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memcached on steroids
“blazingly fast” – Kirk Haines, Engineyard
Back in the day…
Salvatore      Sanfilippo
Back in the day…
Salvatore      Sanfilippo
Back in the day…

 Google Analytics   + Realtime
Back in the day…

 Google Analytics   + Realtime
Back in the day…

 Google Analytics   + Realtime
Back in the day…

    LLOOGG is working very well…
We never experienced any stability problem
                                     – Salvatore Sanfilippo

     Google Analytics   + Realtime
Back in the day…
community growth

                      Simon Willison

 @antirez just posted a redis feature request
 - a way of randomly fetching an item from a set without also
 deleting it

 20 Oct 09 via web
Back in the day…
community growth

                      Simon Willison

 @antirez just posted a redis feature request
 - a way of randomly fetching an item from a set without also
 deleting it

 20 Oct 09 via web
Back in the day…
VMWare acquisition
A little server of awesome

                                               man, that’s totally stolen from Simon Willison
Redis Manifesto

1.   A DSL for Abstract Data Types
2.   Memory storage is #1
3.   Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API
4.   Code is like a poem
5.   We’re against complexity
6.   Two levels of API
7.   We optimize for joy
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   a key/value store?

      redis> SET key hello
      redis> GET key
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   a key/value store?

      redis> SET key hello
      redis> GET key
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   a key/value store?

      redis> SET key hello
      OK awesome, a REPL!
      redis> GET key
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   on par with memcache
      redis> APPEND key world
      (integer) 10
      redis> SETNX key bye
      (integer) 1
      redis> GET key
      redis> DEL key
      (integer) 1
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   on par with memcache:   atomic counters

   redis> SET participants 10
   redis> INCR participants
   (integer) 11
   “It gives Memcached a serious run for its money.”
                          – Mathias Meyer, Peritor GmbH
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   on par with memcache:   cache invalidation
        redis> EXPIRE key 60
        redis> ...
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   on par with memcache:   cache invalidation
        redis> EXPIRE key 60
        redis> TTL key
        (integer) 53
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   on par with memcache:   cache invalidation
        redis> EXPIRE key 60
        redis> TTL key
        (integer) 53
        redis> GET key
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   on par with memcache:   cache invalidation
        redis> EXPIRE key 60
        redis> TTL key
        (integer) 53
        redis> GET key
        redis> ...
A DSL For Abstract Data Types
   on par with memcache:   cache invalidation
        redis> EXPIRE key 60
        redis> TTL key
        (integer) 53
        redis> GET key
        redis> GET key
Memory is
the new disk.
      –– Jim Gray, Turing Award laureate
Memory storage is #1

                                                           Redis key space
Memory storage is #1
                snapshotting mode
Memory storage is #1
                snapshotting mode

                                       every x seconds
                                      every y operations
                                      on SAVE / BGSAVE
Memory storage is #1
                snapshotting mode
                                                          fork();   // copy on write!

                                       every x seconds
                                      every y operations
                                      on SAVE / BGSAVE
Memory storage is #1
               Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging
Memory storage is #1
               Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging
              fsync() on every command
Memory storage is #1
               Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging
              fsync() on every command
                            fsync() every second
Memory storage is #1
               Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging
              fsync() on every command
                            fsync() every second
                                          fsync() per OS
Memory storage is #1
               Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging
              fsync() on every command
                            fsync() every second
                                          fsync() per OS

                    BGREWRITEAOF trims AOF
Memory storage is #1
               meh, persistence

Memory storage is #1
   memory contention

Memory storage is #1
   memory contention

Memory storage is #1
   memory contention

   Virtual Memory to the rescue
Memory storage is #1
   memory contention

   Virtual Memory to the rescue
    because Salvatore is much brighter than
           all of Microsoft Research
Memory storage is #1
   memory contention

   Virtual Memory to the rescue
    because Salvatore is much brighter than
           all of Microsoft Research
    …and Redis types do not map to OS pages
Memory storage is #1
   memory contentionstay in memory
    all keys need to
 values must be swapped in their entirety
            swapped by age and size

