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dr. Indrawati, Sp.GK
•Required in tiny amount to perform specific functions tha
t :
- promote growth
- reproduction
- maintenance of health and life
•Vital to life ( vita amine )
The vitamins differs from macro
• Structure
- individual units, not linked
• Function
- do not yield usable energy
• Food content and requirement
- are measured in µg or mg
Similar to the energy-yielding nutrients, though, in that t
hey are vital to life, organic, and available from foods.
• Quantity provided by a food
- tables of food composition
• Bioavailability
- efficiency
- previous nutrient intake and nutrition status
- other foods consumed at the same time
- method of food preparation (raw, cooked, or processed)
- source (synthetic, fortified, or natural)
Some of the vitamins are available from foods in inactive forms k
nown as precursors or provitamins
Water soluble vitamins
Absorption Directly into the blood
Transport Travel freely into the blood
Storage Circulate freely in water-filled parts of the body
Excretion Kidney detect and remove excess in urine
Toxicity Possible to reach toxic levels when consumed from suppl
Requirements Needed in frequent doses
Fat soluble vitamins
Absorption First into the lymph, the blood
Transport Many require protein carriers
Storage Stored in the cells associated with fat
Excretion Less readily excreted, tend to remain in fat-storage sites
Toxicity Likely to reach toxic level when consumed from supplements
Requirements Needed in periodic doses (perhaps weeks or even months)
Vitamin A: retinol
• Can only be found intact in animal s
• In its natural form, it is alcohol kno
wn as retinol
• Provitamin : caroten stored in the li
• retinol + opsin (protein) = rhodopsi
n (vision)
• Function: affect vision, bone growt
h, reproduction, cell division, immu
nity, and healthy surface linings of t
he respiratory tract and mucous m
• deficiency = improper growth, xero
phthalmia, follicular keratosis
Vitamin D : cholecalciferol
• Vitamin D found as ergocalciferol (
D2) and cholecalciferol (D3)
• Both activated in plants/animal ski
n by UV radiation (‘conditional vita
• D3 primarily used as precursor for c
alcium regulation
• Deficiency : bone deformation (rick
• An excess of vitamin D can lead to
hypervitaminosis resulting in renal
failure, weight loss, and calcificatio
n of soft tissues in the body
Vitamin E: tocopherol
•active form is alpha tocopherol
•good antioxidant (protects unsaturated fatty acid compon
ent of cell membranes from free-radical attack)
•smokers are especially likely to develop vit E deficiency, als
o result of genetic abnormality of lipoprotein synthesis
•the primary def. symptoms is nervous system damage. Im
mune function also reduced
•deficiency leads to fragile red blood cells
•effects of overdosing: diarrhea, nausea, headaches, fatigue
Vitamin K: menadione
•Originally identified as a fat-soluble factor required for normal
blood clotting
•menadione is the most active form
•actually works by activating blood-clotting proteins
•Defic. occurs when a person takes antibiotic (certain type), or
has impaired fat absorption
•Also occur in newborn, typically low birth weight
Water SolubleVitamins
• These are vitamins that are also ne
eded in small amounts due to their
role in enzymatic reactions in the c
• After being ingested, they undergo
chemical modifications which conv
ert them into enzymes
• Taking larger doses of these vitami
ns is pointless because they are not
stored in the body; they are excrete
d out in the urine
Thiamin B1
• Chief function : Part of co E TPP (Th
iamin Pyrophosphate) in the metab
olism of CHO
• Deficiency : manifest chiefly as neu
romuscular disorders
• Symptoms : Beri-beri, enlarged hea
rt, cardiac failure, weakness, apath
y, poor short term memory, anorexi
a, weight loss
• Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (alco
Riboflavin: B2
• Chief function: part of FMN (flavin
mononucleotide), FAD (Flavin ade
nine dinucleotide) used in energy m
• Riboflavin co E have redox reaction
• Deficiency : manifested chiefly as d
ermal and neural disorders
• Symptoms : sore throat, cracks and
redness at corners of mouth, painful
, smooth, purplish red tongue
Riboflavin deficiency
 lesions of the margin of the lips (ch
eilosis) and corners of the mouth (ang
ular stomatitis)
 painful desquamation of the tongue,
so that it is red, dry and atrophic (mag
enta tongue)
 sebhorroeic dermatitis, with filiform
Deficiency is widespread; rarely fatal because there is efficient re
utilization of riboflavin released in catabolism of enzymes
Riboflavin functions as a redox coenzyme
in all energy-yielding pathways
• forms: niacin, nicotinic acid, nicoti
• the co E form : niacin, NAD and NA
DP are active participants in redox r
• sources: rice polishings, yeast, rice
• tryptophan can be converted to nia
cin in the body.
