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Pro Life Argument Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Pro Life Argument Essay" can be a daunting task, regardless of
one's stance on the issue. The subject matter is inherently controversial and emotionally charged,
making it challenging to navigate the diverse perspectives and opinions that surround it.
Crafting a compelling argument requires thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced
understanding of the complexities involved. One must delve into various ethical, religious,
scientific, and legal dimensions while considering the deeply held beliefs and values of
individuals and communities.
Moreover, the topic demands sensitivity and empathy towards differing viewpoints, as it touches
upon deeply personal experiences and convictions. Balancing empathy with intellectual rigor is
essential to construct an essay that respects diverse perspectives while presenting a coherent and
persuasive argument.
Addressing counterarguments and anticipating objections is another aspect that adds to the
difficulty of writing such an essay. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints with fairness and
integrity strengthens one's position and fosters meaningful dialogue, yet it requires careful
deliberation and tactful engagement.
Furthermore, the emotional intensity surrounding the topic may affect the writer's ability to
maintain objectivity and clarity of thought. Navigating through the sea of emotions while
upholding academic integrity can pose a significant challenge, requiring a disciplined approach
to research and expression.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Pro Life Argument Essay" demands intellectual
rigor, empathy, and the ability to navigate complex ethical and emotional terrain. It requires a
commitment to thoughtful analysis, respectful dialogue, and a genuine engagement with diverse
perspectives to construct a compelling and meaningful argument.
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Pro Life Argument Essay Pro Life Argument Essay
Essay on A Worn Path
A Worn Path2 Phoenix Jackson: Mind Over Matter Novelist Eudora Welty is often
studied and adored by many readers; her much deserved recognition comes from
her brilliant, deeply compassionate, and lively stories and novels (Ford 36). Like
many of her stories, Eudora Welty s A Worn Path is set in Mississippi. In A Worn Path
, Welty focuses on an old woman s journey to Natchez and on the many obstacles
that she encounters along the way. Phoenix is going to town to get medication for
her beloved grandson. But he trip is difficult because nature and her handicaps are
making it hard for her to reach her destination. Nevertheless, the old woman boldly
continues along the equally old path, struggling every step of the way. Even... Show
more content on ...
She knows that her life is limited and she has no time for obstructions.
When she finds herself snagged on a thorn bush, she talks to it as she patiently
frees herself. Thorns, you doing your appointed work Never want to let folks pass
no sir (159). As Phoenix wobbles along, she comes across a sitting buzzard and in
three simple words she lets him know that he will not dine upon her. Who you
watching (160)? She slowly sways past him and continues her journey, while
nature carefully plans the next obstacle. Sure enough, as Phoenix stands and
ponders, a big black dog creeps up behind her. Old woman, she said to herself, that
black dog come up out of the weeds to stall you off (161). She accepts the fact that
the black dog is merely following nature s orders. Phoenix s old body is not as
quick as her wit. When Phoenix is startled by the huge mutt, her mind reacts much
faster than her body, causing her to drop into a weed cushioned trench. The old
woman is discovered by a young hunter who quickly snatches her out of the ditch.
As they converse, Phoenix catches a glimpse of a shiny nickel that drops out of
the hunter s pouch. Her mind reacts; her face lights up and she claps her hands.
Look at that dog! She laughed as if in admiration. He ain t scared of nobody. He a
big black dog (161). Knowing that her old body needs plenty of time to grab the
nickel, she uses her wit to shift the hunter s attention toward the fearless
Definition Of Episodic Memory
I.Episodic Memory
a.Definition: Episodic memory is a memory type that involves mental time travel,
which is the experience of traveling back in time in your memory story to re picture
the evented that happened in the past.
b.I travel back to my memory when I was Skyping with my mother last weekend, and
she talked about that my puppy was getting bigger and fatter. I instantly remembered
the first time that I met my dog and carefully held him in my arms. I remembered he
was fairly light as a newborn puppy, and I felt that his fur was so rich and fluffy.
Then I remembered our first encounter ended up with him peeing on my clothes. I
also remembering feeling some emotions and details, such as I was feeling excited
and happy about this new addition to my family, who had a ... Show more content on ...
Semantic memory involves explicit strategy, because when I was explaining critical
period to my friend, I was purposefully retrieving that encoded fact from my memory
store. But this piece of memory is not related to my personal life, and thus not
associated with an experience.
III.Procedural Memory
a.Definition: It is a type of memory that involves previous learned skills.
b.A couple of days ago, I heard a familiar song playing at a party. I instantly
remembered that I learned the hip hop dance to the song a few weeks ago. I danced
to the whole song with the routing moves that I learned. I completed every move
smoothly. However, I was not able to explain the individual moves to other people,
because when I heard the music, I just did the dancing without thinking of its
individual components.
c.It is a form of implicit memory, because I was not consciously extracting memories
of individual moves. It is a skill that I learned for which I cannot really elaborate on
it. In fact, if I was thinking about its components when dancing, I might have
difficulty completing the dance.
a.Definition: It s the faster recognition of an object after being exposed to the same
or a related
Netball Test
Good Morning/Afternoon Mr/Mrs Flynn, My name is Alex Manley and in this
assignment I will be selecting one of the three Fitness tests provided for an elite
Netball player and critically evaluating the effectiveness of the Octorepeater Test in
targeting the energy fitness demands of a Wing Defence position. I will also propose
recommendations to the test to improve the effectiveness of the test to Netball.
Energy Demands
All three energy systems is important to have in a game of netball. Muscles are also
need for all three energy systems in a game of netball. Muscles require energy to
work, and all energy is provided by a chemical in our cells called Adesonine
Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is only stored to last for a couple of seconds. There are
three energy systems which make up of anaerobic and aerobic parts in our body. The
anaerobic system is split into 2 energy systems Creatine Phosphate (CP) and Lactic
Acid (LA) System. These two systems do not need oxygen as ana means no and
aerobic meaning air. The ATP PC (Alactacid) energy system is the predominant
engine used by athletes competing in short duration, high intensity power events
(Macmilian et el. 2010 pg.109). If we suddenly begin sprinting, the ATP has to
resynthesise very quickly. The quickest way is a chemical reaction that uses creatine
phosphate (CP) which is found in the muscle cell. There is only enough CP to
resynthesise ATP for about 10 seconds. It takes several minutes of rest or low
Should We Let Astrology Affect Our Thinking Or
Should we let astrology affect our thinking or perception towards life?
In today s society, astrology has been an extremely fascinating belief and study
among certain social groups. Many people are used to refer to the daily horoscope
in newspapers and popular magazines. However, a large group of scientists and
philosophers such as Thagard (1978) consider that astrology is a pseudoscience, but
there is a small amount of scientific evidence on whether if it is truly a
pseudoscience or not. Some of them discuss that the psychological belief in
astrology of oneself is the consequence of his or her desperation in finding solutions
to their personal problems such as marriage and career which can somehow affect
their life because of its psychological effects (Bennett, 1998). Besides, astrology is
considered as an ancestor of modern science which is supported by two aspects of
discussions (Thomas, 1971). Furthermore, most scientists hold the opinion that
astrology can not be trust because it is lack of scientific support. Nevertheless,
according to Fitts Fitzgerald (1977), the fate of one person is determined at some
level which is inevitable and inescapable. Moreover, Konstantinides (2004) contradict
the idea that constellations are supposed to determine the characteristics of oneself in
that everyone is different somehow even for twins. At last but not least, some experts
claim that people do not necessarily understand themselves and others through
astrology. That is why we
Organization And Nursing Mission And Vision
Organizational Analysis Memorial Hermann Hospital, Texas Medical Center (TMC)
is the largest not for profit healthcare system in Texas. The organization serves
Houston and surrounding communities with a total of 12 facilities. This particular
campus is an academic level one trauma hospital located in the heart of the TMC.
The TMC is one of the biggest leading medical centers in the world and has
approximately 50 medical facilities and around 20 hospitals. Memorial Hermann
HospitalTMC encompasses several specialty areas such as transplant, burns,
neurology, cardiovascular, trauma, general medicine, specialty surgery, pediatric, and
air ambulance service. The hospital is licensed for 1,082 bed capacity (Memorial
Hermann Hospital, 2015). Memorial Hermann has also accomplished movement in
the community that includes clinics for health and wellness, and was categorized as
one of the top five largest health care systems in the nation by Truven Health for
patient safety and quality (Texas Medical Center, n.d.).
Organization and Nursing Mission and Vision The mission and vision statement not
only gives an explanation of what or who you are as a company or corporation. A
mission and vision statement also articulates what an individual or an organization
seek to strive for, the aspiration to flourish and involve members for years to come
(Remvig, 2010). The Memorial Hermann Hospital organization is a community
owned level one trauma academic facility which details their
Brain Science Beliefs
Many people may or may not know the stories and lives of Phineas Gage, Henrietta
Lacks, and Douglas Mawson. What you should know is that they all impacted the
scientific community in major ways. Whether they changed brain science, changed
how we study and search for cures for diseases or changed how people study and
explore the Antarctic. Although their experiences may have been very different, they
all greatly impacted the scientific community. Whether it s about how Phineas Gage
suffered major brain injury and underwent possible changes within himself; This
changed how we look at brain science forever. Or whether it was how Henrietta
Lacks suffered through cancer and died unknowingly that her cells were going to be
used in laboratories around the world. Lastly, while leading the biggest exploration
of the Antarctic of his time; Douglas Mawson who had to push for his life and suffer
many losses in the most unforgiving environment on this planet. What makes their
situations similar is that these people contributed a lot to science through their
unusual cases to the scientific community whether they wanted to or not. Douglas
Mawson had it worst; This is because he had to push for his life and it was his
choice to continue his research and exploration, knowing he may or may not come
back alive
Arguably Douglas Mawson could be seen as one of the worst of the situations. As
Douglas Mawson suffered the loss of fellow explorers, equipment, food, dogs and
dog sleds. Mawson
What Are The Jim Crow Laws
The Jim Crow laws according to Pilgrim, was more than a series of rigid anti Black
laws. It was a way of life. (V.) These laws happened everyday for blacks and it formed
into a way of life for them. Often time s these laws were completely unjust and
made Blacks have to work a lot harder in life or struggle to get by in life. For
instance A Black male could not offer his hand with a White male because it implied
that they were socially equal (Pilgrim). That law in general is outrageous and shows
how the White peoplethought of blacks and wanted them to be on the bottom of the
totem pole. There were some reasons that these laws were put into place and
enforced. One of these was because doctors said that they were inferior to whites.
Dreams And Its Effects On Dreams
Dream content reflects aspects of waking life experiences. After memories are made,
they are often fragmentally merged with other information to construct larger, holistic
dreams. Autobiographical memories are predominantly represented in dreams in
comparison to episodic and semantic memories. Among various characteristics from
waking life experiences such as places, people, and events, emotions are highly
incorporated into dreamcontent. There is also a decreasing relationship between the
cognitive demand of an activity and the frequency in which that activity occurs in
dreams. Dreams tend to include material from experiential memories and events
from the preceding day as well as experiences from 5 7 days prior. The recurrence of
memorycontent in dreams seems to support the hypothesis that dreaming helps with
memory consolidation, or particularly the content which is reflected in dreams.
Keywords: dreams, memories, day residue effect, emotions
Dreaming, although a substantial component of our nighttime lives, remains
somewhat of an enigma due to the fact that it occurs while we are unconscious. The
inaccessibility of the unconscious mind weakens full analysis and comprehension of
dreaming which researchers have been attempting to accomplish. However, over the
years many researchers have elucidated many mysteries about dreams, such as when
we dream, why we dream, and what we dream about, in order to bring forth an
understanding of dreams as well as identify
Persuasive Animal Shelter Essay
Every year in the United States lots of lost, abandoned, or not wanted dogs and cats
come to the animal shelters. Out of these animals some are lucky to be adopted into
a responsible loving home, but there are still lots of animals not in home causing even
healthy animals being euthanized due to the capacity of the shelter. There are clear
solutions for overpopulated shelters that society need to keep in mind. In this report
will cover spray and neuter, euthanasia, adoption, and animal shelters.
Spray and Neuter
Every year many animals are killed in the United States animal shelters, because the
animals can t find a home. Many can say reproduction has a big deal to with the
overpopulation in animal shelter, and they are right. Male animals contribute in
animal overpopulation due to them not being sterilized. One unsterilized male can
make a lot of babies with a lot of female animals. Irresponsible owner let their pets
breed, when the owner can t take care of the litter usually those animals are dropped
of animal shelters and some of those animals don t ... Show more content on ...
The animal that are not put in shelters are put out in the street to survive by
themselves and exposed themselves to disease. Because of low funding shelters it
causes overpopulation in shelters because there s no funding for more space,
supplies, and staff. Lots of shelters take volunteers but some don t even have the
experiences to deal with the situation that they will be faced. Many animal shelters
do not have veterinarians/hospitals to help animals, most veterinarian only open half
the day then full time duty. Low funding is one of the causes why animal shelters are
overpopulated, because if there was a solution were the government were to spend
more money on animal shelters it helps animals get into homes faster, and not worry
about being in the streets. Many shelters accept donation for food, pet supplies, and
time to help around the shelters, that one solution that helps the
Essay on Neil Degrasse Tyson
Accomplishments of Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson I chose to research Dr. Neil
deGrasse Tyson because he has been an extraordinary role model for many people,
both young and older. He has helped make learning about astronomy appeal to a
much bigger audience than most have previously been able to do. He is a very
intelligent man and has made many contributions to this world in his lifetime thus far.
Dr. Neil deGrasse Tysonwas born October 5, 1958 in New York City, New York. He
graduated from the Bronx High School of Science and went on to earn his BA in
Physics from Harvard University, his MA in Astronomy from the University of Texas
at Austin and his PhD in Astrophysics from Columbia University. Dr. Tyson is the
recipient of eighteen ... Show more content on ...
According to Dr. Tyson s profile at, in 2001, Dr. Tyson was
appointed by President Bush to serve on a 12 member commission that studied the
Future of the US Aerospace Industry and again in 2004 to a 9 member commission
on the Implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy. In 2006, the
head of NASA appointed Dr. Tyson to serve on its prestigious Advisory Council.
For five seasons, beginning in the fall of 2006, Tyson appeared as the on camera
host of PBS NOVA s spinoff program NOVA ScienceNOW, which is an accessible
look at the frontier of all the science that shapes the understanding of our place in the
As director of the Hayden Planetarium, Dr. Tyson strayed away from traditional
thinking in order to keep Pluto from being referred to as the ninth planet in exhibits at
the center. Dr. Tyson has explained that he wanted to look at commonalities between
objects, grouping the terrestrial planets together, the gas giants together, and Pluto
with like objects, and to get away from simply counting the planets. In 2006, the
International Astronomical Union (IAU) confirmed this assessment by changing
Pluto to the dwarf planet classification (Hayden Planetarium).
Dr. Tyson is one of the most in demand science experts. He gives talks across the
country and is a media favorite whenever there is an important science issue making
news. Dr. Tyson is known for his ability to make difficult
Designing Design And Application Design
Because RPP was unable to have the application developed at this time, objectives 5
7 were unable to be completed. However, the modified objectives were successfully
completed. These objectives encompassed creating an up to date GeoMedia database
compatible with Smart Client, designing the application, and performing an
economic feasibility study. Moreover, the application design involved all technical
sight triangle calculations. Once RPP has the financial resources available, the
application design is ready to be sent to the developer for building. 6.1Database and
Application Design 6.1.1Data The database has successfully been updated and
implemented into GeoMedia. Each attribute has not been filled, except Crossing ID,
Railway,... Show more content on ...
