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Revolutionary Inventions During The Industrial Revolution
Inventions During The Industrial Revolution During the Industrial Revolution, inventors invented
many revolutionary inventions. Those inventions revolutionized the whole country. During the time
of the Industrial Revolution, America is rapidly growing. It was transformed from a predominantly
rural agrarian society to an industrial economy society. The economy was growing fast by that time.
The inventions played an important role in the Industrial Revolution. Cotton gin provoked a
revolution in the cotton production in the South. In 1794, Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin, but he
did not get a good profit from it. The reason is plantation owners are making their own cotton gins
and claiming it is a new invention. The cotton gin is a machine ... Show more content on ...
They usually use water as their power source. "Steam–powered trains appeared in the early 1800s.
The first railway was opened in 1830, introducing rapid transportation"(UXL Encyclopedia of
Science). Steam– powered trains are useful. Not only carry people around, it can also transport
goods. "The first successful steam–powered vessel was a river steamer built in the USA by Robert
Fulton in 1808"(Illinois State Museum). "Initially the steam engine was so bulky and heavy that it
can only use as a stationary power source. Improvements in technology gradually made it small
enough to install ships"(UXL Encyclopedia of Science). So, steamboats are made. Steam engine
transportation tools are extremely
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Technology vs Organic Essay example
Humanity's timeline illustrates the past, present and future of human beings; commencing nearly
200,000 years ago when Homo sapiens first diverged from its ancestors (Evans,1998). For the next
188,000 years humans were content to forge and live within the constructs of a hunter–gatherer
societal organization. Approximately 12,000 years ago agricultural systems began appearing in
various places around the world. An astonishingly short period of time later the Agricultural
Revolution transformed human ecology, social organization, demography, culture, and religion
(Fagan: 2007). Man wholeheartedly embraced the sweeping changes bought on by agriculture and
domestication, which definitely proved key to the long run success of agriculture and ... Show more
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The pronounced change from hunting and gathering to agriculture and domestication can be
simplistically designated the Agricultural or Neolithic Revolution (Pringle:1998). The catalytic
developments of the Neolithic Revolution mark a major turning point in the history of humankind.
The resulting animal and plant domestication established the foundation on which modern
civilization was built. Agriculture is a uniquely human activity and is perhaps the first activity for
which humans developed technology. Technology, understood as the use of farming tools and
techniques, is an indispensable component in agriculture. In the most general sense, technology
permits humans to increase the capture and efficient utilization of solar radiation that drives primary
plant production that is the basis of the human food and fiber chain (Porter, Rasmusen: 2009). The
steadfast characterization of human nature can be viewed as a historical constant, while the
prevailing woes and dilemmas facing humanity can be viewed as a contemporary variable. Similarly
to an algebraic equation, clever manipulation of the variable and constant portion can lead to
discovering the value of the variable or as in the case of humanity; it can provide valuable insight on
complex problems based on the past experiences of people who are innately
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The History Of Technology
or to be used for communication. The Capitol had a few of them about for about 10 years after the
uprisings, but a rebel scientist had deleted over 400 gigabytes of data detailing the schematics of
very powerful tech before she was murdered. One of the things she had deleted was the science
behind satellites, so slowly, whatever satellites the Capitol had already had in orbit became
decommissioned, and were unable to be replaced." "She must not have deleted very important
things," Madge grumbles. "The Capitol has tons of really scary technology." "They do," Al agrees.
"But if you ever study the technology used in the Dark Days, you'll find that Capitol tech really isn't
all that advanced, which is a good thing. I'm not saying they're ... Show more content on ...
"I remember when I was 12, and I was watching the reapings, all I could think was that could have
been me. My Father he..." Al trails off and shakes his head. "Anyways, from a very young age, I was
disgusted by the world I lived in, so I immersed myself into astrophysics. I used to daydream about
living on the moon by myself." "That sounds awfully lonely," Madge comments, feeling ashamed
that Al is right, a part of her did hate him from where he was from, which had been totally unfair
and cruel of her. "Yeah, well, I was used to loneliness. At least up there I wouldn't have be
surrounded by barbarians," Al chuckles bitterly. Madge stares at his profile. His eyes hooded, and
the visible part of his irises are pained. "I know a thing or two about loneliness," Madge confesses in
a whisper. "My Father was the Mayor of 12. Everyone either resented me for my family's affiliation
with the Capitol, or feared the supposed power and influence I held. The one friend I had was
shipped off to the Games, and then again to the Quell." Al looks at her in surprise. "You're friends
with Katniss?" Madge just nods, not wanting to appear boastful. "Huh," Al says, tilting his head as
he studies her. "I was kind of surprised when I found you yesterday alone. You look like the kinda
girl that has a bunch of guys trailing after her. Not a loner." "Trust me," Madge huffs. "I have no
admirers to speak of." "But why?" Al presses on. "You're
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The Benefits Of Technology In The Work Environment
Technology is a tremendous benefit nowadays within the work environment. Each technological
advancement has been created in order to facilitate the work environment and has led us to become
more efficient with the things we do. Because of it, the office environment is no longer the same as
yesterday; it has made the general convenience of our personal lives more accessible in the sense
that we no longer have to invest so much time in the work that we do. Time management and
investment has been optimized, therefore, the efforts put into every–day tasks have been reduced.
For example, within the design studio, technological tools such as a smart board improves the way
people meet and share ideas. Essentially, this tool allows users to save and print notes, collaborate
documents, share information and runs video conferencing across distances. Rather than having to
print an important design for a presentation, students and faculty can visually obtain the attention of
any audiences and simply e–mail notes to participants and share the work digitally. Some of the
ways in which technology has modified and improved the modern workplace are in an increase in
productivity, communication, and cost efficiency. First and foremost, technology allows us to be
more efficient in the things we do and reduce the amount of labor and time we invest to do
something. Take for example, a car or any type of vehicle. These modes of transportation are now
readily available and are technologically
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Combustion Engine Vs Tv Research Paper
From ancient tools to the latest technological advances, human inventions have shaped history and
transformed the world. As society grows and demands new technology, new generations of
innovators take on the task of inventing. Ever since the creation of the wheel, many revolutionary
inventions have been created throughout history. However, two inventions have been most
influential to the world. The internal combustion engine and the television have influenced the
modern world most significantly. The combustion engine revolutionized transportation and industry.
The television led to cultural influence and greater media exposure to the world. The internal
combustion engine and the television are the two greatest technological advances of the ... Show
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The creation of television was a new form of education and entertainment. Television also became a
major source of news and information. Every major world event since the 1950's has been aired on
television. One of the largest influences television created was mass media. Before TV, few forms of
media existed, mainly radio and newsprint. Television was the first major form of visual media that
was brought directly into people's homes. TV also had a major influence on politics, mainly during
the 1960's when television had become an everyday commodity. The first presidential debate aired
on television was between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy in 1960. Though Nixon had much
stronger arguments and ideas than his opponent, Kennedy won the debate. On television, Nixon was
sweating profusely and appeared nervous. On the other hand, Kennedy's good looks and calm
appearance allowed him to win the debate and later win the Presidential Election. This was the
creation of the cult of personality brought on by TV. Politicians and world leaders such as John F.
Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, Che Guevara, and Fidel Castro all had their political influence cast
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Technology And Technology Essay
Cally Shoffner Prof. Schneller FYS 14 November 2017 The Future of Work Innovation is the act of
introducing something new; this could be an idea, a method, or a device. Innovation happens every
day and if you pay attention you will see it all around you. With some new technology we as a
people have to ask if it's ethical, socially acceptable, or sustainable because sometimes the
boundaries tend to get pressed. These questions can apply to every invention or discovery known to
mankind. Not all of the latest and greatest become big news buzzing your ears with social media
wars, picketing, or even rioting but they all have a life span as technology advances and humans
continue to push the limits. The advancements are designed to help people not only do the simplest
of tasks but at times extend to perform the greatest of tasks. There is one major driver of change that
is transforming the future of work and that is the upsurge of smart machines. The rise of smart
machines will lead to significant changes to how work is organized and how we complete work
tasks. "A smart machine is a device embedded with machine–to–machine (M2M) and/or cognitive
computing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning or deep learning, all of
which it uses to reason, problem–solve, make decisions and even, ultimately, take action." (Rouse)
Smart machines are actually defined as machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics and other
forms of automation. Advancements
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Industrial Revolution Essay
Was the Industrial Revolution a blessing or a curse?
Starting in 18th century Great Britain, the Industrial Revolution, sparked a change in industry that is
still present today. The Industrial Revolution was a great blessing to society, with innovations in
consumer goods, medicine, housing and sanitation, the revolution changed the course of history for
the good.
The Industrial revolution was a period in which Great Britain became rapidly less rural and became
more urban and mechanized. "The technological changes included the following: the use of new
basic materials, chiefly iron and steel, the use of new energy sources, including both fuels and
motive power, such as coal, the steam engine, electricity, petroleum, and the ... Show more content
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"People worked fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week. However, the majority were
unskilled workers, who only received about $8–$10 dollars a week, working at approximately 10
cents an hour" (Poddar, 2017). The living conditions were not much better, "five to nine people lived
in a single room which was as big as an apartment. Not only was there not enough room, but more
people got sick as well. Because everyone lived in terrible conditions and so close to one another,
diseases spread rapidly" (Poddar, 2017). However, the Industrial Revolution brought us many
societal advancements that changed the course of history, one of these advancements was the rise of
factories. Factories replaced the domestic system, where individual workers used hand tools or other
machinery to create goods in their own homes. Having factory produced goods enabled citizens to
purchase goods at a low price, as well as get goods that weren't readily available before the
revolution. To combat the poor working conditions laborers formed unions. "Labour unions helped
spread the balance of power more evenly so that labourers could bargain for more rights such as
more pay and better working conditions (Mifflin, 2004). As we can see, even this small change still
affects us today. Because of the unsanitary conditions these
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Bird : Week 6 Assignment
Bird: Week 6 Assignment – Rough Draft of Paper Section: Team A
Introduction Section
From the beginning of time our species has had to learn to adapt to their world. Through this
development process, we have learned how to expand our primitive developments over time to
achieve maximum results. We constantly are evolving and adapting to the world around us. These
changes can be brought on by climate changes, technology advancements, as well as resource
changes. If we look at the Industrial revolution, we can see this process in full swing. A boom of
new technologies started happening. The push for this was to maximize the industries results. With
these new developments implemented, products were able to be produced faster and better. This ...
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We are facing dangerous consequences that are beginning to surface from these developments such
as obesity and health situations in multiple generations.
The human race is not the only species who is suffering from these technologies. Animals are also
being modified to a dangerous point. If you look at our poultry industry in America, you can see that
more and more farmers are straying away from organic practices and using GMO elements because
of cost and production benefits. This however is leading to animal cruelty situations and unhealthy
consequences. According to research, the consumption of poultry meat and eggs has increased from
85 million tonnes to 117 million tonnes in only 8 years (Executive Guide to World Poultry Trends,
2001). We can see that this obvious increase in consumption has led to the use of genetic
modification to increase poultry weight and egg production to meet the demands of the industry.
So, how do we correct this situation? New technologies are being developed to offer healthier
substitutions to not only benefit individuals health, but the health of the animal population. The new
technology is working on developing a plant based substitute to be used instead of eggs. This
technology has major health benefits such as lower cholesterol intakes, the use of GMO can being to
disband, causing more farmers to be able to switch to organic because the demands are eased, and
economic growth
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How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Society
The Industrial Revolution was a turning point in history as it led humanity to great technological
advancements, but also great losses, as well. The industrial Revolution was named "Revolution"
because it caused the growth of great cities of Europe and the world, it transformed families socially,
but it did give horrendous working conditions for employees. This era is one of the most important
eras because back in the day, manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using handtools or
basic machines. Not only did the Industrial Revolution helped people advanced, but also nowadays.
Without the Industrial Revolution, this society would not have been so advanced like it is today.
First and foremost, the Industrial Revolution impacted the ... Show more content on
Working in the first years of the Industrial Revolution period, was a little harsh back in the day,
people had to work long hours and under terrible conditions. Conditions were often unsanitary and
dangerous, men would sometimes harass the women who worked with them.Sometimes women had
to work more than 80 hours a week, but there were some benefits for women who worked in this
era. Women learned real–world skills and experienced higher standards of living in factory boarding
houses than at home. Also, earning livable wages brought a newfound sense of independence and
pride to women. All in all, there were some benefits and some downfalls in working in this era,
especially for women.
In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution had many advantages, but many disadvantages as well.
