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Obstacles	and	
Opposing	Forces	
to	Christianity
Dennis	Wilson
Module	1:	Introduction
Michelangelo’s	Creation	of	Adam
1. Introduction	
2. Obstacles	to	Christianity
3. Opposing	Forces	to	Christianity
4. Summary
Overall	Goals	of	Series
• Premise:	God’s	word (special	revelation)	and	God’s	
world (general	revelation)	must	be	in	harmony.	
• Goals:
– Provide	evidence	for	our	Christian	faith
– Expose	flaws	in	other	worldviews	
– Defend	Christian	faith	from	
• 1	Peter	3:15	..	Always	be	
prepared	to	give	an	answer	
to	everyone	who	asks	you	to	
give	the	reason	for	the	hope	
that	you	have.
Context	for	Discussion
Representative	Quotes
• “An	unexamined	life	is	not	worth	living”
– Socrates
• “An	unexamined	faith	is	not	worth	
– Norm	Geisler	and	Tim	Hawks
• “Religion	requires	faith	but	facts	are	
central	to	all	religions	because	all	
religious	worldviews	- including	atheism	-
make	truth	claims and	many	truth	claims	
can	be	evaluated	through	the	scientific	
– Norman	Geisler	&	Frank	Turek
Truth	Claims
• Truth	claims	are	absolute,	narrow	
and	exclusive
– According	to	,	Norm	Giesler and	Frank	
Turek:	truth	claims	are	discovered	–
not	invented;	trans-cultural;	and	
• Example	of	a	self-defeating	
statements:		“All	truth	is	relative”	–
this	is	an	absolute	truth
– This	sounds	a	lot	like	Postmodernism’s	
basic	principle
Discussion Questions:
1. Why do people demand truth in every area (e.g. safety,
money, health and relationships) except morality & religion?
2. Do truth claims evolve with time?
The Christian
asserts that
God is the
author of
universal and
ideas of: truth,
logic, and the
laws of nature.
Since we are created in the
image of God (Genesis
1:28 - 29), we are uniquely
gifted to discover these
universal ideas using
rational thought and
evidence-based reasoning.
Christian Worldview
…we have the mind of Christ
1 Corinthians 2:16
Naturalistic Worldview
Random, undirected evolution would seem
to imply there is “no reason for reason”
1. Introduction	
2. Obstacles	to	Christianity
3. Opposing	Forces	to	Christianity
4. Summary
Obstacles	to	Christianity
• Emotional
– Hypocrisy	of	the	Church	
• Volitional
– Christian	morality	seems	to	restrict	our	choices	in	life	– we	
must	yield	our	freedom	to	an	unseen	higher	power	– The	
God	of	the	Bible
• Intellectual/Philosophical/Scientific	
1. How	to	reconcile	evil with	that	of	a	deity
• How	can	this	(apparent)	paradox	be	explained?
2. Christianity	is	only	one	of	many	religions
• Religious	“pluralism”	is	a	major	problem	today’s	PC	culture
3. Science	has	the	answer	to	(fill	in	the	blank)	
• Origin	of	the	universe,	humans,	life	in	general…
1.	Problem	of	Evil	
• Major	Philosophical	Obstacle
– Problem	of	Evil:	"the	fact	of	suffering	
undoubtedly	constitutes	the	single	
greatest	challenge	to	the	Christian	faith.”
John	Stott
• There	are	basically	two	kinds	of	evil
– Moral	evil	results	from	the	actions	of	free	
creatures,	such	as	murder,	theft,	…
– Natural	evil	results	from	natural	
processes	such	as	earthquakes	and	
Dr.	Sam	Harris	is	a	philosopher,	and	
neuroscientist.	He	is	the	co-founder	of	
Project	Reason
2.	Religious	Pluralism	
• Religious	tolerance generally	means	acceptance	of	other	
religions.		It	does	not	mean	believing	that	other	religions	are	
equally	valid	and	true.
• Recently,	religious	pluralism has	generally	been	defined	as	the	
notion	that	all religions	as	equally	valid	and	true.
– The	obvious	problem	is	that	if	diverse	beliefs	are	all	true,	then	absolute	
truth	does	not	exist.
John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the
way, and the truth, and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me.”
3.	Domain	of	Science	and	Religion
• Religion	tackles	the	big	issues
– Origin	– where	did	we	come	from?
