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Enhancing Accessibility of Social
Media Applications for Elderly
Users: A User-Centric Design
Department of Computer Science
(Date: 10/01/2024)
Department of Computer Science
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad Pakistan
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan
• HCI research has evolved to address a multitude of domains
• One such domain within HCI is the intersection of social
media applications and the elderly population [3].
• The UI is seen as a significant issue when creating mobile
applications for elderly users.
• Social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook
Messenger, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram etc. [5] [6]
• Older individuals may face barriers in accessing and
utilizing social media applications due to factors:
i. Physical limitations
ii. Cognitive decline
iii. Unfamiliarity with digital interfaces. [10]
Fig 1. Elderly & Social Media
Literature Review
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan
Authors Proposed Techniques Evaluation
H. Salman et al. [12] Framework-based prototype
of a smartphone UI (text UI)
for elderly people.
Efficiency, Effectiveness,
User satisfaction
Too much text on UI which
may frustrate elderly.
Gomez-Hernandez et al. [33] Proposed 27 design
guidelines related to
navigation, visual, cognitive
load, help & training and
Thematic analysis No implementation
guidelines are
Kulsiri Chirayus et al. [9] Proposed cognitive design
guidelines related to
Attention, Short-term or
working memory,
Procedural memory, Spatial
cognition, Psychomotor
speed and few others.
Systematic literature review Category short-term memory
do not contain much
guidelines which can be
implemented for a mobile
application interface for
Jing Jing Chang et al. [27] Developed a social media
mobile application interface
that incorporates physical &
cognitive design related
Efficiency, satisfaction Proposed interface does not
meet the requirements
related to learning curve.
Table 1.
Problem statement
Elderly users encounter significant accessibility challenges when using social media applications due to age-related
physical, cognitive limitations, and Unfamiliarity with digital interfaces [13]. One of the foremost challenges is the
difficulty in interacting with UI, including small text and icons, poor color contrasts, often present barriers for those
with diminished vision capabilities. Additionally, tap and hold operations [32] make it difficult for older people
having hand trembling or reduced hand-eye coordination , leading to frustration and reduced engagement. Cognitive
issues, such as reduced short-term memory [4] [19], further hinder their ability to navigate complex features and they
struggle to remember and learn [2]. Existing studies and guidelines have addressed these problems [21], still further
research is needed to understand the specific difficulties faced by senior users. These limitations result in a lack of
control over application content, ultimately decreasing user engagement and satisfaction. Therefore, there is a need to
resolve these issues to enhance the accessibility in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of elderly
users when using social media applications on smartphones.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 4
PS References
[2] W. Zahida, V. Effendy, and A. Hadikusuma, “Improving Messenger Accessibility for Elderly Users using User Centered Design (UCD) Methods
(Study Case: WhatsApp),” ICSECS-ICOCSIM, Aug. 2021, pp. 273–278. doi: 10.1109/ICSECS52883.2021.00056.
[4] S. Sarcar, C. Munteanu, J. Sin, C. Wei, and S. Sayago, “Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults,” ICCUI, NY, USA, 2023. doi:
[13] A. Hafez, K. Wang, and J. Arfaa, “An Accessibility Evaluation of Social Media Through Mobile Device for Elderly,” Sep. 2018, pp. 179–188. doi:
[17] S. Sarcar, “Evaluation of Model-Based Optimized Touchscreen Keyboard for Older Adults with Hand Tremor,” CHIuXiD, NY, USA, 2021, pp.
11–15. doi: 10.1145/3431656.3431658.
[19] R. Lindberg and O. Troyer, “Towards an Up-to-Date list of Design Guidelines for Elderly Users,” Sep. 2021, pp. 1–7. doi:
[21] L. GuimarãEs, N. Martins, L. Pereira, E. Penedos-Santiago, and D. BrandãO, “Interface Design Guidelines for Low Literature Users: A Literature
Review,” ICEEL, NY, USA, 2023, pp. 29–35. doi: 10.1145/3578837.3578842.
