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@theburningmonkYan Cui @theburningmonk
Hi, my name is Yan Cui.
dark shades of blue, red, green & purple
white & some shades of yellow
some shades of green & blue
other shades of green, red & brown
“The limits of my
language means the
limits of my world.”
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Borrowed Pointers Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Actor Model
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Borrowed Pointers Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Actor Model
1. define DTO types
2. I/O
3. marshal data into DTO
4. do useful work
1. define DTO types
2. I/O
3. marshal data into DTO
4. do useful work
data source typed info
type providers
intellisense over S3
buckets & objects!
compile time validation
no code generation
Amazon S3
SQL Server
Don Syme
Don Syme can taste lies.
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Borrowed Pointers Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Actor Model
“…a clean design is one that
supports visual thinking so
people can meet their
informational needs with a
minimum of conscious effort.”
- Daniel Higginbotham
Whilst talking with an ex-colleague, a question came up on how to implement the Stable Marriage
problem using a message passing approach. Naturally, I wanted to answer that question with Erlang!
Let’s first dissect the problem and decide what processes we need and how they need to interact with
one another.
The stable marriage problem is commonly stated as:
Given n men and n women, where each person has ranked all members of the opposite sex with a
unique number between 1 and n in order of preference, marry the men and women together such that
there are no two people of opposite sex who would both rather have each other than their current
partners. If there are no such people, all the marriages are “stable”. (It is assumed that the participants
are binary gendered and that marriages are not same-sex).
From the problem description, we can see that we need:
* a module for man
* a module for woman
* a module for orchestrating the experiment
In terms of interaction between the different modules, I imagined something along the lines of…
how we read ENGLISH
see also
Whilst talking with an ex-colleague, a question came up on how to implement the Stable Marriage
problem using a message passing approach. Naturally, I wanted to answer that question with Erlang!
Let’s first dissect the problem and decide what processes we need and how they need to interact with
one another.
The stable marriage problem is commonly stated as:
Given n men and n women, where each person has ranked all members of the opposite sex with a
unique number between 1 and n in order of preference, marry the men and women together such that
there are no two people of opposite sex who would both rather have each other than their current
partners. If there are no such people, all the marriages are “stable”. (It is assumed that the participants
are binary gendered and that marriages are not same-sex).
From the problem description, we can see that we need:
* a module for man
* a module for woman
* a module for orchestrating the experiment
In terms of interaction between the different modules, I imagined something along the lines of…
how we read ENGLISH
see also
how we read CODE
public void DoSomething(int x, int y)
see also
how we read CODE
public void DoSomething(int x, int y)
see also
Whilst talking with an ex-colleague, a question came up on
how to implement the Stable Marriage problem using a
message passing approach. Naturally, I wanted to answer
that question with Erlang!
Let’s first dissect the problem and decide what processes we
need and how they need to interact with one another.
The stable marriage problem is commonly stated as:
Given n men and n women, where each person has ranked
all members of the opposite sex with a unique number
between 1 and n in order of preference, marry the men and
women together such that there are no two people of
opposite sex who would both rather have each other than
their current partners. If there are no such people, all the
marriages are “stable”. (It is assumed that the participants
are binary gendered and that marriages are not same-sex).
From the problem description, we can see that we need:
* a module for man
* a module for woman
* a module for orchestrating the experiment
In terms of interaction between the different modules, I
imagined something along the lines of…
how we read ENGLISH
public void DoSomething(int x, int y)
how we read CODE
see also
“…a clean design is one that
supports visual thinking so
people can meet their
informational needs with a
minimum of conscious effort.”
