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First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
March 2024
• Scout Sunday
• Lenten Study
• Holy Week Events
• Tiny Home Care Baskets
• Dedicate Easter Lilies
• Celebrating Black
Heritage Month
• Easter Sunday Worship
GOOD NEWS is published monthly by
First United Methodist Church of North
Hollywood, California 91601
Phone (818) 763-8231
The Rev. Dottie Escobedo-Frank
Rev. Melissa Roux MacKinnon
District Superintendent
Rev. Chamie Delkeskamp
Senior Pastor
Kelsey Packman
Director of Music | Worship Leader
Roger Eshleman
Nylean Rapinac
Membership & Financial Secretary
Patty Kelsey
Director, Program Ministries
Tonya Peat
Director, Digital Outreach
April Anderson
March = Hope
I vividly remember the elementary school bulletin board. Construction
paper grass and flowers and bunnies we are along the bottom. On the top,
in cut letters, it read: March, in like a lion and out like a lamb. In my “little
girl from South Dakota” view point, I thought that meant that though the
cold winds of winter were ferocious like a lion in the beginning of March,
by the end, it would finally start to warm like a cute and cuddly lamb.
March was the month that I would let myself start feeling hope for spring.
For as long as I can remember, I have associated March with hope.
Do you need a little hope right now? Have the last few months, perhaps,
been hard for you? Are you having health struggles? Or financial woes?
Out of work, or disliking work? Or wrestling with a relationship - or lack
thereof? Or maybe it’s just a “meh” season for you and a breath of fresh
spring air would be so good for your soul. Even if it has been a bright and
light winter for you, who couldn’t use a good dose of hope?
At the end of this month, we will celebrate the hope of all hopes… that
death is not the end of the story, for resurrection and new life always
follows death. This is a good month to gather as the people of God. We
are reminded that though life may be bleak and hard, hope does, indeed,
get the last word. Hope does spring eternal.
So I encourage you to come to worship this month. Gather for fellowship.
Find your way onto to the church campus to get your dose of hope. And
may you also know that hope can be found in helping others. I love how
author Anne Lamott put it, “By showing up with hope to help others, I’m
guaranteed that hope is present. Then my own hope increases. By creating
hope for others, I end up awash in the stuff.” This month, we are
collecting all sorts of items to fill Easter baskets for our neighbors down
the street in tiny homes. We could call them “hope baskets” and this act of
kindness will help us find some hope, too.
I am praying for you this month. If you are struggling to find hope, I’m
open for a chat and a cup of tea. You can call the church office or email
me at
In the Hope of Christ,
Pastor Chamie
March 3 What Must I Do? Mark 10:17-31
The rich man wondered what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus, full of compassion for the man,
gave a challenging answer. Is there something we must let go of to receive life in its fullest?
March 10 The Most Important Commandment
The religious leaders of the time had many rules and regulations. But Jesus gives the best of all Cliff
Notes when he summarizes the most important commandment.
March 17 Keep Watch *Mark 13:32-37
It is so easy to get caught up on the hamster wheel of life. We get lost in calendars and scrolling and the
itsy bitsy life. But Jesus says, “Keep watch.” We are invited to keep our eyes wide open to the work of
March 24 Palm Sunday What Triumph Looks Like Mark 11:1-11
Holy Week begins with “triumph.” What does triumph look like? Jesus turns things upside down. Be sure
to bring a friend to church today! We will have distribution of palm fronds and Holy week in a box, a
children’s praise parade at the start of worship, and we will assemble 75 Easter Care Baskets for Tiny
Home Chandler Residents!
March 28 Maundy Thursday Gathered at the Table Mark 14:12-26
Jesus invites EVERYONE to the table… the sinners, the liars, the betrayers… the faithful and the
fearful… the curious and the confidant. Please join us in Boyer Chapel at 7pm.
March 29 Good Friday The Darkest Day Last Words of Christ
Jesus enters death to defeat death. Please join us in Boyer Chapel at 7pm.
