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Click here to watch the after burn training video.

                                                                                            FTC Legal Disclaimer:
                                                                                            Results may vary, and
  testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, and all the guys pictured
  transformed their body through using "Afterburn Traiing" and Mike Chang's system. However, these results are
  meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or
  typical results.

  In addition, you assume certain risks inherent in exercise and nutrition programs by using this system. Six Pack
  Shortcuts involves body weight exercises, weight lifting, and high intensity cardiovascular exercise. You should not
  begin the program if you are severely obese, or if you have a physical condition that makes intense exercise
  dangerous. In addition, Six Pack Shortcuts requires you to follow an eating plan and at times restrict the amount of
  calories you consume. You should not begin this eating plan if you have physical or psychological issues which make
  fat loss dangerous.

  Mike is not a doctor, and his advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your physician before beginning
  any exercise or nutrition program. See our full FTC Legal Disclaimer for complete details.

  Do you have questions about Six Pack Shortcuts? Are you wondering if the program will work for you? Give us a
  call! You can contact us at 512-228-0332. We will go over your fitness goals, and customize the program to fit
  your individual needs. Just call 512-228-0332, and we'll be happy to help you out.

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From Mike Chang
  ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
  Your Six Pack Abs Coach

  Hey man,

  In this letter I want to tell you about the system that I've used to get into great shape, and which has worked for many
  other guys as well. But first, I want to ask you a few important questions. Please answer them to yourself, as honestly
  as you possibly can.

         Have you ever felt hesitant or slightly embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach or pool? Even though
         you’re not “fat” or “obese” you ever wish you had tastefully muscular abs that you’d be proud to show?

         Have you ever done tons of crunches and sit-ups...only to be discouraged by how little visible difference they
         made in your abs?

         Have you tried everything to lose that stubborn belly fat, but haven’t found something that’s worked for you?

         Do you ever get frustrated by the contradictory and sometimes flat-out wrong fitness information out there on
         the internet? Do you ever get confused by this information overload – and you don’t know where to begin
         getting abs?

         Or like many of my other clients, do you have a firm grasp on how to gain muscle on the rest of your body...but
         getting six pack abs has STILL eluded you?

  If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, you’re not alone. These were the biggest frustrations that I had
  myself when trying to get abs. And if you want to know the solution for getting six pack abs that worked for me and
  many other guys, this may be the most important letter you’ve ever read.
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  As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Six Pack Shortcuts.
  Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Six Pack Shortcuts is no
  exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done
  with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Six Pack Shortcuts
  (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury.

  Mike offers a 100% money-back guarantee -- you can return the program for any reason if you are not satisfied with
  the results. However, Mike cannot guarantee your results with Six Pack Shortcuts. It is possible that you will not lose
  fat, gain muscle, or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose
  ab definition.

  Mike's story, and the stories of the clients you see on this page are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these
  testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with the program. They are meant as a showcase of what the
  most motivated and dedicated clients can do with the program. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same
  results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal

  Mike is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please
  consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

  Please see our full legal disclaimer for more information on typical results, risks, and our full testimonials disclaimer:

  Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks

  How I Finally Got Six Pack Abs...
  After YEARS Of Failure And Frustration
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Most people assume that I always had six pack abs – that I was just born this way.

  But the truth is, just six years ago I was downright fat.

  In fact, here's what I used to look like -- compared to what I look like now:

  Of course, what made it even worse was seeing how women got visibly turned off when they saw my soft, pudgy
  I always seemed to be chubby “nice guy friend,” who could never get

  And the snide looks and remarks I’d get from my male friends about my “gut” didn’t help too much either...

  One day, I just got fed up with not liking my body. And I decided that I was going to get six pack abs – no matter what.

  Years later, I’d look back on this as the single best decision I’d ever made in my life.

  So I bought some of the most popular books and courses on ab exercises, and diets. I followed them religiously for
  YEARS...but I was frustrated because I was seeing virtually NO RESULTS in my abs. Here are just a few of the
  things I tried attempting to get abs...

         This is embarrassing for me to admit, but the first product I bought trying to get abs was an “Ab Rocker” gizmo
         that I saw advertised on a late-night informercial. I used it daily for months, but in the end gave it up because it
         produced zero visible difference in my abs

         I bought endless supplements that promised they’d “burn body fat” and “pack muscle on my body.” Although
         these didn’t help me burn any fat, they were successful at burning all the cash out of my wallet.

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Endless books and courses on how to get abs. Some of the information in these was actually good, and
         helped me out. But it also led to “information overload”... there were so many contradictory theories on how to
         get abs out there, I got confused and didn’t know where to begin.

  It was incredibly frustrating, and I almost gave up many times.

  But things finally started to look up for me when...

  I Found A Fitness Mentor Who Showed Me Exactly How To Get A
  Toned, Muscular Body Complete With Six Pack Abs
  When I was my lowest point, almost ready to quit...I met my friend Zach. Zach had the type of physique that turned
  heads wherever he went –and an incredible set of six pack abs.

  But the funny thing about Zach was that he actually worked out LESS than me. Of course his workouts were intense,
  and designed very carefully...but he wasn't spending hours upon hours in the gym like me. Not only this, but he was
  nowhere near as restrictive on his

  Of course he would eat healthy generally, and wouldn’t binge on junk food. But he’d also enjoy food in ways I didn’t
  dare to – he’d drink beer on weekends, would eat dessert if he wanted to, and generally didn’t seem to
  stress about his diet too much.

  So of course I had to ask him...what was his secret? Why was he in so much better shape than me, when I was
  working so much harder than him?

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I told him about the diet I was following and all the different crunches and ab exercises I was doing. And to my

                                            He Told Me I Was Wasting My Time!
  Here are just a few of the things he told me I was doing wrong...

         Doing too many crunches and sit-ups (he explained why these popular exercises were exercises were
         extremely ineffective, and the much more effective type of exercise I should be doing instead.)

         Taking the wrong approach to dieting (he showed me that a much better way was to use certain
         techniques to accelerate your metabolism. I actually didn’t even know this was possible...but he showed me an
         easy and research-proven way to do it. He told me this was why he could eat much more than I did, and still
         stay very lean).

         Doing CARDIO (This was really surprising to me...but Zach explained how cardio is actually an extremely
         ineffective way to lose fat. He showed me exercises that were much better for fat loss, and explained how
         when you combined these with his metabolic accleration techniques, the results would be fast and dramatic)

  And that was just the beginning. The conversation I had with him really blew my mind, and caused me to drastically
  change my approach to ab training.

  So I started training in Zach’s style. I stopped doing crunches and cardio, and I started doing the exercises he
  recommended. And once I started down the right path, I also made a few more key discoveries on my own.

  Now keep in mind, I’d been training for YEARS before this, with virtually nothing to show for it. But once I started
  using Zach's method for getting six pack abs...

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I Got In Great Shape Faster
                                                    Than I Thought Was Possible!

                                                                            I couldn’t believe how fast the progress was,
                                                                            once I stopped being a

  And let me tell you....the first time I saw real, hard ab muscle on my stomach after years of seeing nothing but flab was one of the best moments of my life.

  And of course, what Zach showed me wasn't a "magic pill." It was a new style of training that was far more effective
  than that standard regimen I was following -- and a new nutrition system that made healthy eating much easier. And
  although I still needed to work to get abs using his system -- the results came FAR faster and easier than they came

  And here are a few ways that my life changed after getting six pack abs....

         Women who wouldn’t give me the time of day before suddenly started giving me much more attention. It used
         to be incredibly difficult for me to attract a woman before...but with my new body, it became easy for me to
         spark instant and powerful attraction with the girls I’d always wanted.

         Guys who’d never taken me seriously suddenly started giving me much more respect. A few guys
         even seemed slightly intimidated by me, and it seemed much more natural for me to be the leader in any group
         of guys.
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And overall, I just felt much better about myself. I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment, because I’d
         achieved the body that all men want, but which so few know how to get.

  And again, I don't mean to say that all the problems in my life were instantly solved once I got a great body --
  because they weren't. But I will say that life becomes a whole lot easier when you've got the body all the girls want,
  and all the guys want to have.

  And I wasn’t torturing myself to get these results either. I was just doing quick 30 minute workouts 4 days a week, and
  eating healthy (but great-tasting) food.

