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How to Handle
Roberto Lico
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Dear reader,
Thank you for your interest in learning how to better deal with a
Tantrum-prone Employee.
Our main intention is to share different approaches, based on
internet research aiming to improve the working environment and
companies and employees´ achievements.
A "tantrum employee" refers to an employee who frequently
displays disruptive and emotionally charged behavior in the
workplace, similar to a child throwing a tantrum.
Such behavior can include outbursts of anger, frustration, or
emotional breakdowns that disrupt the normal functioning of the
Tantrum employees can be challenging to manage and can
negatively impact the work environment, productivity, and team
The author
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
I. Main Characteristics of a
Tantrum-prone Employee:
Here are some common characteristics of a
tantrum employee:
▪ Emotional Outbursts: They may react to
stress, criticism, or unfavorable situations
with emotional outbursts, such as yelling,
crying, or displaying visible anger.
▪ Inability to Control Emotions: Tantrum
employees may struggle to control their
emotions, leading to impulsive and disruptive
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
▪ Disruptive Behavior: Their behavior can
disrupt the workflow and create tension
among coworkers.
▪ Poor Conflict Resolution Skills: They often
have difficulty resolving conflicts in a
constructive manner and may escalate
▪ Negativity: They may consistently exhibit a
negative attitude, which can affect team
▪ Resistance to Feedback: Tantrum employees
may be resistant to feedback and not open to
constructive criticism or suggestions for
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Managing a tantrum employee can be
challenging, and it often requires a combination
of empathy, communication, and, if necessary,
disciplinary actions to address their behavior and
encourage more appropriate conduct in the
It's important for employers and managers to
provide support and resources to help
employees manage their emotions and develop
better coping strategies.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
II. Strategies to better deal with
a Tantrum-prone Employee:
Stay Calm:
Maintain your composure and avoid reacting
emotionally to their outbursts.
Private Discussion:
Address the issue privately to prevent
embarrassment or escalation in front of
Listen Actively:
Allow them to express their feelings and
concerns and actively listen without interrupting.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Show understanding and empathy for their
emotions and perspective.
Set Expectations:
Clearly communicate expected workplace
behavior and standards.
Establish Boundaries:
Define acceptable behavior and consequences
for future outbursts.
Conflict Resolution Training:
Offer training or resources to help them develop
better conflict resolution skills.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Regular Check-Ins:
Schedule regular one-on-one meetings to discuss
their concerns and monitor progress.
Identify Triggers:
Work together to identify the specific triggers
that lead to their outbursts.
Encourage Self-Awareness:
Help them recognize their emotional triggers and
Teach Stress Management:
Provide resources on stress management
techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Mentoring or Coaching:
Assign a mentor or coach to provide guidance
and support.
Document Incidents:
Keep records of disruptive incidents for future
reference if needed.
Seek Professional Help:
If necessary, suggest seeking counseling or
therapy to address underlying emotional issues.
Provide Feedback:
Offer constructive feedback on their behavior
and suggest alternative responses.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Incorporate Feedback:
Be open to their feedback on workplace issues
and address their concerns when appropriate.
Involve HR:
If the behavior persists, involve your Human
Resources department to ensure compliance
with company policies.
Team Building:
Encourage team-building activities to improve
relationships with coworkers.
Positive Reinforcement:
Acknowledge and reward positive changes in
behavior and attitude.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Progress Tracking:
Set goals for improvement and track their
progress over time.
Peer Support:
Encourage colleagues to offer support and
understanding during difficult times.
Conflict Mediation:
If conflicts involve coworkers, consider involving
a trained mediator to facilitate resolution.
Behavioral Contracts:
Create a written agreement outlining expected
behavior and consequences for violations.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Wellness Programs:
Promote workplace wellness programs that
address stress reduction and mental health.
Flexible Work Arrangements:
Explore flexible work options to accommodate
personal needs and reduce stress.
Role Adjustment:
Evaluate whether their current role is a good fit
and discuss potential role adjustments or
EAP (Employee Assistance Program):
Promote the use of EAP services for counseling
and support.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Debrief After Incidents:
After a tantrum, schedule a debriefing to discuss
the incident and identify solutions.
Conflict Resolution Training for the Team:
Provide training to the entire team to improve
conflict resolution skills and communication.
Positive Feedback Loop:
Reinforce positive behavior with regular praise
and recognition.
Neutral Third Party:
Consider involving an external mediator or
counselor for particularly challenging situations.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Clear Consequences:
Ensure that consequences for disruptive
behavior are consistently enforced.
Team Norms:
Develop team norms or guidelines for respectful
communication and behavior.
Behavioral Health Resources:
Connect the employee with resources for
managing mental health and emotional well-
Education and Awareness:
Conduct workshops or seminars on emotional
intelligence and workplace behavior.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Job Accommodations:
Explore reasonable accommodations if there are
underlying health conditions contributing to the
Conflict Resolution Models:
Implement structured conflict resolution models
like the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode
Feedback Loop:
Encourage open feedback between the
employee and their manager to address
concerns promptly.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Progress Reports:
Have the employee provide regular reports on
their progress toward better behavior.
Supportive Work Environment:
Foster a culture of support, respect, and
inclusivity in the workplace.
Peer Feedback:
Encourage team members to provide
constructive feedback to the employee about
their behavior.
Conflict Resolution Workshops:
Organize workshops or training sessions on
conflict resolution and emotional intelligence for
the entire team.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Behavioral Modification Plans:
Develop personalized plans to help the employee
modify their behavior over time.
Escalation Protocol:
Create a clear protocol for handling escalating
situations, including involving higher
management if necessary.
Mediation Services:
Offer access to professional mediation services
for resolving conflicts.
Therapeutic Resources:
Provide information about local therapists or
counselors who specialize in anger management
or emotional regulation.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Team-Building Activities:
Arrange team-building exercises to improve
collaboration and reduce tension among team
If appropriate, consider reassigning the
employee to a different role or department
where their behavior is less disruptive.
Communication Skills Training:
Offer training in effective communication and
active listening.
Behavioral Contracts with Incentives:
Include positive incentives in behavioral
contracts to motivate improvement.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Leadership Coaching:
Provide coaching to help the employee develop
leadership skills, including emotional
Conflict Resolution Champions:
Appoint individuals within the team to act as
conflict resolution champions who can intervene
in disputes.
Conflict Journaling:
Encourage the employee to keep a journal of
their thoughts and feelings when conflicts arise.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Sensitivity Training:
Offer sensitivity training to improve the
employee's awareness of how their behavior
affects others.
Scheduled Breaks:
Allow for short, regular breaks to help manage
stress throughout the workday.
Buddy System:
Pair the employee with a colleague who can
provide support and guidance during challenging
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Peer Feedback Groups:
Establish peer feedback groups where
employees can provide each other with feedback
in a constructive way.
