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How To Write A Research Paper
In An Hour
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How To Write A Research Paper In An Hour How To Write A Research Paper In An Hour
Polices Affecting Student s Selection
Polices affecting student s selection The new law requires a variety of fruits and vegetables, which are
consist with the DGAs, new standards for offer versus serve, a food based menu planning (FBMP),
new procedures established for menu planning for Age/grade group categories. During
implementation half of grains has to be whole grain rich; two year post implementation all grains has
to be whole grain rich (Public Law 113 179, 2011). The requirements for fruits at breakfast under
7CFR 220 schools must offer 1 cup of fruit daily and 5 cups of fruit weekly. Vegetables may be
substituted for fruits, but the first two cups per week of any such substitution must be from the dark
green, red/orange, beans and peas (legumes) or Other vegetables subgroups, as defined in 210.10(c)
(2). No more than half of the fruit or vegetable offerings may be in the form of juice. All juice must be
100% full strength (7CFR_220 SBP, 2016). All grains at breakfast time must be whole grain rich.
There was no meat/meat alternate at breakfast time. It was allowed only after 1 ounce equivalent of
grains requirement is met (7CFR_220 SBP, 2016). The nutrition standards for National School Lunch
Program require lunches to offer the food components and quantities specified in the meal pattern, five
components which are fruit, vegetable, meat/meat alternate, whole grain rich, and milk. A daily
serving of fruit weekly but over a week no more than half of fruit offered could be in the form of juice.
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Response Paper On Rituals
Response Paper #2 By Yaffa Segal From my understanding, a ritual is something that occurs more
than once and has a meaning behind it. For example, a prayer. A more basic example could be
brushing your teeth every morning after you wake up. Rituals are used both by humans and animals.
Animals often have mating rituals. Humans have been performing rituals since the earliest of times for
a variety of reasons. In the Stone Age, rituals could have been used to communicate with gods or dead
ancestors. They could also have been used to mark different times of the year. For example, the
different seasons. Rituals were a form of symbolic activity. Some rituals even involved masks or other
carvings. Perhaps there was even a ritual for making a carving. ... Show more content on ...
We use many forms of expression in this ritual. First of all, there are certain prayers that are said in
synagogue. The prayers take a lot longer than normal, and generally finish around 2:30pm. On both
the first evening and the second evening we eat simanim, which are symbolic foods. The first is honey
in order to pray for a sweet new year. The custom is to dip an apple in honey. Another food is carrots
so that G d will nullify any bad decrees. We eat beets so that our enemies will be removed. Another
food is the head of a fish. Not everyone eats it, as many do not find it appealing. However, most
people have a tiny piece from it. This is to symbolize that we be like the head and not the tail; always
moving forward, not backwards. We eat leak (or cabbage) so that those who want to hurt us will be cut
off. Other symbolic foods include dates, gourd, beats, and pomegranate seeds. We say a blessing on
each one. One Rosh Hashanah, we wish others a shanah tova which means a good year. Rosh
Hashanah is a time for judgement. G d writes your fate for the year. On Rosh Hashanah it is written
and on Yom Kippur (about a week later) it is sealed. On Rosh Hashanah we are praying that G d will
give us a sweet, new year and that nothing bad will happen to us. A major part of Rosh Hashanah is to
blow the shofar, which is a hollowed out ram s horn. This shofar is a wake up call for us in order to
remind us to wake up and repent for any of our wrongdoings. Although I have celebrated Rosh
Hashanah every year since I was born, I actually do not know the origins of it. I have never thought
about that before, and it is something I am definitely going to look
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Lincoln Leadership Essay
In many people s eyes Lincoln was sought out to be a fantastic leader. Lincoln had a vision that
pertained to motivation and leadership style. Leading is all about motivation. As a leader your job as a
superior highly more important than your subordinates, because if you do not do your job, they can
not do theirs. Lincoln On Leadership is divided into 4 separate sections. Throughout the chapters there
are numerous facts on Lincoln s leadership style. Lincoln had vision which helped him lead by
focusing on motivation and honesty.
First, Lincoln believed in communication as a form of motivation. The book starts off with a chapter
named Get out of the Office and circulate among groups. which is ideal as a famous quote from
lincoln is With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed. Which means with
opinions and communications you can achieve anything. This is a bold statement that Lincoln backed
up by living by it. More than half of Lincoln s time was occupied by meetings with people and cabinet
members assuring smoothing operations. As a leader, he urged people to do as he did and keep
communication circling. Building trust around the office or other workplace creates motivation.
Communication builds relationships among people. Persuade Rather Than Coerce Lincoln believed
that to be productive he should not give ... Show more content on ...
From the beginning of all of our lives we ve known him as Honest Abe . Chapter 2 begins as Honesty
and Integrity are the best policies . Lincoln honesty held up his fantastic reputation. As a leader you
should not sugar coat a situation, whether it be ideas or problems. If a subordinate has an idea it is
your responsibility as a leader to respect it, if the idea is not good then you must be up front in telling
them. Being upfront and honest about a scenario and then discussing possible solutions was Lincoln s
leadership style and it was a notable
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The New Deal Changed Society
This is to certify that the following essay is my own work and that I have not received any
unauthorized assistance with it. Signed: Rachel Poole. October 23, 2015. Write an essay about the
ways in which the New Deal changed society, especially women, minority groups, and the poor. The
New Deal The New Deal changed the lives of people without electricity drastically. Before electricity
life was simple for farmers in the Hill Country of Texas. Their wives washed eight loads of laundry a
week, all by hand. Every day, they hauled home 200 gallons about 1,500 pounds of water from nearby
wells. Farms had no milking machines, no washers, no automatic pumps or water heaters, no
refrigerators, and no radios (Davidson, et al, p. 698). The Rural
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The Movie Cool Hand Luke
The movie Cool Hand Luke, has ethical and moral dilemmas that encourage the audience to delve
deeper into the roles that ethics and morals play in society today.
There are ethical and moral dilemmas that the characters face and for that historical and social time
period there were viable solutions. There are moral values that guide the characters and historical
experiences that shaped them. After a brief summary I will show two moral dilemmas, their outcome
and alternatives. Also relating the dilemmas to articles by Selective Moral Disengagement in the
Exercise of Moral Agency by Albert Bandura and Investigating Social Dynamics: Power, Conformity,
and Obedience by Philip Zimbardo. A brief summary of this film includes these main characters,
Luke, Dragline, Boss Godfrey, Boss Paul, and Boss Shorty. Luke is thrown in prison for two years for
cutting the tops off of parking meters. Once Luke is at the prison he sees Dragline, is the leader and
the other prisoners relent to his supposed authority. Luke and Dragline have a boxing match because
Luke doesn t follow his leadership. Dragline outweighing Luke beats him to a pulp and Luke refuses
to stay down. Eventually Dragline respects him and walks away. Luke is given hard work in the chain
gang he is apart of, tarring roads, pulling weeds, this continues for hours and hours. The warden uses
the box to punish the prisoners locking them in what could barely be called a closet for days. Luke s
mother dies and he is put in the
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Yellowstone Natural Park
Today, I paid a visit to one of the most famous national parks, named Yellowstone. My family and I
had come all the way to Wyoming to see the fantastic sights and natural wonders this park was known
for. Yellowstone national park is 2.2 million acres large, spanning out over Wyoming largely, but also
in Idaho and Montana. While I was present, I observed interesting wildlife and their activities, such as
black bears stirring about, elk grazing and coyotes trotting. There are many more species of animals in
Yellowstone too, including moose, bison, wolves, and bighorn sheep. This park also contained many
other interesting natural exhibits and awes including geysers, mountains, and forests, the most famous
geyser, being, Old Faithful.
Yellowstone is a marvelous park, but unlike with humans, beauty is a sign of age. As I was told by a
park ranger, Yellowstone is the first United States national park in existence, having been founded in
1872. I ... Show more content on ...
It was not only the first national park, but it was vivid, unlike Death Valley and other national parks
with similar environments. As I could see, its divineness comes in so many different exhibits
throughout the park. I spotted geysers, rivers, mountains, forests, springs, and wildlife in this park, all
of which I thought were fascinating. Also, I have heard from several park rangers that at one time,
potato farmers in Idaho tried to get some of the water from Yellowstone by building a dam. That
would give the farmers access to the water. They tried to do this, but they failed because of
government intervention; furthermore proving that the resources located in Yellowstone are highly
desirable. When my final hours at Yellowstone come to a close, I will look back at what an amazing
day I had. Seeing all those sights and national symbols is a once in a lifetime experience. I am very
thankful for the preservation of the park so that I, too can see what I have seen
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Ecological Perspective
The Ecological Perspective The ecological perspective conveys the elaborate transactions between
people and their environments (Greene, 2008). In order to understand someone, one must be able to
understand the environment that he/she is a part of. Relatedness, competence, niche and habit,
goodness of fit, and power are all important concepts that contribute to the ecological perspective.
Relatedness is the capacity to form human relationships or connect with other people (Greene, 2008).
Greene (2008) proclaimed that the ability to relate and connect with other people begin with consistent
parenting. Antonio struggles in the ability to connect to others and creating relationships with his
peers. He has made one friend, Roberto, but has showed ... Show more content on ...
People and their environment are interdependent upon one another, creating a process of adaptation
that is biological, psychological, social, and cultural (Robbins, 2011). Being unable to adapt can create
a lack of fit between the person and his/her environment, where one s needs are not met in their
environment, in which this case Antonio experiences. Antonio and his environment are unable to
depend on each other, having unsuccessful transactions between them. Antonio has a supportive
environment, with Hilda nurturing him as a mother, Rainbow Services as a comprehensive agency,
and his friend Roberto to play with him. The only problem is that Antonio has not been experiencing
successful transactions with his environment entirely, but has adept to disturbed and troubled behavior.
There needs to be changes or modifications from within or externally in order to help Antonio fit
better within his environment. Goodness of fit also is a result of a family s adaptiveness or their
history of successful transactions over time (Greene,
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Analysis of Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd
This week s reflection is on a book titled Girls Like Us and it is authored by Rachel Lloyd. The cover
also says fighting for a world where girls not for sale . After reading that title I had a feeling this book
was going to be about girls being prostituted at a young age and after reading prologue I sadly realized
I was right in my prediction.
The prologue starts with the description about a girl who likes swimming, SpongeBob, Mexican food,
writing poetry and getting her nails painted. To a normal person this sounds like a normal description
for a little girl but normal is not the adjective to describe this girl because this little girl has been
trafficked (or prostituted) by her 29 year old pimp on Craiglist to adult men. When I read ... Show
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It s just all a sickening thought to me.
There was also Tiffany in the first chapter whose pimp cut her so bad that she had to have her hair
shaved off in order to get some consistency in it. Tiffany did not have a drug problem but the author
talked about how it was hard to find her placement because she wasn t on drugs so Tiffany turned to
drugs so she could receive help. The thought of someone having to turn to drug just to they could
receive help is sad because it s like what would happen if they were living a normal life that did not
involve drugs, pimps, and johns.
