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h Newspaper Cartoons and
Motion Pictures Receive
International Bible Student* In-
angiwle a Wortd Wide Phi-
lanthropy by Offering Free
Exhibitions of the Bible
in Picture.
From Social and Educational Section—Photo-Drama of Creation.
Tastor Russell. World Famed aa
"Anti4Wl.Firo" Preacher, U to
Pilot the "Photo-Drama of
Creation" in the Leading
Citiea of tho World.
*The widespread discussion of the value
of moving pictures as a means of educating
tse masses la most Interesting. There Is no
question as to the popularity of moTlng
picture show nouses, and the leading teach-
era In every line are agreed, that vritbln a
fear years moving pictures and stereoptlcon
elides will be used In every country In or-
der to quickly hrlns; all people to an accu- . ^ n c ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ o | ^ k e ^ t h e P o U r ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ , 4
rate knowledge of the truth In the general rfecrets hidden from s u a since the flood.
tranches of education. Reports say that a
movement Is now on foot on the part of
educators In many cities to secure moving
picture houses during the forenoon to. or-
der to show pictures on certain topics to
high school classes. To make, this work
successful manufacturers are producing
films under the direction of educators
which In an hour's tune will convey to the
student's mind the same lessons -which
hitherto necessitated many hours ct hard
Cartoons Receive Recognition.
"For many years newspaper editors have
realized the value of pictures as a means
of moulding public opinion and havo taken
advantage of the situation, as evidenced
hy the cartoons or caricature sketches on
the front pages of their papers. Many edi-
tors claim that a properly drawn cartoon Is
-worth more than many pages of reading
matter on the same subject.
"Another strong Indorsement of the use
of pictures Is the fact that the principal
advertisers of the world use highly Illus-
trated announcements In all of the leading
periodicals and newspapers. In fact, very
few advertisements of any kind arc put out
by successful business people unless Illus-
trated by pictures showing the desirability
and usefulness of the thing advertised.
"However, we should not get the thought
that pictures area modern invention. The
' ever changing vicissitudes of the genera-
tions of the remote past are recoroed In
pictures on obelisks, walls, buildings,
sepulchres and the like, and we remind you
that many important lessons of the Old
Testament Scriptures are set forth In vivid
word pictures; and. further, that the Lord
and tho Apostles have given to us In the
writings of the New Testament many beau-
tiful lessons in word pictures, which are
peculiarly adaptable to Illustration by
present day methoda
Meviaat sHcturea Lauded.
1 •
"While In Singapore and other Oriental
cities the managers of public halls called
attention to the Tact' that the tents and
halls used for moving picture exhibitions
were the only places where the rich and
poor people of all castes gathered at the
same time to witness the same perform-
ance. The films used in Japan, China, Af-
rica and India were almost entirely of
French manufacture, and the reading mat-
ter accompanying the pictures was In
French. Scarcely any one in these coun-
tries could read the descriptive matter, yet
all were receiving similar impressions and
were being educated along certain lines by
the pictures. Thhi emphasises the fact
that It Is the pictures principally that talk
and «hat pictures constitute the only Uni-
versal Language of the day. The nearest
approach that we have in America to the
Oriental moving picture-audiences are the
cosmopolitan crowds that assemble to
hear Pastor Rassell deliver his public lec-
tures, which invariably are delivered In
public halls or auditoriums, where Catho-
lics. Jews* Christians, skeptics. Infidels—
id!—aisjmble in common to consider the
lliblo iliecutscd upon its merits. The
PhoTO'Drama of Creation Is to be conduct-
ed by the International Bible Students'
Association'In the largest auditoriums In
the various cities of this and other coun-
tries, bringing an accurate knowledge of
the Bible tw the people: and It Is easily be-
lUnrable that it win be possible for them to
Icini from pictures In a few hours' time
more than'ihe average Bible student could
previously Itarn by years of arduous
The .Hovlas Picture Resolution.
The International Bible Students' Asso-
Utlon in its jstt conventions, which we're
ttended by about seven thousand dele-
aves, adopted the following resolution In-
orslng moving picture.*:—
B "Resolved. That tho unprecedented sue-
ress of tl,e newspapers In moulding public
••;i:iion by the aid of cartoon* and iiloslra*
tions In their and mag.izir.? sections,
together with the wonderful popul irity and
adaplaMIi'.y <>f movIr«g pictures, fully
rfemoniiralcd literr worth, and we believe
fatly Justifies as.;«« nrogresstvi ;.:. , hers I
and BibTe class t<:i«her*. In gtvrtu; , ,r n n .
• u.ili'icil Indorsement of moving, •
and BlereopHcon slides as an «ir« ... ;;. .• •
d-sirablc method for evangelists ar.<1 :r.i ,.
era to use."
For several years Pastor Russeit and in.'
<lmate associates In the International v. .
students' -Association have been dcv.
* the I'hoto-I.'iama of Creation, but •!•.
it ii.expedient to Invito th«* asvocTatton .>
n whole to Indorse the pror-orii'on until i.
*;m set of drama pictures was COTnpfc
stn": tlic passing of the shove rt><<.; :
i.ww.y dup:tcatc sets of pictures have K
prepared and many additional sets are tn
court of ©reparation,
TVoadrrfal<nr*re and Mamtrtan*.
Of COOT**, these lectures would wear out1
many m«n In their frequent dally repetl-
.i:on. and the ordinary talking machine
i come far short of satisfaction. i?i;i!
• -,.- ,un-N»lly has loeji folvrst by Cod's,
1 .,.-.:: ..f. *»-i 01.e of t'.e manager, .r
ii- W W * We have special apimai n
v ;• u slugs and aptn«s with rare aV.Hiv
«r.i anrprlsta everybody. Some Insist that
orators of ram ability give the Icciortsj
while the picture* are being shown.
The Interr.Atl^nal Biblo Students' AfftJ
elation !» -a phnaMhropfc association er-
aoWr for tiic benefit ef all man-
id. The gospel .f glad tiding* is o b*
.1 livened without tort ard WltnOul prlo<* In
; Iho leading cities otllio world. The f,>-1
». it ndtnlstroh 1 r;-c wnd 7.0 .-oiiectiens
ire to bo taken and no appeals for money
wro to be mado furnlshee definite proof that
thll wonderful undertaking Is not auuated
1>T maroanary oaoUres,
h <%
From Political Section—Photo-Drama of Creation.
i-: -:
Nebuchadnezzar'* Dream and Darnel's Interpretation Are Very Highly
Esteemed by Bible Students As a Sure Guide to Political Conditions Yet Future.
From Religious Section—Photo-Drama off Creation.
..•"•.^n • n„v
y f ^ ^
Whose Soldiers Are These? "His Soldiers Ye Are Whom Ye
From Financial Section—Photo-Drama of Creation.
r^ njr
World femed as Editor^
flutfror a»7d Warer. twt/j
years 09 lr>c publicplatfbna,
frJK^JWt Famous
Plar;of Gieatior; cover more
tbao 5000 pa^es"ai?drecoed
tbe labors ofa Ijfe-Hroe.
(IIIftisipafewtours tyjceirf
(fnon pHorooaarin or pusmonj
Bible Students Show from Prophecy That Eventually the Entire Earth
Is To Become Habitable and Made Perfect, and That Then Every Man Shall
Come To *. Full Knowledge of the Truth.
The Abydos Tablet fully corroborates the Genesis genealogy of the human family from Adam to 2000 B. C.
This "Grand Tableau," by Jan Styks, of the Crucifixion in the Arena at Rom* *>f the early Christian martyrs la one off the many spectacular scenes of the "Photo-Drama of Creation.** To see and medi-
tate upon this and other events pictured in this Pholo-Drama is to have your heart born within yon and to feel an almoat irrepressible desire to appear upon the acene of action and to right the wrong.
- *—• ' . • ' • ' _ _ _ — _ . . , i i - . . n . . , • i . . •• ' ' • « I I i i _ i . , — . . . . . . • i - • • " I I - .
The New York Temple I
Today and Every Day
The Photo-Drama of Creation
W. 63d St., / "SE
Admission Coupon
"Photo-Drama of Creation"
THE TEMPLE, West 63d St, Just off Broadway.
Good Any Day of Week Ending Jan. IS.
Admission Coupon
"Photo-Drama of Creation"
THE TEMPLE, 63d St, Just off Broadway
Use this Today—-Sunday
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

L^'Sunday afternoonand erening/uYthe.
New York Tfenple;^on :63d.street, just:off
Broadway, Pastor Russell personally pre-
tented to the public the PhotoDrama of Cre-j
ation; and a daily afternoon and evening pro-;
gramme has been inaugurated to last indefi-;
nitely. Many^visitors returned jduring the
week^to'seeithe.ibrama'.thejsecond.and third
The*Public were taken hy"surprise/as;very
few anticipated a.spectacular Exhibition. An
understanding of theDivine Planof Creation;
including at least a cursory knowledge.of the
Bible, has been brought within the
reach of the busiest man on Earth, I
who no longer has a good excuse
/or indifference orignorance,
v The presentation was startling,*
fascinating and instructive. Mo-
tion and colored pictures were
•used, showing.theVWorl&'sJCrea-.
tion and preparation, including
Edenic Scenes and-Adam's,trans-
gression, and,, stepjby, step>trav-
ersed the Ages, and incaptlvating .
language and marvellous imag-
inary pictures, based on Bible
prophecies,'portrayed the Perfect
Man of the future in full posses-
sion,and full enjoyment:of'the
promised unending^earthly Par-
See Coupon i
-NL^- •'- •: v
n - ' - v * •. - :.: i •*. ::•/ - -
-*--* . - , ,-.- - . - . -r« .- - .
1 *!<^Sr
- ii
"Photo Dramaof Creation"
THE TEMPLEJust Off Broadway
Thi» Coupon • •irtille* • li©?**f «o Free Addition to
 * Thol»-Dram» t» *«*• *' . ? * • •"* * * • » Jv>
« 2 5
' ~?
Ii R«»«irt4 on Application.
'•• ' ~ ~
»s> ^.
Vorld famed as BditoiT
years 09 >be public plafrnrm. .
fl profooud Bible Scalar; i
] f worlds njost famous"
A"7ti-fielI-Rre-fVeaebcr." ]
His lwirii$ 09 tbe Divio&; %
PI317 of Crealion cover more; >
Ibar; 5000 pa^es at)d record.
tljc labors of a life-rime. ; :
Yoocar;re3pir;eber;eftlof 1
all this 19 a few bouB by secipi •
3££hi.X v't."-.>:
:*^>-f jty .^^c^fj^xr w »
«T)Snce$,:iwtRiwiioH»iwit STWWTSAssocmt/oh
v O r , 0 0 « , E W C l . * N 0 . , M w . n i y ^ ; ^
' . . " ; . • : L " i : r
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
Have in end. Tuus sami tnexora ooo,
B the dlsriero, «B4 4**e off the
Formally Opened lo Cleveland
by Pastor Russell.
Was to Do of Pavid*s tirwag*.
pod's Typical Kingdom—Overturned.
606 B. C—On* Long kin* of World-
£mpir«a—"Th* Tim*« of th« G«n-
tiUs" — tara«r« "8»v«n Timaa" of
Chastisement—Th« Two Periods 8yn-
chronoua About to Expir* Now.
Th« Fifth Univaraal Empire—Jeru-
salem and M«aaiah.
crown: this shall not be tbe same. • • •
1 will overturn, overturn, overturn It:
uud It shall be no more, until lie come
whose right it is; and 1 will give it
uyto Him."
J That statement was made Just prior
I to Israel's* captivity to Babylon. And
tbe crown and tbe scepter have been
overturned ever «lnce. and will con-
tinue so to IK?until Messiah Himself,
at His Secoud Advent, shall take the
Throne as the autityplenl Son of Da-
vid. So king of David's line has been
in power for even a moment since tbe
overthrow of King Zedeklah. True,
Israel trad ttrc Macwrbean kings tinder
(•entile suzerainty, and Inter they had
tbe House of Herod. But neither of
these lines tvus of the House of David;
indeed, neither was Jt>wl*b nt all. King
lost bis crown in 000 B. C :
Cleveland, O.,
Jan. 25. — Pastor
Russell yesterday
afternoon In the
1. B. 8. A. Temple,
corner of Prospect
und East 22nd
Street personalIy
co nd u c t o d the
opening exhibition
in this city of the
Photo-Drama of
Oruntiou. This
Drama is acknowl-
edged by art crit-
ics to be by far the finest production
of moving-pictures rtnd slides ever pre-
sented, and i* to be shown, free to the
public, in all cities and lands through-
out the world, under the auspices of
the International Bible Students Asso-
ciation, of which Pastor Russell is
President. . .
In New York City, in his new $500,-
OOO Temple, two weeks ago; Pastor
Russell presented the Drama for the
first time to houses crowded from pit
to dome. Last Sunday in the famous
Muslc'Hall in Cincinnati he personally
conducted the opening Of the Photo-
Drama of Creation there.
The Photo-Drama of Creation Is pro-
duced In conjunction with remarkably
clear phonographic discourses, which
Lave behind them the forty years of
Bible study by New York's famous
Pastor. By some process never before
attained the phonographs used In this
production have been relieved of th*
metallic sound altogether, thus pro-
ducing the very finest oratorical ef-
fects. It is the wonder today of talk*
Jng-machine dealers in the metropolis.
ie voice Is resonant clear, fun and
muni, amr ,
as the voice of tbe talking machine.
Tbe exhibition in In three parts:
Part I traces the creation of the
earth and of man, its king—then his
—fall Into sin and its deafh-punisbment,
the first promises of complete deliver-
ance from tbe penalty, and tbe Deluge
and its causes on to Moses' time.
Tart II points us through tbe types
-to Messiah, the great Emancipator of
the death-stricken race, and the world-
wide blessings His soon-to-be estab-
lished Kingdom will bring. It intro-
duces us to the Heavenly Logos, who
became the man Christ Jesus. It also
shows and explains His sacrificial
work and Hia unwavering faithfulness
in fulfilling the prophecies concerning
Himself, and how His miracles pic-
ture the restoration of mankind during
His Second presence and reign.
. Part III. traces not only tbe suffer-
ings of Christ tbe Head, but also
those of the Church, His Body, prepar-
atory .to their exaltation and conse-
quent glorious work of blessing the
-non-elect for a thousand years—"who-
soever wilL"
Pastor Russell yesterday forenoon
discussed that feature of the Produc-
tion ot tiiA
told by Urn rroptietUraleTaha also by'
our Lord-Daniel 12:1.
The great trouble of 1915 will suf-
fice for all time, as says tbe Prophet.
(Paulin 46:0.) There will be no more
war. Then the "princes" of UriuH will
have dictatorial powers, backed up by
tbe spiritual Kingdom—Just what tbe
world needs, but want It dare not
trust to any imperfect men under tbe
prevent reign of Sin and Death.
Jerusalem and Meaaiah.
The time has therefore come for tbe
message of Isaiah -10:1. 2 to be .given to
God's ancient people. Tbe time has
come for the fulfilment of the highest wa
«*reported to have betn a rhampiou
and surely the kingdom has been well
described as "overturned, overturned";
and it Is still overturned, because the
foreordained time has not yet come—
it Is near.
^ 'Times of the Gentiles."
There were <ie«tlle kingdoms in the
world long before Israel became a
monarchy. Ye.t God recognized only Is-
rael tind entered into covenant rela-
tionship with no other nation. But as
soon as the verdict of our text was
given against Israel, to bold until Mes-
siah's Itelgn. then Divine providence
recognized Gentile governments, al-
though not in tbe~salne way In which
Israel hnd been recognized—not as
kingdoms of God. but us kingdoms of
the Gentiles. .. .
Nor were all Gentile nations recog-
nized, hut one great Hue of World-
Empires of several dynasties which, so
to speak, were given temporary or
leasehold privileges covering the pe-
riod of the overturning of Israel's
orown until the time far Messiah's-
ideals of Zionism! He that blessetb
Israel shall be blessed j>f God! ll«
that ccursetb Isruel shall be cursed of
God! Let us all encourage God's an*
tlent people to go up and possess their
bind, as Cyrus did In a figure long ago!
It is not our thought to encourage all
•lews to return to Palestine. Many of
them are. better off where they are at
pretieht wnly those who have faith in
the preci^re promises do we encourage
to go now. Gradually their numbers
will Increase, as faith In the promises
of God returns to tbe Jewish heart
But there is a work in which every
Jew should have a share. If favorably
situated, and unready to go personally,
they should go by proxy—they should
put plenty of money into the hands of
tbe Zionist Manager at Jerusalem. He
jBhould be enabled .to_jssist every
worthy son of Abraham fleeing from
Russian persecution. He should be
prepared to advance money to every
settler to.purchase every foot of land
in Palestine that is offered for sale. He
should be enabled to supply all with
tools, etc. He should have a free band
to do exploits In tbe name of God and
of His Chosen People.
Zionism will prowper, whether or not
Kingdom. Indeed, in portraying these
kingdoms and their lenses of power, It
is particularly shown that their domln-
Messlabs Kingdom will beset up. But
who will have the honor of having
manifested his faith by bis works and
that of Messiah will begin.
Furthermore, Moses prophesied the
chastisement of tsraelrnndirrsymbolic
numbers told that it would last Seven
Times. (Leviticus 20:18, 21, 24. 28.)
The lease of Gentile Times, or years,
is likewise Seven Times. Both began
to count at the same date. Hence both
will terminate simultaneously. When
the lease of Gentile domination ends,
Messiah's Kingdom will by right begin
its Reign: and Israel. "Jacob." will be
associated with' Messiah's Empire as
His earthly people—Abraham. Isaac,
Jacob and th? Prophets being made
princes In nil the earth as promised-
The Prophet Daniel's Foreviefr.
God through the Prophet Daniel sup-
a root of all evil amongst all people.
and the Jew has not escaped it Both
.Jews and Christians need the exhor-
tation not to worship the Golden Calf.
but the true God. 1 can thus reprove
and exhort Jew. Gentile and Christian
tbe more freely because it Is well
known that 1 never solicit money for
myself or tbe Work entrusted to me
by the Lord—not even Church collec-
tions—not even insinuations that mon-
ey is scarce, and desirable. 1 do. how-
ever, exhort Jews in prosperous cir-
cumstances to bless their own hearts
by helping their own countrymen to
fulfil the holy prophecies.
God's Great Kingdom at Hand.
hasThe fault, of Christendom has been
piles us two pictures of the Seven the rejection at She Divine Plan and
Times of Gentile domination of the the acceptance instead of a human
world. One of these pictures was glv- plan of salvation. The^Churcb. It was
en by vision to King Nebucbadnermr, asserted, was to convert the
g_.jfisua_ajid present.ertarsw
to the overthrow of Israel's typical
kingdom and the foretold re-establish-
ment of it at the end (now due) ot the
"seven (symbolic) times" of chaitise^
ment at tho hands of Him whose right
His text and discourse follow:
"Bemove tbe diadem, and take off
the crown: this shall not be the>same.
• • • I will overturn, ovsrtum, over-
turn It—until He come wboso right it
is; and I will give it unto Him." <E*e-
kiei 2136. 27.> He said:God established the Jewish nation as
-His representative nation, or kingdom,
in the world, with the understanding
that in some manner and at some time
that nation would be the channel of
Divine all the families of
tbe earth, in harmony with the orig-
inal Oath-bound Promise made to
Abraham. After a precarious existence
or nearly mx centuries tbe star of Jew-
ish Empire set and has not risen
afnee. • .
Tbe particulardate at which the typ-
ical Kingdom passed away is clearly
k d b i
marked In tbe Scriptures. Tbe solidity
of the Empire in the bands of King
David, and bis son. King Solomon, was
lose in Its division In the days of King
-Jfolomon's successor. Nevertheless.- to
. tbe royal line continued In tbe tribe of
Judah; as it Is written. "The sceptre
shall not depart from Judah, nor a law-
giver front between bis feet until Shi-
lob come.w
-<Jenesls 49:10.
Tbe Lord's coveuanr with King Da-
vid was that Qne from bis seed should
be the great King over the more glori-
ous Kingdom of God. when If should
be established. In other words. Mes-
slab would be of David's lineage. The"
royal family of David's line bad a pro-
rftrffrflf tHiurmm for several centuries
after King Solomon's death until Zede-
kiab. (he last king of Judah. Of him
tbe Divine declaration was, M
Aad toon,
profane and wfckatf prince of Israel
whose day at come when Iniquity •ball
ZedeHaB. nupmlj. K&l'tj the weild-
ly view of Gentile governments. The
whole period was represented by a
glorious image, whose head was of
gold, his breast and bis arms of silver,
his belly and his.thighs of brass, his
legs of iron, his feet of iron and clay
mixed. Given tbe pointer that Nebu-
chadnexgar's kingdom represented the
head of gold, any school boy could
show that tbe next Universal Empire
was Medo-Eersia. the third Greece and
the fourth Rome—the feet represent-
ing Rome ecclesiastical, with her
daughters dominating Europe today.