Now, students shall know why the Industrial Revolution was named "Revolution". Three reasons
why it was named revolution was because it impacted cities all around the world, it transformed
families, and it led to working conditions that were not so great at first. Without this era, our
generation would not have the technologies that this world currently has. The industrial Revolution
was one of the most important eras that changed mankind's
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Technology : The Importance Of Technology In Our World
"Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have had before." stated
by George Couros. Technology changes our everyday lives. It is all around us, we benefit from it. It
gives inspirations to younger generations to create new ones to benefit our society and to make it
better. It is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. Technology have made our
countries safer and our lives easier. As early as 1600 to present day. Sir Isaac Newton, Charles
Babbage, and Nikola Tesla have proved and invented many creations that without, humanity would
be lost. Sir Isaac Newton who was a scientist, physicists, and an english mathematician. He invented
invented the reflecting telescope. This greatly improved the capacity of telescopes and reduced
optical distortion. This helps with optometrists and other scientists of all sorts to gain knowledge
better with the help of Sir Isaac Newton's invention. Charles Babbage, whose an english
mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer. He invented a programmable
computer, which is now used worldwide present day. Nikolas Tesla, an American Physicist who
invented fluorescent lighting, the Tesla coil, the induction motor, 3–phase electricity and AC
electricity that is use or installed everywhere today. Technology wires our world in a great way, it
helps build a better connection to each other, advancement of technology gives inspirations to
younger generations, and it benefits and helps
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The Industrial Revolution And Its Impact On Society
Do you ever look around in our busy everyday life full of car rides, texting, internet, high speed
travel, etc. and wonder how and when we made the jump from horse drawn carriages to modern day
life? The Industrial Revolution is one of the greatest and most impactful time in our nation's history
that made all of these changes come to life and impacted not just the people who lived during the
time, but even the life we're living today. The Industrial Revolution created many new types of
industries, businesses, and products that changed the consumer culture of the time along with
society as a whole. This not only includes society from that time period but for modern day life as
well. The Industrial Revolution started in Europe and it really took off in Britain in the early 1700's.
Prior to the revolution people lived in small rural town and most life revolved around farming or
very low income jobs. Many people made their own cloths, built their own tools, made there own
furniture, and produced their own food. The Industrial Revolution was the movent that changed this
way of life and made it so the rural lifestyle wasn't the main way of living anymore. Britain was the
ideal society to start off the Industrial Revolution because they had a politically strong economy at
the time, and they sat on huge deposits of iron and coal which was a great influence on the
Revolution and its needs. Eventually this Revolution made its way to the United States. During the
time of the 19th
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How Cyberpunk Is A Neutral Connotation Of Accelerationism...
Cyberpunk is a neutral connotation of accelerationism situated between the left and right wings.
Like a perpendicular spike with equal magnitude that juts from the tangential line that connects the
forward progress of technological advancements. A warning. Accelerationism in itself is divided, the
same coin with radically different faces. The left, which aims at moving away from capitalism and
its hindering effects which hold back true unbridled technological growth and the right which, on
the other hand, aims at advancing the technological state to increase capital, consumerism and the
spectacle as outlined by the situationists. Cyberpunk has little to no intrinsic capitalist feel or drive,
but remains grounded in the reality that ... Show more content on ...
Ultimately, there has been a shift from raw power and the hunger for mechanical force to a
mechanized and industrialization of consumerism, past the days of Fordism, into auto automation.
While many of the political conservatives of our day and age state that they want to return to the
days of Fordism, accelereationists Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek would argue that the capitalist
golden days of Fordism are both undesirable and impossible to return to.(355) Stating that we we as
a society want to personally do less for work and instead progressively automate jobs. In doing this
our process has focused on industrialization around the capitalist ideals, producing technology not
for the good of humanity but rather for luxury and pleasure. In these ends, it would be fair to say
that we as a society have currently reached a harmonious state of right wing accelerationism, driven
to make the capital gains fueled technology rather than human labor. This is very obvious in places
where factory jobs used to hold a city together, such as Detroit, but have subsequently collapsed in
on themselves because the labor market have moved from hands to rotors. This process has been
vastly aided by mega corporations such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon and other technology giants
but this is not slated to be the case forever. As this continued automation happened many people
become displaced and either more technical skill sets or
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Inventions In Cold Sassy Tree, By Olive Ann Burns
There are many inventions that are introduced to the public every year. With each invention, our
society and culture gets remodeled. In Cold Sassy Tree, by Olive Ann Burns, there were many new
inventions that changed the town, the people, and their social status. The first invention that had an
impact on Cold Sassy and the plot was the locomotive, which almost killed Will Tweedy, the main
character. The second invention that had an impact on Cold Sassy and the plot was the automobile,
which opened up auto dealerships and created new fashion designs. The third invention that had an
impact on Cold Sassy and the plot was the record player. In the novel, when Grandpa Blakeslee
buys the record player, it makes the relationship between him and Miss ... Show more content on ...
Emile Berliner invented the gramophone. "However, the biggest innovation came in 1894 from the
mind of United States inventor Emile Berliner. He devised a way for creation of flat shaped discs,
and he renamed his graphophone design that utilized this disc as gramophone." (Sound Recording
History). In Cold Sassy Tree, the record player had a huge impact on Grandpa Blakeslee's
relationship with Miss Love. One day Grandpa Blakeslee bought Miss Love a record player, or
graphophone. "He [Grandpa] had already bought her [Miss Love] a present, a Home Graphophone."
(Burns, 339). This was his way of showing how much he cared for Miss Love. Grandpa never
bought anything for Miss Mattie Lou on her birthdays except a coconut and a crate of oranges every
Christmas. The record player proved to be helpful in this couple's relationship. One day, Will saw
Miss Love teaching Grandpa how to dance, "...Miss Love had put on a new dance record, and by
golly she was teaching Grandpa the turkey trot!" (Burns, 341). Soon, Miss Love began teaching Will
how to dance. Later he says that he "...couldn't help but try and imagine what it would be like
dancing with Lightfoot McLendon." (Burns, 341). With the record player, Grandpa was able to have
a better relationship with Miss Love. At the same time, Will enjoyed imaging how it would feel
dancing with the girl that he loved. Therefore, the record player had a great impact on the residents
of Cold Sassy and on the plot of the
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Using Old Fashioned Ways And Technology
Most of the current generation is accustomed to the technology that has been created throughout the
years. While some people may still prefer to use old–fashioned ways and technology, there are many
reasons that today's society has popularized digital devices and social media. Every day there is
more technology being created around us and most likely will become just as popular as what we
know today. A lot of technology has come from personal gain but has influenced the world little by
little. It was once said "Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it
stabs you in the back with the other" C.P. Snow from New York Times. Even though technology has
so many benefits, it can be dangerous and harmful. Frank ... Show more content on
A lot of people struggled to keep up to date with family events or any family matters, but now you
can look and see what anyone is doing through these social media web pages. Social media was
such a big influence that companies started basing their phones and other devices around these web
pages that were created. Although social media was made on such a positive idea of communication,
family and friends, there are always negative effects that are had. There are new ways being created
to prevent the negatives that are had on these websites and others alike. People are always working
towards a better outcome. Technology has come so far in the last few decades, from the time that the
only ways to find recipes for cooking were in a cookbook or on a cooking channel, to being able to
use search engines to find online cookbooks, online recipes, and even instructional videos showing
step by step cooking instructions. Just like looking up recipes, there are also many more important
searches that can be done. People wanted a way to find what information they needed, when they
needed it. This extends from research papers to cooking or from music videos to doctoral papers.
The advancement in digital devices has made it so far that you at times don't even need to go into a
doctor's office. There are websites dedicated to healthcare information so that people can self–
diagnose their symptoms. Options are
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Just Being Yourself Essay
Technology has brought us out of the dark ages and has given us the ability to do things we never
thought were possible. It is all around us and it helps to make our lives just a little bit easier.
Technology has improved our communication and social interaction by making it possible for us to
get information from one place to another in seconds and for people to travel great distances,
including over the ocean in a lot less time. It has improved education by broadening our horizons
and allowing us to experience and share different cultures with each other and enabling us to
connect with new people from all around the world. Technology has made it possible for medical
patients to become mobile or even hear again and enjoy a normal life. ... Show more content on ...
"Henry Ford began the transportation revolution when he came up with the idea of mass production,
making automobiles that were affordable for everyone." (Bowles, M., 2011, 2.4) Railway was
another popular travel option that allowed people to travel great distances for both business and
pleasure. This gave Americans more job opportunities because instead of only being able to work
locally, they could just hop on a train and work in other towns as well. Although trains and
automobiles improved travel significantly, the invention of the airplane was probably the biggest
advancement made in transportation. The Wright brothers invented the first airplane to fly in 1903.
"These brothers dramatized the start of a revolution that has had more effect on the world than
anything since the discovery of America." (Wright, O., pg 1.1, 1988) The airplane not only allowed
for even faster travel times but it also allowed us to travel across oceans in a lot less time as well.
Before airplanes, the only way to travel across an ocean was by boat and that could take many
months to do. Airplanes also made it possible for Americans to import and export goods all over the
world more efficiently and faster than the automobile or even the train. Another way that technology
has helped to end isolation is through advancements in education. In the early centuries, there were
books and teachers in school and that is what the students
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US Senate Case Study
Called to confront a massive technological debate in the United States in the modern day, the US
Senate will discuss the possible impacts and effects of automation in the workforce and vote on a
resolution. The Senate committee will replicate parliamentary procedure and will be based off the
current United States Senate. As it stands, the Republican party dominates the Senate with the
following demographic: Republicans: 52 Seats Democrats: 46 Seats Independents: 2 Seats
Republican States: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota,
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming. Democratic States: ... Show more content on ...
Not only so, some businesses like Adidas have gone further as to guarantee better quality knowing
that the rate of error would decrease compared with machines than to human workers. Some science
fiction authors have predicted horrible futures due to AI and robots taking over jobs and later
humanity, but many writers like Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson (authors of The Second
Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies) dismiss this idea
as one unlikely extreme. McAfee and Brynjolfsson describe in their book the nature of machines
and manual labor as complements and how their slow delving into becoming economic substitutes
as objectively good rather than negative. Businesses naturally do risk cutting automated jobs, but
such a move would open an entire new field of jobs for humans to fix and build machines. In turn,
businesses like RobotWorx argue that they can make more profit, increase wages for the quality of
work from their skilled workers, and remain at the competitive level expected in the modern
economic market (more extensive list can be found in their website here). Naturally, such statements
beg the question that our economy would not crash because it would naturally adapt and shift due to
the moves as it has when such inventions like the assembly line and textile mills came to invention.
However, multiple other authors and some economists have argued against this move,
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Second Industrial Revolution Research Paper
The "Second Industrial Revolution" was also known as the Technological Revolution, and was
fueled somewhere between the 1820s and 1860s. It transformed the United States economically, and
created a new meaning of Production, and Distribution. When people think of the second industrial
revolution, it is usually associated with the Railroad systems, and its significance in massive
production throughout the country. There were other innovations as well as the railroad, such as
steamboats, roads for cars to travel, linking cities to together for faster distribution. Steel was very
popular at the time, even though steel has been being made throughout history; the new
transportation systems played a very significant role in the mass production of
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The Costs And Benefits Of The Industrial Revolution
The Costs and Benefits of The Industrial Revolution
Numerous advancements in today's technologies are in lieu of the Industrial Revolution and its
major industrialization period in the 1800's. However, with these advancements came several
negative and long–term costs that include poverty, extreme human labor and pollution. Each cost
came with substantial, positive attributes such as a freedom of expression and a change in mindsets,
laborer's rights and technological advancements. Every benefit and cost of the Industrial Revolution
has affected modern day life significantly. The Industrial Revolution was a series of beneficial
progressions that were worth the costs created by mankind in the time of the Revolution. The
increased rate of ... Show more content on ...
This is evident since people who were considered part of the poverty status were trying find ways to
rise from that position by changing their mindsets and expressing their new ideas. When people
allowed themselves to do so, they were able to think with a creative and free passion that allowed
them to invent or form new ideologies, philosophies, and inventions. This would allow either the
inventor or their invention to gain popularity. With popularity, it is easy for people to rise from their
lower status to either middle, or even higher, class with their newly found fame. The invention of a
new, adored idea was seen as the easiest way to escape the tortures of poverty, since working hard
would barely ever help anybody of the lower–class status. According to the website,,
the story of Andrew Carnegie can prove the importance of freedom of expression and change in
mindsets. Andrew Carnegie was one of the most successful self–made, business men in the 1900's
that had owned Carnegie Steel Corporation. However, Carnegie was not always a rich and
successful man. As a young boy, Carnegie grew up in a poor family and was deprived a proper
education. At the age of 13, Carnegie and his family had moved to the United States. Once there, he
had gone through several different types of jobs until he become a worker on the Pennsylvania Rail
road. As a worker on the Railroad, he noticed the importance of the steel being used. He thought of
making a business centered around making steel. Once he put his idea into action, he had become
extremely wealthy and popular ( Editors, This example
proves that poverty during the Industrial Revolution was able to create benefits for the inventor and
allow for a lasting benefit into the modern
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How Did The Industrial Revolution Improve American Society
Kamryn Melton
Exam Question 2
Since the beginning of time, the human society has been through many changes. One of the greatest
changes was the Industrial Revolution of Great Brittan. Although there were many discontent, the
positive outcomes outweighed the negative effects. The revolution improved Great Britain primarily
through innovation and invention of new technologies, improving communication and
transportation, and the lives of Britain people in the industrial society.