  It was absolutely incredible. And I knew I wanted to help other guys achieve the same results. So I did something

                                               I Quit My Office Job, And Became
                                                       A Personal Trainer!
  Over the next few years I trained hundreds of clients. At first, I started training anyone and everyone, just like any
  other personal trainer...

  But I soon became best known for my system for getting guys six pack abs. I was soon getting many clients referred
  to me, asking specifically to learn my six pack abs system.

  Soon, this became my specialty. My clients started referring to me as their “six pack abs coach” – the guy they
  went to get abs when everyone else had failed them.

  And over the years, I kept refining the system, until eventually it made what I was doing originally seem primitive by
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comparison. After years of seeing what worked and what didn't in my own body, and with my clients, I had finally
  cracked the code to getting six pack abs.

  Eventually, one of my clients started telling me that I should put out a video course teaching my six pack abs system.
  It wasn’t right, they told me, that only people who lived in my city would be able to learn these techniques. ANY guy
  who wanted to learn how to get six pack abs should have access to this information, and shouldn’t have to waste
  years of time before finally discovering what works.

  At first, I didn’t want to do it. But after a lot of wrangling and arm-twisting from my top clients, I finally agreed to make
  the course.

  But I didn’t want it to be just any ab training course. I wanted it to be the best – the one that showed exactly how to
  use all of the “shortcuts” to getting six pack abs that I’d been teaching my clients, in a simple and easy to learn way
  that any guy could follow.

  And this is how Six Pack Shortcuts was born.

  Six Pack Shortcuts is a series of online videos that show you how to burn belly fat and get six pack abs.
  It’s the same system that I’ve taught to my live training clients for years – only it’s available to you instantly, and at a
  fraction of the cost.

                                      Listen To What Real Clients Have To Say
                                             About Six Pack Shortcuts:

  “Mike, I just want to tell you that this is one of the most effective systems for getting abs that I’ve ever tried. I’m
  sending you a picture of what I used to look like before I started on Six Pack Shortcuts, and what I look like now.
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I was actually just about to give up, when I heard about Six Pack Shortcuts. I gave the program a try, and you can see
  the results I got just a few months later.

  And the most exciting part for me was, I finally saw my abs for the first time in my life.

  You’re a really good trainer man, and thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”

  Dan Rose, 25, Boston MA

  Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks

  "My biggest problem area on my body was my gut...I bought all kinds of abs machines I saw
  on the infomercials but none of them delivered what they promised. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t have ab
  muscles; it was the thick layer of fat that was covering them. I saw the Six-Pack Shortcuts online one day and
  decided to give it a shot. I was very skeptical at first, but after just 1 week I begin to see a difference. At the end
  of the program I was very satisfied with the way my abs looked, and I decided to compete

  On the day of my show, my ab definition was excellent, as you can see in the picture above. I did very well in
  the competition, and I partly credit this to the look my abs had in the picture above."

  Michael B, 28, Houston TX

  Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks
  "I had been working out the past 3 years and was never able to get my abs defined. I tried different diets, fat
  burners, and did tons

  I was browsing online one day and came across Mike's six pack site and told myself "what the hell, I tried everything
  else I could think of" Well, pictures don't lie -- you can see what my body and my abs looked like at the end of the
  program. I got to be honest, I feel great with my shirt off these days!"
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program. I got to be honest, I feel great with my shirt off these days!"

  Sina W, 31, Albany NY

  Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks
  "Back in high school I was in great shape, played football and stayed very active and a flat stomach. I was
  confident, I looked great in clothes, and was never

  Just like everybody else, those were my best years as far as the way my physique looked. As time went by, I felt to
  busy to exercise and my waistline expanded. Every year, my gut got a little bigger.

  Thanks to Six Pack Shortcuts and to you Mike, I’m back down to football playing shape. One of my main goals with
  the program was to reduce my waistline and to see ab definition. You can see how my abs looked at the end of the
  program from the picture, and I was very satisfied with the reduction in my waistline as well.
  Thanks again Mike."

  Eric G, 24, San Francisco CA

  Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks

  "Six Pack Shortcuts is the core of my exercise routine to keep me in shape on and off the camera. The workouts and
  techniques are very effective.

  I find it hard to find time to workout between my busy schedule. Six Pack Shortcuts is simple to follow and the
  workouts only take 30 minutes a day.

  If you're looking for a fast way to get in shape that also fits into a busy lifestyle, Six Pack Shortcuts is the way to go."

  Joey L, 34, San Diego CA

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Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks

   How Is Six Pack Shortcuts Different From Everything Else Out There?
  One thing you should know -- this program is EXTREMELY different than most fitness and diet programs. Here are
  the most important differences:

              Six Pack Shortcuts was personally designed by me. I'm an ISSA certified personal trainer, with years of
              experience training clients in the real world. And as you've seen in my pictures, I've also managed to achieve
              a great physique and six pack abs myself -- unlike many other people selling exercise courses.

              Most fitness programs give you dozens of different habits and changes in your lifestyle, which you’re
              expected to make all at the same time. Six Pack Shortcuts, on the other hand, gives you just TWO or THREE
              key habits to learn in each phase of the program. What does that mean for you? Less confusion, an easier
              time implementing what you learn, and ultimately increased chances of success with the program.

              Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of entertaining, yet informative online videos. You can
              download the videos permanently to your computer, or stream them online from anywhere in the world. This
              means no slogging through 300 pages of boring text or hours of lecture. It also means that you’ll
              get access to the videos INSTANTLY – no waiting around for weeks for something to get shipped
              to you.

              Six Pack Shortcuts teaches you everything you need to know about both exercise and nutrition for getting six
              pack abs. It's a complete guide to getting abs -- you won't have to buy anything else.

              And most importantly: Six Pack Shortcuts includes unlimited email support from me personally,
              and unlimited phone support from certified personal trainers on my team. Most fitness products just
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give you a bunch of information, and you're left on your own as to exactly how to apply it. I give you the
              information and knowledge you need, AND I mentor and support you every step of the way.

  Here are some of the specifics that you’ll be learning in the program...

  Here's What You'll Be Getting When You Sign Up For Six Pack

         27 of my BEST workouts -- I've specially designed 27 workouts which I've found to be the best for getting my
         clients in shape fast. These workouts are short (only 20-30 minutes each), but very INTENSE. Many clients
         have told me that after the very first workout, they knew that these were the most effective exercises they'd ever
         done in their life.

         You'll get a workout quick-start guide, which includes all the exercises you need for the program. You can take
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this to the gym with you, and use it to track your progress with the program.

         Killer bodyweight exercises and high-intensity cardio -- I've also included 31 different bodyweight
         exercises in the program, which can be done at home with no equipment. Some of these bodyweight
         exercises are EXCELLENT for building muscle mass and strength (even better than exercises requiring
         complex gym equipment!) But the reason why I use most of these exercises is for rapid fat loss, and to build
         athleticism and functional strength.

         This is because I don't want your body to be "just for show." I want you to be functionally athletic as well -- not
         just good-looking. These bodyweight exercises will help you to develop better sports performance, or to just be
         stronger and have more endurance when doing everyday tasks. I've also found that women really appreciate
         functional strength as well!

         17 awesome ab exercises to define your core. As I mentioned before, there is more to getting abs than
         just doing ab exercises. You'll need to lose your belly fat before your ab muscle will be visible. But once you
         have lost this fat using the total body exercises in my program, my arsenal of 17 direct ab exercises will really
         help you define your core.

         I've personally found these exercises to be much more effective than standard crunches and sit-ups. And, I've
         also found them to be much safer, because they don't place as much strain on your neck and lower back.

         Advanced muscle building and fat loss theory -- You'll learn the PRINCIPLES behind muscle building and
         fat loss, not just be given a bunch of workouts. This will allow you to intelligently customize the program to your
         own unique needs, lifestyle and desired physique. You'll also be able to avoid many of the common mistakes
         that guys make when trying to get in shape, so you'll save a lot of time and wasted effort in the gym.

         And most importantly -- unlimited email support from me personally, and unlimited phone support
         from certified personal trainers on my team. I feel that this is one of the MOST important factors that sets
         Six Pack Shortcuts apart from all other exercise and nutrition programs.

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Of course, I feel that the information in the course is the best out there. But I'll be honest with you -- for the
         average person, your chances of success are MINIMAL with information and knowledge alone, even if the
         knowledge is top-notch. The reason for this is that it's very hard to stick with a program if you have no one to
         support, mentor and coach you.

