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by Damian Ortiz, Luis Hernandez, Truston Ware, and Pernell Brown
Julio Cesar
Artist Selection, Target Audience Profile, and Artist Analysis
1. Review the artist requirements in FSO and select an independent artist based on the given
criteria. Provide the artist’s name and primary website.
The artist we decided to choose for this assignment is Julio Cesar.
The link to his website is
2. Identify one well-known artist that is similar to your artist and that would likely share a target
audience. Answer the questions in the “TARGET AUDIENCE” section below for your artist’s
audience based on research into the well-known artist that you have identified.
Two well-known artist we determined to be similar to Julio Cesar are Pablo Alborán and
Sebastian Yatra. Both are Hispanic, sing folk-pop, and excel at stage presence. His inspiration
comes from his motivation to help people out during times of distress, reminiscent of his
origins, serving as a voice of liberty during the Venezuelan 2017 protests.
3. Target Audience - Demographics:
Although Julio Cesar is bilingual and has some English lyrics his audience is composed
primarily of Latin individuals. Julio Cesar can be compared to well-known Latin artist Pablo
Alborán but with a modern spin. With that being Said Julio's Audience age range falls between
20-28 years old. His music appeals primarily to single females. Julio’s audience enjoys the little
things in life and prioritizes time with friends and family.
4. Target Audience- Psychographics:
i. Hobbies/Lifestyle Choices ((Ex. fitness enthusiasts, cars, outdoors, cat pictures,
dancing, etc.
Julio’s fans enjoy nature and the outdoors particularly interacting with animals,
watching sunsets and sunrises, and going on nature walks. They are simple yet
responsible young adults who care about the environment and do what they can
to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Spending time with loved ones, spreading positive
energy, and dancing are also very important to them.
ii.Clothing/Accessory Brands (Where do they shop and what do they buy?)
Julio Cesar’s Audience tends to dress casual yet modern. They like going to the
mall with their friends and having a good time while shopping. They usually
spend their money at clothing stores such as American Eagle, H&M, and Pac Sun.
They also usually wear shoes such as Toms, Vans, Converse, and Nike.
iii. Food/Restaurant Preferences (Ex. vegan, paleo, upscale fine dining,
specific restaurants)
Majority of Latin Americans are very proud of their heritage and customs. Julio’s
fan base would prefer to eat traditional dishes whether dining in or eating at
restaurants. These dishes include Arepas, Empanadas, and Chachitos.
iv. Other Artists
Artists similar to Julio Cesar are Pablo Alborán, Sebastian Yatra, and Enrique
v. Movies and TV Shows
Latin Americans in the age range of 20-28 just like many others aren’t big on
cable or going to the movies. Julio Cesar’s audience consume most of their
content from streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.
Narcos, Queen of the South, and The House of Flowers are a few examples of
what they like.
5. Target Audience – Description
Julio Cesar’s target audience is primarily composed of Latin American females in
between the ages of 20-28 that enjoy the outdoors, spending time with friends and
family, and eating traditional dishes like empanadas. Julio’s audience dresses casual yet
modern wearing brands such as Nike, Converse, and American Eagle. They consume
most of their content such as movies and TV through streaming services that have
content such as Queen of the South, The House of Flowers, and Narcos.
6. Target Audience- Geographic:
Hometown: Miami, Florida
i. City 1: Orlando, Florida
1. La Fogata Latin Cuisine:
ii.City 2: Hialeah Gardens, Florida
1. Casa Lenca Restaurante: chef-victoria-
iii. City 3: Pembroke Pines, Florida
1. Los Frijolitos Colombian Restaurant:
iv. City 4: Clear Water, Florida
1. Amorama Latin Night Club:
v. City 5: Altamonte Springs, Florida
1. Arepas, Café and More Latin Food:
7. Provide at least two pictures of ideal members of the artist’s target audience. Remember to
consider psychographic information when choosing these images.
1. Songwriting
Due to his eventful life and the turbulent history of his home country of Venezuela, Julio has grown up
to become an artist that has lived through many difficult situations due to the communism and
leadership at the time. The only outlet he found during his early years, was to write about it. Inspired by
his life, the environment’s current state, and how our society has changed, he began writing songs
addressing these issues. Five years later, his songs now narrate real stories, looking to reveal the past
and pay respects to his origin and Hispanic roots. His lyrics have helped bring joy and hope to the
people of Venezuela during times of struggles and protests.
2. Live performance
Julio Cesar is no stranger to being the center of attention and properly taking advantage of that. As a
singer proud of his skills, he possesses the talent to be comfortable enough in front of an audience and
properly perform. He can play a variety of instruments, including guitars, pianos, and ukuleles. He has
earned experience through opportunities Full Sail has offered him, with his performance during Hall of
Fame 11 serving as an example. Full Sail students have said his performance caused them to stop what
they were doing all together because his singing voice and charisma.
3. Stage presence
As a performer and a person, Julio has a magnetic personality that seems to make people want to follow
along with him. He knows how to engage with his audience during performances, encouraging them to
sing along or raise their hands. In addition to this, his dancing skills add a whole new level of
engagement. Graduated from a Salsa Casino school, he knows how to keep rhythm for many Hispanic
genres, which has helped him improve how to carry himself during performances. He sees these events
as intimate moments he shares with his fans, thus, pouring all his energies into his audience. He has
been described as a younger and more energetic version of Pablo Alborán.