Mandatory Conflict Resolution Training:
If necessary, make participation in conflict
resolution training mandatory.
Long-Term Goals:
Work with the employee to set long-term goals
for behavior improvement.
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):
Develop a formal performance improvement
plan with specific targets and timelines.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Resources:
Provide written materials, books, or online
resources on conflict resolution and emotional
Peer Mediation:
Train selected team members to act as peer
mediators for resolving disputes within the team.
Behavioral Feedback Loops:
Establish a feedback loop where the employee
receives regular feedback on their behavior from
colleagues and superiors.
Mentoring Program:
Pair the employee with a senior colleague who
can provide guidance and mentorship.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Crisis Intervention Plan:
Develop a crisis intervention plan to handle
severe outbursts or emotional breakdowns
Alternative Communication Channels:
Offer alternative channels, such as written
communication or email, when verbal
communication is challenging.
Conflict-Free Zones:
Designate certain areas within the workplace as
"conflict-free zones" to encourage peaceful
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Peer Support Groups:
Organize peer support groups for employees
dealing with similar challenges.
Professional Development:
Invest in the employee's professional
development to boost their confidence and skills.
Scheduled Feedback:
Schedule regular feedback sessions to discuss
progress and setbacks in managing their
Emotional Regulation Techniques:
Provide training in techniques for managing
emotions, such as mindfulness or relaxation
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Behavioral Assessment:
Conduct a behavioral assessment to identify
underlying issues contributing to the outbursts.
Conflict Resolution Tools:
Offer access to conflict resolution software or
tools that can assist in resolving disputes.
Workplace Wellness Programs:
Promote wellness initiatives, including physical
fitness and mental health support.
Behavioral Observation:
Encourage employees to observe and report
positive changes in the employee's behavior.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Clear Reporting Channels:
Ensure that employees know how and where to
report disruptive behavior or concerns.
Positive Role Models:
Highlight positive role models within the
organization who can serve as examples of
professional behavior.
Multimodal Communication:
Allow for a mix of communication methods (e.g.,
in-person, phone, email) to accommodate their
preferred style.
Conflict Resolution Simulations:
Conduct role-playing or simulations to practice
conflict resolution skills.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Stress Reduction Initiatives:
Implement stress reduction initiatives like on-site
relaxation rooms or wellness workshops.
Positive Reinforcement System:
Implement a system for rewarding positive
behavior consistently and visibly.
Peer Accountability:
Encourage team members to hold each other
accountable for maintaining a respectful and
harmonious workplace.
Cultural Sensitivity Training:
Provide training on cultural sensitivity and
diversity to promote understanding among team
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Feedback Surveys:
Conduct anonymous surveys to gather feedback
from team members about the work
environment and conflicts.
Conflict Resolution Hotline:
Establish a confidential hotline or reporting
mechanism for employees to report conflicts or
Conflict Resolution Retreat:
Organize off-site retreats or workshops focused
on conflict resolution and team building.
Job Rotation:
Consider temporary job rotations to provide a
change of scenery and responsibilities.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Regular Updates:
Keep the employee informed about company
developments and changes that may affect their
Open-Door Policy:
Maintain an open-door policy to encourage
employees to discuss concerns with
Peer Feedback Circles:
Create peer feedback circles where employees
offer constructive feedback in a structured
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Behavioral Self-Monitoring:
Encourage the employee to self-monitor their
behavior and emotions using a journal or app.
Conflict Resolution Games:
Introduce games or exercises that teach conflict
resolution skills in a fun and engaging way.
Conflict Resolution Awards:
Recognize and reward employees who excel in
conflict resolution and emotional management.
Task-Based Goals:
Break down behavioral improvements into
smaller, task-based goals for easier progress
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Role Play Workshops:
Conduct role-play workshops to practice
handling difficult situations and conflicts.
Empowerment Workshops:
Organize workshops that focus on building self-
esteem and self-confidence.
Conflict Resolution Committees:
Form committees dedicated to addressing and
resolving conflicts within the organization.
Multicultural Awareness:
Promote awareness of different cultures and
backgrounds to foster inclusivity.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Restorative Circles:
Implement restorative circles or meetings to heal
relationships after conflicts occur.
Long-Term Support:
Offer ongoing support and resources even after
initial improvements are seen.
Conflict Resolution Buddy:
Assign a trusted colleague as a "conflict
resolution buddy" who can provide immediate
support during tense situations.
Behavioral Assessment Tools:
Utilize behavioral assessment tools or surveys to
gain insights into the employee's emotional
triggers and patterns.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Group Therapy:
Consider offering group therapy sessions or
support groups to address common emotional
challenges within the team.
Conflict Resolution Coach:
Engage a conflict resolution coach or consultant
to work with the employee one-on-one.
Peer Recognition Program:
Establish a program where peers can recognize
and appreciate positive behavior.
Workplace Mediation Training:
Provide training in workplace mediation skills to
selected employees to help resolve conflicts.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Inclusive Decision-Making:
Involve the employee in decision-making
processes to increase their sense of ownership
and control.
Cultural Competence Training:
Implement training on cultural competence and
sensitivity to foster understanding among
diverse team members.
Employee Assistance Fund:
Create a fund to assist employees facing
personal challenges, including emotional or
financial difficulties.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Regular Check-Ins with HR:
Schedule periodic check-ins with HR to ensure
ongoing support and compliance with policies.
Behavioral Feedback App:
Use a specialized app or platform for employees
to provide feedback on behavior and conflict
Peer Conflict Resolution Panels:
Establish panels of peer employees who can
mediate disputes between coworkers.
Conflict Resolution Awareness Campaign:
Launch a campaign to raise awareness about the
importance of conflict resolution in the
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Virtual Conflict Resolution Workshops:
Offer remote workshops on conflict resolution
skills for remote or distributed teams.
Personalized Self-Help Resources:
Provide customized self-help resources based on
the employee's specific challenges and needs.
Conflict Resolution Certification:
Encourage employees to pursue conflict
resolution certifications or qualifications.
Community Involvement:
Encourage the employee to engage in
community or volunteer activities to develop
interpersonal skills.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Social-Emotional Learning Programs:
Implement social-emotional learning programs
to enhance emotional intelligence among
Promote a Culture of Empathy:
Foster a workplace culture that emphasizes
empathy, understanding, and support for all
Conflict Resolution Competitions:
Organize friendly competitions or challenges
related to conflict resolution to encourage
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Rotational Assignments:
Allow the employee to temporarily rotate
through different roles or teams to gain new
perspectives and skills.
Peer Conflict Resolution Mentorship:
Pair the employee with a colleague who excels in
conflict resolution as a mentor.
Community Resources:
Connect the employee with external community
resources, such as support groups or counseling
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Toolbox:
Provide the employee with a toolkit of conflict
resolution resources, including books, videos,
and articles.