There is another quote that in interesting to me in this book and it is from Jon Stewart who is an
Academy Award Winner and he states You know what I think it just got a little easier out here for a
pimp and that quote says a lot as well because there aren t very many pimps that do get in trouble for
their crimes in my opinion. I read more about prostitutes and the men trying to pick them up getting
arrested than I do pimps. There was one girl the book who talked about how she got in trouble for
killing her abusive boyfriend yet nothing happened to him. It s an angry thought at how men who are
so evil can get away with it but their victims get in legal trouble.
I am not going to describe every chapter and quote in the book but I will say there is a lot of
information to be learned from this book. I did not know much about child trafficking prior to sitting
down to read this book.
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Analysis Of Bram Stoker s Dracula
Voluptuous Vampire or Proper Prude
Written and set in the late 19th century, Bram Stoker s epistolary novel Dracula is a pivotal book in
gothic/horror literature. Like most novels written by men, Dracula appeals more to the male audience
and their fantasies and fears about women than to the Victorian Age woman. In the novel, Lucy and
Mina are the only two female characters the reader meets in detail, and they are also the only two
characters that are seen becoming vampires indeed, they are the only major vampire characters, with
the exception of the chief antagonist, who are described in detail within the novel. Therefore it is clear
that these two play a very important role in representing females in the novel. Both characters are also
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This can be seen when Van Helsing comments about Mina, She is one of God s women, fashioned by
His own hand to show us men and other women that there is a heaven where we can enter, and that its
light can be here on earth. So true, so sweet, so noble, so little an egoist and that, let me tell you, is
much in this age... ( 197 ). The fact that Stoker has chosen to include such an important contrast
between the two major characters so early in the novel suggests that it will play an important part in
the narrative. The reader later learns that this difference is essential to the plot, as it is only Mina s
purity and innocence that allows the group to defeat Dracula at the end of the novel, and ultimately
saves Mina from Lucy s fate. Lucy s part in the novel may be relatively short, yet her role is essential
to the audience s understanding of the novel s message about female roles and female sexuality in
Victorian society since she is the first victim of Count Dracula. At the same time, Lucy is the only
character whose transformation into a vampire Stoker describes in detail:
At times she slept, and both Van Helsing and I noticed the difference in her, between sleeping and
waking. Whilst asleep she looked stronger, although more haggard and her breathing was softer; her
open mouth showed the pale
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Non-Parental Child Care
Non Parental Child Care A handsome young American couple decides to get married after being
romantically involved for just two short years. A few months following their wedding day, the couple
decides to have a baby. About one year after conception, the couple is seen embracing the very light of
their lives as they hold their baby girl. Although it seems life could not be any better for the couple,
they realize that the father s sole income is not enough to support the entire family. The couple thought
they had appropriately accounted for the expenses necessary to manage the new addition to their
family on a single income. However, with the recent price spike of groceries resulting from sky
rocketing gas prices, the couple realizes ... Show more content on ...
. . and self care for the behavior and well being of children and adolescents (p. 473). The second type
of child care is family day care which consists of child care in a home other than the child s own. This
type of day care can be beneficial to the child because family day care providers typically have
activities and play areas to accommodate the children they care for. However, much like in home child
care, family day care providers generally do not have adequate child care training. Center based child
care, on the other hand, is arguably the most effective non parental child care resource. According to a
text by Berns (2010), she lists the qualities of center based child care when she says that caregivers are
More likely to have had college courses related to and experience with children (p. 177). Not only do
child care centers typically offer a range of physical activities for children within their play areas, but
educated child care providers generally follow a planned curriculum for children to assist them with
developmental skills. Berns (2010) points out that Socialization is not only affected by the type of
care, but also by the curriculum implemented (most often found in center based care) (p. 177). Now
that the three types of child care have been discussed, it is important to understand the influences of
child care on a child s
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The Syrian Conflict Of Syria
The Syrian Conflict The conflict in Syria began in March 2011 in Deraa after multiple teenagers who
painted revolution slogans on a school wall were apprehended and later tortured by the Syrian
government. Pro democracy protests broke out and security forces began shooting at protestors and
multiple were killed, which truly sparked the beginning of the conflict. More protests went on
throughout the nation calling for President Assad to step down and after he did not, by July 2011, there
were hundreds of protestors taking the streets across the country demanding he resign. As more time
passed and no change was made, the country eventually broke into a civil war as rebels were battling
the government forces for control of land. The fighting expanded through out the country, reaching the
capital Damascus as well as the important city of Aleppo. By August of 2015, over 250,000 were
killed and that number has only increased by now. The United States and Russia are both involved in
this issue, as the U.S is backing the rebel forces to try to remove Assad from power, but Russia is
backing Assad and providing aid to his campaign. Not only is it a battle between rebel forces as well
as government forces, but also new dimensions such ISIS, a rising jihadist group, added a new
dimension. The Islamic State has taken advantage of the chaos and has gained large areas of land in
Syria and Iraq. ISIS not only poses a threat to the people of Syria, but also the people of the United
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Film Analysis Of Wyatt Earp
Throughout the years, there has been an abundance of movies depicting the wild west during the
nineteenth century. One of these films includes Tombstone which was released in the year 1993.
Based on real events, this movie is about a man named Wyatt Earp, played by Kurt Russel, who is a
retired officer that settles in a town called Tombstone with his two brothers. Later, they encounter a
group of outlaws called the Cowboys which was led by Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo. Due to some
conflict between the opposing sides, it causes a massive gunfight called the O.K. Corral in which the
Earp brothers and long time friend Doc Holliday, played by Val Kilmer, ultimately win the battle. As a
result of the fight not ending in the Cowboys favor, they ambush the town in which leads to Virgil,
played by Sam Elliot (Tombstone, 1.), becoming handicapped and Wyatt s younger brother, Morgan
played by Bill Paxton, dead. This infuriates Wyatt which then leads him to seek vengeance for his
brother s death. While Wyatt kills Curly, Doc and their posse attack the remaining Cowboys. After the
ambush, Doc s tuberculosis progressively gets worse and is left on bed rest. As Wyatt and the posse
continue to meet up with Johnny and the Cowboys, Doc has already arrived and murders Johnny
Tombstone, compared to other films, gives a realistic depiction of the west of that time period based
on the set. It is based on a real place located in southern Arizona . This little town was established in
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Organic Food Vs Organic Foods
Organically grown foods are not new to the world, they have been around since Native Americans
lived on the land. Most people do not buy organic goods because of the cost and fear that the foods
have been contaminated with different types of disease insects carry. Some do not even know what
organic foods are; organic foods are foods produced by organic farming. while the standards differ
worldwide, organic farming in general features cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that
foster recycling of resources, promote ecological balance a conserve biodiversity (Arnett, 1). The U.S
Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates the organic food and make sure it is clean enough for
human consumption. Different health organizations around the country try to encourage people to add
organic to their diet. Conventional food chemicals are polluting the soil and finding their way into
people s water systems and slowly destroying their bodies. The destruction finds its way through the
consumption of the food or the chemicals in the water. Despite the cost difference, organically grown
foods are better than non organic foods because they are healthier for human consumption, are more
sustainable for the environment, and support the local food movement. All over the world people are
making the switch to organic because it is a better choice for one s health. Some people may not even
know what organic grown food is. Organic is a substance that is grown and not treated with any
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Assyrian Art Essay
Assyrian Art
The reliefs from the palace of King Assurnasirpal II at Nimrud play an important role in portraying the
power and importance of the Assyrian king. These reliefs are similar to other Assyrian reliefs in terms
of their purpose; however, there is a contrast in the methods used to glorify the king. By examining
such factors as style, iconography and historical significance, we find many similarities and
differences between the ceremonial reliefs and the more common reliefs depicting war and hunting.
The reliefs belonging to the sacred or ceremonial category consist of panels depicting a sacred tree, a
human headed genius fertilizing a sacred tree, a griffin fertilizing a sacred tree, and a scene of King
Assurnasirpal (whose ... Show more content on ...
In term of stylization, both the human headed deities and Assurnasirpal have very stylized hair falling
in straight locks to the back of their necks; furthermore, they possess highly stylized beards of intricate
waves and ringlets which end evenly at the bottom.
Because these features are similar to that of Assurbanipal and the mythological bullmen at the palace
at Khorsabad, it can be construed that it is a coiffure characteristic of royalty and divinity alike (Art
History Anthology 28).
Moving on to the facial expression, we find that all the human headed figures contain large eyebrows,
large eyes that are deeply undercut, an elongated nose, conventionalized ears, and highly
conventionalized lips which appear as a simple slit. On the other hand, the beardless griffin has an
eagle s head adorned with a feather headdress and a curved beak with a long tongue. To show the
strength of the deities and Assurnasirpal, the artist depicts muscles within the arms and legs through
simple lines and curves. This style of depicting the facial and body features is common in other
Assyrian reliefs including the hunting scenes of Assurbanipal.
Although there are many similarities in body structure, there is also a distinctive element that
separates the deities and the king. Each deity possesses a set of four highly stylized wings made up of
very detailed
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Mysterious Crop Circles Essay
In this world, there are so many mysteries, secrets, and phenomenon that have not been explained. For
the last few decades, crop circles have been appearing all around the world, yet we do not have a clear
scientific explanation for them. Crop circles are defined as some kind of circular geometric patterns on
crops such as wheat, barley, and corn, (Meder 2007). They are made within a very short period of time
without any mistakes. There are over 12,000 circles found with complicated patterns and large in
scale, (Crystalinks 2009) Many of the crop circles were found to be a manmade, but we cannot
conclude that rests of them are hoaxed by man. People are still debating on this mystery circle, yet
there are no answers. This paper will explain ... Show more content on ...
People refer to the years between the mid 1990s and the early 21st century as the Golden Years of
Crop Circle because more people were able to experience the real sight of crop circles. With help of
fast communication and travel technologies, people can see crop circles first hand and they have
stopped considering crop circles as worthless propaganda. Still, a majority of people still believe that
crop circles are fake instead of trying to find information about crop circles. However, more people
have gotten involved and interested in crop circles, and they are spreading the word as time goes by.
Creators of Crop Circle Who are the creators of crop circles? This matter is probably the most
sensitive and debatable topic related to crop circles. Researchers found out that there are only two
possible explanations that they can think of, which are humans and aliens. According to
Cropcircleresearch (2009), 80% of the crop circles were found to be made by humans, and it describes
that manmade crop circles have broken crops unlike the other 20% of the crop circles that remains in
mystery has bend crops. The problem we face in current society is that we are manipulated to believe
extra terrestrial beings do not exist in the first place. Christianity is one of the biggest and widely
believed religions
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Muslim Women Essay
The American media has a tendency to portray Muslims in a negative light. Some pity Muslims while
others feel pure disdain for them. This statement made by Ann Coulter (2001) following the
September 11th terrorist attacks demonstrates the disdain for Muslims, We should invade their
countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity (as cited in Arab American National
Museum, 2011). While this particular statement was directed at all Muslims, there are also many
misconceptions directed solely at Muslim women. In this essay, I will discuss the issue of Muslim
women and some of the ways in which their reality contradicts the common media representations of
women in that area. The first common media representation of ... Show more content on ...
