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What Is A Synthesis Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "What Is A Synthesis Essay" can be a challenging task that
requires a deep understanding of the concept and effective communication skills. The difficulty
lies in the need to synthesize information from various sources, combining ideas to form a
cohesive and well-structured argument. It demands not only a grasp of the subject matter but
also the ability to analyze, evaluate, and present diverse viewpoints in a coherent manner.
The process begins with extensive research to gather relevant information from different sources.
This could involve reading scholarly articles, books, and other academic materials. Once the
information is collected, the challenge is to organize it logically, identifying key themes and
connections between different perspectives.
Moreover, a synthesis essay requires a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the main
argument. Crafting this thesis involves not only summarizing the key points but also integrating
them into a unique perspective. Transitioning between ideas smoothly and maintaining a clear
line of reasoning adds another layer of complexity to the writing process.
Additionally, synthesizing information also demands critical thinking skills to assess the
credibility and reliability of sources. One must be cautious of bias, misinformation, or
conflicting viewpoints. Proper citation and referencing become crucial to maintain academic
The difficulty escalates when considering the need for originality. A successful synthesis essay
should go beyond merely summarizing existing knowledge; it should contribute a fresh
perspective or insight to the topic. This requires creativity and the ability to think critically about
the subject matter.
In conclusion, writing a synthesis essay is a challenging task that requires a combination of
research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. Success in this endeavor
necessitates the ability to synthesize diverse information into a cohesive argument while
presenting original insights. For those seeking assistance, similar essays and much more can be
ordered on
What Is A Synthesis Essay What Is A Synthesis Essay
What Defines Human Nature And The Hierarchy Of
What defines human nature and the hierarchy of human relations? In this paper, I
will argue that Beauvoir s view that society constructs man, maleness, and the
masculine as the human standard (rendering woman, femaleness, and the feminine
deviant and defective) is flawed. Although Beauvoir s evidence was compelling I had
several issues with some of the finer details such as what term designates a human
being, that a woman s body is considered disadvantaged, and that femalenature is
defective. I also disagree with her statement that woman can t think of herself without
man, woman is only a symbol of sex to man, and that man and woman are the Self
and the Other.
Firstly, Beauvoir argues that man represents the positive and the neutral while
woman represents only the negative. I feel that this statement is saying that woman
is only what man are not. By making this assumption I infer that Beauvoir feels
woman is only considered when man has reached the limits of their reach.
However, I believe that man the line separating man and woman is inconclusive in
its stance. When looking at what is considered masculine and what is considered
feminine, there are some relatable similarities. For example, the work ethic of a
man at work is similar to the work ethic of a woman at home. A man would be
expected to complete his work load in a proficient manner and bring home money to
the family. A woman would be expected to care for the family and the home in a
proficient and timely
The Hebrew And Christian Religious Traditions Essay
The Hebrew and Christian religious traditions have a storied history of experiencing
revelations, specifically Apocalyptic writings. Some examples of these visions
include, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John s Revelation, and Julian s Revelations of Love.
Yet, the question remains, how credible these revelations are, especially the newer
ones? If the Old Testamentis taken as credible, then the New Testament and any
subsequent writings must align with the Old Testament. Isaiah s apocalyptic and
messianic prophecies are centered in Isaiah 24 through 27. Isaiah twist its surface
(24:1). Chapter 24 focuses on the destruction of the City of Chaos that is to come.
When the City of Chaos is judged, so will the kings of the earth and the hosts of
heaven, and they will be shut up in a prison and punished. Chapter 25 discusses the
banquet of the Lord that will take place on a mountain. This banquet will have rich
foods and well aged wines and he will swallow up death forever (Isaiah 25:8).
Chapter 26 shows a hymn that focuses on God s justice, and chapter 27 is a song of
the new vineyard, which is a reference to an earlier chapter. Interestingly, Isaiah
says, On that day the LORD with his cruel and great and strong sword will punish
Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will kill the
dragon that is in the sea (27:1). Earlier, however, Isaiah was granted a vision of the
throne room of God. In chapter 6, Isaiah describes God sitting on his
Sons Of Liberty Thesis
A thank you is owed to the Sons of Liberty for the sacrifices they gave for the sake
of the American citizens and their daily freedoms. They gave up their liberty to
walk down the street without having to constantly look over their shoulder to make
sure there were no British soldiers in sight. Rather than just staying in the shadows,
they all showed their faces. To prove that they would not buckle under pressure, they
wrote a list of every member s name. Like most everyday hero, these members never
backed away from a battle. They stepped into the ring and fought their way to the
independence Americans have today. The Sons of Libertystood up against the high
taxes given to them by the British Empire to protect the human rights for the Thirteen
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The attempt that followed in their path to control over the colonists was the Tea
Act. The Tea Act of 1773 stated that all tea products had lowered prices to try to
convince the colonists to approve of their tax, but that only led to angry colonists
and the Boston Tea Party (Andrilk). The idea to try taxing the colonists was an
irrational move made by the Bostonian Empire. The Sons of Liberty had already
made their plans fail two major times, so trying for a third time was just a poor
move. The Sons of Liberty boycotted and chased ships away from the harbor before
threatening the ship captains that they would cover them in tar and feathers
(Brooks). Before the whole story of the actual Boston Tea Party gets started, it
should be informed that the Sons of Liberty technically warned the British before
doing anything insane. The British just kept sending ships of tea anyways. After the
story of the Sons of Liberty started to spread through the colonies, a group of
revolutionaries acquired inspiration in another state convinced a ship owner to burn
his own ship down (Morton). That genius group genuinely did not do anything wrong
at all. They just said several obstructions to convince that captain to burn his ship
down with his own, personal free will. When a few other ships from London
History of Kickboxing Martial Arts
Fighting Is Art Since the dawn of time, man has had to fight for one reason or
another. There has been war using weapons, sword fights between individuals, and
then there are modern day wars battled out in the cage. Kickboxing has had many
uses in the past, but it is one of the most popular sports in today s culture. It is a very
useful skill to learn. There is no mistake that martial artsare dangerous, but if properly
taught, a perfectly disciplined warrior will be a result. Warrior may not have the
same meaning as it used to, but fighters are as close to a warrior as possible in
modern time. Trained fighters are always toughened mentally and physically to a near
superhuman extent. Bones are hardened, muscles are developed,... Show more content
on ...
King Prachao Sua would disguise himself as a commoner and fight in village
events. He was forced to disguise himself because everyone in Thailand respected
their king so much, that no person would participate in fighting him. Another type
of kickboxing with an opulent history is Taekwondo; this form is a fighting style
almost strictly dependent on using the legs to strike your opponent in spinning and
jumping motions. This style evolved from other martial arts styles that dated back
to 50 B.C; evidence of this was found on cave walls in the form of paintings (
General Taekwondo Information History ). Taekwondo basically evolved from a
military fighting method and popular sport called Soo Bakh Do. Soo Bakh Do was
used by athletes and militants in combat and training during the Koryo Dynasty. Back
then, the sport of kick boxing was for the lower class or poor men ( General
Taekwondo Information History. ). Taekwondo practiced today is an evolution of
many oriental martial arts, and fighting styles that were used long ago, but with a
more modern spin to it. Most taekwondo instructors incorporate their own techniques
in their teachings, which is not uncommon in fight training. Coaches have been
revolutionizing martial arts fighting styles ever since the world s first intelligent
skirmish. Taekwondo got its name from the old Korean martial arts style, Tae Kyon
because its focus was on using the legs as a weapon to pummel the enemies into
Essay Justice in the Oresteia
Justice in the Oresteia
Justice is often taken for granted in the world we live in today with a judicial
system that gives fair punishment for most crimes. In the Oresteia justice works
much differently, where there are no judges or a court system to resolve disputes,
instead there is revenge. Revenge is very messy because somebody will and has to
get hurt first to desire revenge, and it leads to a cycle that cannot and will not end
until everybody is dead. Justice does not and cannot only be revenge because in the
end nobody would be left in that system. Aeschylus Oresteia focuses on revenge as
justice, with the old system that no longer works and that someone must fix, and a
new system that has ... Show more content on ...
Clytemnestra also gives her justification for murdering her husband, and for ten long
years she thought about how sweet revenge would be when Agamemnon arrived. She
also tells her lover, Aegisthus, Our lives are based on pain (1690). Clytemnestra
does not realize how ironic her statement will be later on when pain controls her.
Aegisthus sums up their code of justice when he says, There are gods in heaven
avenging men, / blazing down on all the crimes of earth (1607 1608). He also is
foreshadowing that his crime must also be paid for and he will suffer the
consequences of killing Agamemnon and revenge. Aegisthus does not realize it,
but Orestes is seeking revenge upon him and his for the death of Agamemnon.
After Orestes kills them, there is nobody left alive to kill him to avenge their
deaths. Clytemnestra invokes the Furies who seek revenge for anybody who has
nobody to seek it for them. The Furies chase Orestes to Apollo s temple where
Orestes asks him for forgiveness, Lord Apollo, you know the rules of justice,
/ know them well. Now learn compassion (88 89). Orestes is the first person who is
trying to change the system and realizes it must be changed for the gods and the
Furies to spare his life. Revenge as justice has one major problem,
Muckrakers in the Progressive Era
Muckrakers The term muckraker was originally coined in a speech in 1906
accredited to President Theodore Roosevelt. It was alluding to the man with the
Muck Rake in Bunyan s Pilgrim s Process. The Man with the Muck rake seeks
material advances by raking filth. Roosevelt defined this term as one who inquires
into and publishes scandal and allegations of corruption among political and business
leaders . Muckrakers in the Progressive Era, a time from 1820 until 1920 when
America quickly industrialized, pushed for reform and have altered the way we live
today. These reformers brought about the awareness and tackled women s rights,
economic concentration, corporate power, poverty, food safety, and political
corruption.... Show more content on ...
In time, she became the group s association s state organizer during the years of 1980
to 1892. Mrs. Catt soon started working in the national organization of National
American Woman Suffrage Association writing article, gaining political experience,
and giving speeches at conferences in places such as Washington D.C.
In 1892, she was asked by Susan B. Anthony to address Congress on the proposed
suffrage amendment. She was passed down to role of the President of the National
American Women Suffrage Association, a successor of Susan B. Anthony in the year
1900. Catt led this organization during the final challenge of the right to vote before
the Nineteenth Amendment, a law allowing women to vote, was ratified in 1920.
Catt worked through both state and federal levels persuading legislators to give
women the right of suffrage as citizens. After women achieved the franchise, Catt
reorganized the National American Women Suffrage Association into the League of
Women Voters. Carrie Chapman Cattformulated a plan to achieve women s suffrage.
In April 1911, Carrie began a world tour through Sweden, Europe, Africa, India,
Sumatra, the Philippines, China, Korea and Japan, and many other countries
founding suffrage organizations and examining women s conditions throughout the
world. Carrie planted new ideas in the minds of citizens in many other nations across
the globe. Carry Chapman Cat should be honored and praised by countless
institutions for
Women at Work Essay
Assignment: Article summary
The article Family Coping Strategies: Balancing Paid Employment and Domestic
Labour by Meg Luxton sheds a different view on the responsibilities laid out in
family life. In today s society it s almost a necessity to have both parents working, to
support a family. This fact, along with the improvement of females having
independence, is the cause of the ever growing number of working women. These,
along with many other statistics are showing the rapid improvement and change that
woman and families are showing. Year after year we can see the dynamics of the
family shifting. It is not the same anymore, that women are the housewives doing all
the housework and childcare. However women still have to work to get ... Show more
content on ...
Having a job gives women a sense of control of their lives and an overall high self
esteem because they are recognized by their husbands as well as children for their
work. Not only does it give women something to do, it also ensures stability in one s
family income.
Here are a few statistics that demonstrate the challenge of balancing paid employment
and domestic labor within the family setting in Canada. This challenge arises
because of the inequalities between what men and women earn in the work force
and also because of the uneven distribution of chores in unpaid domestic labor. If
we compare salaries in 1997, men had the higher income of the couple in 77% of
Canadian families. (Globe and Mail 21 Feb. 2000). This situation has however
improved since the early 60 s when 70% of women in male female couples were
dependent on their spouse as the sole income provider. (Oderkirk, Silver and Prud
homme 1994.) Also when couples divorced men s incomes raised on average 10%
whereas women s income usually decreased by 23% in 1997(Toronto Star 10 April
1997). Women feel pressured to work from home or part time because they are
often expected to do most of the domestic labour and this is their way to balance the
two. In 1993 they represented nearly 70% of Canadian
Warren Buffett s Investment Philosophy
Warren Buffett s investment philosophy Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway
Company s chief executive, one of the most successful investors in the world, is a
world famous Finance Expert. He conducted numerous investment with great success.
Many people think he is the myth of the investment community. They want to know
Buffett s investment philosophy. Over the years, Buffett had expounded his
philosophy of investing in his chairperson s letter to the shareholders in Berkshire
Hathaway s annual report 1 (Case1 Warren E. Buffett, 2005). In these letters, he
clarified the core of his investment philosophy which is how to get the high return
through low risk. This essay will analyse the Buffett s investment philosophy from
these letters... Show more content on ...
4. Limit the autonomy of enterprises and the use of capital functions. In short, debt
financing will increase the risk of debt. Therefore, to avoid the use of debt financing,
debt risk can be controlled at a relatively low level, is conducive to the finally
financial sustainability. In this way, an investment may be in a controlled range of
operations, rather than being forced by the debt. This investment philosophy can also
be wielded in life. That suggests people should buy things within their own ability.
Buffett s personal life also illustrates this investment philosophy: no loans. As his
advice: Stay away from credit cards (bank loans) and invest in yourself.6 (Elyssa
Kirkham, 2017) He has never borrowed a significant amount not to invest, not for a
mortgage 7. He said: Negotiate with creditors to pay what you can. Then, when you
re debt free, work on saving some money that you can use to invest.8 Secondly,
investors should have correct investing behaviour. That means people should gather
enough information and analyse them before making a correct investment decision.
Buffett never makes stock recommendations to others. Investing behavior should be
driven by information, analysis, and self discipline, not by emotion or hunch. 9 Wrote
in his chairperson s letter to the shareholders. This investment philosophy means an
investor should understand the investment environment and make the decision by
themselves. In modern society, people are used to
Fashion Industry Research Paper
In the fashion industry, there are those who work in the manufacturing sector and
others in the retail sector of the industry. The UK fashion and textile sectors take in
an estimated 600000 people and this make the United Kingdom one of the largest
fashion employers in Europe.Education
Fashion education is one of the most important factors in maintaining the UK s status
as one of the major fashion industries in the world. Its contribution to the economy is
measured in the wages and salaries of the staff involved in teaching fashion related
courses in UK institutions. According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency,
60285 students studied design courses with 2565 staff; the design courses also
encompass courses such as furnishing and multimedia design. It is estimated that
9275 out of the students undertook a fashion course. The academic wages amounted
to ВЈ16million, which created 395 jobs.
Creative Activities
This involves work carried out by fashion photographers, creative directors, stylists
and makeup and hair artists. The ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
indicates that the gross salary for photographers in 2009 was ВЈ26,301. This suggests
that the value added of UK photographers is about ВЈ5million, which created 207
jobs. Although there was no grouping available for other careers in this pathway such
as fashion consultants, it is assumed that its value to the economy is alike to that of
fashion photographers.
In the fashion world,
Coyote Steals Fire And Master Cat Analysis
Not so fast, growled Thunder. Coyote won the game and so I give him the fire. But
he cheated. And for that I shall take his life. Where is he so that I can kill him?
Thunder said this In Coyote Steals Fire to all the animals Coyote called to help
him take the fire rock away. Thunder was angry because Coyote cheated to get his
way. Coyote Steals Fire is a trickster story where animals lie and deceive to get their
way. In Master Catthe King says Tell your master that I am grateful to him and that
he has given me great pleasure. The king is pleased with the cat s master because
the cat has been given him gifts in his name. Master Cat is giving him gifts to get
on the good side of the king for his later exploits. In the trickster tale Coyote Steals
Fire and the fairy taleMaster Cat there were some similarities but, many more
differences. There are a few similarities in Coyote Steals Fire and the story Master
Cat. The very first similarityis the use of anthropomorphism. Both of the animals and
the tales think and plot, they hold intelligent conversations and make detailed
decisions. Coyote makes the decision to cheat in the gambling game and he makes
and conjugates the plan on how to cheat Thunder. Master Cat uses gifts to gain the
trust of the king so he would easily believe him at later on. Master Cat and Coyote
also use very similar methods to obtain their goal. They both use lies, elaborate plans
they made, and verbal fibs. Master Cat decieves with fake trust
Diversity In Film
I m writing to you because your agency is one of the many that has produced a
significant amount great and talented people. However, there is sadly just an
altogether too reoccurring trait in your clients. One can t help but notice just how
many of your clients and Hollywood s A list stars are caucasian. It also seems to be
what the majority of every popular filmhas consisted of. Some examples are The
Hunger Games, Divergent and recently The Fifth Wave. All of the mentioned are
set in dystopian worlds and were books before movies. The characters are
described as having a darker skin tone, yet the actors chosen were caucasian. The
actors that are chosen for major lead roles to represent someone in a story should
also be a representation of... Show more content on ...
