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Better Open Source Enterprise C++
          Web Services

Introducing WSO2 Web Services Framework
                for C++

                          Nandika Jayawardana
                           Product Manager
●   Introduction to WSF/C++
●   WSF/C++ Architecture
●   Consuming and Providing Web services
    ➢   Client API
    ➢   Service API
●   Working with Code Generation Tool
●   Security in Web services
    ➢   HTTPS/SSL
    ➢   WS-security
●   Handling attachments
●   Deploying WSF/C++
●   Performance and feature comparisons
●   Summary
Introduction to WSF/C++
●    All-in-one solution for the building and deploying of
    Web services in C++/C
●   Designed for embedding within C or C++ software
    applications to enable Web services
●   Utilizes many popular open source projects including
    Apache Axis2/C, Apache Rampart/C, Apache Sandesha2/C
    and Apache Savan/C
●   Offers developers with a simple and comprehensive C++
●   WSF/C++ has the same configurability and flexibility of
WSF/C++ Architecture
WSF/C++ Architecture
WSF/C++ Components
Consuming and Providing Web
●   Two approaches to create and consume web services
    ➢   Code first
         ●   Start with code and build the contract ( WSDL ) based on code
    ➢   Contract first
         ●   Start with contract ( WSDL ) and develop clients and services
●   WSF/C++ provides comprehensive client and service
    API's for code first approach
●   Contract first approach is supported by the code
    generation tool
Client API
●   ServiceClient class acts as the client API for WSF/C++
●   Options class provides methods to configure the client
    with various options.
●   Steps in writing a client
    ➢   Initialize the environment
    ➢   Create an options class instance
    ➢   Set your options with options object
    ➢   Create a service client instance
    ➢   Create the XML payload using Axiom C++
    ➢   Pass the payload to service client request or send
        method to invoke the service
    ➢   Process the received response
Example Client
Environment::initialize("echo.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);

ServiceClient sc("http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/echo");

OMNamespace * ns = new OMNamespace("", "ns1");
OMElement * payload = new OMElement(NULL,"echoIn", ns);
OMElement * child = new OMElement(payload,"text", NULL);
child->setText("Hello World!");
cout << endl << "Request: " << payload << endl;

      OMElement * response = sc.request(payload, "");
       if (response)
           cout << endl << "Response: " << response << endl;
catch (WSFault & e)
       if (sc.getLastSOAPFault())
           cout << endl << "Response: " << sc.getLastSOAPFault() << endl;
           cout << endl << "Response: " << e << endl;
delete payload;
Axiom C++
●   Provides a pull parser based API for handling XML in C++
●   Built on top of Axiom/C API
●   Very convenient and easy API to handle XML
●   Classes in Axiom/C++ include
    ➢   OMNode
    ➢   OMElement
    ➢   OMText
    ➢   OMAttribute
    ➢   OMNamespace
    ➢   OMDataHandler
Service API
●   A service is deployed as a shared library contained
    within a directory with the same name as service
●   A service descriptor named services.xml is used to
    configure the service
●   All services are contained within the services folder in
    the WSF/C++ repository
●   By default a service is loaded at the first service
●   ServiceSkeleton class defines the api interface for
    writing a service
●   A service should extend from ServiceSkeleton class and
    implement the abstract methods defined in
    ServiceSkeleton class
WSF/C++ Repository
Service configuration
  ●   services.xml
<service name="echo">
    <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false">
        Echo Service
    <operation name="echoString">
            <messageReceiver class="wsf_cpp_msg_recv" />
            <parameter name="wsamapping">
            <parameter name="RESTMethod">POST</parameter>
            <parameter name="RESTLocation">echoString</parameter>
Steps in implementing a service
●   Extend from the ServiceSkeleton class
●   Implement methods init(), invoke() and onFault()
●   Define the service loading macro WSF_SERVICE_INIT(<class name>)
●   Define methods corresponding to each of the service
    operations and implement the business logic. Make sure
    that these methods are mapped to service operations in
    your invoke method.
●   Build the code into a shared library
●   Copy and edit a services.xml to suit the service
●   Create a folder with the same name as service name
    and copy the created shared library and services.xml
●   Copy newly created service to services folder under
    WSF/C++ repository
Example Service
#include <ServiceSkeleton.h>
using namespace wso2wsf;

class Echo: public ServiceSkeleton
        WSF_EXTERN WSF_CALL Echo(){};
        OMElement* WSF_CALL invoke(OMElement *message, MessageContext *msgCtx);
        OMElement* WSF_CALL onFault(OMElement *message);
        void WSF_CALL init(){};

