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Interpretable machine learning in endocrinology
•tumor classification •diagnosis of primary aldosteronism
Michael Biehl
Bernoulli Ins6tute for Mathema+cs,
Computer Science and Ar+ficial Intelligence
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Centre for Systems Modelling &
Quan6ta6ve Biomedicine
University of Birmingham, UK
January 2024
Steroid metabolomics
- classifica+on of adrenocor6cal tumors
- differen+al diagnosis of Primary Aldosteronism
- other applica+ons
Summary / Remarks
Generalized Matrix Relevance Learning Vector Quan6za6on
- interpretable, prototype- & distance-based classifica+on
- relevance learning
The mysterious learning machine
© C.M. Gerigk, E.L. van den Brandhof
shallow systems
small data
• training: represent data by one or
several prototypes per class
• working: classify a query according to
the label of the nearest prototype (± bias)
• decision boundaries according
to (Euclidean) distances
+ parameterized in feature space,
intuitive and interpretable
one intuitive, interpretable framework:
prototype-based systems for distance-based classification
Learning Vector Quan1za1on (LVQ)
N-dim. feature space
distance measure compares
data points
<latexit sha1_base64="UJ0CnxsmOYhqIceWvmtM1a1jzmc=">AAACAnicbZDLSsNAFIZP6q3WW7xsxM1gESpISUTRZcGNywr2Am0ok+mkHZxcmJmoJQQ3voobF4q49Snc+TZO0gra+sPAx3/OYc753YgzqSzryyjMzS8sLhWXSyura+sb5uZWU4axILRBQh6Ktosl5SygDcUUp+1IUOy7nLbcm4us3rqlQrIwuFajiDo+HgTMYwQrbfXM3X6l62M1dL3kLj36wfv0EPXMslW1cqFZsCdQru14ueo987PbD0ns00ARjqXs2FaknAQLxQinaakbSxphcoMHtKMxwD6VTpKfkKID7fSRFwr9AoVy9/dEgn0pR76rO7Md5XQtM/+rdWLlnTsJC6JY0YCMP/JijlSIsjxQnwlKFB9pwEQwvSsiQywwUTq1kg7Bnj55FprHVfu0al3pNE5grCLswT5UwIYzqMEl1KEBBB7gCV7g1Xg0no03433cWjAmM9vwR8bHN5hXmcs=</latexit>
d(w, x)
<latexit sha1_base64="BO0hjh0jjGtOWhN24FvEx5iLYjA=">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</latexit>
w = (w1, w2, . . . wN ) 2 RN
<latexit sha1_base64="wnXGk4kPKNgyQFFIyuWASwkJ91Q=">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</latexit>
x = (x1, x2, . . . xN ) 2 RN
generalized measure
<latexit sha1_base64="M8aOBBg5FRYaJ1fyRUO0LwMElEk=">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</latexit>
d⇤(w, x) =
(wi xi) ⇤ij (wj xj)
<latexit sha1_base64="M8aOBBg5FRYaJ1fyRUO0LwMElEk=">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</latexit>
d⇤(w, x) =
(wi xi) ⇤ij (wj xj)
relevance of a particular single feature
⇤ij contribution of a pair of features
<latexit sha1_base64="VJrqC2f3AvxRnQoN+W87xJJoQE0=">AAAB9HicbVDLSsNAFL2pr1hftS7dDC2Cq5KIosuCLly4qGAf0IYymUzaoZNJnJkUSuh3uHGhiC79A//AlTv/xuljoa0HBg7nnMu9c/yEM6Ud59vKrayurW/Ym/mt7Z3dvcJ+saHiVBJaJzGPZcvHinImaF0zzWkrkRRHPqdNf3A58ZtDKhWLxZ0eJdSLcE+wkBGsjeShzo3JBribMTbuFspOxZkCLRN3TspV+/OjePVWqnULX50gJmlEhSYcK9V2nUR7GZaaEU7H+U6qaILJAPdo21CBI6q8bHr0GB0ZJUBhLM0TGk3V3xMZjpQaRb5JRlj31aI3Ef/z2qkOL7yMiSTVVJDZojDlSMdo0gAKmKRE85EhmEhmbkWkjyUm2vSUNyW4i19eJo2TintWcW5NG6cwgw2HUIJjcOEcqnANNagDgXt4gCd4tobWo/Vivc6iOWs+cwB/YL3/AGGzlMM=</latexit>
