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Invisible armies
information, purpose and the real enterprise
Tom Graves, Tetradian Consulting
Integrated EA Conference, London, March 2015
the futures of business
This one’s
about a ladder…
CC-BY-NC-ND shannonmary via Flickr
a spiky thing…
CC-BY-NC-ND jhardy1 via Flickr
and invisible armies
CC-BY-NC-SA anne-ostsee via Flickr
(you can’t see them, but they’re always there…)
but first, two words…
I’m not swearing at you
– honest!
they’re German military terms…
CC-BY-SA ooocha via Flickr
(probably typified by this guy?)
translates as
or, more loosely,
“commander’s intent”
translates as
“finger-tip feeling”
or, more loosely,
“everything at the finger-tips”
…both of which we need
in business and elsewhere
So how does this work,
in an architectural sense?
An army has lots of things…
CC-BY armymaterielcommand via Flickr
lots of stuff…
CC-BY-NC 20bdephotographer via Flickr
always more
CC-BY armymaterielcommand via Flickr
and people too
– the visible army
CC-BY-NC marine_corps via Flickr
but all that stuff can’t
stand up on its own
– it needs more to
support it
CC-BY-NC-SA 39825511@N08 via Flickr
Information is part of this,
of course…
(“Every business is
an information business”)
audible information…
(source not known)
visible information…
CC-BY-ND funfilledgeorgie via Flickr
not-so-visible information…
CC-BY-NC-SA owenhurrell via Flickr
invisible information
CC-BY-SA timo_w2s via Flickr
(an invisible army of information)
made visible (sort-of…)
CC-BY-NC-ND US DoD via Flickr
That invisible army
of information
may create new possibilities
for ‘secret weapons’…
German secret weapon, WWII
CC-BY-SA ooocha via Flickr
(actually not this guy…)
(…US attache in Cairo using a broken codebook)
(via Keith Lockstone)
British secret weapon, WWII
(source not known)
British secret weapon, WWII
Medmenham Collection
US not-secret weapon, WWII
CC-BY-ND caveman_92223 via Flickr
US secret weapon, WWII
CC-BY-SA ooocha via Flickr
British secret weapon, today
CC-BY-NC defenceimages via Flickr
different senses,
different data…
CC-BY-NC defenceimages via Flickr
but there’s also
“…someone had blunder’d”
order from Lord Raglan to Lord Lucan, Balaklava, 25 October 1854
“…someone had blunder’d”
William Simpson, ‘A Detailed Depiction of the Charge of the Light Brigade’, from ‘The Seat of War in the East, 1855-6’
and deliberate
How do you fake one of these?
(source not known)
(Operation Taxable,
D-Day, 6 June
Answer: use a handful of these...
CC-BY-SA nick_1301 via Wikipedia
a bunch of these…
CC-BY-ND caveman_92223 via Flickr
and these…
(source not known)
with some
of these.
Information is important, yet
stuff plus information
is still not enough
to stand on its own…
(two nails)
CC-BY-NC-SA w-tommerdich via Flickr
We need four dimensions
CC-BY-NC-ND jhardy1 via Flickr
Four dimensions:
• stuff
• information
• relations
• purpose
Four dimensions:
• stuff (content)
• information (context)
• relations (connections)
• purpose (clarity)
Four dimensions as tetradian
(clarity / 'Business')
(connection / 'People')
(content / 'Technology')
(context / 'Knowledge')
(rotate between
the views)
Tetradian in tangible form
CC-BY-NC Tom Graves
To support our visible stuff
and invisible information,
we also need those other
invisible armies…
relations and purpose
Relations provide
between team members…
CC-BY-SA westmidlandspolice via Flickr
relations and
roles within
a unit…
CC-BY-NC-ND defenceimages via Flickr
relations between ranks…
relations between units…
relations between peoples…
across language-barriers…
CC-BY thenationalguard via Flickr
relations with others…
CC-BY-NC defenceimages via Flickr
(source not known)
CC-BY soldiersmediacenter via Flickr
CC-BY expertinfantry via Flickr
but there’s also
and/or disrelation…
otherwise known as a mess…
CC-BY Diego Fernández via Wikimedia
Purpose provides clarity…
(and clarity provides purpose)
Clarity: “I know why I’m here”
CC-BY-NC defenceimages via Flickr
each unit creates its own story…
each has its own identity…
CC-BY Tom Graves
its connection with place.…
CC-BY Tom Graves
rituals are important…
CC-BY-NC defenceimages via Flickr
“Queen’s Birthday”
CC-BY stirlingcouncil via Flickr
Loss of connection to purpose
will destroy morale…
Celebrated for a century…
via Vectis Auctions
what happens to morale…
Public-domain via Wikimedia
…when a unit is disbanded?