Elements of Experience
1. Recording
As a graduate from Full Sail University, Julio had the opportunities to learn how to record in a
professional environment with industry-standard equipment. While working with experts such as
Grammy-winner Juan Piedras and guitarist Camilo Velandia, Julio learned how to properly behave in in a
production environment and the basics of mixing and mastering. With high emotional intelligence, he
also knows how to keep his ego in check and play by his producers’ egos.
2. Co-writing
After five years of storytelling, Julio developed a love for writing music, looking to collaborate with as
many artists as he could. He had the pleasure of working with the rising songwriter Sharon Dyana in his
first single, “Tierra”. After that he got the chance to co-write a single with the Venezuelan songwriter,
Michelle Aguirre, the song premiered in his YouTube page and is called “A Nadie Más". His love for this
has not stopped, as he is currently developing an album with a variety of collaborations.
3. Publicity
As a passionate individual, Julio enjoys participating in activities that grant him exposure, such as
Instagram lives and community events. He has participated in singing contests in his hometown,
Lecherias, Venezuela. He has also gotten himself involved with a production team with the purpose of
performing during the peaceful 2017 protests in Venezuela, reaching to up to 5000 to 7000 people. He
served as a voice of peace and relief during these chaotic times, improving his brand and solidifying his
values and public image.
To evaluate your chosen artist, write 4 sentences describing each element of a SWOT analysis. (Total of
16 sentences) Please provide a minimum of 2 specific examples of each category and give specific details.
A. Strengths
Julio strengths lie within his ability to play multiple musical instruments while singing simultaneously.
This level of versatility allows him to connect with his fan base on a personal level with his live
performances that’s engaging for the audience. His ability to tell stories through his music compliment
his songwriting skills and translate well to his audience. Julio’s has a magnetic personality and
fashionable outlook that allows the people he relates to the most to accept his music and his vision on
B. Weaknesses
Julio has low brand awareness which doesn’t allow his target audience full access to his artwork. Julio
however talented doesn’t have the management team in place needed to improve his social media
Julio’s fanbase in mainly woman based and can use improvements in male listeners. Julio’s genre isn’t
narrowed down to one unique definition and is very broad.
C. Opportunities
Julio’s talents can be displayed over Social Media on platforms like Instagram with live performances to
generate revenue. Julio’s grounded personality make him an excellent candidate to conduct interviews,
documentaries, movies, etc.
Julio is quite fashionable and could consider modeling for projects to increase brand awareness.
Julio’s bilingual ability makes him a great candidate for children songs and new creative ways of teaching
a new language.
D. Threats
Julio international status makes it difficult for him to get over the administrative obstacles he will face in
the music industry. Julio’s bilingual songs may cause a rift in the number of true fans available to him.
Marketing Julio's song maybe difficult to some audiences due to sympathizers connected to his past.
International music has a bad rep in some environments and could cause bad publicity for Julio.
STRENGTH 1 – Potential Revenue Sources
1. Julio’s raw talent is something that cannot be learned. He easily captures the hearts of women
with his soft, angelic voice. Clear as day; women’s hearts melt away. It is impressive; the level of
emotional connection he makes when singing live on Instagram. A virtual tip jar should be
available to his fans to support him.
2. Then, there is the question every talented artist must answer; what else do I do with my talent?
In the meantime-in between time, Julio utilizes Instagram services and other platforms to go live
and provide the service of live guitar and singing lessons. (example) “Sing like Julio.”
3. Another Revenue stream to consider is Modeling. What is in a smile? The answer is everything!
Julio couples that with striking fashion. He already has the looks and the charms. There is an
opportunity to sell his image, collect money for his pictures or to get him to model for an event
or a project. Visuals alone, can market Julio to magazine companies and even film.
STRENGTH 2 – Potential Revenue Sources
1. Julio can play multiple instruments. That can be used to record separate arrangements and
record his voice over them to create new, simple tracks that can be made in mass amounts and
used to increase his catalog. Right now, Julio sits a tad bit unfavorable over other artists because
while, he does have some visuals and songs, they are less than his competition’s. He needs to
home in on his own talents to create more content to be distributed.
2. Once, Julio accomplishes generating more content, his 2nd
action is to get his music on as many
streaming platforms as possible; with respect to brand etiquette. Julio must utilize Soundcloud,
iTunes, Google Play, CD Baby, TuneCore, And Rumble fish.
3. The next opportunity to present to the artist is the opportunity to become more of what Julio
sees as his ultimate successful self in music; the fastest way being getting Julio signed by a major
record distribution label-such as Warner Music Spain. Julio must be “transformed” into an artist
that fits Warner Music Spain (WMS). This means, we will work to make Julio stand out more in
his photos by adding more concept, more attitude, fierceness, and flare! There needs to be a
story or an event (maybe planned) that sets the tempo for Julio’s image to the public. The cover
story needs to be intense and represent what Julio really stands for. Then, he will need to be
sexier, way sexier in images. He will have to do more to beat out his competition-he must be
daring. Once a strong catalog of music and images are put together, it will make for a stronger
presented brand to the majors.
