for streaming in user’s country
● Ranking: Predict user’s stream time for
each item, but arrange a set of shelves
that trade off between predicted relevance
and matching the genre distribution of the
user’s previous consumption
Examples by Nvidia -
[Image credit: ]
Online and Offline Infrastructure for Retrieval/Ranking
(Two-Tower) Operational Recommendation Service
Feature Store
Model Serving
Recommend me stuff!
Data Sources
Model Registry
Vector Database
similarity search
User/query embedding
model - user history and
Item embedding model
Built Approx Nearest
Neighbor (ANN) Index with
items and item embedding
User/Query and Item
With the ranking model,
score all the candidate
items with both user and
item features, ensuring,
candidate diversity.
Remove candidate items
for various reasons:
• underage user
• item sold out
• item bought
• item not available
in user’s region
Retrieve candidate items
based on the user
embedding from the ANN
Create Embeddings - then Retrieval, Filtering, Ranking
Retrieval and Ranking for Fashion Recommendations
Retrieve closest
candidates with
similarity search
Filter & Enrich
with features for
Add customer
prior purchases,
age, location, etc
Candidate 1
Candidate 2
Candidate N
less than 100ms
Retrieve closest
candidates with
similarity search
Filter & Enrich
with features for
Add customer
prior purchases,
age, location, etc
Candidate 1
Candidate 2
Candidate N
Online Infrastructure
Online Infrastructure for Retrieval and Ranking
Feature Engineering
User Data
Articles Data
User/query and Item
Embedding Models
Model Training
Compute embeddings
for items/users and
add to ANN index
Spark App
Model Training
Ranking Model
build index
Offline Infrastructure for Ranking and Retrieval
● An embedding is a mapping of a discrete — categorical — variable to a
vector of continuous numbers: [1.119, 4.341, ….,1.334]
● Create a denser representation of the categories and maintain some of
the implicit relationship information between items
Word2Vec Embeddings
Image Embeddings enable Similarity Search
Can a “user query” find “items”
with similarity search?
Yes, by mapping the “user query” embedding
into the “item” embedding space.
Representation learning for retrieval usually involves supervised learning with labeled
or pseudo-labeled data from user-item interactions.
Two-Tower Embedding Model
[Image Credit: Roman Grebennikov, Findify - ]
Feature Logging - Generate Training Data for Embedding Models
Log user-item interactions as training data for our two-tower model.
H&M Website
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Purchase 3
Click 2
Click 3
Score: 0
Item 1
Score: 1
Item 2
Score: 5
Item 3
Score: 0
Item 4
How do we create Training Data for our Embedding Models?
Implicit Feedback vs Explicit Feedback
Imagine the user sees a feed and selects the fifth item in
the list. This shows us that the first four items should
have been ranked lower in the list. We can train our ranker
model with this sort of data.
You can also train a model with explicit feedback by
introducing a user feedback/rating system in your
Negative examples should also be used when training
- items labeled "irrelevant" to a given query.
Item Embedding
Trainable (neural network) Encoder
Static item features:
name, description, tags
language, location
genre, price, etc
(From Database/DW)
The Item Embedding Model
User/Query Embedding
Trainable (neural network) Encoder
User profile features:
languages, location
preferences, age, etc
(From Database/DW)
User Search History
User Click History
(From Event Logs or Data Lake)
The User/Query Embedding Model
Sigmoid, Dot Product, …
User and Item Embeddings
are the same length Item Embedding
Trainable (neural network) Encoder
Static item
User/Query Embedding
Trainable (neural network) Encoder
Static user
User Session
User Click
TensorFlow has the tensorflow-recommenders library to train two-tower embedding models.
Our training data, transactions.csv, consists of customer and article pairs. You need to provide only positive pairs, where the
customer purchased an article. Training produces 2 models: an item encoder model and a user encoder model.
The dot product of a user embedding and item
embedding pair that interacted is high and the
dot product of a non interacting pair is close to 0
Training the Query and Item Embedding Models with Two Towers
[Source: ]
Create embeddings for Items, insert them into embedding space
(aka build an Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) Index)
Vector Database -
Similarity Search with
A vector database (or embedding store): a
database for durably storing embeddings and
supporting similarity search (nearest neighbor
Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) algorithms
provide fast nearest neighbor search, O(log(n))
● Facebook’s FAISS uses Hierarchical
Navigable Small World Graphs (HNSW)
● Google ScaNN
HNSW Graph Search
Vector Database
PUT my-knn-index-1
"settings": {
"index": {
"knn": true,
"knn.space_type": "cosinesimil"
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"my_vector1": {
"type": "knn_vector",
"dimension": 2
"my_vector2": {
"type": "knn_vector",
"dimension": 4 }
Create a k-NN nearest neighbour Index in OpenSearch. In the following
slides, we will add entries to the index. Then query it with approximate
nearest neighbor search. Then query it with additional filters.
