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1. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKVariable costingisacostingmethodinwhichonlyvariable costsare
accumulatedandcost perunitis ascertainedonlyonthe basisof variable costs.Prime costsand
variable factoryoverheadsare usedtovalue inventories.Fixed coststendtovary withtime,suchas
salariesandrent,ratherthan level of outputandvariable coststendtochange in total withincrease
or decrease inthe level of activity,e.g.,materials,poweretc.Fixedcostswhichare byandlarge
uncontrollable,are nottakenintoaccountundermarginal costingwhile ascertainingperunitcost
but are not ignored.Itshouldbe borne inmindthat variable costperunitare fixedandfixedcosts
perunitare variable withchangesinlevelof output.Variablecostingisgenerallyknownasmarginal
costing.The CIMA has definedmarginal costas"the cost of one unitof product or service which
wouldbe avoidedif thatunitwere notproducedorprovided."Marginal costingisdefinedas"the
accountingsysteminwhichvariable costsare chargedto cost unitand fixedcostsof the periodare
written-offinfull againstthe aggregate contribution.Itsspecial valueisindecision-making."Itisa
technique of applyingthe existingmethodinaparticularmannerinorderto bringout the
relationshipbetweenprofitandvolume of output.Marginal CostingandDirectCostingare often
treatedas interchangeable terms.Profitismeasuredbydeductingfixedcostsfromthe total
contribution.Contributionorgrossmarginis the difference betweensalesandthe marginal costof
sales.Marginal costingassumesthatthe contributionprovidesapool outof whichfixedcost ismet;
any surplusbeingthe profitornet margincontributionorcontributiontofixedcosts.The main
featuresof marginal costingare the following:
a)Costsare separatedintothe fixedandvariable elementsandsemivariablecostsare also
differentiatedlikewise.b)Onlythe variable costsare takenintoaccountfor computingthe value of
stocksof work-in-progressandfinishedproducts.c) Fixedcostsare chargedoff torevenue wholly
duringthe periodinwhichtheyare incurredandare not takenintoaccount forvaluingproduct
costs/inventories.d)Pricesmaybe basedonmarginal costsand contributionbutinnormal
circumstancespriceswouldcovercostsintotal.e)Itcombinesthe techniquesof costrecordingand
cost reporting.f) Profitabilityof departmentsorproductsisdeterminedintermsof marginal
contribution.g)The unitcostof a productmeansthe average variable costof manufacturingthe
2. CONTRIBUTION If a systemof managerial costingisoperatedinanorganisationwithmore than
one product,it will notbe possible toascertainthe netprofitperproductbecause fixedoverheads
are chargedintotal to the profit andlossaccount rather thanrecoveredinproductcosting.The
contributionof eachproductischarged to the firms total fixedoverheadsandprofitisascertained.
As statedearlier,contributionisthe difference betweensellingprice andvariable costof sales.Itis
visualisedassome sortof a fundor pool,outof whichall fixedcosts,irrespective of theirnature are
to be met,and to each producthas to contribute itsshare.The excessof contributionoverfixed
costs isthe profit. If the total contributiondoesnotmeetthe entirefixedcost,there will be loss.In
normal circumstances,sellingpricescontainanelementof profitbutthere maybe circumstances,
whenproductsmayhave to be soldat cost or evenatloss.Therefore the characterof contributions
will have the followingcompositionunderdifferentcircumstances:
i." Sellingprice containingprofit:
 "Contribution=Fixedcost+ Profitii." Sellingprice atcost:
Contribution=Fixedcostiii."Sellingprice atloss:
 "Contribution=Fixedcost - Loss
onlyfactoryoverheadscoststhattendto vary withvolume are chargedto productcosts inaddition
to prime cost.While evaluatinginventoryonlydirectmaterials,directlabourandvariable factory
overheadare includedandare consideredasproductcosts.Fixedfactoryoverheadunderdirector
marginal costingisnot includedininventory.Itistreatedas a periodcostand chargedagainst
revenue whenincurred.Underabsorptioncosting,sometimescalledfull orconventional costing,all
manufacturingcosts,bothfixedandvariable are chargedto productcosts; ThusAbsorptioncosting
is"a principle wherebyfixedaswell asvariable costsare allottedtocostunits."Itmeansa system
underwhichcost perunitincludesfixedexpenses,especiallyfixedproductionoverheadsinaddition
to the variable cost.Profitemergesonlyafterchargingall costs - fixedandvariable.Inmarginal
costingalsothisis true;onlyprofitis ascertainedbychargingthe fixedexpensescoststo
contribution.Contributionisthe difference betweensellingprice andmarginal costs.Fixedcosts
writtenoff againstthe profit(calledcontribution) duringthe period.Thus;""Sellingprice - Variable
cost = Contribution
 ""Contribution - Fixedcosts= Profit""If profit and fixedcostsare
Fixedcosts+ Profit = Contribution
Thisgivesus a basicmarginal equation;"Sales - Marginal costs = Contribution=Fixedcosts+ Profit