   Virtual Memory to the rescue
     because Salvatore is much brighter than
            all of Microsoft Research
    …and Redis types do not map to OS pages
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    lists, we can
 redis> LPUSH databases mysql
 (integer) 1
 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb
 (integer) 2
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    lists, we can
 redis> LPUSH databases mysql
 (integer) 1
 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb
 (integer) 2
 redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1
 1) “mongodb”
 2) “mysql”
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    lists, we can
 redis> LPUSH databases mysql
 (integer) 1
 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb
 (integer) 2
 redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1
 1) “mongodb”
               Bulk reply
 2) “mysql”
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    lists, we can
 redis> LPUSH databases mysql
   implemented as Linked Lists
 (integer) 1
 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb
 (integer) 2
 redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1
 1) “mongodb”
               Bulk reply
 2) “mysql”
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    lists, we can
 redis> LPUSH databases mysql
   implemented as Linked Lists
 (integer) 1
 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb
 (integer) 2
           LRANGE databases      0 -1
 1) “mongodb”
                    Bulk reply
 2) “mysql”
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    a data structure server

      lists                     sets

    sorted                     hash
     sets                     tables
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    a data structure server

      lists                     sets

    sorted                     hash
     sets                     tables
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    a data structure server

      lists                     sets

    sorted                     hash
     sets                     tables
APPEND key value                          RENAME key newkey
    BLPOP key [key ...]                       RENAMENX key newkey
    BRPOP key [key ...] timeout               RPOP key

Fundamental data structures
    BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout
    DECR key
    DECRBY key decrement
                                              RPOPLPUSH source destination
                                              RPUSH key value

for a fundamental API
    DEL key [key ...]                         RPUSHX key value
    EXISTS key                                SADD key member
    EXPIRE key seconds                        SCARD key
    EXPIREAT key timestamp                    SDIFF key [key ...]

    a data processing server
    GET key
                                              SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...]
                                              SELECT index
                                              SET key value
    GETBIT key offset                         SETBIT key offset value
    GETRANGE key start end                    SETEX key seconds value
    GETSET key value                          SETNX key value
    HDEL key field                            SETRANGE key offset value
    HEXISTS key field                         SINTER key [key ...]
    HGET key field                            SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...]
    HGETALL key                               SISMEMBER key member
    HINCRBY key field increment               SMEMBERS key
    HKEYS key                                 SMOVE source destination member
    HLEN key                                  SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA]
    HMGET key field [field ...]               SPOP key
    HMSET key field value [field value ...]   SRANDMEMBER key
    HSET key field value                      SREM key member
    HSETNX key field value                    STRLEN key
    HVALS key                                 SUNION key [key ...]
    INCR key                                  SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...]
    INCRBY key increment                      TTL key
    KEYS pattern                              TYPE key
    LINDEX key index                          ZADD key score member
    LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value      ZCARD key
    LLEN key                                  ZCOUNT key min max
    LPOP key                                  ZINCRBY key increment member
    LPUSH key value                           ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
    LPUSHX key value                          ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
    LRANGE key start stop                     ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
    LREM key count value                      ZRANK key member
    LSET key index value                      ZREM key member
    LTRIM key start stop                      ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop
    MGET key [key ...]                        ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max
    MOVE key db                               ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
    MSET key value [key value ...]            ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
    MSETNX key value [key value ...]          ZREVRANK key member
    PERSIST key                               ZSCORE key member
    RANDOMKEY                                 ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
APPEND key value                          RENAME key newkey
    BLPOP key [key ...]                       RENAMENX key newkey
    BRPOP key [key ...] timeout               RPOP key

Fundamental data structures
    BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout
    DECR key
    DECRBY key decrement
                                              RPOPLPUSH source destination
                                              RPUSH key value

for a fundamental API
    DEL key [key ...]                         RPUSHX key value
    EXISTS key                                SADD key member
    EXPIRE key seconds                        SCARD key
    EXPIREAT key timestamp                    SDIFF key [key ...]