OpenSearch k-NN: Create Index
POST _bulk
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "1" } }
{ "my_vector1": [1.5, 2.5], "price": 12.2 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "2" } }
{ "my_vector1": [2.5, 3.5], "price": 7.1 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "3" } }
{ "my_vector1": [3.5, 4.5], "price": 12.9 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "4" } }
{ "my_vector1": [5.5, 6.5], "price": 1.2 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "5" } }
{ "my_vector1": [4.5, 5.5], "price": 3.7 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "6" } }
{ "my_vector2": [1.5, 5.5, 4.5, 6.4], "price": 10.3 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "7" } }
{ "my_vector2": [2.5, 3.5, 5.6, 6.7], "price": 5.5 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "8" } }
{ "my_vector2": [4.5, 5.5, 6.7, 3.7], "price": 4.4 }
{ "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "9" } }
{ "my_vector2": [1.5, 5.5, 4.5, 6.4], "price": 8.9 }
Note that each entry has a unique “_id” and an additional “price” attribute.
my_vector1 has an embedding of length 2.
my_vector2 has an embedding of length 4.
OpenSearch k-NN: Insert Embeddings into Index
GET my-knn-index-1/_search
"size": 2,
"query": {
"knn": {
"my_vector2": {
"vector": [2, 3, 5, 6],
"k": 2
k is the number of neighbors the search of each graph will return.
The size option indicates how many results the query actually
OpenSearch k-NN: Similarity search using Index
GET my-knn-index-1/_search
"size": 2,
"query": {
"knn": {
"my_vector2": {
"vector": [2, 3, 5, 6],
"k": 2
"post_filter": {
"range": {
"price": {
"gte": 5,
"lte": 10
We are filtering results so that we only get candidates with a price
between 5-10.
OpenSearch k-NN: Similarity search using Index with filtering
Ranking and Refining
Each instance (user-item pair)
is represented with a list of
features, retrieved from the
feature store.
Training data is the user-item
features and the label is the
relevance ratings.
Ranking models should be fast
- low latency to rank 100s of
candidates, so decision trees
are popular.
What does a Ranking Model do?
The ranking stage should consider additional criteria or constraints.
If the system always recommend items that are "closest" to the user/query embedding, the
candidates tend to be very similar to each other.
Re-rank items based on genre or other metadata to ensure diversity.
When ranking, we can include features that were not feasible during candidate generation.
Use the feature store to retrieve features such as user persona (e.g., demographics, price propensity),
item metadata (e.g., attributes, engagement statistics), cross features (e.g., interaction between
each feature pair), and media embeddings.
Building a ranking model with TF Recommenders:
Ranking Models - reordering and the feature store
Tags and Metadata - Refine your Recommendations/Search
Feature helps generate candidates in ANN search
Static/Dynamic Filter Candidates.
Book 1
Book 2
Book N
Vector DB
Ranking Stage
Static attributes. Filter ANN results in OpenSearch
Book 1 Feature1 Feature2 … TAG
Tags, Metadata - Refining your Search by Filtering
Offline Infrastructure for
Ranking and Retrieval
Offline Infrastructure for Ranking and Retrieval
Feature Engineering
Data Warehouse user,
item profiles
Historical transactions
User/query and Item
Embedding Models
Model Training
Compute embeddings
for items/users and
add to ANN index
Spark App
Model Training
Ranking Model
build index
Data Dump Model
What is a Feature Store for Machine Learning?
models need operational data
Feature Store
Data Scientist
No Feature Store
What are the System Properties of Recommendation Systems?
(response time)
Apart from the accuracy of your ML models, you have to worry about…
Why should I care about Performance and Availability ?
Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black
Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations
Freshness: Video streaming service switches from
Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature
freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the
engagement rate.
Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a
music streaming company returns 250 candidates
during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the
feature store in < 30ms for ranking.
Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing
number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline
from Pandas to PySpark.
Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing
number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline
from Pandas to PySpark.
Why should I care about Performance and Availability ?
Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black
Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations.
Freshness: Video streaming service switches from
Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature
freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the
engagement rate.
Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a
music streaming company returns 250 candidates
during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the
feature store in < 30ms for ranking.
Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing
number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline
from Pandas to PySpark.
Why should I care about Performance and Availability ?
Freshness: Video streaming service switches from
Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature
freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the
engagement rate.
Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a
music streaming company returns 250 candidates
during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the
feature store in < 30ms for ranking.
Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black
Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations.
Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black
Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations.
Why should I care about Performance and Availability ?
Freshness: Video streaming service switches from
Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature
freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the
engagement rate.
Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a
music streaming company returns 250 candidates
during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the
feature store in < 30ms for ranking.
Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing
number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline
from Pandas to PySpark.
Feature Store
Feature Pipeline
Training Data /
Batch Data
Write API, Online/Offline Read APIs
Online API
Offline API
Training Data
Model Registry
& Deployment
Feature Groups
Feature Engineering: APIs & Connectors
Feature Engineering: SQL & Connectors
Training Data
Model Registry
& Deployment
Feature Groups
Amazon S3
Storage Connectors
Feature Groups
Web logs
Feature Views
Feature Store
Online API
Offline API
Write to Feature Groups, Read from Feature Views
< 1ms KV lookup
>100M KV Lookups/sec
>99.999% availability
>1 PB storage
RonDB - Hopsworks’ Online Feature Store
Feature Views
Feature Store
Training Data
Training Models
customers.csv articles.csv retrieval.csv
Model Registry
Feature Store
Feature Pipeline
Precomputed Features
(Context, Historical)
Retrieval and
(Click or Search)
Online API
Feature Store used for Online for Retrieval and Ranking
Hopsworks = Feature Store
+ VectorDB + Model Serving
Feature Store
Feature Pipeline
Precomputed Features
(Context, Historical)
Training Data
Retrieval and
(Click or Search)
Online API
Offline API
Hopsworks for Retrieval and Ranking
(Model Serving)
a. User Query
1. Enrich Query with
User History, Profile, and
Feature Store
2. Compute
3. Retrieve Candidates
4. Enrich Candidates
using Feature Store
5. Score Candidates
with Ranking Model
Hopsworks Ranking and Retrieval Service
Feature Logging
b. Item Selected
Case Study:
Spotify Music Search
Support Spotify Personalized Search in a Retrieval
and Ranking Architecture.
Benchmark the highest throughput, lowest latency
key-value stores to identify one that could scale to
handle millions of concurrent lookups per second
on Spotify’s workloads.
Aerospike and RonDB were identified as the only
systems capable of meeting the triple goals of
High Throughput, Low Latency, and High
Availability. Other databases such as Redis,
Cassandra, BigTable were not considered for
availability or latency or throughput reasons.
Feature Store
Lookup Features
Feature Values
Feature Pipelines
Benchmarking Online Feature Stores
Hardware Benchmark Setup on GCP: RonDB (NDB) vs Aerospike. The Java Client
nodes are the clients performing the reads/writes on the Data Nodes. When the
cluster is provisioned with 8 RonDB (NDB) data nodes, it has 832GB of usable
in-memory storage, when a replication factor of 2 is used.
Benchmark Setup
Throughput: higher is better. Each feature store operation was a batch of 250 key-value lookups, meaning with 8
clients for a 8-node RonDB cluster, there are >2m lookups/sec.
Average throughput of the clients in both 6 and 8 node setup of RonDB
and Aerospike
N. of clients
RonDB 8 Nodes
RonDB 6 Nodes
Aerospike 6 nodes
Aerospike 8 nodes
1 2 4 8
Benchmark Results - Throughput
Latency: lower is better. Each feature store operation was a batch of 250 key-value lookups. So, for RonDB, the P99 when
performing 250 primary operations in a single transaction is under 30ms.