During the period of the Industrial Revolution, Great Britain saw great and fast change. Many new
inventions and innovations vigorously improved the economic sate of Britain and the lives of the
people. The inventions of the flying shuttle, spinning jenny, the water frame, and the spinning mule
sparked what is known as the textile industry. These inventions increased the speed and quality of
spinning and weaving. This also made it more efficient and required less human labor. As a result of
not needing much human labor people resorted to cities in search for jobs, thus leading to factories.
The factories became center or the "power house" of the industrial revolution. New machinery was
introduced allowing cheaper labor and mass production at a lower cost. This new way of creating
manufactured goods increased the economy of Britain exponentially. People were very pleased by
the increase of Britain's economy. Britain was also big on coal. Coal made it simpler and cheaper to
melt iron . This ... Show more content on ...
Before the revolution Britain was never a powerful nation, it stayed the same for centuries. The
series of inventions and innovations transformed Great Britain into the most powerful and economic
nation in Europe. The Industrial Revolution provided greater inventions and renewable resources
which quickly spread to other countries. Even though the Industrial Revolution started as a dark and
harsh event, it created a vision for a brighter
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Revolution and Power Essay
What is a revolution? Is it a country declaring its independence or the falling of the bourgeois? Is it
brother fighting brother or the story of a nation emerging from its own ashes? Or is it neither?
Revolution is the story of change: changing of power, changing of governments, changing of minds.
Power has become an increasingly hard term to define, especially when it is so intertwined with
some of civilization's most dynamic aspects, people and technology. Technology changes power. It
is common knowledge to never bring a knife to a gunfight, or a gun to a bomb fight. In either
scenario, one would not wish to be on the losing end, and technology is setting the bar higher each
day. But, as stated before, power is intertwined with both ... Show more content on
After the adoption of the gun in warfare, kingdoms that either chose not to adopt the technology, or
simply could not afford it, did not fare well in combat against those kingdoms that did, making guns
a wartime necessity. But guns cost money, and the common–people had the resources. Thus a
majority of Europe entered the age of debtors and the commodity of wealth. Guns were a large
commodity because of their high demand and the skill required in their construction. Kings became
indebted to their own people in their purchase of guns and, as a result, the dynamic of power shifted.
As stated by Adam Smith in his book "Wealth of Nations", the wealth of a nation did not depend
upon the amount of gold in the king's treasury, but on the product of its citizens. With this
redistribution of wealth came a redistribution of power and the emergence of a new public sphere;
one that was increasingly interested in the political, economic, and social workings of their
surroundings. Guns were not the only technological revolution that changed the workings of power.
The printing press was arguably the greatest technological innovation ever created within the
confines of historical media. Gutenberg and his printing press made possible the concept of mass
consumption. Word of mouth was always a popular option for spreading knowledge and information
but it was limited both by memory and locality. Word could only travel so far before becoming
incomprehensible, and
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Argumentative Essay About Technology
Technology: a word and concept that dates back to the dawn of humanity. Over the ages, it has taken
the form of useful innovations that comforted us or helped us stay alive. Blankets, plows, pots, and
the scientific method were all considered grand, novel technologies at their inception. Still greater
feats will become possible as new technology emerges. In spite of the benefits that technology has
brought to persons and society, countless present–day self–imposed Technical regulations, and
technology's ability to help us solve present–day problems, many argue that technology serves only
to trip over its own feet, creating additional, unnecessary problems– clearly, they could not be more
mistaken. Technology has shown its ability to benefit humanity in manners greater than simply
providing convenience. This is especially apparent in the industrial revolution, where technology
was a source of positive reforms concerning societies and lifestyles. During the industrial
revolution, humans became capable of manufacturing high–quality goods in huge volumes with
little effort, "[Armed with the] mass production of goods, traditional agricultural communities across
Europe and the United States gradually evolved into industrial societies built around thriving urban
centers" ("Industrial Revolution"). This allowed much of the human population to move into jobs
outside of agriculture, decreasing demand for manual human labor and improving standards of
living. In modern times, only a
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Was The Industrial Revolution A Good Thing?
Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began in Europe and eventually made it to America
in the 1780s. It was an extensive development in manufacturing, agriculture, mining, and many
other jobs. The Industrial Revolution was a huge turning point in history. How everything changed
so quickly, like how fast the way people were living and how things were formed. Before people
stayed in tiny villages using everything by their hands and working on agriculture. The Revolution
changed it all.
Working Class "The working class was divided into various subgroups and categories, determined in
this case by skill, wages, gender, and workplace." (Coffin and Stacey. Western Civilizations.) The
places people were working at were atrocious. ... Show more content on ...
Poor people had to share homes with other families or complete strangers because they could not
afford a house. They lived in poor overcrowded housing. Numerous people were dying because
diseases were being spread everywhere. They government should be responsible to protect the
citizens going through this because the government can stop the poor conditions, they wanted to
control civil order. Years later, they acknowledged their responsibility for the poor and for adjusting
the economy.
Was The Industrial Revolution A Good Thing? The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever.
From the Industrial period, we had some good outcomes. The Revolution helped by making things
faster and not as much hand made items. This led up to the invention of a machine and that helped
us advance in technology. There were new advancements in medicine. It increased the wealth and
power in Europe and the United States. While
Hrvatin 3 it did some good for the world, it was a rough time as well. People had poor living
conditions that caused them to die and poor working conditions. Child labor was in full force. Even
though it was tough, the work paid off and helped the world where it is
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Industrial Revolution Essay
Skylar Molnar
Mrs. Lordi
Honors English 9
8 January 2018
The Time Throughout America had its ups and downs in the time period of the Industrial
Revolution. The Industrial Revolution changed the way people lived. As stated, "It was the best of
times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness" (Dickens
1). This is a quote written by Charles Dickens from the novel A Tale of Two Cities that explains how
the French Revolution had its ups and downs, similar to the Industrial Revolution. Dickens was
explaining how there were positives and negatives in this quote which also relates to the Industrial
Revolution. The Industrial Revolution became a turning point in history for people throughout
America. It ... Show more content on ...
The faster rate of production caused products to be much cheaper and made it one of the best of
times in history. The Industrial Revolution had faster production, but it also had faster and cheaper
transportation. Particularly, a 591–mile National Road was built from Cumberland and went all the
way through Indiana. The National Road made it easier to get goods to places and they could now
send goods to farther places that could not receive them before (McCormick 57). In addition, the
Erie Canal in New York was created. In the first year of the Erie Canal, about 13,000 boats had gone
through and New York made $556,000 (McCormick 57). Also, the first coast–to–coast railroad was
built in 1869. It was now even easier to transport goods to places and they were now able to go to
places that had been isolated. The transportation of the railroad made it much quicker to get items to
places (McCormick 60). Furthermore, some companies made up about 225,000 rail miles across
America in 1906. The railroads helped people get to where they wanted to be faster and was much
cheaper (Hillstrom and Hillstrom Railroads 83–84). In addition, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
made a great impact on the Industrial Revolution because of the new technology used, which
resulted in faster transportation during the time period (Hillstrom and Hillstrom Railroads 59). In
1830, steam pocket service helped prices decrease. Sugar went
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Technological Advancements During The Industrial Revolution
The technological advancements during the Industrial revolution leads to the short & long term
effects socially, economically and politically which molded the world into what it is today. Society
has transformed dramatically with every technological advancement that made our daily lives more
efficient and comfortable. The economy has come very far with population increase, urbanization
growth, and expansion of the textile industry. Politics have developed into new democracy and
reforms to start a positive impact that helps every class, from wealth to poverty. All of the changes
of the industrial revolution made it possible for people to have the technology we have, from
stronger clothes to smartphones.
During the Industrial revolution the ... Show more content on ...
The extra supplies would be traded to earn more money. Since there were no regulations,"Most of
this new money belonged to the factory owners, shippers, and merchants"(Modern World History).
Furthermore, the new developments made more profits and helped the wealth of the country but not
the factory workers. Adding to there living conditions was there underpaid labor for deadly work.
The people were so poor they didn't have enough money for a satisfying meal. There was a fine line
between two classes: the wealthy or the poor, the factory owner or employees, Bourgeoisie or
Proletariat. The two classes caused a negative impact on the political power of wages and living
conditions. The factory owners would live in comfort while the working class almost never slept.
With the development of the reforms such as a limit on children's work hours encouraged more
reforms to be made. More reforms meant, "The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest...
all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production"(The Communist
Manifesto). This advantage helped the poor gain natural rights and the first step to combining the
two diverse classes. The reforms and laws made to force political leaders to stop the abuses the
Industrialization created such as; Abolition of slavery, women rights, minimum wage and minimum
hours. In detail, the reforms rebounded most of the negative effects of the revolution.
All in all, without the development of the industrial Revolution, we would not have the
advancements we have today to make our life's proficient and productive. Socially we have
advanced into a more equal society. Economically we have advanced into an efficient, profitable
industry. Politically we have made new democracy's to help keep our advancements organized. Next
time you look at your phone, know that the Industrial Revolution made it possible for all of your
valuables to be
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Technology And Its Impact On Society
With this new glass of Merlot by my side, I sit and wonder at the amazement of technology. Each
velvety sip opens me up in my corner a little more just as technology has done so for the world. But
now I must go off and ponder further on into an important philosophical question of whether this
technology, endless as it has come to be, should be considered as a thing that has brought out the
best or the worst in society. How complex a question! Surely I could easily look back fondly and
count the many ways that technology and its manifold presence has been nothing but a blessing, not
only to facilitating human kind, but also our intrinsic pursuit of society. But now, as easy as that
might be, it would be a more healthy venture to play the ... Show more content on ...
was knocking on the doorstep of the dangerous atomic age. The Manhattan Project, a team of the
world's best scientists, carried forth quantum theoretics into tangible technological creations of
doom. We were now capable of sweeping by in an airplane and dropping atomic devices capable of
wiping out miles of civilization in mere seconds.
From this turn of history's pages, it becomes apparent how fruitful products of technological
advancement can have ethically detrimental effects; though as a tenable dyadic affair: planes and
bombs propagate death. But as we go on we will see that it unfortunately gets more complicated
than that. At the end of World War II the United States had enthusiastically hopped onto the throne
of the leading superpower. American markets and interests were vibrant. Those airplanes of
yesteryear now went on to create a booming market of airlines, while the same scientific effort of
war were dedicating much of their worth to producing rocketry capable of traversing into the
wondrous space age. This christened the commencement of the Cold War. The U.S.S.R., who found
themselves holding the role of second superpower Post–WWII, looked at us feverishly from behind
the throne. This was now a race. And on the American front, technology seemed no longer a means
of advancement solely in and of itself. It became a means of securing nationalistic progress over the
Soviets–and subsequently
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Living Together with Diversity by Valuing Our Differences
Diversity involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination, and promoting
inclusiveness. It also understands the powerful effects that culture plays in everyday life. We as
individuals take these assets and use them to the best of our knowledge. Diversity allows us to learn
different aspects of fashion, food, electronics, values and background from different people from the
past time to our future. Thus, diversity and ancient time shows how much the world has change
through time it also shows how history repeats itself. People use different culture and ancient
methods in today's society that gives us the tools that we use in everyday routines. These statements
acknowledge the facts of Paul Graham's essay "what you can't say" as correct when he discuss the
values of modern society and how taboos and beliefs effect culture inventions all throughout the
globe. All though diversity shares different culture of believes, it also proves that fashion takes a
huge impact on it as well. An article in the New York Times "this old thing is turning heads"
explains how a simple dress made in the 30s has become the center of a master piece. The dress has
cap sleeves, v–neck with a cloth belt and two small ferry Bakelite buttons on the side. What stranded
out the most was its New York designing that was printed on the dress that had eyes staring from
every angle. "Whoever wore it was an original. So ahead of her time" (stated in the "this old this is
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The Industrial Revolution Of The Middle East
For millennia mankind has exhausted endless amounts of energy contemplating the eternally
complicated system of war. From Gangas Khan to America's involvement in the Middle East, all
successful generals, military leaders, and conquerors have found commonality in their zealous
emphasis on, and desire for, possessing the most technologically advanced forms of weaponry. Such
a desire was not ignored in America nor England during the Industrial Revolution, but, rather, was
seen by many as an opportune investment during a time of extraordinarily progressive innovation.