The cast consists of African Americans and non black Hispanics. The only caucasian
in the entire musical is the actor who portrays king George. So when you Chris
George, a bi racial man, as George Washington we can t just get rid of the new
image we have of a bi racial being a president of America. The goal for any show or
movie should be to eliminate any distance between your audience and your story.
You don t need a white man in the middle of everything in order to be able to relate
to it. Every audience is different and uniquely diverse and that should be reflected
in the cast. Lin Manuel Miranda describes Hamilton as being A story of America
then, told by America now. America now has every shade, size and colour, and
this is represented so well in Hamilton but so little in popular films. We should
showcase all the many ways we are similar and not different. When you include
diverse casting in a major project you help give a way, for the minorities of society
to reclaim their place, in society. A place that they don t necessarily feel like is theirs
because they ve been told so for generations.
Lin Manuel Miranda s Hamilton is at its base a musical, but Hamilton is also text,
poetry, words, and meanings. Alexander Hamilton wrote 51 out of the 85 federalist
papers. He wrote in in complicated, long sentences. This writing style is very present
today in modern rap and hip hop, so that
German History Essay
Most would agree that it is valuable to acknowledge history, whether it be through
documentation, education, or architectural preservation. However, history can be
complex and ugly, stained by war, genocide, and destruction. Therein lies a
philosophical controversy: should these historical stains be acknowledged or buried?
What role do these ugly histories have in the development of a society? Within the
last century, no nation has been forced to confront these questions on the same scale
that Germanyhas (Levinger 118). With a twentieth century historymarked by hatred
and the abuse of power, National Socialism and Soviet communism, Germany s dark
history lies only decades in the past. For this reason, these histories remain freshly...
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In essence, historic preservation roots collective memory in a physical, tangible
space. To many scholars, memory in this context is not simply information that is
recalled and retold (qtd. in Till 11). Instead, it is the act of continuously finding and
contextualizing history by means of physical space. Preservation of historical
architecture is therefore unique, as it juxtaposes this history and memory with the
surrounding modern world. This highlights the importance of preserving history
through architecture, rather than museums, textbooks, and archives alone. By
preserving the physical remnants of a city s dark history, residents and passersby
are forced to confront this history nondeliberately. Moreover, according to Rudy J.
Koshar, a preserved site must maintain some present value or purpose. This is
particularly relevant when considering the preservation of buildings or sites which
represent a history that is controversial or shameful, as it is important to balance the
shame evoked by this space with the benefits of its preservation.
The task of historic preservation is especially challenging in nations such as
Germany which have pasts that many are reluctant to remember. Germany is a
particularly interesting case, as it is now recognized as one of the most progressive,
economically powerful, and politically liberal countries in the world. Yet, no
comparably modern country is
Stereotypes In High School
High school is full of a variety of types of people, who can all be labeled into
certain groups or stereotypes. High school can be an amazing time for people, just
as easily as it could be a terrible time for people. It s quite odd how everyone goes to
the same school, and mostly attend the same courses, yet they are significantly
different from one another. Every school has the classic jocks, nerds, partiers/stoners,
etc., but it appears our generation has created several new stereotypes. With students
spending approximately 35 hours a week at school, it is easy for one another to label
each other, and determine who they fit in with.
The most common stereotype in Spring Lake is the Preppy Rich Kid. The Preppy
part of these kids is that they love to wear a perfectly matching outfit; including
their colorful Polo Shirts/t shirts, colorful short shorts, matching socks, with a
matching pair of boat shoes/skate shoes. The Rich part of these kids is that they
live in a big house on the water, their parents have high paying jobs, and their
parents will buy them whatever they desire. These kids typically drive an
expensive foreign car, usually blaring rap music out of their car s subwoofer
everyday to school. Once they have arrived at school, most of them have a very
enjoyable day. For the most part, they have a perfect life, including getting all the
girls/boys, receiving good grades, being attractive, and being a phenomenal athlete.
These kids are likable people, and
How Media Uses Different Methods Manipulate The Public
Public Opinion Public opinion, an aggregate of the individual views, attitudes, and
beliefs about a particular topic, expressed by a significant proportion of a
community. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015. Britannica. [ONLINE] Available at: opinion. [Accessed 11 November 15] The
collective opinion of many people on some issue, problem, etc., especially as a guide
to action, decision, or the like. 2015.
[ONLINE] Available at: opinion.
[Accessed 17 November 15]. When looking at the cultural, financial and ideological
aspects of our world today it is hard to dismiss the pressing influence that the media
has. In this essay I will be analysing how the media uses different methods to
manipulate the public and the influence it has on society and how it shapes public
opinion, alongside public opinion in democracy now. I will also be discussing
theories in which people don t believe the media moulds the public s opinions. The
media industry is very essential but on the other hand the public opinion is
indispensable, without the public opinion there is no media. The media becomes an
influential determinant of public opinion, and sometimes it has the power to change
public sentiments in terms of controversial issues. Public opinion can be measured
through polling a sample of the population, using qualitative tools of measurement or
surveillance. For
Oliver Twist Reading Analysis
Reading Response 2 Oliver Twist The novel Oliver Twist written by Charles
Dickins is an extended text about a boy named Oliver Twist. The story dictates the
life of Oliver Twist and the amount of suffering he had to go through as a child in
an impoverished environment. The text is an emotional rollercoaster that reveals
deeper secrets as the story progresses. One of the themes in this story is poverty,
Dickens wanted to show his middle classed audience that could afford his books
that the lower class citizens at the time were being treated as sub humans and often
described them as sub human or animal like. And aspects of this story that was
impactful to me was its theme and the deeper meanings of this story, how many of
its characters and descriptions of society during that time reflects our modern
society, And how the book reflected me and my life in its entirety. The Themes in
this story really interested me as it was through the descriptions and portrayals of
certain characters and Living conditions that had made me interested in the life style
of these people. The most interesting theme to me was Poverty and it started to make
me think of our modern day society and the differences between the two and yet the
same similarities that have stayed the same for years. For example in the books 2nd
chapter it says He parish authorities magnanimously and humanely resolved, that
Oliver should be farmed, or, in other words, that he should be dispatched to a branch
workhouse some
Monster By Walter Dean Myers Summary
Monster , by, Walter Dean Myers story, a story based on struggle, of a boy in world
surrounded by darkness that is blinded by many who seeks for freedom keeps
himself away from others hopes and dreams about being free to walk once again in
the world of the free. but holds on to that hope for along as possible until he is
proved not guilty, his moms crying trying to not worry her son afraid to lose a son
that s kind hearted to those around who participates and supports those in school
and in the hood that young boys name is Steve Harmon who has a little brother that
he wants to see grow up to be a good man be a father to his brother someone that his
little brother can look up to beside his dad to understand the function of the world to
... Show more content on ...
Steve Harmon is only a sixteen year old boy got in some trouble with a the law for a
murder at the corner store down the street agreed to some deal to be a look out
after King asked him if he wanted to make some money. see Steve was just like
any other kid in the streets trying to find a way to keep up and king James King
had the same situation to but he was under the shadows asked his friend Bobo if he
wanted to join his friend agreed went out to go ask one more person Osvaldo Cruse
who was supposed to push the shopping cart in front of an intruder the bust went
down the next day Steve went in came out didn t say anything was afraid so King
and Bobo decided it must be empty went into the store but didn t know anyone else
was there and old black lady who went to by her daughter medicine as she left
gunshots were fired both ran out with a few camels (cigarettes) got caught Bobo
snitched so did Osvaldo while Steve and King stayed quiet they came Steve house
in front of his mom he was arrested gone father was the judge who had a dream that
his son may become a football player go to college felt so wrong when his son was
put in front of him for murder but even so he told his son not to be worried was
holding his emotions so his so won t have to stress no more even those all that was
going on he stayed by his
Seminar 2 Essay example
Stockholm University
Stockholm Business School
Business Ethics
Seminar 2
Contextualisation Case 6
Corporate governance of professional football clubs: for profit or for glory?
Shadan Abdullah(930514 6541)
Per Jonsson (780827 0479)
Victor Savigny (902710 P154)
Pui Shan Szeto (921026 P500)
Omkar Vedpathak (940126 P152)
The main stakeholders of football clubs, their stake in the organization and legitimacy
of their interests.
Some European football clubs have in, approximately in the last three decades,
developed from being relatively small local organizations, into global giants in terms
of multi million businesses supported and followed by millions of stakeholders from
all over the world. How does one relate ... Show more content on ...
With normative stakeholder theory one tries to explain (in these settings) why football
clubs should take into account the interests of the stakeholders. It is easy to
sympathize with the customer group in this matter. They are the foundation stone
that has built the club through the years and they have invested money, emotions and
their private time. But they are not as important as they once was for the club. This
given that another stakeholder group (Suppliers e.g. broadcasting companies,
sponsors etc.) now serves the business with monetary funding s, hence the times have
changed. Ultimately though, the suppliers will almost certainly vanish if the
customers stop buying the product. Shareholders and employees can easier than the
customers in this case find another business to join, they are not exclusive in the
same way as the customers.
The descriptive stakeholder theory can also be useful to the settings in trying to
state whether and how the football clubs do listen to the stakeholder s interests. Also
in this context the clubs can rely on their loyal customer base. Even though if you
treat them bad (expensive tickets, changing the club badge and colors etc.) they will
not ultimately stop buying the product. You might however as a owner/ shareholder
have a customer rebellion on your hands. Shareholders can more easily sell their
stocks if they feel neglected by the club, suppliers will search for other
The Pros And Cons Of Cryptography
Cryptography Is considered the most important thing by means of secure
communication. It is used to encrypt and decrypt data and provide secure
communication between the sender and receiver. As a finance company, the most
important thing to look after is the process speed and security of the data. There are
two types of encryption and decryption methods known as a Symmetric key and
Public key cryptography. Symmetric key has set of algorithms such as Blowfish, two
fish, DES, 3DES, AES etc and on the other hand Asymmetric key has set of an
algorithm such as Elliptic curve, Diffie Hellman, DSA, RSA etc. These symmetric
and asymmetric keys have its own advantages and disadvantages. Hybrid
cryptography is one of most famous cryptography ... Show more content on ...
Asymmetric cryptography:
Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption. This uses two
keys for encryption and decryption of data. The two keys are the Public key which it
can be shared with anyone and the other one is a Private key or secret key which
should be kept secretly. Each user will have its own public key and private key. Let s
assume Alice and Bob are the sender and receiver. Alice(A) wants to send a message
to Bob(B). Alice will first encrypt(E) the plaintext(M) with Alice s public key and
send to bob. Now Bob verifies Alice s message by checking whether it is Alice s
digital signature and then bob decrypts(D) the key using the bob private key. This
process will be the same if Bob sends Alice message.
↓ ↓
Plain text(M)в†’ в†’ в†’ в†’Plain text(M)
More secure when compared to symmetric key because the private key is not shared
with each other.
Uses digital signature for encrypting data.
Baseball Operations For The Chicago Cubs
There are an increasing number of people rising up and looking to revolutionize
baseball as we know it. These people, called sabermatricians, come wielding
spreadsheets and calculators as their weapons of choice. Innovators like them are
beginning to view baseball through a different set of lenses than the rest. Others have
looked through statistical glasses or scouting spectacles, but their vision has never
been optimal. People like them have the correct lenses, but they have not been using
the lenses in the proper context. Theo Epstein, the President of BaseballOperations for
the Chicago Cubs, once said that stats and scouting are two lenses of the same pair
of glasses, and that the pair of glasses is called sabermetrics, and these... Show more
content on ...
These advanced metrics also provided much overdue improvements to old methods
of baseball research. Old timey statistics are inputted to the sabes machine, and the
new output is quantified baseball players performances based on objective statistical
measurements, especially in opposition to many of the established statistics (such as,
for example, runs batted in and pitching wins) that give less accurate approximations
of individual efficacy (Never, Sabermetrics ). This revolution has given statistics a
more clear meaning and true, measurable value for the first time. Scouting as well
has been improved upon, as the five tools scouts grade on now have that measured
value that scouts may refer to when making notes or personnel decisions.
Statistics, specifically how they measure and control data, as well as help us learn
from it, has and always will be a part of baseball ( What is statistics ). Stats are very,
very useful for many purposes in the sport, and can help keep some analysis
simplistic. The most effective use of stats in baseball is the comparison between
teammates within the same season. Within these parameters, the numbers come from
very similar environments, as the teammates are playing against the same teams in
the same ballparks at the same time. There are no outside factors potentially skewing
Essay on The Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias
DP Summary: The Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias Social scientist, Norbert
Elias, examines in part two of his book, The Civilizing Process, the development of
manners and the subsequent В‘civilizing of Western Europe since the middle ages.
This journey in time is an attempt to understand what actually happened to humanity
during several transitional periods. Elias perceives the development of western
civilization in three historical stages. (From the middle ages with a progression to
the renaissance (extended to 1750) and finally to modern day society) Each society
of the three stages had it s own standards of behavior, which influenced the individual
to act in a certain accepted way. A correlation was also found between the... Show
more content on ...
This treatise was a symptom of change, an embodiment of social processes, which
left enormous amounts of information on socially acceptable behavior of that time
to be studied (Elias 48). The book, never equaled by another in precision, clarity, or
frankness was used as a valuable resource to Elias. Meant as instruction, Erasmus,
(a guiding light of society at that time) coaches his audience (mainly the upper
class) on dress, table manners, spitting, vomiting, bed room behavior, clothing and
a host of many different things involved ones appearance in society. Certain modes
of behavior would be consider barbaric to modern times, while other aspects in the
treaties, due in fact draw a parallel to current social norms. During the Middle Ages
the table setting consisted of drinking vessels, salt cellar, and a well cleaned knife
on the right, with bread on the left (spoons used commonly, folks rare in standard
home of the time). Meat would be brought in, cut and taken in hand or on bread for
consumption. Plates were uncommon. The social elite, the kings and Queens alike
all followed suit and ate with their hands. There was a catch, however. For the elite
to be the elite , they needed some form of mannerism to distinguish them from the
commoners (marks of distinction between classes). The elite usually possessed gold
utensils and had table decorations to make clear their social status and level of
wealth. It is most refined to use only three fingers
Cathal Brugha s Uprising In Ireland
Other members of the GAA in Dublin were also badly wounded during the Rising
and were shown a leniency of sorts by the British Authorities in Ireland. Frank
Henderson later claimed Cathal Brugha had been so severely wounded during the
fighting in the South Dublin Union that the British authorities had released him
believing him to be physically incapable of further activities. 24 While those
involved in the Rising were interned at camps such as Frongoch or imprisoned at
places such as Dartmoor, the GAA in Dublin, like the national organisation, faced a
ban on the playing of Gaelic Games. Many of the 3500 rebels interned had been
involved in Nationalist activity with groups such as Na Fianna Eireann and the
Gaelic League. However, others who
Perception And Perception Of Perception Checking
Perception Checking Perception checking is a cooperative approach to
communication that provides accuracy instead of assuming our first interpretation is
correct. It minimizes defensiveness through face saving and requires both nonverbal
and verbal elements to match. The benefits of perception checking is to help us have
a better understanding of a message, so both persons can mutually relate and to
reduce conflict so we don t jump to conclusions. In the perceptionprocess reality is
constructed in two ways. The first order realities is physically observable qualities of
a thing or situation. For example, if your friend calls you a bone head . On the other
hand, second order realities cannot reside in objects or events but rather in our minds.
It involves our attaching meaning to first order things or situations. For instance,
your friend is being critical is an example of second order realities. Perception
checking has three parts: description, interpretation, and clarification. Description is
describing a behavior that was noticed. Interpretation is providing interpretations of
the behavior, Lastly, ask for clarification from the person about the behavior and
interpretations. These three parts are important because they help an individual how
to prevent assuming something that is probably not the intention of the other person
which is why clarification is needed in a situation like this. It is better to gather more
information about the situation then to think the
African American Males Research Paper
African American Young Adult Male s Deficiency of Achieving a College Degree
Sha Calya Daniels
Department of Social Work
Texas A M University Commerce
This study examines the environmental factors that impact and influence college
attainment among young adult African American males. Employing a qualitative
research design, the author conducted non probability sampling to guide the selection
of specific young adult African American males. The desired sample size will consist
of a total of 90 participants at all 9 locations. These included barber shops, mall/retail
locations, and fitness gyms. Participants identified four environmental factors that
correlated with the reasons why young adult African American males do not achieve a
... Show more content on ...