– Identity	- who	are	we?
– Purpose	– why	are	we	here?
– Destiny	– where	are	we	going?
– Morality	– How	should	we	live?
• Science
– Science	is	designed to	discover	information	
about	the	natural world	and	organize	that	
information	into	testable	laws	and	theories.
– Transcendent	or	supernatural phenomenon	are	
Religion Science
Method: Faith (unseen) Theories (observable)
Reason: Why How
• “Philosophy	has	not	kept	up	with	modern	developments	in	
science,	particularly	physics.	Scientists	have	become	the	bearers	
of	the	torch	of	discovery	in	our	quest	for	knowledge.”																			
(Hawking	2010,	p.	5)	
• At	a	recent	Google	Zeitgeist	conference,	Stephen	Hawking	boldly	
pronounced	that	“philosophy	is	dead.”
Some	Extreme	Views	on	Science
Hawking’s comment generated a lot of controversy from Philosophers…
Some	Extreme	Views	(Cont’d)
… but not from the engineering community
1. Introduction	
2. Obstacles	to	Christianity
3. Opposing	Forces	to	Christianity
– Isms:	Scientism,	Postmodernism,	Secular	
– Educational	System,	Ruling	Class,	Entertainment
4. Summary
• Scientism:	A	major	opposing	force
1. The	“belief”	(Worldview)	that	investigative	
methods	of	the	physical	sciences	are	
applicable	or	justifiable in	all	fields	of	inquiry.			
2. The	belief	that	physical	reality,	as	made	
available	to	the	natural	sciences,	is	all	that	
truly	exists.		
– Thus,	by	definition,	scientism	rejects	
explanations	that	rely	upon	the	supernatural.		
• “Deep	down,	creationists	realize	they	will	never	
win	factual	arguments	with	science.”
NY	Times	10/17/2010		Morals	without	God?
Scientism	and	Science	
are	Different
• Science looks	for	natural causes	and	
rejects	supernatural	causes	– by	definition	
– and	that’s	OK	
• Science is	not	a	worldview – but	scientism	
• The	scientific	method	rests	on	the	
foundational	belief	that	there	is	an	order
and	universality in	the	Universe.
• Physicist	Paul	C.	Davies:	"	be	a	scientist,	
you	had	to	have	faith	that	the	universe	is	
governed	by	dependable,	immutable,	
absolute,	universal,	mathematical	laws	of	
an	unspecified	origin.
Science	&	Scientists	are	(Obviously)	Different	
• Science	- by	definition	- is	worldview	neutral	but scientists	are	
not	worldview	neutral.	
“Atheism	is	so	senseless.	When	I	look	at	the	solar	system,	I	
see	the	earth	at	the	right	distance	from	the	sun to	receive	
the	proper	amounts	of	heat	and	light.	This	did	not	happen	
by	chance”
Isaac	Newton:	Inventor	of	Calculus,	Founder	of	Classical	
Physics	(1643	to	1727)
Neil Degrasse Tyson, host of NOVA & Cosmos
commenting on the 15% of people on the National
Academy of Sciences that believe in a personal God:
“That’s a problem that needs to be addressed. How
come the number isn't zero? That should be the
subject of …investigation.”
Scientific	Theories	(Truth	Claims)	Evolve
• Static/Infinite	Universe:	Universe	is	infinite	and	always	existed
– View	held	by	scientists	for	centuries	until	middle	of	20th	century		
• Big	Bang:	The	universe	had	a	beginning	about	13.7	billion	years	
ago	that	marks	the	creation	of	space	and	time.	
Example:	Origin	of	the	Universe	
– Widely	accepted	theory	with	
significant	scientific	evidence
– Prof	Richard	Feynman	(Nobel	
Laureate):	“If	you	thought	that	
science	was	certain	- well	that	is	
just	an	error	on	your	part.”
Christian	Truth	Claims	are	Constant
God	speaks	through	Scripture:	In	the	beginning,	God	
created	(BaraĘą)	the	heavens	and	the	earth	(Genesis	1:1)
• Hebrew	word	definition:	Baraʹ
– To	supernaturally	create	something	that	is	totally	new or	extraordinary	
(not fashioned	from	something	else)	
• God	brought	the	universe	into	existence	from	nothing
• This	sounds	a	lot	like	the	Big	Bang
– Properly	interpreted,	there	is	agreement	or	
harmony	between	science	(cosmology	and	
astrophysics)	and	scripture.
