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Evolution of an Agricultural Tool:
Chicken Waterers
from the 19th Century to the Present
Western NY Antique Tool Collectors Association
Batavia, NY
November 3, 2019
Marty Schlabach
Latta Rox Farm
Interlaken, NY
Evolution of an Agricultural Tool:
Chicken Waterers
from the 19th Century to the Present
Western NY Antique Tool Collectors Association
Batavia, NY
November 3, 2019
Marty Schlabach
Latta Rox Farm
Interlaken, NY
Evolution of an Agricultural Tool:
Chicken Waterers
from the 19th Century to the Present
Western NY Antique Tool Collectors Association
Batavia, NY
November 3, 2019
Marty Schlabach
Latta Rox Farm
Interlaken, NY
You collect what?
You collect what?
You collect what?
You collect what?
Chicken Waterers?
You collect what?
Chicken Waterers?
You collect what?
Chicken Waterers?
How many of you are familiar with
chicken waterers or poultry fountains?
How many of you are familiar with
chicken waterers or poultry fountains?
How many of you are familiar with
chicken waterers or poultry fountains?
How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers
or poultry fountains?
Who knows of a
chicken waterer collection,
How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers
or poultry fountains?
Who knows of a
chicken waterer collection,
How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers
or poultry fountains?
Who knows of a
chicken waterer collection,
How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers
or poultry fountains?
Who knows of a chicken waterer collection anywhere?
Victoria and Albert Museum in
London has an enormous
pottery collection.
But no chicken waterers!!
(I checked.)
How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers
or poultry fountains?
Who knows of a chicken waterer collection anywhere?
Victoria and Albert Museum in
London has an enormous
pottery collection.
But no chicken waterers!!
(I checked.)
How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers
or poultry fountains?
Who knows of a chicken waterer collection anywhere?
Victoria and Albert Museum in
London has an enormous
pottery collection.
But no chicken waterers!!
What is a Chicken Waterer?
What is a Chicken Waterer?
What is a Chicken Waterer?
“English and American country potters made a bell-shaped
dome of earthenware (and later of stoneware) with a knob or
handle on the top, and a small round hole about an inch from
the bottom edge. They also made a matching shallow dish,
with a wider circumference than the dome.
To use the two-piece ‘chick waterers,’ or poultry fountains, the
farmer (or more likely the farmer’s wife) would turn the dome
upside down and fill it with fresh water. She would then set the
dish over the base of the dome while it is still upside down, and
flip the two over together and set them on the coop floor or in
the barnyard. A vacuum formed in the top of the fountain so
that the water in the dome would fill the dish to the level of the
hole in the dome, but not spill out. As chickens drank, more
water was let out of the dome into the dish.“
Clay: The History & Evolution of Humankind’s Relationship with Earth’s Most
Primal Element, Suzanne Staubach, 2005, p161-162
“English and American country potters made a bell-shaped
dome of earthenware (and later of stoneware) with a knob or
handle on the top, and a small round hole about an inch from
the bottom edge. They also made a matching shallow dish,
with a wider circumference than the dome.
To use the two-piece ‘chick waterers,’ or poultry fountains, the
farmer (or more likely the farmer’s wife) would turn the dome
upside down and fill it with fresh water. She would then set the
dish over the base of the dome while it is still upside down, and
flip the two over together and set them on the coop floor or in
the barnyard. A vacuum formed in the top of the fountain so
that the water in the dome would fill the dish to the level of the
hole in the dome, but not spill out. As chickens drank, more
water was let out of the dome into the dish.“
Clay: The History & Evolution of Humankind’s Relationship with Earth’s Most
Primal Element, Suzanne Staubach, 2005, p161-162
”English and American country potters made a bell-shaped
dome of earthenware (and later of stoneware) with a knob or
handle on the top, and a small round hole about an inch from
the bottom edge. They also made a matching shallow dish,
with a wider circumference than the dome.
To use the two-piece ’chick waterers,’ or poultry fountains, the
farmer (or more likely the farmer’s wife) would turn the dome
upside down and fill it with fresh water. She would then set the
dish over the base of the dome while it is still upside down, and
flip the two over together and set them on the coop floor or in
the barnyard. A vacuum formed in the top of the fountain so
that the water in the dome would fill the dish to the level of the
hole in the dome, but not spill out. As chickens drank, more
water was let out of the dome into the dish.”
Clay: The History & Evolution of Humankind’s Relationship with Earth’s Most
Primal Element, Suzanne Staubach, 2005, p161-162
The People's Practical Poultry Book:
a work on the breeds, breeding, rearing, and
general management of poultry, William M.
Lewis, 1871
The American Poulterer's Companion:
a practical treatise on the breeding, rearing, fattening,
and general management of the various species of
domestic poultry, C. N. Bement, 1845
1845 1871
The People's Practical Poultry Book:
a work on the breeds, breeding, rearing, and
general management of poultry, William M.
Lewis, 1871
The American Poulterer's Companion:
a practical treatise on the breeding, rearing, fattening,
and general management of the various species of
domestic poultry, C. N. Bement, 1845
1845 1871
1845 1871
cheap and substantial feed or water dish is shown in figure 4. The sides of
an old tin pan are connected together by a net-work of wire pussing through
holes beneath the rim, and crossing above the center at the various angles,
Figure 1 shows a barrel fountain; it has :1 small tube extending from the
cask to :1 shallow dish or pan, which should be small, so that the fowls cannot
get into it and soil the water. Figure 2 shows a. bottle fountain, which may
‘ H1 lll‘lllllllll‘i‘i‘
When the hen is confined in a coop with her little Fm. 1.—3Amr. 200nm. In. l—Baml Foul-um.
{firmly 0f CtkenF—‘y they IBQU'U'B COHSlderable water, he made by taking atwo or three inch plank and scooping it out one and
and if a V0588] is put where She can get it, the Ctli- :1 half inches, forming a shallow trough; then make a frame similar to the
_ _ . _ figure shown, and insert the neck of the bottle, the nozzle reaching to within
ens are very apt to get into 1t and not only 5011 It, but three-quarters of an inch of the bottom of the trough. Either of these do-
often get their dO'WIl Wet, Which chills and much signs will answer all purposes of a drinking fountain for the poultry yard.
injures, if not kills them. To remedy this, we adopted T“ 03mm“ POULTRY FOUNTAIN
is too well known to need description, but u. rather better form than is usually ‘
the fOHOW'lflg fountam {01' he! and her brood, WhICh made is shown in figure 3. The advantages of such a construction are two;
Fig. 23.
the top being open, and fitted with a cork, the state of‘ the interior can be
examined, and the vessel well sluiced through to remove the green slime
The American Poulterer's Companion: The People's Practical Poultry 300k:
a practical treatise on the breeding, rearing, fattening, a work 0“ the breeds, breeding, rearing, and
and general management of the various species of general management of poultry, William M.
domestic poultry, C. N. Bement, 1845 LEWiS, 1871
Genesee Farmer, May 1851, p117
Genesee Farmer, May 1851, p117
fl ’ a ' . V “is have to than]: £3a Dian, of Geneva, the
‘ ‘ gcnilrmnnly navigator of _ _.-
Seneca Lake, for a Poultry
Fountain, just come safe to
hand, Ind or which we have
POULTRY. hens are constant sitters and careful nurses to their.
, — . hickens but are exceedi 1 c uel to those of
Wis have receIVed from the publishers E. H. Bu'r- own 0 ’ fig r. . .
