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Martin Zapletal @zapletal_martin
Data in Motion: Streaming Static Data Efficiently
in Akka Persistence (and elsewhere)
Data at scale
● Reactive
● Real time, asynchronous and message driven
● Elastic and scalable
● Resilient and fault tolerant
persistence_id1, event 2
persistence_id1, event 3
persistence_id1, event 4
persistence_id1, event 1
Akka Persistence
1 4
class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor {
override val persistenceId: String = extractId(
override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState)
private def active(
balance: State
): Receive = {
case command: AccountCommand => command match {
case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand =>
cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated =>
persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted =>
val updatedState = balance.update(persisted)
sender() ! updatedState
class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor {
override val persistenceId: String = extractId(
override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState)
private def active(
balance: State
): Receive = {
case command: AccountCommand => command match {
case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand =>
cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated =>
persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted =>
val updatedState = balance.update(persisted)
sender() ! updatedState
class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor {
override val persistenceId: String = extractId(
override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState)
private def active(
balance: State
): Receive = {
case command: AccountCommand => command match {
case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand =>
cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated =>
persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted =>
val updatedState = balance.update(persisted)
sender() ! updatedState
class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor {
override val persistenceId: String = extractId(
override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState)
private def active(
balance: State
): Receive = {
case command: AccountCommand => command match {
case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand =>
cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated =>
persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted =>
val updatedState = balance.update(persisted)
sender() ! updatedState
class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor {
override val persistenceId: String = extractId(
override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState)
private def active(
balance: State
): Receive = {
case command: AccountCommand => command match {
case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand =>
cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated =>
persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted =>
val updatedState = balance.update(persisted)
sender() ! updatedState
case cmd: UpdateGroupBalanceCommand =>
cmd.validate().fold({ groupBalanceUpdated =>
persist(Tagged(groupBalanceUpdated, Set("tag1"))) { persisted =>
sender() ! groupBalanceUpdated
case cmd: UpdateGroupBalanceCommand =>
cmd.validate().fold({ groupBalanceUpdated =>
persist(Tagged(groupBalanceUpdated, Set("tag1"))) { persisted =>
sender() ! groupBalanceUpdated
override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
var state: State = initialState
case balanceUpdated: BalanceUpdatedEvent =>
state = state.update(balanceUpdated)
case RecoveryCompleted =>
override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
var state: State = initialState
case balanceUpdated: BalanceUpdatedEvent =>
state = state.update(balanceUpdated)
case RecoveryCompleted =>
Inserted value 0
Inserted value 5
Inserted value 10
Inserted value 1
Inserted value 55
Log data structure
Persistence_ id partition_nr
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2
1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
Akka Persistence Cassandra
● Purely pull
● Event (log) data
Akka Persistence Query
● eventsByPersistenceId, allPersistenceIds, eventsByTag
1 4 2
persistence_id1, event 2
persistence_id1, event 3
persistence_id1, event 4
persistence_id1, event 1
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue)
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue)
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue)
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
.eventsByTag("tag1", 0)
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
.eventsByTag("tag1", 0)
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
val transform = Flow[EventEnvelope]
.collect { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, BalanceUpdatedEvent(value)) => value }
.scan(new CircularFifoQueue[Double](5)){ (s, d) => s.add(d); s }
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph {
GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] =>
queries.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) ~> transform ~> kafkaSink
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
val transform = Flow[EventEnvelope]
.collect { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, BalanceUpdatedEvent(value)) => value }
.scan(new CircularFifoQueue[Double](5)){ (s, d) => s.add(d); s }
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph {
GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] =>
queries.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) ~> transform ~> kafkaSink
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ...
lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
val transform = Flow[EventEnvelope]
.collect { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, BalanceUpdatedEvent(value)) => value }
.scan(new CircularFifoQueue[Double](5)){ (s, d) => s.add(d); s }
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph {
GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] =>
queries.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) ~> transform ~> kafkaSink
public class AccountEntity extends PersistentEntity<AccountCommand, AccountEvent, State> {
public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<State> snapshotState) {
BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(snapshotState.orElse(initialState);
b.setCommandHandler(UpdateBalanceCommand.class, (cmd, ctx) -> {
if (! validate(cmd)) {
return ctx.done();
} else {
return ctx.thenPersist(
new BalanceUpdatedEvent(cmd.value), () -> ctx.reply(Done.getInstance()));
b.setEventHandler(BalanceUpdatedEvent.class, evt -> state.update(evt));
public class AccountEntity extends PersistentEntity<AccountCommand, AccountEvent, State> {
public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<State> snapshotState) {
BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(snapshotState.orElse(initialState);
b.setCommandHandler(UpdateBalanceCommand.class, (cmd, ctx) -> {
if (! validate(cmd)) {
return ctx.done();
} else {
return ctx.thenPersist(
new BalanceUpdatedEvent(cmd.value), () -> ctx.reply(Done.getInstance()));
b.setEventHandler(BalanceUpdatedEvent.class, evt -> state.update(evt));
public class AccountEntity extends PersistentEntity<AccountCommand, AccountEvent, State> {
public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<State> snapshotState) {
BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(snapshotState.orElse(initialState);
b.setCommandHandler(UpdateBalanceCommand.class, (cmd, ctx) -> {
if (! validate(cmd)) {
return ctx.done();
} else {
return ctx.thenPersist(
new BalanceUpdatedEvent(cmd.value), () -> ctx.reply(Done.getInstance()));
b.setEventHandler(BalanceUpdatedEvent.class, evt -> state.update(evt));
public class AccountEventProcessor extends CassandraReadSideProcessor<AccountEvent> {
AccountEventProcessor state = ...
public AggregateEventTag<AccountEvent> aggregateTag() {
return Tag1.INSTANCE;
public CompletionStage<Optional<UUID>> prepare(CassandraSession session) {
return prepareCreateTables(session).thenCompose(a -> … // Prepare tables, statements, etc.
public EventHandlers defineEventHandlers(EventHandlersBuilder builder) {
builder.setEventHandler(AccountEvent.class, this::processAccountEvent);
private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processAccountEvent(AccountEvent event, UUID offset) {
BoundStatement bindWriteAnalytics = writeAnalytics.bind();
return completedStatements(Arrays.asList(bindWriteAnalytics));
public class AccountEventProcessor extends CassandraReadSideProcessor<AccountEvent> {
AccountEventProcessor state = ...
public AggregateEventTag<AccountEvent> aggregateTag() {
return Tag1.INSTANCE;
public CompletionStage<Optional<UUID>> prepare(CassandraSession session) {
return prepareCreateTables(session).thenCompose(a -> … // Prepare tables, statements, etc.
public EventHandlers defineEventHandlers(EventHandlersBuilder builder) {
builder.setEventHandler(AccountEvent.class, this::processAccountEvent);
private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processAccountEvent(AccountEvent event, UUID offset) {
BoundStatement bindWriteAnalytics = writeAnalytics.bind();
return completedStatements(Arrays.asList(bindWriteAnalytics));
public class AccountEventProcessor extends CassandraReadSideProcessor<AccountEvent> {
AccountEventProcessor state = ...
public AggregateEventTag<AccountEvent> aggregateTag() {
return Tag1.INSTANCE;
public CompletionStage<Optional<UUID>> prepare(CassandraSession session) {
return prepareCreateTables(session).thenCompose(a -> … // Prepare tables, statements, etc.