Adding this category allows the inspector to know prior to arrival that they can
skip the crossing. (Crossing Accessibility) Cross Accessibility
is a new piece of data being collected. Crossings classified according to the road
class (grid, highway, or urban) and the crossing class (public, private, or GS).
Generally speaking, public crossings are inspected whereas private crossings are
not; they are not under MHI jurisdiction. However, if a private crossing is publicly
used, it can be deemed appropriate to inspect. Moreover, where there is public
right of way crossing a rail right of way, even if there is no developed roadway, it
is technically a public crossing. However, these undeveloped crossings are not
inspected, as there is no road. However, RPP wished to retain these data points. A
crossing accessibility attribute s purpose is to further distinguish public and
private crossings so an inspector can know prior to visiting the site whether the
grade crossing should be inspected or not. A crossing s accessibility can be
considered normal, publicly used (PU), or undeveloped (UD). GS, normal private,
and UD public crossings are not inspected. Normal public and PU private crossings
are inspected. PU public and UD private crossings are not possible combinations. In
the application, these accessibility options will be unable to be selected once a
crossing classification is chosen. For example, once a crossing is
Elizabethan Music
Music During The Elizabethan Era
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First (1558 1603), English art and culture
reached a high point known as the top of the English renaissance. Elizabethan music
experienced a change in popularity from sacred to non religious music and the rise of
instrumental music. Experienced musicians were hired by the Church of England,
the wealthy, and rising middle class. Queen Elizabeth I greatly enjoyed music and
played the lute and virginal herself. She also believed that dancing was a great
form of physical activity and hired musicians to play for her while she danced.
While she was queen, she employed about 70 musicians and her interests were to be
adopted by those she ruled over. All noblemen were... Show more content on ...
They were equal to a modern town s band. The role of the Waits was to perform at
public events that would be viewed by the town and were supposed to play original
composed music.
Street musicians or travelling minstrels were frowned upon. They were often feared
by the community and grew out of style when they were replaced by tavern and
theatre musicians. Street music was often heard at markets and fairs, and was usually
light and quick. They performed using instruments such as fiddles, lutes, recorders,
and small percussion instruments gathering crowds when they played. According to
elizabethan music, the songs they played and sang were
traditional favorites, a far cry of the sophisticated and refined music of the
Elizabethan court .
Due to the increasing popularity of music, theater became popular itself. Location
was very important to a theater musician, as the location gave different effects to the
sound produced. This could create the illusion of distance or providing an
atmosphere to the plays and performances. With the rise of William Shakespeare in
1556, theater music became even more popular.
Composers Many composers of the Elizabethan period are still known today.
William Byrd (1539 1623) is one of which and is considered by many to be one of the
greatest of the Elizabethan composers. He was the main composer of religious music
and many of his songs still
Tackling Conflict and Poor Teamwork Prevention
Ultimately there is no guarantee that we will be able to prevent conflict. The point
was made in the section entitled, What causes conflict? that the complex dynamics
between people in social interaction will inevitably lead to conflict sooner or later.
However, there are steps that we can take to try to keep conflict to a minimum not to
prevent it altogether (as that would clearly be unrealistic), but rather to prevent
certain occurrences at least.
Many conflicts can be seen to arise as a result of a breakdown in communication. A
key issue, therefore, in preventing conflict is the importance of ensuring that
communication takes place as effectively as possible. Conflict frequently ... Show
more content on ...
Conflict is concerned with difference. If we were all the same, then there would be
little or no conflict. However, thankfully we are not all the same, and so part of the
price that we pay for the richness of diversity is that conflicts will arise at certain
times. Conflict can be seen to arise from the incompatibility of aims between
individuals and/or groups that is, what I am trying to achieve and what you are
trying to achieve. If they are significantly different, they can lead us into conflict.
Two main problems can arise there. First, we may feel uneasy about the conflict
and the tensions that it raises, and therefore try to pretend it is not there, to fudge
the issue or brush it under the carpet. This can lead to significant problems in so far
as the situation may be allowed to fester and go on for a much longer period than is
necessary if we are not prepared to deal with it and move on. Second, we may cause
problems by dealing with the conflict in a way which escalates the tensions between
us. For example, rather than deal with any conflicts between us constructively and
amicably, we may use the opportunity to attack one another, thereby leading to
unnecessary additional problems. These, then, are the two main (but not only)
problems associated with conflict: fudging and escalation.
The short answer to the question of what causes conflict is quite simply, life.
Bringing people together in social interaction necessarily involves a set of
Parenting In Amy Chua s Why Chinese Mothers Are
Some may think that parenting is easy and some think that parenting is difficult.
Parenting can be difficult due to how it takes a lot of time. However, it becomes
easy once a child learns. It is important to be a good parent for a child because that
way a child builds his or her understandings of life in general. A child is raised by
good parents because they are like good mentors. Good parents will help raise and
guide their children to success. A child is raised successful once it develops the
ability to imagine according to Alison Gopnik in Possible Worlds as well as
develop the ability to discover ideas from conversations according to Sherry Turkle
in The Empathy Diaries . However, Amy Chua in Why Chinese Mothers are
Superior believes that it is best to raise their children to succession using threats.
Well some may say that Chua s use of threats is great for children to understand
about life, but personally, it only hurts a child. Her use of threats and aggression
only creates a bad environment for children to live in. It may cause children to feel
shameful about themselves at times. Most likely, a child who is raised with such
harshness will develop bad character which places them in a bad area. It becomes
more important for a child to be raised by good parents who provide them with
good care and safety that way a child happily lives successfully. Parents should raise
their child in a way where he or she is put into a happier environment so that
confidence is
Columbia Space Shuttle Research Paper
In 1972, NASA after several attempts started the Space Shuttle Program for space
exploration, commercial purposes, and national security tasks and it started
developing Columbia as one of the first shuttles in the program. In early of 1981s,
Columbia completed its first space mission. On January 2003, Columbia Space
Shuttle was ready for STS 107 mission and its 28th flight. The mission was to
transport two teams of scientists (7 astronauts in total) to conduct over 80
experiments in 16 days with 12 hour shift time.
Day 1
NASA launched Columbia Space Shuttle after long trouble free preparation on
January 16th, 2003, from Kennedy Space Center in Florida (KSC). However, 81.6
seconds later apiece of insulating foam came off from
The National Institute Of Deafness And Other
The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorder calculates
that about 2 percent of older adults have disabling hearing loss. The NIDC uses the
decible of hearing loss at 35 decibels or more in the better ear which is the level at
which adults could generally benefit from hearing aids. The medical term for old
age related hearing loss with no other causes is Presbycusis. As defined by the
World Health Organization (WHO) the term elderly or aged refers to persons aged
60 years or above. These statistic are ever changing and will continue to increase
as people are living longer and will continue to live longer. As a person ages its
normal to lose some of the perceptiveness of hearing. Presbycusis doesn t remove
hearing completely however this small deficiency can get worse over time. Most
people with presbycusis just lose the ability to hear at a higher tone. This makes it
harder to understand others speech. In order to understand how this affects people we
must first understand how soundtravels through the earinto the brain.
The ear is made up of three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The
outer ear is responsible for collecting the sound wave, the middle ear increases the
sound energy and transmits the sound to the inner ear and finally the inner ear
transforms the sound waves into nerve impulses and sends them to the brain. When
the sound wave passes the ear canal there is a vibration in the eardrum which affects 3
Coral Bleaching Issues In Overfishing
1. Policy Description
Worldwide we are facing an epidemic of large scale Coral Reefs bleaching
themselves white. Although white coral is not dead it is likely to die shortly after
bleaching. The main problem is global warming, this causes overfishing, pollution
and rising ocean temperatures with more acidity. Global warming is an issue that
affects our planet, especially in the ocean. This problem has also an economic and
political impact because If the reefs vanished, experts say, hunger, poverty and
political instability could ensue.
In 1980, NOAA s marine biologist started noticing the coral bleaching. There has
been three important coral reef bleaching events in the history. The first global
bleaching event El NiГ±o was in 1998, it was a huge underwater heatwave killed
16% of the corals on reefs around the world . The second bleaching event was in
2010 and was called La NiГ±a. This event affected especially areas near Palau and
Micronesia in the Pacific. In October of 2015, NOAA announced the third global
bleaching event in which has already become the longest event recorded, affecting
coral reefs for consecutive years.
Main reasons of coral bleaching:
Change in ocean Temperature: increased ocean temperature drastically caused by
climate change is the leading cause of coral bleaching.
Runoff and Pollution: Storm generated precipitation can rapidly dilute ocean water
and runoff can carry pollution bleaching near shores corals.
Overexposure to
What Did The Founding Fathers Promise Us
Knights of columbus The bills of rights and the Amendments of the Constitution
fulfill and secure that the Founding fathers promise freedom in the democracy that is
the united states of America. The Bill of Rights and the Amendments are part of the
world and that the Founding Fathers changed them. What did the Founding Fathers
promise us? The Founding Fathers promise to us was life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. The meaning of the promised to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
is that all men are created equal. Also that they are endowed by their creator without
their unalienable Rights. The day that the bill of rights stared was in the 1791. They
served as the cornerstone of the basic
Women s Clothing Industry Report
Women s Industry report:
This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of a
general line of women s ready to wear clothing. This category also includes
establishments primarily engaged in the specialized retail sale of women s coats,
suits, and dresses. Custom tailors primarily engaged in making women s clothing to
individual order are classified in SIC 5699: Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory
Industry Snapshot
In 2005, $36.7 billion was spent at stores devoted exclusively to women s apparel, a
jump of more than $2 billion from 2004 and more than $4 billion from 2003. While
the discounters, namely Target and Wal Mart, were continuing to do well, the more
upscale stores were seeing a new surge ... Show more content on ...
By the 1920s, it was considered more fashionable to buy clothing from a store than to
make it at home.
For many years, the department store and the downtown women s shop were the
mainstays of women s wear retailing. Department stores offering a vast selection of
goods and specialty stores catering to unique tastes dotted the urban landscape. For
those with enough money, shopping became a social event. Along with the growth of
women s clothing retailing came the increasing importance of fashion.
The women s apparel industry established a voice in government through the
National Retail Federation (NRF), the trade group representing the entire spectrum
of the nation s retail industry. In the early and mid 1990s, the NRF lobbied the U.S.
Congress on issues such as minimum wages and the proposed health care plan. The
NRF was opposed to an increase in the minimum wage on the grounds that many
retailers would have to close down operations or fire staff to meet expenses with a
higher wage base.
In 1994, Women s Wear Daily reported that the NRF opposed the Clinton
administration s proposed universal health coverage on the grounds that more than
700,000 jobs would have to be eliminated in all retailing. At that time only 35 percent
of retail workers received health care benefits. The NRF supported a plan that
emphasized offering health
What Does The Machine Represent In The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby film is a 2013 epic romantic drama film based on F. Scott
Fitzgerald s 1925 novel. F.Scott Fitzgerald evoked popular music of his period,
and was criticized because jazz was ephemera of the moment. The idea to fuse
traditional jazz and modern hip hop created an art form unto itself. The songs in the
film epitomize the 1920s as wells as the characters of the novel in many distinctive
ways. Primarily, the cover of the song Crazy in Loveby Beyonce Knowles is used in
a scene to express a heightened nervousness of Gatsby when he was anxiously
waiting to be reunited with Daisy Buchanan at teas with Nick Carraway. This
amusing scene gave a comic relief to the film ; and was ironic when showing the
great Gatsbywas too vulnerable. Furthermore, the song Young and Beautiful written
by Lana Del Ray which repeats... Show more content on ...
Moreover, in the song Over the Lover by Florence and the Machine dramatically
and beautifully elucidates the themes of the film. For example, in the lyrics quote. I
don t wanna see what Iove done which signifies someone you know you can t have
which unleashes great emotion. In addition, it states the green light which is a
representation of Gatsby s dream of being with Daisy he sees, in other words,he
sees his future in her eyes. Along with, tore yellow dress which is the distance that
separates and pain and suffering that both had to endure. In conclusion, in the film
The Great Gatsby establishes a stylized past through modern beats . The song
choices were very clever way of wapping universal lyrics around themes, while the
lyrics fall beautifully with the themes of the film. The soundtracks depict romance
and tells the story at the same time fills the audience with real yearning which sets the
heart of the story. It illuminates real sadness in the story and that s reflected
beautifully in the film. In addition we see Gatsby s wistfulness,and his intense
idealism upon revisiting the past, while unrelenting
The Treatment Of Indigenous Australians
Treatment of Indigenous Australians
Indigenous Australians are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals of
Australia, plummeted from gatherings that existed in Australia and encompassing
islands preceding European colonization. There is incredible assorted qualities
among various Indigenous people group and social orders in Australia, each with its
own particular blend of societies, traditions and dialects. In present day Australia
these gatherings are further separated into nearby communities. At the season of
starting European settlement, more than 250 dialects were talked; it is as of now
evaluated that 120 to 145 of these stay being used, and everything except 13 are
thought to be endangered. Aboriginal individuals today generally communicate in
English, with Aboriginal expressions and words being added to make Australian
Aboriginal English. Native individuals basically lived as seeker gatherers, chasing
and scavenging for sustenance from the area. Albeit Aboriginal society was by and
large versatile, or semi itinerant, moving as per the changing sustenance accessibility
found crosswise over various regions as seasons changed, the method of life and
material societies fluctuated incredibly from locale to district, and there were lasting
settlements and agriculture in a few ranges.
English colonization of Australia started with the entry of the First Fleet in Botany
Bay in 1788. One prompt outcome of British settlement was a progression of
European pandemic
Pro Mammatrix Research Paper
As some of you may or may not know, I used to be a Pro Dominatrix. The list of
fetishes or kinks I catered to in my past was a mile wide. Id like to touch on one in
particular that I used to do called Sissyfication. In other words, I would take men.
dress them up as women, make them imitate women and feminize them. For some,
these actions I used to force upon them was an ultimate form of humiliation. To srip
them of their naatural manhood, and to subject them to imitate a woman was so
unnatural to them. Now I understand why many was so uncomfortable to this aspect
of kink. It was due to the fact that I was forcing them to be molding into something
God had not created them to be. Throught the years I discovered the many different
facets of feminization. I had an uncanny ability to push men, their boundaries and
their limits because I had sixth sense of the things they hide deep into their souls....
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I recall that that stunt in particular caused an uproar with some folks...but I was
apathetic to it. I was proud. I was boastful. I was sinful and I marveled in the
notoriety that particular action gave me. Over time I met a plethora of men who
would confess to me that they were crossdressers in secret, and they wore their
wife s clothes, makeup and so forth when they weren t around. I cant tell you how
many men I met out there who was into crossdressing. So when I see a man like
Bruce Jenner who is now professing to be transgendered, I call baloney on
Congress Standing Committees
Coat tail election . This is when the president s races coincides with the elections
that are being run in congress, and the party that the president belongs too will
more than likely gain more seats in Congress because the new president that was
just elected was also a member of that party. The president elect was elected because
he has shared his vision for the direction that he wants the country to go in, which in
turn makes the people that voted for his party for president also vote for the same
party congressman. For example, president elect trump won the white house he is a
republican, because of this the house and the senate are now in the majority by
republicans. Bicameralism This is the practice of having two legislative houses...
