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Pavel Vachtl
Jak se dorozumět? Potenciál grafiky?
Velkou knihu přírody mohou číst jen ti, kteří
rozumějí jazyku, jímž byla napsána. A tímto
jazykem je matematika. (Galileo Galilei)
„Buď jsme ve vesmíru sami, anebo nejsme.
V každém případě je to ohromující.“
Lee Du Bridge (1977), prezident California Inst. of
Okruhy problémů
1- technické (jak zprávu přenést - signály, artefakty)
2- obsah zprávy (co tam napsat a jak to napsat
srozumitelně - sémantika, obecný okruh zkušeností,
kontext). Repetitivnost.
3- jazyk - gramatika, syntaxe, snadný kód, formátování (2
a 3 souvisejí) antikryptografie. Sémiotika - znaky
4- jak zabezpečit, že zpráva bude přijata (četnost
civilizací, kde mohou být)
5- proč vůbec takové zprávy vysílat? není lepší se
soustředit jen na přijímání? (CETI vs. SETI)
Stupně komunikace
1. Navázání komunikace (potvrzení umělého původu)
2. Dekódování zprávy a výměna slovníků
3. Výměna informací (co o nás prozradit?)
4. Koordinace akcí (Pozitivní - spolupráce, negativní -
5. Fyzický kontakt (artefakty, automatické sondy,
kontakt mezi bytostmi)
1-Malá historie pokusů komunikace
Nikola Tesla - radiová bouře na Jupiteru,
OZMA, CETI - Arecibo, Drake, Sagan,
Šklovskij (dnes Active SETI)
SETI, SERENDIP - pasivní hledání wow
signálu, miliony úzkých kanálů najednou
Artefakty na sondách Pioneer a Voyager
"...mé ucho zachytilo nepatrné signály, které pravidelně
přicházely z nějakého místa, které se muselo nacházet
mimo Zemi ... "(Nikola Tesla, 1919)
Tesla se už od roku 1896 zabýval myšlenkou
meziplanetární radiové komunikace s Marsem a napsal
na toto téma řadu článků. Existuje také spekulace, že
jedním ze svých přijímačů mohl zachytit signály
přicházející z pulsující magnetosféry Jupitera. (Jedná
se ale o čistou spekulaci nezaloženou na faktech.)
Začátky vědecké činnosti
-G. Cocconi + P. Morrison (1959): Nature
-rádiové spojení Frank Drake (1960): Projekt OZMA
(radioteleskop Green Bank)
-Drakeova rovnice (odhad pravděpodobnosti výskytu
technicky pokročilých mimozemských civilizací)
Mimozemšťany převedli ze scifi do světa vědy dva
američtí fyzici - Philip Morrison, který se za druhé
světové války podílel na vývoji atomové bomby, a
Guiseppe Cocconi, který se v CERN u Ženevy zabýval
elementárními částicemi hmoty.
V roce 1959 otiskli článek v časopisu Nature o
možnosti hledání rádiových signálů vyspělých
mimozemšťanů. Navrhli, aby se po nich pátralo na vlně
21 centimetrů, což je čára rádiového záření vodíku,
kterou musí znát každý odborník pozorující vesmír.
OZMA - Drake - pasivní poslech Tau Ceti a Epsilon
Radioteleskopy (elmag vlny)
kam zaměřit radioteleskopy:
V oblasti o průměru 15 světelných let je 7 hvězd, které
se svítivostí a velikostí podobají Slunci.
Čtyři z nich se nalézají ve sféře slabého rádiového
šumu: Tau Velryby, Omicron dvě Eridana, Epsilon
Eridana a Epsilon Indiana.
V okruhu o průměru 50 světelných let je takových
objektů asi 100.
Mléčná dráha - 300 ± 100 miliard hvězd
Struktura vesmíru - nejvzdál.
kvasar 29 mld sv. l.
●19. století – hierarchické modely vesmíru
planety, měsíce, planetky, kometyhvězdygalaxie
kupy galaxiínadkupy
atd. atd…
kupy galaxií
vesmír - 100
mld galaxií,
poloměr 46
mld ly
300 - 30 000
civilizací v galaxii
Rudolf Pešek (1966): Akronym CETI (hvězda τ Ceti) v
Iosif Šklovskij + Carl Sagan (1971): konference
Bjurakan •
IAA (1972): I. konference CETI (Vídeň) (později SETI ) •
Pioneer 10 a 11 (1972 a 1973): plakety s poselstvím
(Sagan) •
Radar Arecibo (1974): 3 TW vzkaz ke hvězdokupě M13 •
Voyager 1 a 2 (1977): videodesky s obsáhlým
poselstvím •
IAU (1982): 51. komise „Bioastronomie“ •
UCBerkeley (1999): Projekt SETI@home - naslouchání
ARECIBO - 305 metrů, zdroj pro
WOW signál - 1977
strong narrowband radio signal detected by Jerry R.
Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI
project at the Big Ear radio telescope of The Ohio
State University then located at Ohio Wesleyan
University'sPerkins Observatory, Delaware, Ohio.[1]
The signal bore expected hallmarks of potential
non-terrestrial and non-Solar System origin. It lasted
for the full 72-secondduration that Big Ear observed it,
but has not been detected again.
This region of the sky lies in the constellation
Sagittarius, roughly 2.5 degrees south of the
fifth-magnitude star group Chi Sagittarii, and about3.5
degrees south of the plane of the ecliptic. Tau
Sagittarii is the closest easily visible star.
První potřesení rukou
Jako u modemů nebo PC:
Tady je inteligence 1 x tady je inteligence 2
Jak to poznáme? Netriviální odpověď a
Rozvinutí prvního signálu - nesmí být
pasivní a mechanické, aby bylo jasné, že
nejde o přírodní jev.
Jazyk - matematika, geometrie, obrázky,
tóny, prvočísla (Gauss-Pythagoras)
Published in 1953 by Lancelot Hogben describes a system for
combining numbers and operators in a series of short and long
pulses. In Hogben's system, short pulses represent numbers,
while trains of long pulses represent symbols for addition,
subtraction, etc.
Lincos (Lingua cosmica)
Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse, published
in 1960 by Hans Freudenthal, expands upon Astraglossa to create
a general-purpose language derived from basic mathematics and
logic symbols. Several researchers have further expanded upon
Freudenthal's work. A Lincos-like dictionary was featured in the
Carl Sagan novel Contact and film adaptation.
Carl Sagan
The science fiction novel Contact by Carl Sagan explored in some
depth how a message might be constructed to allow
communication with an alien civilization, using the prime numbers
as a starting point.
universal language for inter-species communication
METI; it has a number of characteristic factors in its
signal, which include the encoding, length, and
content of its message. Researchers will broadcast it
using two main frequencies, 1.42 GHz or 4.46 GHz,
which an extraterrestrial civilisation of even “modest
technological abilities” would find easy to receive.
Algorithmic messages
Algorithmic communication systems are a relatively new field
within CETI. In these systems, which build upon early work on
mathematical languages, the sender describes a small set of
mathematics and logic symbols that form the basis for a
rudimentary programming language that the recipient can run on a
virtual machine. Algorithmic communication has a number of
advantages over static pictorial and mathematical
messages,[citation needed] including: localized communication
(the recipient can probe and interact with the programs within a
message, without transmitting a reply to the sender and then
waiting years for a response), forward error correction (the
message might contain algorithms that process data elsewhere in
the message), and the ability to embed proxy agents within the
message. In principle, a sophisticated program when run on a fast
enough computing substrate, may exhibit complex behavior and
perhaps intelligence.
CosmicOS, designed by Paul Fitzpatrick at MIT, describes a virtual
machine that is derived from lambda calculus.
Realized projects
These projects have targeted stars between 20 and 69 light-years
from the Earth. The exception is the Arecibo message, which
targeted globular cluster M13, approximately 24,000 light-years
away. The first message to reach its destination will be A Message
From Earth, which should reach Gliese 581 in Libra in 2029.
The Morse Message (1962) (Jevpatoria, MIR LENIN, SSSR)
Arecibo message (1974) - M13 (1679 pixel image with 73 rows and 23
Cosmic Call 1 (1999) - blízké Sunlike hvězdy, Alexandr Zajcev
Teen Age Message (2001) 6x (Theremin)
Cosmic Call 2 (2003) 5x (Obrazové slovníky, multimédia)
Across the Universe (2008)
A Message From Earth (2008) Gliese 581
Hello From Earth (2009)
RuBisCo Stars (2009)[3]
Wow! Reply (2012) (wow - 1977) Hipparcos 34511, Hipparcos 33277
and Hipparcos 43587
broadcast into space a single time via frequency
modulated radio waves at a ceremony to mark the
remodeling of the Arecibo radio telescope on 16
November 1974.[1] It was aimed at theglobular star
cluster M13 some 25,000 light years away because
M13 was a large and close collection of stars that
was available in the sky at the time and place of the
ceremony.[2] The message consisted of 1679 binary
digits, approximately 210 bytes, transmitted at a
frequency of 2380 MHz and modulated by shifting the
frequency by 10 Hz, with a power of 1000 kW. The
"ones" and "zeros" were transmitted by frequency
shifting at the rate of 10 bits per second. The total
broadcast was less than three minutes.