public EventHandlers defineEventHandlers(EventHandlersBuilder builder) {
builder.setEventHandler(AccountEvent.class, this::processAccountEvent);
private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processAccountEvent(AccountEvent event, UUID offset) {
BoundStatement bindWriteAnalytics = writeAnalytics.bind();
return completedStatements(Arrays.asList(bindWriteAnalytics));
Streaming static data
● Turning database into a stream
Pulling data from a log
0 0
5 5
0 0
5 5
0 0
0 0
5 5
5 5 0
10 10 5 5 0 0
0 0
5 5
10 10 5 5 0 0
0 0
15 15
5 5
0 0
15 15
5 5 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0
10 10
Actor publisher
private[query] abstract class QueryActorPublisher[MessageType, State: ClassTag](refreshInterval: Option[FiniteDuration])
extends ActorPublisher[MessageType] {
protected def initialState: Future[State]
protected def initialQuery(initialState: State): Future[Action]
protected def requestNext(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action]
protected def requestNextFinished(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action]
protected def updateState(state: State, row: Row): (Option[MessageType], State)
protected def completionCondition(state: State): Boolean
private[this] def nextBehavior(...): Receive = {
if (shouldFetchMore(...)) {
awaiting(resultSet, state, finished)
} else if (shouldIdle(...)) {
idle(resultSet, state, finished)
} else if (shouldComplete(...)) {
} else if (shouldRequestMore(...)) {
if (finished) requestNextFinished(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self)
else requestNext(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self)
awaiting(resultSet, state, finished)
} else {
idle(resultSet, state, finished)
private[query] abstract class QueryActorPublisher[MessageType, State: ClassTag](refreshInterval: Option[FiniteDuration])
extends ActorPublisher[MessageType] {
protected def initialState: Future[State]
protected def initialQuery(initialState: State): Future[Action]
protected def requestNext(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action]
protected def requestNextFinished(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action]
protected def updateState(state: State, row: Row): (Option[MessageType], State)
protected def completionCondition(state: State): Boolean
private[this] def nextBehavior(...): Receive = {
if (shouldFetchMore(...)) {
awaiting(resultSet, state, finished)
} else if (shouldIdle(...)) {
idle(resultSet, state, finished)
} else if (shouldComplete(...)) {
} else if (shouldRequestMore(...)) {
if (finished) requestNextFinished(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self)
else requestNext(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self)
awaiting(resultSet, state, finished)
} else {
idle(resultSet, state, finished)
private[query] abstract class QueryActorPublisher[MessageType, State: ClassTag](refreshInterval: Option[FiniteDuration])
extends ActorPublisher[MessageType] {
protected def initialState: Future[State]
protected def initialQuery(initialState: State): Future[Action]
protected def requestNext(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action]
protected def requestNextFinished(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action]
protected def updateState(state: State, row: Row): (Option[MessageType], State)
protected def completionCondition(state: State): Boolean
private[this] def nextBehavior(...): Receive = {
if (shouldFetchMore(...)) {
awaiting(resultSet, state, finished)
} else if (shouldIdle(...)) {
idle(resultSet, state, finished)
} else if (shouldComplete(...)) {
} else if (shouldRequestMore(...)) {
if (finished) requestNextFinished(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self)
else requestNext(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self)
awaiting(resultSet, state, finished)
} else {
idle(resultSet, state, finished)
request newResultSet
Red transitions
deliver buffer and update
internal state (progress)
Blue transitions
asynchronous database
SELECT * FROM ${tableName} WHERE
persistence_id = ? AND
partition_nr = ? AND
sequence_nr >= ? AND
sequence_nr <= ?
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2
Events by persistence id
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 2event 0
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 2event 0
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 2event 0
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 2event 0
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 2event 0
0 0
0 1
event 0 event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 2
private[query] class EventsByPersistenceIdPublisher(...)
extends QueryActorPublisher[PersistentRepr, EventsByPersistenceIdState](...) {
override protected def initialState: Future[EventsByPersistenceIdState] = {
EventsByPersistenceIdState(initialFromSequenceNr, 0, currentPnr)
override protected def updateState(
state: EventsByPersistenceIdState,
Row: Row): (Option[PersistentRepr], EventsByPersistenceIdState) = {
val event = extractEvent(row)
val partitionNr = row.getLong("partition_nr") + 1
EventsByPersistenceIdState(event.sequenceNr + 1, state.count + 1, partitionNr))
private[query] class EventsByPersistenceIdPublisher(...)
extends QueryActorPublisher[PersistentRepr, EventsByPersistenceIdState](...) {
override protected def initialState: Future[EventsByPersistenceIdState] = {
EventsByPersistenceIdState(initialFromSequenceNr, 0, currentPnr)
override protected def updateState(
state: EventsByPersistenceIdState,
Row: Row): (Option[PersistentRepr], EventsByPersistenceIdState) = {
val event = extractEvent(row)
val partitionNr = row.getLong("partition_nr") + 1
EventsByPersistenceIdState(event.sequenceNr + 1, state.count + 1, partitionNr))
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2
1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
All persistence ids
SELECT DISTINCT persistence_id, partition_nr FROM $tableName
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2
1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
0 0
0 1
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2
1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
event 1
event 100 event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2
1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
private[query] class AllPersistenceIdsPublisher(...)
extends QueryActorPublisher[String, AllPersistenceIdsState](...) {
override protected def initialState: Future[AllPersistenceIdsState] =
override protected def updateState(
state: AllPersistenceIdsState, row: Row): (Option[String], AllPersistenceIdsState) = {
val event = row.getString("persistence_id")
if (state.knownPersistenceIds.contains(event)) {
(None, state)
} else {
(Some(event), state.copy(knownPersistenceIds = state.knownPersistenceIds + event))
private[query] class AllPersistenceIdsPublisher(...)
extends QueryActorPublisher[String, AllPersistenceIdsState](...) {
override protected def initialState: Future[AllPersistenceIdsState] =
override protected def updateState(
state: AllPersistenceIdsState, row: Row): (Option[String], AllPersistenceIdsState) = {
val event = row.getString("persistence_id")
if (state.knownPersistenceIds.contains(event)) {
(None, state)
} else {
(Some(event), state.copy(knownPersistenceIds = state.knownPersistenceIds + event))
Events by tag
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 0 event 1
event 0
event 2,
tag 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 1event 0 event 2,
tag 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0 event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
event 0
event 0
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 1 event 2,
tag 1
event 0
event 0 event 1
0 0
0 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 2,
tag 1
event 1,
tag 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 2,
tag 1
event 0
event 0 event 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 2,
tag 1
event 0
event 0 event 1
event 1,
tag 10 0
0 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
1 0
event 2,
tag 1
event 2,
tag 1
event 0
event 0 event 1
0 0
0 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
1 0
event 2,
tag 1
event 1,
tag 1
0 0
0 1
1 0
event 2,
tag 1
event 0
event 0 event 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 2,
tag 1
event 1,
tag 1
Events by tag
Id 0,
event 1
Id 1,
event 2
Id 0,
event 100
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
Id 0,
event 2
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
event 2,
tag 1
SELECT * FROM $eventsByTagViewName$tagId WHERE
tag$tagId = ? AND
timebucket = ? AND
timestamp > ? AND
timestamp <= ?