training: optimize prototypes and relevance matrix
w.r.t. performance on training data (objective function )
<latexit sha1_base64="lpCZtwYFbfUJa1g2C28efHF7fM4=">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</latexit>
<latexit sha1_base64="RRVKfYYSCrLGkfVifJ7Vd2/itY0=">AAAB7nicbVDLSgMxFL1TX7W+qi7dBIvgqsyIojsLbly4qGAf0A4lk8m0oZlMSDJCGfoRbgQr4tZf8Dfc+Tdm2i609cCFwznnch+B5Ewb1/12Ciura+sbxc3S1vbO7l55/6Cpk1QR2iAJT1Q7wJpyJmjDMMNpWyqK44DTVjC8yf3WI1WaJeLBjCT1Y9wXLGIEGyu1unc2GuJeueJW3SnQMvHmpHL9+ZJjUu+Vv7phQtKYCkM41rrjudL4GVaGEU7HpW6qqcRkiPu0Y6nAMdV+Nl13jE6sEqIoUbaEQVP1d0eGY61HcWCTMTYDvejl4n9eJzXRlZ8xIVNDBZkNilKOTILy21HIFCWGjyzBRDG7KyIDrDAx9kMl+wRv8eRl0jyrehdV996t1M5hhiIcwTGcggeXUINbqEMDCAzhCSbw6kjn2Xlz3mfRgjPvOYQ/cD5+AClck94=</latexit>
Generalized Matrix Relevance LVQ (GMLVQ)
DHEA Androstenedione Testosterone DHT
Androgen precursors
possibly: +
hybrid steroids
(GC / MC)
urinary steroid metabolomics (USM)
gas chromatography-
mass spectrometry
Healthy Controls
USM for tumor classifica1on
adrenocortical tumors (adenoma vs. carcinoma)
benign ACA malignant ACC
features: e.g. 32 steroid metabolite excretion values
non-invasive measurement (24 hrs. urine)
set of
aim: develop a tool / support system for differential diagnosis
idea: analyse retrospective data by machine learning
identify characteristic steroid prototypes and relevances
Generalized Matrix LVQ, ACC vs. ACA classification
o pre-processing: log-transformation of excretion values
• data split into 90% training, 10% validation set
• training: determine prototypes and relevance matrix
representative profiles (1 per class)
parameterizes distance measure
• validation: apply classifier to 10% hold-out data
evaluate expected performance (error rates, ROC, … )
<latexit sha1_base64="j1pbJxGcclpE9qX0bmbEOr9stb0=">AAACDXicbVC7TsMwFHV4lvIKMLJYFCSmKmkRMFawMDAURB9SEyrHcVqrjhPZDlIV5QdY+BUWBhBiZWfjb3DaDNBypCsdnXOv7r3HixmVyrK+jYXFpeWV1dJaeX1jc2vb3NltyygRmLRwxCLR9ZAkjHLSUlQx0o0FQaHHSMcbXeZ+54EISSN+p8YxcUM04DSgGCkt9c1D51o3+wg6lEMnRGroeeltdp/Wa46iIZGwXsv6ZsWqWhPAeWIXpAIKNPvml+NHOAkJV5ghKXu2FSs3RUJRzEhWdhJJYoRHaEB6mnKkF7np5JsMHmnFh0EkdHEFJ+rviRSFUo5DT3fm98pZLxf/83qJCs7dlPI4UYTj6aIgYVBFMI8G+lQQrNhYE4QF1bdCPEQCYaUDLOsQ7NmX50m7VrVPq/bNSaVxUcRRAvvgABwDG5yBBrgCTdACGDyCZ/AK3own48V4Nz6mrQtGMbMH/sD4/AEoO5r7</latexit>
⇤ 2 R32⇥32
o repeat and average results over many random splits
tumor classifica1on
ROC characteristics
clear improvement due to
relevance learning
on average over 1000
randomized splits
diagonal rel.
full matrix
valida1on set performance
no relevances
only diagonal
insights beyond accuracy ?