A second common assumption of the Muslim women is that they are forced into marriage. While it is
true that arranged marriages do still take place in the Muslim world, the marriages are not forced upon
anyone (Ahmed, 1999). Before an arranged marriage takes place, parents and older relatives discuss
different possible matches, but the person, for whom they are searching a mate, is always involved in
the discussions (Ahmed, 1999). Then before the marriage can take place, both future spouses must
agree to the marriage in front of witnesses (Ahmed, 1999). A third common media stereotype of
Muslim women is that their sole purpose is to please their husbands. Geraldine Brooks author of the
book, Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women wrote that Muslim women are
expected to sacrifice their comfort and freedom to service the requirements of male sexuality; either to
repress or stimulate the male sex urge (as cited in Arab American National Museum, 2011). This
stereotype is heightened by the fact that Islam allows polygamy. While Islam does allow men to take
four wives, it is only advised that they do so under extreme circumstances (Ahmed, 1999). In fact, the
Quran recommends that one wife is best because one who marries multiple wives must treat all of
them completely equal and that is a difficult task (Ahmed, 1999). Muslim women like Muslim men
play a part in the family, but their part goes way beyond simply pleasing their
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Yoga Sutras And Early Buddhist Meditation
Both the Yoga sutras and early Buddhist meditation studies the eightfold or eight limbs practices and
principles. The eightfold of the early Buddhist meditation practices includes the right view, right
resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right
concentration. The eight limbs of Yoga sutra meditation similarly practices five restraints, five
observances, postures, breath control, control of the senses, concentration, contemplation, and
meditative absorption. There are multiple commonalities when it comes to the practice of Yoga sutra
and early Buddhist meditation which importantly is state of the mind where the mind is informed.
These steps of practices are the direction of finding ... Show more content on ...
Scholars have long pointed out a commonality of vocabulary and concepts between the Yoga sutras
and Buddhist texts (pg. 24). The Yoga sutra and early Buddhist meditation helps to distance
themselves from the arrogance of the world, the materialistic possessions, and derives to the
awareness of oneself, the innermost consciousness of the self and the mind. In the tradition of the
Buddhist meditation, where there is chaos, one must and will find peace. To comprehend and evaluate
one surroundings is the key aspect in discovering self awareness. Our day to day life is an example of
one self mindfulness because every day we learn from experiences which can lead to great harmony,
concentration, and exploration also known as Samatha meditation. When the article declares, The way
the Buddha taught meditation was not intended to encourage people to ignore the world or closet
themselves away, as is sometimes thought, but, with the mindfulness that is constantly enjoined, to be
of it and participate in it more (pg. 3). Concisely, the way one views the world is determined by the
outcome of ones consciousness of the mind. How we see the world and engage in it truly opens our
eyes beyond imagination, one learns to help, suffer, and experience the world changing and they
change with it. Even though, the truly ideal phase of the Buddhist mediation comes At the heart of the
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Wild Swans, by Jung Chang Essay
Wild Swans, by Jung Chang
The Chinese people have experienced rapid change, in government and culture in the 20th century.
Although the common people seemed to have risen up against oppression from the ruling class, liberty
and equality often remains out of their grasp. For centuries the dynastic cycle has dominated the
culture and collective consciousness of the Chinese people. This process is characterized by
unification, followed by prosperity and success, followed by corruption and instability, and finally
rebellion and overthrow. This gives way to a new dynasty that was said to have received the mandate
of heaven. This cycle, in some ways, ended with the fall of the Qing dynasty. This marked the end of
over 2000 years of ... Show more content on ...
She was born to parents whose marriage had been arranged, they were probably never in love, neither
before, nor after the wedding. Yu fang s mother was not even given a name, and her husband was 6
years younger than her and only a boy of fourteen at the time of their marriage. She was expected to
help raise her husband which was expected of a Chinese bride. Yu fang s feet were bound when she
was the age of two. This was done by her own mother, and was an extremely painful process. Jung
Chang said, My Grandmother screamed in agony and begged her to stop. Her mother had to stick a
cloth into her mouth to gag her. My grandmother passed out repeatedly from the pain. (24) This
painful tradition is one of the worst examples mistreatment of women that was considered a necessity.
Yu fang was born in 1909. This was near the end of the Manchu Empire, which had been ruling the
nation for over 260 years. This was also a time when threat of Japanese invasion was a constant reality
in the region of Manchuria, which is where Yixian, the family s hometown, was located. Yu fang
became a concubine to an official to the Metropolitan Police of the Warlord government of Peking.
Her father arranged for Yu fang and General Xue to meet (making it seem accidental to preserve his
family honor) and received a considerable
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The Education System Of The Republic
Education is a transfer of knowledge from one generation to another. Some societies have oral
traditions while others transfer the knowledge by written works. In Plato s Republic, for Socrates the
education system is structured in two major parts: the education of the mind and character and the
physical training. For Socrates, truth, justice, and goodness are the main principles for a utopic
society. Indeed, for him the truth is universal and therefore in order to have a perfect utopic society it
community should be dedicated and based on truth. In fact, in this imaginary society the educational
system is an oral transfer of knowledge, which is based on trues stories and fiction. The Republic
shows that in this imaginary society the education is strictly control and does not portray any of the
three principles of a utopic society. The educational system of The republic demonstrates that nothing
is utopic in this imaginary society. The education of this society is controlled and people could only
have one set of mind. Everyone is different and therefore should have the right of choosing when, how
and what they want to study. The varieties of educational system normally allow this, but in this
society, it is not the case. In this society, the education is supervised and controlled: Then it seems that
our first business is to supervise the production of stories, and choose only those we think suitable,
and reject the rest (Plato 377 b). The education goes from one
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Poverty and Inequality in Society
Have you ever wondered what it s like to live in poverty? No proper food, shelter or even clean water.
And have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about how inequality and separation has
affected the world? Everyone is born different yet we still treat each other differently because of our
race, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexuality. Poverty and Inequality has been one of the world s
major concerns. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Poverty is the inability to
afford the resources you need to survive; water, food, shelter and results in a few getting wealthy and
the majority living in poverty. Inequality is the limiting of people s social status. This has an effect on
your income, resources, opportunities, citizenship and civil rights, lifestyle, education and the list goes
on (The Stanford Center, n.d.). Poverty is increasing day by day and this is because the governments
in many countries have limited access to resources to supply to the people (Global Issues, 2013). Over
3 billion people survive on less than $2.50 a day. One in every two children lives in poverty. Millions
live without proper shelter, safe water or access to health services. In 2003, 10.6 million died before
they reach the age of 5 (Global Issues, 2013). This means that there have been roughly 29000 deaths
per day. Poverty exists in all countries in the world but is most severe in lower income countries. The
rate of poverty is higher in countries that have
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Taylor Swift s Song Blank Space
In musical superstar Taylor Swift s music video for her song Blank Space, she is portraying herself as
the high maintenance and dramatic girlfriend that the media believes she is. The speaker of this text is
the media s perception of Taylor Swift and her message is about the disconnect between who Swift
really is and who the media sees her as. I believe Swift has two purposes for this music video. One is
for her character in the music video to warn her audience about the type of love that boys want, and
the other for real life Taylor herself to poke holes into the media s concept of her love life. The video
is filled with satire and paradoxes to convince us that our idea of Taylor Swift is not an accurate
opinion of her. At the very beginning of the video, we see a young man get out of a car in front of a
massive mansion that appears to be Swift s home. The car he gets ... Show more content on ...
She says, Oh my God, look at that face, you look like my next mistake, love s a game, want to play?
Starting out with Oh my God, look at that face she is telling us that this character is very superficial
and is only looking at the outside appearance of the young man who is visiting her mansion. You look
like my next mistake, love s a game, want to play? is implying that this guy is just another object to be
had by Swift and another mistake in a long series of mistakes and that love for her is just a game, not
something to be taken seriously. This is exactly the persona that the media portrays Swift as. She has
always been seen as someone who moves on from guy to guy like the whole idea of love is just for fun
without consideration of the other persons feelings. This idea comes from her relationships with other
celebrities and lyrics in her music that go through many of her relationship troubles. Although this is
who she appears to be in real life, she is taking that idea of herself and exaggerating it in the
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The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence
Although there are many threats and worries with Artificial Intelligence there are also many benefits
that can outweigh the negatives. Our society is already experiencing this technology in vehicles that
have auto sensing and braking capabilities. Another really intriguing feature of AI would be faster and
more accurate web searches. I believe being able to provide information instantly will further improve
lives and the business world, since time is money. Today we call artificial intelligence narrow artificial
intelligence which means artificial intelligence that is weak. Google is an example of narrow artificial
intelligence that we use every day. Other examples of narrow artificial intelligence include ATMs and
touchless car washes, they are designed to execute a set of tasks. Whereas AI can learn set tasks and
create new tasks based on its intuition and ability to think and problem solve for itself. What s in store
for Artificial intelligence within the next 5 years (believe me a lot can happen with technology in 5
years)? 3 D printers, IOT (internet of things), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are
taking the spotlight light currently. These technologies will exponentially improve and become more
commonplace in the business world then expand into the consumer market once businesses have
improved their capabilities as a pioneer in the technologies. One can expect 3 D printers to be able to
print everything from cars/trucks to tissue cells for
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Three Types Of Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a disability caused by traumatic injury to the developing brain. Cerebral means brain
and Palsy means paralysis of the voluntary muscles. 70% of the individuals diagnosed with Cerebral
Palsy get the disease before they are even born due to injury, accidents, and even medical malpractice.
20% of people with Cerebral Palsy have gotten CP during the birthing process and 10% get CP by an
injury to the brain before it is fully developed.There are 3 levels, 2 types, and multiple treatment
options of Cerebral Palsy. Mild, moderate, and severe and the 3 different levels of Cerebral Palsy.
How much of the body is affected shows the severity of each case.
If a child has mild Cerebral Palsy, they only have a slight impairment. ... Show more content on ...
When diagnosing Cerebral Palsy, individuals have to go to multiple types of doctors like occupational
therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, Pediatricians, Neurologists, Developmental
Behavioral Specialists, and Geneticists. When they have all of these doctors and specialists giving the
child a diagnosis, they will get the best possible care that is needed for them to live life with as little
pain as possible. The process of diagnosis can take a couple of months to 5 years to get a proper and
full diagnosis of a child s Cerebral Palsy. When a pediatrician does not feel that the child s behavior is
normal or that their brain is developing correctly, they will refer the parents to a specialist or several
specialists to get a closer look at their
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Thomas Hardy The Ruined Maid
The Ruined Maid Analysis In the poem The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy, there are two women
talking in a town. The first women is admiring and praising the second called Amelia. She tells her
about how much she has changed and how she has practically moved from rags to riches. In a constant
back and forth banter between the two Amelia continues to respond with, that is what happens when
one gets ruined hinting to repetition. Apart from using repetition Hardy also extensively uses voice
with the second woman to show just how surprising the changes are. In using repetition and voice
Thomas Hardy slowly gives the readers the theme of not letting money consume one. From what I
could depict from the poem Amelia was being slightly rude to her fellow companion. Amelia would
constantly remind her that she had been ruined, that she obtained all she has by being ruined, she was
to proud of having been ruined constantly shoving it in the other woman s face, and she did not hold
back what she thought whether negative or not. An example can be found in the last two lines in the
poem, The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy My dear a raw country girl, such as you be,/ Cannot quite
expect that. You ain t ruined. (23 24) In these ... Show more content on ...
