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Steppe Roads
Steppe Roads: a Dud Concept or a Revolutionary Idea? The Silk Roads were a network of land
based trading links that connected the multitude of Eurasian civilizations. Through the trade of
goods, the spread of religion, disease, genes, and cultures connected Eurasian civilizations. Widely
believed to have flourished in the second and third centuries, and again in the seventh and eighth
centuries, the Silk Roads clearly have an extensive history (Strayer, 18–19). But David Christian's
thesis argues that the Silk Roads history needs to be extended beyond the accepted realms. Further,
Christian proclaims that the widely accepted name for these trading links, the Silk Roads, doesn't
appropriately encompass the addition of the newly included history. ... Show more content on ...
Strayer mentions them when describing the beginnings of the Silk Roads, stating the following "The
movement of pastoral peoples for thousands of years also served to diffuse Indo–European
languages, bronze metallurgy, horse–based technologies, and more all across Eurasia (318)". But
where Strayer believes the pastoralists trading habits were extended into the Silk Roads upon being
invaded by foreign nations, Christian proclaims otherwise (Strayer, 218). Christian believes the
invading parties only entered an already established system of trans–Eurasian exchanges (Christian,
12). Christian supported this assertion with archeological findings of Scythian stylistic motifs,
Iranian influenced carpets, and a Chinese chariot found near modern Tuva (Christian, 13). These
findings illustrate that communities within the Inner Eurasian steppes had contact with both
extremities of the Silk Road in the first millennia (Christian, 13). Under Xiongnu, the steppe empire,
evidence of the trade of silks amongst various civilizations is clearly evident (Christian, 14). This
shows that it wasn't the Han dynasty that caused the revolution of the Silk Roads, but the pastoralists
of the steppelands. What this means is the history of the Silk Roads predates what most historians
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Prescribed Pasture Burning
Fire! Most people are alarmed with that word. But fire is a major factor in allowing the grasslands to
exist. Native Americans used to burn prairies to get rid of all of the dead grass and allow the new
grass to grow for the bison to eat. Burning off grasslands in the spring permits the grass to grow
without being restricted by the old, dead grass. Fire also kills the parasites and flies that bother the
cattle in the summer. Invasive cedar trees overtake grasses and starve out good native grasses. Other
methods can be used to combat them but fire is the quickest and most efficient. While pasture
burning may seem harmful to some, it's an essential way to keep our grasslands and prairies in
working order. Native Americans used fire to
(invasive species, old/dead grass)
Our government enforces prescribed burning on land enrolled in Conservation Reserve Program
(CRP). Landowners who participated in this program are required to burn this native grass at least
once every three years.
Grass needs to be burned fairly often by humans or nature may take its course and possibly get out
of control and be disastrous. For example, consider the recent wildfires in California and Colorado.
These areas were devastated by fire because nature was left unchecked. Trees and brush growth
were allowed to grow at will, providing a perfect tinderbox. Many lives were lost. Homes were
destroyed and wildlife died. These areas would have benefitted
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Savanna Biome
Savanna In the Savanna biome there are many incredible things that lie in the biome; Many plants,
many animals, and the season that happens there. The types of species that live in the Savanna are
Zebras, Giraffes, Elephants, and many more. The plant life in the savanna have types grass such as
the red oats, lemon grass, and the Bermuda grass. You are probably asking, how does the season
work at the Savanna? Their is a very long dry season[ Winter ] and there's a very wet season [
summer ]. There are indeed mountains in the savanna biome, and streams of water. In the savanna
they're predators and preys roaming around the biome, such as Zebras, Lions, Cheetahs, and many
more in this biome. There are many locations of savanna biomes around ... Show more content on ...
In this wild biome lies many, there are many land animals and many water animals like alligators
that try to kill those who go and try to get a drink of water like elephants, deer, zebras, and other
type of animals. Lion there are king because of how they hunt their prey and vicious they are, but
they have to make a name for themselves because of the other predators trying to kill the lion. The
savanna biome also has one of the best views of the sun going down when it's starting to get dark.
This biome is dry and hot, it is a good place to visit and see other animals that you haven't seen
because there are many types living in this biome. The soil here is really thin because they consume
water rapidly and it is dry which is hard to make the soil stay alive, but the soil does provide
vegetation and nutrients. The average temperature here is to 68 to 86, which is still pretty dry for
this biome. It rains 20 to 40 yearly in this savanna biome which is little rain for this place, because
the soil and the animals there living need it. Life there is pretty rough having a life there as an
animal because of how the predators hunt for food and they can kill your own family if you ever
lived there as a
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Understanding The Holocaust and Preventing it Happening Again
Understanding The Holocaust and Preventing it Happening Again
The human tragedy of the Holocaust was the systematic annihilation of millions of Jews by the Nazi
regime during World War II. The adversity of this persecution influenced not only the European
arena, but also peoples from all over the globe and their ideas.
The impact caused by this ethnic cleansing was enormous. People's lives were drastically changed
as they were persecuted and tortured. Families were taken out of their homes and forced to move to
distant locations in exile. Their destinations were unknown and their future was also unsettled for
they did not know what would await them.
That is exactly what happened to Esther Hautzig, the writer of The Endless Steppe, ... Show more
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Another book that illustrates the calamity of the Holocaust is Memories of my life in a Polish
Village, by T.K. Fluek. In her book, Toby Fluek, a small Jewish girl, describes how her family had
to move to a Jewish Ghetto and go into hiding several times to save their lives when World War II
began. By the end of the war, only she and her mother had survived. Toby became an artist and
presents her story through the use of her own art in paintings and descriptions of them.
It is amazing to hear from the people who have actually survived the Holocaust. It shows us how
much we still have to learn about the world and the civilizations and how hard it is to understand the
reason why we do such things to our fellow human beings. "By 1945, two out of every three
European Jews had been killed and the survivors continued to be oppressed." (Telles 51) In addition,
thousands of political and religious dissidents such as communists, socialists, trade unionists, and
Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted for their beliefs and behavior and many of these individuals
died as a result of maltreatment.
According to the Preface to the Study of Women and the Holocaust, "every Jew, regardless of
gender, was equally a victim in the Holocaust" (Ringelheim 17). Women, men and children were
equally threatening to the Nazis. Children were seen as "the next generation of Jews" and, therefore,
would have to be banned too. "Jewish women and men experienced unrelieved suffering during the
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Biomes And Biomes : Biomes Essay
Biomes A biome is a large, natural community of distinct vegetation and growth habits that occupy a
large geographic area. There are many different forms of biomes. Their main classification is there
average temperature and average precipitation. The precipitation and temperature determine what
plants can survive in the area. However, over millions of years plants have been able to adapt to
their biomes in order to survive.
Vegetation of a biome can vary drastically from biome to biome. In the Arctic Tundra it is extremely
cold year round with little precipitation; the main plant life in this biome is low shrubs, sedges,
lichens, and mosses. Tropical Rainforests are basically the opposite. Tropical Rainforests have no
cold or dry periods. It rains nearly every day and forms dense jungles. With the amount of plant life
and precipitation, there is a huge amount of decomposers. Somewhat in the middle of these two
vastly different biomes, not necessarily geographically, is the Temperate Grasslands. As the name
suggests, grasses are the dominant form for life, there are riparian woodlands (trees occurring along
streams). Once a thriving biome, is now managed mainly as rangeland due to years of commercial
Temperate Grasslands are located in between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The
veldts of Africa, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Eurasia, and the plains of North
America are the main regions of Temperate Grasslands.
I find
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The Endless Steppe
Anger can make humans do irrational things, such as treating other humans poorly for their
nationality. The discrimination that all of these people faced in this specific time was caused by one
man. Many lives were either taken or ruined by the drastic measures to "correct the ills in society"
based on one person's belief. In the novel The Endless Steppe, by Esther Hautzig, the story is
focused on how one family became victims of this brutal hatred.
It is a normal, yet beautiful day for nine year old Esther Rudomin when the story begins. Rudomin
planned on following her simple, yet well thought of schedule when German soldiers barged into
her house demanding that Rudomin and her family go with them. The Rudomin family is packed
onto a loaded cattle car that holds many other families. There is no food, and the car does not even
stop for the bathroom. This goes on for three weeks. When they finally ... Show more content on ...
From there, the Rudomins were taken to a gypsum mine. Men were forced to drive carts and work in
the mine, the women to dynamite, the children to work in the fields, and the elders to shovel the
gypsum. They stayed in a small room when they were not working. One day, the Jewish people were
informed that they had the option to move to a different village where they would be assigned jobs.
They ended up moving to the outskirts of the village. Esther Rudomins father got a construction job,
her mother found work in a bakery, and the older women and children did not work. Esther
Rudomins parents later found out that they could move further into the village if they found a place
to stay. They knocked on doors until they finally found Nikita Alexandrovich and Nina Ivanovna,
who took them in. Eventually, Esther Rudomin was able to attend school. Later when Nina Ivanovna
announced that she was pregnant, that meant the Rudomins had to find a new place to live. They had
to move around many more
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Eurasian Steppes, East Of Korea On The Edges Of The Old...
Throughout Eurasian Steppes, east of Korea on the edges of the Gobi Desert and north of the
boundaries of the old Chinese empire and the Great Wall is where the modern day Mongolians are
located. They did not just settle amongst an entire continent and then some, they fought their way
towards civilization. Centuries ago they were named "The Mongols", nomadic people that were
known for their military forces formed by the great Temujin's father before he died. Temujin was too
young to lead the land force and they would eventually destroy the clan from the inside, fighting
over the goods that were left. Once he became of age he assembled the Mongols and perfected them
for his plans of conquest. Temujin earned the actual name "Genghis (Chinggis) Khan" for being the
first great Khan of the Mongols and Universal Leader. His dominant implementations gave the
Mongols a purpose to march behind him along his journey of conquering. Temujin established this
name from symbolizing the role of a Great Khan with perfection. He became the Great Unifier once
he assembled his clan, which are considered today to be the Mongols. To gain greater land his
masterminded plan of conquest was to invade the Western Xia Dynasty first, since they were
claimed to be the weakest of the Northern kingdoms along the Great Wall of China. The capital city
of the Jing Dynasty, Yanjing, which is today's Beijing was then overthrown by Kahn in the year of
1215. After every conquest including Jing he would return
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Texas Biomes
Our ecosystem is described depending on the location we are located in. There is different plants,
animals, and environments in different environmental regions. For this paper we are focusing on the
six different biomes structures we have in the state of Texas. The first biome I am going to discuss is
the Central Prairies and Woodlands biome. This biome is located in the middle of biome 2 and 3
covering all of the coastal area from the Gulf of Mexico. The precipitation gradient in this area is the
highest in the state of Texas. Averaging from 75–115 cm/yr. this concludes that it's a high
precipitation area which means that the land in that area is green and hydrated. Since this biome
extends from the south were the coast is all the way to the top of eastern Texas the temperature
varies depending on the location you are looking at the further north its colder and the more south
you go the hotter, humid it gets. The kinds of plants that are in this regions are mostly tall green ...
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This biome is located to the western part of texas. The elevations range from 2500 feet to more than
8749 feet at the Guadalupe peak. The vegetation in this region are creosote–tarbush desert scrub,
deser grassland, yucca, and juniper. Ranching is the primary industry in the trans–pecos region. The
animals located in this region are the eastern collared lizard, rat snake, Mexican long–tongued bat,
Texas antelope squirrel and the bighorn sheep. Now the last biome is the Western Plains located in
the North Western part of the state. This area has a moderate amount of rainfall with 40–55 cm/yr.
This biome is home to the rolling plains and the high plains. Elevations range from 3000 to 4500
feet above sea level. The vegetation in this plains are shortgrass prairies dominated by buffalo grass.
The vegetation mostly included more mesquite and
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Zephyr Steppes Research Paper
Most dragons of the Zephyr Steppes were natural born fliers, catching the wind in their tiny, crude
wings within a few hours after they were hatched. But not Chip. Nooo, Chip was different from all
the rest. The second his eggshell cracked, he waddled to the food stores and began munching on a
yellow jumper spider. He loved to toddle around the lair and bite the tails of unsuspecting dragons,
chew through the food reserves, and mix flours and sugars with his enormous, flat feet. When it
came to flying, Chip was...average. Okay, maybe less than average. Okay, maybe a lot less than
average. He tried and tried again to jump into the crisp gales that encircled his domain, but his fat
little body fell to the ground with each sad attempt. No matter
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Russian Steppes Essay
From its vast mountains to its extending rivers, Russia has been blessed with a variety of
geographical features which have aided its preeminence in history. These features have immensely
affected how Russia developed throughout the years. Russia is known to be the largest country in
the world: it stretches about six thousand miles across Northern Asia and Eastern Europe. Because
of its vast size and abundance of land, Russia has various different geographical features. It consists
of the Eurasian steppes, the Dnieper, Neva, and Volga Rivers, and the Ural Mountains (Vodovozov).