<latexit sha1_base64="qexDmh1X9b8ENldBKeOpdrm1QiY=">AAACDXicbVC7TsMwFHV4lvIKMLJYFCSmKmlBMFawMDAURB9SEyrHcVqrjhPZDlIV5QdY+BUWBhBiZWfjb3DaDNBypCsdnXOv7r3HixmVyrK+jYXFpeWV1dJaeX1jc2vb3NltyygRmLRwxCLR9ZAkjHLSUlQx0o0FQaHHSMcbXeZ+54EISSN+p8YxcUM04DSgGCkt9c1D51o3+wg6lEMnRGroeeltdp/Wa46iIZGwXsv6ZsWqWhPAeWIXpAIKNPvml+NHOAkJV5ghKXu2FSs3RUJRzEhWdhJJYoRHaEB6mnKkF7np5JsMHmnFh0EkdHEFJ+rviRSFUo5DT3fm98pZLxf/83qJCs7dlPI4UYTj6aIgYVBFMI8G+lQQrNhYE4QF1bdCPEQCYaUDLOsQ7NmX50m7VrVPq9bNSaVxUcRRAvvgABwDG5yBBrgCTdACGDyCZ/AK3own48V4Nz6mrQtGMbMH/sD4/AEnlZr5</latexit>
⇤ 2 R32⇥32
<latexit sha1_base64="KaC1img8je94lP+te55UhwFbUIc=">AAAB83icbVBNS8NAFHypX7V+VT16WSyCp5KIoseiFw8eKlhbaELZbLbt0s0m7L4IJfRvePGgiFf/jDf/jds2B20dWBhm5vHeTphKYdB1v53Syura+kZ5s7K1vbO7V90/eDRJphlvsUQmuhNSw6VQvIUCJe+kmtM4lLwdjm6mfvuJayMS9YDjlAcxHSjRF4yilXz/zkYj2suFmPSqNbfuzkCWiVeQGhRo9qpffpSwLOYKmaTGdD03xSCnGgWTfFLxM8NTykZ0wLuWKhpzE+SzmyfkxCoR6SfaPoVkpv6eyGlszDgObTKmODSL3lT8z+tm2L8KcqHSDLli80X9TBJMyLQAEgnNGcqxJZRpYW8lbEg1ZWhrqtgSvMUvL5PHs7p3UXfvz2uN66KOMhzBMZyCB5fQgFtoQgsYpPAMr/DmZM6L8+58zKMlp5g5hD9wPn8AHVSRvA==</latexit>
… pairs of markers
(detailed inspection)
importance of single markers
insights: relevance matrix
5-PT 5-PD
facilitates selection of reduced panels
with similar performance
relevances confirm – surprise – visualize
19 THS
(8) 5⍺ THA (12) TH-Doc
confirm - surprise - visualize
GMLVQ: multivariate analysis
discrimina+ve combina+on:
relevance matrix is dominated by leading eigenvectors
confirm – surprise - visualize
• visualize data set
and prototypes
q misclassifications?
