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Writing DSLs
with Parslet
Jason Garber
Wicked Good Ruby Conf





us Delive




Domain-Specific Languages
<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration><configSections><sectionGr
oup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettings
Group, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken
=b77a5c561934e089"><section name="MSDNSampleSettings.My.MySetti
ngs" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0
89" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="
false"/></sectionGroup></configSections> ... <userSettings><MSD
NSampleSettings.My.MySettings><setting name="Setting" serialize
leSettings.My.MySettings></userSettings> </configuration>

RssReader::Application.routes.draw do
devise_for :users
resources :feeds, only: [:edit, :update, :show, :index]
post '/feeds', to: 'feeds#create', as: 'create_feed'
resources :users do
get 'page/:page', action: :index, on: :collection
resources :posts do
member do
put :update_category
get '/my_profile', to: 'users#my_profile', as: :my_profile
root to: "home#home"
describe Stack do
context "stack with one item" do
let(:stack) { a_stack_with_one_item }
context "when popped" do
before { stack.pop }
it { should be_empty }
click_on "Sign Up"
fill_in "Email", with: account[:email]
fill_in "Password", with: account[:password]
fill_in "Confirmation", with:
fill_in "Name", with: account[:name]
select account[:birthyear].to_s, from: "Year born"
check "Terms"
click_on "I'm ready to join!"
current_path.should eq "/accounts/#{}/dashboard"
page.should have_content "Dashboard"
desc 'Generate markup and stylesheets and open browser preview'
task :preview => FileList['*.html'] + FileList['*.css'] do |t|
sh 'open -g index.html'
rule '.html' => '.haml' do |t|
puts "Rebuilding #{}"
sh "haml #{t.source} #{}"
rule '.css' => lambda { |cssfile| source(cssfile) } do |t|
puts "Rebuilding #{}"
sh "sass #{t.source} #{}"
get '/' do
@posts = Post.all(:order => [:id.desc], :limit => 20)
erb :index
get '/post/new' do
erb :new
get '/post/:id' do
@post = Post.get(params[:id])
erb :post
post '/post/create' do
post =
status 201
redirect "/post/#{}"
rule(:table) do
(str("table") >> attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(".n")).maybe >>
table_row.repeat(1).as(:content) >> block_end
rule(:table_row) do
table_row_attributes >> table_row_content >> end_table_row
rule(:table_row_attributes) { (attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(". ")).maybe }
rule(:table_row_content) { (table_header | table_data).repeat(1).as(:content) }
rule(:end_table_row) { str("|") >> (block_end.present? | (str("n"))) }
rule(:table_header) do
str("|_. ") >>
rule(:table_data) do
str("|") >> str("n").absent? >> td_attributes? >>
Internal DSLs
Fluent Interfaces
upstream puma {
server unix:///tmp/sockets/puma.sock fail_timeout=0;
server {
listen 80 default deferred;
root /srv/promptworks/public;
charset utf-8;
if (-f $document_root/system/maintenance.html) {
return 503;
error_page 503 @maintenance;
location @maintenance {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /system/maintenance.html last;
SELECT DATE_ADD(entry_point.start_date, INTERVAL (digits_1.digit * 10 + d
(1 << (DAYOFWEEK(DATE_ADD(entry_point.start_date, INTERVAL (digits_1.digi
FROM (SELECT CAST('2012-03-01' AS date) AS start_date) AS entry_point
ON (digits_1.digit * 10 + digits_2.digit) <= (DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(entry_poi
) AS md
INNER JOIN schedules AS sc1
INNER JOIN negative_link_influences AS neg
on (sc1.call_type_id = neg.call_type_id or neg.call_type_id = -1)
WHERE sc1.schedule_on =
AND neg.affected_shift = 0;
	{ TOTAL = TOTAL + $1 }
END	 print TOTAL/NR }

{print "<li><a href="" $1 "">"
$1 "</a></li>"}
! doctype html
title Test
- unless items.empty?
- items.each do |item|
= item
- else
p No items
Feature: Searching music
As a User
I want to be able to search music
So I can play it
Given I am logged in
Scenario: Search music
Given I am on the search screen
When I search for "mix"
Then I should see the mixtape
class erlang {
file { "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/esl-erlang.list":
ensure => present,
owner => root,
content => 'deb precise contrib';
exec { "apt-update":
=> "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
refreshonly => true;
package { "esl-erlang":
ensure => installed,
require => Exec['apt-update', 'import-key'];
include erlang
Heroku buildpack: Ruby

This is a [Heroku buildpack](
It uses [Bundler]( for dependency manageme
----### Ruby
Example Usage:

$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack
$ git push heroku master
title = "T??? Example"
name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
organization = "GitHub"
bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEOnLikes tater tots and
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why
server = ""
ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ]
connection_max = 5000
enabled = true
global= {
time 4/4
key c major
tempo "Allegro" 4 = 132
set Score.skipBars = ##t
Violinone = new Voice { relative c''{
set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin"
set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
% Jason solo
R1 * 9
r2 r4 times 2/3 { c4( b8)
1 0.5 scale
70 100 48 0 360 arc
/Helvetica-Bold 14 selectfont
1.0 setgray
29 45 moveto
(Hello, world!) show
.accordion {
li {
border-top: 1px solid #e2e4e6;
&:first-child { border-top-color: transparent; }
a {
@include rem(padding, 5px 10px 6px);
&.icon {
padding-left: 40px;
position: relative;
&.icon img {
@include rem(left, 10px);
margin-top: -2px;
position: absolute;
h1. Give Textile a try!
A *simple* paragraph with a line break,
some _emphasis_ and a "link":
* an item
* and another
# one
# two
# three
h1. Give Textile a try!
A *simple* paragraph with a line break,
some _emphasis_ and a "link":
* an item
* and another
# one
# two
# three
A_HLGN = /(?:<(?!>)|<>|=|[()]+)/
A_VLGN = /[-^~]/
C_CLAS = '(?:([^)]+))'
C_LNGE = '(?:[[^]]+])'
C_STYL = '(?:{[^}]+})'
S_CSPN = '(?:d+)'
S_RSPN = '(?:/d+)'
A = "(?:#{A_HLGN}?#{A_VLGN}?|#{A_VLGN}?#{A_HLGN}?)"
S = "(?:#{S_CSPN}?#{S_RSPN}|#{S_RSPN}?#{S_CSPN}?)"
C = "(?:#{C_CLAS}?#{C_STYL}?#{C_LNGE}?|#{C_STYL}?
PUNCT = Regexp::quote( '!"#$%&'*+,-./:;=?@^_`|~' )
HYPERLINK = '(S+?)([^ws/;=?]*?)(s|$)'
def links( text )
text.gsub!( /
# $pre
# start
# $atts
# $text
# $title
# $url
# $slash
# $post
/x ) do |m|
pre,atts,text,title,url,slash,post = $~[1..7]
url = check_refs( url )
atts = pba( atts )
atts << " title="#{ title }"" if title
atts = shelve( atts ) if atts
"#{ pre }<a href="#{ url }#{ slash }"#{ atts }>" +
"#{ text }</a>#{ post }"
“Some people, when confronted
with a problem, think ‘I know, I'll
use regular expressions.’
Now they have two problems.”
— Jamie Zawinski
machine superredcloth_scan;
include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl";
action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); }
# blocks
notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ;
notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ;
notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ;
pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ;
pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"...
block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ;
pre_tag := |*
{ CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; };
default => esc_pre;
notextile_tag := |*
default => cat;

{ DONE(block); fgoto main; };
void rb_str_cat_escaped(VALUE str, char *ts, char *te, unsigned int opts);
void rb_str_cat_escaped_for_preformatted(VALUE str, char *ts, char *te, unsigned int opts);
VALUE superredcloth_inline(VALUE, char *, char *, VALUE);
VALUE superredcloth_inline2(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);
#define CAT(H)
#define CLEAR(H)
#define INLINE(H, T)

rb_str_cat(H, ts, te-ts)
H = rb_str_new2("")
rb_str_append(H, rb_funcall(rb_formatter, rb_intern(#T), 1, regs))

VALUE superredcloth_transform(rb_formatter, p, pe, refs)
VALUE rb_formatter;
char *p, *pe;
VALUE refs;
if (RSTRING(block)->len > 0)
if ( NIL_P(refs) && rb_funcall(refs_found, rb_intern("empty?"), 0) == Qfalse ) {
return superredcloth_transform(rb_formatter, orig_p, orig_pe, refs_found);
} else {
rb_funcall(rb_formatter, rb_intern("after_transform"), 1, html);
return html;
machine superredcloth_scan;
include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl";
action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); }
# blocks
notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ;
notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ;
notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ;
pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ;
pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"...
block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ;
pre_tag := |*
{ CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; };
default => esc_pre;
notextile_tag := |*
default => cat;

{ DONE(block); fgoto main; };
machine superredcloth_scan;
include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl";
action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); }
# blocks
notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ;
notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ;
notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ;
pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ;
pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"...
block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ;
pre_tag := |*
{ CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; };
default => esc_pre;
notextile_tag := |*
default => cat;

{ DONE(block); fgoto main; };
* redcloth_scan.c.rl
machine superredcloth_scan;
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jason Garber
include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl";
#define redcloth_scan_c
action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); }
# blocks
#include <ruby.h>
notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ;
#include "redcloth.h"
notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ;
notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
VALUE mRedCloth, super_ParseError, super_RedCloth, super_HTML, super_LATEX;
pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ;
VALUE SYM_escape_preformatted, SYM_escape_attributes;
pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ;
pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
#line 23 "ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth_scan.c"
bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"...
static const unsigned char _redcloth_scan_actions[] = {
block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ;
0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1,
next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ;
4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1,
9, 1, 10, 1, 11, 1, 12, 1,
pre_tag := |*
13, 1, 14, 1, 15, 1, 16, 1,
{ CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; };
17, 1, 18, 1, 19, 1, 20, 1,
default => esc_pre;
21, 1, 22, 1, 23, 1, 24, 1,
25, 1, 26, 1, 27, 1, 28, 1,
29, 1, 30, 1, 34, 1, 35, 1,
notextile_tag := |*
36, 1, 38, 1, 40, 1, 42, 1,
{ DONE(block); fgoto main; };
43, 1, 44, 1, 45, 1, 48, 1,
default => cat;
57, 1, 58, 1, 59, 1, 60, 1,
61, 1, 62, 1, 63, 1, 64, 1,
65, 1, 66, 1, 70, 1, 73, 1,
grammar Arithmetic
rule additive
multitive ( '+' multitive )*
rule multitive
primary ( [*/%] primary )*
rule primary
'(' additive ')' / number
rule number
'-'? [1-9] [0-9]*
require 'parslet'
class MiniParser < Parslet::Parser
rule(:integer) { match('[0-9]').repeat(1) }
# => "1324321"@0
# => "Boston"@0
# => "Boston"@0
# => "Boston"@0
str('Wicked') >> str('Good')
str('Ruby') | str('Elixir')
match('[Bb]') >> str('oston') |
match('[Mm]') >> str('assachusetts')
str('foo').repeat(0, nil)
str('Java') >> str('Script').present?