Average latency of the clients in both 6 node setup of RonDB and Aerospike
N. of clients
RonDB P75
RonDB P99 Aerospike P99
Aerospike P75
1 2 4 8
Benchmark Results - Latency
RonDB 35% Higher Throughput
RonDB 30% Better Latency
Based on Public Report from Spotify
comparing Aerospike and RonDB (NDB Cluster) as Feature Stores
Benchmark Results
Ranking and Retrieval
with Hopsworks
H&M Recommendation Service
Today’s Workshop: Retrieval and Ranking Platform in Python
create feature groups for articles, customers, transactions
● articles.csv
● customers.csv
● transactions_train.csv
create feature view for retrieval model (training data)
build opensearch KNN index with embeddings for all articles
train two-tower model - user and article embedding models
create feature view for retrieval model (training data)
train ranking model
deploy models to KServe + glue code for Hopsworks, OpenSearch
Feature Groups
Feature Views
Feature Store
Transaction = (customer_id, article_id, timestamp, channel)
1_feature_engineering.ipynb 2a_create_retrieval_feature_views.ipynb
OpenSearch kNN
ANN Index
Python Program
with Item
Embedding Model
Item Corpus
Encode all items
Insert all pairs
(ID, embedding)
Model Registry
Customer Embedding Model
Article Embedding Model
Training Data
Register User & Item
Embedding Models
4a_create_ranking_feature_views.ipynb 4b_train_ranking_model.ipynb
Feature Groups
Feature Views
Feature Store
Transaction = (customer_id, article_id, timestamp, channel)
Model Registry
Ranking Model
TensorFlow Program
with Item
Embedding Model
Register Ranking Model
Logs: Inputs, Predictions
Feature Store
Ranking Model
User/Query Model
4 2, 4
Where next for
Retrieval and Ranking
more data -> better models -> more users -> more data->
(Website, etc)
Models &
Pipeline &
Online API Offline API
Build out your Data-for-AI Flywheel
DSLs for Recommendation Systems
Democratize the development of Recommendation Systems
Hopsworks is the platform for ML collaboration,
powered by the leading
Python-centric Enterprise Feature Store.
69 Wilson St.
Silicon Valley
470 Ramona St
Palo Alto
⭐ Stockholm
Hopsworks AB
Medborgarplatsen 25
118 72 Stockholm
Open &
At Scale

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Real-Time Recommendations with Hopsworks and OpenSearch - MLOps World 2022

  • 1. Personalized Recommendations and Search with Retrieval and Ranking at scale on Hopsworks MLOps World 2022 Jim Dowling, CEO, Hopsworks
  • 2. H&M Personalized Fashion Recommendations Personalized product recommendations based on previous purchases ● articles.csv - detailed metadata for each article_id available for purchase ● customers.csv - metadata for each customer_id ● transactions_train.csv - purchases for each customer with date Predict the article_ids each customer will purchase.
  • 3. Recommender systems are information filtering systems that personalize the information coming to a user based on her historical interests, the relevance of the information, and the current context (e.g., what is trending). Some paradigms for recommender systems: ● Collaborative filtering ● Content-based filtering ● Social and demographic recommenders ● Contextual recommendation algorithms Recommender Systems
  • 4. Facebook posts Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based Netflix movies Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based Alibaba products Real-time Item-to-Item TikTok Real-time Retrieval and Ranking Freshest features Spotify Weekly Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based MovieLens Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based Youtube clips Real-time Retrieval and Ranking U2I and I2I “It's digital crack”, Andrej Karpathy Analytical/Batch Recommendation Systems
  • 5. Database or KV-Store Batch Program (with model) Model Registry download model Operational Services Reports consume predictions store predictions read batch data for scoring Feature Store Analytical (Batch) Recommendation Service
  • 6. Facebook posts Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based Netflix movies Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based Alibaba products Real-time Item-to-Item TikTok Real-time Retrieval and Ranking Freshest features Spotify Weekly Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based MovieLens Batch Collaborative filtering Content-based Youtube clips Real-time Retrieval and Ranking U2I and I2I “It's digital crack”, Andrej Karpathy Operational/Online Recommendation Systems
  • 7. Business Value Analytical ML Operational ML with historical data Operational ML with real-time data BI: DESCRIPTIVE & DIAGNOSTIC ANALYTICS AI: PREDICTIVE & PRESCRIPTIVE ANALYTICS Artisanal ML (Laptop ML) Structured Data ‘Big’ Data Increase Business Value with more Real-Time Recommendations
  • 8. User History & Context Item 2 millions or billions Hundreds Dozens Candidate Generation Ranking Item1 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item Corpus Online Recommendations: Retrieval and Ranking Architecture