Public-domain via Wikimedia
What happens
when units are merged?
“they’re all technical folks,
don’t worry, they’ll get on
like a house on fire!”
they did…
CC-BY-NC-SA nrwilson via Flickr
be careful about
what you change,
how, where and why
– don’t mess with morale!
To make it work,
link all the dimensions
Tetradian in tangible form
CC-BY-NC Tom Graves
Tetradian in tangible form
CC-BY-NC Tom Graves
Tetradian in tangible form
CC-BY-NC Tom Graves
Tetradian in tangible form
CC-BY-NC Tom Graves
Every business has
all manner of things,
or physical, tangible ‘stuff’
Every business is
also an information-business
Every business is
also an information-business
Every business is
also a relations-business
Every business is
also an information-business
Every business is
also a relations-business
Every business is
also a purpose-business
Every business is
also an information-business
Every business is
also a relations-business
Every business is
also a purpose-business
All of these, together, always
Information is important,
but it’s not the only thing
that’s important…
beware of
None of this
is really new…
Fougasse, 1940
security was
Fougasse, 1940
security is everyone’s responsibility…
MoD ‘Think Before You…’ (‘Careless Talk Costs Lives’) campaign, 2011
mail maintains morale…
Imperial War Museum via Google
work with the real world…
CC-BY-NC marine_corps via Flickr
honour your secret weapons…
CC-BY-NC marine_corps via Flickr
everything depends
on everything else
– visible and invisible
Which is where
we come back to…
and that ladder…
CC-BY-NC-ND shannonmary via Flickr
Remember SCAN, from last year?
certain uncertain
edge of
edge of
edge of
edge of
with all those feedback-loops?
certain uncertain
edge of
edge of
edge of
rules edge of
Let’s use this in another way
certain uncertain
edge of
Plan versus action
certain uncertain
What we plan to do, in the expected conditions
What we actually do, in the actual conditions
edge of
Responsibilities: plan and action
certain uncertain
PLAN: Officers?
ACTION: Other Ranks?
“No plan survives first contact
with the enemy”
Feedback for plan and action
certain uncertain
(we need
feedback loops
between plan
and action)
(depends on
personal connection,
personal trust)
(depends on
sensing, feeling,
an often-literal
‘being in touch’)
John Boyd’s ‘OODA’
(The same type of feedback-loop,
but with more-specific detail)
Without connection to
purpose, what we get is
POSIWID – ‘the purpose of
the system is what it does’
which could be anything…
Why auftragstaktik?
Without connection to reality,
decisions are made on
assumptions and
Not A Good Idea…
Why fingerspitzengefühl?
keep things real
– don’t mistake
‘policy-based evidence’
for evidence-based policy…
information about a thing
is not the thing itself
information about a connection
is not the connection itself
information about purpose
is not the purpose itself
is only information
– don’t confuse it
with anything else!
One person, one layer…
certain uncertain
observation /
intent /
Two layers…
certain uncertain
observation /
intent /
concrete world
abstract world
Three layers…
certain uncertain
concrete world
abstract world
observation /
intent /
intent /
observation /
information world
(abstract + concrete)
Four layers…
certain uncertain
concrete world
abstract world
information world
information world
observation /
intent /
intent /
observation /
observation /
intent /
Five layers…
certain uncertain
concrete world
abstract world
information world
information world
information world
observation /
intent /
intent /
observation /
observation /
intent /
observation /
intent /
Army has seventeen layers!
certain uncertain
concrete world
abstract world
information only?
observation /
intent /
intent /
observation /
observation /
intent /
observation /
intent /
How can a mid-rank officer
stuck behind a desk in a city
know and understand
what’s happening
and what needs to happen
out in the field?
– as architects,
it’s our task to identify
the support that’s needed
to make that happen…
not just ‘possible to happen’,
but as probable as possible
for it to happen
Which information?
In an ecology,
the crucial interactions
will often be visible
only at the edges…
Information as unified whole…
certain uncertain
(structured data
embedded within
…with the crusts cut off…
certain uncertain
…and split apart
certain uncertain
chaotic mess?
simplistic delusion?
(structured data
without context)
(unstructured nuances
without continuity)
Big-data = big-noise
how will your architecture
make it easier
to find the signal?
