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DDS on the Web
                 Quick Recipes for Real-Time Web Applications
OpenSplice DDS

                                               Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D.
                                                      Chief Technology Officer
                                                      OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair
The Rise of the Real-Time Web
                  ☐   It can be argued that Browsers are becoming today the Virtual
                      Machine of the Web -- as opposed to simply a rendering engine

                  ☐   The introduction of HTML5 and related standards, such as
                      WebSockets, has furthered this trend providing an increasingly
                      compelling platform for the development of device/browser
OpenSplice DDS

                      independent applications
                  ☐   In addition, new standards like WebSockets are making it possible
                      for web application to send and receive data by completely
                      bypassing HTTP
                  ☐   These innovations, are making it possible to have highly-interactive
                      real-time web applications that can push data very efficiently
DDS and Real-Time Web App
                      DDS is used today to in a large class of mission and business critical

                      applications, such as Air Traffic Control and Management, SCADA,
                      Smart Grid, Smart Cities, Trading, etc., to share data in real-time

                      Many of the systems using DDS today increasingly need to expose
OpenSplice DDS

                      application to mobile devices, thus entering on the Native-App vs.
                      Web-App dilemma

                  ☐   The introduction of HTML5 and WebSockets makes it possible today
                      to push real-time DDS traffic to a WebBrowser and vice-versa
Server Side Technologies
OpenSplice DDS
Exposing DDS Data to Web Apps

                  ☐   Several different approaches exist to expose DDS data to Web Apps

                  ☐   WebSocket are the most natural approach, especially for
                      applications requiring relatively low latency
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Polling or HTTP Streaming frameworks, such as CometD, can also be
                      used, but are less efficient both in terms of throughput as well as in
                      terms of latency

                  ☐   Here we focus on WebSockets
From DDS to WebSockets
                  There are several approaches that can be taken to provide DDS traffic over

                  Web Sockets:
                  ☐   The OpenSplice Gateway provides probably the most natural way of
                      integrating DDS with WebSockets is through route definitions
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   The Play! Framework is probably the best choice for those that along using
                      WebSockets and DDS want to use DDS as a back-end technology (e.g. for
                      scale-out, caching, etc.)
                  ☐   Netty is yet another possibility, but the one that requires you to do the most
                      work in term of integrating DDS with WebSockets. At the same time gives
                      you complete control
OpenSplice DDS

HTML5 WebSockets

                  ☐   The WebSockets specification defines an API that enables web
                      pages to use the WebSockets protocol for two-way
                      communication with a remote host
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   WebSockets greatly reduce network traffic and latency compared
                      to HTTP polling and long-polling techniques commonly used to
                      simulate a full-duplex connection by maintaining two connections

                  ☐   WebSockets are capable of traversing firewalls and proxies
WebSocket Protocol
                  ☐   The WebSocket protocol is designed to work well with the existing Web


                  ☐   The WebSocket connection starts as an HTTP connection which then is
                      upgraded by replacing the HTTP connection with the WebSocket
OpenSplice DDS

                      connection over the same underlying TCP/IP connection

                  ☐   Once connected, WebSocket data frames can be sent back and
                      forth between the client and the server in full-duplex mode

                  ☐   Text and Binary frames are supported. The data is framed with just two
WebSocket API
                    [Constructor(in DOMString url, optional in DOMString protocol)]
                            interface WebSocket {
                               readonly attribute DOMString URL;
                               // ready state

                               const unsigned short CONNECTING = 0;
                               const unsigned short OPEN = 1;
                               const unsigned short CLOSED = 2;
                               readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
                               readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount;
OpenSplice DDS

                                 // networking
                                 attribute Function onopen;
                                 attribute Function onmessage;
                                 attribute Function onclose;
                                 boolean send(in DOMString data);
                                 void close();

                            WebSocket implements EventTarget;
                 OpenSplice Gateway
OpenSplice DDS
OpenSplice Gateway
                  ☐   Provides DDS applications with unprecedented                      JMS

                      integration capabilities by supporting high
                      performance format and content


                      transformation, routing and QoS mediation                         OpenSplice

                      Leverages Apache Camel integration


                      framework and its support for over 80
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐    OpenSplice Gateway is the best choice for
                      integrating DDS-interoperable applications with
                      proprietary as well as standard-based             Supported Connectors Include:
                      messaging technologies, such as JMS and           - JMS                  - HTTP
                      AMQP, as well as user applications leveraging     - REST                 - AMQP
                                                                        - CometD               - XMPP
                      Web standards such as  W3C Web Services,          - CFX                  - Hibernate
                      REST and HTML5 WebSockets                         - TCP & UDP Sockets    - Custom
                   Based on                  camel-ospl


