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Thesis Career Choice
Questionnaire Example - T
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Thesis Career Choice Questionnaire Example - T Thesis Career Choice Questionnaire Example - T
Genetic Determinism
Genetic Determinism
On Christmas Day in the year 2001, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. When I looked into the brand
new face of my son I saw a beautiful mystery. I wondered what kind of man my boy would grow to be
and what his life would be like. There are those in the scientific community who would argue that my
son s path was already determined at the moment of his birth, that his fate could be deciphered from
his genetic make up. As a nurturing mother I know better. At two years old my son has developed a
more diverse vocabulary than many children twice or even three times his age. He recognizes many
written words and reads them aloud. He is able to spell his name. He can distinguish a square from a
rectangle and an octagon ... Show more content on ...
Many scholars believe that the new science of behavioral genetics has intellectual roots in the old
ideas of Eugenics (Steen 33). Eugenics disguised a political agenda as a scientific one in an attempt to
endow discrimination with credibility. Supporters of genetic determinism theories do the same.
Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray defend the theory of genetic determinism in The Bell Curve:
Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, which was published ten years ago. Their book is
one of the most widely referenced works regarding the theory that intelligence is inherited. The
authors claim that the social order mirrors natural selection, wherein the genetically superior or more
intelligent human rises to the top. Of course this means that the lower class, predominantly blacks, are
represented as genetically inferior (xxi xxiii). The authors claim that ethnic differences in cognitive
ability are neither surprising nor in doubt (269) and attribute the inequality of life among Americans to
inherent differences between races in intelligence (127). Their argument rests on the assertion that
intelligence is both inheritable and immutable and is supported by intelligence test scores. The text is
full of contradictions and a close analysis proves it to be lacking in evidence and smacking of social
myth. Their theories are developed using speculation and are tainted by bias. There is no science
The theory of inherent
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Definition Of Lifting The Corporate Veil
PART B Is the protection provided by the corporate veil is justifiable and adequate? There is no clear
framework of the rules that would cover the contingencies of a ruling to pierce the corporate veil
Idoport Pty Ltd v National Australia Bank Ltd. The corporate Veil usually protects owners and
shareholders from being held liable for corporate duties. Yet again a decision made by the court to lift
that veil and would place the liability on shareholders, owners, administrators, executives and officers
of the company without ownership interest. The purpose of this essay is to conduct an analysis on the
concept of lifting the corporate veil and to review the different views on its fairness and equitability to
present a better understanding of the notion, the methods used was throughout researching the
numerous scholars views on the subject, case law and statutes examples, and the evidence provided by
the empirical study of Ramsay Noakes. When we discuss the lifting the corporate veil the first case
that pops out is the case of Salomon V A. Salomon Co Ltd, since the decisions of applying the
corporate veil were first formed as a consequence of this case. The idea covers all of company law and
distinguishes that a company is a separate legal entity from its members and directors. Furthermore,
spencer (2012); have indicated that one of the core principles that followed the decision in Salomon v
Salomon was the wide acceptance one man company s. However In order to form a
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Introverts are the Forgotten Sheep in the Herd in the...
Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic? is an article written in The New York Times newspaper. Susan Cane
wrote the article in June 2011.The article used a variety of techniques to illustrate her point such as
examples, sources, and new definitions. Cain writes about shyness, introversion, social anxiety
disorder, and extroversion. She compares introversion to extroversion. We need equally kinds of
people in society. In my experience, people display both characteristics at the same time. The article
shyness and evolutionary tactic is an interesting article because the current social judgment favors
extroverts but does a disservice to introverts who also make important contributions to sociality. There
is a tendency in American society today to have a bias against for anyone who is not gregarious,
upbeat, part of the crowd or in the spotlight There are people who on the outside are not sociable,
because these people are shy. However, there is a difference between shyness and introversion. Shy
people often avoid many things because they are nervous or they criticize themselves for speaking up.
Introverts, however, will not be nervous or criticize themselves. Both shyness and being introverted
are acceptable traits. It only becomes a problem when a person has a social anxiety disorder that
significantly interferes with a person s life. We want and need people to be the quiet thinkers who can
go off by themselves come up with an idea and bring it back to a
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Ride The Lo Research Paper
Come on down to the best ride in town. That s right, I m here to tell you that The Loo is the next big
thing! Try it yourself. All you have to is get a ride down to good ole Hershey Park. There you can ride
The Loo, where you get the life experience of being the piece of poo in the toilet. Who wouldn t want
to go on a fast thrilling ride, where you can get whipped around, swirled a bit, and glide over bumpy
bumps. To start out the ride you ll work your way to the top of the hill at a constant speed. As we
slowly progress, we get closer, and closer till we hit the top. Right there is our highest potential
energy. Now we drop! It s the free fall, weightless and air resistant time of the ride. You are
accelerating from the top of the hill to
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Data Analysis and Data Modeling in Visio
Lab Data Analysis and Data Modeling in Visio
In this lab, we will learn to draw with Microsoft Visio the ERD s we created in class.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this learning unit you should be able to:
▪ Understand the concept of data modeling
▪ Develop business rules
▪ Develop and apply good data naming conventions
▪ Construct simple data models using Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)
▪ Develop entity relationships and define various types of attributes
Lab Goals
Our lab goals are to:
1. Learn to build conceptual models in Microsoft Visio.
2. Create the 5 ERDs from class in Microsoft Visio.
You will accomplish this by drawing the 4 diagrams from ... Show more content on ...
Part 2: Microsoft Visio for Conceptual Modeling Walk Thru
In this section, we will walk through creating a conceptual data model with Microsoft Visio. We will
use the vBay! (E bay like website case study as an example for conceptual modeling.)
To Create an Entity:
Drag the [pic] icon onto the page and drop. Name the entity in the database properties window:
Now add these 4 Entities to your diagram:
To Add Attributes to the entity:
To add attributes to your entity, simply click on the columns section of the database properties
window, and enter in your column names. Be sure to include the appropriate attribute descriptors
[rucdm] with the physical name. Ignore the data type Req d and PK columns. Those are used in
logical modeling.
Now add attributes to all 4 entities, like this:
To Add Relationships among the entities:
To Add Relationships, simply drag the appropriate relationship cardinality (for example: [pic]) onto
the page and connect the ends to each entity. To snap the line to the entity drag the line end onto the
box until it turns red, like this. Red symbolizes the shapes are glued together:
After to glue both ends of the line to an entity, you can double click on the line to assign it a label. For
Now add
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Evaluation Of Evaluating Distributed Goods After...
Introduction The project of evaluating distributed goods after manufacturing them to start with, and
continuing forward to distribution shall illuminate this picture. In order to gain a general grasp of the
involvement concerning the process, a suggested viewing about the Story of Stuff (storyofstuffproject,
2009) at is quite helpful in understanding. Although
there are so many factors from one point to another, the primary focus directed toward the main
concept of this process moves us along. Manufacturing to Distribution of Goods You have to create
product in order to provide usable consumer goods, a process referred to as manufacturing. What goes
into this process affects humanity and ... Show more content on ...
The amount of consumption required to satisfy and pacify the consumers continues to build this until
reaching exponential growth of instability making life unsustainable based on overgrown population
extremes. The need for workers to produce those goods that is the consumer purchasing what is
products made available to them. When you choke or starve the workers to the point of not having
enough to consume, business eventually tumbles in financial distress over loss of demand for what
they provide or made available. The endless cycle of greed has caused the popularity cycle of unions
for workers to insure there is reasonable living standards applied. This generally works until the
unions emerge corrupted from anyone full of greed in positions of power. Benefit or Harm from
Unions The perspective that Unions play a pivotal role both in securing legislated labor protections
and rights such as safety and health, overtime, and family/medical leave and in enforcing those rights
on the job (Walters, M., Mishel, L. 2003, para. 2). They provide for the debate playing field to open up
within the governing body relationship to the people. Without them, people are bound to follow along
in systems they hope might benefit or help them along the work of trying to provide and survive.
There is great difficulty in sustaining an economic growth and financial gain when workers
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The Consequences Of Herding Behavior Of Financial Traders
This report sets out to analyze the causes and the consequences of herding behavior of financial
traders, emphasizing the impact on financial markets efficiency and stability. Moreover, it contributes
to formalize the role of policy makers, how they react to herding behavior and what measures they can
take to curtail it. This paper is divided into three section: Section 1 introduces herding behavior;
Section 2 analyzes origin and consequences of herding and its repercussion on Efficient Market
Hypothesis theory; Section 3 focuses on the role of policy makers and what they can do to curtail
Section 1
Herding behavior, which can be addressed of a part of uninformed trading, is defined as instances in
which individual ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, as presented by West (1988), it is necessary to identify a behavioral model which can
highlight the importance and the impact of psychological and irrational behaviors that can explain the
latest financial crisis and asset bubbles. The greatest support of what can be defined as Behavioral
Finance comes from Shiller (1984), who believes that financial behaviors are influenced by social
movements. To explain return patterns that are anomalous from the classical viewpoint of EMH, it is
necessary to introduce either market imperfections or failures of human rationality (Hirshleifer,
2003). Herding is one of many psychological factors and biases that influences markets stability and
can be identified as the cause of many stock markets bubbles and crashes. Moreover herding leads to
unhedgeable systemic risk and causes markets failure to reflect all relevant information.
Section 2
Herd behavior occurs when investors, firms or analysts take the same action and/or base their
decisions according to others behaviors (Spyrou, 2013) and follow the crowd (i.e. switching from
buying to selling and reverse). It is present in a market when individuals imitate better informed
investors trading strategies rather than acting upon their own beliefs and private information.