We cannot here go Into details ex-
cept to note that-^in tbe days%t these
kings" represented by the toes, the
God of Heaven promised to set up His
Kingdom—Messiah's Kingdom. This is
symbollxed as a stone cat out of a
mountain, which struct the image on
to Him aa a tro-
phy^ Aiao, we have not been able to
convert ourselves, which is the partic-
ular work tbe Master gave us to do!
Greater humility would have shown us
our fully long ago.
AJI through tbe Old Testament God's
promises abound, telling all who have
ears to bear of tbe glorious Bel^n of
Messiah aud of the success of His
Kingdom—that the result shall be that
"every knee* shall bow and every
tougue confess, to tbe glory of God";
that "the'eyes of the blind snail be
opened and the gears of tbe deaf shall
.be unstopped."
We remember the prophecies which
picture earthly governments and show
us their termination and the establish-
ment of the Kingdom of Heaven on
their ruins. We remember the Jubilee
picture repeated by the Israelites every
aftietb year, proclaiming liberty and
Its feet and demolished it completely, restoration of property for the peo-
Thjen the stone became a great Moun-
tain, or Kingdom, and filled the whole
earth—Messiahs Empire.—Dan.2:31-45.
Pictured as Beastly.
The vision of Nebuchadnezzar repre-
sented Gentile domination as gorgeous.
But vrhftn a xisioji was given to PfinWI
himself It showed matters in a differ*
ent ligbt All Gentile kingdoms to
him were pictured as beastly. Tho
golden head of Nebuchadnezzar's vis-
ion, picturing the Babylonian Empire,
pie and typifyiug restitution of all that
has been lost through sin and that is
to be restored through Messiah's King-
Bible students are more and more
coming to see that the Gospel Age is
too time- in which Messiah la spigoting
from amongst men a saintly class, and
is proving and testing th'elr loyalty to
God and to righteousness. These are.
to be Messiah's assistants—"theBride,
the Lamb's Wife," Bible students all
An enormous crowd gathered at
Chester, England, a few months ago
<o witness the funerai of an electrical
nglneer, who was carried to the cera
tery In a coffin that had been labori-
ously constructed by himself out of
4,000 match boxes. These, with their
tops visible and advertising their re-
spective makers, were varfrtahed ever
and strengthened inside with wood-
On the coffin was placed an electric
Some years ago a maiden lady died
at Calemls-sur-Lys, In France, who
snulT taker. She enjoyed sTnguTafly
good health, retained all her-mental
faculties, and died at a ripe old age.
Her funeral was most extraordinary.
Her wish was that her coffin should
be filled with tobacco, the flour of the
motuary chamber carpeted with it. and
the heir to the property charged to
scatter tobacco before the hearse on
the way to the cemetery.
A lady who left Liverpool some
time ago by the Lucarin crossed the
Atlantic on a^unique mission. Aprom-
inent New York business man, who
died recently, directed in his will that
his remaina should be en mated and
the ashen scattered on the waters of
the Atlantic from a Cunard steamer.
The" Lucanla being the special fa-
vorite of the deceased gentleman, was
selected, and the lady. In ^quostlon, at
a time fixed, so that simultaneously
the family could attend a memorial
service in New York, cast the ashes
from an urn into the ocean. A cer-
tificate was given by the captain of
tbe Lucanla stating the latitude and
longitude in which the ashes were
committed to the deep, according to
the will. . . .
Teeth filing as an aid to beauty is
practiced extensively among the adult
males of the semi-savage Bagobo tribe
of the Philippines. Efforts of Uncle
Sam's agents, in the educational and
administrative departments of the
Philippine government, to discourage
this practice have thus far met with
scant success. It is against the policy
pursued by tbe United SUtes in the
islands to interfere in tribal customs
and affairs where they do not conflict
with the laws. For this reason no
actual ban has been placed upon the
practice of teeth filing despite the
fact that not only are'the teeth them-
selves ruined but tbe health of their
owner is frequently Injured through
the liability of the incisors to* decay
immediately the enamel 4s broken.
The Bagobos are descended from the
Malay tribes which invaded the is-
lands at some period in the past and
overran a large part of the archipe-
lago. .
Amusing Little Trinket That Will
Keep the Little One Amused for
Many Hours. . <•
'Bright colors, and anything that
jingles upon being shaken, always ap-
peals to quite a small baby and we
give a sketch of a little toy that was
a great success, and was made with
the aid of a silver bangle, some bright-
ly colored remnants of ribbon, and
some little bells. Suitable little bells,
should we not already possess them.
may be purchased for. a trifle at any
to/ shop, and those of the nature
that are BO often seen upon a cat's col-
lar or upon children's reins are per*
haj)S the best to procure.
Each belTTs attacheoTto a small loop
of narrow ribbon, the ends of which
are tied tightly qn to the bangle in a
smart little bow.
A glance at the sketch wiH explain
all this, and all the bells should be
tied on to one side of the bangle so
that baby may clutch the other side
in his little hand and shake it as vig-
orously as he pleases. Ribbon of a
good BIBfl With fast—dye, and—lEe"
brightest possible re<Js. blues, yellows
and greens, should be selected for the
making of this little toy, and if the
bangle Is brightly polished also it will
make it doubly attractive to baby. -
Odd Shapes and Colorings Have Been
Designed to 8uft the Costumes
Worn. - _
Th.e new buttons are in odd shapes
and colorings. Squares, hexagons,
pyramid effects, barrel, platter, olive,
bathtub and pear shapes are the nov-
elties. Besides these unusual shapes
there are still tbe ball and half ball
Some very striking novelties are in
black glass or crystal with mosaic de-
slgn* In Chluosu colorings. These un-
usual effects* are accomplished by
means of carving, and by painting
the designs underneath the cryata.1.
D&inty__floral designs are_done the
sauiw way. TUMIB rtitmnnr
are even more strikingly emphasised
in the semlball buttons, some of which
are half one color and "naif another,
while others are divided Into as many
as four sections, each of which is In
a different color. Rich burnt orange
tones are frequently used.
Some handsome porcelain buttons
are painted In Persian and mosaic ef-
fects. Among the extremely new ef-
fecst in porcelain and crystal are the
fruit buttons in realistic shapes and
colorings. Apples, pears, cherries,
etc.. are so perfectly designed as to
reader them readily recognizable.
The/ used to say, when, 1 was a
boy at home, that if I grew tip with-
out being jailed for forgery It would
apeak well for my home training.
However that is. I had a knack of
copying to a nicety any signatures or
addresses that I picked up. I used to
do It for the fun of the- thing, but
"never, even In school-boy crises when
a note, from home would have worked
wonders with a hard-hearted teacher,
did I use the gift to my own ends. Be-
yond, that is, making the boys' eyes
pop at the way I could reproduce their
crude boyish signatures or the more
flowing and flowery ones of the teach-
ers. I'm an old man now, an4< com-
fortably enough off, but what I have
has come to me honestly. I have won-
dered, sometimes, whether the accom-
plishment was still at my fingers'
ends, but—it still Is!
Next to my little four-room bache-
lor apartment Is its twin, a rear flat;
and not so many months ago it was
taken by two girls—gentle and well-
bred, or I'm no judge of character.
The older of the two I had no love
for—a quiet, dark girl, too sober by
far for her years. But, the young one!
I could hear her singing through the
paper-thin walls of the cheap flat,
and I grew to distinguish her voice in
the indistinct murmur when they
were talking. She was as full of
songs and thrills and sheer lightheart-
edness as a bird.
The first time I saw her I thought
to myself that she deserved better
than to be cooped up in a four-room
flui wjih a Sister who wouta i>roDably
be just as happy without her. But
there I was mistaken. Her sister
adored her. However, I discovered
before long that I was not alone in my
opinion of her deserts, and many is
the time I've heard her laughing voice
in the ball enBWurea" tJy~s7
one, and not always the same joe, at
that. . • __ .
But she had her favorite I could
hear the note of real welcome In
voice for one of them—a fine lad, as
deserving of her as ever a man was
of a woman. Tall and strong and
well-born, her choice was easily my
choice, too. I used to pass them in
the hall often on their way to some
merry-making, and she had ever a
bright nod and a word for me. Aid
then, when they came back, mavy't
the time I've" caught the note of ten-
derness in her voice as she -said good-
night 'to him at the door. And he
adored her—one look at him when
they were together would have told
that :
—• — 1" ', — .
waa represented as a ferocious ltom know that the New Testament abounds
the Medo-Persian Empire as a bear; with references to the Kingdom. Near-
tbe Grecian Empire as a leopard; and tj all the parables that oar Lord gave
tbe Boman Empire x>f the Caesars as a were In lllustratlo* of something con-
nomieacript. great and terrible beast neeted wits the mngdom or with the
ferocious and destructive, as tbe pages class being called out of the world to
of history corroborate. ' IInherit the spiritual Kingdom as Joint-
Is eostnst with these Gentile gor-'heirs jvitb Messiah. Ail nocfa'know.
emments, tho coming Kingdom of . too. that the Great Teacher proclaimed
Messiah was represented as »«*•««» that Kingdom, and taught His follow-
ers to prajTfdint."T*y Kingdom come;
Tby will be 4oae oe earth, as it IM done
•'One like unto the Son of Man" took
dominion under the whole heavens, 4a
tto name of God and as His Kingdom.
The beastly forms of government dis-
appeared, but that of tbe Son of Man
endured—accomplishing to the full the
EHvlae purposes.—Dinlat 73*44.—
In Heaven." •
Bible students all knotv that the
l:>O8tles referred to that Kingdom and
Mnted the
ion* for thf
Wh«r« Ar« W« Wowf _^
As before .suggesleu. the key to our
problem lies hi tbe Seven Times—the
period of Israel's chastisement and that
of Oentlle lease of puuer. The nieas-
urement in both coses begins at the
time of King Zedekiah'a dethronement,
000 B. C.—A Time is our year; hence
the Seven Times are seven yearn-yet
not literal years, but symbolic; and, as
God declared through the Prophet, aud
fulfilled, each day is symbolic of n
year. (Esckiel 4.-6.) The year Is lunar
—300 days: hence each of the'Seveu
Times Is 300 years; and the Seven
Times equal 2520 years. Now note
that these Seven Times are almost ex-
pired: and hence Zionism Is the watch-
word of all Jews who are trusting still
in the Divine promisee. _
Reckoning from the date of the de-
thronement of King Zedeklah. wa have
the date 1915 A. D. This indicates that
1015 Messiah's luvisible. •piritpal
CburClL to
Us establish-
the time when tDe M.irriaue of the
fjimb will tnte* pine* the time when
<!od'« Now IJIW Covenant uith Israel
will po into effect-tbe time when He
who mitttered 4*rnt* w4*f frtso gather
them, and when the l-aw will so forth
from Mount /ion. the Celestini Klng-
dom. im] tho Won! of tne Lord from
.Jerusalem, the of tho i-nrthly
[trin<>«. MeHHlahN Kingdom is just
trhat hunmnlt.v Is rrmrhiy ~nr rvattze
that It ti«fdi« In It* establishment as
the Scriptures declare, "tbe desire ot
Hlr%frtlonx Kbtitl <-ome."-Hnjrg"l 2:7
Tbe Scriptures tencbthat Memlab'ti
Kingdom Is not ontp-rfbleAs those liv-
ing at the time<<ftltt, establishment
but gradually to atrakeft tbe dead from
the tomb, and to give nil of Adam's
race a full opportunity for attaining
Ufa everlasting-or Amtu.- lod—d, tb»
Bible assures us that eventually the
whole world shall receive new life
from Messiah, in offset to the life re-
Kingdom will be to power. Tho lease through sin. Thus amongst the vari-
of power to tbe Gentiles will then have ous titles of Messiah mootteood bjr
Probably no more remarkable fear
has been recently performed by an
automobile than when the local agent
of a well known car in Los Angeles.
Cal., gave a demonstration of the pull-
inc strength of his machine by attach-
ing it by means of a rope running
from the rear axle of th« car to the
pilot of a 110-ton locomotive, an*
drawing the locomotive along the
track. The start was saaov frosa a
dead standstill aad it waa first thought
impossible to move the groat mass of
iron and steel as the wheels of the
auto slipped badly and the locomotive
seemed to be glued to the track.
After weighing down the car with six
good-sized men. how ever, the tires
took a firmer hold and after a long,
steady strain the wheels of the loco-
motive began slowly to revolve.
The accomplishment of the task ts
testified to by a number of witnesses
who at first declared it Impossible
and 16o¥ed for the breaking "of the
rear axle or the pulling out of tho
entire end of the car.
Weddings have been celebrated in
all sorts oT unusual places, but It has
t»en teft to ^Frederick KTrchner of
Palm Beach. Flo., to choose » raft as
the scene of his marriage.
The bridegroom, who Is a native of
Hamburg, is employed as a life-saver
at the bathing grounds at Palm Beach.
was recently married on a raft in
the surf to Miss Single Lund of Stock-
holm. . /
No fewer than 1.700 visitors to the
ratelied the~ ceremony.~%nfl 700
young men and women stood up to
their necks in tbe water to aoe the
novel proceedings.
•xplrW. ta4 Israel'sdisfavor will be at tbe Propooto la that of **tHa Evertaa*. i
aa and Thta fact Implies aa awful * tec Father."-leaiabUA . I
coqplo »ore bathing
salts, and the bride had m «rvwn of
orange blossom• and a bovquot of .the
The clergyman wore *
| Uonal clerical gar*.
Water Into Which Peeled Potatoes
Have Been Cooksd Is One of the
' Most Effective Helps.
Isn't it annoying to find that a spot of
grease or a fruit stain has been drop-
ped on the front of a new blouse or
dress? On silks and delicate scarfs
these marks can generally be removed
by,this simple method, which I don't
.suppose you'va heard ot before. Orate
"two large peeled potatoes into a basin
of cold water, and at the end of half
an hour strain and put the potatoes
Into another bowl ^f we*or. Tfieh
when the sediment has quite settled
halls—anything said In the halls was
common property to all four flats—I
learned- several things about them.
For one thing, there was real sympa-
thy between them, understanding that
was surprising, considering their
youth. Another was that each of
them had not a little pride, which.
this time
came. But this time I was
pointed. Instead. I heard the boy say
with feigned cheerfulness:
"Good night, Miss Judson," and her
answering "Good night Mr. Carter."
I didn't like that. It sounded seri-
ous beneath the banter. Then the*
boy said soberly,
"Be sure I'll come when you send
for me, Mercy."
And Mercy answered with gentle"
stubbornness. "I'll never write till I
hear from you. Bert" and the door
closed slowly.
Bert didn't know, as I did, that she
stood waiting at the door Instead of.
hurrying down the long passageway;
walled tUl the clatter ot Bert's feet
on the stairs and the slam of the door
proved to her that Bert had really
gone. Then I heard her go back down
the passage, and after a minute she.
began to play the piano. But in a mo*
ment more that stopped with a dis-
cord, and I guessed, though I could
not hear, that Mercy was cryin«.
I waited almost as eagerly as she-
for the boy's step again, and the boy's-
voice In the hallway; but two weeks
passed, and I knew that stubborn,
young things that they w«r«, they
stood a good chance of spoiling the
wonderful thing they held between
them. Mercy crept in and out of the
flat like a pale little ghost and one*
•ay I spoke to her sister ot 4t
"No, she doesn't look at all well. Mr.
Bonner." her sister admitted, "but I
don't know what the matter is." I
stole a look at her out of the" corner
of my eye. The woman meant it!-
Was she blind? . •
Well, tne long and short of It la,
that It got to be too much for me, and
I put an end to it One day when Mer-
>had stolon out as usual, l-wrote*
a note—In French, and in the boy's
unadorned, dependable handwriting,,
and tucked it behind their mall-box^
It was just a sentence or two, but I'
ended It with the phrase that had end-
ed Mercy's note to him. I had an Idea
that It was a sun of pass-woW
theirs, and I was right
From the window, I saw Mercy
come in. There was a pause In the*
vestibule, then the heavy door opened!
and Mercy stumbled up the stairs. Ii
watched her through the half-open
door, and her young face waa allgbtt
with joy almost too great to bear. A,
moment later the door opened and she'
flew out again. I knew Bert waa to.
have his answer.
The next day waa warm, so warm';
that windows were open everywhere;
as4~se- tt comes ifiat sitting
heard the end of the story. Oh* the>
sound ot that young voice again! For
me and one other, there waa no sound!
like It on earth. Then there waa
daet ot voieoa. Tt
_ .<$
sitting on the daw>
arm around her. I had no doubt.
Aftei a mumcul vl sileuua, the eul
sode of the note was reached. In then
boy's voice I heard incredulltr,
lshment. Then Mercy's voice cam*
clear and convinced. .
"Bui, Bert, dearest It was in your
dear, funny writing, and in French-,
And oh, Bert it «HMW<1—you know
Going through the hajls one day 1
found a scrap of paper, a note, folded
in half, but with no address on it. I
opened and read it rather shamefaced-
ly. It was in French, and said that
the writer had gone out. would be
back in an hoar, and please to wait
Then a little sentence of •affection,
that old as I am made my heart beat
faster in* sympathy. It was signed
"Mercy." and Mercy was the name of
my young favorite. I turned it over,
and saw, what had escaped me before,
that it had three initials on the out-
side—B. L. C. I remembered a sea*
tence of laughing remonstrance once
Bert Carter!" Undoubtedly
she had tucked the note behind her
mail-box for him to find if he came
over unexpectedly. I put it back
guiltily. Bless the b»h««? PU. th«r
think that no
spoke French?
one else in the city
Still, I reviewed our
rub or sponge the affected part with I fellow flat-dwellers, and decided that
the liquor.
Grease spots should be treated with
a pasta made with fullers' earth mixed
with two-thirds of water and one-thiro
of n-»—"•»*« Placing blotting "paper
under the stain, spread the paste on
thteklr. and leave for 24 hours, then
brush it off
Crepe Handkerchiefs.
Little hemstitched crepe de chine
handkerchiefs are a Paris novelty.
They are made of a very fine quality
of the crepe and come, in vividly gay
plain colors or in the misty flowered
"These gay handkerchiefs are espe*
dally attractive wtttra dark walking
3ult as when drawn from cuff, pocket
or muff they give a pleasing toich of
color to the costume.^ say» a womaff
back from Paris with a supply of
them in many colors. "Tucked Into
tttm HThif» DOCk6t Of a fi1nr
**^ rnstt
with just corners showing, either
standing up stifflyJike rabbit's ears
or drawn down over the pocket edge
like flower peUbr, a gay handkerchief
will give a chic finishing adornment
and that little startling dash of con-
trasting color now the fashion."
Embroidered Hosiery. -;.
Embroidered hosiery, often having
lace Insets, is being used more exten-
sively than it has for man^o years.
Small, self-embroidered figures seem
to be preferred—the startling snakes,
mioe and spiders no more are seen.
But *»»* m*n*wn* that matchaa the
gown is quite the thing, and as there
Is a wider ase of colors In woman's
outer apparel there is also aa lneroaa-
•d variety la colors of woman's
save for me they would have been
In winter came a time when my lit-
tle Mercy was sick. A light ease of
scarlettaa. her sister said—told me
through'the door. Really nothing at
all dangerous, only-too ooatafious to
allow her sister to go to aad from
her school-teaching, or even through
the hails. 8o 1 got intp the habit of
bringing up their mall to them, and
every morning there was a letter for
Miss Mercy Judson In tbe same hand-
writing'. I was rather interested in
that-hand-writing; if I had been un-
sble to class the boy before that wilt-
a mo-
ment of blank silence—then in a voice*
of awe and wonder:
"By jbve, It is! You're right"
"Let's keep It always, dear," Merer
said softly. "We cant quarrel again
after that"
Ah, well. Even meddlesome oldi
men have their uses.
(Copyright itU, by th« McClure Newsi
paper SyxxUeale.)
Cnormous turn Is the Agyogato That
la Saved, Ascribed to "Second-
ary Metafa."
.The value of "secondary metals"-—
exclusive of gold, silver, platinum. Iron,
and aluminum—recovered In the Uni-
ted 8tatea in 1911, reached the enor-
meaa total al fnjMJjt,—oomparoel
with $62,6*5,390 In 1911, according t*
J. P. Dunlop of the United Btato geo-
logical survey, an Increase of nearly:
$26,000,000, or almost 60 per cent
"Secondary metals" are tbooe re-
covered from scrap metal,
dross, tic.
ing of his would have helped me. It
wsj—unadorned, and rather" fmailer
than the average masculine hand-
writing, but it carried with it a sense
of absolute reliibtltty. TfcottsHrpef
haps, but I have always thought that
my gift carries with it the ability to
read character in writing.