str('0').repeat(1).absent? >>
1. Create a grammar
What should be legal syntax?
2. Annotate the grammar:
What is important data?
3. Create a transformation:
How do I want to work with that data?
1. Create a grammar
What should be legal syntax?
2. Annotate the grammar:
What is important data?
3. Create a transformation:
How do I want to work with that data?
# => "Common"@0
# => {:park=>"Common"@0}
# => {:b=>"aaa"@0}
# => [{:b=>"a"@0}, {:b=>"a"@1}, {:b=>"a"@2}]
str('a').as(:a) >> str('b').as(:b) >> str('c')
# => {:a=>"a"@0, :b=>"b"@1}
rule(:table) do
(str("table") >> attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(".n")).maybe >>
table_row.repeat(1).as(:content) >> block_end
rule(:table_row) do
table_row_attributes >> table_row_content >> end_table_row
rule(:table_row_attributes) { (attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(". ")).maybe }
rule(:table_row_content) { (table_header | table_data).repeat(1).as(:content) }
rule(:end_table_row) { str("|") >> (block_end.present? | (str("n"))) }
rule(:table_header) do
str("|_. ") >>
rule(:table_data) do
str("|") >> str("n").absent? >> td_attributes? >>
| Adults
| $5 |
| Children | $2 |

<table id="prices">
rule(:table) do
(str("table") >> attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(".n")).maybe >>
table_row.repeat(1).as(:content) >> block_end
rule(:table_row) do
table_row_attributes >> table_row_content >> end_table_row
rule(:table_row_attributes) { (attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(". ")).maybe }
rule(:table_row_content) { (table_header | table_data).repeat(1).as(:content) }
rule(:end_table_row) { str("|") >> (block_end.present? | (str("n"))) }
rule(:table_header) do
str("|_. ") >>
rule(:table_data) do
str("|") >> str("n").absent? >> td_attributes? >>
def parenthesized(atom)
str('(') >> atom >> str(')')
class HtmlTag < Parslet::Parser
rule(:tag) { open_tag | close_tag | self_closing_tag | comment_tag }
rule(:open_tag) { str("<") >> tag_name >> attributes? >> str(">") }
rule(:close_tag) { str("</") >> tag_name >> str(">") }
rule(:tag_name) { match("[A-Za-z_:]") >> name_char.repeat }
class BlockHtmlTag < HtmlTag
rule(:tag_name) do
inline_tag_name.absent? >> any_tag_name
rule(:inline_tag_name) do {|name| str(name) }.reduce(:|)
=> [:name, :block, :try, :parslet, :to_s_inner, :parse, :apply, :cached?, ...]

=> "<blockquote>"@0
Parslet::ParseFailed: Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? '>') at line
1 char 2.
	 from /Users/jasongarber/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/parslet-1.5.0/lib/parslet/
cause.rb:63:in `raise'
	 from /Users/jasongarber/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/parslet-1.5.0/lib/parslet/
atoms/base.rb:46:in `parse'
	 from (irb):8
	 from /Users/jasongarber/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
rescue Parslet::ParseFailed => failure
puts failure.cause.ascii_tree
Expected one of [OPEN_TAG, CLOSE_TAG, SELF_CLOSING_TAG, COMMENT_TAG] at line 1 char 1.
|- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? '>') at line 1 char 2.
| `- Failed to match sequence ((!INLINE_TAG_NAME / &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })) ANY_TAG_NAME)
at line 1 char 2.
`- Expected one of [!INLINE_TAG_NAME, &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })] at line 1 char 2.
|- Input should not start with INLINE_TAG_NAME at line 1 char 2.
`- Input should start with INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, } at line 1 char 2.
|- Failed to match sequence ('</' TAG_NAME '>') at line 1 char 1.
| `- Expected "</", but got "<i" at line 1 char 1.
|- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? SPACES? '/' '>') at line 1 char 2.
| `- Failed to match sequence ((!INLINE_TAG_NAME / &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })) ANY_TAG_NAME)
at line 1 char 2.
`- Expected one of [!INLINE_TAG_NAME, &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })] at line 1 char 2.
|- Input should not start with INLINE_TAG_NAME at line 1 char 2.
`- Input should start with INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, } at line 1 char 2.
`- Failed to match sequence ('<!--' (!COMMENT_TAG_END .){0, } COMMENT_TAG_END) at line 1 char 1.
`- Expected "<!--", but got "<img" at line 1 char 1.