Moreover, herding must be distinguished from what is known as spurious herding . Spurious traders,
when facing the same problems and set
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Gender Norm Media And Culture
Name: Po Chin Wu
RIN: 661401218
Course: STSS 1520 Sociology
Date: 10/9/2015
Gender norm in media and culture
Dozens of action movies are produced every year by Hollywood. Not to mention how widely most
violent scenes such as guns and kills are accepted in most of them. Although most may view them
only as entertainments, it is undeniable that the overexposed ideas of power and dauntless from not
only the movies but our daily media had slowly changed our social norms toward gun and violent.
Over 900 mass shootings, defined as having four or more fatalities in one incident by CNN, has
happened in less than three years since 2013. When in fact, as TV news and newspapers intended to
inform titles like a student opened fire or people are shot dead in a historic black church , almost none
marked out the issue on gender or men in the titles. African Americans, psychotics, Mexicans, and
immigrants are more often to be written in contents of violence, whereas only few articles wrote about
white men, who also build up a big part of our masculinity society. In the past, violence came from
anger in specific reasons; today, violence has become a way to represent our toughness and
masculinity. Not only did our popular culture lead us to a narrower idea of distinct gender behaviors,
such as men to be brave and women to be sensitive, our media provides us even more contents toward
normalizing what should be violent and incorrect.
Our every day mass media has emerged into the most powerful
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A Brief Note On Mandatory Overtime And The Impact On Nurse...
Appraising the Evidence: Mandatory Overtime Impact on Nurse Safety
Caroline Opyd
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 449: Evidence Based Practice
November, 2015 Mandatory Overtime and the Impact it has on Nurse Safety
This paper addresses how mandatory overtime shifts cause safety problems on the floor, and how
these shifts impact nurses safety. Safety errors can happen in the blink of an eye, and happen more
than most healthcare systems would like to admit. On going issues with nursing shortages have led to
an increase in the amount of hours worked overtime. Numerous studies show that mandatory overtime
causes an increase in safety errors among nurses in the healthcare setting. According to the article
based on the observational study titled, Scheduling and shift work characteristics associated with risk
for occupation injury in newly licensed registered nurses , there is a direct association between
overtime and night shifts and an increased risk for injury (Stimpfel, Brewer, Kovner, 2015). The
statistics from this study show the serious impact overtime can have on a nurses safety, with results
stating that nurses working weekly overtime were associated with a 32% increase in the risk of a
needle stick over those who did not work extended hours (Stimpfel, 2015).
Clinical Question
The first article appraised, The Working Hours of Hospital Staff Nurses and Patient Safety , uses a
qualitative design to provide evidence assessing how overtime shifts
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Holden Caulfield Depression
Today, 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, over 5% of the entire population on
Earth (Healthline). While 5% may not seem like much, it is absolutely appalling to think that any one
person deserves to feel depressed. Despite being apart of the human mind ever since creation, doctors
and psychologists today are still struggling to understand what causes the mind to break down to a
state of utter sadness and self loathing. Even more troubling is the fact that not many people, primarily
parents, are exposed to the utter damage that the disorder may cause to their children. Unlike physical
disorders, injuries, or other illnesses that attack the body, depression attacks the mind. Depression can
take the brightest day and turn it ... Show more content on ...
Despite being a fictional character, the mental issues Holden faces throughout the novel have stood the
test of time, and are now more prevalent than ever before. Whether it s a rough break up, the loss of a
loved one, or parental negligence, every single person has hit a low at one point in their life. The
problem is, much like in the case of our Holden Caulfield, that these people may not receive the
proper care and attention required to avoid slipping deeper. That is why millions of people, teenagers
and adults alike, suffer from depression of many different types and severities. This story provides
only a glimpse into what goes on inside the mind of a growing teenager suffering from the disorder. At
the time of release, the 1950s, it is reported that depression was considered a rarity, and a taboo one at
that. Mental illnesses were not treated nearly as well back then as they are today. In the 50s, Holden s
only solution would be to see a psychoanalyst, which readers do see at the very end of the story.
However today, with depression and suicide at an all time high, Holden would be treated much
differently. In the modern world of medicine and psychological support, Holden would be most likely
been able to be treated with antidepressant medication like Lexapro or Zoloft, pills that would slowly
help his mental state be
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Huckleberry Finn Annotated Bibliography Essay
Mia Orozco
ENGL 1302
29 April 2018
Male American Authors That Wrote Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography
Introduction: Books have been around for hundreds of years, and as time goes on people have come to
appreciate books more and more. There have been several amazing American authors in history, many
of which were not recognized until after they passed away. Fortunately there were novelists that
received the recognition they deserved while they were still alive. F. Scott Fitzgerald. F. SCOTT FITZGERALD,, 2010, scott fitzgerald. A journalist for gives a brief summary about F.
Scott Fitzgerald, who rose to fame as a writer during the jazz age. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota,
and dropped out of Princeton University to join the U.S. Army. Fitzgerald descended into a ... Show
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New Huckleberry Finn Edition Does Disservice to a Classic. The
New York Times, The New York Times, 6 Jan. 2011, Unquestionably Mark Twain s most influential
work, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn remains one of the most well known American novels to
date. It is known for its raw, often humorous depictions of southern antebellum society. Being an
iconic classic, however, hasn t protected Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from being criticized and
cleaned up, There prove to be many controversies over the famous novel over the frequent use of the
N word throughout the book, but it is still celebrated as one of the best books written and is still read
in schools today.
Michiko Kakutani received her B.A. in English literature from Yale University in 1976, where she
studied under author and Yale writing professor John Hersey, among others. She won the Pulitzer
Award for Criticism in 1998 and later worked for The New York Times as a chief book reviewer for
38 years. She has been called one of the most powerful book critics in the English speaking
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Why Is Sacagawea Important
Sacagawea was a definite essential to the Lewis and Clark expedition success. Lewis and Clark were
the first people to cross the western portion of America. Sacagawea was an invaluable member during
the expedition. People will say Sacagawea isn t as important as people say she is. I agree that
Sacagawea was an important part of the expedition. First, Sacagawea protected Lewis and Clark
during the expedition. The passage states, They recruited a interpreter named Toussaint Charbonneau,
who brought along his Shoshoni Indian wife, Sacagawea, and her newborn baby boy... If Sacagawea
has a son, it s less likely that someone would try to hurt them. Sacagawea states, Not only was her
knowledge important to success of the expedition but her courage
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A Modest Proposal Satire
The short story, A Modest Proposal, written by Johnathan Swift, is anything but a modest proposal.
Swift satirically proposes a compromise to rectify a burden of the Irish people. The nation s
predicament is the children of the poor people being a hinderance to their parents and their country.
The compromise is eating the infants to not only save food that would be needed for the kids but to
give a larger amount of food to the poor people. Clearly this satirical essay is just that, satirical, but
the way Swift delivers his proposition is very persuasive. Through his use of rhetorical devices such as
tone and litotes he is able to emphasize his points, while at the same time he throws in a hefty amount
of irony to keep the reader from thinking the piece is truthful and serious.
In order for the audience to not completely disregard the story, the author needs to put some realism
into his writing. A way in which he achieves this is through an under exaggerated tone. Swift constant
use of litotes builds this tone and helps make everything stay real. By making everything seem not so
over the top, he is able to achieve a sense of normalcy in his writing. An example of one of these vast
understatements is when he mentions how the women might find it, Bordering upon cruelty. The very
thought of murdering anything, let alone babies, is cruel. The most evident case of a litotes, though, is
the title of the short story. A Modest Proposal, is anything ... Show more content on ...
Johnathan Swift satirically writes his manifesto to the people of Ireland to fix their hunger problem.
His use of litotes and an all around understated tone lends itself useful to engaging readers. At the
same time, Swift s evident use of irony, ranging from the title to the closing statements, helps to not
estrange readers. All in all, the repulsive idea proposed by Swift completely goes against any practical
ethos or logos, and hence creates a grand piece of
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Recycling in Retail
Retail Management Changes Like any other sector of the market, the industry of recycled merchandise
has undergone a range of changes in Australia, just like anywhere else in the world. For example, one
of the biggest changes involves the creation and evolution of new technology and network
development, such as the concept of eBay and the online flea market arena. For example, eBay in
Australia has been around for just 13 years, and has undergone a complete evolution from the time
that it first began to the type of things its selling right now at the greatest level of popularity. Ebay
began as an online marketplace strictly for collectible toys and hard to find items from Americana or
yesteryear: The weird and wacky is what eBay s bread and butter was for many years. Now the
biggest selling categories are similar to what you would find in a shopping centre clothes, homewares,
consumer electronics and motors, which is a really big category particularly in Australia . The most
expensive item sold on eBay Australia was the last ever Holden Monaro to come off the car maker s
production line. It was auctioned for $187,600 in February, with all proceeds going to the Leukemia
Foundation (, 2009). Ebay is not the only website for the online shopping of used materials
that has become popular. For example, a website like allows people to
post pictures and descriptions of their old items so that they can swap or exchange them with other
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Integration Between Peasant And Elite Populations
Over the years, the ever evolving gastronomic identity that resulted from the fluid integration between
peasant and elite populations helped shape an equally evolving Italian cultural identity. This glutinous
parallel can be seen in the unique identities in the various regions ranging from the South to the North
of Italy. Although many national stereotypes exist today from the macaroni eaters, to the red sauce that
accompanies pasta, these can be explained by the exchange and the influence that globalization has on
culture. Acting as a basis to Italian identity are the practices passed down through generations orally,
the knowledge that is indispensable to their heritage in which each recipe holds a variant to another.
This ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, patrons are responsible to protect the culture and traditions of their region.
Being relatively inexperienced in the culinary world, I effectively set aside a days worth of time to
prepare my meal. Pouring over lists of ingredients, various recipes, and meticulously organized
equipment, I began my culinary journey with an Italian mindset. Beginning bright and early at the
Root Cellar I browsed through the vibrant local produce, indulged in the scent of fresh herbs, and
stood in awe at the monstrous wheel of parmigiano reggiano. Rather than opting for packaged herbs, I
took this opportunity to cross off my goal of creating an herb garden on my list of to dos. Continuing
on my journey, I visited the Market on Yates, which is full of unusual items that can be easily
overlooked amongst rows of generic names. This neighborhood market acts as a fresh grocer much
like the farmer s markets that are not accessible to those living in the heart of downtown Victoria.
