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Professional Annotated Bibliography
Cassidy, Tina. Birth: The Surprising History of How We Are Born. New York: Atlantic Monthly,
2006. Print.
This book is a chronological recount of the different medical technologies and practices that have
shaped how babies are delivered. This literary work describes in detail the evolution of such
practices as the cesarean section as well as the epidural.
Gaskin, Ina May. Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. N.p.: Bantam, 2003. Print.
This book, written by world renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin, details what constitutes the
midwife model of care. This book, intended for expecting mothers, uses Gaskin’s professional
experience as a midwife to explain the natural phenomenon of childbirth.
Vincent, Peggy. Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife. New York: Scribner, 2002.
This book was written by a midwife and recounts all of the different triumphs and struggles that
she experienced during her professional career.
Bhandari, N., R. Bahl, S. Mazumdar, J. Martines, R. Black, and M. Bhan. "Effect of
Community-based Promotion of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Diarrhoeal Illness and Growth: A
Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial." The Lancet 361.9367 (2003): 1418-423. Print.
This article examines the feasibility of the WHO’s recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding
for the first six months of life.
Dalvit, S. P. "The Effect of the Menstrual Cycle on Patterns of Food Intake." The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition 34.9 (1981): 1811-815. Print.
This article examines how increased estrogen levels in the human body can act as an appetite
surpressor. This article was used in concordance with a college course in nutrition.
De Vrese, Michael, Anna Stegelmann, and Bernd Richter. “Probiotics –compensation for
Lactase Insufficiency.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73.2 (n.d.): 421-29. Print.
This article looks at the physiological mechanisms that lactase deficient people lack for the
breakdown of lactose and also how probiotic dairy products affect this. This article was used for
personal enjoyment and education mainly because I am lactose intolerant.
Feria-Isacks, Valerie. "Anthropology Is For Foodies." Web log post. N.p., 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 15
Feb. 2013.
This blog examines how food is used cross-culturally as a communication medium. This blog is
used for personal enlightenment and education.
**McKenna, J. J. (1996). Sudden infant death syndrome in cross-cultural perspective: Is infant-
parent cosleeping protective?. Annual Review of Anthropology, 25(1), 201.
This article examines the cultural factors that may help to explain the different prevalence rates
of SIDS in different cultural regions. This article was used for personal education on a subject
related to postpartum care. This is particularly relevant to the field of midwifery because SIDS
most often occurs in infants aged less than 12 months.
Meller, William. Evolution Rx: A Practical Guide to Harnessing Our Innate Capacity for Health
and Healing. New York: Penguin Group, 2009. Print.
This book describes what evolutionary medicine is and how such practices can be applied to
modern day healthcare.
Nesse, Randolph M., and George C. Williams. Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian
Medicine. New York: Times, 1994. Print.
This book examines how evolution in our species has selected for different innate healing
"Oceana | Protecting the World's Oceans." Searching for a More Responsible Way to Farm Fish.
N.p., n.d. Web. 07 July 2012. <
This web article explains some of the mechanism of fish farming, such as how the fish are raised
and or caught. This article was used in concordance with a college course on the ethics of food. It
was also used to educate personal consumer and food choices.
Cervical Cancer:
C.J. Simon, et al. “Comparison of Visual Inspection and Papanicolau (PAP) Smears For Cervical
Cancer Screening In Honduras: Should PAP Smears Be Abandoned?.” Tropical Medicine and
International Health 12.9 (2007): 1018-1025.
This source analyzes the effectiveness of PAP smear screening for cervical cancer as compared
to visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA). This article was used for a research project
examining the higher prevalence of cervical cancer among developing nations as compared to
developed nations such as the US.
Fererra, Annabelle, Johan B. Felema, Ricardo Bulnes, and Luis A. Toro. "Co-factors Related to
the Causal Relationship between Human Papillomavirus and Invasive Cervical Cancer in
Honduras." International Journal of Epidemiology 29.5 (2000): 817-25. Print.
This article is a scientific study of the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer. This study
found that there is a causal relationship between the virus and the development of cervical
cancer. This article was used both for personal education and for a course project.