                   DataReader &              Component
                   Typed data           OpenSplice DDS

                   No native or              camel-ddsi
                   generated code            Component
                   No marshalling
OpenSplice DDS

                 (raw data buffer)      JDDSI

                 Camel DDS Processors

                     DDSI demarshaller /
                     Data transformation
                     Dynamic Poll Enricher
                     QoS adaptations
WebSocket Integration
                  1   // Define endpoints
                  2      val inEndpoint =

                  3        "ddsi:"+ inTopic +":"+ inDomain +"/" + shapeType
                  4      val outEndpoint =
                  5        "websocket://"+inTopic.toLowerCase + "?sendToAll=true"
                  7      // Define a Route using the Scala DSL
                  8      val shapesRoute = new RouteBuilder {
                  9        override def configure() =
                                                                                                               To JSON
OpenSplice DDS

                 10          from(inEndpoint) unmarshal("cdr") marshal() json() to(outEndpoint)
                 11      }


                 ☐    This example requires Camel 2.10                                              DDS
                                                                                                  Domain 0
WebSocket Integration
                  1   // Define endpoints
                  2      val inEndpoint =

                  3        "websocket://"+inTopic.toLowerCase
                  4      val outEndpoint =
                  5        "ddsi:"+ inTopic +":"+ inDomain +"/" + shapeType
                  7      // Define a Route using the Scala DSL
                  8      val shapesRoute = new RouteBuilder {
                  9        override def configure() =
                                                                                                To POJO
OpenSplice DDS

                 10          from(inEndpoint) unmarshal() json() to(outEndpoint)
                 11      }


                 ☐    This example requires Camel 2.10                               DDS
                                                                                   Domain 0
OpenSplice DDS

   - Live Demo -
                 Play! Framework
OpenSplice DDS
The Play! Framework
                  ☐   Play! is a Web Application Framework
                      based on a lightweight, stateless, web-

                      friendly architecture
                  ☐   Play! features predictable and minimal
                      resource consumption (CPU, memory,
OpenSplice DDS

                      threads) for highly-scalable applications
                      thanks to its reactive model, based on
                      Iteratee IO
                  ☐   The Play! Framework:
                      ☐   Supports asynchronous programming
                      ☐   Focuses on Type Safety
                      ☐   Native support for Java and Scala
                      ☐   Support for HTML5 and WebSocket
Play! and MVC Pattern

                  ☐   Play! is based on the Model View Controller Pattern so to cleanly
                      separate the presentation, control and business logic
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Play! uses routes to map incoming HTTP requests to actions. Actions
                      are implemented as Java or Scala methods
Anatomy of a Play! Application

                  ☐   The organization of a
                      Play! applications
OpenSplice DDS

                      makes apparent its
                      MVC approach
WebSockets in Play!
                  Using WebSockets with Play! is very straight-forward as all it

                  requires is to:

                  ☐   Route incoming HTTP GET request to the controller that will
                      establish a WebSocket Connection
OpenSplice DDS

                          # Home page
                          GET     /                          controllers.Application.index
                          GET     /ishapes                   controllers.Application.ishapes

                  ☐   Use the Play! Iteratee API for asynchronously deal with
                      incoming messages
                           def ishapes = WebSocket.using[String] { request => ... }
Play!ng with iShapes
OpenSplice DDS

                    - Live Demo -
Client Side Technologies
OpenSplice DDS
OpenSplice DDS



                                                                                          Client Side Technologies


                  ☐   JavaScript is the most widely used client technology for web-

                  ☐   The plus of JavaScript are the many powerful frameworks that exist,
OpenSplice DDS

                      such as DOJO, JQuery, etc/

                  ☐   The minus is the programming language itself, which is verbose and
                      lacking few constructs for facilitating large scale software

                  ☐   CoffeeScript is a is a relatively little language that improves
                      JavaScript usability and introduces some functional programming
                      mechanism, e.g. lambdas and comprehension, in a concise and
                      elegant manners
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript and the compiled JavaScript is
                      readable and pretty-printed, passes through JavaScript Lint
                      without warnings, will work in every JavaScript runtime, and tends
                      to run as fast or faster than the equivalent handwritten JavaScript.