Food is an essential component to the creation of an Italian identity, as it offers not only sustenance,
but also provides narratives that reflect community and conflicts, tradition and innovation. When
searching for an appropriate recipe, reaching out to family and friends for a recipe they swear by, a
family secret, which seemed consistent with Italian culture. The passing down of recipes and
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The Concept Of Perpendicularity
Perpendicularity Perpendicularity is a member of the orientation family. It can be used to control the
orientation of surface, axes and center planes. If used on features of size, it is often used as a
refinement of, or to augment a positional control. It is also often used to orient secondary datum
features of size to primary plane datum. Perpendicularity is a characteristics of orientation applied to a
feature or feature of size wherein that considered feature surface, line element, median plane or axis is
being controlled (to within a specified tolerance) 90° to a datum plane or datum axis.
Perpendicularity is a common symbol that requires the referenced surface or line to b perpendicular or
90° from a datum surface or line.
Taguchi method ... Show more content on ...
This method is a unique and powerful statistical experimental technique, which greatly improves the
engineering productivity. For present study, identifying the product the product parameter values
under the optimal process parameter values and the objective of the parameter design is to optimize
the settings of the process parameter values for improving performance characteristics. Therefore the
parameter design is the key step in the Taguchi method to achieving high quality without increasing
cost. Traditional Design of Experiments focused on how different design factors affect the average
result level. In Taguchi s DOE (robust design), variation is more interesting to study than the average.
Robust design: An experimental method to achieve product and process quality through designing in
an insensitivity to noise based on statistical principles. A statistical / engineering methodology that aim
at reducing the performance variation of a system.
The input variables are divided into two board
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The Communications Decency Act ( Cda )
A. According to the Communications Decency Act(CDA), cyberspace has many of the problems
conterversise among crime, advertising,gaming,copyright,gambling
a) Based on the first amendment it adapted few new technologies,solutions foe various problems
differences in choieces etc; Adapting new technology usually require changes in
institutions,laws,business policies,attitude and behaviour.The first technology was cellphone with in
built camera. We can develope technology in various ways research on internet plays a vital role in
developing technology, sharing ideas among each other helps in making out of new
technology.Internet is playing a important role in different feilds and different places .When it comes
to reality internet are used in library,telivisiom,and public places. The source of internet is used in
different ways.
In library we use internet for searching books and we can know about the book before taking them
from the library and we search even the revelant refernces of a paticular book with the help of internet
and more over we can find more additional information what we are having in book we choose, we
can find lot of vedios and images based on a particular topic what we are searching or trying to know.
Now a days internet is used in television too. We can access internets only in smart TV s only .We can
use this in private, public .We can make a cal through TV, access social sites of our interest. In
business field we can use this
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How Is Sofia Shown In The Color Purple
There are two incidents that were disturbing to me The Color Purple novel by Alice Walker in the
letters found in part II. The first of these would be when Sofia tells Celie the story of how Miss Millie,
the mayor s wife, received a new car from her husband and Sofia ends up teaching her how to drive it.
During the lessons, Sofia demonstrates how to drive the car first and then Miss Millie would practice
while Sofia sat next to her in the front seat giving instructions. In appreciation, Miss Millie offers to
take Sofia to see her children whom she had not seen in five years. When they are about to leave, Miss
Millie reminded Sofia that blacks have to ride in the back of the car which was difficult to read. Once
they arrive, Sofia has
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Stereotypes In Half A Yellow Sun
There are billions of people on the earth. In America alone, there are over 300 million people. Because
there are so many people it becomes easier to stereotype people and base our judgments of them off
these categories. The world views every race, gender, religion, etc. in a generalized way. Common
misconceptions are: all white Americans are obese and lazy, all Mexicans are lazy and illegal
immigrants, all Arabs and Muslims are terrorists, all blacks outside of the United States are poor,
women are not as smart as men, girls are not good at sports, all blondes are unintelligent, and many
more (Stereotype examples). These general ideas are very dangerous when we look at the
interconnectedness of the world. When people start to judge others based on stereotypes they have
decided are true the entire population suffers. Obviously not all Americans are obese and lazy, not all
Mexicans who immigrated to America are illegally here, not all Muslims are terrorists, not all blacks
are impoverished, men are not always smarter than women, girls can be good at sports, and there are
blondes who are smart. By pigeonholing people into these categories the world is losing valuable ...
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In Half of a Yellow Sun the southern Christians grouped all northern Muslims as deplorable monsters
who only wanted to kill them. By concluding this they ignored the aid some northerners gave them.
America is currently struggling with this same idea about Muslims. After the Biafra war, the Nigerian
soldiers stereotyping of scholars led to the targeting of people with glasses, not all of whom were
actually professors. Adichie herself has been on both sides of stereotyping and her characters reflect
this by also having this experience. Reducing people to only a single idea eliminates some of the
talents they possess and leave the world lacking needed
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Positron Emissions Tomography
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a type of nuclear medicine imaging which uses radiotracers or
also called as radiopharmaceuticals − minute amount of radioactive substances labelled bio
compounds. This test shows the function of tissues and organs such as sugar metabolism, oxygen use
and blood flow instead of mere structural images of, for instance blood flow to and from organs
illustrated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). This feature makes
it a useful diagnostic tool to help physicians detect and evaluate severity of various diseases or
medical conditions including cancers (staging). PET may identify the early onset of diseases before it
undergoes anatomical changes which make it apparent on other imaging
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How Can Lady Tremaine Be Considered An Evil Character
In Cinderella, Cinderella s stepmother, Lady Tremaine, can be considered an evil character. Lady
Tremaine, who is motivated by her egocentricity, is the main antagonist in the film. Since Cinderella s
father is a wealthy, widowed man, Lady Tremaine, who is a widow at that time as well, marries him,
showing that she desires to be wealthy. In addition, due to her greed, she expects one of her daughters
to marry the Prince who is holding a ball to find a wife. She only cares about herself and her two
daughters, and abuses Cinderella until she becomes the servant of the house after her father s death.
Lady Tremaine acts benevolently to Cinderella in front of her, but she envies her for her beauty and
wishes Cinderella s life to be miserable. Cinderella s
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Black Youth And Its Impact On Our Society
Introduction As our nation heads towards a united stand to build better relationships with other
countries and build a united front with people of different backgrounds, religions and races, we are
shocked to by the fact that there are still extreme prejudices and injustices within our own
communities. We are shocked that a large portion of our black youth from disadvantaged families are
not reaping the benefits of our society. Or they are simply unable to because they are unaware of the
opportunities and they are not available to them. Unfortunately, there are a lack of programs in our
communities that pushes the advancement of our youth. The programs that are available are either for
profit or riddled with other agendas. Today we see more black youth unable to compete at national
levels through education, involved in crimes and forgotten than any other minority. Our community
has collectively forgotten about them only believing that if they themselves can succeed than that is all
that matters. Our plan is to stop this and create a program that will enable our youth to have a better
future. Why this is an Issue: Problems and Statistics faced by Black families Racial inequality and
structural inequality has led our communities into a downward spiral. The economic crisis has not
helped the situation either. It has pushed families further and further into poverty, homelessness and
despair. During a time that we are trying to show the world that we are united it is shown
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Informative Speech About R B Music
Terrence Manley
COM 114 043
Constant Changing in the R B Genre of Music
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on how expansive R B music is and how R B is constantly
changing as time progresses.
Thesis: To inform my audience on how effective R B music can be on the mind and how much R B
music changes over time, I will explain when R B music first started, what people feel when listening
to R B music, and how R B music differentiates between artists.
1. Attention Getter: When you guys have had a long tough day, you hop in the shower after working
so hard, the first thing that we all like to do is turn on some music that calms our body right?
2. Credibility Statement: I have done plenty of research for the past week on the diversity of R B
music. Better yet, I ve written and published some R B music myself.
3. Relating to The Audience: I know everyone in this room loves to listen to music overall and I know
everyone in this room has heard a song of the R B genre and got sad or listened to an R B song
because they were sad. So, don t tell me you haven t because I don t have time for liars.
4. Thesis: To inform my audience on how effective R B music can be on the mind and how much R B
music changes over time, I will explain when R B music first started, what people feel when listening
to R B music, and how R B music differentiates between artists.
Transition: First, I would like to explain how and when R B got started.
1. When R B got started
a. Since the
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Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
Understanding Autism in Children
Sreedevi S Kamath
Cerro Coso Community College Abstract
This paper explains what Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is and how it manifests in children. It
explores the different symptoms of autism, treatments and intervention options. The paper examines
eight published works that research autism and possible intervention services applicable to help
children cope with the disorder. It explores the work of Harrop, Mcconachie, Emsley, Leadbitter and
Green (2013) to understand the symptoms of repetitive and restricted behaviors (RRBs) in children
with autism. It lists the various screening options like Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS),
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT), Autism Screening Questionnaire, and Screening Tests for
Autism in Two Year Olds available for checking the presence of autism. It discusses treatment options
available and how and why early intervention services should be sought. It explores the Quality of
Life (QOL) that will be available to these children.
Understanding Autism in Children
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a pervasive developmental disorder that constitutes impairments in
social reciprocity, behavioral development and verbal and nonverbal communication. It is often
characterized by repetitive or restricted behavior. Autism being a spectrum disorder affects each child
differently and they have different strengths, weaknesses and requirements. In 2013, the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental
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Quotes About Moral Courage
Israa Ibrahim
Ms. Olson
English 30 1
March 1 2018
Moral courage. An ambiguous word used to describe the purpose of taking action for moral reasons
despite the risk of adverse consequences. Without us knowing, our moral courage is being challenged
each and every day in situations like being honest at the risk of criticism, or standing up for what you
believe in spite of being judged by other people. One s actions may be influenced by the opinions of
other people around them, hence why it can be challenging to gather up enough moral courage to
stand up alone or in opposition of other people. Tim, whom the perspective of the story is told through
is faced with a moral dilemma when he is given a draft notice to fight in the Vietnam ... Show more
content on ...