Just as shown in the following lines of the poem The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy, You left us in
tatters, without shoes or socks,/..................../Your hands were like paws then, your face blue and
bleak/ But now I m bewitched by your delicate cheek, (5, 13 14) The woman described the profile of a
woman that is no longer there, a woman who is the present Amelia filled with the riches all working
woman could wish for. The woman can not contain the surprise in her voice to the changes she has
seen. She despicably revises and analyzes Amelia, reminding her of the woman she was once before.
She is in a state of disbelief and hazy
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Zelman Vs Harris Analysis
Clabaugh, G. K. (2003). After Zelman v. Simmons Harris, What?. Educational Horizons, 82(1), 15 18.
In this article, the author is explaining Chief Justice Rehnquist s reaction to the decision that Ohio s
school voucher program is constitutional, as decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the article, Chief
Justice Rehnquist is quoted saying the voucher program is constitutional, because the choice of where
the government money will go lies with the parents. Therefore, the government is not deciding
whether or not to support religious schools. However, Justice Souter observed that ninety six percent
of the students who received the vouchers then attended a religious school. Justice Souter believed
that there was a lack of secular schooling ... Show more content on ...
Simmons Harris court case, and shows the situation at the state level and sets the stage for what will
come in the Zelman v. Simmons Harris case. At this time, a federal judge in Ohio had just suspended
Cleveland s voucher program days before the start of a new school year. This is the beginning of the
national debate of school voucher programs and if the programs violate the U.S. Establishment
Clause. This piece was written before the case was tried by the U.S. Supreme Court tried the case and
after the U.S. District judge blocked the school voucher system in Cleveland. At this time, there was a
lot of confusion and concern about what was going to happen to the student who had been using the
vouchers and what this would mean for the future. This article offers a chance for both sides to offer
their opinion on what this may mean for taxpayers and students. It is interesting to see what peoples
thoughts and opinions are, because this piece was written before there was even a case. This article
shows what citizens concerns are, and it is only focused on what is currently happening and recent,
similar cases. I think this article also helps the reader connect more with problem at hand for the
students, because in the article they mention the students more and how this is a loss for
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My Education Philosophy
Personal Mission Statement
Education is the imparting and acquiring of knowledge and skills through teaching and learning. As an
educator, my personal mission statement is to master my subject area in order to serve as a role model
for my students thereby producing students who thoroughly understand the subject matter, and who
develop holistically. In order to achieve this goal I must have a set education philosophy with a strong
Christian worldview. I must also have a general understanding of the different world and education
Metaphysics is defined as the branch of philosophy that examines the true nature of reality whether
visible or invisible. Metaphysics includes the relationship between mind and matter, substance and
attribute, and, fact and value.
Idealists believe that only the mental is ultimate reality and that the mental world of ideas is
permanent, regular and orderly (Berumen, 2014). They affirm that reality is essentially spiritual or
mental and denies the possibility of knowing anything except ideas. Idealists theorize that ultimate
reality is solely in the mind and argues that the universe is an expression of highly generalized
intelligence and will (Gutek, 1997, p. 18). In summary, Idealists believe that what exists really exists,
and cannot be changed because it is permanent, and cannot be new because it is regular.
In contrast to Idealists, Pragmatists believes that there are no unchanging or eternal truths. Pragmatists
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College Essay On Trail Horses
Trail riding with horses can be a very fun, and relaxing experience. For defining purposes, a trail ride
is riding a horse outdoors on roads such as trails, forest roads, or similar pathways that are not
normally subjected to traffic of the motorized type. These rides can be of varying length, terrain, and
difficulty. While this can be a very enjoyable experience, there are still things one must keep in mind
before taking off on an adventure such as this. While virtually any horse can be trained successfully to
ride on trail rides, there are some breeds in particular that possess certain traits that lead to superior
trailing. Qualities to look for in prospective trail horses are patience and sure footedness. It s also very
important to make sure these horses won t spook easily, because you never know what you might
come across during a trail ride. There are five horse breeds in particular that have proved to have these
qualities, therefore making them better suited to trail riding. These horses are the ... Show more
content on ...
When on trail rides you will often come across things your horse will have to step over, such as logs
or other objects found in nature. Your horse has to be patient, in case you have to stop and wait for any
reason during your ride. A horse that spooks easily is also not ready for trail rides, considering you can
t always control what will and will not appear to spook them during that time. Lastly, trail riding is
more often than not a group activity. Depending on the size of the pathway you re on, your horse will
have to be in fairly close quarters to other horses and their riders. If your horse isn t able to do this
safely and patiently, you will have to train so they are until you can go on trail rides. Safety should
always come first when riding your horse, and an unprepared or unsuitable horse can bring immense
danger to other horses and riders on the trail.
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This Old House Paper
This Old House by David Sedaris, is a story of a younger adult misunderstood by his own family and
most of society who simply just, longed for a home where history was respected. After taking a trip to
visit an old friend in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, he decides to stay in the city longer by finding work
and a place to live. He finds work as a dishwasher in a restaurant hoping to eventually advance from
his current position. After finding work, he then unexpectedly meets his future landlord who also has
the same appreciation for the past. After moving in to his new home, a friendship blossoms between
the main character and his landlord, even with other tenants opinions and ways of lives that have other
opinions on how life ... Show more content on ...
The antagonist of the story would be the landlord, Rosemary and the other tenants of the home. This is
because her portrayed way of life attracted the narrator to Rosemary s house, which in return almost
solely based his decision on living there. Later in the story Rosemary changed into another person that
the main character almost could not recognize. With her change in appearance from vintage clothing
to more updated clothing, as well as her almost disregard for her so much loved antiques when the
main character first moved into the house. The other tenants, mainly the character Chaz, would
constantly ridicule the main character and seem as if their lives were more how life should be lived. In
the entire story being told, there are no exact dates or times stated by the main character as to when the
story being told took place, but from reading through the entire story, it could be concluded by readers
that the story is from a more modern period of time. With the way the main character refers to the out
of date clothing styles he chooses to wear and descriptions of the past from the depression era and
how the other characters, such as the main character s father and the tenant Chaz always ridiculed the
way he dressed or his opinions on how life should be lived. Even though there is no exact time frame
for the story, the reader does know where a majority of the story took place. The main
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Looking Back At Casablanca, By Humphrey Bogarts
Looking back at Casablanca in 1941, it is shocking to know that Humphrey Bogarts famous words
hears looking at you kid was improvised on the spot. While this type of improvising is common today,
it was taboo compared the structured and generic Golden Age of film ( Sorry Russell ). The studio
system of the 1930s to 1960s dramatically changed the methods of film production, the types of
movies made, and eventually caused its own demise.
At the beginning of the great depression, holding non essential jobs was an extremely difficult task.
The film industry took advantage of this and placed all aspect of making a film on its payroll. While
the labor portion (i.e. costume designers and set hands) of film production appreciated a steady and
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Hyundai Case Study
About HMC The Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) is the largest South Korean automobile
manufacturer, which is the fifth largest automaker in the world. In 2006 and occupied the 10th place in
the world ranking of OICA. In 2007 Hyundai again have excellent grades in initial quality survey by
JD Power, one of the indicators of the industry most respected and that measures the performance of
cars and customer satisfaction during the first 3 months of use. In Korean, the word Hyundai means
modernity . The brand was created in 1947 by Chung Ju yung, the dominant figure of the Korean
economy from 1960 until his death in 2001. Hyundai built its first car in 1968, the compact sedan
Cortina, under license from Ford. In 1975, he made his first own ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, HMC and Shell have been working together since 2005, which have supported the
development and execution of various local marketing, promotion, service programs and activities.
Shell runs a number of programs with Hyundai dealerships and workshops to increase customer
satisfaction and loyalty. These include the Before Service program, a free car health check for
customers and the Quick Service Program, which provides a quick and convenient oil change and
service for Hyundai car owners. Hyundai s alliance with Shell enables them to extend their reach and
network across the global automobile system and provide world class service to their partners. Table 1
SWOT Analysis |Strength: |Weakness: | |Return vehicle free of charge within first year purchase. |the
risk of high failure rate of family businesses because of its | |Won high scores in many product
evaluation and consumer surveys |complexity, informality and discipline | |Strong product quality and
adopting marketing strategies |Problems between labor and management. | |Opportunity:
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How To Write A Narrative Essay About American Culture
Languages of Another Assimilating into this melting pot that we call America may be a walk in the
park to some but to others, there is a high barrier that blocks the doorway like a security guard to the
trendiest club in Los Angeles. As easy as it may be for some to come up to the front of the line and
walk right through the red rope, there are others who are not as lucky. Most people much like you and
I, have to wait in a long line and pay their way through. Whether a native on this land or an immigrant
from another country, language is a very powerful tool required in order for one to be successful here
in America. There is a high price of hard work and determination that can pay the cost of making this
success a reality. I was born and raised as a Filipino American in a household full of Filipinos who
mainly spoke the Kapangpangan language. My parents were both born in the Philippines and when
they were in their 30 s, came to start a new life in Oakland, California. They worked double jobs with
long hours, so my sister and I were raised by our grandparents who also mainly spoke Kapangpangan.
Although we were always spoken to in this language, my sister and I never caught on to speaking the
language fluently. The background of ... Show more content on ...
In reality, full assimilation is not necessarily needed to succeed here in America, but instead, having a
diverse background and knowledge of another language actually has more benefits than not. There are
many more opportunities available for people who are multilingual because of the melting pot that
America is. The most beneficial thing that can come out of learning a new language whether it be
English, Spanish, Chinese or Kapangpangan, is being able to use that language as a platform to reach
out to a greater number of people near and
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Becoming A Writer Analysis
I want to become a writer when I was a small girl. I have learned that if I want to turn the writer, I
need the qualities such as observation, patience, discipline and the love of writing. First of all, I have
to observe everything in my own life then notice all of them carefully because it is helpful materials I
can use later. Furthermore, it is necessary to read and re read to see how the authors develop, arrange
their problems that is another essential form of observation. Secondly, I need to learn how to be
patient in any time as writing is not easy stuff. There are some days you will see the end is so far away
as well as you realize that the worst things with the writer are a empty word. Just keep patience and
writing! To write anything
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Prince Vs Pauper
How would you like to switch places with the president, a pop star, or maybe just one of your parents?
What do you think the pros and cons of this would be? This is what happened in the Prince and the
Pauper by Samuel Clemens under the name Mark Twain. It is about two boys who were born on the
same day where one was wanted, one was not. Each boy was not happy with his own life at an older
age, so they switched places. Tom Canty became a prince, and Edward Tudor became a pauper.
Some people may believe that the Mickey Mouse version of Prince and the Pauper is the best version,
but in fact the live action version of Prince and the Pauper is superior. For instance, the Mickey Mouse
version is more school friendly. The graphics are cartoony and the characters ... Show more content on ...