""""""""(if there isaprofit) " or sales= Marginal costs + Fixedcosts+ Profit Since the closingstocks
do nothave any elementof fixedcosts,profitshownbymarginal costingtechnique maybe different
fromthat shownby absorptioncosting.Whenthe entire stockissold,there isnoinventoryi.e.,
neitherthere isopeningnorclosingstock,the profitrevealedbyboththe methodswillbe same.But
whensalesandproductionare outof balance,difference innetprofitisreported.Whenabsorption
costingisapplied,the fixedmanufacturingcostsare shiftedfromone yeartoanotheryearas a part
of the inventorycosti.e.stock.If a companyproducesmore thanit sells inagivenperiod,notall of
the current manufacturingoverheadswill be deductedfromsalesi.e.,closingstockwill include a
portionof fixedoverheads.Inotherwords,inabsorptioncostinginventorywillbe valuedasahigher
figure;therefore,profitwillbe more asrevealedbyabsorptioncostingthanmarginal costing.Hence,
profitswill notnecessarilyincrease withanincrease insale value.The positionwill be reverse,in
case a companyproduceslessthanitsellsina givenperiod.Thus,marginal costingcanproduce a
netprofit figure whichissmallerthanor greaterthan or equal tothe net profitas shownunder
4. APPLICATION OFVARIABLECOSTINGProfitplanningThere are fourwaysinwhichprofit
performance of a businesscanbe improved:a) byincreasingvolume;b) byincreasingsellingprice;c)
by decreasingvariablecosts;andd) by decreasingfixedcosts.
Profitplanningisthe planningof future operationstoattainmaximumprofitorto maintaina
specifiedlevel of profit.The contributionratio(whichisthe ratioof marginal contributiontosales)
indicatesthe relativeprofitabilityof the differentsectorsof the businesswheneverthere isachange
insellingprice,variable costsorproductmix.Due to the mergingtogetherof fixedandvariable
costs,absorptioncostsfail to bringoutcorrectlythe effectof anysuchchange onthe profitof the
concern.Illustration - 1 A toy manufacturermakesanaverage netprofit of Rs. 2.50 per piece ona
sellingprice of Rs.14.30 byproducingand selling60,000 piecesor60% of the potential capacity.His
cost of salesis:" Direct material""" " Re. 3050
 " Direct wages""""Rs."1.25
 " Works overhead"""
" Rs. 6.25 (50% fixed)
 "Salesoverhead"""" Re.0.80 (25% variable) Duringthe currentyear,he
anticipatesthathis fixedchargeswill goupby 10% while ratesof directmaterial anddirectlabour
will increase by6%and 8% respectively.Buthe hasnooptionof increasingthe sellingprice.Under
thissituationhe obtainsanofferforan orderequal to 20% of hiscapacity.The concernedcustomer
isa special customer.Whatminimumprice will yourecommendforacceptance toensure the
manufacture anoverall of Rs.1,67,300 ?


BudgetforCurrentyear priorto acceptance of 20% excessorders
 Variable sales















Marginal cost of additional 20,000 units:" " " Rs.1,67,700 ""(Rs.20,000 x Rs. 8.385) Increased
contributionrequired=Rs. 1,67,300 - Rs.1,09,050 = Rs. 58,250 Total Salesprice expectedfor20,000
units:" = Rs.1,67,700 + Rs. 58,250
 Salesprice perunit= Rs. 2,25,950 = Rs.11.297
Note:Suchconcessional price isacceptable onlyforspecial markets(e.g.,exportmarket) orspecial
customerslike governmentandonlyif idle capacityexists.
Illustration - 2 The followingdatarelate toa manufacturingcompany:Plantcapacity:""4,00,000
 Actualsfor the year 1991 were:
 SellingPrice """"""Rs.
50 per unit
 Materialscost" " " " " " Rs. 20 perunit
 Variable ManufacturingCosts""Rs.15 perunit

FixedCosts""" " " " " Rs. 27 lakhsIn orderto improve capacityutilizationthe followingproposalsare
beingconsidered:Reduce sellingprice by10% Spendadditional Rs.3 lakhsonsalespromotionHow
manyunitsshouldbe made and soldinorderto earn a profit of Rs. 5 lakhsperyear?Solution:
 (Rs.50less10%)"""""""""Rs.45 per unit
 Variable Costs
Material Cost"""""Rs.
 Variable ManufacturingCost
 Total Variable Cost""" " " " " " " Rs. 35 per
 Contribution"""" " " " " " " " Rs. 10 perunit
 Total Contributionrequired:
FixedCosts"""" " "
" " " " " Rs. 27,00,000
 AdditionalPromotionExpenses""" " " " Rs. 3,00,000
 Profit"" " " " " " " " " "
" Rs. 5,00,000
Total numberof unitstobe made and soldtoearc Rs. 35,00,000 " = " Total Contribution