Emotional Intelligence Assessment:
Use emotional intelligence assessments to
identify areas for growth and development.
Emotion Regulation Workshops:
Offer workshops focused specifically on
improving emotion regulation skills.
Wellness and Stress Reduction Spaces:
Create designated spaces in the workplace for
relaxation and stress reduction activities.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
360-Degree Feedback:
Collect feedback from colleagues, superiors, and
subordinates to provide a comprehensive view of
the employee's behavior.
Peer Accountability Groups:
Form small peer groups that hold each other
accountable for maintaining positive workplace
Community Outreach Initiatives:
Encourage the employee to participate in
community outreach and volunteer efforts as
part of their personal development.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Podcasts:
Share podcast recommendations that address
conflict resolution and emotional management.
Emotional Intelligence Assessments:
Regularly assess emotional intelligence levels
and track improvements over time.
Wellness Challenges:
Organize wellness challenges that focus on
mental health and stress reduction.
Personal Development Plans:
Work with the employee to create personalized
development plans that include conflict
resolution goals.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Advisory Board:
Establish an advisory board of employees skilled
in conflict resolution to provide guidance.
Crisis De-escalation Training:
Provide training on de-escalation techniques to
help manage high-stress situations.
Positive Workplace Affirmations:
Promote the use of positive affirmations and
mindfulness techniques in the workplace.
Conflict Resolution Book Club:
Start a book club within the team, focusing on
books related to conflict resolution and
emotional intelligence.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
External Mediation Services:
Offer access to external mediation services for
resolving conflicts that cannot be resolved
Weekly Progress Meetings:
Schedule weekly meetings to review the
employee's progress and provide constructive
Peer Evaluation:
Implement a system where peers provide
anonymous evaluations of the employee's
behavior and conflict resolution skills.
Mindfulness Training:
Organize mindfulness and meditation sessions to
help employees manage stress and emotions.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Respectful Communication Guidelines:
Develop and distribute guidelines for respectful
and effective communication in the workplace.
Conflict Resolution Retreats:
Arrange off-site retreats or workshops focused
on conflict resolution and team bonding.
Conflict Resolution Resources Library:
Create a library of conflict resolution books,
articles, and videos accessible to all employees.
Collaborative Projects:
Encourage collaborative projects that require
teamwork and effective communication to
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
External Conflict Resolution Experts:
Bring in external conflict resolution experts for
workshops, training, or consultation.
Conflict Resolution Feedback Surveys:
Conduct surveys to gather feedback on the
effectiveness of conflict resolution strategies.
Conflict Resolution Artifacts:
Display artwork, quotes, or visual reminders
related to conflict resolution in the workplace.
Emotion Regulation Apps:
Recommend mobile apps designed to help
manage emotions and promote emotional
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Peer Accountability Agreements:
Have employees sign accountability agreements
to commit to maintaining a respectful workplace.
Conflict Resolution Task Force:
Form a task force dedicated to addressing and
improving conflict resolution processes within
the organization.
Conflict Resolution Certification Programs:
Sponsor employees to enroll in conflict
resolution certification programs.
Holistic Wellness Programs:
Develop holistic wellness programs that
encompass physical, mental, and emotional well-
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Leadership Workshop:
Offer leadership workshops that focus on conflict
resolution skills for managers.
Conflict Resolution Quiz Competitions:
Organize friendly quiz competitions to test
employees' knowledge of conflict resolution
Meditation and Relaxation Zones:
Create designated spaces in the workplace for
meditation and relaxation activities.
Conflict Resolution Peer Reviews:
Implement a peer review system where
employees evaluate each other's conflict
resolution skills.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Quiz App:
Develop an internal quiz app that employees can
use to test their knowledge of conflict resolution.
Emotion Regulation Accountability Partner:
Assign an accountability partner to help the
employee stay on track with emotion regulation
Conflict Resolution Conference:
Attend or organize conferences and seminars
focused on conflict resolution and emotional
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Newsletter:
Publish a regular newsletter featuring tips,
success stories, and resources related to conflict
Conflict Resolution Awards:
Establish an annual awards program to recognize
and celebrate employees who excel in conflict
Conflict Resolution Research Group:
Form a research group within the organization to
study and develop innovative conflict resolution
Emotional Intelligence Assessment Tools:
Utilize specialized tools and assessments to
gauge emotional intelligence growth over time.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Podcast Series:
Produce a podcast series featuring experts
discussing conflict resolution strategies and real-
world scenarios.
Peer Conflict Resolution Coaches:
Train select employees to serve as peer coaches
for colleagues facing conflict challenges.
Conflict Resolution Hackathons:
Organize hackathons or innovation events
focused on developing new conflict resolution
tools or approaches.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Gamification:
Create gamified experiences that encourage
employees to practice conflict resolution in a fun
Emotional Intelligence Workshops for Families:
Offer workshops for employees' families to
promote emotional intelligence and conflict
resolution skills in personal relationships.
Conflict Resolution Mentor Circles:
Establish mentorship circles where employees
can both mentor and be mentored in conflict
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation Accountability Groups:
Form small groups that meet regularly to hold
each other accountable for emotion regulation
Conflict Resolution Case Studies:
Develop and distribute case studies that
illustrate successful conflict resolution outcomes
within the organization.
Conflict Resolution External Speakers:
Invite external speakers and experts to give talks
on conflict resolution and emotional
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation App Integration:
Integrate emotion regulation tools and apps into
the company's digital workspace or
communication platforms.
Conflict Resolution Skills Competitions:
Organize friendly competitions where employees
showcase their conflict resolution skills.
Conflict Resolution Graduation Ceremony:
Celebrate employees' completion of conflict
resolution training with a graduation ceremony.
Conflict Resolution Peer Observations:
Encourage employees to observe and learn from
their peers' effective conflict resolution
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Badge System:
Implement a badge or rewards system for
employees who consistently demonstrate strong
conflict resolution skills.
Emotion Regulation Lunch-and-Learns:
Organize regular lunch-and-learn sessions
focused on emotion regulation techniques and
Conflict Resolution Storytelling Sessions:
Host storytelling sessions where employees
share their experiences and strategies for
resolving conflicts.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Visual Aids:
Create visual aids or posters that display conflict
resolution models and principles in common
Emotion Regulation Peer Support Networks:
Establish networks of peer support where
employees can connect and share tips for
managing emotions.
Conflict Resolution Webinars:
Offer webinars on conflict resolution topics,
making them accessible to remote or off-site
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Knowledge Base:
Develop an internal knowledge base or wiki that
employees can access for conflict resolution
Emotion Regulation Challenges:
Organize friendly challenges or competitions
related to mastering emotion regulation
Conflict Resolution Film Screenings:
Host screenings of relevant films or
documentaries followed by discussions on
conflict resolution themes.