Christian	Verses	about	Space-Time
1. God	existed	before	the	beginning	of	time	and	created	the	
– Genesis	1:1		In	the	beginning	God	created	the	heavens	and	the	earth…	
– Colossians	1:16	- 17		For	in	him	all	things	were	created:	things	in	
heaven	and	on	earth,	visible	and	invisible,	whether	thrones	or	powers	
or	rulers	or	authorities;	all	things	have	been	created	through	him	and	
for	him.	17He	is	before	all	things,	and	in	him	all	things	hold	together.
2. God	created	the	universe	from	things	unseen	by	our	senses		
– Hebrews	11:3		By	faith	we	understand	that	the	universe	was	formed	
at	God’s	command,	so	that	what	is	seen	was	not	made	out	of	what	
was	visible.
3. God	existed	before	the	beginning	of	time
– 2	Timothy	1:9		…this	grace	was	given	us	in	Christ	Jesus	before	the	
beginning	of	time.
• Postmodernism:	A	major	opposing	force		
– Postmodernism	followed	modernism	in	the	mid-20th century
• Modernism	affirmed	the	power	of	humans	to	create	and	improve	their	
environment	with	practical,	scientific	knowledge	or	technology.
– Today,	some	academics	reject	Christianity	because	it	claims	to	
be	true.		They	regard	anyone	claiming	to	know	any	objective	or	
universal	truth	as	intolerant and	arrogant
• Nietzsche	and	Sartre	prepared	the	way	for	postmodernism
• Postmodernism
– George	Barna:	“Over	80%	of	Americans	today	are	basically	
relativistic,	and	the	evangelical	church	is	not	far	behind.”
– Christianity	Today,	Andy	Couch:	“The	attention	to	the	
marginalized	has	led	many	postmodernists	into	a	profound	
skepticism	toward	modernity's	assumptions	about	knowledge,	
truth,	and	reason.”
Secular	Humanism
• Secular	Humanism
– Worldview based	on	atheism,	naturalism,	
random	evolution	and	ethical	relativism	
– Embraces	reason,	ethics	and	justice	and	
rejects	religion	and	supernatural
– “Beginning	about	eighty	years	ago,	we	
began	to	move	from	a	Judeo-Christian	
consensus	in	this	country	to	a	humanist	
consensus,	and	it	has	come	to	a	special	
climax	in	the	last	forty	years…	And	today…	
the	consensus	in	our	country	and	the	western	
world,	is	no	longer	Judeo-Christian,	but	the	
general	consensus	is	humanist.”
Francis	Schaeffer,	1982
The	Secular	Humanistic	World	View	
versus	the	Christian	World	View
Secular	Humanism
• Secular	Humanism	can	be	very	hostile	to	Christianity
– A	national	multimedia	ad	campaign	– the	largest,	most	
extensive	ever	by	a	godless	organization	– launches	today	
and	will	include	a	spot	on	NBC	Dateline	on	Friday,	November	
12,	2010	as	well	as	other	television	ads,	that	directly	
challenge	biblical	morality	and	fundamentalist	Christianity.
• Confronting	secular	humanism	is	a	major	challenge
Educational	Systems
• Educational	Systems
– Public	Schools:	U.S.	Supreme	Court	has	interpreted	the	1st
amendment	to	mean	that	religion	and	government	must	
stay	separate	…	(In	principle	this	is	not	a	bad	thing)
– Universities:	Academics	have	a	pre-disposition	to	be	
dismissive	and	derisive	of	a	Christian	worldview	because	it	is	
unscientific	and	consequently,	untrue.	
• Effect:	70%	of	evangelical	young	people	will	abandon	their	
Christian	worldview	after	four	years	at	a	secular	university	-
George	Barna Research
• Secular	university	or	Christian	University?
– Preparing	our	youth	to	defend	their	faith	at	a	secular	
university	is	the	proper	course	of	action	and	Christian	
Apologetics	is	essential.