• deficiencies: pelagra, dermatitis, a
nemia, skin lesions, sunburning
Pellagra – the niacin deficiency disease
Sunburn-like dermatitis in areas exposed to sunlight
Niacin deficiency (pellagra) before and a
fter therapy
Pyridoxine (B6)
•The metabolically active form of B6 is pyridoxal phosphate,
which functions as a co E for reactions involving amino acids
•Required for synthesis and breakdown of amino acids
•Found in fish, meat, poultry, leafy green vegetables
•RDA: ~2.0 mg/day
•Deficiency: rare, nervousness/muscular weakness
•Overdose: if 50-100 times the RDA are taken
•peripheral neuropathy in young women has been seen
Pantothenic Acid
•Essential for the normal metabolism of fats and carbohydrat
•Abundant in meat, poultry, whole grain cereals and legumes
•RDA: 4-7 mg/day
•Deficiency: rare, except in alcoholics, leads to gastrointestin
al, neuromotor, and cardiovascular disorders
•Gets converted to CoA in the body (the functional form); als
o important in fatty acid metabolism
•Involved in carboxylation/decarboxylation reactions in th
e metabolism of fats, carbs, and protein
•Sources: liver, egg yolks, cheese, peanuts, bacteria in the
•Deficiency: rare, dermatitis, loss of appetite/nausea, musc
le pain, elevated blood cholesterol
•Birth defect : labioplatoschisis, short limbs, etc.
Folic Acid
•Recently shown as very i
mportant for pregnant fe
males to avoid birth defec
•function: synthesis of pur
ines, pyrimidines, nucleic
•deficiencies: anemia, larg
e erythrocytes, Neural Tu
be Defect (NTD).
Folic acid
tetrahydrofolate (THF)
Dietary deficiency not uncommon
Megaloblastic anaemia
– release into the circulation of immature red cell precursors
– folate has a major rôle in DNA synthesis
•Last of 15 vitamins to be iden
•chemically complex, cobalt n
•function: coenzyme in metab
olic reactions, maturation of e
rythrocytes, uracil->thymine
•deficiency: pernicious anemi
a, nerve disorders
B vitamins-in CHO metabolism concert
Ascorbic Acid: C
• function: antioxidant, stress reduce
r, bone calcification, iron metab, tyr
osine metab, blood clotting
• Important for growth/repair of con
nective tissue, teeth, bones, and ca
• Promotes wound healing, enhance
s absorption of iron, helps synthesi
ze several hormones
• deficiency: stomatitis, scorbut, slo
w woun healing
• toxicity: nausea, diarrhea kidney st
Major minerals :
Essential mineral nutrients need in the human body
in amounts larger than 100 mg. Sometimes called m
acrominerals (sodium, potasium, clorida, magnesiu
m, fosfor, calcium)
Trace mineral :
Essential mineral nutrients need in the human body
in amounts less than 100 mg. Sometimes called mic
rominerals (zinc, iodine, fe, cu, fluoride)
 Inorganic,
 Found in every living cell
 Optimal intake (essential, but can also be toxic)
 Bioavailibility
 Amplification of action
 Interaction
Found in every living cell
Important constituents of essential molecules
Cofactors in numerous enzymatic reactions
Serve in the maintenance of pH, osmotic pressure, nerve conductance, mu
scle contraction,blood clotting, energy production, and in almost of every a
spect of life.
Food sources
The trace mineral contents of food depend on soil a
nd water composition and on how foods are proces
Furthermore, many factors in the diet and within th
e body affect the mineral’s bioavailability
Bioavailability refers to the rate at and the extent to
which a nutrient is absorbed and used
Defined as the percent of the consumed mineral that
enters via the intestinal absorptive cells and is used fo
r its intended purpose.