Conflict Resolution Card Decks:
Create card decks featuring conflict resolution
scenarios for employees to discuss and resolve.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Hackathons for Solutions:
Hold hackathons focused on developing practical
solutions to common workplace conflicts.
Emotion Regulation Peer Check-Ins:
Encourage employees to regularly check in with
peers to discuss their emotional well-being and
Conflict Resolution Mentorship Circles:
Form mentorship circles where employees
mentor one another on conflict resolution skills.
Conflict Resolution Simulation Games:
Utilize simulation games that allow employees to
practice resolving conflicts in a risk-free
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation Art Therapy:
Introduce art therapy sessions as a creative way
to explore and manage emotions.
Conflict Resolution Podcast Club:
Start a club where employees listen to and
discuss conflict resolution-themed podcasts
Conflict Resolution Guest Speakers:
Invite experts and guest speakers to share their
insights on conflict resolution and emotional
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Certification Pathways:
Develop certification programs with various
levels of achievement for mastering conflict
Conflict Resolution Progress Showcases:
Host showcases where employees can present
their conflict resolution success stories and
lessons learned.
Conflict Resolution Roundtable Discussions:
Organize roundtable discussions where
employees can share their experiences and
strategies for resolving conflicts.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Task Forces:
Create task forces or committees dedicated to
researching and implementing innovative
conflict resolution solutions.
Emotion Regulation Self-Assessment Tools:
Provide self-assessment tools that allow
employees to track their progress in emotion
Conflict Resolution Storyboards:
Encourage employees to create visual
storyboards that depict conflict resolution
scenarios and strategies.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Mobile Apps:
Develop a mobile app that provides on-the-go
access to conflict resolution resources, tips, and
Conflict Resolution Team-Building Retreats:
Arrange team-building retreats that incorporate
conflict resolution training and activities.
Conflict Resolution Book Exchange:
Set up a book exchange program where
employees can borrow and exchange conflict
resolution books.
Conflict Resolution Board Games:
Incorporate board games designed to teach and
reinforce conflict resolution skills in team-
building events.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation Journaling:
Promote journaling as a means of self-reflection
and managing emotions, with optional sharing in
a safe space.
Conflict Resolution Video Series:
Produce a series of short videos featuring
employees discussing their approaches to
conflict resolution.
Conflict Resolution Skills Assessment:
Conduct skills assessments to identify areas
where employees can further develop their
conflict resolution abilities.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation Peer Challenges:
Encourage employees to challenge each other to
practice emotion regulation techniques
Conflict Resolution Art Exhibits:
Organize art exhibits that showcase employees'
visual representations of conflict resolution and
emotional intelligence.
Conflict Resolution Microlearning:
Develop bite-sized, on-demand conflict
resolution and emotion regulation microlearning
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation Accountability Apps:
Recommend smartphone apps that track
progress in emotion regulation and provide
reminders for practice.
Conflict Resolution Cross-Departmental
Host workshops that bring together employees
from different departments to share insights on
conflict resolution.
Conflict Resolution Storytelling Contests:
Organize contests where employees can submit
written or verbal stories of successful conflict
resolution experiences.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation Web Resources:
Curate a collection of web resources and articles
on emotion regulation for employees to explore.
Conflict Resolution Visual Wall Displays:
Create visually appealing wall displays that
highlight key conflict resolution principles and
Conflict Resolution Employee Awards Ceremony:
Hold an annual awards ceremony to recognize
employees who have made significant
contributions to conflict resolution and
emotional intelligence in the workplace.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Case Study Competitions:
Organize competitions where employees analyze
and present solutions to real workplace conflict
Conflict Resolution Storytelling Workshops:
Host workshops that teach employees how to
use storytelling techniques to navigate and
resolve conflicts.
Emotion Regulation Discussion Forums:
Create online forums or discussion boards where
employees can share experiences and advice
related to emotion regulation.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Guest Blogging:
Encourage employees to contribute guest blog
posts on conflict resolution and emotional
intelligence topics.
Conflict Resolution Peer Recognition Wall:
Establish a recognition wall where employees
can post notes of appreciation for their
colleagues' conflict resolution efforts.
Conflict Resolution Game Nights:
Host game nights where employees play board
games that require teamwork and conflict
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Emotion Regulation Team Challenges:
Organize team challenges that require emotion
regulation skills, such as managing stress during
timed tasks.
Conflict Resolution Skill Badges:
Award digital badges or certificates to employees
who complete conflict resolution training and
demonstrate proficiency.
Conflict Resolution Community Outreach:
Encourage employees to apply conflict resolution
skills in community outreach or volunteer
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Role Reversal Exercises:
Have employees role-play scenarios where they
switch roles to understand each other's
perspectives in conflicts.
Emotion Regulation Self-Help Libraries:
Create self-help libraries with books and
resources focused on emotion regulation and
stress management.
Conflict Resolution Peer Podcasts:
Allow employees to create and share their own
conflict resolution-themed podcasts or video
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Skill Fairs:
Organize skill fairs where employees can explore
various conflict resolution resources and
Conflict Resolution Movie Nights:
Screen movies or documentaries that depict
conflict resolution challenges and solutions,
followed by discussions.
Emotion Regulation Reflection Journals:
Provide employees with journals to reflect on
their emotional experiences and progress in
managing emotions.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution User Groups:
Form user groups where employees can discuss
and collaborate on conflict resolution software
or tools.
Conflict Resolution Cross-Functional Teams:
Assign cross-functional teams to address and
find solutions to specific conflicts or challenges.
Conflict Resolution Hackathons for Social Impact:
Host hackathons with a focus on using conflict
resolution skills to address social or community
Emotion Regulation Buddy Systems:
Pair employees up as "emotion regulation
buddies" to provide mutual support and
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Self-Evaluation Surveys:
Distribute self-evaluation surveys to help
employees assess their conflict resolution and
emotion regulation progress.
Conflict Resolution Skill Share Sessions:
Arrange skill-sharing sessions where employees
can teach each other specific conflict resolution
Conflict Resolution Mentorship Network:
Establish a mentorship network where
experienced conflict resolution experts mentor
less experienced employees.
How to Handle Workplace Tantrums
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution Escape Rooms:
Create escape room experiences that require
participants to use conflict resolution skills to
solve puzzles and complete challenges.
Conflict Resolution Book Swap:
Set up a book swap program where employees
can exchange conflict resolution and emotional
intelligence books.
Emotion Regulation Affirmation Cards:
Distribute affirmation cards with positive
messages related to emotion regulation for
employees to use.