OMElement* Echo::invoke(OMElement *msg, MessageContext *msgCtx)
       if(!msg) return NULL;
        OMNamespace *inputNamespace = msg->getNamespace();
        OMNamespace *ns = NULL;
                ns = new OMNamespace(inputNamespace->getURI(), inputNamespace->getPrefix());
        OMElement *childEle = dynamic_cast<OMElement*>(msg->getFirstChild());
                std::string childtext = childEle->getText();
                OMElement *echoEle = new OMElement(msg->getLocalname(), ns);
                OMElement *text = new OMElement("text");
                return echoEle;
                std::cout<<"Casting Failed"<<std::endl;
        return NULL;
Code Generation Tool
●   WSF/C++ code generation tool is available in two forms
    ➢   As an eclipse plug-in wizard
    ➢   As a command line tool
●   Codegen tool generates
    ➢   Client Stubs
    ➢   Service Skeletons
    ➢   Service descriptor (services.xml)
    ➢   Build script for Linux
    ➢   Visual Studio project files for windows
●   Handles wsdl imports and Xml Schema imports and
    most Xml Schema constructs
Eclipse Codegen Plug-in Wizard
Eclipse Codegen Plug-in
Eclipse Codegen Plug-in
Command line code generation tool
●   In the windows binary distribution, code generation tool
    is available in the
●   In the WSF/C++ source distribution, the source code of
    the code generation tool and build scripts are available.
●   Install maven2 and run the build scripts to build the
    code generation tool from source
     ➢   On windows use build_codegen.bat and
     ➢   On Linux use script
Code Generation tool options
●   -uri ← WSDL URI
●   -ss ← Generate server side code
●   -sd ← Generate service descriptor
●   -u ← Unpack classes
●   -uw ← Unwrapped mode
●   -o ← Output directory
●   -d ← Data binding options ( adb or none )

●   Examples
    WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -u -d adb -o calc
    WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -d none -o calc
    WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -u -d adb -ss -sd -o calc
Code Generated Client
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
      Environment::initialize("calculator.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);
      string endpointUri =
      string clientHome = AXIS2_GETENV("WSFCPP_HOME");
             cout<<"Please Set WSFCPP_HOME environment variable"<<endl;
      * Create a new calculator stub and invoke the methods

      CalculatorStub *stub = NULL;
      stub = new CalculatorStub(clientHome, endpointUri);
      int addResult = stub->add(10,10);
      cout<<"Calculation 10 + 10 = " <<addResult<<endl;

      int subResult = stub->sub(20,10);
      cout<<"Calculation 20 – 10 = "<<subResult<<endl;

      int divResult = stub->div(100,10);
      cout<<"Calculation 100/10, = "<<divResult<<endl;

      int mulResult = stub->mul(15,15);
      cout<<"Calculation 15*15 = "<<mulResult<<endl;

      delete stub;
Code Generated Service
#include "CalculatorSkeleton.h"
int main(
using namespace localhost_axis_calculator;
   int argc,
   char *argv[])
  int CalculatorSkeleton::mul(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a,int _b)
          Environment::initialize("calculator.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);
         return _a*_b;
  }       string endpointUri = "http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/Calculator";
          string clientHome = AXIS2_GETENV("WSFCPP_HOME");
int CalculatorSkeleton::div(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a0,int _b1)
{                    cout<<"Please Set WSFCPP_HOME environment variable"<<endl;
          if(_b1 != 0)
          * Create a new calculator stub and invoke the methods
          */         return _a0/_b1;
          CalculatorStub *stub = NULL;
          stub = new CalculatorStub(clientHome, endpointUri);
          int addResult = stub->add(10,10);
          cout<<"Calculation 10 + 10 = " <<addResult<<endl;
                     std::cout<<"Cannot divide by zero";
                     return 0;
          int subResult = stub->sub(20,10);
          cout<<"Calculation 20 – 10 = "<<subResult<<endl;
       int divResult = stub->div(100,10);
int CalculatorSkeleton::sub(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a2,int _b3)
       cout<<"Calculation 100/10, = "<<divResult<<endl;
       return _a2 - _b3;
       int mulResult = stub->mul(15,15);
}      cout<<"Calculation 15*15 = "<<mulResult<<endl;
int CalculatorSkeleton::add(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a4,int _b5)
       delete stub;
       return _a4 + _b5;
Security in Web services
●   Important confidential data exchanged need to be
●   Security is an essential aspect for any enterprise
    software deployment
●   Achieve security properties
    ➢   Confidentiality
         ●   Assurance that the message has not been read by anyone other
             than the intended reader
    ➢   Integrity
         ●   The assurance that data is complete and accurate
    ➢   Non-repudiation
         ●   Prevent denial of action
    ➢   Authentication
         ●   The verification of a claimed identity
Transport Level Security
●   Achieved by using HTTPS
●   Provides confidentiality through encryption
●   Provides integrity through digital signature
●   Service authenticate to client via certificates
●   Client can authenticate to the service via certificates /
    basic, digest authentication
Configuring HTTPS in WSF/C++
●   HTTPS is configured in the axis2.xml