Potential ways to improve or fix the weaknesses
WEAKNESS 1 – low brand awareness
1. Since, awareness of Julio Cesar’s brand is low, now is the time to consider making a
documentary of Julio Cesar’s life; his involvement in inner city disputes, amongst turmoil; or
involved in ‘the struggle.’ The document needs to be available to a broader range of audiences.
2. Low awareness can destroy any artist’s career and there is another way to combat that; by
seeking out local mission leaders who are involved in these peaceful protests or community
leaders and have conversations with them. If a connection is made, Julio will have an outlet to
local radio stations and can spread his music to deeper segments of inner cities.
WEAKNESS 2 – Limitations with international status
1. The situation regarding Julio’s international status, combined with the current administration of
this nation, can be scary; however, we see opportunity to further strengthen Julio’s brand. The
tiresome, scary, and trying process of fighting for one’s right to be where they need to be, in
order to be successful, is a bright beacon to others experiencing the same thing. All that is
needed is a planned event that will make the news and gain the attention of every local and
regional news team in the country. The publicity and story will bring attention and
sympathizers to Julio, thus free marketing.
2. Since Julio is bilingual, there is opportunity for Julio to connect deeply with his audience. A
system can be set up for Julio to provide the service of virtual tip jar his fans can pay for. All
that is needed for this venture is a domain, website, pay route, and a routine machinated to
ensure smooth operation.
Julio Cesar’s Goal Structure
1-Year Goals
Revenue Generating Goal:
By August of 2021, Julio to have earned 4 thousand dollars in singing competitions/ performances. Also,
by the next year, to have Julio’s brand established and recognized enough for him to receive pay from
teaching guitar lessons and potentially appeal to his target singing competition: Operacion Triunfo.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
Utilizing Julio Cesar’s natural musical talent, his aura, and professional sounding music plus
videos; it is going to be a suitable sale to any aspiring guitarist or singer; to any parent who
wants real talent to teach their child, and to his fans who believe in his abilities, who worship is
musical intellect, and want a more personalized experience with Julio Cesar. As his fan base
builds, so does his marketability to radio stations, TV, and teaching opportunities for pay.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
4 months from start date, December, is when we look at the progress of Julio’s goal to earn
$50,000.00 in one year, from teaching guitar lessons. This is to evaluate softly, how good or not
so good, the sales are and how they forecast the middle mark, or 6 months results. It is, to find
any inconsistencies or threats to achieving the goal for the year.
Content Creation Goal:
Give two specific sentences describing the goal:
Within one year, develop a website, a brand following, and a one-and a half-hour set, that can
be performed at the drop of a dime. Also, Julio Cesar will be a record company’s dream, specifically
WMS, Warner Music Spain. He will have a more developed sound due to massively creating content in
English and Spanish, rehearsing, participating in music contests, performing live and getting responses;
also, being more visually appealing, sexier with more developed flair. With a strong musical catalog and
a website, defined sound, and draw-dropping fashion portfolio, Julio will be more “marketable” to WMS.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
It does not require too much time to plan on an image an artist will portray; no, most of the time is
needed to sell the image of the artist. That is, to find the right locations-cities or communities-the artist
and their persona will be most successful in. Then the artist needs to live in that mode; long enough,
focused enough, and passionate enough to build a reputation off it. For all the seasons in a year, there
are events, political and entertainment the artist should be seen being their image- or their planned self-
to the world. Pictures, tweets, stories, and podcasts will become a track record; all that will be known
about Julio Cesar is what we want WMS to see. One year.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
(Beginning in Aug) the deadline to review the goals and how the artist and the team are
progressing towards those goals would be six months from the start date-February. We will look for key
indicators of change in the proper direction, Denser fan base, more fan interaction, and consistent
output in material. Every 4 months, 30 min of music should be added to set; so, by six months, Julio
should have a 45-minute set ready to go. Lastly, the team will analyze reactions and posts from fans
discussing Julio’s growth in fashion and fashion choices
Audience Growth Goal:
Have available, a video series outlining; 1. Julio Cesar’s life. 2. What he struggles with. 3. what he
is passionate about. 4. afraid of. 5. motivated by. This is deep personal footage and intimate looks. The
series will be made available for a broader audience on YouTube and on website. Footage for the series
would be taken from previous interviews and public appearances. We must also, have Julio Cesar's music
available on Soundcloud, iTunes, Google Play, CD Baby, TuneCore, And Rumble fish.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
While Julio is transitioning into his marketable self, footage of these experiences can be added to
other videos and material to form the video series. In order to get as much footage and content as we
can, we would take about 3-4 months.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
Within the first month, footage from Julio’s life progression would begin by that time. During the sixth
month, most of the content should have been created and mostly editing left to do. Then, 3 months
after series is put on YouTube and Julio’s website, there needs to be a check on the effectiveness of the
series and attention giving to feedback and reactions of fans and visitors.
Likewise, within a month, Julio’s songs should be accessible on these streaming services.
6-Month Goals
Revenue Generating Goal:
Give two specific sentences describing the goal:
By the beginning of February 2021, to have Julio perform his musical talents virtually and live in at least
20 instances.