The numbers one (1) to ten (10)
The atomic numbers of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen,
oxygen, and phosphorus, which make updeoxyribonucleic acid
The formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of DNA
The number of nucleotides in DNA, and a graphic of the double
helix structure of DNA
A graphic figure of a human, the dimension (physical height) of an
average man, and the human population of Earth
A graphic of the Solar System
A graphic of the Arecibo radio telescope and the dimension (the
physical diameter) of the transmitting antenna dish
Pioneer plaque - 1972
Physical properties
● Material: 6061 T6 gold-anodized aluminum
● Width: 229 mm (9 inches)
● Height: 152 mm (6 inches)
● Thickness: 1.27 mm (0.05 inches)
● Mean depth of engraving: 0.381 millimetres (381 µm)
(0.015 inches)
● Mass: approx. 0.120 kilograms (120 g) (4.2 oz)
Author - Linda Salzman Sagan
The message begins at the top with a schematic representation of
the "hyperfine transition" of neutral atomic hydrogen: In going from
a state in which the spin of the electron and proton are aligned, to a
state in which they are opposed, radio waves at 1.42 GHz are
emitted. Since hydrogen is the most abundant element in the
universe, and the "hyperfine transition" the most common change
of state for hydrogen, it is expected that alien radioastronomers will
early detect this radiation and thus understand the significance of
the symbols engraved on the plaque. Since a frequency of 1.42 GHz
is a wavelength of 21 centimeters, this is adopted as the unit of
length by the binary digit designation "1" under the line connecting
the hydrogen atom symbol. At the extreme right are depictions of
human beings. Next to them are tote marks indicating the binary
number eight. Eight times 21 centimeters is 1.68 meters, the
average human height. The outline of the Pioneer craft behind them
confirms this estimate. Where does the Pioneer craft come from,
and when was it launched Curious ETs can answer these questions
by carefully examining the plaque.
At left of center is some object centered among 15 other objects. Each is
labeled with a very long string of binary digits; the only thing that can be
known to this accuracy is the period of a pulsar. Since pulsars slow down at
known rates, scientists estimate that even 106-108 years after launch, the
launch date of Pioneer can be pinpointed by ETs to the nearest century or
millennium. The solid line to each pulsar represents its relative distance
from Pioneer’s launch point. Using computer analysis, our solar system may
be located to within 60 light-years from anywhere in our Galaxy. Our position
is specified to 1 of 1000 possible Stars.
As a final aid in locating Sol, the Solar System is sketched along the bottom
of the plaque. The path of the Pioneer spacecraft is also shown, emanating
from the third planet, then whipping past the fifth and on out into inter stellar
space. The distance of each world from the sun is given in binary digits.
Finally, the radio dish points back at the third planet as it makes its exit from
the system. Clearly, the intelligent beings are there.
"The Pioneer plaques are destined to be the longest-lived
works of mankind. They will survive virtually unchanged
for hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of years in
When plate tectonics has completely rearranged the
continents, when all the present landforms on the earth
have been ground down, when civilization has been
profoundly transformed and when human beings may have
evolved into some other kind of organism, these plaques
will still exist.
They will show that in the year we called 1973 there were
organisms, portrayed on the plaques, that cared enough
about their place in the hierarchy of all intelligent beings to
share knowledge about themselves with others."
-- Carl Sagan, Frank Drake (1975)
Voyager golden record
gold-plated copper. The record's cover is aluminum
and electroplated upon it is an ultra-pure sample of the
isotope uranium-238. Uranium-238 has a half-life of
4.51 billion years. It is possible that a civilization that
encounters the record will be able to use the ratio of
remaining uranium to daughter elements to determine
the age of the record.
The records also had the sentence "To the makers of
music — all worlds, all times" handwritten on them.
Since this was not in the original disc specification, it
almost caused their rejection.
The record is a 12" copper disk to be played at 16 2/3
revolutions/minute using a ceramic cartridge and stylus
enclosed for the purpose. Instructions for playback are
written in pictorial sign language on the outside of the
aluminum can holding the record.
Voyager - 1977
The contents of the Voyager Golden Record is a
collection of 116 images and a variety of natural
sounds (links at the end of the post), such as those
made by surf, wind, and thunder, and animal sounds,
including the songs of birds and whales. To this they
added musical selections from different cultures and
eras, spoken greetings in 59 languages, and printed
messages from President Jimmy Carter and U.N.
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.
(In Sequential Order)
1. Bach Brandenburg Concerto Number Two, First Movement. Karl Richter conducting the Munich Bach Orchestra.
2. "Kinds of Flowers" Javanese Court Gamelan, recorded in Java by Robert Brown, Nonesuch Explorer Record.
3. Senegalese Percussion, recorded by Charles Duvelle.
4. Pygmy girls initiation song, recorded by Colon Turnbull (Zaire).
5. Australian Horn and Totem song. Recorded in Australia by Sandra LeBurn Holmes. Barnumbirr-Morning Star Record.
6. "El Cascabel" Lorenzo Barcelata. The Mariachi Mexico.