describe RedClothParslet::Parser::HtmlTag do
it { should parse("<div>") }
it { should parse("<hr />") }
it { should parse("</div>") }
it { should parse("<!-- an HTML comment -->") }
describe "attribute" do
subject { }
it { should parse(" class='awesome'") }
it { should_not parse(' 9kittens="cute"') }
$ rspec spec/parser/html_tag_spec.rb
1) RedClothParslet::Parser::HtmlTag tag
Failure/Error: it { should parse("</div>") }
expected TAG to be able to parse "</div>"
Expected one of [OPEN_TAG, CLOSE_TAG, SELF_CLOSING_TAG, COMMENT_TAG] at line 1 char 1.
|- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? '>') at line 1 char 2.
| `- Failed to match sequence ([A-Za-z_:] NAME_CHAR{0, }) at line 1 char 2.
`- Failed to match [A-Za-z_:] at line 1 char 2.
|- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME '>') at line 1 char 2.
| `- Failed to match sequence ([A-Za-z_:] NAME_CHAR{0, }) at line 1 char 2.
`- Failed to match [A-Za-z_:] at line 1 char 2.
|- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? SPACES? '/' '>') at line 1 char 2.
| `- Failed to match sequence ([A-Za-z_:] NAME_CHAR{0, }) at line 1 char 2.
`- Failed to match [A-Za-z_:] at line 1 char 2.
`- Failed to match sequence ('<!--' (!COMMENT_TAG_END .){0, } COMMENT_TAG_END) at line 1 char 1.
`- Expected "<!--", but got "</di" at line 1 char 1.
# ./spec/parser/html_tag_spec.rb:9:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

100% |==========================================| Time: 00:00:00

Finished in 0.01879 seconds
13 examples, 1 failure
1. Create a grammar
What should be legal syntax?
2. Annotate the grammar:
What is important data?
3. Create a transformation:
How do I want to work with that data?
tree = {left: {int: '1'},
op: '+',
right: {int: '2'}}
class T < Parslet::Transform
rule(int: simple(:x)) { Integer(x) }
# => {:left=>1, :op=>"+", :right=>2}
tree = {left: {int: '1'},
op: '+',
right: {int: '2'}}
class T < Parslet::Transform
rule(int: simple(:x)) { Integer(x) }
rule(op: '+', left: simple(:l),
right: simple(:r)) { l + r }
# => 3
rule(:content => subtree(:c), :attributes => subtree(:a)) do |dict|
{:content => dict[:c], :opts =>[:a])}
rule(:table => subtree(:a)) do[:content], a[:opts])
rule(:bq => subtree(:a)) do[:content], a[:opts])
Who you
callin’ slow?
class ErbParser < Parslet::Parser
rule(:ruby) { (str('%>').absent? >> any) }
rule(:expression) { (str('=') >> ruby).as(:expression) }
rule(:comment) { (str('#') >> ruby).as(:comment) }
rule(:code) { }
rule(:erb) { expression | comment | code }
rule(:erb_with_tags) { str('<%') >> erb >> str('%>') }
rule(:text) { (str('<%').absent? >> any).repeat(1) }

rule(:text_with_ruby) { ( | erb_with_tags)
class ErbParser < Parslet::Parser
rule(:ruby) { (str('%>').absent? >> any) }
rule(:expression) { (str('=') >> ruby).as(:expression) }
rule(:comment) { (str('#') >> ruby).as(:comment) }
rule(:code) { }
rule(:erb) { expression | comment | code }
rule(:erb_with_tags) { str('<%') >> erb >> str('%>') }
rule(:text) { (str('<%').absent? >> any).repeat(1) }

rule(:text_with_ruby) { ( | erb_with_tags)
class ErbParser < Parslet::Parser
rule(:ruby) { (str('%>').absent? >> any) }
rule(:expression) { (str('=') >> ruby).as(:expression) }
rule(:comment) { (str('#') >> ruby).as(:comment) }
rule(:code) { }
include Parslet::Accelerator
rule(:erb) { expression | comment | code }

optimized = apply( parser,
rule( (str(:x).absent? >> erb >> str('%>') }
rule(:erb_with_tags) { str('<%') >> any).repeat )
rule(:text), 0) } >> any).repeat(1) }
{ { (str('<%').absent?

rule(:text_with_ruby) { ( | erb_with_tags)
Custom Atoms
“Who makes the best cheesesteaks in Boston?”
EngTagger: a corpus-trained, probabilistic tagger
Custom Parslet::Atom
Parse a limited set of natural-language queries
rule(:question) do >> >> >> >> >>


(verb_present | verb_past | verb_future).as(:vp) }
word(:VBZ, :VB).as(:present) }
word(:VBD).as(:past) }
word(:MD).as(:future) >> word(:VB) }
Other Crazy Uses
Other Crazy Uses

User-supplied formulas / logic
Other Crazy Uses

User-supplied formulas / logic
Other Crazy Uses
Streaming text

User-supplied formulas / logic
Other Crazy Uses
Streaming text
The Right Reverend and Right Honourable the Lord
User-supplied formulas / logic

Bishop of London Richard John Carew Chartres
Who will write the next
awesome DSL?
You will write the next
awesome DSL!.

DSLs make life better

DSLs make life better
internal_dsl > external_dsl if


DSLs make life better


Keep your parser clean

internal_dsl > external_dsl if


DSLs make life better


Keep your parser clean

internal_dsl > external_dsl if
“Situational awareness!”


