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Apple’s New Programming Language 
Sasha Goldshtein 
CTO, Sela Group @goldshtn 
Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 
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Apple WWDC Announcements 
• iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite 
• Xcode 6 
• Swift 
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Minus Bazillion Points 
“Every feature starts out in the hole by 100 
points, which means that it has to have a 
significant net positive effect on the overall 
package for it to make it into the language.” 
– Eric Gunnerson, C# compiler team 
If a language feature starts at -100 points, 
where does a new language start?! 
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Objective-C Popularity 
• Objective-C owes all its popularity to the 
meteoric rise of the iPhone 
App Store introduced 
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What’s Wrong with Objective-C 
Exhibit One 
// Ignore the horrible syntax for a second. 
// But here's the charmer: 
// 1) if 'str' is null, we return NSNotFound (232-1) 
// 2) if 'arr' is null, we return 0 
+ (NSUInteger)indexOfString:(NSString *)str 
inArray:(NSArray *)arr 
return [arr indexOfObject:str]; 
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What’s Wrong with Objective-C 
Exhibit Two 
// This compiles and crashes at runtime with: 
// "-[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector 
// sent to instance 0x7a3141c0" 
NSMutableArray *array = [NSArray array]; 
[array addObject:@"hello"]; 
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What’s Wrong with Objective-C 
Exhibit Three 
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array]; 
[array addObject:@"hello"]; 
[array addObject:@17]; 
// This compiles just fine 
NSString *string = array[1]; // Yes, the "17" 
// This works and prints 17 
NSLog(@"%@", string); 
// But this crashes 
[string stringByAppendingString:@"hmm"]); 
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This presentation:
Swift Language Principles 
• Clean and modern 
• Type-safe and generic 
• Extensible 
• Functional 
• Productive 
• Compiled to native 
• Seamlessly interops with Objective-C 
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Why Not an Existing Language? 
• Good philosophical question 
• If you want some more philosophy: 
We will now review some of the interesting 
language decisions, which make Swift 
different from mainstream languages 
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This presentation:
Variables and Constants 
let size = 42 
let name = "Dave" 
var address = "14 Franklin Way" 
address = "16 Calgary Drive" 
var city: String 
city = "London" 
var pi: Double = 3.14 
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This presentation:
Strings and Arrays 
var fullAddress = city + " " + address 
println("(name)'s at (city.capitalizedString)") 
var customers = ["Dave", "Kate", "Jack"] 
var addresses = [String]() 
addresses += fullAddress 
if customers[2].hasPrefix("Ja") { 
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This presentation:
var orderSummary = [ 
"Dave": 11000, 
"Kate": 14000, 
"Jack": 13500 
orderSummary["Kate"] = 17500 
for (customer, orders) in orderSummary { 
println("(customer) -> (orders)") 
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“I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the 
invention of the null reference in 1965. […] I 
couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null 
reference, simply because it was so easy to 
implement. This has led to innumerable 
errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, 
which have probably caused a billion dollars 
of pain and damage in the last forty years.” 
– Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare, 
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This presentation:
Optional Types 
var myName: String 
myName = nil // Does not compile! 
var jeffsOrders: Int? 
jeffsOrders = orderSummary["Jeff”] 
if jeffsOrders { 
let orders: Int = jeffsOrders! 
var customerName: String? = getCustomer() 
println("name: (customerName?.uppercaseString)") 
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This presentation:
Pattern Matching 
switch milesFlown["Jeff"]! { 
case 0..<25000: 
println("Jeff is a Premier member") 
case 25000..<50000: 
println("Jeff is a Silver member") 
case 50000..<75000: 
println("Jeff is a Gold member") 
case 75000..<100000: 
println("Jeff is a Platinum member") 
println("Jeff is an Elite member") 
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This presentation:
Pattern Matching 
switch reservation.fareClass { 
case "F", "A", "J", "C": 
milesBonus = 2.5 // business/first 
case "Y", "B": 
milesBonus = 2.0 // full-fare economy 
case "M", "H": 
milesBonus = 1.5 // top-tier discount economy 
case let fc where fc.hasPrefix("Z"): 
milesBonus = 0 // upgrades don't earn miles 
milesBonus = 1.0 
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This presentation:
Functions and Tuples 
func square(x: Int) -> Int { return x * x } 
func powers(x: Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) { 
return (x, x*x, x*x*x) 
// The first tuple element is ignored 
let (_, square, cube) = powers(42) 
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This presentation:
func countIf(arr: [Int], pred: (Int) -> Bool) { 
var count = 0 
for n in arr { if pred(n) { ++count } } 
return count 
countIf([1, 2, 3, 4], { n in n % 2 == 0 }) 
var squares = [17, 3, 11, 5, 7].map({ x in x * x }) 
sort(&squares, { a, b in a > b }) 
sort(&squares) { a, b in a > b } 
sort(&squares) { $0 > $1 } 