ORDER BY timestamp ASC
Id 1,
event 2
Id 0,
event 100
Id 0,
event 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
event 2,
tag 1
Id 1,
event 2
Id 0,
event 100
Id 0,
event 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
event 2,
tag 1
Id 0,
event 100
Id 1,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
event 2,
tag 1
Id 0,
event 100
Id 1,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
event 2,
tag 1
Id 0,
event 2
Strong Serializable
Linearizable Serializable
Sequential RR SI
Strong Serializable
Linearizable Serializable
Sequential RR SI
Strong Serializable
Linearizable Serializable
Sequential RR SI
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
event 2,
tag 1
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
Id 0,
event 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
0 1
1 . . .
event 2,
tag 1
Id 0,
event 100
Id 0,
event 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
0 ?
1 . . .
event 2,
tag 1
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
Id 0,
event 100
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
0 0
0 1
event 1,
tag 1
event 100,
tag 1
event 101 event 102
event 0
1 0
event 0 event 1 event 2,
tag 1
0 ?
event 2,
tag 1
tag 1 1/1/2016
tag 1 1/2/2016
. . .
def replay(): Unit = {
val backtracking = isBacktracking
val limit =
if (backtracking) maxBufferSize
else maxBufferSize - buf.size
val toOffs =
if (backtracking && abortDeadline.isEmpty) highestOffset
else UUIDs.endOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - eventualConsistencyDelayMillis)
context.actorOf(EventsByTagFetcher.props(tag, currTimeBucket, currOffset, toOffs, limit, backtracking,
self, session, preparedSelect, seqNumbers, settings))
def replaying(limit: Int): Receive = {
case env @ UUIDPersistentRepr(offs, _) => // Deliver buffer
case ReplayDone(count, seqN, highest) => // Request more
case ReplayAborted(seqN, pid, expectedSeqNr, gotSeqNr) =>
// Causality violation, wait and retry. Only applicable if all events for persistence_id are tagged
case ReplayFailed(cause) => // Failure
case _: Request => // Deliver buffer
case Continue => // Do nothing
case Cancel => // Stop
def replay(): Unit = {
val backtracking = isBacktracking
val limit =
if (backtracking) maxBufferSize
else maxBufferSize - buf.size
val toOffs =
if (backtracking && abortDeadline.isEmpty) highestOffset
else UUIDs.endOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - eventualConsistencyDelayMillis)
context.actorOf(EventsByTagFetcher.props(tag, currTimeBucket, currOffset, toOffs, limit, backtracking,
self, session, preparedSelect, seqNumbers, settings))
def replaying(limit: Int): Receive = {
case env @ UUIDPersistentRepr(offs, _) => // Deliver buffer
case ReplayDone(count, seqN, highest) => // Request more
case ReplayAborted(seqN, pid, expectedSeqNr, gotSeqNr) =>
// Causality violation, wait and retry. Only applicable if all events for persistence_id are tagged
case ReplayFailed(cause) => // Failure
case _: Request => // Deliver buffer
case Continue => // Do nothing
case Cancel => // Stop
Akka Persistence Cassandra Replay
def asyncReplayMessages(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long)
(replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = Future {
new MessageIterator(persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max).foreach(msg => {
class MessageIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) extends Iterator
[PersistentRepr] {
private val initialFromSequenceNr = math.max(highestDeletedSequenceNumber(persistenceId) + 1, fromSequenceNr)
private val iter = new RowIterator(persistenceId, initialFromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr)
private var mcnt = 0L
private var c: PersistentRepr = null
private var n: PersistentRepr = PersistentRepr(Undefined)
def hasNext: Boolean = ...
def next(): PersistentRepr = …
Akka Persistence Cassandra Replay
def asyncReplayMessages(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long)
(replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = Future {
new MessageIterator(persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max).foreach(msg => {
class MessageIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) extends Iterator
[PersistentRepr] {
private val initialFromSequenceNr = math.max(highestDeletedSequenceNumber(persistenceId) + 1, fromSequenceNr)
private val iter = new RowIterator(persistenceId, initialFromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr)
private var mcnt = 0L
private var c: PersistentRepr = null
private var n: PersistentRepr = PersistentRepr(Undefined)
def hasNext: Boolean = ...
def next(): PersistentRepr = …
Akka Persistence Cassandra Replay
def asyncReplayMessages(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long)
(replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = Future {
new MessageIterator(persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max).foreach(msg => {
class MessageIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) extends Iterator
[PersistentRepr] {
private val initialFromSequenceNr = math.max(highestDeletedSequenceNumber(persistenceId) + 1, fromSequenceNr)
private val iter = new RowIterator(persistenceId, initialFromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr)
private var mcnt = 0L
private var c: PersistentRepr = null
private var n: PersistentRepr = PersistentRepr(Undefined)
def hasNext: Boolean = ...
def next(): PersistentRepr = …
class RowIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long) extends Iterator[Row] {
var currentPnr = partitionNr(fromSequenceNr)
var currentSnr = fromSequenceNr
var fromSnr = fromSequenceNr
var toSnr = toSequenceNr
var iter = newIter()
def newIter() =
session.execute(preparedSelectMessages.bind(persistenceId, currentPnr, fromSnr, toSnr)).iterator
final def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (iter.hasNext) true
else if (!inUse) false
} else {
currentPnr += 1
fromSnr = currentSnr
iter = newIter()
def next(): Row = {
val row =
currentSnr = row.getLong("sequence_nr")
class RowIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long) extends Iterator[Row] {
var currentPnr = partitionNr(fromSequenceNr)
var currentSnr = fromSequenceNr
var fromSnr = fromSequenceNr
var toSnr = toSequenceNr
var iter = newIter()
def newIter() =
session.execute(preparedSelectMessages.bind(persistenceId, currentPnr, fromSnr, toSnr)).iterator
final def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (iter.hasNext) true
else if (!inUse) false
} else {
currentPnr += 1
fromSnr = currentSnr
iter = newIter()
def next(): Row = {
val row =
currentSnr = row.getLong("sequence_nr")
class RowIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long) extends Iterator[Row] {
var currentPnr = partitionNr(fromSequenceNr)
var currentSnr = fromSequenceNr
var fromSnr = fromSequenceNr
var toSnr = toSequenceNr
var iter = newIter()
def newIter() =
session.execute(preparedSelectMessages.bind(persistenceId, currentPnr, fromSnr, toSnr)).iterator
final def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (iter.hasNext) true
else if (!inUse) false
} else {
currentPnr += 1
fromSnr = currentSnr
iter = newIter()
def next(): Row = {
val row =
currentSnr = row.getLong("sequence_nr")
Non blocking asynchronous replay
private[this] val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
new CassandraReadJournal(
override def asyncReplayMessages(
persistenceId: String,
fromSequenceNr: Long,
toSequenceNr: Long,
max: Long)(replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] =
.map(_ => ())
private[this] val queries: CassandraReadJournal =
new CassandraReadJournal(
override def asyncReplayMessages(
persistenceId: String,
fromSequenceNr: Long,
toSequenceNr: Long,
max: Long)(replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] =
.map(_ => ())
10 000
15 000
20 000
25 000
30 000
35 000
40 000
10 000
15 000
20 000
25 000
30 000
35 000
40 000
0 0
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
Threads, Actors
20 40 60 80 100 120 1405000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
45 000
50 000
my-dispatcher {
type = "Dispatcher"
executor = "thread-pool-executor"
thread-pool-executor {
fixed-pool-size = $fixedPoolSize
throughput = $throughput
my-dispatcher {
type = "Dispatcher"
executor = "fork-join-executor"
fork-join-executor {
parallelism-min = $parallelismMin
parallelism-max = $parallelismMax
parallelism-factor = $parallelismFactor
throughput = $throughput
cassandra-journal {
plugin-dispatcher = $pluginDispatcher
replay-dispatcher = $replayDispatcher
max-result-size = $resultSize
max-result-size-replay = $resultSizeReplay
target-partition-size = $partitionSize
cassandra-query-journal {
plugin-dispatcher = $queryPluginDispatcher
max-buffer-size = $bufferSize
max-result-size-query = $resultSizeReplay
Alternative architecture
persistence_id 0,
event 0
persistence_id 0,
event 1
persistence_id 1,
event 0
persistence_id 0,
event 2
persistence_id 2,
event 0
persistence_id 0,
event 3
persistence_id 0,
event 0
persistence_id 0,
event 1
persistence_id 1,
event 0
persistence_id 2,
event 0
persistence_id 0,
event 2
persistence_id 0,
event 3
tag 1 0
all Ids
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 1
0 1
0 0 event 1event o
tag 1 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 1
0 1
0 0 event 0 event 1
val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceId, eventsByTag, allPersistenceIds)
Future.sequence(boundStatements).flatMap { stmts =>
val batch = new BatchStatement().setConsistencyLevel(...).setRetryPolicy(...)