To add on, the live action follows the original plot. In the live action, Tom was invited into the castle
by the prince, Edward Canty (Foster). This exemplifies that the live action is better because that is a
show of kindness toward his subjects that develops the character. Not to mention, the live action is
also more detailed. Each action and facial expression showed a kind of emotion and the movements of
each character portray that character s personality. This shows that the live action is more appealing
because its realism presents each point better. Equally important, all the important characters that were
missing their storyline or just missing entirely in the Mickey Mouse version are present. The Hendon
brothers have their fight, Miles becomes Edward s protector after he switched, and John Canty beats
Tom when he does any little thing wrong.
To recapitulate, the live action version of Prince and the Pauper by Foster is superior to the Mickey
Mouse version for many reasons. Truly, Prince and the Pauper is a great work of literature. The
question is...who would you switch with and
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How To Write A Research Paper In An Hour

  • 1. How To Write A Research Paper In An Hour 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Research Paper In An Hour How To Write A Research Paper In An Hour
  • 2. Polices Affecting Student s Selection Polices affecting student s selection The new law requires a variety of fruits and vegetables, which are consist with the DGAs, new standards for offer versus serve, a food based menu planning (FBMP), new procedures established for menu planning for Age/grade group categories. During implementation half of grains has to be whole grain rich; two year post implementation all grains has to be whole grain rich (Public Law 113 179, 2011). The requirements for fruits at breakfast under 7CFR 220 schools must offer 1 cup of fruit daily and 5 cups of fruit weekly. Vegetables may be substituted for fruits, but the first two cups per week of any such substitution must be from the dark green, red/orange, beans and peas (legumes) or Other vegetables subgroups, as defined in 210.10(c) (2). No more than half of the fruit or vegetable offerings may be in the form of juice. All juice must be 100% full strength (7CFR_220 SBP, 2016). All grains at breakfast time must be whole grain rich. There was no meat/meat alternate at breakfast time. It was allowed only after 1 ounce equivalent of grains requirement is met (7CFR_220 SBP, 2016). The nutrition standards for National School Lunch Program require lunches to offer the food components and quantities specified in the meal pattern, five components which are fruit, vegetable, meat/meat alternate, whole grain rich, and milk. A daily serving of fruit weekly but over a week no more than half of fruit offered could be in the form of juice. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Response Paper On Rituals Response Paper #2 By Yaffa Segal From my understanding, a ritual is something that occurs more than once and has a meaning behind it. For example, a prayer. A more basic example could be brushing your teeth every morning after you wake up. Rituals are used both by humans and animals. Animals often have mating rituals. Humans have been performing rituals since the earliest of times for a variety of reasons. In the Stone Age, rituals could have been used to communicate with gods or dead ancestors. They could also have been used to mark different times of the year. For example, the different seasons. Rituals were a form of symbolic activity. Some rituals even involved masks or other carvings. Perhaps there was even a ritual for making a carving. ... Show more content on ... We use many forms of expression in this ritual. First of all, there are certain prayers that are said in synagogue. The prayers take a lot longer than normal, and generally finish around 2:30pm. On both the first evening and the second evening we eat simanim, which are symbolic foods. The first is honey in order to pray for a sweet new year. The custom is to dip an apple in honey. Another food is carrots so that G d will nullify any bad decrees. We eat beets so that our enemies will be removed. Another food is the head of a fish. Not everyone eats it, as many do not find it appealing. However, most people have a tiny piece from it. This is to symbolize that we be like the head and not the tail; always moving forward, not backwards. We eat leak (or cabbage) so that those who want to hurt us will be cut off. Other symbolic foods include dates, gourd, beats, and pomegranate seeds. We say a blessing on each one. One Rosh Hashanah, we wish others a shanah tova which means a good year. Rosh Hashanah is a time for judgement. G d writes your fate for the year. On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Yom Kippur (about a week later) it is sealed. On Rosh Hashanah we are praying that G d will give us a sweet, new year and that nothing bad will happen to us. A major part of Rosh Hashanah is to blow the shofar, which is a hollowed out ram s horn. This shofar is a wake up call for us in order to remind us to wake up and repent for any of our wrongdoings. Although I have celebrated Rosh Hashanah every year since I was born, I actually do not know the origins of it. I have never thought about that before, and it is something I am definitely going to look ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Lincoln Leadership Essay In many people s eyes Lincoln was sought out to be a fantastic leader. Lincoln had a vision that pertained to motivation and leadership style. Leading is all about motivation. As a leader your job as a superior highly more important than your subordinates, because if you do not do your job, they can not do theirs. Lincoln On Leadership is divided into 4 separate sections. Throughout the chapters there are numerous facts on Lincoln s leadership style. Lincoln had vision which helped him lead by focusing on motivation and honesty. First, Lincoln believed in communication as a form of motivation. The book starts off with a chapter named Get out of the Office and circulate among groups. which is ideal as a famous quote from lincoln is With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed. Which means with opinions and communications you can achieve anything. This is a bold statement that Lincoln backed up by living by it. More than half of Lincoln s time was occupied by meetings with people and cabinet members assuring smoothing operations. As a leader, he urged people to do as he did and keep communication circling. Building trust around the office or other workplace creates motivation. Communication builds relationships among people. Persuade Rather Than Coerce Lincoln believed that to be productive he should not give ... Show more content on ... From the beginning of all of our lives we ve known him as Honest Abe . Chapter 2 begins as Honesty and Integrity are the best policies . Lincoln honesty held up his fantastic reputation. As a leader you should not sugar coat a situation, whether it be ideas or problems. If a subordinate has an idea it is your responsibility as a leader to respect it, if the idea is not good then you must be up front in telling them. Being upfront and honest about a scenario and then discussing possible solutions was Lincoln s leadership style and it was a notable ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The New Deal Changed Society This is to certify that the following essay is my own work and that I have not received any unauthorized assistance with it. Signed: Rachel Poole. October 23, 2015. Write an essay about the ways in which the New Deal changed society, especially women, minority groups, and the poor. The New Deal The New Deal changed the lives of people without electricity drastically. Before electricity life was simple for farmers in the Hill Country of Texas. Their wives washed eight loads of laundry a week, all by hand. Every day, they hauled home 200 gallons about 1,500 pounds of water from nearby wells. Farms had no milking machines, no washers, no automatic pumps or water heaters, no refrigerators, and no radios (Davidson, et al, p. 698). The Rural ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Movie Cool Hand Luke The movie Cool Hand Luke, has ethical and moral dilemmas that encourage the audience to delve deeper into the roles that ethics and morals play in society today. There are ethical and moral dilemmas that the characters face and for that historical and social time period there were viable solutions. There are moral values that guide the characters and historical experiences that shaped them. After a brief summary I will show two moral dilemmas, their outcome and alternatives. Also relating the dilemmas to articles by Selective Moral Disengagement in the Exercise of Moral Agency by Albert Bandura and Investigating Social Dynamics: Power, Conformity, and Obedience by Philip Zimbardo. A brief summary of this film includes these main characters, Luke, Dragline, Boss Godfrey, Boss Paul, and Boss Shorty. Luke is thrown in prison for two years for cutting the tops off of parking meters. Once Luke is at the prison he sees Dragline, is the leader and the other prisoners relent to his supposed authority. Luke and Dragline have a boxing match because Luke doesn t follow his leadership. Dragline outweighing Luke beats him to a pulp and Luke refuses to stay down. Eventually Dragline respects him and walks away. Luke is given hard work in the chain gang he is apart of, tarring roads, pulling weeds, this continues for hours and hours. The warden uses the box to punish the prisoners locking them in what could barely be called a closet for days. Luke s mother dies and he is put in the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Yellowstone Natural Park Today, I paid a visit to one of the most famous national parks, named Yellowstone. My family and I had come all the way to Wyoming to see the fantastic sights and natural wonders this park was known for. Yellowstone national park is 2.2 million acres large, spanning out over Wyoming largely, but also in Idaho and Montana. While I was present, I observed interesting wildlife and their activities, such as black bears stirring about, elk grazing and coyotes trotting. There are many more species of animals in Yellowstone too, including moose, bison, wolves, and bighorn sheep. This park also contained many other interesting natural exhibits and awes including geysers, mountains, and forests, the most famous geyser, being, Old Faithful. Yellowstone is a marvelous park, but unlike with humans, beauty is a sign of age. As I was told by a park ranger, Yellowstone is the first United States national park in existence, having been founded in 1872. I ... Show more content on ... It was not only the first national park, but it was vivid, unlike Death Valley and other national parks with similar environments. As I could see, its divineness comes in so many different exhibits throughout the park. I spotted geysers, rivers, mountains, forests, springs, and wildlife in this park, all of which I thought were fascinating. Also, I have heard from several park rangers that at one time, potato farmers in Idaho tried to get some of the water from Yellowstone by building a dam. That would give the farmers access to the water. They tried to do this, but they failed because of government intervention; furthermore proving that the resources located in Yellowstone are highly desirable. When my final hours at Yellowstone come to a close, I will look back at what an amazing day I had. Seeing all those sights and national symbols is a once in a lifetime experience. I am very thankful for the preservation of the park so that I, too can see what I have seen ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Ecological Perspective The Ecological Perspective The ecological perspective conveys the elaborate transactions between people and their environments (Greene, 2008). In order to understand someone, one must be able to understand the environment that he/she is a part of. Relatedness, competence, niche and habit, goodness of fit, and power are all important concepts that contribute to the ecological perspective. Relatedness is the capacity to form human relationships or connect with other people (Greene, 2008). Greene (2008) proclaimed that the ability to relate and connect with other people begin with consistent parenting. Antonio struggles in the ability to connect to others and creating relationships with his peers. He has made one friend, Roberto, but has showed ... Show more content on ... People and their environment are interdependent upon one another, creating a process of adaptation that is biological, psychological, social, and cultural (Robbins, 2011). Being unable to adapt can create a lack of fit between the person and his/her environment, where one s needs are not met in their environment, in which this case Antonio experiences. Antonio and his environment are unable to depend on each other, having unsuccessful transactions between them. Antonio has a supportive environment, with Hilda nurturing him as a mother, Rainbow Services as a comprehensive agency, and his friend Roberto to play with him. The only problem is that Antonio has not been experiencing successful transactions with his environment entirely, but has adept to disturbed and troubled behavior. There needs to be changes or modifications from within or externally in order to help Antonio fit better within his environment. Goodness of fit also is a result of a family s adaptiveness or their history of successful transactions over time (Greene, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Analysis of Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd This week s reflection is on a book titled Girls Like Us and it is authored by Rachel Lloyd. The cover also says fighting for a world where girls not for sale . After reading that title I had a feeling this book was going to be about girls being prostituted at a young age and after reading prologue I sadly realized I was right in my prediction. The prologue starts with the description about a girl who likes swimming, SpongeBob, Mexican food, writing poetry and getting her nails painted. To a normal person this sounds like a normal description for a little girl but normal is not the adjective to describe this girl because this little girl has been trafficked (or prostituted) by her 29 year old pimp on Craiglist to adult men. When I read ... Show more content on ... It s just all a sickening thought to me. There was also Tiffany in the first chapter whose pimp cut her so bad that she had to have her hair shaved off in order to get some consistency in it. Tiffany did not have a drug problem but the author talked about how it was hard to find her placement because she wasn t on drugs so Tiffany turned to drugs so she could receive help. The thought of someone having to turn to drug just to they could receive help is sad because it s like what would happen if they were living a normal life that did not involve drugs, pimps, and johns. There is another quote that in interesting to me in this book and it is from Jon Stewart who is an Academy Award Winner and he states You know what I think it just got a little easier out here for a pimp and that quote says a lot as well because there aren t very many pimps that do get in trouble for their crimes in my opinion. I read more about prostitutes and the men trying to pick them up getting arrested than I do pimps. There was one girl the book who talked about how she got in trouble for killing her abusive boyfriend yet nothing happened to him. It s an angry thought at how men who are so evil can get away with it but their victims get in legal trouble. I am not going to describe every chapter and quote in the book but I will say there is a lot of information to be learned from this book. I did not know much about child trafficking prior to sitting down to read this book. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of Bram Stoker s Dracula Voluptuous Vampire or Proper Prude Written and set in the late 19th century, Bram Stoker s epistolary novel Dracula is a pivotal book in gothic/horror literature. Like most novels written by men, Dracula appeals more to the male audience and their fantasies and fears about women than to the Victorian Age woman. In the novel, Lucy and Mina are the only two female characters the reader meets in detail, and they are also the only two characters that are seen becoming vampires indeed, they are the only major vampire characters, with the exception of the chief antagonist, who are described in detail within the novel. Therefore it is clear that these two play a very important role in representing females in the novel. Both characters are also ... Show more content on ... This can be seen when Van Helsing comments about Mina, She is one of God s women, fashioned by His own hand to show us men and other women that there is a heaven where we can enter, and that its light can be here on earth. So true, so sweet, so noble, so little an egoist and that, let me tell you, is much in this age... ( 197 ). The fact that Stoker has chosen to include such an important contrast between the two major characters so early in the novel suggests that it will play an important part in the narrative. The reader later learns that this difference is essential to the plot, as it is only Mina s purity and innocence that allows the group to defeat Dracula at the end of the novel, and ultimately saves Mina from Lucy s fate. Lucy s part in the novel may be relatively short, yet her role is essential to the audience s understanding of the novel s message about female roles and female sexuality in Victorian society since she is the first victim of Count Dracula. At the same time, Lucy is the only character whose transformation into a vampire Stoker describes in detail: At times she slept, and both Van Helsing and I noticed the difference in her, between sleeping and waking. Whilst asleep she looked stronger, although more haggard and her breathing was softer; her open mouth showed the pale ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Non-Parental Child Care Non Parental Child Care A handsome young American couple decides to get married after being romantically involved for just two short years. A few months following their wedding day, the couple decides to have a baby. About one year after conception, the couple is seen embracing the very light of their lives as they hold their baby girl. Although it seems life could not be any better for the couple, they realize that the father s sole income is not enough to support the entire family. The couple thought they had appropriately accounted for the expenses necessary to manage the new addition to their family on a single income. However, with the recent price spike of groceries resulting from sky rocketing gas prices, the couple realizes ... Show more content on ... . . and self care for the behavior and well being of children and adolescents (p. 473). The second type of child care is family day care which consists of child care in a home other than the child s own. This type of day care can be beneficial to the child because family day care providers typically have activities and play areas to accommodate the children they care for. However, much like in home child care, family day care providers generally do not have adequate child care training. Center based child care, on the other hand, is arguably the most effective non parental child care resource. According to a text by Berns (2010), she lists the qualities of center based child care when she says that caregivers are More likely to have had college courses related to and experience with children (p. 177). Not only do child care centers typically offer a range of physical activities for children within their play areas, but educated child care providers generally follow a planned curriculum for children to assist them with developmental skills. Berns (2010) points out that Socialization is not only affected by the type of care, but also by the curriculum implemented (most often found in center based care) (p. 177). Now that the three types of child care have been discussed, it is important to understand the influences of child care on a child s ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Syrian Conflict Of Syria The Syrian Conflict The conflict in Syria began in March 2011 in Deraa after multiple teenagers who painted revolution slogans on a school wall were apprehended and later tortured by the Syrian government. Pro democracy protests broke out and security forces began shooting at protestors and multiple were killed, which truly sparked the beginning of the conflict. More protests went on throughout the nation calling for President Assad to step down and after he did not, by July 2011, there were hundreds of protestors taking the streets across the country demanding he resign. As more time passed and no change was made, the country eventually broke into a civil war as rebels were battling the government forces for control of land. The fighting expanded through out the country, reaching the capital Damascus as well as the important city of Aleppo. By August of 2015, over 250,000 were killed and that number has only increased by now. The United States and Russia are both involved in this issue, as the U.S is backing the rebel forces to try to remove Assad from power, but Russia is backing Assad and providing aid to his campaign. Not only is it a battle between rebel forces as well as government forces, but also new dimensions such ISIS, a rising jihadist group, added a new dimension. The Islamic State has taken advantage of the chaos and has gained large areas of land in Syria and Iraq. ISIS not only poses a threat to the people of Syria, but also the people of the United States, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Film Analysis Of Wyatt Earp Throughout the years, there has been an abundance of movies depicting the wild west during the nineteenth century. One of these films includes Tombstone which was released in the year 1993. Based on real events, this movie is about a man named Wyatt Earp, played by Kurt Russel, who is a retired officer that settles in a town called Tombstone with his two brothers. Later, they encounter a group of outlaws called the Cowboys which was led by Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo. Due to some conflict between the opposing sides, it causes a massive gunfight called the O.K. Corral in which the Earp brothers and long time friend Doc Holliday, played by Val Kilmer, ultimately win the battle. As a result of the fight not ending in the Cowboys favor, they ambush the town in which leads to Virgil, played by Sam Elliot (Tombstone, 1.), becoming handicapped and Wyatt s younger brother, Morgan played by Bill Paxton, dead. This infuriates Wyatt which then leads him to seek vengeance for his brother s death. While Wyatt kills Curly, Doc and their posse attack the remaining Cowboys. After the ambush, Doc s tuberculosis progressively gets worse and is left on bed rest. As Wyatt and the posse continue to meet up with Johnny and the Cowboys, Doc has already arrived and murders Johnny legally. Tombstone, compared to other films, gives a realistic depiction of the west of that time period based on the set. It is based on a real place located in southern Arizona . This little town was established in 1877 ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Organic Food Vs Organic Foods Organically grown foods are not new to the world, they have been around since Native Americans lived on the land. Most people do not buy organic goods because of the cost and fear that the foods have been contaminated with different types of disease insects carry. Some do not even know what organic foods are; organic foods are foods produced by organic farming. while the standards differ worldwide, organic farming in general features cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster recycling of resources, promote ecological balance a conserve biodiversity (Arnett, 1). The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates the organic food and make sure it is clean enough for human consumption. Different health organizations around the country try to encourage people to add organic to their diet. Conventional food chemicals are polluting the soil and finding their way into people s water systems and slowly destroying their bodies. The destruction finds its way through the consumption of the food or the chemicals in the water. Despite the cost difference, organically grown foods are better than non organic foods because they are healthier for human consumption, are more sustainable for the environment, and support the local food movement. All over the world people are making the switch to organic because it is a better choice for one s health. Some people may not even know what organic grown food is. Organic is a substance that is grown and not treated with any ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Assyrian Art Essay Assyrian Art The reliefs from the palace of King Assurnasirpal II at Nimrud play an important role in portraying the power and importance of the Assyrian king. These reliefs are similar to other Assyrian reliefs in terms of their purpose; however, there is a contrast in the methods used to glorify the king. By examining such factors as style, iconography and historical significance, we find many similarities and differences between the ceremonial reliefs and the more common reliefs depicting war and hunting. The reliefs belonging to the sacred or ceremonial category consist of panels depicting a sacred tree, a human headed genius fertilizing a sacred tree, a griffin fertilizing a sacred tree, and a scene of King Assurnasirpal (whose ... Show more content on ... In term of stylization, both the human headed deities and Assurnasirpal have very stylized hair falling in straight locks to the back of their necks; furthermore, they possess highly stylized beards of intricate waves and ringlets which end evenly at the bottom. Because these features are similar to that of Assurbanipal and the mythological bullmen at the palace at Khorsabad, it can be construed that it is a coiffure characteristic of royalty and divinity alike (Art History Anthology 28). Moving on to the facial expression, we find that all the human headed figures contain large eyebrows, large eyes that are deeply undercut, an elongated nose, conventionalized ears, and highly conventionalized lips which appear as a simple slit. On the other hand, the beardless griffin has an eagle s head adorned with a feather headdress and a curved beak with a long tongue. To show the strength of the deities and Assurnasirpal, the artist depicts muscles within the arms and legs through simple lines and curves. This style of depicting the facial and body features is common in other Assyrian reliefs including the hunting scenes of Assurbanipal. Although there are many similarities in body structure, there is also a distinctive element that separates the deities and the king. Each deity possesses a set of four highly stylized wings made up of very detailed ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Mysterious Crop Circles Essay In this world, there are so many mysteries, secrets, and phenomenon that have not been explained. For the last few decades, crop circles have been appearing all around the world, yet we do not have a clear scientific explanation for them. Crop circles are defined as some kind of circular geometric patterns on crops such as wheat, barley, and corn, (Meder 2007). They are made within a very short period of time without any mistakes. There are over 12,000 circles found with complicated patterns and large in scale, (Crystalinks 2009) Many of the crop circles were found to be a manmade, but we cannot conclude that rests of them are hoaxed by man. People are still debating on this mystery circle, yet there are no answers. This paper will explain ... Show more content on ... People refer to the years between the mid 1990s and the early 21st century as the Golden Years of Crop Circle because more people were able to experience the real sight of crop circles. With help of fast communication and travel technologies, people can see crop circles first hand and they have stopped considering crop circles as worthless propaganda. Still, a majority of people still believe that crop circles are fake instead of trying to find information about crop circles. However, more people have gotten involved and interested in crop circles, and they are spreading the word as time goes by. Creators of Crop Circle Who are the creators of crop circles? This matter is probably the most sensitive and debatable topic related to crop circles. Researchers found out that there are only two possible explanations that they can think of, which are humans and aliens. According to Cropcircleresearch (2009), 80% of the crop circles were found to be made by humans, and it describes that manmade crop circles have broken crops unlike the other 20% of the crop circles that remains in mystery has bend crops. The problem we face in current society is that we are manipulated to believe extra terrestrial beings do not exist in the first place. Christianity is one of the biggest and widely believed religions ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Muslim Women Essay The American media has a tendency to portray Muslims in a negative light. Some pity Muslims while others feel pure disdain for them. This statement made by Ann Coulter (2001) following the September 11th terrorist attacks demonstrates the disdain for Muslims, We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity (as cited in Arab American National Museum, 2011). While this particular statement was directed at all Muslims, there are also many misconceptions directed solely at Muslim women. In this essay, I will discuss the issue of Muslim women and some of the ways in which their reality contradicts the common media representations of women in that area. The first common media representation of ... Show more content on ... A second common assumption of the Muslim women is that they are forced into marriage. While it is true that arranged marriages do still take place in the Muslim world, the marriages are not forced upon anyone (Ahmed, 1999). Before an arranged marriage takes place, parents and older relatives discuss different possible matches, but the person, for whom they are searching a mate, is always involved in the discussions (Ahmed, 1999). Then before the marriage can take place, both future spouses must agree to the marriage in front of witnesses (Ahmed, 1999). A third common media stereotype of Muslim women is that their sole purpose is to please their husbands. Geraldine Brooks author of the book, Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women wrote that Muslim women are expected to sacrifice their comfort and freedom to service the requirements of male sexuality; either to repress or stimulate the male sex urge (as cited in Arab American National Museum, 2011). This stereotype is heightened by the fact that Islam allows polygamy. While Islam does allow men to take four wives, it is only advised that they do so under extreme circumstances (Ahmed, 1999). In fact, the Quran recommends that one wife is best because one who marries multiple wives must treat all of them completely equal and that is a difficult task (Ahmed, 1999). Muslim women like Muslim men play a part in the family, but their part goes way beyond simply pleasing their ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Yoga Sutras And Early Buddhist Meditation Both the Yoga sutras and early Buddhist meditation studies the eightfold or eight limbs practices and principles. The eightfold of the early Buddhist meditation practices includes the right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. The eight limbs of Yoga sutra meditation similarly practices five restraints, five observances, postures, breath control, control of the senses, concentration, contemplation, and meditative absorption. There are multiple commonalities when it comes to the practice of Yoga sutra and early Buddhist meditation which importantly is state of the mind where the mind is