how we read CODE
let drawCircle x y radius =
radius |> circle
|> filled (rgb 150 170 150)
|> alpha 0.5
|> move (x, y)
see also
how we read CODE
let drawCircle x y radius =
radius |> circle
|> filled (rgb 150 170 150)
|> alpha 0.5
|> move (x, y)
see also
let drawCircle x y radius =
circle radius
|> filled (rgb 150 170 150)
|> alpha 0.5
|> move (x, y)
see also
let drawCircle x y radius =
circle radius
|> filled (rgb 150 170 150)
|> alpha 0.5
|> move (x, y)
see also
let drawCircle x y radius =
circle radius
|> filled (rgb 150 170 150)
|> alpha 0.5
|> move (x, y)
see also
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Borrowed Pointers Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Actor Model
NASA orbiter crashed
because one engineer
accidentally used miles
instead of kilometres
you’re never too smart
to make mistakes
type Pence
e.g. 42<Pence>
10<Meter> / 2<Second> = 5<Meter/Second>
10<Meter> * 2<Second> = 20<Meter Second>
10<Meter> + 10<Meter> = 20<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10 = 100<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10<Meter> = 100<Meter2>
10<Meter> + 2<Second> // error
10<Meter> + 2 // error
10<Meter> / 2<Second> = 5<Meter/Second>
10<Meter> * 2<Second> = 20<Meter Second>
10<Meter> + 10<Meter> = 20<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10 = 100<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10<Meter> = 100<Meter2>
10<Meter> + 2<Second> // error
10<Meter> + 2 // error
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Borrowed Pointers Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Actor Model
…homoiconicity is a property of some
programming languages in which the program
structure is similar to its syntax, and therefore
the program’s internal representation can be
inferred by reading the text’s layout…
code is data
data is code
(let [x 1]
(inc x))
see also
(let [x 1]
(inc x))
=> 2
see also
list (1 2 3)
vector [1 2 3]
see also
(let [x 1]
(inc x))
see also
(let [x 1]
(inc x))
see also
(let [x 1]
(inc x))
see also
(let [x 1]
(inc x))
see also
form :
code as data structure
see also
code data
see also
(+ 1 2)
=> 3
see also
(+ 1 2)
=> 3
(quote (+ 1 2))
=> (+ 1 2)
see also
(+ 1 2)
=> 3
(quote (+ 1 2))
=> (+ 1 2)
‘(+ 1 2)
=> (+ 1 2)
see also
‘(+ 1 2)
=> (+ 1 2)
(eval ‘(+ 1 2))
=> 3
see also
(defmacro assert-equals [actual expected]
‘(let [actual-val# ~actual]
(when-not (= actual-val# ~expected)
(str “FAIL in “ ‘~actual
“n expected: “ ‘~expected
“n actual: “ actual-val#))))))
see also
(assert-equals (inc 1) 2) ; => nil
(assert-equals (inc 1) (+ 0 1))
; => AssertionError FAIL in (inc 1)
; expected: (+ 0 1)
; actual: 2
see also
(assert-equals (inc 1) 2) ; => nil
(assert-equals (inc 1) (+ 0 1))
; => AssertionError FAIL in (inc 1)
; expected: (+ 0 1)
; actual: 2
see also
(assert-equals (inc 1) 2) ; => nil
(assert-equals (inc 1) (+ 0 1))
; => AssertionError FAIL in (inc 1)
; expected: (+ 0 1)
; actual: 2
huh?? where? what? how?
see also
(defmacro assert-equals [actual expected]
‘(let [actual-val# ~actual]
(when-not (= actual-val# ~expected)
(str “FAIL in “ ‘~actual
“n expected: “ ‘~expected
“n actual: “ actual-val#))))))
(assert-equals (inc 1) (+ 0 1))
see also
(defmacro assert-equals [actual expected]
‘(let [actual-val# ~actual]
(when-not (= actual-val# ~expected)
(str “FAIL in “ ‘~actual
“n expected: “ ‘~expected
“n actual: “ actual-val#))))))
(assert-equals (inc 1) (+ 0 1))
see also
(defmacro assert-equals [actual expected]
‘(let [actual-val# ~actual]
(when-not (= actual-val# ~expected)
(str “FAIL in “ ‘~actual
“n expected: “ ‘~expected
“n actual: “ actual-val#))))))
(assert-equals (inc 1) (+ 0 1))
see also
(defmacro assert-equals [actual expected]
‘(let [actual-val# ~actual]
(when-not (= actual-val# ~expected)
(str “FAIL in “ ‘~actual
“n expected: “ ‘~expected
“n actual: “ actual-val#))))))
see also
(defmacro assert-equals [actual expected]
‘(let [actual-val# ~actual]
(when-not (= actual-val# ~expected)
(str “FAIL in “ ‘~actual
“n expected: “ ‘~expected
“n actual: “ actual-val#))))))
see also
expanded at
compile time
see also
(macroexpand '(assert-equals (inc 1) (+ 0 1)))
; =>
; (let* [actual-value__16087__auto__ (inc 1)]
; (clojure.core/when-not
; (clojure.core/= actual-value__16087__auto__ (+ 0 1))
; (throw (java.lang.AssertionError.