tag 1 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 1
0 1
0 0 event 0 event 1
val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceId, eventsByTag, allPersistenceIds)
Future.sequence(boundStatements).flatMap { stmts =>
val batch = new BatchStatement().setConsistencyLevel(...).setRetryPolicy(...)
val eventsByPersistenceIdStatement = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement)
val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByTagStatement, allPersistenceIdsStatement)
session.underlying().flatMap { s =>
val ebpResult = s.executeAsync(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement)
val batchResult = s.executeAsync(batch))
tag 1 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 1
0 1
0 0 event 0 event 1
val eventsByPersistenceIdStatement = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement)
val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByTagStatement, allPersistenceIdsStatement)
session.underlying().flatMap { s =>
val ebpResult = s.executeAsync(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement)
val batchResult = s.executeAsync(batch))
tag 1 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 1
0 1
0 0 event 0 event 1
Event time processing
● Ingestion time, processing time, event time
10 2
1 12:34:57 1
2 12:34:58 2
0 12:34:56 0
1 12:34:57 1
2 12:34:58 2
0 12:34:56 0
Distributed causal stream merging
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
0 0
1 . . .
2 . . .
0 1
1 . . .
2 . . .
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 0
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 3
0 2
1 0
2 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 0
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
0 3
1 0
2 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 1,
event 0
0 0 Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 1,
event 0
0 0 Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 1,
event 0
0 0 Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 1,
event 0
0 0 Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
0 2
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 1
Id 0,
event 0
Id 1,
event 00
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 1,
event 0
0 0 Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
0 2
stream_id seq
0 1
1 2
Exactly once delivery
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 1,
event 0
Exactly once delivery
● Durable offset
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
10 2 3 4
10 3 42
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 1,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 3
Id 0,
event 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 1,
event 0
Id 2,
event 0
Id 0,
event 2
Id 0,
event 3
tag 1 0
Id 0,
event 1
Id 2,
event 1
0 1
0 0 event 0 event 1
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("...").setMaster("...").set("", "...")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
implicit val ordering = new Ordering[(String, Double)] {
override def compare(x: (String, Double), y: (String, Double)): Int =
implicitly[Ordering[Double]].compare(x._2, y._2)
.flatMap {
case (JournalKey(persistenceId, _, _), BalanceUpdatedEvent(change)) =>
(persistenceId -> change) :: Nil
case _ => Nil
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
Akka Analytics
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("...").setMaster("...").set("", "...")
val sc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(5))
implicit val ordering = new Ordering[(String, Double)] {
override def compare(x: (String, Double), y: (String, Double)): Int =
implicitly[Ordering[Double]].compare(x._2, y._2)
.flatMap {
case (JournalKey(persistenceId, _, _), BalanceUpdatedEvent(change)) =>
(persistenceId -> change) :: Nil
case _ => Nil
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
Distributed systems
Microservice Microservice Microservice
CQRS/ES Relational NoSQL
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Model devices Model devices Model devices
Input data Input data Input data
Parameter devices
● All the solved problems
○ Exactly once delivery
○ Consistency
○ Availability
○ Fault tolerance
○ Cross service invariants and consistency
○ Transactions
○ Automated deployment and configuration management
○ Serialization, versioning, compatibility
○ Automated elasticity
○ No downtime version upgrades
○ Graceful shutdown of nodes
○ Distributed system verification, logging, tracing, monitoring, debugging
○ Split brains
○ ...
● From request, response, synchronous, mutable state
● To streams, asynchronous messaging
● Production ready distributed systems
@zapletal_martin @cakesolutions
347 708 1518
We are hiring

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  • 2. Martin Zapletal @zapletal_martin #ScalaDays Data in Motion: Streaming Static Data Efficiently in Akka Persistence (and elsewhere) @cakesolutions
  • 3. Data at scale ● Reactive ● Real time, asynchronous and message driven ● Elastic and scalable ● Resilient and fault tolerant
  • 5. persistence_id1, event 2 persistence_id1, event 3 persistence_id1, event 4 persistence_id1, event 1 2 35 Akka Persistence 1 4
  • 6. class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor { override val persistenceId: String = extractId( override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState) private def active( balance: State ): Receive = { case command: AccountCommand => command match { case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand => cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated => persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted => val updatedState = balance.update(persisted) sender() ! updatedState context.become(active(updatedState)) } }, processValidationErrors) ... } } }
  • 7. class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor { override val persistenceId: String = extractId( override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState) private def active( balance: State ): Receive = { case command: AccountCommand => command match { case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand => cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated => persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted => val updatedState = balance.update(persisted) sender() ! updatedState context.become(active(updatedState)) } }, processValidationErrors) ... } } }
  • 8. class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor { override val persistenceId: String = extractId( override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState) private def active( balance: State ): Receive = { case command: AccountCommand => command match { case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand => cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated => persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted => val updatedState = balance.update(persisted) sender() ! updatedState context.become(active(updatedState)) } }, processValidationErrors) ... } } }
  • 9. class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor { override val persistenceId: String = extractId( override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState) private def active( balance: State ): Receive = { case command: AccountCommand => command match { case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand => cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated => persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted => val updatedState = balance.update(persisted) sender() ! updatedState context.become(active(updatedState)) } }, processValidationErrors) ... } } }
  • 10. class AccountActor(protected[this] val passivationTimeout: Duration) extends PersistentActor { override val persistenceId: String = extractId( override def receiveCommand: Receive = active(initialState) private def active( balance: State ): Receive = { case command: AccountCommand => command match { case cmd: UpdateBalanceCommand => cmd.validate().fold({ balanceUpdated => persist(balanceUpdated) { persisted => val updatedState = balance.update(persisted) sender() ! updatedState context.become(active(updatedState)) } }, processValidationErrors) ... } } }
  • 11. case cmd: UpdateGroupBalanceCommand => cmd.validate().fold({ groupBalanceUpdated => persist(Tagged(groupBalanceUpdated, Set("tag1"))) { persisted => sender() ! groupBalanceUpdated } }, processValidationErrors)
  • 12. case cmd: UpdateGroupBalanceCommand => cmd.validate().fold({ groupBalanceUpdated => persist(Tagged(groupBalanceUpdated, Set("tag1"))) { persisted => sender() ! groupBalanceUpdated } }, processValidationErrors)