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This presentation:
Swift REPL 
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This presentation:
class FrequentFlier { 
let name: String 
var miles: Double = 0 
init(name: String) { = name 
func addMileage(fareClass: String, dist: Int) { 
miles += bonus(fareClass) * Double(dist) 
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This presentation:
Custom Properties and 
class MileageStatus { 
var miles: Double = 0.0 { 
willSet { 
assert(newValue >= miles) 
// can't decrease one's mileage 
var status: String { 
get { switch miles { /* ... */ } } 
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This presentation:
Smart Enums 
enum MemberLevel { 
case Silver 
case Gold 
case Platinum 
func milesRequired() -> Int { 
switch self { 
case .Silver: return 25000 
case .Gold: return 50000 
case .Platinum: return 75000 
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This presentation:
Stateful Enums 
enum HttpResponse { 
case Success(body: String) 
case Error(description: String, statusCode: Int) 
switch fakeHttpRequest("") { 
case let .Error(desc, status) where status >= 500: 
println("internal server error: (desc)") 
case let .Error(desc, status): 
println("error (status) = (desc)") 
case .Success(let body): 
println("success, body = (body)") 
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This presentation:
extension Int { 
var absoluteValue: Int { 
get { return abs(self) } 
func times(action: () -> Void) { 
for _ in 1...self { 
5.times { println("hello") } 
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This presentation:
class Queue<T> { 
var items = [T]() 
var depth: Int { 
get { return items.count } 
func enqueue(item: T) { 
func dequeue() -> T { 
return items.removeAtIndex(0) 
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This presentation:
struct Complex { 
var r: Double, i: Double 
func add(z: Complex) -> Complex { 
return Complex(r: r+z.r, i: i+z.i) 
@infix func +(z1: Complex, z2: Complex) -> Complex { 
return z1.add(z2) 
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This presentation:
Custom Operators (Oh My!) 
operator prefix &*^%!~ {} 
@prefix func &*^%!~(s: String) -> String { 
return s.uppercaseString 
operator infix ^^ { associativity left } 
@infix func ^^(a: Double, b: Double) -> Double { 
return pow(a, b) 
println(&*^%!~"hello") // prints "HELLO" 
println(2.0^^4.0) // prints 8.0 
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This presentation:
Swift and Objective-C 
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This presentation:
Building an iOS app with Swift 
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This presentation:
Wrapping Up 
• Most iOS developers are extremely 
excited about Swift 
• Swift has a much smoother learning curve 
and fixes many Objective-C mistakes 
• For the foreseeable future though, we will 
still use both languages 
Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 
This presentation:
Sasha Goldshtein 
Thank You! 
Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 
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Apple's New Programming Language Swift Highlights

  • 1. Swift Apple’s New Programming Language Sasha Goldshtein CTO, Sela Group @goldshtn Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 2. Apple WWDC Announcements • iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite • Xcode 6 • Swift Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 3. Minus Bazillion Points “Every feature starts out in the hole by 100 points, which means that it has to have a significant net positive effect on the overall package for it to make it into the language.” – Eric Gunnerson, C# compiler team If a language feature starts at -100 points, where does a new language start?! Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 4. Objective-C Popularity • Objective-C owes all its popularity to the meteoric rise of the iPhone App Store introduced Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 5. What’s Wrong with Objective-C Exhibit One // Ignore the horrible syntax for a second. // But here's the charmer: // 1) if 'str' is null, we return NSNotFound (232-1) // 2) if 'arr' is null, we return 0 + (NSUInteger)indexOfString:(NSString *)str inArray:(NSArray *)arr { return [arr indexOfObject:str]; } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 6. What’s Wrong with Objective-C Exhibit Two // This compiles and crashes at runtime with: // "-[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector // sent to instance 0x7a3141c0" NSMutableArray *array = [NSArray array]; [array addObject:@"hello"]; Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 7. What’s Wrong with Objective-C Exhibit Three NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array]; [array addObject:@"hello"]; [array addObject:@17]; // This compiles just fine NSString *string = array[1]; // Yes, the "17" // This works and prints 17 NSLog(@"%@", string); // But this crashes NSLog(@"%@", [string stringByAppendingString:@"hmm"]); Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 8. Swift Language Principles • Clean and modern • Type-safe and generic • Extensible • Functional • Productive • Compiled to native • Seamlessly interops with Objective-C Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 9. Why Not an Existing Language? • Good philosophical question • If you want some more philosophy: We will now review some of the interesting language decisions, which make Swift different from mainstream languages Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 10. Variables and Constants let size = 42 let name = "Dave" var address = "14 Franklin Way" address = "16 Calgary