Literature Review
Spirituality and religion This study seeks to add to the knowledge base pertaining to
the role of spirituality and religion in the educational experiences and outcomes of
African American (male) students (Jett, 2010). It is important to have values of any
kind that mean something personally for an individual including spirituality and
religion, this can help guide young adult male further into completion of a college
degree. Although the four A.A. men in the study are spiritually grounded, they do not
share the same religious affiliations or denominations (Jett, 2010).
Racial identity, self efficacy, institutional integration, and academic achievement
The previous research shows how African American male students attending a
research university are more involved interaction with faculty and are culturally
competent. This great way for A.A. males to further their growth and interactions
while continuing
Langston Hughes Mother To Son
Langston Hughes (1902 67) was an African American poet. Hughes poem Mother to
Son was first published in Crisis magazine in December of 1922. The poem is
addressed from a mother to a son about her uncertainty in her life.
In Hughes poem Mother to Son , a mother advises her son that life has not been
easy like a crystal stair. It has tacks and splinters and torn boards on it, as well as
places without carpet. Her son must overcome them and keep going. The mother
compares the journey through life to a staircase. The staircase doesn t not make of
crystal. To represent the struggle of the mother, Hughes uses images of tack , splinter
, boards and carpet . However, she has kept climbing, through landings, corners and
darkness even ... Show more content on ...
She does not want her son to lose courage and stop climbing. She also does not want
him to fall which may mean tumbling down the steps and unable to go back.
In the end of the poem, she expresses her own strength and she says I se still goin ,
honey, I se still climbing, And life for me ain t been no crystal stair . She
encourages her son that never give up even life is hard.
The poetic involved in the poem is the comparison of life being a staircase. The
central image of the poem is the crystal stair . The stairway may be seen as a path to
freedom which was the goal of the African Americans.
The mother advised her son that he should never collapse under the pressures that
life puts him through. Hughes uses repetition in don t you turn back. Don t you set
down on the steps. Cause you finds it s kinder hard. Don t you fall now to
emphasize the mother s anxious expectation of her son. She wants him to be brave
The, Babylon, By Pat Frank
Throughout history, the countries of the world have had such distinct border lines
that there might as well be a twenty foot tall fence besieging each country;
disembodying the world into puzzle pieces. However, one particular topic has
vaporized these imaginary barriers and aided the bond between the world and her
people. This topic is the imminent fear of nuclear weapons. No matter which land
is set foot in, the fear of nuclear disaster is prominent among almost every citizen of
every town or city. Traveling back to the 1950 s, the fear of nuclear attacks almost
became a horrible reality. To emphasize the paranoia most American s had during
the 1960s, author Pat Frank created a science fiction novel titled Alas, Babylon,
which tells of a story of a family who lives through post nuclear war. When reading
this captivating novel, it becomes quite clear that Frank is con technology; letting
the world know that technology like the nuclear bomb is ruinous to mankind rather
than prosperous. During the time of nuclear weapons, the USSR or the Soviet
Union, was developing into such a considerable power that the rest of the world
couldn t help but feel highly anxious. In Frank s novel, his character s exemplify
this quite literally. In the early chapters of this novel, one character named Mark
Bragg warns his brother Randy Bragg that a nuclear war is so nearby that it could
happen by morning. Overcome by paranoia, Mark sends his entire family (wife
Helen, children Ben and
The Soviet Montage Movement
The concept of the soviet montage movement is to show a certain idea to the
audience through the use of film. This movement can show any idea that the director
intends for the film, this can go from harmless ideas to the extreme of propaganda.
The soviet montage movement began in Russia in 1924 until 1930.
Before the movement began in Russia (February 1917), the government with Tsar in
power was overthrown and by October 1917 Bolshevik controlled Russia bringing the
rise of the communist government. This sparked the communist movement, as well
as a civil war with anti communist believers, resulting in the victory of the
communists. As the communist government took power over Russia, they took the
control of what those living under their rule
What Is My First Vacation Essay
One day I want to go on a lot of vacations one thing about me is I love to have fun
travel, explore the world see what s all out there, there are some places I already
been to that I m going to talk about an there is one main place that I been dreaming
of visiting one day.
My first vacation is when I was younger one of the places I first visited as a child was
Orlando Florida my aunt lived there at the time we went to the mall an we went
somewhere to get my mother a permanent makeup tattoos. As for me later down the
week we went to Disney world I was so excited I seen mickey mouse an all the other
Disney characters I also seen someone with a leash an it had an invisible dog on it. It
was crazy. We got in the race cars ,indoor roller coaster at the time I had my baby doll
an I had it on my lap as I rode on the roller coaster I was so scared I was crying for
my mom sorry but I can t do roller coasters ha ha but other than that I had a great
time in Orlando.
My second vacation was with my fifth grade class we went to Tallahassee Florida we
went inside this building that ... Show more content on ...
We also went to Miami which is thirty minutes away from fort Lauderdale we went
to Miami Florida south beach the water is so beautiful that sand is pretty. Later that
night we went to the board walk it apart of south beach they had it where you can
ride a boat, there were couple dancing, they had places to shop an eat at. I enjoyed
my time there
Stereotypes In The South
Stereotypes in the South Have you ever told one of your friends something, and you
just felt the need to throw in a couple of extra words so that it would not sound so
boring? That is basically what stereotypes are. People usually do not dig down into
the culture or history of someone. They just get the general thoughtof a person and
their culture from what other people have said or told them. I have done a little
experiment where I have asked some random people questions about the south. My
reason of doing so was to see what the average person thought of southerners. I have
asked people a serious of questions, having to do with the southerner culture such as;
knowledge, general actions, language, communication, and differences. These people
... Show more content on ...
They may not be smart at things that other people are smart at, but they sure are
very smart and know things being our scope of research. What regular person that
does no live in the south knows how to make their own liquor (Moonshine). People
outside of the south has it good and they do not take care of themselves by
themselves. They do not make their own food and hunt for their meat like
southerners do. That is where they get all of their food thou. They want to look down
upon southerns but the south is how these people are surviving. They are surviving
on the southerners scope of education and their way of getting
Equal Employment Opportunity Essay
Throughout the years the United States has faced many challenges with equal
employment opportunities for everyone. The United States has developed The Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission, also known as the EEOC, to enforce laws
that help prevent everyone from being treated unfairly when it comes to employment
options. The EEOC has established stipulations and overlooks all of the federal equal
employment opportunity regulations, practices and policies ( Federal Laws
Prohibiting Job DiscriminationQuestions and Answers ). Some laws that have been
passed are the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. Although some discrimination is
still a problem, all of these... Show more content on ...
With the same exemption as Merit System, Seniority Plans are also exempt which
means that a company that ties pay notes to seniority can pay a man more if he has
been with the company longer than the female co worker. In conclusion the EPA
indicates that any other factor other than sex may be used to justify different pay
rates (Gomez Mejia, Luis R.). Industries of commerce and productions of goods for
commerce have depressed wages and standards of living based on sex which
resulted in the declaration of purpose. The EPA is necessary for every one s health
and efficiency. The purpose of declaration is that discrimination of sex in the work
force prevents the most efficient level of labor resources, causes problems with in
the labor force, prevents and burdens commerce and symbolizes an unfair
competition between individuals. This is one of the reasons why the EPA is
created to solve these complications. If employers use sex discrimination in the
work force they will face penalties. Some penalties are fines and imprisonment,
employers are liable for damages done to the employee, employer must pay wages
and compensation that was held from the employee and the employer must provide
savings provisions ( The Equal Pay Act of 1963 ). Preventing sex pay discrimination
is just one way that Equal Employment Opportunities Commission is trying to make
everyone equal. The Title
The Moral Distinction Between Civil And Political Rights
Maurice Cranston on the moral distinction between civil/political rights and social
/economic rights. economic, social and cultural rights have been seen as requiring
high levels of investment, while civil and political rights are said simply to require
the State to refrain from interfering with individual freedoms. It is true that many
economic, social and cultural rightssometimes require high levels of investment both
financial and human to ensure their full enjoyment. However, economic, social and
cultural rights also require the State to refrain from interfering with individual
freedoms, for instance trade union freedoms or the right to seek work of one s
choosing. Similarly, civil and political rights, although comprising individual
freedoms, also require investment for their full realization. For example, civil and
political rights require infrastructures such as a functioning court system, prisons
respecting minimum living conditions for prisoners, legal aid, free and fair elections,
and so on.
Civil/Political rights: safety and justice, no discrimination or oppression. Physical and
mental integrity.
Social/Economic rights: right to work, paid vacation, welfare. Rights of a certain
group of people
Disagree on values в†’ no universalism doesn t make sense
Strong/weak duties with harm/sacrifice the state typically has todo something in
order to protect rights. No police, no property
Cranston thinks that the rights in the UDHR on the civil political list fall on the
Burnable Book Summary
Equity: the quality of being fair or impartial. In a situation of equity, all parties are
equally benefited and equally disadvantaged. There is a symmetrical balance of
power. But can there be equal power, and have the notion of power still exist?
Because of that, there is a dynamic of asymmetrical power. The system is designed to
favor and continually promote the ideology and control of the dominant group. And it
s never questioned. Though accepted by the masses, the asymmetry of power has
caused countless struggles, wars, and even an entire breakdown of that system. At
some point, the nondominant group gathers and rises to confront the dominant group,
upsetting the balance and challenging the dominant group s authority. When that
power... Show more content on ...
While comparatively the church was made up of few people, those few could
easily define the rules of the greater society. They are a removed group at the top
making decisions that will directly affect those below. Folb argues that
...dimensions of visibility and marked invisibility are keen indicators of the status
hierarchy in a given society... and I agree. The imagery and symbolism of St. Paul
s as a space and place allude to how greatly the church existed in the lives of the
people. Only the king ranked higher than the church. England today is situated in a
similar fashion. While the cathedral is not the largest structure in the city, newer
buildings were designed to still give it a visible presence. Prime Minister David
Cameron outright stating that England is a Christian nation proves how prevalent
religion is in relation to government and people. Titles of Minister and Prime Minister
are subtle, yet effective reminders of that
Punic Wars Causes
The Punic Wars were a series of three wars that were fought between Rome and
Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC. Carthage, during the mid 3rd century, was a large
city located on the coast of modern Tunisia. Carthage was a powerful city state with a
vast commercial network. Rome rivalved with Carthage due to Rome having power,
wealth, and population. The Romans were highly interested in expansion. The main
cause of the Punic Wars was the conflicts of interests between the existing
Carthaginian Empire and the expanding Roman Republic. By the Roman Empire
winning these wars over Carthage, this gave Rome a preeminent status.
In 264 BC, Rome decided to intervene in a dispute on the western coast of Sicily.
The dispute involved an attack by soldiers ... Show more content on
Carthage, however, was able to establish a new base of influence in Spain
beginning in 237 BC. This was due to their leadership of the powerful general
Hamilcar Barca. In later years, leadership fell under Hamilcar s son in law
Hasdrubal. Hamilcar Barca made his younger son Hannibal swear a blood oath
against Rome when Hannibal was a younger boy. Upon Hasdrubal s death in 221
BC, Hannibal took command of the Carthaginian forces in Spain. Two years later,
Hannibal marched his army across the Ebro River into Saguntum declaring war on
Rome. Hannibal and his troops, 90,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry, marched from
Spain across the Alps and into Italy. They won battles over Roman troops at Tiinus,
Trebia, and Trasimene. Hannibal s invasion of Rome reached its peak at Cannae in
216 BC. He used his cavalry to surround a Roman army twice the size of his own
and inflict massive casualties. Rome, however, stood right back up to the
Carthaginians. The Carthaginians lost hold in Italy as Rome won victories in Spain
and North Africa under the general Publius Cornelius Scipio. In 203 BC, Hannibal s
forces were forced to abandon the struggle in Italy in order to defend North Africa.
Hannibal s losses in the Second Punic War put an end to Carthage s empire in the
western Mediterranean. This left Rome in complete control of Spain and allowing
Carthage to retain its territory in North Africa. Carthage was forced to give up
Mary Shelley Challenges Society in Frankenstein Essay
Mary Shelley Challenges Society in Frankenstein
Romantic writer Mary Shelley s gothic novel Frankenstein does indeed do a lot more
than simply tell story, and in this case, horrify and frighten the reader. Through her
careful and deliberate construction of characters as representations of certain
dominant beliefs, Shelley supports a value system and way of life that challenges
those that prevailed in the late eighteenth century during the Age of Reason . Thus the
novel can be said to be challenging prevailant ideologies, of which the dominant
society was constructed, and endorsing many of the alternative views and thoughts of
the society. Shelley can be said to be influenced by her mothers early feminist views,
her father s ... Show more content on ...
The creature spends his happiest days observing the tranquillity and felicity in the
Delancey home. Does, then, Shelley propose that life should be lived without the
father as the head and leader of the household? Probably not, but these characters do
show that she supports a value system in which women are treated with much more
independence and dignity than was currently afforded to them.
Like Caroline and Safie, Elizabeth Lavenza s father causes her unhappiness.
However this is drastically confounded by the egotism of Victor Frankenstein who
seeks to take on the vitally female role of the creator. Elizabeth is constructed by
Shelley as an extremely positive character, whose saintly soul shines like a shrine
dedicated lamp in the Frankenstein s happy home . She, like her foster mother
Caroline, keeps the family together veiling her grief for the benefit of the children.
However, when victor attempts to take on the role of a woman and create life Shelley
shows us that it is an unfortunate masculine characteristic to doom idealism with
egotism and the pursuit of glory. Despite his noble goals of unfolding the mysteries of
creation , to confer inesteemable benefit on all mankind, Victor s masculine egotism
What Is The Connection Between A Tale Of Television And...
Technology consumes the society Bradbury has created, and determines the behavior
of the community he has created. The television consumes Mildred along with every
other dependent conformist in their time. The people are so absorbed by the
television that the families portrayed through the shows, that they are psychologically
engulfed into the televisionfamilies. Mildred even displays this when Bradbury
writes, Will you turn the parlor off? He asked. That s my family. Will you turn it off
for a sick man? I ll turn it down. (Bradbury 49) MIldred s connections to her
fabricated family is more important than her actual family. The subjugation of the
television families is such a convoluted concept. This immense confusion is only
sensibly comparable to one character, Chief Beatty. Beatty s knowledge of literature
is used to disprove the importance of literature to others. He is willing to defend the
equalization of society while he is educated himself, and rejects the use of books as
weapons while reading them whenever he pleases. Due to these contradicting
concepts in his life, Beatty is the most convoluted and mysterious character in the
The peculiar connection of the society Bradbury creates to television and technology
is the leading cause for the conformist society. Communication has lost every sense of
its meaning. The little communication present is with a fake family on a television.
Parlors have transformed into group television watching, and the
Case Study On Kantianism
Introduction Values are the things that you believe are important in the way you
live and work. They ought to decide your priorities, and, where it counts, they are
probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it
to. The following values are the ones that resonate with me. These are the top
priorities for me to live to pass along to my children and everyone in my life:
a.Honesty. To live genuinely; to live honesty, keeps our hearts and souls pure and our
minds free of uncertainty or vulnerability. When we are honest, we know we are
doing the correct things. b.Responsibility. Being responsible implies that others can
depend on you, that you complete your promises or work. c.Humility. It isn t being...
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Kant is a non consequentialist, meaning the end results do not justify the means.
Higher profits do not justify the choice to deceive. Kant mentioned that nothing is
good in itself except good will. I will not be acting from good will if I decided to be
deceitful. Even though the organization s main end goal is to maximize profit,
human s lives do not have a price. An organization should never forget that it exists
because of its individuals. I would not use people as a means to an end and not to
dehumanize human beings. I would do the right thing, not to behave egoistically, and
not to rationalize. Conclusion Volkswagen s actions in tending to recall issue is not
ethical in relevance to Kantianism. They continuing telling their consumers that their
cars are safe and reliable as a part of their promotional and sales strategy. Whether
Volkswagen realizes that they are giving their consumers the inaccurate information
or not is up for argument, but nonetheless, the information they are providing is
keeping the customer from making a fully rational decision. As an organization
Volkswagen failed to act ethically. It was centered around benefit, utilized its
consumers without thinking about their primary safety, and purposely deceived
them, which is universally
Abortion Is Wrong Essay
Is Abortion Wrong?
One of the most cherished beliefs of conservatives is that morals are absolute. If an
act such as abortion is wrong, they believe, it is wrong for all time; there are no
exceptions. Usually, this absolutism arises from the belief that the law of God cannot
be broken under any circumstances.
Yet, not even the Bible considers an act to be wrong in and of itself the scriptures are
loaded with exceptions and qualifications to the law. To those who believe that the
only exceptions to the law should be those that the Judeo Christian God gives us, then
there are three places to find those exceptions: the Old Testament, the New Testament,
and the writings of Christian leaders in the 2,000 years since. ... Show more content
on ...
Conservatives may object that the power actually belongs to God, and the church
leadership is simply transmitting the information. But history clearly refutes this idea.