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Subcommittees are responsible to work within the rules that the higher up committee
has established for them. Subcommittees minimize resistance to potential legislation
by forming congressmen that is smaller than a normal committee. Drafted bills are
sent from the subcommittee to the committee that the subcommittee reviewed
marked up and they either rejected it or sent it to the floor. Only around 10% of bills
actually make it out of committee, subcommittees are important because the filter out
a ton of bills that never had a chance of making it to the
Chin A Long And Painful Past
Kenya Jett
Professor Huang/ Liang
BUS 339
December 1, 2014 China, being one of the oldest civilizations, has a had a very long
and painful past.
In 1927, only sixteen years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Civil war broke out
between the Kuomintang (nationalists) and the Communist parties of China. In 1931,
Mao Zedong was elected as Chairmen of the Soviets Republic of China. During the
span of five years, Nationalist leader Chiang Kai Shek launched four Blockades
against Mao. The majority of these blockades were unsuccessful because Under the
leadership of Mao, the Communists employed guerrilla tactics to successfully resist
the first four campaigns, but in the fifth, Chiang raised a huge force and built
fortifications around ... Show more content on ...
After realizing that defeat was certain the Communists hierarchy decided to take
Agent Otte Braun s advice, initiating a full scale retreat from Jiangxi with a push for
a communist base in Hunan where the Chinese Communist s Party Second Army
was based. The retreat which was to be called the Long March started in October
1934 .
The Red army started the Long March with over 87,000. With them, the solders
brought items such as typewriters, printing presses, 33,000 guns and over a million
ammunition cartridges. To their disadvantage, the printing presses and typewriters
hindered their movement, causing them to take 40 days to get through encirclement.
Then they were attacked at Xiang by the Kuomintang. In the Battle of Xiang, the
Red Army Red Army lost 45,000 solders more than 50% of their men . This poor
strategy suggested by Braun consisted with the Red Army to march in a straight line
and as a result the Kuomintang was able to predict their every movement.
After the large loss of solders the Chinese communist Party Braun was suspended and
Mao was handed control of the Red Army. Mao decided to change the destination of
the Long March. His new target was the Shaanxi province. Located in the north of
China, the journey was physically demanding as it crossed a very difficult
environment. The Red Army had to cross the Snowy Mountains, some of the highest
mountains in the
Electromagnetic Radiation Is Good For Humans
Electromagnetic radiation is good for us humans because it helps us in many ways.
One example on why electromagnetic radiation is good for us is the uses it helps us
with. Uses like medical x rays, observing the internal structure of objects, airport
security scanners, and killing cancer cells. As it states in Ck12, Electromagnetic
Spectrum. Therefore, in our daily lives, we use many different radiation waves
without even knowing. Electromagnetic radiation describes and ranges the
wavelengths of all light going from radio waves to gamma rays. Electromagnetic
radiation is good for us humans, although they have disadvantages, there are more
good uses of electromagnetic radiation than bad uses of electromagnetic radiation.
Brandon Bonifacio Biography
In May, 2013, in a small school called Robert s Ferry, a fifth grader was waving
goodbye to all of his well made friends in his school. His whole life was ahead of
him, and he had already accomplished multiple things at his school, educationally
or not: clearly smartest kid, surrounded by friends, for he was very charismatic and
had amassed a friend army of his entire class, and was planning on becoming a
Chemical Engineer, for which he had already planned his High School classes,
which would be followed by scholarships to UC Merced/Stanford, and then he
would travel to CalTech in Southern California to earn a PhD in Engineering. He
would miss his friends over the summer, but he knew that he would see them again
next year; he also just joined... Show more content on ...
He had retained a 4.0 G.P.A throughout his time at Hickman, and was ready to
continue his learning. However, his eighth grade year was not going to be as
exciting as his seventh grade year, for all he had to do was maintain his goals that
he established in his seventh grade year. He played Flag Football in the first
trimester, Basketball in the second, and Track in the third, and now is at home
writing his What I Have Learned narrative wondering what he will write next, for
he still has to create an imaginative way to straightforwardly tell his teacher what he
has learned throughout his three years at Hickman Middle School so his teacher
does not have to search his narrative for a theme, as Brandon originally intended.
He will probably add a Three Things I Have Learned paragraph at the end to make
it easier on the teacher. After he writes that paragraph, he will continue his life as he
planned it to be way back in Elementary school, adapting to obstacles, good or bad,
that pop up during his journey through
Analysis Of The Book Leading From The Second Chair
The book Leading From the Second Chair discusses what it is like to lead from the
second chair. This was a semi new concept for me. I have always heard of
leadership and know that it is something special, however, I never thought of leading
from the second chair. This phrase means being a leader but not the person in charge.
This is something that is foreign to me. I have always though that a leader is in
charge of their section and other leaders are in charge of their section and eventually
they come together to put it all together. However, though going through the
experience of my internship and going through this book and leadershipclass I have
learned that this is not the case. When you lead from the second chair you are... Show
more content on ...
pastor. A Sr. pastor is over the whole church and untimely is where most people
look when they see problems going on in the church. The Sr. pastor tends to be the
face of the church, just as the president is the face for the United States. To be a
second chair leader to the pastor you are either an associate minister, or a small
specific type of minister, for example youth, children s, young adults, and so on
and so forth. So if you are an associate minister, at least in the United Methodist
Church, you may want your Sr. pastors job but you do not really have any say who
will get it or not, so most of the time you just do not fight with them. If you are a
small specific type of minister you more than likely do not want the Sr. pastor s
job because that is not where your calling is or you would not be doing this job.
While that is the basis of the structure it is also important to remember that while
the Sr. pastor is over those in the second chair more likely than not the Sr. pastor
wants your input on things and wants you to succeed. If your Sr. pastor does not
want you to succeed then you need to find a different job. With that in mind the first
chair is not some one that you should fight with over things but someone you should
listen to and bounce ideas off of. I currently use this information while at my
internship. Every week I meet with my Sr. pastor to go over the things that I am
doing in
Summon Night 5 Analysis
Summon Night 5 is a strategy JRPG and part visual novel. At the start of the game
you can pick to play as one of two characters, Arca or Folth. I played mostly as
Folth in this review but I did try out Arca to see if the story changed but it seemed
to stay the same besides the characters gender. Very early in the game you will be
saved by a Cross or in other terms the character that will become your summon. The
Cross you get depends on what item you give it as a reward for saving you early on
in the game. I got a mechanical cross named Dyth.
The story plays out visual novel style so be papered to read a lot, luckily the story
here is well written. After meeting his or her cross the players character will go off
to become a summoner of the Eucross. The Eucross is an order who keep peace
among the different types of entity s from different dimensions who all live in the
mostly peaceful city of Savorle. To advance the story along the player will travel a
big map going to each area that is gold to talk to certain characters. After doing this
you will come to an event where you will end up in a fight. Always save before a
event or you may very well lose hours of play. My only problem with the story wasn
t with the story its self but there are a few typos her and there.
The battles are turn based meaning you get to move all of your characters and use
actions and then end your turn and your enemies will do the same. At the start of
each battle you will be able to select what units you want to use and then you will
start the battle. There s a bit to theses battles as in if you lose ... Show more content on ...
These affinity levels will have an outcome on what ending you may get and some of
the dialog may also change. What character you play as and what cross you get may
also change the ending you will
The Perception of Pain in Conjunction to the Mind and
The Perception of Pain in Conjunction to the Mind and Body
The Perception of Pain in Conjunction to the Mind and Body Pain is something that
connects all of us. From birth to death we can identify with each other the idea and
arguably the perception of it. We all know we experience it, but what is more
important is how we all perceive it. It is known that there are people out there with a
high pain tolerance and there are also ones out there with a low pain tolerance, but
what is different between them? We also know that pain is an objective response to
certain stimuli, there are neurons that sense and feel pain and there are nerve
impulses that send these painful messages to the brain. What we don t know is where
the pain ... Show more content on ...
It helps an individual recognize that something is wrong. It alerts our body that we
may have some kind of ailment or that the stove is hot and if we continue to touch
it, we are going to damage the skin on our hands to the point of no repair. Pain also
has a side that is not as well understood. Pain can be suggested and eventually felt
through the process of hypnosis, pain can also be felt at times where there is no
know stimulus. Pain is very often felt, but much less understood.
The International Association for the Study of Pain defined pain as an unpleasant
sensory and emotional experience with actual or potential tissue damage, or
described in terms of such damage (Unk, 2007). Pain being described such as this
allows us to see that pain is a perception, not unlike seeing or hearing. Pain is the
most common reason that people seek medical attention but pain is very hard to
define because it is subjective. Pain perception is the process by which a painful
stimulus is relayed from the site of stimulation to the central nervous system
(Freudenrich, 2008). In order to determine if pain is a perception of the mind or if it
is biological we must first understand how the process of pain works.
If we look at the brain as if it were a central computer that controlled all of the bodily
functions, then we would refer to the central nervous system and the network that
relays messages to and from the
The Social Responsibility Of The Workplace
Archie Carroll defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the social
responsibility of business encompassing the economic, legal, ethical, and
discretionary expectations that society has of these organizations at a given point in
time. (Crane, 5) Interesting enough, there has been an abrupt growth of firm s
engagement in CSR within all industries. This is the result of growing requests from
the civil society demanding firms, of all sizes, to legitimize their practices. (Crane, 4)
More importantly, workplace issues have become an integral part of corporate social
responsibility. This includes a firm s lacking efforts in its occupational health and
safety, and its fair pay and conditions, amongst others. (Crane, 253) As employees
reside in the midst of companies engaging in corporate social responsibility, the
reputation of the firm relies profoundly on ensuring all those within the in house
workplaces as well as the outsourced workplaces are treated justly and within the
operating country s legislation. (Crane, 253) Further to this, social injustice that
occurs can negatively affect the firm s reputation and brand favorability. (Crane, 254)
Therefore, it was within the firm s best interests to fulfill their core corporate
responsibilities in the workplace. Albeit corporations may have the intention to act
within labour standards, circumstances do arise where the rights of employees are
neglected and the morality of the firm is questioned.
The Past of
Essay on Hispanic and Latino Spirituality
Hispanic and Latino Spirituality Crystal Davila
ENG 301 American Ethnic Literature
University of Phoenix
Julie Kares
October 22, 2012
Hispanic and Latino Spirituality Throughout our life s each day we communicate
with each other through the exchange of information. Our verbal and nonverbal
communication skills are used to process this information. Speaking, listening, and
body language are our ability to understand the meaning of communication that we
develop throughout our lives. This brings me to understand why we develop new
things every day and learn the reasons for different things. However, in the Hispanic
/Latino literature they express spirituality, magic, and myth play as an important role
in their literature. For ... Show more content on ...
However, as Americans we are able to turn to what we have learned growing up.
Once we are born our family, siblings, and our own culture influence us. We are
bought up with certain beliefs and traditions. However, I do think that culture does
influences how people are permitted to be expressed and how they are perceived.
As for social experience people react to different experience in different ways. If
someone has been in a certain situation I believe they learn from that experience.
This brings me to the certain unfairness, stereotypes, and myths about Hispanic
/Latino culture. While growing up we experience some of these types of situations.
When we think about a Hispanic/Latino person we think about tamales, tacos, rice
and beans which is a stereotype. However, Susie Jans Thomas wrote Beyond
Tamales, Tacos, and Our Southern Neighbors: Exploring Latino Culture in Child and
Young Adult Literature to show that there is more to them then just those
expressions. I believe we have all experienced or witnessed racism, power abuse,
and felt lost in one point of our lives. This just shows that we need to try to work
harder and together more.
Therefore, I do believe I am a better person today because I came from such a
loving family. This is something that families are missing throughout the world and
that is love, religion, and quality time with loved ones. To me this is why the world
is becoming the way it is because there are so many people who do not care or
Swahili Research Paper
It was amazing. I learned all about the history of Swahili. Beginning in the 13th
century, Swahili and the surrounding areas were ruled by the Shirazi dynasty until
1498 CE. During this time, the people of Portugal began their conquest of the area.
During my arrival I had difficulty with the language. I ve found the whole Swahili
coast has its own language made of a combination of the Bantu descendants and
Arabic trader s native languages. When I was there trade was bustling. So many
cultures mixed because there were merchants from China, India, Arabia, and Persia.
When I was in Kongo I found out this guy named Lukeni Iua Nimi united many
terrorist groups under his rule. He was called the manikongo, which means king.
Even into the 17th
Penis Enlarment Research Paper
Web is filled with penis growth ways and it will possibly get very elaborate to
choose out the correct ones. So let s clear the air round them, once and for all. The
ways that in reality work are penis extenders, usual penis workout routines and penis
tablets, whereas, those that are regarded rip offs are penile surgeries (phalloplasty),
peniscreams and weights. Even among the many extenders, workouts and tablets,
unless you know the correct ones, which you can become inflicting first class damage
to the wellness of your penis.
So, listed here we ll throw some gentle on one of the crucial effective approaches of
enlargement: Penis pills. As mentioned earlier it is rather foremost that you choose
only for the most safe and natural form of ... Show more content on ...
They are customarily a combo of a large variety of infrequent and potent herbs.
How do penis enlargement capsules work?
The basic methodology at the back of all such powerful drugs is riding blood to the
male organ. Not like artificial medicinal drugs, these pills provide permanent
outcome. The new penis size that you will obtain after a month of use will probably
be irreversible in nature.
What are the genuine tangible outcome in terms of size and girth?
With the aid of those capsules, which you can quite simply gain as much as 25 per
cent in the girth and around four inches broaden within the length of your
reproductive organ. The other benefits will be in the form of better erections and
extended manage over ejaculations.
Why will have to I decide upon penis drugs in any case?
The benefits won from using these tablets are the absolute best among all varieties of
growth methods. In addition, the outcome are speedy, secure and everlasting in
nature. They are proven products which have already been used by thousands of men
with special backgrounds and unique penis sizes. Penis drugs definitely are probably
the most wanted enlargement system within the reward
My Learning Experience In English
It seems that learning a foreign language has never been an easy job and it takes a
lot of time, sometimes all your life to master it (Brown, 2000). Among the four
main skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, the first one could be
considered the most challenging and the most crucial because it includes all other
kinds of knowing (Ur, 2012). Until now, I can still remember how difficult it was to
develop this particular skill when I was in high school. In this essay, I will clearly
describe my learning experiences as a grade ten student trying to improve the speaking
skill through English lessons at high school.
When I was in high school, I was studying in Nguyen Thuong Hien High School,
one of the most famous schools in Ho Chi Minh City at that time and I was placed
in an English intensified class, which meant that most of my classmates was very
good at English. My class was such a big one with 46 members, including 38 girls
and only 8 boys. Instead of studying 5 periods a week with the course book approved
by Ministry of Education, we had 4 ... Show more content on ...
During the periods working with the course book, I followed my teacher s
instructions, did everything she asked us to do. Nevertheless, at weekend I went
to an English club at my high school. Here I had the opportunity to literally
communicate in English though it was quite hard for me at that time. The club
had 2 instructors, who were also the English teachers of my school and they were
very helpful and friendly as well. They encouraged us to speak English by pointing
out the good things that we could get if we mastered English, such as having the
ability to communicate with foreigners, getting a high paid job in the future or a
scholarship to study abroad. Those things were very appealing and it helped to
create motivational as well (Ur, 2012). Thanks to the aid of the club, I became more
confident to work with my friends in the group
David Hume Virtues
As such, we understand the use justice, but also other virtues are only as important
so long as they are useful and agreeable not to the business of an individual but also
to public utility. Where this view on the utility of vices and virtues, both aspects of
public and private morality are determined by sentiment. It defines virtueto be
whatever mental action or quality gives to a spectator the pleasing sentiment of
approbation; and vicethe contrary. This definition is in close relation to the question
posited at the end of the previous section on the approval of the happiness of
mankind and the resentment of is misery. It can be said that the said approval or
disapproval, the gut feeling translates to one s understanding of what Hume... Show
more content on ...