LEE 5t Co., of'Philadelphia, a new worir on Poultry, other hens. The moment one ° their chickens ‘5
, , II II I: _ a had an cngmiring made, {or
. . 1 h‘ th _ . Injul‘e , a 'g t is commence, and the chickens
fish‘giigh Egiizdfviihlidditignseliyath: figérgf alarmed at the turmoil, crowding around their dams: the benslit of those who keep
can editor, and his numerous correspondents, who are many of them killed, and the victorious hen, aft
- - I a. co '-
are among the most extensive and best informed her opponent has retreated, will attack every Ch 1 - Wunry- It '5 Simply '- m
.r within her reach, and oftentimes in her desir for ' ‘I I
Egggdhzitiiefizif a]: gigglggesenl‘tild ingfirsfigfi revenge, mistaking her own chicirs as belon rig to mm? Bug-then III" “ “h a llq
basin in front, and a. small
. . . her antagonist, destro s them. In the inn time
mens of his Wlute Shanghac fowls. Mr. W. fur- - - ,
nished a description and portraits of these fowls for the vanquished Will estroy every stran_ “ Chm“ hole in the jar ‘hmu h which
3 . '
the water passes to ie basin.
, th t. : 'th' h h.
- fifizdgg“: work, which Iwe copy for the benefit of . 3‘Itigfii‘ierisg'yviis inbegrdegited, mot wi , many vexa~
i'9u§1;°a:§az’el’iixiysiih'i‘igs‘sliifiii °°r eiive’rd" "fit
11 a' 0 t
qige: didspositiogs. Ttgese 33:5 are :03 s‘ihggieslgi This halo mufi‘ h Glued
orsui gun econ ar e ' ‘ a - ‘ ‘
Iconsding.h T3,; pfirssons ni’I. ”Z’Ehg“fiiv'§§:;£3g while filling the Jar, which is
rs” t e a anis ‘ ' ,— d .’ -
tEiE‘iI-éaver grow: the pslig-_ estmdéariiziailocincnahaii‘efe— [hen corked tight and the . _
hf:e%;ifié:cfi?:£§ng?:s arhinvalunble for the purpose g‘h'g a... tho hm mmvd' . _. . -....— _ .
u ‘ - t ‘ t d h d ' ' ‘
swims; m,::;‘;,;23,3,:,:,;;m he hum 1- th“ filled "0'“ "m J" m“ *9!“ Eu"-
from Shanghae, : 4 - were there purchased as a pure Th1! ill the m0” convenient
race, and were iii-ranted as such. I received them
difrgpfl); £20m to ship, tand as evideplce 13f tlée puritfi arrangement [0? “'IIEI'II'I
o no man in ever e t ' l'
Easigclib'11.?andlevetg’chi03h‘iiigfihsg172:!)ielitxiichaéd {D‘Vll “II-t “'0 ever notice .
u u 't h
tlilea he tee:173333;»?ii 330:: ortpidgiagg. "m been F0" ”1030 who "‘3 ““5519
“ 1 ese fowls willrenk among the largest coming to pmure [he .Ibove, we
present a drawing of lllfltll-
or on the same principle,
which we have used—rim—
plc, and easily constructed.
An ordinary Junk boiilo
forms a reservoir ; the I
trough below contains very
_ _. H little water, and is never
- "” ~ - orcrflowod. Pointed lath,
nailed to the rides and stuck into the ground, keep
the whole upright.
fro- China, and, as a proof that they thrive well in
ts climate, I will instance that, one of the progeny,
, cock, not yet eight months old, being one of the
first brood hatched, wei hs full ' ht, d
We have to drank Capt.
gentlemanly navigator of
Seneca Lake, for a Poultry
Fountain, just come safe to
' ' A hand, and of which we have
on. BEEN mom’s warms SHANGHAE ros. had an engraving made, for
“Among the many varieties of the Gallus me the benefit 0‘: “1953 Wh” keep
F which have been introduced into the New Englan poultry. It "f S‘mPIlY ‘1 90"“
States from China, therein no variety which possesse l mon earthen Jar, With ’1 link,
so many good qualities as the White Shanghaes. has"! “1 front, and 1‘ siqaill
“ The White Shanghaes are larger and more quiz 13°19” ”1° 1“» ”1mg" ‘3’ 1F
than other varieties. The flesh of these fowls 3 he water passes tot e asm‘
. - - This hole must be closed ,
much sii erior, not sinewy or “strin ,” as is t . . . - - '
case witli) the flesh of most of the othgi! Shanghae fihlle fillingfth? 3;" Whédh: WM , it
The eggs are larger, and these hens are more proli t en cm 9 “g t’ an d , :, ~ 2 . r
than those of other colors. plug at thevbottom remove ‘ - :
I I . . The been: is thus filled from the Jar and kept full.
“ In their habits they are more qmet, and less in This is the most convenient
clined to ramble. These habits render the lien arrangement for waterin
' invaluable for incubators and nurses, and the mild fowl; that we ever notice _
ness of their disposition makes them excellent foster For those who are unable
, mothers, as they never injure the chicks belonging t to procure the above we
other hens. I am induced to speak more fully c present ndrawing of 350th-
these characteristics, from the many vexntious losse er on the same principle
I have sufi'ered in the experiments I have tried. which we have used—Sim:
“I have imported different breeds of fowls fror pie, and easily constructed.
. Europe and elsewhere, and have received from man An ordinary junk bottle
friends specimens of choice fowls, and my endeavor ‘ forms a reservoir ; the
to propagate them have been frustrated by the ram trough below contains very '
, ling- or quarrelsome disposition of the hens which V , , - little water, and is never
have been obliged to use for incubators and nurses — ' ””"" , . --------- overflowed. Pointed lath,
I I have lost, oftentimes, by quarrelsomeness of th nailed to the sides and stuck into the ground, keep
u hens, their entire broods ; for instance, the Gain the whole upright.
Genesee Farmer, May 1851, p117
Guilland, H. E. Early American Folk Pottery,
1971, p69
Keystone Pottery, Washington County,
Tennessee, usually referred to as the
Decker Pottery, ca. 1870-1910.
Guilland, H. E. Early American Folk Pottery,
1971, p69
Keystone Pottery, Washington County,
Tennessee, usually referred to as the
Decker Pottery, ca. 1870-1910.
Keystone Pottery, Washington County,
Tennessee, usually referred to as the
Decker Pottery, ca. 1870-1910.
Guilland, H. E. Early American Folk Pottery,
Dome-shaped (with later dish), hand-
thrown, stoneware, unglazed
(dish is later)
Dome-shaped, hand-thrown, stoneware,
Albany slip glaze, inside & outside
Dome-shaped (with later dish), hand-
thrown, stoneware, unglazed
(dish is later)
Dome-shaped, hand-thrown, stoneware,
Albany slip glaze, inside & outside
Dome-shaped (with later dish), hand-
thrown, stoneware, unglazed
(dish is later)
Dome-shaped, hand-thrown, stoneware,
Albany slip glaze, inside & outside
Hand-thrown, Albany slip blaze,
jug-shaped with handle, open
Hand-thrown, Albany slip blaze,
jug-shaped with handle, open
Hand-thrown, Albany slip blaze,
jug-shaped with handle, open
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze,
with attached dish
Hand-thrown, stoneware, salt glaze, with
attached dish. Maker: A. L. Hyssong,
Bloomsburg, PA
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze,
with attached dish
Hand-thrown, stoneware, salt glaze, with
attached dish. Maker: A. L. Hyssong,
Bloomsburg, PA
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze,
with attached dish
Hand-thrown, stoneware, salt glaze, with
attached dish. Maker: A. L. Hyssong,
Bloomsburg, PA
-Bristol glaze
-Jug-shaped with handle
-Pushed-in side
-Pulled-up lip for dish
-Bristol glaze
-Jug-shaped with handle
-Pushed-in side
-Pulled-up lip for dish
-Brist01 glaze
Jug-shaped with handle
-Pushed-in side
-Pu11ed-up lip for dish
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Bristol glaze, finial, added dish & hood
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Bristol glaze, finial, added dish & hood
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Bristol glaze, finial, added dish & hood
Hand-thrown, redware, pushed-in side,
pulled-up lip, added hood, finial
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip
glazeadded hood and dish, finial, ears
Hand-thrown, redware, pushed-in side,
pulled-up lip, added hood, finial
Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip
glazeadded hood and dish, finial, ears
Hand-thrown, redware, pushed-in side,
pulled-up lip, added hood, finial
Hand—thrown, stoneware, Albany slip
glazeadded hood and dish, finial, ears
Hand-thrown, stoneware, jug-shaped
Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, but
hand-formed handle, hood and dish
Hand-thrown, stoneware, jug-shaped
Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, but
hand-formed handle, hood and dish
Hand-thrown, stoneware, jug-shaped
Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, but
hand-formed handle, hood and dish
Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, hand-
formed handle
Molded, Stoneware, jug-shaped,
without handle
Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, hand-
formed handle
Molded, Stoneware, jug-shaped,
without handle
Molded, stoneware, jug—shaped, hand-
formed handle
Molded, Stoneware, jug-shaped,
without handle
2h]. 315.251. Patented Apr. 11385. .