March 31 Easter Fear to Faith Mark 16
The women at the tomb go from grief to fear to faith. The Easter Story invites us to believe that death is
not the last word and life springs anew. We offer two worship services this morning: 6:30 AM Sunrise
Service in the Courtyard Patio (followed by continental breakfast) and 10:30 AM Traditional Worship in
the Main Sanctuary.
*These two chapters of Mark we will read out of order so that we are reading the events of Holy Week and Easter Sunday on
their designated days. When you read Mark 12 and 13, keep in mind that Jesus is telling these stories in the midst of Holy Week.
How might that timing make a difference? Why might Jesus have wanted to say these things near the end of his earthly life? How
might the disciples have heard them in the midst of an intense week… and maybe even more importantly, after the resurrection?
*Mark 12:28-34
Lent & Easter 2024
We continue to read through the Gospel of Mark as we
journey through the forty days of Lent.
Lent is one of the “fasting seasons” of the church. One
way to look at the fast is that we give up something - or
somethings - that get in the way of us growing in our
relationship with God, which in turn means growing more
and more into the person we were made to be. So make
time to keep digging into Mark’s story about Jesus and see
how these stories might shape and form you.
Sermon Series
Volunteer at our Easter Festival!
We need lots of people to help with games, popcorn, greeter and hiding eggs this
morning! Volunteers please arrive at 9AM. The event is held in our South Lot with an
egg hunt on campus in the courtyard and school quad.
Sign up with Letha Watts in the Sunday School Room!
We also could use help with individually wrapped candies to fill our plastic eggs!
Please bring your donations to church on Sundays. We also accept cash donations.
Soup Supper at Six
Bible Study
Hitchhiking with Jesus
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
March 6, 13, 20
Grab a cup of soup as Pastor Chamie shares a
lesson each week from a resource called
Hitchhiking with Jesus.
Free will offering for soup.
Please be sure to sign up by calling the church
office or via Sign Up Genius so we know how
many to plan for soup:
Parking available in the North Lot
Enter via Bakman Ave.
Sunday, March 24
10:30 AM Palm Sunday Service
Palm fronds & Holy Week-in-a-box distributed
Easter Basket Assembly for Tiny Home NOHO
Holy Monday - Wednesday
March 25 - 27
Self-guided Meditation
Labyrinth Walk in Social Hall
10 AM - 5 PM
Maundy Thursday & Good Friday
Extended Labyrinth Hours
10 AM - 7 PM
Thursday, March 28
7:00 PM Maundy Thursday
Worship in Boyer Chapel
Good Friday, March 29
7:00 PM Service of Shadows
Boyer Chapel
Saturday, March 30th
10:30 AM Children’s Easter Festival
South Lot
Sunday, March 31st
6:30 AM Sunrise Service
On the Patio
Continental Breakfast to Follow
10:30 AM Easter Worship Celebration
Main Sanctuary
- - - -
Labyrinth Meditation Walks are self guided.
You will have a prayer stone that you will
walk with and may let go of your prayer
stone in a basket in the center of the labyrinth
or keep it as a token of your experience.
It is time to order your Easter Lilies!
A gorgeous Easter Lily cross is erected in the chancel of the
Sanctuary every year. The lovely plants are given in memory and in
honor of loved ones and are $10 per plant.
The plants may be taken home following the 10:30 am
worship service on Easter Sunday, March 31st.
Your Name ______________________________________ Phone Number ________________________
Please Circle One:
(In Memory) or (In Honor) of _____________________________________________________________
(In Memory) or (In Honor) of _____________________________________________________________
(In Memory) or (In Honor) of _____________________________________________________________
Total Number of Lilies Ordered _________ @ $10.00 per plant Total Due ______________
On Palm Sunday, March 24, we will be
assembling 75 Easter Care Baskets for
Hope the Mission’s Tiny Home Village in
North Hollywood on Chandler Ave.
Easter Care Baskets will have a
combination of full-size hygiene items, new
socks and underwear, towels and some
Easter treats for each guest that stay in a
Tiny Home. We are also adding tied fleece
Many thanks to Jonathan Laciste, who
donated a number of items via his
company. Thank you to everyone who
brought in new socks, underwear, and jog
bras. As well as feminine hygiene items.