These geographic features have served as natural barriers, physical boundaries, and for agricultural
To begin, the Eurasian Steppes are large pieces of uncultivated land located in eastern Europe
and Russia ("The Steppes"). They extend from the Danube River to the Pacific Ocean. The Eurasian
Steppes are divided into three parts: the Russian Steppe, the Ukraine Steppe, and the Kazakh Steppe.
The Russian and Ukrainian Steppes have mild temperatures and are grasslands; so many people
inhabited them. But the Kazakh Steppe, on the other hand, is a desert. As a result, not that many
occupied and inhabited this steppe. Today the Eurasian Steppes are mainly used by people in search
oil ("The Steppes"). However, in the past it played a significant role in connecting Europe, Asia, and
Middle East via trade routes, like the Silk Road (Trueman). Goods, such as camels, woolen
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Canadian Forests: Climate Analysis
To use forests for their lumber and other natural resources, it is important to not only be informed on
managing it, but it is also important to know what goes on naturally inside the forests. One of these
natural phenomena are actually the threats to the forests themselves and how they can be affected by
them. Canada has one–tenth of the world's forest and about 50,000 hectares of this is untouched
(Dearden and Mitchell, 2016, P.287). With that, it also has one–third of the world's boreal forest as
well (P.287). The chosen topic of this paper is Natural threats to Canadian forests. The specific
situation chosen is how the climate change affects the natural threats to the Canadian boreal forests.
The topic was chosen because it is relevant ... Show more content on ...
2001). Natural Forest fires do provide many benefits for the forest itself because it allows nutrients
to be returned to the soil and allows the forest to renew itself (McCoy and Burn, 2005, P.276).
Although, climate change affects forest fires in a few ways as well. One of them being that the
patterns for "fire–weather" become less predictable and spread out over the entirety of North
America (Dale, et al. 2001). The severity rating also increases throughout North America as well,
with a 30% increase in the southern area of United states (2001). While the area of severe forest
fires increases, the intensity of the fire also increases significantly, from about 25% to 50%, making
it much stronger than it was before. Also, based off of another potential case that may happen, there
is also an increase in the destruction of area and biomass (2001). Fires harm forests through a
variety of ways, some of which being the depletion of seed banks, loss of many trees, can ruin the
soil so it becomes infertile (Virginia et al. 2001, P.725). It also destroys homes for many species,
destroys potential lumber and recreational activities (P.725). An example of a forest fire being
affected by climate change is the Yellowstone fire in 1998 (Virginia et al, 2000, P.202). It had
burned down more than 250,000 hectares of trees due to climate change (2000, P.202). The climate
change had slowly made the drought in that area worse, as it did with the strong winds which were
able to spread it even quicker (2000, P.202). According to Virginia, climate change will only get
worse and slowly make other natural threats even worse (2000,
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Impact Of The Mongolians At The Asian Steppe
The Mongolians at the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world during their rule of the
Asian continent from 1260 to 1368 by influencing military advantages, trade and artists. They
influenced military advantages because the tactics they used and chinggis khan was very smart.
When he was fighting he would organize his armies into tens, hundreds and ten thousands. It helped
their strategy because it looked like they were defeated and then they would start attacking them.
The mongols were very dominant people from the 13th century. Chinggis khan would have his men
fight with bows, hand axes and had waterproof leather armor to protect themselves with if they get
hit. They had trade because it helped when they needed stuff for weapons,
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Summary Of Esther Hautzig's The Endless Steppe
How would you feel if you and your family were suddenly taken from your home and lost all your
money and then are forced to move to a place that is nothing like where you lived before? This is a
sad, true story of what happened to a little nine year old girl named Esther Rudomin and her family
in the book The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig. Esther and her family were suddenly seized by
Soviet troops because they are accused of being capitalists, or enemies of the people, and are
deported to the grasslands of Siberia. This book is the story of a girl and her family's determination
to survive during the harsh surroundings after being exiled during World War II. In 1941, Esther
lived in the town of Vilna, Poland. One June day, Esther and her family are suddenly arrested by
Russian soldiers and are taken away from their home. They were taken on a six week journey to a
Siberian labor camp in Russia. There they were forced to work, Esther's mother and father worked
in a gypsum mine. Father drove the wagon, Esther's mother dynamited, and her grandmother
shoveled gypsum. Esther weeded the potato field. Esther was also forced to make clothes for the few
rich people of the village, which she would only get a payment of a bit of bread and milk. Although
they had shelter, they still had to face hunger and Siberia's cold winter and summer heat. There are
many characters in this book, starting with the main character Esther, who in the beginning was
living a wealthy and privileged life. Esther had to mature quickly during her time spent in Siberia.
She realized that everything doesn't always come easy like it did for her back home in Poland.
Esther wasn't the only one in the family that changed while in Siberia, her mother before wasn't
always so loving, instead she was strong–minded as Esther explained. Esther loved her father and
she would call her father "Tata," but he was drafted into World War II and was forced to serve at the
Russian front. Nikolay, Natasha and Katia where a couple and their baby with whom Esther enjoys
living with in Siberia. Esther did have a bit of a love story in this book because she wanted to be one
of the newspaper editors just be be with a boy named Yuri. Esther makes some friends, one
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How Did Genghis Khan's Impact On American Culture And Society
The dawn of agriculture ushered in a new age for humanity. No longer would our ancestors have to
move constantly, following the migrating patterns of herds of animals. With the domestication of
their environment, populations would be able to grow and flourish within the ancient world. Yet
even as this occurred, there were peoples who remained hunter–gatherers. Living off the land, and
often butting heads with their sedentary neighbours, they grew, and became known as nomads. The
Eurasian steppe was to be the home of many dangerous, horse riding tribes, most notably the Hun
and the Mongols. The plains of America fielded the Comanche, the Apache, and many others.
Australia was the home of the most ancient of all these nomads, the Australian Aborigine, ... Show
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One who relied on an entirely different way of life. The Australian Aborigine lived in one of the
harshest environments on earth, unfarmable land, extreme heat, and the lack of any domesticable
animals meant that for 40,000 years they lived in much the same way. Relying on firestick farming
to cleans the largest forests, removing canopies and allowing the low brush plants to flourish. This
allowed access to bush potatoes and other edible ground plants, as well as allowing the marsupials
they hunted to have ample access to food. While these nomads lived differently to their northern
cousins, still many similarities remained, raids, trade, and the hunter–gatherer lifestyle were all a
part of the Aboriginal life. In certain parts of the country, the beginnings of agriculture could be
found, with permanent settlements alongside, but these were rare. The climate of Australia
combined with the limited access to new flora meant that the agrarian life could never be adopted by
the masses of the continent, and so population growth was limited for the entire duration of their
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The Coastal Plains Of Texas
The Coastal Plains of Texas is a large area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Rio
Grande. This region can be divided into 5 distinct areas.
It extends 75 to 125 miles into Texas from the east and from north to south from the Red River to
about 25 miles of the Gulf Coast. The Pine Belt is practically the source of all Texas' timber
production. Lumber is the principle industry. The climate is good for a variety of fruits and
vegetables. A great oil field discovered in 1931 contributed to the economic growth of the area.
This area stretches from the Rio Grande to the Red River. This area runs through the DFW
metropolitan area. This area is also the most populated with the strongest diversified manufacturing
industry of the state.
This area extends along the Gulf of Mexico, from the Sabine River to the lower Rio Grande Valley.
Cattle ranching is the largest and strongest agriculture industry. Along with cattle ranching, rice is
also a very strong crop in the agriculture industry. More principle crops include cotton, grains,
vegetables, and citrus fruits.
This low valley is also known as "The Valley." It has the greatest citrus and winter vegetables in
Texas due to the lack of freezing weather. It is ranked very high among the nation's fruit and truck–
farming regions.
This massive plain lies south of San Antonio between the Rio Grande and the Gulf Coast. The
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Asian Steppe Research Paper
The Mongols were a very controversial group of people who caused carnage and destruction for the
greater good of peace. Genghis Khan was a very honorable leader who created the Mongolians
immense peace. Were the Mongols barbaric though? The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a
positive impact on the world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1206 to 1368 by
influencing trade, religious tolerance , and Pax Mongolica.
The first sign of World History comes from the Mongolians who were able to influence trade from
the Mediterranean to China. Under Pax Mongolica trade boomed. The trade allowed the Mongols to
flourish. According to Section 12.3 pg 336, "Traders transported Chinese silk and porcelain , which
were greatly valued in Europe and western Asia, over the Silk Road and other routes. These traders
also carried with them such Chinese products and inventions as printing, gunpowder, the compass,
paper currency, and playing cards." Genghis Khan uniting China under one sword legitimately
allowed China and others to boom in trade. Today the spread of these inventions have greatly
affected the way we live our day to day lives with such things like the toothbrush, paper money, and
gunpowder. The inventions being spread like also changed our naval ... Show more content on ...
During Mongolica or also known as peace enforced by the Mongol empire ideas and spread
throughout China and to the Mediterranean. According to section 12.2 page 333," The Mongols
guaranteed safe passage for trade caravans,travelers, and missionaries from one end of the empire to
another." Through this area of safe travel through trade routes like the silk road, ideas were able to
be spread. A great cultural expansion also happened through Pax Mongolica from different parts of
the world sharing different views and thoughts with one another. Without the barbaric fighting styles
of the Mongols, some very important inventions may have never been
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Theme Of Technology In The Veldt
Technology and "The Veldt"
In the short story " The Veldt" the Hadley's live in the futuristic "Happylife" home where the house
does everything for them. Meanwhile in the modern world, a scientist in Switzerland has invented
two devices that could reverse paralysis. Technology is advancing fast as society is trying to reverse
paralysis, which may be a blessing or a detriment to the world, similar to the innovations in the short
story " The Veldt".
"The Veldt" The Hadleys live in the advanced housing unit called the "Happylife" home, which does
everything someone would do on a day–to–day basis for them. George and Lydia Hadley's children,
Peter and Wendy, have a nursery that shows images based on their thoughts and therefore the
African veldt appears in the room. But when George and Lydia go into the room they find lions
killing some unfortunate creature on repeat. They are worried about the psychological health of their
children. Everyone in the world would probably be more than happy to live in the "Happylife" home
if they could. In the house is a nursery where the images on the crystallized walls is controlled by
the user's mind, which is an advantage to the Hadley parents for the reason that they can see if there
is something wrong with their kids intellectually. The Hadley family has life going easy for them in
the house, there is a machine that does every task in the house for them. They whole family loved
the idea in the beginning of the story. Nevertheless
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Texas Geography
The geography of Texas is hugely varied, from beaches to mountains. You can break Texas down
into four main regions, divided by rivers, escarpments and other natural features. Texas has all the
locations you might need: forests, cliffs, mountainous desert that could pass for Mars, NASA's
Johnson Space Center and even a coastline. The Lone Star state is often divided into four regions:
the Gulf Coastal Plains, the Interior Lowlands, also called the North Central Plains, the Great Plains
and the Basin and Range or Mountains and Basins region. Each region has unique landforms and
natural features. The first region of Texas is the Gulf Coastal Plains. The Gulf Coast stretches along
the Gulf of Mexico for hundreds of miles. Cities such as Corpus Christi, Galveston, and Houston are
in the Gulf Coast region. Near the gulf waters you can see marshes, barrier islands, estuaries, where
salty sea water and fresh river water meet, and bays. As you travel west, you can see prairies and
grasslands. The Gulf Coast is home to many ... Show more content on ...
The North Central Plains region is mostly rural grasslands and small towns with a few large cities.
Most of this prairie land is thick grasses. There is also a cross timbers area full of hardwood trees.