African slavery in America received the full blessing of four centuries of popes.
Considering the social and scientific disasters that the Church hierarchy (of all
denominations) have been guilty of promoting, from the burning of witches to the
enslavement of innocents, no thinking person could ever place blind faith in the
fallible leadership of men.
That s just a practical observation; let s turn to a more theoretical treatment of moral
absolutism. The problem with this theory is that not even the Bible considers an
act to be wrong in and of itself. God gave Israel the Ten Commandments forbidding
certain acts, but then he also ordered Israel to carry out those very acts against her
enemies. This sort of moral relativism is apparent in Christian history as well.
Slavery and war were not condemned as evil in and of themselves; Christian
scholars and popes wrote entire libraries on what constituted just and unjust slavery
and just and unjust war. They drew all the exceptions permissible under God for
these atrocities, which they viewed as correct in certain circumstances. They also did
this with more positive behaviors, such as the only correct occasions to have sex,
which the Church
Project Implementation Plan For Successful Project
Project Implementation Plan
For successful project management, there is a need to have a good project
implementation plan, which, is a single document that specifies the duties, dates, and
who is in charge.
Human Resources Plan
The human resources plan is a device that directs the management, in detail, on the
responsibilities and the roles, the acquiring of the human resources, training
specialization needed, and individual time required per resource. A well planned and
successful project is dependent on the correct human resources as the major
component which comprises of the following:
1.Roles and Responsibilities of the Members of the Team in the Project
The responsibility is the assigned work that has to be finished within a given time
frame, while the role is a detailed portion that the individual member could give
accountability. To carry out the project in an efficient way, each member in the team
needs to fully know their individual role and responsibility that is required. Every role
and responsibility needed has to be made concisely to the team members. This also
includes authority and competency. Authority has the mandate to make decisions,
approvals, and utilize the project resources. Competency is about human skills
possessed to deliver on the project activities.
2.Project Organizational Charts
The project organizational charts serve as the visual graphical outlook of the
members of the team and their specific duties. Its major function is to depict
Information Sharing in the Army s Contemporary
The potential of providing information or sharing information with agencies or
personnel without proper authorization can be detrimental to the mission and the
personnel involved. Working in a Joint/Combined nature of the Contemporary
Operational Environment (COE) leads to numerous considerations of securitywhen it
comes to information sharing and intelligenceproductions. COE is the combination
or current and near term operational environment variables with capabilities. It is
based on the composite of potential adversaries in order to create a wide array of
conditions necessary for full spectrum training and leader development. Sea, land, air,
and space make up the COE in both the physical and technological aspect
(Headquarters... Show more content on ...
These differences lead to difficulties in interpretation of the information shared and
the products that are disseminated.
The Army uses Army Regulation (AR) 380 5, Department of the Army Information
Security Program, as the main information classification and procedure guide. Tactics
include training on a continuous basis, ensuring that personnel records are up to
date, and keeping guidelines such as a tactical standard operating procedure
(TACSOP) and mission essential task list (METL) to follow. For example, the Army
carries out a ground mission (Combat Arms) and is structured in such a way that each
Brigade is self sufficient.
The Air Force is responsible for air assets, to include fighters, equipment/personnel
transports, and Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV) to name a few. They are also broken
down into mission units and have their own support system and intelligence units.
Their primary mission is to provide support to the Army.
The Marines and Navy mission focus is the sea or ocean. They also work in support
of the Army; however the Marines do have their own Infantry and can conduct
operations similar to the Army Infantry. Mission, structure, tactics, and security
requirements receive a great portion of attention when conducting information
sharing operations in the Joint COE.
Commanders and Intelligence Officers, must have a good
Women s Leadership Position As An Undergraduate
Background: Women in leadership provided a variety of different insights about
being a woman in leadership positions both in the business world and outside of it.
One constant theme throughout the class was how women have to constantly prove
our competence more than men. Women are less likely to have an executive position
in a company, which means that when women are hired for these positions, they have
to prove themselves. As a woman, this is something I have not faced in my current
position as an undergraduate student, but as I move forward in my career, I know
it is a challenge I will face. One statistic that was mentioned during lecture really
stuck out in my mind. Women apply for jobs when they feel they meet 100% of the
criteria, whereas men apply for jobs when they feel they meet 60% of the
qualifications. Like was previously stated, women feel the need to constantly prove
themselves, which is why they only apply for jobs they can 100% succeed in versus
men have confidencein themselves even if they are sure if they meet all the job
qualifications. Bottom line based on the success of many of the speakers from
Women in Leadership, if you are confident in yourself, you can complete a task and
complete it well.
It is clear having confidence when apply to jobs, and in general is an extremely
important skill to have. While there are many different strategies in the working
world for women to succeed, it is important to work hard and be confident to get the
job done. As
Farmers In The Late 1800s Essay
In the late 19th century, farmers all over the country were filled with discontent
due to the rough financial and agricultural conditions they were experiencing on
the farm. As far back as the Homestead Act of 1862, which gave families land
grants west of the Mississippi, farmers have been migrating West. Manifest Destiny
was driving these families west creating jobs and opportunities, which had greatly
impacted the time. This period before the late 1800s had produced high numbers of
wheat, agricultural technology, and success for hard working farmers. The perfect
life started to disintegrate with the increase of farmers, and the high amount of
wheat being sold. With wheat prices dropping, farmers going into debt, and
businesses controlling the economy, the farmers were starting to experience
hardships like never before. This was the start of the depression of 1893. Farmers
had experienced a number of problems during this time, but the conflicts of the
Bimetallic Standard in currency, the overpowering big businesses, and the lack of
government interference had contributed greatly to the validity of the farmers
argument. Currency during the late 1800s was always a topic of great conflict
between the different classes of people. The document The platform of the People s
Party 1892 stated The Newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion
silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished,
and the land concentration in the hands of
The Keynesian School Of Economic Thought
Our economy has evolved from centuries ago to what it is today from the start of
supply and demand and learning how to make trades. The foundations of this
learning process has also came from theories on how to manage and control the
economy. This has been built from several thinkers and theorist implanting their
ideas into action and having results in the prosperity or failure of an economy. As
these theories have evolved as well and some with great prosperity they have been
recognized and titled as the Keynesian School of Economic Thought as this is a
theory believing aggregate demand is influenced by public and private economic
decisions. There is also the Monetarism School of Economic Thought which focuses
on how the money supply has... Show more content on ...
The only thing that really drags down the aggregate demand or GDP would be if the
country brought in more imported goods than anything else. A public decision would
be the money that government programs put into the economy, investing in programs
such as education, medical research, Medicare and other things. In the formula, these
variables would be Government spending and Investment spending. Private decisions
are an individual s decisions on where to spend money. In the formula, this is
represented by investment spending and consumption spending. Keynesian
Economics relies on that they believe the government can kickstart the economy by
spending money when in a down period.
Another school of thought is that changes in aggregate demand, whether anticipated
or unanticipated, have their greatest short run effects on real output and employment,
not on prices. John Maynard Keynes said that everything in life is in the short run.
The theory believes that just because something is happening in the short run, may
not necessarily mean it will happen in the long run. He thought the government
should get involved when the economy was stagnant to give it a boost and get it
moving again in the short run. They also believe that monetary policy effects, output
and employment only. That makes sense because as the more money that is pumped
in, the more a good needs to be produced and the more goods needing to be produced
means the more people you
The Importance Of Internet On The Internet
Nowadays, internet has been one of the most important things in human s life. It is an
unseen bridge that allows people to access the world. A fast flow of information and
communication are what provided in internet. Any information we need is easily
gained without limited by time and space. Internet is a huge mediato allow humans
connect each other. Whatever are the events in one part of the world, will quickly
be recognized by those who are on the other side. By the development of
information technology, people now are able to have a social relationship in
internet. The media which enable them to establish a relationship virtually are
called as social networks (or social media). Numerous social networks are widely
used today. Facebook, twitter, Blackberry Messenger, and WhatsApp are few of
them, following the steps of Friendster as the pioneer back then. Some features like
chatting and video call are what people served with. However, chatting and calling
are not the only things we can do in social networks. There is also trading as one of
the most rapid activities people do other than those basic functions. As media with
almost no charge needed in using them, social networks are very powerful tools of
promotion for those who just start a small business, or want to run the business
with limited time, access and budget. They can be used also to sell unused stuffs.
Massive number of users, especially facebook, has created a big market and
opportunities for sellers to trade their products. It is also very useful when
someone wants to look for the things he needs and buys, without have to get the
new one with higher price. Trading forums as a modified form of facebook group
is a feature provided by facebook that allows its members to sell things. In selling
things through posts, they often (with or without they realize) created and used
special forms of terms or modified words. Evidently, the languages used by those
members are very different from what usually used in daily conversation. It is even
different from slang languagecommonly used in chatting or sms. Normally, one
posts an advertisement in the group with description inserted with some new words.
This is a way to make it simple and as brief as
The Formation Of Acc And Its Conversion Into Ethylene
The evolution of ACC also brings about the production of 5Вў methylthioadenosine
nine. Increase in the rate of respiration of the fruit gives ATP (Adenosine
triphosphate) need for the methionine cycle and can lead to induced ethylene
production without high levels of intracellular methionine. SAM is a crucial methyl
giver and relates to numerous aspects of cellular metabolism. Thus, the two steps
involved in the synthesis of ethyleneis the formation of ACC and its conversion into
ethylene. The genes encoding ACS and ACO have therefore been studied more
deeply than other enzymes in the pathway, although there is proof that a few other
genes concerned with methionine synthesis and methionine salvage pathway are
differentially demonstrated throughout ripeningand in response to ethylene (Alba
and others 2005; Zegzouti and others 1999). ACS and ACO are encoded by
multigene families in higher plants, with tomato having at most nine ACS
(LEACS1A, LEACS1B, and LEACS2 8) and п¬Ѓve ACO (LEACO1 5) genes (Barry
and others 1996; Nakatsuka and others 1998; Oetiker and others 1997; Van der
Hoeven and others 2002; Zarembinski and Theologis 1994). Expression survey has
disclosed that at least four ACS (LEACS1A, LEACS2, LEACS4, LEACS6) and
three ACO (LEACO1, LEACO3, LEACO4) genes are differentially shown in tomato
fruit(Barry and others 1996, 2000; Nakatsuka and others 1998; Rottmann and others
1991). LEACO1, LEACO3, andLEACO4 are shown at low levels in green fruits that
are in the first
Obanua Ogugua Critical Analysis
Interestingly, it is clear now that the author might not have been interested in
portraying the polygamy in the novel in the literal sense, but deftly twists the novel to
largely accommodate his message on the immiscibility of tradition and modernity.
And what better way to effect this than through the element of marriage? He marries
the societal constructs together to show the ghastly effect of having them so close
together. We also, however, must not ignore that there is actually a message on
polygamy as it relates to human relationships and its lethal effects. We can therefore
say that the author has managed to kill two birds with one stone.
Moving on, having established the foregoing, strife becomes the chemical reaction
when the two ... Show more content on ...
So, the supposition that Ogugua is actually a representation of modernity actually
Also interesting to explore is the introduction by the author of the detail that
concerned the love affair between Ogugua and the Portuguese merchant. This little
detail stamps our claim that Obanua s society, Ozala, had begun to experience change
through modernity. Through historical books, we come to know that Nigeria (which
is undoubtedly the secondary setting of the novel) first begun its journey to modernity
when the Portuguese came into the country for trade purposes and, at this point, as is
surely with any instance of human interaction, ideas and societal patterns were
exchanged, more so as the language, Portuguese, infiltrated its way into the system.
That minute detail therefore becomes something like a deliberate attempt by the
author to show us the modern change that was enveloping the town and Nigeria, by
extension, hoping that we would grasp that bit of detail.
Consequently, Ogugua s mulatto twin girls deserve some critical attention. That they
are culturally mixed gives us a clue that they are representations also, of the cultural
malaise with which we are concerned. The role they play in the house is also very
significant. We can call them catalysts of disaster since they often instigate
Case Study Of A Private Card Business
This paper is about a private card business HowRu and its subsidiary. Of course as
all card companies business is seasonal and the best time is holiday season. This
paper will discuss steps the company can take to diversify its portfolio. Next the
definition of diversification and its necessity in risk management will be given.
Then there will be five steps listed to diversify the card business. Each step will be
discussed in detail. Last at least six suggestions will be given to know where and
how funds can be allocated for new investments. HowRu a card business and its
subsidiary has a 14% share in the greeting card business. Everyone knows the best
time is holiday season in this industry. So this company needs to diversify its
portfolio in order to generate income to make up for the slow times. How can this
company diversify and what ways can they find funds to allocate to new
Investments. As I was coming up I was always told you have to budget your
money don t spend it all in one place. Well investing is kind of like that, you do not
want to invest all you have in one thing. Diversification is exactly that investing in
several funds, stocks, or securities so you have less risk. Every ones risk tolerance
is different and all is willing to take a different amount of risk ( Asset Page, n.d.) For
a successful business no matter what their risk tolerance is diversification is needed.
This process allows for the investments to be spread to multiple bonds
Sanofi Genzyme Merger
(1) Brief Chronology 5/23/2010 Sanofi s CEO Chris Viehbacher approaches
Genzyme s CEO Henri Termeer about an acquisition. Termeer expresses interest
but wishes to discuss the possible deal after the company s shareholder meeting in
June. 6/28/2010 Viehbacher calls Termeer to set up a meeting and Termeer
promises to respond soon. 7/2/2010 The media becomes alerted about Sanofi
wishing to purchase a U.S. biotech company as rumors circulate about Genzyme. 7
/29/2010 Sanofi sends a private letter to Genzyme s board of directors offering $69
/share in cash. 8/22/2010 Genzyme rejects Sanofi s offer. 8/29/2010 Sanofi goes
public with its offer of $69/share. 8/30/2010 Genzyme publicly rejects... Show more
content on ...
Since 2004, Sanofi had developed into a diversified global healthcare company
using innovation to meet the needs of patients throughout the world, with recent
acquisitions including, Zentiva, Medley, Kendricks, Acambis and Symbion
Consumer, as well as Merial in animal health. Exhibit 4.1 accurately highlights the
exact formation of the company. (3) Brief description of the companies at the time
of the announcement of the transaction A. Sanofi Aventis Sanofi had a total of
twenty two research and development sites. By the time of the acquisition, Sanofi
owned eight operational sites in France, five sites in other European countries
(Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Spain, and Italy), six sites in the United
States, one site in Japan, and two sites in China. Sanofi also owned 75 industrial
sites worldwide as displayed by Exhibit 1.2. On a broader scale to see how the
company was faring over the years, Exhibit 1.1 accurately depicts the growth in
net sales over a period of five years. Net sales had increased 7.1% from 2006 until
2010 and cash dividends paid per share had also increased 42.9%. Exhibit 1.4
displays the major shareholders who owned stakes in the company in 2010 when
Sanofi first expressed interest in acquiring Genzyme. Exhibit 1.6 shows Sanofi s
total exposure as of December 31, 2010 by rating and in terms of its percentage
exposure to the dominant
Description Of Spc ( Statistical Process Control )
Md. Sourove Akther Momin1*, Mr.Md. Golam Kader2 and Md. Mahbubur Rahaman3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering
Technology, Khulna 9203, Bangladesh
Corresponding author: Md. Sourove Akther Momin (
Abstract: SPC (statistical process control) is an important tool to solve the
manufacturing problem and the most modernized effective scheme to obtain process
durability and fostering the process pertinence decreasing the variability. In
manufacturing system, products do not run up against the proper province of quality
permanently with the customer desire. This impermanency appears due to various
productions of variations like machines, operators, materials, etc. The main purpose
of control chart is to monitor the changes, and subsequently governing the scheme.
The study deals with controlling and upliftment of the quality of pipe through
checking and observing the pipe s height, diameter and weight from pipe industry.
From the investigation, X bar chart, S and R control chart are developed for the
variables. Furthermore, EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) is used to
focus for identifying the small process shifts All of the investigation represent, the
process is in control or not. For the process out of control status, the assignable
causes behind it be marked out and foreclosed by taking proper steps.
Keywords: SPC, control chart, EWMA, quality.
Nomenclature Average of the sample element
XSample element
Ray Kroc Ethical Dilemma Analysis
Ray Kroc started the last ethical dilemma when he opened up a McDonald s across
from the original McDonald s owned by Maurice and Richard McDonald, who had
to change their name to Big M. Ray Kroc wanted to put them out of business, but he
also wanted Maurice and Richard to suffer seeing their name and restaurant they lost.
Ray Kroc could have put the McDonald sin San Bernardino, California, elsewhere,
even down the street or on another street. While Maurice and Richard cannot do
anything with the name McDonald s, they decided to move their restaurant. If Ray
Kroc did not pursue this course of action, it would have made Maurice and Richard
feel less depressed about the loss of their restaurant. Unfortunately, they must start
over there was... Show more content on ...