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How to Handle Workplace Tantrums - Roberto Lico.pdf

  • 1. How to Handle Workplace Tantrums BUSINESS STRATEGIES Roberto Lico
  • 2. 1 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Dear reader, Thank you for your interest in learning how to better deal with a Tantrum-prone Employee. Our main intention is to share different approaches, based on internet research aiming to improve the working environment and companies and employees´ achievements. A "tantrum employee" refers to an employee who frequently displays disruptive and emotionally charged behavior in the workplace, similar to a child throwing a tantrum. Such behavior can include outbursts of anger, frustration, or emotional breakdowns that disrupt the normal functioning of the workplace. Tantrum employees can be challenging to manage and can negatively impact the work environment, productivity, and team dynamics. The author
  • 3. 2 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – I. Main Characteristics of a Tantrum-prone Employee: Here are some common characteristics of a tantrum employee: ▪ Emotional Outbursts: They may react to stress, criticism, or unfavorable situations with emotional outbursts, such as yelling, crying, or displaying visible anger. ▪ Inability to Control Emotions: Tantrum employees may struggle to control their emotions, leading to impulsive and disruptive behavior.
  • 4. 3 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – ▪ Disruptive Behavior: Their behavior can disrupt the workflow and create tension among coworkers. ▪ Poor Conflict Resolution Skills: They often have difficulty resolving conflicts in a constructive manner and may escalate disagreements. ▪ Negativity: They may consistently exhibit a negative attitude, which can affect team morale. ▪ Resistance to Feedback: Tantrum employees may be resistant to feedback and not open to constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.
  • 5. 4 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Managing a tantrum employee can be challenging, and it often requires a combination of empathy, communication, and, if necessary, disciplinary actions to address their behavior and encourage more appropriate conduct in the workplace. It's important for employers and managers to provide support and resources to help employees manage their emotions and develop better coping strategies.
  • 6. 5 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – II. Strategies to better deal with a Tantrum-prone Employee: Stay Calm: Maintain your composure and avoid reacting emotionally to their outbursts. Private Discussion: Address the issue privately to prevent embarrassment or escalation in front of colleagues. Listen Actively: Allow them to express their feelings and concerns and actively listen without interrupting.
  • 7. 6 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Empathize: Show understanding and empathy for their emotions and perspective. Set Expectations: Clearly communicate expected workplace behavior and standards. Establish Boundaries: Define acceptable behavior and consequences for future outbursts. Conflict Resolution Training: Offer training or resources to help them develop better conflict resolution skills.
  • 8. 7 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular one-on-one meetings to discuss their concerns and monitor progress. Identify Triggers: Work together to identify the specific triggers that lead to their outbursts. Encourage Self-Awareness: Help them recognize their emotional triggers and responses. Teach Stress Management: Provide resources on stress management techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness.
  • 9. 8 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Mentoring or Coaching: Assign a mentor or coach to provide guidance and support. Document Incidents: Keep records of disruptive incidents for future reference if needed. Seek Professional Help: If necessary, suggest seeking counseling or therapy to address underlying emotional issues. Provide Feedback: Offer constructive feedback on their behavior and suggest alternative responses.
  • 10. 9 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Incorporate Feedback: Be open to their feedback on workplace issues and address their concerns when appropriate. Involve HR: If the behavior persists, involve your Human Resources department to ensure compliance with company policies. Team Building: Encourage team-building activities to improve relationships with coworkers. Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and reward positive changes in behavior and attitude.
  • 11. 10 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Progress Tracking: Set goals for improvement and track their progress over time. Peer Support: Encourage colleagues to offer support and understanding during difficult times. Conflict Mediation: If conflicts involve coworkers, consider involving a trained mediator to facilitate resolution. Behavioral Contracts: Create a written agreement outlining expected behavior and consequences for violations.
  • 12. 11 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Wellness Programs: Promote workplace wellness programs that address stress reduction and mental health. Flexible Work Arrangements: Explore flexible work options to accommodate personal needs and reduce stress. Role Adjustment: Evaluate whether their current role is a good fit and discuss potential role adjustments or changes. EAP (Employee Assistance Program): Promote the use of EAP services for counseling and support.
  • 13. 12 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Debrief After Incidents: After a tantrum, schedule a debriefing to discuss the incident and identify solutions. Conflict Resolution Training for the Team: Provide training to the entire team to improve conflict resolution skills and communication. Positive Feedback Loop: Reinforce positive behavior with regular praise and recognition. Neutral Third Party: Consider involving an external mediator or counselor for particularly challenging situations.
  • 14. 13 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Clear Consequences: Ensure that consequences for disruptive behavior are consistently enforced. Team Norms: Develop team norms or guidelines for respectful communication and behavior. Behavioral Health Resources: Connect the employee with resources for managing mental health and emotional well- being. Education and Awareness: Conduct workshops or seminars on emotional intelligence and workplace behavior.
  • 15. 14 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Job Accommodations: Explore reasonable accommodations if there are underlying health conditions contributing to the behavior. Conflict Resolution Models: Implement structured conflict resolution models like the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Feedback Loop: Encourage open feedback between the employee and their manager to address concerns promptly.
  • 16. 15 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Progress Reports: Have the employee provide regular reports on their progress toward better behavior. Supportive Work Environment: Foster a culture of support, respect, and inclusivity in the workplace. Peer Feedback: Encourage team members to provide constructive feedback to the employee about their behavior. Conflict Resolution Workshops: Organize workshops or training sessions on conflict resolution and emotional intelligence for the entire team.
  • 17. 16 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Behavioral Modification Plans: Develop personalized plans to help the employee modify their behavior over time. Escalation Protocol: Create a clear protocol for handling escalating situations, including involving higher management if necessary. Mediation Services: Offer access to professional mediation services for resolving conflicts. Therapeutic Resources: Provide information about local therapists or counselors who specialize in anger management or emotional regulation.
  • 18. 17 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Team-Building Activities: Arrange team-building exercises to improve collaboration and reduce tension among team members. Reassignment: If appropriate, consider reassigning the employee to a different role or department where their behavior is less disruptive. Communication Skills Training: Offer training in effective communication and active listening. Behavioral Contracts with Incentives: Include positive incentives in behavioral contracts to motivate improvement.
  • 19. 18 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Leadership Coaching: Provide coaching to help the employee develop leadership skills, including emotional intelligence. Conflict Resolution Champions: Appoint individuals within the team to act as conflict resolution champions who can intervene in disputes. Conflict Journaling: Encourage the employee to keep a journal of their thoughts and feelings when conflicts arise.
  • 20. 19 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Sensitivity Training: Offer sensitivity training to improve the employee's awareness of how their behavior affects others. Scheduled Breaks: Allow for short, regular breaks to help manage stress throughout the workday. Buddy System: Pair the employee with a colleague who can provide support and guidance during challenging moments.