Luciani, Silvana, and Jon Kim Andrus. "A Pan American Health Organization Strategy for
Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Latin America and the Caribbean."Reproductive
Health Matters 16.32 (2008): 59-66. Print.
The article is a summary of the Pan American Health Organization’s response to cervical cancer
in Latin America. The article summarizes what the PAHO recommends for treatment and
screening of cervical cancer as well as educational programs about the disease. This article was
used as a reference for different screening programs available in Latin America where cervical
cancer rates are very high.
Murillo, Raul, Maribel Almonte, Ana Pereira, Elena Ferrer, Oscar A. Gamboa, José Jerónimo,
and Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce. "Cervical Cancer Screening Programs in Latin America and the
Caribbean." Vaccine 26 (2008): L37-48. Print.
This article compares different types of screening programs used for detection of cervical cancer
in Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors concluded that following up with patients
consistently could help reduce the number of cervical cancer deaths. This article was used in a
course research project examining current screening, detection and treatment of cervical cancer
in Honduras.
"Delays In Starting Antiretroviral Therapy In Patients With HIV-Associated Tuberculosis
Accessing Non-Integrated Clinical Services In A South African Township." BMC Infectious
Diseases 11.1 (2011): 258-266. Academic Search Elite. Web. 7 Apr. 2012.
This study looked at the time delay between starting treatment for TB and starting ART
in the Gugulethy township between 2002 and 2008. This article was used as a reference to
explain the relationship between HIV/AIDS and the current tuberculosis epidemic in South
"Fact Sheet: Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)." Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 June 2011. Web. 07 Apr. 2012.
This article is a fact sheet which defines and explains common questions about TB. For
example the article defines the different forms of TB including MDR TB and XDR TB. This
article was used as a scientific reference for the different strains of tuberculosis currently found
around the world.
"Guidlines for the Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis." World Health
Organization. 2011. Web. 7 Apr. 2012.
This guide is the 2011 update with revision to the recommended protocol for treating
multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). The WHO recommends that rapid drug
susceptibility testing (DST) be used to detect resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin. This article
was used to describe how the WHO is currently responding to multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.
Epidural Analgesia:
Lieberman, E., and C. Odonoghue. "Unintended Effects of Epidural Analgesia during Labor: A
Systematic Review." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 186.5 (2002): S31-68.
This article found that a direct correlation between the use of an epidural during
childbirth and a cesarean delivery could not be made. The reason being that in many cases there
are other contributing factors which result in the necessity of a cesarean delivery. This article
was used to counter a research hypothesis that predicted that the use of epidural analgesia in
laboring women would result in a higher incidence of cesarean deliveries.
Menacker, Fay, and Brandy E. Hamilton. "Recent Trends in Cesarean Delivery in the United
States." Center for Disease Control. N.p., Mar. 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2012.
This is a great resource for cesarean statistics and rates in the US. This article, published by the
CDC, breaks down the cesarean section rates by state, race and also by decade. This resource
was used on a research project surrounding the topic of epidural analgesia and different labor
"NIH News Release-Epidural Pain Relief During Labor Does Not Increase Chance of C-Section
- 08/09/2001." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web.
25 Sept. 2012. <>.
This news release which was published by the NIH examined whether the use of epidurals
contributed to the need of a cesarean section and also whether it could cause complications in the
delivery. This study was used in a college research project on the subject of epidural analgesia
and labor outcomes.
Brancato, R., S. Church, and P. W. Stone. "A Meta-analysis of Passive Descent versus
Immediate Pushing in Nulliparous Women with Epidural Analgesia in the Second Stage of
Labor." National Institute for Health Research. University of York, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.
This article examined the topic of whether active labor or passive descent resulted in a reduction
of assisted vaginal deliveries. This article brings into question whether a laboring woman can
contribute to whether or not her delivery needs either forceps or vacuum suction to assist with
the delivery. This article was used for a college research project on the subject of labor
Lawrence A, Lewis L, Hofmeyr GJ, Dowswell T, Styles C. Maternal positions and mobility
during first stage labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 2. Art. No.:
CD003934. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003934.pub2
This article reviews whether birthing positions, particularly the supine, effect labor outcomes
such as length and whether a spontaneous vaginal delivery occurs. The authors bring up the
interesting point that the use of epidurals causes the woman to become immobile, which requires
the woman to labor in a lying down position.This article was used to help explain the
relationship between anatomy and birthing positions.