Our approval of those traits arises from sympathy with people in the individual s
narrow circle of friends and associates, since, given natural human selfishness, we
cannot expect people s concerns to extend farther. By adopting the common point of
view we correct for the distortions of sympathy by entering into the feelings of
those close to the person being evaluated even if they are remote from us. The
mechanism of sympathy ultimately accounts for this approval and the corresponding
disapproval of the natural vices. Sympathy also explains our approval of the
artificial virtues whereas we approve each individual exercise of such natural virtues
as gratitude and friendship because we sympathize with those who are affected by
each such action when we consider it from the common point of
Norfolk Southern Essay
Norfolk Southern hast his way of taking their time when it comes to hiring
sessions. They are in no hurry and/or they are on a time element and have to
schedule the hiring sessions when they are available... However, they do a lot of
traveling to these sessions and have to hold them when they have the time. They
are very busy people with a heavy schedule because the hiring sessions are usually
for the same positions like conductor, track worker, signal trainee, and freight car
repairer. They post these positions are posted on their website as well as the laborer
positions. You have to factor in retirements as well as death. That is why many of
these positions are having a regular post on Norfolk Southern s website. Year after
year the same
Manuscript Text Or Running Head
Manuscript text. In order to maintain anonymity during the peer review process CCN
requires that the author s name or institution are not included in the manuscript text
or running head (AACCN, 2015). An initial literature search was conducted to
retrieve resources that where used to examine the topic and develop the outline of the
manuscript text. An explanation of the literature search is discussed further below.
Upon conducting the literature search, the resources were examined for main themes,
and organized according to similarity. To assist with outlining the sub sections and
main arguments, the themes were organized using the sun diagram method described
by Sheridan and Dowdney (1986). Results of the sun diagram are presented below...
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Next, the barriers that prevent open visitation and the implications for practice will
be acknowledged. The main barriers preventing open visitation that will be briefly
introduced (a detailed discussion will occur in the later portion of the text), and
include skewed nursing perceptions, gaps in knowledge about the beneficial effects
of unrestrictive family presence, and lack of formal visitation policies. It will be
argued that the main implication for practice is decreased patient and family
satisfaction resulting from incongruent visitation practices (Mitchell, Chaboyer,
Burmeister Foster, 2009). Finally, the solution of educating nurses about the
benefits of an open visitation policy on patients and families will be proposed.
Rationale for the solution will be provided. Purpose statement and aims. The
introduction will provide context for the following purpose statement: the purpose
of this review article is to gain a better understanding of how critical care patients
and families can benefit from open visitation policies. The review article aims to
answer the following three inquiries: How do nurses perceive open visitation and
how do these perceptions impact visitation practices? What are the perceived
advantages and disadvantages of open visitation for patients and families? What
considerations need to be made when developing a
Maya Angelou Mom And Me And Mom
The story Mom Me Mom explains how a little girl was abandoned by her mother at
3 years old. In the story Maya Angelou describes her experiences and how she dealt
with her abandonment. Later in the story she goes back to her mother and slowly
repair their relationship. Sometime around 2008 Maya Angelou got interviewed
about her book Mom Me Mom. The interviewer asked her questions about what it
was like to be abandoned by her motherand how it felt to reunite with her mother
after 10 years of living with her grandmother. In the interview she gave somewhat of
an inside that we didn t get while reading the section in Mom Me Mom. She
describes her mother and images were shown of her mother. This also helped with the
process of understanding.
Explain How The Ethos, Aims And Values
MAY BE REFLECTED IN WORKING PRACTICES. First I will explain what each
of the above means as follows: ETHOS This is the school s values and beliefs
it feels. It is usually based on a philosophy or atmosphere of the school. MISSION
This is the school s overall intention, as set out by the Head Teacher. It is often
equivalent to a motto and should be short, simple and easy to remember. AIMS This
is usually found in the prospectus or school literature. The Head Teacher will usually
set it. VALUES They are based on the school s moral code, which will inform its
development.... Show more content on ...
the social services and the health authority. There are five basic outcomes and these
are: * Improve the well being for young children and reduce inequalities * Ensure
there is sufficient childcare to enable parents to work * Provide information to
parents about childcare * Ensure that local childcare providers are trained *
Introduce the Early Years Foundation Stage for the under 5 s * Reform the regulation
Investigating Precision And Accuracy Of Experimental...
Comparing and Contrasting Liquid Volumes to Determine Precision and Accuracy of
Experimental Measurement
Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to compare and contrast liquid volume
reading values of different measuring devices, determining the precision and accuracy
of experimental measurement. This was done through use of a graduated cylinder, a
serological pipette, and a variable volume pipette.
In laboratories, many kinds of containers and devices are available for measuring
liquid volume. For example, graduated cylinders are used to approximate
measurements, Serological Pipettes are used to more precisely measure volumes, and
variable volume pipettes measure liquids even more accurately. [1] These containers
are labeled with marks or values, normally along the sides, which indicate the volume
they may contain. The manufacturers place the labels through a method of
calibration. Since these containers and devices are all calibrated differently they all
have distinct tolerances for measurement accuracy.
Materials and Methods: The measuring devices used in this experiment are as
follows: A Fisher Scientific 25 mL graduated cylinder, a Greiner Bio one 10 mL
serological pipette, a VWR International 100 1000 mL variable volume pipette, a 20
mL scintillation vial, and a AWS 600 weight scale. This experiment consists of four
methods, of measuring and weighing room temperature water using the different
devices, each method repeated five times. Method one is to
Xerxes Invasion
Xerxes invasion of Greece was unsuccessful due to myriad causes. Being a son of a
great King Darius, he was coerced to live up to his Father s name and be as a
mighty sovereign as King Darius was. Xerxes failure evolved around his
mannerisms, as he was a man who was irresolute and need persuasion. Only after he
was given that assertiveness, was he able to go forth with decisions. His tactics that
he performed during the Battle of Thermopylaeand the Battle of Salamisalso portray
Xerxes defeat of the invasion of Greece.
King Xerxes I was the son of King Darius the Great, arguably the greatest monarch in
all of the ancient world 1. Unlike his more successful father Darius, Xerxes actions
did not strengthen the Persian Empire, but led ... Show more content on ...
The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies. 1998.
Though Xerxes had a huge army, in that small space he could only use a fraction of
his men at a time. Xerxes sent group after group of Persian warriors into the pass.
The Greeks, who had better armor and longer spears (Sacks 246), slaughtered each
group of fighters. Even Xerxes elite legion of Immortals
The Battle of Thermopylae was very important as a delay tactic and because it
made the Persians overly confident. It allowed the Athenians time to evacuate their
city and send the elderly citizens and the city s treasure to the island of Salamis and
the women and children to safety in Troezen while preparing the men for a naval
battle (Pomeroy et al 194). After Thermopylae, Xerxes was so confident that when
the Greeks sent him a message through a slave of Persian descent, he took their bait
and fought a naval battle that he was not prepared for (Baker 89). A storm at
Artemisium had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae.
Xerxes was so confident with himself, that when the Greeks sent him a message
through a slave of Persian descent , he took their bait and fought a naval battle that
he was not prepared for (Baker 89). Despite a storm occurring at Artemisium, which
had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae, he still sent his ships
to the narrow straits at Salamis (Pomeroy et al 196).
Xerxes was
Design And The Pursuit Of Innovation
It all started in 1995 when Kevin Plank, a special team s captain on the University of
Maryland football team, noticed that the cotton the T shirts he and his teammates
wore underneath their pads were always soaked and heavy with sweat. Plank said
There has to be something better . He didn t realize but that one, simple remark
would soon launch the performance apparel Under Armour. After he graduated, he set
out to make a superior T shirt one that stayed light and dry even in the nastiest
conditions and Mr. Plank has grew is organization form that.
Under Armour, Inc. is an American sports footwear, clothing and accessories
Company. Today, Under Armour produces the world s most innovative performance
footwear, apparel, and accessories and ... Show more content on ...
Under Armour is a great organization and produces an awesome product. It s one of
the fastest growing sports apparel companies because of its ability to product new
products with state of the art ideas and design. With Mr. Plank s mission to make
every athlete better their pursuit to keep advancing their product will be never
ending. It has evened or surpassed the likes of Nike and Adidas in a short time with
their new product lines that keeps being developed, with this approach they are
stating ahead of their competition. Their products has a great look, is comfortable,
relaxing, and gives you an athletic look. It s a State of the art line of footwear,
clothing, and performance apparel, for men, women, youth, and babies.
The leader and founder of Under Armour is the President, chief executive officer,
chairman of the board, and founder of under armour is Kevin Plank. Mr. Plank has
served as our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors
since 1996 and as the President from 1996 to July 2008. Since August 2010 Mr.
Plank also serves on the Board of Directors of the National Football Foundation and
College Hall of Fame, Inc. and is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Maryland College Park Foundation. Mr. Plank set the foundation for his
company from the beginning.
Brad Dickerson is the Chief Financial
Teeth Staining Research Paper
3 Medications That Can Cause Teeth Staining
Most people know that smoking, drinking coffee, and eating acidic food can cause
teeth staining, but were you aware that medication can cause it as well? Here are
three medications that may be causing unexpected teeth staining, and how to correct
the problem.
People that have allergies can depend on antihistamines to give them relief. However,
the drug may be detrimental to the color of your teeth. Antihistamines can actually
cause your teeth to become discolored because the medication inhibits your
production of saliva. Since saliva play a key role in keeping your mouth clean of
debris that can cause stains, regular use of antihistamines can become a problem for
your teeth.
Antihistamines cause surface level stains, and there are several options to treat the
problem. In addition to regular flossing and brushing, speak with your dentist about
using whitening gels. These kits can be used at home, and work by applying a mild
peroxide to your teeth. ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, these medications can cause your teeth to become yellow. If the teeth
staining is a problem, speak with your doctor about alternative medications that can
be just as effective, but do not have the side effect of discoloring your teeth.
If you absolutely must stay on the medication that is causing tooth discoloration,
dental bonding may be the solution you are looking for. Your dentist will apply a
resin to your teeth that will cover the stains and help rough up the surface. A thin
substance that is similar to putty is molded onto each tooth, and then hardened with a
UV light. The surface is polished, and your tooth will have a natural white color to it.
Dental bonding can be completed in one visit, and is an affordable process that can
produce results that are beautiful and
Cause And Effect Of Kidnapping
Kidnapping is a global and historic issue all around the world, and although
government is doing all that they can to ensure that kidnappers are captured and
punished, the numbers are steal increasingly high. Kidnapping is abducting and
holding anybody captive. There are many causes of kidnapping, among them are
unemployment, poverty, religion, and so on. The rate of kidnapping in North
America is attracting the attention of people all over the globe. Some people have
even taken it as their business. The disappearance of children in the United States
is not unheard of, either, and it is one of the things that the security in our country
is working on. According to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,
Roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the U.S. The act of
kidnapping has made so many people lose their reasoning, like why would someone
do this? It is just wrong. As of December 31, 2016, according to the FBI s NCIC,
there are 88,040 active missing personrecords, and children under the age of 18
account for 33,706 (38.3%) of the records. NISMART 12 reported that from the
years 1997 to 1999, of the 797,500 children missing in a one year span, 203, 900
were abducted by family members and 58,200 were abducted by non relatives;
118,000 were classified as being taken by a stranger. Reading those statistics blew
my mind, honestly you can t even trust the same people you be with every day, the
same people who tell you that they love you,
Ten Principles of Knowledge Management
Many companies are beginning to feel that the knowledge of their employees is
their most valuable asset. They may be right, but few firms have actually begun to
actively manage their knowledge assets on a broad scale. Knowledge management
has thus far been addressed at either a philosophical or a technological level, with
little pragmatic discussion on how knowledge can be managed and used more
effectively on a daily basis. At this early stage of knowledge management in business,
the most appropriate form of dialogue is not detailed tactics, but rather high level
principles. When an organization decides what principles it agrees upon with respect
to knowledge management, it can then create detailed approaches and plans ... Show
more content on ...
3. Knowledge management is highly political.
It is no secret that knowledge is power, and thus it should not surprise anyone that
knowledge management is a highly political undertaking. If knowledge is associated
with power, money, and success, then it is also associated with lobbying, intrigue,
and back room deals. If no politics appear around the knowledge management
initiative, it is a good indication that the organization perceives that nothing valuable
is taking place.
4. Knowledge management requires knowledge managers.
Key business resources like labor and capital have substantial organizational functions
devoted to their management. Knowledge won t be well managed until some group
within a firm has clear responsibility for the job. Among the tasks that such a group
might perform are collecting and categorizing knowledge, establishing a knowledge
oriented technology infrastructure, and monitoring the use of knowledge.
Several professional services firms already have knowledge management roles in
place. McKinsey, Andersen Consulting, Ernst Young, Price Waterhouse, and A.T.
Kearney all have Chief Knowledge Officers in place. Buckman Laboratories
reoriented its Information Systems organization to become managers of knowledge,
and now calls the group the
Orthostatic Hypotension Case Paper
I have selected case number 1. An 85 year old man came to the emergency room
with palpitations for a few days. He states that he sometimes feels light headed and
dizzy. The patient s heart rate is elevated and irregular. As he goes from a sitting
position to a standing position he becomes light headed and dizzy. In taking
orthostatic bloodpressure you notice that they are positive.
Orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension happens when blood pressure drops
as you stand from a lying position. This drop in blood pressure causes the patient to
become dizzy and light headed. This condition happens more frequent in people of
advanced age. His heart rate is fast and irregular. I suspect the rhythm of his heart is
atrial fibulation (afib).
Obesity Alliance Research Paper
Weight is a complicated and sensitive issue, and it is challenging when it comes to
weight conversation. Overweight and obesity direct to adverse metabolic possessions
on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. Several
misperception of the result of obesity occur because of used of different BMI cut
offs, and because the occurrence of various medical situations concerned in the
development of obesity may complicate the effects of obesity itself. The non fatal, but
devastating healthproblems related with obesity includes respiratory difficulties,
chronic musculoskeletal problems, skin problems and infertility. The more severe
problems fall into four main areas: CVD problems; situation related with insulin
resistance such as type 2 diabetes; a few types of cancers, mainly the hormonally
related and large bowel cancers; and gallbladder disease. The possibility of
developing Type 2 diabetes and hypertensionincreases suddenly with the continuation
of body fatness. In United... Show more content on ...
Which the main goals are (1) to guide and inspire improvement around treatment,
intervention and illness management by engaging to help, build up and disseminate
best practice for the treatment and avoidance of obesity. (2) Strengthen system of
care for patients with overweight and obesity, (3) arrange diverse stakeholders to
address related problems to the care of patients with overweight and obesity, (4)
defining and catalyzing an innovative research program for the care of patients with
overweight and obesity, (5) identifying, implementing and evaluating strategies to
reduce physical activities of patient with overweight and obesity, and (6) reducing
stigma to progress in health
She Walks In Beauty Poetic Devices
Throughout time, love has proven to be one of the strongest motivators of
mankind. It has served as the motivation for both war and peace. One of the
greatest contributions love has made to mankind is that of art. Poetry and music
are methods of art that people use to express love. These methods are effective
because of the poetic devices they use to describe love. In both the love poem She
Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron and the love song Just the Way You Are by Khari
Cain, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Bruno Mars, and Khalil Walton poetic devices
are used to describe love for a woman. While Cain, Lawrence, Levine. Mars,and
Walton in Just the Way You Are use hyperbole and repetition to express love in
their song, Lord Byron in She Walks in Beauty more effectively uses simile and
juxtaposition express love in his poem. The song Just the Way You Are is about a
man telling a woman how beautiful she is and how much he loves her for who she
is, although she does not believe him. The writers use repetition to present love for a
woman. They choose to repeat specific features of the woman that makes her... Show
more content on ...