Bioavailibility includes not only how much of a consu
med minerals enters the body, but also how much is r
etained and available for use.
Severe deficiencies of the better-known minerals are e
asy to recognize.
Mild deficiencies are easy to overlook
In general, the most common result of a deficiency is
failure of children to grow and thrive.
Some of the trace minerals are toxic at intakes not
far above the estimated requirements.
Thus it is important not to habitually exceed the u
pper level of recommended intakes
Interactions among the trace minerals are common and ofte
n lead to nutrient imbalances.
An excess of one may cause a deficiency of another.
A deficiency of one may open the way for another to cause a
toxic reaction.
A deficiency of one may exacerbate the problems associated
with the deficiency of another.
Interlocking gear system
Mineral antagonisms
Vitamin & Mineral interactions
Iron (Fe)
a key attribute of iron is i
ts ability to take up and re
lease oxygen atoms and ele
ctrons. This allows it to pa
rticipate in carrying oxyge
n in the blood and transfer
ring electrons in the electr
on transport chain of the c
ell mitochondria
•Carrier of oxygen in the blood
•Storage of oxygen in muscle (
•Involved in electron transport
chain and production of ATP (
• Heme iron
- animal ( ± 30%)
• Non Heme iron
- vegetable, legumes etc.
•Terdapat dlm bentuk Fe (II) atau (Fe(III)  di dlm tubuh dite
mukan berasosiasi dgn protein. Di dalam tubuh tersimpan dl
m jumlah besar dalam protein  ferritin
•Dlm btuk bebas di dalam tubuh : konsentrasi sgt rendah. Kar
• Ion Ferri tidak larut dalam air
• Mungkin ion ferro toksik bagi sel dpt bereaksi dg hidrogen peroksida
 radikal hidroksil
•Makanan biasa mengandung Fe (III)  tapi untuk mudah dis
erap harus dlm bentuk Fe (II)
•Reduksi Fe (III) menjadi Fe (II)  dgn askorbat (vit C) atau dg
n suksinat
Fe2+ Fe3+
iron status regulated through absorption
- Acid in stomach
- Heme iron
- High body demand
- Low body stores of iron
- Meat protein factors (MPF)
- Vit C (converts ferri to ferro)
- Phytic acid (dietary fibre)
- Oxalic acid
- Polyphenols (tea, coffee)
- Full body stores of iron
- Excess of other minerals (Zn, Mn,
- Reduction in stomach acid
- Antacid
- Transferrin is a protein that transports iron in the blood
- When iron stores are adequate all iron binding sites are saturated
-Transferrin can be used as an indicator of overload or deficiency
- Almost all cells in the body have transferrin receptor (TfR)
- Serum soluble Tfr (sTfR) is a good indicator of deficiency.
 Ferritin is the primary store of iron
 Iron not taken up by transferrin is stored as ferritin in
the intestinal wall (short term store)
also stored in the liver and spleen as ferritin
 Hemosiderin is a stable iron-protein compound in the
liver that stores iron when iron exceeds the storage
capacity of ferritin.
Deficiency and excess
IDA – high prevalence
Reduced cognitive functionin
Reduce capacity for physical
Increased maternal mortalit
Haemochromatosis – genetic
Fe deposits cause cell damag
e in pancreas, liver and heart
Leads to diabetes, liver and
heart failure
Iodine in human body
•Usual intake of healthy person 100 to 200 µg/day, mostly from iodized salt
•Rapidly absorbed from GI tract
•Fasting plasma concentration are about 1µg/L.