CoffeScript Overview
                                        CoffeScript                    JavaScript

                               square = (x) -> x * x           square = function(x) {
                 # Functions
                                                                  return x * x;
OpenSplice DDS

                               math =                          math = {
                 # Objects       root:   Math.sqrt                root: Math.sqrt,
                                 square: square                   square: square,
                                 cube:   (x) -> x * square x      cube: function(x) {
                                                                    return x * square(x);
CoffeScript Overview
                                           CoffeScript                        JavaScript

                                                                     cubes = (function() {
                 # Array         cubes =                               var _i, _len, _results;
                 Comprehension     (math.cube num for num in list)     _results = [];
                                                                       for (_i = 0,
                                                                            _len = list.length;
OpenSplice DDS

                                                                            _i < _len; _i++) {
                                                                         num = list[_i];
                                                                       return _results;
                      Dart is a new class-based programming language for creating

                      structured web applications

                  ☐   The main goal of Dart is that of making it simple and more
                      productive to write large-scale web applications
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Dart code can be run natively on some browsers (like Chromium), it
                      can be compiled to JavaScript, or it can be run standalone on the

Dart Overview: Type System
                                                          class Point {
                                                            var x, y;

                                                            Point(this.x, this.y);
                                                            scale(factor) => new Point(x*factor, y*factor);

                  Optional Types                            distance() => Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);

                  ☐ Dart allows a mixture of static       main() {
                                                            var a = new Point(2,3).scale(10);
                    and dynamic type checking               print(a.distance());
OpenSplice DDS


                  ☐   It is possible to only use static   class Point {
                                                            num x, y;
                      typing, dynamic typing or             Point(num this.x, num this.y);
                                                            Point scale(num factor) =>
                      mixing the two                           new Point(x*factor, y*factor);
                                                            num distance() => Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);

                                                          void main() {
                                                            Point a = new Point(2,3).scale(10);
Dart Overview: Type System

                  ☐ Dart provides support for
                    Generic Types
                  ☐ However, as Dart has optional
                                                     var names = new List<int>();
                    types, it is not mandatory to    names.addAll([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
OpenSplice DDS

                                                     names.add(“foo”); // Fails in checked mode
                    use generic type annotations                       // (succeeds in production
                                                                       // mode).
                  ☐   At the same time taking
                      advantage of the Generic
                      support is useful to produce
                      code whose intent is clearer
                      and whose types error can be
                      easily checked with tools
Dart Overview: OOP
                  ☐   Interfaces and Classes

                      provide a set of reusable       interface Shape {
                      and extensible building         }
                                                        num perimeter();

                                                      class Rectangle implements Shape {
OpenSplice DDS

                                                        final num height, width;
                  ☐   An interface defines a set of     Rectangle(num this.height, num this.width);
                                                        num perimeter() => 2*height + 2*width;
                      methods and constants           }

                                                      class Square extends Rectangle {
                  ☐   A class can implement           }
                                                        Square(num size) : super(size, size);

                      multiple interfaces, but it
                      only inherits from a single
Dart Overview: FP

                                                         List<int> l = [1,2,3,4,5];
                  ☐   Dart provides some functional      l.forEach((i) => print(i));
OpenSplice DDS

                      programming mechanisms such
                                                         var l2 = => i*i);
                      as lamdas and list comprehension   l2.forEach(print);
Dart & DDS in Action
OpenSplice DDS

                    - Live Demo -
OpenSplice DDS

                 Summing Up
Concluding Remarks
                  ☐   Web Technologies are becoming more and more relevant for any
                      kind of system

                  ☐   Latest innovation on Web Technologies have made it possible to
                      have real-time web applications
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Existing DDS applications can easily expose their data to Real-Time
                      Web Applications taking advantage of several powerful
                      technologies such as the OpenSplice Gateway and the Play!