  • 9. 3-Stage Retrieval, Filtering, Ranking Personalized Music Discovery Playlist: ● Retrieval: Nearest neighbor search in item embedding space ● Filtering: Remove tracks user has heard before (e.g. w/ Bloom Filters) ● Ranking: Re-use embedding space distance from and tade off between score, similarity and BPm to reduce jarring track transitions Social Media Feed: ● Retrieval: Random walks on social graph to find new items in user’s network ● Filtering: Remove posts from muted or blocked users ● Ranking: Predict user’s likelihood of interacting with posts, but “twiddle” the list so adjacent posts are from different authors Examples by Nvidia -
  • 10. 3-Stage Retrieval, Filtering, Ranking eCommerce “Add to Cart”: ● Retrieval: Look up items commonly co-purchased with cart contents ● Filtering: Remove candidate items that are currently out of stock (or already in your cart) ● Ranking: Predict how likely to buy each candidate item the user is, but reorder to maximize expected revenue Social Media Feed: ● Retrieval: Many candidate sources for the various rows/shelves/banners ● Filtering: Remove items that aren’t licensed for streaming in user’s country ● Ranking: Predict user’s stream time for each item, but arrange a set of shelves that trade off between predicted relevance and matching the genre distribution of the user’s previous consumption Examples by Nvidia -
  • 11. [Image credit: ] Online and Offline Infrastructure for Retrieval/Ranking
  • 12. (Two-Tower) Operational Recommendation Service Feature Store history+context Model Serving Model Deployments user-embedding/rank Recommend me stuff! Data Sources Model Registry feature pipelines deploy Vector Database Embeddings similarity search
  • 13. User/query embedding model - user history and context. Item embedding model Built Approx Nearest Neighbor (ANN) Index with items and item embedding model. User/Query and Item Embeddings With the ranking model, score all the candidate items with both user and item features, ensuring, candidate diversity. Ranking Remove candidate items for various reasons: • underage user • item sold out • item bought before • item not available in user’s region Filtering Retrieve candidate items based on the user embedding from the ANN Index Retrieval Create Embeddings - then Retrieval, Filtering, Ranking
  • 14. Retrieval and Ranking for Fashion Recommendations User/query Embedding Retrieve closest candidates with similarity search Filter & Enrich with features for candidates Add customer prior purchases, age, location, etc Ranking Model Ranked candidates Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate N less than 100ms
  • 15. User/query Embedding Retrieve closest candidates with similarity search Filter & Enrich with features for candidates Add customer prior purchases, age, location, etc Ranking Model Hopsworks Feature Store KServe OpenSearch (FAISS) KServe Ranked candidates Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate N Online Infrastructure Online Infrastructure for Retrieval and Ranking Hopsworks Feature Store
  • 16. Hopsworks Feature Store KServe OpenSearch (FAISS) KServe transactions Feature Engineering User Data Articles Data User/query and Item Embedding Models Model Training Compute embeddings for items/users and add to ANN index Spark App Model Training Ranking Model deploy deploy build index Offline Infrastructure for Ranking and Retrieval
  • 18. ● An embedding is a mapping of a discrete — categorical — variable to a vector of continuous numbers: [1.119, 4.341, ….,1.334] ● Create a denser representation of the categories and maintain some of the implicit relationship information between items Word2Vec Embeddings Image Embeddings enable Similarity Search Embeddings
  • 19. Can a “user query” find “items” with similarity search? Yes, by mapping the “user query” embedding into the “item” embedding space. Representation learning for retrieval usually involves supervised learning with labeled or pseudo-labeled data from user-item interactions. Two-Tower Embedding Model
  • 20. [Image Credit: Roman Grebennikov, Findify - ] Feature Logging - Generate Training Data for Embedding Models Log user-item interactions as training data for our two-tower model. H&M Website Search Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Purchase 3 Click 2 Click 3 Score: 0 Item 1 Score: 1 Item 2 Score: 5 Item 3 Score: 0 Item 4 Features Features Features Features
  • 21. How do we create Training Data for our Embedding Models? Implicit Feedback vs Explicit Feedback Imagine the user sees a feed and selects the fifth item in the list. This shows us that the first four items should have been ranked lower in the list. We can train our ranker model with this sort of data. You can also train a model with explicit feedback by introducing a user feedback/rating system in your application. Negative examples should also be used when training - items labeled "irrelevant" to a given query.