Baskets & Cellophane - $150 (ordered) Large box Facial Tissue $95
Shower Gel - donated Notepad & Pen $80
Body Lotion - donated Cotton Swabs - donated
Wash Cloths - donated Bandaids $ 50
Hair Brush $ 95 ` Chapstick $ 80
Toothbrush & Toothpaste - donated Nail Clipper & File Set $90
Easter Candy & Goodie Bags $150 Shampoo - donated
If you would like to donate a share or donate for the entire item order of 75, please specify on your
offering/giving envelope. Thank you in advance for your support. We have received almost $400!
As the new chair for the NoHo FUMC Board, I wanted to introduce myself and why I chose to take on
this position. For over a decade, NoHo FUMC has been a sanctuary and a family for me through seasons
of joy and sorrow. I am grateful that on Sundays I get to come to this place to worship without judgment
and pause to enjoy fellowship with people who are excited to share their lives with each other. This is why
I felt called to give back through my service on the board and as chair.
staff, and working closely with the pastor to implement the vision for the church. I hope to foster a place
where all feel involved, heard, and valued.
Please feel free to reach out to me with your concerns, suggestions, or questions. I also hope to bring
consistency and transparency to the business side of church. I have worked this week with Pastor Chamie
and April to create a space in our online files for the board. This will establish a centralized place for all
board members to share information not only during our time on the board, but as board members
change in the future. Additionally, we have set up a new email for the chair, which is currently me, and
one for the board to simplify how to contact the board and to allow new chairs to have access to the
history of communications: (nsert new emails)
Thank you for trusting me to serve NoHo FUMC.
Lisa Cheby
I am excited to work with this board in its task to support the many
gifts in our congregation.
We have a fabulously talented and knowledgeable staff committed to
growing NoHoFUMC. Our congregation is welcoming, generous,
and humble.
I bring to the board my experience as a librarian, educator, and
leader in my union and in the California School Library Association.
My approach to leadership is collaborative and inclusive. I work to
have faith in the talents and experiences of those around me. I see
my role as supporting and representing the congregation, the lay
members and ministers of the church, supporting the work of our
Our Main Sanctuary Turns 75!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 14, as at
worship and a lunch following worship, we will
celebrate 75 years in our sanctuary!
If you have ideas for this day, you can write them
after this week's worship on the big post-it notepad at
fellowship time. If you would like to help plan this
day, please let Pastor Chamie know by emailing her
Ash Wednesday landed on Valentine’s
Day this year! Pastor Chamie spent the
entire day blessing us with distribution
of ashes in the morning, right out on
Tujunga and then leading a meaningful
worship service in Boyer Chapel at
7pm. It was a beautiful and blessed day
of love and grace.
Celebrating Black Heritage
We are grateful for the faithful members of our
church family for bringing us meaningful moments in
celebration of black heritage throughout the month
of February.
Thank you to: Norman Kelsey, Rachel Mottaz,
Sherri Perry, Morenike Lake, Mychal Guyton, Lisa
Cheby, and Myriel Tyree.
Partnering with Wesley School
We are pleased to announce that Greg
Armbrister has been selected as the next Head
of School for Wesley, officially beginning next
school year. He is currently an assistant head
of school.
Wesley did a national search for this position.
When the final four finalists were chosen,
Pastor Chamie got to meet with each one. In
Wesley's job description of the position, they
noted that Wesley was an independent school,
but shared a warm relationship with the
Pastor Chamie asked every candidate the same
question, "What do you think it looks like to
have a warm relationship with the church?"
She really liked what Greg Armbrister had to
say about learning from each other and about
working together on things like service
learning projects to bless our community.
We are happy to be working with Greg and ask
you to join us in prayer for him as he
transitions into this new position.
Souper Bowl Collection
200 cans of soup went to the pantry!
Thank you for bringing in soup!