•80% Iodide ingested and absorbed is trapped by the thyroid gland through
an ATP-dependent iodide pump
•Thyroid gland (15 to 20 g) contains 80% of the body’s iodine pool (15 mg)
•The primary function of Iodine in the body is to provide a substrate for the
synthesis of the thyroid hormones, which are crucial for normal growth and
GAKY= Iodine deficiency disorders
Adalah sekumpulan gejala yang timbul karena tubuh
seseorang kekurangan unsur yodium secara terus me
nerus dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama
Goiter/gondok Cretinism
Spektrum GAKY
Ibu hamil : keguguran
Janin : lahir mati cacat bawaan
kematian perinatal kematian bayi
kretin neurologi kretin myxedematosa
Neonatus : gondok neonatus
hipotiroidi neonatus
Anak dan remaja : gondok
ggn pertumbuhan fisik dan mental
hipotiroidi juvenile
Dewasa : gondok
gangguan fungsi mental
• The most abundant mineral in the body
• The fifth most abundant elemen in the body
• 99% in the bones and teeth
- as an integral part of bone structure
- as a ‘Ca bank’
Physiological function
•Structural component of bones and teeth
- hydroxyapatite
- will maintain calcemia at bone’s expense
•Role in biochemical reactions
- muscle contraction
- blood clotting
- enzymes and hormones activation
- transmission of nerve impulses
• Milk and milk product
• Sardines
• Oysters
• Cauliflowers
• Brocolli
• Legumes
• Dried fruits
• Ca carbonate (40%)
• Ca citrate ( 21%)
• Ca phosphate (8%)
Ca absorption
- Stomach acid
- Vit D (helps to make Ca binding protein)
- Lactose
- Growth hormones
- high Phosfor intakes
- high fiber diet ( phytate, oxalate)
• Increased in membrane excitability ( hypocalcemic tetany).
• Cardiac depression
- hypototension
- bradycardia
- heart block
Osteoporosis: Definition
•A skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strengt
h predisposing to an increased risk of fracture.
Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis, and Therapy. NIH Consensus Statement 2000 March 27-29; 17(1): 1-36.
Dempster, DW, et al., JBMR 2000; 15 (1): 20.
Normal Bone Osteoporotic Bone
Ca loss is the effect, not the cause

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Defisiensi vitamin dan mineral FK UNS.pptx

  • 3. Vitamins •Organic •Essential •Required in tiny amount to perform specific functions tha t : - promote growth - reproduction - maintenance of health and life •Vital to life ( vita amine )
  • 4. The vitamins differs from macro nutrients • Structure - individual units, not linked • Function - do not yield usable energy • Food content and requirement - are measured in µg or mg Similar to the energy-yielding nutrients, though, in that t hey are vital to life, organic, and available from foods.
  • 5. Availability • Quantity provided by a food - tables of food composition • Bioavailability - efficiency - previous nutrient intake and nutrition status - other foods consumed at the same time - method of food preparation (raw, cooked, or processed) - source (synthetic, fortified, or natural) Some of the vitamins are available from foods in inactive forms k nown as precursors or provitamins
  • 6. Water soluble vitamins Absorption Directly into the blood Transport Travel freely into the blood Storage Circulate freely in water-filled parts of the body Excretion Kidney detect and remove excess in urine Toxicity Possible to reach toxic levels when consumed from suppl ements Requirements Needed in frequent doses
  • 7. Fat soluble vitamins Absorption First into the lymph, the blood Transport Many require protein carriers Storage Stored in the cells associated with fat Excretion Less readily excreted, tend to remain in fat-storage sites Toxicity Likely to reach toxic level when consumed from supplements Requirements Needed in periodic doses (perhaps weeks or even months)
  • 8. Vitamin A: retinol • Can only be found intact in animal s ources • In its natural form, it is alcohol kno wn as retinol • Provitamin : caroten stored in the li ver • retinol + opsin (protein) = rhodopsi n (vision) • Function: affect vision, bone growt h, reproduction, cell division, immu nity, and healthy surface linings of t he respiratory tract and mucous m embranes. • deficiency = improper growth, xero phthalmia, follicular keratosis