In Tim s case even though he admits to having an unhappy ending ,he ultimately did what was morally
right by participating in the Vietnam War. Although the process does require a physical journey
outside one s comfort zone towards self discovery. While some may argue that Tim ends up losing his
own internal battle because he sees himself as a coward for not following through with political
convictions. However, ultimately, he did achieve moral courage because in going to the Vietnam War
in the end shows his shows a strong sense of dutiful patriotism. Even though deep down Tim is
opposed to the idea of going to fight in a war he did not believe in, he ultimately knew that he had a
respectable responsibility to not only his country but his future wife, children and family to partake in
the Vietnam
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Ethical Dilemmas In Family Law
No matter what type of legal situation you re dealing with, the outcome of your case likely depends on
choosing the right lawyer to represent your needs. Before deciding, you should meet with at least three
established, respected law firms, but many people aren t even sure what questions to ask. To help you
make the best decision possible, Denali Law Group, with locations in both Anchorage and Wasilla,
Alaska, has some recommendations for conducting the best interview possible. When meeting with a
lawyer, they recommend asking: In Which Practice Areas Do You Focus? As much as possible, you ll
want to find a lawyer who specializes in the type of legal services you need. If you re going through a
divorce, even the most skilled criminal defense attorney likely won t be able to provide the level of
service of a lawyer who specializes in family law. ... Show more content on ...
No respectable lawyer will guarantee any particular outcome, but they should be able to describe the
likelihood of achieving your desired result. Ask them to explain any challenges standing in your way
and how they might impact your case. How Many Similar Cases Have You Handled? No matter what
type of legal problem you re handling, specific experience is important. Ask the lawyer you re
interviewing if they ve dealt with similar cases in the past, and what outcome they achieved. With
more than 75 years of combined experience and a variety of practice areas, you can rely on the
lawyers at Denali Law Group for personalized attention and extremely effective legal representation.
Visit their website to learn more about their wide range of practice areas, or call (907) 268 4913 to
schedule a consultation in Anchorage or (888) 353 4911 for the Wasilla
... Get more on ...
Arguments Between China And Russia
There has been lots of word that Russia and China are joining together to try and rule out the US
dollar and compete against the US. They are doing this so that they can shake up the dominance of the
US dollar. Russia s currency today is called the Russian ruble. It is approximately 60 Russian rubles to
1 US dollar. China s currency is called Yuan, it is approximately 7 Chinese yuan to 1 US dollar. Russia
and China are trading with gold more and more now. They have become great allies, and they have
joined to bypass the US dollar in the global market by shifting to gold trade.
There have been multiple news sources covering this topic. I have chosen ten of these sources to take
a closer look at how each source covers the topic, and to see ... Show more content on
He told reporters Russia is developing its own payment system known as Karta Mir, and he also said,
it is being discussed whether Karta Mir should be linked to Chinese payments in some way. It also
discusses how Russia began and why they began working on a new payment system. They began the
process because of the fallout that they had with the West and ensuing war in Ukraine in 2014.
Medvedev believes that this new payment system is a great thing and that it would be able to avoid
problems that came up in the American payment systems. Russia is beginning to align its economy
more with China and the Far East. Medvedev says the world needs a balanced system of financial
relations, based on the use of different currencies for different transactions. There should not be a
dominance by any single currency. China at this time is also trying to make its currency of the Yuan to
become a rival to the US dollar. Russia on the other hand is still trying to recover from the financial
crisis in 2014. Third article is What Russia China Relations Mean for the US dollar (
According to this article the alliance between Russia and China has the potential to undercut the US
and its dominant currency. Jim Rikards told CNBC taken alone, these actions do not mean the end of
the dollar as the leading global reserve currency. But, taken in the context of many other actions
around the world including Saudi Arabia frustration with the US foreign policy
... Get more on ...
Analysis Of Occupy Wall Street
The point of occupy movements are to get back from the one percent and give to the ninety nine
percent who are not rich in the world and those who do not make the laws and decisions of a nation.
Occupy Wall Street is a people powered movement that began September 17, 2011 and has gained
actions in over 1,500 countries worldwide.The author says that [They] call occupy wall street a
constructive failure because in failure it revealed the limitations contemporary activism... [though] it
did achieve some things and did have some positive outcomes ( Occupy black lives matter ). Occupy
Wall Street aims to fight back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational
corporations over the democratic process. The role of Wall Street is ... Show more content on ...
The citizens of Egypt wanted to overthrow their president because he acted as a dictator. The people
were fed up with not being able to feed their children, the inequality between Christians
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Nissan Murano
The Nissan Murano is a stylish midsize SUV with room for five. Introduced in 2003, the third
generation debuted in 2015. The current model is available in four trims with standard front wheel
drive and available all wheel drive. What s New for 2017 Light changes herald this generation SUV s
third model year. New this year is Apple CarPlay availability, arriving later in the model year. Nissan s
Driver Attention Alert system, standard on the SL and Premium trims, is now available as part of an
SV Driver Assistance package. The alert system provides audible and visual warnings if it senses the
driver may not be attentive. Choosing Your Nissan Murano Buyers can choose between S, SV, SL, and
Platinum trim or grade levels in the 2017 Murano. Standard ... Show more content on
This grade brings in leather appointed and heated front seats, an around view monitor, an 11 speaker
Bose audio system, and a power liftgate. You ll also find heated side mirrors, ambient lighting, and
such safety features as blind spot warning, moving object detection, and rear cross traffic alert.
Additional safety features and power panoramic moonroof are part of an available technology
package. Platinum The top of the range Murano Platinum costs $40,080 or $41,680 for all wheel
drive. At this price point, you ll find LED beam headlights, 20 inch machine finished aluminum alloy
wheels, heated and cooled front seats, and a heated steering wheel as well as heated rear seats. This
model also adds a power tilt and telescopic steering column, power flip rear seats, and upgraded
NissanConnect services. A technology package is also available. CarsDirect Tip The sleek and
evocative styling of the Murano is reason alone to consider this model. With the navigation package
available at the S trim level, even the base grade is worth considering. If you need something slightly
larger the Nissan Pathfinder should also be
... Get more on ...
Essay On A Healthy Lifestyle
What is a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle is a choice. A choice to live better and put the amount of sacrifice and hard work it
takes to get there. Don t be discouraged though, if this is what you want for you and your family you
can do it. Having a healthy lifestyle will have you and your family feeling your best and you ll be a lot
happier knowing you re doing what is best for you and your loved ones.
We re going to look at the three main choices that you will have to make everyday. These choices are
not huge in depth decisions, they are simple day by day, hour by hour choices. Achieving a healthy
lifestyle is accomplished one choice at a time. Over time these choices will be automatic and you won
t even have to think about them ... Show more content on ...
Yes, exercise. Exercise is essential to being healthy. Try to get your heart rate up at least once every
day and also fit in some strength exercises. I don t mean for you to go out and get all the latest
exercise equipment and weight sets. Use your own body weight for exercise through push ups, squats,
and pull ups. There are experts that only use their body weight to get in shape.
Finding the time to exercise is the key. I struggle with this everyday. This is just another daily choice.
It is a really hard choice when it comes down to staying in bed an extra hour in the morning, or sitting
around on your lunch break instead of doing that jog around the parking lot followed by some push
ups and stretching, but a necessary one in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Exercising gets your blood
flowing, burns those extra calories and gets rid of toxins. There is no way around it. We have to
Choice #3: Incorporate more holistic remedies into your daily routine.
Every morning should start off with a glass of water and a daily vitamin. Also, if you re suffering from
a certain ailment or illness, you should be taking an herb for that every day. Find out what you can
take for it through the herbs for list on the website or research it on your
... Get more on ...
Analysis Of The Film Shawshank Redemption
My chosen scene from the film Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont, is the scene
where Andy escapes from the prison. The scene begins with the guards discovering Andy has escaped
and transitions into a flashback of how Andy plotted and executed his escape. Key film techniques in
the film are the uses of camera shots/movement, sound, dialogue and symbols. All of these techniques
create an intense atmosphere and draw attention to the hidden meanings and messages present in this
scene and the film itself, such as what the rocks and posters mean to Andy on a deeper meaning,
outside of just being a distraction. The camera shots and movement in the film are primarily used to
emphasize how characters are feeling, highlighting things that are important to both Andy and the
audience, and to keep the pace of the film. Close ups in this scene are used to reveal the strong
emotions felt by the characters. After the opening of the scene we see a close up of Red looking to
Any s cell. The director does this to show Red s profound concern for Andy, as it is implied earlier on
in the film, when Andy is in his scene holding a length of rope, that he might commit suicide. This
close up made me feel concern for Andy as well, as it made Andy s plight feel more real. The director
also uses camerawork to draw attention to important details, notably tilts and zooms. Shortly after
Andy is found missing, we see a tilt from the Warden finding Andy s shoes in his box, to the Warden s
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Conspiracy Theories Of The American Conspiracy
Conspiracy has been deeply rooted into American culture since before the Constitution. Many
Americans still believe that there are secret societies of the elite that exert great influence in not just
the American government, but events on an international scale as well. These conspiracy theories
appeal to a populist perspective, one that says that there are people much more powerful than the
average American and they are knowingly infringing on American liberties, with the goal to either
control or harm the country. These supposed conspiracy groups are well known because they have
become engrained in America s culture for hundreds of years; elite groups such as the Illuminati and
the Freemasons are known for stirring political anxiety in the early years of the American Republic.