""Contributionperunit"= " Rs. 35,00,000 = 3,50,000 units.
 """Rs.10 Evaluationof Performance:
The varioussectionof a concern suchas a department,aproductline,ora particularmarketor sales
division,have differentrevenue earningpotentialities.A companyalwaysconcentratesonthe
departmentsorproductlineswhichyieldmore contributionthanothers.The performance of each
such sectorcan be broughtoutby meansof cost volume -profitanalysisorthe contribution
approach.The analysiswill helpthe companytotake decisionthatwill maximize the profits.
Illustration - 3 A businessproducesthree productsA,Band C forwhichthe standard variable costs
and budgetedsellingpricesare asfollows:""""""""A"""B" " " C
 """"""""Rs.""" Rs."" " Rs.
Material"" " " " 3" " " 6" " " 8
 DirectWages"""""4"" " 4" " " 10
 Variable overhead""" " 3" " " 5" " "
 Sellingprice""""" " 18" " " 25" " " 48 In twosuccessive periods,salesare asfollows:""""""""A""
" B" " " C
 """"""""Units""Units"" Units
 PeriodI"" " " " " " 10,000"" 10,000"" 10,000
 PeriodII""" "
" " " 20,000"" 13,000"" 5,000 The budgetfixedoverheadsamountedtoRs.1,35,000 foreach period.
In spite of increasedsalesthe profitforthe secondperiodhasfallenbelow thatof the 1st period.
Presentfigurestomanagementtoshowwhythisfall inprofitsshould,orshouldnothave occurred.
 """"ProductA""" ProductB"" " Product C""" Total"" 
10,000 20,000 10,000 13,000 10,000 5,000 30,000 38,000
 Sales(value)" "
180" 360" 250" 325" 480" 240" 910" 625
 Variable Cost""100" 200" 150" 195"
250" 125" 500" 520
 Contribution"" 80" 160" 100" 130" 230" 115" 410" 405

Fixedoverheads""" " " " " " " " " 135" 135
 NetProfit""" " " " " " " " " " " 275" 270

Ration(%)""A:44.4"" " " B: 40.0" " " C: 47.9
Comments:Saleshave increasedby8,000 unitsbutthe salesvalue hasincreasedbyRs.15,000.
Marginal costs have increasedbyRs.20,000 to meetcost of increasedunitsof production,resulting
inthe fall of profitsby Rs.5,000. ProductC whichyieldsthe highestpercentage of contributionto
salesisthe most profitable line.ProductA comesnextandproductB isthe leastprofitable of the
three.The unsatisfactorypositioninPeriodIIisbecause of unfavourablesalesmix asthe production
of mostprofitable line Chasbeencutdownand the lessprofitable productsA and B have been
pushedup.Illustration - 4A factoryproduces300 unitsof a product permonth.The sellingprice is
Rs. 120 and variable costRs. 80 perunit.The fixedexpensesof the factoryamountto Rs.8,000 per
month.Calculate:(i) the estimatedprofitinamonthwhere in240 unitsare produced,(ii) the sales
to be made to earn a profit of Rs. 7,000 permonth.

Make or Buy Decisions:Whenthe managementisconformedwiththe problemwhetheritwouldbe
economical topurchase a componentora product fromoutside sources,orto manufacture it
internally,marginal costanalysisrendersuseful assistance inthe matter.Undersuchcircumstances,
a misleadingdecisionwouldbe takenonthe basisof the total cost analysis.Incase the proposal isto
buyfrom outside then,whatisalreadybeingmade,andthe price quotedbythe outsidershouldbe
lowerthanthe marginal cost.If the proposal isto make something whatisbeingpurchasedoutside,
the cost makingshouldinclude all additional costslike depreciationonnew plant,interestoncapital
involvedandthatcostshouldbe comparedwiththe purchase price.Illustration - 5 A.T.V.
manufacturingcompanyfinds thatwhile itcoststo make componentX,the same isavailable inthe
marketat Rs. 5.75 each, will all assurance of continuedsupply.The breakdownof costsis:

Material""" " " " " " Rs. 2.75 each
 Labour" " " " " " " " Rs. 1.75 each
 Variable overheads"""" " Rs.
0.50 each
 Depreciationandotherfixedcost""Rs.1.25 each
 """""""""Rs.6.25 each a) Shouldthe
companymake or buy the component?b) What shouldbe yourdecisionif the supplieroffered
componentatRs.4.85 each ? Solution:Marginal costperunitof componentX""Rs.2.75

 Labour" " " " " " " " " Re.0.50
 Variable overheads""" " " " Rs. 5.00 a) The
purchase cost of the above componentisRs.5.75 each.If the companyishavingspare capacity
whichcannotbe filledwithmore remunerative jobs,itisrecommendationthatthe above
componentbe manufacturedinthe companysince the marginal costat Rs.5.00 eachis lessthanthe
purchase cost of Rs. 5.75. b) Inthe eventof purchase cost of Rs.5.00 each,it isrecommendedthat
the componentbe boughtfromthe supplierasthisresultsina savingof Re.0.15
each.The spare capacitythus available canbe utilizedforotherpurposes,asfaras possible.Closure
of a DepartmentorDiscontinuance of aProduct:As discussedearlier,marginalcostingtechnique
helpsindecidingthe profitabilityof aproduct.It providesthe informationinamannerthat tellsus
howmuch eachproduct contributestowardsfixedcostandprofit;the productor departmentthat
givesleastcontributionshouldbe discardedexceptforashort period. If the managementisto
choose some productout of the givenones,thenthe productsgivingthe highestcontributionshould
be chosenand givingthe leastshouldbe discontinued.MaintainingaDesiredLevel of profitA
companyhas to cut pricesof its productsfromtime to time because of competition,Government
regulationandothercompellingreasons.The contributionperunitonaccountof such cuttingis
reducedwhile the industryisinterestedinmaintainingaminimumlevelof itsprofits.Incase the
demandforthe company'sproduct iselastic,the maximumlevel of profitscanbe maintainedby
pushingupthe sales.The volume of suchsalescan be foundoutby marginal costingtechniques.
Illustration - 6 S.Ltd. manufacturesandmarketsa single product.The followinginformationis
available:There isacute competition.Extraeffortsare necessarytosell.Suggestionshave been
made for increasingsales:""""""""""""Rs.Perunit
(variable)""" " " " " 6.00
 Dealersmargin""" " " " " " " " 2.00
 Sellingprice""""" " " " " " 20.00

 PresentSales80,000 units
 Capacityutilization:60 perunit
i.By reducingsalesprice by5% ii.By increasingdealersmarginby 25% overthe existingrate.Which
of the twosuggestionyouwouldrecommendif the companydesirestomaintainthe presentprofit?
Give reasons.Solution:Presentmarginalcostperunit:""""""""""""Rs.