7. "Johnny B. Goode", Chuck Berry.
8. New Guinea Men's House, recorded by Robert MacLennan.
9, "Depicting the Cranes in Their Nest" recorded by Coro Yamaguchi (Shakubachi).
10. Bach Partita Number Three for violin. Gavotte et Rondeaus, Arthur Gruminux, violin.
11. Mozart Magic Flute, Queen of the Night (Aria Number 14) Edda Moser. soprano.
12. Chakrulo. Georgian (USSR) folk chorus.
13. Peruvian Pan Pipes performed by Jose Maria Arguedas.
14. Melancholy Blues performed by Louis Armstrong, Columbia Records.
15. Azerbaijan Two Flutes. Recorded by Radio Moscow.
18. Stravinsky. Rite of Spring. Conclusion. Igor Stravinsky conducting the Columbia Symphony Orchestra.
17. Bach Prelude and Fugue, Number One in C Major from the Well Tempered Clavier, Book Two. Glenn Gould, piano.
18. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, First Movement. Otto Klem Klemperer conducting, Angel Recording.
19. Bulgarian Shepherdess Song. "Izlel Delyo hajdutin." sung by Valya Balkanska.
20, Navajo Indian Night Chant. Recorded by Williard Rhodes.
21. The Fairie Round from Pavans, Galliards, Almalus. Recorded by David Munrow.
22. Melanesian Pan Pipes. From the collection of the Solomon Islands Broad
casting Service.
23. Peruvian Women's Wedding Song. Recorded in Peru by John Cohen.
24. "Flowing Streams" -- Chinese Ch'in uu music. Performed by Kuan P'ing-Hu.
25. "Jaat Kahan Ho"-- Indian Raga. Performed by Surshri Nt-tan Bai Kerkar.
26. "Dark Was the Night" performed by i Blind Willie Johnson.
27. Beethoven String Quartet Number 13 "Cavatina", performed by Budapest String Quartet.
von Neumann machines
Jak dál? SETI@Home (Arecibo)
Institut SETI spolu s Kalifornskou univerzitou v údolí Hat Creek, kde už je
radioastronomická observatoř, buduje specializovanou Allenovu
soustavu teleskopů. Z předpokládaných 350 antén, každá o průměru 6,1
metru, které mají stát na jednom hektaru půdy, jich v říjnu 2007 uvedli do
provozu dvaačtyřicet. Systém nazvali na počest spoluzakladatele
Microsoftu Paula Allena, který na něj věnoval přes deset milionů dolarů.
"Až tuto soustavu dokončíme a propojíme, získáme vlastně pohyblivý
teleskop, odpovídající průměru číše 140 metrů," řekla Tarterová. "Takový
systém může naslouchat rádiovému vysílání 32 objektů současně.
Vzhledem k tomu, že v tomto okruhu nebudeme zabírat jenom hvězdy, ale
i další objekty, jako jsou pulsary, hnědí trpaslíci a podobně, vypomůžeme
astronomům. Ovšem prvotní tady bude hledání signálů umělého původu."
Od té doby proběhlo na sto pátracích akcí, ale žádná neměla úspěch.
Vlády, které potřebují okamžitý úspěch, přestaly tato pátrání podporovat a
dnes závisí na soukromých sponzorech.
Active SETI has been heavily criticized due to the perceived risk of
revealing the location of the Earth to alien civilizations, without some
process of prior international consultation. Notable among its critics is
scientist and science fiction author David Brin, particularly in his
article/"expose" Shouting at the Cosmos.
Around 1978, the US House Science Sub-Committee consensus was
that we should not transmit to an alien civilizations, even if it initiated
the conversation, in case it was a berserker.[9]
However, Russian and Soviet radio engineer and astronomer
Alexander L. Zaitsev has argued against these fears: see Sending and
Searching for Interstellar Messages and Detection Probability of
Terrestrial Radio Signals by a Hostile Super-civilization. Indeed, Zaitsev
argues that we should consider the risks of NOT reaching out to
extraterrestrial civilizations: see Making a Case for METI.
V r. 2001 rozběhl P. Horowitz hledání
kódovaných optických signálů pomocí
1,8metrového zrcadla, v jehož ohnisku se
nachází na 1000 fotonásobičů. Cílem
hledání má být opakované sledování řádově
100 milionů hvězd, z jejichž okolí by mohly
případné technické civilizace vysílat silné
laserové impulsy, měřitelné touto
supercitlivou aparaturou.
LASERY - směrové
Zprávy mimozemšťanům - přednáška a synopse k článku do Živlu č. 39

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Zprávy mimozemšťanům - přednáška a synopse k článku do Živlu č. 39

  • 2.