Maurice and Richard McDonald based every decision on what they wanted
McDonald s to be, which was fast, clean, and delicious. Since they had trouble
maintaining quality among earlier franchisee, they made sure to put in protections
from franchisee abusing their name and their business. The implications of their
decisions were that they did not like change, and so they rejected all of Ray s
ideas. Those ideas included designs that alter the building furnace, adding a
basement, a coke cola sponsorship, request for additional revenue, attempting to
renegotiate their franchise fee percentage, and the use of powder milkshake. The
one thing they could have done differently was to be more willing to consider a
change to improve their business. They did not identify with the state of their
employees, including Ray who needed their support. Thus, Ray took it into his
own hands. Ray Kroc was not motivated by money at first, but McDonald s service
which was so fast compared to the other drive ins he went to prior to discovering
McDonald s. However, when Maurice and Richard allowed him to become the head
franchise, he started to worry about money as he built McDonald s all over the
United States. Eventually, he started making decisions to acquire and make more
profit off McDonald s because of Harry J. Sonneborn, who suggest he buy the land
that McDonald s sat on and that the

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What Is A Synthesis Essay

  • 1. What Is A Synthesis Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "What Is A Synthesis Essay" can be a challenging task that requires a deep understanding of the concept and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies in the need to synthesize information from various sources, combining ideas to form a cohesive and well-structured argument. It demands not only a grasp of the subject matter but also the ability to analyze, evaluate, and present diverse viewpoints in a coherent manner. The process begins with extensive research to gather relevant information from different sources. This could involve reading scholarly articles, books, and other academic materials. Once the information is collected, the challenge is to organize it logically, identifying key themes and connections between different perspectives. Moreover, a synthesis essay requires a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument. Crafting this thesis involves not only summarizing the key points but also integrating them into a unique perspective. Transitioning between ideas smoothly and maintaining a clear line of reasoning adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. Additionally, synthesizing information also demands critical thinking skills to assess the credibility and reliability of sources. One must be cautious of bias, misinformation, or conflicting viewpoints. Proper citation and referencing become crucial to maintain academic integrity. The difficulty escalates when considering the need for originality. A successful synthesis essay should go beyond merely summarizing existing knowledge; it should contribute a fresh perspective or insight to the topic. This requires creativity and the ability to think critically about the subject matter. In conclusion, writing a synthesis essay is a challenging task that requires a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. Success in this endeavor necessitates the ability to synthesize diverse information into a cohesive argument while presenting original insights. For those seeking assistance, similar essays and much more can be ordered on What Is A Synthesis Essay What Is A Synthesis Essay
  • 2. What Defines Human Nature And The Hierarchy Of Human... What defines human nature and the hierarchy of human relations? In this paper, I will argue that Beauvoir s view that society constructs man, maleness, and the masculine as the human standard (rendering woman, femaleness, and the feminine deviant and defective) is flawed. Although Beauvoir s evidence was compelling I had several issues with some of the finer details such as what term designates a human being, that a woman s body is considered disadvantaged, and that femalenature is defective. I also disagree with her statement that woman can t think of herself without man, woman is only a symbol of sex to man, and that man and woman are the Self and the Other. Firstly, Beauvoir argues that man represents the positive and the neutral while woman represents only the negative. I feel that this statement is saying that woman is only what man are not. By making this assumption I infer that Beauvoir feels woman is only considered when man has reached the limits of their reach. However, I believe that man the line separating man and woman is inconclusive in its stance. When looking at what is considered masculine and what is considered feminine, there are some relatable similarities. For example, the work ethic of a man at work is similar to the work ethic of a woman at home. A man would be expected to complete his work load in a proficient manner and bring home money to the family. A woman would be expected to care for the family and the home in a proficient and timely
  • 3. The Hebrew And Christian Religious Traditions Essay The Hebrew and Christian religious traditions have a storied history of experiencing revelations, specifically Apocalyptic writings. Some examples of these visions include, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John s Revelation, and Julian s Revelations of Love. Yet, the question remains, how credible these revelations are, especially the newer ones? If the Old Testamentis taken as credible, then the New Testament and any subsequent writings must align with the Old Testament. Isaiah s apocalyptic and messianic prophecies are centered in Isaiah 24 through 27. Isaiah twist its surface (24:1). Chapter 24 focuses on the destruction of the City of Chaos that is to come. When the City of Chaos is judged, so will the kings of the earth and the hosts of heaven, and they will be shut up in a prison and punished. Chapter 25 discusses the banquet of the Lord that will take place on a mountain. This banquet will have rich foods and well aged wines and he will swallow up death forever (Isaiah 25:8). Chapter 26 shows a hymn that focuses on God s justice, and chapter 27 is a song of the new vineyard, which is a reference to an earlier chapter. Interestingly, Isaiah says, On that day the LORD with his cruel and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will kill the dragon that is in the sea (27:1). Earlier, however, Isaiah was granted a vision of the throne room of God. In chapter 6, Isaiah describes God sitting on his
  • 4. Sons Of Liberty Thesis A thank you is owed to the Sons of Liberty for the sacrifices they gave for the sake of the American citizens and their daily freedoms. They gave up their liberty to walk down the street without having to constantly look over their shoulder to make sure there were no British soldiers in sight. Rather than just staying in the shadows, they all showed their faces. To prove that they would not buckle under pressure, they wrote a list of every member s name. Like most everyday hero, these members never backed away from a battle. They stepped into the ring and fought their way to the independence Americans have today. The Sons of Libertystood up against the high taxes given to them by the British Empire to protect the human rights for the Thirteen ... Show more content on ... The attempt that followed in their path to control over the colonists was the Tea Act. The Tea Act of 1773 stated that all tea products had lowered prices to try to convince the colonists to approve of their tax, but that only led to angry colonists and the Boston Tea Party (Andrilk). The idea to try taxing the colonists was an irrational move made by the Bostonian Empire. The Sons of Liberty had already made their plans fail two major times, so trying for a third time was just a poor move. The Sons of Liberty boycotted and chased ships away from the harbor before threatening the ship captains that they would cover them in tar and feathers (Brooks). Before the whole story of the actual Boston Tea Party gets started, it should be informed that the Sons of Liberty technically warned the British before doing anything insane. The British just kept sending ships of tea anyways. After the story of the Sons of Liberty started to spread through the colonies, a group of revolutionaries acquired inspiration in another state convinced a ship owner to burn his own ship down (Morton). That genius group genuinely did not do anything wrong at all. They just said several obstructions to convince that captain to burn his ship down with his own, personal free will. When a few other ships from London
  • 5. History of Kickboxing Martial Arts Fighting Is Art Since the dawn of time, man has had to fight for one reason or another. There has been war using weapons, sword fights between individuals, and then there are modern day wars battled out in the cage. Kickboxing has had many uses in the past, but it is one of the most popular sports in today s culture. It is a very useful skill to learn. There is no mistake that martial artsare dangerous, but if properly taught, a perfectly disciplined warrior will be a result. Warrior may not have the same meaning as it used to, but fighters are as close to a warrior as possible in modern time. Trained fighters are always toughened mentally and physically to a near superhuman extent. Bones are hardened, muscles are developed,... Show more content on ... King Prachao Sua would disguise himself as a commoner and fight in village events. He was forced to disguise himself because everyone in Thailand respected their king so much, that no person would participate in fighting him. Another type of kickboxing with an opulent history is Taekwondo; this form is a fighting style almost strictly dependent on using the legs to strike your opponent in spinning and jumping motions. This style evolved from other martial arts styles that dated back to 50 B.C; evidence of this was found on cave walls in the form of paintings ( General Taekwondo Information History ). Taekwondo basically evolved from a military fighting method and popular sport called Soo Bakh Do. Soo Bakh Do was used by athletes and militants in combat and training during the Koryo Dynasty. Back then, the sport of kick boxing was for the lower class or poor men ( General Taekwondo Information History. ). Taekwondo practiced today is an evolution of many oriental martial arts, and fighting styles that were used long ago, but with a more modern spin to it. Most taekwondo instructors incorporate their own techniques in their teachings, which is not uncommon in fight training. Coaches have been revolutionizing martial arts fighting styles ever since the world s first intelligent skirmish. Taekwondo got its name from the old Korean martial arts style, Tae Kyon because its focus was on using the legs as a weapon to pummel the enemies into
  • 6. Essay Justice in the Oresteia Justice in the Oresteia Justice is often taken for granted in the world we live in today with a judicial system that gives fair punishment for most crimes. In the Oresteia justice works much differently, where there are no judges or a court system to resolve disputes, instead there is revenge. Revenge is very messy because somebody will and has to get hurt first to desire revenge, and it leads to a cycle that cannot and will not end until everybody is dead. Justice does not and cannot only be revenge because in the end nobody would be left in that system. Aeschylus Oresteia focuses on revenge as justice, with the old system that no longer works and that someone must fix, and a new system that has ... Show more content on ... Clytemnestra also gives her justification for murdering her husband, and for ten long years she thought about how sweet revenge would be when Agamemnon arrived. She also tells her lover, Aegisthus, Our lives are based on pain (1690). Clytemnestra does not realize how ironic her statement will be later on when pain controls her. Aegisthus sums up their code of justice when he says, There are gods in heaven avenging men, / blazing down on all the crimes of earth (1607 1608). He also is foreshadowing that his crime must also be paid for and he will suffer the consequences of killing Agamemnon and revenge. Aegisthus does not realize it, but Orestes is seeking revenge upon him and his for the death of Agamemnon. After Orestes kills them, there is nobody left alive to kill him to avenge their deaths. Clytemnestra invokes the Furies who seek revenge for anybody who has nobody to seek it for them. The Furies chase Orestes to Apollo s temple where Orestes asks him for forgiveness, Lord Apollo, you know the rules of justice, / know them well. Now learn compassion (88 89). Orestes is the first person who is trying to change the system and realizes it must be changed for the gods and the Furies to spare his life. Revenge as justice has one major problem,
  • 7. Muckrakers in the Progressive Era Muckrakers The term muckraker was originally coined in a speech in 1906 accredited to President Theodore Roosevelt. It was alluding to the man with the Muck Rake in Bunyan s Pilgrim s Process. The Man with the Muck rake seeks material advances by raking filth. Roosevelt defined this term as one who inquires into and publishes scandal and allegations of corruption among political and business leaders . Muckrakers in the Progressive Era, a time from 1820 until 1920 when America quickly industrialized, pushed for reform and have altered the way we live today. These reformers brought about the awareness and tackled women s rights, economic concentration, corporate power, poverty, food safety, and political corruption.... Show more content on ... In time, she became the group s association s state organizer during the years of 1980 to 1892. Mrs. Catt soon started working in the national organization of National American Woman Suffrage Association writing article, gaining political experience, and giving speeches at conferences in places such as Washington D.C. In 1892, she was asked by Susan B. Anthony to address Congress on the proposed suffrage amendment. She was passed down to role of the President of the National American Women Suffrage Association, a successor of Susan B. Anthony in the year 1900. Catt led this organization during the final challenge of the right to vote before the Nineteenth Amendment, a law allowing women to vote, was ratified in 1920. Catt worked through both state and federal levels persuading legislators to give women the right of suffrage as citizens. After women achieved the franchise, Catt reorganized the National American Women Suffrage Association into the League of Women Voters. Carrie Chapman Cattformulated a plan to achieve women s suffrage. In April 1911, Carrie began a world tour through Sweden, Europe, Africa, India, Sumatra, the Philippines, China, Korea and Japan, and many other countries founding suffrage organizations and examining women s conditions throughout the world. Carrie planted new ideas in the minds of citizens in many other nations across the globe. Carry Chapman Cat should be honored and praised by countless institutions for
  • 8. Women at Work Essay Assignment: Article summary The article Family Coping Strategies: Balancing Paid Employment and Domestic Labour by Meg Luxton sheds a different view on the responsibilities laid out in family life. In today s society it s almost a necessity to have both parents working, to support a family. This fact, along with the improvement of females having independence, is the cause of the ever growing number of working women. These, along with many other statistics are showing the rapid improvement and change that woman and families are showing. Year after year we can see the dynamics of the family shifting. It is not the same anymore, that women are the housewives doing all the housework and childcare. However women still have to work to get ... Show more content on ... Having a job gives women a sense of control of their lives and an overall high self esteem because they are recognized by their husbands as well as children for their work. Not only does it give women something to do, it also ensures stability in one s family income. Here are a few statistics that demonstrate the challenge of balancing paid employment and domestic labor within the family setting in Canada. This challenge arises because of the inequalities between what men and women earn in the work force and also because of the uneven distribution of chores in unpaid domestic labor. If we compare salaries in 1997, men had the higher income of the couple in 77% of Canadian families. (Globe and Mail 21 Feb. 2000). This situation has however improved since the early 60 s when 70% of women in male female couples were dependent on their spouse as the sole income provider. (Oderkirk, Silver and Prud homme 1994.) Also when couples divorced men s incomes raised on average 10% whereas women s income usually decreased by 23% in 1997(Toronto Star 10 April 1997). Women feel pressured to work from home or part time because they are often expected to do most of the domestic labour and this is their way to balance the two. In 1993 they represented nearly 70% of Canadian
  • 9. Warren Buffett s Investment Philosophy Warren Buffett s investment philosophy Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Company s chief executive, one of the most successful investors in the world, is a world famous Finance Expert. He conducted numerous investment with great success. Many people think he is the myth of the investment community. They want to know Buffett s investment philosophy. Over the years, Buffett had expounded his philosophy of investing in his chairperson s letter to the shareholders in Berkshire Hathaway s annual report 1 (Case1 Warren E. Buffett, 2005). In these letters, he clarified the core of his investment philosophy which is how to get the high return through low risk. This essay will analyse the Buffett s investment philosophy from these letters... Show more content on ... 4. Limit the autonomy of enterprises and the use of capital functions. In short, debt financing will increase the risk of debt. Therefore, to avoid the use of debt financing, debt risk can be controlled at a relatively low level, is conducive to the finally financial sustainability. In this way, an investment may be in a controlled range of operations, rather than being forced by the debt. This investment philosophy can also be wielded in life. That suggests people should buy things within their own ability. Buffett s personal life also illustrates this investment philosophy: no loans. As his advice: Stay away from credit cards (bank loans) and invest in yourself.6 (Elyssa Kirkham, 2017) He has never borrowed a significant amount not to invest, not for a mortgage 7. He said: Negotiate with creditors to pay what you can. Then, when you re debt free, work on saving some money that you can use to invest.8 Secondly, investors should have correct investing behaviour. That means people should gather enough information and analyse them before making a correct investment decision. Buffett never makes stock recommendations to others. Investing behavior should be driven by information, analysis, and self discipline, not by emotion or hunch. 9 Wrote in his chairperson s letter to the shareholders. This investment philosophy means an investor should understand the investment environment and make the decision by themselves. In modern society, people are used to
  • 10. Fashion Industry Research Paper Employment In the fashion industry, there are those who work in the manufacturing sector and others in the retail sector of the industry. The UK fashion and textile sectors take in an estimated 600000 people and this make the United Kingdom one of the largest fashion employers in Europe.Education Fashion education is one of the most important factors in maintaining the UK s status as one of the major fashion industries in the world. Its contribution to the economy is measured in the wages and salaries of the staff involved in teaching fashion related courses in UK institutions. According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, 60285 students studied design courses with 2565 staff; the design courses also encompass courses such as furnishing and multimedia design. It is estimated that 9275 out of the students undertook a fashion course. The academic wages amounted to ВЈ16million, which created 395 jobs. Creative Activities This involves work carried out by fashion photographers, creative directors, stylists and makeup and hair artists. The ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings indicates that the gross salary for photographers in 2009 was ВЈ26,301. This suggests that the value added of UK photographers is about ВЈ5million, which created 207 jobs. Although there was no grouping available for other careers in this pathway such as fashion consultants, it is assumed that its value to the economy is alike to that of fashion photographers. Marketing In the fashion world,
  • 11. Coyote Steals Fire And Master Cat Analysis Not so fast, growled Thunder. Coyote won the game and so I give him the fire. But he cheated. And for that I shall take his life. Where is he so that I can kill him? Thunder said this In Coyote Steals Fire to all the animals Coyote called to help him take the fire rock away. Thunder was angry because Coyote cheated to get his way. Coyote Steals Fire is a trickster story where animals lie and deceive to get their way. In Master Catthe King says Tell your master that I am grateful to him and that he has given me great pleasure. The king is pleased with the cat s master because the cat has been given him gifts in his name. Master Cat is giving him gifts to get on the good side of the king for his later exploits. In the trickster tale Coyote Steals Fire and the fairy taleMaster Cat there were some similarities but, many more differences. There are a few similarities in Coyote Steals Fire and the story Master Cat. The very first similarityis the use of anthropomorphism. Both of the animals and the tales think and plot, they hold intelligent conversations and make detailed decisions. Coyote makes the decision to cheat in the gambling game and he makes and conjugates the plan on how to cheat Thunder. Master Cat uses gifts to gain the trust of the king so he would easily believe him at later on. Master Cat and Coyote also use very similar methods to obtain their goal. They both use lies, elaborate plans they made, and verbal fibs. Master Cat decieves with fake trust