  • 13. override def receiveRecover: Receive = { var state: State = initialState { case balanceUpdated: BalanceUpdatedEvent => state = state.update(balanceUpdated) case RecoveryCompleted => context.become(active(state)) } }
  • 14. override def receiveRecover: Receive = { var state: State = initialState { case balanceUpdated: BalanceUpdatedEvent => state = state.update(balanceUpdated) case RecoveryCompleted => context.become(active(state)) } }
  • 15. 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 10 1 5 Inserted value 0 Inserted value 5 Inserted value 10 Inserted value 1 Inserted value 55 Log data structure
  • 16. Persistence_ id partition_nr 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2 Akka Persistence Cassandra ● Purely pull ● Event (log) data
  • 17. Akka Persistence Query ● eventsByPersistenceId, allPersistenceIds, eventsByTag 1 4 2 35 persistence_id1, event 2 persistence_id1, event 3 persistence_id1, event 4 persistence_id1, event 1
  • 18. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system) .readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") queries .eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) .runForeach(println)
  • 19. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system) .readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") queries .eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) .runForeach(println)
  • 20. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system) .readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") queries .eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) .runForeach(println)
  • 22. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system) .readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") queries .allPersistenceIds() .runForeach(println)
  • 23. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system) .readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") queries .allPersistenceIds() .runForeach(println)
  • 25. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system) .readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") queries .eventsByTag("tag1", 0) .runForeach(println)
  • 26. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system) .readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") queries .eventsByTag("tag1", 0) .runForeach(println)
  • 27. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") val transform = Flow[EventEnvelope] .collect { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, BalanceUpdatedEvent(value)) => value } .scan(new CircularFifoQueue[Double](5)){ (s, d) => s.add(d); s } val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph { GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] => import queries.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) ~> transform ~> kafkaSink ClosedShape } }
  • 28. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") val transform = Flow[EventEnvelope] .collect { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, BalanceUpdatedEvent(value)) => value } .scan(new CircularFifoQueue[Double](5)){ (s, d) => s.add(d); s } val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph { GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] => import queries.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) ~> transform ~> kafkaSink ClosedShape } }
  • 29. implicit val system: ActorSystem = ... implicit val materializer: Materializer = ... lazy val queries: CassandraReadJournal = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal]("cassandra-query-journal") val transform = Flow[EventEnvelope] .collect { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, BalanceUpdatedEvent(value)) => value } .scan(new CircularFifoQueue[Double](5)){ (s, d) => s.add(d); s } val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph { GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] => import queries.eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue) ~> transform ~> kafkaSink ClosedShape } }
  • 30. public class AccountEntity extends PersistentEntity<AccountCommand, AccountEvent, State> { @Override public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<State> snapshotState) { BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(snapshotState.orElse(initialState); b.setCommandHandler(UpdateBalanceCommand.class, (cmd, ctx) -> { if (! validate(cmd)) { ctx.invalidCommand("..."); return ctx.done(); } else { return ctx.thenPersist( new BalanceUpdatedEvent(cmd.value), () -> ctx.reply(Done.getInstance())); } }); b.setEventHandler(BalanceUpdatedEvent.class, evt -> state.update(evt)); return; } }
  • 31. public class AccountEntity extends PersistentEntity<AccountCommand, AccountEvent, State> { @Override public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<State> snapshotState) { BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(snapshotState.orElse(initialState); b.setCommandHandler(UpdateBalanceCommand.class, (cmd, ctx) -> { if (! validate(cmd)) { ctx.invalidCommand("..."); return ctx.done(); } else { return ctx.thenPersist( new BalanceUpdatedEvent(cmd.value), () -> ctx.reply(Done.getInstance())); } }); b.setEventHandler(BalanceUpdatedEvent.class, evt -> state.update(evt)); return; } }
  • 32. public class AccountEntity extends PersistentEntity<AccountCommand, AccountEvent, State> { @Override public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<State> snapshotState) { BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(snapshotState.orElse(initialState); b.setCommandHandler(UpdateBalanceCommand.class, (cmd, ctx) -> { if (! validate(cmd)) { ctx.invalidCommand("..."); return ctx.done(); } else { return ctx.thenPersist( new BalanceUpdatedEvent(cmd.value), () -> ctx.reply(Done.getInstance())); } }); b.setEventHandler(BalanceUpdatedEvent.class, evt -> state.update(evt)); return; } }
  • 33. public class AccountEventProcessor extends CassandraReadSideProcessor<AccountEvent> { AccountEventProcessor state = ... @Override public AggregateEventTag<AccountEvent> aggregateTag() { return Tag1.INSTANCE; } @Override public CompletionStage<Optional<UUID>> prepare(CassandraSession session) { return prepareCreateTables(session).thenCompose(a -> … // Prepare tables, statements, etc. } @Override public EventHandlers defineEventHandlers(EventHandlersBuilder builder) { builder.setEventHandler(AccountEvent.class, this::processAccountEvent); return; } private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processAccountEvent(AccountEvent event, UUID offset) { BoundStatement bindWriteAnalytics = writeAnalytics.bind(); writeAnalytics.setString("entity_id",; ... return completedStatements(Arrays.asList(bindWriteAnalytics)); } }
  • 34. public class AccountEventProcessor extends CassandraReadSideProcessor<AccountEvent> { AccountEventProcessor state = ... @Override public AggregateEventTag<AccountEvent> aggregateTag() { return Tag1.INSTANCE; } @Override public CompletionStage<Optional<UUID>> prepare(CassandraSession session) { return prepareCreateTables(session).thenCompose(a -> … // Prepare tables, statements, etc. } @Override public EventHandlers defineEventHandlers(EventHandlersBuilder builder) { builder.setEventHandler(AccountEvent.class, this::processAccountEvent); return; } private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processAccountEvent(AccountEvent event, UUID offset) { BoundStatement bindWriteAnalytics = writeAnalytics.bind(); writeAnalytics.setString("entity_id",; ... return completedStatements(Arrays.asList(bindWriteAnalytics)); } }
  • 35. public class AccountEventProcessor extends CassandraReadSideProcessor<AccountEvent> { AccountEventProcessor state = ... @Override public AggregateEventTag<AccountEvent> aggregateTag() { return Tag1.INSTANCE; } @Override public CompletionStage<Optional<UUID>> prepare(CassandraSession session) { return prepareCreateTables(session).thenCompose(a -> … // Prepare tables, statements, etc. } @Override public EventHandlers defineEventHandlers(EventHandlersBuilder builder) { builder.setEventHandler(AccountEvent.class, this::processAccountEvent); return; } private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processAccountEvent(AccountEvent event, UUID offset) { BoundStatement bindWriteAnalytics = writeAnalytics.bind(); writeAnalytics.setString("entity_id",; ... return completedStatements(Arrays.asList(bindWriteAnalytics)); } }
  • 36. Streaming static data ● Turning database into a stream
  • 37. Pulling data from a log 0 0 10 5 5 10
  • 40. 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 10 5 5 10