  • 22. Item Embedding Trainable (neural network) Encoder Static item features: name, description, tags language, location genre, price, etc (From Database/DW) The Item Embedding Model
  • 23. User/Query Embedding Trainable (neural network) Encoder User profile features: languages, location preferences, age, etc (From Database/DW) User Search History User Click History (From Event Logs or Data Lake) The User/Query Embedding Model
  • 24. Sigmoid, Dot Product, … User and Item Embeddings are the same length Item Embedding Trainable (neural network) Encoder Static item features User/Query Embedding Trainable (neural network) Encoder Static user features User Session History User Click History TensorFlow has the tensorflow-recommenders library to train two-tower embedding models. Our training data, transactions.csv, consists of customer and article pairs. You need to provide only positive pairs, where the customer purchased an article. Training produces 2 models: an item encoder model and a user encoder model. The dot product of a user embedding and item embedding pair that interacted is high and the dot product of a non interacting pair is close to 0 Training the Query and Item Embedding Models with Two Towers
  • 25. [Source: ] Create embeddings for Items, insert them into embedding space (aka build an Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) Index)
  • 26. 02. Vector Database - Similarity Search with Embeddings
  • 27. A vector database (or embedding store): a database for durably storing embeddings and supporting similarity search (nearest neighbor search) Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) algorithms provide fast nearest neighbor search, O(log(n)) ● Facebook’s FAISS uses Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs (HNSW) ● Google ScaNN HNSW Graph Search Vector Database
  • 28. PUT my-knn-index-1 { "settings": { "index": { "knn": true, "knn.space_type": "cosinesimil" } }, "mappings": { "properties": { "my_vector1": { "type": "knn_vector", "dimension": 2 }, "my_vector2": { "type": "knn_vector", "dimension": 4 } ]}} Create a k-NN nearest neighbour Index in OpenSearch. In the following slides, we will add entries to the index. Then query it with approximate nearest neighbor search. Then query it with additional filters. OpenSearch k-NN: Create Index
  • 29. POST _bulk { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "1" } } { "my_vector1": [1.5, 2.5], "price": 12.2 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "2" } } { "my_vector1": [2.5, 3.5], "price": 7.1 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "3" } } { "my_vector1": [3.5, 4.5], "price": 12.9 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "4" } } { "my_vector1": [5.5, 6.5], "price": 1.2 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "5" } } { "my_vector1": [4.5, 5.5], "price": 3.7 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "6" } } { "my_vector2": [1.5, 5.5, 4.5, 6.4], "price": 10.3 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "7" } } { "my_vector2": [2.5, 3.5, 5.6, 6.7], "price": 5.5 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "8" } } { "my_vector2": [4.5, 5.5, 6.7, 3.7], "price": 4.4 } { "index": { "_index": "my-knn-index-1", "_id": "9" } } { "my_vector2": [1.5, 5.5, 4.5, 6.4], "price": 8.9 } Note that each entry has a unique “_id” and an additional “price” attribute. my_vector1 has an embedding of length 2. my_vector2 has an embedding of length 4. OpenSearch k-NN: Insert Embeddings into Index
  • 30. GET my-knn-index-1/_search { "size": 2, "query": { "knn": { "my_vector2": { "vector": [2, 3, 5, 6], "k": 2 } } } } k is the number of neighbors the search of each graph will return. The size option indicates how many results the query actually returns. OpenSearch k-NN: Similarity search using Index
  • 31. GET my-knn-index-1/_search { "size": 2, "query": { "knn": { "my_vector2": { "vector": [2, 3, 5, 6], "k": 2 } } }, "post_filter": { "range": { "price": { "gte": 5, "lte": 10 } } } } We are filtering results so that we only get candidates with a price between 5-10. OpenSearch k-NN: Similarity search using Index with filtering
  • 33. Each instance (user-item pair) is represented with a list of features, retrieved from the feature store. Training data is the user-item features and the label is the relevance ratings. Ranking models should be fast - low latency to rank 100s of candidates, so decision trees are popular. What does a Ranking Model do?