  • 3. Jak se dorozumět? Potenciál grafiky? Velkou knihu přírody mohou číst jen ti, kteří rozumějí jazyku, jímž byla napsána. A tímto jazykem je matematika. (Galileo Galilei)
  • 4.
  • 5. „Buď jsme ve vesmíru sami, anebo nejsme. V každém případě je to ohromující.“ Lee Du Bridge (1977), prezident California Inst. of Technology
  • 6. Okruhy problémů 1- technické (jak zprávu přenést - signály, artefakty) 2- obsah zprávy (co tam napsat a jak to napsat srozumitelně - sémantika, obecný okruh zkušeností, kontext). Repetitivnost. 3- jazyk - gramatika, syntaxe, snadný kód, formátování (2 a 3 souvisejí) antikryptografie. Sémiotika - znaky 4- jak zabezpečit, že zpráva bude přijata (četnost civilizací, kde mohou být) 5- proč vůbec takové zprávy vysílat? není lepší se soustředit jen na přijímání? (CETI vs. SETI)
  • 7. Stupně komunikace 1. Navázání komunikace (potvrzení umělého původu) 2. Dekódování zprávy a výměna slovníků 3. Výměna informací (co o nás prozradit?) 4. Koordinace akcí (Pozitivní - spolupráce, negativní - konflikt) 5. Fyzický kontakt (artefakty, automatické sondy, kontakt mezi bytostmi)
  • 8.
  • 9. 1-Malá historie pokusů komunikace Nikola Tesla - radiová bouře na Jupiteru, teslaskop OZMA, CETI - Arecibo, Drake, Sagan, Šklovskij (dnes Active SETI) SETI, SERENDIP - pasivní hledání wow signálu, miliony úzkých kanálů najednou Artefakty na sondách Pioneer a Voyager
  • 10. "...mé ucho zachytilo nepatrné signály, které pravidelně přicházely z nějakého místa, které se muselo nacházet mimo Zemi ... "(Nikola Tesla, 1919) Tesla se už od roku 1896 zabýval myšlenkou meziplanetární radiové komunikace s Marsem a napsal na toto téma řadu článků. Existuje také spekulace, že jedním ze svých přijímačů mohl zachytit signály přicházející z pulsující magnetosféry Jupitera. (Jedná se ale o čistou spekulaci nezaloženou na faktech.)
  • 11. Začátky vědecké činnosti -G. Cocconi + P. Morrison (1959): Nature -rádiové spojení Frank Drake (1960): Projekt OZMA (radioteleskop Green Bank) -Drakeova rovnice (odhad pravděpodobnosti výskytu technicky pokročilých mimozemských civilizací)
  • 12. OZMA - CETI Mimozemšťany převedli ze scifi do světa vědy dva američtí fyzici - Philip Morrison, který se za druhé světové války podílel na vývoji atomové bomby, a Guiseppe Cocconi, který se v CERN u Ženevy zabýval elementárními částicemi hmoty. V roce 1959 otiskli článek v časopisu Nature o možnosti hledání rádiových signálů vyspělých mimozemšťanů. Navrhli, aby se po nich pátralo na vlně 21 centimetrů, což je čára rádiového záření vodíku, kterou musí znát každý odborník pozorující vesmír. OZMA - Drake - pasivní poslech Tau Ceti a Epsilon Eridani
  • 13.
  • 14. Radioteleskopy (elmag vlny) kam zaměřit radioteleskopy: V oblasti o průměru 15 světelných let je 7 hvězd, které se svítivostí a velikostí podobají Slunci. Čtyři z nich se nalézají ve sféře slabého rádiového šumu: Tau Velryby, Omicron dvě Eridana, Epsilon Eridana a Epsilon Indiana. V okruhu o průměru 50 světelných let je takových objektů asi 100.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Mléčná dráha - 300 ± 100 miliard hvězd STRUKTURA MEGAKOSMU
  • 20. Struktura vesmíru - nejvzdál. kvasar 29 mld sv. l. ●19. století – hierarchické modely vesmíru planety, měsíce, planetky, kometyhvězdygalaxie kupy galaxiínadkupy atd. atd… hvězdy galaxie kupy galaxií nadkupy ? Pozorovatelný vesmír - 100 mld galaxií, poloměr 46 mld ly
  • 21. DRAKE: 300 - 30 000 civilizací v galaxii
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. ÚČAST INSTITUCÍ • Rudolf Pešek (1966): Akronym CETI (hvězda τ Ceti) v IAA • Iosif Šklovskij + Carl Sagan (1971): konference Bjurakan • IAA (1972): I. konference CETI (Vídeň) (později SETI ) • Pioneer 10 a 11 (1972 a 1973): plakety s poselstvím (Sagan) • Radar Arecibo (1974): 3 TW vzkaz ke hvězdokupě M13 • Voyager 1 a 2 (1977): videodesky s obsáhlým poselstvím • IAU (1982): 51. komise „Bioastronomie“ • UCBerkeley (1999): Projekt SETI@home - naslouchání signálům
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  • 27. ARECIBO - 305 metrů, zdroj pro SETI@HOME
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  • 31. strong narrowband radio signal detected by Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of The Ohio State University then located at Ohio Wesleyan University'sPerkins Observatory, Delaware, Ohio.[1] The signal bore expected hallmarks of potential non-terrestrial and non-Solar System origin. It lasted for the full 72-secondduration that Big Ear observed it, but has not been detected again. This region of the sky lies in the constellation Sagittarius, roughly 2.5 degrees south of the fifth-magnitude star group Chi Sagittarii, and about3.5 degrees south of the plane of the ecliptic. Tau Sagittarii is the closest easily visible star.