• inspect individual cases
o uncertain cases
v outliers
excellent performance of USM + machine learning
suggest triple test strategy with excellent sensitivity and specificity
currently working on practical implementation in clinical practice
et al.
et al.
prospec1ve study
primary aldosteronism (PA)
primary aldosteronism (PA)
PA - causes 5-10% of hypertension cases
- most frequent form of secondary hypertension
- increased risk for cardio- and cerebrovascular complica+ons
PA subtypes main treatment:
UPA (unilateral PA), one adrenal gland affected
by aldosterone producing adenoma (APA) surgery
several driver muta+ons in the tumor are known
BPA (bilateral PA) with both adrenal glands mineralocor6coid
over-producing, most frequently due to hyperplasia antagonists
pa1ent cohort muta1ons (UPA)
Heathy Control vs. all PA
near perfect
of primary
and controls
PA related classifica1on problems
(similar results for RF)
KCNJ5 vs. all other PA
very good
of KCNJ5 type vs.
non-KCNJ5 PA
main findings
- all PA vs. HC: excellent separa+on, characterized by increased excre+on
of mineralocortoid and glucocor+coid precursors
- all UPA vs. all BPA: subop+mal discrimina+on
- KCNJ5 vs. non-KCNJ5: very good discrimina+on (key: hybrid steroid 18-oxo-THF)
poten+al added value: KCNJ5-posi+ve cases are always unilateral
avoid invasive test (adrenal vein sampling)
improved therapy selec+on, KCNK5-posi+ve cases
respond beWer to treatment
ongoing & future work on PA
more detailed relevance analysis
Iterated Relevance Matrix Analysis (IRMA)
S.S. Lövdal and M. Biehl, Proc. ESANN 2023
journal manuscript under review
improved classifiers
UPA vs. BPA, other subtypes of PA (?)
mul+-class problem wrt muta+ons (more data needed)
LC-MS instead of GC-MS
faster cheaper assessment of the steroid metabolome
also in other applica+ons of USM + machine learning
other applica1on examples of steroid metabolomics
IEEE Members News, March 2021
exploit domain knowledge
Let the data speak for itself
when the data cleans itself - unknown
open access, 2023, 290 pages
University of Groningen Press

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  • 2. 1 Steroid metabolomics - classifica+on of adrenocor6cal tumors - differen+al diagnosis of Primary Aldosteronism - other applica+ons Summary / Remarks overview Generalized Matrix Relevance Learning Vector Quan6za6on - interpretable, prototype- & distance-based classifica+on - relevance learning The mysterious learning machine © C.M. Gerigk, E.L. van den Brandhof shallow systems small data
  • 3. • training: represent data by one or several prototypes per class • working: classify a query according to the label of the nearest prototype (± bias) • decision boundaries according to (Euclidean) distances + parameterized in feature space, intuitive and interpretable one intuitive, interpretable framework: prototype-based systems for distance-based classification Learning Vector Quan1za1on (LVQ) N-dim. feature space ? x1 x2 2