Farming is common here because of the fertile soil. So there are many kinds of crops grown in this
region. There also commonly short prairie grass. Climate in the region/area can be extreme. In the
winters its cold, but in the summer it can be the hottest area in Texas. The average rainfall is 20 – 30
inches a year and during the spring there can be violent storms and tornadoes. Landforms in the
Central Plains region of Texas is part of a larger Central Plains region of North America. It is made
up of 3 separate areas. They are the Grand Prairie, the Cross Timbers, and the Rolling Plains. Each
of these areas has a different type of landform, and they include prairies, forests, and
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Chaparral Biome Research Paper
The Chaparral Biome is known by various different names due to the variety of locations it is
situated in around the globe. It is often referred to as the California woodland and grasslands
because of it's' exclusivity on the Californian coasts in North America, and also known as the
Mediterranean Biome due to the large areas surrounding parts of the Mediterranean Sea. The
chaparrals located in California are situated in the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, which span
across to the Pacific Ocean, and cover up to peaks at 5,000 feet above sea level. Hence, due to its
location the climate is often hot and dry in the summer, and often cold and rainy in the winter.
Additionally, these abiotic factors affect the biotic adaptations of the plant species that are found
within the Chaparral Biome. ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, many plant species also have natural oils in their leaves to help them resist fire, which
are quite common in this biome. The plants and animals of the chaparral biome have come to
depend on the occasional wildfires as a means of sowing seeds for plants and limiting competition
from the larger and bolder animals. Plants rely on the fires not only to open seed pods and disperse
them but also to keep the soil fertilized. Similarly, smaller animals rely on the fire to suppress larger
competitors from conquering over their ecological niche. Thus, in order to adapt to these conditions
many species will often implement the stratagem of camaflouge to avoid predation, and change their
diets, according to the four seasonal
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The Beginnings Of The Persian Empire
Humans are innately programmed to conquer and expand. From the migration to every continent in
the pre–historical period to the era of space travel prevalent today, humans seek new lands.
However, problems begin to occur when land is already taken by an existing party. The results of
such clashes are evident in almost every war fought by man and even some where violence was not
required (see Native Americans). Each group of civilians that feels threatened by an outside force
reacts in the manner that best suits its needs. Although the reactions are distinct, the challenges
presented by the Persian Wars and various groups of steppe nomads all stem from the need to
conquer. The beginnings of the Persian challenge occurred because of Greece's inability to stay out
of foreign affairs. Around 500 B.C.E., the Ionian people rebelled against the Persian Empire and
created a severe conflict. During this time rebels were in desperate need of assistance, and Greece
was more than happy to provide it. After Greece had sent ships to help the foreign uprising, King
Darius planned to have the Greeks punished for their involvement in the matter. He launched a
punitive attack and thus the Persian Wars had begun. The Greek's response to the numerous attacks
were not promising in the beginning but later would turn the course of events. The immediate
problem that presented itself was that the Persian Empire was by far the most effective land military
in the western world. The Greeks knew how
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The Endless Steppe
Review of The Endless Steppe
The book is a war–time autobiography about Esther Hautzig's exile to Russia during World War 1.
At the beginning of the account it is set in Poland and then transfers with the movement of the
refugees she is with to Russia. Esther Hautzig wrote the book looking back on her past life in 1968.
The First World War affected Esther's life from 1939 when Hitler's armies marched on Poland until
when she was released from exile in 1946. In 1940 the Russians who were allies of Germany
occupied Vilna the place where Esther and her family lived. Ether and her family embark upon their
adventure when they are accused of being capitalists and are arrested by some Russian ... Show
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Mama said: 'very well, don't go'."
"I stayed at home until it was time to go to grade school…"
This incident shows how strong minded both Esther and her mother are. Neither of them will give in
and let the other win. It also shows how rich Esther was and how perfect her life was to be worried
so much about not having silk panties.
The next incident that shows Ether's progression as a character is when they are at the train station
after beginning their exile and Grandfather Solomon is separated from Esther, her father, her mother
and her grandmother. Grandmother is devastated and Esther starts to think about how other people
are feeling.
Here are some quotes from this part of the story.
"My grandmother cried out."
"Never have I heard a more dreadful scream, not even in a nightmare."
"My grandfather shuffled past us without a word."
"With one hand I stroked my grandmother's arm as she sobbed openly, and with the other hand I
clung to my father, clung fiercely lest he too be taken away from me."
From this incident Esther begins to learn how traumatic life can be and how harshly exile will treat
her. She learns that throughout her experience she will feel mixed feelings and be anxious about
how other
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Biomes: Climatic Savanna Grasslands
Grasslands are characterized as lands dominated by grasses rather than large shrubs or trees. There
are two main types of grasslands: temperate grasslands and savannah grasslands ("Types of
Biomes", 2017). One major savanna grassland is located in Africa and takes up more than a third of
the continent's land area. Others can be found in India, South America and Australia. If the grassland
is prevented from developing into a forest by climatic conditions such as rainfall, it is termed as
'climatic savannas'. If their characteristics are kept by soils, they are termed as 'edaphic savannas'.
These can occur on hills or ridges where the soil is shallow, or in valleys where clay soils become
waterlogged in wet weather. Human activities such as farming ... Show more content on ...
There are very few large trees and shrubs. Grasslands dominate the veldts of South Africa, the
puszta of Hungary, the pampas of Argentina and Uruguay, the steppes of the former Soviet Union,
and the plains and prairies of central North America ("World Biomes", 2005). Temperatures vary
more from summer to winter, and the amount of rainfall is less in temperate grasslands than in
savanna grasslands. As in the savanna, seasonal drought and occasional fires are very important to
biodiversity ("What is biome?", 2017). Their effects aren't as dramatic in temperate grasslands as
they are in savanna grasslands though. The soil of the temperate grasslands is deep and dark, with
fertile upper layers. It is rich in nutrients from the growth and decay grass roots. The rotted roots
hold the soil together and provide a food source for living plants. There are environmental concerns
regarding the temperate grasslands. Few natural prairie regions remain because most have been
turned into farms or grazing land Animals here include hawks, owls, deer, mice, foxes, rabbits and
spiders. Temperate grasslands can be further subdivided. Temperate grasslands with short grasses
are called 'steppes' and those with tall grasses are called 'prairies' (Pullen,
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Giant "Steppes" Toward Freedom by Ancestors
It is difficult for many Americans today to imagine taking everything they own and moving to a new
country because of religious and political freedoms. With these freedoms taken so much for granted,
we rarely think of the steps taken by our ancestors to gain that liberty. When looking at attempts in
history to gain freedom, it is usual to look to the founding fathers of America and their sacrifices.
However, other groups of people have strived for the same thing, one such group being the people of
the divided German states shortly after the Seven Year's War. Through several generations of
Germans, these people moved across country, across continent, and eventually even across the ocean
to America in order to gain that much–desired freedom. In about 1763, the Germans were
experiencing many problems. With the seven years war just behind them, much of the land had been
destroyed. Crops were trampled, and properties were decimated, making the living conditions in
Germany very difficult. On top of that, the war had left the political system in a state of chaos. At
that time, Germany was not together as a nation but was rather divided into forty–two different
states. Unified Germany as we know it today did not come about until much later, in about 1872.
During this time minority religions struggled in the German states. Evangelical Christians such as
Baptists were not looked well upon, as well as Mennonites who were pacifists and did not believe in
serving in the military.
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Ukraine Research Paper
Introduction_ Current
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary,
Romania, and Moldova. It is also bordered by two major Sea's called Black Sea and Sea of Azov.
Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi), making it the largest country entirely within
Europe and the 46th largest country in the world, and a population of about 44.5 million, making it
the 32nd most populous country in the world.
Ukraine is a large country in Eastern Europe known for its Orthodox churches, Black Sea coastline
and forested mountains. Its capital, Kiev, features the gold–domed St. Sophia's Cathedral, with
11th–century mosaics and frescoes. Overlooking the Dnieper River is the Kiev Pechersk Lavra ...
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This is another Important factor in the growth of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. They had Favourable
conditions to sell the grain to Weastern Europe, The polish introuced a manorial system of
agriculture. they asked for peasentry. they alloted less lands to the people they gave less freedom to
people and their land. Then, The Fugitive peasents and Townpeople fled to steppes and established
settlements, for a specific time period of 30 years . they fought for the Right to tax free settlement
called Sloboda. and also they called themselves as Cossacks. But the Polish Kings who occupied
created large latifundia and also tried to impose feudal dependency on both peasents and cossacks.
these all led to bloody conflicts in which cossacks fought the polish government and the landowners,
all of them brutally suppressed by the Poles. the growth of cossacks brought a confusion for the
polish Government that the cossacks are helpfull for the defence of steppe frontier. they tried to
control the cossack problem but they lost in the hands of cossacks. the cossacks became more
stronger in the 17th century. Hetman petro Konashevych–sahaidachny spread their fame through
successful campains against the tatars and the turks. also revived the traditions of the Kyivan Rus
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Pyrenees Mountains
Just like North America has the Gulf of Mexico and it somehow impacted people and the country,
Europe has the same. Europe has the Pyrenees Mountains. The Pyrenees Mountains extend from
270 miles from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea (The Pyrenees Mountain Range Map
and Detail, 2016). This mountain chain consists of flat–topped ridges and folded linear ranges. The
Pyrenees Mountains create a natural border between France and Spain (The Pyrenees Mountain
Range Map and Details, 2016).
According to Thomas Poulsen, this mountain wall played a significant role in the history of the two
bordering countries and in Europe as a whole (2016). During the thirty–year war, Spain and France
fought, but in November 7, 1659 the Treaty of Pyrenees ... Show more content on ...
The Steppe of Eurasia is "a grassland belt that extends about 5,000 miles from Hungry, to central
Asia, and end at Manchuria, East Asia" (McNeill, 2015). Since the belt is so large and crosses many
areas it is divided into 5 different regions; Western Steppe, Ural–Caspian Narrowing, Central
Steppe, Dzufarian Narrowing, and Eastern Steppe (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The steppe has
connected Eastern Europe, Central Asia, China, South Asia, and the Middle East economically,
politically, and culturally through trade routes. The Western steppe lies mainly in Ukraine, Russia,
and Kazakhstan (History of the Steppe, 2016). At one point the northern part of this steppe was
covered in forest, but with time people have cut down the trees in order to turn the land into
agricultural land. The south coast has ports that linked the steppe to the civilization of the
Mediterranean (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The Ural–Caspian Narrowing is an area where the Ural
Mountains are located and is northeast of the Caspian Sea. The sea is not a barrier for traveling, but
this area tends to be rather dry (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The central steppe extends from the Ural
Mountains to the region of Dzungaria, northwest of china (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). To the south of
the central steppe the land is semi–desert and desert. It also contains two main rivers, which flow
northwest into the Aral Sea and provide water for agriculture. The southeast is populated and
contains the "Oasis Cities' of Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara along the Zarafshan River, which
are well developed cities in fertile land (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The eastern steppe is in Mongolia
and China. The eastern steppe is a drier and colder than in the west. Due to this temperature change,
people in history tended to migrate westward with their cattle and other animals (History of the
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Dry Prairies Research Paper
1 Name of major natural system: Dry Prairie. 2 Location of major natural system: Dry Prairies are
known to be located predominantly in three major areas north and west of Lake Okeechobee, in
south–central Florida (Florida Natural Areas Inventory, n.d.c).
3 Common plants in major natural system: The characteristic set of plant species for the dry prairie
natural system include a combination of shrubs and herbs; specifically, wiregrass, lopsided
Indiangrass, dwarf live oak, shiny blueberry, and stunnted saw palmetto (Florida Natural Areas
Inventory, n.d.c).
4 Geology of major natural system: Dry prairies typically are found to be low and flat in regards to
typography (Web World Wonders, n.d.c).
Nonetheless, it is stated that they are also
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Asian Steppe
The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world by influencing trade, laws,
and discovery.
The first positive Mongol impact on the world is the impact they had on trade. The Mongol Empire
had achieved something that no one else had ever done, which was gaining complete control of Asia
and the trading routes held within. This meant that because they controlled all trade routes
throughout Asia, trade flourished because there were no enemies to attack merchants. As a result,
relations improved between the different regions of the empire and culture was also spread to the
different regions. In China and Persia, the Mongols somewhat blended in with the local cultures, and
this meant that their economic interests also blended
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Impact Of Mongolians Of The Asian Steppe
I believe that The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a negative impact on the world during their
rule of the Asian continent from 1206 to 1368 by influencing they took over too much land, they
also killed way too many people and they burned everything in its path. When the Mongolians got to
a town they would destroy everything and anything that got in they way they would just destroy it.