Some of this anxiety would be justified early on, but much of it would later prove to be hysteria and
paranoia. As those Masonic groups would die down in relevance as the years went on, the paranoia
that they created in conspiracy theorist s minds would be replaced by other branches of secret societies
for the elite that were focused on wealth, political power, and globalist visions. Elite invite only
groups, such as the Bilderbergs, the Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Club are all looked at by
some conspiracy theorists as organizing a New World Order that is outside of the public s eyes.
Furthermore, other conspiracy theorists believe that it is not the secret societies that Americans should
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Thesis Career Choice Questionnaire Example - T

  • 1. Thesis Career Choice Questionnaire Example - T 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Thesis Career Choice Questionnaire Example - T Thesis Career Choice Questionnaire Example - T
  • 2. Genetic Determinism Genetic Determinism On Christmas Day in the year 2001, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. When I looked into the brand new face of my son I saw a beautiful mystery. I wondered what kind of man my boy would grow to be and what his life would be like. There are those in the scientific community who would argue that my son s path was already determined at the moment of his birth, that his fate could be deciphered from his genetic make up. As a nurturing mother I know better. At two years old my son has developed a more diverse vocabulary than many children twice or even three times his age. He recognizes many written words and reads them aloud. He is able to spell his name. He can distinguish a square from a rectangle and an octagon ... Show more content on ... Many scholars believe that the new science of behavioral genetics has intellectual roots in the old ideas of Eugenics (Steen 33). Eugenics disguised a political agenda as a scientific one in an attempt to endow discrimination with credibility. Supporters of genetic determinism theories do the same. Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray defend the theory of genetic determinism in The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, which was published ten years ago. Their book is one of the most widely referenced works regarding the theory that intelligence is inherited. The authors claim that the social order mirrors natural selection, wherein the genetically superior or more intelligent human rises to the top. Of course this means that the lower class, predominantly blacks, are represented as genetically inferior (xxi xxiii). The authors claim that ethnic differences in cognitive ability are neither surprising nor in doubt (269) and attribute the inequality of life among Americans to inherent differences between races in intelligence (127). Their argument rests on the assertion that intelligence is both inheritable and immutable and is supported by intelligence test scores. The text is full of contradictions and a close analysis proves it to be lacking in evidence and smacking of social myth. Their theories are developed using speculation and are tainted by bias. There is no science involved. The theory of inherent ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Definition Of Lifting The Corporate Veil PART B Is the protection provided by the corporate veil is justifiable and adequate? There is no clear framework of the rules that would cover the contingencies of a ruling to pierce the corporate veil Idoport Pty Ltd v National Australia Bank Ltd. The corporate Veil usually protects owners and shareholders from being held liable for corporate duties. Yet again a decision made by the court to lift that veil and would place the liability on shareholders, owners, administrators, executives and officers of the company without ownership interest. The purpose of this essay is to conduct an analysis on the concept of lifting the corporate veil and to review the different views on its fairness and equitability to present a better understanding of the notion, the methods used was throughout researching the numerous scholars views on the subject, case law and statutes examples, and the evidence provided by the empirical study of Ramsay Noakes. When we discuss the lifting the corporate veil the first case that pops out is the case of Salomon V A. Salomon Co Ltd, since the decisions of applying the corporate veil were first formed as a consequence of this case. The idea covers all of company law and distinguishes that a company is a separate legal entity from its members and directors. Furthermore, spencer (2012); have indicated that one of the core principles that followed the decision in Salomon v Salomon was the wide acceptance one man company s. However In order to form a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Introverts are the Forgotten Sheep in the Herd in the... Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic? is an article written in The New York Times newspaper. Susan Cane wrote the article in June 2011.The article used a variety of techniques to illustrate her point such as examples, sources, and new definitions. Cain writes about shyness, introversion, social anxiety disorder, and extroversion. She compares introversion to extroversion. We need equally kinds of people in society. In my experience, people display both characteristics at the same time. The article shyness and evolutionary tactic is an interesting article because the current social judgment favors extroverts but does a disservice to introverts who also make important contributions to sociality. There is a tendency in American society today to have a bias against for anyone who is not gregarious, upbeat, part of the crowd or in the spotlight There are people who on the outside are not sociable, because these people are shy. However, there is a difference between shyness and introversion. Shy people often avoid many things because they are nervous or they criticize themselves for speaking up. Introverts, however, will not be nervous or criticize themselves. Both shyness and being introverted are acceptable traits. It only becomes a problem when a person has a social anxiety disorder that significantly interferes with a person s life. We want and need people to be the quiet thinkers who can go off by themselves come up with an idea and bring it back to a ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Ride The Lo Research Paper Come on down to the best ride in town. That s right, I m here to tell you that The Loo is the next big thing! Try it yourself. All you have to is get a ride down to good ole Hershey Park. There you can ride The Loo, where you get the life experience of being the piece of poo in the toilet. Who wouldn t want to go on a fast thrilling ride, where you can get whipped around, swirled a bit, and glide over bumpy bumps. To start out the ride you ll work your way to the top of the hill at a constant speed. As we slowly progress, we get closer, and closer till we hit the top. Right there is our highest potential energy. Now we drop! It s the free fall, weightless and air resistant time of the ride. You are accelerating from the top of the hill to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Data Analysis and Data Modeling in Visio Lab Data Analysis and Data Modeling in Visio Overview In this lab, we will learn to draw with Microsoft Visio the ERD s we created in class. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this learning unit you should be able to: ▪ Understand the concept of data modeling ▪ Develop business rules ▪ Develop and apply good data naming conventions ▪ Construct simple data models using Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) ▪ Develop entity relationships and define various types of attributes Lab Goals Our lab goals are to: 1. Learn to build conceptual models in Microsoft Visio. 2. Create the 5 ERDs from class in Microsoft Visio. You will accomplish this by drawing the 4 diagrams from ... Show more content on ... Part 2: Microsoft Visio for Conceptual Modeling Walk Thru Overview In this section, we will walk through creating a conceptual data model with Microsoft Visio. We will use the vBay! (E bay like website case study as an example for conceptual modeling.) To Create an Entity: Drag the [pic] icon onto the page and drop. Name the entity in the database properties window:
  • 7. [pic] YOU DO IT: Now add these 4 Entities to your diagram: [pic] To Add Attributes to the entity: To add attributes to your entity, simply click on the columns section of the database properties window, and enter in your column names. Be sure to include the appropriate attribute descriptors [rucdm] with the physical name. Ignore the data type Req d and PK columns. Those are used in logical modeling. [pic] YOU DO IT: Now add attributes to all 4 entities, like this: [pic] To Add Relationships among the entities: To Add Relationships, simply drag the appropriate relationship cardinality (for example: [pic]) onto the page and connect the ends to each entity. To snap the line to the entity drag the line end onto the box until it turns red, like this. Red symbolizes the shapes are glued together: [pic] After to glue both ends of the line to an entity, you can double click on the line to assign it a label. For example: [pic] YOU DO IT: Now add ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Evaluation Of Evaluating Distributed Goods After... Introduction The project of evaluating distributed goods after manufacturing them to start with, and continuing forward to distribution shall illuminate this picture. In order to gain a general grasp of the involvement concerning the process, a suggested viewing about the Story of Stuff (storyofstuffproject, 2009) at is quite helpful in understanding. Although there are so many factors from one point to another, the primary focus directed toward the main concept of this process moves us along. Manufacturing to Distribution of Goods You have to create product in order to provide usable consumer goods, a process referred to as manufacturing. What goes into this process affects humanity and ... Show more content on ... The amount of consumption required to satisfy and pacify the consumers continues to build this until reaching exponential growth of instability making life unsustainable based on overgrown population extremes. The need for workers to produce those goods that is the consumer purchasing what is products made available to them. When you choke or starve the workers to the point of not having enough to consume, business eventually tumbles in financial distress over loss of demand for what they provide or made available. The endless cycle of greed has caused the popularity cycle of unions for workers to insure there is reasonable living standards applied. This generally works until the unions emerge corrupted from anyone full of greed in positions of power. Benefit or Harm from Unions The perspective that Unions play a pivotal role both in securing legislated labor protections and rights such as safety and health, overtime, and family/medical leave and in enforcing those rights on the job (Walters, M., Mishel, L. 2003, para. 2). They provide for the debate playing field to open up within the governing body relationship to the people. Without them, people are bound to follow along in systems they hope might benefit or help them along the work of trying to provide and survive. There is great difficulty in sustaining an economic growth and financial gain when workers ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Consequences Of Herding Behavior Of Financial Traders Abstract: This report sets out to analyze the causes and the consequences of herding behavior of financial traders, emphasizing the impact on financial markets efficiency and stability. Moreover, it contributes to formalize the role of policy makers, how they react to herding behavior and what measures they can take to curtail it. This paper is divided into three section: Section 1 introduces herding behavior; Section 2 analyzes origin and consequences of herding and its repercussion on Efficient Market Hypothesis theory; Section 3 focuses on the role of policy makers and what they can do to curtail herding. Section 1 Herding behavior, which can be addressed of a part of uninformed trading, is defined as instances in which individual ... Show more content on ... Therefore, as presented by West (1988), it is necessary to identify a behavioral model which can highlight the importance and the impact of psychological and irrational behaviors that can explain the latest financial crisis and asset bubbles. The greatest support of what can be defined as Behavioral Finance comes from Shiller (1984), who believes that financial behaviors are influenced by social movements. To explain return patterns that are anomalous from the classical viewpoint of EMH, it is necessary to introduce either market imperfections or failures of human rationality (Hirshleifer, 2003). Herding is one of many psychological factors and biases that influences markets stability and can be identified as the cause of many stock markets bubbles and crashes. Moreover herding leads to unhedgeable systemic risk and causes markets failure to reflect all relevant information. Section 2 Herd behavior occurs when investors, firms or analysts take the same action and/or base their decisions according to others behaviors (Spyrou, 2013) and follow the crowd (i.e. switching from buying to selling and reverse). It is present