  • 4. distance measure compares prototypes data points <latexit sha1_base64="UJ0CnxsmOYhqIceWvmtM1a1jzmc=">AAACAnicbZDLSsNAFIZP6q3WW7xsxM1gESpISUTRZcGNywr2Am0ok+mkHZxcmJmoJQQ3voobF4q49Snc+TZO0gra+sPAx3/OYc753YgzqSzryyjMzS8sLhWXSyura+sb5uZWU4axILRBQh6Ktosl5SygDcUUp+1IUOy7nLbcm4us3rqlQrIwuFajiDo+HgTMYwQrbfXM3X6l62M1dL3kLj36wfv0EPXMslW1cqFZsCdQru14ueo987PbD0ns00ARjqXs2FaknAQLxQinaakbSxphcoMHtKMxwD6VTpKfkKID7fSRFwr9AoVy9/dEgn0pR76rO7Md5XQtM/+rdWLlnTsJC6JY0YCMP/JijlSIsjxQnwlKFB9pwEQwvSsiQywwUTq1kg7Bnj55FprHVfu0al3pNE5grCLswT5UwIYzqMEl1KEBBB7gCV7g1Xg0no03433cWjAmM9vwR8bHN5hXmcs=</latexit> d(w, x) <latexit sha1_base64="BO0hjh0jjGtOWhN24FvEx5iLYjA=">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</latexit> w = (w1, w2, . . . wN ) 2 RN <latexit sha1_base64="wnXGk4kPKNgyQFFIyuWASwkJ91Q=">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</latexit> x = (x1, x2, . . . xN ) 2 RN generalized measure <latexit sha1_base64="M8aOBBg5FRYaJ1fyRUO0LwMElEk=">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</latexit> d⇤(w, x) = N X i,j=1 (wi xi) ⇤ij (wj xj) <latexit sha1_base64="M8aOBBg5FRYaJ1fyRUO0LwMElEk=">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</latexit> d⇤(w, x) = N X i,j=1 (wi xi) ⇤ij (wj xj) relevance of a particular single feature ⇤ij contribution of a pair of features <latexit sha1_base64="VJrqC2f3AvxRnQoN+W87xJJoQE0=">AAAB9HicbVDLSsNAFL2pr1hftS7dDC2Cq5KIosuCLly4qGAf0IYymUzaoZNJnJkUSuh3uHGhiC79A//AlTv/xuljoa0HBg7nnMu9c/yEM6Ud59vKrayurW/Ym/mt7Z3dvcJ+saHiVBJaJzGPZcvHinImaF0zzWkrkRRHPqdNf3A58ZtDKhWLxZ0eJdSLcE+wkBGsjeShzo3JBribMTbuFspOxZkCLRN3TspV+/OjePVWqnULX50gJmlEhSYcK9V2nUR7GZaaEU7H+U6qaILJAPdo21CBI6q8bHr0GB0ZJUBhLM0TGk3V3xMZjpQaRb5JRlj31aI3Ef/z2qkOL7yMiSTVVJDZojDlSMdo0gAKmKRE85EhmEhmbkWkjyUm2vSUNyW4i19eJo2TintWcW5NG6cwgw2HUIJjcOEcqnANNagDgXt4gCd4tobWo/Vivc6iOWs+cwB/YL3/AGGzlMM=</latexit> ⇤ii training: optimize prototypes and relevance matrix w.r.t. performance on training data (objective function ) <latexit sha1_base64="lpCZtwYFbfUJa1g2C28efHF7fM4=">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</latexit> n w(k) oK k=1 <latexit sha1_base64="RRVKfYYSCrLGkfVifJ7Vd2/itY0=">AAAB7nicbVDLSgMxFL1TX7W+qi7dBIvgqsyIojsLbly4qGAf0A4lk8m0oZlMSDJCGfoRbgQr4tZf8Dfc+Tdm2i609cCFwznnch+B5Ewb1/12Ciura+sbxc3S1vbO7l55/6Cpk1QR2iAJT1Q7wJpyJmjDMMNpWyqK44DTVjC8yf3WI1WaJeLBjCT1Y9wXLGIEGyu1unc2GuJeueJW3SnQMvHmpHL9+ZJjUu+Vv7phQtKYCkM41rrjudL4GVaGEU7HpW6qqcRkiPu0Y6nAMdV+Nl13jE6sEqIoUbaEQVP1d0eGY61HcWCTMTYDvejl4n9eJzXRlZ8xIVNDBZkNilKOTILy21HIFCWGjyzBRDG7KyIDrDAx9kMl+wRv8eRl0jyrehdV996t1M5hhiIcwTGcggeXUINbqEMDCAzhCSbw6kjn2Xlz3mfRgjPvOYQ/cD5+AClck94=</latexit> ⇤ Generalized Matrix Relevance LVQ (GMLVQ) 3
  • 5. Pregnenolone 17Preg Progesterone 17OHP Cholesterol Deoxycortico- sterone 11- Deoxycortisol Cortisol 18OH-Cortico- sterone Aldosterone Cortico- sterone DHEA Androstenedione Testosterone DHT HSD3B2 HSD3B2 HSD17B3 SRD5A2 HSD3B2 CYP21A2 CYP21A2 CYP17A1 CYP17A1 CYP17A1 CYP17A1 CYP11A1 CYP11B1 CYP11B2 CYP11B2 CYP11B2 Cortisone HSD11B1 HSD11B2 Mineralocor*coids Mineralocor*coid precursors Glucocor*coids Androgens Androgen precursors Glucocor*coid precursors CYP11B1 steroidogenesis adrenal gland possibly: + hybrid steroids (GC / MC)