 Dealerscosts""" " " " " " 2.00
 Total"""""""""" 16.00
Contributionperunit=Sellingprice - Marginal cost
 ""= Rs. 20.00 - 16.00 = Rs. 4.00 Total
Contribution=Rs.4. x 90,000 = 3,60,000 Profit= Contribution - Fixedcost
 " = Rs. 3,60,000 - Rs.
2,50,000 = Rs. 1,10,000 Since inbothsuggestions, fixedcostsremainunchanged,the presentprofit
can be maintainedbykeepingthe total contributionatthe presentlevel i.e.Rs.3,60,000.i.Reducing
salesprice by5% " NewSalesprice""="(Rs.2000 - Rs. 1.00) = Rs. 19.00
 " New dealersmargin"="
10% of Rs. 19.00
 """"""=" Rs. 1.90 " Variable Costs
 """"""="Rs.8 + Rs. 6 + Rs. 1.90 = Rs. 15.90 "
Contributionperunit"="Rs. 19.00 - Rs. 15.90 = Rs. 3.10 "
Sales(units) requiredtomaintainthe presentlevel of profit."""=" Total contribution"""=" Rs.
 """"Contributionperunit"""" Rs. 3.10 """=" 1,16,111 unitsii.Increasingdealersmarginby
 " Newdealersmargin"=Rs. 2 + 25%" " " " =" Rs. 2.50
 " New variable cost"= Rs. 8 + Rs. 6+
Rs. 2.50"" =" Rs. 16.50
 " Contribution"""= Rs. 20 - Rs. 16.50"" " =" Rs. 3.50
 " Sales(units)"""=
Rs. 3,60,000" """=" 1,02,857 units
 " " " " " " " Rs. 3.50 The secondproposal isrecommended
because the contributionperunitishigherandthe sales(inunits) are lower.Lowersaleseffortsand
lessfinance wouldbe requiredinimplementingthe proposal.Offeringquotation:One of the best
waysfor salespromotionistoofferquotationatlow rates.A companyisproducing80,00 units
(80%) of capacity andmakinga profit of Rs. 2,40,000. Suppose the PunjabGovernmenthasgivena
tendernotice for20,000 units.Itis expectedthatthe unitstakenbythe Governmentwill notaffect
the sale of 80,000 unitswhichthe companyisalreadysellingandthe companyalsowishestosubmit
the companyis alreadysellingandthe companyalsowishestosubmitthe lowestquotation.The
companymay quote anyamountabove marginal cost,because itwill give anadditional marginal
contributionandhence profit.AcceptinganOfferorExportingbelow Normal Price:Sometimesthe
volume of outputandsale may be increasedbyreducingthe normal pricesof additionalsale.Inthis
case the concernshouldbe cautiousenoughtosee thatthe sale below normal price inadditional
marketsshouldnotaffectthe normal market.To be on the safe side the productmay be soldunder
the label of a differentbrand.If there isadditional sale because of exportorders,goodsmaybe sold
at a price belowthe normal.
Illustration - 7 The cost of a manufacturingcompanyforthe products:"""""""""Rs.

 Labour"" " " " " " " 9.00
 Variable expenses""" " " 6.00
" " " 18.00
 Total""""""""45.00 The unitof productis sectorRs. 51.00 The company'snormal
capacityis 1,00,000 units.The figuresgivenabove are for80,000 units.The companyhas receivedan
offerforadditional 20,000 units@ Rs.36 per unitfroma foreigncustomer.Advisethe manufacture
on whetherthe ordershouldbe accepted.Alsogiveyouradvice if the orderisfroma local merchant.
Solution:Marginal Costforadditional 20,000 unitsPerunitFor 20,000 unitsRs.Rs. Material

 Variable expenses
 Marginal cost12.00
 27.00 2,40,000

5,40,000 Additional revenuetobe realized"""= S.P. - Marginal cost (Rs.36 x 20000)
7,20,000 - 5,40,000 Additional revenuetobe realized"""= S.P. - Marginal cost (Rs.36 x 20000)

"""""""""= 7,20,000 - 5,40,000 Additional revenue tobe realized""" = S.P. - Marginal cost (Rs.36 x
 """""""""= 7,20,000 - 5,40,000 As the fixedcostof Rs. 18 is fixeduptothe normal capacity of
1,00,000 unitsthese additional 20,000 unitswill generatearevenue of (Rs.7,20,000 - 5,40,000),
hence the ordershouldbe accepted.