  • 9. Vitamin D : cholecalciferol • Vitamin D found as ergocalciferol ( D2) and cholecalciferol (D3) • Both activated in plants/animal ski n by UV radiation (‘conditional vita mine’) • D3 primarily used as precursor for c alcium regulation • Deficiency : bone deformation (rick ets) • An excess of vitamin D can lead to hypervitaminosis resulting in renal failure, weight loss, and calcificatio n of soft tissues in the body
  • 11. Vitamin E: tocopherol •active form is alpha tocopherol •good antioxidant (protects unsaturated fatty acid compon ent of cell membranes from free-radical attack) •smokers are especially likely to develop vit E deficiency, als o result of genetic abnormality of lipoprotein synthesis •the primary def. symptoms is nervous system damage. Im mune function also reduced •deficiency leads to fragile red blood cells •effects of overdosing: diarrhea, nausea, headaches, fatigue
  • 12. Vitamin K: menadione •Originally identified as a fat-soluble factor required for normal blood clotting •menadione is the most active form •actually works by activating blood-clotting proteins •Defic. occurs when a person takes antibiotic (certain type), or has impaired fat absorption •Also occur in newborn, typically low birth weight
  • 13. Water SolubleVitamins • These are vitamins that are also ne eded in small amounts due to their role in enzymatic reactions in the c ells • After being ingested, they undergo chemical modifications which conv ert them into enzymes • Taking larger doses of these vitami ns is pointless because they are not stored in the body; they are excrete d out in the urine
  • 14. Thiamin B1 • Chief function : Part of co E TPP (Th iamin Pyrophosphate) in the metab olism of CHO • Deficiency : manifest chiefly as neu romuscular disorders • Symptoms : Beri-beri, enlarged hea rt, cardiac failure, weakness, apath y, poor short term memory, anorexi a, weight loss • Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (alco holism)
  • 15. Riboflavin: B2 • Chief function: part of FMN (flavin mononucleotide), FAD (Flavin ade nine dinucleotide) used in energy m etabolism • Riboflavin co E have redox reaction function • Deficiency : manifested chiefly as d ermal and neural disorders • Symptoms : sore throat, cracks and redness at corners of mouth, painful , smooth, purplish red tongue
  • 16. Riboflavin deficiency  lesions of the margin of the lips (ch eilosis) and corners of the mouth (ang ular stomatitis)  painful desquamation of the tongue, so that it is red, dry and atrophic (mag enta tongue)  sebhorroeic dermatitis, with filiform excrescences. Deficiency is widespread; rarely fatal because there is efficient re utilization of riboflavin released in catabolism of enzymes Riboflavin functions as a redox coenzyme in all energy-yielding pathways 
  • 17. Niacin • forms: niacin, nicotinic acid, nicoti namide • the co E form : niacin, NAD and NA DP are active participants in redox r eactions. • sources: rice polishings, yeast, rice bran • tryptophan can be converted to nia cin in the body. • deficiencies: pelagra, dermatitis, a nemia, skin lesions, sunburning
  • 18. Pellagra – the niacin deficiency disease Sunburn-like dermatitis in areas exposed to sunlight 
  • 19. Niacin deficiency (pellagra) before and a fter therapy
  • 20. Pyridoxine (B6) •The metabolically active form of B6 is pyridoxal phosphate, which functions as a co E for reactions involving amino acids •Required for synthesis and breakdown of amino acids •Found in fish, meat, poultry, leafy green vegetables •RDA: ~2.0 mg/day •Deficiency: rare, nervousness/muscular weakness •Overdose: if 50-100 times the RDA are taken •peripheral neuropathy in young women has been seen
  • 21. Pantothenic Acid •Essential for the normal metabolism of fats and carbohydrat es •Abundant in meat, poultry, whole grain cereals and legumes •RDA: 4-7 mg/day •Deficiency: rare, except in alcoholics, leads to gastrointestin al, neuromotor, and cardiovascular disorders •Gets converted to CoA in the body (the functional form); als o important in fatty acid metabolism
  • 22. Biotin •Involved in carboxylation/decarboxylation reactions in th e metabolism of fats, carbs, and protein •Sources: liver, egg yolks, cheese, peanuts, bacteria in the intestines •Deficiency: rare, dermatitis, loss of appetite/nausea, musc le pain, elevated blood cholesterol •Birth defect : labioplatoschisis, short limbs, etc.
  • 23. Folic Acid •Recently shown as very i mportant for pregnant fe males to avoid birth defec ts •function: synthesis of pur ines, pyrimidines, nucleic acids •deficiencies: anemia, larg e erythrocytes, Neural Tu be Defect (NTD).