  • 34. The ranking stage should consider additional criteria or constraints. If the system always recommend items that are "closest" to the user/query embedding, the candidates tend to be very similar to each other. Re-rank items based on genre or other metadata to ensure diversity. When ranking, we can include features that were not feasible during candidate generation. Use the feature store to retrieve features such as user persona (e.g., demographics, price propensity), item metadata (e.g., attributes, engagement statistics), cross features (e.g., interaction between each feature pair), and media embeddings. Building a ranking model with TF Recommenders: Ranking Models - reordering and the feature store
  • 35. Tags and Metadata - Refine your Recommendations/Search
  • 36. Feature helps generate candidates in ANN search Static/Dynamic Filter Candidates. Book 1 Book 2 Book N Sci-Fi Drama Non-Fiction Vector DB Ranking Stage OR Static attributes. Filter ANN results in OpenSearch Book 1 Feature1 Feature2 … TAG Tags, Metadata - Refining your Search by Filtering
  • 38. Offline Infrastructure for Ranking and Retrieval Hopsworks Feature Store KServe OpenSearch (FAISS) KServe Kafka transactions Feature Engineering (Spark/Python/SQL) Data Warehouse user, item profiles Historical transactions User/query and Item Embedding Models Model Training Compute embeddings for items/users and add to ANN index Spark App Model Training Ranking Model deploy deploy build index
  • 39. Data Engineer Data Scientist ML Engineer Data Dump Model Enterprise Data Model Serving What is a Feature Store for Machine Learning? models need operational data Feature Store Data Engineer Data Scientist ML Engineer Enterprise Data Model Serving No Feature Store
  • 40. What are the System Properties of Recommendation Systems? Availability (uptime) Latency (response time) Feature Freshness (age) Throughput (speed) Apart from the accuracy of your ML models, you have to worry about…
  • 41. Why should I care about Performance and Availability ? Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations Freshness: Video streaming service switches from Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the engagement rate. Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a music streaming company returns 250 candidates during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the feature store in < 30ms for ranking. Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline from Pandas to PySpark.
  • 42. Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline from Pandas to PySpark. Why should I care about Performance and Availability ? Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations. Freshness: Video streaming service switches from Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the engagement rate. Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a music streaming company returns 250 candidates during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the feature store in < 30ms for ranking.
  • 43. Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline from Pandas to PySpark. Why should I care about Performance and Availability ? Freshness: Video streaming service switches from Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the engagement rate. Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a music streaming company returns 250 candidates during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the feature store in < 30ms for ranking. Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations.
  • 44. Availability: Embedded in-memory DB crashes on Black Friday at e-retailer, produces random recommendations. Why should I care about Performance and Availability ? Freshness: Video streaming service switches from Spark Streaming to Flink, improving feature freshness from 10s down to 2s, improving the engagement rate. Latency: A real-time recommendation service for a music streaming company returns 250 candidates during retrieval, then it needs 250 lookups from the feature store in < 30ms for ranking. Throughput: Online retail store produces increasing number of sales, needs to switch feature pipeline from Pandas to PySpark.
  • 45. Feature Store HOPSWORKS Feature Pipeline Inference Data Training Data / Batch Data Write API, Online/Offline Read APIs Online API Offline API
  • 46. Online Offline External Training Data Model Registry & Deployment Projects Feature Groups Feature Views Online Offline External Spark Spark Streaming Flink Feature Engineering: APIs & Connectors Hopsworks APIs Frameworks Pandas
  • 47. Feature Engineering: SQL & Connectors Online Offline External Training Data Model Registry & Deployment Projects Feature Groups Feature Views Online Offline External Redshift (Amazon) Snowflake Amazon S3 ADLS (Azure) JDBC (MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB) HopsFS Hopsworks Connectors Storage Connectors
  • 48. Feature Groups Web logs Customers Articles Transactions Data Warehouse Feature Views Ranking Retrieval Feature Store Online API Offline API Serve Train Write to Feature Groups, Read from Feature Views
  • 49. < 1ms KV lookup >100M KV Lookups/sec >99.999% availability >1 PB storage RonDB - Hopsworks’ Online Feature Store
  • 50. Feature Views Ranking Retrieval Feature Store Training Data Training Models customers.csv articles.csv retrieval.csv Ranking User/Query Embedding Item Embedding Model Registry Models