The basis of the song is to emphasize the love that the speaker has for the woman he
is speaking about. Hyperboles are an over exaggeration used to emphasize a
comparison in literature. The speaker says that when the woman smiles the whole
world stops and stares for a while (17). This a clear over exaggeration, as there is no
possible way the whole world would know that she is smiling and it is highly
unlikely that everyone would stop and stare at her. The speaker says this to
express his love for her. When he says that the whole world stops and stares for a
while (17), he actually means his own personal world that revolves around his love
stops and stares for a while (17). The speaker uses a hyperbole to describe the
importance that his love s smile has in his life

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Pro Life Argument Essay

  • 1. Pro Life Argument Essay Writing an essay on the topic "Pro Life Argument Essay" can be a daunting task, regardless of one's stance on the issue. The subject matter is inherently controversial and emotionally charged, making it challenging to navigate the diverse perspectives and opinions that surround it. Crafting a compelling argument requires thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved. One must delve into various ethical, religious, scientific, and legal dimensions while considering the deeply held beliefs and values of individuals and communities. Moreover, the topic demands sensitivity and empathy towards differing viewpoints, as it touches upon deeply personal experiences and convictions. Balancing empathy with intellectual rigor is essential to construct an essay that respects diverse perspectives while presenting a coherent and persuasive argument. Addressing counterarguments and anticipating objections is another aspect that adds to the difficulty of writing such an essay. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints with fairness and integrity strengthens one's position and fosters meaningful dialogue, yet it requires careful deliberation and tactful engagement. Furthermore, the emotional intensity surrounding the topic may affect the writer's ability to maintain objectivity and clarity of thought. Navigating through the sea of emotions while upholding academic integrity can pose a significant challenge, requiring a disciplined approach to research and expression. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Pro Life Argument Essay" demands intellectual rigor, empathy, and the ability to navigate complex ethical and emotional terrain. It requires a commitment to thoughtful analysis, respectful dialogue, and a genuine engagement with diverse perspectives to construct a compelling and meaningful argument. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Pro Life Argument Essay Pro Life Argument Essay
  • 2. Essay on A Worn Path A Worn Path2 Phoenix Jackson: Mind Over Matter Novelist Eudora Welty is often studied and adored by many readers; her much deserved recognition comes from her brilliant, deeply compassionate, and lively stories and novels (Ford 36). Like many of her stories, Eudora Welty s A Worn Path is set in Mississippi. In A Worn Path , Welty focuses on an old woman s journey to Natchez and on the many obstacles that she encounters along the way. Phoenix is going to town to get medication for her beloved grandson. But he trip is difficult because nature and her handicaps are making it hard for her to reach her destination. Nevertheless, the old woman boldly continues along the equally old path, struggling every step of the way. Even... Show more content on ... She knows that her life is limited and she has no time for obstructions. When she finds herself snagged on a thorn bush, she talks to it as she patiently frees herself. Thorns, you doing your appointed work Never want to let folks pass no sir (159). As Phoenix wobbles along, she comes across a sitting buzzard and in three simple words she lets him know that he will not dine upon her. Who you watching (160)? She slowly sways past him and continues her journey, while nature carefully plans the next obstacle. Sure enough, as Phoenix stands and ponders, a big black dog creeps up behind her. Old woman, she said to herself, that black dog come up out of the weeds to stall you off (161). She accepts the fact that the black dog is merely following nature s orders. Phoenix s old body is not as quick as her wit. When Phoenix is startled by the huge mutt, her mind reacts much faster than her body, causing her to drop into a weed cushioned trench. The old woman is discovered by a young hunter who quickly snatches her out of the ditch. As they converse, Phoenix catches a glimpse of a shiny nickel that drops out of the hunter s pouch. Her mind reacts; her face lights up and she claps her hands. Look at that dog! She laughed as if in admiration. He ain t scared of nobody. He a big black dog (161). Knowing that her old body needs plenty of time to grab the nickel, she uses her wit to shift the hunter s attention toward the fearless
  • 3. Definition Of Episodic Memory I.Episodic Memory a.Definition: Episodic memory is a memory type that involves mental time travel, which is the experience of traveling back in time in your memory story to re picture the evented that happened in the past. b.I travel back to my memory when I was Skyping with my mother last weekend, and she talked about that my puppy was getting bigger and fatter. I instantly remembered the first time that I met my dog and carefully held him in my arms. I remembered he was fairly light as a newborn puppy, and I felt that his fur was so rich and fluffy. Then I remembered our first encounter ended up with him peeing on my clothes. I also remembering feeling some emotions and details, such as I was feeling excited and happy about this new addition to my family, who had a ... Show more content on ... Semantic memory involves explicit strategy, because when I was explaining critical period to my friend, I was purposefully retrieving that encoded fact from my memory store. But this piece of memory is not related to my personal life, and thus not associated with an experience. III.Procedural Memory a.Definition: It is a type of memory that involves previous learned skills. b.A couple of days ago, I heard a familiar song playing at a party. I instantly remembered that I learned the hip hop dance to the song a few weeks ago. I danced to the whole song with the routing moves that I learned. I completed every move smoothly. However, I was not able to explain the individual moves to other people, because when I heard the music, I just did the dancing without thinking of its individual components. c.It is a form of implicit memory, because I was not consciously extracting memories of individual moves. It is a skill that I learned for which I cannot really elaborate on it. In fact, if I was thinking about its components when dancing, I might have difficulty completing the dance. IV.Priming a.Definition: It s the faster recognition of an object after being exposed to the same or a related
  • 4. Netball Test Introduction Good Morning/Afternoon Mr/Mrs Flynn, My name is Alex Manley and in this assignment I will be selecting one of the three Fitness tests provided for an elite Netball player and critically evaluating the effectiveness of the Octorepeater Test in targeting the energy fitness demands of a Wing Defence position. I will also propose recommendations to the test to improve the effectiveness of the test to Netball. Energy Demands All three energy systems is important to have in a game of netball. Muscles are also need for all three energy systems in a game of netball. Muscles require energy to work, and all energy is provided by a chemical in our cells called Adesonine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is only stored to last for a couple of seconds. There are three energy systems which make up of anaerobic and aerobic parts in our body. The anaerobic system is split into 2 energy systems Creatine Phosphate (CP) and Lactic Acid (LA) System. These two systems do not need oxygen as ana means no and aerobic meaning air. The ATP PC (Alactacid) energy system is the predominant engine used by athletes competing in short duration, high intensity power events (Macmilian et el. 2010 pg.109). If we suddenly begin sprinting, the ATP has to resynthesise very quickly. The quickest way is a chemical reaction that uses creatine phosphate (CP) which is found in the muscle cell. There is only enough CP to resynthesise ATP for about 10 seconds. It takes several minutes of rest or low
  • 5. Should We Let Astrology Affect Our Thinking Or Perception... Should we let astrology affect our thinking or perception towards life? In today s society, astrology has been an extremely fascinating belief and study among certain social groups. Many people are used to refer to the daily horoscope in newspapers and popular magazines. However, a large group of scientists and philosophers such as Thagard (1978) consider that astrology is a pseudoscience, but there is a small amount of scientific evidence on whether if it is truly a pseudoscience or not. Some of them discuss that the psychological belief in astrology of oneself is the consequence of his or her desperation in finding solutions to their personal problems such as marriage and career which can somehow affect their life because of its psychological effects (Bennett, 1998). Besides, astrology is considered as an ancestor of modern science which is supported by two aspects of discussions (Thomas, 1971). Furthermore, most scientists hold the opinion that astrology can not be trust because it is lack of scientific support. Nevertheless, according to Fitts Fitzgerald (1977), the fate of one person is determined at some level which is inevitable and inescapable. Moreover, Konstantinides (2004) contradict the idea that constellations are supposed to determine the characteristics of oneself in that everyone is different somehow even for twins. At last but not least, some experts claim that people do not necessarily understand themselves and others through astrology. That is why we
  • 6. Organization And Nursing Mission And Vision Organizational Analysis Memorial Hermann Hospital, Texas Medical Center (TMC) is the largest not for profit healthcare system in Texas. The organization serves Houston and surrounding communities with a total of 12 facilities. This particular campus is an academic level one trauma hospital located in the heart of the TMC. The TMC is one of the biggest leading medical centers in the world and has approximately 50 medical facilities and around 20 hospitals. Memorial Hermann HospitalTMC encompasses several specialty areas such as transplant, burns, neurology, cardiovascular, trauma, general medicine, specialty surgery, pediatric, and air ambulance service. The hospital is licensed for 1,082 bed capacity (Memorial Hermann Hospital, 2015). Memorial Hermann has also accomplished movement in the community that includes clinics for health and wellness, and was categorized as one of the top five largest health care systems in the nation by Truven Health for patient safety and quality (Texas Medical Center, n.d.). Organization and Nursing Mission and Vision The mission and vision statement not only gives an explanation of what or who you are as a company or corporation. A mission and vision statement also articulates what an individual or an organization seek to strive for, the aspiration to flourish and involve members for years to come (Remvig, 2010). The Memorial Hermann Hospital organization is a community owned level one trauma academic facility which details their
  • 7. Brain Science Beliefs Many people may or may not know the stories and lives of Phineas Gage, Henrietta Lacks, and Douglas Mawson. What you should know is that they all impacted the scientific community in major ways. Whether they changed brain science, changed how we study and search for cures for diseases or changed how people study and explore the Antarctic. Although their experiences may have been very different, they all greatly impacted the scientific community. Whether it s about how Phineas Gage suffered major brain injury and underwent possible changes within himself; This changed how we look at brain science forever. Or whether it was how Henrietta Lacks suffered through cancer and died unknowingly that her cells were going to be used in laboratories around the world. Lastly, while leading the biggest exploration of the Antarctic of his time; Douglas Mawson who had to push for his life and suffer many losses in the most unforgiving environment on this planet. What makes their situations similar is that these people contributed a lot to science through their unusual cases to the scientific community whether they wanted to or not. Douglas Mawson had it worst; This is because he had to push for his life and it was his choice to continue his research and exploration, knowing he may or may not come back alive Arguably Douglas Mawson could be seen as one of the worst of the situations. As Douglas Mawson suffered the loss of fellow explorers, equipment, food, dogs and dog sleds. Mawson
  • 8. What Are The Jim Crow Laws The Jim Crow laws according to Pilgrim, was more than a series of rigid anti Black laws. It was a way of life. (V.) These laws happened everyday for blacks and it formed into a way of life for them. Often time s these laws were completely unjust and made Blacks have to work a lot harder in life or struggle to get by in life. For instance A Black male could not offer his hand with a White male because it implied that they were socially equal (Pilgrim). That law in general is outrageous and shows how the White peoplethought of blacks and wanted them to be on the bottom of the totem pole. There were some reasons that these laws were put into place and enforced. One of these was because doctors said that they were inferior to whites. Whites
  • 9. Dreams And Its Effects On Dreams Dream content reflects aspects of waking life experiences. After memories are made, they are often fragmentally merged with other information to construct larger, holistic dreams. Autobiographical memories are predominantly represented in dreams in comparison to episodic and semantic memories. Among various characteristics from waking life experiences such as places, people, and events, emotions are highly incorporated into dreamcontent. There is also a decreasing relationship between the cognitive demand of an activity and the frequency in which that activity occurs in dreams. Dreams tend to include material from experiential memories and events from the preceding day as well as experiences from 5 7 days prior. The recurrence of memorycontent in dreams seems to support the hypothesis that dreaming helps with memory consolidation, or particularly the content which is reflected in dreams. Keywords: dreams, memories, day residue effect, emotions Introduction Dreaming, although a substantial component of our nighttime lives, remains somewhat of an enigma due to the fact that it occurs while we are unconscious. The inaccessibility of the unconscious mind weakens full analysis and comprehension of dreaming which researchers have been attempting to accomplish. However, over the years many researchers have elucidated many mysteries about dreams, such as when we dream, why we dream, and what we dream about, in order to bring forth an understanding of dreams as well as identify
  • 10. Persuasive Animal Shelter Essay Every year in the United States lots of lost, abandoned, or not wanted dogs and cats come to the animal shelters. Out of these animals some are lucky to be adopted into a responsible loving home, but there are still lots of animals not in home causing even healthy animals being euthanized due to the capacity of the shelter. There are clear solutions for overpopulated shelters that society need to keep in mind. In this report will cover spray and neuter, euthanasia, adoption, and animal shelters. Spray and Neuter Every year many animals are killed in the United States animal shelters, because the animals can t find a home. Many can say reproduction has a big deal to with the overpopulation in animal shelter, and they are right. Male animals contribute in animal overpopulation due to them not being sterilized. One unsterilized male can make a lot of babies with a lot of female animals. Irresponsible owner let their pets breed, when the owner can t take care of the litter usually those animals are dropped of animal shelters and some of those animals don t ... Show more content on ... The animal that are not put in shelters are put out in the street to survive by themselves and exposed themselves to disease. Because of low funding shelters it causes overpopulation in shelters because there s no funding for more space, supplies, and staff. Lots of shelters take volunteers but some don t even have the experiences to deal with the situation that they will be faced. Many animal shelters do not have veterinarians/hospitals to help animals, most veterinarian only open half the day then full time duty. Low funding is one of the causes why animal shelters are overpopulated, because if there was a solution were the government were to spend more money on animal shelters it helps animals get into homes faster, and not worry about being in the streets. Many shelters accept donation for food, pet supplies, and time to help around the shelters, that one solution that helps the
  • 11. Essay on Neil Degrasse Tyson Accomplishments of Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson I chose to research Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson because he has been an extraordinary role model for many people, both young and older. He has helped make learning about astronomy appeal to a much bigger audience than most have previously been able to do. He is a very intelligent man and has made many contributions to this world in his lifetime thus far. Dr. Neil deGrasse Tysonwas born October 5, 1958 in New York City, New York. He graduated from the Bronx High School of Science and went on to earn his BA in Physics from Harvard University, his MA in Astronomy from the University of Texas at Austin and his PhD in Astrophysics from Columbia University. Dr. Tyson is the recipient of eighteen ... Show more content on ... According to Dr. Tyson s profile at, in 2001, Dr. Tyson was appointed by President Bush to serve on a 12 member commission that studied the Future of the US Aerospace Industry and again in 2004 to a 9 member commission on the Implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy. In 2006, the head of NASA appointed Dr. Tyson to serve on its prestigious Advisory Council. For five seasons, beginning in the fall of 2006, Tyson appeared as the on camera host of PBS NOVA s spinoff program NOVA ScienceNOW, which is an accessible look at the frontier of all the science that shapes the understanding of our place in the universe. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, Dr. Tyson strayed away from traditional thinking in order to keep Pluto from being referred to as the ninth planet in exhibits at the center. Dr. Tyson has explained that he wanted to look at commonalities between objects, grouping the terrestrial planets together, the gas giants together, and Pluto with like objects, and to get away from simply counting the planets. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) confirmed this assessment by changing Pluto to the dwarf planet classification (Hayden Planetarium). Dr. Tyson is one of the most in demand science experts. He gives talks across the country and is a media favorite whenever there is an important science issue making news. Dr. Tyson is known for his ability to make difficult
  • 12. Designing Design And Application Design Because RPP was unable to have the application developed at this time, objectives 5 7 were unable to be completed. However, the modified objectives were successfully completed. These objectives encompassed creating an up to date GeoMedia database compatible with Smart Client, designing the application, and performing an economic feasibility study. Moreover, the application design involved all technical sight triangle calculations. Once RPP has the financial resources available, the application design is ready to be sent to the developer for building. 6.1Database and Application Design 6.1.1Data The database has successfully been updated and implemented into GeoMedia. Each attribute has not been filled, except Crossing ID, Railway,... Show more content on ... Adding this category allows the inspector to know prior to arrival that they can skip the crossing. (Crossing Accessibility) Cross Accessibility is a new piece of data being collected. Crossings classified according to the road class (grid, highway, or urban) and the crossing class (public, private, or GS). Generally speaking, public crossings are inspected whereas private crossings are not; they are not under MHI jurisdiction. However, if a private crossing is publicly used, it can be deemed appropriate to inspect. Moreover, where there is public right of way crossing a rail right of way, even if there is no developed roadway, it is technically a public crossing. However, these undeveloped crossings are not inspected, as there is no road. However, RPP wished to retain these data points. A crossing accessibility attribute s purpose is to further distinguish public and private crossings so an inspector can know prior to visiting the site whether the grade crossing should be inspected or not. A crossing s accessibility can be considered normal, publicly used (PU), or undeveloped (UD). GS, normal private, and UD public crossings are not inspected. Normal public and PU private crossings are inspected. PU public and UD private crossings are not possible combinations. In the application, these accessibility options will be unable to be selected once a crossing classification is chosen. For example, once a crossing is