[32] Usability Evaluation of Smartphone Gestures in Supporting Elderly Users, Advances in Visual Informatics: 6th International Visual Informatics
Conference, IVIC 2019, Bangi, Malaysia, November 19–21, 2019, Pages 672–683
[35] C. Dodd, R. Athauda, and M. Adam, “Designing User Interfaces for the Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review,” Sep. 2017.
[36] Y. Zhong, A. Weber, C. Burkhardt, P. Weaver, and J. Bigham, “Enhancing Android accessibility for users with hand tremor by reducing fine
pointing and steady tapping,” Sep. 2015, pp. 1–10. doi: 10.1145/2745555.2747277.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 5
Research Objectives
Objective 1: To identify elderly people’s challenges for accessibility while using
social media mobile applications from Literature Review and Initial Experiment.
Objective 2: To develop a conceptual accessibility framework for social media
mobile application.
Objective 3: To design and develop an Interactive framework-based prototype
application for elderly.
Objective 4: To validate the accessibility of Interactive Prototype Application with
WhatsApp Application.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 6
Research Methodology
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 7
Fig. 2 Proposed Methodology
Proposed Framework
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 8
Fig. 3 Proposed Conceptual Framework
Hypothesis For Mean Efficiency
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 9
Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis
There is no significant
difference in the mean
efficiency scores between the
new prototype and WhatsApp
The new prototype will have a
significantly higher mean
efficiency score than
WhatsApp application.
Table 2. Hypothesis 1
Hypothesis For Mean Effectiveness
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 10
Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis
There is no significant
difference in the mean
effectiveness scores between
the new prototype and
WhatsApp application.
The new prototype will have a
significantly higher mean
effectiveness score than
WhatsApp application.
Table 3. Hypothesis 2
Hypothesis For Satisfaction
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 11
Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis
There is no significant
difference in the satisfaction
scores between the new
prototype and WhatsApp
The new prototype will have a
significantly higher satisfaction
score than WhatsApp
Table 4. Hypothesis 3
Dependent Variable/Independent Variable
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 12
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Type of application
(Conditions = WhatsApp and
Interactive Prototype
Table 4. Variables
Data Collection
Dataset for Initial & Final Experiments
• For initial experiment total 5 participants were selected (3
males & 2 females) aged between 55-70. All participants
performed 8 tasks on both WhatsApp and Facebook
Messenger applications. Problems identified were noted.
• For final experiment, total 50 participants are selected to
perform a controlled experiment on Interactive Prototype
Application and WhatsApp to measure the performance in
terms of task completion time, task completion rate, and
user satisfaction.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 13
ID Age &
P1 60 ,
male MA
P2 57,
female BA
P3 58,
male M.Sc
P4 59,
female Interm
P5 65,
male Interm
Table 5. Participants Profile
Experiment Tasks
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 14
No. Tasks
T1 Create a new group
T2 Delete a group chat
T3 Send a message to a contact
T4 Call a contact
T5 Delete a conversation
T6 Leave the group
T7 Edit a saved contact
T8 Change the font size of the App/chat
Table 6. Tasks
Proposed Interactive Prototype
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 15
Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 16
Fig 2. Home Screen/
Chats Panel
Fig 3. Delete Chat
Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 17
Fig 4. Groups Panel Fig 5. Delete Group
Chat option
Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 18
Fig 6. Leave Group
Fig 7. New Group
Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 19
Fig 8. Edit a contact
Fig 9. New Message
Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 20
Fig 10. Changing font
size within
Fig 11. Changing font
size 0f App
Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 21
Fig 12. Emergency
Contact screen
Fig 13. Calls panel
Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 22
Fig 14. Chat Summ-
Fig 15. Tutorials
Heuristic Evaluation
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 23
Sum is
Focus on
E1 * * *
E2 * * *
E3 * * * *
Table 7. Issues-Evaluators Matrix
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 24
Efficiency (Task Completion Time)
Fig 16. Mean task completion time per task
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 25
Effectiveness (Task Completion Rate)
Fig 17. Mean Task Completion rate
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 26
Effectiveness (Task Completion Rate)
Table 8. Task completion rate dataset
Tasks Tasks definition Task completion rate (%)
WhatsApp Prototype
T1 Create a new group 82 90
T2 Delete a group chat 88 100
T3 Send a message to a contact 40 70
T4 Call a contact 90 90
T5 Delete a conversation 96 100
T6 Leave the group 96 100
T7 Edit a saved contact 76 85
T8 Change the font size of the App/chat 75 90
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 27
Satisfaction Evaluation(SUS Questionnaire)
• SUS Questionnaire was chosen to measure the user satisfaction. It is good and adaptable. We
modified some questions in terms of accessibility as we are measuring accessibility of prototype
through this questionnaire.