”In 1» tuft:- r:
sin-.3»? Ewan.
m MIR—w --r-—- W
Molded, stoneware, Bristol glaze, without mark
Molded, stoneware
Bristol glaze,
makers mark:
Medalta Potteries
Ltd. Medicine Hat,
Molded, stoneware, Bristol glaze, without mark
Molded, stoneware
Bristol glaze,
makers mark:
Medalta Potteries
Ltd. Medicine Hat,
Molded, stoneware
Bristol glaze,
makers mark:
Medalta Potteries
Ltd. Medicine Hat,
Molded, stoneware, Bristol glaze, without mark
“‘"“ Ff =5 . L
Fl?" , ‘ - .2; "h n I
L 3» an 1 . .1; E! 530 F%l1
P15» a;
:‘s YUM}; -,
U ;k‘{i .?
1 ‘l54via.." mm
Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County
Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County
-~‘ -~ ‘ 1»
: r
' Umm" 211%,? mgfi9m©
Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County
Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County
Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County
Cornell Galvanized Iron Drinking Fountain
The {Darnell Drinking Fountain: are made of heavy
galvanized iron, double-seamed, carefully turned and
soldered. They are conical in shape, so that in
freezing weather the pressure of the ice inside will
not split the seam. The top is also conical, and
prevents the fowls from roosting and polluting the
water. The pans are of pressed iron, heavily gal-
The construction and the material are both 9833'
to clean and to keep clean.
These fountains can be nested in shipping, so as
to take ihe minimum space. Made in four sizes:
miner Mm
Ench. Three. Six.
I—quart, for chicks. ,. . l . . .5020 $0.50 $0.90
2-qiiart, for (lucklings., . . . .25 .70 1 25
SEQ—quart, for fon'lsh ....... .35 1.00 1.80
Cornell Galvnnized Iron Drinking Founuln 7'C1U31't: for ducks ---------- .50 1.40 250
Cornell Cage Fountain
This fountain is a very satisfactory :lrmngmnont for watering lICnS or turkeys.
clean, is easily filled, and freezing will never damage it. It may he hung or hinged to
the wall,and so arranged as to make it possible to be reached from the mar through a.
“afliiinn W me“ also he "M" Mr ‘nml. which, bring protected, is kept in uclean rou-
It keeps the water
galvanized iron, and will inst for years. It is
-- ‘ ipactpm-kage.
lish......................... 35 cents each
1 .......................... 50 cents each
.h a
New Factory of the Cornell Incubator Mfg. Company. Ithaca, N. Y.
Whoa commend um luclory will In lhe lulu-5| and hen Incubator munufaclory in lhe world. ' ' ,' carnal]
Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins Coynty Cage Fountain
Eyles, D., Doulton Lambeth Wares, 2002
Eyles, D., Doulton Lambeth Wares, 2002
Eyles, D., Dou/ton Lambeth Wares, 2002 . ‘ _‘ x i
. _.-_ _‘
. . I
~7_ H7ll{‘ll"'1h'x qzz- Ma‘s .in-‘L'f‘: '. =.
~'_IT:|1il:.1‘”‘r 1,.14‘ Its-'1'“ M.L.-|
92..  'JI’ LOVHL 'AA 'AA. if} 33
These stoneware drinking dishes Ire unexceiied. They keep the water cool and
clean. and chicks irom getting wet or drowned.
Half gallon, each, 25¢; per 1102., $2.40. 1 gallon, each, 35m per
dozen, $3.00.
Special brooder size, holds about 1% quarts. (its inside brooder. Same price as half
gallon. .
These fountains are made oi heavy galvanized iron, in a cone shape. inverted into a
pan, giving plenty of room for the fowls to drink.
Price, 1 quart size, 300.; 2 quart size 406.
This is something entirely new in the way or fouutlins, and is made for the poultrymen
who require I well fountain. It is mlnufactured from the best galvanized iron and flat'
toned on one side so that it can be hung on a board or the wall of ahuildiug, at my height,
A gslvuuized iron hood projects over the water receptacle and protects the wstor from
dirt. It is equally servicesble for young chickens as adult iowis. IT OAN NOT BE
BROKEN BY FREEZING, and is easily cleaned by filling with round pebbles or shot and
shlking thoroughly. We recommend this i'ountsin as first» class in every particular. It is
made in two sizes.
Prloe, 1 gallon size, each, 750; 2 gallon size, $1.00.
A squsre galvanized fountain. in two parts A slight pull on the
small whisp broom. both parts are easily and thoroughly cleaned. It is filled instantly. You
V. don' t have to wait for the water to gurgie in through a small hole. in can be hung up out of the
Price, '1 gallon size.- 600.; 2 gallon size, 900.
Sanitary :Seli-Feeding; Boxes for ; Poultry.
. .. . .
This Box Us Manufactured iron the Best Galvanized Iron.
ltcontuins threocompsrtments. This box can be hung up against the wall ethan‘y height
desired. Itis nflrst-class article, is practically indestructible and will last a lifetime. Two
quarts tolo bin.
Price 76 cents.
WOODEN FEED BOXES: Home shapes galvanized, aim/lo compartment 60c each,
double compartmenl, 60¢: each.
Feed and Water Jars.
Phin, mnde oi stoneware, holding about 11/, quarts. For either‘
feed or wster. Very-essy to keep clean; 8x3 inches inside.
rm, 4§for 2512.; 1 dozen, 60c.
7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co,
Buffalo, NY, 1903
7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co,
Buffalo, NY, 1903
Thl‘FI‘ fountains ill‘t‘
Minn-thing IIIIII' IIIIIl
IIxtI'III Hfl‘ViI‘l'illllI' iII
III. ”III iKll‘k is iiflllt IIII I]
m IlIIIt it can III: lIIIIII.r
Ii.:|It IIIIII III ilnlllll :II
III_ III-iglit I III]
Wall Fountains.
TlIIII IIill III-I ill‘tflii lII IH‘I‘ZillL" and :III III:IIlilI
T‘ill" lIIIIIIl:IIII~ :II'II Illillll' III‘ llIII lIII>t L'Q‘liHllllZWl
III'I-I‘y [IIII'IIIIIILIL ’l‘lII-I' ill't' IIIIIIlII lll IIIII rim s.
l-gIIllIIII >i/.II ... ..e;IIIlI, SILTI'I; ’(lII'IIII, 5413.00
'_’-'.':lllIIII Fill‘ .... ......... “ LU”; H 2.7”
The Cyphers SanitarII Self-
l' n
7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co,
Buffalo, NY, 1903
7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903, 195p .