  • 41. 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 10 15 15 5 5 10
  • 42. 0 0 15 15 5 5 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 10 10
  • 43. Actor publisher private[query] abstract class QueryActorPublisher[MessageType, State: ClassTag](refreshInterval: Option[FiniteDuration]) extends ActorPublisher[MessageType] { protected def initialState: Future[State] protected def initialQuery(initialState: State): Future[Action] protected def requestNext(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action] protected def requestNextFinished(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action] protected def updateState(state: State, row: Row): (Option[MessageType], State) protected def completionCondition(state: State): Boolean private[this] def nextBehavior(...): Receive = { if (shouldFetchMore(...)) { listenableFutureToFuture(resultSet.fetchMoreResults()).map(FetchedResultSet).pipeTo(self) awaiting(resultSet, state, finished) } else if (shouldIdle(...)) { idle(resultSet, state, finished) } else if (shouldComplete(...)) { onCompleteThenStop() Actor.emptyBehavior } else if (shouldRequestMore(...)) { if (finished) requestNextFinished(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self) else requestNext(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self) awaiting(resultSet, state, finished) } else { idle(resultSet, state, finished) } } }
  • 44. private[query] abstract class QueryActorPublisher[MessageType, State: ClassTag](refreshInterval: Option[FiniteDuration]) extends ActorPublisher[MessageType] { protected def initialState: Future[State] protected def initialQuery(initialState: State): Future[Action] protected def requestNext(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action] protected def requestNextFinished(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action] protected def updateState(state: State, row: Row): (Option[MessageType], State) protected def completionCondition(state: State): Boolean private[this] def nextBehavior(...): Receive = { if (shouldFetchMore(...)) { listenableFutureToFuture(resultSet.fetchMoreResults()).map(FetchedResultSet).pipeTo(self) awaiting(resultSet, state, finished) } else if (shouldIdle(...)) { idle(resultSet, state, finished) } else if (shouldComplete(...)) { onCompleteThenStop() Actor.emptyBehavior } else if (shouldRequestMore(...)) { if (finished) requestNextFinished(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self) else requestNext(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self) awaiting(resultSet, state, finished) } else { idle(resultSet, state, finished) } } }
  • 45. private[query] abstract class QueryActorPublisher[MessageType, State: ClassTag](refreshInterval: Option[FiniteDuration]) extends ActorPublisher[MessageType] { protected def initialState: Future[State] protected def initialQuery(initialState: State): Future[Action] protected def requestNext(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action] protected def requestNextFinished(state: State, resultSet: ResultSet): Future[Action] protected def updateState(state: State, row: Row): (Option[MessageType], State) protected def completionCondition(state: State): Boolean private[this] def nextBehavior(...): Receive = { if (shouldFetchMore(...)) { listenableFutureToFuture(resultSet.fetchMoreResults()).map(FetchedResultSet).pipeTo(self) awaiting(resultSet, state, finished) } else if (shouldIdle(...)) { idle(resultSet, state, finished) } else if (shouldComplete(...)) { onCompleteThenStop() Actor.emptyBehavior } else if (shouldRequestMore(...)) { if (finished) requestNextFinished(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self) else requestNext(state, resultSet).pipeTo(self) awaiting(resultSet, state, finished) } else { idle(resultSet, state, finished) } } }
  • 47. SELECT * FROM ${tableName} WHERE persistence_id = ? AND partition_nr = ? AND sequence_nr >= ? AND sequence_nr <= ? 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2 Events by persistence id
  • 48. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 2event 0
  • 49. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 2event 0
  • 50. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 2event 0
  • 51. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 2event 0
  • 52. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 2event 0
  • 53. 0 0 0 1 event 0 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 2
  • 54. private[query] class EventsByPersistenceIdPublisher(...) extends QueryActorPublisher[PersistentRepr, EventsByPersistenceIdState](...) { override protected def initialState: Future[EventsByPersistenceIdState] = { ... EventsByPersistenceIdState(initialFromSequenceNr, 0, currentPnr) } override protected def updateState( state: EventsByPersistenceIdState, Row: Row): (Option[PersistentRepr], EventsByPersistenceIdState) = { val event = extractEvent(row) val partitionNr = row.getLong("partition_nr") + 1 (Some(event), EventsByPersistenceIdState(event.sequenceNr + 1, state.count + 1, partitionNr)) } }
  • 55. private[query] class EventsByPersistenceIdPublisher(...) extends QueryActorPublisher[PersistentRepr, EventsByPersistenceIdState](...) { override protected def initialState: Future[EventsByPersistenceIdState] = { ... EventsByPersistenceIdState(initialFromSequenceNr, 0, currentPnr) } override protected def updateState( state: EventsByPersistenceIdState, Row: Row): (Option[PersistentRepr], EventsByPersistenceIdState) = { val event = extractEvent(row) val partitionNr = row.getLong("partition_nr") + 1 (Some(event), EventsByPersistenceIdState(event.sequenceNr + 1, state.count + 1, partitionNr)) } }
  • 56. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2 All persistence ids SELECT DISTINCT persistence_id, partition_nr FROM $tableName
  • 57. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
  • 58. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
  • 59. 0 0 0 1 event 1 event 100 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2
  • 60. private[query] class AllPersistenceIdsPublisher(...) extends QueryActorPublisher[String, AllPersistenceIdsState](...) { override protected def initialState: Future[AllPersistenceIdsState] = Future.successful(AllPersistenceIdsState(Set.empty)) override protected def updateState( state: AllPersistenceIdsState, row: Row): (Option[String], AllPersistenceIdsState) = { val event = row.getString("persistence_id") if (state.knownPersistenceIds.contains(event)) { (None, state) } else { (Some(event), state.copy(knownPersistenceIds = state.knownPersistenceIds + event)) } } }
  • 61. private[query] class AllPersistenceIdsPublisher(...) extends QueryActorPublisher[String, AllPersistenceIdsState](...) { override protected def initialState: Future[AllPersistenceIdsState] = Future.successful(AllPersistenceIdsState(Set.empty)) override protected def updateState( state: AllPersistenceIdsState, row: Row): (Option[String], AllPersistenceIdsState) = { val event = row.getString("persistence_id") if (state.knownPersistenceIds.contains(event)) { (None, state) } else { (Some(event), state.copy(knownPersistenceIds = state.knownPersistenceIds + event)) } } }
  • 62. Events by tag 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1
  • 63. 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 0 event 2, tag 1
  • 64. 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 1event 0 event 2, tag 1
  • 65. 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1
  • 66. event 0 event 0 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1
  • 67. event 0 event 0 event 1 0 0 0 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 2, tag 1 event 1, tag 1
  • 68. 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 2, tag 1 event 0 event 0 event 1 event 1, tag 1
  • 69. event 1, tag 1 event 2, tag 1 event 0 event 0 event 1 event 1, tag 10 0 0 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 1 0 event 2, tag 1
  • 70. event 2, tag 1 event 0 event 0 event 1 0 0 0 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 1 0 event 2, tag 1 event 1, tag 1
  • 71. 0 0 0 1 1 0 event 2, tag 1 event 0 event 0 event 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 2, tag 1 event 1, tag 1
  • 72. Events by tag Id 0, event 1 Id 1, event 2 Id 0, event 100 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 Id 0, event 2 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016 event 2, tag 1 SELECT * FROM $eventsByTagViewName$tagId WHERE tag$tagId = ? AND timebucket = ? AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp <= ? ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT ?
