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Advanced Microservice
Steve Pember
CTO, ThirdChannel
Greach, 2015
Let’s talk about Microservices
* Before I begin, I should probably point out there’s not much in this talk that specifically relates to Groovy

* In fact, there’s no code in this talk at all. Mostly just theory.

* Still, I believe the information is useful. Microservices are all the rage.

* Incidentally, At 3C we love microservices, and Groovy is our most used language in our services
• Microservices: Overview
• Microservices: Advantages
• Service Design
• Organizational Structure
• Dev Ops
The agenda for this presentation first is to briefly cover the microservice architectural pattern, some of it’s advantages,

and then get into some of the advanced concerns, where I’ve grouped them by overall topic… Service Design, Organizational Structure, and Dev ops!
• Microservices: Overview
* To begin:

* Who here has heard of ‘Microservices’? Just trying to measure how to talk about this

* Who here is currently working with or has worked on a Microservices platform?
• Fight the Monolith
So let’s get started with a quick overview of what Microservices actually are.

I believe microservices are an attempt to fight against a distressing pattern in software architecture: the monolithic application
Building a monolith has become, I think, the natural response for many developers or companies when they first start out on a project
-A monolithic app is: Single, logical executable unit, often comprised of 3 components - at least for a web app: the View layer (CSS/HTML/JS), the middle
tier (contains business logic) and the data storage.

- here’s an example of an e-comm app’s middle tier: product browsing, catalog management, order processing, shopping cart

- as I add features to my application, I simply tack them on to the existing code base. Feature upon Feature upon feature
Feels Natural
The danger with the monolith I think, is that this feels like the natural thing to do.

You start a new project, choose a framework and begin building.
start out easy

quick wins as you add new features

“Oh, I need a shopping cart now. Great, let’s shove in a Cart model and a Controller. Maybe service”

…in the long term, though, you’ll run into some problems

complexity grows quickly as you keep adding new features!

Even if you’re very, very careful… application will still inevitably become a mess
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
To the point where it leads to Developer Misery. 

Open up your IDE, only to be bogged down by the countless controllers or View objects popping out at you. Quick hacks and other Technical Debt that
promised yourself you would go back and fix … and you never do… make the system hard to develop.

When adding new features or fixing bugs, developers will spend huge amounts of time figuring out how something works before they can even start fixing a
problem. May require dragging in other people who worked on it before to help.
Microservices to the Rescue!
This frustration - of working on large, monstrous applications - , I think, is why Microservices have become so popular.
• Fight the Monolith
• Distributed
So, when we use that term “Microservice”, what exactly are we talking about?

Well, fundamentally what it means is that we’re building a distributed application
So, instead of the monolith I showed you before, we do this:

- describe break up
What About ‘Service Oriented
Now you may be saying:

“Wait, isn’t this just Service Oriented Architecture? People have done this before.”
*	 It’s true, this has been done before. SOA has been around for years now

*	 Microservices, though, are a more focused and disciplined version of SOA.

*	 REASON BEING: Involves technical and organizational changes not defined in SOA. Let’s go over a few of them:
• Fight the Monolith
• Distributed
• Independent
First: Independence.

In a Microservice system, Each service should be completely independent of each other
Independently developed. Each with their own separate code repository.

Independently deployed.

- allows for independent history

- results in isolated code which is great for adhering to design principles like separation of concerns.

• Fight the Monolith
• Distributed
• Independent
• Single Context

Each Service contains a single context…. Or rather, each service is responsible for One thing.

This one thing could be a particular set of data or a particular process.

This approach naturally leads to smaller, less complicated codebases
Let’s say I was building an e-commerce application. I may have… <name services>

Each one responsible for a single object or a single process

Each one of them, will be developed separately from each other and will be each far less complicated than if we tried to jam each service together into a
single monolith
• Fight the Monolith
• Distributed
• Independent
• Single Context
• Simple, “Dumb”, Communication Technology
Your services should communicate with each other using very simplistic channels, but be very smart about how they do so.

<slow down>
No Enterprise Service Buses
Which basically means “No enterprise Service Buses” or ESBs.

You would often find ESBs in Service Oriented Architecture or SOA implementations. They are complicated services that are responsible for figuring out
how to route messages to the various services. 

In practice, they Would often be very complex with custom logic; another thing to maintain
Instead, Use HTTP or Message Queues
Instead, use direct HTTP calls or Message Queues

* Http: Already in the web, so why not use a web technology? HTTP allows for Direct communication between services, but it’s synchronous… so, while
the request is active, both services have resources that locked in the communication

* Message Queues on the other hand: Asynchronous, but require some additional code or library for messaging formats

* Regardless, Each approach does require a lightweight program to help with the communication.
So with HTTP based comms and a handful of services, you may end up with something like this:

web of inter service communications. Each service needs to know the ‘address’ of the other services, along with when it needs to talk to the others.

So, if a user places an order, that code needs to know to talk to the order history service and the billing service in a particular order.
* With HTTP, you’ll need a service to help you discover other services, otherwise each service would also have to maintain a huge internal map of the
locations of the other services. 

* A “Service Discovery Service”

* Netfix has open sourced one, called “Eureka” which is very useful.

* With all of that, HTTP is very commonly used in Microservice Architectures.
With a message Oriented approach on the other hand..

- services don’t know where each other are, nor do they care where the other services are.

- communicate entirely through the the Message Broker

- When an event needs to go out, it is simply generated. The services do not need to individually worry about which other service needs this information.

- Personally, I prefer this approach for a variety of reasons, which I’d be happy to talk about after.
Regardless, With MQ you’ll need a Message Broker to quickly and efficiently route your messages.

I recommend either:
• Fight the Monolith
• Distributed
• Independent
• Single Context
• Simple, “Dumb”, Communication Technology
• REST-ful Communications
Your services should communicate with each other using very simplistic channels, but be very smart about how they do so.
I feel that when many people think of REST or say that they have a “RESTful api”, they’re thinking of performing CRUD operations (create / read / update /
delete) over HTTP, using some of the HTTP verbs.
There are many more aspects to REST than that.
Primarily, I think, no State should be shared across services.
Attempting to keep shared state across distributed services WILL drive you crazy.
Caching, Layering, and Uniform
the REST specification also calls for caching your data, layering your services, and ensuring they have a uniform interface.