Corner of Court and Wilkinson
7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903, 195p .
Corner of Court and Wilkinson
7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903, 195p .
Corner of Court and Wilkinson
Metal, hangs on wall, hood, handle,
Maker mark: Cyphers Incubator Co.
Buffalo, N. Y. Small
Metal, hangs on wall, hood, handle,
Maker mark: Cyphers Incubator Co.
Buffalo, N. Y. Small
Metal, hangs on wall, hood, handle,
Maker mark: Cyphers Incubator Co.
Buffalo, N. Y. Small
“é / 3%
The Poultry Item, v17, n11, Sept 1915, p77
The Poultry Item, v17, n11, Sept 1915, p77
In Guy firm“:- Finish
T_."'¢' «are I'll-1W1 “I". he“
I..|-|.‘_:ll:_T H..c-t'1 Wart.
L-In} MADE 1‘!" fiAL‘r A‘i- _;"~I
Ii'i'E FI‘I'IFH 1 '- =
The Poultry Item, v17, n11, Sept 1915, p77
Glass top, metal base, two-piece
Glass top, metal base, two-piece
Glass top, metal base, two-piece
Glass, two-piece,
Makers Mark: Sana-Fount,
Anderson Box Co. Indpls. Ind.
Glass, two-piece,
Makers Mark: Sana-Fount,
Anderson Box Co. Indpls. Ind.
Glass, two-piece,
Makers Mark: Sana-Fount,
Anderson Box Co. lndpls. Ind.
Glass, two-piece,
Maker Mark:
Thomas’s Halifax,
Made in England
Glass, two-piece,
Maker Mark:
Thomas’s Halifax,
Made in England
Glass, two-piece,
Maker Mark:
Thomas’s Halifax,
Made in England
Glass top, early plastic base
Glass top, early plastic base
Glass top, early plastic base
Many designs that fit
standard canning jar
Many designs that fit
standard canning jar
Many designs that fit
standard canningjar
Japanese waterer
base, fits standard
canning jar
Japanese waterer
base, fits standard
canning jar
Japanese waterer
base, fits standard
Common Chicken Waterers Today
Common Chicken Waterers Today
Common Chicken Waterers Today
Latta Rox Farm
Interlaken, NY
Latta Rox Farm
Interlaken, NY
Latta Rox Farm
Interlaken, NY
Western Stoneware Company catalog, Monmouth, IL, 1929
Western Stoneware Company catalog, Monmouth, IL, 1929
Westko Poultry Founts and Butter Milk Feeders
x, .' . m, thy
No. l-A Cone Top Splash Proof No. l-B Flat Top
V4, l/z. l. and 2 Gal. Sizes This is a new one. It will M2 and l Gal. Sizes
not splash nor spill. l Gal.
Size only.
Western Stoneware Company catalog, Monmouth, IL, 1929
'. ese stoneware drink -
tmns keep the water 1cr‘ofilfoz‘tlrli‘d
clean. and chicks from gettln
wet or drowned. Made with opeg
bottom for convenience of clean?
ing. and inverted into a -
1"" .. 2_ . pan.
Write qt. size, 35c, gal. size,
naAtcsmimc. uzluriiz-Bil fountain. in two
t r-. _. Inglil pill on the projecting
par; otvthe lmtti-m removes it entirelv,
3n. b} uszng snull whisk brnorn.
‘oth parts pare easily and thoroughly
Elli-Shed. It is tilled instantly. It can be
_g up out of the dirt on an
null 'or hook. ordinary
Price. 1 gallon size, 60c; 2 gallon size,
Can be used also as a feed box. Size
:10. 1. 60¢; size No. 2. 50c; size No. 3,
1'0]! POULTRY.
manufactured from the
bid “I ' 'lron. It car;I banging?
W “guy‘s! any“: F. mm-
' ~- , THE BARTELoEs seeped, D'ENVER, COLO.
Drinking Fountains
FOUNTAIN.—0ne plece.
Half gallon. each 250;
one gallon. each, 350.
Special brooder size.
holds about 1% quarts,
fits inside brooder. Same
price as half gallon.
It is manufactured
from the best galvan-
ized iron and flattened
On one side so that it
can be hung on a board
or the wall of a build-
ing. at any height. A galvanized iron hood projects over the
Water receptacle and protects the water from dirt. It in
equally serviceable for young chickens or adult [owls It
cannot be broken by freezing. and is easily cleaned by till-
ing with round pebbles or shot and shaking thoroughly. It
1’31 333418 in two sizes. Price. 1 gal. size, each 750; 2 gal. also.
The Colorado.
One of the most handy fixtures for poultrymen. Can be
filled with water or feed. It consists of an iron frame. into
which any kind or bottle or mason jar is inverted. and can
be hung anywhere. See illustrations. Price. frame only.
250: by mail, 30c.
Plain, made of stoneware, holding about 1% quarts. For
either feed or water. Very easy to keep clean. '83:! inches
-u- 11.4..“ 9 (nr ‘250- 1 dozen. 81.40.
Pet-Stock, Pigeon & Poultry Bulletin,
Dec 7, 1874
Pet-Stock, Pigeon & Poultry Bulletin,
Dec 7, 1874
Farmerville Poultry Society.
Farmer Village, Seneca Co, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1874.
A meeting of the Farmerville Poultry Societyr
was held on Saturday evening last, for the purpose
of arranging premium-lists, and for the transaction
of business connected with the society. There was
a good attendance, and a livelyr interest was
The members of our society feel greatly encour_
aged relative to our exhibition, which comes ofl‘ on
the 3d. 4th, and 5th of February next, and promises
to exceed our exhibition of last year, which was of
itself a decided success.
Yours respectfully,
For premium-list and entries, address
E. G. STE'I‘SON, See.
Pet-Stock, Pigeon & Poultry Bulletin,
Dec 7, 1874
Rare Decorated 2 Gal. Stoneware Chicken Waterer
O 1 watched in last 24 hours
Item condition: --
Time left: 15d 02h 4/17, 1:38PM
Price: US $2,650.00 . Buy It Now
From $128 for 24 months
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Best Offer: Make Offer
8 watching Add to watch list . l
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Antique Vintage Texas Stoneware Old Chicken Waterer Guadalupe County
Wilson (?)
$1,200.00 Dec-29 01:00
or Best Offer

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Evolution of an Agricultural Tool: Chicken Waterers from the 19th Century to the Present

  • 1. Evolution of an Agricultural Tool: Chicken Waterers from the 19th Century to the Present Western NY Antique Tool Collectors Association Batavia, NY November 3, 2019 Marty Schlabach Latta Rox Farm Interlaken, NY Evolution of an Agricultural Tool: Chicken Waterers from the 19th Century to the Present Western NY Antique Tool Collectors Association Batavia, NY November 3, 2019 Marty Schlabach Latta Rox Farm Interlaken, NY Evolution of an Agricultural Tool: Chicken Waterers from the 19th Century to the Present Western NY Antique Tool Collectors Association Batavia, NY November 3, 2019 Marty Schlabach Latta Rox Farm Interlaken, NY
  • 2. You collect what? You collect what? You collect what?
  • 3. You collect what? Chicken Waterers? You collect what? Chicken Waterers? You collect what? Chicken Waterers?
  • 4. How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains?
  • 5. How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? Who knows of a chicken waterer collection, anywhere? How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? Who knows of a chicken waterer collection, anywhere? How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? Who knows of a chicken waterer collection, anywhere?