They would go into a town and burn everything and take the fat from the dead people and start it on
fifer and lunch it like a fifer ball. So if they came into your town after they left there would be
nothing left just debra. The Mongolians had a lot of land I believe they had too much land that that
is why they started to fall apart. They had issues when
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Compare And Contrast: The American Prairies
The American prairies are located in the center of North America. The prairies reach north from
Canada down to southern Texas, and west from Indiana to the Rocky Mountains. The climate of the
prairies changes the type of the prairie. Tall grass prairie or "the true prairie" is located where the
climate is more wet. and the short grass prairie is located where the climate is more dry. The amount
of rainfall in the prairies changes yearly. It is usually somewhere between 12.6 inches and 21.7
inches. In the prairie the summers are hot and the winters are cold. The summer is a very dry time.
About every 30 years or so there is a drought. And between 1 and 5 years there is a fire. The fire
burns the dead grasses and the other similar plants which
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Savannas Research Paper
Savannas are characterized by grass–covered land with a scattering of shrubs or trees; savannas have
two layers, grass, and shrubs or trees. The savannas of the world are found in South America and are
known as cerrado, Africa as miombo, and Australia as the mulga.The vegetation is determined by
the amount of rainfall. The large variation in the rainfall which has a distinct pattern and an average
monthly temperature of 18 degrees and above is another feature of the savanna. Savannas are also
known for their flat relief like places such as plateau. Herbivores both invertebrates and vertebrates
called this place and feed by grazing or browsing and living on the herbivores are a range of cats
dogs and hyenas. The soils in these areas are nutrient
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Oak Savanna Ecosystems
Upland prairie and oak savanna ecosystems are among the most imperiled vegetation types in North
America. Upland prairies can be described as a type of dry grassland consisting of mostly native
bunchgrass and annual and perennial diverse forbs. Oak savannas are specified as ecosystems with
continuous grass or forb ground cover with a scattered distribution of open–growth oak trees and
small groves of oaks. While the Willamette Valley was once dominated by these landscapes, upland
prairie oak savanna systems currently exist in only 0.5% of their historic range. Chip Ross Park is a
combination of the two and is considered an upland prairie oak savanna (Boyer 2010).
Chip Ross Park is located north of Corvallis, OR and is owned by the Green Belt
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The Importance of the Russian Steppes
"Russia is a land of extreme geography, and has the world's deepest lake and Europe's highest
mountain and longest river" (Curtis 125). Because Russian geography was so diverse and unlike that
of any other country, Russia developed a culture that was unique and different from others.
Throughout history, mountains such as the Ural Mountains, rivers such as the Dnieper River, and
plains such as the Russian steppes have served an important role in the development of Russian
culture and beliefs. Mountains have served as a natural barrier, and have limited Russian expansion,
while rivers have made Russia vulnerable to invasion. The steppes were great for Russia and gave
Russians power and authority. Russia had a variety of types of geography, which all affected Russia
in different ways.
The mountains of had positive and negative effects on Russia. The largest mountain chain in Russia
is the Ural Mountains, which expand for nearly 1,150 miles ("Ural Mountains."). In Russia, the
Urals helped and hurt Russia in many different ways. One way these mountains helped Russia is
that the Russian Empire prospered between these mountains along with the Dnieper River (Curtis
125). Because of the Ural Mountains, a border was created in the middle of Europe and Asia (Curtis
131). The Ural Mountains weren't massive, and in fact had many low points as well as high points.
These low points in the Urals allowed for many transportation routes within the Russian Empire
(Curtis 131). The
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Quantification Of The Contribution Of Human Influences (...
Quantification of the contribution of human influences (HI) on regional climate change is a focus of
climate change research (Dirmeyer et al., 2010; Kalnay and Cai 2003). Quantification of such
influences can help us understand regional climate patterns and improve the accuracy and
algorithms/mechanism of downscaling general circulation models (Lawrence and Chase, 2010; Li et
al., 2012; Zhao and Pitman, 2002). The important human influences on regional climate are land–
use and land–cover change (LUCC) (Pielke et al., 2002) as well as of human activities (such as
greenhouse gases emission) (Fall et al., 2010; IPCC 2013), but their impacts are different (Mahmood
et al., 2014). When notable LUCC occurs, the local radiative forcing change caused by surface
albedo may actually be greater than that due to the collective, well–mixed human greenhouse gases
(Pielke et al., 2002). So far, between one–third and one–half of the land surfaces of the world have
been transformed by human development (Bettwy 2005). The human–made LUCC and the resulting
alterations in surface features are major drivers of long–term global climate patterns (Pielke 2005).
Moreover, a modeling result indicated that future LUCC will continue to play a major role affecting
climate for the next century (Feddema et al., 2005).
Over the past century, conversion of natural landscapes to anthropogenic landscapes (such as
agricultural land) have been the most prominent LUCC in many regions of the world
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Silk Roads Or Steppe Roads In World History, By David...
David Christian proved his passion for digging deeper into history through use of writing the article
"Silk Roads or Steppe Roads? The Silk Roads in World History," published in the eleventh edition
of the Journal of World History, in the spring of 2000 by the University of Hawaii Press. Christian
points out that trans–ecological exchanges are not fully appreciated and recognized in conventional
historiography about the Silk Roads; he believes they should be–since they play an important role in
the expansion of the roads in the North and were apart of the flourishing of the Silk Roads. In
David's article, he recognizes different interpretations of the Silk Roads throughout different regions
and time periods and relies on a plethora of sources to do. Christian recognizes that the Silk Roads
are ingrained into historiography of China, the Mediterranean world, inner and central Asia, and also
play a vital role as "links between different regions of the Afro–Eurasian landmass." As mentioned
previously, this article observes that historiography focuses on the trade between trans–civilizational
societies and credits them as important to expansion and success of empires and trans–civilizational
regions. In later centuries, the historiography describes the flux and flow of the Silk Roads'
flourishing. Through the use of sources, Christian describes these successes to have been at peak
from 100 CE to the first, second and third centuries.
The Golden Era was claimed to have ended after the Mongol period, due to being out shadowed by
other trade routes and sea routes. However, the article acknowledged that trans–Asian trade and
travel later resumed, but the Silk Roads would never return to their original flourishing state.
Different interpretations of the Silk Roads continued throughout Christian's article. Conventional
historiography in the classical era depicts that the birth of the Silk Roads dates "from the opening of
the state–sponsored trade between China and Central Asia at the end of the second century BCE."
However, David argues that Eurasian steppeland had "vigorous systems of trans–Eurasian
exchanges" before then. Leaders in that time basically got handed pre–established trade systems and
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National Geographic Society, National Geography: West And...
Buttes West and East Mitten Buttes Monument Valley, Utah 36° 59.3857 N 110°04.8213 W An
isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top External forces like weathering and erosion create buttes.
Streams slowly cut through a mesa or plateau Buttes aren't populated and people don't migrate there
because they are isolated and usually in desserts. There's no water or (soil for food). People can't
survive in buttes. Society, National Geographic. "Butte." National Geographic Society. © 1996–
2016 National Geographic Society., 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 19 Sept. 2016. Delta Ganges Delta Ganges,
Bangladesh 21°57.1953 N 89°09.1185 E Deltas are wetlands that form as rivers empty their water
and sediment into another body of water, such as an ocean, lake, ... Show more content on ...
In America Many native Indians traveled across and lived on plains. One of their sacred animals the
buffalo lived all across these plains. Buffalos were a huge part of their culture and used in rituals,
sacrifices, folks and more. "Great Plains". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica
Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 19 Sep. 2016 Wetland Atchafalaya River Swamp
Louisiana, USA 30°13.1985 N 91°35.1655 W Wetlands are lands consisting of marshes or swamps.
Wetlands are transition zones between land and aquatic systems where the water table is usually
near or at the surface, or the land is covered by shallow water. Wetlands form when there is poor
drainage or where water builds up over soil. Wetlands are disease–ridden places, so people won't get
sick. They have natural water quality improvement, flood protection, shoreline erosion control. The
wetlands are a source of food because the wetlands ecosystems have all different animals. It's also a
source of income from the fishing industry. AG, Framepool. "Swamp / Atchafalaya River /
Louisiana / USA | HD Stock Video 767–907–402 | Framepool Stock Footage." Framepool Stock
Footage Library. 2001–2016 by Framepool AG, n.d. Web. 19 Sept.
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Rome Was Different From The Steppes
Rome was different from the steppes.
For one, there were more trees. Dense forests dotted the landscape back east but here in the west
they rolled on for miles and miles, making it harder for the large horde to travel on horseback. At
least the roads helped. Romans were meticulous about their roads, and their insistence about the
width made it easier for riders to ride two by two, as well as for the large carts to pass through
unscathed. Roads to the east were merely dirt paths carved over time, little more than dirt
impressions winding through a sea of grass.
Although grateful for them, Attila didn't need the roads. Despite the trees he could have navigated
his men through the thick forests, though it would have admittedly taken ... Show more content on ...
It was a damning piece of parchment. Her brother had been sending legions to the east to stop the
encroaching Huns. He would not have allowed his sister to write the letter and if he had been
entertaining the idea of an alliance, then he would have written it himself.
This was treason.
Yet the idea was intriguing. Attila had been married once before, but both his wife and child were
dead and buried alongside the trails in the steppes. With no legitimate heir to his dynasty, there had
already been quarrels amongst the host as to who should step in if, and more importantly when, the
king died. Some suggested one of his acknowledged sons from the trail women. Though not born of
a proper union, they were still his blood. Others said that he should pick from his most trusted
generals. Attila had made no decision either way, however. In fact the inferred idea that he would
not sire any more children offended him. He was a young man, not a lecher too old to rise to the
occasion... He could still father a true heir.
And who better than a princess from the west, beautiful and young, and considering the ring that
Attila had wrapped around his neck with a bit of leather, who was also eager to become his wife?
So the decision was made. Attila chose from the main host a few hundred men to accompany him to
Rome. It was dangerous riding into the heart of the empire but with a smaller group travelling with
him, it would be easier to avoid patrols and outposts.
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Biomes are the Communities of the World
Biomes are all over the world, that's why they are considered the "world's major communities."
Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals and plants acclimating to their
environments. You can classify biomes in many different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity,
human activity, their animals and plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of
biomes, Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be
unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth, such as causing
pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like this, there might be more serious
or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that we share the world with so many other species
of plants and animals, we should consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biome is the
most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth.
It's what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different species live in
it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one–thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the
aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate
life. This region is filled with so many different species of animals some big and some even small.
The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater and marine
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Biome are Constellations of Adaptations
Biomes are appropriate conditions for organizing the natural world because the organisms that live
in them common constellations of adaptations, particularly the climate of each of the areas and the
characteristic vegetation types that develops in these divisions. It should be understood that the
climate is perhaps the most important in determining classes of individuals who may live in an area
and the ways they should be amended to live under different conditions of temperature and
precipitation and seasonal distribution of these factors element. Every place on Earth has its own
climate, influenced by both macroclimate regions as the particular microclimate. The soils are very
important because they are essential to determine the types of plants that will grow into a
bioclimatic zone in partical, in addition, also as substrates for animals serve. In turn, the soils are
heavily influenced by regional climate, as well as the geology of the bedrock. At the same time we
have to keep in mind the diversity of plants like the flora just like the diversity of the fauna as well
as the adaptation of both. The tundra Plant life tends to be of low growth and, during the short
summer, the birds arrive in large numbers to feed on the insects that are born in this period. The
climate is cold summers and very cold winters characterize the tundra area in the northern most limit
plant growth. Areas
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The Endless Steppe Essay
"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." (Johann von Goethe)
"The Endless Steppe" by Esther Hautzig is a novel about a family's determination to survive. In the
novel it tells of how determination, the human ability to adopt, and happiness can hold a family
together and help them even preserver over all odds. In addition, "The Endless Steppe" tells of
Reisa, Ryia, and Esther tales of how they overcame these ordeals and survived in Siberia in their
own way. The theme of this book is that the human capacity to adapt to and find happiness in the
most difficult circumstances. Each character in the novel shows this in their way. For instance, their
family is randomly taken from their home and forced to ... Show more content on ...