  • 73. Id 1, event 2 Id 0, event 100 Id 0, event 1 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 Id 0, event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016 event 2, tag 1
  • 74. Id 1, event 2 Id 0, event 100 Id 0, event 1 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 Id 0, event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016 event 2, tag 1
  • 75. Id 0, event 100 Id 1, event 2 Id 0, event 1 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 Id 0, event 2 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016 event 2, tag 1
  • 76. Id 0, event 100 Id 1, event 2 Id 0, event 1 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016 event 2, tag 1 Id 0, event 2
  • 77. PRAM MR MWRYW Strong Serializable Linearizable Serializable Sequential RR SI Causal WFR EC CS MAW RC P-CI
  • 78. PRAM MR MWRYW Strong Serializable Linearizable Serializable Sequential RR SI Causal WFR EC CS MAW RC P-CI
  • 79. PRAM MR MWRYW Strong Serializable Linearizable Serializable Sequential RR SI Causal WFR EC CS MAW RC P-CI
  • 80. 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 event 2, tag 1 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016
  • 81. tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016 Id 0, event 1 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 persistence _id seq 0 1 1 . . . event 2, tag 1
  • 82. Id 0, event 100 Id 0, event 1 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 persistence _id seq 0 ? 1 . . . event 2, tag 1 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016
  • 83. Id 0, event 100 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 0 0 0 1 event 1, tag 1 event 100, tag 1 event 101 event 102 event 0 1 0 event 0 event 1 event 2, tag 1 persistence _id seq 0 ? 1 event 2, tag 1 tag 1 1/1/2016 tag 1 1/2/2016 . . .
  • 84. def replay(): Unit = { val backtracking = isBacktracking val limit = if (backtracking) maxBufferSize else maxBufferSize - buf.size val toOffs = if (backtracking && abortDeadline.isEmpty) highestOffset else UUIDs.endOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - eventualConsistencyDelayMillis) context.actorOf(EventsByTagFetcher.props(tag, currTimeBucket, currOffset, toOffs, limit, backtracking, self, session, preparedSelect, seqNumbers, settings)) context.become(replaying(limit)) } def replaying(limit: Int): Receive = { case env @ UUIDPersistentRepr(offs, _) => // Deliver buffer case ReplayDone(count, seqN, highest) => // Request more case ReplayAborted(seqN, pid, expectedSeqNr, gotSeqNr) => // Causality violation, wait and retry. Only applicable if all events for persistence_id are tagged case ReplayFailed(cause) => // Failure case _: Request => // Deliver buffer case Continue => // Do nothing case Cancel => // Stop }
  • 85. def replay(): Unit = { val backtracking = isBacktracking val limit = if (backtracking) maxBufferSize else maxBufferSize - buf.size val toOffs = if (backtracking && abortDeadline.isEmpty) highestOffset else UUIDs.endOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - eventualConsistencyDelayMillis) context.actorOf(EventsByTagFetcher.props(tag, currTimeBucket, currOffset, toOffs, limit, backtracking, self, session, preparedSelect, seqNumbers, settings)) context.become(replaying(limit)) } def replaying(limit: Int): Receive = { case env @ UUIDPersistentRepr(offs, _) => // Deliver buffer case ReplayDone(count, seqN, highest) => // Request more case ReplayAborted(seqN, pid, expectedSeqNr, gotSeqNr) => // Causality violation, wait and retry. Only applicable if all events for persistence_id are tagged case ReplayFailed(cause) => // Failure case _: Request => // Deliver buffer case Continue => // Do nothing case Cancel => // Stop }
  • 86. Akka Persistence Cassandra Replay def asyncReplayMessages(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) (replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = Future { new MessageIterator(persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max).foreach(msg => { replayCallback(msg) }) } class MessageIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) extends Iterator [PersistentRepr] { private val initialFromSequenceNr = math.max(highestDeletedSequenceNumber(persistenceId) + 1, fromSequenceNr) private val iter = new RowIterator(persistenceId, initialFromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr) private var mcnt = 0L private var c: PersistentRepr = null private var n: PersistentRepr = PersistentRepr(Undefined) fetch() def hasNext: Boolean = ... def next(): PersistentRepr = … ... }
  • 87. Akka Persistence Cassandra Replay def asyncReplayMessages(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) (replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = Future { new MessageIterator(persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max).foreach(msg => { replayCallback(msg) }) } class MessageIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) extends Iterator [PersistentRepr] { private val initialFromSequenceNr = math.max(highestDeletedSequenceNumber(persistenceId) + 1, fromSequenceNr) private val iter = new RowIterator(persistenceId, initialFromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr) private var mcnt = 0L private var c: PersistentRepr = null private var n: PersistentRepr = PersistentRepr(Undefined) fetch() def hasNext: Boolean = ... def next(): PersistentRepr = … ... }
  • 88. Akka Persistence Cassandra Replay def asyncReplayMessages(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) (replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = Future { new MessageIterator(persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max).foreach(msg => { replayCallback(msg) }) } class MessageIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long) extends Iterator [PersistentRepr] { private val initialFromSequenceNr = math.max(highestDeletedSequenceNumber(persistenceId) + 1, fromSequenceNr) private val iter = new RowIterator(persistenceId, initialFromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr) private var mcnt = 0L private var c: PersistentRepr = null private var n: PersistentRepr = PersistentRepr(Undefined) fetch() def hasNext: Boolean = ... def next(): PersistentRepr = … ... }
  • 89. class RowIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long) extends Iterator[Row] { var currentPnr = partitionNr(fromSequenceNr) var currentSnr = fromSequenceNr var fromSnr = fromSequenceNr var toSnr = toSequenceNr var iter = newIter() def newIter() = session.execute(preparedSelectMessages.bind(persistenceId, currentPnr, fromSnr, toSnr)).iterator final def hasNext: Boolean = { if (iter.hasNext) true else if (!inUse) false } else { currentPnr += 1 fromSnr = currentSnr iter = newIter() hasNext } } def next(): Row = { val row = currentSnr = row.getLong("sequence_nr") row } }
  • 90. class RowIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long) extends Iterator[Row] { var currentPnr = partitionNr(fromSequenceNr) var currentSnr = fromSequenceNr var fromSnr = fromSequenceNr var toSnr = toSequenceNr var iter = newIter() def newIter() = session.execute(preparedSelectMessages.bind(persistenceId, currentPnr, fromSnr, toSnr)).iterator final def hasNext: Boolean = { if (iter.hasNext) true else if (!inUse) false } else { currentPnr += 1 fromSnr = currentSnr iter = newIter() hasNext } } def next(): Row = { val row = currentSnr = row.getLong("sequence_nr") row } }
  • 91. class RowIterator(persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long) extends Iterator[Row] { var currentPnr = partitionNr(fromSequenceNr) var currentSnr = fromSequenceNr var fromSnr = fromSequenceNr var toSnr = toSequenceNr var iter = newIter() def newIter() = session.execute(preparedSelectMessages.bind(persistenceId, currentPnr, fromSnr, toSnr)).iterator final def hasNext: Boolean = { if (iter.hasNext) true else if (!inUse) false } else { currentPnr += 1 fromSnr = currentSnr iter = newIter() hasNext } } def next(): Row = { val row = currentSnr = row.getLong("sequence_nr") row } }
  • 92. Non blocking asynchronous replay private[this] val queries: CassandraReadJournal = new CassandraReadJournal( extendedActorSystem, context.system.settings.config.getConfig("cassandra-query-journal")) override def asyncReplayMessages( persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long)(replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = queries .eventsByPersistenceId( persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max, replayMaxResultSize, None, "asyncReplayMessages") .runForeach(replayCallback) .map(_ => ())