  • 12. Diversity In Film I m writing to you because your agency is one of the many that has produced a significant amount great and talented people. However, there is sadly just an altogether too reoccurring trait in your clients. One can t help but notice just how many of your clients and Hollywood s A list stars are caucasian. It also seems to be what the majority of every popular filmhas consisted of. Some examples are The Hunger Games, Divergent and recently The Fifth Wave. All of the mentioned are set in dystopian worlds and were books before movies. The characters are described as having a darker skin tone, yet the actors chosen were caucasian. The actors that are chosen for major lead roles to represent someone in a story should also be a representation of... Show more content on ... The cast consists of African Americans and non black Hispanics. The only caucasian in the entire musical is the actor who portrays king George. So when you Chris George, a bi racial man, as George Washington we can t just get rid of the new image we have of a bi racial being a president of America. The goal for any show or movie should be to eliminate any distance between your audience and your story. You don t need a white man in the middle of everything in order to be able to relate to it. Every audience is different and uniquely diverse and that should be reflected in the cast. Lin Manuel Miranda describes Hamilton as being A story of America then, told by America now. America now has every shade, size and colour, and this is represented so well in Hamilton but so little in popular films. We should showcase all the many ways we are similar and not different. When you include diverse casting in a major project you help give a way, for the minorities of society to reclaim their place, in society. A place that they don t necessarily feel like is theirs because they ve been told so for generations. Lin Manuel Miranda s Hamilton is at its base a musical, but Hamilton is also text, poetry, words, and meanings. Alexander Hamilton wrote 51 out of the 85 federalist papers. He wrote in in complicated, long sentences. This writing style is very present today in modern rap and hip hop, so that
  • 13. German History Essay Most would agree that it is valuable to acknowledge history, whether it be through documentation, education, or architectural preservation. However, history can be complex and ugly, stained by war, genocide, and destruction. Therein lies a philosophical controversy: should these historical stains be acknowledged or buried? What role do these ugly histories have in the development of a society? Within the last century, no nation has been forced to confront these questions on the same scale that Germanyhas (Levinger 118). With a twentieth century historymarked by hatred and the abuse of power, National Socialism and Soviet communism, Germany s dark history lies only decades in the past. For this reason, these histories remain freshly... Show more content on ... In essence, historic preservation roots collective memory in a physical, tangible space. To many scholars, memory in this context is not simply information that is recalled and retold (qtd. in Till 11). Instead, it is the act of continuously finding and contextualizing history by means of physical space. Preservation of historical architecture is therefore unique, as it juxtaposes this history and memory with the surrounding modern world. This highlights the importance of preserving history through architecture, rather than museums, textbooks, and archives alone. By preserving the physical remnants of a city s dark history, residents and passersby are forced to confront this history nondeliberately. Moreover, according to Rudy J. Koshar, a preserved site must maintain some present value or purpose. This is particularly relevant when considering the preservation of buildings or sites which represent a history that is controversial or shameful, as it is important to balance the shame evoked by this space with the benefits of its preservation. The task of historic preservation is especially challenging in nations such as Germany which have pasts that many are reluctant to remember. Germany is a particularly interesting case, as it is now recognized as one of the most progressive, economically powerful, and politically liberal countries in the world. Yet, no comparably modern country is
  • 14. Stereotypes In High School High school is full of a variety of types of people, who can all be labeled into certain groups or stereotypes. High school can be an amazing time for people, just as easily as it could be a terrible time for people. It s quite odd how everyone goes to the same school, and mostly attend the same courses, yet they are significantly different from one another. Every school has the classic jocks, nerds, partiers/stoners, etc., but it appears our generation has created several new stereotypes. With students spending approximately 35 hours a week at school, it is easy for one another to label each other, and determine who they fit in with. The most common stereotype in Spring Lake is the Preppy Rich Kid. The Preppy part of these kids is that they love to wear a perfectly matching outfit; including their colorful Polo Shirts/t shirts, colorful short shorts, matching socks, with a matching pair of boat shoes/skate shoes. The Rich part of these kids is that they live in a big house on the water, their parents have high paying jobs, and their parents will buy them whatever they desire. These kids typically drive an expensive foreign car, usually blaring rap music out of their car s subwoofer everyday to school. Once they have arrived at school, most of them have a very enjoyable day. For the most part, they have a perfect life, including getting all the girls/boys, receiving good grades, being attractive, and being a phenomenal athlete. These kids are likable people, and
  • 15. How Media Uses Different Methods Manipulate The Public And... Public Opinion Public opinion, an aggregate of the individual views, attitudes, and beliefs about a particular topic, expressed by a significant proportion of a community. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015. Britannica. [ONLINE] Available at: opinion. [Accessed 11 November 15] The collective opinion of many people on some issue, problem, etc., especially as a guide to action, decision, or the like. 2015. [ONLINE] Available at: opinion. [Accessed 17 November 15]. When looking at the cultural, financial and ideological aspects of our world today it is hard to dismiss the pressing influence that the media has. In this essay I will be analysing how the media uses different methods to manipulate the public and the influence it has on society and how it shapes public opinion, alongside public opinion in democracy now. I will also be discussing theories in which people don t believe the media moulds the public s opinions. The media industry is very essential but on the other hand the public opinion is indispensable, without the public opinion there is no media. The media becomes an influential determinant of public opinion, and sometimes it has the power to change public sentiments in terms of controversial issues. Public opinion can be measured through polling a sample of the population, using qualitative tools of measurement or surveillance. For
  • 16. Oliver Twist Reading Analysis Reading Response 2 Oliver Twist The novel Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickins is an extended text about a boy named Oliver Twist. The story dictates the life of Oliver Twist and the amount of suffering he had to go through as a child in an impoverished environment. The text is an emotional rollercoaster that reveals deeper secrets as the story progresses. One of the themes in this story is poverty, Dickens wanted to show his middle classed audience that could afford his books that the lower class citizens at the time were being treated as sub humans and often described them as sub human or animal like. And aspects of this story that was impactful to me was its theme and the deeper meanings of this story, how many of its characters and descriptions of society during that time reflects our modern society, And how the book reflected me and my life in its entirety. The Themes in this story really interested me as it was through the descriptions and portrayals of certain characters and Living conditions that had made me interested in the life style of these people. The most interesting theme to me was Poverty and it started to make me think of our modern day society and the differences between the two and yet the same similarities that have stayed the same for years. For example in the books 2nd chapter it says He parish authorities magnanimously and humanely resolved, that Oliver should be farmed, or, in other words, that he should be dispatched to a branch workhouse some
  • 17. Monster By Walter Dean Myers Summary Monster , by, Walter Dean Myers story, a story based on struggle, of a boy in world surrounded by darkness that is blinded by many who seeks for freedom keeps himself away from others hopes and dreams about being free to walk once again in the world of the free. but holds on to that hope for along as possible until he is proved not guilty, his moms crying trying to not worry her son afraid to lose a son that s kind hearted to those around who participates and supports those in school and in the hood that young boys name is Steve Harmon who has a little brother that he wants to see grow up to be a good man be a father to his brother someone that his little brother can look up to beside his dad to understand the function of the world to ... Show more content on ... Steve Harmon is only a sixteen year old boy got in some trouble with a the law for a murder at the corner store down the street agreed to some deal to be a look out after King asked him if he wanted to make some money. see Steve was just like any other kid in the streets trying to find a way to keep up and king James King had the same situation to but he was under the shadows asked his friend Bobo if he wanted to join his friend agreed went out to go ask one more person Osvaldo Cruse who was supposed to push the shopping cart in front of an intruder the bust went down the next day Steve went in came out didn t say anything was afraid so King and Bobo decided it must be empty went into the store but didn t know anyone else was there and old black lady who went to by her daughter medicine as she left gunshots were fired both ran out with a few camels (cigarettes) got caught Bobo snitched so did Osvaldo while Steve and King stayed quiet they came Steve house in front of his mom he was arrested gone father was the judge who had a dream that his son may become a football player go to college felt so wrong when his son was put in front of him for murder but even so he told his son not to be worried was holding his emotions so his so won t have to stress no more even those all that was going on he stayed by his
  • 18. Seminar 2 Essay example Stockholm University Stockholm Business School Business Ethics Seminar 2 Contextualisation Case 6 Corporate governance of professional football clubs: for profit or for glory? Shadan Abdullah(930514 6541) Per Jonsson (780827 0479) Victor Savigny (902710 P154) Pui Shan Szeto (921026 P500) Omkar Vedpathak (940126 P152) The main stakeholders of football clubs, their stake in the organization and legitimacy of their interests. Some European football clubs have in, approximately in the last three decades, developed from being relatively small local organizations, into global giants in terms of multi million businesses supported and followed by millions of stakeholders from all over the world. How does one relate ... Show more content on ... With normative stakeholder theory one tries to explain (in these settings) why football clubs should take into account the interests of the stakeholders. It is easy to sympathize with the customer group in this matter. They are the foundation stone that has built the club through the years and they have invested money, emotions and their private time. But they are not as important as they once was for the club. This given that another stakeholder group (Suppliers e.g. broadcasting companies, sponsors etc.) now serves the business with monetary funding s, hence the times have changed. Ultimately though, the suppliers will almost certainly vanish if the customers stop buying the product. Shareholders and employees can easier than the customers in this case find another business to join, they are not exclusive in the same way as the customers. The descriptive stakeholder theory can also be useful to the settings in trying to state whether and how the football clubs do listen to the stakeholder s interests. Also in this context the clubs can rely on their loyal customer base. Even though if you treat them bad (expensive tickets, changing the club badge and colors etc.) they will not ultimately stop buying the product. You might however as a owner/ shareholder have a customer rebellion on your hands. Shareholders can more easily sell their stocks if they feel neglected by the club, suppliers will search for other
  • 19. The Pros And Cons Of Cryptography INTRODUCTION Cryptography Is considered the most important thing by means of secure communication. It is used to encrypt and decrypt data and provide secure communication between the sender and receiver. As a finance company, the most important thing to look after is the process speed and security of the data. There are two types of encryption and decryption methods known as a Symmetric key and Public key cryptography. Symmetric key has set of algorithms such as Blowfish, two fish, DES, 3DES, AES etc and on the other hand Asymmetric key has set of an algorithm such as Elliptic curve, Diffie Hellman, DSA, RSA etc. These symmetric and asymmetric keys have its own advantages and disadvantages. Hybrid cryptography is one of most famous cryptography ... Show more content on ... Asymmetric cryptography: Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption. This uses two keys for encryption and decryption of data. The two keys are the Public key which it can be shared with anyone and the other one is a Private key or secret key which should be kept secretly. Each user will have its own public key and private key. Let s assume Alice and Bob are the sender and receiver. Alice(A) wants to send a message to Bob(B). Alice will first encrypt(E) the plaintext(M) with Alice s public key and send to bob. Now Bob verifies Alice s message by checking whether it is Alice s digital signature and then bob decrypts(D) the key using the bob private key. This process will be the same if Bob sends Alice message. ↓ ↓ Plain text(M)в†’ в†’ в†’ в†’Plain text(M) Advantages: More secure when compared to symmetric key because the private key is not shared with each other. Uses digital signature for encrypting data.
  • 20. Baseball Operations For The Chicago Cubs There are an increasing number of people rising up and looking to revolutionize baseball as we know it. These people, called sabermatricians, come wielding spreadsheets and calculators as their weapons of choice. Innovators like them are beginning to view baseball through a different set of lenses than the rest. Others have looked through statistical glasses or scouting spectacles, but their vision has never been optimal. People like them have the correct lenses, but they have not been using the lenses in the proper context. Theo Epstein, the President of BaseballOperations for the Chicago Cubs, once said that stats and scouting are two lenses of the same pair of glasses, and that the pair of glasses is called sabermetrics, and these... Show more content on ... These advanced metrics also provided much overdue improvements to old methods of baseball research. Old timey statistics are inputted to the sabes machine, and the new output is quantified baseball players performances based on objective statistical measurements, especially in opposition to many of the established statistics (such as, for example, runs batted in and pitching wins) that give less accurate approximations of individual efficacy (Never, Sabermetrics ). This revolution has given statistics a more clear meaning and true, measurable value for the first time. Scouting as well has been improved upon, as the five tools scouts grade on now have that measured value that scouts may refer to when making notes or personnel decisions. Statistics, specifically how they measure and control data, as well as help us learn from it, has and always will be a part of baseball ( What is statistics ). Stats are very, very useful for many purposes in the sport, and can help keep some analysis simplistic. The most effective use of stats in baseball is the comparison between teammates within the same season. Within these parameters, the numbers come from very similar environments, as the teammates are playing against the same teams in the same ballparks at the same time. There are no outside factors potentially skewing the
  • 21. Essay on The Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias DP Summary: The Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias Social scientist, Norbert Elias, examines in part two of his book, The Civilizing Process, the development of manners and the subsequent В‘civilizing of Western Europe since the middle ages. This journey in time is an attempt to understand what actually happened to humanity during several transitional periods. Elias perceives the development of western civilization in three historical stages. (From the middle ages with a progression to the renaissance (extended to 1750) and finally to modern day society) Each society of the three stages had it s own standards of behavior, which influenced the individual to act in a certain accepted way. A correlation was also found between the... Show more content on ... This treatise was a symptom of change, an embodiment of social processes, which left enormous amounts of information on socially acceptable behavior of that time to be studied (Elias 48). The book, never equaled by another in precision, clarity, or frankness was used as a valuable resource to Elias. Meant as instruction, Erasmus, (a guiding light of society at that time) coaches his audience (mainly the upper class) on dress, table manners, spitting, vomiting, bed room behavior, clothing and a host of many different things involved ones appearance in society. Certain modes of behavior would be consider barbaric to modern times, while other aspects in the treaties, due in fact draw a parallel to current social norms. During the Middle Ages the table setting consisted of drinking vessels, salt cellar, and a well cleaned knife on the right, with bread on the left (spoons used commonly, folks rare in standard home of the time). Meat would be brought in, cut and taken in hand or on bread for consumption. Plates were uncommon. The social elite, the kings and Queens alike all followed suit and ate with their hands. There was a catch, however. For the elite to be the elite , they needed some form of mannerism to distinguish them from the commoners (marks of distinction between classes). The elite usually possessed gold utensils and had table decorations to make clear their social status and level of wealth. It is most refined to use only three fingers
  • 22. Cathal Brugha s Uprising In Ireland Other members of the GAA in Dublin were also badly wounded during the Rising and were shown a leniency of sorts by the British Authorities in Ireland. Frank Henderson later claimed Cathal Brugha had been so severely wounded during the fighting in the South Dublin Union that the British authorities had released him believing him to be physically incapable of further activities. 24 While those involved in the Rising were interned at camps such as Frongoch or imprisoned at places such as Dartmoor, the GAA in Dublin, like the national organisation, faced a ban on the playing of Gaelic Games. Many of the 3500 rebels interned had been involved in Nationalist activity with groups such as Na Fianna Eireann and the Gaelic League. However, others who
  • 23. Perception And Perception Of Perception Checking Perception Checking Perception checking is a cooperative approach to communication that provides accuracy instead of assuming our first interpretation is correct. It minimizes defensiveness through face saving and requires both nonverbal and verbal elements to match. The benefits of perception checking is to help us have a better understanding of a message, so both persons can mutually relate and to reduce conflict so we don t jump to conclusions. In the perceptionprocess reality is constructed in two ways. The first order realities is physically observable qualities of a thing or situation. For example, if your friend calls you a bone head . On the other hand, second order realities cannot reside in objects or events but rather in our minds. It involves our attaching meaning to first order things or situations. For instance, your friend is being critical is an example of second order realities. Perception checking has three parts: description, interpretation, and clarification. Description is describing a behavior that was noticed. Interpretation is providing interpretations of the behavior, Lastly, ask for clarification from the person about the behavior and interpretations. These three parts are important because they help an individual how to prevent assuming something that is probably not the intention of the other person which is why clarification is needed in a situation like this. It is better to gather more information about the situation then to think the
  • 24. African American Males Research Paper African American Young Adult Male s Deficiency of Achieving a College Degree Sha Calya Daniels Department of Social Work Texas A M University Commerce Abstract This study examines the environmental factors that impact and influence college attainment among young adult African American males. Employing a qualitative research design, the author conducted non probability sampling to guide the selection of specific young adult African American males. The desired sample size will consist of a total of 90 participants at all 9 locations. These included barber shops, mall/retail locations, and fitness gyms. Participants identified four environmental factors that correlated with the reasons why young adult African American males do not achieve a ... Show more content on ... Literature Review Spirituality and religion This study seeks to add to the knowledge base pertaining to the role of spirituality and religion in the educational experiences and outcomes of African American (male) students (Jett, 2010). It is important to have values of any kind that mean something personally for an individual including spirituality and religion, this can help guide young adult male further into completion of a college degree. Although the four A.A. men in the study are spiritually grounded, they do not share the same religious affiliations or denominations (Jett, 2010). Racial identity, self efficacy, institutional integration, and academic achievement The previous research shows how African American male students attending a research university are more involved interaction with faculty and are culturally competent. This great way for A.A. males to further their growth and interactions while continuing