  • 13. Elizabethan Music Music During The Elizabethan Era During the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First (1558 1603), English art and culture reached a high point known as the top of the English renaissance. Elizabethan music experienced a change in popularity from sacred to non religious music and the rise of instrumental music. Experienced musicians were hired by the Church of England, the wealthy, and rising middle class. Queen Elizabeth I greatly enjoyed music and played the lute and virginal herself. She also believed that dancing was a great form of physical activity and hired musicians to play for her while she danced. While she was queen, she employed about 70 musicians and her interests were to be adopted by those she ruled over. All noblemen were... Show more content on ... They were equal to a modern town s band. The role of the Waits was to perform at public events that would be viewed by the town and were supposed to play original composed music. Street musicians or travelling minstrels were frowned upon. They were often feared by the community and grew out of style when they were replaced by tavern and theatre musicians. Street music was often heard at markets and fairs, and was usually light and quick. They performed using instruments such as fiddles, lutes, recorders, and small percussion instruments gathering crowds when they played. According to elizabethan music, the songs they played and sang were traditional favorites, a far cry of the sophisticated and refined music of the Elizabethan court . Due to the increasing popularity of music, theater became popular itself. Location was very important to a theater musician, as the location gave different effects to the sound produced. This could create the illusion of distance or providing an atmosphere to the plays and performances. With the rise of William Shakespeare in 1556, theater music became even more popular. Composers Many composers of the Elizabethan period are still known today. William Byrd (1539 1623) is one of which and is considered by many to be one of the greatest of the Elizabethan composers. He was the main composer of religious music and many of his songs still
  • 14. Mister Tackling Conflict and Poor Teamwork Prevention Ultimately there is no guarantee that we will be able to prevent conflict. The point was made in the section entitled, What causes conflict? that the complex dynamics between people in social interaction will inevitably lead to conflict sooner or later. However, there are steps that we can take to try to keep conflict to a minimum not to prevent it altogether (as that would clearly be unrealistic), but rather to prevent certain occurrences at least. Many conflicts can be seen to arise as a result of a breakdown in communication. A key issue, therefore, in preventing conflict is the importance of ensuring that communication takes place as effectively as possible. Conflict frequently ... Show more content on ... Conflict is concerned with difference. If we were all the same, then there would be little or no conflict. However, thankfully we are not all the same, and so part of the price that we pay for the richness of diversity is that conflicts will arise at certain times. Conflict can be seen to arise from the incompatibility of aims between individuals and/or groups that is, what I am trying to achieve and what you are trying to achieve. If they are significantly different, they can lead us into conflict. Two main problems can arise there. First, we may feel uneasy about the conflict and the tensions that it raises, and therefore try to pretend it is not there, to fudge the issue or brush it under the carpet. This can lead to significant problems in so far as the situation may be allowed to fester and go on for a much longer period than is necessary if we are not prepared to deal with it and move on. Second, we may cause problems by dealing with the conflict in a way which escalates the tensions between us. For example, rather than deal with any conflicts between us constructively and amicably, we may use the opportunity to attack one another, thereby leading to unnecessary additional problems. These, then, are the two main (but not only) problems associated with conflict: fudging and escalation. The short answer to the question of what causes conflict is quite simply, life. Bringing people together in social interaction necessarily involves a set of interpersonal
  • 15. Parenting In Amy Chua s Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior Some may think that parenting is easy and some think that parenting is difficult. Parenting can be difficult due to how it takes a lot of time. However, it becomes easy once a child learns. It is important to be a good parent for a child because that way a child builds his or her understandings of life in general. A child is raised by good parents because they are like good mentors. Good parents will help raise and guide their children to success. A child is raised successful once it develops the ability to imagine according to Alison Gopnik in Possible Worlds as well as develop the ability to discover ideas from conversations according to Sherry Turkle in The Empathy Diaries . However, Amy Chua in Why Chinese Mothers are Superior believes that it is best to raise their children to succession using threats. Well some may say that Chua s use of threats is great for children to understand about life, but personally, it only hurts a child. Her use of threats and aggression only creates a bad environment for children to live in. It may cause children to feel shameful about themselves at times. Most likely, a child who is raised with such harshness will develop bad character which places them in a bad area. It becomes more important for a child to be raised by good parents who provide them with good care and safety that way a child happily lives successfully. Parents should raise their child in a way where he or she is put into a happier environment so that confidence is
  • 16. Columbia Space Shuttle Research Paper Investigation: In 1972, NASA after several attempts started the Space Shuttle Program for space exploration, commercial purposes, and national security tasks and it started developing Columbia as one of the first shuttles in the program. In early of 1981s, Columbia completed its first space mission. On January 2003, Columbia Space Shuttle was ready for STS 107 mission and its 28th flight. The mission was to transport two teams of scientists (7 astronauts in total) to conduct over 80 experiments in 16 days with 12 hour shift time. Day 1 NASA launched Columbia Space Shuttle after long trouble free preparation on January 16th, 2003, from Kennedy Space Center in Florida (KSC). However, 81.6 seconds later apiece of insulating foam came off from
  • 17. The National Institute Of Deafness And Other Communication... The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorder calculates that about 2 percent of older adults have disabling hearing loss. The NIDC uses the decible of hearing loss at 35 decibels or more in the better ear which is the level at which adults could generally benefit from hearing aids. The medical term for old age related hearing loss with no other causes is Presbycusis. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) the term elderly or aged refers to persons aged 60 years or above. These statistic are ever changing and will continue to increase as people are living longer and will continue to live longer. As a person ages its normal to lose some of the perceptiveness of hearing. Presbycusis doesn t remove hearing completely however this small deficiency can get worse over time. Most people with presbycusis just lose the ability to hear at a higher tone. This makes it harder to understand others speech. In order to understand how this affects people we must first understand how soundtravels through the earinto the brain. The ear is made up of three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear is responsible for collecting the sound wave, the middle ear increases the sound energy and transmits the sound to the inner ear and finally the inner ear transforms the sound waves into nerve impulses and sends them to the brain. When the sound wave passes the ear canal there is a vibration in the eardrum which affects 3
  • 18. Coral Bleaching Issues In Overfishing 1. Policy Description Introduction Worldwide we are facing an epidemic of large scale Coral Reefs bleaching themselves white. Although white coral is not dead it is likely to die shortly after bleaching. The main problem is global warming, this causes overfishing, pollution and rising ocean temperatures with more acidity. Global warming is an issue that affects our planet, especially in the ocean. This problem has also an economic and political impact because If the reefs vanished, experts say, hunger, poverty and political instability could ensue. In 1980, NOAA s marine biologist started noticing the coral bleaching. There has been three important coral reef bleaching events in the history. The first global bleaching event El NiГ±o was in 1998, it was a huge underwater heatwave killed 16% of the corals on reefs around the world . The second bleaching event was in 2010 and was called La NiГ±a. This event affected especially areas near Palau and Micronesia in the Pacific. In October of 2015, NOAA announced the third global bleaching event in which has already become the longest event recorded, affecting coral reefs for consecutive years. Main reasons of coral bleaching: Change in ocean Temperature: increased ocean temperature drastically caused by climate change is the leading cause of coral bleaching. Runoff and Pollution: Storm generated precipitation can rapidly dilute ocean water and runoff can carry pollution bleaching near shores corals. Overexposure to
  • 19. What Did The Founding Fathers Promise Us Knights of columbus The bills of rights and the Amendments of the Constitution fulfill and secure that the Founding fathers promise freedom in the democracy that is the united states of America. The Bill of Rights and the Amendments are part of the world and that the Founding Fathers changed them. What did the Founding Fathers promise us? The Founding Fathers promise to us was life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The meaning of the promised to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is that all men are created equal. Also that they are endowed by their creator without their unalienable Rights. The day that the bill of rights stared was in the 1791. They served as the cornerstone of the basic
  • 20. Women s Clothing Industry Report Women s Industry report: This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of a general line of women s ready to wear clothing. This category also includes establishments primarily engaged in the specialized retail sale of women s coats, suits, and dresses. Custom tailors primarily engaged in making women s clothing to individual order are classified in SIC 5699: Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores. Industry Snapshot In 2005, $36.7 billion was spent at stores devoted exclusively to women s apparel, a jump of more than $2 billion from 2004 and more than $4 billion from 2003. While the discounters, namely Target and Wal Mart, were continuing to do well, the more upscale stores were seeing a new surge ... Show more content on ... By the 1920s, it was considered more fashionable to buy clothing from a store than to make it at home. For many years, the department store and the downtown women s shop were the mainstays of women s wear retailing. Department stores offering a vast selection of goods and specialty stores catering to unique tastes dotted the urban landscape. For those with enough money, shopping became a social event. Along with the growth of women s clothing retailing came the increasing importance of fashion. The women s apparel industry established a voice in government through the National Retail Federation (NRF), the trade group representing the entire spectrum of the nation s retail industry. In the early and mid 1990s, the NRF lobbied the U.S. Congress on issues such as minimum wages and the proposed health care plan. The NRF was opposed to an increase in the minimum wage on the grounds that many retailers would have to close down operations or fire staff to meet expenses with a higher wage base. In 1994, Women s Wear Daily reported that the NRF opposed the Clinton administration s proposed universal health coverage on the grounds that more than 700,000 jobs would have to be eliminated in all retailing. At that time only 35 percent of retail workers received health care benefits. The NRF supported a plan that emphasized offering health
  • 21. What Does The Machine Represent In The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby film is a 2013 epic romantic drama film based on F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel. F.Scott Fitzgerald evoked popular music of his period, and was criticized because jazz was ephemera of the moment. The idea to fuse traditional jazz and modern hip hop created an art form unto itself. The songs in the film epitomize the 1920s as wells as the characters of the novel in many distinctive ways. Primarily, the cover of the song Crazy in Loveby Beyonce Knowles is used in a scene to express a heightened nervousness of Gatsby when he was anxiously waiting to be reunited with Daisy Buchanan at teas with Nick Carraway. This amusing scene gave a comic relief to the film ; and was ironic when showing the great Gatsbywas too vulnerable. Furthermore, the song Young and Beautiful written by Lana Del Ray which repeats... Show more content on ... Moreover, in the song Over the Lover by Florence and the Machine dramatically and beautifully elucidates the themes of the film. For example, in the lyrics quote. I don t wanna see what Iove done which signifies someone you know you can t have which unleashes great emotion. In addition, it states the green light which is a representation of Gatsby s dream of being with Daisy he sees, in other words,he sees his future in her eyes. Along with, tore yellow dress which is the distance that separates and pain and suffering that both had to endure. In conclusion, in the film The Great Gatsby establishes a stylized past through modern beats . The song choices were very clever way of wapping universal lyrics around themes, while the lyrics fall beautifully with the themes of the film. The soundtracks depict romance and tells the story at the same time fills the audience with real yearning which sets the heart of the story. It illuminates real sadness in the story and that s reflected beautifully in the film. In addition we see Gatsby s wistfulness,and his intense idealism upon revisiting the past, while unrelenting
  • 22. The Treatment Of Indigenous Australians Treatment of Indigenous Australians Indigenous Australians are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals of Australia, plummeted from gatherings that existed in Australia and encompassing islands preceding European colonization. There is incredible assorted qualities among various Indigenous people group and social orders in Australia, each with its own particular blend of societies, traditions and dialects. In present day Australia these gatherings are further separated into nearby communities. At the season of starting European settlement, more than 250 dialects were talked; it is as of now evaluated that 120 to 145 of these stay being used, and everything except 13 are thought to be endangered. Aboriginal individuals today generally communicate in English, with Aboriginal expressions and words being added to make Australian Aboriginal English. Native individuals basically lived as seeker gatherers, chasing and scavenging for sustenance from the area. Albeit Aboriginal society was by and large versatile, or semi itinerant, moving as per the changing sustenance accessibility found crosswise over various regions as seasons changed, the method of life and material societies fluctuated incredibly from locale to district, and there were lasting settlements and agriculture in a few ranges. English colonization of Australia started with the entry of the First Fleet in Botany Bay in 1788. One prompt outcome of British settlement was a progression of European pandemic
  • 23. Pro Mammatrix Research Paper As some of you may or may not know, I used to be a Pro Dominatrix. The list of fetishes or kinks I catered to in my past was a mile wide. Id like to touch on one in particular that I used to do called Sissyfication. In other words, I would take men. dress them up as women, make them imitate women and feminize them. For some, these actions I used to force upon them was an ultimate form of humiliation. To srip them of their naatural manhood, and to subject them to imitate a woman was so unnatural to them. Now I understand why many was so uncomfortable to this aspect of kink. It was due to the fact that I was forcing them to be molding into something God had not created them to be. Throught the years I discovered the many different facets of feminization. I had an uncanny ability to push men, their boundaries and their limits because I had sixth sense of the things they hide deep into their souls.... Show more content on ... I recall that that stunt in particular caused an uproar with some folks...but I was apathetic to it. I was proud. I was boastful. I was sinful and I marveled in the notoriety that particular action gave me. Over time I met a plethora of men who would confess to me that they were crossdressers in secret, and they wore their wife s clothes, makeup and so forth when they weren t around. I cant tell you how many men I met out there who was into crossdressing. So when I see a man like Bruce Jenner who is now professing to be transgendered, I call baloney on
  • 24. Congress Standing Committees Coat tail election . This is when the president s races coincides with the elections that are being run in congress, and the party that the president belongs too will more than likely gain more seats in Congress because the new president that was just elected was also a member of that party. The president elect was elected because he has shared his vision for the direction that he wants the country to go in, which in turn makes the people that voted for his party for president also vote for the same party congressman. For example, president elect trump won the white house he is a republican, because of this the house and the senate are now in the majority by republicans. Bicameralism This is the practice of having two legislative houses... Show more content on ... Subcommittees are responsible to work within the rules that the higher up committee has established for them. Subcommittees minimize resistance to potential legislation by forming congressmen that is smaller than a normal committee. Drafted bills are sent from the subcommittee to the committee that the subcommittee reviewed marked up and they either rejected it or sent it to the floor. Only around 10% of bills actually make it out of committee, subcommittees are important because the filter out a ton of bills that never had a chance of making it to the
  • 25. Chin A Long And Painful Past Kenya Jett Professor Huang/ Liang BUS 339 December 1, 2014 China, being one of the oldest civilizations, has a had a very long and painful past. In 1927, only sixteen years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Civil war broke out between the Kuomintang (nationalists) and the Communist parties of China. In 1931, Mao Zedong was elected as Chairmen of the Soviets Republic of China. During the span of five years, Nationalist leader Chiang Kai Shek launched four Blockades against Mao. The majority of these blockades were unsuccessful because Under the leadership of Mao, the Communists employed guerrilla tactics to successfully resist the first four campaigns, but in the fifth, Chiang raised a huge force and built fortifications around ... Show more content on ... After realizing that defeat was certain the Communists hierarchy decided to take Agent Otte Braun s advice, initiating a full scale retreat from Jiangxi with a push for a communist base in Hunan where the Chinese Communist s Party Second Army was based. The retreat which was to be called the Long March started in October 1934 . The Red army started the Long March with over 87,000. With them, the solders brought items such as typewriters, printing presses, 33,000 guns and over a million ammunition cartridges. To their disadvantage, the printing presses and typewriters hindered their movement, causing them to take 40 days to get through encirclement. Then they were attacked at Xiang by the Kuomintang. In the Battle of Xiang, the Red Army Red Army lost 45,000 solders more than 50% of their men . This poor strategy suggested by Braun consisted with the Red Army to march in a straight line and as a result the Kuomintang was able to predict their every movement. After the large loss of solders the Chinese communist Party Braun was suspended and Mao was handed control of the Red Army. Mao decided to change the destination of the Long March. His new target was the Shaanxi province. Located in the north of China, the journey was physically demanding as it crossed a very difficult environment. The Red Army had to cross the Snowy Mountains, some of the highest mountains in the
  • 26. Electromagnetic Radiation Is Good For Humans Electromagnetic radiation is good for us humans because it helps us in many ways. One example on why electromagnetic radiation is good for us is the uses it helps us with. Uses like medical x rays, observing the internal structure of objects, airport security scanners, and killing cancer cells. As it states in Ck12, Electromagnetic Spectrum. Therefore, in our daily lives, we use many different radiation waves without even knowing. Electromagnetic radiation describes and ranges the wavelengths of all light going from radio waves to gamma rays. Electromagnetic radiation is good for us humans, although they have disadvantages, there are more good uses of electromagnetic radiation than bad uses of electromagnetic radiation. Another