Liu, E. H., and A. T. Sia. "Rates of Caesarean Section and Instrumental Vaginal Delivery in
Nulliparous Women after Low Concentration Epidural Infusions or Opioid Analgesia:
Systematic Review." Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. NIH, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.
This article compared two types of epidurals; bupivacaine and parenteral opioid and examined
whether there was an increased risk of cesarean or assisted vaginal delivery between the two
epidural types. The study found that comparatively both had the similar rates of assisted
deliveries. This article was used for a college research project on the relationship between
epidural analgesia and labor outcomes.
Mayberry, L., D. Clemmens, and A. De. "Epidural Analgesia Side Effects, Co-interventions, and
Care of Women during Childbirth: A Systematic Review." American Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology 186.5 (2002): S81-93. Print.
This article reviews some of the lesser and more treatable symptoms associated with epidural
use. This article was used to provide information about how epidural analgesia affects the body
during labor.
"Is Fructose Bad For You?." Harvard Health Letter 32.7 (2007): 3. Academic Search Elite. Web.
31 Mar. 2012.
The article explains how the body breaks down and uses glucose and fructose differently.
The article also explains what the glycemic index is and how it is used. This article was used for
personal research as well as course research into the subject of how the human body uses sugar.
Gaby, Alan R. "Adverse Effects Of Dietary Fructose." Alternative Medicine Review 10.4
(2005): 294-306. Academic Search Elite. Web. 2 Apr. 2012.
This article is a review of current research which has been published on the effects of
fructose and other sugar sources on the body. This is a great reference tool because it details how
the body breaks down and utilizes fructose as compared to the processes used in the utilization of
glucose in the body. This article was used for a research project examining how sugar is used,
processed and stored in the human body.
Armando Aguirre-Jaime, et al. "Association Between Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, And
Fructose With Insulin Resistance: The CDC Of The Canary Islands Study." European Journal Of
Nutrition 49.8 (2010): 505-512. Academic Search Elite. Web. 3 Apr. 2012.
This study was conducted on the Canary Islands with a randomly chosen sample group of 668
people who did not currently have diabetes. The aim of the study was to determine if there was
an association between insulin resistance and glycemic index and glycemic load. This article was
used in a research project examining how sugar is metabolized in the body.
Burns, Karen Ramey. Forensic Anthropology Training Manual. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1999.
This book details many functions, dysfunctions, marking and structures present in bones. This
article was used as a reference for a research project examining the skeletal evidence of
parturition on female pelvises.
Cox, Margaret, and Andrew Scott. Evaluation of the Obstetric Significance of Some Pelvic
Characters in an 18th Century British Sample of Known Parity Status. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 89.4 (1992): 431-40.
This article examined skeletal remains of women with known parity status. The researchers used
a number of different markers to determine parity status and then compared them in order to see
which was more statistically accurate. This article was used for a forensic research project
examining the skeletal evidence of parturition and also the accuracy in determining this.
Houghton, Philip. The Relationship of the Pre-auricular Groove of the Ilium to
Pregnancy.American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41.3 (2005): 381-89.
This article examines skeletal remains exhibiting the pre-auricular sulcus which can be used as a
marker of parity status. This article was used for a research project on different skeletal markings
that may help to determine parity status of human remains.
Kelley, Marc A. Parturition and Pelvic Changes. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 51.4 (1979): 541-45.
This article examined 5 different known markers of parity status. Researchers found that markers
of parity status can become obliterated with age and also they concluded that the pre-auricular
sulcus is the most accurate marker of parity status. This article was used for a research project on
the skeletal markers that may help to determine parity status.
Meyers Suchey, et al., Analysis of Dorsal Pitting in the 0s Pubis in an Extensive Sample of
Modern American Females. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51.4 (2005).
This article examined dorsal pitting on the pubic bone in skeletal remains as a marker of parity
status. The article found that the dorsal pitting could be used in concordance with other markers
to determine parity status. This article was used in a research project surrounding the topic of
parity markers on female skeletal remains.
Tague, Robert G. Bone Resorption of the Pubis and Preauricular Area in Humans and Nonhuman
Mammals. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 76.2 (1988): 251-67.