<transportReceiver name="https" class="axis2_http_receiver">
        <parameter name="port" locked="false">6060</parameter>

<transportSender name="https" class="axis2_http_sender">
      <parameter name="PROTOCOL" locked="false">HTTP/1.1</parameter>
      <parameter name="xml-declaration" insert="false"/>

 <parameter name="SERVER_CERT">/path/to/ca/certificate</parameter>
 <parameter name="SSL_PASSPHRASE">passphrase</parameter>
WS-Security with WSF/C++
●   WS-Security 1.0 and 1.1
    ➢   Base security standards mean that messages can be
        protected using Encryption, Authentication and
●   WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation
    ➢   Advanced security standards allow single-sign on, more
        efficient encryption and more secure deployment
●   WS-Policy and WS-SecurityPolicy
    ➢   Enables using industry standard XML to configure
Configuring Client Security
●   Client security is configured by specifying the policy file
    to the client
●   WSF/C++ provides number of callback interfaces such as
    PasswordCallback, AuthenticationProvider for handling
    user security parameters.
●   When implementing these callback handlers, extend
    from these classes and implement the abstract methods

ServiceClient sc(client_repo, end_point);
sc.setPolicy(new NeethiPolicy(client_repo + "/" + policy_file));
Configuring Service Security
 ●   Service security is configured in the services.xml
<service name="sec_echo">
    <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false">sec_echo</parameter>
    <module ref="rampart"/>
    <operation name="echoString">
    <wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="">
            <wsp:All> ........................

                <rampc:RampartConfig xmlns:rampc="">
Web Service attachments
●   Attachments
    ➢   Video, Images, Documents, ...
●   There are two ways to transfer binary data in SOAP
    ➢   By Value (Encoded text of data within the xml)
         ●   base64 – 4/3x original size
         ●   hex – 2x original size
    ➢   Reference
         ●   pointer to outside the XML
    ➢   Standardised approach to transfer binary data
●   With WSF/C++ you can do Base64, SwA and MTOM
    ➢ Attachment caching enables users to handle large

      attachments with constant memory
Handling Binary Attachments with
●   DataHandler class is the main API for handling
●   DataHandler is associated with Axiom Text
    ServiceClient sc(end_point);
    Options * op = sc.getOptions();

    OMNamespace * ns1 = new OMNamespace("", "ns1");
    OMElement * payload = new OMElement(NULL,"mtomSample", NULL);
    OMElement * child1 = new OMElement(payload,"fileName", NULL);
    OMElement * child2 = new OMElement(payload,"image", NULL);
    OMDataHandler * data_handler = new OMDataHandler(file_name, "image/jpeg");
    OMText * child3 = new OMText(child2, data_handler);
        OMElement * response = sc.request(payload, "");
Other Features in WSF/C++
●   Full REST support (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST) with custom
    URI Mapping
     ➢   Enables mapping a REST API easily and naturally
●   WS-Reliable Messaging 1.0, 1.1 and WS-RMPolicy
     ➢ Enables reliability between platforms including
       message resending, duplicate detection and persistence
●   XMPP, TCP, UDP,AMQP transports
●   Useful tools
     ➢ wsclient

     ➢ Tcpmon
Deploying WSF/C++
Feature Comparison

    Package        WSDL      Security    Attachments     Reliability      License

RogueWave      Partial    Partial       Partial        No              Proprietary
HydraExpress                                                           EULA

gSOAP          Partial    Partial       Partial        No              GPL/ gSOAP
                                                                       Public License