(Pictured: Phillip Lester, Director of NHIFP)
Butterfly Garden
Pastor Chamie and the students at Wesley took the
next step in the butterfly garden by transplanting
native plants that are either “host” plants for butterflies
or “nectar” plants. To receive certification, there must
be a minimum of three different plants in each
category. The students also seeded many plants in the
box. Now we can all await anxiously to see what
blooms and blossoms! We also need to give thanks to
Phil Roche, Ken Ellis, and Joel and Erik Hernandez for
their work on removing the stump and installing new
water piping.
Wishing you many blessings on your birthday!
Love, Your Church Family
• Hanna Ye-Books is recuperating at home and is now able to
go into the office for a few hours, a few days a week. She
thanks those that chipped in for food and groceries during
the beginning of her time in the hospital.
• Keyen Pimental, was just in the hospital for observation/
testing for a seizure. Maybe epilepsy. He has been released.
Keyen is very young and needs prayers of strength and
Please take a moment from your day to lift up these friends. If you have any prayer requests, please
contact the church office at (818) 763-8231 or email Should you request a
Pastoral call or visit, please also contact the church office to schedule a time with Pastor Chamie
March 1 Jerry Acosta
March 1 Willa Koenigsaecker
March 1 Barbara Roberts
March 2 JoAnn Parnell
March 3 Joe Forgione
March 7 Ed Webster
March 8 Michael Kent
March 11 Zachary Thomas
March 12 Pat Sucher
March 17 JoAnn Roche
March 18 Sue McDonald
March 19 Bridget Deason
March 28 Evangeline Fetterman
March 28 Anne Roche
March 28 Ethan William Forgione
March 29 Sherri Perry
March 29 Alycia Watts
March 30 Joan Becker
March 30 Daniel Cox
March 30 Eli Cox
March 30 Carrie Downs-Minetree
March 30 Deborah Moore
• Scott Peat’s sister-in-law, Katie Peat, has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma with lesions on her
femur and pelvis bones. They will do a brain scan and she will begin oral chemotherapy. Please pray
for the Peat family during this time.
• Orlando Almonte was discharged and sent to a rehab assisted living location as he heals from multiple
health concerns. He is on dialysis, had fluid overload, a heart blockage, and sepsis. He is unable to
stand up and walk.
• Peggy Webster had her first round of chemo for breast cancer and is really suffering.
• Kari, John Walter’s sister, was diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment.
• Rhonda Scott is still recovering after a severe stroke several years ago.
• Amy Pimental and her son have been doing better but prayers are welcome as they manage life.
• DeAnne Hayes is in a special Alzheimer facility and Byron has been at home without her. He is lonely
and misses DeAnne terribly.
• Doug Eboch is doing well at home and still undergoing physical therapy.
• Homebound: Joyce Cunningham, Margaret Allen, Dottie Vick, Jo Anne Roche, Rhonda Scott, and
Margaret Doggett.
March 3 Third Sunday in Lent. Purple.
Exodus 20:1-7; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22; Mark
March 10 Fourth Sunday in Lent. Purple.
Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21; Mark
March 17 Fifth Sunday in Lent. Scout Sunday. Purple.
Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12; Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33; Mark
March 24 Palm Sunday. Purple.
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Mark 11:1-11
March 28 Maundy Thursday. Purple.
Exo. 12:1-4, (5-10) 11-14; Ps. 116:1-4, 12-19; 1 Cor.11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35; Mark
March 29 Good Friday.
Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Psalm 22; Hebrews 10:16-25; John 18:1-19:42; Mark
March 31 Easter Sunday. White.
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Acts 10:34-43; 1 Cor. 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8; John 20:1-18; Mark
Sunday Worship Services are Posted Online Monday| Worship In-Person at 10:30 AM
YouTube @nohofumc
Communion will be served, in-person, on March 3rd, 28th, & 31st during worship.
Lenten Study Schedule with Pastor Chamie - EVERY WEDNESDAY
6:00 PM - Meet in the Lounge for Soup Supper and Bible Study
Hitchhiking with Jesus
POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to:
First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601
“NoHoFUMC is a community that practices the all-inclusive and transforming love of God as modeled by the life
and ministry of Jesus Christ. We celebrate our diversity in race, ethnicity, marital status, sexual orientation, gender
identity, age, gender, ability, citizenship, and socioeconomic status. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we welcome all people
into the full participation of the life of the church.”