    a data processing server
    GET key
                                              SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...]
                                              SELECT index
                                              SET key value
    GETBIT key offset                         SETBIT key offset value
    GETRANGE key start end                    SETEX key seconds value
    GETSET key value                          SETNX key value
    HDEL key field                            SETRANGE key offset value
    HEXISTS key field                         SINTER key [key ...]
    HGET key field                            SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...]
    HGETALL key                               SISMEMBER key member
    HINCRBY key field increment               SMEMBERS key
    HKEYS key                                 SMOVE source destination member
    HLEN key                                  SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA]
    HMGET key field [field ...]               SPOP key
    HMSET key field value [field value ...]   SRANDMEMBER key
    HSET key field value                      SREM key member
    HSETNX key field value                    STRLEN key
    HVALS key                                 SUNION key [key ...]
    INCR key                                  SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...]
    INCRBY key increment                      TTL key

every operation is atomic
    KEYS pattern                              TYPE key
    LINDEX key index                          ZADD key score member
    LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value      ZCARD key
    LLEN key                                  ZCOUNT key min max
    LPOP key                                  ZINCRBY key increment member
    LPUSH key value                           ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
    LPUSHX key value                          ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
    LRANGE key start stop                     ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
    LREM key count value                      ZRANK key member
    LSET key index value                      ZREM key member
    LTRIM key start stop                      ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop
    MGET key [key ...]                        ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max
    MOVE key db                               ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
    MSET key value [key value ...]            ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
    MSETNX key value [key value ...]          ZREVRANK key member
    PERSIST key                               ZSCORE key member
    RANDOMKEY                                 ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
APPEND key value                          RENAME key newkey
    BLPOP key [key ...]                       RENAMENX key newkey
    BRPOP key [key ...] timeout               RPOP key

Fundamental data structures
    BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout
    DECR key
    DECRBY key decrement
                                              RPOPLPUSH source destination
                                              RPUSH key value

for a fundamental API
    DEL key [key ...]                         RPUSHX key value
    EXISTS key                                SADD key member
    EXPIRE key seconds                        SCARD key
    EXPIREAT key timestamp                    SDIFF key [key ...]

    a data processing server
    GET key
                                              SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...]
                                              SELECT index
                                              SET key value
    GETBIT key offset                         SETBIT key offset value
    GETRANGE key start end                    SETEX key seconds value
    GETSET key value                          SETNX key value
    HDEL key field                            SETRANGE key offset value
    HEXISTS key field                         SINTER key [key ...]
    HGET key field                            SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...]
    HGETALL key                               SISMEMBER key member
    HINCRBY key field increment               SMEMBERS key
    HKEYS key                                 SMOVE source destination member
    HLEN key                                  SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA]
    HMGET key field [field ...]               SPOP key
    HMSET key field value [field value ...]   SRANDMEMBER key
    HSET key field value                      SREM key member
    HSETNX key field value                    STRLEN key
    HVALS key                                 SUNION key [key ...]
    INCR key                                  SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...]
    INCRBY key increment                      TTL key

every operation is atomic
    KEYS pattern                              TYPE key
    LINDEX key index                          ZADD key score member
    LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value      ZCARD key
    LLEN key                                  ZCOUNT key min max
    LPOP key                                  ZINCRBY key increment member
    LPUSH key value                           ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
    LPUSHX key value                          ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
    LRANGE key start stop                     ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
    LREM key count value                      ZRANK key member
    LSET key index value                      ZREM key member
    LTRIM key start stop
    MGET key [key ...]
    MOVE key db
    MSET key value [key value ...]
    MSETNX key value [key value ...]
                                              ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop
                                              ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max
                                                                             Mind blown.
                                              ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
                                              ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
                                              ZREVRANK key member
    PERSIST key                               ZSCORE key member
    RANDOMKEY                                 ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    CAP & ACID promises


   consistency      availability                              durability


                                   “kicks ACID out the door”
                                        –Mathias Meyer, Chief Cloud Officer
Fundamental data structures
for a fundamental API
    CAP & ACID promises


   consistency                “that’s
                    availability like saying durability
                           why aren’t filesystems ACID”

                                    “kicks ACID out the door”
                                         –Mathias Meyer, Chief Cloud Officer
Code is like a poem