The second person that illustrated the theme of the book was Esther's mother Raya. Raya showed
this by always keeping a positive attitude, which raises the spirits around her. For instance, in the
novel her husband went off to war, his entire battalion was wiped out and everyone had given up
hope of him returning except for her. She kept saying, "Be sure to get some farmer's cheese, the kind
he adores." Her positive attitude paid off in the end after everyone thought she was grief ridden she
proved them wrong when he returned. In addition, her positive attitude did pay off again when he
husband was thought to be lost in a when he did not return for work. Everyone was starting to be
worried and lose hope but she continued to hope and believe and tell the others to and he returned
again. That is how Raya illustrated the theme of the book by maintaining her positive attitude and
encouraging others around her with it. The third person that illustrated the theme of the book was
Esther. Esther showed the theme of the book by the ability to accept change and her love for her
family, which held them together. For instance, when she was forced for her home on the train she
was scared and she did not know what the future held for her but she pursued on. She even did not
even complain in situations that other people would. In addition, she also had to endure not having
her own space, new roommates, even different schools, and making new friend. However, even
through all
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Steppe Roads

  • 1. Steppe Roads Steppe Roads: a Dud Concept or a Revolutionary Idea? The Silk Roads were a network of land based trading links that connected the multitude of Eurasian civilizations. Through the trade of goods, the spread of religion, disease, genes, and cultures connected Eurasian civilizations. Widely believed to have flourished in the second and third centuries, and again in the seventh and eighth centuries, the Silk Roads clearly have an extensive history (Strayer, 18–19). But David Christian's thesis argues that the Silk Roads history needs to be extended beyond the accepted realms. Further, Christian proclaims that the widely accepted name for these trading links, the Silk Roads, doesn't appropriately encompass the addition of the newly included history. ... Show more content on ... Strayer mentions them when describing the beginnings of the Silk Roads, stating the following "The movement of pastoral peoples for thousands of years also served to diffuse Indo–European languages, bronze metallurgy, horse–based technologies, and more all across Eurasia (318)". But where Strayer believes the pastoralists trading habits were extended into the Silk Roads upon being invaded by foreign nations, Christian proclaims otherwise (Strayer, 218). Christian believes the invading parties only entered an already established system of trans–Eurasian exchanges (Christian, 12). Christian supported this assertion with archeological findings of Scythian stylistic motifs, Iranian influenced carpets, and a Chinese chariot found near modern Tuva (Christian, 13). These findings illustrate that communities within the Inner Eurasian steppes had contact with both extremities of the Silk Road in the first millennia (Christian, 13). Under Xiongnu, the steppe empire, evidence of the trade of silks amongst various civilizations is clearly evident (Christian, 14). This shows that it wasn't the Han dynasty that caused the revolution of the Silk Roads, but the pastoralists of the steppelands. What this means is the history of the Silk Roads predates what most historians typically ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Prescribed Pasture Burning Fire! Most people are alarmed with that word. But fire is a major factor in allowing the grasslands to exist. Native Americans used to burn prairies to get rid of all of the dead grass and allow the new grass to grow for the bison to eat. Burning off grasslands in the spring permits the grass to grow without being restricted by the old, dead grass. Fire also kills the parasites and flies that bother the cattle in the summer. Invasive cedar trees overtake grasses and starve out good native grasses. Other methods can be used to combat them but fire is the quickest and most efficient. While pasture burning may seem harmful to some, it's an essential way to keep our grasslands and prairies in working order. Native Americans used fire to (invasive species, old/dead grass) Our government enforces prescribed burning on land enrolled in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Landowners who participated in this program are required to burn this native grass at least once every three years. Grass needs to be burned fairly often by humans or nature may take its course and possibly get out of control and be disastrous. For example, consider the recent wildfires in California and Colorado. These areas were devastated by fire because nature was left unchecked. Trees and brush growth were allowed to grow at will, providing a perfect tinderbox. Many lives were lost. Homes were destroyed and wildlife died. These areas would have benefitted ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Savanna Biome Savanna In the Savanna biome there are many incredible things that lie in the biome; Many plants, many animals, and the season that happens there. The types of species that live in the Savanna are Zebras, Giraffes, Elephants, and many more. The plant life in the savanna have types grass such as the red oats, lemon grass, and the Bermuda grass. You are probably asking, how does the season work at the Savanna? Their is a very long dry season[ Winter ] and there's a very wet season [ summer ]. There are indeed mountains in the savanna biome, and streams of water. In the savanna they're predators and preys roaming around the biome, such as Zebras, Lions, Cheetahs, and many more in this biome. There are many locations of savanna biomes around ... Show more content on ... In this wild biome lies many, there are many land animals and many water animals like alligators that try to kill those who go and try to get a drink of water like elephants, deer, zebras, and other type of animals. Lion there are king because of how they hunt their prey and vicious they are, but they have to make a name for themselves because of the other predators trying to kill the lion. The savanna biome also has one of the best views of the sun going down when it's starting to get dark. This biome is dry and hot, it is a good place to visit and see other animals that you haven't seen because there are many types living in this biome. The soil here is really thin because they consume water rapidly and it is dry which is hard to make the soil stay alive, but the soil does provide vegetation and nutrients. The average temperature here is to 68 to 86, which is still pretty dry for this biome. It rains 20 to 40 yearly in this savanna biome which is little rain for this place, because the soil and the animals there living need it. Life there is pretty rough having a life there as an animal because of how the predators hunt for food and they can kill your own family if you ever lived there as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Understanding The Holocaust and Preventing it Happening Again Understanding The Holocaust and Preventing it Happening Again The human tragedy of the Holocaust was the systematic annihilation of millions of Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II. The adversity of this persecution influenced not only the European arena, but also peoples from all over the globe and their ideas. The impact caused by this ethnic cleansing was enormous. People's lives were drastically changed as they were persecuted and tortured. Families were taken out of their homes and forced to move to distant locations in exile. Their destinations were unknown and their future was also unsettled for they did not know what would await them. That is exactly what happened to Esther Hautzig, the writer of The Endless Steppe, ... Show more content on ... Another book that illustrates the calamity of the Holocaust is Memories of my life in a Polish Village, by T.K. Fluek. In her book, Toby Fluek, a small Jewish girl, describes how her family had to move to a Jewish Ghetto and go into hiding several times to save their lives when World War II began. By the end of the war, only she and her mother had survived. Toby became an artist and presents her story through the use of her own art in paintings and descriptions of them. It is amazing to hear from the people who have actually survived the Holocaust. It shows us how much we still have to learn about the world and the civilizations and how hard it is to understand the reason why we do such things to our fellow human beings. "By 1945, two out of every three European Jews had been killed and the survivors continued to be oppressed." (Telles 51) In addition, thousands of political and religious dissidents such as communists, socialists, trade unionists, and Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted for their beliefs and behavior and many of these individuals died as a result of maltreatment. According to the Preface to the Study of Women and the Holocaust, "every Jew, regardless of gender, was equally a victim in the Holocaust" (Ringelheim 17). Women, men and children were equally threatening to the Nazis. Children were seen as "the next generation of Jews" and, therefore, would have to be banned too. "Jewish women and men experienced unrelieved suffering during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Biomes And Biomes : Biomes Essay Biomes A biome is a large, natural community of distinct vegetation and growth habits that occupy a large geographic area. There are many different forms of biomes. Their main classification is there average temperature and average precipitation. The precipitation and temperature determine what plants can survive in the area. However, over millions of years plants have been able to adapt to their biomes in order to survive. Vegetation of a biome can vary drastically from biome to biome. In the Arctic Tundra it is extremely cold year round with little precipitation; the main plant life in this biome is low shrubs, sedges, lichens, and mosses. Tropical Rainforests are basically the opposite. Tropical Rainforests have no cold or dry periods. It rains nearly every day and forms dense jungles. With the amount of plant life and precipitation, there is a huge amount of decomposers. Somewhat in the middle of these two vastly different biomes, not necessarily geographically, is the Temperate Grasslands. As the name suggests, grasses are the dominant form for life, there are riparian woodlands (trees occurring along streams). Once a thriving biome, is now managed mainly as rangeland due to years of commercial farming. Temperate Grasslands are located in between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The veldts of Africa, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Eurasia, and the plains of North America are the main regions of Temperate Grasslands. I find ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Endless Steppe Anger can make humans do irrational things, such as treating other humans poorly for their nationality. The discrimination that all of these people faced in this specific time was caused by one man. Many lives were either taken or ruined by the drastic measures to "correct the ills in society" based on one person's belief. In the novel The Endless Steppe, by Esther Hautzig, the story is focused on how one family became victims of this brutal hatred. It is a normal, yet beautiful day for nine year old Esther Rudomin when the story begins. Rudomin planned on following her simple, yet well thought of schedule when German soldiers barged into her house demanding that Rudomin and her family go with them. The Rudomin family is packed onto a loaded cattle car that holds many other families. There is no food, and the car does not even stop for the bathroom. This goes on for three weeks. When they finally ... Show more content on ... From there, the Rudomins were taken to a gypsum mine. Men were forced to drive carts and work in the mine, the women to dynamite, the children to work in the fields, and the elders to shovel the gypsum. They stayed in a small room when they were not working. One day, the Jewish people were informed that they had the option to move to a different village where they would be assigned jobs. They ended up moving to the outskirts of the village. Esther Rudomins father got a construction job, her mother found work in a bakery, and the older women and children did not work. Esther Rudomins parents later found out that they could move further into the village if they found a place to stay. They knocked on doors until they finally found Nikita Alexandrovich and Nina Ivanovna, who took them in. Eventually, Esther Rudomin was able to attend school. Later when Nina Ivanovna announced that she was pregnant, that meant the Rudomins had to find a new place to live. They had to move around many more ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Eurasian Steppes, East Of Korea On The Edges Of The Old... Throughout Eurasian Steppes, east of Korea on the edges of the Gobi Desert and north of the boundaries of the old Chinese empire and the Great Wall is where the modern day Mongolians are located. They did not just settle amongst an entire continent and then some, they fought their way towards civilization. Centuries ago they were named "The Mongols", nomadic people that were known for their military forces formed by the great Temujin's father before he died. Temujin was too young to lead the land force and they would eventually destroy the clan from the inside, fighting over the goods that were left. Once he became of age he assembled the Mongols and perfected them for his plans of conquest. Temujin earned the actual name "Genghis (Chinggis) Khan" for being the first great Khan of the Mongols and Universal Leader. His dominant implementations gave the Mongols a purpose to march behind him along his journey of conquering. Temujin established this name from symbolizing the role of a Great Khan with perfection. He became the Great Unifier once he assembled his clan, which are considered today to be the Mongols. To gain greater land his masterminded plan of conquest was to invade the Western Xia Dynasty first, since they were claimed to be the weakest of the Northern kingdoms along the Great Wall of China. The capital city of the Jing Dynasty, Yanjing, which is today's Beijing was then overthrown by Kahn in the year of 1215. After every conquest including Jing he would return ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Texas Biomes Our ecosystem is described depending on the location we are located in. There is different plants, animals, and environments in different environmental regions. For this paper we are focusing on the six different biomes structures we have in the state of Texas. The first biome I am going to discuss is the Central Prairies and Woodlands biome. This biome is located in the middle of biome 2 and 3 covering all of the coastal area from the Gulf of Mexico. The precipitation gradient in this area is the highest in the state of Texas. Averaging from 75–115 cm/yr. this concludes that it's a high precipitation area which means that the land in that area is green and hydrated. Since this biome extends from the south were the coast is all the way to the top of eastern Texas the temperature varies depending on the location you are looking at the further north its colder and the more south you go the hotter, humid it gets. The kinds of plants that are in this regions are mostly tall green ... Show more content on ... This biome is located to the western part of texas. The elevations range from 2500 feet to more than 8749 feet at the Guadalupe peak. The vegetation in this region are creosote–tarbush desert scrub, deser grassland, yucca, and juniper. Ranching is the primary industry in the trans–pecos region. The animals located in this region are the eastern collared lizard, rat snake, Mexican long–tongued bat, Texas antelope squirrel and the bighorn sheep. Now the last biome is the Western Plains located in the North Western part of the state. This area has a moderate amount of rainfall with 40–55 cm/yr. This biome is home to the rolling plains and the high plains. Elevations range from 3000 to 4500 feet above sea level. The vegetation in this plains are shortgrass prairies dominated by buffalo grass. The vegetation mostly included more mesquite and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Zephyr Steppes Research Paper Most dragons of the Zephyr Steppes were natural born fliers, catching the wind in their tiny, crude