in a market when individuals imitate better informed investors trading strategies rather than acting upon their own beliefs and private information. Moreover, herding must be distinguished from what is known as spurious herding . Spurious traders, when facing the same problems and set ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Gender Norm Media And Culture Name: Po Chin Wu RIN: 661401218 Course: STSS 1520 Sociology Date: 10/9/2015 Gender norm in media and culture Dozens of action movies are produced every year by Hollywood. Not to mention how widely most violent scenes such as guns and kills are accepted in most of them. Although most may view them only as entertainments, it is undeniable that the overexposed ideas of power and dauntless from not only the movies but our daily media had slowly changed our social norms toward gun and violent. Over 900 mass shootings, defined as having four or more fatalities in one incident by CNN, has happened in less than three years since 2013. When in fact, as TV news and newspapers intended to inform titles like a student opened fire or people are shot dead in a historic black church , almost none marked out the issue on gender or men in the titles. African Americans, psychotics, Mexicans, and immigrants are more often to be written in contents of violence, whereas only few articles wrote about white men, who also build up a big part of our masculinity society. In the past, violence came from anger in specific reasons; today, violence has become a way to represent our toughness and masculinity. Not only did our popular culture lead us to a narrower idea of distinct gender behaviors, such as men to be brave and women to be sensitive, our media provides us even more contents toward normalizing what should be violent and incorrect. Our every day mass media has emerged into the most powerful ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A Brief Note On Mandatory Overtime And The Impact On Nurse... Appraising the Evidence: Mandatory Overtime Impact on Nurse Safety Caroline Opyd Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 449: Evidence Based Practice November, 2015 Mandatory Overtime and the Impact it has on Nurse Safety Problem This paper addresses how mandatory overtime shifts cause safety problems on the floor, and how these shifts impact nurses safety. Safety errors can happen in the blink of an eye, and happen more than most healthcare systems would like to admit. On going issues with nursing shortages have led to an increase in the amount of hours worked overtime. Numerous studies show that mandatory overtime causes an increase in safety errors among nurses in the healthcare setting. According to the article based on the observational study titled, Scheduling and shift work characteristics associated with risk for occupation injury in newly licensed registered nurses , there is a direct association between overtime and night shifts and an increased risk for injury (Stimpfel, Brewer, Kovner, 2015). The statistics from this study show the serious impact overtime can have on a nurses safety, with results stating that nurses working weekly overtime were associated with a 32% increase in the risk of a needle stick over those who did not work extended hours (Stimpfel, 2015). Clinical Question The first article appraised, The Working Hours of Hospital Staff Nurses and Patient Safety , uses a qualitative design to provide evidence assessing how overtime shifts ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Holden Caulfield Depression Today, 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, over 5% of the entire population on Earth (Healthline). While 5% may not seem like much, it is absolutely appalling to think that any one person deserves to feel depressed. Despite being apart of the human mind ever since creation, doctors and psychologists today are still struggling to understand what causes the mind to break down to a state of utter sadness and self loathing. Even more troubling is the fact that not many people, primarily parents, are exposed to the utter damage that the disorder may cause to their children. Unlike physical disorders, injuries, or other illnesses that attack the body, depression attacks the mind. Depression can take the brightest day and turn it ... Show more content on ... Despite being a fictional character, the mental issues Holden faces throughout the novel have stood the test of time, and are now more prevalent than ever before. Whether it s a rough break up, the loss of a loved one, or parental negligence, every single person has hit a low at one point in their life. The problem is, much like in the case of our Holden Caulfield, that these people may not receive the proper care and attention required to avoid slipping deeper. That is why millions of people, teenagers and adults alike, suffer from depression of many different types and severities. This story provides only a glimpse into what goes on inside the mind of a growing teenager suffering from the disorder. At the time of release, the 1950s, it is reported that depression was considered a rarity, and a taboo one at that. Mental illnesses were not treated nearly as well back then as they are today. In the 50s, Holden s only solution would be to see a psychoanalyst, which readers do see at the very end of the story. However today, with depression and suicide at an all time high, Holden would be treated much differently. In the modern world of medicine and psychological support, Holden would be most likely been able to be treated with antidepressant medication like Lexapro or Zoloft, pills that would slowly help his mental state be ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Huckleberry Finn Annotated Bibliography Essay Mia Orozco Perdue ENGL 1302 29 April 2018 Male American Authors That Wrote Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography Introduction: Books have been around for hundreds of years, and as time goes on people have come to appreciate books more and more. There have been several amazing American authors in history, many of which were not recognized until after they passed away. Fortunately there were novelists that received the recognition they deserved while they were still alive. F. Scott Fitzgerald. F. SCOTT FITZGERALD,, 2010, scott fitzgerald. A journalist for gives a brief summary about F. Scott Fitzgerald, who rose to fame as a writer during the jazz age. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and dropped out of Princeton University to join the U.S. Army. Fitzgerald descended into a ... Show more content on ... New Huckleberry Finn Edition Does Disservice to a Classic. The New York Times, The New York Times, 6 Jan. 2011, Unquestionably Mark Twain s most influential work, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn remains one of the most well known American novels to date. It is known for its raw, often humorous depictions of southern antebellum society. Being an iconic classic, however, hasn t protected Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from being criticized and cleaned up, There prove to be many controversies over the famous novel over the frequent use of the N word throughout the book, but it is still celebrated as one of the best books written and is still read in schools today. Michiko Kakutani received her B.A. in English literature from Yale University in 1976, where she studied under author and Yale writing professor John Hersey, among others. She won the Pulitzer Award for Criticism in 1998 and later worked for The New York Times as a chief book reviewer for 38 years. She has been called one of the most powerful book critics in the English speaking ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Why Is Sacagawea Important Sacagawea was a definite essential to the Lewis and Clark expedition success. Lewis and Clark were the first people to cross the western portion of America. Sacagawea was an invaluable member during the expedition. People will say Sacagawea isn t as important as people say she is. I agree that Sacagawea was an important part of the expedition. First, Sacagawea protected Lewis and Clark during the expedition. The passage states, They recruited a interpreter named Toussaint Charbonneau, who brought along his Shoshoni Indian wife, Sacagawea, and her newborn baby boy... If Sacagawea has a son, it s less likely that someone would try to hurt them. Sacagawea states, Not only was her knowledge important to success of the expedition but her courage ... Get more on ...
  • 15. A Modest Proposal Satire The short story, A Modest Proposal, written by Johnathan Swift, is anything but a modest proposal. Swift satirically proposes a compromise to rectify a burden of the Irish people. The nation s predicament is the children of the poor people being a hinderance to their parents and their country. The compromise is eating the infants to not only save food that would be needed for the kids but to give a larger amount of food to the poor people. Clearly this satirical essay is just that, satirical, but the way Swift delivers his proposition is very persuasive. Through his use of rhetorical devices such as tone and litotes he is able to emphasize his points, while at the same time he throws in a hefty amount of irony to keep the reader from thinking the piece is truthful and serious. In order for the audience to not completely disregard the story, the author needs to put some realism into his writing. A way in which he achieves this is through an under exaggerated tone. Swift constant use of litotes builds this tone and helps make everything stay real. By making everything seem not so over the top, he is able to achieve a sense of normalcy in his writing. An example of one of these vast understatements is when he mentions how the women might find it, Bordering upon cruelty. The very thought of murdering anything, let alone babies, is cruel. The most evident case of a litotes, though, is the title of the short story. A Modest Proposal, is anything ... Show more content on ... Johnathan Swift satirically writes his manifesto to the people of Ireland to fix their hunger problem. His use of litotes and an all around understated tone lends itself useful to engaging readers. At the same time, Swift s evident use of irony, ranging from the title to the closing statements, helps to not estrange readers. All in all, the repulsive idea proposed by Swift completely goes against any practical ethos or logos, and hence creates a grand piece of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Recycling in Retail Retail Management Changes Like any other sector of the market, the industry of recycled merchandise has undergone a range of changes in Australia, just like anywhere else in the world. For example, one of the biggest changes involves the creation and evolution of new technology and network development, such as the concept of eBay and the online flea market arena. For example, eBay in Australia has been around for just 13 years, and has undergone a complete evolution from the time that it first began to the type of things its selling right now at the greatest level of popularity. Ebay began as an online marketplace strictly for collectible toys and hard to find items from Americana or yesteryear: The weird and wacky is what eBay s bread and butter was for many years. Now the biggest selling categories are similar to what you would find in a shopping centre clothes, homewares, consumer electronics and motors, which is a really big category particularly in Australia . The most expensive item sold on eBay Australia was the last ever Holden Monaro to come off the car maker s production line. It was auctioned for $187,600 in February, with all proceeds going to the Leukemia Foundation (, 2009). Ebay is not the only website for the online shopping of used materials that has become popular. For example, a website like allows people to post pictures and descriptions of their old items so that they can swap or exchange them with other ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Integration Between Peasant And Elite Populations Over the years, the ever evolving gastronomic identity that resulted from the fluid integration between peasant and elite populations helped shape an equally evolving Italian cultural identity. This glutinous parallel can be seen in the unique identities in the various regions ranging from the South to the North of Italy. Although many national stereotypes exist today from the macaroni eaters, to the red sauce that accompanies pasta, these can be explained by the exchange and the influence that globalization has on culture. Acting as a basis to Italian identity are the practices passed down through generations orally, the knowledge that is indispensable to their heritage in which each recipe holds a variant to another. This ... Show more content on ... Consequently, patrons are responsible to protect the culture and traditions of their region. Being relatively inexperienced in the culinary world, I effectively set aside a days worth of time to prepare my meal. Pouring over lists of ingredients, various recipes, and meticulously organized equipment, I began my culinary journey with an Italian mindset. Beginning bright and early at the Root Cellar I browsed through the vibrant local produce, indulged in the scent of fresh herbs, and stood in awe at the monstrous wheel of parmigiano reggiano. Rather than opting for packaged herbs, I took this opportunity to cross off my goal of creating an herb garden on my list of to dos. Continuing on my journey, I visited the Market on Yates, which