  • 33. První potřesení rukou Jako u modemů nebo PC: Tady je inteligence 1 x tady je inteligence 2 Jak to poznáme? Netriviální odpověď a reakce. Rozvinutí prvního signálu - nesmí být pasivní a mechanické, aby bylo jasné, že nejde o přírodní jev.
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  • 36. Jazyk - matematika, geometrie, obrázky, tóny, prvočísla (Gauss-Pythagoras)
  • 37.
  • 38. Astraglossa Published in 1953 by Lancelot Hogben describes a system for combining numbers and operators in a series of short and long pulses. In Hogben's system, short pulses represent numbers, while trains of long pulses represent symbols for addition, subtraction, etc. Lincos (Lingua cosmica) Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse, published in 1960 by Hans Freudenthal, expands upon Astraglossa to create a general-purpose language derived from basic mathematics and logic symbols. Several researchers have further expanded upon Freudenthal's work. A Lincos-like dictionary was featured in the Carl Sagan novel Contact and film adaptation. Carl Sagan The science fiction novel Contact by Carl Sagan explored in some depth how a message might be constructed to allow communication with an alien civilization, using the prime numbers as a starting point.
  • 39. universal language for inter-species communication METI; it has a number of characteristic factors in its signal, which include the encoding, length, and content of its message. Researchers will broadcast it using two main frequencies, 1.42 GHz or 4.46 GHz, which an extraterrestrial civilisation of even “modest technological abilities” would find easy to receive.
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  • 46. Algorithmic messages Algorithmic communication systems are a relatively new field within CETI. In these systems, which build upon early work on mathematical languages, the sender describes a small set of mathematics and logic symbols that form the basis for a rudimentary programming language that the recipient can run on a virtual machine. Algorithmic communication has a number of advantages over static pictorial and mathematical messages,[citation needed] including: localized communication (the recipient can probe and interact with the programs within a message, without transmitting a reply to the sender and then waiting years for a response), forward error correction (the message might contain algorithms that process data elsewhere in the message), and the ability to embed proxy agents within the message. In principle, a sophisticated program when run on a fast enough computing substrate, may exhibit complex behavior and perhaps intelligence. CosmicOS, designed by Paul Fitzpatrick at MIT, describes a virtual machine that is derived from lambda calculus.
  • 47. Realized projects These projects have targeted stars between 20 and 69 light-years from the Earth. The exception is the Arecibo message, which targeted globular cluster M13, approximately 24,000 light-years away. The first message to reach its destination will be A Message From Earth, which should reach Gliese 581 in Libra in 2029. The Morse Message (1962) (Jevpatoria, MIR LENIN, SSSR) Arecibo message (1974) - M13 (1679 pixel image with 73 rows and 23 columns) Cosmic Call 1 (1999) - blízké Sunlike hvězdy, Alexandr Zajcev Teen Age Message (2001) 6x (Theremin) Cosmic Call 2 (2003) 5x (Obrazové slovníky, multimédia) Across the Universe (2008) A Message From Earth (2008) Gliese 581 Hello From Earth (2009) RuBisCo Stars (2009)[3] Wow! Reply (2012) (wow - 1977) Hipparcos 34511, Hipparcos 33277 and Hipparcos 43587
  • 49. broadcast into space a single time via frequency modulated radio waves at a ceremony to mark the remodeling of the Arecibo radio telescope on 16 November 1974.[1] It was aimed at theglobular star cluster M13 some 25,000 light years away because M13 was a large and close collection of stars that was available in the sky at the time and place of the ceremony.[2] The message consisted of 1679 binary digits, approximately 210 bytes, transmitted at a frequency of 2380 MHz and modulated by shifting the frequency by 10 Hz, with a power of 1000 kW. The "ones" and "zeros" were transmitted by frequency shifting at the rate of 10 bits per second. The total broadcast was less than three minutes.