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Our online "Good News" for March 2024 is available

  • 1. First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood GOOD NEWS e-mail: March 2024 IN THIS ISSUE: • Scout Sunday • Lenten Study • Holy Week Events • Tiny Home Care Baskets • Dedicate Easter Lilies • Celebrating Black Heritage Month • Easter Sunday Worship GOOD NEWS is published monthly by First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood, California 91601 Phone (818) 763-8231 The Rev. Dottie Escobedo-Frank Bishop Rev. Melissa Roux MacKinnon District Superintendent Rev. Chamie Delkeskamp Senior Pastor Congregation Ministers Kelsey Packman Director of Music | Worship Leader Roger Eshleman Organist Nylean Rapinac Membership & Financial Secretary Patty Kelsey Director, Program Ministries Tonya Peat Director, Digital Outreach April Anderson Administrator March = Hope I vividly remember the elementary school bulletin board. Construction paper grass and flowers and bunnies we are along the bottom. On the top, in cut letters, it read: March, in like a lion and out like a lamb. In my “little girl from South Dakota” view point, I thought that meant that though the cold winds of winter were ferocious like a lion in the beginning of March, by the end, it would finally start to warm like a cute and cuddly lamb. March was the month that I would let myself start feeling hope for spring. For as long as I can remember, I have associated March with hope. Do you need a little hope right now? Have the last few months, perhaps, been hard for you? Are you having health struggles? Or financial woes? Out of work, or disliking work? Or wrestling with a relationship - or lack thereof? Or maybe it’s just a “meh” season for you and a breath of fresh spring air would be so good for your soul. Even if it has been a bright and light winter for you, who couldn’t use a good dose of hope? At the end of this month, we will celebrate the hope of all hopes… that death is not the end of the story, for resurrection and new life always follows death. This is a good month to gather as the people of God. We are reminded that though life may be bleak and hard, hope does, indeed, get the last word. Hope does spring eternal. So I encourage you to come to worship this month. Gather for fellowship. Find your way onto to the church campus to get your dose of hope. And may you also know that hope can be found in helping others. I love how author Anne Lamott put it, “By showing up with hope to help others, I’m guaranteed that hope is present. Then my own hope increases. By creating hope for others, I end up awash in the stuff.” This month, we are collecting all sorts of items to fill Easter baskets for our neighbors down the street in tiny homes. We could call them “hope baskets” and this act of kindness will help us find some hope, too. I am praying for you this month. If you are struggling to find hope, I’m open for a chat and a cup of tea. You can call the church office or email me at In the Hope of Christ, Pastor Chamie
  • 2. March 3 What Must I Do? Mark 10:17-31 The rich man wondered what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus, full of compassion for the man, gave a challenging answer. Is there something we must let go of to receive life in its fullest? March 10 The Most Important Commandment The religious leaders of the time had many rules and regulations. But Jesus gives the best of all Cliff Notes when he summarizes the most important commandment. March 17 Keep Watch *Mark 13:32-37 It is so easy to get caught up on the hamster wheel of life. We get lost in calendars and scrolling and the itsy bitsy life. But Jesus says, “Keep watch.” We are invited to keep our eyes wide open to the work of God. March 24 Palm Sunday What Triumph Looks Like Mark 11:1-11 Holy Week begins with “triumph.” What does triumph look like? Jesus turns things upside down. Be sure to bring a friend to church today! We will have distribution of palm fronds and Holy week in a box, a children’s praise parade at the start of worship, and we will assemble 75 Easter Care Baskets for Tiny Home Chandler Residents! March 28 Maundy Thursday Gathered at the Table Mark 14:12-26 Jesus invites EVERYONE to the table… the sinners, the liars, the betrayers… the faithful and the fearful… the curious and the confidant. Please join us in Boyer Chapel at 7pm. March 29 Good Friday The Darkest Day Last Words of Christ Jesus enters death to defeat death. Please join us in Boyer Chapel at 7pm. March 31 Easter Fear to Faith Mark 16 The women at the tomb go from grief to fear to faith. The Easter Story invites us to believe that death is not the last word and life springs anew. We offer two worship services this morning: 6:30 AM Sunrise Service in the Courtyard Patio (followed by continental