When Mercy recovered the spring
came on as if by a signal. I heard the
boy's voice.again in the halls, and met
them going in and out again, as happy
and over-Joyed as if she had come
back from the brink of the grave to
him. The sewing machine was busy
those days—I could tell by the whir
It made—and once when I brought up
a letter that someone had dropped
Mercy came running to the door with
her hands filled with fluffy white stuff.
"T fell as happy, an* yet as bereaved,
as If she were my own daughter and
getting ready to leave me. Everything
quite as it should be though, and
called to distinguish them from metal*
derived from ore, which are tarmatf
"primary metala."
The values given for tbe seebnaarjr
metals are arbitrary and are based
upon the approximate avenge vahM
of the primary metals for tho year.
While junk dealers and collectors fre-
quently pay low prices for small qua**
titles of scrap metals, competition re-
sults in good prices for carefully aa-
•ortod umducts In large quantities.
After remeltlng or refining the me>
UTare sold at only slightly lower
prices than new metaL These second
ory metals displace an equivalent
quantity 6T primary ioetals and"mast
be considered in any estimate of
stocks available for consumption to
•J>T year. -
Quite Simple.
Tvo^ear~Oia=-F*tter, "what
I hoped fervently that thej'd be as
is the exact meaning, of the verse be-
ginning, "Jack Sprat could eat no
fatr . . .
Father—In simple terms it U i t
follows: Jack Sprat could assimilate*
no adipose tissue. His wife, on thai
other hand, possessed an aversion-
tor tho more muscular portions of
epithelium. And so between them,
4»otfc, yttt aee, they removed all th*
foreign substances from tho
face of that utilitarian utensil eosa-
monly called a platter. Doos Chat
arnke It clear, son?
Beaton FIvo-TearOl*—Perfectly, fn-
thar. Tho lack of lucidity la
happy as they deserved
Then in April something happened.
heard them at the door one light*
listened teUkcratair far th«|
• /
Formally Opened In Cleveland
by Pastor Russell.
o v e r t h r o w "oV "Tfii5 "Zedekinh True.
IWael bad t h e Mocoabenn kings u n d e r
Gentile s(is4rnUity. a n d later they had
t h e Hotwe of Herod. 4- But* noWb*^ of
J. t h e s e lines w a s ot t h e H o u s e o Q p n v i d :
tfrft. King
Messiah W a s to Be of David's Lineage.
God's Typical Kingdom—Overturned.
606 B. C — O n e Long Line of World-
E m p i r e s — " T h e T u n e s of the Gen-
t i l e s 0
— I s r a e l ' s "Seven T i m e s " oj
'"•""Arifctetaint-^Tho tv/o'-Perftda Syn-
chronous About to Expire Now.
T h e Fifth Universal Empire—Jeru-
salem and Messiah.
C l e v e l a n d , O.,
J a n . 25 - P a s t o r
Llusocll j o s t e r d a y
a t t e i n o o u in the
I 11. S. A. Temple,
curiHT of Prospect
and I£a«?t 22ud
Street, personally
e o r. d u c t e d t h e
opening exhibition
m this (iiy of the
Photo - D r a m a of
C r e a t i o n T h i s
b i a u m is acknowl-
edged by a r t crit-
ics to be b.v far the litiest production
of moving pictures a n d s h d t s e  e r pre-
sented, a n d is to be >lionn, live to the
public, in all d u e s a n d h i n d , through-
o u t the wo'Id. under the auspices of
t h e Intel twriional Pibio S t u d e n t s Asso-
ciation, ol which Pastor Kussell is
In New  o i k Ot.v iu ins n e w .V.iOO,-
000 Temple, two w e e k s imo. Pastor
Russell present! d the D r a m a foi the
first time 1o h<> IM>S i i o w d e d t i o m pit
to dome 1 ist Sund'iv in t!ie f a m o u s
Mush- Hull in Cim tniiuti he personally
conducted the opening oi the Photo
D r a m a of ( ' n a t i o n there
T h e Photo Diania of C i e i t h m is pro-
duced in conimu tion with r e m a r k a b l y
clear p h o n o " i a p h i e d s c o u t s ^ which
h a v e behind them the fort.v j e a r s of
Bible stnd by N e w York's f a m o u s
Pastor. By some process never before
a t t a i n e d t h e p h o n o g r a p h s used in this
production h a v e been relieved of t h e
metallic s o u n d altogether, t h u s pro-
d u c i n g the very finest oratorical ef
fects. It Is t h e w o n d e r today of talk-
ing-machine dealers in t h e metropolis.
T h e voice is resonant, clear, full a n d
*estful, a n d a u d i e n c e s rarely detect it
a s t h e voice of t h e t a l k i n g machine.
< T h e exhibition is in t h r e e p a r t s :
P a r t I traces the creation of t h e
e a r t h a n d of m a n , its k i n g - t h e n his
fall into sin a n d its d e a t h - p u n i s h m e n t ,
t h e first promises of complete deliver-
a n c e from t h e penalty, a n d t h e Deluge
a n d its c a u s e s on t o Moses' time.
P a r t II points u s t h r o u g h t h e t y p e s
t o Messiah, t h e g r e a t E m a n c i p a t o r of
t h e death-stricken race, a n d t h e world-
w i d e blessings H i s soon-to-be e s t a b -
lished K i n g d o m will" bring. I t intro-
d u c e s u s to t h e H e a v e n l y Logos, w h o
b e c a m e t h e m a n C h r i s t J e s u s . It also
s h o w s a n d explains H i s sacrificial
work a n d H i s u n w a v e r i n g faithfulness
in fulfilling t h e prophecies concerning
Himself, and h o w H i s miracles pic-
t u r e t h e restoration of m a n k i n d d u r i n g
H i s Second presence a n d reign.
P a r t I I I . t r a c e s not only t h e suffer-
ings of Christ, t h e H e a d , but also
t h o s e of t h e C h u r c h , H i s Body, prepar-
a t o r y to their exaltation a n d conse-
q u e n t glorious w o r k of blessing t h e
non-elect for a t h o u s a n d years—"who-
soever will."
P a s t o r Russell y e s t e r d a y forenoon
discussed t h a t f e a t u r e of t h e Produc-
tion of the P h o t o - D r a m a t h a t relates
t o the o v e r t h r o w of Israel's typical
kingdom a n d the foretold re-establish-
m e n t of it at t h e end (now due> of the
"seven (symbolic) t i m e s " of chastise-
m e n t at tlie h a n d s of H i m w h o s e right
it is
H i s text • ad discourse follow:
"lii'inoiu the d h d o m , a n d t a k e off
t h e ( i o   n- tlu-f shall not be the s a m e .
* * * I will overturn, ovoiturn over-
t u r n it un'il H e t o m e v. hose right it
is; and I will giv e it u n t o l i n n " l E / e
kiel 21 'J*, '1" ) H e s.i'tl-
Cod < sf Mi Iui
d (he J e w i s h nation as
His ie| K ui<. t '  e nation, or k m " d o m ,
in the • ti'd, with the under I in-he.
that MI ">j'i > maunei and at so> e t i " "
t h a t nation would be the eh Mine! of
Divine ble-Miig to all t h e fann1
es of
t h e eaiMi in haimonv with the o n 
inal (> ith hound Ptemu-e n <'< to
Abiah.tin After a jnecaiious e  i - t e n ( e
oi' neatly st centuries the star of .lew
ish E u i p u e hot, and has not risen
T h e partHiilat d a t e at which the typ-
ical Kingdom passed a w a j is clearly
m a r k e d in the Scripture> T h e solidity
of t h e E m p i r e in the h a n d s o1 King
David, and his son. King Solomon, w a s
lost in its division in the dttvs of Kim*
Solomon b M K I ^ M I I - Nevottholoss, m
hurmonv with the I m i n c p i o d n t i o n
the I oval line ( o n t i n u u l in the t u b e of a s ! it is writ ten " T h e c o o t i e
«h ill not d< p u t ft inn J i ' d t h no' a law
| i  e i i i o m btlwi m h , h i t i"itil Shi
foh (ouie ' (!i in is i ) 10
«dew should have a nbtact? If favorably
situated, and unready to go personally,
they should go by proxy—they should
put plenty of naone£ Into the hands jof
tHe Zionist Manager at Jerusalem.
id v
be 11 i
. la
i t h
d h
id I
tin Di .11 ill Pi
Indeed, neither w a s J e w i s h at flfi. King
Zedekinh lost his crown in flnq; B C :
a n d surely t h e kinsrdftm has been well
described as " o v e r t o i l e d o v e r t u r n e d " :
a n d It is still overturned, because the
foreordained tlnie has not j e t come—
although it Is n e a r
" T i m e s of the Gentiles."
T h e r e w e r e Gentile l.nmdoms in the
woild long before ,lsiael • became a
monarchy " e t Cod reio;~ui/(d onlyv Is
rnel a n d entered into eovonint re'a
tlonship with no othei nation P u t as
soon as the verdict of ^yur t e  t was
given again-st Israel, to lidld untP Mes
slab's Koign. then Divine providence
recognized C o u p l e gov o r n m e n t s al
though not in the s a m e win in whien
Israel had been • ree ounifed - not as
kingdoms of God, but as kingdoms of
the Con tiles . *
Nor wore all Gentile nations recog-
nized, but one line of World-
E m p i i e s of several dv nasties which, so
to speak, were a n en temnoi irv or
leasehold privileges Miveiin-. the pe
riod of the o v e r t u r n i n g of Israel's
d o w n until the time for Messiah's
K i n u h t m indeed, in pottrajm*: these
k i n g d o m s md then leases of power, it
is paitu nlailv shown tin Ir domin
ion vvdl t e r m i n a t e absolutely when
that of Mi ^siat) will bej.m
F u i U i e i m o i e , Moses piophtMMl the
c h a s t i s e m e n t of Israel, and in Minbollc
n u m b e r s told II would la< I Seven
T i m e s (Leviticus IK! IS. L'l, 21 2S )
T h e lease of Gentile Times, oi je-irs
is likewise Seven T u n e s BoMi l u v a n j
to count at the s a m e d a t e Hen e both
will t e r m i n a t e simultaneouslv When |
the lease ot Gentile d o n i m i i i o n < nds I
Messiah's Kingdom will bv ii bt be in ]j f ^ ,
ild lieign: and Israel, "J n o b , " will b e ! J
asst i yited with Me^si'ib's Ptnplre as
His eaithlv i>eople Vbr.ihun Isaai,
J a c o b and the Prophets h< 111L- ID uk
1)I1U( es i,i il, (h" < .1 tu as J) onir er|
The Prop ot Danul's, Foreview.
God tluou.'Ii the IM'opliet D.udtl sup
pli« s r-g t w o . [n< tiin-s ot the Se er
TimeR* ot G'entile douiinttiou of tin
woild One of these pn'tuie-* w a s ; i
en bj vi-ion to I'm-; .Nebuchatlni/ ai
wno oeitLii'Vv the d o w n ol Km
/ e d P f neily. i t i r i v e s the vn d
i> view Qf Gt.yiitjLe g m o i i y n e n t s llie
vvbole i)ferl«tl was* iep,evented In
gluuous lujuge, t wiituje head was oi
gold, Ins bi< 1st and his^a^uus i t s ive,
his be'lv anu bis thigh's of !
f iron, his tei't otx i
head of *goid, anj ' svhoo] buv Vould I
show that t l i e ' n e x t Uune'rsal Enfpji
H e
should be enabled to assist every
w o r t h y son of A b r a h a m fleeing from
Russian persecution. H e should be
p r e p a r e d to a d v a n c e m o n e y to every
settler to p u r c h a s e every foot of land
in Palestine t h a t is offered for sale. H e
should" be e n a b l e d to- supply all w i t h
tools, etc H e should have a free h a n d
to-^do exploits in the natne of God a n d
of His Chosen People.
Zionism will prosper, w h e t h e r or n o t
Messiah's Kingdonr will be set up. But
Lwho will have t h e honor of h a v i n g
manifested his faith by his works a n d
by his money? T h e love of money is
a root ol all evil a m o n g s t all people,
a n d the J e w lias not escaped it. Both
J e w s and Christians need t h e exhor-
tation not to worship the Golden Calf,
b u t t h e t r u e God I can t h n s r e p r o v e
a n d exhort J e w , Gentile a n d Christian
t h e more freely because it is well
k n o w n t h a t I never solicit money for
myself or the work entrusted to m e
by the Lord—not even Church collec-
tions—not even Insinuations t h a t mon-
ey is scarce a n d desirable I do, how-
ever, e x h o r t J e w s in piosperous cir-
c u m s t a n c e s to bless their o w n h e a r t s
by helping their o w n c o u n t r y m e n to
fulfil t h e holy prophecies
God's Great Kingdom a t Hand.
T h e fault of Christendom has been
t h e rejection of t h e Divine Plan a n d
the a c c e p t a n c e instead of a h u m a n
plan of s a h ation. T h e Church, it w a s
asseited, w a s to convert the world for
J e s u s a n d present it to H i m as a tro-
phy Alas, w e have not been able to
convert ourselves, which is the partic-
ular work t h e M a s t e r g a v e us to d o !
G r e a t e r humility would h a v e s h o w n us
iied GiveUvjUe pginU'Uth t„ Nelaj. h a s b e 0 1 /
u d n e z z a r s kingdom lepies, 1Jk M , !  ' t o - b e rest
w a s Medo-Persia, the t h u d Greece and '
the fourth liome.—the' feet repiesent I
ing R o m e , ecclesiastical,_ w U h ^ hei
d a u g h t e r s d o m i n a t i n g E u r o p e today
W e cannot" ""here go into details ex
cept to note t h a t "in t h e d a y s of these
k i n g s " represented by t h e toes, the
God of H e a v e n promised to set u p H i s
Kingdom—Messiah's Kingdom. T h i s Is
symbolized as a stone cut out of—a
m o u n t a i n , w h i c h s t r u c k t h e i m a g e on
i t s feet a n d demolished It completely.
T h e n t h e s t o n e b e c a m e a g r e a t Moun-
tain, or K i n g d o m , a n d filled t h e whole
earth—Messiah's Empire.—Dan. 2:31-45.
Pictured a s Beastly.
Tije vision of N e b u c h a d n e z z a r repre-
s e n t e d Gentile domination as gorgeous.
B u t w h e n a vision w a s given to Daniel
himself it s h o w e d m a t t e r s in a differ-
e n t l i g h t All Gentile kingdoms to
h i m w e r e pictured as beastly. T h e
golden h e a d of N e b u c h a d n e z z a r ' s vis-
ion, picturing t h e Babylonian E m p i r e .
w a s represented as a ferocious lion;
t h e Medo-Persiau E m p i r e as a bear;
the Grecian E m p i r e a s a leopard; a n d
t h e R o m a n E m p i r e of t h e Caesars as a
nondescript, g r e a t a n d terrible b e a s t
ferocious a n d destructive, as the pages
of history corroborate.
I n contrast with these Gentile gov
e r n m e n t s , the coming Kingdom of
Messiah w a s represented as human
" O n e like unto t h e Son of M a n " took
dominion u n d e r the whole heavens, in
t h e n a m e of God a n d as H i s K i n g d o m
T h e beastly forms of g o v e r n m e n t dis
appeared, but t h a t of the Son of Man
endured—accomplishing to t h e full the
Divine purposes.—Daniel 7:1-14
Where Are W e Now?
As before suggested, the kev to our
problem lies in the Seven T i m e s the
period of Israel's c h a s t i s e m e n t a n d that
of Gentile lease of power T h e meas
u r e m e n t m both cases begins at tin
t i m e of King Zedek,all's dethronement
GOG B C A T u n e is one j e . u . IIM '
the Seven Tina"- a i e seven v e n s vi
j not literal v e a i - . but svmbo'ic ind '
God declaied through the Proph-M. a n'
fulfilled, t teii dnv is s.vmbo'ic oi a
j e a r (E/ekiel 4 (J ) i'he .vear is lunar
- 3 0 0 d a v s , hence e-ieh of the Seven (
T i m e s is ?>(',<) j t i r ; and the Seven
T i m e s ecpi il 2o20 veais ( Now note
t h a t these Seven T u r n s arV almost ex
pired, and hence Zionism is the watch
w o i d oi all J e w s who .tie t i u s t m g still
in t h e Divine promises
Reckoning from the d a t e of the de-
t h r o n e m e n t of King Zedikiah. we have
the d a t e Hit .J V D This indicates linn
in 1015 Messi th s Invisible spiritual
Kingdom wiil be m powei '1 he lease
of p o w e r to (he Gent Ik s w ill flu u have
expired, and Israel s drst ,oi will h e a t
an end Tins I i i i i, 'n s Mi iv fm
T i m e or TrrTTiLne r.r m i t rrfr/
', R" rare-
told bj the Piophet D ii..< i di d ilso by
our Loid - D a m I U 1 I
1 lie j,ie ic tioubi oi i • , w m suf- j
flee lot aU time -. » P i o p h o l
(P-,.Iut lb ') i r
i  , , i ,1 0
plot in. I 1 v n cii pniicc oi Isi •< '
wliost (l i , , ,, i, u nen H'luuitv b ill
H a v e *in enn TTIIIS sn-n, THC - - n i m n
R e m o v e the diadem and I I M oh the
c r o w n this sh ill not be the si me * 4
I will o v e i t u i n , o v e i t u n i , o v c i t u m It
a n d it shall be no moie, until lie conn
w h o s e light it is, and I will give It
u n t o H i m . "
T h a t s t a t e m e n t w a s m a d e just prior
to Israel's captivity to Babylon. And
t h e c r o w n a n d the scepter have been
o v e r t u r n e d e v e r since, a n d will con
t i n u e so to be until Messiah Himself,
a t H i s Second A d v e n t shall t a k e the
T h r o n e a t t h e antityplcal Son of Da
vtd No king of D a v i d ' s line has been
tn p o w e r for evjpji a m o m e n t since the
All through the Old T e s t a m e n t God's
promises abound, telling all vho h a v e
ears to hear of the g l o n o u s Reign of
Messiah a n d of the sue . e s s of H i s
K i n g d o m — t h a t the result shall be t h a t
"evet.v knee shall bow and every
t o n g u e confess, to the . loi.( of God";
t h a t " t h e e^ves of the bli. 1 shall bo
opened and the e a i s oi U,o deaf shall
be unstoppr d "
W e leniembei the p i o p h ^ es,. w h i c h
'pictuie e.utlilj g o v e n u Us and s h o w
Us their t e t m u t a t i o n and tit > esutbll&h-
m e n t ol the Kingdom ol H e a v e n on
tkeii m i n s . W e i e m t m b i i t h e Jubilee
picture repeated b.v the Is < tiles every
fiftieth >ear, procjaimhig aSeity a n d
restoration of propert.v for the peo-
ple a n d tvpifyiiis icstit'itioa of all t h a t
lost t h t o u g h ' i n «md t h a t is
i&tored t h r o u g h Me s. ih s King-
Bible s t u d e n t s a r e more a n d m o r e
coming to see t h a t t h e Gospel Age is
t h e .time in wr
hich Messiah is selecting
from a m o n g s t men a saintly c l a s s / a n d
is p r o v i n g a n d testing their loyalty to
God a n d to righteousness T h e s e a r e
to be Messiah's assistants—"the Bride,
the L a m b ' s Wife." Bible s t u d e n t s all
k n o w t h a t the N e w T e s t a m e n t a b o u n d s
with references to t h e Kingdom. Near-
ly all t h e p a r a b l e s t h a t our Lord g a v e
w e r e in illustration of s o m e t h i n g con-
nected with the K i n g d o m or with t h e
class being called out of the world to
inherit the spiritual K i n g d o m as joint-
heirs with Messiah. All .such know,
too, t h a t tb*> G r e a t T e a c h e r proclaimed
t h a t K i n g d o m , a n d t a u g h t H i s follow-
ers to p r a y for it, " T h y K i n g d o m come;
T h y will be d o n e on earth, a s it is d o n e
In H e a v e n . "
Bible s t u d e n t s all know t h a t t h e
Apostles referred to t h a t K i n g d o m a n d
pointed the C h u r c h to its establish-
m e n t for the realization of her h o p e s -
Hie t i m e w h e n t h e Marriage of the
L a m b will t a k e place—the time w h e n
God's N e w L a w C o v e n a n t w i t h Israel
will go into effect—the t i m e w h e n H e
w h o scattered Israel will also g a t h e r
t h e m , a n d w h e n t h e L a w will go forth
from M o u n t Zion, t h e Celestial King-
d o m , a n d t h e W o r d of the Lord from
J e r u s a l e m , t h e capital of the earthly
princes. Messiah's Kingdom Is just
w h a t h u m a n i t y Is coming to realize
t h a t it needs In its e s t a b l i s h m e n t , as
the Scriptures declare, " t h e desire of
all nations shall come."—Haggal 2.7
T h e Scriptures teach t h a t Messiah's
K i n g d o m is not only to bless those liv
ing at the time of its establishment.
b u t gradually to a w a k e n t h e dead from
the tomb, a n d to give all of Adam's
race a full opportunity for attaining
life everlasting or death Indeed, the
Bible assures us t h a t eventually tin
whole world shall receive new life
from Messiah, m offset to the life re
ceived from Pather Adam, forfeited
through sm T h u s a m o n g s t the v a n
ous titles ot Messiah mentioned bj
the P r o p h e t s i- t i n t of "the Everlast
ing Father " Isaiah 0 G
_t Saturday, -January * 1r 1914
U n d e r g r o u n d Vegetable Carden
In Spnngfic hi t h e i e is a w o i d e i l n !
c u e g a r d e n , vvheie m u s h i o o m s , i hu
l a t h a n i otJier  e ^C'taliles a i e : i o w u
at a d e p t h ol 7~> loot under g t o u n d
The c a v e can onlv be u a c h e d , o>
s n j s tiie Boston T i a n s o i p t ' T_,
oi tin-
'mi pose a special boat lias been buiH
and at the ntoitt i ol t n e m < is i
vvhait w h o l e t h e hoaf can be moored
w h e n not m u^e
Xo e:
• be . l ' u i b a i '
. be -io
undi . •
rai ulitv in Pi' pi
to th< ca e
^rate(l tu
State AgricuitujtffcSoetctyv-
r e a c e a n d J a c q u e s C a r t i e r rivers,
a b o u t 30 miles^ jw^at s f Quelbe^,
A l r e a d y a.lajjge njumtier 'of.jtitg^a<pn:.
e r a n e a r « C & a s m FalLs a r e using "elec-
tricity- a n d will in tiae future b e cus-
t o m e r s of t h e c o m p a n y . "I (have al-vt
j w a y s , . c o n t e n d e d , " , said C h a r l e s E 7
E a t o p o f l h ^ , ^ f i r m j Q f . ^ t Q n * ! & Brcyy-
nell, " t h a t . t h e f a r m e r s should u s e
electjri£^K>wer and t h e y would if it
w e r e ' a v a a j a b l e * I t . c a n * ' be used to
operaf^p separatorsT^circular s a w s and
'countless t h i n g s .about the farm t h a t
now h a v e to be done" by h a n d oi g a s o
line engine p o w e r A lew lights n t h e
b a r n s ma'kes it u n n e c e s s a i y to cair>
a L u t e i n and m i l t h e d a n g e r oi tip
pinj; it" over and b u r n i n g u p ' a uuiiJ
It W a s Pointed Out T h a t Prece it
System of Banking W a s Not Adapted
to P u r p o s e s of the F a r m e r and Urg-
ed T h a t B a n k s Controlled by Agri-
culturists T h e m s e l v e s Should Be
Agricultuial credits a s favored by
Governor _ Glvnn w a s explained
before t h e a n n u a l m e e t i n g of t h e
State A g i i c u l t u i a l society by R Ji.