  • 93. private[this] val queries: CassandraReadJournal = new CassandraReadJournal( extendedActorSystem, context.system.settings.config.getConfig("cassandra-query-journal")) override def asyncReplayMessages( persistenceId: String, fromSequenceNr: Long, toSequenceNr: Long, max: Long)(replayCallback: (PersistentRepr) => Unit): Future[Unit] = queries .eventsByPersistenceId( persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max, replayMaxResultSize, None, "asyncReplayMessages") .runForeach(replayCallback) .map(_ => ())
  • 94. Benchmarks 5000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 35 000 40 000 5000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 35 000 40 000 0 0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 0 50 000 Time(ms) Time(ms) Time(ms) Actors Threads, Actors Threads 20 40 60 80 100 120 1405000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 45 000 50 000 blocking asynchronous REPLAY STRONG SCALING WEAK SCALING
  • 95. my-dispatcher { type = "Dispatcher" executor = "thread-pool-executor" thread-pool-executor { fixed-pool-size = $fixedPoolSize } throughput = $throughput } my-dispatcher { type = "Dispatcher" executor = "fork-join-executor" fork-join-executor { parallelism-min = $parallelismMin parallelism-max = $parallelismMax parallelism-factor = $parallelismFactor } throughput = $throughput }
  • 96. cassandra-journal { plugin-dispatcher = $pluginDispatcher replay-dispatcher = $replayDispatcher max-result-size = $resultSize max-result-size-replay = $resultSizeReplay target-partition-size = $partitionSize } cassandra-query-journal { plugin-dispatcher = $queryPluginDispatcher max-buffer-size = $bufferSize max-result-size-query = $resultSizeReplay }
  • 97. node_id Alternative architecture 0 1 persistence_id 0, event 0 persistence_id 0, event 1 persistence_id 1, event 0 persistence_id 0, event 2 persistence_id 2, event 0 persistence_id 0, event 3
  • 98. persistence_id 0, event 0 persistence_id 0, event 1 persistence_id 1, event 0 persistence_id 2, event 0 persistence_id 0, event 2 persistence_id 0, event 3
  • 99. tag 1 0 all Ids Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 1 0 1 0 0 event 1event o
  • 100. tag 1 0 allIds Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 1 0 1 0 0 event 0 event 1 val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceId, eventsByTag, allPersistenceIds) Future.sequence(boundStatements).flatMap { stmts => val batch = new BatchStatement().setConsistencyLevel(...).setRetryPolicy(...) stmts.foreach(batch.add) session.underlying().flatMap(_.executeAsync(batch)) }
  • 101. tag 1 0 allIds Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 1 0 1 0 0 event 0 event 1 val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceId, eventsByTag, allPersistenceIds) Future.sequence(boundStatements).flatMap { stmts => val batch = new BatchStatement().setConsistencyLevel(...).setRetryPolicy(...) stmts.foreach(batch.add) session.underlying().flatMap(_.executeAsync(batch)) }
  • 102. val eventsByPersistenceIdStatement = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement) val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByTagStatement, allPersistenceIdsStatement) ... session.underlying().flatMap { s => val ebpResult = s.executeAsync(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement) val batchResult = s.executeAsync(batch)) ... } tag 1 0 allIds Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 1 0 1 0 0 event 0 event 1
  • 103. val eventsByPersistenceIdStatement = statementGroup(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement) val boundStatements = statementGroup(eventsByTagStatement, allPersistenceIdsStatement) ... session.underlying().flatMap { s => val ebpResult = s.executeAsync(eventsByPersistenceIdStatement) val batchResult = s.executeAsync(batch)) ... } tag 1 0 allIds Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 1 0 1 0 0 event 0 event 1
  • 104. Event time processing ● Ingestion time, processing time, event time
  • 105.
  • 106. Ordering 10 2 1 12:34:57 1 KEY TIME VALUE 2 12:34:58 2 KEY TIME VALUE 0 12:34:56 0 KEY TIME VALUE
  • 107. 0 1 2 1 12:34:57 1 KEY TIME VALUE 2 12:34:58 2 KEY TIME VALUE 0 12:34:56 0 KEY TIME VALUE
  • 108. Distributed causal stream merging Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 node_id
  • 109. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 node_id
  • 110. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 node_id
  • 111. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 node_id persistence _id seq 0 0 1 . . . 2 . . .
  • 112. persistence _id seq 0 1 1 . . . 2 . . . Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 0 node_id 0 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 3
  • 113. persistence _id seq 0 2 1 0 2 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 0 node_id 0 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 1, event 0
  • 114. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 node_id Id 1, event 0 persistence _id seq 0 3 1 0 2 0
  • 115. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 node_id Id 1, event 0 0 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Replay
  • 116. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 node_id Id 1, event 0 0 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1
  • 117. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 1, event 0 0 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 node_id
  • 118. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 1, event 0 0 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 node_id persistence _id seq 0 2
  • 119. Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 1, event 00 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 1, event 0 0 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 persistence _id seq 0 2 stream_id seq 0 1 1 2 1 node_id
  • 121. Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0
  • 122. Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0
  • 123. Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0 ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK
  • 124. Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0 ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK
  • 125. Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 1, event 0 ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK
  • 126. Exactly once delivery ● Durable offset 0 1 2 3 4
  • 127. 0 1 2 3 4
  • 128. 10 2 3 4
  • 130. node_id 0 1 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 1, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 3 Id 0, event 0 Id 0, event 1 Id 1, event 0 Id 2, event 0 Id 0, event 2 Id 0, event 3 tag 1 0 allIds Id 0, event 1 Id 2, event 1 0 1 0 0 event 0 event 1
  • 131. val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("...").setMaster("...").set("", "...") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) implicit val ordering = new Ordering[(String, Double)] { override def compare(x: (String, Double), y: (String, Double)): Int = implicitly[Ordering[Double]].compare(x._2, y._2) } sc.eventTable() .cache() .flatMap { case (JournalKey(persistenceId, _, _), BalanceUpdatedEvent(change)) => (persistenceId -> change) :: Nil case _ => Nil } .reduceByKey(_ + _) .top(100) .foreach(println) sc.stop() Akka Analytics
  • 132. val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("...").setMaster("...").set("", "...") val sc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(5)) implicit val ordering = new Ordering[(String, Double)] { override def compare(x: (String, Double), y: (String, Double)): Int = implicitly[Ordering[Double]].compare(x._2, y._2) } sc.eventTable() .cache() .flatMap { case (JournalKey(persistenceId, _, _), BalanceUpdatedEvent(change)) => (persistenceId -> change) :: Nil case _ => Nil } .reduceByKey(_ + _) .top(100) .foreach(println) sc.stop()
  • 135. Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Update Update Update Model devices Model devices Model devices Input data Input data Input data Parameter devices P ΔP ΔP ΔP
  • 136. Challenges ● All the solved problems ○ Exactly once delivery ○ Consistency ○ Availability ○ Fault tolerance ○ Cross service invariants and consistency ○ Transactions ○ Automated deployment and configuration management ○ Serialization, versioning, compatibility ○ Automated elasticity ○ No downtime version upgrades ○ Graceful shutdown of nodes ○ Distributed system verification, logging, tracing, monitoring, debugging ○ Split brains ○ ...
  • 137. Conclusion ● From request, response, synchronous, mutable state ● To streams, asynchronous messaging ● Production ready distributed systems
  • 139. MANCHESTER LONDON NEW YORK @zapletal_martin @cakesolutions 347 708 1518 We are hiring