• The SUS questionnaire evaluation dataset consisted of the participants’ ratings for the ten
questions related to the two artefacts (WhatsApp vs Prototype).
• Questions are marked within scale range of 1-5 from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. We
measured the consistency between the related sets of items of this questionnaire through
Cronbach Alpha Test.
• The alpha coefficient for 50 items for our questionnaires are 0.70 for WhatsApp and 0.734 for
interactive prototype, which suggests that the items have high internal consistency for
interactive prototype application questionnaire.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 28
Satisfaction Evaluation(SUS Questionnaire)
Alpha for
Alpha for IP
Alpha based on
N of Items
.70 .734 .725 10
Table 8. Reliability Statistics for WhatsApp & IP Cronbach Alpha Test
Paired Sample T-test on Mean Efficiency
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 29
Mean N std.
std. Error
Pair 1 WhatsApp 155.43 50 34.15 4.830
IP 99.47 50 4.97 .702
Table 9. Paired Samples Statistics
Paired Differences Significance
Mean St.Dev Std.
t df One-
Pair 1 WA -
55.96 33.92 4.79 11.66 49 <.001 <.001
Table 10. Paired Sample Test for Mean Efficiency Score
WA-> WhatsApp
IP-> Interactive
Paired Sample T-test on Mean Effectiveness
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 30
Mean N std.
std. Error
Pair 1 WhatsApp 88.10 50 11.37 1.609
IP 99.47 50 4.97 .702
Table 11. Paired Samples Statistics
Paired Differences Significance
Mean St.Dev Std.
t df One-
Pair 1 WA -
11.37 12.73 1.80 -6.31 49 <.001 <.001
Table 12. Paired Sample Test for Mean Effectiveness Score
WA-> WhatsApp
IP-> Interactive
Paired Sample T-test on Mean Satisfaction
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 31
Mean N std.
std. Error
Pair 1 WhatsApp 30.80 50 4.41 .624
IP 73.75 50 3.20 .453
Table 13. Paired Samples Statistics
Paired Differences Significance
Mean St.Dev Std.
t df One-
Pair 1 WA -
-42.95 1.21 0.171 -54.06 49 <.001 <.001
Table 14. Paired Sample Test for Mean Satisfaction Score
WA-> WhatsApp
IP-> Interactive
• We identified real-time problems faced by the participants during initial experiment & through
literature review. Majority of the problems were non-text buttons, color contrasts, complex
navigation and interface, typing issues on dark backgrounds, features, understanding the content,
remembering the functions etc.
• Designed & developed a framework-based Interactive Prototype Application for Elderly Users.
• We have observed and identified with this research that the problems that elderly face while
interacting with different social media applications can be resolved by applying some of the
Mobile Applications Design Guidelines and WCAG 2.0 Guidelines.
• The developed prototype enhanced the accessibility for elderly users by providing simple and
easy to use interfaces which can not only reduce the loneliness of elderly people but also helpful
in staying in touch with their loved ones.
• Furthermore, task completion time, task completion rate, & satisfaction are tested by Paired
samples t-test. The results of tests rejects all three null hypothesis which proves that both
interfaces are not equal.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024 ,Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 32
Future Work
In future, to advance the framework's applicability, it's suggested to transform the
prototype into a fully functional launcher app for commercial use. Once the
launcher app is released, feedback from elderly users can be gathered to further
refine the launcher's UI in a subsequent release. Additionally, encouraging other
researchers and designers to utilize the framework for designing social media
applications UIs for elderly users would be beneficial. Their feedback will provide
additional validation of the framework's clarity, comprehensibility, and the
effectiveness of its embedded design guidelines. Also, Large sample size should be
taken to further generalize the results.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024 ,Department of Computer Science,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 33
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• [3] M. Coto, F. Lizano, S. Mora, and J. Fuentes, “Social Media and Elderly People: Research Trends,” Sep. 2017, pp. 65–81. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-58562-8_6.