Drive" var city: String city = "London" var pi: Double = 3.14 Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 11. Strings and Arrays var fullAddress = city + " " + address println("(name)'s at (city.capitalizedString)") var customers = ["Dave", "Kate", "Jack"] var addresses = [String]() addresses += fullAddress if customers[2].hasPrefix("Ja") { customers.removeAtIndex(2) } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 12. Dictionaries var orderSummary = [ "Dave": 11000, "Kate": 14000, "Jack": 13500 ] orderSummary["Kate"] = 17500 for (customer, orders) in orderSummary { println("(customer) -> (orders)") } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 13. Null “I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. […] I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.” – Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare, 2009 Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 14. Optional Types var myName: String myName = nil // Does not compile! var jeffsOrders: Int? jeffsOrders = orderSummary["Jeff”] if jeffsOrders { let orders: Int = jeffsOrders! } var customerName: String? = getCustomer() println("name: (customerName?.uppercaseString)") Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 15. Pattern Matching switch milesFlown["Jeff"]! { case 0..<25000: println("Jeff is a Premier member") case 25000..<50000: println("Jeff is a Silver member") case 50000..<75000: println("Jeff is a Gold member") case 75000..<100000: println("Jeff is a Platinum member") default: println("Jeff is an Elite member") } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 16. Pattern Matching switch reservation.fareClass { case "F", "A", "J", "C": milesBonus = 2.5 // business/first case "Y", "B": milesBonus = 2.0 // full-fare economy case "M", "H": milesBonus = 1.5 // top-tier discount economy case let fc where fc.hasPrefix("Z"): milesBonus = 0 // upgrades don't earn miles default: milesBonus = 1.0 } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 17. Functions and Tuples func square(x: Int) -> Int { return x * x } func powers(x: Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) { return (x, x*x, x*x*x) } // The first tuple element is ignored let (_, square, cube) = powers(42) Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 18. Closures func countIf(arr: [Int], pred: (Int) -> Bool) { var count = 0 for n in arr { if pred(n) { ++count } } return count } countIf([1, 2, 3, 4], { n in n % 2 == 0 }) var squares = [17, 3, 11, 5, 7].map({ x in x * x }) sort(&squares, { a, b in a > b }) sort(&squares) { a, b in a > b } sort(&squares) { $0 > $1 } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 19. Swift REPL DEMO Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 20. Classes class FrequentFlier { let name: String var miles: Double = 0 init(name: String) { = name } func addMileage(fareClass: String, dist: Int) { miles += bonus(fareClass) * Double(dist) } } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 21. Custom Properties and Observers class MileageStatus { var miles: Double = 0.0 { willSet { assert(newValue >= miles) // can't decrease one's mileage } } var status: String { get { switch miles { /* ... */ } } } } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 22. Smart Enums enum MemberLevel { case Silver case Gold case Platinum func milesRequired() -> Int { switch self { case .Silver: return 25000 case .Gold: return 50000 case .Platinum: return 75000 } } } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 23. Stateful Enums enum HttpResponse { case Success(body: String) case Error(description: String, statusCode: Int) } switch fakeHttpRequest("") { case let .Error(desc, status) where status >= 500: println("internal server error: (desc)") case let .Error(desc, status): println("error (status) = (desc)") case .Success(let body): println("success, body = (body)") } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 24. Extensions extension Int { var absoluteValue: Int { get { return abs(self) } } func times(action: () -> Void) { for _ in 1...self { action() } } } 5.times { println("hello") } println((-5).absoluteValue) Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 25. Generics class Queue<T> { var items = [T]() var depth: Int { get { return items.count } } func enqueue(item: T) { items.append(item) } func dequeue() -> T { return items.removeAtIndex(0) } } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 26. Operators struct Complex { var r: Double, i: Double func add(z: Complex) -> Complex { return Complex(r: r+z.r, i: i+z.i) } } @infix func +(z1: Complex, z2: Complex) -> Complex { return z1.add(z2) } Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 27. Custom Operators (Oh My!) operator prefix &*^%!~ {} @prefix func &*^%!~(s: String) -> String { return s.uppercaseString } operator infix ^^ { associativity left } @infix func ^^(a: Double, b: Double) -> Double { return pow(a, b) } println(&*^%!~"hello") // prints "HELLO" println(2.0^^4.0) // prints 8.0 Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 28. Swift and Objective-C Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 29. Building an iOS app with Swift DEMO Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 30. Wrapping Up • Most iOS developers are extremely excited about Swift • Swift has a much smoother learning curve and fixes many Objective-C mistakes • For the foreseeable future though, we will still use both languages Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:
  • 31. Sasha Goldshtein @goldshtn Thank You! Join the conversation on Twitter: @SoftArchConf #SA2014 This presentation:

Editor's Notes

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