informed. These steps of practices are the direction of finding ... Show more content on ... Scholars have long pointed out a commonality of vocabulary and concepts between the Yoga sutras and Buddhist texts (pg. 24). The Yoga sutra and early Buddhist meditation helps to distance themselves from the arrogance of the world, the materialistic possessions, and derives to the awareness of oneself, the innermost consciousness of the self and the mind. In the tradition of the Buddhist meditation, where there is chaos, one must and will find peace. To comprehend and evaluate one surroundings is the key aspect in discovering self awareness. Our day to day life is an example of one self mindfulness because every day we learn from experiences which can lead to great harmony, concentration, and exploration also known as Samatha meditation. When the article declares, The way the Buddha taught meditation was not intended to encourage people to ignore the world or closet themselves away, as is sometimes thought, but, with the mindfulness that is constantly enjoined, to be of it and participate in it more (pg. 3). Concisely, the way one views the world is determined by the outcome of ones consciousness of the mind. How we see the world and engage in it truly opens our eyes beyond imagination, one learns to help, suffer, and experience the world changing and they change with it. Even though, the truly ideal phase of the Buddhist mediation comes At the heart of the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Wild Swans, by Jung Chang Essay Wild Swans, by Jung Chang The Chinese people have experienced rapid change, in government and culture in the 20th century. Although the common people seemed to have risen up against oppression from the ruling class, liberty and equality often remains out of their grasp. For centuries the dynastic cycle has dominated the culture and collective consciousness of the Chinese people. This process is characterized by unification, followed by prosperity and success, followed by corruption and instability, and finally rebellion and overthrow. This gives way to a new dynasty that was said to have received the mandate of heaven. This cycle, in some ways, ended with the fall of the Qing dynasty. This marked the end of over 2000 years of ... Show more content on ... She was born to parents whose marriage had been arranged, they were probably never in love, neither before, nor after the wedding. Yu fang s mother was not even given a name, and her husband was 6 years younger than her and only a boy of fourteen at the time of their marriage. She was expected to help raise her husband which was expected of a Chinese bride. Yu fang s feet were bound when she was the age of two. This was done by her own mother, and was an extremely painful process. Jung Chang said, My Grandmother screamed in agony and begged her to stop. Her mother had to stick a cloth into her mouth to gag her. My grandmother passed out repeatedly from the pain. (24) This painful tradition is one of the worst examples mistreatment of women that was considered a necessity. Yu fang was born in 1909. This was near the end of the Manchu Empire, which had been ruling the nation for over 260 years. This was also a time when threat of Japanese invasion was a constant reality in the region of Manchuria, which is where Yixian, the family s hometown, was located. Yu fang became a concubine to an official to the Metropolitan Police of the Warlord government of Peking. Her father arranged for Yu fang and General Xue to meet (making it seem accidental to preserve his family honor) and received a considerable ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Education System Of The Republic Education is a transfer of knowledge from one generation to another. Some societies have oral traditions while others transfer the knowledge by written works. In Plato s Republic, for Socrates the education system is structured in two major parts: the education of the mind and character and the physical training. For Socrates, truth, justice, and goodness are the main principles for a utopic society. Indeed, for him the truth is universal and therefore in order to have a perfect utopic society it community should be dedicated and based on truth. In fact, in this imaginary society the educational system is an oral transfer of knowledge, which is based on trues stories and fiction. The Republic shows that in this imaginary society the education is strictly control and does not portray any of the three principles of a utopic society. The educational system of The republic demonstrates that nothing is utopic in this imaginary society. The education of this society is controlled and people could only have one set of mind. Everyone is different and therefore should have the right of choosing when, how and what they want to study. The varieties of educational system normally allow this, but in this society, it is not the case. In this society, the education is supervised and controlled: Then it seems that our first business is to supervise the production of stories, and choose only those we think suitable, and reject the rest (Plato 377 b). The education goes from one ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Poverty and Inequality in Society Have you ever wondered what it s like to live in poverty? No proper food, shelter or even clean water. And have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about how inequality and separation has affected the world? Everyone is born different yet we still treat each other differently because of our race, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexuality. Poverty and Inequality has been one of the world s major concerns. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Poverty is the inability to afford the resources you need to survive; water, food, shelter and results in a few getting wealthy and the majority living in poverty. Inequality is the limiting of people s social status. This has an effect on your income, resources, opportunities, citizenship and civil rights, lifestyle, education and the list goes on (The Stanford Center, n.d.). Poverty is increasing day by day and this is because the governments in many countries have limited access to resources to supply to the people (Global Issues, 2013). Over 3 billion people survive on less than $2.50 a day. One in every two children lives in poverty. Millions live without proper shelter, safe water or access to health services. In 2003, 10.6 million died before they reach the age of 5 (Global Issues, 2013). This means that there have been roughly 29000 deaths per day. Poverty exists in all countries in the world but is most severe in lower income countries. The rate of poverty is higher in countries that have ... Get more on ...
  • 22. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Taylor Swift s Song Blank Space In musical superstar Taylor Swift s music video for her song Blank Space, she is portraying herself as the high maintenance and dramatic girlfriend that the media believes she is. The speaker of this text is the media s perception of Taylor Swift and her message is about the disconnect between who Swift really is and who the media sees her as. I believe Swift has two purposes for this music video. One is for her character in the music video to warn her audience about the type of love that boys want, and the other for real life Taylor herself to poke holes into the media s concept of her love life. The video is filled with satire and paradoxes to convince us that our idea of Taylor Swift is not an accurate opinion of her. At the very beginning of the video, we see a young man get out of a car in front of a massive mansion that appears to be Swift s home. The car he gets ... Show more content on ... She says, Oh my God, look at that face, you look like my next mistake, love s a game, want to play? Starting out with Oh my God, look at that face she is telling us that this character is very superficial and is only looking at the outside appearance of the young man who is visiting her mansion. You look like my next mistake, love s a game, want to play? is implying that this guy is just another object to be had by Swift and another mistake in a long series of mistakes and that love for her is just a game, not something to be taken seriously. This is exactly the persona that the media portrays Swift as. She has always been seen as someone who moves on from guy to guy like the whole idea of love is just for fun without consideration of the other persons feelings. This idea comes from her relationships with other celebrities and lyrics in her music that go through many of her relationship troubles. Although this is who she appears to be in real life, she is taking that idea of herself and exaggerating it in the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence Although there are many threats and worries with Artificial Intelligence there are also many benefits that can outweigh the negatives. Our society is already experiencing this technology in vehicles that have auto sensing and braking capabilities. Another really intriguing feature of AI would be faster and more accurate web searches. I believe being able to provide information instantly will further improve lives and the business world, since time is money. Today we call artificial intelligence narrow artificial intelligence which means artificial intelligence that is weak. Google is an example of narrow artificial intelligence that we use every day. Other examples of narrow artificial intelligence include ATMs and touchless car washes, they are designed to execute a set of tasks. Whereas AI can learn set tasks and create new tasks based on its intuition and ability to think and problem solve for itself. What s in store for Artificial intelligence within the next 5 years (believe me a lot can happen with technology in 5 years)? 3 D printers, IOT (internet of things), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are taking the spotlight light currently. These technologies will exponentially improve and become more commonplace in the business world then expand into the consumer market once businesses have improved their capabilities as a pioneer in the technologies. One can expect 3 D printers to be able to print everything from cars/trucks to tissue cells for ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Three Types Of Spastic Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy is a disability caused by traumatic injury to the developing brain. Cerebral means brain and Palsy means paralysis of the voluntary muscles. 70% of the individuals diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy get the disease before they are even born due to injury, accidents, and even medical malpractice. 20% of people with Cerebral Palsy have gotten CP during the birthing process and 10% get CP by an injury to the brain before it is fully developed.There are 3 levels, 2 types, and multiple treatment options of Cerebral Palsy. Mild, moderate, and severe and the 3 different levels of Cerebral Palsy. How much of the body is affected shows the severity of each case. If a child has mild Cerebral Palsy, they only have a slight impairment. ... Show more content on ... When diagnosing Cerebral Palsy, individuals have to go to multiple types of doctors like occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, Pediatricians, Neurologists, Developmental Behavioral Specialists, and Geneticists. When they have all of these doctors and specialists giving the child a diagnosis, they will get the best possible care that is needed for them to live life with as little pain as possible. The process of diagnosis can take a couple of months to 5 years to get a proper and full diagnosis of a child s Cerebral Palsy. When a pediatrician does not feel that the child s behavior is normal or that their brain is developing correctly, they will refer the parents to a specialist or several specialists to get a closer look at their ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Thomas Hardy The Ruined Maid The Ruined Maid Analysis In the poem The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy, there are two women talking in a town. The first women is admiring and praising the second called Amelia. She tells her about how much she has changed and how she has practically moved from rags to riches. In a constant back and forth banter between the two Amelia continues to respond with, that is what happens when one gets ruined hinting to repetition. Apart from using repetition Hardy also extensively uses voice with the second woman to show just how surprising the changes are. In using repetition and voice Thomas Hardy slowly gives the readers the theme of not letting money consume one. From what I could depict from the poem Amelia was being slightly rude to her fellow companion. Amelia would constantly remind her that she had been ruined, that she obtained all she has by being ruined, she was to proud of having been ruined constantly shoving it in the other woman s face, and she did not hold back what she thought whether negative or not. An example can be found in the last two lines in the poem, The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy My dear a raw country girl, such as you be,/ Cannot quite expect that. You ain t ruined. (23 24) In these ... Show more content on ... Just as shown in the following lines of the poem The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy, You left us in tatters, without shoes or socks,/..................../Your hands were like paws then, your face blue and bleak/ But now I m bewitched by your delicate cheek, (5, 13 14) The woman described the profile of a woman that is no longer there, a woman who is the present Amelia filled with the riches all working woman could wish for. The woman can not contain the surprise in her voice to the changes she has seen. She despicably revises and analyzes Amelia, reminding her of the woman she was once before. She is in a state of disbelief and hazy ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Zelman Vs Harris Analysis Clabaugh, G. K. (2003). After Zelman v. Simmons Harris, What?. Educational Horizons, 82(1), 15 18. In this article, the author is explaining Chief Justice Rehnquist s reaction to the decision that Ohio s school voucher program is constitutional, as decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the article, Chief Justice Rehnquist is quoted saying the voucher program is constitutional, because the choice of where the government money will go lies with the parents. Therefore, the government is not deciding whether or not to support religious schools. However, Justice Souter observed that ninety six percent of the students who received the vouchers then attended a religious school. Justice Souter believed that there was a lack of secular schooling ... Show more content on ... Simmons Harris court case, and shows the situation at the state level and sets the stage for what will come in the Zelman v. Simmons Harris case. At this time, a federal judge in Ohio had just suspended Cleveland s voucher program days before the start of a new school year. This is the beginning of the national debate of school voucher programs and if the programs violate the U.S. Establishment Clause. This piece was written before the case was tried by the U.S. Supreme Court tried the case and after the U.S. District judge blocked the school voucher system in Cleveland. At this time, there was a lot of confusion and concern about what was going to happen to the student who had been using the vouchers and what this would mean for the future. This article offers a chance for both sides to offer their opinion on what this may mean for taxpayers and students. It is interesting to see what peoples thoughts and opinions are, because this piece was written before there was even a case. This article shows what citizens concerns are, and it is only focused on what is currently happening and recent, similar cases. I think this article also helps the reader connect more with problem at hand for the students, because in the article they mention the students more and how this is a loss for ... Get more on ...