  • 21. 20 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Peer Feedback Groups: Establish peer feedback groups where employees can provide each other with feedback in a constructive way. Mandatory Conflict Resolution Training: If necessary, make participation in conflict resolution training mandatory. Long-Term Goals: Work with the employee to set long-term goals for behavior improvement. Performance Improvement Plan (PIP): Develop a formal performance improvement plan with specific targets and timelines.
  • 22. 21 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Resources: Provide written materials, books, or online resources on conflict resolution and emotional management. Peer Mediation: Train selected team members to act as peer mediators for resolving disputes within the team. Behavioral Feedback Loops: Establish a feedback loop where the employee receives regular feedback on their behavior from colleagues and superiors. Mentoring Program: Pair the employee with a senior colleague who can provide guidance and mentorship.
  • 23. 22 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Crisis Intervention Plan: Develop a crisis intervention plan to handle severe outbursts or emotional breakdowns safely. Alternative Communication Channels: Offer alternative channels, such as written communication or email, when verbal communication is challenging. Conflict-Free Zones: Designate certain areas within the workplace as "conflict-free zones" to encourage peaceful interactions.
  • 24. 23 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Peer Support Groups: Organize peer support groups for employees dealing with similar challenges. Professional Development: Invest in the employee's professional development to boost their confidence and skills. Scheduled Feedback: Schedule regular feedback sessions to discuss progress and setbacks in managing their emotions. Emotional Regulation Techniques: Provide training in techniques for managing emotions, such as mindfulness or relaxation exercises.
  • 25. 24 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Behavioral Assessment: Conduct a behavioral assessment to identify underlying issues contributing to the outbursts. Conflict Resolution Tools: Offer access to conflict resolution software or tools that can assist in resolving disputes. Workplace Wellness Programs: Promote wellness initiatives, including physical fitness and mental health support. Behavioral Observation: Encourage employees to observe and report positive changes in the employee's behavior.
  • 26. 25 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Clear Reporting Channels: Ensure that employees know how and where to report disruptive behavior or concerns. Positive Role Models: Highlight positive role models within the organization who can serve as examples of professional behavior. Multimodal Communication: Allow for a mix of communication methods (e.g., in-person, phone, email) to accommodate their preferred style. Conflict Resolution Simulations: Conduct role-playing or simulations to practice conflict resolution skills.
  • 27. 26 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Stress Reduction Initiatives: Implement stress reduction initiatives like on-site relaxation rooms or wellness workshops. Positive Reinforcement System: Implement a system for rewarding positive behavior consistently and visibly. Peer Accountability: Encourage team members to hold each other accountable for maintaining a respectful and harmonious workplace. Cultural Sensitivity Training: Provide training on cultural sensitivity and diversity to promote understanding among team members.
  • 28. 27 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Feedback Surveys: Conduct anonymous surveys to gather feedback from team members about the work environment and conflicts. Conflict Resolution Hotline: Establish a confidential hotline or reporting mechanism for employees to report conflicts or concerns. Conflict Resolution Retreat: Organize off-site retreats or workshops focused on conflict resolution and team building. Job Rotation: Consider temporary job rotations to provide a change of scenery and responsibilities.
  • 29. 28 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Regular Updates: Keep the employee informed about company developments and changes that may affect their role. Open-Door Policy: Maintain an open-door policy to encourage employees to discuss concerns with management. Peer Feedback Circles: Create peer feedback circles where employees offer constructive feedback in a structured setting.
  • 30. 29 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Behavioral Self-Monitoring: Encourage the employee to self-monitor their behavior and emotions using a journal or app. Conflict Resolution Games: Introduce games or exercises that teach conflict resolution skills in a fun and engaging way. Conflict Resolution Awards: Recognize and reward employees who excel in conflict resolution and emotional management. Task-Based Goals: Break down behavioral improvements into smaller, task-based goals for easier progress tracking.
  • 31. 30 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Role Play Workshops: Conduct role-play workshops to practice handling difficult situations and conflicts. Empowerment Workshops: Organize workshops that focus on building self- esteem and self-confidence. Conflict Resolution Committees: Form committees dedicated to addressing and resolving conflicts within the organization. Multicultural Awareness: Promote awareness of different cultures and backgrounds to foster inclusivity.
  • 32. 31 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Restorative Circles: Implement restorative circles or meetings to heal relationships after conflicts occur. Long-Term Support: Offer ongoing support and resources even after initial improvements are seen. Conflict Resolution Buddy: Assign a trusted colleague as a "conflict resolution buddy" who can provide immediate support during tense situations. Behavioral Assessment Tools: Utilize behavioral assessment tools or surveys to gain insights into the employee's emotional triggers and patterns.
  • 33. 32 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Group Therapy: Consider offering group therapy sessions or support groups to address common emotional challenges within the team. Conflict Resolution Coach: Engage a conflict resolution coach or consultant to work with the employee one-on-one. Peer Recognition Program: Establish a program where peers can recognize and appreciate positive behavior. Workplace Mediation Training: Provide training in workplace mediation skills to selected employees to help resolve conflicts.
  • 34. 33 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Inclusive Decision-Making: Involve the employee in decision-making processes to increase their sense of ownership and control. Cultural Competence Training: Implement training on cultural competence and sensitivity to foster understanding among diverse team members. Employee Assistance Fund: Create a fund to assist employees facing personal challenges, including emotional or financial difficulties.
  • 35. 34 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Regular Check-Ins with HR: Schedule periodic check-ins with HR to ensure ongoing support and compliance with policies. Behavioral Feedback App: Use a specialized app or platform for employees to provide feedback on behavior and conflict resolution. Peer Conflict Resolution Panels: Establish panels of peer employees who can mediate disputes between coworkers. Conflict Resolution Awareness Campaign: Launch a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of conflict resolution in the workplace.
  • 36. 35 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Virtual Conflict Resolution Workshops: Offer remote workshops on conflict resolution skills for remote or distributed teams. Personalized Self-Help Resources: Provide customized self-help resources based on the employee's specific challenges and needs. Conflict Resolution Certification: Encourage employees to pursue conflict resolution certifications or qualifications. Community Involvement: Encourage the employee to engage in community or volunteer activities to develop interpersonal skills.
  • 37. 36 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Social-Emotional Learning Programs: Implement social-emotional learning programs to enhance emotional intelligence among employees. Promote a Culture of Empathy: Foster a workplace culture that emphasizes empathy, understanding, and support for all employees. Conflict Resolution Competitions: Organize friendly competitions or challenges related to conflict resolution to encourage participation.
  • 38. 37 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Rotational Assignments: Allow the employee to temporarily rotate through different roles or teams to gain new perspectives and skills. Peer Conflict Resolution Mentorship: Pair the employee with a colleague who excels in conflict resolution as a mentor. Community Resources: Connect the employee with external community resources, such as support groups or counseling services.