Van Coitiand, Kevv  o r k City at Al-
H e pointed oat t h a t t h e p r e s e n t sj s-
t e m oi *anKiiig was not a d a p t e d to
the p u r p o s e s ot t h e t a r n i d and uit,^ 1
t h a t b a n k s contioiled by agricultuti ->
t h e m s e l v e s t h o u l d be> established V
t h o u g h t t h e l a i i t i c s would have to
learn business w c h o d s to some e ^ t u i t
before being peiuiitted to b o n o w
Conditions M n o u n d i n g the sale of
milk m this st^te w dl impov erish th
d a i r y m e n , in the opinion of C I l t d
B o a h a r t of Jn society s c o m m i t t e e o i
legislation, unless a s^tate commissiou
is established to fix t h e pi ice of H U ' K
H e declared that at p r e s e n t corditiono
in New Y o i k city caused the °elbng
of milk at a loss mainly t h i o u g h t h e , , , „
efforts of the dealers to keep d o „ n | cable to t h e i e l t c f commttte.
t h e price of milk while r e a c h i n g out
for new m a i k e t s [
H e t h o u g h t a s t a t e mill' p«ice com- j
mission c o m p u t i n g t h e state cemmts- '
stoner of a g t t c u ' t u i e and a repre-onta-
tive of tiie s ato , i a n ^ e , tlie New York
citv. miVt d ' a i e i s nd tlie Xevv York
citv boa id oi h< . h h sriipul 1 have pow
er to fi rh pi n o ol in ilk
Red Cross Woney for Relief
T h e  m e i i c a n Red Cross 'J l t s ic-
mittect S_l,"atO tor the reber" oi h u m a n
suffering to hv e vvuleb,' s pa1
p a r t s or i1
e globe
In t h e n o r t h e r n section Q ^ j,& > a
fapime of nu>c-h s e v e n t y exists ,vfi
a special eitoi t 13 e m g m a d e in Tokio
to i c h e v e the situation Five t h o 1
&and doll 1- w a s a p p i o p r a t c d and
ca Ic I to l^e  m p i t c a n anil assado*
at i o k i o to UQ t i m e d over JJ h i m to
the c o m m i t t e e w a t a i Ka- 31st been
o i g a ' U ' c u to c a . i ' e^ut ihe p r o p o s e !
l e h c f o p e i a t i o n s
T h e d i s t r e s s i n g conditions m Cul
g a n a , ao a l e s u ' t ot the Ua k a n v a i s
WHICH vveie b o u ^ h t to the aLtenti^o
of t h e Red Cioss recently h., Q u e r n
E l e a n o i a , w e i e c noidercd Lj t'n3
. e 1
tral coinniiteee a n d an a p i o j i t i a u o i
ot Tn.OOi) trom the Red Cios c o i t i .
^ e n t e h e i fund was l O . v u u i c .
of wlhich the que MI '-
[ m a n
A fine, cn«p sbept of duralilo l)0nd
paper, with appropriate type and ink
forthecbaiactei of the busmen, makes
a £4CK d inipixsc
ion oi the ov> mi's judg-
ment. Tho owner's judgm< nt will be
best exeiu'sed in betiding ^ h U O j k to
tbib office. We 1 are ttie pap< r. the ink,
and tlie h p e . Most impoitmt of all ve
ki.ow hovv to put them tog< :liei effec-
ticly. Just tiy u% ai d see what fine
lesults 3011 get ior a jfa-onal)Ie piice.
On Dec 27,
ice tv e d a iu 1
t a m m o condn
riii aloa,  v. 
1 put y, 1 i 1
the < < poiini
il .
T h e co 01 < 1
gtan c was e
ol Prec j 011
colli v lev u> c
send the 7 ^ 1
m a n u f a c l u i n.
n.V No 1 V*
h a v e t h i n e t
on the X n ' i ' i
to TTaileiu, 1
fiom* car 'T
* foT- M m
lvn, rao "TOT
e work of thp
>scd b  V/*. 1 uttle
Mt^ed tliat eve i v lo
<i nt o.
i l t i r l d Htpldm.
*•#•'*•'£••*•••• «va*© • o
A .itertown, X. Y .
f a l n P ' t cs if
Q S $
e o c n t i a l r ecr  l'1
nd d i s t r i b u ' n i g tei mi
, 1 cir, he < ud h" Id
.1 .rial-, for ^lanii 1 r-^t
l i ' c r from C a n t l sff-et
h d ' u e t ra+Iio^d t r i e ' - '
t h i " e on the l'l* I
* tan, t h r e e tor Uiook
'ip Bronx and -one for
il()0 .
1 up e
l c , 
Queen's Retail d i s t n b u t . n ^ stores
one t o ofi'O'"'} population, he <-tid,
should be pfa^ahbshed in New Yo'
city In the sn^aller peaces he urged
t h e ev
tphi shr:c nt ot m u n t c i p r l cora
m i s s i o n s having control of such t e r m i
Tiie Uses of P a p e r
T h e * manilold u&es ot ool|",
p a p e . a i e astotitbhing ' I ^ a t ve have
p a p d oid p a p e r bclwlcs, p a )or rjovts,
paper h o ' s ^ s (ui T a p a n i , p a p e r C J I
lars, and baper-cu^'s Is w e l kno'vn,
but how ma«nv- people h a v e h e a r d o f
p a p e r s c r e w s , p a p e r Window p i n e s , pa-
M r s J u l i a n H e a t h of N e w Y o r k city, ] p e r zaincoat*, pa ;er hencoops or pa-
p r e s i d e n t of the National H o u s e w i v e s ' ' pei sail ioi' s n i p s ? T h e s e a r e only a
league, declared t h e league to be a ^ e v v of the q u e e r d e v e l o p m e n t s ot tlt<
n e w factor in economic life in that by ' p a p e r i n d u s t r j described by a w i i t e r
intelligent p u r c h a s i n g ' it influenced ' i n
tiae "Scientific A m e r i c a n , " w h o
t h e m a r k e t . T h e h o u s e w i v e s , she
said, w a s l e a r n i n g to b u y in season.
T h e report of t h e s t a n d i n g commit-
t e e on co-operation w a s read by J o h n
J. Dillon of N e w York, editor of t h e
R u r a l N e w Yorker. H e urged t h e land
o w n e r s to form t h e m s e l v e s im> local
o r g a n i z a t i o n s u n d e r t h e s a v i n g s a n d
loan laws. A bill to p e r m i t this, h e
said, w a s being p r e p a r e d by t h e su-
p e r i n t e n d e n t of b a n k s . T h e organi-
zations a r e to h " v e a u t h o r i t y to issue
bonds, t h e proceeds of which a r e t o be
loaned to t h e land o w n e r s for s h o r t or
long t e r m s and a t a t e s not dictated
by conditions. H e also urged t h a t t h e
law bonding commission m e r c h a n t s be
a m e n d e d so as to prohibit a dealer
from buying t h e c o n s i g n m e n t a n d re-
quiring a record of sales.
Death Rate for S t a i e 10.5 Per 100,000
Inhabitants, Lowest In 29 Years.
A n n o u n c e m e n t of the lowest d e a t h
r a t e from typhoid fever t h a t New
York s t a t e ever had w a s m a d e at
Albany by H e a l t h Commissionei Eu-
g e n e C P o r t e r ot the state healui
d e p a r t m e n t Tlie r e t u r n s tor lyi.S
h a v e been compiled and t h e j show .
typhoid dcaUi n t t e for the whole of
the s t a t e oi onlv 10 5 per 100,000 ir
h a b i t a n t s , the lowest t a t e d i n i n g the
29 j e a i s duim.-, v Inch deatn 1a ••
have been lecoidcd
It is one. halt tat the i a t e a< e i a & n
y e a r a t t e i jea^ 11 01 to the time when
Ur P o i t u tuOl en 1 v
ot the t i c a i l
menl, and it ' ^ i c s m-, a s t U l l l o 0f
o  t i l , - (
0 l i v e eh< g t i e  e a i r > l ' ,
as c o m p a r e d to ' . e .  n d , e t v p n o t j
r a t e piioi to 1)'.), v hen Di 1'oitei
w a s appo nt u 01
G o v t m o i l i t e m s
tells us also of t h e e x t e n t of t h e wooet
pulp m a n u f a c t u r e r s :
"At first wood-pulp w a s used entli'1
ly in m a k i n g p a p e r , T^ut to-day it u
employed for manifold p u r p o s e s . Its
use bids fair to b e lai'ge ior moldings,
fnction-clmtches, belt-pulleys, g e a r
wheels, b a r r e l s (reinforced with w i r e ) ,
t u b s , pails, w a s h b o a r d s , vvaterpipes,
conduits, c a s k e t s , 'bathtubs, c a r r i a g e
bodies, floor covering, electric insu'a-
tors, u m b r e l l a s t a n d s , furniture, imita-
tion of leather, cloth a n d silk. Cleaily
t h e e m p l o y m e n t of wood-pulp is prac-
tically unlimited.
" T h e g r e a t c o n s u m e r s of wood-<pulp
to-day a r e t h e p a p e r m a n u f a c t u r e r s ,
w h o u s e n e a r l y 90 p e r cent, of t h e en-
tire production. A c c o r d i n g t o tihe bu-
r e a u of statistics, t h e r e a r e a t p r e s e n t
a b o u t 250 mills which m a n u f a c t u r e
wood-pulp in this c o u n t r y T h e c a
pacity of t h e s e mills is over 2,500,000
tons of pulp a n n u a l ] } , valued a t m o i e
t h a n $32,000,000 In addition t o t h i s
a m o u n t , m o r e t h a n 400,000 t o n s a r e
i m p o r t e d from Canatla a n d v a r i o u s
c o u n t r i e s of E u r o p e T h e value of t h e
m a t e r i a l from a b i o a d in 1911 w a s
n e a r l y $15,000,000 T h e s e figures show
an increase in t h e business of over 500
oer cent in tlhe p a s t 10  e a i s end t h e
s a m e time in t h e Uituie pi o n u s e s even
•ii e a t e r s t n d e s "
V vi? K"
v - • ^
"-Kscv I?e>;. Mor-c v^v;;^-entire f_ ^
•# Y/omzv^-rLdCliiiu-c * '.-j-. v>^-?: . *
**J. tiie %<
Qjuy:<v Brand.
.•p6R*'QiiaSiy, 'StyJs-iind'We^i*, ~?t a^ir -f-'x
''Onyx"* H^se in Cotton, I/i&le, Silk visit-
or Pure Silk, ffpm 35c. to ^'.ooper pair- - „
genuine without tradfe-mark stamps ^
every pair. Sold by all dealers.
Lord & Taylor - - New York
Lemons Grown In K a n s a s .
L e m o n pie, i.uide trom h o m e g i o w n
fruit, was a hoi dav de&teit tint, win
ler at t h e h o m e ot C H Olson, a b a n k
P., of Assaria, a village south of Sa
I n a , K a n Tor 1? v e a i s Alt Olson h a s
parsed an orange tree and a lemon
ttee, moving them to the vard in the and back into tin be nk build
Por emht ve its the
beanne, 1 -atlv, one
nd kmuM e < i ^eat
ing in a u t u m n
ttees ha1
e oee
ot two o t o l i t h
This yeat ea^h
N e w York's Ne
N e w  o t k
be a'l glass
t> ne
e - r- ,
ftteel and withoi t
Paiii'io i't il
tiae Thou i
I t l ^ M l
^ c v n d e v
tioe i >c
d t u l i a ,
will e pel e
-,< t thci' a i
<>ut at t i p
an 1 e .a ou
or ilic eold
toui -.liss 
ifmosi h e r e
will ne heal
uS till
t: n
i ei in l
i t n n
110 '«
on th
eel in
c>.. s
t e e
a a
1 . U
' '1 L 1
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W o i k
L , pe
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s k y s c r a p e r
. - t a p e ib to
skeleton ot
idov n i
e 'ii it JS
O i nil
' I ' * - i'
c 1 i s ' _
S ' ) DC ^C M
s el ,' Wll'
i d an 1 tic
i e v car n
wha the r 1 L i t
I snip oi u s
t u the 1 esh
lorn wit >oiu
bunnne i it w t 1 ] e
^ j ' $27.50
/ ; ,V )*f>
I "23 G2ii^ From frcr-t Sfg"M
t ic
i. , -:tr;:[
J. S^Eibr.S AilMS A ^ l L CO ;.rtf £ '
j P O Btx50^5 B
Devoe's P a i n t do^s not
peel. F a r gale by H o m e r *7
. LI
Popular Mechanics
A GREAT Continued Story of the World's
Progress which you may begin reading
at any tune, and which will hold your
interest forever. You are living in the best
year, of the most wonderful age, of what is
doubtless the greatest world in the universe.
A resident of Mars would gladly pay—
$1 0 0 0 f""?^-^1
tothismagazme.ln order to keep Informed of
Our progress in Engineering and Mechanics.
Are you reading it ? Two millions of your
neighbors are, and it is the fav onte maga-
zine in thousands of the best American
homes. It appeals to aU classes — old and
young —men and women
Uheful ait'deu ioi iiome.mel -hop, lopa i -.,. to.
" Amateur Mechanics " (10 rn T
i to!U ',->w*o
mikeMiwontmn iui« v it I -,<>i* i-. ). u
eu^ine'*, mi^ie, and 11f
I e f
l.iiij:-. -1
b Io-3,'
WRITL FOR F9£E ^.ttPiC COPY 7 - ^ 4 /
P O P U L U » L R M E C H A N I C S C O .
31b VV. V, „i i.d^n it., CHiC VGO
be 1" ii
$16-155,000 &e,
coo c I It will be put d u d al
-oris ot the vear, < iv - the l
lc-j uulrcaa lis 1 i MIO
unit to be noi c k s s , d s(it
b s- lb thl s t > I' c setliii-,
''tin-, built 1) John V i.i1
< IU' plant ol ue il, p i
u i Its co t v I ' > e I . i
1 e
3-i i Ons !•> J. M'Tt, P^''- oil c^ i-
1 that ntvci ia , . m-0 ic li b n . . t s
.x( J m.«.h its,i.' ccv/r t ' . b . u ' ^ A T
3—/1,, " , -•> , " L u r 11 ) ->ui - iv
o OL™
^ ' V.. i ( -o-» U b * l o ' j -
r ir ' u l A 1 v 1
» 1 l'-1
1 n. S . '•» ,' ' -» Di! v
111 1 II, ll
J > f i l e lull ht the
lde lis of / ill il II* Ml it Lb tb
Isiael sh U. !>•• b h - s . ,1 of (.exP lie
t h a t e e tnse tb Ist u 1 shall be c uisi d ot
dtod' Let us all erieouiige t^od s an
tiettt people tu go up a n d possess then
land, a.s Cyrus did in a figure long ago!
It is uot our t h o u g h t to.eucourage all
J e w s to r e t u r n to Palestine. Many of
t h e m a r e better off w h e r e they are at
present. Only those w h o h a v e faith in
ttie precious promises do we e n c o u r a g e
to go now. G r a d u a l l y their n u m b e r s
will increase, as faith in t h e promises
of God r e t u r n s to t h e J e w i s h heart.
B u t _ t h e r e Is a w o r k in which every
>l an 1
ol 1 i
, I
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
t-"> (f Of .. ; n : 2 C t C
fvo h i_e d< v elopnu rU u s ^ < 1
h a v e been undci < onsttuc tion ioi
some tune undt 1 th hicetion ot 1 n
^ m e t i s n i t o n it PtovsiuM' ol thi-. < uv
h a v e practically b e e n completed and
will be in operation within a few d a j s
One of t h e s e is t h e hydro-electric
d e v e l o p m e n t for t h e P i a n k h n County
H y d r a u l i c Co., a t O h a s m Falls on t h e
S a l m o n river aibout eight miles from
Ma'lone, a n d t h e o t h e r is t h e develop-
m e n t a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n of a p l a n t for
t h e D o n n a c o n a P a p e r Co. a t Donma-
cona, at the junction of the St. Law-
. u-
i .) i
the to dll ( M M ' e n - O i l el 1 1 I, 1
lite oi the tie iiaru, savs l u B i t -
O i h one oi two t e e t h at a time .tie
m use oi in view m eadh jaw T h e i e
a i e a h v a v s othei teeth waitin„ to pass
t o i w a i d a n d begin t h e n work, al
t h o u g h t h e i e is a limit to this succes
sion, for, w h e n t h e last h a s c o m e i n t j
use a n d been w o r n down, t h e e l e p h a n t
c a n no longer chew his food, a n d m u s t
die of s t a r v a t i o n , if Hue h a s not a l r e a d y
succumibedi t o old age.
- . ^ , W . „ «. - A •* - JL O1
i  e U It _ Ji , l 1 1 W I I i
«>! H e -i
It i-,(llwn 'ii aim ot ihib stoio u» nie nioie ^ ' -J
aiidiKitii MIMUIIII thiiiau) oiluu s t m This i^ ae ni-
plishtd l>} on: lovj, expounce m aU papers and in nr
suitibiht^ foi the pjiticular loonib tho}T
are to adoin.