                  ☐   Lots of innovation in Client Technologies to make it easier to develop
                      web-applications that look, feel and perform as native applications

                  OpenSplice | DDS                                                    Escalier
                  ¥ #1 OMG DDS Implementation   ¥ Fastest growing JVM Language      ¥ Scala API for OpenSplice DDS
                  ¥ Open Source                 ¥ Open Source                       ¥ Open Source
                  ¥          ¥                ¥
OpenSplice DDS

                 ¥ Simple C++ API for DDS       ¥ DDS-PSM-Java for OpenSplice DDS   ¥ DDS-based Advanced Distributed
                 ¥ Open Source                  ¥ Open Source                          Algorithms Toolkit
                 ¥    ¥        ¥ Open Source
:: Connect with Us ::

                   ¥             ¥
                   ¥             ¥                 ¥@prismtech
OpenSplice DDS

                 ¥          ¥
OpenSplice DDS

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DDS on the Web: Quick Recipes for Real-Time Web Applications

  • 1. DDS on the Web Quick Recipes for Real-Time Web Applications OpenSplice DDS Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair PrismTech
  • 2. The Rise of the Real-Time Web ☐ It can be argued that Browsers are becoming today the Virtual Machine of the Web -- as opposed to simply a rendering engine Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The introduction of HTML5 and related standards, such as WebSockets, has furthered this trend providing an increasingly compelling platform for the development of device/browser OpenSplice DDS independent applications ☐ In addition, new standards like WebSockets are making it possible for web application to send and receive data by completely bypassing HTTP ☐ These innovations, are making it possible to have highly-interactive real-time web applications that can push data very efficiently
  • 3. DDS and Real-Time Web App DDS is used today to in a large class of mission and business critical Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ applications, such as Air Traffic Control and Management, SCADA, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, Trading, etc., to share data in real-time Many of the systems using DDS today increasingly need to expose OpenSplice DDS ☐ application to mobile devices, thus entering on the Native-App vs. Web-App dilemma ☐ The introduction of HTML5 and WebSockets makes it possible today to push real-time DDS traffic to a WebBrowser and vice-versa
  • 5. Exposing DDS Data to Web Apps Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Several different approaches exist to expose DDS data to Web Apps ☐ WebSocket are the most natural approach, especially for applications requiring relatively low latency OpenSplice DDS ☐ Polling or HTTP Streaming frameworks, such as CometD, can also be used, but are less efficient both in terms of throughput as well as in terms of latency ☐ Here we focus on WebSockets
  • 6. From DDS to WebSockets There are several approaches that can be taken to provide DDS traffic over Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Web Sockets: ☐ The OpenSplice Gateway provides probably the most natural way of integrating DDS with WebSockets is through route definitions OpenSplice DDS ☐ The Play! Framework is probably the best choice for those that along using WebSockets and DDS want to use DDS as a back-end technology (e.g. for scale-out, caching, etc.) ☐ Netty is yet another possibility, but the one that requires you to do the most work in term of integrating DDS with WebSockets. At the same time gives you complete control
  • 7. OpenSplice DDS WebSockets
  • 8. HTML5 WebSockets Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The WebSockets specification defines an API that enables web pages to use the WebSockets protocol for two-way communication with a remote host OpenSplice DDS ☐ WebSockets greatly reduce network traffic and latency compared to HTTP polling and long-polling techniques commonly used to simulate a full-duplex connection by maintaining two connections ☐ WebSockets are capable of traversing firewalls and proxies
  • 9. WebSocket Protocol ☐ The WebSocket protocol is designed to work well with the existing Web Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. infrastructure ☐ The WebSocket connection starts as an HTTP connection which then is upgraded by replacing the HTTP connection with the WebSocket OpenSplice DDS connection over the same underlying TCP/IP connection ☐ Once connected, WebSocket data frames can be sent back and forth between the client and the server in full-duplex mode ☐ Text and Binary frames are supported. The data is framed with just two bytes