       23.000 lines of code
We’re against complexity
Two levels of APIs
       redis> MULTI
       redis> GET key
       redis> DEL key
       redis> EXEC
       1) “helloworld”
       2) (integer) 1
Two levels of APIs
       redis> MULTI
       redis> GET key
       redis> DEL key
       redis> EXEC DISCARD
       1) “helloworld”
       2) (integer) 1
Two levels of APIs
       redis> MULTI
       redis> GET key
       QUEUED            atomic
       redis> DEL key
       redis> EXEC
       1) “helloworld”
       2) (integer) 1
Two levels of there’s always a but:
server crash = partial execution
        redis> MULTI
        redis> GET key
        QUEUED                        atomic
        redis> DEL key
        redis> EXEC
        1) “helloworld”
        2) (integer) 1
Two levels of there’s always a but:
server crash = partial execution
      redis> MULTI
      OK   there’s always a but but:
      redis> GET key
    detected on startup atomic
      QUEUED                         => exit
      redis> DEL key
      redis> EXEC
      1) “helloworld”
      2) (integer) 1
Two levels of there’s always a but:
server crash = partial execution
     redis> MULTI
     OK    there’s always a but but:
     redis> GET key
   detected on startup atomic
     QUEUED                          => exit
     redis> DEL key
     QUEUED always a but but but:
     redis> EXEC
  redis-check-aof repairs it
     1) “helloworld”
     2) (integer) 1
Two levels of APIs
    optimistic locking
   redis> WATCH key
   redis> MULTI
Two levels of APIs
    optimistic locking
   redis> WATCH key
   redis> MULTI
                    SET key ciao <redis
Two levels of APIs
    optimistic locking
   redis> WATCH key
   redis> MULTI
                    SET key ciao <redis
   redis> SET key bye
   redis> EXEC
Two levels of APIs
    optimistic locking
   redis> WATCH key
   redis> MULTI
                    SET key ciao <redis
   redis> SET key bye
   redis> EXEC
   (nil)                 GET key <redis
We optimize for joy
   redis> SUBSCRIBE chat
   Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit)
   1) “subscribe”
   2) “chat”
   3) (integer) 1
We optimize for joy
   redis> SUBSCRIBE chat
   Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit)
   1) “subscribe”        type
   2) “chat”
   3) (integer) 1
We optimize for joy
   redis> SUBSCRIBE chat
   Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit)
   1) “subscribe”
   2) “chat”             channel
   3) (integer) 1
We optimize for joy
   redis> SUBSCRIBE chat
   Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit)
   1) “subscribe”
   2) “chat”
   3) (integer) 1        message
We optimize for joy
   redis> SUBSCRIBE chat
   Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit)
   1) “subscribe”
   2) “chat”
   3) (integer) 1
        PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis
                       (integer) 1
We optimize for joy
   redis> SUBSCRIBE chat
   Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit)
   1) “subscribe”
   2) “chat”
   3) (integer) 1
        PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis
                       (integer) 1
   1) “message”
   2) “chat”
   3) “asl?”
We optimize for joy
   redis> SUBSCRIBE chat
   Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit)
   1) “subscribe”
   2) “chat”
   3) (integer) 1
        PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis
                               (integer) 1
   1) “message”
   2) “chat”    in other news:

   3) “asl?”    PSUBSCRIBE
   ^C           UNSUBSCRIBE
Redis is
more than just
a key-value store,
it’s a lifestyle.
            –– Mathias Meyer
$ redis-benchmark

======   SET ======
 100000 requests completed in 0.88 seconds
 50 parallel clients
 3 bytes payload

======   GET ======
 100000 requests completed in 1.23 seconds

                             Linux 2.6, Xeon X3320 2.5GHz, loopback
Colin Howe

3.7x                   writes
       speed improvement for   over   MySQL
2.1x                   reads
                master-slave scenario
                master-slave scenario
                master-slave scenario
                master-slave scenario

                                           SLAVEOF                host port
                master-slave scenario

                                           SLAVEOF                host port

                                           save + re-issuing
Who’s using it

           message queue service

     Configuration Management
        Routing Information
Who’s using it

         Digg Streaming API

       personalized news data
           real time view
             click counts
Who’s using it

                 Monster World
                  inventory system

                 Happy Hospital
                    user system
Who’s using it
       Peter Noordhuis