Ijonk ovei our stock and see for- youiseli
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
1914 photo drama newspaper   watchtower documents
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1914 photo drama newspaper watchtower documents

  • 1. ^ 5 mm^mmm^^^i^^^^ siai^nKrwsT^ THE EVENING TELECrRAM—NEW YORK, SUNDAY, TANTJAITH IT, Ml* a OTO DRAMA. PHOTO DRAMA. EXHIBITION. h Newspaper Cartoons and Motion Pictures Receive InternationalRecopition International Bible Student* In- angiwle a Wortd Wide Phi- lanthropy by Offering Free Exhibitions of the Bible in Picture. M M M W M PHOTO DRAMA. FHOTO DRAMA. u-L PHOTO DRAMA. TYPICAL PICTURES From Social and Educational Section—Photo-Drama of Creation. "PHOTO-DRMM OF CRIATIOH" Tastor Russell. World Famed aa "Anti4Wl.Firo" Preacher, U to Pilot the "Photo-Drama of Creation" in the Leading Citiea of tho World. fc- *The widespread discussion of the value of moving pictures as a means of educating tse masses la most Interesting. There Is no question as to the popularity of moTlng picture show nouses, and the leading teach- era In every line are agreed, that vritbln a fear years moving pictures and stereoptlcon elides will be used In every country In or- der to quickly hrlns; all people to an accu- . ^ n c ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ o | ^ k e ^ t h e P o U r ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ , 4 rate knowledge of the truth In the general rfecrets hidden from s u a since the flood. tranches of education. Reports say that a movement Is now on foot on the part of educators In many cities to secure moving picture houses during the forenoon to. or- der to show pictures on certain topics to high school classes. To make, this work successful manufacturers are producing films under the direction of educators which In an hour's tune will convey to the student's mind the same lessons -which hitherto necessitated many hours ct hard study. Cartoons Receive Recognition. "For many years newspaper editors have realized the value of pictures as a means of moulding public opinion and havo taken advantage of the situation, as evidenced hy the cartoons or caricature sketches on the front pages of their papers. Many edi- tors claim that a properly drawn cartoon Is -worth more than many pages of reading matter on the same subject. "Another strong Indorsement of the use of pictures Is the fact that the principal advertisers of the world use highly Illus- trated announcements In all of the leading periodicals and newspapers. In fact, very few advertisements of any kind arc put out by successful business people unless Illus- trated by pictures showing the desirability and usefulness of the thing advertised. "However, we should not get the thought that pictures area modern invention. The ' ever changing vicissitudes of the genera- tions of the remote past are recoroed In pictures on obelisks, walls, buildings, sepulchres and the like, and we remind you that many important lessons of the Old Testament Scriptures are set forth In vivid word pictures; and. further, that the Lord and tho Apostles have given to us In the writings of the New Testament many beau- tiful lessons in word pictures, which are peculiarly adaptable to Illustration by present day methoda Meviaat sHcturea Lauded. 1 • "While In Singapore and other Oriental cities the managers of public halls called attention to the Tact' that the tents and halls used for moving picture exhibitions were the only places where the rich and poor people of all castes gathered at the same time to witness the same perform- ance. The films used in Japan, China, Af- rica and India were almost entirely of French manufacture, and the reading mat- ter accompanying the pictures was In French. Scarcely any one in these coun- tries could read the descriptive matter, yet all were receiving similar impressions and were being educated along certain lines by the pictures. Thhi emphasises the fact that It Is the pictures principally that talk and «hat pictures constitute the only Uni- versal Language of the day. The nearest approach that we have in America to the Oriental moving picture-audiences are the cosmopolitan crowds that assemble to hear Pastor Rassell deliver his public lec- tures, which invariably are delivered In public halls or auditoriums, where Catho- lics. Jews* Christians, skeptics. Infidels— id!—aisjmble in common to consider the lliblo iliecutscd upon its merits. The PhoTO'Drama of Creation Is to be conduct- ed by the International Bible Students' Association'In the largest auditoriums In the various cities of this and other coun- tries, bringing an accurate knowledge of the Bible tw the people: and It Is easily be- lUnrable that it win be possible for them to Icini from pictures In a few hours' time more than'ihe average Bible student could previously Itarn by years of arduous study.** The .Hovlas Picture Resolution. The International Bible Students' Asso- Utlon in its jstt conventions, which we're ttended by about seven thousand dele- aves, adopted the following resolution In- orslng moving picture.*:— B "Resolved. That tho unprecedented sue- ress of tl,e newspapers In moulding public ••;i:iion by the aid of cartoon* and iiloslra* tions In their and mag.izir.? sections, together with the wonderful popul irity and adaplaMIi'.y <>f movIr«g pictures, fully rfemoniiralcd literr worth, and we believe fatly Justifies as.;«« nrogresstvi ;.:. , hers I and BibTe class t<:i«her*. In gtvrtu; , ,r n n . • u.ili'icil Indorsement of moving, • and BlereopHcon slides as an «ir« ... ;;. .• • d-sirablc method for evangelists ar.<1 :r.i ,. era to use." For several years Pastor Russeit and in.' <lmate associates In the International v. . students' -Association have been dcv. * the I'hoto-I.'iama of Creation, but •!•. it ii.expedient to Invito th«* asvocTatton .> n whole to Indorse the pror-orii'on until i. *;m set of drama pictures was COTnpfc stn": tlic passing of the shove rt><<.; : i.ww.y dup:tcatc sets of pictures have K prepared and many additional sets are tn court of ©reparation, TVoadrrfal<nr*re and Mamtrtan*. Of COOT**, these lectures would wear out1 many m«n In their frequent dally repetl- .i:on. and the ordinary talking machine i come far short of satisfaction. i?i;i! • -,.- ,un-N»lly has loeji folvrst by Cod's, 1 .,.-.:: ..f. *»-i 01.e of t'.e manager, .r ii- W W * We have special apimai n v ;• u slugs and aptn«s with rare aV.Hiv «r.i anrprlsta everybody. Some Insist that orators of ram ability give the Icciortsj while the picture* are being shown. The Interr.Atl^nal Biblo Students' AfftJ elation !» -a phnaMhropfc association er- gitnTCCu1 aoWr for tiic benefit ef all man- id. The gospel .f glad tiding* is o b* .1 livened without tort ard WltnOul prlo<* In ; Iho leading cities otllio world. The f,>-1 ». it ndtnlstroh 1 r;-c wnd 7.0 .-oiiectiens ire to bo taken and no appeals for money wro to be mado furnlshee definite proof that thll wonderful undertaking Is not auuated 1>T maroanary oaoUres, "Bam-CRGflTIOMT«tT€MPi&:or CREATION, 63&SrRecr, MewbRK,JOST^ BROADWAY PASTOR RUSSElt«K3a """»£ PuOTODRAnfl SHOEING THeHOR&S QRCmtON AND P&ePWaTIQN, 1MW01NG £OENl£ seetiesfiNa MUMS TRANSGRESSION, ANO, STEP evsr&i TRAVERSES THE, AGES, AN& IN MPTlMTItlG (9NGURGEAN0 MRRUEiSUS IM- AGINARY PICTURES, BASED ON BI813* PROPHECIES, POR-^ TRAVS THE PERFECT MAN OF THE FUTURE 1N FUU: POSSESSION AND F0& ENJOYMENT OF THE: ' PROMISED ONENOING mRW& » 11 * 1 c h <% From Political Section—Photo-Drama of Creation. ate «Cv: i-: -: -'-.-- 1AV- «• Nebuchadnezzar'* Dream and Darnel's Interpretation Are Very Highly Esteemed by Bible Students As a Sure Guide to Political Conditions Yet Future. From Religious Section—Photo-Drama off Creation. ..•"•.^n • n„v fflW^I iMiSi y f ^ ^ mmm B K WSIOR ROSSEIU. Mm Whose Soldiers Are These? "His Soldiers Ye Are Whom Ye From Financial Section—Photo-Drama of Creation. r^ njr "WCTitJKS»X»rt3 BRAINS TIME RMO MONEY INUESTED FOR YOU » FREE EXHIBITIONS m EOUEATION IN ONXORY mm II rl0S*1tJW-WW0nWfl.Vf^^ World femed as Editor^ flutfror a»7d Warer. twt/j years 09 lr>c publicplatfbna, Ap^BNeSdola?. frJK^JWt Famous HiSwTih^sor;tbeDiuic7C/ Plar;of Gieatior; cover more tbao 5000 pa^es"ai?drecoed tbe labors ofa Ijfe-Hroe. YoacaarBaptbebeoefitof (IIIftisipafewtours tyjceirf /^P«0TODWPMy^«fflT10H i.-y I (fnon pHorooaarin or pusmonj iroHCESiimtfiMioamuDiorjSn^ ^wr==^- '**m -iZO<S TUB ABYDOS TABLET Bible Students Show from Prophecy That Eventually the Entire Earth Is To Become Habitable and Made Perfect, and That Then Every Man Shall Come To *. Full Knowledge of the Truth. THE ABY'DOS TABLET The Abydos Tablet fully corroborates the Genesis genealogy of the human family from Adam to 2000 B. C. This "Grand Tableau," by Jan Styks, of the Crucifixion in the Arena at Rom* *>f the early Christian martyrs la one off the many spectacular scenes of the "Photo-Drama of Creation.** To see and medi- tate upon this and other events pictured in this Pholo-Drama is to have your heart born within yon and to feel an almoat irrepressible desire to appear upon the acene of action and to right the wrong. - *—• ' . • ' • ' _ _ _ — _ . . , i i - . . n . . , • i . . •• ' ' • « I I i i _ i . , — . . . . . . • i - • • " I I - . :ss: The New York Temple I Today and Every Day The Photo-Drama of Creation EXHIBITIONS 2:30 AND 7:30, IN T H R E E SECTIONS ADMISSION F R E E NO COLLECTION ALL INVITED W. 63d St., / "SE V NEAR /COUPON ONSX fcVway X TODAY. SAVE THIS COUPON FOR SELF OR OTHERS. I NEW YORK TELEGRAM COUPON GOOD UNTIL JAN. IS. Admission Coupon "Photo-Drama of Creation" THE TEMPLE, West 63d St, Just off Broadway. SEATS RESERVED ON APPLICATION. USE THIS COUPON TODAY. NEW YORK TELEGRAM COUPON—GOOD JAN. 11 ONLY i Good Any Day of Week Ending Jan. IS. 2:30 7:30 Admission Coupon "Photo-Drama of Creation" THE TEMPLE, 63d St, Just off Broadway 2:30 7:30 Use this Today—-Sunday 2:30 7:30 I imm%»»m%»w»%mmm»A%»»»/W%w»^ J Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
  • 2. S U E EYEXIXG TEL-EGRAM—XETT YORK, SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1014. PHOTO-DRAMA. PHOTO-DRAJU. PHOTO-URAML. r f l E E KXHIBinOX. FHOTO-DRAXA. PflOT04>RAKA. raorojmAXA. MM DIVINE PLAN OF CREATION IN PICTURES #72 JUDGMENT FAVORED TEACHING BY PICT- URES--HE GAVE THE PEOPLE MANY PICT- URES AND MORE PICTURES-THEY CAMEt THEY SAW, THEY MARVELLED, THEY AUDED, AND BY DAILY ^SES MANY WERE GREAT. OIFIED AND THUS WAS PA TOR RUSSELL INDORSED AND ENCOURAGED THIS HAN IS BACK OF THE PHOTO-DRAMA OF CBEATION THE PRESENTATION L^'Sunday afternoonand erening/uYthe. New York Tfenple;^on :63d.street, just:off Broadway, Pastor Russell personally pre- tented to the public the PhotoDrama of Cre-j ation; and a daily afternoon and evening pro-; gramme has been inaugurated to last indefi-; nitely. Many^visitors returned jduring the week^to'seeithe.ibrama'.thejsecond.and third time. The*Public were taken hy"surprise/as;very few anticipated a.spectacular Exhibition. An understanding of theDivine Planof Creation; including at least a cursory knowledge.of the Bible, has been brought within the reach of the busiest man on Earth, I who no longer has a good excuse /or indifference orignorance, v The presentation was startling,* fascinating and instructive. Mo- tion and colored pictures were •used, showing.theVWorl&'sJCrea-. tion and preparation, including Edenic Scenes and-Adam's,trans- gression, and,, stepjby, step>trav- ersed the Ages, and incaptlvating . language and marvellous imag- inary pictures, based on Bible prophecies,'portrayed the Perfect Man of the future in full posses- sion,and full enjoyment:of'the promised unending^earthly Par- adise. ACREAT FUTURE IN PROSPECT FOR THE "PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATIONt»» ADMISSION FREE-TO BE'-SHOWN IN ALL CITIES See Coupon i BC'OVJ -NL^- •'- •: v n - ' - v * •. - :.: i •*. ::•/ - - -*--* . - , ,-.- - . - . -r« .- - . .V. 1 *!<^Sr - ii ADMISSION COUPON "Photo Dramaof Creation" » SdEiaiFlC-WSTOWCAI^llBUCAt THE TEMPLEJust Off Broadway Thi» Coupon • •irtille* • li©?**f «o Free Addition to * Thol»-Dram» t» *«*• *' . ? * • •"* * * • » Jv> « 2 5 ' ~? *T * Ii R«»«irt4 on Application. rr.1 '•• ' ~ ~ »s> ^. BRAINS TIME RND MONLY INVESTED FOR YOD THE HOMtOV THE PHOTO- X>-RAMAOr- CKt/NTlON FREE EXHIBITIONS m EOUCftTIOn IN ONE DRV A>a Vorld famed as BditoiT years 09 >be public plafrnrm. . fl profooud Bible Scalar; i ] f worlds njost famous" A"7ti-fielI-Rre-fVeaebcr." ] His lwirii$ 09 tbe Divio&; % PI317 of Crealion cover more; > Ibar; 5000 pa^es at)d record. tljc labors of a life-rime. ; : | Yoocar;re3pir;eber;eftlof 1 all this 19 a few bouB by secipi • (He. PHOTCDRAMfly^RtBTION 3££hi.X v't."-.>: :*^>-f jty .^^c^fj^xr w » (f«0>J ^HOTO ORW1A CisCftCRTION) X «T)Snce$,:iwtRiwiioH»iwit STWWTSAssocmt/oh jHTCFWATlMftL B18U SrvDCNFS AWCIATWN v O r , 0 0 « , E W C l . * N 0 . , M w . n i y ^ ; ^ s :.j...«' ' . . " ; . • : L " i : r Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
  • 3. f J U OSWJfiOO OAJLLX JfAULiAOIIJM, 8ATUKDA.*, JANUARY 3t-l»A<*B 7 PHOTO-DRAMAOF WORLD'SCREATION Have in end. Tuus sami tnexora ooo, B the dlsriero, «B4 4**e off the Formally Opened lo Cleveland by Pastor Russell. —BOD'S M O M PICTURED. Was to Do of Pavid*s tirwag*. pod's Typical Kingdom—Overturned. 606 B. C—On* Long kin* of World- £mpir«a—"Th* Tim*« of th« G«n- tiUs" — tara«r« "8»v«n Timaa" of Chastisement—Th« Two Periods 8yn- chronoua About to Expir* Now. Th« Fifth Univaraal Empire—Jeru- salem and M«aaiah. crown: this shall not be tbe same. • • • 1 will overturn, overturn, overturn It: uud It shall be no more, until lie come whose right it is; and 1 will give it uyto Him." J That statement was made Just prior I to Israel's* captivity to Babylon. And tbe crown and tbe scepter have been overturned ever «lnce. and will con- tinue so to IK?until Messiah Himself, at His Secoud Advent, shall take the Throne as the autityplenl Son of Da- vid. So king of David's line has been in power for even a moment since tbe overthrow of King Zedeklah. True, Israel trad ttrc Macwrbean kings tinder (•entile suzerainty, and Inter they had tbe House of Herod. But neither of these lines tvus of the House of David; indeed, neither was Jt>wl*b nt all. King lost bis crown in 000 B. C : Cleveland, O., Jan. 25. — Pastor Russell yesterday afternoon In the 1. B. 8. A. Temple, corner of Prospect und East 22nd Street personalIy co nd u c t o d the opening exhibition in this city of the Photo-Drama of Oruntiou. This Drama is acknowl- edged by art crit- ics to be by far the finest production of moving-pictures rtnd slides ever pre- sented, and i* to be shown, free to the public, in all cities and lands through- out the world, under the auspices of the International Bible Students Asso- ciation, of which Pastor Russell is President. . . In New York City, in his new $500,- OOO Temple, two weeks ago; Pastor Russell presented the Drama for the first time to houses crowded from pit to dome. Last Sunday in the famous Muslc'Hall in Cincinnati he personally conducted the opening Of the Photo- Drama of Creation there. The Photo-Drama of Creation Is pro- duced In conjunction with remarkably clear phonographic discourses, which Lave behind them the forty years of Bible study by New York's famous Pastor. By some process never before attained the phonographs used In this production have been relieved of th* metallic sound altogether, thus pro- ducing the very finest oratorical ef- fects. It is the wonder today of talk* Jng-machine dealers in the metropolis. ie voice Is resonant clear, fun and muni, amr , as the voice of tbe talking machine. Tbe exhibition in In three parts: Part I traces the creation of the earth and of man, its king—then his —fall Into sin and its deafh-punisbment, the first promises of complete deliver- ance from tbe penalty, and tbe Deluge and its causes on to Moses' time. Tart II points us through tbe types -to Messiah, the great Emancipator of the death-stricken race, and the world- wide blessings His soon-to-be estab- lished Kingdom will bring. It intro- duces us to the Heavenly Logos, who became the man Christ Jesus. It also shows and explains His sacrificial work and Hia unwavering faithfulness in fulfilling the prophecies concerning Himself, and how His miracles pic- ture the restoration of mankind during His Second presence and reign. . Part III. traces not only tbe suffer- ings of Christ tbe Head, but also those of the Church, His Body, prepar- atory .to their exaltation and conse- quent glorious work of blessing the -non-elect for a thousand years—"who- soever wilL" Pastor Russell yesterday forenoon discussed that feature of the Produc- tion ot tiiA told by Urn rroptietUraleTaha also by' our Lord-Daniel 12:1. The great trouble of 1915 will suf- fice for all time, as says tbe Prophet. (Paulin 46:0.) There will be no more war. Then the "princes" of UriuH will have dictatorial powers, backed up by tbe spiritual Kingdom—Just what tbe world needs, but want It dare not trust to any imperfect men under tbe prevent reign of Sin and Death. Jerusalem and Meaaiah. The time has therefore come for tbe message of Isaiah -10:1. 2 to be .given to God's ancient people. Tbe time has come for the fulfilment of the highest wa «*reported to have betn a rhampiou and surely the kingdom has been well described as "overturned, overturned"; and it Is still overturned, because the foreordained time has not yet come— it Is near. ^ 'Times of the Gentiles." There were <ie«tlle kingdoms in the world long before Israel became a monarchy. Ye.t God recognized only Is- rael tind entered into covenant rela- tionship with no other nation. But as soon as the verdict of our text was given against Israel, to bold until Mes- siah's Itelgn. then Divine providence recognized Gentile governments, al- though not in tbe~salne way In which Israel hnd been recognized—not as kingdoms of God. but us kingdoms of the Gentiles. .. . Nor were all Gentile nations recog- nized, hut one great Hue of World- Empires of several dynasties which, so to speak, were given temporary or leasehold privileges covering the pe- riod of the overturning of Israel's orown until the time far Messiah's- ideals of Zionism! He that blessetb Israel shall be blessed j>f God! ll« that ccursetb Isruel shall be cursed of God! Let us all encourage God's an* tlent people to go up and possess their bind, as Cyrus did In a figure long ago! It is not our thought to encourage all •lews to return to Palestine. Many of them are. better off where they are at pretieht wnly those who have faith in the preci^re promises do we encourage to go now. Gradually their numbers will Increase, as faith In the promises of God returns to tbe Jewish heart But there is a work in which every Jew should have a share. If favorably situated, and unready to go personally, they should go by proxy—they should put plenty of money into the hands of tbe Zionist Manager at Jerusalem. He jBhould be enabled .to_jssist every worthy son of Abraham fleeing from Russian persecution. He should be prepared to advance money to every settler to.purchase every foot of land in Palestine that is offered for sale. He should be enabled to supply all with tools, etc. He should have a free band to do exploits In tbe name of God and of His Chosen People. Zionism will prowper, whether or not Kingdom. Indeed, in portraying these kingdoms and their lenses of power, It is particularly shown that their domln- Messlabs Kingdom will beset up. But who will have the honor of having manifested his faith by bis works and that of Messiah will begin. Furthermore, Moses prophesied the chastisement of tsraelrnndirrsymbolic numbers told that it would last Seven Times. (Leviticus 20:18, 21, 24. 