- Layering: when your services ask for or push information, they shouldn’t care whether who they’re talking to is the actual service or some intermediary
that’s then passing it on. As long as the data is handled, the services should trust that the handlers know what to do.

- Uniform interface implies many things… I’m going to take a shortcut and just say that each of your services should communicate with each other via the
same technique. If anyone wants to argue about HATEOAS later, I’d be happy to.
• Fight the Monolith
• Distributed
• Independent
• Single Context
• Simple, “Dumb”, Communication Technology
• REST-ful Communications
• Dedicated, Cross-Purpose Teams

… from an organizational standpoint, the teams building the service should be cross-purpose.
Teams in charge of a service should come from a variety of disciplines. Engineering, QA, Art & Design, Project Management, perhaps a deployment
engineer, etc.
• Microservices: Overview
• Microservices: Advantages
* Next on the agenda: Microservice architectures have been gaining huge followings in the past few years due to the benefits they bring.
Microservices: Advantages
• Loose Coupling!
Because our systems are independent of each other, this promotes natural Loose Coupling. Individual teams can develop the services independently,
which keeps complexity down.
Microservices: Advantages
• Loose Coupling!
• Right Tool for the Job
* Each service can be built according to the technology best suited to it. 

* Not locked into one language or framework
Always use Groovy, naturally
But of course, Groovy is always the right tool for the job!
Microservices: Advantages
• Loose Coupling!
• Right Tool for the Job
• Easy to Scale Services
It’s easy to scale Microservice applications to meet the particular user demand
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
Borrowed this from Martin Fowler’s website

As demand on the application grows, I can scale just the components that are needed, rather than needing to replicate the whole monolith
* targeted growth results in your team using fewer resources
* which saves $$$ and makes your team more efficient
Microservices: Advantages
• Loose Coupling!
• Right Tool for the Job
• Easy to Scale Services
• Easy to Scale Development
Speaking of scaling…

Scaling development in general is very difficult. With a microservices architecture, you have an advantage where it’s relatively easy for developers.

Because the code base is smaller, your developers can hold the context of a service in their head at once (something impossible with a monolith). This
allows them to find bugs quickly and identify exactly where new features should go.
Microservices: Advantages
• Loose Coupling!
• Right Tool for the Job
• Easy to Scale Services
• Easy to Scale Development
• Fast to Fail / Start Over
Microservices allow us to fail fast.

Find out quickly of a technology or a service isn’t working. 

Easy to refactor or replace a service

Microservices: Advantages
• Loose Coupling!
• Right Tool for the Job
• Easy to Scale Services
• Easy to Scale Development
• Fast to Fail / Start Over
• Allows for Continuous Delivery
Finally, Adopting a Microservices approach allows for your team to Continuously Deliver your code.
Which, I think, is the absolute ultimate goal of any development team. I think it’s the main reason to use microservices to begin with.

The ability to basically make a change or implement a feature and then immediately have it running in production? It’s thrilling, and powerful, and liberating
for your developers.

Furthermore, It essentially eliminates the notion of a Sprint and dramatically changes Agile Development.
Goodbye, Release Windows
Who here has worked in teams where you have a development release window or a ‘release train’? I have. Who here was worked in companies where you
release a new build every 3 or 4 weeks… or longer? I certainly

It was miserable, it was depressing, to stack up a bunch of features for release. Everyone was a little unsure if the changes they made broke other people’s
code. If a bug was detected in the wild, it wouldn’t be fixed until the next release. Madness.
Microservices Have
That all being said, Microservices do have their downsides. Like any new buzzword or new hot thing in tech, people will complain about it or point out any
problems it has.

Microservices do have a few complaints, although I don’t agree with all of these.

Some of the complaints I’ve seen have been:
Microservices: Problems
• Distributed Systems are Hard
Working with distributed systems is difficult. Or really, it’s difficult to wrap your mind around a distributed system.

And yeah, it can be hard to worry about multiple small services.
Microservices: Problems
• Distributed Systems are Hard
• Added Complexity
Splitting your code into services can add additional operational complexity, as now we have more moving parts in our platform.

I disagree with this one, breaking your code down reduces programming & computational complexity
Microservices: Problems
• Distributed Systems are Hard
• Added Complexity
• “What if a service goes down?”
You may here someone in your organization say something like “What if service X goes down? It’s central to our business!”

Well, That person is not ready for microservices.
Microservices: Problems
• Distributed Systems are Hard
• Added Complexity
• “What if a service goes down?”
• Significant Operations / Dev Ops Work
Microservices will require some additional focus on dev ops related work, like streamlining deployments.
These Can All Be Mitigated
These points, while valid, can be addressed, reduced, or handled pretty well. These next sections cover some of these ‘Advanced’ concerns when working
with Microservices. These are things that everyone should be aware of.
• Microservices: Overview
• Microservices: Advantages
• Service Design
* First up: Service design!

* As we’re building our individual services, what should we be aware of?
Service Design
• Single Bounded Context
I’ll reiterate here that each service needs to be a single bounded context.

It’s a bit tricky, but this point basically states how large a service should be… which is: a service should be small enough that a single developer can hold
the entire functionality of it within their head.
Service Design
• Single Bounded Context
• Resilient
your services should be resilient
they should embrace and welcome that errors will occur within the platform… and they should know how to handle any potential error.

For example, if our order billing system goes down… instead of shutting down the whole website, we simply accumulate orders, allow our users to go on
as normal, and hope the system comes back up eventually.
Independent Things Fail
The overal rule I think, is that your services should maintain their independence… and fail independently.
Service Design
• Single Bounded Context
• Resilient
• Fast and Efficient
Design your services to be fast and efficient.
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
You should strive to return a result to your Request as fast as you can. In the US we have an idiom called “hot potato” which means to get read of
something as fast as you can.

It’s important that your back end services return a result as quickly as possible in order to 

Speed is king.

Several years ago, an engineer with Amazon named Greg Linden revealed that the company ran experiment where they intentionally slowed down site

- 100ms delay resulted in 1 percent drop in sales.
Service Design
• Single Bounded Context
• Resilient
• Fast and Efficient
• Each Service is an Authority
Each service should be responsible for one particular thing within your application. This relates to single bounded context.