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Marginal costing

  • 1. 1. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKVariable costingisacostingmethodinwhichonlyvariable costsare accumulatedandcost perunitis ascertainedonlyonthe basisof variable costs.Prime costsand variable factoryoverheadsare usedtovalue inventories.Fixed coststendtovary withtime,suchas salariesandrent,ratherthan level of outputandvariable coststendtochange in total withincrease or decrease inthe level of activity,e.g.,materials,poweretc.Fixedcostswhichare byandlarge uncontrollable,are nottakenintoaccountundermarginal costingwhile ascertainingperunitcost but are not ignored.Itshouldbe borne inmindthat variable costperunitare fixedandfixedcosts perunitare variable withchangesinlevelof output.Variablecostingisgenerallyknownasmarginal costing.The CIMA has definedmarginal costas"the cost of one unitof product or service which wouldbe avoidedif thatunitwere notproducedorprovided."Marginal costingisdefinedas"the accountingsysteminwhichvariable costsare chargedto cost unitand fixedcostsof the periodare written-offinfull againstthe aggregate contribution.Itsspecial valueisindecision-making."Itisa technique of applyingthe existingmethodinaparticularmannerinorderto bringout the relationshipbetweenprofitandvolume of output.Marginal CostingandDirectCostingare often treatedas interchangeable terms.Profitismeasuredbydeductingfixedcostsfromthe total contribution.Contributionorgrossmarginis the difference betweensalesandthe marginal costof sales.Marginal costingassumesthatthe contributionprovidesapool outof whichfixedcost ismet; any surplusbeingthe profitornet margincontributionorcontributiontofixedcosts.The main featuresof marginal costingare the following: 303 8 MARGINALCOSTING a)Costsare separatedintothe fixedandvariable elementsandsemivariablecostsare also differentiatedlikewise.b)Onlythe variable costsare takenintoaccountfor computingthe value of stocksof work-in-progressandfinishedproducts.c) Fixedcostsare chargedoff torevenue wholly duringthe periodinwhichtheyare incurredandare not takenintoaccount forvaluingproduct costs/inventories.d)Pricesmaybe basedonmarginal costsand contributionbutinnormal circumstancespriceswouldcovercostsintotal.e)Itcombinesthe techniquesof costrecordingand cost reporting.f) Profitabilityof departmentsorproductsisdeterminedintermsof marginal contribution.g)The unitcostof a productmeansthe average variable costof manufacturingthe product. 2. CONTRIBUTION If a systemof managerial costingisoperatedinanorganisationwithmore than one product,it will notbe possible toascertainthe netprofitperproductbecause fixedoverheads are chargedintotal to the profit andlossaccount rather thanrecoveredinproductcosting.The contributionof eachproductischarged to the firms total fixedoverheadsandprofitisascertained. As statedearlier,contributionisthe difference betweensellingprice andvariable costof sales.Itis visualisedassome sortof a fundor pool,outof whichall fixedcosts,irrespective of theirnature are to be met,and to each producthas to contribute itsshare.The excessof contributionoverfixed costs isthe profit. If the total contributiondoesnotmeetthe entirefixedcost,there will be loss.In normal circumstances,sellingpricescontainanelementof profitbutthere maybe circumstances, whenproductsmayhave to be soldat cost or evenatloss.Therefore the characterof contributions will have the followingcompositionunderdifferentcircumstances: 304 MARGINALCOSTING
  • 2. i." Sellingprice containingprofit:
 "Contribution=Fixedcost+ Profitii." Sellingprice atcost:
 " Contribution=Fixedcostiii."Sellingprice atloss:
 "Contribution=Fixedcost - Loss 3. INCOME DETERMINATION UNDER VARIABLEANDABSORPTION COSTINGUndervariable costing, onlyfactoryoverheadscoststhattendto vary withvolume are chargedto productcosts inaddition to prime cost.While evaluatinginventoryonlydirectmaterials,directlabourandvariable factory overheadare includedandare consideredasproductcosts.Fixedfactoryoverheadunderdirector marginal costingisnot includedininventory.Itistreatedas a periodcostand chargedagainst revenue whenincurred.Underabsorptioncosting,sometimescalledfull orconventional costing,all manufacturingcosts,bothfixedandvariable are chargedto productcosts; ThusAbsorptioncosting is"a principle wherebyfixedaswell asvariable costsare allottedtocostunits."Itmeansa system underwhichcost perunitincludesfixedexpenses,especiallyfixedproductionoverheadsinaddition to the variable cost.Profitemergesonlyafterchargingall costs - fixedandvariable.Inmarginal costingalsothisis true;onlyprofitis ascertainedbychargingthe fixedexpensescoststo contribution.Contributionisthe difference betweensellingprice andmarginal costs.Fixedcosts writtenoff againstthe profit(calledcontribution) duringthe period.Thus;""Sellingprice - Variable cost = Contribution
 ""Contribution - Fixedcosts= Profit""If profit and fixedcostsare
 ""Known, Fixedcosts+ Profit = Contribution 305 MARGINALCOSTING Thisgivesus a basicmarginal equation;"Sales - Marginal costs = Contribution=Fixedcosts+ Profit
 """"""""(if there isaprofit) " or sales= Marginal costs + Fixedcosts+ Profit Since the closingstocks do nothave any elementof fixedcosts,profitshownbymarginal costingtechnique maybe different fromthat shownby absorptioncosting.Whenthe entire stockissold,there isnoinventoryi.e., neitherthere isopeningnorclosingstock,the profitrevealedbyboththe methodswillbe same.But whensalesandproductionare outof balance,difference innetprofitisreported.Whenabsorption costingisapplied,the fixedmanufacturingcostsare shiftedfromone yeartoanotheryearas a part of the inventorycosti.e.stock.If a companyproducesmore thanit sells inagivenperiod,notall of the current manufacturingoverheadswill be deductedfromsalesi.e.,closingstockwill include a portionof fixedoverheads.Inotherwords,inabsorptioncostinginventorywillbe valuedasahigher figure;therefore,profitwillbe more asrevealedbyabsorptioncostingthanmarginal costing.Hence, profitswill notnecessarilyincrease withanincrease insale value.The positionwill be reverse,in case a companyproduceslessthanitsellsina givenperiod.Thus,marginal costingcanproduce a netprofit figure whichissmallerthanor greaterthan or equal tothe net profitas shownunder absorptioncosting. 4. APPLICATION OFVARIABLECOSTINGProfitplanningThere are fourwaysinwhichprofit performance of a businesscanbe improved:a) byincreasingvolume;b) byincreasingsellingprice;c) by decreasingvariablecosts;andd) by decreasingfixedcosts. 306 MARGINALCOSTING Profitplanningisthe planningof future operationstoattainmaximumprofitorto maintaina specifiedlevel of profit.The contributionratio(whichisthe ratioof marginal contributiontosales) indicatesthe relativeprofitabilityof the differentsectorsof the businesswheneverthere isachange insellingprice,variable costsorproductmix.Due to the mergingtogetherof fixedandvariable
  • 3. costs,absorptioncostsfail to bringoutcorrectlythe effectof anysuchchange onthe profitof the concern.Illustration - 1 A toy manufacturermakesanaverage netprofit of Rs. 2.50 per piece ona sellingprice of Rs.14.30 byproducingand selling60,000 piecesor60% of the potential capacity.His cost of salesis:" Direct material""" " Re. 3050
 " Direct wages""""Rs."1.25
 " Works overhead""" " Rs. 6.25 (50% fixed)
 "Salesoverhead"""" Re.0.80 (25% variable) Duringthe currentyear,he anticipatesthathis fixedchargeswill goupby 10% while ratesof directmaterial anddirectlabour will increase by6%and 8% respectively.Buthe hasnooptionof increasingthe sellingprice.Under thissituationhe obtainsanofferforan orderequal to 20% of hiscapacity.The concernedcustomer isa special customer.Whatminimumprice will yourecommendforacceptance toensure the manufacture anoverall of Rs.1,67,300 ? 307 MARGINALCOSTING Solution: PreviousYear
 Rs. PerPiece
 Rs. BudgetforCurrentyear priorto acceptance of 20% excessorders
 Rs. Sales
 Variable sales
 36,000 8,58,000