is full of unusual items that can be easily overlooked amongst rows of generic names. This neighborhood market acts as a fresh grocer much like the farmer s markets that are not accessible to those living in the heart of downtown Victoria. Food is an essential component to the creation of an Italian identity, as it offers not only sustenance, but also provides narratives that reflect community and conflicts, tradition and innovation. When searching for an appropriate recipe, reaching out to family and friends for a recipe they swear by, a family secret, which seemed consistent with Italian culture. The passing down of recipes and techniques ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Concept Of Perpendicularity Perpendicularity Perpendicularity is a member of the orientation family. It can be used to control the orientation of surface, axes and center planes. If used on features of size, it is often used as a refinement of, or to augment a positional control. It is also often used to orient secondary datum features of size to primary plane datum. Perpendicularity is a characteristics of orientation applied to a feature or feature of size wherein that considered feature surface, line element, median plane or axis is being controlled (to within a specified tolerance) 90° to a datum plane or datum axis. Perpendicularity is a common symbol that requires the referenced surface or line to b perpendicular or 90° from a datum surface or line. Taguchi method ... Show more content on ... This method is a unique and powerful statistical experimental technique, which greatly improves the engineering productivity. For present study, identifying the product the product parameter values under the optimal process parameter values and the objective of the parameter design is to optimize the settings of the process parameter values for improving performance characteristics. Therefore the parameter design is the key step in the Taguchi method to achieving high quality without increasing cost. Traditional Design of Experiments focused on how different design factors affect the average result level. In Taguchi s DOE (robust design), variation is more interesting to study than the average. Robust design: An experimental method to achieve product and process quality through designing in an insensitivity to noise based on statistical principles. A statistical / engineering methodology that aim at reducing the performance variation of a system. The input variables are divided into two board ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Communications Decency Act ( Cda ) A. According to the Communications Decency Act(CDA), cyberspace has many of the problems conterversise among crime, advertising,gaming,copyright,gambling a) Based on the first amendment it adapted few new technologies,solutions foe various problems differences in choieces etc; Adapting new technology usually require changes in institutions,laws,business policies,attitude and behaviour.The first technology was cellphone with in built camera. We can develope technology in various ways research on internet plays a vital role in developing technology, sharing ideas among each other helps in making out of new technology.Internet is playing a important role in different feilds and different places .When it comes to reality internet are used in library,telivisiom,and public places. The source of internet is used in different ways. Library: In library we use internet for searching books and we can know about the book before taking them from the library and we search even the revelant refernces of a paticular book with the help of internet and more over we can find more additional information what we are having in book we choose, we can find lot of vedios and images based on a particular topic what we are searching or trying to know. Television: Now a days internet is used in television too. We can access internets only in smart TV s only .We can use this in private, public .We can make a cal through TV, access social sites of our interest. In business field we can use this ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Is Sofia Shown In The Color Purple There are two incidents that were disturbing to me The Color Purple novel by Alice Walker in the letters found in part II. The first of these would be when Sofia tells Celie the story of how Miss Millie, the mayor s wife, received a new car from her husband and Sofia ends up teaching her how to drive it. During the lessons, Sofia demonstrates how to drive the car first and then Miss Millie would practice while Sofia sat next to her in the front seat giving instructions. In appreciation, Miss Millie offers to take Sofia to see her children whom she had not seen in five years. When they are about to leave, Miss Millie reminded Sofia that blacks have to ride in the back of the car which was difficult to read. Once they arrive, Sofia has ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Stereotypes In Half A Yellow Sun There are billions of people on the earth. In America alone, there are over 300 million people. Because there are so many people it becomes easier to stereotype people and base our judgments of them off these categories. The world views every race, gender, religion, etc. in a generalized way. Common misconceptions are: all white Americans are obese and lazy, all Mexicans are lazy and illegal immigrants, all Arabs and Muslims are terrorists, all blacks outside of the United States are poor, women are not as smart as men, girls are not good at sports, all blondes are unintelligent, and many more (Stereotype examples). These general ideas are very dangerous when we look at the interconnectedness of the world. When people start to judge others based on stereotypes they have decided are true the entire population suffers. Obviously not all Americans are obese and lazy, not all Mexicans who immigrated to America are illegally here, not all Muslims are terrorists, not all blacks are impoverished, men are not always smarter than women, girls can be good at sports, and there are blondes who are smart. By pigeonholing people into these categories the world is losing valuable ... Show more content on ... In Half of a Yellow Sun the southern Christians grouped all northern Muslims as deplorable monsters who only wanted to kill them. By concluding this they ignored the aid some northerners gave them. America is currently struggling with this same idea about Muslims. After the Biafra war, the Nigerian soldiers stereotyping of scholars led to the targeting of people with glasses, not all of whom were actually professors. Adichie herself has been on both sides of stereotyping and her characters reflect this by also having this experience. Reducing people to only a single idea eliminates some of the talents they possess and leave the world lacking needed ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Positron Emissions Tomography Positron emission tomography (PET) is a type of nuclear medicine imaging which uses radiotracers or also called as radiopharmaceuticals − minute amount of radioactive substances labelled bio compounds. This test shows the function of tissues and organs such as sugar metabolism, oxygen use and blood flow instead of mere structural images of, for instance blood flow to and from organs illustrated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). This feature makes it a useful diagnostic tool to help physicians detect and evaluate severity of various diseases or medical conditions including cancers (staging). PET may identify the early onset of diseases before it undergoes anatomical changes which make it apparent on other imaging ... Get more on ...
  • 23. How Can Lady Tremaine Be Considered An Evil Character In Cinderella, Cinderella s stepmother, Lady Tremaine, can be considered an evil character. Lady Tremaine, who is motivated by her egocentricity, is the main antagonist in the film. Since Cinderella s father is a wealthy, widowed man, Lady Tremaine, who is a widow at that time as well, marries him, showing that she desires to be wealthy. In addition, due to her greed, she expects one of her daughters to marry the Prince who is holding a ball to find a wife. She only cares about herself and her two daughters, and abuses Cinderella until she becomes the servant of the house after her father s death. Lady Tremaine acts benevolently to Cinderella in front of her, but she envies her for her beauty and wishes Cinderella s life to be miserable. Cinderella s ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Black Youth And Its Impact On Our Society Introduction As our nation heads towards a united stand to build better relationships with other countries and build a united front with people of different backgrounds, religions and races, we are shocked to by the fact that there are still extreme prejudices and injustices within our own communities. We are shocked that a large portion of our black youth from disadvantaged families are not reaping the benefits of our society. Or they are simply unable to because they are unaware of the opportunities and they are not available to them. Unfortunately, there are a lack of programs in our communities that pushes the advancement of our youth. The programs that are available are either for profit or riddled with other agendas. Today we see more black youth unable to compete at national levels through education, involved in crimes and forgotten than any other minority. Our community has collectively forgotten about them only believing that if they themselves can succeed than that is all that matters. Our plan is to stop this and create a program that will enable our youth to have a better future. Why this is an Issue: Problems and Statistics faced by Black families Racial inequality and structural inequality has led our communities into a downward spiral. The economic crisis has not helped the situation either. It has pushed families further and further into poverty, homelessness and despair. During a time that we are trying to show the world that we are united it is shown ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Informative Speech About R B Music Terrence Manley COM 114 043 Constant Changing in the R B Genre of Music Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on how expansive R B music is and how R B is constantly changing as time progresses. Thesis: To inform my audience on how effective R B music can be on the mind and how much R B music changes over time, I will explain when R B music first started, what people feel when listening to R B music, and how R B music differentiates between artists. Introduction 1. Attention Getter: When you guys have had a long tough day, you hop in the shower after working so hard, the first thing that we all like to do is turn on some music that calms our body right? 2. Credibility Statement: I have done plenty of research for the past week on the diversity of R B music. Better yet, I ve written and published some R B music myself. 3. Relating to The Audience: I know everyone in this room loves to listen to music overall and I know everyone in this room has heard a song of the R B genre and got sad or listened to an R B song because they were sad. So, don t tell me you haven t because I don t have time for liars. 4. Thesis: To inform my audience on how effective R B music can be on the mind and how much R B music changes over time, I will explain when R B music first started, what people feel when listening to R B music, and how R B music differentiates between artists. Transition: First, I would like to explain how and when R B got started. Body 1. When R B got started a. Since the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Understanding Autism in Children Sreedevi S Kamath Cerro Coso Community College Abstract This paper explains what Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is and how it manifests in children. It explores the different symptoms of autism, treatments and intervention options. The paper examines eight published works that research autism and possible intervention services applicable to help children cope with the disorder. It explores the work of Harrop, Mcconachie, Emsley, Leadbitter and Green (2013) to understand the symptoms of repetitive and restricted behaviors (RRBs) in children with autism. It lists the various screening options like Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT), Autism Screening Questionnaire, and Screening Tests for Autism in Two Year Olds available for checking the presence of autism. It discusses treatment options available and how and why early intervention services should be sought. It explores the Quality of Life (QOL) that will be available to these children. Understanding Autism in Children Autism Spectrum Disorder is a pervasive developmental disorder that constitutes impairments in social reciprocity, behavioral development and verbal and nonverbal communication. It is often characterized by repetitive or restricted behavior. Autism being a spectrum disorder affects each child differently and they have different strengths, weaknesses and requirements. In 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Quotes About Moral Courage Israa Ibrahim Ms. Olson English 30 1 March 1 2018 Moral courage. An ambiguous word used to describe the purpose of taking action for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences. Without us knowing, our moral courage is being challenged each and every day in situations like being honest at the risk of criticism, or standing up for what you believe in spite of being judged by other