wings within a few hours after they were hatched. But not Chip. Nooo, Chip was different from all the rest. The second his eggshell cracked, he waddled to the food stores and began munching on a yellow jumper spider. He loved to toddle around the lair and bite the tails of unsuspecting dragons, chew through the food reserves, and mix flours and sugars with his enormous, flat feet. When it came to flying, Chip was...average. Okay, maybe less than average. Okay, maybe a lot less than average. He tried and tried again to jump into the crisp gales that encircled his domain, but his fat little body fell to the ground with each sad attempt. No matter ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Russian Steppes Essay From its vast mountains to its extending rivers, Russia has been blessed with a variety of geographical features which have aided its preeminence in history. These features have immensely affected how Russia developed throughout the years. Russia is known to be the largest country in the world: it stretches about six thousand miles across Northern Asia and Eastern Europe. Because of its vast size and abundance of land, Russia has various different geographical features. It consists of the Eurasian steppes, the Dnieper, Neva, and Volga Rivers, and the Ural Mountains (Vodovozov). These geographic features have served as natural barriers, physical boundaries, and for agricultural purposes. To begin, the Eurasian Steppes are large pieces of uncultivated land located in eastern Europe and Russia ("The Steppes"). They extend from the Danube River to the Pacific Ocean. The Eurasian Steppes are divided into three parts: the Russian Steppe, the Ukraine Steppe, and the Kazakh Steppe. The Russian and Ukrainian Steppes have mild temperatures and are grasslands; so many people inhabited them. But the Kazakh Steppe, on the other hand, is a desert. As a result, not that many people occupied and inhabited this steppe. Today the Eurasian Steppes are mainly used by people in search of oil ("The Steppes"). However, in the past it played a significant role in connecting Europe, Asia, and the Middle East via trade routes, like the Silk Road (Trueman). Goods, such as camels, woolen ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Canadian Forests: Climate Analysis To use forests for their lumber and other natural resources, it is important to not only be informed on managing it, but it is also important to know what goes on naturally inside the forests. One of these natural phenomena are actually the threats to the forests themselves and how they can be affected by them. Canada has one–tenth of the world's forest and about 50,000 hectares of this is untouched (Dearden and Mitchell, 2016, P.287). With that, it also has one–third of the world's boreal forest as well (P.287). The chosen topic of this paper is Natural threats to Canadian forests. The specific situation chosen is how the climate change affects the natural threats to the Canadian boreal forests. The topic was chosen because it is relevant ... Show more content on ... 2001). Natural Forest fires do provide many benefits for the forest itself because it allows nutrients to be returned to the soil and allows the forest to renew itself (McCoy and Burn, 2005, P.276). Although, climate change affects forest fires in a few ways as well. One of them being that the patterns for "fire–weather" become less predictable and spread out over the entirety of North America (Dale, et al. 2001). The severity rating also increases throughout North America as well, with a 30% increase in the southern area of United states (2001). While the area of severe forest fires increases, the intensity of the fire also increases significantly, from about 25% to 50%, making it much stronger than it was before. Also, based off of another potential case that may happen, there is also an increase in the destruction of area and biomass (2001). Fires harm forests through a variety of ways, some of which being the depletion of seed banks, loss of many trees, can ruin the soil so it becomes infertile (Virginia et al. 2001, P.725). It also destroys homes for many species, destroys potential lumber and recreational activities (P.725). An example of a forest fire being affected by climate change is the Yellowstone fire in 1998 (Virginia et al, 2000, P.202). It had burned down more than 250,000 hectares of trees due to climate change (2000, P.202). The climate change had slowly made the drought in that area worse, as it did with the strong winds which were able to spread it even quicker (2000, P.202). According to Virginia, climate change will only get worse and slowly make other natural threats even worse (2000, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Impact Of The Mongolians At The Asian Steppe The Mongolians at the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1260 to 1368 by influencing military advantages, trade and artists. They influenced military advantages because the tactics they used and chinggis khan was very smart. When he was fighting he would organize his armies into tens, hundreds and ten thousands. It helped their strategy because it looked like they were defeated and then they would start attacking them. The mongols were very dominant people from the 13th century. Chinggis khan would have his men fight with bows, hand axes and had waterproof leather armor to protect themselves with if they get hit. They had trade because it helped when they needed stuff for weapons, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Summary Of Esther Hautzig's The Endless Steppe How would you feel if you and your family were suddenly taken from your home and lost all your money and then are forced to move to a place that is nothing like where you lived before? This is a sad, true story of what happened to a little nine year old girl named Esther Rudomin and her family in the book The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig. Esther and her family were suddenly seized by Soviet troops because they are accused of being capitalists, or enemies of the people, and are deported to the grasslands of Siberia. This book is the story of a girl and her family's determination to survive during the harsh surroundings after being exiled during World War II. In 1941, Esther lived in the town of Vilna, Poland. One June day, Esther and her family are suddenly arrested by Russian soldiers and are taken away from their home. They were taken on a six week journey to a Siberian labor camp in Russia. There they were forced to work, Esther's mother and father worked in a gypsum mine. Father drove the wagon, Esther's mother dynamited, and her grandmother shoveled gypsum. Esther weeded the potato field. Esther was also forced to make clothes for the few rich people of the village, which she would only get a payment of a bit of bread and milk. Although they had shelter, they still had to face hunger and Siberia's cold winter and summer heat. There are many characters in this book, starting with the main character Esther, who in the beginning was living a wealthy and privileged life. Esther had to mature quickly during her time spent in Siberia. She realized that everything doesn't always come easy like it did for her back home in Poland. Esther wasn't the only one in the family that changed while in Siberia, her mother before wasn't always so loving, instead she was strong–minded as Esther explained. Esther loved her father and she would call her father "Tata," but he was drafted into World War II and was forced to serve at the Russian front. Nikolay, Natasha and Katia where a couple and their baby with whom Esther enjoys living with in Siberia. Esther did have a bit of a love story in this book because she wanted to be one of the newspaper editors just be be with a boy named Yuri. Esther makes some friends, one ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. How Did Genghis Khan's Impact On American Culture And Society The dawn of agriculture ushered in a new age for humanity. No longer would our ancestors have to move constantly, following the migrating patterns of herds of animals. With the domestication of their environment, populations would be able to grow and flourish within the ancient world. Yet even as this occurred, there were peoples who remained hunter–gatherers. Living off the land, and often butting heads with their sedentary neighbours, they grew, and became known as nomads. The Eurasian steppe was to be the home of many dangerous, horse riding tribes, most notably the Hun and the Mongols. The plains of America fielded the Comanche, the Apache, and many others. Australia was the home of the most ancient of all these nomads, the Australian Aborigine, ... Show more content on ... One who relied on an entirely different way of life. The Australian Aborigine lived in one of the harshest environments on earth, unfarmable land, extreme heat, and the lack of any domesticable animals meant that for 40,000 years they lived in much the same way. Relying on firestick farming to cleans the largest forests, removing canopies and allowing the low brush plants to flourish. This allowed access to bush potatoes and other edible ground plants, as well as allowing the marsupials they hunted to have ample access to food. While these nomads lived differently to their northern cousins, still many similarities remained, raids, trade, and the hunter–gatherer lifestyle were all a part of the Aboriginal life. In certain parts of the country, the beginnings of agriculture could be found, with permanent settlements alongside, but these were rare. The climate of Australia combined with the limited access to new flora meant that the agrarian life could never be adopted by the masses of the continent, and so population growth was limited for the entire duration of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Coastal Plains Of Texas The Coastal Plains of Texas is a large area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Rio Grande. This region can be divided into 5 distinct areas. PINE BELT: It extends 75 to 125 miles into Texas from the east and from north to south from the Red River to about 25 miles of the Gulf Coast. The Pine Belt is practically the source of all Texas' timber production. Lumber is the principle industry. The climate is good for a variety of fruits and vegetables. A great oil field discovered in 1931 contributed to the economic growth of the area. BLACKLAND BELT: This area stretches from the Rio Grande to the Red River. This area runs through the DFW metropolitan area. This area is also the most populated with the strongest diversified manufacturing industry of the state. COASTAL PRAIRIES: This area extends along the Gulf of Mexico, from the Sabine River to the lower Rio Grande Valley. Cattle ranching is the largest and strongest agriculture industry. Along with cattle ranching, rice is also a very strong crop in the agriculture industry. More principle crops include cotton, grains, vegetables, and citrus fruits. LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY: This low valley is also known as "The Valley." It has the greatest citrus and winter vegetables in Texas due to the lack of freezing weather. It is ranked very high among the nation's fruit and truck– farming regions. RIO GRANDE PLAIN: This massive plain lies south of San Antonio between the Rio Grande and the Gulf Coast. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Asian Steppe Research Paper The Mongols were a very controversial group of people who caused carnage and destruction for the greater good of peace. Genghis Khan was a very honorable leader who created the Mongolians immense peace. Were the Mongols barbaric though? The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1206 to 1368 by influencing trade, religious tolerance , and Pax Mongolica. The first sign of World History comes from the Mongolians who were able to influence trade from the Mediterranean to China. Under Pax Mongolica trade boomed. The trade allowed the Mongols to flourish. According to Section 12.3 pg 336, "Traders transported Chinese silk and porcelain , which were greatly valued in Europe and western Asia, over the Silk Road and other routes. These traders also carried with them such Chinese products and inventions as printing, gunpowder, the compass, paper currency, and playing cards." Genghis Khan uniting China under one sword legitimately allowed China and others to boom in trade. Today the spread of these inventions have greatly affected the way we live our day to day lives with such things like the toothbrush, paper money, and gunpowder. The inventions being spread like also changed our naval ... Show more content on ... During Mongolica or also known as peace enforced by the Mongol empire ideas and spread throughout China and to the Mediterranean. According to section 12.2 page 333," The Mongols guaranteed safe passage for trade caravans,travelers, and missionaries from one end of the empire to another." Through this area of safe travel through trade routes like the silk road, ideas were able to be spread. A great cultural expansion also happened through Pax Mongolica from different parts of the world sharing different views and thoughts with one another. Without the barbaric fighting styles of the Mongols, some very important inventions may have never been ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Theme Of Technology In The Veldt Technology and "The Veldt" In the short story " The Veldt" the Hadley's live in the futuristic "Happylife" home where the house does everything for them. Meanwhile in the modern world, a scientist in Switzerland has invented two devices that could reverse paralysis. Technology is advancing fast as society is trying to reverse paralysis, which may be a blessing or a detriment to the world, similar to the innovations in the short story " The Veldt". "The Veldt" The Hadleys live in the advanced housing unit called the "Happylife" home, which does everything someone would do on a day–to–day basis for them. George and Lydia Hadley's children, Peter and Wendy, have a nursery that shows images based on their thoughts and therefore the African veldt appears in the room. But when George and Lydia go into the room they find lions killing some unfortunate creature on repeat. They are worried about the psychological health of their children. Everyone in the world would probably be more than happy to live in the "Happylife" home if they could. In the house is a nursery where the images on the crystallized walls is controlled by the user's mind, which is an advantage to the Hadley parents for the reason that they can see if there is something wrong with their kids intellectually. The Hadley family has life going easy for them in the house, there is a machine that does every task in the house for them. They whole family loved the idea in the beginning of the story. Nevertheless ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Texas Geography The geography of Texas is hugely varied, from beaches to mountains. You can break Texas down into four main regions, divided by rivers, escarpments and other natural features. Texas has all the locations you might need: forests, cliffs, mountainous desert that could pass for Mars, NASA's Johnson Space Center and even a coastline. The Lone Star state is often divided into four regions: the Gulf Coastal Plains, the Interior Lowlands, also called the North Central Plains, the Great Plains and the Basin and Range or Mountains and Basins region. Each region has unique landforms and natural features. The first region of Texas is the Gulf Coastal Plains. The Gulf Coast stretches along the Gulf of Mexico for hundreds of miles. Cities such as Corpus Christi, Galveston, and Houston are in the Gulf Coast region. Near the gulf waters you can see marshes, barrier islands, estuaries, where salty sea water and fresh river water meet, and bays. As you travel west, you can see prairies and grasslands. The Gulf Coast is home to many ... Show more content on ... The North Central Plains region is mostly rural grasslands and small towns with a few large cities. Most of this prairie land is thick grasses. There is also a cross timbers area full of hardwood trees. Farming is common here because of the fertile soil. So there are many kinds of crops grown in this region. There also commonly short prairie grass. Climate in the region/area can be extreme. In the winters its cold, but in the summer it can be the hottest area in Texas. The average rainfall is 20 – 30 inches a year and during the spring there can be violent storms and tornadoes. Landforms in the Central Plains region of Texas is part of a larger Central Plains region of North America. It is made up of 3 separate areas. They are the Grand Prairie, the Cross Timbers, and the Rolling Plains. Each of these