  • 4. 
 1,50,000 14.30
 39,600 8,58,000

  • 5. 
 1,09,050 Marginal cost of additional 20,000 units:" " " Rs.1,67,700 ""(Rs.20,000 x Rs. 8.385) Increased contributionrequired=Rs. 1,67,300 - Rs.1,09,050 = Rs. 58,250 Total Salesprice expectedfor20,000 units:" = Rs.1,67,700 + Rs. 58,250
 Salesprice perunit= Rs. 2,25,950 = Rs.11.297
 """"""20,000 Note:Suchconcessional price isacceptable onlyforspecial markets(e.g.,exportmarket) orspecial customerslike governmentandonlyif idle capacityexists. 308 MARGINALCOSTING Illustration - 2 The followingdatarelate toa manufacturingcompany:Plantcapacity:""4,00,000 unitsperannum
 Actualsfor the year 1991 were:
 SellingPrice """"""Rs. 50 per unit
 Materialscost" " " " " " Rs. 20 perunit
 Variable ManufacturingCosts""Rs.15 perunit
 FixedCosts""" " " " " Rs. 27 lakhsIn orderto improve capacityutilizationthe followingproposalsare beingconsidered:Reduce sellingprice by10% Spendadditional Rs.3 lakhsonsalespromotionHow manyunitsshouldbe made and soldinorderto earn a profit of Rs. 5 lakhsperyear?Solution: Revisedsellingprice
 (Rs.50less10%)"""""""""Rs.45 per unit
 Variable Costs
Material Cost"""""Rs. 20
 Variable ManufacturingCost
 Total Variable Cost""" " " " " " " Rs. 35 per unit
 Contribution"""" " " " " " " " Rs. 10 perunit
 Total Contributionrequired:
FixedCosts"""" " " " " " " " Rs. 27,00,000
 AdditionalPromotionExpenses""" " " " Rs. 3,00,000
 Profit"" " " " " " " " " " " Rs. 5,00,000
 """""""""""""Rs.35,00,000 309 MARGINALCOSTING Total numberof unitstobe made and soldtoearc Rs. 35,00,000 " = " Total Contribution
 ""Contributionperunit"= " Rs. 35,00,000 = 3,50,000 units.
 """Rs.10 Evaluationof Performance: The varioussectionof a concern suchas a department,aproductline,ora particularmarketor sales division,have differentrevenue earningpotentialities.A companyalwaysconcentratesonthe departmentsorproductlineswhichyieldmore contributionthanothers.The performance of each such sectorcan be broughtoutby meansof cost volume -profitanalysisorthe contribution approach.The analysiswill helpthe companytotake decisionthatwill maximize the profits. Illustration - 3 A businessproducesthree productsA,Band C forwhichthe standard variable costs and budgetedsellingpricesare asfollows:""""""""A"""B" " " C
 """"""""Rs.""" Rs."" " Rs.
 Direct Material"" " " " 3" " " 6" " " 8
 DirectWages"""""4"" " 4" " " 10
 Variable overhead""" " 3" " " 5" " " 7
 Sellingprice""""" " 18" " " 25" " " 48 In twosuccessive periods,salesare asfollows:""""""""A"" " B" " " C
 """"""""Units""Units"" Units
 PeriodI"" " " " " " 10,000"" 10,000"" 10,000
 PeriodII""" " " " " 20,000"" 13,000"" 5,000 The budgetfixedoverheadsamountedtoRs.1,35,000 foreach period. In spite of increasedsalesthe profitforthe secondperiodhasfallenbelow thatof the 1st period. Presentfigurestomanagementtoshowwhythisfall inprofitsshould,orshouldnothave occurred. 310 MARGINALCOSTING Solution:""""""""""""""""""
 """"ProductA""" ProductB"" " Product C""" Total"" 
 Sales(units)" 10,000 20,000 10,000 13,000 10,000 5,000 30,000 38,000
 Sales(value)" "
  • 6. 180" 360" 250" 325" 480" 240" 910" 625
 Variable Cost""100" 200" 150" 195" 250" 125" 500" 520
 Contribution"" 80" 160" 100" 130" 230" 115" 410" 405
 Fixedoverheads""" " " " " " " " " 135" 135
 NetProfit""" " " " " " " " " " " 275" 270
Ration(%)""A:44.4"" " " B: 40.0" " " C: 47.9 Comments:Saleshave increasedby8,000 unitsbutthe salesvalue hasincreasedbyRs.15,000. Marginal costs have increasedbyRs.20,000 to meetcost of increasedunitsof production,resulting inthe fall of profitsby Rs.5,000. ProductC whichyieldsthe highestpercentage of contributionto salesisthe most profitable line.ProductA comesnextandproductB isthe leastprofitable of the three.The unsatisfactorypositioninPeriodIIisbecause of unfavourablesalesmix asthe production of mostprofitable line Chasbeencutdownand the lessprofitable productsA and B have been pushedup.Illustration - 4A factoryproduces300 unitsof a product permonth.The sellingprice is Rs. 120 and variable costRs. 80 perunit.The fixedexpensesof the factoryamountto Rs.8,000 per month.Calculate:(i) the estimatedprofitinamonthwhere in240 unitsare produced,(ii) the sales to be made to earn a profit of Rs. 7,000 permonth. 311 MARGINALCOSTING Solution:
 Make or Buy Decisions:Whenthe managementisconformedwiththe problemwhetheritwouldbe economical topurchase a componentora product fromoutside sources,orto manufacture it 312 MARGINALCOSTING internally,marginal costanalysisrendersuseful assistance inthe matter.Undersuchcircumstances, a misleadingdecisionwouldbe takenonthe basisof the total cost analysis.Incase the proposal isto buyfrom outside then,whatisalreadybeingmade,andthe price quotedbythe outsidershouldbe lowerthanthe marginal cost.If the proposal isto make something whatisbeingpurchasedoutside, the cost makingshouldinclude all additional costslike depreciationonnew plant,interestoncapital involvedandthatcostshouldbe comparedwiththe purchase price.Illustration - 5 A.T.V. manufacturingcompanyfinds thatwhile itcoststo make componentX,the same isavailable inthe marketat Rs. 5.75 each, will all assurance of continuedsupply.The breakdownof costsis:
 Material""" " " " " " Rs. 2.75 each
 Labour" " " " " " " " Rs. 1.75 each
 Variable overheads"""" " Rs. 0.50 each
 Depreciationandotherfixedcost""Rs.1.25 each
 """""""""Rs.6.25 each a) Shouldthe companymake or buy the component?b) What shouldbe yourdecisionif the supplieroffered componentatRs.4.85 each ? Solution:Marginal costperunitof componentX""Rs.2.75
 Labour" " " " " " " " " Re.0.50