To have Julio participate in at least two local music competitions and volunteer to provide lessons and
collaborate with other artists by the end of February 2021.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
By this time Julio fanbase will be growing and other artist will want to work with him and learn at the
same time. With the current circumstances, virtual sessions will allow his target audience to share their
love of his talents to other friends. Participating as a judge or a host for local musical events will grow
Julio’s audience and allow them to get to know him more. Collaborations with other similar artist will
help grow Julio’s fanbase and provide valuable networking opportunities for future music events.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
At the end of every month we will track how many performances and collaboration the artists have
done and compare them to previous months to calculate the growth over time. If said actions do not
bring growth, changes on the logistics should be incurred.
Content Creation Goal:
Give two specific sentences describing the goal:
Starting January 2021 our goal for content creation is to have Julio Cesar participate in one
virtual open mic per week performing the original songs that he recorded until it’s safe to
perform live in order to practice for TV competitions. He will have a camera man take
pictures and videos during these performances to capture content to post on his social
media profiles that will help his audience feel more connected and have material that can be
repurposed. We are aiming for at least one social media post per day.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
With the current circumstances of quarantine and social distancing many people are at
home searching for new forms of entertainment and personal connection. This gives Julio
Cesar more time and opportunities to create content and reach his audience in ways he
couldn’t before Covid-19.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
We believe that over time things happen, and goals need to be adjusted. So, in order to
track progress and ensure our goals are still relevant at the end of each month we will
review our progress and adjust when needed. We will do this starting January 26, 2021 and
end July 26, 2021.
Audience Growth Goal:
Give two specific sentences describing the goal:
Our 6-month audience growth goal is to begin to create a website for Julio Cesar, have him
featured on 1 vlog, blog, or podcast interview per month with platforms who share his target
audience, and gain 70 followers per month. The interviews will help introduce him to new
fans while giving preexisting ones a deeper look into who Julio Cesar is. Platforms we are
going to aim for are Escuela de Nada, Nos Reiremos de Esto, De a Toque, and Entre Grados.
The Website is to help Julio Cesar with his online presence, have a place to host his work,
give updates on events, and create a mailing list.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
We believe this is reasonable because studies show that brands who are advertising well on
Instagram see a growth in followers of about 6-8% per month. 6% of Julio Cesar’s current
followers is about 73. So, in this case 70 followers per month is a good round number to
aim for.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
At the end of each month we will review our growth and progress. Adjustments to the plan
will be made if we aren’t reaching our targets. We will do this starting January 26, 2021 and
end July 26, 2021.
3-Month Goals
Revenue Generating Goal:
Give two specific sentences describing the goal:
Considering we begin in August, to have Julio’s musical talents and magnetic
personality to reach at least three quarters of his target audience by the end of October in
order to increase earnings from streams and downloads.
By the beginnings of November, to have Julio’s image as an audience-loving person
established. This is in order to drive home the fact that he has potential for teaching his
talents to and encourage people to hire him for lessons.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
With properly targeted advertisements and showcases of Julio’s talents, the reach of
his image can grow quickly in a matter of weeks. The purpose of these actions is to market
Julio as an approachable artist who is open to engaging in different sets of activities in order
to connect with his audience. With a number of live streams showcasing his personality, and
a team promoting his image through social media, we could potentially reach thousands of
impressions in less than four months.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
During the first week of October, we will review the analytics provided by our
outlets (such as the analytics tab for commercial accounts in Instagram) to gauge the
number of people our advertisements have reached. If at least a quarter of impressions have
led to visits to his profile, we will assume these actions are taking effect.
Content Creation Goal:
Give two specific sentences describing the goal:
To find a digital content-creating team for him to prepare for production and post-
production editions by the end of October.
Schedule potential chances for public appearances in order to have video/picture
source for promotion.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
Given technology’s advancement, content creation can be done with a small team of
talented people. Finding a group of content creators (influencers, digital marketers, graphic
designers, video editors) eager to work online and from home is much more possible
nowadays. Therefore, I believe it is attainable to reach this goal in this matter of time. In
addition to this, given the flexibility of scheduling online session or live streams, potential
chances for appearances are duplicated.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
During the beginning of September (in a month), a checklist of the talents needed
for the production team will be made. If the team is complete, we will begin brainstorming
and scheduling potential performances for Julio. That way, we will begin creating content for
Audience Growth Goal:
Give two specific sentences describing the goal:
By the end of October, to have an increase of at least 6500 followers in social media
and streaming media through content promotion and public appearances.
In three months, to have Julio present himself in the public eye at least fifteen times
in different targeted public places in order to gain exposure. If the pandemic is to influence
this goal, online zoom sessions and live sessions through Instagram would be other options.
Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough).
With the power social media sites have for reaching and moving masses of people,
to reach a number within the thousands, is realistic. A $20 credit in promotion through
Instagram’s application, can reach up to 20,000 users. Therefore, to strive for an increase of
followers of the stated amount can be done, and it is much more possible when considering
the number of social media sites and streaming applications out there.
Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you
will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
During the first week of October, the same analytics that will be ran for the
impressions,will also encompass the number of followers gained. So, during that week, we
will be checking the progress of the audience growth and potential revenue generation
goals. If both numbers show positive trends, these actions will continue.