WSO2 WSF/C     Partial    Yes           Yes            Yes             Apache2

WSO2 WSF/C++ Partial      Yes           Yes            Yes             Apache2
Performance Comparison






                                                                   A proprietary stack
                                                                   Gsoap(CGI mode)




                            150b   1k                 10k   100k

WSF/C++ is better
•   Open Source with Apache2 License
•   Best performance
•   Built on mature Apache projects
•   Support widest range of web services specifications
•   Multiple Deployment options - Apache Httpd, IIS or
•   Proven interoperability with other implementations
•   Portability and platform support
•   Built-in code generation tool to support rapid development
•   Developer friendly tooling
     ➢ Eclipse code generation plug-in wizard

•   Fully commercially supported
•   Manageability using WSO2 Carbon console
•   Options to statically link WSF/C++ (Specially in Client side)
•   SAML 1.1 & 2.0 support
•   Improving https certificate handling
•   HTTP session support
•   Code generation tool enhancements
     ➢ Inheritance, WSPolicy, REST, MTOM, Docs, test cases
• Rich API for implementing clients and services
   ➢ with code first approach

   ➢ with code generation tool

• Securing web services using both SSL and WS-Security
• Ability to handle binary attachments
• Reliable Messaging support
• Multiple deployment options – Apache httpd, Microsoft IIS
• Outstanding performance with high throughput and low
  memory footprint
Useful Links
• Project home page

• Project forum

• Project Blog

• Articles and tutorials in oxygen tank library

• Project Mailing lists


• Support services

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Better Open Source Enterprise C++ Web Services