This study examined both human remains as well as other non-human mammals such as mice.
This study examined the causes of bone resorption in the pubis and preauricular areas as they
relate to markers of parity status. This article was used for a research project in forensic

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Annotated bibliography

  • 1. Professional Annotated Bibliography 5/14/13 Midwifery: Cassidy, Tina. Birth: The Surprising History of How We Are Born. New York: Atlantic Monthly, 2006. Print. This book is a chronological recount of the different medical technologies and practices that have shaped how babies are delivered. This literary work describes in detail the evolution of such practices as the cesarean section as well as the epidural. Gaskin, Ina May. Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. N.p.: Bantam, 2003. Print. This book, written by world renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin, details what constitutes the midwife model of care. This book, intended for expecting mothers, uses Gaskin’s professional experience as a midwife to explain the natural phenomenon of childbirth. Vincent, Peggy. Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife. New York: Scribner, 2002. Print. This book was written by a midwife and recounts all of the different triumphs and struggles that she experienced during her professional career. Miscellaneous: Bhandari, N., R. Bahl, S. Mazumdar, J. Martines, R. Black, and M. Bhan. "Effect of Community-based Promotion of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Diarrhoeal Illness and Growth: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial." The Lancet 361.9367 (2003): 1418-423. Print. This article examines the feasibility of the WHO’s recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Dalvit, S. P. "The Effect of the Menstrual Cycle on Patterns of Food Intake." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 34.9 (1981): 1811-815. Print. This article examines how increased estrogen levels in the human body can act as an appetite surpressor. This article was used in concordance with a college course in nutrition. De Vrese, Michael, Anna Stegelmann, and Bernd Richter. “Probiotics –compensation for Lactase Insufficiency.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73.2 (n.d.): 421-29. Print. This article looks at the physiological mechanisms that lactase deficient people lack for the breakdown of lactose and also how probiotic dairy products affect this. This article was used for personal enjoyment and education mainly because I am lactose intolerant.
  • 2. Feria-Isacks, Valerie. "Anthropology Is For Foodies." Web log post. N.p., 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. This blog examines how food is used cross-culturally as a communication medium. This blog is used for personal enlightenment and education. **McKenna, J. J. (1996). Sudden infant death syndrome in cross-cultural perspective: Is infant- parent cosleeping protective?. Annual Review of Anthropology, 25(1), 201. This article examines the cultural factors that may help to explain the different prevalence rates of SIDS in different cultural regions. This article was used for personal education on a subject related to postpartum care. This is particularly relevant to the field of midwifery because SIDS most often occurs in infants aged less than 12 months. Meller, William. Evolution Rx: A Practical Guide to Harnessing Our Innate Capacity for Health and Healing. New York: Penguin Group, 2009. Print. This book describes what evolutionary medicine is and how such practices can be applied to modern day healthcare. Nesse, Randolph M., and George C. Williams. Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine. New York: Times, 1994. Print. This book examines how evolution in our species has selected for different innate healing mechansims. "Oceana | Protecting the World's Oceans." Searching for a More Responsible Way to Farm Fish. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 July 2012. < responsible-way-to-farm-fish>. This web article explains some of the mechanism of fish farming, such as how the fish are raised and or caught. This article was used in concordance with a college course on the ethics of food. It was also used to educate personal consumer and food choices. Cervical Cancer: C.J. Simon, et al. “Comparison of Visual Inspection and Papanicolau (PAP) Smears For Cervical Cancer Screening In Honduras: Should PAP Smears Be Abandoned?.” Tropical Medicine and International Health 12.9 (2007): 1018-1025. This source analyzes the effectiveness of PAP smear screening for cervical cancer as compared to visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA). This article was used for a research project examining the higher prevalence of cervical cancer among developing nations as compared to developed nations such as the US.