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Artist/Audience Analysis and Goal Setting

  • 1. Artist Introduction: by Damian Ortiz, Luis Hernandez, Truston Ware, and Pernell Brown Julio Cesar Villamediana
  • 2. ARTIST MANAGEMENT - Assignment 1 Artist Selection, Target Audience Profile, and Artist Analysis FOUNDATION
  • 3. 1. Review the artist requirements in FSO and select an independent artist based on the given criteria. Provide the artist’s name and primary website. The artist we decided to choose for this assignment is Julio Cesar. The link to his website is 2. Identify one well-known artist that is similar to your artist and that would likely share a target audience. Answer the questions in the “TARGET AUDIENCE” section below for your artist’s audience based on research into the well-known artist that you have identified. Two well-known artist we determined to be similar to Julio Cesar are Pablo Alborán and Sebastian Yatra. Both are Hispanic, sing folk-pop, and excel at stage presence. His inspiration comes from his motivation to help people out during times of distress, reminiscent of his origins, serving as a voice of liberty during the Venezuelan 2017 protests. TARGET AUDIENCE 3. Target Audience - Demographics: Although Julio Cesar is bilingual and has some English lyrics his audience is composed primarily of Latin individuals. Julio Cesar can be compared to well-known Latin artist Pablo Alborán but with a modern spin. With that being Said Julio's Audience age range falls between 20-28 years old. His music appeals primarily to single females. Julio’s audience enjoys the little things in life and prioritizes time with friends and family. 4. Target Audience- Psychographics: i. Hobbies/Lifestyle Choices ((Ex. fitness enthusiasts, cars, outdoors, cat pictures, dancing, etc. Julio’s fans enjoy nature and the outdoors particularly interacting with animals, watching sunsets and sunrises, and going on nature walks. They are simple yet responsible young adults who care about the environment and do what they can to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Spending time with loved ones, spreading positive energy, and dancing are also very important to them. ii.Clothing/Accessory Brands (Where do they shop and what do they buy?) Julio Cesar’s Audience tends to dress casual yet modern. They like going to the mall with their friends and having a good time while shopping. They usually spend their money at clothing stores such as American Eagle, H&M, and Pac Sun. They also usually wear shoes such as Toms, Vans, Converse, and Nike.
  • 4. iii. Food/Restaurant Preferences (Ex. vegan, paleo, upscale fine dining, specific restaurants) Majority of Latin Americans are very proud of their heritage and customs. Julio’s fan base would prefer to eat traditional dishes whether dining in or eating at restaurants. These dishes include Arepas, Empanadas, and Chachitos. iv. Other Artists Artists similar to Julio Cesar are Pablo Alborán, Sebastian Yatra, and Enrique Iglesias. v. Movies and TV Shows Latin Americans in the age range of 20-28 just like many others aren’t big on cable or going to the movies. Julio Cesar’s audience consume most of their content from streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. Narcos, Queen of the South, and The House of Flowers are a few examples of what they like. 5. Target Audience – Description Julio Cesar’s target audience is primarily composed of Latin American females in between the ages of 20-28 that enjoy the outdoors, spending time with friends and family, and eating traditional dishes like empanadas. Julio’s audience dresses casual yet modern wearing brands such as Nike, Converse, and American Eagle. They consume most of their content such as movies and TV through streaming services that have content such as Queen of the South, The House of Flowers, and Narcos. 6. Target Audience- Geographic: Hometown: Miami, Florida i. City 1: Orlando, Florida 1. La Fogata Latin Cuisine: ii.City 2: Hialeah Gardens, Florida 1. Casa Lenca Restaurante: chef-victoria- hialeah iii. City 3: Pembroke Pines, Florida 1. Los Frijolitos Colombian Restaurant:
  • 5. iv. City 4: Clear Water, Florida 1. Amorama Latin Night Club: v. City 5: Altamonte Springs, Florida 1. Arepas, Café and More Latin Food: 7. Provide at least two pictures of ideal members of the artist’s target audience. Remember to consider psychographic information when choosing these images.
  • 6. GETTING TO KNOW THE ARTIST: Talents 1. Songwriting Due to his eventful life and the turbulent history of his home country of Venezuela, Julio has grown up to become an artist that has lived through many difficult situations due to the communism and leadership at the time. The only outlet he found during his early years, was to write about it. Inspired by his life, the environment’s current state, and how our society has changed, he began writing songs addressing these issues. Five years later, his songs now narrate real stories, looking to reveal the past and pay respects to his origin and Hispanic roots. His lyrics have helped bring joy and hope to the people of Venezuela during times of struggles and protests. 2. Live performance Julio Cesar is no stranger to being the center of attention and properly taking advantage of that. As a singer proud of his skills, he possesses the talent to be comfortable enough in front of an audience and properly perform. He can play a variety of instruments, including guitars, pianos, and ukuleles. He has earned experience through opportunities Full Sail has offered him, with his performance during Hall of Fame 11 serving as an example. Full Sail students have said his performance caused them to stop what they were doing all together because his singing voice and charisma. 3. Stage presence As a performer and a person, Julio has a magnetic personality that seems to make people want to follow along with him. He knows how to engage with his audience during performances, encouraging them to sing along or raise their hands. In addition to this, his dancing skills add a whole new level of engagement. Graduated from a Salsa Casino school, he knows how to keep rhythm for many Hispanic genres, which has helped him improve how to carry himself during performances. He sees these events as intimate moments he shares with his fans, thus, pouring all his energies into his audience. He has been described as a younger and more energetic version of Pablo Alborán. Elements of Experience 1. Recording As a graduate from Full Sail University, Julio had the opportunities to learn how to record in a professional environment with industry-standard equipment. While working with experts such as Grammy-winner Juan Piedras and guitarist Camilo Velandia, Julio learned how to properly behave in in a production environment and the basics of mixing and mastering. With high emotional intelligence, he also knows how to keep his ego in check and play by his producers’ egos.