With this in mind the Industrial Revolution became heavily involved with the advancement of
weaponry, forever changing the face of war unlike any era before it.
The industrial revolution was a time of great change for both Europe and America. Inventions
during this time (such as the cotton gin, the steam engine, sewing machine) stemmed from a
seemingly never–ending flow of revelation in thought. Thus, paving the way for a more advanced
and technological society. This was a time of great accomplishment. With the drastic advancement
of economic and technological innovation came the traumatic realization of necessary social
adaptation; a change that did not come easy for such a progressive society. The upper class became
more wealthy as the number of impoverished citizens increased.
Britain set an appropriate stage for the industrial revolution to take place. Britain was a politically
stable society and was the
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How Did Industrialization Affect The Lives Of Workers
Since the 19th century, industrialization has had positive and negative effects on the lives of
workers. Industrialization is defined as the large–scale introduction of manufacturing, and other
productive economic activity into an area, society, country, etc. Industrialization changed the lives of
workers in the nation.The industrial revolution was a turning point in history as it gave new insights
to many new advancements. However, the improvements caused many negative occurrences to
happen and it was not until such came about that serious revision had to begin. During the industrial
revolution numerous technological, and cultural advancements took place. These positive outcomes
come at the cost of the health and safety of families ... Show more content on ...
The new revision to the class structure was positive because people started making more money.
This was because there were new laws that forced the owners of the factories to pay their workers
minimum wage. Although they were making a little bit more money there were many negative
effects on women and children. Women had gone from housewives to the hardworking woman who
honestly risked their lives in these horrible factories. The women were in danger more than men
because while working in the factory they had long skirts that could easily get stuck in the
machinery. They also got the same treatment and weren't allowed any breaks. Women were punished
as well if they got tired and weren't doing their work efficiently. The women were not with their
families as often because they had to work all day and by the time they got home it was too late at
night. Unfortunately, children work also as young of the age of six years old. Children were paid
unfairly and usually were made to do the "dirty work." Working at these disgusting factories many
children as well as adults caught diseases and were malnourished.
In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the society back then and had lead to
things we use today in the modern era. The industrial revolution was a time of progress. The
inventions being manufactured allowed people to prosper, while at the same time put people in
poverty. The chaos between
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Technology Addiction In Frankenstein
Smartphones. Televisions. Computers. In this time period when technology has become prevalent, it
is almost impossible for someone to not have constant contact with such gadgets on an everyday
basis. As technology becomes more advanced, human beings are further entrenched in this field of
innovation. In fact, some have claimed that their dependence on technology is so extreme that
instead of using other means, they strive to eliminate its negative effects through more innovation
(Dreyfuss). Such overdependence can be considered as technology addiction. One of the most
prominent changes that sparked this addiction is the Industrial Revolution, a boom in technological
progress. During the Industrial Revolution, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a ... Show more content on ...
They saw improvements in terms of transportation, communication, and banking ("Industrial
Revolution"). Little did they know that they would soon be facing miserable lives. As scientists' sole
goal during the Industrial Revolution was to innovate, they became too fixated on their passion and
were ignorant of the consequences of their inventions. With the rapid increase in the number of
factories and machinery, pollution and grim working conditions quickly ensued. Without realizing
how severe the negative implications of technology could be, society was "not able to keep pace
with the immense amount of pollution and unsanitary living conditions" ("Industrial Revolution").
In Shelley's novel, Victor Frankenstein, the fanatical natural philosopher, represents the scientists'
collective perspective while his creation embodies the very ideal of technology. As Victor becomes
extremely obsessed with finding the origin of "life", he does not care about any other elements
around him, including his friends and his environment. On the other hand, his creation, though a
naturally gentle being, becomes destructive as he is disdained by humanity for his monstrous
appearance (Shelley). These two characters parallel the trend of Industrial Revolution in terms of
how technology developed. While the role of technology was to make peoples' lives easier, it
gradually became an existence similar to Victor's creation, which turned out to be
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The Creation Of Drones Started A New Era Of Warfare
The creation of drones started a new era of warfare, one in which people can kill from behind a
screen and attempt to erase the feelings that come with murder. In years prior to the events of 9/11,
the U.S. has been flying drones in Afghanistan. Drones take away the physical distance as well as
fear between adversaries, with pilots operating these RPV's from behind a screen. These drones are
equipped with HD cameras for clear flight navigation that allow the pilots to see an image of what,
or who they are destroying. New types of cameras are being made to see things that the human eye
cannot, with inventions such as the multi–purpose camera currently under production that acts like
many eyes in the sky at once. Program manager Jay Lew says DARPA is aiming to create "a single,
multi–talented camera sensor that can detect visual scenes as familiar still and video imagers do, but
that also can adapt and change their personality and effectively morph into the type of imager that
provides the most useful information for a given situation" ( This type of camera will
revolutionize the way we see any given situation; when it is too dark, the camera will be able to
switch to a different viewing mode in order to best capture the picture it is attempting to take.
Although this device is projected for the future, it shows just how innovative mankind is becoming.
This type of technology creates the need for different training tactics of soldiers in order to adapt to
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Inventions: Most Important In US History
1. What inventions do you think have been most important in U.S. history and why?
a. In my opinion, the automobile and the utilization of electricity have been two of the most
important inventions in United States history. The invention of the car expanded our horizons in the
fact that citizens were able to travel, but also because people could live in places other than the city.
Also, the utilization of electricity has become a part of life that we would not know how to live
without. Electricity has allowed for businesses and homes to run in a convenient and efficient
manner. Without electricity, we as a nation would have very little technology.
2. What do you think have been the five most important events in U.S. history since WWII? ... Show
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In my opinion, Obama was saying that these values were something that could not always be
expressed through words, but rather through actions. As a result of having these qualities, we were,
and will continue to be, able to make progress as a country. I believe that the quality of honesty is
the most important in making progress. If two people have a different understanding of a situation
due to dishonesty, they will not be able to work together to find a solution and make progress.
6. President Obama noted that Americans faced a "new era of responsibility." Why do you think his
words and vision have connected with so many Americans?
a. I believe that his words have connected with so many Americans because they show that we as a
nation are making progress. His words demonstrate to the public that we are going to experience
change that in the end, will help our country become stronger.
7. Obama was elected in 2008; how do you think people will explain this time period 100 years
from now? How do you think this time period is similar to or different from other eras in American
a. I believe people will view this era as a period of reform. We are working through a great deal of
social issues like gay marriage, legalization of marijuana and even racism. In my opinion, this
compares greatly to the 1960s where civil rights took center stage. This was an era full of protests
and violence that somehow all worked out for the greater good of the
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Are Humans Striving To Survive Research Paper
Do humans still strive to survive no matter what the circumstances? Humans have been striving to
survive, pushing themselves to keep going and not give up for many years no matter what the
circumstances. They have faced many obstacles and managed to overcome them. Looking back at
ancient life, humans had to start from the beginning to sustain life. For example, the ancient
Egyptians survived by the technology they developed. In today's society, we start where our
previous generation ended; causing an exponential growth in terms of technology. Technology is the
key to surviving in this world. Humans learned how to survive in the ancient times by developing
innovative technology, however, it came at a cost. Advancing technology forces humans to advance
along with it. Agriculture appeared a long time ago and is still going on to this day, it makes us
continue to move forward no matter what happens. Also, transportation is a reason why we still
expand ... Show more content on ...
Agriculture is one of the major things that helped humans survive with food growing continuously.
Transportation made it easier for us to move and spread ideas all over the world. Communication is
one of the great things that we still have to this day, it helped us connect with each other and strive
to keep going. All these are a form of technology, which basically makes up for our lives and helps
us in everything we put our mind to. With all this information, you can still tell humans are striving
to survive no matter what happens. New inventions will be made and milestones will be created
because of technology. Technology has been very helpful in the making of agriculture,
communication, and transportation and will never stop doing so. This is very important to us
because we always hear people argue about the survival of humanity and why they don't strive to
survive, but at the end humans will always strive to survive thanks to the advancement of
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Life In Industrialized Cities In The 19th Century
"All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end" (Sharma). Change is what
helps improve the world we live in. During the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries, the way people live was drastically changing. In the beginning, living
conditions in cities were terrible, but as regulations were put into effect and as time passed, these
living conditions greatly improved. Life in industrialized cities was an improvement over life in the
country as a result of the Industrial Revolution because of improvements in transportation, working
conditions, and the creation of job opportunities.
Improvements in transportation as a result of the Industrial Revolution made life in the cities an
improvement over life in the country. In order to further development, more railroads were ... Show
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Workers in the cities were unhappy with the working conditions and decided they needed to do
something about it: "Organized into strong unions and large political parties, workers were able to
campaign for changes in the law" (Clare 48). Workers were able to unite in the form of unions.
These unions fought for better working conditions which led to laws improving working conditions.
At first, city life was extremely poor. This was completely changed with new laws and regulations:
"Laws were passed requiring safety standards in factories, setting minimum age limits for young
workers, establishing schools for children whose parents both worked, and creating other standards
for the protection of workers" (Newton). As a result of poor working conditions, restrictions were
created which improved working conditions. This made life in the cities better than life in the
country because most of the jobs were located in the cities and these improved working conditions
led to better job satisfaction and healthier
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Effects of Technological Advancements on Health
Technology: Effects of Technological Advancements on Health
"Estimated 7–10 billion medical tests are performed each year. Test results play a critical role in
health assessment, influencing the majority of medical decisions." (Hyattsville 2)
Ever since the 1800s, scientists have been able to look and study different diseases to find ways to
cure people. Scientists create new technological advancements to fight these diseases. Ever since
then the race to create technological advancements started more and more technological
advancements are created. These technological advancements have a great impact on our health and
have many causes and effects.
To what effect do technological advancements affect our health?
Throughout history, technology has changed the way we survive. As technological advancements
progress more diseases can be treated and eradicated. One company found that technological
progress increases, not decreases. According to the Engineering Systems Division in the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, technological progress increases "square root of the
logarithmic error growing linearly with the forecasting horizon at a typical rate of 2.5% per year".(
McNerney J, ect Para. 2 ) The technological progressions are influenced by health and millions of
people have been cured due to new technology. Historically, people would attempt to cure illnesses
by magic or bloodletting, which did not stop the disease. Throughout the history of medical
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Manifest Destiny During The Industrial Revolution
Manifest Destiny immensely changed the United States in many different ways and events. One of
the ways it changed the U.S. economically during the Industrial Revolution. Second, it changed the
U.S. socially during the Texas War of Independence. Lastly, it changed the U.S. geographically
during the Mexican American War. Manifest Destiny affected the U.S. economically, socially, and
geographically. First of all, Manifest Destiny affected the United States economically during the
Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution, there were a lot of new technology being
made. In the documentary "Turning Points in History–Industrial History," it shows that there was an
increase of machines being made to make work easier. The documentary
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Fourth Industrial Revolution Essay
The Fourth Industrial Revolution Soon, robots will be everywhere.They will be at your school, at
your home, at the store, but not at work because they have taken your job. Nearly fifteen years after
the Third Industrial Revolution, America is anxiously awaiting the upcoming Technological
Revolution (properly known as The Fourth Industrial Revolution).They are fearful of such an
advancement in technology, unlike the Chinese who have embraced such improvements with open
arms. The Revolution raises many concerns over job loss, security flaws, and unequally distributed
power within the government. Jeremy Chew, author of "Don't Worry, Technology Won't Take Your
Job", reassures his audience by stating "Technological advances have always caused upheavals. ...