  • 3. Fererra, Annabelle, Johan B. Felema, Ricardo Bulnes, and Luis A. Toro. "Co-factors Related to the Causal Relationship between Human Papillomavirus and Invasive Cervical Cancer in Honduras." International Journal of Epidemiology 29.5 (2000): 817-25. Print. This article is a scientific study of the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer. This study found that there is a causal relationship between the virus and the development of cervical cancer. This article was used both for personal education and for a course project. Luciani, Silvana, and Jon Kim Andrus. "A Pan American Health Organization Strategy for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Latin America and the Caribbean."Reproductive Health Matters 16.32 (2008): 59-66. Print. The article is a summary of the Pan American Health Organization’s response to cervical cancer in Latin America. The article summarizes what the PAHO recommends for treatment and screening of cervical cancer as well as educational programs about the disease. This article was used as a reference for different screening programs available in Latin America where cervical cancer rates are very high. Murillo, Raul, Maribel Almonte, Ana Pereira, Elena Ferrer, Oscar A. Gamboa, José Jerónimo, and Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce. "Cervical Cancer Screening Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean." Vaccine 26 (2008): L37-48. Print. This article compares different types of screening programs used for detection of cervical cancer in Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors concluded that following up with patients consistently could help reduce the number of cervical cancer deaths. This article was used in a course research project examining current screening, detection and treatment of cervical cancer in Honduras. Tuberculosis: "Delays In Starting Antiretroviral Therapy In Patients With HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Accessing Non-Integrated Clinical Services In A South African Township." BMC Infectious Diseases 11.1 (2011): 258-266. Academic Search Elite. Web. 7 Apr. 2012. This study looked at the time delay between starting treatment for TB and starting ART in the Gugulethy township between 2002 and 2008. This article was used as a reference to explain the relationship between HIV/AIDS and the current tuberculosis epidemic in South Africa. "Fact Sheet: Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 June 2011. Web. 07 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • 4. This article is a fact sheet which defines and explains common questions about TB. For example the article defines the different forms of TB including MDR TB and XDR TB. This article was used as a scientific reference for the different strains of tuberculosis currently found around the world. "Guidlines for the Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis." World Health Organization. 2011. Web. 7 Apr. 2012. <>. This guide is the 2011 update with revision to the recommended protocol for treating multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). The WHO recommends that rapid drug susceptibility testing (DST) be used to detect resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin. This article was used to describe how the WHO is currently responding to multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Epidural Analgesia: Lieberman, E., and C. Odonoghue. "Unintended Effects of Epidural Analgesia during Labor: A Systematic Review." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 186.5 (2002): S31-68. Print. This article found that a direct correlation between the use of an epidural during childbirth and a cesarean delivery could not be made. The reason being that in many cases there are other contributing factors which result in the necessity of a cesarean delivery. This article was used to counter a research hypothesis that predicted that the use of epidural analgesia in laboring women would result in a higher incidence of cesarean deliveries. Menacker, Fay, and Brandy E. Hamilton. "Recent Trends in Cesarean Delivery in the United States." Center for Disease Control. N.p., Mar. 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. <>. This is a great resource for cesarean statistics and rates in the US. This article, published by the CDC, breaks down the cesarean section rates by state, race and also by decade. This resource was used on a research project surrounding the topic of epidural analgesia and different labor outcomes. "NIH News Release-Epidural Pain Relief During Labor Does Not Increase Chance of C-Section - 08/09/2001." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <>.
  • 5. This news release which was published by the NIH examined whether the use of epidurals contributed to the need of a cesarean section and also whether it could cause complications in the delivery. This study was used in a college research project on the subject of epidural analgesia and labor outcomes. Brancato, R., S. Church, and P. W. Stone. "A Meta-analysis of Passive Descent versus Immediate Pushing in Nulliparous Women with Epidural Analgesia in the Second Stage of Labor." National Institute for Health Research. University of York, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. <>. This article examined the topic of whether active labor or passive descent resulted in a reduction of assisted vaginal deliveries. This article brings into question whether a laboring woman can contribute to whether or not her delivery needs either forceps or vacuum suction to assist with the delivery. This article was used for a college research project on the subject of labor outcomes. Lawrence A, Lewis L, Hofmeyr GJ, Dowswell T, Styles C. Maternal positions and mobility during first stage labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003934. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003934.pub2 This article reviews whether birthing positions, particularly the supine, effect labor outcomes such as length and whether a spontaneous vaginal delivery occurs. The authors bring up the interesting point that the use of epidurals causes the woman to become immobile, which requires the woman to labor in a lying down position.This article was used to help explain the relationship between anatomy and birthing positions. Liu, E. H., and A. T. Sia. "Rates of Caesarean Section and Instrumental Vaginal Delivery in Nulliparous Women after Low Concentration Epidural Infusions or Opioid Analgesia: Systematic Review." Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. NIH, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. <>. This article compared two types of epidurals; bupivacaine and parenteral opioid and examined whether there was an increased risk of cesarean or assisted vaginal delivery between the two epidural types. The study found that comparatively both had the similar rates of assisted deliveries. This article was used for a college research project on the relationship between epidural analgesia and labor outcomes. Mayberry, L., D. Clemmens, and A. De. "Epidural Analgesia Side Effects, Co-interventions, and Care of Women during Childbirth: A Systematic Review." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 186.5 (2002): S81-93. Print.