  • 24. Folic acid N CH2 HN N N N C N O CH CH2 COOH CH2 C (Glu)n O OH H H H tetrahydrofolate (THF) H Dietary deficiency not uncommon Megaloblastic anaemia – release into the circulation of immature red cell precursors – folate has a major rôle in DNA synthesis 
  • 25. Cyanocobalamine •Last of 15 vitamins to be iden tified •chemically complex, cobalt n ucleus •function: coenzyme in metab olic reactions, maturation of e rythrocytes, uracil->thymine •deficiency: pernicious anemi a, nerve disorders
  • 26. B vitamins-in CHO metabolism concert
  • 27. Ascorbic Acid: C • function: antioxidant, stress reduce r, bone calcification, iron metab, tyr osine metab, blood clotting • Important for growth/repair of con nective tissue, teeth, bones, and ca rtilage • Promotes wound healing, enhance s absorption of iron, helps synthesi ze several hormones • deficiency: stomatitis, scorbut, slo w woun healing • toxicity: nausea, diarrhea kidney st one
  • 28.
  • 29. Mineral Major minerals : Essential mineral nutrients need in the human body in amounts larger than 100 mg. Sometimes called m acrominerals (sodium, potasium, clorida, magnesiu m, fosfor, calcium) Trace mineral : Essential mineral nutrients need in the human body in amounts less than 100 mg. Sometimes called mic rominerals (zinc, iodine, fe, cu, fluoride)
  • 30. Characteristics  Inorganic,  Found in every living cell  Optimal intake (essential, but can also be toxic)  Bioavailibility  Amplification of action  Interaction
  • 31. Functions Found in every living cell Important constituents of essential molecules Cofactors in numerous enzymatic reactions Serve in the maintenance of pH, osmotic pressure, nerve conductance, mu scle contraction,blood clotting, energy production, and in almost of every a spect of life.
  • 32. Food sources The trace mineral contents of food depend on soil a nd water composition and on how foods are proces sed. Furthermore, many factors in the diet and within th e body affect the mineral’s bioavailability Bioavailability refers to the rate at and the extent to which a nutrient is absorbed and used
  • 33. Bioavalibility Defined as the percent of the consumed mineral that enters via the intestinal absorptive cells and is used fo r its intended purpose. Bioavailibility includes not only how much of a consu med minerals enters the body, but also how much is r etained and available for use.
  • 34. Deficiencies Severe deficiencies of the better-known minerals are e asy to recognize. Mild deficiencies are easy to overlook In general, the most common result of a deficiency is failure of children to grow and thrive.
  • 35. Toxicities Some of the trace minerals are toxic at intakes not far above the estimated requirements. Thus it is important not to habitually exceed the u pper level of recommended intakes
  • 36. Interaction Interactions among the trace minerals are common and ofte n lead to nutrient imbalances. An excess of one may cause a deficiency of another. A deficiency of one may open the way for another to cause a toxic reaction. A deficiency of one may exacerbate the problems associated with the deficiency of another. Interlocking gear system
  • 38. Vitamin & Mineral interactions
  • 39. Iron (Fe) Functions a key attribute of iron is i ts ability to take up and re lease oxygen atoms and ele ctrons. This allows it to pa rticipate in carrying oxyge n in the blood and transfer ring electrons in the electr on transport chain of the c ell mitochondria •Carrier of oxygen in the blood (Hb). •Storage of oxygen in muscle ( myoglobin) •Involved in electron transport chain and production of ATP ( cytochromes)
  • 40. Sources • Heme iron - animal ( ± 30%) • Non Heme iron - vegetable, legumes etc.
  • 41. •Terdapat dlm bentuk Fe (II) atau (Fe(III)  di dlm tubuh dite mukan berasosiasi dgn protein. Di dalam tubuh tersimpan dl m jumlah besar dalam protein  ferritin •Dlm btuk bebas di dalam tubuh : konsentrasi sgt rendah. Kar ena • Ion Ferri tidak larut dalam air • Mungkin ion ferro toksik bagi sel dpt bereaksi dg hidrogen peroksida  radikal hidroksil HOOH HO- + HO. •Makanan biasa mengandung Fe (III)  tapi untuk mudah dis erap harus dlm bentuk Fe (II) •Reduksi Fe (III) menjadi Fe (II)  dgn askorbat (vit C) atau dg n suksinat Fe2+ Fe3+
  • 42. Absorption iron status regulated through absorption Increase - Acid in stomach - Heme iron - High body demand - Low body stores of iron - Meat protein factors (MPF) - Vit C (converts ferri to ferro) Decrease - Phytic acid (dietary fibre) - Oxalic acid - Polyphenols (tea, coffee) - Full body stores of iron - Excess of other minerals (Zn, Mn, Ca) - Reduction in stomach acid - Antacid
  • 43. Transport - Transferrin is a protein that transports iron in the blood - When iron stores are adequate all iron binding sites are saturated -Transferrin can be used as an indicator of overload or deficiency - Almost all cells in the body have transferrin receptor (TfR) - Serum soluble Tfr (sTfR) is a good indicator of deficiency.