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As large companies gain the power to mimic human data science, they will have the capabilities to
develop code, predict future decisions, and individualize experiences for each consumer. Companies
will also have the capability to computer scan automatically and generate codes based on each
client's need. Amazon Go is a prime example of advanced computer scanning and machine–
learning. The cashier–less store uses computer vision, deep learning algorithms, and sensor fusion to
quickly scan and apply the correct charge to each customer's cart, even withdrawing a charge if you
put an item back. Amazon calls it "Just Walk Out Technology" (Amazon). Their use of this
technology has been predicted to increase Amazon's profits by about 24%. It is convenient, simple,
and you can just walk in and walk out. This kind of technology use has the ability to increase the
profit and sales for companies big and small. AI and IoE also have the capabilities to predict stock
and calculate profit margins accurately, allowing better efficiency for companies manage their stock,
and spend accordingly with their budget. With AI and IoE, anything is
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The Advancement Of Technology
Even if we don't agree that humans evolved from another, now–extinct species, we can agree that
the habits of humanity have definitely evolved. Along with these advancements in the habits and
daily lives of humanity, the technologies that were available to them advanced. There are several
ideologists that have discussed their research on the subject on how exactly they believe that
technology has advanced and evolved, whether they be hand in hand with the evolution of mankind,
advanced through the incremental steps of humanity's capability to harness energy, or possibly it's
the limitations that humanity faces that causes leaps in technology. These views were held by three
researchers of the advancement of technology: Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler. The
advancement of technology is dependent on the advancement of humanity. This is the view that
sociologist Gerhard Lenski held about how the evolution of technology can best be described and
observed. Lenski believed that, through levels, the capabilities of humanity is what was defined
through the amount that the humans of that time period understood about their surroundings. This is
observable, Lenski thought, by understanding the information that humanity had in different time
periods. In the beginning, humanity was nomadic. They only relied on creating tools that would help
them in hunting for meat and gathering plants and water. Next, humans realized that they could
create tools that could help them
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Revolutionary Inventions During The Industrial Revolution

  • 1. Revolutionary Inventions During The Industrial Revolution Inventions During The Industrial Revolution During the Industrial Revolution, inventors invented many revolutionary inventions. Those inventions revolutionized the whole country. During the time of the Industrial Revolution, America is rapidly growing. It was transformed from a predominantly rural agrarian society to an industrial economy society. The economy was growing fast by that time. The inventions played an important role in the Industrial Revolution. Cotton gin provoked a revolution in the cotton production in the South. In 1794, Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin, but he did not get a good profit from it. The reason is plantation owners are making their own cotton gins and claiming it is a new invention. The cotton gin is a machine ... Show more content on ... They usually use water as their power source. "Steam–powered trains appeared in the early 1800s. The first railway was opened in 1830, introducing rapid transportation"(UXL Encyclopedia of Science). Steam– powered trains are useful. Not only carry people around, it can also transport goods. "The first successful steam–powered vessel was a river steamer built in the USA by Robert Fulton in 1808"(Illinois State Museum). "Initially the steam engine was so bulky and heavy that it can only use as a stationary power source. Improvements in technology gradually made it small enough to install ships"(UXL Encyclopedia of Science). So, steamboats are made. Steam engine transportation tools are extremely ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Technology vs Organic Essay example Humanity's timeline illustrates the past, present and future of human beings; commencing nearly 200,000 years ago when Homo sapiens first diverged from its ancestors (Evans,1998). For the next 188,000 years humans were content to forge and live within the constructs of a hunter–gatherer societal organization. Approximately 12,000 years ago agricultural systems began appearing in various places around the world. An astonishingly short period of time later the Agricultural Revolution transformed human ecology, social organization, demography, culture, and religion (Fagan: 2007). Man wholeheartedly embraced the sweeping changes bought on by agriculture and domestication, which definitely proved key to the long run success of agriculture and ... Show more content on ... The pronounced change from hunting and gathering to agriculture and domestication can be simplistically designated the Agricultural or Neolithic Revolution (Pringle:1998). The catalytic developments of the Neolithic Revolution mark a major turning point in the history of humankind. The resulting animal and plant domestication established the foundation on which modern civilization was built. Agriculture is a uniquely human activity and is perhaps the first activity for which humans developed technology. Technology, understood as the use of farming tools and techniques, is an indispensable component in agriculture. In the most general sense, technology permits humans to increase the capture and efficient utilization of solar radiation that drives primary plant production that is the basis of the human food and fiber chain (Porter, Rasmusen: 2009). The steadfast characterization of human nature can be viewed as a historical constant, while the prevailing woes and dilemmas facing humanity can be viewed as a contemporary variable. Similarly to an algebraic equation, clever manipulation of the variable and constant portion can lead to discovering the value of the variable or as in the case of humanity; it can provide valuable insight on complex problems based on the past experiences of people who are innately ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The History Of Technology or to be used for communication. The Capitol had a few of them about for about 10 years after the uprisings, but a rebel scientist had deleted over 400 gigabytes of data detailing the schematics of very powerful tech before she was murdered. One of the things she had deleted was the science behind satellites, so slowly, whatever satellites the Capitol had already had in orbit became decommissioned, and were unable to be replaced." "She must not have deleted very important things," Madge grumbles. "The Capitol has tons of really scary technology." "They do," Al agrees. "But if you ever study the technology used in the Dark Days, you'll find that Capitol tech really isn't all that advanced, which is a good thing. I'm not saying they're ... Show more content on ... "I remember when I was 12, and I was watching the reapings, all I could think was that could have been me. My Father he..." Al trails off and shakes his head. "Anyways, from a very young age, I was disgusted by the world I lived in, so I immersed myself into astrophysics. I used to daydream about living on the moon by myself." "That sounds awfully lonely," Madge comments, feeling ashamed that Al is right, a part of her did hate him from where he was from, which had been totally unfair and cruel of her. "Yeah, well, I was used to loneliness. At least up there I wouldn't have be surrounded by barbarians," Al chuckles bitterly. Madge stares at his profile. His eyes hooded, and the visible part of his irises are pained. "I know a thing or two about loneliness," Madge confesses in a whisper. "My Father was the Mayor of 12. Everyone either resented me for my family's affiliation with the Capitol, or feared the supposed power and influence I held. The one friend I had was shipped off to the Games, and then again to the Quell." Al looks at her in surprise. "You're friends with Katniss?" Madge just nods, not wanting to appear boastful. "Huh," Al says, tilting his head as he studies her. "I was kind of surprised when I found you yesterday alone. You look like the kinda girl that has a bunch of guys trailing after her. Not a loner." "Trust me," Madge huffs. "I have no admirers to speak of." "But why?" Al presses on. "You're ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Benefits Of Technology In The Work Environment Technology is a tremendous benefit nowadays within the work environment. Each technological advancement has been created in order to facilitate the work environment and has led us to become more efficient with the things we do. Because of it, the office environment is no longer the same as yesterday; it has made the general convenience of our personal lives more accessible in the sense that we no longer have to invest so much time in the work that we do. Time management and investment has been optimized, therefore, the efforts put into every–day tasks have been reduced. For example, within the design studio, technological tools such as a smart board improves the way people meet and share ideas. Essentially, this tool allows users to save and print notes, collaborate documents, share information and runs video conferencing across distances. Rather than having to print an important design for a presentation, students and faculty can visually obtain the attention of any audiences and simply e–mail notes to participants and share the work digitally. Some of the ways in which technology has modified and improved the modern workplace are in an increase in productivity, communication, and cost efficiency. First and foremost, technology allows us to be more efficient in the things we do and reduce the amount of labor and time we invest to do something. Take for example, a car or any type of vehicle. These modes of transportation are now readily available and are technologically ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Combustion Engine Vs Tv Research Paper From ancient tools to the latest technological advances, human inventions have shaped history and transformed the world. As society grows and demands new technology, new generations of innovators take on the task of inventing. Ever since the creation of the wheel, many revolutionary inventions have been created throughout history. However, two inventions have been most influential to the world. The internal combustion engine and the television have influenced the modern world most significantly. The combustion engine revolutionized transportation and industry. The television led to cultural influence and greater media exposure to the world. The internal combustion engine and the television are the two greatest technological advances of the ... Show more content on ... The creation of television was a new form of education and entertainment. Television also became a major source of news and information. Every major world event since the 1950's has been aired on television. One of the largest influences television created was mass media. Before TV, few forms of media existed, mainly radio and newsprint. Television was the first major form of visual media that was brought directly into people's homes. TV also had a major influence on politics, mainly during the 1960's when television had become an everyday commodity. The first presidential debate aired on television was between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy in 1960. Though Nixon had much stronger arguments and ideas than his opponent, Kennedy won the debate. On television, Nixon was sweating profusely and appeared nervous. On the other hand, Kennedy's good looks and calm appearance allowed him to win the debate and later win the Presidential Election. This was the creation of the cult of personality brought on by TV. Politicians and world leaders such as John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, Che Guevara, and Fidel Castro all had their political influence cast through ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Technology And Technology Essay Cally Shoffner Prof. Schneller FYS 14 November 2017 The Future of Work Innovation is the act of introducing something new; this could be an idea, a method, or a device. Innovation happens every day and if you pay attention you will see it all around you. With some new technology we as a people have to ask if it's ethical, socially acceptable, or sustainable because sometimes the boundaries tend to get pressed. These questions can apply to every invention or discovery known to mankind. Not all of the latest and greatest become big news buzzing your ears with social media wars, picketing, or even rioting but they all have a life span as technology advances and humans continue to push the limits. The advancements are designed to help people not only do the simplest of tasks but at times extend to perform the greatest of tasks. There is one major driver of change that is transforming the future of work and that is the upsurge of smart machines. The rise of smart machines will lead to significant changes to how work is organized and how we complete work tasks. "A smart machine is a device embedded with machine–to–machine (M2M) and/or cognitive computing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning or deep learning, all of which it uses to reason, problem–solve, make decisions and even, ultimately, take action." (Rouse) Smart machines are actually defined as machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics and other forms of automation. Advancements ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Industrial Revolution Essay Was the Industrial Revolution a blessing or a curse? Starting in 18th century Great Britain, the Industrial Revolution, sparked a change in industry that is still present today. The Industrial Revolution was a great blessing to society, with innovations in consumer goods, medicine, housing and sanitation, the revolution changed the course of history for the good. The Industrial revolution was a period in which Great Britain became rapidly less rural and became more urban and mechanized. "The technological changes included the following: the use of new basic materials, chiefly iron and steel, the use of new energy sources, including both fuels and motive power, such as coal, the steam engine, electricity, petroleum, and the ... Show more content on ... "People worked fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week. However, the majority were unskilled workers, who only received about $8–$10 dollars a week, working at approximately 10 cents an hour" (Poddar, 2017). The living conditions were not much better, "five to nine people lived in a single room which was as big as an apartment. Not only was there not enough room, but more people got sick as well. Because everyone lived in terrible conditions and so close to one another, diseases spread rapidly" (Poddar, 2017). However, the Industrial Revolution brought us many societal advancements that changed the course of history, one of these advancements was the rise of factories. Factories replaced the domestic system, where individual workers used hand tools or other machinery to create goods in their own homes. Having factory produced goods enabled citizens to purchase goods at a low price, as well as get goods that weren't readily available before the revolution. To combat the poor working conditions laborers formed unions. "Labour unions helped spread the balance of power more evenly so that labourers could bargain for more rights such as more pay and better working conditions (Mifflin, 2004). As we can see, even this small change still affects us today. Because of the unsanitary conditions these ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Bird : Week 6 Assignment Bird: Week 6 Assignment – Rough Draft of Paper Section: Team A Introduction Section From the beginning of time our species has had to learn to adapt to their world. Through this development process, we have learned how to expand our primitive developments over time to achieve maximum results. We constantly are evolving and adapting to the world around us. These changes can be brought on by climate changes, technology advancements, as well as resource changes. If we look at the Industrial revolution, we can see this process in full swing. A boom of new technologies started happening. The push for this was to maximize the industries results. With these new developments implemented, products were able to be produced faster and better. This ... Show more content on ... We are facing dangerous consequences that are beginning to surface from these developments such as obesity and health situations in multiple generations. The human race is not the only species who is suffering from these technologies. Animals are also being modified to a dangerous point. If you look at our poultry industry in America, you can see that more and more farmers are straying away from organic practices and using GMO elements because of cost and production benefits. This however is leading to animal cruelty situations and unhealthy consequences. According to research, the consumption of poultry meat and eggs has increased from 85 million tonnes to 117 million tonnes in only 8 years (Executive Guide to World Poultry Trends, 2001). We can see that this obvious increase in consumption has led to the use of genetic modification to increase poultry weight and egg production to meet the demands of the industry. So, how do we correct this situation? New technologies are being developed to offer healthier substitutions to not only benefit individuals health, but the health of the animal population. The new technology is working on developing a plant based substitute to be used instead of eggs. This technology has major health benefits such as lower cholesterol intakes, the use of GMO can being to disband, causing more farmers to be able to switch to organic because the demands are eased, and economic growth ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Society The Industrial Revolution was a turning point in history as it led humanity to great technological advancements, but also great losses, as well. The industrial Revolution was named "Revolution" because it caused the growth of great cities of Europe and the world, it transformed families socially, but it did give horrendous working conditions for employees. This era is one of the most important eras because back in the day, manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using handtools or basic machines. Not only did the Industrial Revolution helped people advanced, but also nowadays. Without the Industrial Revolution, this society would not have been so advanced like it is today. First and foremost, the Industrial Revolution impacted the ... Show more content on ... Working in the first years of the Industrial Revolution period, was a little harsh back in the day, people had to work long hours and under terrible conditions. Conditions were often unsanitary and dangerous, men would sometimes harass the women who worked with them.Sometimes women had to work more than 80 hours a week, but there were some benefits for women who worked in this era. Women learned real–world skills and experienced higher standards of living in factory boarding houses than at home. Also, earning livable wages brought a newfound sense of independence and pride to women. All in all, there were some benefits and some downfalls in working in this era, especially for women. In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution had many advantages, but many disadvantages as well. Now, students shall know why the Industrial Revolution was named "Revolution". Three reasons why it was named revolution was because it impacted cities all around the world, it transformed families, and it led to working conditions that were not so great at first. Without this era, our generation would not have the technologies that this world currently has. The industrial Revolution was one of the most important eras that changed mankind's ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Technology : The Importance Of Technology In Our World "Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have had before." stated by George Couros. Technology changes our everyday lives. It is all around us, we benefit from it. It gives inspirations to younger generations to create new ones to benefit our society and to make it better. It is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. Technology have made our countries safer and our lives easier. As early as 1600 to present day. Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Babbage, and Nikola Tesla have proved and invented many creations that without, humanity would be lost. Sir Isaac Newton who was a scientist, physicists, and an english mathematician. He invented invented the reflecting telescope. This greatly improved the capacity of telescopes and reduced optical distortion. This helps with optometrists and other scientists of all sorts to gain knowledge better with the help of Sir Isaac Newton's invention. Charles Babbage, whose an english mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer. He invented a programmable computer, which is now used worldwide present day. Nikolas Tesla, an American Physicist who invented fluorescent lighting, the Tesla coil, the induction motor, 3–phase electricity and AC electricity that is use or installed everywhere today. Technology wires our world in a great way, it helps build a better connection to each other, advancement of technology gives inspirations to younger generations, and it benefits and helps ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Industrial Revolution And Its Impact On Society Do you ever look around in our busy everyday life full of car rides, texting, internet, high speed travel, etc. and wonder how and when we made the jump from horse drawn carriages to modern day life? The Industrial Revolution is one of the greatest and most impactful time in our nation's history that made all of these changes come to life and impacted not just the people who lived during the time, but even the life we're living today. The Industrial Revolution created many new types of industries, businesses, and products that changed the consumer culture of the time along with society as a whole. This not only includes society from that time period but for modern day life as well. The Industrial Revolution started in Europe and it really took off in Britain in the early 1700's. Prior to the revolution people lived in small rural town and most life revolved around farming or very low income jobs. Many people made their own cloths, built their own tools, made there own furniture, and produced their own food. The Industrial Revolution was the movent that changed this way of life and made it so the rural lifestyle wasn't the main way of living anymore. Britain was the ideal society to start off the Industrial Revolution because they had a politically strong economy at the time, and they sat on huge deposits of iron and coal which was a great influence on the Revolution and its needs. Eventually this Revolution made its way to the United States. During the time of the 19th ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. How Cyberpunk Is A Neutral Connotation Of Accelerationism... Cyberpunk is a neutral connotation of accelerationism situated between the left and right wings. Like a perpendicular spike with equal magnitude that juts from the tangential line that connects the forward progress of technological advancements. A warning. Accelerationism in itself is divided, the same coin with radically different faces. The left, which aims at moving away from capitalism and its hindering effects which hold back true unbridled technological growth and the right which, on the other hand, aims at advancing the technological state to increase capital, consumerism and the spectacle as outlined by the situationists. Cyberpunk has little to no intrinsic capitalist feel or drive, but remains grounded in the reality that ... Show more content on ... Ultimately, there has been a shift from raw power and the hunger for mechanical force to a mechanized and industrialization of consumerism, past the days of Fordism, into auto automation. While many of the political conservatives of our day and age state that they want to return to the days of Fordism, accelereationists Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek would argue that the capitalist golden days of Fordism are both undesirable and impossible to return to.(355) Stating that we we as a society want to personally do less for work and instead progressively automate jobs. In doing this our process has focused on industrialization around the capitalist ideals, producing technology not for the good of humanity but rather for luxury and pleasure. In these ends, it would be fair to say that we as a society have currently reached a harmonious state of right wing accelerationism, driven to make the capital gains fueled technology rather than human labor. This is very obvious in places where factory jobs used to hold a city together, such as Detroit, but have subsequently collapsed in on themselves because the labor market have moved from hands to rotors. This process has been vastly aided by mega corporations such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon and other technology giants but this is not slated to be the case forever. As this continued automation happened many people become displaced and either more technical skill sets or ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Inventions In Cold Sassy Tree, By Olive Ann Burns There are many inventions that are introduced to the public every year. With each invention, our society and culture gets remodeled. In Cold Sassy Tree, by Olive Ann Burns, there were many new inventions that changed the town, the people, and their social status. The first invention that had an impact on Cold Sassy and the plot was the locomotive, which almost killed Will Tweedy, the main character. The second invention that had an impact on Cold Sassy and the plot was the automobile, which opened up auto dealerships and created new fashion designs. The third invention that had an impact on Cold Sassy and the plot was the record player. In the novel, when Grandpa Blakeslee buys the record player, it makes the relationship between him and Miss ... Show more content on ... Emile Berliner invented the gramophone. "However, the biggest innovation came in 1894 from the mind of United States inventor Emile Berliner. He devised a way for creation of flat shaped discs, and he renamed his graphophone design that utilized this disc as gramophone." (Sound Recording History). In Cold Sassy Tree, the record player had a huge impact on Grandpa Blakeslee's relationship with Miss Love. One day Grandpa Blakeslee bought Miss Love a record player, or graphophone. "He [Grandpa] had already bought her [Miss Love] a present, a Home Graphophone." (Burns, 339). This was his way of showing how much he cared for Miss Love. Grandpa never bought anything for Miss Mattie Lou on her birthdays except a coconut and a crate of oranges every Christmas. The record player proved to be helpful in this couple's relationship. One day, Will saw Miss Love teaching Grandpa how to dance, "...Miss Love had put on a new dance record, and by golly she was teaching Grandpa the turkey trot!" (Burns, 341). Soon, Miss Love began teaching Will how to dance. Later he says that he "...couldn't help but try and imagine what it would be like dancing with Lightfoot McLendon." (Burns, 341). With the record player, Grandpa was able to have a better relationship with Miss Love. At the same time, Will enjoyed imaging how it would feel dancing with the girl that he loved. Therefore, the record player had a great impact on the residents of Cold Sassy and on the plot of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Using Old Fashioned Ways And Technology Most of the current generation is accustomed to the technology that has been created throughout the years. While some people may still prefer to use old–fashioned ways and technology, there are many reasons that today's society has popularized digital devices and social media. Every day there is more technology being created around us and most likely will become just as popular as what we know today. A lot of technology has come from personal gain but has influenced the world little by little. It was once said "Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other" C.P. Snow from New York Times. Even though technology has so many benefits, it can be dangerous and harmful. Frank ... Show more content on ... A lot of people struggled to keep up to date with family events or any family matters, but now you can look and see what anyone is doing through these social media web pages. Social media was such a big influence that companies started basing their phones and other devices around these web pages that were created. Although social media was made on such a positive idea of communication, family and friends, there are always negative effects that are had. There are new ways being created to prevent the negatives that are had on these websites and others alike. People are always working towards a better outcome. Technology has come so far in the last few decades, from the time that the only ways to find recipes for cooking were in a cookbook or on a cooking channel, to being able to use search engines to find online cookbooks, online recipes, and even instructional videos showing step by step cooking instructions. Just like looking up recipes, there are also many more important searches that can be done. People wanted a way to find what information they needed, when they needed it. This extends from research papers to cooking or from music videos to doctoral papers. The advancement in digital devices has made it so far that you at times don't even need to go into a doctor's office. There are websites dedicated to healthcare information so that people can self– diagnose their symptoms. Options are ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Just Being Yourself Essay Technology has brought us out of the dark ages and has given us the ability to do things we never thought were possible. It is all around us and it helps to make our lives just a little bit easier. Technology has improved our communication and social interaction by making it possible for us to get information from one place to another in seconds and for people to travel great distances, including over the ocean in a lot less time. It has improved education by broadening our horizons and allowing us to experience and share different cultures with each other and enabling us to connect with new people from all around the world. Technology has made it possible for medical patients to become mobile or even hear again and enjoy a normal life. ... Show more content on ... "Henry Ford began the transportation revolution when he came up with the idea of mass production, making automobiles that were affordable for everyone." (Bowles, M., 2011, 2.4) Railway was another popular travel option that allowed people to travel great distances for both business and pleasure. This gave Americans more job opportunities because instead of only being able to work locally, they could just hop on a train and work in other towns as well. Although trains and automobiles improved travel significantly, the invention of the airplane was probably the biggest advancement made in transportation. The Wright brothers invented the first airplane to fly in 1903. "These brothers dramatized the start of a revolution that has had more effect on the world than anything since the discovery of America." (Wright, O., pg 1.1, 1988) The airplane not only allowed for even faster travel times but it also allowed us to travel across oceans in a lot less time as well. Before airplanes, the only way to travel across an ocean was by boat and that could take many months to do. Airplanes also made it possible for Americans to import and export goods all over the world more efficiently and faster than the automobile or even the train. Another way that technology has helped to end isolation is through advancements in education. In the early centuries, there were books and teachers in school and that is what the students ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. US Senate Case Study Called to confront a massive technological debate in the United States in the modern day, the US Senate will discuss the possible impacts and effects of automation in the workforce and vote on a resolution. The Senate committee will replicate parliamentary procedure and will be based off the current United States Senate. As it stands, the Republican party dominates the Senate with the following demographic: Republicans: 52 Seats Democrats: 46 Seats Independents: 2 Seats Republican States: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming. Democratic States: ... Show more content on ... Not only so, some businesses like Adidas have gone further as to guarantee better quality knowing that the rate of error would decrease compared with machines than to human workers. Some science fiction authors have predicted horrible futures due to AI and robots taking over jobs and later humanity, but many writers like Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson (authors of The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies) dismiss this idea as one unlikely extreme. McAfee and Brynjolfsson describe in their book the nature of machines and manual labor as complements and how their slow delving into becoming economic substitutes as objectively good rather than negative. Businesses naturally do risk cutting automated jobs, but such a move would open an entire new field of jobs for humans to fix and build machines. In turn, businesses like RobotWorx argue that they can make more profit, increase wages for the quality of work from their skilled workers, and remain at the competitive level expected in the modern economic market (more extensive list can be found in their website here). Naturally, such statements beg the question that our economy would not crash because it would naturally adapt and shift due to the moves as it has when such inventions like the assembly line and textile mills came to invention. However, multiple other authors and some economists have argued against this move, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Second Industrial Revolution Research Paper The "Second Industrial Revolution" was also known as the Technological Revolution, and was fueled somewhere between the 1820s and 1860s. It transformed the United States economically, and created a new meaning of Production, and Distribution. When people think of the second industrial revolution, it is usually associated with the Railroad systems, and its significance in massive production throughout the country. There were other innovations as well as the railroad, such as steamboats, roads for cars to travel, linking cities to together for faster distribution. Steel was very popular at the time, even though steel has been being made throughout history; the new transportation systems played a very significant role in the mass production of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Costs And Benefits Of The Industrial Revolution The Costs and Benefits of The Industrial Revolution Numerous advancements in today's technologies are in lieu of the Industrial Revolution and its major industrialization period in the 1800's. However, with these advancements came several negative and long–term costs that include poverty, extreme human labor and pollution. Each cost came with substantial, positive attributes such as a freedom of expression and a change in mindsets, laborer's rights and technological advancements. Every benefit and cost of the Industrial Revolution has affected modern day life significantly. The Industrial Revolution was a series of beneficial progressions that were worth the costs created by mankind in the time of the Revolution. The increased rate of ... Show more content on ... This is evident since people who were considered part of the poverty status were trying find ways to rise from that position by changing their mindsets and expressing their new ideas. When people allowed themselves to do so, they were able to think with a creative and free passion that allowed them to invent or form new ideologies, philosophies, and inventions. This would allow either the inventor or their invention to gain popularity. With popularity, it is easy for people to rise from their lower status to either middle, or even higher, class with their newly found fame. The invention of a new, adored idea was seen as the easiest way to escape the tortures of poverty, since working hard would barely ever help anybody of the lower–class status. According to the website,, the story of Andrew Carnegie can prove the importance of freedom of expression and change in mindsets. Andrew Carnegie was one of the most successful self–made, business men in the 