  • 6. How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? Who knows of a chicken waterer collection anywhere? Victoria and Albert Museum in London has an enormous pottery collection. But no chicken waterers!! (I checked.) How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? Who knows of a chicken waterer collection anywhere? Victoria and Albert Museum in London has an enormous pottery collection. But no chicken waterers!! (I checked.) How many of you are familiar with chicken waterers or poultry fountains? Who knows of a chicken waterer collection anywhere? Victoria and Albert Museum in London has an enormous pottery collection. But no chicken waterers!! (Ichecked)
  • 7. What is a Chicken Waterer? What is a Chicken Waterer? What is a Chicken Waterer?
  • 8. “English and American country potters made a bell-shaped dome of earthenware (and later of stoneware) with a knob or handle on the top, and a small round hole about an inch from the bottom edge. They also made a matching shallow dish, with a wider circumference than the dome. To use the two-piece ‘chick waterers,’ or poultry fountains, the farmer (or more likely the farmer’s wife) would turn the dome upside down and fill it with fresh water. She would then set the dish over the base of the dome while it is still upside down, and flip the two over together and set them on the coop floor or in the barnyard. A vacuum formed in the top of the fountain so that the water in the dome would fill the dish to the level of the hole in the dome, but not spill out. As chickens drank, more water was let out of the dome into the dish.“ Clay: The History & Evolution of Humankind’s Relationship with Earth’s Most Primal Element, Suzanne Staubach, 2005, p161-162 “English and American country potters made a bell-shaped dome of earthenware (and later of stoneware) with a knob or handle on the top, and a small round hole about an inch from the bottom edge. They also made a matching shallow dish, with a wider circumference than the dome. To use the two-piece ‘chick waterers,’ or poultry fountains, the farmer (or more likely the farmer’s wife) would turn the dome upside down and fill it with fresh water. She would then set the dish over the base of the dome while it is still upside down, and flip the two over together and set them on the coop floor or in the barnyard. A vacuum formed in the top of the fountain so that the water in the dome would fill the dish to the level of the hole in the dome, but not spill out. As chickens drank, more water was let out of the dome into the dish.“ Clay: The History & Evolution of Humankind’s Relationship with Earth’s Most Primal Element, Suzanne Staubach, 2005, p161-162 ”English and American country potters made a bell-shaped dome of earthenware (and later of stoneware) with a knob or handle on the top, and a small round hole about an inch from the bottom edge. They also made a matching shallow dish, with a wider circumference than the dome. To use the two-piece ’chick waterers,’ or poultry fountains, the farmer (or more likely the farmer’s wife) would turn the dome upside down and fill it with fresh water. She would then set the dish over the base of the dome while it is still upside down, and flip the two over together and set them on the coop floor or in the barnyard. A vacuum formed in the top of the fountain so that the water in the dome would fill the dish to the level of the hole in the dome, but not spill out. As chickens drank, more water was let out of the dome into the dish.” Clay: The History & Evolution of Humankind’s Relationship with Earth’s Most Primal Element, Suzanne Staubach, 2005, p161-162
  • 9. The People's Practical Poultry Book: a work on the breeds, breeding, rearing, and general management of poultry, William M. Lewis, 1871 The American Poulterer's Companion: a practical treatise on the breeding, rearing, fattening, and general management of the various species of domestic poultry, C. N. Bement, 1845 1845 1871 The People's Practical Poultry Book: a work on the breeds, breeding, rearing, and general management of poultry, William M. Lewis, 1871 The American Poulterer's Companion: a practical treatise on the breeding, rearing, fattening, and general management of the various species of domestic poultry, C. N. Bement, 1845 1845 1871 1845 1871 FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES» 123 In): Pnornn’s PRACTICAL POULTRY noon. 1:55 cheap and substantial feed or water dish is shown in figure 4. The sides of an old tin pan are connected together by a net-work of wire pussing through holes beneath the rim, and crossing above the center at the various angles, DRINKING FOUNTAISS. Figure 1 shows a barrel fountain; it has :1 small tube extending from the cask to :1 shallow dish or pan, which should be small, so that the fowls cannot get into it and soil the water. Figure 2 shows a. bottle fountain, which may ‘ H1 lll‘lllllllll‘i‘i‘ ‘il‘llllii‘ 1*‘llfll‘llll‘i When the hen is confined in a coop with her little Fm. 1.—3Amr. 200nm. In. l—Baml Foul-um. {firmly 0f CtkenF—‘y they IBQU'U'B COHSlderable water, he made by taking atwo or three inch plank and scooping it out one and and if a V0588] is put where She can get it, the Ctli- :1 half inches, forming a shallow trough; then make a frame similar to the _ _ . _ figure shown, and insert the neck of the bottle, the nozzle reaching to within ens are very apt to get into 1t and not only 5011 It, but three-quarters of an inch of the bottom of the trough. Either of these do- often get their dO'WIl Wet, Which chills and much signs will answer all purposes of a drinking fountain for the poultry yard. injures, if not kills them. To remedy this, we adopted T“ 03mm“ POULTRY FOUNTAIN is too well known to need description, but u. rather better form than is usually ‘ the fOHOW'lflg fountam {01' he! and her brood, WhICh made is shown in figure 3. The advantages of such a construction are two; Fig. 23. “.4. the top being open, and fitted with a cork, the state of‘ the interior can be examined, and the vessel well sluiced through to remove the green slime The American Poulterer's Companion: The People's Practical Poultry 300k: a practical treatise on the breeding, rearing, fattening, a work 0“ the breeds, breeding, rearing, and and general management of the various species of general management of poultry, William M. domestic poultry, C. N. Bement, 1845 LEWiS, 1871
  • 10. Genesee Farmer, May 1851, p117 Genesee Farmer, May 1851, p117 fl ’ a ' . V “is have to than]: £3a Dian, of Geneva, the ‘ ‘ gcnilrmnnly navigator of _ _.- Seneca Lake, for a Poultry Fountain, just come safe to hand, Ind or which we have POULTRY. hens are constant sitters and careful nurses to their. , — . hickens but are exceedi 1 c uel to those of Wis have receIVed from the publishers E. H. Bu'r- own 0 ’ fig r. . . LEE 5t Co., of'Philadelphia, a new worir on Poultry, other hens. The moment one ° their chickens ‘5 , , II II I: _ a had an cngmiring made, {or . . 1 h‘ th _ . Injul‘e , a 'g t is commence, and the chickens 131x13}? fish‘giigh Egiizdfviihlidditignseliyath: figérgf alarmed at the turmoil, crowding around their dams: the benslit of those who keep can editor, and his numerous correspondents, who are many of them killed, and the victorious hen, aft - - I a. co '- are among the most extensive and best informed her opponent has retreated, will attack every Ch 1 - Wunry- It '5 Simply '- m .r within her reach, and oftentimes in her desir for ' ‘I I Egggdhzitiiefizif a]: gigglggesenl‘tild ingfirsfigfi revenge, mistaking her own chicirs as belon rig to mm? Bug-then III" “ “h a llq basin in front, and a. small . . . her antagonist, destro s them. In the inn time mens of his Wlute Shanghac fowls. Mr. W. fur- - - , nished a description and portraits of these fowls for the vanquished Will estroy every stran_ “ Chm“ hole in the jar ‘hmu h which 3 . ' the water passes to ie basin. , th t. : 'th' h h. - fifizdgg“: work, which Iwe copy for the benefit of . 