areas has a different type of landform, and they include prairies, forests, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Chaparral Biome Research Paper The Chaparral Biome is known by various different names due to the variety of locations it is situated in around the globe. It is often referred to as the California woodland and grasslands because of it's' exclusivity on the Californian coasts in North America, and also known as the Mediterranean Biome due to the large areas surrounding parts of the Mediterranean Sea. The chaparrals located in California are situated in the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, which span across to the Pacific Ocean, and cover up to peaks at 5,000 feet above sea level. Hence, due to its location the climate is often hot and dry in the summer, and often cold and rainy in the winter. Additionally, these abiotic factors affect the biotic adaptations of the plant species that are found within the Chaparral Biome. ... Show more content on ... Consequently, many plant species also have natural oils in their leaves to help them resist fire, which are quite common in this biome. The plants and animals of the chaparral biome have come to depend on the occasional wildfires as a means of sowing seeds for plants and limiting competition from the larger and bolder animals. Plants rely on the fires not only to open seed pods and disperse them but also to keep the soil fertilized. Similarly, smaller animals rely on the fire to suppress larger competitors from conquering over their ecological niche. Thus, in order to adapt to these conditions many species will often implement the stratagem of camaflouge to avoid predation, and change their diets, according to the four seasonal ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Beginnings Of The Persian Empire Humans are innately programmed to conquer and expand. From the migration to every continent in the pre–historical period to the era of space travel prevalent today, humans seek new lands. However, problems begin to occur when land is already taken by an existing party. The results of such clashes are evident in almost every war fought by man and even some where violence was not required (see Native Americans). Each group of civilians that feels threatened by an outside force reacts in the manner that best suits its needs. Although the reactions are distinct, the challenges presented by the Persian Wars and various groups of steppe nomads all stem from the need to conquer. The beginnings of the Persian challenge occurred because of Greece's inability to stay out of foreign affairs. Around 500 B.C.E., the Ionian people rebelled against the Persian Empire and created a severe conflict. During this time rebels were in desperate need of assistance, and Greece was more than happy to provide it. After Greece had sent ships to help the foreign uprising, King Darius planned to have the Greeks punished for their involvement in the matter. He launched a punitive attack and thus the Persian Wars had begun. The Greek's response to the numerous attacks were not promising in the beginning but later would turn the course of events. The immediate problem that presented itself was that the Persian Empire was by far the most effective land military in the western world. The Greeks knew how ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Endless Steppe Review of The Endless Steppe The book is a war–time autobiography about Esther Hautzig's exile to Russia during World War 1. At the beginning of the account it is set in Poland and then transfers with the movement of the refugees she is with to Russia. Esther Hautzig wrote the book looking back on her past life in 1968. The First World War affected Esther's life from 1939 when Hitler's armies marched on Poland until when she was released from exile in 1946. In 1940 the Russians who were allies of Germany occupied Vilna the place where Esther and her family lived. Ether and her family embark upon their adventure when they are accused of being capitalists and are arrested by some Russian ... Show more content on ... Mama said: 'very well, don't go'." "I stayed at home until it was time to go to grade school…" This incident shows how strong minded both Esther and her mother are. Neither of them will give in and let the other win. It also shows how rich Esther was and how perfect her life was to be worried so much about not having silk panties. The next incident that shows Ether's progression as a character is when they are at the train station after beginning their exile and Grandfather Solomon is separated from Esther, her father, her mother and her grandmother. Grandmother is devastated and Esther starts to think about how other people are feeling. Here are some quotes from this part of the story. "My grandmother cried out." "Never have I heard a more dreadful scream, not even in a nightmare." "My grandfather shuffled past us without a word." "With one hand I stroked my grandmother's arm as she sobbed openly, and with the other hand I clung to my father, clung fiercely lest he too be taken away from me."
  • 82. From this incident Esther begins to learn how traumatic life can be and how harshly exile will treat her. She learns that throughout her experience she will feel mixed feelings and be anxious about how other ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Biomes: Climatic Savanna Grasslands Grasslands are characterized as lands dominated by grasses rather than large shrubs or trees. There are two main types of grasslands: temperate grasslands and savannah grasslands ("Types of Biomes", 2017). One major savanna grassland is located in Africa and takes up more than a third of the continent's land area. Others can be found in India, South America and Australia. If the grassland is prevented from developing into a forest by climatic conditions such as rainfall, it is termed as 'climatic savannas'. If their characteristics are kept by soils, they are termed as 'edaphic savannas'. These can occur on hills or ridges where the soil is shallow, or in valleys where clay soils become waterlogged in wet weather. Human activities such as farming ... Show more content on ... There are very few large trees and shrubs. Grasslands dominate the veldts of South Africa, the puszta of Hungary, the pampas of Argentina and Uruguay, the steppes of the former Soviet Union, and the plains and prairies of central North America ("World Biomes", 2005). Temperatures vary more from summer to winter, and the amount of rainfall is less in temperate grasslands than in savanna grasslands. As in the savanna, seasonal drought and occasional fires are very important to biodiversity ("What is biome?", 2017). Their effects aren't as dramatic in temperate grasslands as they are in savanna grasslands though. The soil of the temperate grasslands is deep and dark, with fertile upper layers. It is rich in nutrients from the growth and decay grass roots. The rotted roots hold the soil together and provide a food source for living plants. There are environmental concerns regarding the temperate grasslands. Few natural prairie regions remain because most have been turned into farms or grazing land Animals here include hawks, owls, deer, mice, foxes, rabbits and spiders. Temperate grasslands can be further subdivided. Temperate grasslands with short grasses are called 'steppes' and those with tall grasses are called 'prairies' (Pullen, ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Giant "Steppes" Toward Freedom by Ancestors It is difficult for many Americans today to imagine taking everything they own and moving to a new country because of religious and political freedoms. With these freedoms taken so much for granted, we rarely think of the steps taken by our ancestors to gain that liberty. When looking at attempts in history to gain freedom, it is usual to look to the founding fathers of America and their sacrifices. However, other groups of people have strived for the same thing, one such group being the people of the divided German states shortly after the Seven Year's War. Through several generations of Germans, these people moved across country, across continent, and eventually even across the ocean to America in order to gain that much–desired freedom. In about 1763, the Germans were experiencing many problems. With the seven years war just behind them, much of the land had been destroyed. Crops were trampled, and properties were decimated, making the living conditions in Germany very difficult. On top of that, the war had left the political system in a state of chaos. At that time, Germany was not together as a nation but was rather divided into forty–two different states. Unified Germany as we know it today did not come about until much later, in about 1872. During this time minority religions struggled in the German states. Evangelical Christians such as Baptists were not looked well upon, as well as Mennonites who were pacifists and did not believe in serving in the military. ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Ukraine Research Paper UKRAINE Introduction_ Current Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova. It is also bordered by two major Sea's called Black Sea and Sea of Azov. Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi), making it the largest country entirely within Europe and the 46th largest country in the world, and a population of about 44.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. Ukraine is a large country in Eastern Europe known for its Orthodox churches, Black Sea coastline and forested mountains. Its capital, Kiev, features the gold–domed St. Sophia's Cathedral, with 11th–century mosaics and frescoes. Overlooking the Dnieper River is the Kiev Pechersk Lavra ... Show more content on ... This is another Important factor in the growth of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. They had Favourable conditions to sell the grain to Weastern Europe, The polish introuced a manorial system of agriculture. they asked for peasentry. they alloted less lands to the people they gave less freedom to people and their land. Then, The Fugitive peasents and Townpeople fled to steppes and established settlements, for a specific time period of 30 years . they fought for the Right to tax free settlement called Sloboda. and also they called themselves as Cossacks. But the Polish Kings who occupied created large latifundia and also tried to impose feudal dependency on both peasents and cossacks. these all led to bloody conflicts in which cossacks fought the polish government and the landowners, all of them brutally suppressed by the Poles. the growth of cossacks brought a confusion for the polish Government that the cossacks are helpfull for the defence of steppe frontier. they tried to control the cossack problem but they lost in the hands of cossacks. the cossacks became more stronger in the 17th century. Hetman petro Konashevych–sahaidachny spread their fame through successful campains against the tatars and the turks. also revived the traditions of the Kyivan Rus ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Pyrenees Mountains Just like North America has the Gulf of Mexico and it somehow impacted people and the country, Europe has the same. Europe has the Pyrenees Mountains. The Pyrenees Mountains extend from 270 miles from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea (The Pyrenees Mountain Range Map and Detail, 2016). This mountain chain consists of flat–topped ridges and folded linear ranges. The Pyrenees Mountains create a natural border between France and Spain (The Pyrenees Mountain Range Map and Details, 2016). According to Thomas Poulsen, this mountain wall played a significant role in the history of the two bordering countries and in Europe as a whole (2016). During the thirty–year war, Spain and France fought, but in November 7, 1659 the Treaty of Pyrenees ... Show more content on ... The Steppe of Eurasia is "a grassland belt that extends about 5,000 miles from Hungry, to central Asia, and end at Manchuria, East Asia" (McNeill, 2015). Since the belt is so large and crosses many areas it is divided into 5 different regions; Western Steppe, Ural–Caspian Narrowing, Central Steppe, Dzufarian Narrowing, and Eastern Steppe (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The steppe has connected Eastern Europe, Central Asia, China, South Asia, and the Middle East economically, politically, and culturally through trade routes. The Western steppe lies mainly in Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan (History of the Steppe, 2016). At one point the northern part of this steppe was covered in forest, but with time people have cut down the trees in order to turn the land into agricultural land. The south coast has ports that linked the steppe to the civilization of the Mediterranean (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The Ural–Caspian Narrowing is an area where the Ural Mountains are located and is northeast of the Caspian Sea. The sea is not a barrier for traveling, but this area tends to be rather dry (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The central steppe extends from the Ural Mountains to the region of Dzungaria, northwest of china (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). To the south of the central steppe the land is semi–desert and desert. It also contains two main rivers, which flow northwest into the Aral Sea and provide water for agriculture. The southeast is populated and contains the "Oasis Cities' of Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara along the Zarafshan River, which are well developed cities in fertile land (Eurasian Steppe, 2016). The eastern steppe is in Mongolia and China. The eastern steppe is a drier and colder than in the west. Due to this temperature change, people in history tended to migrate westward with their cattle and other animals (History of the Steppe, ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Dry Prairies Research Paper 1 Name of major natural system: Dry Prairie. 2 Location of major natural system: Dry Prairies are known to be located predominantly in three major areas north and west of Lake Okeechobee, in south–central Florida (Florida Natural Areas Inventory, n.d.c). 3 Common plants in major natural system: The characteristic set of plant species for the dry prairie natural system include a combination of shrubs and herbs; specifically, wiregrass, lopsided Indiangrass, dwarf live oak, shiny blueberry, and stunnted saw palmetto (Florida Natural Areas Inventory, n.d.c). 