  • 1. Better Open Source Enterprise C++ Web Services Introducing WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++ Nandika Jayawardana Product Manager
  • 2. Outline ● Introduction to WSF/C++ ● WSF/C++ Architecture ● Consuming and Providing Web services ➢ Client API ➢ Service API ● Working with Code Generation Tool ● Security in Web services ➢ HTTPS/SSL ➢ WS-security ● Handling attachments ● Deploying WSF/C++ ● Performance and feature comparisons ● Summary
  • 3. Introduction to WSF/C++ ● All-in-one solution for the building and deploying of Web services in C++/C ● Designed for embedding within C or C++ software applications to enable Web services ● Utilizes many popular open source projects including Apache Axis2/C, Apache Rampart/C, Apache Sandesha2/C and Apache Savan/C ● Offers developers with a simple and comprehensive C++ API ● WSF/C++ has the same configurability and flexibility of Axis2/C
  • 7. Consuming and Providing Web Services ● Two approaches to create and consume web services ➢ Code first ● Start with code and build the contract ( WSDL ) based on code ➢ Contract first ● Start with contract ( WSDL ) and develop clients and services ● WSF/C++ provides comprehensive client and service API's for code first approach ● Contract first approach is supported by the code generation tool
  • 8. Client API ● ServiceClient class acts as the client API for WSF/C++ ● Options class provides methods to configure the client with various options. ● Steps in writing a client ➢ Initialize the environment ➢ Create an options class instance ➢ Set your options with options object ➢ Create a service client instance ➢ Create the XML payload using Axiom C++ ➢ Pass the payload to service client request or send method to invoke the service ➢ Process the received response
  • 9. Example Client Environment::initialize("echo.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE); ServiceClient sc("http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/echo"); OMNamespace * ns = new OMNamespace("", "ns1"); OMElement * payload = new OMElement(NULL,"echoIn", ns); OMElement * child = new OMElement(payload,"text", NULL); child->setText("Hello World!"); cout << endl << "Request: " << payload << endl; try { OMElement * response = sc.request(payload, ""); if (response) { cout << endl << "Response: " << response << endl; } } catch (WSFault & e) { if (sc.getLastSOAPFault()) { cout << endl << "Response: " << sc.getLastSOAPFault() << endl; } else { cout << endl << "Response: " << e << endl; } } delete payload;
  • 10. Axiom C++ ● Provides a pull parser based API for handling XML in C++ ● Built on top of Axiom/C API ● Very convenient and easy API to handle XML ● Classes in Axiom/C++ include ➢ OMNode ➢ OMElement ➢ OMText ➢ OMAttribute ➢ OMNamespace ➢ OMDataHandler
  • 11. Service API ● A service is deployed as a shared library contained within a directory with the same name as service ● A service descriptor named services.xml is used to configure the service ● All services are contained within the services folder in the WSF/C++ repository ● By default a service is loaded at the first service invocation ● ServiceSkeleton class defines the api interface for writing a service ● A service should extend from ServiceSkeleton class and implement the abstract methods defined in ServiceSkeleton class
  • 13. Service configuration ● services.xml <service name="echo"> <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false"> echo </parameter> <description> Echo Service </description> <operation name="echoString"> <messageReceiver class="wsf_cpp_msg_recv" /> <parameter name="wsamapping"> </parameter> <parameter name="RESTMethod">POST</parameter> <parameter name="RESTLocation">echoString</parameter> </operation> </service>
  • 14. Steps in implementing a service ● Extend from the ServiceSkeleton class ● Implement methods init(), invoke() and onFault() ● Define the service loading macro WSF_SERVICE_INIT(<class name>) ● Define methods corresponding to each of the service operations and implement the business logic. Make sure that these methods are mapped to service operations in your invoke method. ● Build the code into a shared library ● Copy and edit a services.xml to suit the service description ● Create a folder with the same name as service name and copy the created shared library and services.xml ● Copy newly created service to services folder under WSF/C++ repository
  • 15. Example Service #include <ServiceSkeleton.h> using namespace wso2wsf; class Echo: public ServiceSkeleton { public: WSF_EXTERN WSF_CALL Echo(){}; OMElement* WSF_CALL invoke(OMElement *message, MessageContext *msgCtx); OMElement* WSF_CALL onFault(OMElement *message); void WSF_CALL init(){}; }; OMElement* Echo::invoke(OMElement *msg, MessageContext *msgCtx) { if(!msg) return NULL; OMNamespace *inputNamespace = msg->getNamespace(); OMNamespace *ns = NULL; if(inputNamespace) { ns = new OMNamespace(inputNamespace->getURI(), inputNamespace->getPrefix()); } OMElement *childEle = dynamic_cast<OMElement*>(msg->getFirstChild()); if(childEle) { std::string childtext = childEle->getText(); OMElement *echoEle = new OMElement(msg->getLocalname(), ns); OMElement *text = new OMElement("text"); echoEle->addChild(text); text->setText(childtext); return echoEle; }else { std::cout<<"Casting Failed"<<std::endl; } return NULL; }