Nuances matter!
how will your architecture
support and maintain
– the human connection?
– the subtle details?
“In an insurgency,
every action and inaction
by any soldier
will be interpreted as
a political statement”
Nuances matter!
If nuances are carried through…
certain uncertain
political awareness
intended impacts
information heard…
CC-BY isafmedia via Flickr
creates connections…
CC-BY usasoc via Flickr
and shared-purpose…
CC-BY-NC marine_corps via Flickr
…which is what
we want and need.
without those nuances…
certain uncertain
muddled chaos…
‘inexplicable’ political impacts
(imaginary world
of sanitised info)
key information may be missed…
order from Lord Raglan to Lord Lucan, Balaklava, 25 October 1854
may be
(source not known)
things get bent out of shape…
(source not known)
then you’re everyone’s target…
CC-BY Diego Fernández via Wikimedia
“In an insurgency,
every action and inaction
by any soldier
will be interpreted as
a political statement”
Nuances matter!
How will your architecture
support and maintain
– the human connection?
– the subtle details?
Relations + purpose
Hierarchy of command
may not be as simple
as it might seem…
‘Command and control’
certain uncertain
(top-down, one-way
only, feedback is
and control”
Sir George
Public-domain via Wikipedia
“a sometimes
“when officially
engaged, a very
brusque and
dictatorial man”
HMS Victoria, 1893
Public-domain: James Alexander Collot via Wikipedia
“Even then, they still waited for
permission to take the action which
might have prevented the collision”
can be as much of a risk as
Same risks of ‘over-control’
still exist today,
though often in new forms
– the flood of new information
does not always help in this…
The camera
sees all…
CC-BY soldiersmediacenter via Flickr
back to base…
CC-BY-NC defenceimages via Flickr
…but who decides, on the ground?
CC-BY soldiersmediacenter via Flickr
does not translate as
“every move you make,
we’ll micromanage you”
“Even then, they still waited
for permission to take the
action which might have
prevented the collision…”
can be lethal!
but also…
does not translate as
“ignore HQ, I’ll Do It My Way”
(aka ‘Agile’?)
So, architecturally,
what can we do
about this?
one answer:
CC-BY-SA navasurfaceforces via Flickr
“freshly made,
freshly baked,
CC-BY-NC compacflt via Flickr
Normal: Chain of Command…
During action: Any-to-any…
In hierarchy/flat structure:
ranks represent
roles and responsibilities
everyone is
different and equal,
both at the same time
an everyday concern…
CC-BY-NC slieschke via Flickr
use it to bond relations as a crew
CC-BY-SA navalsurfaceforces via Flickr
relations and purpose
are crucial to making this work
– don’t leave them out
of the architecture!
Thinking architecturally
about capabilities
may afford support for
new uses, tasks, options
‘Defence of the Realm’
increasingly implies
a much broader meaning…
From warfighting…
CC-BY-NC-ND defenceimages via Flickr
to peacekeeping
CC-BY-NC-ND un_photo via Flickr
CC-BY civmilcoe via Flickr
and disaster-relief…
CC-BY dvids via Flickr
to response against pandemics
CC-BY-NC-ND dfids via Flickr
or all of these roles, together
CC-BY-NC-ND un_photo via Flickr
Affordances arise
from noticing the real world
if sometimes not
what we’d usually expect…
affordances can be unexpected…
CC-BY-NC-SA 29997533@N03 via Flickr
To wrap this up…
if we’re not careful
about our architecture,
it could,
through its own structure,
a certain lack of awareness…
CC-BY-NC-ND robnwatkins via Flickr
instead, we need to ensure
that our architecture
will support all elements
and affordances for
the context, including…
visible things
visible action
invisible information
invisible connections
invisible purpose
invisible information
CC-BY isafmedia via Flickr
invisible connections
CC-BY usasoc via Flickr
invisible shared-purpose
CC-BY-NC marine_corps via Flickr
Use your architecture
to support all of
your invisible armies
“What’s the story?”
Thank you!
Contact: Tom Graves
Company: Tetradian Consulting
Twitter: @tetradian ( )
Books: • The enterprise as story: the role of narrative in enterprise-
architecture (2012)
• Mapping the enterprise: modelling the enterprise as services
with the Enterprise Canvas (2010)
• Everyday enterprise-architecture: sensemaking, strategy,
structures and solutions (2010)
• Doing enterprise-architecture: process and practice in the
real enterprise (2009)
Further information:

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