# Author: Peter Noordhuis
# Description: Simple demo to showcase Redis PubSub with EventMachine

<170 lines of Ruby code>
<220 lines of HTML+JS>
Who’s using it
        HTTP request testing

         API rate limiting
     Crowdsourcing taxonomies

            A/B testing

         The Guardian
Crowdsourced analysis of MP expenses
    BNP membership list analysis
Who’s using it
               HTTP request testing

                API rate limiting
            Crowdsourcing taxonomies
 general blogosphere hype storm lists about 30 others
                     A/B testing

                The Guardian
       Crowdsourced analysis of MP expenses
           BNP membership list analysis
I think the… problem is…
believing that
there can be
“one true datastore”.
Different technologies
excel at different things.
                    –– Weixi Yen
Check out…
Simon Willison’s tutorial
Check out…

           Redis, from the Ground Up

        Try Redis                 The Redis Cookbook

           Redis: The Definitive Guide
        Data modeling, caching, and messaging
coming August 2011, Salvatore & Pieter, published by O’Reilly

        also check my Redis bookmarks:
man, that was a hell of a ride.


Now go use!

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Redis — memcached on steroids

  • 2. “blazingly fast” – Kirk Haines, Engineyard
  • 3. Back in the day… Salvatore Sanfilippo
  • 4. Back in the day… Salvatore Sanfilippo
  • 5. Back in the day… LLOOGG Google Analytics + Realtime
  • 6. Back in the day… LLOOGG Google Analytics + Realtime
  • 7. Back in the day… LLOOGG Google Analytics + Realtime
  • 8. Back in the day… “ LLOOGG is working very well… Redis We never experienced any stability problem – Salvatore Sanfilippo Google Analytics + Realtime
  • 9. Back in the day… community growth @simonw Simon Willison @antirez just posted a redis feature request - a way of randomly fetching an item from a set without also deleting it 20 Oct 09 via web
  • 10. Back in the day… community growth @simonw Simon Willison @antirez just posted a redis feature request - a way of randomly fetching an item from a set without also deleting it 20 Oct 09 via web
  • 11. Back in the day… VMWare acquisition
  • 12. A little server of awesome man, that’s totally stolen from Simon Willison
  • 13. Redis Manifesto 1. A DSL for Abstract Data Types 2. Memory storage is #1 3. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API 4. Code is like a poem 5. We’re against complexity 6. Two levels of API 7. We optimize for joy
  • 14. A DSL For Abstract Data Types a key/value store? redis> SET key hello OK redis> GET key “hello”
  • 15. A DSL For Abstract Data Types a key/value store? request redis> SET key hello OK redis> GET key “hello”
  • 16. A DSL For Abstract Data Types a key/value store? request redis> SET key hello OK awesome, a REPL! redis-cli redis> GET key “hello”
  • 17. A DSL For Abstract Data Types on par with memcache redis> APPEND key world (integer) 10 redis> SETNX key bye (integer) 1 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis> DEL key (integer) 1
  • 18. A DSL For Abstract Data Types on par with memcache: atomic counters redis> SET participants 10 OK redis> INCR participants (integer) 11 “It gives Memcached a serious run for its money.” – Mathias Meyer, Peritor GmbH
  • 19. A DSL For Abstract Data Types on par with memcache: cache invalidation redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> ...
  • 20. A DSL For Abstract Data Types on par with memcache: cache invalidation redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis>
  • 21. A DSL For Abstract Data Types on par with memcache: cache invalidation redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis>
  • 22. A DSL For Abstract Data Types on par with memcache: cache invalidation redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis> ...
  • 23. A DSL For Abstract Data Types on par with memcache: cache invalidation redis> EXPIRE key 60 OK redis> TTL key (integer) 53 redis> GET key “helloworld” redis> GET key (nil)
  • 24. “ Memory is the new disk. –– Jim Gray, Turing Award laureate
  • 25. Memory storage is #1 Redis key space
  • 26. Memory storage is #1 snapshotting mode
  • 27. Memory storage is #1 snapshotting mode every x seconds every y operations on SAVE / BGSAVE
  • 28. Memory storage is #1 snapshotting mode fork(); // copy on write! dump(); move(); every x seconds every y operations on SAVE / BGSAVE
  • 29. Memory storage is #1 Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging
  • 30. Memory storage is #1 Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging fsync() on every command
  • 31. Memory storage is #1 Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging fsync() on every command fsync() every second
  • 32. Memory storage is #1 Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging fsync() on every command fsync() every second fsync() per OS