  • 16. Code Generation Tool ● WSF/C++ code generation tool is available in two forms ➢ As an eclipse plug-in wizard ➢ As a command line tool ● Codegen tool generates ➢ Client Stubs ➢ Service Skeletons ➢ Service descriptor (services.xml) ➢ Build script for Linux ➢ Visual Studio project files for windows ● Handles wsdl imports and Xml Schema imports and most Xml Schema constructs
  • 20. Command line code generation tool ● In the windows binary distribution, code generation tool is available in the <WSFCPP_HOME>bintoolscodegenwsdl2cpp directory ● In the WSF/C++ source distribution, the source code of the code generation tool and build scripts are available. ● Install maven2 and run the build scripts to build the code generation tool from source ➢ On windows use build_codegen.bat and copy_codegen.bat ➢ On Linux use script
  • 21. Code Generation tool options ● -uri ← WSDL URI ● -ss ← Generate server side code ● -sd ← Generate service descriptor ● -u ← Unpack classes ● -uw ← Unwrapped mode ● -o ← Output directory ● -d ← Data binding options ( adb or none ) ● Examples WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -u -d adb -o calc WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -d none -o calc WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -u -d adb -ss -sd -o calc
  • 22. Code Generated Client int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { Environment::initialize("calculator.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE); string endpointUri = "http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/Calculator"; string clientHome = AXIS2_GETENV("WSFCPP_HOME"); if(clientHome.empty()) cout<<"Please Set WSFCPP_HOME environment variable"<<endl; /** * Create a new calculator stub and invoke the methods */ CalculatorStub *stub = NULL; stub = new CalculatorStub(clientHome, endpointUri); int addResult = stub->add(10,10); cout<<"Calculation 10 + 10 = " <<addResult<<endl; int subResult = stub->sub(20,10); cout<<"Calculation 20 – 10 = "<<subResult<<endl; int divResult = stub->div(100,10); cout<<"Calculation 100/10, = "<<divResult<<endl; int mulResult = stub->mul(15,15); cout<<"Calculation 15*15 = "<<mulResult<<endl; delete stub; }
  • 23. Code Generated Service #include "CalculatorSkeleton.h" int main( using namespace localhost_axis_calculator; int argc, char *argv[]) int CalculatorSkeleton::mul(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a,int _b) {{ Environment::initialize("calculator.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE); return _a*_b; } string endpointUri = "http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/Calculator"; string clientHome = AXIS2_GETENV("WSFCPP_HOME"); if(clientHome.empty()) int CalculatorSkeleton::div(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a0,int _b1) { cout<<"Please Set WSFCPP_HOME environment variable"<<endl; /** if(_b1 != 0) * Create a new calculator stub and invoke the methods { */ return _a0/_b1; CalculatorStub *stub = NULL; } stub = new CalculatorStub(clientHome, endpointUri); else int addResult = stub->add(10,10); { cout<<"Calculation 10 + 10 = " <<addResult<<endl; std::cout<<"Cannot divide by zero"; return 0; int subResult = stub->sub(20,10); } cout<<"Calculation 20 – 10 = "<<subResult<<endl; } int divResult = stub->div(100,10); int CalculatorSkeleton::sub(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a2,int _b3) cout<<"Calculation 100/10, = "<<divResult<<endl; { return _a2 - _b3; int mulResult = stub->mul(15,15); } cout<<"Calculation 15*15 = "<<mulResult<<endl; int CalculatorSkeleton::add(wso2wsf::MessageContext *outCtx ,int _a4,int _b5) delete stub; { } return _a4 + _b5; }
  • 24. Security in Web services ● Important confidential data exchanged need to be secured ● Security is an essential aspect for any enterprise software deployment ● Achieve security properties ➢ Confidentiality ● Assurance that the message has not been read by anyone other than the intended reader ➢ Integrity ● The assurance that data is complete and accurate ➢ Non-repudiation ● Prevent denial of action ➢ Authentication ● The verification of a claimed identity
  • 25. Transport Level Security ● Achieved by using HTTPS ● Provides confidentiality through encryption ● Provides integrity through digital signature ● Service authenticate to client via certificates ● Client can authenticate to the service via certificates / basic, digest authentication
  • 26. Configuring HTTPS in WSF/C++ ● HTTPS is configured in the axis2.xml <transportReceiver name="https" class="axis2_http_receiver"> <parameter name="port" locked="false">6060</parameter> </transportReceiver> <transportSender name="https" class="axis2_http_sender"> <parameter name="PROTOCOL" locked="false">HTTP/1.1</parameter> <parameter name="xml-declaration" insert="false"/> </transportSender> <parameter name="SERVER_CERT">/path/to/ca/certificate</parameter> <parameter name="KEY_FILE">/path/to/client/certificate/chain/file</parameter> <parameter name="SSL_PASSPHRASE">passphrase</parameter>
  • 27. WS-Security with WSF/C++ ● WS-Security 1.0 and 1.1 ➢ Base security standards mean that messages can be protected using Encryption, Authentication and Signature ● WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation ➢ Advanced security standards allow single-sign on, more efficient encryption and more secure deployment ● WS-Policy and WS-SecurityPolicy ➢ Enables using industry standard XML to configure security