28.) The lease of Gentile Times, or years, is likewise Seven Times. Both began to count at the same date. Hence both will terminate simultaneously. When the lease of Gentile domination ends, Messiah's Kingdom will by right begin its Reign: and Israel. "Jacob." will be associated with' Messiah's Empire as His earthly people—Abraham. Isaac, Jacob and th? Prophets being made princes In nil the earth as promised- The Prophet Daniel's Foreviefr. God through the Prophet Daniel sup- a root of all evil amongst all people. ( and the Jew has not escaped it Both .Jews and Christians need the exhor- tation not to worship the Golden Calf. but the true God. 1 can thus reprove and exhort Jew. Gentile and Christian tbe more freely because it Is well known that 1 never solicit money for myself or tbe Work entrusted to me by the Lord—not even Church collec- tions—not even insinuations that mon- ey is scarce, and desirable. 1 do. how- ever, exhort Jews in prosperous cir- cumstances to bless their own hearts by helping their own countrymen to fulfil the holy prophecies. God's Great Kingdom at Hand. hasThe fault, of Christendom has been piles us two pictures of the Seven the rejection at She Divine Plan and Times of Gentile domination of the the acceptance instead of a human world. One of these pictures was glv- plan of salvation. The^Churcb. It was en by vision to King Nebucbadnermr, asserted, was to convert the g_.jfisua_ajid present.ertarsw to the overthrow of Israel's typical kingdom and the foretold re-establish- ment of it at the end (now due) ot the "seven (symbolic) times" of chaitise^ ment at tho hands of Him whose right Itis. His text and discourse follow: "Bemove tbe diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the>same. • • • I will overturn, ovsrtum, over- turn It—until He come wboso right it is; and I will give it unto Him." <E*e- kiei 2136. 27.> He said:God established the Jewish nation as -His representative nation, or kingdom, in the world, with the understanding that in some manner and at some time that nation would be the channel of Divine all the families of tbe earth, in harmony with the orig- inal Oath-bound Promise made to Abraham. After a precarious existence or nearly mx centuries tbe star of Jew- ish Empire set and has not risen afnee. • . Tbe particulardate at which the typ- ical Kingdom passed away is clearly k d b i y marked In tbe Scriptures. Tbe solidity of the Empire in the bands of King David, and bis son. King Solomon, was lose in Its division In the days of King -Jfolomon's successor. Nevertheless.- to . tbe royal line continued In tbe tribe of Judah; as it Is written. "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law- giver front between bis feet until Shi- lob come.w -<Jenesls 49:10. Tbe Lord's coveuanr with King Da- vid was that Qne from bis seed should be the great King over the more glori- ous Kingdom of God. when If should be established. In other words. Mes- slab would be of David's lineage. The" royal family of David's line bad a pro- rftrffrflf tHiurmm for several centuries after King Solomon's death until Zede- kiab. (he last king of Judah. Of him tbe Divine declaration was, M Aad toon, profane and wfckatf prince of Israel whose day at come when Iniquity •ball ZedeHaB. nupmlj. K&l'tj the weild- ly view of Gentile governments. The whole period was represented by a glorious image, whose head was of gold, his breast and bis arms of silver, his belly and his.thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet of iron and clay mixed. Given tbe pointer that Nebu- chadnexgar's kingdom represented the head of gold, any school boy could show that tbe next Universal Empire was Medo-Eersia. the third Greece and the fourth Rome—the feet represent- ing Rome ecclesiastical, with her daughters dominating Europe today. We cannot here go Into details ex- cept to note that-^in tbe days%t these kings" represented by the toes, the God of Heaven promised to set up His Kingdom—Messiah's Kingdom. This is symbollxed as a stone cat out of a mountain, which struct the image on to Him aa a tro- phy^ Aiao, we have not been able to convert ourselves, which is the partic- ular work tbe Master gave us to do! Greater humility would have shown us our fully long ago. AJI through tbe Old Testament God's promises abound, telling all who have ears to bear of tbe glorious Bel^n of Messiah aud of the success of His Kingdom—that the result shall be that "every knee* shall bow and every tougue confess, to tbe glory of God"; that "the'eyes of the blind snail be opened and the gears of tbe deaf shall .be unstopped." We remember the prophecies which picture earthly governments and show us their termination and the establish- ment of the Kingdom of Heaven on their ruins. We remember the Jubilee picture repeated by the Israelites every aftietb year, proclaiming liberty and Its feet and demolished it completely, restoration of property for the peo- Thjen the stone became a great Moun- tain, or Kingdom, and filled the whole earth—Messiahs Empire.—Dan.2:31-45. Pictured as Beastly. The vision of Nebuchadnezzar repre- sented Gentile domination as gorgeous. But vrhftn a xisioji was given to PfinWI himself It showed matters in a differ* ent ligbt All Gentile kingdoms to him were pictured as beastly. Tho golden head of Nebuchadnezzar's vis- ion, picturing the Babylonian Empire, pie and typifyiug restitution of all that has been lost through sin and that is to be restored through Messiah's King- dom. Bible students are more and more coming to see that the Gospel Age is too time- in which Messiah la spigoting from amongst men a saintly class, and is proving and testing th'elr loyalty to God and to righteousness. These are. to be Messiah's assistants—"theBride, the Lamb's Wife," Bible students all JFUNEfiALS. An enormous crowd gathered at Chester, England, a few months ago <o witness the funerai of an electrical nglneer, who was carried to the cera tery In a coffin that had been labori- ously constructed by himself out of 4,000 match boxes. These, with their tops visible and advertising their re- spective makers, were varfrtahed ever and strengthened inside with wood- On the coffin was placed an electric battery. Some years ago a maiden lady died at Calemls-sur-Lys, In France, who snulT taker. She enjoyed sTnguTafly good health, retained all her-mental faculties, and died at a ripe old age. Her funeral was most extraordinary. Her wish was that her coffin should be filled with tobacco, the flour of the motuary chamber carpeted with it. and the heir to the property charged to scatter tobacco before the hearse on the way to the cemetery. A lady who left Liverpool some time ago by the Lucarin crossed the Atlantic on a^unique mission. Aprom- inent New York business man, who died recently, directed in his will that his remaina should be en mated and the ashen scattered on the waters of the Atlantic from a Cunard steamer. The" Lucanla being the special fa- vorite of the deceased gentleman, was selected, and the lady. In ^quostlon, at a time fixed, so that simultaneously the family could attend a memorial service in New York, cast the ashes from an urn into the ocean. A cer- tificate was given by the captain of tbe Lucanla stating the latitude and longitude in which the ashes were committed to the deep, according to the will. . . . TEETH FILED FOR BEAUTY Teeth filing as an aid to beauty is practiced extensively among the adult males of the semi-savage Bagobo tribe of the Philippines. Efforts of Uncle Sam's agents, in the educational and administrative departments of the Philippine government, to discourage this practice have thus far met with scant success. It is against the policy pursued by tbe United SUtes in the islands to interfere in tribal customs and affairs where they do not conflict with the laws. For this reason no actual ban has been placed upon the practice of teeth filing despite the fact that not only are'the teeth them- selves ruined but tbe health of their owner is frequently Injured through the liability of the incisors to* decay immediately the enamel 4s broken. The Bagobos are descended from the Malay tribes which invaded the is- lands at some period in the past and overran a large part of the archipe- lago. . PLEASE THE BABY Amusing Little Trinket That Will Keep the Little One Amused for Many Hours. . <• 'Bright colors, and anything that jingles upon being shaken, always ap- peals to quite a small baby and we give a sketch of a little toy that was a great success, and was made with the aid of a silver bangle, some bright- ly colored remnants of ribbon, and some little bells. Suitable little bells, should we not already possess them. may be purchased for. a trifle at any to/ shop, and those of the nature that are BO often seen upon a cat's col- lar or upon children's reins are per* haj)S the best to procure. Each belTTs attacheoTto a small loop of narrow ribbon, the ends of which are tied tightly qn to the bangle in a smart little bow. A glance at the sketch wiH explain all this, and all the bells should be tied on to one side of the bangle so that baby may clutch the other side in his little hand and shake it as vig- orously as he pleases. Ribbon of a good BIBfl With fast—dye, and—lEe" brightest possible re<Js. blues, yellows and greens, should be selected for the making of this little toy, and if the bangle Is brightly polished also it will make it doubly attractive to baby. - 1/VIDE CHOICE >N BUTTONS Odd Shapes and Colorings Have Been Designed to 8uft the Costumes Worn. - _ Th.e new buttons are in odd shapes and colorings. Squares, hexagons, pyramid effects, barrel, platter, olive, bathtub and pear shapes are the nov- elties. Besides these unusual shapes there are still tbe ball and half ball buttons. Some very striking novelties are in black glass or crystal with mosaic de- slgn* In Chluosu colorings. These un- usual effects* are accomplished by means of carving, and by painting the designs underneath the cryata.1. D&inty__floral designs are_done the sauiw way. TUMIB rtitmnnr are even more strikingly emphasised in the semlball buttons, some of which are half one color and "naif another, while others are divided Into as many as four sections, each of which is In a different color. Rich burnt orange tones are frequently used. Some handsome porcelain buttons are painted In Persian and mosaic ef- fects. Among the extremely new ef- fecst in porcelain and crystal are the fruit buttons in realistic shapes and colorings. Apples, pears, cherries, etc.. are so perfectly designed as to reader them readily recognizable. MEDDLESOME OLDMAN —By DOROTHEA TH0MP80N. '"' The/ used to say, when, 1 was a boy at home, that if I grew tip with- out being jailed for forgery It would apeak well for my home training. However that is. I had a knack of copying to a nicety any signatures or addresses that I picked up. I used to do It for the fun of the- thing, but "never, even In school-boy crises when a note, from home would have worked wonders with a hard-hearted teacher, did I use the gift to my own ends. Be- yond, that is, making the boys' eyes pop at the way I could reproduce their crude boyish signatures or the more flowing and flowery ones of the teach- ers. I'm an old man now, an4< com- fortably enough off, but what I have has come to me honestly. I have won- dered, sometimes, whether the accom- plishment was still at my fingers' ends, but—it still Is! Next to my little four-room bache- lor apartment Is its twin, a rear flat; and not so many months ago it was taken by two girls—gentle and well- bred, or I'm no judge of character. The older of the two I had no love for—a quiet, dark girl, too sober by far for her years. But, the young one! I could hear her singing through the paper-thin walls of the cheap flat, and I grew to distinguish her voice in the indistinct murmur when they were talking. She was as full of songs and thrills and sheer lightheart- edness as a bird. The first time I saw her I thought to myself that she deserved better than to be cooped up in a four-room flui wjih a Sister who wouta i>roDably be just as happy without her. But there I was mistaken. Her sister adored her. However, I discovered before long that I was not alone in my opinion of her deserts, and many is the time I've heard her laughing voice in the ball enBWurea" tJy~s7 one, and not always the same joe, at that. . • __ . But she had her favorite I could hear the note of real welcome In voice for one of them—a fine lad, as deserving of her as ever a man was of a woman. Tall and strong and well-born, her choice was easily my choice, too. I used to pass them in the hall often on their way to some merry-making, and she had ever a bright nod and a word for me. Aid then, when they came back, mavy't the time I've" caught the note of ten- derness in her voice as she -said good- night 'to him at the door. And he adored her—one look at him when they were together would have told that : —• — 1" ', — . waa represented as a ferocious ltom know that the New Testament abounds the Medo-Persian Empire as a bear; with references to the Kingdom. Near- tbe Grecian Empire as a leopard; and tj all the parables that oar Lord gave tbe Boman Empire x>f the Caesars as a were In lllustratlo* of something con- nomieacript. great and terrible beast neeted wits the mngdom or with the ferocious and destructive, as tbe pages class being called out of the world to of history corroborate. ' IInherit the spiritual Kingdom as Joint- Is eostnst with these Gentile gor-'heirs jvitb Messiah. Ail nocfa'know. emments, tho coming Kingdom of . too. that the Great Teacher proclaimed Messiah was represented as »«*•««» that Kingdom, and taught His follow- ers to prajTfdint."T*y Kingdom come; Tby will be 4oae oe earth, as it IM done •'One like unto the Son of Man" took dominion under the whole heavens, 4a tto name of God and as His Kingdom. The beastly forms of government dis- appeared, but that of tbe Son of Man endured—accomplishing to the full the EHvlae purposes.—Dinlat 73*44.— In Heaven." • Bible students all knotv that the l:>O8tles referred to that Kingdom and Mnted the ion* for thf Wh«r« Ar« W« Wowf _^ As before .suggesleu. the key to our problem lies hi tbe Seven Times—the period of Israel's chastisement and that of Oentlle lease of puuer. The nieas- urement in both coses begins at the time of King Zedekiah'a dethronement, 000 B. C.—A Time is our year; hence the Seven Times are seven yearn-yet not literal years, but symbolic; and, as God declared through the Prophet, aud fulfilled, each day is symbolic of n year. (Esckiel 4.-6.) The year Is lunar —300 days: hence each of the'Seveu Times Is 300 years; and the Seven Times equal 2520 years. Now note that these Seven Times are almost ex- pired: and hence Zionism Is the watch- word of all Jews who are trusting still in the Divine promisee. _ Reckoning from the date of the de- thronement of King Zedeklah. wa have the date 1915 A. D. This indicates that 1015 Messiah's luvisible. •piritpal CburClL to reaTfruMon Us establish- the time when tDe M.irriaue of the fjimb will tnte* pine* the time when <!od'« Now IJIW Covenant uith Israel will po into effect-tbe time when He who mitttered 4*rnt* w4*f frtso gather them, and when the l-aw will so forth from Mount /ion. the Celestini Klng- dom. im] tho Won! of tne Lord from .Jerusalem, the of tho i-nrthly [trin<>«. MeHHlahN Kingdom is just trhat hunmnlt.v Is rrmrhiy ~nr rvattze that It ti«fdi« In It* establishment as the Scriptures declare, "tbe desire ot Hlr%frtlonx Kbtitl <-ome."-Hnjrg"l 2:7 Tbe Scriptures tencbthat Memlab'ti Kingdom Is not ontp-rfbleAs those liv- ing at the time<<ftltt, establishment but gradually to atrakeft tbe dead from the tomb, and to give nil of Adam's race a full opportunity for attaining Ufa everlasting-or Amtu.- lod—d, tb» Bible assures us that eventually the whole world shall receive new life from Messiah, in offset to the life re- Kingdom will be to power. Tho lease through sin. Thus amongst the vari- of power to tbe Gentiles will then have ous titles of Messiah mootteood bjr AUTO PULLS A LOCOMOTIVE Probably no more remarkable fear has been recently performed by an automobile than when the local agent of a well known car in Los Angeles. Cal., gave a demonstration of the pull- inc strength of his machine by attach- ing it by means of a rope running from the rear axle of th« car to the pilot of a 110-ton locomotive, an* drawing the locomotive along the track. The start was saaov frosa a dead standstill aad it waa first thought impossible to move the groat mass of iron and steel as the wheels of the auto slipped badly and the locomotive seemed to be glued to the track. After weighing down the car with six good-sized men. how ever, the tires took a firmer hold and after a long, steady strain the wheels of the loco- motive began slowly to revolve. The accomplishment of the task ts testified to by a number of witnesses who at first declared it Impossible and 16o¥ed for the breaking "of the rear axle or the pulling out of tho entire end of the car. COUPLE-MARRIED ONA-RftfT Weddings have been celebrated in all sorts oT unusual places, but It has t»en teft to ^Frederick KTrchner of Palm Beach. Flo., to choose » raft as the scene of his marriage. The bridegroom, who Is a native of Hamburg, is employed as a life-saver at the bathing grounds at Palm Beach. was recently married on a raft in the surf to Miss Single Lund of Stock- holm. . / No fewer than 1.700 visitors to the ratelied the~ ceremony.~%nfl 700 young men and women stood up to their necks in tbe water to aoe the novel proceedings. The •xplrW. ta4 Israel'sdisfavor will be at tbe Propooto la that of **tHa Evertaa*. i aa and Thta fact Implies aa awful * tec Father."-leaiabUA . I coqplo »ore bathing salts, and the bride had m «rvwn of orange blossom• and a bovquot of .the The clergyman wore * | Uonal clerical gar*. KEEPING CLEAR OF STAINS Water Into Which Peeled Potatoes Have Been Cooksd Is One of the ' Most Effective Helps. Isn't it annoying to find that a spot of grease or a fruit stain has been drop- ped on the front of a new blouse or dress? On silks and delicate scarfs these marks can generally be removed by,this simple method, which I don't .suppose you'va heard ot before. Orate "two large peeled potatoes into a basin of cold water, and at the end of half an hour strain and put the potatoes Into another bowl ^f we*or. Tfieh when the sediment has quite settled halls—anything said In the halls was common property to all four flats—I learned- several things about them. For one thing, there was real sympa- thy between them, understanding that was surprising, considering their youth. Another was that each of them had not a little pride, which. Bart, this time •-Oood came. But this time I was pointed. Instead. I heard the boy say with feigned cheerfulness: "Good night, Miss Judson," and her answering "Good night Mr. Carter." I didn't like that. It sounded seri- ous beneath the banter. Then the* boy said soberly, "Be sure I'll come when you send for me, Mercy." And Mercy answered with gentle" stubbornness. "I'll never write till I hear from you. Bert" and the door closed slowly. Bert didn't know, as I did, that she stood waiting at the door Instead of. hurrying down the long passageway; walled tUl the clatter ot Bert's feet on the stairs and the slam of the door proved to her that Bert had really gone. Then I heard her go back down the passage, and after a minute she. began to play the piano. But in a mo* ment more that stopped with a dis- cord, and I guessed, though I could not hear, that Mercy was cryin«. I waited almost as eagerly as she- for the boy's step again, and the boy's- voice In the hallway; but two weeks passed, and I knew that stubborn, young things that they w«r«, they stood a good chance of spoiling the wonderful thing they held between them. Mercy crept in and out of the flat like a pale little ghost and one* •ay I spoke to her sister ot 4t "No, she doesn't look at all well. Mr. Bonner." her sister admitted, "but I don't know what the matter is." I stole a look at her out of the" corner of my eye. The woman meant it!