Each service should be an Authority on some data… or an authority on a particular process. For example, I may have a ‘User Service’ that is the source of
information on Users within my system… or I could have an Email Notification Service which is responsible for sending emails
Service Design
• Single Bounded Context
• Resilient
• Fast and Efficient
• Each Service is an Authority
• Embrace Eventual Consistency
Embrace Eventual consistency. Does everyone know about this? basically, in a distributed system, you must accept that an individual client or service may
not have the most recent view of the data… but that eventually, every service will have data consistent with the authority service.

This is a very large subject and I’d love to talk about some of the nuances about it later.
Service Design
• Single Bounded Context
• Resilient
• Fast and Efficient
• Each Service is an Authority
• Embrace Eventual Consistency
• CAP Theorem
These next two topics are perhaps the most difficult in this talk. At least, very difficult to explain.

First up, the CAP Theorem
CAP Theorem
• (C)onsistency
• (A)vailability
• (P)artition Tolerance
The CAP Theorem states that there are 3 three attributes or guarantees that a Distributed System can have:

- consistency: when an update occurs in our system, all services know about it at the same time (which is the opposite of eventual consistency)

- availability: when information is asked of the service, it responds as quickly as it can

- partition tolerance: a service is able to handle or deal with failures occurring in other services
CAP Theorem
• (C)onsistency
• (A)vailability
• (P)artition Tolerance
• Pick 2!
Well, the CAP Theorem says that’s great, and in fact you can only have two of these. A distributed system can only meet two of these guarantees.
CAP Theorem
• (C)onsistency
• (A)vailability
• (P)artition Tolerance
• Pick 2!
• Theorem from Paper which proved “Brewer’s Conjecture”
Originally called Brewer’s Conjecture
In 2012, this paper contained a formal proof of the Conjecture and it graduated to full-on theorem.
CAP Theorem
• (C)onsistency
• (A)vailability
• (P)artition Tolerance
• Pick 2!
• Theorem from Paper which proved “Brewer’s Conjecture”
• CAP Decisions can be Service-Specific
Web Apps -> A & P
Banks / Money -> C
Service Design
• Single Bounded Design
• Resilient
• Fast and Efficient
• Each Service is an Authority
• Embrace Eventual Consistency
• CAP Theorem
• Locality of Reference (Data Locality)
Last… let’s talk about Data Locality.

You should be very concerned about Data Locality
Data Locality
• Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?”
There are two aspects of data locality:

1. Spatial. How proximal is our data? In a single data base, data can be considered highly spatial if it’s in the same table. Data which is reachable by joins is
less spatial and perhaps less efficient to reach
Data Locality
• Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?”
• Temporal: “How often is our data accessed?”
2. Temporal. Being highly temporal means that data is read frequently. Highly temporal data - is an excellent candidate for caching.

These terms take on slightly different meanings in a distributed system, though.
In an ideal distributed environment, each system would be completely separate.
-However, there will always be some conceptual overlap between domain objects. For example, let’s say we have an ecommerce system where
<describe system>.
-Red lines are anchors between data localities
- Here, both the user service and the O history service maintain a concept of user. But, users’ uuid is a shared natural key which acts as each
services’ anchor to understanding the concept of a User.
- Our user service is the authoritative source on a User
- Our order history system also understands the User, but simply maintains the order history along with the user uuid of the user placing the order
Same chart from before, but another service, communication via email. This service also conceptualizes the user, but with a different subset of
information. Namely, the email address.
- Email address is stored in the user information service, but is *also* used extensively by the communication service. Which one should be the
authoritative source of the email address? The communication service uses it more (and thus has higher Temporal locality), but email is a key piece
of information which should be managed by the user service thus keeping it Spatial close to the other user data.
- Tough Choice
- One Compromise is to (unfortunately) synchronize the email address across multiple services
- Or, communication service has no concept of User’s email address, but simply blindly sends emails out. The email addresses involved must be
placed into each message received by the Communication service
- Or, third option, perhaps we cache the email address on the communication service and wait for an event or notification from the user service
when it changes (Eventual consistency, eh? When the user changes their email address, the communication service eventually, busts the cache and
resets the email address. The user may miss an email until that happens, and that may be ok).
Data Locality
• Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?”
• Temporal: “How often is our data accessed?”
• Embrace Eventual Consistency, Do not sync data!
Remember the point from earlier though… embrace eventual consistency

My recommendation is to never sync data. It will likely be inevitable that you’ll eventually have to synchronize something
Do NOT Synchronize
I believe that synchronizing data will eventually always break down and cause no end of problems. Inevitably data will become out of sync; you will have to
create some jobs or processes to re-sync any data which has ‘drifted’. 

We’ve tried synchronizing data at ThirdChannel in the past, and data discrepancies were the the primary cause of bug reports. It was terrible.

If you overhear anyone on your team say “Well, we *could* just synchronize these two things”, roll up a newspaper and whack them on the nose like a dog.
Data Locality
• Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?”
• Temporal: “How often is our data accessed?”
• Embrace Eventual Consistency, Do not sync data!
• Goal: Have Highly Spatial Data & Efficiently Handle Temporal Data
With a MS, your goal is to have..
• Microservices: Overview
• Microservices: Advantages
• Service Design
• Organizational Structure
* Next,
Organizational Changes
• Cross-Discipline Teams
In many companies, it’s a common pattern to have your staff broken up into massive departments: a QA department, a UX team, your engineers, and the
dreaded DBAs…

Instead, with microservices, it is encouraged to break up that thinking. Build teams around your services such that it’s comprised of multiple people of
multiple disciplines.

One of the best working experiences I had was with an awesome QA person that sat right next to me… finish story
Organizational Changes
• Cross-Discipline Teams
• Dedicated & Responsible
With that, each team is ultimately responsible for their individual service(s).

When I say I responsible, I mean it. If the service malfunctions over the weekend, the people on that team should be receiving notifications about it. There’s
not a team of junior engineers or interns around to fix it. If you commit code, you’re responsible for fixing it.