  • 39. 38 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Toolbox: Provide the employee with a toolkit of conflict resolution resources, including books, videos, and articles. Emotional Intelligence Assessment: Use emotional intelligence assessments to identify areas for growth and development. Emotion Regulation Workshops: Offer workshops focused specifically on improving emotion regulation skills. Wellness and Stress Reduction Spaces: Create designated spaces in the workplace for relaxation and stress reduction activities.
  • 40. 39 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – 360-Degree Feedback: Collect feedback from colleagues, superiors, and subordinates to provide a comprehensive view of the employee's behavior. Peer Accountability Groups: Form small peer groups that hold each other accountable for maintaining positive workplace behavior. Community Outreach Initiatives: Encourage the employee to participate in community outreach and volunteer efforts as part of their personal development.
  • 41. 40 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Podcasts: Share podcast recommendations that address conflict resolution and emotional management. Emotional Intelligence Assessments: Regularly assess emotional intelligence levels and track improvements over time. Wellness Challenges: Organize wellness challenges that focus on mental health and stress reduction. Personal Development Plans: Work with the employee to create personalized development plans that include conflict resolution goals.
  • 42. 41 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Advisory Board: Establish an advisory board of employees skilled in conflict resolution to provide guidance. Crisis De-escalation Training: Provide training on de-escalation techniques to help manage high-stress situations. Positive Workplace Affirmations: Promote the use of positive affirmations and mindfulness techniques in the workplace. Conflict Resolution Book Club: Start a book club within the team, focusing on books related to conflict resolution and emotional intelligence.
  • 43. 42 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – External Mediation Services: Offer access to external mediation services for resolving conflicts that cannot be resolved internally. Weekly Progress Meetings: Schedule weekly meetings to review the employee's progress and provide constructive feedback. Peer Evaluation: Implement a system where peers provide anonymous evaluations of the employee's behavior and conflict resolution skills. Mindfulness Training: Organize mindfulness and meditation sessions to help employees manage stress and emotions.
  • 44. 43 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Respectful Communication Guidelines: Develop and distribute guidelines for respectful and effective communication in the workplace. Conflict Resolution Retreats: Arrange off-site retreats or workshops focused on conflict resolution and team bonding. Conflict Resolution Resources Library: Create a library of conflict resolution books, articles, and videos accessible to all employees. Collaborative Projects: Encourage collaborative projects that require teamwork and effective communication to succeed.
  • 45. 44 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – External Conflict Resolution Experts: Bring in external conflict resolution experts for workshops, training, or consultation. Conflict Resolution Feedback Surveys: Conduct surveys to gather feedback on the effectiveness of conflict resolution strategies. Conflict Resolution Artifacts: Display artwork, quotes, or visual reminders related to conflict resolution in the workplace. Emotion Regulation Apps: Recommend mobile apps designed to help manage emotions and promote emotional intelligence.
  • 46. 45 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Peer Accountability Agreements: Have employees sign accountability agreements to commit to maintaining a respectful workplace. Conflict Resolution Task Force: Form a task force dedicated to addressing and improving conflict resolution processes within the organization. Conflict Resolution Certification Programs: Sponsor employees to enroll in conflict resolution certification programs. Holistic Wellness Programs: Develop holistic wellness programs that encompass physical, mental, and emotional well- being.
  • 47. 46 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Leadership Workshop: Offer leadership workshops that focus on conflict resolution skills for managers. Conflict Resolution Quiz Competitions: Organize friendly quiz competitions to test employees' knowledge of conflict resolution concepts. Meditation and Relaxation Zones: Create designated spaces in the workplace for meditation and relaxation activities. Conflict Resolution Peer Reviews: Implement a peer review system where employees evaluate each other's conflict resolution skills.
  • 48. 47 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Quiz App: Develop an internal quiz app that employees can use to test their knowledge of conflict resolution. Emotion Regulation Accountability Partner: Assign an accountability partner to help the employee stay on track with emotion regulation goals. Conflict Resolution Conference: Attend or organize conferences and seminars focused on conflict resolution and emotional intelligence.
  • 49. 48 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Newsletter: Publish a regular newsletter featuring tips, success stories, and resources related to conflict resolution. Conflict Resolution Awards: Establish an annual awards program to recognize and celebrate employees who excel in conflict resolution. Conflict Resolution Research Group: Form a research group within the organization to study and develop innovative conflict resolution techniques. Emotional Intelligence Assessment Tools: Utilize specialized tools and assessments to gauge emotional intelligence growth over time.
  • 50. 49 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Podcast Series: Produce a podcast series featuring experts discussing conflict resolution strategies and real- world scenarios. Peer Conflict Resolution Coaches: Train select employees to serve as peer coaches for colleagues facing conflict challenges. Conflict Resolution Hackathons: Organize hackathons or innovation events focused on developing new conflict resolution tools or approaches.
  • 51. 50 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Gamification: Create gamified experiences that encourage employees to practice conflict resolution in a fun way. Emotional Intelligence Workshops for Families: Offer workshops for employees' families to promote emotional intelligence and conflict resolution skills in personal relationships. Conflict Resolution Mentor Circles: Establish mentorship circles where employees can both mentor and be mentored in conflict resolution.
  • 52. 51 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation Accountability Groups: Form small groups that meet regularly to hold each other accountable for emotion regulation goals. Conflict Resolution Case Studies: Develop and distribute case studies that illustrate successful conflict resolution outcomes within the organization. Conflict Resolution External Speakers: Invite external speakers and experts to give talks on conflict resolution and emotional management.
  • 53. 52 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation App Integration: Integrate emotion regulation tools and apps into the company's digital workspace or communication platforms. Conflict Resolution Skills Competitions: Organize friendly competitions where employees showcase their conflict resolution skills. Conflict Resolution Graduation Ceremony: Celebrate employees' completion of conflict resolution training with a graduation ceremony. Conflict Resolution Peer Observations: Encourage employees to observe and learn from their peers' effective conflict resolution interactions.
  • 54. 53 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Badge System: Implement a badge or rewards system for employees who consistently demonstrate strong conflict resolution skills. Emotion Regulation Lunch-and-Learns: Organize regular lunch-and-learn sessions focused on emotion regulation techniques and practices. Conflict Resolution Storytelling Sessions: Host storytelling sessions where employees share their experiences and strategies for resolving conflicts.
  • 55. 54 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Visual Aids: Create visual aids or posters that display conflict resolution models and principles in common areas. Emotion Regulation Peer Support Networks: Establish networks of peer support where employees can connect and share tips for managing emotions. Conflict Resolution Webinars: Offer webinars on conflict resolution topics, making them accessible to remote or off-site employees.