  • 7. 2. Co-writing After five years of storytelling, Julio developed a love for writing music, looking to collaborate with as many artists as he could. He had the pleasure of working with the rising songwriter Sharon Dyana in his first single, “Tierra”. After that he got the chance to co-write a single with the Venezuelan songwriter, Michelle Aguirre, the song premiered in his YouTube page and is called “A Nadie Más". His love for this has not stopped, as he is currently developing an album with a variety of collaborations. 3. Publicity As a passionate individual, Julio enjoys participating in activities that grant him exposure, such as Instagram lives and community events. He has participated in singing contests in his hometown, Lecherias, Venezuela. He has also gotten himself involved with a production team with the purpose of performing during the peaceful 2017 protests in Venezuela, reaching to up to 5000 to 7000 people. He served as a voice of peace and relief during these chaotic times, improving his brand and solidifying his values and public image. ARTIST SWOT ANALYSIS: To evaluate your chosen artist, write 4 sentences describing each element of a SWOT analysis. (Total of 16 sentences) Please provide a minimum of 2 specific examples of each category and give specific details. A. Strengths Julio strengths lie within his ability to play multiple musical instruments while singing simultaneously. This level of versatility allows him to connect with his fan base on a personal level with his live performances that’s engaging for the audience. His ability to tell stories through his music compliment his songwriting skills and translate well to his audience. Julio’s has a magnetic personality and fashionable outlook that allows the people he relates to the most to accept his music and his vision on life. B. Weaknesses Julio has low brand awareness which doesn’t allow his target audience full access to his artwork. Julio however talented doesn’t have the management team in place needed to improve his social media presence. Julio’s fanbase in mainly woman based and can use improvements in male listeners. Julio’s genre isn’t narrowed down to one unique definition and is very broad. C. Opportunities
  • 8. Julio’s talents can be displayed over Social Media on platforms like Instagram with live performances to generate revenue. Julio’s grounded personality make him an excellent candidate to conduct interviews, documentaries, movies, etc. Julio is quite fashionable and could consider modeling for projects to increase brand awareness. Julio’s bilingual ability makes him a great candidate for children songs and new creative ways of teaching a new language. D. Threats Julio international status makes it difficult for him to get over the administrative obstacles he will face in the music industry. Julio’s bilingual songs may cause a rift in the number of true fans available to him. Marketing Julio's song maybe difficult to some audiences due to sympathizers connected to his past. International music has a bad rep in some environments and could cause bad publicity for Julio.
  • 9. ACTION ITEMS: STRENGTH 1 – Potential Revenue Sources 1. Julio’s raw talent is something that cannot be learned. He easily captures the hearts of women with his soft, angelic voice. Clear as day; women’s hearts melt away. It is impressive; the level of emotional connection he makes when singing live on Instagram. A virtual tip jar should be available to his fans to support him. 2. Then, there is the question every talented artist must answer; what else do I do with my talent? In the meantime-in between time, Julio utilizes Instagram services and other platforms to go live and provide the service of live guitar and singing lessons. (example) “Sing like Julio.” 3. Another Revenue stream to consider is Modeling. What is in a smile? The answer is everything! Julio couples that with striking fashion. He already has the looks and the charms. There is an opportunity to sell his image, collect money for his pictures or to get him to model for an event or a project. Visuals alone, can market Julio to magazine companies and even film. STRENGTH 2 – Potential Revenue Sources 1. Julio can play multiple instruments. That can be used to record separate arrangements and record his voice over them to create new, simple tracks that can be made in mass amounts and used to increase his catalog. Right now, Julio sits a tad bit unfavorable over other artists because while, he does have some visuals and songs, they are less than his competition’s. He needs to home in on his own talents to create more content to be distributed. 2. Once, Julio accomplishes generating more content, his 2nd action is to get his music on as many streaming platforms as possible; with respect to brand etiquette. Julio must utilize Soundcloud, iTunes, Google Play, CD Baby, TuneCore, And Rumble fish. 3. The next opportunity to present to the artist is the opportunity to become more of what Julio sees as his ultimate successful self in music; the fastest way being getting Julio signed by a major record distribution label-such as Warner Music Spain. Julio must be “transformed” into an artist that fits Warner Music Spain (WMS). This means, we will work to make Julio stand out more in his photos by adding more concept, more attitude, fierceness, and flare! There needs to be a story or an event (maybe planned) that sets the tempo for Julio’s image to the public. The cover story needs to be intense and represent what Julio really stands for. Then, he will need to be sexier, way sexier in images. He will have to do more to beat out his competition-he must be