What ends up happening, is that the engineers end up writing a hell of a lot of unit and integration tests in order to avoid the dreaded early am phone call.
Organizational Changes
• Cross-Discipline Teams
• Dedicated & Responsible
• Autonomous
With all that, the engineering teams should be autonomous…
–Johnny Appleseed
“Type a quote here.”
-But, They also need to be aligned well with the business. Essentially, provide the end goal, and let the team figure out how best to get there.

-I borrowed this drawing from a Spotify blog post on their engineering culture, and it shows the concept of a highly Aligned, highly Autonomous team.

Describe the top right
Organizational Changes
• Cross-Discipline Teams
• Dedicated & Responsible
• Autonomous
• Microservice Champion(s)
You will need some architects or team leads to champion the micro service vision.
* These people will need to have the vision to direct people. To guide them. This leadership team will need to have a shared vision and design from which
they can guide the rest of the company.

*If you start down the Microservices path, you will have some people in house who disagree with it. They’ll complain for various reasons I mentioned earlier.

*What they’re really saying is that this new approach is too hard and they’re afraid. The leadership team must be there to guide people forward and to

* And to encourage communication
Organizational Changes
• Cross-Discipline Teams
• Dedicated & Responsible
• Autonomous
• Microservice Champion(s)
• Conway’s Law
which brings us to Conway’s Law.
I talked about Conway’s law last year.. I think at Great.
I was at a conference a couple weeks ago, and it was the subject of several talks.
So… I just want to tell you all I’m a bit of a trendsetter, leading the pack.
-Melvin Conway, 1968's_law
“organizations which design systems ... are constrained to
produce designs which are copies of the communication
structures of these organizations”
Somewhat tongue and cheek, but basically says that the structure of any given computer system will begin to reflect the social structures of the
company that built it.
While yes, teams should be organized around services, these services still need to communicate with one another.
If Conway’s Law is not observed, some interesting things can happen.

You may end up with situations where:

- intra service APIs not matching up at all

- teams expecting data to be in services, that may not be there. A misunderstanding of what a service provides

- team A waiting for Team B to finish service without bothering to help them

- eventually you may get a point where teams start blaming or attacking each other for problems in the system. There can be arguments. “Man, the team
working on the Shopping Cart Service is terrible. Their code is always broken”
Hard Problem to Solve
Avoiding Conway’s Law is not easy, and there’s no clear way to do it. Try your best to encourage communication and collaboration between teams. 

Rotate people between service teams

Get everyone on a shared communication channel (Slack is a popular choice)

Ensure that each service’s API is published and highly visible to other teams.
• Microservices: Overview
• Microservices: Advantages
• Service Design
• Organizational Structure
• Dev Ops
* Next up, Dev ops
Because each team is responsible for their deployments, nearly everyone in your team is going to get some Dev Ops experience.

Whether they like it or not….

However, there are several things you can do to make the Dev Ops experience better, and make it easier to manage your application
Dev Ops
• Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging
Receives Metrics, Logs and Health checks
One absolute requirement of a successful microservices deployment is to have detailed monitoring of your services.

This monitoring service is responsible for performing heartbeat checks on your services and gathering metrics about them. It should also be responsible
acting as a centralized logging platform for each of your services.

If you think this may end up being an absolute ton of data… well, you’re right.
There’s many applications or paid services available to store and visualize all of this data. However, many people I speak to recommend the Open Source
‘ELK stack’. Which is LogStash for parsing your logs, elastic search for enabling search on your data, and Kibana for visualization
No SSH == You’re doing it right
If you can get data from services and be aware of what they’re doing… and you *never* have to ssh into your services… well, then, you’re doing it right.

I read somewhere that some companies will actually block the ssh ports (22?) on their instances or their Amazon VPC to prove this point
Dev Ops
• Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging
• Standardize your Deployment Process
Even if your services use different languages or frameworks, do your best to make sure everyone is using the same general approach to deployment.
Core OS’s rocket
Dev Ops
• Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging
• Standardize your Deployment Process
• Small, Fast Deployments
Dev Ops
• Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging
• Standardize your Deployment Process
• Small, Fast Deployments
• Continuous Deployment!
With continuous Deployment, your engineers should be releasing as soon as things are ready. Push a feature when it’s complete.
Beware “I have to deploy Service A before
Service C or else Service B will break”
Wasn’t sure how to diagram this.

The only thing that should concern your team are the moments where a release has dependencies on other services… E.g. I have to deploy Service C
before I deploy service A or else service B will break. 

However, these cases should be RARE
The day to day deployments, though, will be amazing. 

It may be a lot of work to get to the point where you can continuous deploy, but once you get there and are able to do it… well, it feels great.
In Summary:
So that’s really all I have, but before I stop, here is a brief summary
Laws of the Microservice
1. Be Independent
2. Communicate with your coworkers
3. Keep Data Close and Cache it Well
4. Do Not Sync
5. Monitor and Visualize
6. Work towards Continuous Deployment
Be Independent, but at the same time, Communicate with your coworkers. A well designed system requires constant communication

Keep your data close and cache it … but do not sync any data

Get some excellent monitoring in place

Reach for Continuous Deployment!
Thank You!
Any questions?
Steve Pember
• Sad Dog:
• Monolith:
• Morpheus:
• Enterprise Crew:
• Mountain Climber:
• Simpson Dev Ops:!prettyPhoto
• rocky stairs:
• ELK Stack:
• Docker deployment Example Diagram:

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Advanced Microservices - Greach 2015