  • 50. OBSAH The numbers one (1) to ten (10) The atomic numbers of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus, which make updeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) The formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of DNA The number of nucleotides in DNA, and a graphic of the double helix structure of DNA A graphic figure of a human, the dimension (physical height) of an average man, and the human population of Earth A graphic of the Solar System A graphic of the Arecibo radio telescope and the dimension (the physical diameter) of the transmitting antenna dish
  • 51.
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  • 55. Pioneer plaque - 1972 Physical properties ● Material: 6061 T6 gold-anodized aluminum ● Width: 229 mm (9 inches) ● Height: 152 mm (6 inches) ● Thickness: 1.27 mm (0.05 inches) ● Mean depth of engraving: 0.381 millimetres (381 µm) (0.015 inches) ● Mass: approx. 0.120 kilograms (120 g) (4.2 oz) Author - Linda Salzman Sagan
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  • 58. The message begins at the top with a schematic representation of the "hyperfine transition" of neutral atomic hydrogen: In going from a state in which the spin of the electron and proton are aligned, to a state in which they are opposed, radio waves at 1.42 GHz are emitted. Since hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and the "hyperfine transition" the most common change of state for hydrogen, it is expected that alien radioastronomers will early detect this radiation and thus understand the significance of the symbols engraved on the plaque. Since a frequency of 1.42 GHz is a wavelength of 21 centimeters, this is adopted as the unit of length by the binary digit designation "1" under the line connecting the hydrogen atom symbol. At the extreme right are depictions of human beings. Next to them are tote marks indicating the binary number eight. Eight times 21 centimeters is 1.68 meters, the average human height. The outline of the Pioneer craft behind them confirms this estimate. Where does the Pioneer craft come from, and when was it launched Curious ETs can answer these questions by carefully examining the plaque.
  • 59. At left of center is some object centered among 15 other objects. Each is labeled with a very long string of binary digits; the only thing that can be known to this accuracy is the period of a pulsar. Since pulsars slow down at known rates, scientists estimate that even 106-108 years after launch, the launch date of Pioneer can be pinpointed by ETs to the nearest century or millennium. The solid line to each pulsar represents its relative distance from Pioneer’s launch point. Using computer analysis, our solar system may be located to within 60 light-years from anywhere in our Galaxy. Our position is specified to 1 of 1000 possible Stars. As a final aid in locating Sol, the Solar System is sketched along the bottom of the plaque. The path of the Pioneer spacecraft is also shown, emanating from the third planet, then whipping past the fifth and on out into inter stellar space. The distance of each world from the sun is given in binary digits. Finally, the radio dish points back at the third planet as it makes its exit from the system. Clearly, the intelligent beings are there.
  • 60. "The Pioneer plaques are destined to be the longest-lived works of mankind. They will survive virtually unchanged for hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of years in space. When plate tectonics has completely rearranged the continents, when all the present landforms on the earth have been ground down, when civilization has been profoundly transformed and when human beings may have evolved into some other kind of organism, these plaques will still exist. They will show that in the year we called 1973 there were organisms, portrayed on the plaques, that cared enough about their place in the hierarchy of all intelligent beings to share knowledge about themselves with others." -- Carl Sagan, Frank Drake (1975)
  • 61. Voyager golden record gold-plated copper. The record's cover is aluminum and electroplated upon it is an ultra-pure sample of the isotope uranium-238. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.51 billion years. It is possible that a civilization that encounters the record will be able to use the ratio of remaining uranium to daughter elements to determine the age of the record. The records also had the sentence "To the makers of music — all worlds, all times" handwritten on them. Since this was not in the original disc specification, it almost caused their rejection.
  • 62.
  • 63. The record is a 12" copper disk to be played at 16 2/3 revolutions/minute using a ceramic cartridge and stylus enclosed for the purpose. Instructions for playback are written in pictorial sign language on the outside of the aluminum can holding the record.
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  • 66. Voyager - 1977 The contents of the Voyager Golden Record is a collection of 116 images and a variety of natural sounds (links at the end of the post), such as those made by surf, wind, and thunder, and animal sounds, including the songs of birds and whales. To this they added musical selections from different cultures and eras, spoken greetings in 59 languages, and printed messages from President Jimmy Carter and U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. r-golden-record/
  • 67.