4 Geology of major natural system: Dry prairies typically are found to be low and flat in regards to typography (Web World Wonders, n.d.c). Nonetheless, it is stated that they are also ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Asian Steppe The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world by influencing trade, laws, and discovery. The first positive Mongol impact on the world is the impact they had on trade. The Mongol Empire had achieved something that no one else had ever done, which was gaining complete control of Asia and the trading routes held within. This meant that because they controlled all trade routes throughout Asia, trade flourished because there were no enemies to attack merchants. As a result, relations improved between the different regions of the empire and culture was also spread to the different regions. In China and Persia, the Mongols somewhat blended in with the local cultures, and this meant that their economic interests also blended ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Impact Of Mongolians Of The Asian Steppe I believe that The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a negative impact on the world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1206 to 1368 by influencing they took over too much land, they also killed way too many people and they burned everything in its path. When the Mongolians got to a town they would destroy everything and anything that got in they way they would just destroy it. They would go into a town and burn everything and take the fat from the dead people and start it on fifer and lunch it like a fifer ball. So if they came into your town after they left there would be nothing left just debra. The Mongolians had a lot of land I believe they had too much land that that is why they started to fall apart. They had issues when ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Compare And Contrast: The American Prairies The American prairies are located in the center of North America. The prairies reach north from Canada down to southern Texas, and west from Indiana to the Rocky Mountains. The climate of the prairies changes the type of the prairie. Tall grass prairie or "the true prairie" is located where the climate is more wet. and the short grass prairie is located where the climate is more dry. The amount of rainfall in the prairies changes yearly. It is usually somewhere between 12.6 inches and 21.7 inches. In the prairie the summers are hot and the winters are cold. The summer is a very dry time. About every 30 years or so there is a drought. And between 1 and 5 years there is a fire. The fire burns the dead grasses and the other similar plants which ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Savannas Research Paper Savannas are characterized by grass–covered land with a scattering of shrubs or trees; savannas have two layers, grass, and shrubs or trees. The savannas of the world are found in South America and are known as cerrado, Africa as miombo, and Australia as the mulga.The vegetation is determined by the amount of rainfall. The large variation in the rainfall which has a distinct pattern and an average monthly temperature of 18 degrees and above is another feature of the savanna. Savannas are also known for their flat relief like places such as plateau. Herbivores both invertebrates and vertebrates called this place and feed by grazing or browsing and living on the herbivores are a range of cats dogs and hyenas. The soils in these areas are nutrient ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Oak Savanna Ecosystems Upland prairie and oak savanna ecosystems are among the most imperiled vegetation types in North America. Upland prairies can be described as a type of dry grassland consisting of mostly native bunchgrass and annual and perennial diverse forbs. Oak savannas are specified as ecosystems with continuous grass or forb ground cover with a scattered distribution of open–growth oak trees and small groves of oaks. While the Willamette Valley was once dominated by these landscapes, upland prairie oak savanna systems currently exist in only 0.5% of their historic range. Chip Ross Park is a combination of the two and is considered an upland prairie oak savanna (Boyer 2010). Chip Ross Park is located north of Corvallis, OR and is owned by the Green Belt ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. The Importance of the Russian Steppes "Russia is a land of extreme geography, and has the world's deepest lake and Europe's highest mountain and longest river" (Curtis 125). Because Russian geography was so diverse and unlike that of any other country, Russia developed a culture that was unique and different from others. Throughout history, mountains such as the Ural Mountains, rivers such as the Dnieper River, and plains such as the Russian steppes have served an important role in the development of Russian culture and beliefs. Mountains have served as a natural barrier, and have limited Russian expansion, while rivers have made Russia vulnerable to invasion. The steppes were great for Russia and gave Russians power and authority. Russia had a variety of types of geography, which all affected Russia in different ways. The mountains of had positive and negative effects on Russia. The largest mountain chain in Russia is the Ural Mountains, which expand for nearly 1,150 miles ("Ural Mountains."). In Russia, the Urals helped and hurt Russia in many different ways. One way these mountains helped Russia is that the Russian Empire prospered between these mountains along with the Dnieper River (Curtis 125). Because of the Ural Mountains, a border was created in the middle of Europe and Asia (Curtis 131). The Ural Mountains weren't massive, and in fact had many low points as well as high points. These low points in the Urals allowed for many transportation routes within the Russian Empire (Curtis 131). The ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Quantification Of The Contribution Of Human Influences (... Quantification of the contribution of human influences (HI) on regional climate change is a focus of climate change research (Dirmeyer et al., 2010; Kalnay and Cai 2003). Quantification of such influences can help us understand regional climate patterns and improve the accuracy and algorithms/mechanism of downscaling general circulation models (Lawrence and Chase, 2010; Li et al., 2012; Zhao and Pitman, 2002). The important human influences on regional climate are land– use and land–cover change (LUCC) (Pielke et al., 2002) as well as of human activities (such as greenhouse gases emission) (Fall et al., 2010; IPCC 2013), but their impacts are different (Mahmood et al., 2014). When notable LUCC occurs, the local radiative forcing change caused by surface albedo may actually be greater than that due to the collective, well–mixed human greenhouse gases (Pielke et al., 2002). So far, between one–third and one–half of the land surfaces of the world have been transformed by human development (Bettwy 2005). The human–made LUCC and the resulting alterations in surface features are major drivers of long–term global climate patterns (Pielke 2005). Moreover, a modeling result indicated that future LUCC will continue to play a major role affecting climate for the next century (Feddema et al., 2005). Over the past century, conversion of natural landscapes to anthropogenic landscapes (such as agricultural land) have been the most prominent LUCC in many regions of the world ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Silk Roads Or Steppe Roads In World History, By David... David Christian proved his passion for digging deeper into history through use of writing the article "Silk Roads or Steppe Roads? The Silk Roads in World History," published in the eleventh edition of the Journal of World History, in the spring of 2000 by the University of Hawaii Press. Christian points out that trans–ecological exchanges are not fully appreciated and recognized in conventional historiography about the Silk Roads; he believes they should be–since they play an important role in the expansion of the roads in the North and were apart of the flourishing of the Silk Roads. In David's article, he recognizes different interpretations of the Silk Roads throughout different regions and time periods and relies on a plethora of sources to do. Christian recognizes that the Silk Roads are ingrained into historiography of China, the Mediterranean world, inner and central Asia, and also play a vital role as "links between different regions of the Afro–Eurasian landmass." As mentioned previously, this article observes that historiography focuses on the trade between trans–civilizational societies and credits them as important to expansion and success of empires and trans–civilizational regions. In later centuries, the historiography describes the flux and flow of the Silk Roads' flourishing. Through the use of sources, Christian describes these successes to have been at peak from 100 CE to the first, second and third centuries. The Golden Era was claimed to have ended after the Mongol period, due to being out shadowed by other trade routes and sea routes. However, the article acknowledged that trans–Asian trade and travel later resumed, but the Silk Roads would never return to their original flourishing state. Different interpretations of the Silk Roads continued throughout Christian's article. Conventional historiography in the classical era depicts that the birth of the Silk Roads dates "from the opening of the state–sponsored trade between China and Central Asia at the end of the second century BCE." However, David argues that Eurasian steppeland had "vigorous systems of trans–Eurasian exchanges" before then. Leaders in that time basically got handed pre–established trade systems and routes. ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. National Geographic Society, National Geography: West And... Buttes West and East Mitten Buttes Monument Valley, Utah 36° 59.3857 N 110°04.8213 W An isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top External forces like weathering and erosion create buttes. Streams slowly cut through a mesa or plateau Buttes aren't populated and people don't migrate there because they are isolated and usually in desserts. There's no water or (soil for food). People can't survive in buttes. Society, National Geographic. "Butte." National Geographic Society. © 1996– 2016 National Geographic Society., 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 19 Sept. 2016. Delta Ganges Delta Ganges, Bangladesh 21°57.1953 N 89°09.1185 E Deltas are wetlands that form as rivers empty their water and sediment into another body of water, such as an ocean, lake, ... Show more content on ... In America Many native Indians traveled across and lived on plains. One of their sacred animals the buffalo lived all across these plains. Buffalos were a huge part of their culture and used in rituals, sacrifices, folks and more. "Great Plains". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 19 Sep. 2016 Wetland Atchafalaya River Swamp Louisiana, USA 30°13.1985 N 91°35.1655 W Wetlands are lands consisting of marshes or swamps. Wetlands are transition zones between land and aquatic systems where the water table is usually near or at the surface, or the land is covered by shallow water. Wetlands form when there is poor drainage or where water builds up over soil. Wetlands are disease–ridden places, so people won't get sick. They have natural water quality improvement, flood protection, shoreline erosion control. The wetlands are a source of food because the wetlands ecosystems have all different animals. It's also a source of income from the fishing industry. AG, Framepool. "Swamp / Atchafalaya River / Louisiana / USA | HD Stock Video 767–907–402 | Framepool Stock Footage." Framepool Stock Footage Library. 2001–2016 by Framepool AG, n.d. Web. 19 Sept. ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Rome Was Different From The Steppes Rome was different from the steppes. For one, there were more trees. Dense forests dotted the landscape back east but here in the west they rolled on for miles and miles, making it harder for the large horde to travel on horseback. At least the roads helped. Romans were meticulous about their roads, and their insistence about the width made it easier for riders to ride two by two, as well as for the large carts to pass through unscathed. Roads to the east were merely dirt paths carved over time, little more than dirt impressions winding through a sea of grass. Although grateful for them, Attila didn't need the roads. Despite the trees he could have navigated his men through the thick forests, though it would have admittedly taken ... Show more content on ... It was a damning piece of parchment. Her brother had been sending legions to the east to stop the encroaching Huns. He would not have allowed his sister to write the letter and if he had been entertaining the idea of an alliance, then he would have written it himself. This was treason. Yet the idea was intriguing. Attila had been married once before, but both his wife and child were dead and buried alongside the trails in the steppes. With no legitimate heir to his dynasty, there had already been quarrels amongst the host as to who should step in if, and more importantly when, the king died. Some suggested one of his acknowledged sons from the trail women. Though not born of a proper union, they were still his blood. Others said that he should pick from his most trusted generals. Attila had made no decision either way, however. In fact the inferred idea that he would not sire any more children offended him. He was a young man, not a lecher too old to rise to the occasion... He could still father a true heir. And who better than a princess from the west, beautiful and young, and considering the ring that Attila had wrapped around his neck with a bit of leather, who was also eager to become his wife? So the decision was made. Attila chose from the main host a few hundred men to accompany him to Rome. It was dangerous riding into the heart of the empire but with a smaller group travelling with him, it would be easier to avoid patrols and outposts. ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Biomes are the Communities of the World Biomes are all over the world, that's why they are considered the "world's major communities." Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals and plants acclimating to their environments. You can classify biomes in many different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity, human activity, their animals and plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of biomes, Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth, such as causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like this, there might be more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that we share the world with so many other species of plants and animals, we should consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biome is the most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth. It's what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one–thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater and marine ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Biome are Constellations of Adaptations Biomes are appropriate conditions for organizing the natural world because the organisms that live in them common constellations of adaptations, particularly the climate of each of the areas and the characteristic vegetation types that develops in these divisions. It should be understood that the climate is perhaps the most important in determining classes of individuals who may live in an area and the ways they should be amended to live under different conditions of temperature and precipitation and seasonal distribution of these factors element. Every place on Earth has its own climate, influenced by both macroclimate regions as the particular microclimate. The soils are very important because they are essential to determine the types of plants that will grow into a bioclimatic zone in partical, in addition, also as substrates for animals serve. In turn, the soils are heavily influenced by regional climate, as well as the geology of the bedrock. At the same time we have to keep in mind the diversity of plants like the flora just like the diversity of the fauna as well as the adaptation of both. The tundra Plant life tends to be of low growth and, during the short summer, the birds arrive in large numbers to feed on the insects that are born in this period. The climate is cold summers and very cold winters characterize the tundra area in the northern most limit plant growth. Areas ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Endless Steppe Essay "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." (Johann von Goethe) "The Endless Steppe" by Esther Hautzig is a novel about a family's determination to survive. In the novel it tells of how determination, the human ability to adopt, and happiness can hold a family together and help them even preserver over all odds. In addition, "The Endless Steppe" tells of Reisa, Ryia, and Esther tales of how they overcame these ordeals and survived in Siberia in their own way. The theme of this book is that the human capacity to adapt to and find happiness in the most difficult circumstances. Each character in the novel shows this in their way. For instance, their family is randomly taken from their home and forced to ... Show more content on ... The second person that illustrated the theme of the book was Esther's mother Raya. Raya showed this by always keeping a positive attitude, which raises the spirits around her. For instance, in the novel her husband went off to war, his entire battalion was wiped out and everyone had given up hope of him returning except for her. She kept saying, "Be sure to get some farmer's cheese, the kind he adores." Her positive attitude paid off in the end after everyone thought she was grief ridden she proved them wrong when he returned. In addition, her positive attitude did pay off again when he husband was thought to be lost in a when he did not return for work. Everyone was starting to be worried and lose hope but she continued to hope and believe and tell the others to and he returned again. That is how Raya illustrated the theme of the book by maintaining her positive attitude and encouraging others around her with it. The third person that illustrated the theme of the book was Esther. Esther showed the theme of the book by the ability to accept change and her love for her family, which held them together. For instance, when she was forced for her home on the train she was scared and she did not know what the future held for her but she pursued on. She even did not even complain in situations that other people would. In addition, she also had to endure not having her own space, new roommates, even different schools, and making new friend. However, even through all ... Get more on ...