- Was she blind? . • Well, tne long and short of It la, that It got to be too much for me, and I put an end to it One day when Mer- >had stolon out as usual, l-wrote* a note—In French, and in the boy's unadorned, dependable handwriting,, and tucked it behind their mall-box^ It was just a sentence or two, but I' ended It with the phrase that had end- ed Mercy's note to him. I had an Idea that It was a sun of pass-woW theirs, and I was right From the window, I saw Mercy come in. There was a pause In the* vestibule, then the heavy door opened! and Mercy stumbled up the stairs. Ii watched her through the half-open door, and her young face waa allgbtt with joy almost too great to bear. A, moment later the door opened and she' flew out again. I knew Bert waa to. have his answer. The next day waa warm, so warm'; that windows were open everywhere; as4~se- tt comes ifiat sitting heard the end of the story. Oh* the> sound ot that young voice again! For me and one other, there waa no sound! like It on earth. Then there waa daet ot voieoa. Tt _ .<$ ,-a sitting on the daw> arm around her. I had no doubt. Aftei a mumcul vl sileuua, the eul sode of the note was reached. In then boy's voice I heard incredulltr, lshment. Then Mercy's voice cam* clear and convinced. . "Bui, Bert, dearest It was in your dear, funny writing, and in French-, And oh, Bert it «HMW<1—you know how!" Going through the hajls one day 1 found a scrap of paper, a note, folded in half, but with no address on it. I opened and read it rather shamefaced- ly. It was in French, and said that the writer had gone out. would be back in an hoar, and please to wait Then a little sentence of •affection, that old as I am made my heart beat faster in* sympathy. It was signed "Mercy." and Mercy was the name of my young favorite. I turned it over, and saw, what had escaped me before, that it had three initials on the out- side—B. L. C. I remembered a sea* tence of laughing remonstrance once Bert Carter!" Undoubtedly she had tucked the note behind her mail-box for him to find if he came over unexpectedly. I put it back guiltily. Bless the b»h««? PU. th«r think that no spoke French? one else in the city Still, I reviewed our rub or sponge the affected part with I fellow flat-dwellers, and decided that the liquor. Grease spots should be treated with a pasta made with fullers' earth mixed with two-thirds of water and one-thiro of n-»—"•»*« Placing blotting "paper under the stain, spread the paste on thteklr. and leave for 24 hours, then brush it off Crepe Handkerchiefs. Little hemstitched crepe de chine handkerchiefs are a Paris novelty. They are made of a very fine quality of the crepe and come, in vividly gay plain colors or in the misty flowered "These gay handkerchiefs are espe* dally attractive wtttra dark walking 3ult as when drawn from cuff, pocket or muff they give a pleasing toich of color to the costume.^ say» a womaff back from Paris with a supply of them in many colors. "Tucked Into tttm HThif» DOCk6t Of a fi1nr **^ rnstt with just corners showing, either standing up stifflyJike rabbit's ears or drawn down over the pocket edge like flower peUbr, a gay handkerchief will give a chic finishing adornment and that little startling dash of con- trasting color now the fashion." Embroidered Hosiery. -;. Embroidered hosiery, often having lace Insets, is being used more exten- sively than it has for man^o years. Small, self-embroidered figures seem to be preferred—the startling snakes, mioe and spiders no more are seen. But *»»* m*n*wn* that matchaa the gown is quite the thing, and as there Is a wider ase of colors In woman's outer apparel there is also aa lneroaa- •d variety la colors of woman's iery. save for me they would have been safe. In winter came a time when my lit- tle Mercy was sick. A light ease of scarlettaa. her sister said—told me through'the door. Really nothing at all dangerous, only-too ooatafious to allow her sister to go to aad from her school-teaching, or even through the hails. 8o 1 got intp the habit of bringing up their mall to them, and every morning there was a letter for Miss Mercy Judson In tbe same hand- writing'. I was rather interested in that-hand-writing; if I had been un- sble to class the boy before that wilt- a mo- ment of blank silence—then in a voice* of awe and wonder: "By jbve, It is! You're right" "Let's keep It always, dear," Merer said softly. "We cant quarrel again after that" Ah, well. Even meddlesome oldi men have their uses. (Copyright itU, by th« McClure Newsi paper SyxxUeale.) RECOVERED FROM JUNK HEAP Cnormous turn Is the Agyogato That la Saved, Ascribed to "Second- ary Metafa." .The value of "secondary metals"-— exclusive of gold, silver, platinum. Iron, and aluminum—recovered In the Uni- ted 8tatea in 1911, reached the enor- meaa total al fnjMJjt,—oomparoel with $62,6*5,390 In 1911, according t* J. P. Dunlop of the United Btato geo- logical survey, an Increase of nearly: $26,000,000, or almost 60 per cent "Secondary metals" are tbooe re- covered from scrap metal, dross, tic. ing of his would have helped me. It wsj—unadorned, and rather" fmailer than the average masculine hand- writing, but it carried with it a sense of absolute reliibtltty. TfcottsHrpef haps, but I have always thought that my gift carries with it the ability to read character in writing. When Mercy recovered the spring came on as if by a signal. I heard the boy's voice.again in the halls, and met them going in and out again, as happy and over-Joyed as if she had come back from the brink of the grave to him. The sewing machine was busy those days—I could tell by the whir It made—and once when I brought up a letter that someone had dropped Mercy came running to the door with her hands filled with fluffy white stuff. "T fell as happy, an* yet as bereaved, as If she were my own daughter and getting ready to leave me. Everything quite as it should be though, and called to distinguish them from metal* derived from ore, which are tarmatf "primary metala." The values given for tbe seebnaarjr metals are arbitrary and are based upon the approximate avenge vahM of the primary metals for tho year. While junk dealers and collectors fre- quently pay low prices for small qua** titles of scrap metals, competition re- sults in good prices for carefully aa- •ortod umducts In large quantities. After remeltlng or refining the me> UTare sold at only slightly lower prices than new metaL These second ory metals displace an equivalent quantity 6T primary ioetals and"mast be considered in any estimate of stocks available for consumption to •J>T year. - "Boston Quite Simple. Tvo^ear~Oia=-F*tter, "what I hoped fervently that thej'd be as is the exact meaning, of the verse be- ginning, "Jack Sprat could eat no fatr . . . Father—In simple terms it U i t follows: Jack Sprat could assimilate* no adipose tissue. His wife, on thai other hand, possessed an aversion- tor tho more muscular portions of epithelium. And so between them, 4»otfc, yttt aee, they removed all th* foreign substances from tho face of that utilitarian utensil eosa- monly called a platter. Doos Chat arnke It clear, son? Beaton FIvo-TearOl*—Perfectly, fn- thar. Tho lack of lucidity la happy as they deserved Then in April something happened. heard them at the door one light* listened teUkcratair far th«| • /
  • 4. ^^m^^^^^^^m PHOTO-DRAM^ Of WORLD'SCREATION Formally Opened In Cleveland by Pastor Russell. GOD'S KINGDOM PICTURED. o v e r t h r o w "oV "Tfii5 "Zedekinh True. IWael bad t h e Mocoabenn kings u n d e r Gentile s(is4rnUity. a n d later they had t h e Hotwe of Herod. 4- But* noWb*^ of J. t h e s e lines w a s ot t h e H o u s e o Q p n v i d : tfrft. King Messiah W a s to Be of David's Lineage. God's Typical Kingdom—Overturned. 606 B. C — O n e Long Line of World- E m p i r e s — " T h e T u n e s of the Gen- t i l e s 0 — I s r a e l ' s "Seven T i m e s " oj '"•""Arifctetaint-^Tho tv/o'-Perftda Syn- chronous About to Expire Now. T h e Fifth Universal Empire—Jeru- salem and Messiah. C l e v e l a n d , O., J a n . 25 - P a s t o r Llusocll j o s t e r d a y a t t e i n o o u in the I 11. S. A. Temple, curiHT of Prospect and I£a«?t 22ud Street, personally e o r. d u c t e d t h e opening exhibition m this (iiy of the Photo - D r a m a of C r e a t i o n T h i s b i a u m is acknowl- edged by a r t crit- ics to be b.v far the litiest production of moving pictures a n d s h d t s e e r pre- sented, a n d is to be >lionn, live to the public, in all d u e s a n d h i n d , through- o u t the wo'Id. under the auspices of t h e Intel twriional Pibio S t u d e n t s Asso- ciation, ol which Pastor Kussell is President. In New o i k Ot.v iu ins n e w .V.iOO,- 000 Temple, two w e e k s imo. Pastor Russell present! d the D r a m a foi the first time 1o h<> IM>S i i o w d e d t i o m pit to dome 1 ist Sund'iv in t!ie f a m o u s Mush- Hull in Cim tniiuti he personally conducted the opening oi the Photo D r a m a of ( ' n a t i o n there T h e Photo Diania of C i e i t h m is pro- duced in conimu tion with r e m a r k a b l y clear p h o n o " i a p h i e d s c o u t s ^ which h a v e behind them the fort.v j e a r s of Bible stnd by N e w York's f a m o u s Pastor. By some process never before a t t a i n e d t h e p h o n o g r a p h s used in this production h a v e been relieved of t h e metallic s o u n d altogether, t h u s pro- d u c i n g the very finest oratorical ef fects. It Is t h e w o n d e r today of talk- ing-machine dealers in t h e metropolis. T h e voice is resonant, clear, full a n d *estful, a n d a u d i e n c e s rarely detect it a s t h e voice of t h e t a l k i n g machine. < T h e exhibition is in t h r e e p a r t s : P a r t I traces the creation of t h e e a r t h a n d of m a n , its k i n g - t h e n his fall into sin a n d its d e a t h - p u n i s h m e n t , t h e first promises of complete deliver- a n c e from t h e penalty, a n d t h e Deluge a n d its c a u s e s on t o Moses' time. P a r t II points u s t h r o u g h t h e t y p e s t o Messiah, t h e g r e a t E m a n c i p a t o r of t h e death-stricken race, a n d t h e world- w i d e blessings H i s soon-to-be e s t a b - lished K i n g d o m will" bring. I t intro- d u c e s u s to t h e H e a v e n l y Logos, w h o b e c a m e t h e m a n C h r i s t J e s u s . It also s h o w s a n d explains H i s sacrificial work a n d H i s u n w a v e r i n g faithfulness in fulfilling t h e prophecies concerning Himself, and h o w H i s miracles pic- t u r e t h e restoration of m a n k i n d d u r i n g H i s Second presence a n d reign. P a r t I I I . t r a c e s not only t h e suffer- ings of Christ, t h e H e a d , but also t h o s e of t h e C h u r c h , H i s Body, prepar- a t o r y to their exaltation a n d conse- q u e n t glorious w o r k of blessing t h e non-elect for a t h o u s a n d years—"who- soever will." P a s t o r Russell y e s t e r d a y forenoon discussed t h a t f e a t u r e of t h e Produc- tion of the P h o t o - D r a m a t h a t relates t o the o v e r t h r o w of Israel's typical kingdom a n d the foretold re-establish- m e n t of it at t h e end (now due> of the "seven (symbolic) t i m e s " of chastise- m e n t at tlie h a n d s of H i m w h o s e right it is H i s text • ad discourse follow: "lii'inoiu the d h d o m , a n d t a k e off t h e ( i o n- tlu-f shall not be the s a m e . * * * I will overturn, ovoiturn over- t u r n it un'il H e t o m e v. hose right it is; and I will giv e it u n t o l i n n " l E / e kiel 21 'J*, '1" ) H e s.i'tl- Cod < sf Mi Iui d (he J e w i s h nation as His ie| K ui<. t ' e nation, or k m " d o m , in the • ti'd, with the under I in-he. that MI ">j'i > maunei and at so> e t i " " t h a t nation would be the eh Mine! of Divine ble-Miig to all t h e fann1 es of t h e eaiMi in haimonv with the o n inal (> ith hound Ptemu-e n <'< to Abiah.tin After a jnecaiious e i - t e n ( e oi' neatly st centuries the star of .lew ish E u i p u e hot, and has not risen since. T h e partHiilat d a t e at which the typ- ical Kingdom passed a w a j is clearly m a r k e d in the Scripture> T h e solidity of t h e E m p i r e in the h a n d s o1 King David, and his son. King Solomon, w a s lost in its division in the dttvs of Kim* Solomon b M K I ^ M I I - Nevottholoss, m hurmonv with the I m i n c p i o d n t i o n the I oval line ( o n t i n u u l in the t u b e of a s ! it is writ ten " T h e c o o t i e «h ill not d< p u t ft inn J i ' d t h no' a law | i e i i i o m btlwi m h , h i t i"itil Shi foh (ouie ' (!i in is i ) 10 «dew should have a nbtact? If favorably situated, and unready to go personally, they should go by proxy—they should put plenty of naone£ Into the hands jof tHe Zionist Manager at Jerusalem. 'Llie id v be 11 i oid . la i t h 1 d h id I h tin Di .11 ill Pi Indeed, neither w a s J e w i s h at flfi. King Zedekinh lost his crown in flnq; B C : a n d surely t h e kinsrdftm has been well described as " o v e r t o i l e d o v e r t u r n e d " : a n d It is still overturned, because the foreordained tlnie has not j e t come— although it Is n e a r " T i m e s of the Gentiles." T h e r e w e r e Gentile l.nmdoms in the woild long before ,lsiael • became a monarchy " e t Cod reio;~ui/(d onlyv Is rnel a n d entered into eovonint re'a tlonship with no othei nation P u t as soon as the verdict of ^yur t e t was given again-st Israel, to lidld untP Mes slab's Koign. then Divine providence recognized C o u p l e gov o r n m e n t s al though not in the s a m e win in whien Israel had been • ree ounifed - not as kingdoms of God, but as kingdoms of the Con tiles . * Nor wore all Gentile nations recog- nized, but one line of World- E m p i i e s of several dv nasties which, so to speak, were a n en temnoi irv or leasehold privileges Miveiin-. the pe riod of the o v e r t u r n i n g of Israel's d o w n until the time for Messiah's K i n u h t m indeed, in pottrajm*: these k i n g d o m s md then leases of power, it is paitu nlailv shown tin Ir domin ion vvdl t e r m i n a t e absolutely when that of Mi ^siat) will bej.m F u i U i e i m o i e , Moses piophtMMl the c h a s t i s e m e n t of Israel, and in Minbollc n u m b e r s told II would la< I Seven T i m e s (Leviticus IK! IS. L'l, 21 2S ) T h e lease of Gentile Times, oi je-irs is likewise Seven T u n e s BoMi l u v a n j to count at the s a m e d a t e Hen e both will t e r m i n a t e simultaneouslv When | the lease ot Gentile d o n i m i i i o n < nds I Messiah's Kingdom will bv ii bt be in ]j f ^ , ild lieign: and Israel, "J n o b , " will b e ! J asst i yited with Me^si'ib's Ptnplre as His eaithlv i>eople Vbr.ihun Isaai, J a c o b and the Prophets h< 111L- ID uk 1)I1U( es i,i il, (h" < .1 tu as J) onir er| The Prop ot Danul's, Foreview. God tluou.'Ii the IM'opliet D.udtl sup pli« s r-g t w o . [n< tiin-s ot the Se er TimeR* ot G'entile douiinttiou of tin woild One of these pn'tuie-* w a s ; i en bj vi-ion to I'm-; .Nebuchatlni/ ai wno oeitLii'Vv the d o w n ol Km / e d P f neily. i t i r i v e s the vn d i> view Qf Gt.yiitjLe g m o i i y n e n t s llie vvbole i)ferl«tl was* iep,evented In gluuous lujuge, t wiituje head was oi gold, Ins bi< 1st and his^a^uus i t s ive, his be'lv anu bis thigh's of ! f iron, his tei't otx i miiucd h, head of *goid, anj ' svhoo] buv Vould I show that t l i e ' n e x t Uune'rsal Enfpji H e should be enabled to assist every w o r t h y son of A b r a h a m fleeing from Russian persecution. H e should be p r e p a r e d to a d v a n c e m o n e y to every settler to p u r c h a s e every foot of land in Palestine t h a t is offered for sale. H e should" be e n a b l e d to- supply all w i t h tools, etc H e should have a free h a n d to-^do exploits in the natne of God a n d of His Chosen People. Zionism will prosper, w h e t h e r or n o t Messiah's Kingdonr will be set up. But Lwho will have t h e honor of h a v i n g manifested his faith by his works a n d by his money? T h e love of money is a root ol all evil a m o n g s t all people, a n d the J e w lias not escaped it. Both J e w s and Christians need t h e exhor- tation not to worship the Golden Calf, b u t t h e t r u e God I can t h n s r e p r o v e a n d exhort J e w , Gentile a n d Christian t h e more freely because it is well k n o w n t h a t I never solicit money for myself or the work entrusted to m e by the Lord—not even Church collec- tions—not even Insinuations t h a t mon- ey is scarce a n d desirable I do, how- ever, e x h o r t J e w s in piosperous cir- c u m s t a n c e s to bless their o w n h e a r t s by helping their o w n c o u n t r y m e n to fulfil t h e holy prophecies God's Great Kingdom a t Hand. T h e fault of Christendom has been t h e rejection of t h e Divine Plan a n d the a c c e p t a n c e instead of a h u m a n plan of s a h ation. T h e Church, it w a s asseited, w a s to convert the world for J e s u s a n d present it to H i m as a tro- phy Alas, w e have not been able to convert ourselves, which is the partic- ular work t h e M a s t e r g a v e us to d o ! G r e a t e r humility would h a v e s h o w n us lM iied GiveUvjUe pginU'Uth t„ Nelaj. h a s b e 0 1 / u d n e z z a r s kingdom lepies, 1Jk M , ! ' t o - b e rest w a s Medo-Persia, the t h u d Greece and ' the fourth liome.—the' feet repiesent I ing R o m e , ecclesiastical,_ w U h ^ hei d a u g h t e r s d o m i n a t i n g E u r o p e today W e cannot" ""here go into details ex cept to note t h a t "in t h e d a y s of these k i n g s " represented by t h e toes, the God of H e a v e n promised to set u p H i s Kingdom—Messiah's Kingdom. T h i s Is symbolized as a stone cut out of—a m o u n t a i n , w h i c h s t r u c k t h e i m a g e on i t s feet a n d demolished It completely. T h e n t h e s t o n e b e c a m e a g r e a t Moun- tain, or K i n g d o m , a n d filled t h e whole earth—Messiah's Empire.—Dan. 2:31-45. Pictured a s Beastly. Tije vision of N e b u c h a d n e z z a r repre- s e n t e d Gentile domination as gorgeous. B u t w h e n a vision w a s given to Daniel himself it s h o w e d m a t t e r s in a differ- e n t l i g h t All Gentile kingdoms to h i m w e r e pictured as beastly. T h e golden h e a d of N e b u c h a d n e z z a r ' s vis- ion, picturing t h e Babylonian E m p i r e . w a s represented as a ferocious lion; t h e Medo-Persiau E m p i r e as a bear; the Grecian E m p i r e a s a leopard; a n d t h e R o m a n E m p i r e of t h e Caesars as a nondescript, g r e a t a n d terrible b e a s t ferocious a n d destructive, as the pages of history corroborate. I n contrast with these Gentile gov e r n m e n t s , the coming Kingdom of Messiah w a s represented as human " O n e like unto t h e Son of M a n " took dominion u n d e r the whole heavens, in t h e n a m e of God a n d as H i s K i n g d o m T h e beastly forms of g o v e r n m e n t dis appeared, but t h a t of the Son of Man endured—accomplishing to t h e full the Divine purposes.—Daniel 7:1-14 Where Are W e Now? As before suggested, the kev to our problem lies in the Seven T i m e s the period of Israel's c h a s t i s e m e n t a n d that of Gentile lease of power T h e meas u r e m e n t m both cases begins at tin t i m e of King Zedek,all's dethronement GOG B C A T u n e is one j e . u . IIM ' the Seven Tina"- a i e seven v e n s vi j not literal v e a i - . but svmbo'ic ind ' God declaied through the Proph-M. a n' fulfilled, t teii dnv is s.vmbo'ic oi a j e a r (E/ekiel 4 (J ) i'he .vear is lunar - 3 0 0 d a v s , hence e-ieh of the Seven ( T i m e s is ?>(',<) j t i r ; and the Seven T i m e s ecpi il 2o20 veais ( Now note t h a t these Seven T u r n s arV almost ex pired, and hence Zionism is the watch w o i d oi all J e w s who .tie t i u s t m g still in t h e Divine promises Reckoning from the d a t e of the de- t h r o n e m e n t of King Zedikiah. we have the d a t e Hit .J V D This indicates linn in 1015 Messi th s Invisible spiritual Kingdom wiil be m powei '1 he lease of p o w e r to (he Gent Ik s w ill flu u have expired, and Israel s drst ,oi will h e a t an end Tins I i i i i, 'n s Mi iv fm T i m e or TrrTTiLne r.r m i t rrfr/ ', R" rare- told bj the Piophet D ii..