         With Six Pack Shortcuts, I'll be by your side every step of the way. I'll personally answer any questions that you
         have about the program through email. I'll even work with you to customize the workouts to your individual body
         type and goals. And if you'd like to talk to someone on the phone, the program also includes unlimited phone
         coaching from certified personal trainers on my team. They'll coach you and work to keep you on track with the
         program to give you the maximum chance of success.

  As I mentioned before, Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of online videos on my private members-
  only site. You'll be given a username and password immediately after you order, and you'll be able to login
  INSTANTLY to start watching the videos.

  All the videos can be either streamed or downloaded permanently to your computer. This means that you
  can watch the videos from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. You can also download them all to your
  hard drive, so you can watch them even when you're not connected. The videos are downloadable in .mp4 format,
  which means that they'll play on any computer with a standard media player.

  You can also download the videos to your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android or pretty much any other
  mobile device. The videos are compatible with these devices, so they'll be no problem playing them. This means
  you can bring the videos with you to the gym, and do the workouts along with me. Many of my clients follow the
  program with a mobile device this way, and they tell me it's great to have videos showing them exactly what to do
  right there at the gym.

  I've also invested in top-of-the-line hosting services for these videos. This means that the site will be very reliable for
  you, and the videos will stream and download FAST.

  The program is designed to get you started FAST, without having to learn a bunch of theory. You can get
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started doing the first workout within 30 minutes. This is because I believe it's critcial to take action right away if you
  want to get in great shape.

  But it's also designed to be very in-depth and to give you a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of
  exericse and nutrition. The core program includes over 11 hours of professionally produced, high definition video
  footage featuring me and other certified personal trainers on my team.

        And You’ll Also Get Two Bonuses – FREE With Your Purchase!
  In just Six Pack Shortcuts alone, you’ll be getting thousands of dollars worth of video training. It’s far more detailed
  and in-depth than any other product on how to get abs.

  But to really make it a no brainer for you, I also want to give you two incredibly valuable bonuses, included free with
  your purchase. These will complement what you’ll learn in Six Pack Shortcuts, and really take your physique to the
  next level.

  These aren't the usual cheesy three page report "bonuses" you usually get with fitness products. These are
  complete products that I sell independently for $67-$149 to my live training clients. And you'll get them free
  with your purchase.

         First, you'll be getting the Zero
         Willpower Eating System. This is
         my complete nutrition system that
         shows you everything you need to
         know about nutrition and eating to get
         into great shape. The goal of the
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system is to make healthy eating
         SIMPLE, and to make it require as
         little willpower as possible.

         The program contains over 6 hours of
         professionally produced, high
         definition footage. I show you exactly
         how you'll need to eat to get into shape, and give you a few simple rules to follow with your nutrition. And it's not
         just theory -- I actually take you into the kitchen, and SHOW you how to prepare great-tasting, healthy food.

         The reason why this system works so well for me, and for many of my clients is that it's very CHEAP, and very
         CONVENIENT. You won't have to buy any expensive health foods, and the foods I recommend in the system
         are very inexpensive. Most of my clients find they save over $100/month on food, just by following the
         system. And I also show you hwo to prepare a WEEK'S worth of healhy food, in under 90 minutes. This way,
         you'll always have a nutritious and tasty meal ready to go whenever you're hungry, and you'll just have to heat it
         up in the microwave.

         I'm also going to include a 30 day
         free trial to my 24 Week Advanced
         Fitness Coaching Program. Every
         week, you'll get a new video showing
         you high-level exercise and nutrition
         strategies used by pro fitness models
         and athletes.

         Many of these strategies are not
         suitable for beginners, but once
         you've gone through the Six Pack
         Shortcuts program you'll be ready for these advanced workout techniques. I show you advanced power lifting
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Shortcuts program you'll be ready for these advanced workout techniques. I show you advanced power lifting
         exercises that build muscle fast -- these are INTENSE, and definitely not for the faint of heart. I also show you
         the nutrition strategies that fitness models use to lose fat fast. Again, these techniques are NOT recommended
         for beginners who have not yet been through the Six Pack Shortcuts program. But once you have, the
         Advanced Fitness Coaching videos will really help you take your physique to the next level.

         You'll get a full 30 days to try the program out at no cost. If you decide it's not for you, it's just two
         easy clicks to cancel anytime. And even if you cancel, you can get the first month's worth of videos
         for free, just for giving it a try.

         If you decide you want to keep it, you'll keep getting the new videos each week, and you'll be
         automatically billed just $67/month for the coaching until you cancel. This is far less than the cost of
         a high-level personal trainer who knows these techniques. And I'm sure that you'll think it's a STEAL
         once you see for yourself the quality of training you'll be getting.

    “OK, Sign Me Up To Get Six Pack Abs! But How Much Is This Going
                             To Cost Me?”
  I sell Six Pack Shortcuts to my live training clients for $297. And they consider this a bargain, because it contains
  over 14 hours of high quality video training from me personally. Since my training rate is $137 per hour, they’re
  getting the information much cheaper than if they’d paid to learn it from me live.

  Not only this, but it’s also far more convenient – since you can watch the videos anytime you want, and you don’t have
  to abide by my schedule.

  So for $297, you get access to my complete system for getting ripped six pack abs, and all the bonuses.

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  Although I’ve been training guys live for many years, I just launched the internet side of my business. The most
  important thing for me now is to establish a group of HIGHLY MOTIVATED clients who will achieve spectacular
  results. This is because I know that if you get six pack abs with this program, you’ll tell EVERYONE about it.

  This is how I built my live training business, and this is how I want to grow Six Pack Shortcuts as well.

  So for a limited time, I’m offering you the “online-only” price of just $97.

  That’s over 50% off what my live clients are paying, and a steal compared to the value of the program.

  But there is a catch.

  In return for this low price, you have to promise to tell EVERYONE that you know about Six Pack Shortcuts once you
  get your abs. This way you can get a great deal, and it’s fair to me as well.

  I urge you to ACT NOW, and to sign up to get six pack abs.

   Don’t Decide Now – Try Six Pack Shortcuts At My Risk For 60 Days
  I know this is the program that can help you get in great shape. In fact, I’m so confident that this is the program you
  need I’m willing to do something a little CRAZY...

  If you decide to sign up for Six Pack Shortcuts, I’ll let you test out the program at MY RISK for 60 days. Watch all the
  videos, read all the reports, and start applying what I teach you.

  I guarantee you'll be completely satisfied with this program. But if you aren’t – you can return the program at any
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time for a no hassles, no questions asked 100% refund.

  If you’re not absolutely blown away by the quality of the product, just send me an email with “refund” in the subject line
  and I’ll cheerfully give you your money back.

  The reason why I can make such a killer guarantee is that I KNOW that this program is going to be what you need to
  get in shape. And I want you to be just as certain before you sign up.

  I truly want to help you get the abs you’ve always wanted. I get emails every day from guys who have used my training
  materials to get into great shape, and I want to help you do that as well.

  Order here:

                                                                 Click Here To Sign Up -- $97

       “I Can See This Program Is Working For Lots Of Other Guys. But
                    How Do I Know It Will Work For Me?”
  First, unlike many other fitness programs, Six Pack Shortcuts was designed with a very specific client in mind. Six
  Pack Shortcuts is optimum for men who are in “OK” shape – who don’t yet have six pack abs, but who also are not
  severely obese. If you already have ab definition, or if you are obese this probably isn’t the best program for you. But
  if you’re a guy who’s in OK shape, then this program is specifically designed for your needs.

  Because I had YOU specifically in mind when I designed the program, you’ll find that it’s exactly suited to your needs.
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Secondly, I’m committed to doing EVERYTHING I have to ensure your success. If for some reason you’re having a
  problem that the videos don’t cover, remember that free phone and email coaching from me personally is included
  with Six Pack Shortcuts. I will personally walk you through any issues you’re facing on the phone, or through email. I’ll
  spend however long it takes to make you successful – THAT is how committed I am to your success.

  Now, I'm legally obligated to tell you that I'm not a doctor, and that I can't guarantee your results with this program. But
  remember that if you don’t get a ripped body six pack abs with this program – or if for any other reason
  you’re not happy with it – you don’t have to pay. I offer a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee,
  anytime within 60 days of your purchase. I’m willing to put my neck on the line like this because I am confident that
  this program is going to be ideal for you, specifically.