  • 25. Langston Hughes Mother To Son Langston Hughes (1902 67) was an African American poet. Hughes poem Mother to Son was first published in Crisis magazine in December of 1922. The poem is addressed from a mother to a son about her uncertainty in her life. In Hughes poem Mother to Son , a mother advises her son that life has not been easy like a crystal stair. It has tacks and splinters and torn boards on it, as well as places without carpet. Her son must overcome them and keep going. The mother compares the journey through life to a staircase. The staircase doesn t not make of crystal. To represent the struggle of the mother, Hughes uses images of tack , splinter , boards and carpet . However, she has kept climbing, through landings, corners and darkness even ... Show more content on ... She does not want her son to lose courage and stop climbing. She also does not want him to fall which may mean tumbling down the steps and unable to go back. In the end of the poem, she expresses her own strength and she says I se still goin , honey, I se still climbing, And life for me ain t been no crystal stair . She encourages her son that never give up even life is hard. The poetic involved in the poem is the comparison of life being a staircase. The central image of the poem is the crystal stair . The stairway may be seen as a path to freedom which was the goal of the African Americans. The mother advised her son that he should never collapse under the pressures that life puts him through. Hughes uses repetition in don t you turn back. Don t you set down on the steps. Cause you finds it s kinder hard. Don t you fall now to emphasize the mother s anxious expectation of her son. She wants him to be brave like
  • 26. The, Babylon, By Pat Frank Throughout history, the countries of the world have had such distinct border lines that there might as well be a twenty foot tall fence besieging each country; disembodying the world into puzzle pieces. However, one particular topic has vaporized these imaginary barriers and aided the bond between the world and her people. This topic is the imminent fear of nuclear weapons. No matter which land is set foot in, the fear of nuclear disaster is prominent among almost every citizen of every town or city. Traveling back to the 1950 s, the fear of nuclear attacks almost became a horrible reality. To emphasize the paranoia most American s had during the 1960s, author Pat Frank created a science fiction novel titled Alas, Babylon, which tells of a story of a family who lives through post nuclear war. When reading this captivating novel, it becomes quite clear that Frank is con technology; letting the world know that technology like the nuclear bomb is ruinous to mankind rather than prosperous. During the time of nuclear weapons, the USSR or the Soviet Union, was developing into such a considerable power that the rest of the world couldn t help but feel highly anxious. In Frank s novel, his character s exemplify this quite literally. In the early chapters of this novel, one character named Mark Bragg warns his brother Randy Bragg that a nuclear war is so nearby that it could happen by morning. Overcome by paranoia, Mark sends his entire family (wife Helen, children Ben and
  • 27. The Soviet Montage Movement The concept of the soviet montage movement is to show a certain idea to the audience through the use of film. This movement can show any idea that the director intends for the film, this can go from harmless ideas to the extreme of propaganda. The soviet montage movement began in Russia in 1924 until 1930. Before the movement began in Russia (February 1917), the government with Tsar in power was overthrown and by October 1917 Bolshevik controlled Russia bringing the rise of the communist government. This sparked the communist movement, as well as a civil war with anti communist believers, resulting in the victory of the communists. As the communist government took power over Russia, they took the control of what those living under their rule
  • 28. What Is My First Vacation Essay One day I want to go on a lot of vacations one thing about me is I love to have fun travel, explore the world see what s all out there, there are some places I already been to that I m going to talk about an there is one main place that I been dreaming of visiting one day. My first vacation is when I was younger one of the places I first visited as a child was Orlando Florida my aunt lived there at the time we went to the mall an we went somewhere to get my mother a permanent makeup tattoos. As for me later down the week we went to Disney world I was so excited I seen mickey mouse an all the other Disney characters I also seen someone with a leash an it had an invisible dog on it. It was crazy. We got in the race cars ,indoor roller coaster at the time I had my baby doll an I had it on my lap as I rode on the roller coaster I was so scared I was crying for my mom sorry but I can t do roller coasters ha ha but other than that I had a great time in Orlando. My second vacation was with my fifth grade class we went to Tallahassee Florida we went inside this building that ... Show more content on ... We also went to Miami which is thirty minutes away from fort Lauderdale we went to Miami Florida south beach the water is so beautiful that sand is pretty. Later that night we went to the board walk it apart of south beach they had it where you can ride a boat, there were couple dancing, they had places to shop an eat at. I enjoyed my time there
  • 29. Stereotypes In The South Stereotypes in the South Have you ever told one of your friends something, and you just felt the need to throw in a couple of extra words so that it would not sound so boring? That is basically what stereotypes are. People usually do not dig down into the culture or history of someone. They just get the general thoughtof a person and their culture from what other people have said or told them. I have done a little experiment where I have asked some random people questions about the south. My reason of doing so was to see what the average person thought of southerners. I have asked people a serious of questions, having to do with the southerner culture such as; knowledge, general actions, language, communication, and differences. These people ... Show more content on ... They may not be smart at things that other people are smart at, but they sure are very smart and know things being our scope of research. What regular person that does no live in the south knows how to make their own liquor (Moonshine). People outside of the south has it good and they do not take care of themselves by themselves. They do not make their own food and hunt for their meat like southerners do. That is where they get all of their food thou. They want to look down upon southerns but the south is how these people are surviving. They are surviving on the southerners scope of education and their way of getting
  • 30. Equal Employment Opportunity Essay Throughout the years the United States has faced many challenges with equal employment opportunities for everyone. The United States has developed The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, also known as the EEOC, to enforce laws that help prevent everyone from being treated unfairly when it comes to employment options. The EEOC has established stipulations and overlooks all of the federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices and policies ( Federal Laws Prohibiting Job DiscriminationQuestions and Answers ). Some laws that have been passed are the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. Although some discrimination is still a problem, all of these... Show more content on ... With the same exemption as Merit System, Seniority Plans are also exempt which means that a company that ties pay notes to seniority can pay a man more if he has been with the company longer than the female co worker. In conclusion the EPA indicates that any other factor other than sex may be used to justify different pay rates (Gomez Mejia, Luis R.). Industries of commerce and productions of goods for commerce have depressed wages and standards of living based on sex which resulted in the declaration of purpose. The EPA is necessary for every one s health and efficiency. The purpose of declaration is that discrimination of sex in the work force prevents the most efficient level of labor resources, causes problems with in the labor force, prevents and burdens commerce and symbolizes an unfair competition between individuals. This is one of the reasons why the EPA is created to solve these complications. If employers use sex discrimination in the work force they will face penalties. Some penalties are fines and imprisonment, employers are liable for damages done to the employee, employer must pay wages and compensation that was held from the employee and the employer must provide savings provisions ( The Equal Pay Act of 1963 ). Preventing sex pay discrimination is just one way that Equal Employment Opportunities Commission is trying to make everyone equal. The Title
  • 31. The Moral Distinction Between Civil And Political Rights Maurice Cranston on the moral distinction between civil/political rights and social /economic rights. economic, social and cultural rights have been seen as requiring high levels of investment, while civil and political rights are said simply to require the State to refrain from interfering with individual freedoms. It is true that many economic, social and cultural rightssometimes require high levels of investment both financial and human to ensure their full enjoyment. However, economic, social and cultural rights also require the State to refrain from interfering with individual freedoms, for instance trade union freedoms or the right to seek work of one s choosing. Similarly, civil and political rights, although comprising individual freedoms, also require investment for their full realization. For example, civil and political rights require infrastructures such as a functioning court system, prisons respecting minimum living conditions for prisoners, legal aid, free and fair elections, and so on. Civil/Political rights: safety and justice, no discrimination or oppression. Physical and mental integrity. Social/Economic rights: right to work, paid vacation, welfare. Rights of a certain group of people Disagree on values в†’ no universalism doesn t make sense Strong/weak duties with harm/sacrifice the state typically has todo something in order to protect rights. No police, no property Cranston thinks that the rights in the UDHR on the civil political list fall on the
  • 32. Burnable Book Summary Equity: the quality of being fair or impartial. In a situation of equity, all parties are equally benefited and equally disadvantaged. There is a symmetrical balance of power. But can there be equal power, and have the notion of power still exist? Because of that, there is a dynamic of asymmetrical power. The system is designed to favor and continually promote the ideology and control of the dominant group. And it s never questioned. Though accepted by the masses, the asymmetry of power has caused countless struggles, wars, and even an entire breakdown of that system. At some point, the nondominant group gathers and rises to confront the dominant group, upsetting the balance and challenging the dominant group s authority. When that power... Show more content on ... While comparatively the church was made up of few people, those few could easily define the rules of the greater society. They are a removed group at the top making decisions that will directly affect those below. Folb argues that ...dimensions of visibility and marked invisibility are keen indicators of the status hierarchy in a given society... and I agree. The imagery and symbolism of St. Paul s as a space and place allude to how greatly the church existed in the lives of the people. Only the king ranked higher than the church. England today is situated in a similar fashion. While the cathedral is not the largest structure in the city, newer buildings were designed to still give it a visible presence. Prime Minister David Cameron outright stating that England is a Christian nation proves how prevalent religion is in relation to government and people. Titles of Minister and Prime Minister are subtle, yet effective reminders of that
  • 33. Punic Wars Causes The Punic Wars were a series of three wars that were fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC. Carthage, during the mid 3rd century, was a large city located on the coast of modern Tunisia. Carthage was a powerful city state with a vast commercial network. Rome rivalved with Carthage due to Rome having power, wealth, and population. The Romans were highly interested in expansion. The main cause of the Punic Wars was the conflicts of interests between the existing Carthaginian Empire and the expanding Roman Republic. By the Roman Empire winning these wars over Carthage, this gave Rome a preeminent status. In 264 BC, Rome decided to intervene in a dispute on the western coast of Sicily. The dispute involved an attack by soldiers ... Show more content on ... Carthage, however, was able to establish a new base of influence in Spain beginning in 237 BC. This was due to their leadership of the powerful general Hamilcar Barca. In later years, leadership fell under Hamilcar s son in law Hasdrubal. Hamilcar Barca made his younger son Hannibal swear a blood oath against Rome when Hannibal was a younger boy. Upon Hasdrubal s death in 221 BC, Hannibal took command of the Carthaginian forces in Spain. Two years later, Hannibal marched his army across the Ebro River into Saguntum declaring war on Rome. Hannibal and his troops, 90,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry, marched from Spain across the Alps and into Italy. They won battles over Roman troops at Tiinus, Trebia, and Trasimene. Hannibal s invasion of Rome reached its peak at Cannae in 216 BC. He used his cavalry to surround a Roman army twice the size of his own and inflict massive casualties. Rome, however, stood right back up to the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians lost hold in Italy as Rome won victories in Spain and North Africa under the general Publius Cornelius Scipio. In 203 BC, Hannibal s forces were forced to abandon the struggle in Italy in order to defend North Africa. Hannibal s losses in the Second Punic War put an end to Carthage s empire in the western Mediterranean. This left Rome in complete control of Spain and allowing Carthage to retain its territory in North Africa. Carthage was forced to give up
  • 34. Mary Shelley Challenges Society in Frankenstein Essay Mary Shelley Challenges Society in Frankenstein Romantic writer Mary Shelley s gothic novel Frankenstein does indeed do a lot more than simply tell story, and in this case, horrify and frighten the reader. Through her careful and deliberate construction of characters as representations of certain dominant beliefs, Shelley supports a value system and way of life that challenges those that prevailed in the late eighteenth century during the Age of Reason . Thus the novel can be said to be challenging prevailant ideologies, of which the dominant society was constructed, and endorsing many of the alternative views and thoughts of the society. Shelley can be said to be influenced by her mothers early feminist views, her father s ... Show more content on ... The creature spends his happiest days observing the tranquillity and felicity in the Delancey home. Does, then, Shelley propose that life should be lived without the father as the head and leader of the household? Probably not, but these characters do show that she supports a value system in which women are treated with much more independence and dignity than was currently afforded to them. Like Caroline and Safie, Elizabeth Lavenza s father causes her unhappiness. However this is drastically confounded by the egotism of Victor Frankenstein who seeks to take on the vitally female role of the creator. Elizabeth is constructed by Shelley as an extremely positive character, whose saintly soul shines like a shrine dedicated lamp in the Frankenstein s happy home . She, like her foster mother Caroline, keeps the family together veiling her grief for the benefit of the children. However, when victor attempts to take on the role of a woman and create life Shelley shows us that it is an unfortunate masculine characteristic to doom idealism with egotism and the pursuit of glory. Despite his noble goals of unfolding the mysteries of creation , to confer inesteemable benefit on all mankind, Victor s masculine egotism endures
  • 35. What Is The Connection Between A Tale Of Television And... Technology consumes the society Bradbury has created, and determines the behavior of the community he has created. The television consumes Mildred along with every other dependent conformist in their time. The people are so absorbed by the television that the families portrayed through the shows, that they are psychologically engulfed into the televisionfamilies. Mildred even displays this when Bradbury writes, Will you turn the parlor off? He asked. That s my family. Will you turn it off for a sick man? I ll turn it down. (Bradbury 49) MIldred s connections to her fabricated family is more important than her actual family. The subjugation of the television families is such a convoluted concept. This immense confusion is only sensibly comparable to one character, Chief Beatty. Beatty s knowledge of literature is used to disprove the importance of literature to others. He is willing to defend the equalization of society while he is educated himself, and rejects the use of books as weapons while reading them whenever he pleases. Due to these contradicting concepts in his life, Beatty is the most convoluted and mysterious character in the novel. The peculiar connection of the society Bradbury creates to television and technology is the leading cause for the conformist society. Communication has lost every sense of its meaning. The little communication present is with a fake family on a television. Parlors have transformed into group television watching, and the
  • 36. Case Study On Kantianism Introduction Values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They ought to decide your priorities, and, where it counts, they are probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. The following values are the ones that resonate with me. These are the top priorities for me to live to pass along to my children and everyone in my life: a.Honesty. To live genuinely; to live honesty, keeps our hearts and souls pure and our minds free of uncertainty or vulnerability. When we are honest, we know we are doing the correct things. b.Responsibility. Being responsible implies that others can depend on you, that you complete your promises or work. c.Humility. It isn t being... Show more content on ... Kant is a non consequentialist, meaning the end results do not justify the means. Higher profits do not justify the choice to deceive. Kant mentioned that nothing is good in itself except good will. I will not be acting from good will if I decided to be deceitful. Even though the organization s main end goal is to maximize profit, human s lives do not have a price. An organization should never forget that it exists because of its individuals. I would not use people as a means to an end and not to dehumanize human beings. I would do the right thing, not to behave egoistically, and not to rationalize. Conclusion Volkswagen s actions in tending to recall issue is not ethical in relevance to Kantianism. They continuing telling their consumers that their cars are safe and reliable as a part of their promotional and sales strategy. Whether Volkswagen realizes that they are giving their consumers the inaccurate information or not is up for argument, but nonetheless, the information they are providing is keeping the customer from making a fully rational decision. As an organization Volkswagen failed to act ethically. It was centered around benefit, utilized its consumers without thinking about their primary safety, and purposely deceived them, which is universally
  • 37. Abortion Is Wrong Essay Is Abortion Wrong? One of the most cherished beliefs of conservatives is that morals are absolute. If an act such as abortion is wrong, they believe, it is wrong for all time; there are no exceptions. Usually, this absolutism arises from the belief that the law of God cannot be broken under any circumstances. Yet, not even the Bible considers an act to be wrong in and of itself the scriptures are loaded with exceptions and qualifications to the law. To those who believe that the only exceptions to the law should be those that the Judeo Christian God gives us, then there are three places to find those exceptions: the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the writings of Christian leaders in the 2,000 years since. ... Show more content on ... Conservatives may object that the power actually belongs to God, and the church leadership is simply transmitting the information. But history clearly refutes this idea. African slavery in America received the full blessing of four centuries of popes. Considering the social and scientific disasters that the Church hierarchy (of all denominations) have been guilty of promoting, from the burning of witches to the enslavement of innocents, no thinking person could ever place blind faith in the fallible leadership of men. That s just a practical observation; let s turn to a more theoretical treatment of moral absolutism. The problem with this theory is that not even the Bible considers an act to be wrong in and of itself. God gave Israel the Ten Commandments forbidding certain acts, but then he also ordered Israel to carry out those very acts against her enemies. This sort of moral relativism is apparent in Christian history as well. Slavery and war were not condemned as evil in and of themselves; Christian scholars and popes wrote entire libraries on what constituted just and unjust slavery and just and unjust war. They drew all the exceptions permissible under God for these atrocities, which they viewed as correct in certain circumstances. They also did this with more positive behaviors, such as the only correct occasions to have sex, which the Church