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Writing DSLs with Parslet

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  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 7.
  • 10.
  • 11. <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration><configSections><sectionGr oup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettings Group, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken =b77a5c561934e089"><section name="MSDNSampleSettings.My.MySetti ngs" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0 89" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission=" false"/></sectionGroup></configSections> ... <userSettings><MSD NSampleSettings.My.MySettings><setting name="Setting" serialize As="String"><value>SomeDefaultValue</value></setting></MSDNSamp leSettings.My.MySettings></userSettings> </configuration>
  • 14. RssReader::Application.routes.draw do devise_for :users resources :feeds, only: [:edit, :update, :show, :index] post '/feeds', to: 'feeds#create', as: 'create_feed' resources :users do get 'page/:page', action: :index, on: :collection end resources :posts do member do put :update_category end end get '/my_profile', to: 'users#my_profile', as: :my_profile root to: "home#home" end
  • 15. describe Stack do context "stack with one item" do let(:stack) { a_stack_with_one_item } context "when popped" do before { stack.pop } it { should be_empty } end end end
  • 16. click_on "Sign Up" fill_in "Email", with: account[:email] fill_in "Password", with: account[:password] fill_in "Confirmation", with: account[:password_confirmation] fill_in "Name", with: account[:name] select account[:birthyear].to_s, from: "Year born" check "Terms" click_on "I'm ready to join!" current_path.should eq "/accounts/#{}/dashboard" page.should have_content "Dashboard"
  • 17. desc 'Generate markup and stylesheets and open browser preview' task :preview => FileList['*.html'] + FileList['*.css'] do |t| sh 'open -g index.html' end rule '.html' => '.haml' do |t| puts "Rebuilding #{}" sh "haml #{t.source} #{}" end rule '.css' => lambda { |cssfile| source(cssfile) } do |t| puts "Rebuilding #{}" sh "sass #{t.source} #{}" end
  • 18. get '/' do @posts = Post.all(:order => [:id.desc], :limit => 20) erb :index end get '/post/new' do erb :new end get '/post/:id' do @post = Post.get(params[:id]) erb :post end post '/post/create' do post = status 201 redirect "/post/#{}" end
  • 19. rule(:table) do (str("table") >> attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(".n")).maybe >> table_row.repeat(1).as(:content) >> block_end end rule(:table_row) do table_row_attributes >> table_row_content >> end_table_row end rule(:table_row_attributes) { (attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(". ")).maybe } rule(:table_row_content) { (table_header | table_data).repeat(1).as(:content) } rule(:end_table_row) { str("|") >> (block_end.present? | (str("n"))) } rule(:table_header) do str("|_. ") >> end rule(:table_data) do str("|") >> str("n").absent? >> td_attributes? >> end
  • 22. upstream puma { server unix:///tmp/sockets/puma.sock fail_timeout=0; } server { listen 80 default deferred; server_name; root /srv/promptworks/public; charset utf-8; if (-f $document_root/system/maintenance.html) { return 503; } error_page 503 @maintenance; location @maintenance { rewrite ^(.*)$ /system/maintenance.html last; break; } }
  • 24. SELECT DISTINCT FROM ( SELECT DATE_ADD(entry_point.start_date, INTERVAL (digits_1.digit * 10 + d (1 << (DAYOFWEEK(DATE_ADD(entry_point.start_date, INTERVAL (digits_1.digi FROM (SELECT CAST('2012-03-01' AS date) AS start_date) AS entry_point INNER JOIN (SELECT 0 AS digit UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT ON (digits_1.digit * 10 + digits_2.digit) <= (DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(entry_poi ) AS md INNER JOIN schedules AS sc1 INNER JOIN negative_link_influences AS neg on (sc1.call_type_id = neg.call_type_id or neg.call_type_id = -1) WHERE sc1.schedule_on = AND neg.affected_shift = 0;
  • 25. BEGIN TOTAL=0 } { { TOTAL = TOTAL + $1 } END print TOTAL/NR } { {print "<li><a href="" $1 "">" $1 "</a></li>"}
  • 26. ! doctype html html head title Test body - unless items.empty? ol - items.each do |item| li = item - else p No items
  • 27. Feature: Searching music As a User I want to be able to search music So I can play it Background: Given I am logged in Scenario: Search music Given I am on the search screen When I search for "mix" Then I should see the mixtape
  • 28. class erlang { file { "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/esl-erlang.list": ensure => present, owner => root, content => 'deb precise contrib'; } exec { "apt-update": command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update", refreshonly => true; } package { "esl-erlang": ensure => installed, require => Exec['apt-update', 'import-key']; } } include erlang
  • 29. Heroku buildpack: Ruby ====================== This is a [Heroku buildpack]( It uses [Bundler]( for dependency manageme Usage ----### Ruby Example Usage: $ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack $ git push heroku master
  • 30. title = "T??? Example" [owner] name = "Tom Preston-Werner" organization = "GitHub" bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEOnLikes tater tots and beer." dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not? [database] server = "" ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ] connection_max = 5000 enabled = true
  • 31. global= { time 4/4 key c major tempo "Allegro" 4 = 132 set Score.skipBars = ##t } Violinone = new Voice { relative c''{ set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) % Jason solo R1 * 9 r2 r4 times 2/3 { c4( b8)