  • 1. THIRDCHANNEL Advanced Microservice Concerns Steve Pember CTO, ThirdChannel @svpember Greach, 2015 Let’s talk about Microservices
  • 2. THIRDCHANNEL * Before I begin, I should probably point out there’s not much in this talk that specifically relates to Groovy * In fact, there’s no code in this talk at all. Mostly just theory. * Still, I believe the information is useful. Microservices are all the rage. * Incidentally, At 3C we love microservices, and Groovy is our most used language in our services
  • 3. THIRDCHANNEL Agenda • Microservices: Overview • Microservices: Advantages • Service Design • Organizational Structure • Dev Ops The agenda for this presentation first is to briefly cover the microservice architectural pattern, some of it’s advantages, and then get into some of the advanced concerns, where I’ve grouped them by overall topic… Service Design, Organizational Structure, and Dev ops!
  • 4. THIRDCHANNEL Agenda • Microservices: Overview * To begin: * Who here has heard of ‘Microservices’? Just trying to measure how to talk about this * Who here is currently working with or has worked on a Microservices platform?
  • 5. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices • Fight the Monolith So let’s get started with a quick overview of what Microservices actually are. I believe microservices are an attempt to fight against a distressing pattern in software architecture: the monolithic application
  • 6. THIRDCHANNEL Building a monolith has become, I think, the natural response for many developers or companies when they first start out on a project
  • 7. THIRDCHANNEL -A monolithic app is: Single, logical executable unit, often comprised of 3 components - at least for a web app: the View layer (CSS/HTML/JS), the middle tier (contains business logic) and the data storage. - here’s an example of an e-comm app’s middle tier: product browsing, catalog management, order processing, shopping cart - as I add features to my application, I simply tack them on to the existing code base. Feature upon Feature upon feature
  • 8. Feels Natural The danger with the monolith I think, is that this feels like the natural thing to do. You start a new project, choose a framework and begin building.
  • 9. start out easy quick wins as you add new features “Oh, I need a shopping cart now. Great, let’s shove in a Cart model and a Controller. Maybe service” …in the long term, though, you’ll run into some problems NEED TO GO BACK AND ADD BITS ABOUT HOW MONOLITHS GROW
  • 10. complexity grows quickly as you keep adding new features! Even if you’re very, very careful… application will still inevitably become a mess
  • 11. –Johnny Appleseed “Type a quote here.” To the point where it leads to Developer Misery. Open up your IDE, only to be bogged down by the countless controllers or View objects popping out at you. Quick hacks and other Technical Debt that promised yourself you would go back and fix … and you never do… make the system hard to develop. When adding new features or fixing bugs, developers will spend huge amounts of time figuring out how something works before they can even start fixing a problem. May require dragging in other people who worked on it before to help.
  • 12. Microservices to the Rescue! This frustration - of working on large, monstrous applications - , I think, is why Microservices have become so popular.
  • 13. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices • Fight the Monolith • Distributed So, when we use that term “Microservice”, what exactly are we talking about? Well, fundamentally what it means is that we’re building a distributed application
  • 14. THIRDCHANNEL So, instead of the monolith I showed you before, we do this: - describe break up
  • 15. What About ‘Service Oriented Architecture’? Now you may be saying: “Wait, isn’t this just Service Oriented Architecture? People have done this before.”
  • 16. * It’s true, this has been done before. SOA has been around for years now * Microservices, though, are a more focused and disciplined version of SOA. * REASON BEING: Involves technical and organizational changes not defined in SOA. Let’s go over a few of them:
  • 17. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices • Fight the Monolith • Distributed • Independent First: Independence. In a Microservice system, Each service should be completely independent of each other
  • 18. THIRDCHANNEL Independently developed. Each with their own separate code repository. Independently deployed. - allows for independent history - results in isolated code which is great for adhering to design principles like separation of concerns. -
  • 19. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices • Fight the Monolith • Distributed • Independent • Single Context Next. Each Service contains a single context…. Or rather, each service is responsible for One thing. This one thing could be a particular set of data or a particular process. This approach naturally leads to smaller, less complicated codebases
  • 20. THIRDCHANNEL Let’s say I was building an e-commerce application. I may have… <name services> Each one responsible for a single object or a single process Each one of them, will be developed separately from each other and will be each far less complicated than if we tried to jam each service together into a single monolith
  • 21. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices • Fight the Monolith • Distributed • Independent • Single Context • Simple, “Dumb”, Communication Technology Your services should communicate with each other using very simplistic channels, but be very smart about how they do so. <slow down>
  • 22. No Enterprise Service Buses Which basically means “No enterprise Service Buses” or ESBs. You would often find ESBs in Service Oriented Architecture or SOA implementations. They are complicated services that are responsible for figuring out how to route messages to the various services. In practice, they Would often be very complex with custom logic; another thing to maintain
  • 23. Instead, Use HTTP or Message Queues Instead, use direct HTTP calls or Message Queues * Http: Already in the web, so why not use a web technology? HTTP allows for Direct communication between services, but it’s synchronous… so, while the request is active, both services have resources that locked in the communication * Message Queues on the other hand: Asynchronous, but require some additional code or library for messaging formats * Regardless, Each approach does require a lightweight program to help with the communication.
  • 24. THIRDCHANNEL So with HTTP based comms and a handful of services, you may end up with something like this: web of inter service communications. Each service needs to know the ‘address’ of the other services, along with when it needs to talk to the others. So, if a user places an order, that code needs to know to talk to the order history service and the billing service in a particular order.
  • 25. THIRDCHANNEL * With HTTP, you’ll need a service to help you discover other services, otherwise each service would also have to maintain a huge internal map of the locations of the other services. * A “Service Discovery Service” * Netfix has open sourced one, called “Eureka” which is very useful. * With all of that, HTTP is very commonly used in Microservice Architectures.
  • 26. THIRDCHANNEL With a message Oriented approach on the other hand.. - services don’t know where each other are, nor do they care where the other services are. - communicate entirely through the the Message Broker - When an event needs to go out, it is simply generated. The services do not need to individually worry about which other service needs this information. - Personally, I prefer this approach for a variety of reasons, which I’d be happy to talk about after.
  • 27. THIRDCHANNEL Regardless, With MQ you’ll need a Message Broker to quickly and efficiently route your messages. I recommend either:
  • 28. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices • Fight the Monolith • Distributed • Independent • Single Context • Simple, “Dumb”, Communication Technology • REST-ful Communications Your services should communicate with each other using very simplistic channels, but be very smart about how they do so.
  • 29. REST != CRUD != HTTP I feel that when many people think of REST or say that they have a “RESTful api”, they’re thinking of performing CRUD operations (create / read / update / delete) over HTTP, using some of the HTTP verbs.
  • 30. THIRDCHANNEL There are many more aspects to REST than that. Primarily, I think, no State should be shared across services. Attempting to keep shared state across distributed services WILL drive you crazy.
  • 31. Caching, Layering, and Uniform Interface the REST specification also calls for caching your data, layering your services, and ensuring they have a uniform interface. - Layering: when your services ask for or push information, they shouldn’t care whether who they’re talking to is the actual service or some intermediary that’s then passing it on. As long as the data is handled, the services should trust that the handlers know what to do. - Uniform interface implies many things… I’m going to take a shortcut and just say that each of your services should communicate with each other via the same technique. If anyone wants to argue about HATEOAS later, I’d be happy to.
  • 32. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices • Fight the Monolith • Distributed • Independent • Single Context • Simple, “Dumb”, Communication Technology • REST-ful Communications • Dedicated, Cross-Purpose Teams lastly, … from an organizational standpoint, the teams building the service should be cross-purpose.
  • 33. THIRDCHANNEL Teams in charge of a service should come from a variety of disciplines. Engineering, QA, Art & Design, Project Management, perhaps a deployment engineer, etc.
  • 34. THIRDCHANNEL Agenda • Microservices: Overview • Microservices: Advantages * Next on the agenda: Microservice architectures have been gaining huge followings in the past few years due to the benefits they bring.
  • 35. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Advantages • Loose Coupling! Because our systems are independent of each other, this promotes natural Loose Coupling. Individual teams can develop the services independently, which keeps complexity down.
  • 36. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Advantages • Loose Coupling! • Right Tool for the Job * Each service can be built according to the technology best suited to it. * Not locked into one language or framework
  • 37. Always use Groovy, naturally But of course, Groovy is always the right tool for the job!
  • 38. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Advantages • Loose Coupling! • Right Tool for the Job • Easy to Scale Services It’s easy to scale Microservice applications to meet the particular user demand
  • 39. –Johnny Appleseed “Type a quote here.” Borrowed this from Martin Fowler’s website As demand on the application grows, I can scale just the components that are needed, rather than needing to replicate the whole monolith * targeted growth results in your team using fewer resources * which saves $$$ and makes your team more efficient
  • 40. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Advantages • Loose Coupling! • Right Tool for the Job • Easy to Scale Services • Easy to Scale Development Speaking of scaling… Scaling development in general is very difficult. With a microservices architecture, you have an advantage where it’s relatively easy for developers. Because the code base is smaller, your developers can hold the context of a service in their head at once (something impossible with a monolith). This allows them to find bugs quickly and identify exactly where new features should go.
  • 41. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Advantages • Loose Coupling! • Right Tool for the Job • Easy to Scale Services • Easy to Scale Development • Fast to Fail / Start Over Microservices allow us to fail fast. Find out quickly of a technology or a service isn’t working. Easy to refactor or replace a service …
  • 42. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Advantages • Loose Coupling! • Right Tool for the Job • Easy to Scale Services • Easy to Scale Development • Fast to Fail / Start Over • Allows for Continuous Delivery Finally, Adopting a Microservices approach allows for your team to Continuously Deliver your code.
  • 43. THIRDCHANNEL Which, I think, is the absolute ultimate goal of any development team. I think it’s the main reason to use microservices to begin with. The ability to basically make a change or implement a feature and then immediately have it running in production? It’s thrilling, and powerful, and liberating for your developers. Furthermore, It essentially eliminates the notion of a Sprint and dramatically changes Agile Development.
  • 44. Goodbye, Release Windows Who here has worked in teams where you have a development release window or a ‘release train’? I have. Who here was worked in companies where you release a new build every 3 or 4 weeks… or longer? I certainly It was miserable, it was depressing, to stack up a bunch of features for release. Everyone was a little unsure if the changes they made broke other people’s code. If a bug was detected in the wild, it wouldn’t be fixed until the next release. Madness.
  • 45. Microservices Have Disadvantages That all being said, Microservices do have their downsides. Like any new buzzword or new hot thing in tech, people will complain about it or point out any problems it has. Microservices do have a few complaints, although I don’t agree with all of these. Some of the complaints I’ve seen have been:
  • 46. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Problems • Distributed Systems are Hard Working with distributed systems is difficult. Or really, it’s difficult to wrap your mind around a distributed system. And yeah, it can be hard to worry about multiple small services.
  • 47. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Problems • Distributed Systems are Hard • Added Complexity Splitting your code into services can add additional operational complexity, as now we have more moving parts in our platform. I disagree with this one, breaking your code down reduces programming & computational complexity
  • 48. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Problems • Distributed Systems are Hard • Added Complexity • “What if a service goes down?” You may here someone in your organization say something like “What if service X goes down? It’s central to our business!” Well, That person is not ready for microservices.
  • 49. THIRDCHANNEL Microservices: Problems • Distributed Systems are Hard • Added Complexity • “What if a service goes down?” • Significant Operations / Dev Ops Work Microservices will require some additional focus on dev ops related work, like streamlining deployments.
  • 50. These Can All Be Mitigated These points, while valid, can be addressed, reduced, or handled pretty well. These next sections cover some of these ‘Advanced’ concerns when working with Microservices. These are things that everyone should be aware of.
  • 51. THIRDCHANNEL Agenda • Microservices: Overview • Microservices: Advantages • Service Design * First up: Service design! * As we’re building our individual services, what should we be aware of?
  • 52. THIRDCHANNEL Service Design • Single Bounded Context I’ll reiterate here that each service needs to be a single bounded context. It’s a bit tricky, but this point basically states how large a service should be… which is: a service should be small enough that a single developer can hold the entire functionality of it within their head.
  • 53. THIRDCHANNEL Service Design • Single Bounded Context • Resilient your services should be resilient