  • 68. MUSIC ON VOYAGER PHONOGRAPH RECORD (In Sequential Order) 1. Bach Brandenburg Concerto Number Two, First Movement. Karl Richter conducting the Munich Bach Orchestra. 2. "Kinds of Flowers" Javanese Court Gamelan, recorded in Java by Robert Brown, Nonesuch Explorer Record. 3. Senegalese Percussion, recorded by Charles Duvelle. 4. Pygmy girls initiation song, recorded by Colon Turnbull (Zaire). 5. Australian Horn and Totem song. Recorded in Australia by Sandra LeBurn Holmes. Barnumbirr-Morning Star Record. 6. "El Cascabel" Lorenzo Barcelata. The Mariachi Mexico. 7. "Johnny B. Goode", Chuck Berry. 8. New Guinea Men's House, recorded by Robert MacLennan. 9, "Depicting the Cranes in Their Nest" recorded by Coro Yamaguchi (Shakubachi). 10. Bach Partita Number Three for violin. Gavotte et Rondeaus, Arthur Gruminux, violin. 11. Mozart Magic Flute, Queen of the Night (Aria Number 14) Edda Moser. soprano. 12. Chakrulo. Georgian (USSR) folk chorus. 13. Peruvian Pan Pipes performed by Jose Maria Arguedas. 14. Melancholy Blues performed by Louis Armstrong, Columbia Records. 15. Azerbaijan Two Flutes. Recorded by Radio Moscow. 18. Stravinsky. Rite of Spring. Conclusion. Igor Stravinsky conducting the Columbia Symphony Orchestra. 17. Bach Prelude and Fugue, Number One in C Major from the Well Tempered Clavier, Book Two. Glenn Gould, piano. 18. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, First Movement. Otto Klem Klemperer conducting, Angel Recording. 19. Bulgarian Shepherdess Song. "Izlel Delyo hajdutin." sung by Valya Balkanska. 20, Navajo Indian Night Chant. Recorded by Williard Rhodes. 21. The Fairie Round from Pavans, Galliards, Almalus. Recorded by David Munrow. 22. Melanesian Pan Pipes. From the collection of the Solomon Islands Broad casting Service. 23. Peruvian Women's Wedding Song. Recorded in Peru by John Cohen. 24. "Flowing Streams" -- Chinese Ch'in uu music. Performed by Kuan P'ing-Hu. 25. "Jaat Kahan Ho"-- Indian Raga. Performed by Surshri Nt-tan Bai Kerkar. 26. "Dark Was the Night" performed by i Blind Willie Johnson. 27. Beethoven String Quartet Number 13 "Cavatina", performed by Budapest String Quartet.
  • 69. DAEDALUS / ICARUS PROBES, von Neumann machines
  • 70. Jak dál? SETI@Home (Arecibo) Institut SETI spolu s Kalifornskou univerzitou v údolí Hat Creek, kde už je radioastronomická observatoř, buduje specializovanou Allenovu soustavu teleskopů. Z předpokládaných 350 antén, každá o průměru 6,1 metru, které mají stát na jednom hektaru půdy, jich v říjnu 2007 uvedli do provozu dvaačtyřicet. Systém nazvali na počest spoluzakladatele Microsoftu Paula Allena, který na něj věnoval přes deset milionů dolarů. "Až tuto soustavu dokončíme a propojíme, získáme vlastně pohyblivý teleskop, odpovídající průměru číše 140 metrů," řekla Tarterová. "Takový systém může naslouchat rádiovému vysílání 32 objektů současně. Vzhledem k tomu, že v tomto okruhu nebudeme zabírat jenom hvězdy, ale i další objekty, jako jsou pulsary, hnědí trpaslíci a podobně, vypomůžeme astronomům. Ovšem prvotní tady bude hledání signálů umělého původu." Od té doby proběhlo na sto pátracích akcí, ale žádná neměla úspěch. Vlády, které potřebují okamžitý úspěch, přestaly tato pátrání podporovat a dnes závisí na soukromých sponzorech.
  • 71. ACTIVE SETI / METI Active SETI has been heavily criticized due to the perceived risk of revealing the location of the Earth to alien civilizations, without some process of prior international consultation. Notable among its critics is scientist and science fiction author David Brin, particularly in his article/"expose" Shouting at the Cosmos. Around 1978, the US House Science Sub-Committee consensus was that we should not transmit to an alien civilizations, even if it initiated the conversation, in case it was a berserker.[9] However, Russian and Soviet radio engineer and astronomer Alexander L. Zaitsev has argued against these fears: see Sending and Searching for Interstellar Messages and Detection Probability of Terrestrial Radio Signals by a Hostile Super-civilization. Indeed, Zaitsev argues that we should consider the risks of NOT reaching out to extraterrestrial civilizations: see Making a Case for METI.
  • 72. V r. 2001 rozběhl P. Horowitz hledání kódovaných optických signálů pomocí 1,8metrového zrcadla, v jehož ohnisku se nachází na 1000 fotonásobičů. Cílem hledání má být opakované sledování řádově 100 milionů hvězd, z jejichž okolí by mohly případné technické civilizace vysílat silné laserové impulsy, měřitelné touto supercitlivou aparaturou. LASERY - směrové