  • 32. gsave 1 0.5 scale 70 100 48 0 360 arc fill grestore /Helvetica-Bold 14 selectfont 1.0 setgray 29 45 moveto (Hello, world!) show showpage
  • 33. .accordion { li { border-top: 1px solid #e2e4e6; &:first-child { border-top-color: transparent; } } a { @include rem(padding, 5px 10px 6px); &.icon { padding-left: 40px; position: relative; } &.icon img { @include rem(left, 10px); margin-top: -2px; position: absolute; } } }
  • 34.
  • 35.
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  • 37. h1. Give Textile a try! A *simple* paragraph with a line break, some _emphasis_ and a "link": * an item * and another # one # two # three
  • 38.
  • 39. A_HLGN = /(?:<(?!>)|<>|=|[()]+)/ A_VLGN = /[-^~]/ C_CLAS = '(?:([^)]+))' C_LNGE = '(?:[[^]]+])' C_STYL = '(?:{[^}]+})' S_CSPN = '(?:d+)' S_RSPN = '(?:/d+)' A = "(?:#{A_HLGN}?#{A_VLGN}?|#{A_VLGN}?#{A_HLGN}?)" S = "(?:#{S_CSPN}?#{S_RSPN}|#{S_RSPN}?#{S_CSPN}?)" C = "(?:#{C_CLAS}?#{C_STYL}?#{C_LNGE}?|#{C_STYL}? #{C_LNGE}?#{C_CLAS}?|#{C_LNGE}?#{C_STYL}?#{C_CLAS}?)" PUNCT = Regexp::quote( '!"#$%&'*+,-./:;=?@^_`|~' ) HYPERLINK = '(S+?)([^ws/;=?]*?)(s|$)'
  • 40. def links( text ) text.gsub!( / ([s[{(]|[#{PUNCT}])? # $pre " # start (#{C}) # $atts ([^"]+?) # $text s? (?:(([^)]+?))(?="))? # $title ": (S+?) # $url (/)? # $slash ([^w/;]*?) # $post (?=s|.[#{PUNCT}]+|$) /x ) do |m| pre,atts,text,title,url,slash,post = $~[1..7] url = check_refs( url ) atts = pba( atts ) atts << " title="#{ title }"" if title atts = shelve( atts ) if atts "#{ pre }<a href="#{ url }#{ slash }"#{ atts }>" + "#{ text }</a>#{ post }" end end
  • 41. “Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ‘I know, I'll use regular expressions.’ Now they have two problems.” — Jamie Zawinski
  • 42.
  • 43. %%{ machine superredcloth_scan; include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl"; action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); } # blocks notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ; notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ; notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ; pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ; pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"... block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ; pre_tag := |* pre_tag_end { CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; }; default => esc_pre; *|; notextile_tag := |* notextile_tag_end default => cat; *|; }%% { DONE(block); fgoto main; };
  • 44. void rb_str_cat_escaped(VALUE str, char *ts, char *te, unsigned int opts); void rb_str_cat_escaped_for_preformatted(VALUE str, char *ts, char *te, unsigned int opts); VALUE superredcloth_inline(VALUE, char *, char *, VALUE); VALUE superredcloth_inline2(VALUE, VALUE, VALUE); #define CAT(H) #define CLEAR(H) #define INLINE(H, T) rb_str_cat(H, ts, te-ts) H = rb_str_new2("") rb_str_append(H, rb_funcall(rb_formatter, rb_intern(#T), 1, regs)) VALUE superredcloth_transform(rb_formatter, p, pe, refs) VALUE rb_formatter; char *p, *pe; VALUE refs; { if (RSTRING(block)->len > 0) { ADD_BLOCK(); } if ( NIL_P(refs) && rb_funcall(refs_found, rb_intern("empty?"), 0) == Qfalse ) { return superredcloth_transform(rb_formatter, orig_p, orig_pe, refs_found); } else { rb_funcall(rb_formatter, rb_intern("after_transform"), 1, html); return html; } }
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. %%{ machine superredcloth_scan; include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl"; action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); } # blocks notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ; notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ; notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ; pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ; pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"... block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ; pre_tag := |* pre_tag_end { CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; }; default => esc_pre; *|; notextile_tag := |* notextile_tag_end default => cat; *|; }%% { DONE(block); fgoto main; };
  • 48. %%{ machine superredcloth_scan; include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl"; action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); } # blocks notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ; notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ; notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ; pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ; pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"... block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ; pre_tag := |* pre_tag_end { CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; }; default => esc_pre; *|; notextile_tag := |* notextile_tag_end default => cat; *|; }%% { DONE(block); fgoto main; };