  • 27. Brandon Bonifacio Biography In May, 2013, in a small school called Robert s Ferry, a fifth grader was waving goodbye to all of his well made friends in his school. His whole life was ahead of him, and he had already accomplished multiple things at his school, educationally or not: clearly smartest kid, surrounded by friends, for he was very charismatic and had amassed a friend army of his entire class, and was planning on becoming a Chemical Engineer, for which he had already planned his High School classes, which would be followed by scholarships to UC Merced/Stanford, and then he would travel to CalTech in Southern California to earn a PhD in Engineering. He would miss his friends over the summer, but he knew that he would see them again next year; he also just joined... Show more content on ... He had retained a 4.0 G.P.A throughout his time at Hickman, and was ready to continue his learning. However, his eighth grade year was not going to be as exciting as his seventh grade year, for all he had to do was maintain his goals that he established in his seventh grade year. He played Flag Football in the first trimester, Basketball in the second, and Track in the third, and now is at home writing his What I Have Learned narrative wondering what he will write next, for he still has to create an imaginative way to straightforwardly tell his teacher what he has learned throughout his three years at Hickman Middle School so his teacher does not have to search his narrative for a theme, as Brandon originally intended. He will probably add a Three Things I Have Learned paragraph at the end to make it easier on the teacher. After he writes that paragraph, he will continue his life as he planned it to be way back in Elementary school, adapting to obstacles, good or bad, that pop up during his journey through
  • 28. Analysis Of The Book Leading From The Second Chair The book Leading From the Second Chair discusses what it is like to lead from the second chair. This was a semi new concept for me. I have always heard of leadership and know that it is something special, however, I never thought of leading from the second chair. This phrase means being a leader but not the person in charge. This is something that is foreign to me. I have always though that a leader is in charge of their section and other leaders are in charge of their section and eventually they come together to put it all together. However, though going through the experience of my internship and going through this book and leadershipclass I have learned that this is not the case. When you lead from the second chair you are... Show more content on ... pastor. A Sr. pastor is over the whole church and untimely is where most people look when they see problems going on in the church. The Sr. pastor tends to be the face of the church, just as the president is the face for the United States. To be a second chair leader to the pastor you are either an associate minister, or a small specific type of minister, for example youth, children s, young adults, and so on and so forth. So if you are an associate minister, at least in the United Methodist Church, you may want your Sr. pastors job but you do not really have any say who will get it or not, so most of the time you just do not fight with them. If you are a small specific type of minister you more than likely do not want the Sr. pastor s job because that is not where your calling is or you would not be doing this job. While that is the basis of the structure it is also important to remember that while the Sr. pastor is over those in the second chair more likely than not the Sr. pastor wants your input on things and wants you to succeed. If your Sr. pastor does not want you to succeed then you need to find a different job. With that in mind the first chair is not some one that you should fight with over things but someone you should listen to and bounce ideas off of. I currently use this information while at my internship. Every week I meet with my Sr. pastor to go over the things that I am doing in
  • 29. Summon Night 5 Analysis Summon Night 5 is a strategy JRPG and part visual novel. At the start of the game you can pick to play as one of two characters, Arca or Folth. I played mostly as Folth in this review but I did try out Arca to see if the story changed but it seemed to stay the same besides the characters gender. Very early in the game you will be saved by a Cross or in other terms the character that will become your summon. The Cross you get depends on what item you give it as a reward for saving you early on in the game. I got a mechanical cross named Dyth. The story plays out visual novel style so be papered to read a lot, luckily the story here is well written. After meeting his or her cross the players character will go off to become a summoner of the Eucross. The Eucross is an order who keep peace among the different types of entity s from different dimensions who all live in the mostly peaceful city of Savorle. To advance the story along the player will travel a big map going to each area that is gold to talk to certain characters. After doing this you will come to an event where you will end up in a fight. Always save before a event or you may very well lose hours of play. My only problem with the story wasn t with the story its self but there are a few typos her and there. The battles are turn based meaning you get to move all of your characters and use actions and then end your turn and your enemies will do the same. At the start of each battle you will be able to select what units you want to use and then you will start the battle. There s a bit to theses battles as in if you lose ... Show more content on ... These affinity levels will have an outcome on what ending you may get and some of the dialog may also change. What character you play as and what cross you get may also change the ending you will
  • 30. The Perception of Pain in Conjunction to the Mind and Body... The Perception of Pain in Conjunction to the Mind and Body The Perception of Pain in Conjunction to the Mind and Body Pain is something that connects all of us. From birth to death we can identify with each other the idea and arguably the perception of it. We all know we experience it, but what is more important is how we all perceive it. It is known that there are people out there with a high pain tolerance and there are also ones out there with a low pain tolerance, but what is different between them? We also know that pain is an objective response to certain stimuli, there are neurons that sense and feel pain and there are nerve impulses that send these painful messages to the brain. What we don t know is where the pain ... Show more content on ... It helps an individual recognize that something is wrong. It alerts our body that we may have some kind of ailment or that the stove is hot and if we continue to touch it, we are going to damage the skin on our hands to the point of no repair. Pain also has a side that is not as well understood. Pain can be suggested and eventually felt through the process of hypnosis, pain can also be felt at times where there is no know stimulus. Pain is very often felt, but much less understood. The International Association for the Study of Pain defined pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage (Unk, 2007). Pain being described such as this allows us to see that pain is a perception, not unlike seeing or hearing. Pain is the most common reason that people seek medical attention but pain is very hard to define because it is subjective. Pain perception is the process by which a painful stimulus is relayed from the site of stimulation to the central nervous system (Freudenrich, 2008). In order to determine if pain is a perception of the mind or if it is biological we must first understand how the process of pain works. If we look at the brain as if it were a central computer that controlled all of the bodily functions, then we would refer to the central nervous system and the network that relays messages to and from the
  • 31. The Social Responsibility Of The Workplace Introduction Archie Carroll defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the social responsibility of business encompassing the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of these organizations at a given point in time. (Crane, 5) Interesting enough, there has been an abrupt growth of firm s engagement in CSR within all industries. This is the result of growing requests from the civil society demanding firms, of all sizes, to legitimize their practices. (Crane, 4) More importantly, workplace issues have become an integral part of corporate social responsibility. This includes a firm s lacking efforts in its occupational health and safety, and its fair pay and conditions, amongst others. (Crane, 253) As employees reside in the midst of companies engaging in corporate social responsibility, the reputation of the firm relies profoundly on ensuring all those within the in house workplaces as well as the outsourced workplaces are treated justly and within the operating country s legislation. (Crane, 253) Further to this, social injustice that occurs can negatively affect the firm s reputation and brand favorability. (Crane, 254) Therefore, it was within the firm s best interests to fulfill their core corporate responsibilities in the workplace. Albeit corporations may have the intention to act within labour standards, circumstances do arise where the rights of employees are neglected and the morality of the firm is questioned. The Past of
  • 32. Essay on Hispanic and Latino Spirituality Hispanic and Latino Spirituality Crystal Davila ENG 301 American Ethnic Literature University of Phoenix Julie Kares October 22, 2012 Hispanic and Latino Spirituality Throughout our life s each day we communicate with each other through the exchange of information. Our verbal and nonverbal communication skills are used to process this information. Speaking, listening, and body language are our ability to understand the meaning of communication that we develop throughout our lives. This brings me to understand why we develop new things every day and learn the reasons for different things. However, in the Hispanic /Latino literature they express spirituality, magic, and myth play as an important role in their literature. For ... Show more content on ... However, as Americans we are able to turn to what we have learned growing up. Once we are born our family, siblings, and our own culture influence us. We are bought up with certain beliefs and traditions. However, I do think that culture does influences how people are permitted to be expressed and how they are perceived. As for social experience people react to different experience in different ways. If someone has been in a certain situation I believe they learn from that experience. This brings me to the certain unfairness, stereotypes, and myths about Hispanic /Latino culture. While growing up we experience some of these types of situations. When we think about a Hispanic/Latino person we think about tamales, tacos, rice and beans which is a stereotype. However, Susie Jans Thomas wrote Beyond Tamales, Tacos, and Our Southern Neighbors: Exploring Latino Culture in Child and Young Adult Literature to show that there is more to them then just those expressions. I believe we have all experienced or witnessed racism, power abuse, and felt lost in one point of our lives. This just shows that we need to try to work harder and together more. Therefore, I do believe I am a better person today because I came from such a loving family. This is something that families are missing throughout the world and that is love, religion, and quality time with loved ones. To me this is why the world is becoming the way it is because there are so many people who do not care or
  • 33. Swahili Research Paper It was amazing. I learned all about the history of Swahili. Beginning in the 13th century, Swahili and the surrounding areas were ruled by the Shirazi dynasty until 1498 CE. During this time, the people of Portugal began their conquest of the area. During my arrival I had difficulty with the language. I ve found the whole Swahili coast has its own language made of a combination of the Bantu descendants and Arabic trader s native languages. When I was there trade was bustling. So many cultures mixed because there were merchants from China, India, Arabia, and Persia. When I was in Kongo I found out this guy named Lukeni Iua Nimi united many terrorist groups under his rule. He was called the manikongo, which means king. Even into the 17th
  • 34. Penis Enlarment Research Paper Web is filled with penis growth ways and it will possibly get very elaborate to choose out the correct ones. So let s clear the air round them, once and for all. The ways that in reality work are penis extenders, usual penis workout routines and penis tablets, whereas, those that are regarded rip offs are penile surgeries (phalloplasty), peniscreams and weights. Even among the many extenders, workouts and tablets, unless you know the correct ones, which you can become inflicting first class damage to the wellness of your penis. So, listed here we ll throw some gentle on one of the crucial effective approaches of enlargement: Penis pills. As mentioned earlier it is rather foremost that you choose only for the most safe and natural form of ... Show more content on ... They are customarily a combo of a large variety of infrequent and potent herbs. How do penis enlargement capsules work? The basic methodology at the back of all such powerful drugs is riding blood to the male organ. Not like artificial medicinal drugs, these pills provide permanent outcome. The new penis size that you will obtain after a month of use will probably be irreversible in nature. What are the genuine tangible outcome in terms of size and girth? With the aid of those capsules, which you can quite simply gain as much as 25 per cent in the girth and around four inches broaden within the length of your reproductive organ. The other benefits will be in the form of better erections and extended manage over ejaculations. Why will have to I decide upon penis drugs in any case? The benefits won from using these tablets are the absolute best among all varieties of growth methods. In addition, the outcome are speedy, secure and everlasting in nature. They are proven products which have already been used by thousands of men with special backgrounds and unique penis sizes. Penis drugs definitely are probably the most wanted enlargement system within the reward
  • 35. My Learning Experience In English CONTEXT It seems that learning a foreign language has never been an easy job and it takes a lot of time, sometimes all your life to master it (Brown, 2000). Among the four main skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, the first one could be considered the most challenging and the most crucial because it includes all other kinds of knowing (Ur, 2012). Until now, I can still remember how difficult it was to develop this particular skill when I was in high school. In this essay, I will clearly describe my learning experiences as a grade ten student trying to improve the speaking skill through English lessons at high school. When I was in high school, I was studying in Nguyen Thuong Hien High School, one of the most famous schools in Ho Chi Minh City at that time and I was placed in an English intensified class, which meant that most of my classmates was very good at English. My class was such a big one with 46 members, including 38 girls and only 8 boys. Instead of studying 5 periods a week with the course book approved by Ministry of Education, we had 4 ... Show more content on ... During the periods working with the course book, I followed my teacher s instructions, did everything she asked us to do. Nevertheless, at weekend I went to an English club at my high school. Here I had the opportunity to literally communicate in English though it was quite hard for me at that time. The club had 2 instructors, who were also the English teachers of my school and they were very helpful and friendly as well. They encouraged us to speak English by pointing out the good things that we could get if we mastered English, such as having the ability to communicate with foreigners, getting a high paid job in the future or a scholarship to study abroad. Those things were very appealing and it helped to create motivational as well (Ur, 2012). Thanks to the aid of the club, I became more confident to work with my friends in the group
  • 36. David Hume Virtues As such, we understand the use justice, but also other virtues are only as important so long as they are useful and agreeable not to the business of an individual but also to public utility. Where this view on the utility of vices and virtues, both aspects of public and private morality are determined by sentiment. It defines virtueto be whatever mental action or quality gives to a spectator the pleasing sentiment of approbation; and vicethe contrary. This definition is in close relation to the question posited at the end of the previous section on the approval of the happiness of mankind and the resentment of is misery. It can be said that the said approval or disapproval, the gut feeling translates to one s understanding of what Hume... Show more content on ... Our approval of those traits arises from sympathy with people in the individual s narrow circle of friends and associates, since, given natural human selfishness, we cannot expect people s concerns to extend farther. By adopting the common point of view we correct for the distortions of sympathy by entering into the feelings of those close to the person being evaluated even if they are remote from us. The mechanism of sympathy ultimately accounts for this approval and the corresponding disapproval of the natural vices. Sympathy also explains our approval of the artificial virtues whereas we approve each individual exercise of such natural virtues as gratitude and friendship because we sympathize with those who are affected by each such action when we consider it from the common point of
  • 37. Norfolk Southern Essay Norfolk Southern hast his way of taking their time when it comes to hiring sessions. They are in no hurry and/or they are on a time element and have to schedule the hiring sessions when they are available... However, they do a lot of traveling to these sessions and have to hold them when they have the time. They are very busy people with a heavy schedule because the hiring sessions are usually for the same positions like conductor, track worker, signal trainee, and freight car repairer. They post these positions are posted on their website as well as the laborer positions. You have to factor in retirements as well as death. That is why many of these positions are having a regular post on Norfolk Southern s website. Year after year the same
  • 38. Manuscript Text Or Running Head Manuscript text. In order to maintain anonymity during the peer review process CCN requires that the author s name or institution are not included in the manuscript text or running head (AACCN, 2015). An initial literature search was conducted to retrieve resources that where used to examine the topic and develop the outline of the manuscript text. An explanation of the literature search is discussed further below. Upon conducting the literature search, the resources were examined for main themes, and organized according to similarity. To assist with outlining the sub sections and main arguments, the themes were organized using the sun diagram method described by Sheridan and Dowdney (1986). Results of the sun diagram are presented below... Show more content on ... Next, the barriers that prevent open visitation and the implications for practice will be acknowledged. The main barriers preventing open visitation that will be briefly introduced (a detailed discussion will occur in the later portion of the text), and include skewed nursing perceptions, gaps in knowledge about the beneficial effects of unrestrictive family presence, and lack of formal visitation policies. It will be argued that the main implication for practice is decreased patient and family satisfaction resulting from incongruent visitation practices (Mitchell, Chaboyer, Burmeister Foster, 2009). Finally, the solution of educating nurses about the benefits of an open visitation policy on patients and families will be proposed. Rationale for the solution will be provided. Purpose statement and aims. The introduction will provide context for the following purpose statement: the purpose of this review article is to gain a better understanding of how critical care patients and families can benefit from open visitation policies. The review article aims to answer the following three inquiries: How do nurses perceive open visitation and how do these perceptions impact visitation practices? What are the perceived advantages and disadvantages of open visitation for patients and families? What considerations need to be made when developing a
  • 39. Maya Angelou Mom And Me And Mom The story Mom Me Mom explains how a little girl was abandoned by her mother at 3 years old. In the story Maya Angelou describes her experiences and how she dealt with her abandonment. Later in the story she goes back to her mother and slowly repair their relationship. Sometime around 2008 Maya Angelou got interviewed about her book Mom Me Mom. The interviewer asked her questions about what it was like to be abandoned by her motherand how it felt to reunite with her mother after 10 years of living with her grandmother. In the interview she gave somewhat of an inside that we didn t get while reading the section in Mom Me Mom. She describes her mother and images were shown of her mother. This also helped with the process of understanding.