  • 10. WebSocket API [Constructor(in DOMString url, optional in DOMString protocol)] interface WebSocket { readonly attribute DOMString URL; // ready state Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. const unsigned short CONNECTING = 0; const unsigned short OPEN = 1; const unsigned short CLOSED = 2; readonly attribute unsigned short readyState; readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount; OpenSplice DDS // networking attribute Function onopen; attribute Function onmessage; attribute Function onclose; boolean send(in DOMString data); void close(); }; WebSocket implements EventTarget;
  • 11. DDS/WebSockets OpenSplice Gateway OpenSplice DDS
  • 12. OpenSplice Gateway ☐ Provides DDS applications with unprecedented JMS Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. integration capabilities by supporting high performance format and content XM ST PP RE transformation, routing and QoS mediation OpenSplice Gateway Leverages Apache Camel integration P Cu ☐ AMQ sto framework and its support for over 80 OpenSplice DDS m connectors DDSI-RTPS ☐ OpenSplice Gateway is the best choice for integrating DDS-interoperable applications with proprietary as well as standard-based Supported Connectors Include: messaging technologies, such as JMS and - JMS - HTTP AMQP, as well as user applications leveraging - REST - AMQP - CometD - XMPP Web standards such as  W3C Web Services, - CFX - Hibernate REST and HTML5 WebSockets - TCP & UDP Sockets - Custom
  • 13. Architecture OpenSplice Gateway Based on camel-ospl Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. • DataReader & Component DataWriter • Typed data OpenSplice DDS • No native or camel-ddsi generated code Component • No marshalling OpenSplice DDS (raw data buffer) JDDSI Camel DDS Processors • DDSI demarshaller / marshaller • Data transformation • Dynamic Poll Enricher • QoS adaptations
  • 14. WebSocket Integration 1 // Define endpoints 2 val inEndpoint = Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. 3 "ddsi:"+ inTopic +":"+ inDomain +"/" + shapeType 4 val outEndpoint = 5 "websocket://"+inTopic.toLowerCase + "?sendToAll=true" 6 7 // Define a Route using the Scala DSL 8 val shapesRoute = new RouteBuilder { 9 override def configure() = To JSON OpenSplice DDS 10 from(inEndpoint) unmarshal("cdr") marshal() json() to(outEndpoint) 11 } Topic “Circle” ☐ This example requires Camel 2.10 DDS Domain 0
  • 15. WebSocket Integration 1 // Define endpoints 2 val inEndpoint = Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. 3 "websocket://"+inTopic.toLowerCase 4 val outEndpoint = 5 "ddsi:"+ inTopic +":"+ inDomain +"/" + shapeType 6 7 // Define a Route using the Scala DSL 8 val shapesRoute = new RouteBuilder { 9 override def configure() = To POJO OpenSplice DDS 10 from(inEndpoint) unmarshal() json() to(outEndpoint) 11 } Topic “Circle” ☐ This example requires Camel 2.10 DDS Domain 0
  • 16. OpenSplice DDS - Live Demo -
  • 17. DDS/WebSockets Play! Framework OpenSplice DDS
  • 18. The Play! Framework ☐ Play! is a Web Application Framework based on a lightweight, stateless, web- Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. friendly architecture ☐ Play! features predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, OpenSplice DDS threads) for highly-scalable applications thanks to its reactive model, based on Iteratee IO ☐ The Play! Framework: ☐ Supports asynchronous programming ☐ Focuses on Type Safety ☐ Native support for Java and Scala ☐ Support for HTML5 and WebSocket
  • 19. Play! and MVC Pattern Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Play! is based on the Model View Controller Pattern so to cleanly separate the presentation, control and business logic OpenSplice DDS ☐ Play! uses routes to map incoming HTTP requests to actions. Actions are implemented as Java or Scala methods
  • 20. Anatomy of a Play! Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The organization of a Play! applications OpenSplice DDS makes apparent its MVC approach
  • 21. WebSockets in Play! Using WebSockets with Play! is very straight-forward as all it Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. requires is to: ☐ Route incoming HTTP GET request to the controller that will establish a WebSocket Connection OpenSplice DDS # Home page GET / controllers.Application.index GET /ishapes controllers.Application.ishapes ☐ Use the Play! Iteratee API for asynchronously deal with incoming messages def ishapes = WebSocket.using[String] { request => ... }
  • 22. Play!ng with iShapes OpenSplice DDS - Live Demo -
  • 24. OpenSplice DDS ☐ ☐ ☐ Dart JavaScript CoffeeScript Client Side Technologies Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved.
  • 25. JavaScript Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ JavaScript is the most widely used client technology for web- applications ☐ The plus of JavaScript are the many powerful frameworks that exist, OpenSplice DDS such as DOJO, JQuery, etc/ ☐ The minus is the programming language itself, which is verbose and lacking few constructs for facilitating large scale software development