breakfast) and 10:30 AM Traditional Worship in the Main Sanctuary. *These two chapters of Mark we will read out of order so that we are reading the events of Holy Week and Easter Sunday on their designated days. When you read Mark 12 and 13, keep in mind that Jesus is telling these stories in the midst of Holy Week. How might that timing make a difference? Why might Jesus have wanted to say these things near the end of his earthly life? How might the disciples have heard them in the midst of an intense week… and maybe even more importantly, after the resurrection? *Mark 12:28-34 Lent & Easter 2024 We continue to read through the Gospel of Mark as we journey through the forty days of Lent. Lent is one of the “fasting seasons” of the church. One way to look at the fast is that we give up something - or somethings - that get in the way of us growing in our relationship with God, which in turn means growing more and more into the person we were made to be. So make time to keep digging into Mark’s story about Jesus and see how these stories might shape and form you. Sermon Series
  • 3. Volunteer at our Easter Festival! We need lots of people to help with games, popcorn, greeter and hiding eggs this morning! Volunteers please arrive at 9AM. The event is held in our South Lot with an egg hunt on campus in the courtyard and school quad. Sign up with Letha Watts in the Sunday School Room! We also could use help with individually wrapped candies to fill our plastic eggs! Please bring your donations to church on Sundays. We also accept cash donations.
  • 4.
  • 5. Soup Supper at Six Bible Study Hitchhiking with Jesus Wednesdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Lounge March 6, 13, 20 Grab a cup of soup as Pastor Chamie shares a lesson each week from a resource called Hitchhiking with Jesus. Free will offering for soup. Please be sure to sign up by calling the church office or via Sign Up Genius so we know how many to plan for soup: 10C0C4DA8AD2-47888777-lenten Parking available in the North Lot Enter via Bakman Ave. 2024 Sunday, March 24 10:30 AM Palm Sunday Service Palm fronds & Holy Week-in-a-box distributed Easter Basket Assembly for Tiny Home NOHO Holy Monday - Wednesday March 25 - 27 Self-guided Meditation Labyrinth Walk in Social Hall 10 AM - 5 PM Maundy Thursday & Good Friday Extended Labyrinth Hours 10 AM - 7 PM *** Thursday, March 28 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship in Boyer Chapel Good Friday, March 29 7:00 PM Service of Shadows Boyer Chapel Saturday, March 30th 10:30 AM Children’s Easter Festival South Lot Sunday, March 31st Easter 6:30 AM Sunrise Service On the Patio Continental Breakfast to Follow 10:30 AM Easter Worship Celebration Main Sanctuary - - - - - Labyrinth Meditation Walks are self guided. You will have a prayer stone that you will walk with and may let go of your prayer stone in a basket in the center of the labyrinth or keep it as a token of your experience.
  • 6. It is time to order your Easter Lilies! A gorgeous Easter Lily cross is erected in the chancel of the Sanctuary every year. The lovely plants are given in memory and in honor of loved ones and are $10 per plant. The plants may be taken home following the 10:30 am worship service on Easter Sunday, March 31st. Your Name ______________________________________ Phone Number ________________________ Please Circle One: (In Memory) or (In Honor) of _____________________________________________________________ (In Memory) or (In Honor) of _____________________________________________________________ (In Memory) or (In Honor) of _____________________________________________________________ Total Number of Lilies Ordered _________ @ $10.00 per plant Total Due ______________ On Palm Sunday, March 24, we will be assembling 75 Easter Care Baskets for Hope the Mission’s Tiny Home Village in North Hollywood on Chandler Ave. Easter Care Baskets will have a combination of full-size hygiene items, new socks and underwear, towels and some Easter treats for each guest that stay in a Tiny Home. We are also adding tied fleece blankets! Many thanks to Jonathan Laciste, who donated a number of items via his company. Thank you to everyone who brought in new socks, underwear, and jog bras. As well as feminine hygiene items. Baskets & Cellophane - $150 (ordered) Large box Facial Tissue $95 Shower Gel - donated Notepad & Pen $80 Body Lotion - donated Cotton Swabs - donated Wash Cloths - donated Bandaids $ 50 Hair Brush $ 95 ` Chapstick $ 80 Toothbrush & Toothpaste - donated Nail Clipper & File Set $90 Easter Candy & Goodie Bags $150 Shampoo - donated If you would like to donate a share or donate for the entire item order of 75, please specify on your offering/giving envelope. Thank you in advance for your support. We have received almost $400!