  • 33. Memory storage is #1 Append-Only File – Write-Ahead Logging fsync() on every command fsync() every second fsync() per OS BGREWRITEAOF trims AOF
  • 34. Memory storage is #1 meh, persistence memory overhead
  • 35. Memory storage is #1 memory contention ?
  • 36. Memory storage is #1 memory contention ?
  • 37. Memory storage is #1 memory contention Virtual Memory to the rescue ?
  • 38. Memory storage is #1 memory contention Virtual Memory to the rescue ? because Salvatore is much brighter than all of Microsoft Research
  • 39. Memory storage is #1 memory contention Virtual Memory to the rescue ? because Salvatore is much brighter than all of Microsoft Research …and Redis types do not map to OS pages
  • 40. Memory storage is #1 memory contentionstay in memory all keys need to values must be swapped in their entirety swapped by age and size Virtual Memory to the rescue ? because Salvatore is much brighter than all of Microsoft Research …and Redis types do not map to OS pages
  • 41. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API
  • 42. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API lists, we can redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2
  • 43. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API lists, we can redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2 redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” 2) “mysql”
  • 44. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API lists, we can redis> LPUSH databases mysql (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2 redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” Bulk reply 2) “mysql”
  • 45. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API lists, we can redis> LPUSH databases mysql implemented as Linked Lists (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2 redis> LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” Bulk reply 2) “mysql”
  • 46. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API lists, we can redis> LPUSH databases mysql implemented as Linked Lists (integer) 1 redis> LPUSH databases mongodb (integer) 2 PUSH redis> POP O(1) LRANGE databases 0 -1 1) “mongodb” Bulk reply 2) “mysql”
  • 47. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API a data structure server lists sets sorted hash sets tables
  • 48. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API a data structure server lists sets sorted hash sets tables
  • 49. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API a data structure server lists sets sorted hash sets tables
  • 50. APPEND key value RENAME key newkey BLPOP key [key ...] RENAMENX key newkey BRPOP key [key ...] timeout RPOP key Fundamental data structures BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout DECR key DECRBY key decrement RPOPLPUSH source destination RPUSH key value for a fundamental API DEL key [key ...] RPUSHX key value EXISTS key SADD key member EXPIRE key seconds SCARD key EXPIREAT key timestamp SDIFF key [key ...] a data processing server FLUSHALL R FLUSHDB GET key SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] SELECT index SET key value GETBIT key offset SETBIT key offset value GETRANGE key start end SETEX key seconds value GETSET key value SETNX key value HDEL key field SETRANGE key offset value HEXISTS key field SINTER key [key ...] HGET key field SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] HGETALL key SISMEMBER key member HINCRBY key field increment SMEMBERS key HKEYS key SMOVE source destination member HLEN key SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] HMGET key field [field ...] SPOP key HMSET key field value [field value ...] SRANDMEMBER key HSET key field value SREM key member HSETNX key field value STRLEN key HVALS key SUNION key [key ...] INCR key SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] INCRBY key increment TTL key KEYS pattern TYPE key LINDEX key index ZADD key score member LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value ZCARD key LLEN key ZCOUNT key min max LPOP key ZINCRBY key increment member LPUSH key value ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] LPUSHX key value ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] LRANGE key start stop ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] LREM key count value ZRANK key member LSET key index value ZREM key member LTRIM key start stop ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop MGET key [key ...] ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max MOVE key db ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] MSET key value [key value ...] ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] MSETNX key value [key value ...] ZREVRANK key member PERSIST key ZSCORE key member RANDOMKEY ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