  • 6. urinary steroid metabolomics (USM) gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS) Healthy Controls
  • 7. USM for tumor classifica1on adrenocortical tumors (adenoma vs. carcinoma) benign ACA malignant ACC features: e.g. 32 steroid metabolite excretion values non-invasive measurement (24 hrs. urine) steroid # set of labelled example data aim: develop a tool / support system for differential diagnosis idea: analyse retrospective data by machine learning identify characteristic steroid prototypes and relevances 6 2009
  • 8. Generalized Matrix LVQ, ACC vs. ACA classification o pre-processing: log-transformation of excretion values • data split into 90% training, 10% validation set • training: determine prototypes and relevance matrix representative profiles (1 per class) parameterizes distance measure • validation: apply classifier to 10% hold-out data evaluate expected performance (error rates, ROC, … ) <latexit sha1_base64="j1pbJxGcclpE9qX0bmbEOr9stb0=">AAACDXicbVC7TsMwFHV4lvIKMLJYFCSmKmkRMFawMDAURB9SEyrHcVqrjhPZDlIV5QdY+BUWBhBiZWfjb3DaDNBypCsdnXOv7r3HixmVyrK+jYXFpeWV1dJaeX1jc2vb3NltyygRmLRwxCLR9ZAkjHLSUlQx0o0FQaHHSMcbXeZ+54EISSN+p8YxcUM04DSgGCkt9c1D51o3+wg6lEMnRGroeeltdp/Wa46iIZGwXsv6ZsWqWhPAeWIXpAIKNPvml+NHOAkJV5ghKXu2FSs3RUJRzEhWdhJJYoRHaEB6mnKkF7np5JsMHmnFh0EkdHEFJ+rviRSFUo5DT3fm98pZLxf/83qJCs7dlPI4UYTj6aIgYVBFMI8G+lQQrNhYE4QF1bdCPEQCYaUDLOsQ7NmX50m7VrVPq/bNSaVxUcRRAvvgABwDG5yBBrgCTdACGDyCZ/AK3own48V4Nz6mrQtGMbMH/sD4/AEoO5r7</latexit> ⇤ 2 R32⇥32 o repeat and average results over many random splits tumor classifica1on 7
  • 9. ROC characteristics clear improvement due to relevance learning on average over 1000 randomized splits 1-specificity sensitivity diagonal rel. Euclidean full matrix AUC 0.87 0.93 0.97 valida1on set performance no relevances only diagonal full insights beyond accuracy ? <latexit sha1_base64="qexDmh1X9b8ENldBKeOpdrm1QiY=">AAACDXicbVC7TsMwFHV4lvIKMLJYFCSmKmlBMFawMDAURB9SEyrHcVqrjhPZDlIV5QdY+BUWBhBiZWfjb3DaDNBypCsdnXOv7r3HixmVyrK+jYXFpeWV1dJaeX1jc2vb3NltyygRmLRwxCLR9ZAkjHLSUlQx0o0FQaHHSMcbXeZ+54EISSN+p8YxcUM04DSgGCkt9c1D51o3+wg6lEMnRGroeeltdp/Wa46iIZGwXsv6ZsWqWhPAeWIXpAIKNPvml+NHOAkJV5ghKXu2FSs3RUJRzEhWdhJJYoRHaEB6mnKkF7np5JsMHmnFh0EkdHEFJ+rviRSFUo5DT3fm98pZLxf/83qJCs7dlPI4UYTj6aIgYVBFMI8G+lQQrNhYE4QF1bdCPEQCYaUDLOsQ7NmX50m7VrVPq9bNSaVxUcRRAvvgABwDG5yBBrgCTdACGDyCZ/AK3own48V4Nz6mrQtGMbMH/sD4/AEnlZr5</latexit> ⇤ 2 R32⇥32 <latexit sha1_base64="KaC1img8je94lP+te55UhwFbUIc=">AAAB83icbVBNS8NAFHypX7V+VT16WSyCp5KIoseiFw8eKlhbaELZbLbt0s0m7L4IJfRvePGgiFf/jDf/jds2B20dWBhm5vHeTphKYdB1v53Syura+kZ5s7K1vbO7V90/eDRJphlvsUQmuhNSw6VQvIUCJe+kmtM4lLwdjm6mfvuJayMS9YDjlAcxHSjRF4yilXz/zkYj2suFmPSqNbfuzkCWiVeQGhRo9qpffpSwLOYKmaTGdD03xSCnGgWTfFLxM8NTykZ0wLuWKhpzE+SzmyfkxCoR6SfaPoVkpv6eyGlszDgObTKmODSL3lT8z+tm2L8KcqHSDLli80X9TBJMyLQAEgnNGcqxJZRpYW8lbEg1ZWhrqtgSvMUvL5PHs7p3UXfvz2uN66KOMhzBMZyCB5fQgFtoQgsYpPAMr/DmZM6L8+58zKMlp5g5hD9wPn8AHVSRvA==</latexit> ⇤ii 8