  • 49. /* %%{ * redcloth_scan.c.rl * machine superredcloth_scan; * Copyright (C) 2009 Jason Garber include superredcloth_common "ext/superredcloth_scan/superredcloth_common.rl"; */ #define redcloth_scan_c action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); } #define RSTRING_NOT_MODIFIED # blocks #include <ruby.h> notextile_tag_start = "<notextile>" ; #include "redcloth.h" notextile_tag_end = "</notextile>" CRLF? ; notextile_block_start = ( "notextile" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; VALUE mRedCloth, super_ParseError, super_RedCloth, super_HTML, super_LATEX; pre_tag_start = "<pre" [^>]* ">" (space* "<code>")? ; VALUE SYM_escape_preformatted, SYM_escape_attributes; pre_tag_end = ("</code>" space*)? "</pre>" CRLF? ; pre_block_start = ( "pre" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; #line 23 "ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth_scan.c" bc_start = ( "bc" >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; btype = ( "p" | "h1"... static const unsigned char _redcloth_scan_actions[] = { block_start = ( btype >A %{ STORE(type) } A C :> "." ( "." %extend | "" ) " "+ ) ; 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, next_block_start = ( btype A C :> "."+ " " ) >A @{ p = reg - 1; } ; 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1, 9, 1, 10, 1, 11, 1, 12, 1, pre_tag := |* 13, 1, 14, 1, 15, 1, 16, 1, pre_tag_end { CAT(block); DONE(block); fgoto main; }; 17, 1, 18, 1, 19, 1, 20, 1, default => esc_pre; 21, 1, 22, 1, 23, 1, 24, 1, *|; 25, 1, 26, 1, 27, 1, 28, 1, 29, 1, 30, 1, 34, 1, 35, 1, notextile_tag := |* 36, 1, 38, 1, 40, 1, 42, 1, notextile_tag_end { DONE(block); fgoto main; }; 43, 1, 44, 1, 45, 1, 48, 1, default => cat; 57, 1, 58, 1, 59, 1, 60, 1, *|; 61, 1, 62, 1, 63, 1, 64, 1, 65, 1, 66, 1, 70, 1, 73, 1, }%%
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. grammar Arithmetic rule additive multitive ( '+' multitive )* end rule multitive primary ( [*/%] primary )* end rule primary '(' additive ')' / number end rule number '-'? [1-9] [0-9]* end end
  • 54. require 'parslet' class MiniParser < Parslet::Parser rule(:integer) { match('[0-9]').repeat(1) } root(:integer) end"1324321") # => "1324321"@0
  • 60. Operators str('Wicked') >> str('Good') str('Ruby') | str('Elixir') match('[Bb]') >> str('oston') | match('[Mm]') >> str('assachusetts')
  • 63. 1. Create a grammar What should be legal syntax? 2. Annotate the grammar: What is important data? 3. Create a transformation: How do I want to work with that data?
  • 64. 1. Create a grammar What should be legal syntax? 2. Annotate the grammar: What is important data? 3. Create a transformation: How do I want to work with that data?
  • 66. Capture str('a') # => {:b=>"aaa"@0} str('a').as(:b).repeat # => [{:b=>"a"@0}, {:b=>"a"@1}, {:b=>"a"@2}] str('a').as(:a) >> str('b').as(:b) >> str('c') # => {:a=>"a"@0, :b=>"b"@1}
  • 67. rule(:table) do (str("table") >> attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(".n")).maybe >> table_row.repeat(1).as(:content) >> block_end end rule(:table_row) do table_row_attributes >> table_row_content >> end_table_row end rule(:table_row_attributes) { (attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(". ")).maybe } rule(:table_row_content) { (table_header | table_data).repeat(1).as(:content) } rule(:end_table_row) { str("|") >> (block_end.present? | (str("n"))) } rule(:table_header) do str("|_. ") >> end rule(:table_data) do str("|") >> str("n").absent? >> td_attributes? >> end
  • 68. table(#prices). | Adults | $5 | | Children | $2 | <table id="prices"> <tr> <td>Adults</td> <td>$5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Children</td> <td>$2</td> </tr> </table>
  • 69. rule(:table) do (str("table") >> attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(".n")).maybe >> table_row.repeat(1).as(:content) >> block_end end rule(:table_row) do table_row_attributes >> table_row_content >> end_table_row end rule(:table_row_attributes) { (attributes?.as(:attributes) >> str(". ")).maybe } rule(:table_row_content) { (table_header | table_data).repeat(1).as(:content) } rule(:end_table_row) { str("|") >> (block_end.present? | (str("n"))) } rule(:table_header) do str("|_. ") >> end rule(:table_data) do str("|") >> str("n").absent? >> td_attributes? >> end
  • 70. def parenthesized(atom) str('(') >> atom >> str(')') end parenthesized(match['d']).parse("(500)")
  • 71. class HtmlTag < Parslet::Parser root(:tag) rule(:tag) { open_tag | close_tag | self_closing_tag | comment_tag } rule(:open_tag) { str("<") >> tag_name >> attributes? >> str(">") } rule(:close_tag) { str("</") >> tag_name >> str(">") } rule(:tag_name) { match("[A-Za-z_:]") >> name_char.repeat } ... end class BlockHtmlTag < HtmlTag rule(:tag_name) do inline_tag_name.absent? >> any_tag_name end rule(:inline_tag_name) do {|name| str(name) }.reduce(:|) end end
  • 72. > => [:name, :block, :try, :parslet, :to_s_inner, :parse, :apply, :cached?, ...] >"<blockquote>") => "<blockquote>"@0 >"</blockquote>") Parslet::ParseFailed: Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? '>') at line 1 char 2. from /Users/jasongarber/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/parslet-1.5.0/lib/parslet/ cause.rb:63:in `raise' from /Users/jasongarber/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/parslet-1.5.0/lib/parslet/ atoms/base.rb:46:in `parse' from (irb):8 from /Users/jasongarber/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
  • 73. begin"<img>") rescue Parslet::ParseFailed => failure puts failure.cause.ascii_tree end Expected one of [OPEN_TAG, CLOSE_TAG, SELF_CLOSING_TAG, COMMENT_TAG] at line 1 char 1. |- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? '>') at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match sequence ((!INLINE_TAG_NAME / &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })) ANY_TAG_NAME) at line 1 char 2. | `- Expected one of [!INLINE_TAG_NAME, &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })] at line 1 char 2. | |- Input should not start with INLINE_TAG_NAME at line 1 char 2. | `- Input should start with INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, } at line 1 char 2. |- Failed to match sequence ('</' TAG_NAME '>') at line 1 char 1. | `- Expected "</", but got "<i" at line 1 char 1. |- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? SPACES? '/' '>') at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match sequence ((!INLINE_TAG_NAME / &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })) ANY_TAG_NAME) at line 1 char 2. | `- Expected one of [!INLINE_TAG_NAME, &(INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, })] at line 1 char 2. | |- Input should not start with INLINE_TAG_NAME at line 1 char 2. | `- Input should start with INLINE_TAG_NAME NAME_CHAR{1, } at line 1 char 2. `- Failed to match sequence ('<!--' (!COMMENT_TAG_END .){0, } COMMENT_TAG_END) at line 1 char 1. `- Expected "<!--", but got "<img" at line 1 char 1.