  • 51. APPEND key value RENAME key newkey BLPOP key [key ...] RENAMENX key newkey BRPOP key [key ...] timeout RPOP key Fundamental data structures BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout DECR key DECRBY key decrement RPOPLPUSH source destination RPUSH key value for a fundamental API DEL key [key ...] RPUSHX key value EXISTS key SADD key member EXPIRE key seconds SCARD key EXPIREAT key timestamp SDIFF key [key ...] a data processing server FLUSHALL R FLUSHDB GET key SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] SELECT index SET key value GETBIT key offset SETBIT key offset value GETRANGE key start end SETEX key seconds value GETSET key value SETNX key value HDEL key field SETRANGE key offset value HEXISTS key field SINTER key [key ...] HGET key field SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] HGETALL key SISMEMBER key member HINCRBY key field increment SMEMBERS key HKEYS key SMOVE source destination member HLEN key SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] HMGET key field [field ...] SPOP key HMSET key field value [field value ...] SRANDMEMBER key HSET key field value SREM key member HSETNX key field value STRLEN key HVALS key SUNION key [key ...] INCR key SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] INCRBY key increment TTL key every operation is atomic KEYS pattern TYPE key LINDEX key index ZADD key score member LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value ZCARD key LLEN key ZCOUNT key min max LPOP key ZINCRBY key increment member LPUSH key value ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] LPUSHX key value ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] LRANGE key start stop ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] LREM key count value ZRANK key member LSET key index value ZREM key member LTRIM key start stop ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop MGET key [key ...] ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max MOVE key db ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] MSET key value [key value ...] ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] MSETNX key value [key value ...] ZREVRANK key member PERSIST key ZSCORE key member RANDOMKEY ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
  • 52. APPEND key value RENAME key newkey BLPOP key [key ...] RENAMENX key newkey BRPOP key [key ...] timeout RPOP key Fundamental data structures BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout DECR key DECRBY key decrement RPOPLPUSH source destination RPUSH key value for a fundamental API DEL key [key ...] RPUSHX key value EXISTS key SADD key member EXPIRE key seconds SCARD key EXPIREAT key timestamp SDIFF key [key ...] a data processing server FLUSHALL R FLUSHDB GET key SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] SELECT index SET key value GETBIT key offset SETBIT key offset value GETRANGE key start end SETEX key seconds value GETSET key value SETNX key value HDEL key field SETRANGE key offset value HEXISTS key field SINTER key [key ...] HGET key field SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] HGETALL key SISMEMBER key member HINCRBY key field increment SMEMBERS key HKEYS key SMOVE source destination member HLEN key SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] HMGET key field [field ...] SPOP key HMSET key field value [field value ...] SRANDMEMBER key HSET key field value SREM key member HSETNX key field value STRLEN key HVALS key SUNION key [key ...] INCR key SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] INCRBY key increment TTL key every operation is atomic KEYS pattern TYPE key LINDEX key index ZADD key score member LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value ZCARD key LLEN key ZCOUNT key min max LPOP key ZINCRBY key increment member LPUSH key value ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] LPUSHX key value ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] LRANGE key start stop ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] LREM key count value ZRANK key member LSET key index value ZREM key member LTRIM key start stop MGET key [key ...] MOVE key db MSET key value [key value ...] MSETNX key value [key value ...] ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max Mind blown. ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] ZREVRANK key member PERSIST key ZSCORE key member RANDOMKEY ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
  • 53. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API CAP & ACID promises atomicity consistency availability durability consistency isolation partition tolerance “kicks ACID out the door” –Mathias Meyer, Chief Cloud Officer
  • 54. Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API CAP & ACID promises atomicity consistency “that’s availability like saying durability consistency why aren’t filesystems ACID” isolation partition tolerance “kicks ACID out the door” –Mathias Meyer, Chief Cloud Officer
  • 55. Code is like a poem C 23.000 lines of code