  • 10. daring. Once a strong catalog of music and images are put together, it will make for a stronger presented brand to the majors. Potential ways to improve or fix the weaknesses WEAKNESS 1 – low brand awareness 1. Since, awareness of Julio Cesar’s brand is low, now is the time to consider making a documentary of Julio Cesar’s life; his involvement in inner city disputes, amongst turmoil; or involved in ‘the struggle.’ The document needs to be available to a broader range of audiences. 2. Low awareness can destroy any artist’s career and there is another way to combat that; by seeking out local mission leaders who are involved in these peaceful protests or community leaders and have conversations with them. If a connection is made, Julio will have an outlet to local radio stations and can spread his music to deeper segments of inner cities. WEAKNESS 2 – Limitations with international status 1. The situation regarding Julio’s international status, combined with the current administration of this nation, can be scary; however, we see opportunity to further strengthen Julio’s brand. The tiresome, scary, and trying process of fighting for one’s right to be where they need to be, in order to be successful, is a bright beacon to others experiencing the same thing. All that is needed is a planned event that will make the news and gain the attention of every local and regional news team in the country. The publicity and story will bring attention and sympathizers to Julio, thus free marketing. 2. Since Julio is bilingual, there is opportunity for Julio to connect deeply with his audience. A system can be set up for Julio to provide the service of virtual tip jar his fans can pay for. All that is needed for this venture is a domain, website, pay route, and a routine machinated to ensure smooth operation. Julio Cesar’s Goal Structure 1-Year Goals
  • 11. Revenue Generating Goal: By August of 2021, Julio to have earned 4 thousand dollars in singing competitions/ performances. Also, by the next year, to have Julio’s brand established and recognized enough for him to receive pay from teaching guitar lessons and potentially appeal to his target singing competition: Operacion Triunfo. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). Utilizing Julio Cesar’s natural musical talent, his aura, and professional sounding music plus videos; it is going to be a suitable sale to any aspiring guitarist or singer; to any parent who wants real talent to teach their child, and to his fans who believe in his abilities, who worship is musical intellect, and want a more personalized experience with Julio Cesar. As his fan base builds, so does his marketability to radio stations, TV, and teaching opportunities for pay. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: 4 months from start date, December, is when we look at the progress of Julio’s goal to earn $50,000.00 in one year, from teaching guitar lessons. This is to evaluate softly, how good or not so good, the sales are and how they forecast the middle mark, or 6 months results. It is, to find any inconsistencies or threats to achieving the goal for the year. Content Creation Goal: Give two specific sentences describing the goal: Within one year, develop a website, a brand following, and a one-and a half-hour set, that can be performed at the drop of a dime. Also, Julio Cesar will be a record company’s dream, specifically WMS, Warner Music Spain. He will have a more developed sound due to massively creating content in English and Spanish, rehearsing, participating in music contests, performing live and getting responses;
  • 12. also, being more visually appealing, sexier with more developed flair. With a strong musical catalog and a website, defined sound, and draw-dropping fashion portfolio, Julio will be more “marketable” to WMS. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). It does not require too much time to plan on an image an artist will portray; no, most of the time is needed to sell the image of the artist. That is, to find the right locations-cities or communities-the artist and their persona will be most successful in. Then the artist needs to live in that mode; long enough, focused enough, and passionate enough to build a reputation off it. For all the seasons in a year, there are events, political and entertainment the artist should be seen being their image- or their planned self- to the world. Pictures, tweets, stories, and podcasts will become a track record; all that will be known about Julio Cesar is what we want WMS to see. One year. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: (Beginning in Aug) the deadline to review the goals and how the artist and the team are progressing towards those goals would be six months from the start date-February. We will look for key indicators of change in the proper direction, Denser fan base, more fan interaction, and consistent output in material. Every 4 months, 30 min of music should be added to set; so, by six months, Julio should have a 45-minute set ready to go. Lastly, the team will analyze reactions and posts from fans discussing Julio’s growth in fashion and fashion choices Audience Growth Goal: Have available, a video series outlining; 1. Julio Cesar’s life. 2. What he struggles with. 3. what he is passionate about. 4. afraid of. 5. motivated by. This is deep personal footage and intimate looks. The series will be made available for a broader audience on YouTube and on website. Footage for the series would be taken from previous interviews and public appearances. We must also, have Julio Cesar's music available on Soundcloud, iTunes, Google Play, CD Baby, TuneCore, And Rumble fish.
  • 13. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). While Julio is transitioning into his marketable self, footage of these experiences can be added to other videos and material to form the video series. In order to get as much footage and content as we can, we would take about 3-4 months. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: Within the first month, footage from Julio’s life progression would begin by that time. During the sixth month, most of the content should have been created and mostly editing left to do. Then, 3 months after series is put on YouTube and Julio’s website, there needs to be a check on the effectiveness of the series and attention giving to feedback and reactions of fans and visitors. Likewise, within a month, Julio’s songs should be accessible on these streaming services. 6-Month Goals Revenue Generating Goal: Give two specific sentences describing the goal: By the beginning of February 2021, to have Julio perform his musical talents virtually and live in at least 20 instances. To have Julio participate in at least two local music competitions and volunteer to provide lessons and collaborate with other artists by the end of February 2021. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). By this time Julio fanbase will be growing and other artist will want to work with him and learn at the same time. With the current circumstances, virtual sessions will allow his target audience to share their love of his talents to other friends. Participating as a judge or a host for local musical events will grow Julio’s audience and allow them to get to know him more. Collaborations with other similar artist will help grow Julio’s fanbase and provide valuable networking opportunities for future music events.