< i di d ilso by our Loid - D a m I U 1 I 1 lie j,ie ic tioubi oi i • , w m suf- j flee lot aU time -. » P i o p h o l (P-,.Iut lb ') i r i , , i ,1 0 plot in. I 1 v n cii pniicc oi Isi •< ' wliost (l i , , ,, i, u nen H'luuitv b ill H a v e *in enn TTIIIS sn-n, THC - - n i m n R e m o v e the diadem and I I M oh the c r o w n this sh ill not be the si me * 4 I will o v e i t u i n , o v e i t u n i , o v c i t u m It a n d it shall be no moie, until lie conn w h o s e light it is, and I will give It u n t o H i m . " T h a t s t a t e m e n t w a s m a d e just prior to Israel's captivity to Babylon. And t h e c r o w n a n d the scepter have been o v e r t u r n e d e v e r since, a n d will con t i n u e so to be until Messiah Himself, a t H i s Second A d v e n t shall t a k e the T h r o n e a t t h e antityplcal Son of Da vtd No king of D a v i d ' s line has been tn p o w e r for evjpji a m o m e n t since the All through the Old T e s t a m e n t God's promises abound, telling all vho h a v e ears to hear of the g l o n o u s Reign of Messiah a n d of the sue . e s s of H i s K i n g d o m — t h a t the result shall be t h a t "evet.v knee shall bow and every t o n g u e confess, to the . loi.( of God"; t h a t " t h e e^ves of the bli. 1 shall bo opened and the e a i s oi U,o deaf shall be unstoppr d " W e leniembei the p i o p h ^ es,. w h i c h 'pictuie e.utlilj g o v e n u Us and s h o w Us their t e t m u t a t i o n and tit > esutbll&h- m e n t ol the Kingdom ol H e a v e n on tkeii m i n s . W e i e m t m b i i t h e Jubilee picture repeated b.v the Is < tiles every fiftieth >ear, procjaimhig aSeity a n d restoration of propert.v for the peo- ple a n d tvpifyiiis icstit'itioa of all t h a t lost t h t o u g h ' i n «md t h a t is i&tored t h r o u g h Me s. ih s King- dom. Bible s t u d e n t s a r e more a n d m o r e coming to see t h a t t h e Gospel Age is t h e .time in wr hich Messiah is selecting from a m o n g s t men a saintly c l a s s / a n d is p r o v i n g a n d testing their loyalty to God a n d to righteousness T h e s e a r e to be Messiah's assistants—"the Bride, the L a m b ' s Wife." Bible s t u d e n t s all k n o w t h a t the N e w T e s t a m e n t a b o u n d s with references to t h e Kingdom. Near- ly all t h e p a r a b l e s t h a t our Lord g a v e w e r e in illustration of s o m e t h i n g con- nected with the K i n g d o m or with t h e class being called out of the world to inherit the spiritual K i n g d o m as joint- heirs with Messiah. All .such know, too, t h a t tb*> G r e a t T e a c h e r proclaimed t h a t K i n g d o m , a n d t a u g h t H i s follow- ers to p r a y for it, " T h y K i n g d o m come; T h y will be d o n e on earth, a s it is d o n e In H e a v e n . " Bible s t u d e n t s all know t h a t t h e Apostles referred to t h a t K i n g d o m a n d pointed the C h u r c h to its establish- m e n t for the realization of her h o p e s - Hie t i m e w h e n t h e Marriage of the L a m b will t a k e place—the time w h e n God's N e w L a w C o v e n a n t w i t h Israel will go into effect—the t i m e w h e n H e w h o scattered Israel will also g a t h e r t h e m , a n d w h e n t h e L a w will go forth from M o u n t Zion, t h e Celestial King- d o m , a n d t h e W o r d of the Lord from J e r u s a l e m , t h e capital of the earthly princes. Messiah's Kingdom Is just w h a t h u m a n i t y Is coming to realize t h a t it needs In its e s t a b l i s h m e n t , as the Scriptures declare, " t h e desire of all nations shall come."—Haggal 2.7 T h e Scriptures teach t h a t Messiah's K i n g d o m is not only to bless those liv ing at the time of its establishment. b u t gradually to a w a k e n t h e dead from the tomb, a n d to give all of Adam's race a full opportunity for attaining life everlasting or death Indeed, the Bible assures us t h a t eventually tin whole world shall receive new life from Messiah, m offset to the life re ceived from Pather Adam, forfeited through sm T h u s a m o n g s t the v a n ous titles ot Messiah mentioned bj the P r o p h e t s i- t i n t of "the Everlast ing Father " Isaiah 0 G _t Saturday, -January * 1r 1914 U n d e r g r o u n d Vegetable Carden In Spnngfic hi t h e i e is a w o i d e i l n ! c u e g a r d e n , vvheie m u s h i o o m s , i hu l a t h a n i otJier e ^C'taliles a i e : i o w u at a d e p t h ol 7~> loot under g t o u n d The c a v e can onlv be u a c h e d , o> s n j s tiie Boston T i a n s o i p t ' T_, oi tin- 'mi pose a special boat lias been buiH and at the ntoitt i ol t n e m < is i vvhait w h o l e t h e hoaf can be moored w h e n not m u^e Xo e: utdon • be . l ' u i b a i ' . be -io undi . • rai ulitv in Pi' pi to th< ca e MUMIS Grfv«ifll(Jf^5ea**|ru ^rate(l tu State AgricuitujtffcSoetctyv- r e a c e a n d J a c q u e s C a r t i e r rivers, a b o u t 30 miles^ jw^at s f Quelbe^, A l r e a d y a.lajjge njumtier 'of.jtitg^a<pn:. e r a n e a r « C & a s m FalLs a r e using "elec- tricity- a n d will in tiae future b e cus- t o m e r s of t h e c o m p a n y . "I (have al-vt j w a y s , . c o n t e n d e d , " , said C h a r l e s E 7 E a t o p o f l h ^ , ^ f i r m j Q f . ^ t Q n * ! & Brcyy- nell, " t h a t . t h e f a r m e r s should u s e electjri£^K>wer and t h e y would if it w e r e ' a v a a j a b l e * I t . c a n * ' be used to operaf^p separatorsT^circular s a w s and 'countless t h i n g s .about the farm t h a t now h a v e to be done" by h a n d oi g a s o line engine p o w e r A lew lights n t h e b a r n s ma'kes it u n n e c e s s a i y to cair> a L u t e i n and m i l t h e d a n g e r oi tip pinj; it" over and b u r n i n g u p ' a uuiiJ It W a s Pointed Out T h a t Prece it System of Banking W a s Not Adapted to P u r p o s e s of the F a r m e r and Urg- ed T h a t B a n k s Controlled by Agri- culturists T h e m s e l v e s Should Be Established. Agricultuial credits a s favored by Governor _ Glvnn w a s explained before t h e a n n u a l m e e t i n g of t h e State A g i i c u l t u i a l society by R Ji. Van Coitiand, Kevv o r k City at Al- bany. H e pointed oat t h a t t h e p r e s e n t sj s- t e m oi *anKiiig was not a d a p t e d to the p u r p o s e s ot t h e t a r n i d and uit,^ 1 t h a t b a n k s contioiled by agricultuti -> t h e m s e l v e s t h o u l d be> established V t h o u g h t t h e l a i i t i c s would have to learn business w c h o d s to some e ^ t u i t before being peiuiitted to b o n o w Conditions M n o u n d i n g the sale of milk m this st^te w dl impov erish th d a i r y m e n , in the opinion of C I l t d B o a h a r t of Jn society s c o m m i t t e e o i legislation, unless a s^tate commissiou is established to fix t h e pi ice of H U ' K H e declared that at p r e s e n t corditiono in New Y o i k city caused the °elbng of milk at a loss mainly t h i o u g h t h e , , , „ efforts of the dealers to keep d o „ n | cable to t h e i e l t c f commttte. t h e price of milk while r e a c h i n g out for new m a i k e t s [ H e t h o u g h t a s t a t e mill' p«ice com- j mission c o m p u t i n g t h e state cemmts- ' stoner of a g t t c u ' t u i e and a repre-onta- tive of tiie s ato , i a n ^ e , tlie New York citv. miVt d ' a i e i s nd tlie Xevv York citv boa id oi h< . h h sriipul 1 have pow er to fi rh pi n o ol in ilk Red Cross Woney for Relief T h e m e i i c a n Red Cross 'J l t s ic- mittect S_l,"atO tor the reber" oi h u m a n suffering to hv e vvuleb,' s pa1 p a r t s or i1 e globe In t h e n o r t h e r n section Q ^ j,& > a fapime of nu>c-h s e v e n t y exists ,vfi a special eitoi t 13 e m g m a d e in Tokio to i c h e v e the situation Five t h o 1 &and doll 1- w a s a p p i o p r a t c d and ca Ic I to l^e m p i t c a n anil assado* at i o k i o to UQ t i m e d over JJ h i m to the c o m m i t t e e w a t a i Ka- 31st been o i g a ' U ' c u to c a . i ' e^ut ihe p r o p o s e ! l e h c f o p e i a t i o n s T h e d i s t r e s s i n g conditions m Cul g a n a , ao a l e s u ' t ot the Ua k a n v a i s WHICH vveie b o u ^ h t to the aLtenti^o of t h e Red Cioss recently h., Q u e r n E l e a n o i a , w e i e c noidercd Lj t'n3 . e 1 tral coinniiteee a n d an a p i o j i t i a u o i ot Tn.OOi) trom the Red Cios c o i t i . ^ e n t e h e i fund was l O . v u u i c . at of wlhich the que MI '- [ m a n ! THAT BUSINESS | STATIONERY I A fine, cn«p sbept of duralilo l)0nd paper, with appropriate type and ink forthecbaiactei of the busmen, makes a £4CK d inipixsc ion oi the ov> mi's judg- ment. Tho owner's judgm< nt will be best exeiu'sed in betiding ^ h U O j k to tbib office. We 1 are ttie pap< r. the ink, and tlie h p e . Most impoitmt of all ve ki.ow hovv to put them tog< :liei effec- ticly. Just tiy u% ai d see what fine lesults 3011 get ior a jfa-onal)Ie piice. ENVELOPES, RULED AND PLAiN CILL HEADS AND STATEMENTS, CARDS AND CIRCULARS, SPECIAL BLANKS OF ALA'.OST ANY CHARACTER, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS-GENERAL PRINTING. On Dec 27, ice tv e d a iu 1 t a m m o condn riii aloa, v. 1 put y, 1 i 1 the < < poiini il . (li^-n T h e co 01 < 1 gtan c was e ol Prec j 011 colli v lev u> c send the 7 ^ 1 m a n u f a c l u i n. n.V No 1 V* h a v e t h i n e t on the X n ' i ' i to TTaileiu, 1 fiom* car 'T ^ rive1 * foT- M m lvn, rao "TOT e work of thp >scd b V/*. 1 uttle Mt^ed tliat eve i v lo ( <i nt o. ol i l t i r l d Htpldm. *•#•'*•'£••*•••• «va*© • o THE COUGFLIN CO. A .itertown, X. Y . ; to f a l n P ' t cs if *•i 9 4 S 4 I4 S Q S $ e o c n t i a l r ecr l'1 nd d i s t r i b u ' n i g tei mi , 1 cir, he < ud h" Id .1 .rial-, for ^lanii 1 r-^t l i ' c r from C a n t l sff-et h d ' u e t ra+Iio^d t r i e ' - ' t h i " e on the l'l* I * tan, t h r e e tor Uiook 'ip Bronx and -one for il()0 . 1 up e th l c , Queen's Retail d i s t n b u t . n ^ stores one t o ofi'O'"'} population, he <-tid, should be pfa^ahbshed in New Yo' city In the sn^aller peaces he urged t h e ev tphi shr:c nt ot m u n t c i p r l cora m i s s i o n s having control of such t e r m i nals. Tiie Uses of P a p e r T h e * manilold u&es ot ool|", 'l}> p a p e . a i e astotitbhing ' I ^ a t ve have p a p d oid p a p e r bclwlcs, p a )or rjovts, paper h o ' s ^ s (ui T a p a n i , p a p e r C J I lars, and baper-cu^'s Is w e l kno'vn, but how ma«nv- people h a v e h e a r d o f p a p e r s c r e w s , p a p e r Window p i n e s , pa- M r s J u l i a n H e a t h of N e w Y o r k city, ] p e r zaincoat*, pa ;er hencoops or pa- p r e s i d e n t of the National H o u s e w i v e s ' ' pei sail ioi' s n i p s ? T h e s e a r e only a league, declared t h e league to be a ^ e v v of the q u e e r d e v e l o p m e n t s ot tlt< n e w factor in economic life in that by ' p a p e r i n d u s t r j described by a w i i t e r intelligent p u r c h a s i n g ' it influenced ' i n tiae "Scientific A m e r i c a n , " w h o Hosiery t h e m a r k e t . T h e h o u s e w i v e s , she said, w a s l e a r n i n g to b u y in season. T h e report of t h e s t a n d i n g commit- t e e on co-operation w a s read by J o h n J. Dillon of N e w York, editor of t h e R u r a l N e w Yorker. H e urged t h e land o w n e r s to form t h e m s e l v e s im> local o r g a n i z a t i o n s u n d e r t h e s a v i n g s a n d loan laws. A bill to p e r m i t this, h e said, w a s being p r e p a r e d by t h e su- p e r i n t e n d e n t of b a n k s . T h e organi- zations a r e to h " v e a u t h o r i t y to issue bonds, t h e proceeds of which a r e t o be loaned to t h e land o w n e r s for s h o r t or long t e r m s and a t a t e s not dictated by conditions. H e also urged t h a t t h e law bonding commission m e r c h a n t s be a m e n d e d so as to prohibit a dealer from buying t h e c o n s i g n m e n t a n d re- quiring a record of sales. TYPHOID FEVER CURBED Death Rate for S t a i e 10.5 Per 100,000 Inhabitants, Lowest In 29 Years. A n n o u n c e m e n t of the lowest d e a t h r a t e from typhoid fever t h a t New York s t a t e ever had w a s m a d e at Albany by H e a l t h Commissionei Eu- g e n e C P o r t e r ot the state healui d e p a r t m e n t Tlie r e t u r n s tor lyi.S h a v e been compiled and t h e j show . typhoid dcaUi n t t e for the whole of the s t a t e oi onlv 10 5 per 100,000 ir h a b i t a n t s , the lowest t a t e d i n i n g the 29 j e a i s duim.-, v Inch deatn 1a •• have been lecoidcd It is one. halt tat the i a t e a< e i a & n y e a r a t t e i jea^ 11 01 to the time when Ur P o i t u tuOl en 1 v ot the t i c a i l menl, and it ' ^ i c s m-, a s t U l l l o 0f o t i l , - ( 0 l i v e eh< g t i e e a i r > l ' , as c o m p a r e d to ' . e . n d , e t v p n o t j r a t e piioi to 1)'.), v hen Di 1'oitei w a s appo nt u 01 G o v t m o i l i t e m s tells us also of t h e e x t e n t of t h e wooet pulp m a n u f a c t u r e r s : "At first wood-pulp w a s used entli'1 ly in m a k i n g p a p e r , T^ut to-day it u employed for manifold p u r p o s e s . Its use bids fair to b e lai'ge ior moldings, fnction-clmtches, belt-pulleys, g e a r wheels, b a r r e l s (reinforced with w i r e ) , t u b s , pails, w a s h b o a r d s , vvaterpipes, conduits, c a s k e t s , 'bathtubs, c a r r i a g e bodies, floor covering, electric insu'a- tors, u m b r e l l a s t a n d s , furniture, imita- tion of leather, cloth a n d silk. Cleaily t h e e m p l o y m e n t of wood-pulp is prac- tically unlimited. " T h e g r e a t c o n s u m e r s of wood-<pulp to-day a r e t h e p a p e r m a n u f a c t u r e r s , w h o u s e n e a r l y 90 p e r cent, of t h e en- tire production. A c c o r d i n g t o tihe bu- r e a u of statistics, t h e r e a r e a t p r e s e n t a b o u t 250 mills which m a n u f a c t u r e wood-pulp in this c o u n t r y T h e c a pacity of t h e s e mills is over 2,500,000 tons of pulp a n n u a l ] } , valued a t m o i e t h a n $32,000,000 In addition t o t h i s a m o u n t , m o r e t h a n 400,000 t o n s a r e i m p o r t e d from Canatla a n d v a r i o u s c o u n t r i e s of E u r o p e T h e value of t h e m a t e r i a l from a b i o a d in 1911 w a s n e a r l y $15,000,000 T h e s e figures show an increase in t h e business of over 500 oer cent in tlhe p a s t 10 e a i s end t h e s a m e time in t h e Uituie pi o n u s e s even •ii e a t e r s t n d e s " V vi? K" v - • ^ "-Kscv I?e>;. Mor-c v^v;;^-entire f_ ^ •# Y/omzv^-rLdCliiiu-c * '.-j-. v>^-?: . * **J. tiie %< Qjuy:<v Brand. .•p6R*'QiiaSiy, 'StyJs-iind'We^i*, ~?t a^ir -f-'x ''Onyx"* H^se in Cotton, I/i&le, Silk visit- or Pure Silk, ffpm 35c. to ^'.ooper pair- - „ genuine without tradfe-mark stamps ^ every pair. Sold by all dealers. Lord & Taylor - - New York Distributors Lemons Grown In K a n s a s . L e m o n pie, i.uide trom h o m e g i o w n fruit, was a hoi dav de&teit tint, win ler at t h e h o m e ot C H Olson, a b a n k P., of Assaria, a village south of Sa I n a , K a n Tor 1? v e a i s Alt Olson h a s parsed an orange tree and a lemon ttee, moving them to the vard in the and back into tin be nk build Por emht ve its the beanne, 1 -atlv, one nd kmuM e < i ^eat ing in a u t u m n ttees ha1 e oee ot two o t o l i t h This yeat ea^h N e w York's Ne N e w o t k be a'l glass t> ne e - r- , ftteel and withoi t Paiii'io i't il tiae Thou i I t l ^ M l ^ c v n d e v tioe i >c d t u l i a , will e pel e -,< t thci' a i <>ut at t i p an 1 e .a ou or ilic eold toui -.liss ifmosi h e r e will ne heal uS till t^1 *- t: n in i ei in l i t n n t lopci 110 '« on th all- suekei eel in /.est c>.. s t e e a a 1 . U ' '1 L 1 1 i; t W o i k is L , pe atici e ot'n n w n m s k y s c r a p e r . - t a p e ib to skeleton ot idov n i e 'ii it JS O i nil ' I ' * - i' c 1 i s ' _ S ' ) DC ^C M tnttltUion s el ,' Wll' i d an 1 tic i e v car n wha the r 1 L i t I snip oi u s t u the 1 esh lorn wit >oiu bunnne i it w t 1 ] e ^ j ' $27.50 / ; ,V )*f> I "23 G2ii^ From frcr-t Sfg"M t ic i. , -:tr;:[ " J. S^Eibr.S AilMS A ^ l L CO ;.rtf £ ' j P O Btx50^5 B Devoe's P a i n t do^s not peel. F a r gale by H o m e r *7 . LI Popular Mechanics Magazine "WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" A GREAT Continued Story of the World's Progress which you may begin reading at any tune, and which will hold your interest forever. You are living in the best year, of the most wonderful age, of what is doubtless the greatest world in the universe. A resident of Mars would gladly pay— $1 0 0 0 f""?^-^1 ^?-?' SUBSCRIPTION tothismagazme.ln order to keep Informed of Our progress in Engineering and Mechanics. Are you reading it ? Two millions of your neighbors are, and it is the fav onte maga- zine in thousands of the best American homes. It appeals to aU classes — old and young —men and women Uheful ait'deu ioi iiome.mel -hop, lopa i -.,. to. " Amateur Mechanics " (10 rn T ?"-1 i to!U ',->w*o mikeMiwontmn iui« v it I -,<>i* i-. ). u eu^ine'*, mi^ie, and 11f I e f l.iiij:-. -1 b Io-3,' $i,50 PER YEAR. SfNGLE COP.ES 15 CESTJ WRITL FOR F9£E ^.ttPiC COPY 7 - ^ 4 / P O P U L U » L R M E C H A N I C S C O . 31b VV. V, „i i.d^n it., CHiC VGO be 1" ii 1 $16-155,000 &e, coo c I It will be put d u d al -oris ot the vear, < iv - the l lc-j uulrcaa lis 1 i MIO unit to be noi c k s s , d s(it b s- lb thl s t > I' c setliii-, ''tin-, built 1) John V i.i1 < IU' plant ol ue il, p i u i Its co t v I ' > e I . i th 1 e < 3-i i Ons !•> J. M'Tt, P^''- oil c^ i- 1 that ntvci ia , . m-0 ic li b n . . t s .x( J m.«.h its,i.' ccv/r t ' . b . u ' ^ A T t,. 3—/1,, " , -•> , " L u r 11 ) ->ui - iv o OL™ ^ ' V.. i ( -o-» U b * l o ' j - r ir ' u l A 1 v 1 » 1 l'-1 1 n. S . '•» ,' ' -» Di! v 111 1 II, ll J > f i l e lull ht the lde lis of / ill il II* Ml it Lb tb Isiael sh U. !>•• b h - s . ,1 of (.exP lie t h a t e e tnse tb Ist u 1 shall be c uisi d ot dtod' Let us all erieouiige t^od s an tiettt people tu go up a n d possess then land, a.s Cyrus did in a figure long ago! It is uot our t h o u g h t to.eucourage all J e w s to r e t u r n to Palestine. Many of t h e m a r e better off w h e r e they are at present. Only those w h o h a v e faith in ttie precious promises do we e n c o u r a g e to go now. G r a d u a l l y their n u m b e r s will increase, as faith in t h e promises of God r e t u r n s to t h e J e w i s h heart. B u t _ t h e r e Is a w o r k in which every >l an 1 ol 1 i , I CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature t-"> (f Of .. ; n : 2 C t C fvo h i_e d< v elopnu rU u s ^ < 1 h a v e been undci < onsttuc tion ioi some tune undt 1 th hicetion ot 1 n ^ m e t i s n i t o n it PtovsiuM' ol thi-. < uv h a v e practically b e e n completed and will be in operation within a few d a j s One of t h e s e is t h e hydro-electric d e v e l o p m e n t for t h e P i a n k h n County H y d r a u l i c Co., a t O h a s m Falls on t h e S a l m o n river aibout eight miles from Ma'lone, a n d t h e o t h e r is t h e develop- m e n t a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n of a p l a n t for t h e D o n n a c o n a P a p e r Co. a t Donma- cona, at the junction of the St. Law- . u- 1 i .) i the to dll ( M M ' e n - O i l el 1 1 I, 1 lite oi the tie iiaru, savs l u B i t - O i h one oi two t e e t h at a time .tie m use oi in view m eadh jaw T h e i e a i e a h v a v s othei teeth waitin„ to pass t o i w a i d a n d begin t h e n work, al t h o u g h t h e i e is a limit to this succes sion, for, w h e n t h e last h a s c o m e i n t j use a n d been w o r n down, t h e e l e p h a n t c a n no longer chew his food, a n d m u s t die of s t a r v a t i o n , if Hue h a s not a l r e a d y succumibedi t o old age. - . ^ , W . „ «. - A •* - JL O1 i e U It _ Ji , l 1 1 W I I i «>! H e -i It i-,(llwn 'ii aim ot ihib stoio u» nie nioie ^ ' -J aiidiKitii MIMUIIII thiiiau) oiluu s t m This i^ ae ni- plishtd l>} on: lovj, expounce m aU papers and in nr suitibiht^ foi the pjiticular loonib tho}T are to adoin. Ijonk ovei our stock and see for- youiseli GEORGE P. BRETCHP A D D O C K A R C A D E