  • 57. Two levels of APIs transactions redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1
  • 58. Two levels of APIs transactions redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC DISCARD 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1
  • 59. Two levels of APIs transactions redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED atomic redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1
  • 60. Two levels of there’s always a but: APIs server crash = partial execution transactions redis> MULTI OK redis> GET key QUEUED atomic redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1
  • 61. Two levels of there’s always a but: APIs server crash = partial execution transactions redis> MULTI OK there’s always a but but: redis> GET key detected on startup atomic QUEUED => exit redis> DEL key QUEUED redis> EXEC 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1
  • 62. Two levels of there’s always a but: APIs server crash = partial execution transactions redis> MULTI OK there’s always a but but: redis> GET key detected on startup atomic QUEUED => exit redis> DEL key QUEUED always a but but but: there’s redis> EXEC redis-check-aof repairs it 1) “helloworld” 2) (integer) 1
  • 63. Two levels of APIs optimistic locking redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK
  • 64. Two levels of APIs optimistic locking redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK SET key ciao <redis OK
  • 65. Two levels of APIs optimistic locking redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK SET key ciao <redis OK redis> SET key bye QUEUED redis> EXEC (nil)
  • 66. Two levels of APIs optimistic locking redis> WATCH key OK redis> MULTI OK SET key ciao <redis OK redis> SET key bye QUEUED redis> EXEC (nil) GET key <redis “ciao”
  • 67. We optimize for joy Pub/Sub redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1
  • 68. We optimize for joy Pub/Sub redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” type 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1
  • 69. We optimize for joy Pub/Sub redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” channel 3) (integer) 1
  • 70. We optimize for joy Pub/Sub redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1 message
  • 71. We optimize for joy Pub/Sub redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1 PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis (integer) 1
  • 72. We optimize for joy Pub/Sub redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1 PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis (integer) 1 1) “message” 2) “chat” 3) “asl?” ^C
  • 73. We optimize for joy Pub/Sub redis> SUBSCRIBE chat Reading messages… (press Ctrl-C to quit) 1) “subscribe” 2) “chat” 3) (integer) 1 PUBLISH chat “asl?” <redis (integer) 1 1) “message” 2) “chat” in other news: 3) “asl?” PSUBSCRIBE ^C UNSUBSCRIBE
  • 74. “ Redis is more than just a key-value store, it’s a lifestyle. –– Mathias Meyer
  • 75. Benchmarks redis-benchmark $ redis-benchmark ====== SET ====== 100000 requests completed in 0.88 seconds 50 parallel clients 3 bytes payload ====== GET ====== 100000 requests completed in 1.23 seconds Linux 2.6, Xeon X3320 2.5GHz, loopback
  • 76. Benchmarks Colin Howe 3.7x writes speed improvement for over MySQL 2.1x reads
  • 77. Replication master-slave scenario
  • 78. Replication master-slave scenario
  • 79. Replication master-slave scenario
  • 80. Replication master-slave scenario SLAVEOF host port
  • 81. Replication master-slave scenario SLAVEOF host port save + re-issuing
  • 82. Who’s using it Github Resque message queue service Configuration Management Routing Information
  • 83. Who’s using it Digg Digg Streaming API personalized news data real time view click counts
  • 84. Who’s using it wooga Monster World inventory system Happy Hospital user system
  • 85. Who’s using it Peter Noordhuis # Author: Peter Noordhuis # Description: Simple demo to showcase Redis PubSub with EventMachine <170 lines of Ruby code> <220 lines of HTML+JS>
  • 86. Who’s using it Hurl HTTP request testing WildlifeNearYou API rate limiting Crowdsourcing taxonomies Vanity A/B testing The Guardian Crowdsourced analysis of MP expenses BNP membership list analysis
  • 87. Who’s using it Hurl HTTP request testing WildlifeNearYou API rate limiting Crowdsourcing taxonomies general blogosphere hype storm lists about 30 others Vanity A/B testing The Guardian Crowdsourced analysis of MP expenses BNP membership list analysis
  • 88. “ I think the… problem is… believing that there can be “one true datastore”. Different technologies excel at different things. –– Weixi Yen
  • 89. Check out… Simon Willison’s tutorial
  • 90. Check out… Redis, from the Ground Up Try Redis The Redis Cookbook Redis: The Definitive Guide Data modeling, caching, and messaging coming August 2011, Salvatore & Pieter, published by O’Reilly also check my Redis bookmarks:
  • 91. man, that was a hell of a ride. Thanks. Questions? Now go use!