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Click Here To Sign Up -- $97

                                              “The Six Pack Abs Magic Moment”
  Before I close this report, I want to tell you about one of the most exciting parts of getting six pack abs that my clients
  and I have experienced. We’ve been talking about it a lot lately, and we’ve started calling it “the magic moment.”

  It’s magic because when it happens, you’ll see incredible changes happening in your body, and they’ll be happening
  so fast you’ll hardly believe it.

  You find yourself awed by what’s happening to you. You stop what you’re doing, feel a weight lift from your
  shoulders...and smile.

  Why? Two reasons. First, any skepticism and doubt that you CAN achieve great abs melts away and disappears.

  And second, maybe for the first time ever, you see an incredibly bright future unfolding ahead of you.

  Your magic moment might happen when you’re out with a woman...and she touches your abs, and feels nothing but a
  rock hard layer of muscle. And you can see her positively GLOWING with sexual attraction, and with admiration for

  Or maybe it will happen when you’re hanging out with your boys...and they start grilling YOU for advice on how to get
  in shape, because they look up to you so much for the transformation you made in your body.

  Or maybe it will just happen when you’re looking at yourself in the mirror...and for the very first time, you see real,
  defined ab muscle where you previously saw only flab. And you’re flooded with a powerful rush of self-respect and
  well-being, because you were able to get the abs that all guys want, but which so few know how to get.
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I want you to experience YOUR magic moment. To transform your body into what you’ve always visualized and
  wanted for yourself – and to get the amazing, exciting life that comes along with that.

  And now it’s up to you to make it happen.

  Don't let another day go by. Make the decision right now to create this new life for yourself… and don't let anything
  stop you from achieving your dreams.

  It's time.

  Click on one of these links now to order:

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Click Here To Sign Up -- $97

                                          Here's How Six Pack Shortcuts Works
  Six Pack Shortcuts is divided into four phases. In each phase of the program, you will be focusing on a achieving
  small goals that will bring you closer to your final goal of getting a muscular body with abdominal definition.

  In Phase 1, we focus on building total body muscle mass. You'll be doing full-body workouts designed to put overall
  size and muscularity on your body. We also focus on developing a a few positive exercise habits during this phase.
  You'll get in the habit of doing short workouts consistently, every week. You'll also get in the habit of preparing seven
  healthy meals at the beginning of each week, and eating one healthy pre-prepared meal per day. The workouts in
  this phase are shorter, easier, and less intense. This is because it is important to condition your body before doing
  extremely intense workouts, and to ensure the workouts are realistic to stick to if you are just beginning to exercise.

  In Phase 2, we focus on total body fat loss. Of course, much of the fat lost will be in your abdominal area, and this will
  later help with your goal of getting ab definition. In this Phase, you will begin doing more high intensity cardiovascular
  exercise designed to accelerate fat loss and build functional strength. You will also be reducing your rest times when
  doing weight training, in order to achieve an aerobic exercise effect and burn more calories and fat. Finally, we will
  be focusing on eating three healthy pre-prepared meals per day in this Phase. The focus is on maintaining your
  strength and muscle mass in this phase, while losing fat. These habits together will help you to achieve the caloric
  deficit which is necessary to achieve this goal.

  In Phase 3, we focus on building your core muscle and breaking through "exercise plateaus." The workouts in this
  phase are MUCH more intense than in previous phases. If you have been following the program in Phase 1 and 2
  though, your body will now be ready for this type of extremely challenging workout. The focus in this phase is on
  heavy, compound weight training that engages your entire body. Squats, dead lifts, power cleans, military presses,
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and many other heavy, compound lifts are heavily utilized in this phase. The goal in this phase is to "shock" your
  muscles into further growth. These exercises also build an extremely strong core, and muscle mass on your
  abdominals. This will tremendously benefit you in Phase 4 where we focus on shedding the last few pounds of fat, so
  that your abdominal muscle is visible.

  In Phase 4, we focus on the losing the last few pounds of fat necessary to achieve the "six pack abs" look. This is
  also the "maintenance phase" -- you will be repeating this phase permanently in order to maintain your abs. In this
  Phase we focus on full implementation of the eating system -- you will now be eating five healthy pre-prepared meals
  per day. We also teach advanced fat loss strategies in this phase. These are not necessary for beginners, but will
  tremendously help you to achieve the low body fat percentage that is necessary for six pack abs. Finally, you will be
  given ten different workouts in this phase. This is to ensure your workouts always stay fresh and interesting, since
  you will be doing this phase permanently to maintain your body. The workouts in this phase focus on maintaining your
  total body muscle mass, while also adding the final details to your physique. You will be using more isolation
  exercises in this phase, since your experience with exercise will now make them valuable.

  Expected time commitment for each phase: For each phase, you will be expected to study 2-3 hours of video
  material before beginning. Dan and I explain the goals and focus of each phase first, and teach you the concepts you
  need to know to be successful. Then we actually take you into the gym, and show you how to do the workouts. Finally,
  we take you into the kitchen and show you how to prepare your meals.

  In each phase, you will be doing short workouts 4 days per week. On average these will be around 30 minutes, but it
  varies by Phase and by how much rest time you choose to take in your workouts. For most clients, the workouts will
  take around 25 minutes in Phase 1, 30 minutes in Phase 2, 45 minutes in Phase 3, and 30 minutes in Phase 4.

  You should also expect to spend 60-90 minutes per week pre-cooking healthy meals. These meals will later be
  microwaved, so that you always have healthy food available right away.

  Support Resources Available: An important part of the program is that unlimited personal support is coaching is
  included for all Six Pack Shortcuts clients. Clients are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this personal
  coaching, because I have found that it will dramatically improve your chances of success with the program.
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coaching, because I have found that it will dramatically improve your chances of success with the program.

  Clients can email, or use the form provided on the Six Pack Shortcuts members-only
  site to contact me personally. I respond to all emails myself, and I will give you detailed feedback on the issues you
  are facing and how to achieve your individual goals. I want to give you the same level of personal attention as I give
  my live clients, and I will work with you extensively over email to ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

  Here Are The Steps Involved In Using Six Pack Shortcuts
     1. Click the link above, and checkout using our secure order page.

     2. Watch the videos, and take notes. There is about 11 hours of video footage in the core Six Pack Shortcuts
        product in total. You can get started right away though -- there's just 3 videos you'll need to watch before you do
        your first workout. I also include a quick-start workout guide with the program that you can bring to the gym with
        you. It includes every workout you'll need to do on the program, so you'll always know what to do next.

     3. The program requires you to work out for 30 minutes, for about 4 days per week on average. In the beginning
        phases you'll be working out slighly less, and in the later phases slightly more.

     4. The program also requires that you follow the Zero Willpower Eating System. You'll have to follow five simple
        nutrition rules I lay out for you. In addition, you'll also get into the habit of preparing healthy meals in advance for
        the week. The first week, you'll start with one pre-prepared Zero Willpower meal per day. In later phases, you'll
        be eating 3 Zero Willpower meals per day.

     5. I'm legally obligated to tell you that I'm not a doctor, and I can't make any guarantees of results. However,
        remember that I include a 100% money-back guarantee with Six Pack Shortcuts. If you don't get a
        ripped body and six pack abs with the program -- or you're not satisfied with the program for any
        other reason, just shoot me and email and I'll happily refund you money. No hassles, no questions
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asked. That's how confident I am that you'll get the results you're looking for with this program.

  Additional Information About The Six Pack Shortcuts Program
         Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of online videos you can either stream or download. You can
         watch the videos in any internet browser equipped with a Flash player, or any media player which plays .mp4
         media files.

         If you download the videos, you can play them on your iPod, iPhone, iPad, or any other device which plays
         .mp4 files.

         A gym membership WILL help you with Six Pack Shortcuts. There are some minor exercises in the program
         that require a full gym. However, 90% of the program can be done with a simple barbell and dumbbell set at
         home. This is how I do the program myself, and how many of my other clients do as well. I also include many
         body weight exercises in the program, which require no equipment at all.


  As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Six Pack Shortcuts.
  Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Six Pack Shortcuts is no
  exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done
  with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Six Pack Shortcuts
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(like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury.