  • 75. describe RedClothParslet::Parser::HtmlTag do it { should parse("<div>") } it { should parse("<hr />") } it { should parse("</div>") } it { should parse("<!-- an HTML comment -->") } describe "attribute" do subject { } it { should parse(" class='awesome'") } it { should_not parse(' 9kittens="cute"') } end end
  • 76. $ rspec spec/parser/html_tag_spec.rb 1) RedClothParslet::Parser::HtmlTag tag Failure/Error: it { should parse("</div>") } expected TAG to be able to parse "</div>" Expected one of [OPEN_TAG, CLOSE_TAG, SELF_CLOSING_TAG, COMMENT_TAG] at line 1 char 1. |- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? '>') at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match sequence ([A-Za-z_:] NAME_CHAR{0, }) at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match [A-Za-z_:] at line 1 char 2. |- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME '>') at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match sequence ([A-Za-z_:] NAME_CHAR{0, }) at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match [A-Za-z_:] at line 1 char 2. |- Failed to match sequence ('<' TAG_NAME ATTRIBUTES? SPACES? '/' '>') at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match sequence ([A-Za-z_:] NAME_CHAR{0, }) at line 1 char 2. | `- Failed to match [A-Za-z_:] at line 1 char 2. `- Failed to match sequence ('<!--' (!COMMENT_TAG_END .){0, } COMMENT_TAG_END) at line 1 char 1. `- Expected "<!--", but got "</di" at line 1 char 1. # ./spec/parser/html_tag_spec.rb:9:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>' 13/13: 100% |==========================================| Time: 00:00:00 Finished in 0.01879 seconds 13 examples, 1 failure
  • 77. 1. Create a grammar What should be legal syntax? 2. Annotate the grammar: What is important data? 3. Create a transformation: How do I want to work with that data?
  • 78. Transformations tree = {left: {int: '1'}, op: '+', right: {int: '2'}} class T < Parslet::Transform rule(int: simple(:x)) { Integer(x) } end # => {:left=>1, :op=>"+", :right=>2}
  • 79. Transformations tree = {left: {int: '1'}, op: '+', right: {int: '2'}} class T < Parslet::Transform rule(int: simple(:x)) { Integer(x) } rule(op: '+', left: simple(:l), right: simple(:r)) { l + r } end # => 3
  • 80. Transformations rule(:content => subtree(:c), :attributes => subtree(:a)) do |dict| {:content => dict[:c], :opts =>[:a])} end rule(:table => subtree(:a)) do[:content], a[:opts]) end rule(:bq => subtree(:a)) do[:content], a[:opts]) end
  • 82. class ErbParser < Parslet::Parser rule(:ruby) { (str('%>').absent? >> any) } rule(:expression) { (str('=') >> ruby).as(:expression) } rule(:comment) { (str('#') >> ruby).as(:comment) } rule(:code) { } rule(:erb) { expression | comment | code } rule(:erb_with_tags) { str('<%') >> erb >> str('%>') } rule(:text) { (str('<%').absent? >> any).repeat(1) } rule(:text_with_ruby) { ( | erb_with_tags) root(:text_with_ruby) end
  • 83. class ErbParser < Parslet::Parser rule(:ruby) { (str('%>').absent? >> any) } rule(:expression) { (str('=') >> ruby).as(:expression) } rule(:comment) { (str('#') >> ruby).as(:comment) } rule(:code) { } rule(:erb) { expression | comment | code } rule(:erb_with_tags) { str('<%') >> erb >> str('%>') } rule(:text) { (str('<%').absent? >> any).repeat(1) } rule(:text_with_ruby) { ( | erb_with_tags) root(:text_with_ruby) end
  • 84. class ErbParser < Parslet::Parser rule(:ruby) { (str('%>').absent? >> any) } rule(:expression) { (str('=') >> ruby).as(:expression) } rule(:comment) { (str('#') >> ruby).as(:comment) } rule(:code) { } include Parslet::Accelerator rule(:erb) { expression | comment | code } optimized = apply( parser, rule( (str(:x).absent? >> erb >> str('%>') } rule(:erb_with_tags) { str('<%') >> any).repeat ) rule(:text), 0) } >> any).repeat(1) } { { (str('<%').absent? ) rule(:text_with_ruby) { ( | erb_with_tags) root(:text_with_ruby) end
  • 85. Custom Atoms • “Who makes the best cheesesteaks in Boston?” • EngTagger: a corpus-trained, probabilistic tagger • Custom Parslet::Atom • Parse a limited set of natural-language queries
  • 86. rule(:question) do >> >> >> >> >> end rule(:verb_phrase) rule(:verb_present) rule(:verb_past) rule(:verb_future) { { { { (verb_present | verb_past | verb_future).as(:vp) } word(:VBZ, :VB).as(:present) } word(:VBD).as(:past) } word(:MD).as(:future) >> word(:VB) }
  • 90. Other Crazy Uses • Logs • Streaming text • User-supplied formulas / logic
  • 91. Other Crazy Uses • Logs • Streaming text • The Right Reverend and Right Honourable the Lord • User-supplied formulas / logic Bishop of London Richard John Carew Chartres
  • 92. Who will write the next awesome DSL?
  • 93. Who You will write the next awesome DSL!.
  • 96. • • Conclusions DSLs make life better internal_dsl > external_dsl if internal_dsl.practicable?
  • 97. Conclusions • • DSLs make life better • Keep your parser clean internal_dsl > external_dsl if internal_dsl.practicable?
  • 98. Conclusions • • DSLs make life better • • Keep your parser clean internal_dsl > external_dsl if internal_dsl.practicable? “Situational awareness!”