  • 28. Configuring Client Security ● Client security is configured by specifying the policy file to the client ● WSF/C++ provides number of callback interfaces such as PasswordCallback, AuthenticationProvider for handling user security parameters. ● When implementing these callback handlers, extend from these classes and implement the abstract methods ServiceClient sc(client_repo, end_point); sc.engageModule(AXIS2_MODULE_ADDRESSING); sc.engageModule("rampart") sc.setPolicy(new NeethiPolicy(client_repo + "/" + policy_file));
  • 29. Configuring Service Security ● Service security is configured in the services.xml <service name="sec_echo"> <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false">sec_echo</parameter> <module ref="rampart"/> <operation name="echoString"> <parameter name="wsamapping"></parameter> </operation> <wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp=""> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:All> ........................ <rampc:RampartConfig xmlns:rampc=""> <rampc:User>Bob</rampc:User> <rampc:EncryptionUser>b</rampc:EncryptionUser> <rampc:PasswordType>Digest</rampc:PasswordType> <rampc:PasswordCallbackClass>E:wso2-wsf-cpp-bin-2.1.0- win32sampleslibpwcb.dll</rampc:PasswordCallbackClass> <rampc:ReceiverCertificate>E:wso2-wsf-cpp-bin-2.1.0- win32samplessrccrampartc/data/keys/bhome/alice_cert.cert</rampc:ReceiverCertificate> <rampc:Certificate>E:wso2-wsf-cpp-bin-2.1.0- win32samplessrccrampartcdatakeysbhomebob_cert.cert</rampc:Certificate> <rampc:PrivateKey>E:wso2-wsf-cpp-bin-2.1.0- win32samplessrccrampartcdatakeysbhomebob_key.pem</rampc:PrivateKey> </rampc:RampartConfig> </wsp:All> </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:Policy> </service>
  • 30. Web Service attachments ● Attachments ➢ Video, Images, Documents, ... ● There are two ways to transfer binary data in SOAP ➢ By Value (Encoded text of data within the xml) ● base64 – 4/3x original size ● hex – 2x original size ➢ Reference ● pointer to outside the XML ● MTOM/XOP ➢ Standardised approach to transfer binary data ● With WSF/C++ you can do Base64, SwA and MTOM ➢ Attachment caching enables users to handle large attachments with constant memory
  • 31. Handling Binary Attachments with WSF/C++ ● DataHandler class is the main API for handling attachments ● DataHandler is associated with Axiom Text ServiceClient sc(end_point); sc.engageModule(AXIS2_MODULE_ADDRESSING); Options * op = sc.getOptions(); op->setEnableMTOM(true); OMNamespace * ns1 = new OMNamespace("", "ns1"); OMElement * payload = new OMElement(NULL,"mtomSample", NULL); OMElement * child1 = new OMElement(payload,"fileName", NULL); child1->setText("test.jpg"); OMElement * child2 = new OMElement(payload,"image", NULL); OMDataHandler * data_handler = new OMDataHandler(file_name, "image/jpeg"); OMText * child3 = new OMText(child2, data_handler); child3->optimize(true); try { OMElement * response = sc.request(payload, ""); } .......
  • 32. Other Features in WSF/C++ ● Full REST support (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST) with custom URI Mapping ➢ Enables mapping a REST API easily and naturally ● WS-Reliable Messaging 1.0, 1.1 and WS-RMPolicy ➢ Enables reliability between platforms including message resending, duplicate detection and persistence ● XMPP, TCP, UDP,AMQP transports ● Useful tools ➢ wsclient ➢ Tcpmon
  • 34. Feature Comparison Package WSDL Security Attachments Reliability License RogueWave Partial Partial Partial No Proprietary HydraExpress EULA gSOAP Partial Partial Partial No GPL/ gSOAP Public License WSO2 WSF/C Partial Yes Yes Yes Apache2 WSO2 WSF/C++ Partial Yes Yes Yes Apache2
  • 35. Performance Comparison 9000 8000 7000 6000 MessagesPerSecond 5000 WSAS WSF/CPP 4000 A proprietary stack Gsoap(CGI mode) 3000 2000 1000 0 150b 1k 10k 100k MessageSize
  • 36. WSF/C++ is better • Open Source with Apache2 License • Best performance • Built on mature Apache projects • Support widest range of web services specifications • Multiple Deployment options - Apache Httpd, IIS or standalone • Proven interoperability with other implementations • Portability and platform support • Built-in code generation tool to support rapid development • Developer friendly tooling ➢ Eclipse code generation plug-in wizard • Fully commercially supported
  • 37. Roadmap • Manageability using WSO2 Carbon console • Options to statically link WSF/C++ (Specially in Client side) • SAML 1.1 & 2.0 support • Improving https certificate handling • HTTP session support • Code generation tool enhancements ➢ Inheritance, WSPolicy, REST, MTOM, Docs, test cases
  • 38. Summary • Rich API for implementing clients and services ➢ with code first approach ➢ with code generation tool • Securing web services using both SSL and WS-Security • Ability to handle binary attachments • Reliable Messaging support • Multiple deployment options – Apache httpd, Microsoft IIS • Outstanding performance with high throughput and low memory footprint
  • 39. Useful Links • Project home page ➢ • Project forum ➢ • Project Blog ➢ • Articles and tutorials in oxygen tank library ➢ • Project Mailing lists ➢ ➢ • Support services ➢