 Variable overheads""" " " " Rs. 5.00 a) The purchase cost of the above componentisRs.5.75 each.If the companyishavingspare capacity whichcannotbe filledwithmore remunerative jobs,itisrecommendationthatthe above componentbe manufacturedinthe companysince the marginal costat Rs.5.00 eachis lessthanthe purchase cost of Rs. 5.75. b) Inthe eventof purchase cost of Rs.5.00 each,it isrecommendedthat the componentbe boughtfromthe supplierasthisresultsina savingof Re.0.15 313 MARGINALCOSTING
  • 7. each.The spare capacitythus available canbe utilizedforotherpurposes,asfaras possible.Closure of a DepartmentorDiscontinuance of aProduct:As discussedearlier,marginalcostingtechnique helpsindecidingthe profitabilityof aproduct.It providesthe informationinamannerthat tellsus howmuch eachproduct contributestowardsfixedcostandprofit;the productor departmentthat givesleastcontributionshouldbe discardedexceptforashort period. If the managementisto choose some productout of the givenones,thenthe productsgivingthe highestcontributionshould be chosenand givingthe leastshouldbe discontinued.MaintainingaDesiredLevel of profitA companyhas to cut pricesof its productsfromtime to time because of competition,Government regulationandothercompellingreasons.The contributionperunitonaccountof such cuttingis reducedwhile the industryisinterestedinmaintainingaminimumlevelof itsprofits.Incase the demandforthe company'sproduct iselastic,the maximumlevel of profitscanbe maintainedby pushingupthe sales.The volume of suchsalescan be foundoutby marginal costingtechniques. Illustration - 6 S.Ltd. manufacturesandmarketsa single product.The followinginformationis available:There isacute competition.Extraeffortsare necessarytosell.Suggestionshave been made for increasingsales:""""""""""""Rs.Perunit
 Conversioncosts (variable)""" " " " " 6.00
 Dealersmargin""" " " " " " " " 2.00
 Sellingprice""""" " " " " " 20.00
 PresentSales80,000 units
 Capacityutilization:60 perunit 314 MARGINALCOSTING i.By reducingsalesprice by5% ii.By increasingdealersmarginby 25% overthe existingrate.Which of the twosuggestionyouwouldrecommendif the companydesirestomaintainthe presentprofit? Give reasons.Solution:Presentmarginalcostperunit:""""""""""""Rs.
 Dealerscosts""" " " " " " 2.00
 Total"""""""""" 16.00 Contributionperunit=Sellingprice - Marginal cost
 ""= Rs. 20.00 - 16.00 = Rs. 4.00 Total Contribution=Rs.4. x 90,000 = 3,60,000 Profit= Contribution - Fixedcost
 " = Rs. 3,60,000 - Rs. 2,50,000 = Rs. 1,10,000 Since inbothsuggestions, fixedcostsremainunchanged,the presentprofit can be maintainedbykeepingthe total contributionatthe presentlevel i.e.Rs.3,60,000.i.Reducing salesprice by5% " NewSalesprice""="(Rs.2000 - Rs. 1.00) = Rs. 19.00
 " New dealersmargin"=" 10% of Rs. 19.00
 """"""=" Rs. 1.90 " Variable Costs
 """"""="Rs.8 + Rs. 6 + Rs. 1.90 = Rs. 15.90 " Contributionperunit"="Rs. 19.00 - Rs. 15.90 = Rs. 3.10 " 315 MARGINALCOSTING Sales(units) requiredtomaintainthe presentlevel of profit."""=" Total contribution"""=" Rs. 3,60,000
 """"Contributionperunit"""" Rs. 3.10 """=" 1,16,111 unitsii.Increasingdealersmarginby 25%
 " Newdealersmargin"=Rs. 2 + 25%" " " " =" Rs. 2.50
 " New variable cost"= Rs. 8 + Rs. 6+ Rs. 2.50"" =" Rs. 16.50
 " Contribution"""= Rs. 20 - Rs. 16.50"" " =" Rs. 3.50
 " Sales(units)"""= Rs. 3,60,000" """=" 1,02,857 units
 " " " " " " " Rs. 3.50 The secondproposal isrecommended because the contributionperunitishigherandthe sales(inunits) are lower.Lowersaleseffortsand lessfinance wouldbe requiredinimplementingthe proposal.Offeringquotation:One of the best waysfor salespromotionistoofferquotationatlow rates.A companyisproducing80,00 units (80%) of capacity andmakinga profit of Rs. 2,40,000. Suppose the PunjabGovernmenthasgivena tendernotice for20,000 units.Itis expectedthatthe unitstakenbythe Governmentwill notaffect the sale of 80,000 unitswhichthe companyisalreadysellingandthe companyalsowishestosubmit the companyis alreadysellingandthe companyalsowishestosubmitthe lowestquotation.The
  • 8. companymay quote anyamountabove marginal cost,because itwill give anadditional marginal contributionandhence profit.AcceptinganOfferorExportingbelow Normal Price:Sometimesthe volume of outputandsale may be increasedbyreducingthe normal pricesof additionalsale.Inthis case the concernshouldbe cautiousenoughtosee thatthe sale below normal price inadditional marketsshouldnotaffectthe normal market.To be on the safe side the productmay be soldunder the label of a differentbrand.If there isadditional sale because of exportorders,goodsmaybe sold at a price belowthe normal. 316 MARGINALCOSTING Illustration - 7 The cost of a manufacturingcompanyforthe products:"""""""""Rs.
 Labour"" " " " " " " 9.00
 Variable expenses""" " " 6.00
 Fixedexpenses""" " " " 18.00
 Total""""""""45.00 The unitof productis sectorRs. 51.00 The company'snormal capacityis 1,00,000 units.The figuresgivenabove are for80,000 units.The companyhas receivedan offerforadditional 20,000 units@ Rs.36 per unitfroma foreigncustomer.Advisethe manufacture on whetherthe ordershouldbe accepted.Alsogiveyouradvice if the orderisfroma local merchant. Solution:Marginal Costforadditional 20,000 unitsPerunitFor 20,000 unitsRs.Rs. Material
 Variable expenses
 Marginal cost12.00
 27.00 2,40,000
 5,40,000 Additional revenuetobe realized"""= S.P. - Marginal cost (Rs.36 x 20000)
 """""""""= 7,20,000 - 5,40,000 Additional revenuetobe realized"""= S.P. - Marginal cost (Rs.36 x 20000)
 """""""""= 7,20,000 - 5,40,000 Additional revenue tobe realized""" = S.P. - Marginal cost (Rs.36 x 20000)
 """""""""= 7,20,000 - 5,40,000 As the fixedcostof Rs. 18 is fixeduptothe normal capacity of 1,00,000 unitsthese additional 20,000 unitswill generatearevenue of (Rs.7,20,000 - 5,40,000), hence the ordershouldbe accepted.