1900's that had owned Carnegie Steel Corporation. However, Carnegie was not always a rich and successful man. As a young boy, Carnegie grew up in a poor family and was deprived a proper education. At the age of 13, Carnegie and his family had moved to the United States. Once there, he had gone through several different types of jobs until he become a worker on the Pennsylvania Rail road. As a worker on the Railroad, he noticed the importance of the steel being used. He thought of making a business centered around making steel. Once he put his idea into action, he had become extremely wealthy and popular ( Editors, This example proves that poverty during the Industrial Revolution was able to create benefits for the inventor and allow for a lasting benefit into the modern ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. How Did The Industrial Revolution Improve American Society Kamryn Melton History Exam Question 2 Since the beginning of time, the human society has been through many changes. One of the greatest changes was the Industrial Revolution of Great Brittan. Although there were many discontent, the positive outcomes outweighed the negative effects. The revolution improved Great Britain primarily through innovation and invention of new technologies, improving communication and transportation, and the lives of Britain people in the industrial society. During the period of the Industrial Revolution, Great Britain saw great and fast change. Many new inventions and innovations vigorously improved the economic sate of Britain and the lives of the people. The inventions of the flying shuttle, spinning jenny, the water frame, and the spinning mule sparked what is known as the textile industry. These inventions increased the speed and quality of spinning and weaving. This also made it more efficient and required less human labor. As a result of not needing much human labor people resorted to cities in search for jobs, thus leading to factories. The factories became center or the "power house" of the industrial revolution. New machinery was introduced allowing cheaper labor and mass production at a lower cost. This new way of creating manufactured goods increased the economy of Britain exponentially. People were very pleased by the increase of Britain's economy. Britain was also big on coal. Coal made it simpler and cheaper to melt iron . This ... Show more content on ... Before the revolution Britain was never a powerful nation, it stayed the same for centuries. The series of inventions and innovations transformed Great Britain into the most powerful and economic nation in Europe. The Industrial Revolution provided greater inventions and renewable resources which quickly spread to other countries. Even though the Industrial Revolution started as a dark and harsh event, it created a vision for a brighter ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Revolution and Power Essay What is a revolution? Is it a country declaring its independence or the falling of the bourgeois? Is it brother fighting brother or the story of a nation emerging from its own ashes? Or is it neither? Revolution is the story of change: changing of power, changing of governments, changing of minds. Power has become an increasingly hard term to define, especially when it is so intertwined with some of civilization's most dynamic aspects, people and technology. Technology changes power. It is common knowledge to never bring a knife to a gunfight, or a gun to a bomb fight. In either scenario, one would not wish to be on the losing end, and technology is setting the bar higher each day. But, as stated before, power is intertwined with both ... Show more content on ... After the adoption of the gun in warfare, kingdoms that either chose not to adopt the technology, or simply could not afford it, did not fare well in combat against those kingdoms that did, making guns a wartime necessity. But guns cost money, and the common–people had the resources. Thus a majority of Europe entered the age of debtors and the commodity of wealth. Guns were a large commodity because of their high demand and the skill required in their construction. Kings became indebted to their own people in their purchase of guns and, as a result, the dynamic of power shifted. As stated by Adam Smith in his book "Wealth of Nations", the wealth of a nation did not depend upon the amount of gold in the king's treasury, but on the product of its citizens. With this redistribution of wealth came a redistribution of power and the emergence of a new public sphere; one that was increasingly interested in the political, economic, and social workings of their surroundings. Guns were not the only technological revolution that changed the workings of power. The printing press was arguably the greatest technological innovation ever created within the confines of historical media. Gutenberg and his printing press made possible the concept of mass consumption. Word of mouth was always a popular option for spreading knowledge and information but it was limited both by memory and locality. Word could only travel so far before becoming incomprehensible, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Argumentative Essay About Technology Technology: a word and concept that dates back to the dawn of humanity. Over the ages, it has taken the form of useful innovations that comforted us or helped us stay alive. Blankets, plows, pots, and the scientific method were all considered grand, novel technologies at their inception. Still greater feats will become possible as new technology emerges. In spite of the benefits that technology has brought to persons and society, countless present–day self–imposed Technical regulations, and technology's ability to help us solve present–day problems, many argue that technology serves only to trip over its own feet, creating additional, unnecessary problems– clearly, they could not be more mistaken. Technology has shown its ability to benefit humanity in manners greater than simply providing convenience. This is especially apparent in the industrial revolution, where technology was a source of positive reforms concerning societies and lifestyles. During the industrial revolution, humans became capable of manufacturing high–quality goods in huge volumes with little effort, "[Armed with the] mass production of goods, traditional agricultural communities across Europe and the United States gradually evolved into industrial societies built around thriving urban centers" ("Industrial Revolution"). This allowed much of the human population to move into jobs outside of agriculture, decreasing demand for manual human labor and improving standards of living. In modern times, only a ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Was The Industrial Revolution A Good Thing? Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began in Europe and eventually made it to America in the 1780s. It was an extensive development in manufacturing, agriculture, mining, and many other jobs. The Industrial Revolution was a huge turning point in history. How everything changed so quickly, like how fast the way people were living and how things were formed. Before people stayed in tiny villages using everything by their hands and working on agriculture. The Revolution changed it all. Working Class "The working class was divided into various subgroups and categories, determined in this case by skill, wages, gender, and workplace." (Coffin and Stacey. Western Civilizations.) The places people were working at were atrocious. ... Show more content on ... Poor people had to share homes with other families or complete strangers because they could not afford a house. They lived in poor overcrowded housing. Numerous people were dying because diseases were being spread everywhere. They government should be responsible to protect the citizens going through this because the government can stop the poor conditions, they wanted to control civil order. Years later, they acknowledged their responsibility for the poor and for adjusting the economy. Was The Industrial Revolution A Good Thing? The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever. From the Industrial period, we had some good outcomes. The Revolution helped by making things faster and not as much hand made items. This led up to the invention of a machine and that helped us advance in technology. There were new advancements in medicine. It increased the wealth and power in Europe and the United States. While Hrvatin 3 it did some good for the world, it was a rough time as well. People had poor living conditions that caused them to die and poor working conditions. Child labor was in full force. Even though it was tough, the work paid off and helped the world where it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Industrial Revolution Essay Skylar Molnar Mrs. Lordi Honors English 9 8 January 2018 The Time Throughout America had its ups and downs in the time period of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution changed the way people lived. As stated, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness" (Dickens 1). This is a quote written by Charles Dickens from the novel A Tale of Two Cities that explains how the French Revolution had its ups and downs, similar to the Industrial Revolution. Dickens was explaining how there were positives and negatives in this quote which also relates to the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution became a turning point in history for people throughout America. It ... Show more content on ... The faster rate of production caused products to be much cheaper and made it one of the best of times in history. The Industrial Revolution had faster production, but it also had faster and cheaper transportation. Particularly, a 591–mile National Road was built from Cumberland and went all the way through Indiana. The National Road made it easier to get goods to places and they could now send goods to farther places that could not receive them before (McCormick 57). In addition, the Erie Canal in New York was created. In the first year of the Erie Canal, about 13,000 boats had gone through and New York made $556,000 (McCormick 57). Also, the first coast–to–coast railroad was built in 1869. It was now even easier to transport goods to places and they were now able to go to places that had been isolated. The transportation of the railroad made it much quicker to get items to places (McCormick 60). Furthermore, some companies made up about 225,000 rail miles across America in 1906. The railroads helped people get to where they wanted to be faster and was much cheaper (Hillstrom and Hillstrom Railroads 83–84). In addition, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad made a great impact on the Industrial Revolution because of the new technology used, which resulted in faster transportation during the time period (Hillstrom and Hillstrom Railroads 59). In 1830, steam pocket service helped prices decrease. Sugar went ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Technological Advancements During The Industrial Revolution The technological advancements during the Industrial revolution leads to the short & long term effects socially, economically and politically which molded the world into what it is today. Society has transformed dramatically with every technological advancement that made our daily lives more efficient and comfortable. The economy has come very far with population increase, urbanization growth, and expansion of the textile industry. Politics have developed into new democracy and reforms to start a positive impact that helps every class, from wealth to poverty. All of the changes of the industrial revolution made it possible for people to have the technology we have, from stronger clothes to smartphones. During the Industrial revolution the ... Show more content on ... The extra supplies would be traded to earn more money. Since there were no regulations,"Most of this new money belonged to the factory owners, shippers, and merchants"(Modern World History). Furthermore, the new developments made more profits and helped the wealth of the country but not the factory workers. Adding to there living conditions was there underpaid labor for deadly work. The people were so poor they didn't have enough money for a satisfying meal. There was a fine line between two classes: the wealthy or the poor, the factory owner or employees, Bourgeoisie or Proletariat. The two classes caused a negative impact on the political power of wages and living conditions. The factory owners would live in comfort while the working class almost never slept. With the development of the reforms such as a limit on children's work hours encouraged more reforms to be made. More reforms meant, "The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest... all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production"(The Communist Manifesto). This advantage helped the poor gain natural rights and the first step to combining the two diverse classes. The reforms and laws made to force political leaders to stop the abuses the Industrialization created such as; Abolition of slavery, women rights, minimum wage and minimum hours. In detail, the reforms rebounded most of the negative effects of the revolution. All in all, without the development of the industrial Revolution, we would not have the advancements we have today to make our life's proficient and productive. Socially we have advanced into a more equal society. Economically we have advanced into an efficient, profitable industry. Politically we have made new democracy's to help keep our advancements organized. Next time you look at your phone, know that the Industrial Revolution made it possible for all of your valuables to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Technology And Its Impact On Society With this new glass of Merlot by my side, I sit and wonder at the amazement of technology. Each velvety sip opens me up in my corner a little more just as technology has done so for the world. But now I must go off and ponder further on into an important philosophical question of whether this technology, endless as it has come to be, should be considered as a thing that has brought out the best or the worst in society. How complex a question! Surely I could easily look back fondly and count the many ways that technology and its manifold presence has been nothing but a blessing, not only to facilitating human kind, but also our intrinsic pursuit of society. But now, as easy as that might be, it would be a more healthy venture to play the ... Show more content on ... was knocking on the doorstep of the dangerous atomic age. The Manhattan Project, a team of the world's best scientists, carried forth quantum theoretics into tangible technological creations of doom. We were now capable of sweeping by in an airplane and dropping atomic devices capable of wiping out miles of civilization in mere seconds. From this turn of history's pages, it becomes apparent how fruitful products of technological advancement can have ethically detrimental effects; though as a tenable dyadic affair: planes and bombs propagate death. But as we go on we will see that it unfortunately gets more complicated than that. At the end of World War II the United States had enthusiastically hopped onto the throne of the leading superpower. American markets and interests were vibrant. Those airplanes of yesteryear now went on to create a booming market of airlines, while the same scientific effort of war were dedicating much of their worth to producing rocketry capable of traversing into the wondrous space age. This christened the commencement of the Cold War. The U.S.S.R., who found themselves holding the role of second superpower Post–WWII, looked at us feverishly from behind the throne. This was now a race. And on the American front, technology seemed no longer a means of advancement solely in and of itself. It became a means of securing nationalistic progress over the Soviets–and subsequently ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Living Together with Diversity by Valuing Our Differences Diversity involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination, and promoting inclusiveness. It also understands the powerful effects that culture plays in everyday life. We as individuals take these assets and use them to the best of our knowledge. Diversity allows us to learn different aspects of fashion, food, electronics, values and background from different people from the past time to our future. Thus, diversity and ancient time shows how much the world has change through time it also shows how history repeats itself. People use different culture and ancient methods in today's society that gives us the tools that we use in everyday routines. These statements acknowledge the facts of Paul Graham's essay "what you can't say" as correct when he discuss the values of modern society and how taboos and beliefs effect culture inventions all throughout the globe. All though diversity shares different culture of believes, it also proves that fashion takes a huge impact on it as well. An article in the New York Times "this old thing is turning heads" explains how a simple dress made in the 30s has become the center of a master piece. The dress has cap sleeves, v–neck with a cloth belt and two small ferry Bakelite buttons on the side. What stranded out the most was its New York designing that was printed on the dress that had eyes staring from every angle. "Whoever wore it was an original. So ahead of her time" (stated in the "this old this is turning ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Industrial Revolution Of The Middle East For millennia mankind has exhausted endless amounts of energy contemplating the eternally complicated system of war. From Gangas Khan to America's involvement in the Middle East, all successful generals, military leaders, and conquerors have found commonality in their zealous emphasis on, and desire for, possessing the most technologically advanced forms of weaponry. Such a desire was not ignored in America nor England during the Industrial Revolution, but, rather, was seen by many as an opportune investment during a time of extraordinarily progressive innovation. With this in mind the Industrial Revolution became heavily involved with the advancement of weaponry, forever changing the face of war unlike any era before it. The industrial revolution was a time of great change for both Europe and America. Inventions during this time (such as the cotton gin, the steam engine, sewing machine) stemmed from a seemingly never–ending flow of revelation in thought. Thus, paving the way for a more advanced and technological society. This was a time of great accomplishment. With the drastic advancement of economic