  • 44. Storage  Ferritin is the primary store of iron  Iron not taken up by transferrin is stored as ferritin in the intestinal wall (short term store) also stored in the liver and spleen as ferritin  Hemosiderin is a stable iron-protein compound in the liver that stores iron when iron exceeds the storage capacity of ferritin.
  • 45. Deficiency and excess Deficiency IDA – high prevalence Reduced cognitive functionin g Reduce capacity for physical work Increased maternal mortalit y Excess Haemochromatosis – genetic disorders Fe deposits cause cell damag e in pancreas, liver and heart Leads to diabetes, liver and heart failure
  • 46. Iodine in human body •Usual intake of healthy person 100 to 200 µg/day, mostly from iodized salt •Rapidly absorbed from GI tract •Fasting plasma concentration are about 1µg/L. •80% Iodide ingested and absorbed is trapped by the thyroid gland through an ATP-dependent iodide pump •Thyroid gland (15 to 20 g) contains 80% of the body’s iodine pool (15 mg) •The primary function of Iodine in the body is to provide a substrate for the synthesis of the thyroid hormones, which are crucial for normal growth and development
  • 47. GAKY= Iodine deficiency disorders Adalah sekumpulan gejala yang timbul karena tubuh seseorang kekurangan unsur yodium secara terus me nerus dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama Goiter/gondok Cretinism
  • 48. Spektrum GAKY Ibu hamil : keguguran Janin : lahir mati cacat bawaan kematian perinatal kematian bayi kretin neurologi kretin myxedematosa Neonatus : gondok neonatus hipotiroidi neonatus Anak dan remaja : gondok ggn pertumbuhan fisik dan mental hipotiroidi juvenile Dewasa : gondok gangguan fungsi mental hipotroidi
  • 49. Calcium • The most abundant mineral in the body • The fifth most abundant elemen in the body • 99% in the bones and teeth - as an integral part of bone structure - as a ‘Ca bank’
  • 50. Physiological function •Structural component of bones and teeth - hydroxyapatite - will maintain calcemia at bone’s expense •Role in biochemical reactions - muscle contraction - blood clotting - enzymes and hormones activation - transmission of nerve impulses
  • 51. Sources • Milk and milk product • Sardines • Oysters • Cauliflowers • Brocolli • Legumes • Dried fruits • Ca carbonate (40%) • Ca citrate ( 21%) • Ca phosphate (8%)
  • 52. Ca absorption •Enhancer - Stomach acid - Vit D (helps to make Ca binding protein) - Lactose - Growth hormones •Inhibitor - high Phosfor intakes - high fiber diet ( phytate, oxalate)
  • 53. Hypocalcemia • Increased in membrane excitability ( hypocalcemic tetany). • Cardiac depression - hypototension - bradycardia - heart block
  • 54. Osteoporosis: Definition •A skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strengt h predisposing to an increased risk of fracture. Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis, and Therapy. NIH Consensus Statement 2000 March 27-29; 17(1): 1-36. Dempster, DW, et al., JBMR 2000; 15 (1): 20. Normal Bone Osteoporotic Bone
  • 55. osteoporosis Ca loss is the effect, not the cause

Editor's Notes

  1. Bioavailability - bisa dimanfaatkan oleh tubuh/diserap tubuh.
  2. Karena disimpan, maka kebutuhan tiap hari tidak terlalu dibutuhkan. Pada KEP, marasmus, vit A yang tersimpan banyak tpi tdk bisa dilepas karena retinol binding protein tidak ada.
  3. Bioavailability
  4. Fe berbahaya jika diberikan pada anak anak malnutrisi / KEP
  5. Fe pada ASI adalah Fe non heme. Fe heme adl Fe yang ada di portoporfirin (di eritrosit)
  6. Yodium mudah diabsorpsi mukosa