people. One s actions may be influenced by the opinions of other people around them, hence why it can be challenging to gather up enough moral courage to stand up alone or in opposition of other people. Tim, whom the perspective of the story is told through is faced with a moral dilemma when he is given a draft notice to fight in the Vietnam ... Show more content on ... In Tim s case even though he admits to having an unhappy ending ,he ultimately did what was morally right by participating in the Vietnam War. Although the process does require a physical journey outside one s comfort zone towards self discovery. While some may argue that Tim ends up losing his own internal battle because he sees himself as a coward for not following through with political convictions. However, ultimately, he did achieve moral courage because in going to the Vietnam War in the end shows his shows a strong sense of dutiful patriotism. Even though deep down Tim is opposed to the idea of going to fight in a war he did not believe in, he ultimately knew that he had a respectable responsibility to not only his country but his future wife, children and family to partake in the Vietnam ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Ethical Dilemmas In Family Law No matter what type of legal situation you re dealing with, the outcome of your case likely depends on choosing the right lawyer to represent your needs. Before deciding, you should meet with at least three established, respected law firms, but many people aren t even sure what questions to ask. To help you make the best decision possible, Denali Law Group, with locations in both Anchorage and Wasilla, Alaska, has some recommendations for conducting the best interview possible. When meeting with a lawyer, they recommend asking: In Which Practice Areas Do You Focus? As much as possible, you ll want to find a lawyer who specializes in the type of legal services you need. If you re going through a divorce, even the most skilled criminal defense attorney likely won t be able to provide the level of service of a lawyer who specializes in family law. ... Show more content on ... No respectable lawyer will guarantee any particular outcome, but they should be able to describe the likelihood of achieving your desired result. Ask them to explain any challenges standing in your way and how they might impact your case. How Many Similar Cases Have You Handled? No matter what type of legal problem you re handling, specific experience is important. Ask the lawyer you re interviewing if they ve dealt with similar cases in the past, and what outcome they achieved. With more than 75 years of combined experience and a variety of practice areas, you can rely on the lawyers at Denali Law Group for personalized attention and extremely effective legal representation. Visit their website to learn more about their wide range of practice areas, or call (907) 268 4913 to schedule a consultation in Anchorage or (888) 353 4911 for the Wasilla ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Arguments Between China And Russia There has been lots of word that Russia and China are joining together to try and rule out the US dollar and compete against the US. They are doing this so that they can shake up the dominance of the US dollar. Russia s currency today is called the Russian ruble. It is approximately 60 Russian rubles to 1 US dollar. China s currency is called Yuan, it is approximately 7 Chinese yuan to 1 US dollar. Russia and China are trading with gold more and more now. They have become great allies, and they have joined to bypass the US dollar in the global market by shifting to gold trade. There have been multiple news sources covering this topic. I have chosen ten of these sources to take a closer look at how each source covers the topic, and to see ... Show more content on ... He told reporters Russia is developing its own payment system known as Karta Mir, and he also said, it is being discussed whether Karta Mir should be linked to Chinese payments in some way. It also discusses how Russia began and why they began working on a new payment system. They began the process because of the fallout that they had with the West and ensuing war in Ukraine in 2014. Medvedev believes that this new payment system is a great thing and that it would be able to avoid problems that came up in the American payment systems. Russia is beginning to align its economy more with China and the Far East. Medvedev says the world needs a balanced system of financial relations, based on the use of different currencies for different transactions. There should not be a dominance by any single currency. China at this time is also trying to make its currency of the Yuan to become a rival to the US dollar. Russia on the other hand is still trying to recover from the financial crisis in 2014. Third article is What Russia China Relations Mean for the US dollar ( According to this article the alliance between Russia and China has the potential to undercut the US and its dominant currency. Jim Rikards told CNBC taken alone, these actions do not mean the end of the dollar as the leading global reserve currency. But, taken in the context of many other actions around the world including Saudi Arabia frustration with the US foreign policy ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of Occupy Wall Street The point of occupy movements are to get back from the one percent and give to the ninety nine percent who are not rich in the world and those who do not make the laws and decisions of a nation. Occupy Wall Street is a people powered movement that began September 17, 2011 and has gained actions in over 1,500 countries worldwide.The author says that [They] call occupy wall street a constructive failure because in failure it revealed the limitations contemporary activism... [though] it did achieve some things and did have some positive outcomes ( Occupy black lives matter ). Occupy Wall Street aims to fight back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process. The role of Wall Street is ... Show more content on ... The citizens of Egypt wanted to overthrow their president because he acted as a dictator. The people were fed up with not being able to feed their children, the inequality between Christians ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Nissan Murano The Nissan Murano is a stylish midsize SUV with room for five. Introduced in 2003, the third generation debuted in 2015. The current model is available in four trims with standard front wheel drive and available all wheel drive. What s New for 2017 Light changes herald this generation SUV s third model year. New this year is Apple CarPlay availability, arriving later in the model year. Nissan s Driver Attention Alert system, standard on the SL and Premium trims, is now available as part of an SV Driver Assistance package. The alert system provides audible and visual warnings if it senses the driver may not be attentive. Choosing Your Nissan Murano Buyers can choose between S, SV, SL, and Platinum trim or grade levels in the 2017 Murano. Standard ... Show more content on ... This grade brings in leather appointed and heated front seats, an around view monitor, an 11 speaker Bose audio system, and a power liftgate. You ll also find heated side mirrors, ambient lighting, and such safety features as blind spot warning, moving object detection, and rear cross traffic alert. Additional safety features and power panoramic moonroof are part of an available technology package. Platinum The top of the range Murano Platinum costs $40,080 or $41,680 for all wheel drive. At this price point, you ll find LED beam headlights, 20 inch machine finished aluminum alloy wheels, heated and cooled front seats, and a heated steering wheel as well as heated rear seats. This model also adds a power tilt and telescopic steering column, power flip rear seats, and upgraded NissanConnect services. A technology package is also available. CarsDirect Tip The sleek and evocative styling of the Murano is reason alone to consider this model. With the navigation package available at the S trim level, even the base grade is worth considering. If you need something slightly larger the Nissan Pathfinder should also be ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay On A Healthy Lifestyle What is a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle is a choice. A choice to live better and put the amount of sacrifice and hard work it takes to get there. Don t be discouraged though, if this is what you want for you and your family you can do it. Having a healthy lifestyle will have you and your family feeling your best and you ll be a lot happier knowing you re doing what is best for you and your loved ones. We re going to look at the three main choices that you will have to make everyday. These choices are not huge in depth decisions, they are simple day by day, hour by hour choices. Achieving a healthy lifestyle is accomplished one choice at a time. Over time these choices will be automatic and you won t even have to think about them ... Show more content on ... Yes, exercise. Exercise is essential to being healthy. Try to get your heart rate up at least once every day and also fit in some strength exercises. I don t mean for you to go out and get all the latest exercise equipment and weight sets. Use your own body weight for exercise through push ups, squats, and pull ups. There are experts that only use their body weight to get in shape. Finding the time to exercise is the key. I struggle with this everyday. This is just another daily choice. It is a really hard choice when it comes down to staying in bed an extra hour in the morning, or sitting around on your lunch break instead of doing that jog around the parking lot followed by some push ups and stretching, but a necessary one in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Exercising gets your blood flowing, burns those extra calories and gets rid of toxins. There is no way around it. We have to exercise. Choice #3: Incorporate more holistic remedies into your daily routine. Every morning should start off with a glass of water and a daily vitamin. Also, if you re suffering from a certain ailment or illness, you should be taking an herb for that every day. Find out what you can take for it through the herbs for list on the website or research it on your ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Analysis Of The Film Shawshank Redemption My chosen scene from the film Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont, is the scene where Andy escapes from the prison. The scene begins with the guards discovering Andy has escaped and transitions into a flashback of how Andy plotted and executed his escape. Key film techniques in the film are the uses of camera shots/movement, sound, dialogue and symbols. All of these techniques create an intense atmosphere and draw attention to the hidden meanings and messages present in this scene and the film itself, such as what the rocks and posters mean to Andy on a deeper meaning, outside of just being a distraction. The camera shots and movement in the film are primarily used to emphasize how characters are feeling, highlighting things that are important to both Andy and the audience, and to keep the pace of the film. Close ups in this scene are used to reveal the strong emotions felt by the characters. After the opening of the scene we see a close up of Red looking to Any s cell. The director does this to show Red s profound concern for Andy, as it is implied earlier on in the film, when Andy is in his scene holding a length of rope, that he might commit suicide. This close up made me feel concern for Andy as well, as it made Andy s plight feel more real. The director also uses camerawork to draw attention to important details, notably tilts and zooms. Shortly after Andy is found missing, we see a tilt from the Warden finding Andy s shoes in his box, to the Warden s ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Conspiracy Theories Of The American Conspiracy Conspiracy has been deeply rooted into American culture since before the Constitution. Many Americans still believe that there are secret societies of the elite that exert great influence in not just the American government, but events on an international scale as well. These conspiracy theories appeal to a populist perspective, one that says that there are people much more powerful than the average American and they are knowingly infringing on American liberties, with the goal to either control or harm the country. These supposed conspiracy groups are well known because they have become engrained in America s culture for hundreds of years; elite groups such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons are known for stirring political anxiety in the early years of the American Republic. Some of this anxiety would be justified early on, but much of it would later prove to be hysteria and paranoia. As those Masonic groups would die down in relevance as the years went on, the paranoia that they created in conspiracy theorist s minds would be replaced by other branches of secret societies for the elite that were focused on wealth, political power, and globalist visions. Elite invite only groups, such as the Bilderbergs, the Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Club are all looked at by some conspiracy theorists as organizing a New World Order that is outside of the public s eyes. Furthermore, other conspiracy theorists believe that it is not the secret societies that Americans should be ... Get more on ...