  • 51. Feature Store HOPSWORKS Feature Pipeline Precomputed Features (Context, Historical) Retrieval and Ranking Application (Click or Search) Online API Feature Store used for Online for Retrieval and Ranking
  • 52. 05. Hopsworks = Feature Store + VectorDB + Model Serving
  • 53. Feature Store HOPSWORKS Feature Pipeline Precomputed Features (Context, Historical) Training Data Retrieval and Ranking Application (Click or Search) Online API Offline API Hopsworks for Retrieval and Ranking Model Registry OpenSearch ANN KServe (Model Serving)
  • 54. a. User Query 1. Enrich Query with User History, Profile, and Context Hopsworks Feature Store OpenSearch 2. Compute User/Query Embedding 3. Retrieve Candidates 4. Enrich Candidates using Feature Store 5. Score Candidates with Ranking Model KServe Query, Req-ID Ranked Results <ReqID, outcome> Hopsworks Ranking and Retrieval Service Feature Logging b. Item Selected
  • 56. Goal: Support Spotify Personalized Search in a Retrieval and Ranking Architecture. Benchmark the highest throughput, lowest latency key-value stores to identify one that could scale to handle millions of concurrent lookups per second on Spotify’s workloads. Systems: Aerospike and RonDB were identified as the only systems capable of meeting the triple goals of High Throughput, Low Latency, and High Availability. Other databases such as Redis, Cassandra, BigTable were not considered for availability or latency or throughput reasons. Feature Store Ranking and Retrieval Lookup Features Feature Values Feature Pipelines Benchmarking Online Feature Stores
  • 57. Hardware Benchmark Setup on GCP: RonDB (NDB) vs Aerospike. The Java Client nodes are the clients performing the reads/writes on the Data Nodes. When the cluster is provisioned with 8 RonDB (NDB) data nodes, it has 832GB of usable in-memory storage, when a replication factor of 2 is used. Benchmark Setup
  • 58. Throughput: higher is better. Each feature store operation was a batch of 250 key-value lookups, meaning with 8 clients for a 8-node RonDB cluster, there are >2m lookups/sec. Average throughput of the clients in both 6 and 8 node setup of RonDB and Aerospike N. of clients RonDB 8 Nodes RonDB 6 Nodes Aerospike 6 nodes Aerospike 8 nodes 1250 1000 750 500 250 1 2 4 8 Ops/Sec Benchmark Results - Throughput
  • 59. Latency: lower is better. Each feature store operation was a batch of 250 key-value lookups. So, for RonDB, the P99 when performing 250 primary operations in a single transaction is under 30ms. Average latency of the clients in both 6 node setup of RonDB and Aerospike N. of clients RonDB P75 RonDB P99 Aerospike P99 Aerospike P75 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 4 8 Latency (ms) Benchmark Results - Latency
  • 60. RonDB 35% Higher Throughput RonDB 30% Better Latency Based on Public Report from Spotify comparing Aerospike and RonDB (NDB Cluster) as Feature Stores Benchmark Results
  • 61. 07. Ranking and Retrieval with Hopsworks H&M Recommendation Service
  • 62. Today’s Workshop: Retrieval and Ranking Platform in Python create feature groups for articles, customers, transactions ● articles.csv ● customers.csv ● transactions_train.csv create feature view for retrieval model (training data) build opensearch KNN index with embeddings for all articles train two-tower model - user and article embedding models create feature view for retrieval model (training data) train ranking model deploy models to KServe + glue code for Hopsworks, OpenSearch
  • 63. Feature Groups transactions.csv Customers Articles Transactions Feature Views retrieval Feature Store Transaction = (customer_id, article_id, timestamp, channel) 1_feature_engineering.ipynb 2a_create_retrieval_feature_views.ipynb articles.csv customers.csv
  • 64. OpenSearch kNN ANN Index Python Program with Item Embedding Model Item Corpus Encode all items Insert all pairs (ID, embedding) 3_build_index.ipynb Model Registry Customer Embedding Model Article Embedding Model TensorFlow Two-Tower Training Training Data Register User & Item Embedding Models 2b_train_retrieval_model.ipynb
  • 65. 4a_create_ranking_feature_views.ipynb 4b_train_ranking_model.ipynb Feature Groups Customers Articles Transactions Feature Views Ranking Feature Store Transaction = (customer_id, article_id, timestamp, channel) Model Registry Ranking Model TensorFlow Program with Item Embedding Model Register Ranking Model Training Data
  • 66. Logs: Inputs, Predictions predict (https) Predictor devices Kafka Istio Feature Store Transformer Metrics 5_create_deployment.ipynb Transformer Predictor Ranking Model User/Query Model 1 2 3 4 2, 4 5 6 7
  • 67. 08. Where next for Retrieval and Ranking Architectures?
  • 68. more data -> better models -> more users -> more data-> … Feature Store Recommende r (Website, etc) Models & Embedding s Model Training Feature Pipeline & Monitoring Feature Store Enterprise Data logs Online API Offline API Build out your Data-for-AI Flywheel
  • 70. Hopsworks is the platform for ML collaboration, powered by the leading Python-centric Enterprise Feature Store. London IDEALondon, 69 Wilson St. London UK Silicon Valley 470 Ramona St Palo Alto California USA ⭐ Stockholm Hopsworks AB Medborgarplatsen 25 118 72 Stockholm Sweden