  • 7. As the new chair for the NoHo FUMC Board, I wanted to introduce myself and why I chose to take on this position. For over a decade, NoHo FUMC has been a sanctuary and a family for me through seasons of joy and sorrow. I am grateful that on Sundays I get to come to this place to worship without judgment and pause to enjoy fellowship with people who are excited to share their lives with each other. This is why I felt called to give back through my service on the board and as chair. staff, and working closely with the pastor to implement the vision for the church. I hope to foster a place where all feel involved, heard, and valued. Please feel free to reach out to me with your concerns, suggestions, or questions. I also hope to bring consistency and transparency to the business side of church. I have worked this week with Pastor Chamie and April to create a space in our online files for the board. This will establish a centralized place for all board members to share information not only during our time on the board, but as board members change in the future. Additionally, we have set up a new email for the chair, which is currently me, and one for the board to simplify how to contact the board and to allow new chairs to have access to the history of communications: (nsert new emails) Thank you for trusting me to serve NoHo FUMC. Lisa Cheby I am excited to work with this board in its task to support the many gifts in our congregation. We have a fabulously talented and knowledgeable staff committed to growing NoHoFUMC. Our congregation is welcoming, generous, and humble. I bring to the board my experience as a librarian, educator, and leader in my union and in the California School Library Association. My approach to leadership is collaborative and inclusive. I work to have faith in the talents and experiences of those around me. I see my role as supporting and representing the congregation, the lay members and ministers of the church, supporting the work of our Our Main Sanctuary Turns 75! Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 14, as at worship and a lunch following worship, we will celebrate 75 years in our sanctuary! If you have ideas for this day, you can write them after this week's worship on the big post-it notepad at fellowship time. If you would like to help plan this day, please let Pastor Chamie know by emailing her at
  • 8. Ash Wednesday landed on Valentine’s Day this year! Pastor Chamie spent the entire day blessing us with distribution of ashes in the morning, right out on Tujunga and then leading a meaningful worship service in Boyer Chapel at 7pm. It was a beautiful and blessed day of love and grace.
  • 9. Celebrating Black Heritage We are grateful for the faithful members of our church family for bringing us meaningful moments in celebration of black heritage throughout the month of February. Thank you to: Norman Kelsey, Rachel Mottaz, Sherri Perry, Morenike Lake, Mychal Guyton, Lisa Cheby, and Myriel Tyree.
  • 10. Partnering with Wesley School We are pleased to announce that Greg Armbrister has been selected as the next Head of School for Wesley, officially beginning next school year. He is currently an assistant head of school. Wesley did a national search for this position. When the final four finalists were chosen, Pastor Chamie got to meet with each one. In Wesley's job description of the position, they noted that Wesley was an independent school, but shared a warm relationship with the church. Pastor Chamie asked every candidate the same question, "What do you think it looks like to have a warm relationship with the church?" She really liked what Greg Armbrister had to say about learning from each other and about working together on things like service learning projects to bless our community. We are happy to be working with Greg and ask you to join us in prayer for him as he transitions into this new position. Souper Bowl Collection TOUCHDOWN for TACKLING HUNGER! 200 cans of soup went to the pantry! Thank you for bringing in soup! (Pictured: Phillip Lester, Director of NHIFP) Butterfly Garden Pastor Chamie and the students at Wesley took the next step in the butterfly garden by transplanting native plants that are either “host” plants for butterflies or “nectar” plants. To receive certification, there must be a minimum of three different plants in each category. The students also seeded many plants in the box. Now we can all await anxiously to see what blooms and blossoms! We also need to give thanks to Phil Roche, Ken Ellis, and Joel and Erik Hernandez for their work on removing the stump and installing new water piping.