  • 56. 55 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Knowledge Base: Develop an internal knowledge base or wiki that employees can access for conflict resolution resources. Emotion Regulation Challenges: Organize friendly challenges or competitions related to mastering emotion regulation techniques. Conflict Resolution Film Screenings: Host screenings of relevant films or documentaries followed by discussions on conflict resolution themes. Conflict Resolution Card Decks: Create card decks featuring conflict resolution scenarios for employees to discuss and resolve.
  • 57. 56 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Hackathons for Solutions: Hold hackathons focused on developing practical solutions to common workplace conflicts. Emotion Regulation Peer Check-Ins: Encourage employees to regularly check in with peers to discuss their emotional well-being and progress. Conflict Resolution Mentorship Circles: Form mentorship circles where employees mentor one another on conflict resolution skills. Conflict Resolution Simulation Games: Utilize simulation games that allow employees to practice resolving conflicts in a risk-free environment.
  • 58. 57 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation Art Therapy: Introduce art therapy sessions as a creative way to explore and manage emotions. Conflict Resolution Podcast Club: Start a club where employees listen to and discuss conflict resolution-themed podcasts together. Conflict Resolution Guest Speakers: Invite experts and guest speakers to share their insights on conflict resolution and emotional intelligence.
  • 59. 58 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Certification Pathways: Develop certification programs with various levels of achievement for mastering conflict resolution. Conflict Resolution Progress Showcases: Host showcases where employees can present their conflict resolution success stories and lessons learned. Conflict Resolution Roundtable Discussions: Organize roundtable discussions where employees can share their experiences and strategies for resolving conflicts.
  • 60. 59 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Task Forces: Create task forces or committees dedicated to researching and implementing innovative conflict resolution solutions. Emotion Regulation Self-Assessment Tools: Provide self-assessment tools that allow employees to track their progress in emotion regulation. Conflict Resolution Storyboards: Encourage employees to create visual storyboards that depict conflict resolution scenarios and strategies.
  • 61. 60 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Mobile Apps: Develop a mobile app that provides on-the-go access to conflict resolution resources, tips, and tools. Conflict Resolution Team-Building Retreats: Arrange team-building retreats that incorporate conflict resolution training and activities. Conflict Resolution Book Exchange: Set up a book exchange program where employees can borrow and exchange conflict resolution books. Conflict Resolution Board Games: Incorporate board games designed to teach and reinforce conflict resolution skills in team- building events.
  • 62. 61 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation Journaling: Promote journaling as a means of self-reflection and managing emotions, with optional sharing in a safe space. Conflict Resolution Video Series: Produce a series of short videos featuring employees discussing their approaches to conflict resolution. Conflict Resolution Skills Assessment: Conduct skills assessments to identify areas where employees can further develop their conflict resolution abilities.
  • 63. 62 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation Peer Challenges: Encourage employees to challenge each other to practice emotion regulation techniques regularly. Conflict Resolution Art Exhibits: Organize art exhibits that showcase employees' visual representations of conflict resolution and emotional intelligence. Conflict Resolution Microlearning: Develop bite-sized, on-demand conflict resolution and emotion regulation microlearning modules.
  • 64. 63 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation Accountability Apps: Recommend smartphone apps that track progress in emotion regulation and provide reminders for practice. Conflict Resolution Cross-Departmental Workshops: Host workshops that bring together employees from different departments to share insights on conflict resolution. Conflict Resolution Storytelling Contests: Organize contests where employees can submit written or verbal stories of successful conflict resolution experiences.
  • 65. 64 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation Web Resources: Curate a collection of web resources and articles on emotion regulation for employees to explore. Conflict Resolution Visual Wall Displays: Create visually appealing wall displays that highlight key conflict resolution principles and tips. Conflict Resolution Employee Awards Ceremony: Hold an annual awards ceremony to recognize employees who have made significant contributions to conflict resolution and emotional intelligence in the workplace.
  • 66. 65 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Case Study Competitions: Organize competitions where employees analyze and present solutions to real workplace conflict scenarios. Conflict Resolution Storytelling Workshops: Host workshops that teach employees how to use storytelling techniques to navigate and resolve conflicts. Emotion Regulation Discussion Forums: Create online forums or discussion boards where employees can share experiences and advice related to emotion regulation.
  • 67. 66 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Guest Blogging: Encourage employees to contribute guest blog posts on conflict resolution and emotional intelligence topics. Conflict Resolution Peer Recognition Wall: Establish a recognition wall where employees can post notes of appreciation for their colleagues' conflict resolution efforts. Conflict Resolution Game Nights: Host game nights where employees play board games that require teamwork and conflict resolution.
  • 68. 67 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Emotion Regulation Team Challenges: Organize team challenges that require emotion regulation skills, such as managing stress during timed tasks. Conflict Resolution Skill Badges: Award digital badges or certificates to employees who complete conflict resolution training and demonstrate proficiency. Conflict Resolution Community Outreach: Encourage employees to apply conflict resolution skills in community outreach or volunteer activities.
  • 69. 68 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Role Reversal Exercises: Have employees role-play scenarios where they switch roles to understand each other's perspectives in conflicts. Emotion Regulation Self-Help Libraries: Create self-help libraries with books and resources focused on emotion regulation and stress management. Conflict Resolution Peer Podcasts: Allow employees to create and share their own conflict resolution-themed podcasts or video series.
  • 70. 69 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Skill Fairs: Organize skill fairs where employees can explore various conflict resolution resources and workshops. Conflict Resolution Movie Nights: Screen movies or documentaries that depict conflict resolution challenges and solutions, followed by discussions. Emotion Regulation Reflection Journals: Provide employees with journals to reflect on their emotional experiences and progress in managing emotions.
  • 71. 70 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution User Groups: Form user groups where employees can discuss and collaborate on conflict resolution software or tools. Conflict Resolution Cross-Functional Teams: Assign cross-functional teams to address and find solutions to specific conflicts or challenges. Conflict Resolution Hackathons for Social Impact: Host hackathons with a focus on using conflict resolution skills to address social or community issues. Emotion Regulation Buddy Systems: Pair employees up as "emotion regulation buddies" to provide mutual support and encouragement.
  • 72. 71 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Self-Evaluation Surveys: Distribute self-evaluation surveys to help employees assess their conflict resolution and emotion regulation progress. Conflict Resolution Skill Share Sessions: Arrange skill-sharing sessions where employees can teach each other specific conflict resolution techniques. Conflict Resolution Mentorship Network: Establish a mentorship network where experienced conflict resolution experts mentor less experienced employees.
  • 73. 72 How to Handle Workplace Tantrums Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution Escape Rooms: Create escape room experiences that require participants to use conflict resolution skills to solve puzzles and complete challenges. Conflict Resolution Book Swap: Set up a book swap program where employees can exchange conflict resolution and emotional intelligence books. Emotion Regulation Affirmation Cards: Distribute affirmation cards with positive messages related to emotion regulation for employees to use.