Higher	Education
Academic	Disciplines	with	Naturalistic	Agenda
• Big	Three:	Evolutionary	Genetics,	Evolutionary	Biology	
and	Paleoanthropology
• Others…
– Anatomy,	Anthropology,	Astrobiology
– Biochemistry,	Biology,	Biophysics,	Botany
– Ecology,	Entomology,	Epidemiology,	Evolutionary	Taxonomy	
– Genetics,	Geology,	Geophysics	
– Molecular	Biology,	Microbiology,	Paleontology,	Physiology,	
Virology	or	Zoology
Academic	Disciplines	with	Christian	Agenda
• ??
The	Ruling	Class
• The	“Ruling	Class”
– “Today's	ruling	class,	was	formed	by	an	educational	system	that	exposed	
them	to	the	same	ideas	and	gave	them	remarkably	uniform	guidance,	as	
well	as	tastes	and	habits.	These	amount	to	a	social	canon	of	judgments	
about	good	and	evil,	complete	with	secular	sacred	history,	sins,	and	
saints…”																																															American	Spectator	July-August,	2010
– This	idea	in	not	new…
• Hollywood
– Hollywood	is	aggressively	secular	and	materialistic,	and	it	does	
stereotype	Christians…																																	
Time	magazine	March	1,	2007
– Sixty-one	percent	say	Hollywood	has	too	much	influence	on	American	
politics	and	social	values,	while	26	percent	think	it	has	the	right	amount,	
and	9	percent	think	it	has	too	little.
CBS	News	March	2,	2014
1. Introduction	
2. Obstacles	to	Christianity
3. Opposing	Forces	to	Christianity
4. Summary
Christian	Worldview
• The	Christian	worldview	asserts	that	God	is	the	author	
of	universal	ideas	of	truth,	logic,	and	the	laws	of	nature.	
– Since	humans	are	created	in	the	image	of	God	(Genesis	1:28	-
29),	we	are	uniquely	gifted	to	discover	these	universal	ideas.		
– The	apostle	John	describes	Jesus	as	“the	true	light	that	gives	
light	to	every	man” (John	1:9).
• The	mind	of	God	provides	a	framework	for	rational	
human	thought	(whether	believer	or	nonbeliever).
• The	naturalistic	perspective	asserts	that	life,	death,	
decay,	and	evil	serve	no	real	purpose.	They	are	the	
consequence	of	a	random	set	of	cosmic	coincidences…
– Nobel	Laureate,	Prof	Richard	Feynman:	“I	believe	that	a	
scientist	looking	at	nonscientific	problems	is	just	as	dumb	as	
the	next	guy.”
Non-Christians	see	the	Hand	of	a	Creator
• Paul	Davies’s	bestseller	The	Mind	of	
God	(1992) tackles	the	big	questions.
– Davies	comes	to	the	subject	as	an	
– His	conclusion	is	that	the	universe	is	"no	
minor	byproduct	of	mindless,	purposeless	
forces.	We	are	truly	meant	to	be	here.	By	
the	means	of	science,	we	can	truly	see	into	
the	mind	of	God.”
“…it becomes sensible to think that the favorable properties of
physics on which life depends are in every respect deliberate ...
It is therefore almost inevitable that our own measure of
intelligence must reflect ... higher intelligences ... even to the
limit of God ... such a theory is so obvious that one wonders
why it is not widely accepted as being self-evident. The reasons
are psychological rather than scientific.”
Evolution from Space, Fred Hoyle 1984
Sir Prof Fred
Hoyle was an
Summary:	Scholars	Disagree	
Astronomer, PhD
& Theologian
Physician, Dir
NIH & Geneticist
Physicist, PhD &
Studied Theology
Legal Journalists
Physicist, PhD atheists Evolutionary Biologists, DSc atheists
Let’s	be	Rational
• Science,	reason,	and	logic	are	ways	we	interact	with	
and	learn	about	the	universe.
• Thus,	let’s	use	science	to	support our	position
– Look	at	the	evidence		of	God’s	fingerprint	in	the	world	that	
support	and	complement	statements	in	the	Holy	Bible.
• Don’t	take	positions	that	are	indefensible	
– For	example,	It	is	illogical	to	reject	Redshift	(Doppler	effect)	that	
supports	the	age	of	the	universe	at	13.7B	yr	– but	rely	on	
Doppler	radar	for	weather	warnings
Red Shift
Naturalism	and	Scientism

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