  • 14. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: At the end of every month we will track how many performances and collaboration the artists have done and compare them to previous months to calculate the growth over time. If said actions do not bring growth, changes on the logistics should be incurred. Content Creation Goal: Give two specific sentences describing the goal: Starting January 2021 our goal for content creation is to have Julio Cesar participate in one virtual open mic per week performing the original songs that he recorded until it’s safe to perform live in order to practice for TV competitions. He will have a camera man take pictures and videos during these performances to capture content to post on his social media profiles that will help his audience feel more connected and have material that can be repurposed. We are aiming for at least one social media post per day. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). With the current circumstances of quarantine and social distancing many people are at home searching for new forms of entertainment and personal connection. This gives Julio Cesar more time and opportunities to create content and reach his audience in ways he couldn’t before Covid-19. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: We believe that over time things happen, and goals need to be adjusted. So, in order to track progress and ensure our goals are still relevant at the end of each month we will review our progress and adjust when needed. We will do this starting January 26, 2021 and end July 26, 2021. Audience Growth Goal: Give two specific sentences describing the goal: Our 6-month audience growth goal is to begin to create a website for Julio Cesar, have him featured on 1 vlog, blog, or podcast interview per month with platforms who share his target audience, and gain 70 followers per month. The interviews will help introduce him to new fans while giving preexisting ones a deeper look into who Julio Cesar is. Platforms we are going to aim for are Escuela de Nada, Nos Reiremos de Esto, De a Toque, and Entre Grados. The Website is to help Julio Cesar with his online presence, have a place to host his work, give updates on events, and create a mailing list.
  • 15. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). We believe this is reasonable because studies show that brands who are advertising well on Instagram see a growth in followers of about 6-8% per month. 6% of Julio Cesar’s current followers is about 73. So, in this case 70 followers per month is a good round number to aim for. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: At the end of each month we will review our growth and progress. Adjustments to the plan will be made if we aren’t reaching our targets. We will do this starting January 26, 2021 and end July 26, 2021. 3-Month Goals Revenue Generating Goal: Give two specific sentences describing the goal: Considering we begin in August, to have Julio’s musical talents and magnetic personality to reach at least three quarters of his target audience by the end of October in order to increase earnings from streams and downloads. By the beginnings of November, to have Julio’s image as an audience-loving person established. This is in order to drive home the fact that he has potential for teaching his talents to and encourage people to hire him for lessons. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). With properly targeted advertisements and showcases of Julio’s talents, the reach of his image can grow quickly in a matter of weeks. The purpose of these actions is to market Julio as an approachable artist who is open to engaging in different sets of activities in order to connect with his audience. With a number of live streams showcasing his personality, and a team promoting his image through social media, we could potentially reach thousands of impressions in less than four months. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: During the first week of October, we will review the analytics provided by our outlets (such as the analytics tab for commercial accounts in Instagram) to gauge the number of people our advertisements have reached. If at least a quarter of impressions have led to visits to his profile, we will assume these actions are taking effect.
  • 16. Content Creation Goal: Give two specific sentences describing the goal: To find a digital content-creating team for him to prepare for production and post- production editions by the end of October. Schedule potential chances for public appearances in order to have video/picture source for promotion. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). Given technology’s advancement, content creation can be done with a small team of talented people. Finding a group of content creators (influencers, digital marketers, graphic designers, video editors) eager to work online and from home is much more possible nowadays. Therefore, I believe it is attainable to reach this goal in this matter of time. In addition to this, given the flexibility of scheduling online session or live streams, potential chances for appearances are duplicated. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time: During the beginning of September (in a month), a checklist of the talents needed for the production team will be made. If the team is complete, we will begin brainstorming and scheduling potential performances for Julio. That way, we will begin creating content for him. Audience Growth Goal: Give two specific sentences describing the goal: By the end of October, to have an increase of at least 6500 followers in social media and streaming media through content promotion and public appearances. In three months, to have Julio present himself in the public eye at least fifteen times in different targeted public places in order to gain exposure. If the pandemic is to influence this goal, online zoom sessions and live sessions through Instagram would be other options. Elaborate on why you believe this time frame is attainable and realistic (Be thorough). With the power social media sites have for reaching and moving masses of people, to reach a number within the thousands, is realistic. A $20 credit in promotion through Instagram’s application, can reach up to 20,000 users. Therefore, to strive for an increase of followers of the stated amount can be done, and it is much more possible when considering the number of social media sites and streaming applications out there. Set a date prior to your goal deadline when you will review the progress of this goal. Describe how you will determine whether or not the artist is on track to complete the goal on time:
  • 17. During the first week of October, the same analytics that will be ran for the impressions,will also encompass the number of followers gained. So, during that week, we will be checking the progress of the audience growth and potential revenue generation goals. If both numbers show positive trends, these actions will continue.