and technological innovation came the traumatic realization of necessary social adaptation; a change that did not come easy for such a progressive society. The upper class became more wealthy as the number of impoverished citizens increased. Britain set an appropriate stage for the industrial revolution to take place. Britain was a politically stable society and was the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. How Did Industrialization Affect The Lives Of Workers Since the 19th century, industrialization has had positive and negative effects on the lives of workers. Industrialization is defined as the large–scale introduction of manufacturing, and other productive economic activity into an area, society, country, etc. Industrialization changed the lives of workers in the nation.The industrial revolution was a turning point in history as it gave new insights to many new advancements. However, the improvements caused many negative occurrences to happen and it was not until such came about that serious revision had to begin. During the industrial revolution numerous technological, and cultural advancements took place. These positive outcomes come at the cost of the health and safety of families ... Show more content on ... The new revision to the class structure was positive because people started making more money. This was because there were new laws that forced the owners of the factories to pay their workers minimum wage. Although they were making a little bit more money there were many negative effects on women and children. Women had gone from housewives to the hardworking woman who honestly risked their lives in these horrible factories. The women were in danger more than men because while working in the factory they had long skirts that could easily get stuck in the machinery. They also got the same treatment and weren't allowed any breaks. Women were punished as well if they got tired and weren't doing their work efficiently. The women were not with their families as often because they had to work all day and by the time they got home it was too late at night. Unfortunately, children work also as young of the age of six years old. Children were paid unfairly and usually were made to do the "dirty work." Working at these disgusting factories many children as well as adults caught diseases and were malnourished. In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the society back then and had lead to things we use today in the modern era. The industrial revolution was a time of progress. The inventions being manufactured allowed people to prosper, while at the same time put people in poverty. The chaos between ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Technology Addiction In Frankenstein Smartphones. Televisions. Computers. In this time period when technology has become prevalent, it is almost impossible for someone to not have constant contact with such gadgets on an everyday basis. As technology becomes more advanced, human beings are further entrenched in this field of innovation. In fact, some have claimed that their dependence on technology is so extreme that instead of using other means, they strive to eliminate its negative effects through more innovation (Dreyfuss). Such overdependence can be considered as technology addiction. One of the most prominent changes that sparked this addiction is the Industrial Revolution, a boom in technological progress. During the Industrial Revolution, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a ... Show more content on ... They saw improvements in terms of transportation, communication, and banking ("Industrial Revolution"). Little did they know that they would soon be facing miserable lives. As scientists' sole goal during the Industrial Revolution was to innovate, they became too fixated on their passion and were ignorant of the consequences of their inventions. With the rapid increase in the number of factories and machinery, pollution and grim working conditions quickly ensued. Without realizing how severe the negative implications of technology could be, society was "not able to keep pace with the immense amount of pollution and unsanitary living conditions" ("Industrial Revolution"). In Shelley's novel, Victor Frankenstein, the fanatical natural philosopher, represents the scientists' collective perspective while his creation embodies the very ideal of technology. As Victor becomes extremely obsessed with finding the origin of "life", he does not care about any other elements around him, including his friends and his environment. On the other hand, his creation, though a naturally gentle being, becomes destructive as he is disdained by humanity for his monstrous appearance (Shelley). These two characters parallel the trend of Industrial Revolution in terms of how technology developed. While the role of technology was to make peoples' lives easier, it gradually became an existence similar to Victor's creation, which turned out to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Creation Of Drones Started A New Era Of Warfare The creation of drones started a new era of warfare, one in which people can kill from behind a screen and attempt to erase the feelings that come with murder. In years prior to the events of 9/11, the U.S. has been flying drones in Afghanistan. Drones take away the physical distance as well as fear between adversaries, with pilots operating these RPV's from behind a screen. These drones are equipped with HD cameras for clear flight navigation that allow the pilots to see an image of what, or who they are destroying. New types of cameras are being made to see things that the human eye cannot, with inventions such as the multi–purpose camera currently under production that acts like many eyes in the sky at once. Program manager Jay Lew says DARPA is aiming to create "a single, multi–talented camera sensor that can detect visual scenes as familiar still and video imagers do, but that also can adapt and change their personality and effectively morph into the type of imager that provides the most useful information for a given situation" ( This type of camera will revolutionize the way we see any given situation; when it is too dark, the camera will be able to switch to a different viewing mode in order to best capture the picture it is attempting to take. Although this device is projected for the future, it shows just how innovative mankind is becoming. This type of technology creates the need for different training tactics of soldiers in order to adapt to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Inventions: Most Important In US History 1. What inventions do you think have been most important in U.S. history and why? a. In my opinion, the automobile and the utilization of electricity have been two of the most important inventions in United States history. The invention of the car expanded our horizons in the fact that citizens were able to travel, but also because people could live in places other than the city. Also, the utilization of electricity has become a part of life that we would not know how to live without. Electricity has allowed for businesses and homes to run in a convenient and efficient manner. Without electricity, we as a nation would have very little technology. 2. What do you think have been the five most important events in U.S. history since WWII? ... Show more content on ... In my opinion, Obama was saying that these values were something that could not always be expressed through words, but rather through actions. As a result of having these qualities, we were, and will continue to be, able to make progress as a country. I believe that the quality of honesty is the most important in making progress. If two people have a different understanding of a situation due to dishonesty, they will not be able to work together to find a solution and make progress. 6. President Obama noted that Americans faced a "new era of responsibility." Why do you think his words and vision have connected with so many Americans? a. I believe that his words have connected with so many Americans because they show that we as a nation are making progress. His words demonstrate to the public that we are going to experience change that in the end, will help our country become stronger. 7. Obama was elected in 2008; how do you think people will explain this time period 100 years from now? How do you think this time period is similar to or different from other eras in American history? a. I believe people will view this era as a period of reform. We are working through a great deal of social issues like gay marriage, legalization of marijuana and even racism. In my opinion, this compares greatly to the 1960s where civil rights took center stage. This was an era full of protests and violence that somehow all worked out for the greater good of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Are Humans Striving To Survive Research Paper Do humans still strive to survive no matter what the circumstances? Humans have been striving to survive, pushing themselves to keep going and not give up for many years no matter what the circumstances. They have faced many obstacles and managed to overcome them. Looking back at ancient life, humans had to start from the beginning to sustain life. For example, the ancient Egyptians survived by the technology they developed. In today's society, we start where our previous generation ended; causing an exponential growth in terms of technology. Technology is the key to surviving in this world. Humans learned how to survive in the ancient times by developing innovative technology, however, it came at a cost. Advancing technology forces humans to advance along with it. Agriculture appeared a long time ago and is still going on to this day, it makes us continue to move forward no matter what happens. Also, transportation is a reason why we still expand ... Show more content on ... Agriculture is one of the major things that helped humans survive with food growing continuously. Transportation made it easier for us to move and spread ideas all over the world. Communication is one of the great things that we still have to this day, it helped us connect with each other and strive to keep going. All these are a form of technology, which basically makes up for our lives and helps us in everything we put our mind to. With all this information, you can still tell humans are striving to survive no matter what happens. New inventions will be made and milestones will be created because of technology. Technology has been very helpful in the making of agriculture, communication, and transportation and will never stop doing so. This is very important to us because we always hear people argue about the survival of humanity and why they don't strive to survive, but at the end humans will always strive to survive thanks to the advancement of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Life In Industrialized Cities In The 19th Century "All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end" (Sharma). Change is what helps improve the world we live in. During the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the way people live was drastically changing. In the beginning, living conditions in cities were terrible, but as regulations were put into effect and as time passed, these living conditions greatly improved. Life in industrialized cities was an improvement over life in the country as a result of the Industrial Revolution because of improvements in transportation, working conditions, and the creation of job opportunities. Improvements in transportation as a result of the Industrial Revolution made life in the cities an improvement over life in the country. In order to further development, more railroads were ... Show more content on ... Workers in the cities were unhappy with the working conditions and decided they needed to do something about it: "Organized into strong unions and large political parties, workers were able to campaign for changes in the law" (Clare 48). Workers were able to unite in the form of unions. These unions fought for better working conditions which led to laws improving working conditions. At first, city life was extremely poor. This was completely changed with new laws and regulations: "Laws were passed requiring safety standards in factories, setting minimum age limits for young workers, establishing schools for children whose parents both worked, and creating other standards for the protection of workers" (Newton). As a result of poor working conditions, restrictions were created which improved working conditions. This made life in the cities better than life in the country because most of the jobs were located in the cities and these improved working conditions led to better job satisfaction and healthier ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Effects of Technological Advancements on Health Technology: Effects of Technological Advancements on Health "Estimated 7–10 billion medical tests are performed each year. Test results play a critical role in health assessment, influencing the majority of medical decisions." (Hyattsville 2) Ever since the 1800s, scientists have been able to look and study different diseases to find ways to cure people. Scientists create new technological advancements to fight these diseases. Ever since then the race to create technological advancements started more and more technological advancements are created. These technological advancements have a great impact on our health and have many causes and effects. To what effect do technological advancements affect our health? History Throughout history, technology has changed the way we survive. As technological advancements progress more diseases can be treated and eradicated. One company found that technological progress increases, not decreases. According to the Engineering Systems Division in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, technological progress increases "square root of the logarithmic error growing linearly with the forecasting horizon at a typical rate of 2.5% per year".( McNerney J, ect Para. 2 ) The technological progressions are influenced by health and millions of people have been cured due to new technology. Historically, people would attempt to cure illnesses by magic or bloodletting, which did not stop the disease. Throughout the history of medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Manifest Destiny During The Industrial Revolution Manifest Destiny immensely changed the United States in many different ways and events. One of the ways it changed the U.S. economically during the Industrial Revolution. Second, it changed the U.S. socially during the Texas War of Independence. Lastly, it changed the U.S. geographically during the Mexican American War. Manifest Destiny affected the U.S. economically, socially, and geographically. First of all, Manifest Destiny affected the United States economically during the Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution, there were a lot of new technology being made. In the documentary "Turning Points in History–Industrial History," it shows that there was an increase of machines being made to make work easier. The documentary ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Fourth Industrial Revolution Essay The Fourth Industrial Revolution Soon, robots will be everywhere.They will be at your school, at your home, at the store, but not at work because they have taken your job. Nearly fifteen years after the Third Industrial Revolution, America is anxiously awaiting the upcoming Technological Revolution (properly known as The Fourth Industrial Revolution).They are fearful of such an advancement in technology, unlike the Chinese who have embraced such improvements with open arms. The Revolution raises many concerns over job loss, security flaws, and unequally distributed power within the government. Jeremy Chew, author of "Don't Worry, Technology Won't Take Your Job", reassures his audience by stating "Technological advances have always caused upheavals. ... Show more content on ... As large companies gain the power to mimic human data science, they will have the capabilities to develop code, predict future decisions, and individualize experiences for each consumer. Companies will also have the capability to computer scan automatically and generate codes based on each client's need. Amazon Go is a prime example of advanced computer scanning and machine– learning. The cashier–less store uses computer vision, deep learning algorithms, and sensor fusion to quickly scan and apply the correct charge to each customer's cart, even withdrawing a charge if you put an item back. Amazon calls it "Just Walk Out Technology" (Amazon). Their use of this technology has been predicted to increase Amazon's profits by about 24%. It is convenient, simple, and you can just walk in and walk out. This kind of technology use has the ability to increase the profit and sales for companies big and small. AI and IoE also have the capabilities to predict stock and calculate profit margins accurately, allowing better efficiency for companies manage their stock, and spend accordingly with their budget. With AI and IoE, anything is ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Advancement Of Technology Even if we don't agree that humans evolved from another, now–extinct species, we can agree that the habits of humanity have definitely evolved. Along with these advancements in the habits and daily lives of humanity, the technologies that were available to them advanced. There are several ideologists that have discussed their research on the subject on how exactly they believe that technology has advanced and evolved, whether they be hand in hand with the evolution of mankind, advanced through the incremental steps of humanity's capability to harness energy, or possibly it's the limitations that humanity faces that causes leaps in technology. These views were held by three researchers of the advancement of technology: Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler. The advancement of technology is dependent on the advancement of humanity. This is the view that sociologist Gerhard Lenski held about how the evolution of technology can best be described and observed. Lenski believed that, through levels, the capabilities of humanity is what was defined through the amount that the humans of that time period understood about their surroundings. This is observable, Lenski thought, by understanding the information that humanity had in different time periods. In the beginning, humanity was nomadic. They only relied on creating tools that would help them in hunting for meat and gathering plants and water. Next, humans realized that they could create tools that could help them ... Get more on ...