  • 26. Coffescript Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ CoffeeScript is a is a relatively little language that improves JavaScript usability and introduces some functional programming mechanism, e.g. lambdas and comprehension, in a concise and elegant manners OpenSplice DDS ☐ CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript and the compiled JavaScript is readable and pretty-printed, passes through JavaScript Lint without warnings, will work in every JavaScript runtime, and tends to run as fast or faster than the equivalent handwritten JavaScript.
  • 27. CoffeScript Overview CoffeScript JavaScript Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. square = (x) -> x * x square = function(x) { # Functions return x * x; }; OpenSplice DDS math = math = { # Objects root: Math.sqrt root: Math.sqrt, square: square square: square, cube: (x) -> x * square x cube: function(x) { return x * square(x); } };
  • 28. CoffeScript Overview CoffeScript JavaScript Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. cubes = (function() { # Array cubes = var _i, _len, _results; Comprehension (math.cube num for num in list) _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; OpenSplice DDS _i < _len; _i++) { num = list[_i]; _results.push(math.cube(num)); } return _results; })();
  • 29. Dart Dart is a new class-based programming language for creating Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ structured web applications ☐ The main goal of Dart is that of making it simple and more productive to write large-scale web applications OpenSplice DDS ☐ Dart code can be run natively on some browsers (like Chromium), it can be compiled to JavaScript, or it can be run standalone on the DartVM
  • 30. Dart Overview: Type System class Point { var x, y; Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Point(this.x, this.y); scale(factor) => new Point(x*factor, y*factor); Optional Types distance() => Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); } ☐ Dart allows a mixture of static main() { var a = new Point(2,3).scale(10); and dynamic type checking print(a.distance()); OpenSplice DDS } ☐ It is possible to only use static class Point { num x, y; typing, dynamic typing or Point(num this.x, num this.y); Point scale(num factor) => mixing the two new Point(x*factor, y*factor); num distance() => Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); } void main() { Point a = new Point(2,3).scale(10); print(a.distance()); }
  • 31. Dart Overview: Type System Generics Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Dart provides support for Generic Types ☐ However, as Dart has optional var names = new List<int>(); types, it is not mandatory to names.addAll([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); OpenSplice DDS names.add(“foo”); // Fails in checked mode use generic type annotations // (succeeds in production // mode). ☐ At the same time taking advantage of the Generic support is useful to produce code whose intent is clearer and whose types error can be easily checked with tools
  • 32. Dart Overview: OOP ☐ Interfaces and Classes Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. provide a set of reusable interface Shape { and extensible building } num perimeter(); blocks. class Rectangle implements Shape { OpenSplice DDS final num height, width; ☐ An interface defines a set of Rectangle(num this.height, num this.width); num perimeter() => 2*height + 2*width; methods and constants } class Square extends Rectangle { ☐ A class can implement } Square(num size) : super(size, size); multiple interfaces, but it only inherits from a single superclass
  • 33. Dart Overview: FP Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. List<int> l = [1,2,3,4,5]; ☐ Dart provides some functional l.forEach((i) => print(i)); OpenSplice DDS programming mechanisms such var l2 = => i*i); as lamdas and list comprehension l2.forEach(print);
  • 34. Dart & DDS in Action OpenSplice DDS - Live Demo -
  • 35. OpenSplice DDS Summing Up
  • 36. Concluding Remarks ☐ Web Technologies are becoming more and more relevant for any kind of system Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Latest innovation on Web Technologies have made it possible to have real-time web applications OpenSplice DDS ☐ Existing DDS applications can easily expose their data to Real-Time Web Applications taking advantage of several powerful technologies such as the OpenSplice Gateway and the Play! Framework ☐ Lots of innovation in Client Technologies to make it easier to develop web-applications that look, feel and perform as native applications
  • 37. References Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSplice | DDS Escalier ¥ #1 OMG DDS Implementation ¥ Fastest growing JVM Language ¥ Scala API for OpenSplice DDS ¥ Open Source ¥ Open Source ¥ Open Source ¥ ¥ ¥ OpenSplice DDS ¥ Simple C++ API for DDS ¥ DDS-PSM-Java for OpenSplice DDS ¥ DDS-based Advanced Distributed ¥ Open Source ¥ Open Source Algorithms Toolkit ¥ ¥ ¥ Open Source ¥
  • 38. :: Connect with Us :: ¥ ¥ ¥@acorsaro ¥ ¥ ¥@prismtech OpenSplice DDS ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