  • 54. they should embrace and welcome that errors will occur within the platform… and they should know how to handle any potential error. For example, if our order billing system goes down… instead of shutting down the whole website, we simply accumulate orders, allow our users to go on as normal, and hope the system comes back up eventually.
  • 55. Independent Things Fail Independently The overal rule I think, is that your services should maintain their independence… and fail independently.
  • 56. THIRDCHANNEL Service Design • Single Bounded Context • Resilient • Fast and Efficient Design your services to be fast and efficient.
  • 57. –Johnny Appleseed “Type a quote here.” You should strive to return a result to your Request as fast as you can. In the US we have an idiom called “hot potato” which means to get read of something as fast as you can. It’s important that your back end services return a result as quickly as possible in order to Speed is king. Several years ago, an engineer with Amazon named Greg Linden revealed that the company ran experiment where they intentionally slowed down site performance - 100ms delay resulted in 1 percent drop in sales.
  • 58. THIRDCHANNEL Service Design • Single Bounded Context • Resilient • Fast and Efficient • Each Service is an Authority Each service should be responsible for one particular thing within your application. This relates to single bounded context. Each service should be an Authority on some data… or an authority on a particular process. For example, I may have a ‘User Service’ that is the source of information on Users within my system… or I could have an Email Notification Service which is responsible for sending emails
  • 59. THIRDCHANNEL Service Design • Single Bounded Context • Resilient • Fast and Efficient • Each Service is an Authority • Embrace Eventual Consistency Embrace Eventual consistency. Does everyone know about this? basically, in a distributed system, you must accept that an individual client or service may not have the most recent view of the data… but that eventually, every service will have data consistent with the authority service. This is a very large subject and I’d love to talk about some of the nuances about it later.
  • 60. THIRDCHANNEL Service Design • Single Bounded Context • Resilient • Fast and Efficient • Each Service is an Authority • Embrace Eventual Consistency • CAP Theorem These next two topics are perhaps the most difficult in this talk. At least, very difficult to explain. First up, the CAP Theorem
  • 61. THIRDCHANNEL CAP Theorem • (C)onsistency • (A)vailability • (P)artition Tolerance The CAP Theorem states that there are 3 three attributes or guarantees that a Distributed System can have: - consistency: when an update occurs in our system, all services know about it at the same time (which is the opposite of eventual consistency) - availability: when information is asked of the service, it responds as quickly as it can - partition tolerance: a service is able to handle or deal with failures occurring in other services
  • 62. THIRDCHANNEL CAP Theorem • (C)onsistency • (A)vailability • (P)artition Tolerance • Pick 2! Well, the CAP Theorem says that’s great, and in fact you can only have two of these. A distributed system can only meet two of these guarantees.
  • 63. THIRDCHANNEL CAP Theorem • (C)onsistency • (A)vailability • (P)artition Tolerance • Pick 2! • Theorem from Paper which proved “Brewer’s Conjecture” Originally called Brewer’s Conjecture
  • 64. THIRDCHANNEL In 2012, this paper contained a formal proof of the Conjecture and it graduated to full-on theorem.
  • 65. THIRDCHANNEL CAP Theorem • (C)onsistency • (A)vailability • (P)artition Tolerance • Pick 2! • Theorem from Paper which proved “Brewer’s Conjecture” • CAP Decisions can be Service-Specific
  • 66. Web Apps -> A & P Banks / Money -> C
  • 67. THIRDCHANNEL Service Design • Single Bounded Design • Resilient • Fast and Efficient • Each Service is an Authority • Embrace Eventual Consistency • CAP Theorem • Locality of Reference (Data Locality) Last… let’s talk about Data Locality. You should be very concerned about Data Locality
  • 68. THIRDCHANNEL Data Locality • Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?” There are two aspects of data locality: 1. Spatial. How proximal is our data? In a single data base, data can be considered highly spatial if it’s in the same table. Data which is reachable by joins is less spatial and perhaps less efficient to reach
  • 69. THIRDCHANNEL Data Locality • Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?” • Temporal: “How often is our data accessed?” 2. Temporal. Being highly temporal means that data is read frequently. Highly temporal data - is an excellent candidate for caching. These terms take on slightly different meanings in a distributed system, though.
  • 70. THIRDCHANNEL In an ideal distributed environment, each system would be completely separate. -However, there will always be some conceptual overlap between domain objects. For example, let’s say we have an ecommerce system where <describe system>. -Red lines are anchors between data localities - Here, both the user service and the O history service maintain a concept of user. But, users’ uuid is a shared natural key which acts as each services’ anchor to understanding the concept of a User. - Our user service is the authoritative source on a User - Our order history system also understands the User, but simply maintains the order history along with the user uuid of the user placing the order
  • 71. THIRDCHANNEL Same chart from before, but another service, communication via email. This service also conceptualizes the user, but with a different subset of information. Namely, the email address. - Email address is stored in the user information service, but is *also* used extensively by the communication service. Which one should be the authoritative source of the email address? The communication service uses it more (and thus has higher Temporal locality), but email is a key piece of information which should be managed by the user service thus keeping it Spatial close to the other user data. - Tough Choice - One Compromise is to (unfortunately) synchronize the email address across multiple services - Or, communication service has no concept of User’s email address, but simply blindly sends emails out. The email addresses involved must be placed into each message received by the Communication service - Or, third option, perhaps we cache the email address on the communication service and wait for an event or notification from the user service when it changes (Eventual consistency, eh? When the user changes their email address, the communication service eventually, busts the cache and resets the email address. The user may miss an email until that happens, and that may be ok).
  • 72. THIRDCHANNEL Data Locality • Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?” • Temporal: “How often is our data accessed?” • Embrace Eventual Consistency, Do not sync data! Remember the point from earlier though… embrace eventual consistency My recommendation is to never sync data. It will likely be inevitable that you’ll eventually have to synchronize something
  • 73. Do NOT Synchronize I believe that synchronizing data will eventually always break down and cause no end of problems. Inevitably data will become out of sync; you will have to create some jobs or processes to re-sync any data which has ‘drifted’. We’ve tried synchronizing data at ThirdChannel in the past, and data discrepancies were the the primary cause of bug reports. It was terrible. If you overhear anyone on your team say “Well, we *could* just synchronize these two things”, roll up a newspaper and whack them on the nose like a dog.
  • 74. THIRDCHANNEL Data Locality • Spatial: “How far away or how distant is our data?” • Temporal: “How often is our data accessed?” • Embrace Eventual Consistency, Do not sync data! • Goal: Have Highly Spatial Data & Efficiently Handle Temporal Data With a MS, your goal is to have..