  • 6. This article reviews some of the lesser and more treatable symptoms associated with epidural use. This article was used to provide information about how epidural analgesia affects the body during labor. Sugar: "Is Fructose Bad For You?." Harvard Health Letter 32.7 (2007): 3. Academic Search Elite. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. The article explains how the body breaks down and uses glucose and fructose differently. The article also explains what the glycemic index is and how it is used. This article was used for personal research as well as course research into the subject of how the human body uses sugar. Gaby, Alan R. "Adverse Effects Of Dietary Fructose." Alternative Medicine Review 10.4 (2005): 294-306. Academic Search Elite. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. This article is a review of current research which has been published on the effects of fructose and other sugar sources on the body. This is a great reference tool because it details how the body breaks down and utilizes fructose as compared to the processes used in the utilization of glucose in the body. This article was used for a research project examining how sugar is used, processed and stored in the human body. Armando Aguirre-Jaime, et al. "Association Between Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, And Fructose With Insulin Resistance: The CDC Of The Canary Islands Study." European Journal Of Nutrition 49.8 (2010): 505-512. Academic Search Elite. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. This study was conducted on the Canary Islands with a randomly chosen sample group of 668 people who did not currently have diabetes. The aim of the study was to determine if there was an association between insulin resistance and glycemic index and glycemic load. This article was used in a research project examining how sugar is metabolized in the body. Forensics: Burns, Karen Ramey. Forensic Anthropology Training Manual. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. This book details many functions, dysfunctions, marking and structures present in bones. This article was used as a reference for a research project examining the skeletal evidence of parturition on female pelvises. Cox, Margaret, and Andrew Scott. Evaluation of the Obstetric Significance of Some Pelvic Characters in an 18th Century British Sample of Known Parity Status. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 89.4 (1992): 431-40.
  • 7. This article examined skeletal remains of women with known parity status. The researchers used a number of different markers to determine parity status and then compared them in order to see which was more statistically accurate. This article was used for a forensic research project examining the skeletal evidence of parturition and also the accuracy in determining this. Houghton, Philip. The Relationship of the Pre-auricular Groove of the Ilium to Pregnancy.American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41.3 (2005): 381-89. This article examines skeletal remains exhibiting the pre-auricular sulcus which can be used as a marker of parity status. This article was used for a research project on different skeletal markings that may help to determine parity status of human remains. Kelley, Marc A. Parturition and Pelvic Changes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51.4 (1979): 541-45. This article examined 5 different known markers of parity status. Researchers found that markers of parity status can become obliterated with age and also they concluded that the pre-auricular sulcus is the most accurate marker of parity status. This article was used for a research project on the skeletal markers that may help to determine parity status. Meyers Suchey, et al., Analysis of Dorsal Pitting in the 0s Pubis in an Extensive Sample of Modern American Females. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51.4 (2005). This article examined dorsal pitting on the pubic bone in skeletal remains as a marker of parity status. The article found that the dorsal pitting could be used in concordance with other markers to determine parity status. This article was used in a research project surrounding the topic of parity markers on female skeletal remains. Tague, Robert G. Bone Resorption of the Pubis and Preauricular Area in Humans and Nonhuman Mammals. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 76.2 (1988): 251-67. This study examined both human remains as well as other non-human mammals such as mice. This study examined the causes of bone resorption in the pubis and preauricular areas as they relate to markers of parity status. This article was used for a research project in forensic anthropology.