  • 10. … pairs of markers (detailed inspection) importance of single markers insights: relevance matrix 5-PT 5-PD THS facilitates selection of reduced panels with similar performance relevances 9
  • 11. ACA ACC relevances confirm – surprise – visualize 19 THS individually discriminative 10
  • 12. relevances (8) 5⍺ THA (12) TH-Doc ? confirm - surprise - visualize ACC ACA GMLVQ: multivariate analysis discrimina+ve combina+on: 11
  • 13. ACA ACC relevance matrix is dominated by leading eigenvectors confirm – surprise - visualize • visualize data set and prototypes q misclassifications? • inspect individual cases o uncertain cases v outliers 12
  • 14. excellent performance of USM + machine learning suggest triple test strategy with excellent sensitivity and specificity currently working on practical implementation in clinical practice et al. prospective et al. 13 prospec1ve study 2020
  • 16. 15 primary aldosteronism (PA) PA - causes 5-10% of hypertension cases - most frequent form of secondary hypertension - increased risk for cardio- and cerebrovascular complica+ons PA subtypes main treatment: UPA (unilateral PA), one adrenal gland affected by aldosterone producing adenoma (APA) surgery several driver muta+ons in the tumor are known BPA (bilateral PA) with both adrenal glands mineralocor6coid over-producing, most frequently due to hyperplasia antagonists
  • 18. 17 Heathy Control vs. all PA near perfect discrimina+on of primary aldosteronism and controls relevances
  • 19. 18 PA related classifica1on problems (similar results for RF)
  • 20. 19 KCNJ5 vs. all other PA very good discrimina+on of KCNJ5 type vs. non-KCNJ5 PA relevances
  • 21. 20 main findings - all PA vs. HC: excellent separa+on, characterized by increased excre+on of mineralocortoid and glucocor+coid precursors - all UPA vs. all BPA: subop+mal discrimina+on - KCNJ5 vs. non-KCNJ5: very good discrimina+on (key: hybrid steroid 18-oxo-THF) poten+al added value: KCNJ5-posi+ve cases are always unilateral avoid invasive test (adrenal vein sampling) improved therapy selec+on, KCNK5-posi+ve cases respond beWer to treatment
  • 22. 21 ongoing & future work on PA more detailed relevance analysis Iterated Relevance Matrix Analysis (IRMA) S.S. Lövdal and M. Biehl, Proc. ESANN 2023 journal manuscript under review improved classifiers UPA vs. BPA, other subtypes of PA (?) mul+-class problem wrt muta+ons (more data needed) LC-MS instead of GC-MS faster cheaper assessment of the steroid metabolome also in other applica+ons of USM + machine learning
  • 23. 22 other applica1on examples of steroid metabolomics ...
  • 24. IEEE Members News, March 2021 exploit domain knowledge (c) Let the data speak for itself when the data cleans itself - unknown
  • 25. 24 open access, 2023, 290 pages University of Groningen Press