; (clojure.core/str
; "FAIL in " (quote (inc 1))
; "nexpected: " (quote (+ 0 1))
; "n actual: " actual-value__16087__auto__)))))
see also
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Borrowed Pointers Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Actor Model
GC is great
runtime cost
see also
memory safety
without GC
see also
runtime cost
see also
safety + speed
see also
fn foo() {
// v has ownership of the vector
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
// mutable binding
let mut v2 = vec![];
// vector is deallocated at the
// end of scope,
// this happens deterministically
see also
immutable by default
see also
// take ownership
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
see also
// take ownership
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
// moved ownership to v2
let v2 = v;
see also
// take ownership
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
// moved ownership to v2
let v2 = v;
println!("v[0] is {}", v[0]);
// error: use of moved value: `v`
// println!("v[0] is {}", v[0]);
// ^
see also
fn take(v : Vec<i32>) {
// ownership of vector transferred
// to v in this scope
see also
// take ownership
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
// moved ownership
see also
// take ownership
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
// moved ownership
println!("v[0] is {}", v[0]);
// error: use of moved value: `v`
// println!("v[0] is {}", v[0]);
// ^
see also
see also
let me buy
your book
see also
sure thing!
see also
see also
see also
but I
still need it..
see also
see also
// note we're taking a reference,
// &Vec<i32>, instead of Vec<i32>
fn take(v : &Vec<i32>) {
// no need to deallocate the vector
// after we go out of scope here
see also
// take ownership
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
// notice we're passing a reference,
// &v, instead of v
take(&v); // borrow ownership
println!("v[0] is {}", v[0]);
// v[0] is 1
see also
let me
borrow your
see also
sure thing!
see also
see also
I’m done,
here you go
see also
see also
immutable by default
see also
fn take(v : &Vec<i32>) {
let v = vec![];
// cannot borrow immutable borrowed
// content `*v` as mutable
// v.push(5);
// ^
see also
fn take(v : &mut Vec<i32>) {
let mut v = vec![];
take(&mut v);
println!("v[0] is {}", v[0]);
// v[0] is 5
see also
there are 2 rules to BORROWING
Rule 1.
the borrower’s scope must not
outlast the owner
see also
Rule 2.
one of the following, but not both:
2.1 0 or more refs to a resource
2.2 exactly 1 mutable ref
see also
data race
There is a ‘data race’ when two or more pointers
access the same memory location at the same
time, where at least one of them is writing, and
the operations are not synchronised.
see also
data race
a. two or more pointers to the same resource
b. at least one is writing
c. operations are not synchronised
see also
Data Race Conditions
a. two or more pointers to the same resource
b. at least one is writing
c. operations are not synchronised
Borrowing Rules
one of the following, but not both:
2.1 0 or more refs to a resource
2.2 exactly 1 mutable ref
see also
Data Race Conditions
a. two or more pointers to the same resource
b. at least one is writing
c. operations are not synchronised
Borrowing Rules
one of the following, but not both:
2.1 0 or more refs to a resource
2.2 exactly 1 mutable ref
see also
see also
Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Borrowed Pointers
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Actor Model
seen generics?
aka parametric polymorphism
List<int> List<Cat>
what if…
types that depend on
arbitrary values?
Vect n a
vector of n elements of type a
zipWith :
(a -> b -> c)
-> Vect n a
-> Vect n b
-> Vect n c
zipWith f [] [] = []
zipWith f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
f x y :: zipWith f xs ys
Type Driven Development
“Make illegal states unrepresentable”
- Yaron Minsky
Type Provider Pipes
Statically Resolved TP
Implicit Interface
Borrowed Pointers Dependent Types
Uniqueness Types
Bit Syntax
Actor Model
10,000 hours to be
good at something
see also
10,000 hours to be
good at something
see also
10,000 hours to reach
top of an ultra-
competitive field
see also
the first 20 hours -
how to learn anything
see also
Practice Time
see also
1.Deconstruct the skill
see also
1.Deconstruct the skill
2.Learn enough to self-correct
see also
1.Deconstruct the skill
2.Learn enough to self-correct
3.Remove practice barriers
see also
1.Deconstruct the skill
2.Learn enough to self-correct
3.Remove practice barriers
4.Practice at least 20 hrs
see also
learn a new paradigm
not a new syntax
see also
“Programming languages
have a devious influence:
they shape our thinking
- Edsger W. Dijkstra
logic programming
array programming
“A language that doesn't
affect the way you think
about programming, is not
worth knowing.”
- Alan Perlis
see also
see also
“Learning is an act of creation
itself, because something
happens in you that wasn't
there before.”
- Alan Kay

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