3‘Itigfii‘ierisg'yviis inbegrdegited, mot wi , many vexa~ i'9u§1;°a:§az’el’iixiysiih'i‘igs‘sliifiii °°r eiive’rd" "fit 11 a' 0 t qige: didspositiogs. Ttgese 33:5 are :03 s‘ihggieslgi This halo mufi‘ h Glued orsui gun econ ar e ' ‘ a - ‘ ‘ Iconsding.h T3,; pfirssons ni’I. ”Z’Ehg“fiiv'§§:;£3g while filling the Jar, which is rs” t e a anis ‘ ' ,— d .’ - tEiE‘iI-éaver grow: the pslig-_ estmdéariiziailocincnahaii‘efe— [hen corked tight and the . _ hf:e%;ifié:cfi?:£§ng?:s arhinvalunble for the purpose g‘h'g a... tho hm mmvd' . _. . -....— _ . u ‘ - t ‘ t d h d ' ' ‘ swims; m,::;‘;,;23,3,:,:,;;m he hum 1- th“ filled "0'“ "m J" m“ *9!“ Eu"- from Shanghae, : 4 - were there purchased as a pure Th1! ill the m0” convenient race, and were iii-ranted as such. I received them ' difrgpfl); £20m to ship, tand as evideplce 13f tlée puritfi arrangement [0? “'IIEI'II'I o no man in ever e t ' l' - Easigclib'11.?andlevetg’chi03h‘iiigfihsg172:!)ielitxiichaéd {D‘Vll “II-t “'0 ever notice . u u 't h tlilea he tee:173333;»?ii 330:: ortpidgiagg. "m been F0" ”1030 who "‘3 ““5519 “ 1 ese fowls willrenk among the largest coming to pmure [he .Ibove, we present a drawing of lllfltll- or on the same principle, which we have used—rim— plc, and easily constructed. An ordinary Junk boiilo forms a reservoir ; the I trough below contains very _ _. H little water, and is never - "” ~ - orcrflowod. Pointed lath, nailed to the rides and stuck into the ground, keep the whole upright. fro- China, and, as a proof that they thrive well in ts climate, I will instance that, one of the progeny, , cock, not yet eight months old, being one of the first brood hatched, wei hs full ' ht, d We have to drank Capt. gentlemanly navigator of Seneca Lake, for a Poultry Fountain, just come safe to ' ' A hand, and of which we have on. BEEN mom’s warms SHANGHAE ros. had an engraving made, for “Among the many varieties of the Gallus me the benefit 0‘: “1953 Wh” keep F which have been introduced into the New Englan poultry. It "f S‘mPIlY ‘1 90"“ States from China, therein no variety which possesse l mon earthen Jar, With ’1 link, so many good qualities as the White Shanghaes. has"! “1 front, and 1‘ siqaill “ The White Shanghaes are larger and more quiz 13°19” ”1° 1“» ”1mg" ‘3’ 1F than other varieties. The flesh of these fowls 3 he water passes tot e asm‘ . - - This hole must be closed , much sii erior, not sinewy or “strin ,” as is t . . . - - ' case witli) the flesh of most of the othgi! Shanghae fihlle fillingfth? 3;" Whédh: WM , it The eggs are larger, and these hens are more proli t en cm 9 “g t’ an d , :, ~ 2 . r than those of other colors. plug at thevbottom remove ‘ - : I I . . The been: is thus filled from the Jar and kept full. “ In their habits they are more qmet, and less in This is the most convenient clined to ramble. These habits render the lien arrangement for waterin ' invaluable for incubators and nurses, and the mild fowl; that we ever notice _ ness of their disposition makes them excellent foster For those who are unable , mothers, as they never injure the chicks belonging t to procure the above we other hens. I am induced to speak more fully c present ndrawing of 350th- these characteristics, from the many vexntious losse er on the same principle I have sufi'ered in the experiments I have tried. which we have used—Sim: “I have imported different breeds of fowls fror pie, and easily constructed. . Europe and elsewhere, and have received from man An ordinary junk bottle friends specimens of choice fowls, and my endeavor ‘ forms a reservoir ; the to propagate them have been frustrated by the ram trough below contains very ' , ling- or quarrelsome disposition of the hens which V , , - little water, and is never have been obliged to use for incubators and nurses — ' ””"" , . --------- overflowed. Pointed lath, I I have lost, oftentimes, by quarrelsomeness of th nailed to the sides and stuck into the ground, keep u hens, their entire broods ; for instance, the Gain the whole upright. Genesee Farmer, May 1851, p117
  • 11. Guilland, H. E. Early American Folk Pottery, 1971, p69 Keystone Pottery, Washington County, Tennessee, usually referred to as the Decker Pottery, ca. 1870-1910. Guilland, H. E. Early American Folk Pottery, 1971, p69 Keystone Pottery, Washington County, Tennessee, usually referred to as the Decker Pottery, ca. 1870-1910. Keystone Pottery, Washington County, Tennessee, usually referred to as the Decker Pottery, ca. 1870-1910. Guilland, H. E. Early American Folk Pottery, 1971,p69
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Dome-shaped (with later dish), hand- thrown, stoneware, unglazed (dish is later) Dome-shaped, hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze, inside & outside Dome-shaped (with later dish), hand- thrown, stoneware, unglazed (dish is later) Dome-shaped, hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze, inside & outside Dome-shaped (with later dish), hand- thrown, stoneware, unglazed (dish is later) Dome-shaped, hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze, inside & outside
  • 16. Hand-thrown, Albany slip blaze, jug-shaped with handle, open bottom Hand-thrown, Albany slip blaze, jug-shaped with handle, open bottom Hand-thrown, Albany slip blaze, jug-shaped with handle, open bottom
  • 17. Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze, with attached dish Hand-thrown, stoneware, salt glaze, with attached dish. Maker: A. L. Hyssong, Bloomsburg, PA Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze, with attached dish Hand-thrown, stoneware, salt glaze, with attached dish. Maker: A. L. Hyssong, Bloomsburg, PA Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glaze, with attached dish Hand-thrown, stoneware, salt glaze, with attached dish. Maker: A. L. Hyssong, Bloomsburg, PA
  • 18. -Hand-thrown -Stoneware -Bristol glaze -Jug-shaped with handle -Pushed-in side -Pulled-up lip for dish -One-piece -Hand-thrown -Stoneware -Bristol glaze -Jug-shaped with handle -Pushed-in side -Pulled-up lip for dish -One-piece -Hand-thr0wn -St0neware -Brist01 glaze Jug-shaped with handle -Pushed-in side -Pu11ed-up lip for dish -One-piece WW“ II"!
  • 19. Hand-thrown, stoneware, Bristol glaze, finial, added dish & hood Hand-thrown, stoneware, Bristol glaze, finial, added dish & hood Hand-thrown, stoneware, Bristol glaze, finial, added dish & hood
  • 20. Hand-thrown, redware, pushed-in side, pulled-up lip, added hood, finial Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glazeadded hood and dish, finial, ears Hand-thrown, redware, pushed-in side, pulled-up lip, added hood, finial Hand-thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glazeadded hood and dish, finial, ears Hand-thrown, redware, pushed-in side, pulled-up lip, added hood, finial Hand—thrown, stoneware, Albany slip glazeadded hood and dish, finial, ears
  • 21. Hand-thrown, stoneware, jug-shaped Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, but hand-formed handle, hood and dish Hand-thrown, stoneware, jug-shaped Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, but hand-formed handle, hood and dish Hand-thrown, stoneware, jug-shaped Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, but hand-formed handle, hood and dish
  • 22. Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, hand- formed handle Molded, Stoneware, jug-shaped, without handle Molded, stoneware, jug-shaped, hand- formed handle Molded, Stoneware, jug-shaped, without handle Molded, stoneware, jug—shaped, hand- formed handle Molded, Stoneware, jug-shaped, without handle
  • 23. 2F” INHA- J. UOGE. DREHEIHE I'mzryum Hm PGULTRY. 2h]. 315.251. Patented Apr. 11385. . ”In 1» tuft:- r: sin-.3»? Ewan. m MIR—w --r-—- W
  • 24.