  • 40. Explain How The Ethos, Aims And Values 3UNDERSTAND SCHOOL ETHOS, MISSION, AIMS AND VALUES 3.1 EXPLAIN HOW THE ETHOS, MISSION, AIMS AND VALUES OF A SHOOL MAY BE REFLECTED IN WORKING PRACTICES. First I will explain what each of the above means as follows: ETHOS This is the school s values and beliefs it feels. It is usually based on a philosophy or atmosphere of the school. MISSION This is the school s overall intention, as set out by the Head Teacher. It is often equivalent to a motto and should be short, simple and easy to remember. AIMS This is usually found in the prospectus or school literature. The Head Teacher will usually set it. VALUES They are based on the school s moral code, which will inform its development.... Show more content on ... the social services and the health authority. There are five basic outcomes and these are: * Improve the well being for young children and reduce inequalities * Ensure there is sufficient childcare to enable parents to work * Provide information to parents about childcare * Ensure that local childcare providers are trained * Introduce the Early Years Foundation Stage for the under 5 s * Reform the regulation
  • 41. Investigating Precision And Accuracy Of Experimental... Comparing and Contrasting Liquid Volumes to Determine Precision and Accuracy of Experimental Measurement Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to compare and contrast liquid volume reading values of different measuring devices, determining the precision and accuracy of experimental measurement. This was done through use of a graduated cylinder, a serological pipette, and a variable volume pipette. In laboratories, many kinds of containers and devices are available for measuring liquid volume. For example, graduated cylinders are used to approximate measurements, Serological Pipettes are used to more precisely measure volumes, and variable volume pipettes measure liquids even more accurately. [1] These containers are labeled with marks or values, normally along the sides, which indicate the volume they may contain. The manufacturers place the labels through a method of calibration. Since these containers and devices are all calibrated differently they all have distinct tolerances for measurement accuracy. Materials and Methods: The measuring devices used in this experiment are as follows: A Fisher Scientific 25 mL graduated cylinder, a Greiner Bio one 10 mL serological pipette, a VWR International 100 1000 mL variable volume pipette, a 20 mL scintillation vial, and a AWS 600 weight scale. This experiment consists of four methods, of measuring and weighing room temperature water using the different devices, each method repeated five times. Method one is to
  • 42. Xerxes Invasion Xerxes invasion of Greece was unsuccessful due to myriad causes. Being a son of a great King Darius, he was coerced to live up to his Father s name and be as a mighty sovereign as King Darius was. Xerxes failure evolved around his mannerisms, as he was a man who was irresolute and need persuasion. Only after he was given that assertiveness, was he able to go forth with decisions. His tactics that he performed during the Battle of Thermopylaeand the Battle of Salamisalso portray Xerxes defeat of the invasion of Greece. King Xerxes I was the son of King Darius the Great, arguably the greatest monarch in all of the ancient world 1. Unlike his more successful father Darius, Xerxes actions did not strengthen the Persian Empire, but led ... Show more content on ... CAIS The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies. 1998. Though Xerxes had a huge army, in that small space he could only use a fraction of his men at a time. Xerxes sent group after group of Persian warriors into the pass. The Greeks, who had better armor and longer spears (Sacks 246), slaughtered each group of fighters. Even Xerxes elite legion of Immortals The Battle of Thermopylae was very important as a delay tactic and because it made the Persians overly confident. It allowed the Athenians time to evacuate their city and send the elderly citizens and the city s treasure to the island of Salamis and the women and children to safety in Troezen while preparing the men for a naval battle (Pomeroy et al 194). After Thermopylae, Xerxes was so confident that when the Greeks sent him a message through a slave of Persian descent, he took their bait and fought a naval battle that he was not prepared for (Baker 89). A storm at Artemisium had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae. SALAMIS WAR Xerxes was so confident with himself, that when the Greeks sent him a message through a slave of Persian descent , he took their bait and fought a naval battle that he was not prepared for (Baker 89). Despite a storm occurring at Artemisium, which had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae, he still sent his ships to the narrow straits at Salamis (Pomeroy et al 196). Xerxes was
  • 43. Design And The Pursuit Of Innovation It all started in 1995 when Kevin Plank, a special team s captain on the University of Maryland football team, noticed that the cotton the T shirts he and his teammates wore underneath their pads were always soaked and heavy with sweat. Plank said There has to be something better . He didn t realize but that one, simple remark would soon launch the performance apparel Under Armour. After he graduated, he set out to make a superior T shirt one that stayed light and dry even in the nastiest conditions and Mr. Plank has grew is organization form that. Under Armour, Inc. is an American sports footwear, clothing and accessories Company. Today, Under Armour produces the world s most innovative performance footwear, apparel, and accessories and ... Show more content on ... Under Armour is a great organization and produces an awesome product. It s one of the fastest growing sports apparel companies because of its ability to product new products with state of the art ideas and design. With Mr. Plank s mission to make every athlete better their pursuit to keep advancing their product will be never ending. It has evened or surpassed the likes of Nike and Adidas in a short time with their new product lines that keeps being developed, with this approach they are stating ahead of their competition. Their products has a great look, is comfortable, relaxing, and gives you an athletic look. It s a State of the art line of footwear, clothing, and performance apparel, for men, women, youth, and babies. The leader and founder of Under Armour is the President, chief executive officer, chairman of the board, and founder of under armour is Kevin Plank. Mr. Plank has served as our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors since 1996 and as the President from 1996 to July 2008. Since August 2010 Mr. Plank also serves on the Board of Directors of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame, Inc. and is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Maryland College Park Foundation. Mr. Plank set the foundation for his company from the beginning. Brad Dickerson is the Chief Financial
  • 44. Teeth Staining Research Paper 3 Medications That Can Cause Teeth Staining Most people know that smoking, drinking coffee, and eating acidic food can cause teeth staining, but were you aware that medication can cause it as well? Here are three medications that may be causing unexpected teeth staining, and how to correct the problem. Antihistamines People that have allergies can depend on antihistamines to give them relief. However, the drug may be detrimental to the color of your teeth. Antihistamines can actually cause your teeth to become discolored because the medication inhibits your production of saliva. Since saliva play a key role in keeping your mouth clean of debris that can cause stains, regular use of antihistamines can become a problem for your teeth. Antihistamines cause surface level stains, and there are several options to treat the problem. In addition to regular flossing and brushing, speak with your dentist about using whitening gels. These kits can be used at home, and work by applying a mild peroxide to your teeth. ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, these medications can cause your teeth to become yellow. If the teeth staining is a problem, speak with your doctor about alternative medications that can be just as effective, but do not have the side effect of discoloring your teeth. If you absolutely must stay on the medication that is causing tooth discoloration, dental bonding may be the solution you are looking for. Your dentist will apply a resin to your teeth that will cover the stains and help rough up the surface. A thin substance that is similar to putty is molded onto each tooth, and then hardened with a UV light. The surface is polished, and your tooth will have a natural white color to it. Dental bonding can be completed in one visit, and is an affordable process that can produce results that are beautiful and
  • 45. Cause And Effect Of Kidnapping Kidnapping is a global and historic issue all around the world, and although government is doing all that they can to ensure that kidnappers are captured and punished, the numbers are steal increasingly high. Kidnapping is abducting and holding anybody captive. There are many causes of kidnapping, among them are unemployment, poverty, religion, and so on. The rate of kidnapping in North America is attracting the attention of people all over the globe. Some people have even taken it as their business. The disappearance of children in the United States is not unheard of, either, and it is one of the things that the security in our country is working on. According to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the U.S. The act of kidnapping has made so many people lose their reasoning, like why would someone do this? It is just wrong. As of December 31, 2016, according to the FBI s NCIC, there are 88,040 active missing personrecords, and children under the age of 18 account for 33,706 (38.3%) of the records. NISMART 12 reported that from the years 1997 to 1999, of the 797,500 children missing in a one year span, 203, 900 were abducted by family members and 58,200 were abducted by non relatives; 118,000 were classified as being taken by a stranger. Reading those statistics blew my mind, honestly you can t even trust the same people you be with every day, the same people who tell you that they love you,
  • 46. Ten Principles of Knowledge Management Introduction Many companies are beginning to feel that the knowledge of their employees is their most valuable asset. They may be right, but few firms have actually begun to actively manage their knowledge assets on a broad scale. Knowledge management has thus far been addressed at either a philosophical or a technological level, with little pragmatic discussion on how knowledge can be managed and used more effectively on a daily basis. At this early stage of knowledge management in business, the most appropriate form of dialogue is not detailed tactics, but rather high level principles. When an organization decides what principles it agrees upon with respect to knowledge management, it can then create detailed approaches and plans ... Show more content on ... 3. Knowledge management is highly political. It is no secret that knowledge is power, and thus it should not surprise anyone that knowledge management is a highly political undertaking. If knowledge is associated with power, money, and success, then it is also associated with lobbying, intrigue, and back room deals. If no politics appear around the knowledge management initiative, it is a good indication that the organization perceives that nothing valuable is taking place. 4. Knowledge management requires knowledge managers. Key business resources like labor and capital have substantial organizational functions devoted to their management. Knowledge won t be well managed until some group within a firm has clear responsibility for the job. Among the tasks that such a group might perform are collecting and categorizing knowledge, establishing a knowledge oriented technology infrastructure, and monitoring the use of knowledge. Several professional services firms already have knowledge management roles in place. McKinsey, Andersen Consulting, Ernst Young, Price Waterhouse, and A.T. Kearney all have Chief Knowledge Officers in place. Buckman Laboratories reoriented its Information Systems organization to become managers of knowledge, and now calls the group the
  • 47. Orthostatic Hypotension Case Paper I have selected case number 1. An 85 year old man came to the emergency room with palpitations for a few days. He states that he sometimes feels light headed and dizzy. The patient s heart rate is elevated and irregular. As he goes from a sitting position to a standing position he becomes light headed and dizzy. In taking orthostatic bloodpressure you notice that they are positive. Orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension happens when blood pressure drops as you stand from a lying position. This drop in blood pressure causes the patient to become dizzy and light headed. This condition happens more frequent in people of advanced age. His heart rate is fast and irregular. I suspect the rhythm of his heart is atrial fibulation (afib).
  • 48. Obesity Alliance Research Paper Weight is a complicated and sensitive issue, and it is challenging when it comes to weight conversation. Overweight and obesity direct to adverse metabolic possessions on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. Several misperception of the result of obesity occur because of used of different BMI cut offs, and because the occurrence of various medical situations concerned in the development of obesity may complicate the effects of obesity itself. The non fatal, but devastating healthproblems related with obesity includes respiratory difficulties, chronic musculoskeletal problems, skin problems and infertility. The more severe problems fall into four main areas: CVD problems; situation related with insulin resistance such as type 2 diabetes; a few types of cancers, mainly the hormonally related and large bowel cancers; and gallbladder disease. The possibility of developing Type 2 diabetes and hypertensionincreases suddenly with the continuation of body fatness. In United... Show more content on ... Which the main goals are (1) to guide and inspire improvement around treatment, intervention and illness management by engaging to help, build up and disseminate best practice for the treatment and avoidance of obesity. (2) Strengthen system of care for patients with overweight and obesity, (3) arrange diverse stakeholders to address related problems to the care of patients with overweight and obesity, (4) defining and catalyzing an innovative research program for the care of patients with overweight and obesity, (5) identifying, implementing and evaluating strategies to reduce physical activities of patient with overweight and obesity, and (6) reducing stigma to progress in health
  • 49. She Walks In Beauty Poetic Devices Throughout time, love has proven to be one of the strongest motivators of mankind. It has served as the motivation for both war and peace. One of the greatest contributions love has made to mankind is that of art. Poetry and music are methods of art that people use to express love. These methods are effective because of the poetic devices they use to describe love. In both the love poem She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron and the love song Just the Way You Are by Khari Cain, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Bruno Mars, and Khalil Walton poetic devices are used to describe love for a woman. While Cain, Lawrence, Levine. Mars,and Walton in Just the Way You Are use hyperbole and repetition to express love in their song, Lord Byron in She Walks in Beauty more effectively uses simile and juxtaposition express love in his poem. The song Just the Way You Are is about a man telling a woman how beautiful she is and how much he loves her for who she is, although she does not believe him. The writers use repetition to present love for a woman. They choose to repeat specific features of the woman that makes her... Show more content on ... The basis of the song is to emphasize the love that the speaker has for the woman he is speaking about. Hyperboles are an over exaggeration used to emphasize a comparison in literature. The speaker says that when the woman smiles the whole world stops and stares for a while (17). This a clear over exaggeration, as there is no possible way the whole world would know that she is smiling and it is highly unlikely that everyone would stop and stare at her. The speaker says this to express his love for her. When he says that the whole world stops and stares for a while (17), he actually means his own personal world that revolves around his love stops and stares for a while (17). The speaker uses a hyperbole to describe the importance that his love s smile has in his life