  • 38. Project Implementation Plan For Successful Project Management Project Implementation Plan For successful project management, there is a need to have a good project implementation plan, which, is a single document that specifies the duties, dates, and who is in charge. Human Resources Plan The human resources plan is a device that directs the management, in detail, on the responsibilities and the roles, the acquiring of the human resources, training specialization needed, and individual time required per resource. A well planned and successful project is dependent on the correct human resources as the major component which comprises of the following: 1.Roles and Responsibilities of the Members of the Team in the Project The responsibility is the assigned work that has to be finished within a given time frame, while the role is a detailed portion that the individual member could give accountability. To carry out the project in an efficient way, each member in the team needs to fully know their individual role and responsibility that is required. Every role and responsibility needed has to be made concisely to the team members. This also includes authority and competency. Authority has the mandate to make decisions, approvals, and utilize the project resources. Competency is about human skills possessed to deliver on the project activities. 2.Project Organizational Charts The project organizational charts serve as the visual graphical outlook of the members of the team and their specific duties. Its major function is to depict
  • 39. Information Sharing in the Army s Contemporary Operational... The potential of providing information or sharing information with agencies or personnel without proper authorization can be detrimental to the mission and the personnel involved. Working in a Joint/Combined nature of the Contemporary Operational Environment (COE) leads to numerous considerations of securitywhen it comes to information sharing and intelligenceproductions. COE is the combination or current and near term operational environment variables with capabilities. It is based on the composite of potential adversaries in order to create a wide array of conditions necessary for full spectrum training and leader development. Sea, land, air, and space make up the COE in both the physical and technological aspect (Headquarters... Show more content on ... These differences lead to difficulties in interpretation of the information shared and the products that are disseminated. The Army uses Army Regulation (AR) 380 5, Department of the Army Information Security Program, as the main information classification and procedure guide. Tactics include training on a continuous basis, ensuring that personnel records are up to date, and keeping guidelines such as a tactical standard operating procedure (TACSOP) and mission essential task list (METL) to follow. For example, the Army carries out a ground mission (Combat Arms) and is structured in such a way that each Brigade is self sufficient. The Air Force is responsible for air assets, to include fighters, equipment/personnel transports, and Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV) to name a few. They are also broken down into mission units and have their own support system and intelligence units. Their primary mission is to provide support to the Army. The Marines and Navy mission focus is the sea or ocean. They also work in support of the Army; however the Marines do have their own Infantry and can conduct operations similar to the Army Infantry. Mission, structure, tactics, and security requirements receive a great portion of attention when conducting information sharing operations in the Joint COE. Commanders and Intelligence Officers, must have a good
  • 40. Women s Leadership Position As An Undergraduate Student... Background: Women in leadership provided a variety of different insights about being a woman in leadership positions both in the business world and outside of it. One constant theme throughout the class was how women have to constantly prove our competence more than men. Women are less likely to have an executive position in a company, which means that when women are hired for these positions, they have to prove themselves. As a woman, this is something I have not faced in my current position as an undergraduate student, but as I move forward in my career, I know it is a challenge I will face. One statistic that was mentioned during lecture really stuck out in my mind. Women apply for jobs when they feel they meet 100% of the criteria, whereas men apply for jobs when they feel they meet 60% of the qualifications. Like was previously stated, women feel the need to constantly prove themselves, which is why they only apply for jobs they can 100% succeed in versus men have confidencein themselves even if they are sure if they meet all the job qualifications. Bottom line based on the success of many of the speakers from Women in Leadership, if you are confident in yourself, you can complete a task and complete it well. It is clear having confidence when apply to jobs, and in general is an extremely important skill to have. While there are many different strategies in the working world for women to succeed, it is important to work hard and be confident to get the job done. As
  • 41. Farmers In The Late 1800s Essay In the late 19th century, farmers all over the country were filled with discontent due to the rough financial and agricultural conditions they were experiencing on the farm. As far back as the Homestead Act of 1862, which gave families land grants west of the Mississippi, farmers have been migrating West. Manifest Destiny was driving these families west creating jobs and opportunities, which had greatly impacted the time. This period before the late 1800s had produced high numbers of wheat, agricultural technology, and success for hard working farmers. The perfect life started to disintegrate with the increase of farmers, and the high amount of wheat being sold. With wheat prices dropping, farmers going into debt, and businesses controlling the economy, the farmers were starting to experience hardships like never before. This was the start of the depression of 1893. Farmers had experienced a number of problems during this time, but the conflicts of the Bimetallic Standard in currency, the overpowering big businesses, and the lack of government interference had contributed greatly to the validity of the farmers argument. Currency during the late 1800s was always a topic of great conflict between the different classes of people. The document The platform of the People s Party 1892 stated The Newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentration in the hands of
  • 42. The Keynesian School Of Economic Thought Our economy has evolved from centuries ago to what it is today from the start of supply and demand and learning how to make trades. The foundations of this learning process has also came from theories on how to manage and control the economy. This has been built from several thinkers and theorist implanting their ideas into action and having results in the prosperity or failure of an economy. As these theories have evolved as well and some with great prosperity they have been recognized and titled as the Keynesian School of Economic Thought as this is a theory believing aggregate demand is influenced by public and private economic decisions. There is also the Monetarism School of Economic Thought which focuses on how the money supply has... Show more content on ... The only thing that really drags down the aggregate demand or GDP would be if the country brought in more imported goods than anything else. A public decision would be the money that government programs put into the economy, investing in programs such as education, medical research, Medicare and other things. In the formula, these variables would be Government spending and Investment spending. Private decisions are an individual s decisions on where to spend money. In the formula, this is represented by investment spending and consumption spending. Keynesian Economics relies on that they believe the government can kickstart the economy by spending money when in a down period. Another school of thought is that changes in aggregate demand, whether anticipated or unanticipated, have their greatest short run effects on real output and employment, not on prices. John Maynard Keynes said that everything in life is in the short run. The theory believes that just because something is happening in the short run, may not necessarily mean it will happen in the long run. He thought the government should get involved when the economy was stagnant to give it a boost and get it moving again in the short run. They also believe that monetary policy effects, output and employment only. That makes sense because as the more money that is pumped in, the more a good needs to be produced and the more goods needing to be produced means the more people you
  • 43. The Importance Of Internet On The Internet Nowadays, internet has been one of the most important things in human s life. It is an unseen bridge that allows people to access the world. A fast flow of information and communication are what provided in internet. Any information we need is easily gained without limited by time and space. Internet is a huge mediato allow humans connect each other. Whatever are the events in one part of the world, will quickly be recognized by those who are on the other side. By the development of information technology, people now are able to have a social relationship in internet. The media which enable them to establish a relationship virtually are called as social networks (or social media). Numerous social networks are widely used today. Facebook, twitter, Blackberry Messenger, and WhatsApp are few of them, following the steps of Friendster as the pioneer back then. Some features like chatting and video call are what people served with. However, chatting and calling are not the only things we can do in social networks. There is also trading as one of the most rapid activities people do other than those basic functions. As media with almost no charge needed in using them, social networks are very powerful tools of promotion for those who just start a small business, or want to run the business with limited time, access and budget. They can be used also to sell unused stuffs. Massive number of users, especially facebook, has created a big market and opportunities for sellers to trade their products. It is also very useful when someone wants to look for the things he needs and buys, without have to get the new one with higher price. Trading forums as a modified form of facebook group is a feature provided by facebook that allows its members to sell things. In selling things through posts, they often (with or without they realize) created and used special forms of terms or modified words. Evidently, the languages used by those members are very different from what usually used in daily conversation. It is even different from slang languagecommonly used in chatting or sms. Normally, one posts an advertisement in the group with description inserted with some new words. This is a way to make it simple and as brief as
  • 44. The Formation Of Acc And Its Conversion Into Ethylene The evolution of ACC also brings about the production of 5Вў methylthioadenosine nine. Increase in the rate of respiration of the fruit gives ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) need for the methionine cycle and can lead to induced ethylene production without high levels of intracellular methionine. SAM is a crucial methyl giver and relates to numerous aspects of cellular metabolism. Thus, the two steps involved in the synthesis of ethyleneis the formation of ACC and its conversion into ethylene. The genes encoding ACS and ACO have therefore been studied more deeply than other enzymes in the pathway, although there is proof that a few other genes concerned with methionine synthesis and methionine salvage pathway are differentially demonstrated throughout ripeningand in response to ethylene (Alba and others 2005; Zegzouti and others 1999). ACS and ACO are encoded by multigene families in higher plants, with tomato having at most nine ACS (LEACS1A, LEACS1B, and LEACS2 8) and п¬Ѓve ACO (LEACO1 5) genes (Barry and others 1996; Nakatsuka and others 1998; Oetiker and others 1997; Van der Hoeven and others 2002; Zarembinski and Theologis 1994). Expression survey has disclosed that at least four ACS (LEACS1A, LEACS2, LEACS4, LEACS6) and three ACO (LEACO1, LEACO3, LEACO4) genes are differentially shown in tomato fruit(Barry and others 1996, 2000; Nakatsuka and others 1998; Rottmann and others 1991). LEACO1, LEACO3, andLEACO4 are shown at low levels in green fruits that are in the first
  • 45. Obanua Ogugua Critical Analysis Interestingly, it is clear now that the author might not have been interested in portraying the polygamy in the novel in the literal sense, but deftly twists the novel to largely accommodate his message on the immiscibility of tradition and modernity. And what better way to effect this than through the element of marriage? He marries the societal constructs together to show the ghastly effect of having them so close together. We also, however, must not ignore that there is actually a message on polygamy as it relates to human relationships and its lethal effects. We can therefore say that the author has managed to kill two birds with one stone. Moving on, having established the foregoing, strife becomes the chemical reaction when the two ... Show more content on ... So, the supposition that Ogugua is actually a representation of modernity actually holds. Also interesting to explore is the introduction by the author of the detail that concerned the love affair between Ogugua and the Portuguese merchant. This little detail stamps our claim that Obanua s society, Ozala, had begun to experience change through modernity. Through historical books, we come to know that Nigeria (which is undoubtedly the secondary setting of the novel) first begun its journey to modernity when the Portuguese came into the country for trade purposes and, at this point, as is surely with any instance of human interaction, ideas and societal patterns were exchanged, more so as the language, Portuguese, infiltrated its way into the system. That minute detail therefore becomes something like a deliberate attempt by the author to show us the modern change that was enveloping the town and Nigeria, by extension, hoping that we would grasp that bit of detail. Consequently, Ogugua s mulatto twin girls deserve some critical attention. That they are culturally mixed gives us a clue that they are representations also, of the cultural malaise with which we are concerned. The role they play in the house is also very significant. We can call them catalysts of disaster since they often instigate
  • 46. Case Study Of A Private Card Business This paper is about a private card business HowRu and its subsidiary. Of course as all card companies business is seasonal and the best time is holiday season. This paper will discuss steps the company can take to diversify its portfolio. Next the definition of diversification and its necessity in risk management will be given. Then there will be five steps listed to diversify the card business. Each step will be discussed in detail. Last at least six suggestions will be given to know where and how funds can be allocated for new investments. HowRu a card business and its subsidiary has a 14% share in the greeting card business. Everyone knows the best time is holiday season in this industry. So this company needs to diversify its portfolio in order to generate income to make up for the slow times. How can this company diversify and what ways can they find funds to allocate to new Investments. As I was coming up I was always told you have to budget your money don t spend it all in one place. Well investing is kind of like that, you do not want to invest all you have in one thing. Diversification is exactly that investing in several funds, stocks, or securities so you have less risk. Every ones risk tolerance is different and all is willing to take a different amount of risk ( Asset Page, n.d.) For a successful business no matter what their risk tolerance is diversification is needed. This process allows for the investments to be spread to multiple bonds
  • 47. Sanofi Genzyme Merger (1) Brief Chronology 5/23/2010 Sanofi s CEO Chris Viehbacher approaches Genzyme s CEO Henri Termeer about an acquisition. Termeer expresses interest but wishes to discuss the possible deal after the company s shareholder meeting in June. 6/28/2010 Viehbacher calls Termeer to set up a meeting and Termeer promises to respond soon. 7/2/2010 The media becomes alerted about Sanofi wishing to purchase a U.S. biotech company as rumors circulate about Genzyme. 7 /29/2010 Sanofi sends a private letter to Genzyme s board of directors offering $69 /share in cash. 8/22/2010 Genzyme rejects Sanofi s offer. 8/29/2010 Sanofi goes public with its offer of $69/share. 8/30/2010 Genzyme publicly rejects... Show more content on ... Since 2004, Sanofi had developed into a diversified global healthcare company using innovation to meet the needs of patients throughout the world, with recent acquisitions including, Zentiva, Medley, Kendricks, Acambis and Symbion Consumer, as well as Merial in animal health. Exhibit 4.1 accurately highlights the exact formation of the company. (3) Brief description of the companies at the time of the announcement of the transaction A. Sanofi Aventis Sanofi had a total of twenty two research and development sites. By the time of the acquisition, Sanofi owned eight operational sites in France, five sites in other European countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Spain, and Italy), six sites in the United States, one site in Japan, and two sites in China. Sanofi also owned 75 industrial sites worldwide as displayed by Exhibit 1.2. On a broader scale to see how the company was faring over the years, Exhibit 1.1 accurately depicts the growth in net sales over a period of five years. Net sales had increased 7.1% from 2006 until 2010 and cash dividends paid per share had also increased 42.9%. Exhibit 1.4 displays the major shareholders who owned stakes in the company in 2010 when Sanofi first expressed interest in acquiring Genzyme. Exhibit 1.6 shows Sanofi s total exposure as of December 31, 2010 by rating and in terms of its percentage exposure to the dominant
  • 48. Description Of Spc ( Statistical Process Control ) Md. Sourove Akther Momin1*, Mr.Md. Golam Kader2 and Md. Mahbubur Rahaman3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering Technology, Khulna 9203, Bangladesh Corresponding author: Md. Sourove Akther Momin ( Abstract: SPC (statistical process control) is an important tool to solve the manufacturing problem and the most modernized effective scheme to obtain process durability and fostering the process pertinence decreasing the variability. In manufacturing system, products do not run up against the proper province of quality permanently with the customer desire. This impermanency appears due to various productions of variations like machines, operators, materials, etc. The main purpose of control chart is to monitor the changes, and subsequently governing the scheme. The study deals with controlling and upliftment of the quality of pipe through checking and observing the pipe s height, diameter and weight from pipe industry. From the investigation, X bar chart, S and R control chart are developed for the variables. Furthermore, EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) is used to focus for identifying the small process shifts All of the investigation represent, the process is in control or not. For the process out of control status, the assignable causes behind it be marked out and foreclosed by taking proper steps. Keywords: SPC, control chart, EWMA, quality. Nomenclature Average of the sample element XSample element
  • 49. Ray Kroc Ethical Dilemma Analysis Ray Kroc started the last ethical dilemma when he opened up a McDonald s across from the original McDonald s owned by Maurice and Richard McDonald, who had to change their name to Big M. Ray Kroc wanted to put them out of business, but he also wanted Maurice and Richard to suffer seeing their name and restaurant they lost. Ray Kroc could have put the McDonald sin San Bernardino, California, elsewhere, even down the street or on another street. While Maurice and Richard cannot do anything with the name McDonald s, they decided to move their restaurant. If Ray Kroc did not pursue this course of action, it would have made Maurice and Richard feel less depressed about the loss of their restaurant. Unfortunately, they must start over there was... Show more content on ... Maurice and Richard McDonald based every decision on what they wanted McDonald s to be, which was fast, clean, and delicious. Since they had trouble maintaining quality among earlier franchisee, they made sure to put in protections from franchisee abusing their name and their business. The implications of their decisions were that they did not like change, and so they rejected all of Ray s ideas. Those ideas included designs that alter the building furnace, adding a basement, a coke cola sponsorship, request for additional revenue, attempting to renegotiate their franchise fee percentage, and the use of powder milkshake. The one thing they could have done differently was to be more willing to consider a change to improve their business. They did not identify with the state of their employees, including Ray who needed their support. Thus, Ray took it into his own hands. Ray Kroc was not motivated by money at first, but McDonald s service which was so fast compared to the other drive ins he went to prior to discovering McDonald s. However, when Maurice and Richard allowed him to become the head franchise, he started to worry about money as he built McDonald s all over the United States. Eventually, he started making decisions to acquire and make more profit off McDonald s because of Harry J. Sonneborn, who suggest he buy the land that McDonald s sat on and that the