  Mike offers a 100% money-back guarantee -- you can return the program for any reason if you are not satisfied with
  the results. However, Mike cannot guarantee your results with Six Pack Shortcuts. It is possible that you will not lose
  fat, gain muscle, or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose
  ab definition.

  Mike's story, and the stories of the clients you see on this page are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these
  testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with the program. They are meant as a showcase of what the
  most motivated and dedicated clients can do with the program. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same
  results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal

  Mike is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please
  consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

  Please see our full legal disclaimer for more information on typical results, risks, and our full testimonials disclaimer:

  Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks

  P.P.S. -- Do you have questions about Six Pack Shortcuts? Are you wondering if the program will work for you? Give
  us a call! You can contact us at 512-228-0332. We will go over your fitness goals, and customize the program to
  fit your individual needs. Just call 512-228-0332, and we'll be happy to help you out..

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Click Here To Sign Up -- $97

         Privacy Policy
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         Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks
         Mike's Blog
         Mike's YouTube Channel

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Six pack shortcuts - exercise and nutrition tips to get in killer shape

  • 1. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 2. Click here to watch the after burn training video. Tweet FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, and all the guys pictured transformed their body through using "Afterburn Traiing" and Mike Chang's system. However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results. In addition, you assume certain risks inherent in exercise and nutrition programs by using this system. Six Pack Shortcuts involves body weight exercises, weight lifting, and high intensity cardiovascular exercise. You should not begin the program if you are severely obese, or if you have a physical condition that makes intense exercise dangerous. In addition, Six Pack Shortcuts requires you to follow an eating plan and at times restrict the amount of calories you consume. You should not begin this eating plan if you have physical or psychological issues which make fat loss dangerous. Mike is not a doctor, and his advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise or nutrition program. See our full FTC Legal Disclaimer for complete details. Do you have questions about Six Pack Shortcuts? Are you wondering if the program will work for you? Give us a call! You can contact us at 512-228-0332. We will go over your fitness goals, and customize the program to fit your individual needs. Just call 512-228-0332, and we'll be happy to help you out. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 3. From Mike Chang ISSA Certified Personal Trainer Your Six Pack Abs Coach Hey man, In this letter I want to tell you about the system that I've used to get into great shape, and which has worked for many other guys as well. But first, I want to ask you a few important questions. Please answer them to yourself, as honestly as you possibly can. Have you ever felt hesitant or slightly embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach or pool? Even though you’re not “fat” or “obese” you ever wish you had tastefully muscular abs that you’d be proud to show? Have you ever done tons of crunches and sit-ups...only to be discouraged by how little visible difference they made in your abs? Have you tried everything to lose that stubborn belly fat, but haven’t found something that’s worked for you? Do you ever get frustrated by the contradictory and sometimes flat-out wrong fitness information out there on the internet? Do you ever get confused by this information overload – and you don’t know where to begin getting abs? Or like many of my other clients, do you have a firm grasp on how to gain muscle on the rest of your body...but getting six pack abs has STILL eluded you? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, you’re not alone. These were the biggest frustrations that I had myself when trying to get abs. And if you want to know the solution for getting six pack abs that worked for me and many other guys, this may be the most important letter you’ve ever read. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 4. IMPORTANT LEGAL DISCLAIMER FOR TESTIMONIALS, RISK AND TYPICAL RESULTS As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Six Pack Shortcuts. Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Six Pack Shortcuts is no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Six Pack Shortcuts (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury. Mike offers a 100% money-back guarantee -- you can return the program for any reason if you are not satisfied with the results. However, Mike cannot guarantee your results with Six Pack Shortcuts. It is possible that you will not lose fat, gain muscle, or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose ab definition. Mike's story, and the stories of the clients you see on this page are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with the program. They are meant as a showcase of what the most motivated and dedicated clients can do with the program. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation. Mike is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program. Please see our full legal disclaimer for more information on typical results, risks, and our full testimonials disclaimer: Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks How I Finally Got Six Pack Abs... After YEARS Of Failure And Frustration PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 5. Most people assume that I always had six pack abs – that I was just born this way. But the truth is, just six years ago I was downright fat. In fact, here's what I used to look like -- compared to what I look like now: Of course, what made it even worse was seeing how women got visibly turned off when they saw my soft, pudgy body. I always seemed to be chubby “nice guy friend,” who could never get And the snide looks and remarks I’d get from my male friends about my “gut” didn’t help too much either... One day, I just got fed up with not liking my body. And I decided that I was going to get six pack abs – no matter what. Years later, I’d look back on this as the single best decision I’d ever made in my life. So I bought some of the most popular books and courses on ab exercises, and diets. I followed them religiously for YEARS...but I was frustrated because I was seeing virtually NO RESULTS in my abs. Here are just a few of the things I tried attempting to get abs... This is embarrassing for me to admit, but the first product I bought trying to get abs was an “Ab Rocker” gizmo that I saw advertised on a late-night informercial. I used it daily for months, but in the end gave it up because it produced zero visible difference in my abs I bought endless supplements that promised they’d “burn body fat” and “pack muscle on my body.” Although these didn’t help me burn any fat, they were successful at burning all the cash out of my wallet. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 6. Endless books and courses on how to get abs. Some of the information in these was actually good, and helped me out. But it also led to “information overload”... there were so many contradictory theories on how to get abs out there, I got confused and didn’t know where to begin. It was incredibly frustrating, and I almost gave up many times. But things finally started to look up for me when... I Found A Fitness Mentor Who Showed Me Exactly How To Get A Toned, Muscular Body Complete With Six Pack Abs When I was my lowest point, almost ready to quit...I met my friend Zach. Zach had the type of physique that turned heads wherever he went –and an incredible set of six pack abs. But the funny thing about Zach was that he actually worked out LESS than me. Of course his workouts were intense, and designed very carefully...but he wasn't spending hours upon hours in the gym like me. Not only this, but he was nowhere near as restrictive on his Of course he would eat healthy generally, and wouldn’t binge on junk food. But he’d also enjoy food in ways I didn’t dare to – he’d drink beer on weekends, would eat dessert if he wanted to, and generally didn’t seem to stress about his diet too much. So of course I had to ask him...what was his secret? Why was he in so much better shape than me, when I was working so much harder than him? PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 7. I told him about the diet I was following and all the different crunches and ab exercises I was doing. And to my surprise... He Told Me I Was Wasting My Time! Here are just a few of the things he told me I was doing wrong... Doing too many crunches and sit-ups (he explained why these popular exercises were exercises were extremely ineffective, and the much more effective type of exercise I should be doing instead.) Taking the wrong approach to dieting (he showed me that a much better way was to use certain techniques to accelerate your metabolism. I actually didn’t even know this was possible...but he showed me an easy and research-proven way to do it. He told me this was why he could eat much more than I did, and still stay very lean). Doing CARDIO (This was really surprising to me...but Zach explained how cardio is actually an extremely ineffective way to lose fat. He showed me exercises that were much better for fat loss, and explained how when you combined these with his metabolic accleration techniques, the results would be fast and dramatic) And that was just the beginning. The conversation I had with him really blew my mind, and caused me to drastically change my approach to ab training. So I started training in Zach’s style. I stopped doing crunches and cardio, and I started doing the exercises he recommended. And once I started down the right path, I also made a few more key discoveries on my own. Now keep in mind, I’d been training for YEARS before this, with virtually nothing to show for it. But once I started using Zach's method for getting six pack abs... PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 8. I Got In Great Shape Faster Than I Thought Was Possible! I couldn’t believe how fast the progress was, once I stopped being a And let me tell you....the first time I saw real, hard ab muscle on my stomach after years of seeing nothing but flab was one of the best moments of my life. And of course, what Zach showed me wasn't a "magic pill." It was a new style of training that was far more effective than that standard regimen I was following -- and a new nutrition system that made healthy eating much easier. And although I still needed to work to get abs using his system -- the results came FAR faster and easier than they came before. And here are a few ways that my life changed after getting six pack abs.... Women who wouldn’t give me the time of day before suddenly started giving me much more attention. It used to be incredibly difficult for me to attract a woman before...but with my new body, it became easy for me to spark instant and powerful attraction with the girls I’d always wanted. Guys who’d never taken me seriously suddenly started giving me much more respect. A few guys even seemed slightly intimidated by me, and it seemed much more natural for me to be the leader in any group of guys. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 9. And overall, I just felt much better about myself. I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment, because I’d achieved the body that all men want, but which so few know how to get. And again, I don't mean to say that all the problems in my life were instantly solved once I got a great body -- because they weren't. But I will say that life becomes a whole lot easier when you've got the body all the girls want, and all the guys want to have. And I wasn’t torturing myself to get these results either. I was just doing quick 30 minute workouts 4 days a week, and eating healthy (but great-tasting) food. It was absolutely incredible. And I knew I wanted to help other guys achieve the same results. So I did something crazy... I Quit My Office Job, And Became A Personal Trainer! Over the next few years I trained hundreds of clients. At first, I started training anyone and everyone, just like any other personal trainer... But I soon became best known for my system for getting guys six pack abs. I was soon getting many clients referred to me, asking specifically to learn my six pack abs system. Soon, this became my specialty. My clients started referring to me as their “six pack abs coach” – the guy they went to get abs when everyone else had failed them. And over the years, I kept refining the system, until eventually it made what I was doing originally seem primitive by PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 10. comparison. After years of seeing what worked and what didn't in my own body, and with my clients, I had finally cracked the code to getting six pack abs. Eventually, one of my clients started telling me that I should put out a video course teaching my six pack abs system. It wasn’t right, they told me, that only people who lived in my city would be able to learn these techniques. ANY guy who wanted to learn how to get six pack abs should have access to this information, and shouldn’t have to waste years of time before finally discovering what works. At first, I didn’t want to do it. But after a lot of wrangling and arm-twisting from my top clients, I finally agreed to make the course. But I didn’t want it to be just any ab training course. I wanted it to be the best – the one that showed exactly how to use all of the “shortcuts” to getting six pack abs that I’d been teaching my clients, in a simple and easy to learn way that any guy could follow. And this is how Six Pack Shortcuts was born. Six Pack Shortcuts is a series of online videos that show you how to burn belly fat and get six pack abs. It’s the same system that I’ve taught to my live training clients for years – only it’s available to you instantly, and at a fraction of the cost. Listen To What Real Clients Have To Say About Six Pack Shortcuts: “Mike, I just want to tell you that this is one of the most effective systems for getting abs that I’ve ever tried. I’m sending you a picture of what I used to look like before I started on Six Pack Shortcuts, and what I look like now. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 11. I was actually just about to give up, when I heard about Six Pack Shortcuts. I gave the program a try, and you can see the results I got just a few months later. And the most exciting part for me was, I finally saw my abs for the first time in my life. You’re a really good trainer man, and thanks for everything you’ve done for me.” Dan Rose, 25, Boston MA Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks "My biggest problem area on my body was my gut...I bought all kinds of abs machines I saw on the infomercials but none of them delivered what they promised. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t have ab muscles; it was the thick layer of fat that was covering them. I saw the Six-Pack Shortcuts online one day and decided to give it a shot. I was very skeptical at first, but after just 1 week I begin to see a difference. At the end of the program I was very satisfied with the way my abs looked, and I decided to compete On the day of my show, my ab definition was excellent, as you can see in the picture above. I did very well in the competition, and I partly credit this to the look my abs had in the picture above." Michael B, 28, Houston TX Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks "I had been working out the past 3 years and was never able to get my abs defined. I tried different diets, fat burners, and did tons I was browsing online one day and came across Mike's six pack site and told myself "what the hell, I tried everything else I could think of" Well, pictures don't lie -- you can see what my body and my abs looked like at the end of the program. I got to be honest, I feel great with my shirt off these days!" PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 12. program. I got to be honest, I feel great with my shirt off these days!" Sina W, 31, Albany NY Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks "Back in high school I was in great shape, played football and stayed very active and a flat stomach. I was confident, I looked great in clothes, and was never Just like everybody else, those were my best years as far as the way my physique looked. As time went by, I felt to busy to exercise and my waistline expanded. Every year, my gut got a little bigger. Thanks to Six Pack Shortcuts and to you Mike, I’m back down to football playing shape. One of my main goals with the program was to reduce my waistline and to see ab definition. You can see how my abs looked at the end of the program from the picture, and I was very satisfied with the reduction in my waistline as well. Thanks again Mike." Eric G, 24, San Francisco CA Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks "Six Pack Shortcuts is the core of my exercise routine to keep me in shape on and off the camera. The workouts and techniques are very effective. I find it hard to find time to workout between my busy schedule. Six Pack Shortcuts is simple to follow and the workouts only take 30 minutes a day. If you're looking for a fast way to get in shape that also fits into a busy lifestyle, Six Pack Shortcuts is the way to go." Joey L, 34, San Diego CA PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 13. Important Legal Disclosure Of Typical Results, Testimonials, And Risks How Is Six Pack Shortcuts Different From Everything Else Out There? One thing you should know -- this program is EXTREMELY different than most fitness and diet programs. Here are the most important differences: Six Pack Shortcuts was personally designed by me. I'm an ISSA certified personal trainer, with years of experience training clients in the real world. And as you've seen in my pictures, I've also managed to achieve a great physique and six pack abs myself -- unlike many other people selling exercise courses. Most fitness programs give you dozens of different habits and changes in your lifestyle, which you’re expected to make all at the same time. Six Pack Shortcuts, on the other hand, gives you just TWO or THREE key habits to learn in each phase of the program. What does that mean for you? Less confusion, an easier time implementing what you learn, and ultimately increased chances of success with the program. Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of entertaining, yet informative online videos. You can download the videos permanently to your computer, or stream them online from anywhere in the world. This means no slogging through 300 pages of boring text or hours of lecture. It also means that you’ll get access to the videos INSTANTLY – no waiting around for weeks for something to get shipped to you. Six Pack Shortcuts teaches you everything you need to know about both exercise and nutrition for getting six pack abs. It's a complete guide to getting abs -- you won't have to buy anything else. And most importantly: Six Pack Shortcuts includes unlimited email support from me personally, and unlimited phone support from certified personal trainers on my team. Most fitness products just PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 14. give you a bunch of information, and you're left on your own as to exactly how to apply it. I give you the information and knowledge you need, AND I mentor and support you every step of the way. Here are some of the specifics that you’ll be learning in the program... Here's What You'll Be Getting When You Sign Up For Six Pack Shortcuts 27 of my BEST workouts -- I've specially designed 27 workouts which I've found to be the best for getting my clients in shape fast. These workouts are short (only 20-30 minutes each), but very INTENSE. Many clients have told me that after the very first workout, they knew that these were the most effective exercises they'd ever done in their life. You'll get a workout quick-start guide, which includes all the exercises you need for the program. You can take PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 15. this to the gym with you, and use it to track your progress with the program. Killer bodyweight exercises and high-intensity cardio -- I've also included 31 different bodyweight exercises in the program, which can be done at home with no equipment. Some of these bodyweight exercises are EXCELLENT for building muscle mass and strength (even better than exercises requiring complex gym equipment!) But the reason why I use most of these exercises is for rapid fat loss, and to build athleticism and functional strength. This is because I don't want your body to be "just for show." I want you to be functionally athletic as well -- not just good-looking. These bodyweight exercises will help you to develop better sports performance, or to just be stronger and have more endurance when doing everyday tasks. I've also found that women really appreciate functional strength as well! 17 awesome ab exercises to define your core. As I mentioned before, there is more to getting abs than just doing ab exercises. You'll need to lose your belly fat before your ab muscle will be visible. But once you have lost this fat using the total body exercises in my program, my arsenal of 17 direct ab exercises will really help you define your core. I've personally found these exercises to be much more effective than standard crunches and sit-ups. And, I've also found them to be much safer, because they don't place as much strain on your neck and lower back. Advanced muscle building and fat loss theory -- You'll learn the PRINCIPLES behind muscle building and fat loss, not just be given a bunch of workouts. This will allow you to intelligently customize the program to your own unique needs, lifestyle and desired physique. You'll also be able to avoid many of the common mistakes that guys make when trying to get in shape, so you'll save a lot of time and wasted effort in the gym. And most importantly -- unlimited email support from me personally, and unlimited phone support from certified personal trainers on my team. I feel that this is one of the MOST important factors that sets Six Pack Shortcuts apart from all other exercise and nutrition programs. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 16. Of course, I feel that the information in the course is the best out there. But I'll be honest with you -- for the average person, your chances of success are MINIMAL with information and knowledge alone, even if the knowledge is top-notch. The reason for this is that it's very hard to stick with a program if you have no one to support, mentor and coach you. With Six Pack Shortcuts, I'll be by your side every step of the way. I'll personally answer any questions that you have about the program through email. I'll even work with you to customize the workouts to your individual body type and goals. And if you'd like to talk to someone on the phone, the program also includes unlimited phone coaching from certified personal trainers on my team. They'll coach you and work to keep you on track with the program to give you the maximum chance of success. As I mentioned before, Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of online videos on my private members- only site. You'll be given a username and password immediately after you order, and you'll be able to login INSTANTLY to start watching the videos. All the videos can be either streamed or downloaded permanently to your computer. This means that you can watch the videos from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. You can also download them all to your hard drive, so you can watch them even when you're not connected. The videos are downloadable in .mp4 format, which means that they'll play on any computer with a standard media player. You can also download the videos to your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android or pretty much any other mobile device. The videos are compatible with these devices, so they'll be no problem playing them. This means you can bring the videos with you to the gym, and do the workouts along with me. Many of my clients follow the program with a mobile device this way, and they tell me it's great to have videos showing them exactly what to do right there at the gym. I've also invested in top-of-the-line hosting services for these videos. This means that the site will be very reliable for you, and the videos will stream and download FAST. The program is designed to get you started FAST, without having to learn a bunch of theory. You can get PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 17. started doing the first workout within 30 minutes. This is because I believe it's critcial to take action right away if you want to get in great shape. But it's also designed to be very in-depth and to give you a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of exericse and nutrition. The core program includes over 11 hours of professionally produced, high definition video footage featuring me and other certified personal trainers on my team. And You’ll Also Get Two Bonuses – FREE With Your Purchase! In just Six Pack Shortcuts alone, you’ll be getting thousands of dollars worth of video training. It’s far more detailed and in-depth than any other product on how to get abs. But to really make it a no brainer for you, I also want to give you two incredibly valuable bonuses, included free with your purchase. These will complement what you’ll learn in Six Pack Shortcuts, and really take your physique to the next level. These aren't the usual cheesy three page report "bonuses" you usually get with fitness products. These are complete products that I sell independently for $67-$149 to my live training clients. And you'll get them free with your purchase. First, you'll be getting the Zero Willpower Eating System. This is my complete nutrition system that shows you everything you need to know about nutrition and eating to get into great shape. The goal of the PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 18. system is to make healthy eating SIMPLE, and to make it require as little willpower as possible. The program contains over 6 hours of professionally produced, high definition footage. I show you exactly how you'll need to eat to get into shape, and give you a few simple rules to follow with your nutrition. And it's not just theory -- I actually take you into the kitchen, and SHOW you how to prepare great-tasting, healthy food. The reason why this system works so well for me, and for many of my clients is that it's very CHEAP, and very CONVENIENT. You won't have to buy any expensive health foods, and the foods I recommend in the system are very inexpensive. Most of my clients find they save over $100/month on food, just by following the system. And I also show you hwo to prepare a WEEK'S worth of healhy food, in under 90 minutes. This way, you'll always have a nutritious and tasty meal ready to go whenever you're hungry, and you'll just have to heat it up in the microwave. I'm also going to include a 30 day free trial to my 24 Week Advanced Fitness Coaching Program. Every week, you'll get a new video showing you high-level exercise and nutrition strategies used by pro fitness models and athletes. Many of these strategies are not suitable for beginners, but once you've gone through the Six Pack Shortcuts program you'll be ready for these advanced workout techniques. I show you advanced power lifting PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 19. Shortcuts program you'll be ready for these advanced workout techniques. I show you advanced power lifting exercises that build muscle fast -- these are INTENSE, and definitely not for the faint of heart. I also show you the nutrition strategies that fitness models use to lose fat fast. Again, these techniques are NOT recommended for beginners who have not yet been through the Six Pack Shortcuts program. But once you have, the Advanced Fitness Coaching videos will really help you take your physique to the next level. You'll get a full 30 days to try the program out at no cost. If you decide it's not for you, it's just two easy clicks to cancel anytime. And even if you cancel, you can get the first month's worth of videos for free, just for giving it a try. If you decide you want to keep it, you'll keep getting the new videos each week, and you'll be automatically billed just $67/month for the coaching until you cancel. This is far less than the cost of a high-level personal trainer who knows these techniques. And I'm sure that you'll think it's a STEAL once you see for yourself the quality of training you'll be getting. “OK, Sign Me Up To Get Six Pack Abs! But How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?” I sell Six Pack Shortcuts to my live training clients for $297. And they consider this a bargain, because it contains over 14 hours of high quality video training from me personally. Since my training rate is $137 per hour, they’re getting the information much cheaper than if they’d paid to learn it from me live. Not only this, but it’s also far more convenient – since you can watch the videos anytime you want, and you don’t have to abide by my schedule. So for $297, you get access to my complete system for getting ripped six pack abs, and all the bonuses. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 20. BUT... Although I’ve been training guys live for many years, I just launched the internet side of my business. The most important thing for me now is to establish a group of HIGHLY MOTIVATED clients who will achieve spectacular results. This is because I know that if you get six pack abs with this program, you’ll tell EVERYONE about it. This is how I built my live training business, and this is how I want to grow Six Pack Shortcuts as well. So for a limited time, I’m offering you the “online-only” price of just $97. That’s over 50% off what my live clients are paying, and a steal compared to the value of the program. But there is a catch. In return for this low price, you have to promise to tell EVERYONE that you know about Six Pack Shortcuts once you get your abs. This way you can get a great deal, and it’s fair to me as well. I urge you to ACT NOW, and to sign up to get six pack abs. Don’t Decide Now – Try Six Pack Shortcuts At My Risk For 60 Days I know this is the program that can help you get in great shape. In fact, I’m so confident that this is the program you need I’m willing to do something a little CRAZY... If you decide to sign up for Six Pack Shortcuts, I’ll let you test out the program at MY RISK for 60 days. Watch all the videos, read all the reports, and start applying what I teach you. I guarantee you'll be completely satisfied with this program. But if you aren’t – you can return the program at any PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 21. time for a no hassles, no questions asked 100% refund. If you’re not absolutely blown away by the quality of the product, just send me an email with “refund” in the subject line and I’ll cheerfully give you your money back. The reason why I can make such a killer guarantee is that I KNOW that this program is going to be what you need to get in shape. And I want you to be just as certain before you sign up. I truly want to help you get the abs you’ve always wanted. I get emails every day from guys who have used my training materials to get into great shape, and I want to help you do that as well. Order here: Click Here To Sign Up -- $97 “I Can See This Program Is Working For Lots Of Other Guys. But How Do I Know It Will Work For Me?” First, unlike many other fitness programs, Six Pack Shortcuts was designed with a very specific client in mind. Six Pack Shortcuts is optimum for men who are in “OK” shape – who don’t yet have six pack abs, but who also are not severely obese. If you already have ab definition, or if you are obese this probably isn’t the best program for you. But if you’re a guy who’s in OK shape, then this program is specifically designed for your needs. Because I had YOU specifically in mind when I designed the program, you’ll find that it’s exactly suited to your needs. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 22. Secondly, I’m committed to doing EVERYTHING I have to ensure your success. If for some reason you’re having a problem that the videos don’t cover, remember that free phone and email coaching from me personally is included with Six Pack Shortcuts. I will personally walk you through any issues you’re facing on the phone, or through email. I’ll spend however long it takes to make you successful – THAT is how committed I am to your success. Now, I'm legally obligated to tell you that I'm not a doctor, and that I can't guarantee your results with this program. But remember that if you don’t get a ripped body six pack abs with this program – or if for any other reason you’re not happy with it – you don’t have to pay. I offer a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee, anytime within 60 days of your purchase. I’m willing to put my neck on the line like this because I am confident that this program is going to be ideal for you, specifically. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 23. Click Here To Sign Up -- $97 “The Six Pack Abs Magic Moment” Before I close this report, I want to tell you about one of the most exciting parts of getting six pack abs that my clients and I have experienced. We’ve been talking about it a lot lately, and we’ve started calling it “the magic moment.” It’s magic because when it happens, you’ll see incredible changes happening in your body, and they’ll be happening so fast you’ll hardly believe it. You find yourself awed by what’s happening to you. You stop what you’re doing, feel a weight lift from your shoulders...and smile. Why? Two reasons. First, any skepticism and doubt that you CAN achieve great abs melts away and disappears. And second, maybe for the first time ever, you see an incredibly bright future unfolding ahead of you. Your magic moment might happen when you’re out with a woman...and she touches your abs, and feels nothing but a rock hard layer of muscle. And you can see her positively GLOWING with sexual attraction, and with admiration for you... Or maybe it will happen when you’re hanging out with your boys...and they start grilling YOU for advice on how to get in shape, because they look up to you so much for the transformation you made in your body. Or maybe it will just happen when you’re looking at yourself in the mirror...and for the very first time, you see real, defined ab muscle where you previously saw only flab. And you’re flooded with a powerful rush of self-respect and well-being, because you were able to get the abs that all guys want, but which so few know how to get. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 24. I want you to experience YOUR magic moment. To transform your body into what you’ve always visualized and wanted for yourself – and to get the amazing, exciting life that comes along with that. And now it’s up to you to make it happen. Don't let another day go by. Make the decision right now to create this new life for yourself… and don't let anything stop you from achieving your dreams. It's time. Click on one of these links now to order: PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 25. Click Here To Sign Up -- $97 Here's How Six Pack Shortcuts Works Six Pack Shortcuts is divided into four phases. In each phase of the program, you will be focusing on a achieving small goals that will bring you closer to your final goal of getting a muscular body with abdominal definition. In Phase 1, we focus on building total body muscle mass. You'll be doing full-body workouts designed to put overall size and muscularity on your body. We also focus on developing a a few positive exercise habits during this phase. You'll get in the habit of doing short workouts consistently, every week. You'll also get in the habit of preparing seven healthy meals at the beginning of each week, and eating one healthy pre-prepared meal per day. The workouts in this phase are shorter, easier, and less intense. This is because it is important to condition your body before doing extremely intense workouts, and to ensure the workouts are realistic to stick to if you are just beginning to exercise. In Phase 2, we focus on total body fat loss. Of course, much of the fat lost will be in your abdominal area, and this will later help with your goal of getting ab definition. In this Phase, you will begin doing more high intensity cardiovascular exercise designed to accelerate fat loss and build functional strength. You will also be reducing your rest times when doing weight training, in order to achieve an aerobic exercise effect and burn more calories and fat. Finally, we will be focusing on eating three healthy pre-prepared meals per day in this Phase. The focus is on maintaining your strength and muscle mass in this phase, while losing fat. These habits together will help you to achieve the caloric deficit which is necessary to achieve this goal. In Phase 3, we focus on building your core muscle and breaking through "exercise plateaus." The workouts in this phase are MUCH more intense than in previous phases. If you have been following the program in Phase 1 and 2 though, your body will now be ready for this type of extremely challenging workout. The focus in this phase is on heavy, compound weight training that engages your entire body. Squats, dead lifts, power cleans, military presses, PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 26. and many other heavy, compound lifts are heavily utilized in this phase. The goal in this phase is to "shock" your muscles into further growth. These exercises also build an extremely strong core, and muscle mass on your abdominals. This will tremendously benefit you in Phase 4 where we focus on shedding the last few pounds of fat, so that your abdominal muscle is visible. In Phase 4, we focus on the losing the last few pounds of fat necessary to achieve the "six pack abs" look. This is also the "maintenance phase" -- you will be repeating this phase permanently in order to maintain your abs. In this Phase we focus on full implementation of the eating system -- you will now be eating five healthy pre-prepared meals per day. We also teach advanced fat loss strategies in this phase. These are not necessary for beginners, but will tremendously help you to achieve the low body fat percentage that is necessary for six pack abs. Finally, you will be given ten different workouts in this phase. This is to ensure your workouts always stay fresh and interesting, since you will be doing this phase permanently to maintain your body. The workouts in this phase focus on maintaining your total body muscle mass, while also adding the final details to your physique. You will be using more isolation exercises in this phase, since your experience with exercise will now make them valuable. Expected time commitment for each phase: For each phase, you will be expected to study 2-3 hours of video material before beginning. Dan and I explain the goals and focus of each phase first, and teach you the concepts you need to know to be successful. Then we actually take you into the gym, and show you how to do the workouts. Finally, we take you into the kitchen and show you how to prepare your meals. In each phase, you will be doing short workouts 4 days per week. On average these will be around 30 minutes, but it varies by Phase and by how much rest time you choose to take in your workouts. For most clients, the workouts will take around 25 minutes in Phase 1, 30 minutes in Phase 2, 45 minutes in Phase 3, and 30 minutes in Phase 4. You should also expect to spend 60-90 minutes per week pre-cooking healthy meals. These meals will later be microwaved, so that you always have healthy food available right away. Support Resources Available: An important part of the program is that unlimited personal support is coaching is included for all Six Pack Shortcuts clients. Clients are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this personal coaching, because I have found that it will dramatically improve your chances of success with the program. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 27. coaching, because I have found that it will dramatically improve your chances of success with the program. Clients can email, or use the form provided on the Six Pack Shortcuts members-only site to contact me personally. I respond to all emails myself, and I will give you detailed feedback on the issues you are facing and how to achieve your individual goals. I want to give you the same level of personal attention as I give my live clients, and I will work with you extensively over email to ensure you have everything you need to succeed. Here Are The Steps Involved In Using Six Pack Shortcuts 1. Click the link above, and checkout using our secure order page. 2. Watch the videos, and take notes. There is about 11 hours of video footage in the core Six Pack Shortcuts product in total. You can get started right away though -- there's just 3 videos you'll need to watch before you do your first workout. I also include a quick-start workout guide with the program that you can bring to the gym with you. It includes every workout you'll need to do on the program, so you'll always know what to do next. 3. The program requires you to work out for 30 minutes, for about 4 days per week on average. In the beginning phases you'll be working out slighly less, and in the later phases slightly more. 4. The program also requires that you follow the Zero Willpower Eating System. You'll have to follow five simple nutrition rules I lay out for you. In addition, you'll also get into the habit of preparing healthy meals in advance for the week. The first week, you'll start with one pre-prepared Zero Willpower meal per day. In later phases, you'll be eating 3 Zero Willpower meals per day. 5. I'm legally obligated to tell you that I'm not a doctor, and I can't make any guarantees of results. However, remember that I include a 100% money-back guarantee with Six Pack Shortcuts. If you don't get a ripped body and six pack abs with the program -- or you're not satisfied with the program for any other reason, just shoot me and email and I'll happily refund you money. No hassles, no questions PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 28. asked. That's how confident I am that you'll get the results you're looking for with this program. Additional Information About The Six Pack Shortcuts Program Six Pack Shortcuts is delivered through a series of online videos you can either stream or download. You can watch the videos in any internet browser equipped with a Flash player, or any media player which plays .mp4 media files. If you download the videos, you can play them on your iPod, iPhone, iPad, or any other device which plays .mp4 files. A gym membership WILL help you with Six Pack Shortcuts. There are some minor exercises in the program that require a full gym. However, 90% of the program can be done with a simple barbell and dumbbell set at home. This is how I do the program myself, and how many of my other clients do as well. I also include many body weight exercises in the program, which require no equipment at all. IMPORTANT LEGAL DISCLAIMER FOR TESTIMONIALS, RISK AND TYPICAL RESULTS As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Six Pack Shortcuts. Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Six Pack Shortcuts is no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Six Pack Shortcuts PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 29. (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury. Mike offers a 100% money-back guarantee -- you can return the program for any reason if you are not satisfied with the results. However, Mike cannot guarantee your results with Six Pack Shortcuts. It is possible that you will not lose fat, gain muscle, or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose ab definition. Mike's story, and the stories of the clients you see on this page are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with the program. They are meant as a showcase of what the most motivated and dedicated clients can do with the program. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation. Mike is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program. Please see our full legal disclaimer for more information on typical results, risks, and our full testimonials disclaimer: Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks P.P.S. -- Do you have questions about Six Pack Shortcuts? Are you wondering if the program will work for you? Give us a call! You can contact us at 512-228-0332. We will go over your fitness goals, and customize the program to fit your individual needs. Just call 512-228-0332, and we'll be happy to help you out.. PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 30. Click Here To Sign Up -- $97 Affiliates | About | Contact | Privacy Policy | PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 31. | Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks | Mike's Blog | Mike's YouTube Channel PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API