• [5] G. Gomes, C. Duarte, J. Coelho, and E. Matos, “Designing a Facebook Interface for Senior Users,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, p. 741567, 2014, doi: 10.1155/2014/741567.
• [6] C. D. de Oliveira, M. L. Fioravanti, R. P. de Mattos Fortes, and E. F. Barbosa, “Accessibility in mobile applications for elderly users: a systematic mapping,” 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE),
pp. 1–9, 2018
• [10] M. Momeni, N. Hariri, M. Nobahar, and F. Noshinfard, “Barriers and Challenges Experienced by Seniors in Using Online Social Networks: A Phenomenological Study,” Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation
and Health, vol. 5, no. 1, p. e65310, 2018, doi: 10.5812/mejrh.65310.
• [12] A. C. de Barros, R. Leitão, and J. Ribeiro, “Design and Evaluation of a Mobile User Interface for Older Adults: Navigation, Interaction and Visual Design Recommendations,” Procedia Comput Sci, vol. 27, pp.
369–378, 2014, doi:
• [13] A. Hafez, K. Wang, and J. Arfaa, “An Accessibility Evaluation of Social Media Through Mobile Device for Elderly,” Sep. 2018, pp. 179–188. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60492-3_17.
• [16] M. Farage, K. Miller, F. Ajayi, and D. Hutchins, “Design Principles to Accommodate Older Adults,” Glob J Health Sci, vol. 4, pp. 2–25, Sep. 2012, doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v4n2p2.
• [20] K. A. Nugraha, Restyandito, D. Sebastian, and N. C. Wijaya, “Designing Mobile-based Chat Application for Elderly,” in 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Cybernetics Technology &
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• [27] J. J. Chang, N. S. H. binti Zahari, and Y. H. Chew, “The Design of Social Media Mobile Application Interface for the Elderly,” 2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), pp. 104–108, 2018, [Online].
• [29] B. Stigall, J. Waycott, S. Baker, and K. Caine, “Older Adults’ Perception and Use of Voice User Interfaces: A Preliminary Review of the Computing Literature,” Sep. 2019, pp. 423–427. doi:
• [33] H. Salman, W. F. Wan Ahmad, and S. Sulaiman, “A design framework of a smartphone user interface for elderly users,” Univers Access Inf Soc, vol. 22, pp. 1–21, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.1007/s10209-021-00856-6.
• [30] K. Chirayus and A. Nanthaamornphong, “A Systematic Mapping Review: Mobile User Interface Design Guidelines for the Elderly with Cognitive Impairments,” in 2019 23rd International Computer Science
and Engineering Conference (ICSEC), IEEE, Oct. 2019, pp. 35–42. doi: 10.1109/ICSEC47112.2019.8974698.
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024 , Department of Computer Science,,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 34
MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024 , Department of Computer Science,,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 35

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Accessibility of social media applications for elderly

  • 1. Enhancing Accessibility of Social Media Applications for Elderly Users: A User-Centric Design FAIZA LATIF (SP22-RSE-003) Department of Computer Science (Date: 10/01/2024) Supervisor: DR. TAHIR MUSTAFA MADNI Co-Supervisor: DR. UZAIR IQBAL JANJUA Department of Computer Science COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad Pakistan 1 MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan
  • 2. Introduction MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan • HCI research has evolved to address a multitude of domains [1]. • One such domain within HCI is the intersection of social media applications and the elderly population [3]. • The UI is seen as a significant issue when creating mobile applications for elderly users. • Social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram etc. [5] [6] • Older individuals may face barriers in accessing and utilizing social media applications due to factors: i. Physical limitations ii. Cognitive decline iii. Unfamiliarity with digital interfaces. [10] 2 Fig 1. Elderly & Social Media
  • 3. Literature Review MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan Authors Proposed Techniques Evaluation Measures/Methods Limitations H. Salman et al. [12] Framework-based prototype of a smartphone UI (text UI) for elderly people. Efficiency, Effectiveness, User satisfaction Too much text on UI which may frustrate elderly. Gomez-Hernandez et al. [33] Proposed 27 design guidelines related to navigation, visual, cognitive load, help & training and interaction. Thematic analysis No implementation guidelines are recommended. Kulsiri Chirayus et al. [9] Proposed cognitive design guidelines related to Attention, Short-term or working memory, Procedural memory, Spatial cognition, Psychomotor speed and few others. Systematic literature review Category short-term memory do not contain much guidelines which can be implemented for a mobile application interface for elderly. Jing Jing Chang et al. [27] Developed a social media mobile application interface that incorporates physical & cognitive design related considerations. Efficiency, satisfaction Proposed interface does not meet the requirements related to learning curve. 3 Table 1. Literature review