  • 25. Molded, stoneware, Bristol glaze, without mark Molded, stoneware Bristol glaze, makers mark: Medalta Potteries Ltd. Medicine Hat, Alberta Molded, stoneware, Bristol glaze, without mark Molded, stoneware Bristol glaze, makers mark: Medalta Potteries Ltd. Medicine Hat, Alberta Molded, stoneware Bristol glaze, makers mark: Medalta Potteries Ltd. Medicine Hat, Alberta Molded, stoneware, Bristol glaze, without mark ‘.‘-~~
  • 26. L._ “‘"“ Ff =5 . L Fl?" , ‘ - .2; "h n I L 3» an 1 . .1; E! 530 F%l1 P15» a; :‘s YUM}; -, U ;k‘{i .? 1 ‘l54via.." mm
  • 27. Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County -~‘ -~ ‘ 1» : r .2. @omefil ' Umm" 211%,? mgfi9m© Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County
  • 28. Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins County THELQENEEL’VCEATOR JMANUFACTURING 60., ITHACA,’N. Y. Cornell Galvanized Iron Drinking Fountain The {Darnell Drinking Fountain: are made of heavy galvanized iron, double-seamed, carefully turned and soldered. They are conical in shape, so that in freezing weather the pressure of the ice inside will not split the seam. The top is also conical, and prevents the fowls from roosting and polluting the water. The pans are of pressed iron, heavily gal- vanizcd. The construction and the material are both 9833' to clean and to keep clean. These fountains can be nested in shipping, so as to take ihe minimum space. Made in four sizes: miner Mm PRICE Ench. Three. Six. I—quart, for chicks. ,. . l . . .5020 $0.50 $0.90 2-qiiart, for (lucklings., . . . .25 .70 1 25 SEQ—quart, for fon'lsh ....... .35 1.00 1.80 Cornell Galvnnized Iron Drinking Founuln 7'C1U31't: for ducks ---------- .50 1.40 250 Cornell Cage Fountain This fountain is a very satisfactory :lrmngmnont for watering lICnS or turkeys. clean, is easily filled, and freezing will never damage it. It may he hung or hinged to the wall,and so arranged as to make it possible to be reached from the mar through a. “afliiinn W me“ also he "M" Mr ‘nml. which, bring protected, is kept in uclean rou- It keeps the water galvanized iron, and will inst for years. It is -- ‘ ipactpm-kage. PRICE lish......................... 35 cents each 1 .......................... 50 cents each .h a l 3011'“ New Factory of the Cornell Incubator Mfg. Company. Ithaca, N. Y. C. L. VIVIAN. ARCHITECT Whoa commend um luclory will In lhe lulu-5| and hen Incubator munufaclory in lhe world. ' ' ,' carnal] Courtesy of History Center of Tompkins Coynty Cage Fountain
  • 29.
  • 31. Eyles, D., Doulton Lambeth Wares, 2002 Eyles, D., Doulton Lambeth Wares, 2002 Eyles, D., Dou/ton Lambeth Wares, 2002 . ‘ _‘ x i . _.-_ _‘ . . I ~7_ H7ll{‘ll"'1h'x qzz- Ma‘s .in-‘L'f‘: '. =. ~'_IT:|1il:.1‘”‘r 1,.14‘ Its-'1'“ M.L.-|
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. 92.. 'JI’ LOVHL 'AA 'AA. if} 33 BARTELDES & CO., DENVER, COLORADO. 103 fikfiTEasé CO, DRINKING FOUNTAINS. THE “ COLORADO.” These stoneware drinking dishes Ire unexceiied. They keep the water cool and clean. and chicks irom getting wet or drowned. Half gallon, each, 25¢; per 1102., $2.40. 1 gallon, each, 35m per dozen, $3.00. Special brooder size, holds about 1% quarts. (its inside brooder. Same price as half gallon. . PRICE LIST HND DESCRIPTIUE CHTHLOGUE BARTELDES DRINKING FOUNTAIN. These fountains are made oi heavy galvanized iron, in a cone shape. inverted into a pan, giving plenty of room for the fowls to drink. Price, 1 quart size, 300.; 2 quart size 406. CYPI-IERS WALL FOUNTAINS. This is something entirely new in the way or fouutlins, and is made for the poultrymen who require I well fountain. It is mlnufactured from the best galvanized iron and flat' toned on one side so that it can be hung on a board or the wall of ahuildiug, at my height, A gslvuuized iron hood projects over the water receptacle and protects the wstor from dirt. It is equally servicesble for young chickens as adult iowis. IT OAN NOT BE BROKEN BY FREEZING, and is easily cleaned by filling with round pebbles or shot and shlking thoroughly. We recommend this i'ountsin as first» class in every particular. It is made in two sizes. Prloe, 1 gallon size, each, 750; 2 gallon size, $1.00. THE “SANITARY” FOUNTAIN. A squsre galvanized fountain. in two parts A slight pull on the small whisp broom. both parts are easily and thoroughly cleaned. It is filled instantly. You V. don' t have to wait for the water to gurgie in through a small hole. in can be hung up out of the Price, '1 gallon size.- 600.; 2 gallon size, 900. Sanitary :Seli-Feeding; Boxes for ; Poultry. . .. . . This Box Us Manufactured iron the Best Galvanized Iron. ltcontuins threocompsrtments. This box can be hung up against the wall ethan‘y height desired. Itis nflrst-class article, is practically indestructible and will last a lifetime. Two quarts tolo bin. Price 76 cents. WOODEN FEED BOXES: Home shapes galvanized, aim/lo compartment 60c each, double compartmenl, 60¢: each. Feed and Water Jars. Phin, mnde oi stoneware, holding about 11/, quarts. For either‘ feed or wster. Very-essy to keep clean; 8x3 inches inside. rm, 4§for 2512.; 1 dozen, 60c. COLORADO SEED HOUSE DENVEK,COLO.