  • 27. My Education Philosophy Personal Mission Statement Education is the imparting and acquiring of knowledge and skills through teaching and learning. As an educator, my personal mission statement is to master my subject area in order to serve as a role model for my students thereby producing students who thoroughly understand the subject matter, and who develop holistically. In order to achieve this goal I must have a set education philosophy with a strong Christian worldview. I must also have a general understanding of the different world and education philosophies. Metaphysics Metaphysics is defined as the branch of philosophy that examines the true nature of reality whether visible or invisible. Metaphysics includes the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, and, fact and value. Idealists believe that only the mental is ultimate reality and that the mental world of ideas is permanent, regular and orderly (Berumen, 2014). They affirm that reality is essentially spiritual or mental and denies the possibility of knowing anything except ideas. Idealists theorize that ultimate reality is solely in the mind and argues that the universe is an expression of highly generalized intelligence and will (Gutek, 1997, p. 18). In summary, Idealists believe that what exists really exists, and cannot be changed because it is permanent, and cannot be new because it is regular. In contrast to Idealists, Pragmatists believes that there are no unchanging or eternal truths. Pragmatists reject ... Get more on ...
  • 28. College Essay On Trail Horses Trail riding with horses can be a very fun, and relaxing experience. For defining purposes, a trail ride is riding a horse outdoors on roads such as trails, forest roads, or similar pathways that are not normally subjected to traffic of the motorized type. These rides can be of varying length, terrain, and difficulty. While this can be a very enjoyable experience, there are still things one must keep in mind before taking off on an adventure such as this. While virtually any horse can be trained successfully to ride on trail rides, there are some breeds in particular that possess certain traits that lead to superior trailing. Qualities to look for in prospective trail horses are patience and sure footedness. It s also very important to make sure these horses won t spook easily, because you never know what you might come across during a trail ride. There are five horse breeds in particular that have proved to have these qualities, therefore making them better suited to trail riding. These horses are the ... Show more content on ... When on trail rides you will often come across things your horse will have to step over, such as logs or other objects found in nature. Your horse has to be patient, in case you have to stop and wait for any reason during your ride. A horse that spooks easily is also not ready for trail rides, considering you can t always control what will and will not appear to spook them during that time. Lastly, trail riding is more often than not a group activity. Depending on the size of the pathway you re on, your horse will have to be in fairly close quarters to other horses and their riders. If your horse isn t able to do this safely and patiently, you will have to train so they are until you can go on trail rides. Safety should always come first when riding your horse, and an unprepared or unsuitable horse can bring immense danger to other horses and riders on the trail. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. This Old House Paper This Old House by David Sedaris, is a story of a younger adult misunderstood by his own family and most of society who simply just, longed for a home where history was respected. After taking a trip to visit an old friend in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, he decides to stay in the city longer by finding work and a place to live. He finds work as a dishwasher in a restaurant hoping to eventually advance from his current position. After finding work, he then unexpectedly meets his future landlord who also has the same appreciation for the past. After moving in to his new home, a friendship blossoms between the main character and his landlord, even with other tenants opinions and ways of lives that have other opinions on how life ... Show more content on ... The antagonist of the story would be the landlord, Rosemary and the other tenants of the home. This is because her portrayed way of life attracted the narrator to Rosemary s house, which in return almost solely based his decision on living there. Later in the story Rosemary changed into another person that the main character almost could not recognize. With her change in appearance from vintage clothing to more updated clothing, as well as her almost disregard for her so much loved antiques when the main character first moved into the house. The other tenants, mainly the character Chaz, would constantly ridicule the main character and seem as if their lives were more how life should be lived. In the entire story being told, there are no exact dates or times stated by the main character as to when the story being told took place, but from reading through the entire story, it could be concluded by readers that the story is from a more modern period of time. With the way the main character refers to the out of date clothing styles he chooses to wear and descriptions of the past from the depression era and how the other characters, such as the main character s father and the tenant Chaz always ridiculed the way he dressed or his opinions on how life should be lived. Even though there is no exact time frame for the story, the reader does know where a majority of the story took place. The main ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Looking Back At Casablanca, By Humphrey Bogarts Looking back at Casablanca in 1941, it is shocking to know that Humphrey Bogarts famous words hears looking at you kid was improvised on the spot. While this type of improvising is common today, it was taboo compared the structured and generic Golden Age of film ( Sorry Russell ). The studio system of the 1930s to 1960s dramatically changed the methods of film production, the types of movies made, and eventually caused its own demise. At the beginning of the great depression, holding non essential jobs was an extremely difficult task. The film industry took advantage of this and placed all aspect of making a film on its payroll. While the labor portion (i.e. costume designers and set hands) of film production appreciated a steady and guaranteed ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hyundai Case Study About HMC The Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) is the largest South Korean automobile manufacturer, which is the fifth largest automaker in the world. In 2006 and occupied the 10th place in the world ranking of OICA. In 2007 Hyundai again have excellent grades in initial quality survey by JD Power, one of the indicators of the industry most respected and that measures the performance of cars and customer satisfaction during the first 3 months of use. In Korean, the word Hyundai means modernity . The brand was created in 1947 by Chung Ju yung, the dominant figure of the Korean economy from 1960 until his death in 2001. Hyundai built its first car in 1968, the compact sedan Cortina, under license from Ford. In 1975, he made his first own ... Show more content on ... Moreover, HMC and Shell have been working together since 2005, which have supported the development and execution of various local marketing, promotion, service programs and activities. Shell runs a number of programs with Hyundai dealerships and workshops to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. These include the Before Service program, a free car health check for customers and the Quick Service Program, which provides a quick and convenient oil change and service for Hyundai car owners. Hyundai s alliance with Shell enables them to extend their reach and network across the global automobile system and provide world class service to their partners. Table 1 SWOT Analysis |Strength: |Weakness: | |Return vehicle free of charge within first year purchase. |the risk of high failure rate of family businesses because of its | |Won high scores in many product evaluation and consumer surveys |complexity, informality and discipline | |Strong product quality and adopting marketing strategies |Problems between labor and management. | |Opportunity: ... Get more on ...
  • 32. How To Write A Narrative Essay About American Culture Languages of Another Assimilating into this melting pot that we call America may be a walk in the park to some but to others, there is a high barrier that blocks the doorway like a security guard to the trendiest club in Los Angeles. As easy as it may be for some to come up to the front of the line and walk right through the red rope, there are others who are not as lucky. Most people much like you and I, have to wait in a long line and pay their way through. Whether a native on this land or an immigrant from another country, language is a very powerful tool required in order for one to be successful here in America. There is a high price of hard work and determination that can pay the cost of making this success a reality. I was born and raised as a Filipino American in a household full of Filipinos who mainly spoke the Kapangpangan language. My parents were both born in the Philippines and when they were in their 30 s, came to start a new life in Oakland, California. They worked double jobs with long hours, so my sister and I were raised by our grandparents who also mainly spoke Kapangpangan. Although we were always spoken to in this language, my sister and I never caught on to speaking the language fluently. The background of ... Show more content on ... In reality, full assimilation is not necessarily needed to succeed here in America, but instead, having a diverse background and knowledge of another language actually has more benefits than not. There are many more opportunities available for people who are multilingual because of the melting pot that America is. The most beneficial thing that can come out of learning a new language whether it be English, Spanish, Chinese or Kapangpangan, is being able to use that language as a platform to reach out to a greater number of people near and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Becoming A Writer Analysis I want to become a writer when I was a small girl. I have learned that if I want to turn the writer, I need the qualities such as observation, patience, discipline and the love of writing. First of all, I have to observe everything in my own life then notice all of them carefully because it is helpful materials I can use later. Furthermore, it is necessary to read and re read to see how the authors develop, arrange their problems that is another essential form of observation. Secondly, I need to learn how to be patient in any time as writing is not easy stuff. There are some days you will see the end is so far away as well as you realize that the worst things with the writer are a empty word. Just keep patience and writing! To write anything ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Prince Vs Pauper How would you like to switch places with the president, a pop star, or maybe just one of your parents? What do you think the pros and cons of this would be? This is what happened in the Prince and the Pauper by Samuel Clemens under the name Mark Twain. It is about two boys who were born on the same day where one was wanted, one was not. Each boy was not happy with his own life at an older age, so they switched places. Tom Canty became a prince, and Edward Tudor became a pauper. Some people may believe that the Mickey Mouse version of Prince and the Pauper is the best version, but in fact the live action version of Prince and the Pauper is superior. For instance, the Mickey Mouse version is more school friendly. The graphics are cartoony and the characters ... Show more content on ... To add on, the live action follows the original plot. In the live action, Tom was invited into the castle by the prince, Edward Canty (Foster). This exemplifies that the live action is better because that is a show of kindness toward his subjects that develops the character. Not to mention, the live action is also more detailed. Each action and facial expression showed a kind of emotion and the movements of each character portray that character s personality. This shows that the live action is more appealing because its realism presents each point better. Equally important, all the important characters that were missing their storyline or just missing entirely in the Mickey Mouse version are present. The Hendon brothers have their fight, Miles becomes Edward s protector after he switched, and John Canty beats Tom when he does any little thing wrong. To recapitulate, the live action version of Prince and the Pauper by Foster is superior to the Mickey Mouse version for many reasons. Truly, Prince and the Pauper is a great work of literature. The question is...who would you switch with and ... Get more on ...