  • 4. Problem statement Elderly users encounter significant accessibility challenges when using social media applications due to age-related physical, cognitive limitations, and Unfamiliarity with digital interfaces [13]. One of the foremost challenges is the difficulty in interacting with UI, including small text and icons, poor color contrasts, often present barriers for those with diminished vision capabilities. Additionally, tap and hold operations [32] make it difficult for older people having hand trembling or reduced hand-eye coordination , leading to frustration and reduced engagement. Cognitive issues, such as reduced short-term memory [4] [19], further hinder their ability to navigate complex features and they struggle to remember and learn [2]. Existing studies and guidelines have addressed these problems [21], still further research is needed to understand the specific difficulties faced by senior users. These limitations result in a lack of control over application content, ultimately decreasing user engagement and satisfaction. Therefore, there is a need to resolve these issues to enhance the accessibility in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of elderly users when using social media applications on smartphones. MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 4
  • 5. PS References [2] W. Zahida, V. Effendy, and A. Hadikusuma, “Improving Messenger Accessibility for Elderly Users using User Centered Design (UCD) Methods (Study Case: WhatsApp),” ICSECS-ICOCSIM, Aug. 2021, pp. 273–278. doi: 10.1109/ICSECS52883.2021.00056. [4] S. Sarcar, C. Munteanu, J. Sin, C. Wei, and S. Sayago, “Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults,” ICCUI, NY, USA, 2023. doi: 10.1145/3571884.3597438. [13] A. Hafez, K. Wang, and J. Arfaa, “An Accessibility Evaluation of Social Media Through Mobile Device for Elderly,” Sep. 2018, pp. 179–188. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60492-3_17. [17] S. Sarcar, “Evaluation of Model-Based Optimized Touchscreen Keyboard for Older Adults with Hand Tremor,” CHIuXiD, NY, USA, 2021, pp. 11–15. doi: 10.1145/3431656.3431658. [19] R. Lindberg and O. Troyer, “Towards an Up-to-Date list of Design Guidelines for Elderly Users,” Sep. 2021, pp. 1–7. doi: 10.1145/3489410.3489418. [21] L. GuimarãEs, N. Martins, L. Pereira, E. Penedos-Santiago, and D. BrandãO, “Interface Design Guidelines for Low Literature Users: A Literature Review,” ICEEL, NY, USA, 2023, pp. 29–35. doi: 10.1145/3578837.3578842. [32] Usability Evaluation of Smartphone Gestures in Supporting Elderly Users, Advances in Visual Informatics: 6th International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2019, Bangi, Malaysia, November 19–21, 2019, Pages 672–683 [35] C. Dodd, R. Athauda, and M. Adam, “Designing User Interfaces for the Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review,” Sep. 2017. [36] Y. Zhong, A. Weber, C. Burkhardt, P. Weaver, and J. Bigham, “Enhancing Android accessibility for users with hand tremor by reducing fine pointing and steady tapping,” Sep. 2015, pp. 1–10. doi: 10.1145/2745555.2747277. MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 5
  • 6. Research Objectives Objective 1: To identify elderly people’s challenges for accessibility while using social media mobile applications from Literature Review and Initial Experiment. Objective 2: To develop a conceptual accessibility framework for social media mobile application. Objective 3: To design and develop an Interactive framework-based prototype application for elderly. Objective 4: To validate the accessibility of Interactive Prototype Application with WhatsApp Application. MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 6
  • 7. Research Methodology MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 7 Fig. 2 Proposed Methodology
  • 8. Proposed Framework MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 8 Fig. 3 Proposed Conceptual Framework
  • 9. Hypothesis For Mean Efficiency Score MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 9 Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis There is no significant difference in the mean efficiency scores between the new prototype and WhatsApp application. The new prototype will have a significantly higher mean efficiency score than WhatsApp application. Table 2. Hypothesis 1
  • 10. Hypothesis For Mean Effectiveness Score MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 10 Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis There is no significant difference in the mean effectiveness scores between the new prototype and WhatsApp application. The new prototype will have a significantly higher mean effectiveness score than WhatsApp application. Table 3. Hypothesis 2