  • 75. THIRDCHANNEL Agenda • Microservices: Overview • Microservices: Advantages • Service Design • Organizational Structure * Next,
  • 77. THIRDCHANNEL DBA Engineers QA UX In many companies, it’s a common pattern to have your staff broken up into massive departments: a QA department, a UX team, your engineers, and the dreaded DBAs… Instead, with microservices, it is encouraged to break up that thinking. Build teams around your services such that it’s comprised of multiple people of multiple disciplines. One of the best working experiences I had was with an awesome QA person that sat right next to me… finish story
  • 78. THIRDCHANNEL Organizational Changes • Cross-Discipline Teams • Dedicated & Responsible With that, each team is ultimately responsible for their individual service(s). When I say I responsible, I mean it. If the service malfunctions over the weekend, the people on that team should be receiving notifications about it. There’s not a team of junior engineers or interns around to fix it. If you commit code, you’re responsible for fixing it. What ends up happening, is that the engineers end up writing a hell of a lot of unit and integration tests in order to avoid the dreaded early am phone call.
  • 79. THIRDCHANNEL Organizational Changes • Cross-Discipline Teams • Dedicated & Responsible • Autonomous With all that, the engineering teams should be autonomous…
  • 80. –Johnny Appleseed “Type a quote here.” -But, They also need to be aligned well with the business. Essentially, provide the end goal, and let the team figure out how best to get there. -I borrowed this drawing from a Spotify blog post on their engineering culture, and it shows the concept of a highly Aligned, highly Autonomous team. Describe the top right
  • 81. THIRDCHANNEL Organizational Changes • Cross-Discipline Teams • Dedicated & Responsible • Autonomous • Microservice Champion(s) You will need some architects or team leads to champion the micro service vision.
  • 82. * These people will need to have the vision to direct people. To guide them. This leadership team will need to have a shared vision and design from which they can guide the rest of the company. *If you start down the Microservices path, you will have some people in house who disagree with it. They’ll complain for various reasons I mentioned earlier. *What they’re really saying is that this new approach is too hard and they’re afraid. The leadership team must be there to guide people forward and to educate. * And to encourage communication
  • 83. THIRDCHANNEL Organizational Changes • Cross-Discipline Teams • Dedicated & Responsible • Autonomous • Microservice Champion(s) • Conway’s Law which brings us to Conway’s Law. I talked about Conway’s law last year.. I think at Great. I was at a conference a couple weeks ago, and it was the subject of several talks. So… I just want to tell you all I’m a bit of a trendsetter, leading the pack.
  • 84. -Melvin Conway, 1968's_law “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” Somewhat tongue and cheek, but basically says that the structure of any given computer system will begin to reflect the social structures of the company that built it. While yes, teams should be organized around services, these services still need to communicate with one another.
  • 85. If Conway’s Law is not observed, some interesting things can happen. You may end up with situations where: - intra service APIs not matching up at all - teams expecting data to be in services, that may not be there. A misunderstanding of what a service provides - team A waiting for Team B to finish service without bothering to help them - eventually you may get a point where teams start blaming or attacking each other for problems in the system. There can be arguments. “Man, the team working on the Shopping Cart Service is terrible. Their code is always broken”
  • 86. Hard Problem to Solve Avoiding Conway’s Law is not easy, and there’s no clear way to do it. Try your best to encourage communication and collaboration between teams. Rotate people between service teams Get everyone on a shared communication channel (Slack is a popular choice) Ensure that each service’s API is published and highly visible to other teams.
  • 87. THIRDCHANNEL Agenda • Microservices: Overview • Microservices: Advantages • Service Design • Organizational Structure • Dev Ops * Next up, Dev ops
  • 88. Because each team is responsible for their deployments, nearly everyone in your team is going to get some Dev Ops experience. Whether they like it or not…. However, there are several things you can do to make the Dev Ops experience better, and make it easier to manage your application
  • 89. THIRDCHANNEL Dev Ops • Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging
  • 90. THIRDCHANNEL Receives Metrics, Logs and Health checks One absolute requirement of a successful microservices deployment is to have detailed monitoring of your services. This monitoring service is responsible for performing heartbeat checks on your services and gathering metrics about them. It should also be responsible acting as a centralized logging platform for each of your services. If you think this may end up being an absolute ton of data… well, you’re right.
  • 91. THIRDCHANNEL There’s many applications or paid services available to store and visualize all of this data. However, many people I speak to recommend the Open Source ‘ELK stack’. Which is LogStash for parsing your logs, elastic search for enabling search on your data, and Kibana for visualization
  • 92. No SSH == You’re doing it right If you can get data from services and be aware of what they’re doing… and you *never* have to ssh into your services… well, then, you’re doing it right. I read somewhere that some companies will actually block the ssh ports (22?) on their instances or their Amazon VPC to prove this point
  • 93. THIRDCHANNEL Dev Ops • Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging • Standardize your Deployment Process Even if your services use different languages or frameworks, do your best to make sure everyone is using the same general approach to deployment.
  • 95. THIRDCHANNEL Dev Ops • Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging • Standardize your Deployment Process • Small, Fast Deployments
  • 97. THIRDCHANNEL Dev Ops • Centralized Service Monitoring & Logging • Standardize your Deployment Process • Small, Fast Deployments • Continuous Deployment! With continuous Deployment, your engineers should be releasing as soon as things are ready. Push a feature when it’s complete.
  • 98. Beware “I have to deploy Service A before Service C or else Service B will break” Wasn’t sure how to diagram this. The only thing that should concern your team are the moments where a release has dependencies on other services… E.g. I have to deploy Service C before I deploy service A or else service B will break. However, these cases should be RARE
  • 99. THIRDCHANNEL The day to day deployments, though, will be amazing. It may be a lot of work to get to the point where you can continuous deploy, but once you get there and are able to do it… well, it feels great.
  • 100. In Summary: So that’s really all I have, but before I stop, here is a brief summary
  • 101. THIRDCHANNEL Laws of the Microservice 1. Be Independent 2. Communicate with your coworkers 3. Keep Data Close and Cache it Well 4. Do Not Sync 5. Monitor and Visualize 6. Work towards Continuous Deployment Be Independent, but at the same time, Communicate with your coworkers. A well designed system requires constant communication Keep your data close and cache it … but do not sync any data Get some excellent monitoring in place Reach for Continuous Deployment!
  • 104. • Sad Dog: • Monolith: • Morpheus: • Enterprise Crew: • Mountain Climber: • Simpson Dev Ops:!prettyPhoto • rocky stairs: • ELK Stack: • Docker deployment Example Diagram: Images