  • 11. Wishing you many blessings on your birthday! Love, Your Church Family • Hanna Ye-Books is recuperating at home and is now able to go into the office for a few hours, a few days a week. She thanks those that chipped in for food and groceries during the beginning of her time in the hospital. • Keyen Pimental, was just in the hospital for observation/ testing for a seizure. Maybe epilepsy. He has been released. Keyen is very young and needs prayers of strength and peace. Please take a moment from your day to lift up these friends. If you have any prayer requests, please contact the church office at (818) 763-8231 or email Should you request a Pastoral call or visit, please also contact the church office to schedule a time with Pastor Chamie Delkeskamp. March 1 Jerry Acosta March 1 Willa Koenigsaecker March 1 Barbara Roberts March 2 JoAnn Parnell March 3 Joe Forgione March 7 Ed Webster March 8 Michael Kent March 11 Zachary Thomas March 12 Pat Sucher March 17 JoAnn Roche March 18 Sue McDonald March 19 Bridget Deason March 28 Evangeline Fetterman March 28 Anne Roche March 28 Ethan William Forgione March 29 Sherri Perry March 29 Alycia Watts March 30 Joan Becker March 30 Daniel Cox March 30 Eli Cox March 30 Carrie Downs-Minetree March 30 Deborah Moore • Scott Peat’s sister-in-law, Katie Peat, has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma with lesions on her femur and pelvis bones. They will do a brain scan and she will begin oral chemotherapy. Please pray for the Peat family during this time. • Orlando Almonte was discharged and sent to a rehab assisted living location as he heals from multiple health concerns. He is on dialysis, had fluid overload, a heart blockage, and sepsis. He is unable to stand up and walk. • Peggy Webster had her first round of chemo for breast cancer and is really suffering. • Kari, John Walter’s sister, was diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment. • Rhonda Scott is still recovering after a severe stroke several years ago. • Amy Pimental and her son have been doing better but prayers are welcome as they manage life. • DeAnne Hayes is in a special Alzheimer facility and Byron has been at home without her. He is lonely and misses DeAnne terribly. • Doug Eboch is doing well at home and still undergoing physical therapy. • Homebound: Joyce Cunningham, Margaret Allen, Dottie Vick, Jo Anne Roche, Rhonda Scott, and Margaret Doggett.
  • 12. WORSHIP LECTIONARY & LITURGICAL COLORS - YEAR B March 3 Third Sunday in Lent. Purple. Exodus 20:1-7; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22; Mark March 10 Fourth Sunday in Lent. Purple. Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21; Mark March 17 Fifth Sunday in Lent. Scout Sunday. Purple. Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12; Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33; Mark March 24 Palm Sunday. Purple. Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Mark 11:1-11 March 28 Maundy Thursday. Purple. Exo. 12:1-4, (5-10) 11-14; Ps. 116:1-4, 12-19; 1 Cor.11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35; Mark March 29 Good Friday. Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Psalm 22; Hebrews 10:16-25; John 18:1-19:42; Mark March 31 Easter Sunday. White. Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Acts 10:34-43; 1 Cor. 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8; John 20:1-18; Mark Sunday Worship Services are Posted Online Monday| Worship In-Person at 10:30 AM YouTube @nohofumc Communion will be served, in-person, on March 3rd, 28th, & 31st during worship. Lenten Study Schedule with Pastor Chamie - EVERY WEDNESDAY 6:00 PM - Meet in the Lounge for Soup Supper and Bible Study Hitchhiking with Jesus POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to: First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood 4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601 “NoHoFUMC is a community that practices the all-inclusive and transforming love of God as modeled by the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. We celebrate our diversity in race, ethnicity, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, gender, ability, citizenship, and socioeconomic status. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we welcome all people into the full participation of the life of the church.”