  • 11. Hypothesis For Satisfaction Score MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 11 Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis There is no significant difference in the satisfaction scores between the new prototype and WhatsApp application. The new prototype will have a significantly higher satisfaction score than WhatsApp application. Table 4. Hypothesis 3
  • 12. Dependent Variable/Independent Variable MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 12 Independent Variable Dependent Variable Type of application (Conditions = WhatsApp and Interactive Prototype Application.) Efficiency Effectiveness Satisfaction Table 4. Variables
  • 13. Data Collection Dataset for Initial & Final Experiments • For initial experiment total 5 participants were selected (3 males & 2 females) aged between 55-70. All participants performed 8 tasks on both WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger applications. Problems identified were noted. • For final experiment, total 50 participants are selected to perform a controlled experiment on Interactive Prototype Application and WhatsApp to measure the performance in terms of task completion time, task completion rate, and user satisfaction. . MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 13 ID Age & Gende r Level of Educati on Experi ence with social apps P1 60 , male MA 1-3 years P2 57, female BA 2-3 years P3 58, male M.Sc 1-3 years P4 59, female Interm ediate 1 year P5 65, male Interm ediate 1-3 years Table 5. Participants Profile
  • 14. Experiment Tasks MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 14 No. Tasks T1 Create a new group T2 Delete a group chat T3 Send a message to a contact T4 Call a contact T5 Delete a conversation T6 Leave the group T7 Edit a saved contact T8 Change the font size of the App/chat Table 6. Tasks
  • 15. Proposed Interactive Prototype Video MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 15
  • 16. Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 16 Fig 2. Home Screen/ Chats Panel Fig 3. Delete Chat option
  • 17. Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 17 Fig 4. Groups Panel Fig 5. Delete Group Chat option
  • 18. Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 18 Fig 6. Leave Group option Fig 7. New Group screen
  • 19. Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 19 Fig 8. Edit a contact screen Fig 9. New Message screen
  • 20. Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 20 Fig 10. Changing font size within chat Fig 11. Changing font size 0f App
  • 21. Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 21 Fig 12. Emergency Contact screen Fig 13. Calls panel
  • 22. Proposed Interactive Prototype Interfaces MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 22 Fig 14. Chat Summ- arization button Fig 15. Tutorials screen
  • 23. Heuristic Evaluation MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 23 Button Sum is confusi ng Delete chat button Some aspects not visible Focus on recogni-tion Aesthetic not appealing Not flexible for elderly Help and Docum entatio n E1 * * * E2 * * * E3 * * * * Table 7. Issues-Evaluators Matrix
  • 24. Results MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 24 Efficiency (Task Completion Time) Fig 16. Mean task completion time per task
  • 25. Results MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 25 Effectiveness (Task Completion Rate) Fig 17. Mean Task Completion rate
  • 26. Results MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 26 Effectiveness (Task Completion Rate) Table 8. Task completion rate dataset Tasks Tasks definition Task completion rate (%) WhatsApp Prototype T1 Create a new group 82 90 T2 Delete a group chat 88 100 T3 Send a message to a contact 40 70 T4 Call a contact 90 90 T5 Delete a conversation 96 100 T6 Leave the group 96 100 T7 Edit a saved contact 76 85 T8 Change the font size of the App/chat 75 90
  • 27. Results MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 27 Satisfaction Evaluation(SUS Questionnaire) • SUS Questionnaire was chosen to measure the user satisfaction. It is good and adaptable. We modified some questions in terms of accessibility as we are measuring accessibility of prototype through this questionnaire. • The SUS questionnaire evaluation dataset consisted of the participants’ ratings for the ten questions related to the two artefacts (WhatsApp vs Prototype). • Questions are marked within scale range of 1-5 from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. We measured the consistency between the related sets of items of this questionnaire through Cronbach Alpha Test. • The alpha coefficient for 50 items for our questionnaires are 0.70 for WhatsApp and 0.734 for interactive prototype, which suggests that the items have high internal consistency for interactive prototype application questionnaire.