  • 35. 7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903 7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903 THE Cyphers Thl‘FI‘ fountains ill‘t‘ Minn-thing IIIIII' IIIIIl IIxtI'III Hfl‘ViI‘l'illllI' iII IlIII II’IIII' III IIIIIIIIII I'IIIIIIIIIIII.~. ()IIII >iIlI- III. ”III iKll‘k is iiflllt IIII I] m IlIIIt it can III: lIIIIII.r IIII IlIII II: Ill III III |IuilIl- iIII.I, III :II.:;IiII>t :III III»- Ii.:|It IIIIII III ilnlllll :II III_ III-iglit I III] *.IIIi/IIIIl iI‘IIII lIIIIIIl [II'II- jI'I'h‘ III'III‘ llIII IIIIIIII‘ lI'IIIIIJlI :I “II III‘IIlIII'h (L‘Y Pl HI? [-3 S POT'LTRY APPLIANCES. Wall Fountains. tlIII II IIIII I'IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIiIII.:>IIilIIIl TiH‘SI‘ fIIIIIIl IiI1~ IIIII IIIIIIIIIllI ‘~t“li1'|‘ili'i1 IIII IIIIIIILIIIlIiI'kI-IIIS III‘11IlllilIIIl.~ TlIIII IIill III-I ill‘tflii lII IH‘I‘ZillL" and :III III:IIlilI I-IlIIIIIIIl lII I'IlliIII.r IIiIlI II-IIIIIl III-llIlII< H! >lIIIl IIIIIl >il'dklll!lliIIlHll‘Jill} T‘ill" lIIIIIIl:IIII~ :II'II Illillll' III‘ llIII lIII>t L'Q‘liHllllZWl il'Hll :IIIIl IIIIIIIIIIIIII-III III II t IIIIIIIII' IIIIIIs IIith IIIIIIIII lI‘IIIIIIIII-III. ‘II III I IIIIIIIII IIIl IlII-III as 1i1~'t 0111.»: in III'I-I‘y [IIII'IIIIIILIL ’l‘lII-I' ill't' IIIIIIlII lll IIIII rim s. Prices. l-gIIllIIII >i/.II ... ..e;IIIlI, SILTI'I; ’(lII'IIII, 5413.00 '_’-'.':lllIIII Fill‘ .... ......... “ LU”; H 2.7” The Cyphers SanitarII Self- l' n 7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903
  • 36. 7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903, 195p . Corner of Court and Wilkinson 7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903, 195p . Corner of Court and Wilkinson 7th Annual Catalog of Cyphers Incubator Co, Buffalo, NY, 1903, 195p . Corner of Court and Wilkinson
  • 37. Metal, hangs on wall, hood, handle, Maker mark: Cyphers Incubator Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Small Metal, hangs on wall, hood, handle, Maker mark: Cyphers Incubator Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Small Metal, hangs on wall, hood, handle, Maker mark: Cyphers Incubator Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Small 'n‘k “é / 3%
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. The Poultry Item, v17, n11, Sept 1915, p77 The Poultry Item, v17, n11, Sept 1915, p77 In Guy firm“:- Finish T_."'¢' «are I'll-1W1 “I". he“ I..|-|.‘_:ll:_T H..c-t'1 Wart. L-In} MADE 1‘!" fiAL‘r A‘i- _;"~I Ii'i'E FI‘I'IFH 1 '- = PENHSTiVLHIA STAMPING CUMPAH‘J’ ‘r'flRI-Z. PA. I The Poultry Item, v17, n11, Sept 1915, p77
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. Glass top, metal base, two-piece Glass top, metal base, two-piece Glass top, metal base, two-piece
  • 45. Glass, two-piece, Makers Mark: Sana-Fount, Anderson Box Co. Indpls. Ind. Glass, two-piece, Makers Mark: Sana-Fount, Anderson Box Co. Indpls. Ind. Glass, two-piece, Makers Mark: Sana-Fount, Anderson Box Co. lndpls. Ind.
  • 46. Glass, two-piece, Maker Mark: Thomas’s Halifax, Made in England Glass, two-piece, Maker Mark: Thomas’s Halifax, Made in England Glass, two-piece, Maker Mark: Thomas’s Halifax, Made in England
  • 47. Glass top, early plastic base Glass top, early plastic base Glass top, early plastic base
  • 48. Many designs that fit standard canning jar Many designs that fit standard canning jar Many designs that fit standard canningjar
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51. Japanese waterer base, fits standard canning jar Japanese waterer base, fits standard canning jar Japanese waterer base, fits standard canningjar
  • 52.
  • 53. Common Chicken Waterers Today Common Chicken Waterers Today Common Chicken Waterers Today
  • 54. Thanks! Latta Rox Farm Interlaken, NY Thanks! Latta Rox Farm Interlaken, NY Thanks! Latta Rox Farm Interlaken, NY https://|
  • 55.
  • 56. Western Stoneware Company catalog, Monmouth, IL, 1929 Western Stoneware Company catalog, Monmouth, IL, 1929 Westko Poultry Founts and Butter Milk Feeders EARTHEN WARE x, .' . m, thy No. l-A Cone Top Splash Proof No. l-B Flat Top V4, l/z. l. and 2 Gal. Sizes This is a new one. It will M2 and l Gal. Sizes not splash nor spill. l Gal. Size only. COSTS LESS. EASY TO KEEP CLEAN. NEVER WEARS OUT Western Stoneware Company catalog, Monmouth, IL, 1929
  • 57. {WN ‘(ELLDW DANVFR§ ONION 55570:.“o TO HARVE
  • 58. BARTELDES" T'O- EAR’I‘II EN DltKllkEgE rh FOUNTAIN. '. ese stoneware drink - tmns keep the water 1cr‘ofilfoz‘tlrli‘d clean. and chicks from gettln wet or drowned. Made with opeg bottom for convenience of clean? ing. and inverted into a - 1"" .. 2_ . pan. Write qt. size, 35c, gal. size, THE "SANITARY" FOUNTAIN. naAtcsmimc. uzluriiz-Bil fountain. in two t r-. _. Inglil pill on the projecting par; otvthe lmtti-m removes it entirelv, 3n. b} uszng snull whisk brnorn. ‘oth parts pare easily and thoroughly Elli-Shed. It is tilled instantly. It can be _g up out of the dirt on an null 'or hook. ordinary Price. 1 gallon size, 60c; 2 gallon size, (We. HENPRIEND DRIXKIXG FOUNTAIN. Can be used also as a feed box. Size :10. 1. 60¢; size No. 2. 50c; size No. 3, c. SANITARY SELF-FEEDING BOXES 1'0]! POULTRY. manufactured from the bid “I ' 'lron. It car;I banging? W “guy‘s! any“: F. mm- ' ~- , THE BARTELoEs seeped, D'ENVER, COLO. Drinking Fountains THE “COLORADO” FOUNTAIN.—0ne plece. Half gallon. each 250; one gallon. each, 350. Special brooder size. holds about 1% quarts, fits inside brooder. Same price as half gallon. CYPHER’S VALL FOUNTAIN. It is manufactured from the best galvan- ized iron and flattened On one side so that it can be hung on a board or the wall of a build- ing. at any height. A galvanized iron hood projects over the Water receptacle and protects the water from dirt. It in equally serviceable for young chickens or adult [owls It cannot be broken by freezing. and is easily cleaned by till- ing with round pebbles or shot and shaking thoroughly. It 1’31 333418 in two sizes. Price. 1 gal. size, each 750; 2 gal. also. DAVIS FOOD AND WATER FOUNTAIN The Colorado. One of the most handy fixtures for poultrymen. Can be filled with water or feed. It consists of an iron frame. into which any kind or bottle or mason jar is inverted. and can be hung anywhere. See illustrations. Price. frame only. 250: by mail, 30c. FEED AND WATER JARS. Plain, made of stoneware, holding about 1% quarts. For either feed or water. Very easy to keep clean. '83:! inches -u- 11.4..“ 9 (nr ‘250- 1 dozen. 81.40.
  • 59. Pet-Stock, Pigeon & Poultry Bulletin, Dec 7, 1874 Pet-Stock, Pigeon & Poultry Bulletin, Dec 7, 1874 Farmerville Poultry Society. Farmer Village, Seneca Co, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1874. EDITOR BULLETIN—- A meeting of the Farmerville Poultry Societyr was held on Saturday evening last, for the purpose of arranging premium-lists, and for the transaction of business connected with the society. There was a good attendance, and a livelyr interest was manifested. The members of our society feel greatly encour_ aged relative to our exhibition, which comes ofl‘ on the 3d. 4th, and 5th of February next, and promises to exceed our exhibition of last year, which was of itself a decided success. Yours respectfully, S. P. STONE. For premium-list and entries, address E. G. STE'I‘SON, See. ——.—— Pet-Stock, Pigeon & Poultry Bulletin, Dec 7, 1874
  • 60. Rare Decorated 2 Gal. Stoneware Chicken Waterer O 1 watched in last 24 hours Item condition: -- Time left: 15d 02h 4/17, 1:38PM Price: US $2,650.00 . Buy It Now From $128 for 24 months Add to cart Best Offer: Make Offer 8 watching Add to watch list . l i Add to collection Antique Vintage Texas Stoneware Old Chicken Waterer Guadalupe County Wilson (?) $1,200.00 Dec-29 01:00 or Best Offer