  • 28. Results MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 28 Satisfaction Evaluation(SUS Questionnaire) . Cronbach’s Alpha for WhatsApp Cronbach’s Alpha for IP Cronbach’s Alpha based on standardized items N of Items .70 .734 .725 10 Table 8. Reliability Statistics for WhatsApp & IP Cronbach Alpha Test
  • 29. Paired Sample T-test on Mean Efficiency Score MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 29 Mean N std. Deviation std. Error Mean Pair 1 WhatsApp 155.43 50 34.15 4.830 IP 99.47 50 4.97 .702 Table 9. Paired Samples Statistics Paired Differences Significance Mean St.Dev Std. Error Mean t df One- sided p two- sided p Pair 1 WA - IP 55.96 33.92 4.79 11.66 49 <.001 <.001 Table 10. Paired Sample Test for Mean Efficiency Score WA-> WhatsApp IP-> Interactive prototype
  • 30. Paired Sample T-test on Mean Effectiveness Score MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 30 Mean N std. Deviation std. Error Mean Pair 1 WhatsApp 88.10 50 11.37 1.609 IP 99.47 50 4.97 .702 Table 11. Paired Samples Statistics Paired Differences Significance Mean St.Dev Std. Error Mean t df One- sided p two- sided p Pair 1 WA - IP 11.37 12.73 1.80 -6.31 49 <.001 <.001 Table 12. Paired Sample Test for Mean Effectiveness Score WA-> WhatsApp IP-> Interactive prototype
  • 31. Paired Sample T-test on Mean Satisfaction Score MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 31 Mean N std. Deviation std. Error Mean Pair 1 WhatsApp 30.80 50 4.41 .624 IP 73.75 50 3.20 .453 Table 13. Paired Samples Statistics Paired Differences Significance Mean St.Dev Std. Error Mean t df One- sided p two- sided p Pair 1 WA - IP -42.95 1.21 0.171 -54.06 49 <.001 <.001 Table 14. Paired Sample Test for Mean Satisfaction Score WA-> WhatsApp IP-> Interactive prototype
  • 32. Conclusion • We identified real-time problems faced by the participants during initial experiment & through literature review. Majority of the problems were non-text buttons, color contrasts, complex navigation and interface, typing issues on dark backgrounds, features, understanding the content, remembering the functions etc. • Designed & developed a framework-based Interactive Prototype Application for Elderly Users. • We have observed and identified with this research that the problems that elderly face while interacting with different social media applications can be resolved by applying some of the Mobile Applications Design Guidelines and WCAG 2.0 Guidelines. • The developed prototype enhanced the accessibility for elderly users by providing simple and easy to use interfaces which can not only reduce the loneliness of elderly people but also helpful in staying in touch with their loved ones. • Furthermore, task completion time, task completion rate, & satisfaction are tested by Paired samples t-test. The results of tests rejects all three null hypothesis which proves that both interfaces are not equal. MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024 ,Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 32
  • 33. Future Work In future, to advance the framework's applicability, it's suggested to transform the prototype into a fully functional launcher app for commercial use. Once the launcher app is released, feedback from elderly users can be gathered to further refine the launcher's UI in a subsequent release. Additionally, encouraging other researchers and designers to utilize the framework for designing social media applications UIs for elderly users would be beneficial. Their feedback will provide additional validation of the framework's clarity, comprehensibility, and the effectiveness of its embedded design guidelines. Also, Large sample size should be taken to further generalize the results. MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024 ,Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 33
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  • 35. THANK YOU MS Thesis Defense by Faiza Latif, Jan 10, 2024 , Department of Computer Science,, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad-Pakistan 35