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Section 1: What is geography like in our school?
             1a: Achievement is high and pupils make good progress when considered in
             relation to age, ability and prior experience
Year 4 samples of work from A River Cruise topic. This was a pupil’s recordings of what he already knew about
rivers and what he’d like to find out at the start of the topic. All teachers use this as a way of informing their
planning to ensure the learning is pitched at the correct level for the class.
Pupils should be taught the Knowledge, skills and understanding
                                            through the study of water and its effects on landscapes and
                                                    people, including the physical features of rivers.
This pupil is
                                           Pupils should be taught to recognise some physical and human
                                                        processes for example, river erosion.
confident with the
                                          In developing geograhical skills pupils should be taught:
                                          to use appropriate geographical vocabulary and to use
                                          secondary sources of information
associated with

                        II found it
                     finding out about
                       the different
                     stages of a river.
To draw plans and maps at a range of scales. Pupils
should be taught the knowledge, skills and
                                                       Carrying out
understanding through the study of water and its            this
effects on landscapes and people,                       experiment
                                                         helped me
                 I had to follow                      understand the
                 instructions to                      process of the
                                                        water cycle
                  plot onto this
In undertaking geographical enquiry, pupils should be taught to: analyse evidence and draw conclusions. In developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught to
to use appropriate geographical vocabulary. Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through the study of water and its effects on landscapes
 and people, including the physical features of rivers and the processes of erosion and deposition that affect them

                   I understand these                                                                                     This pupil is learning to
                processes so much more                                                                                    analyse and understand
                     after doing this                                                                                     what is happening in
                  experiment. I could
                                                                                                                          these physical
                    actually see all 3
                processes and remember
                                                                                                                          processes. He was
                          them                                                                                            enthused when he
                                                                                                                          explained them to me!
In undertaking geographical enquiry, pupils should be taught to ask geographical questions , collect and record evidence, analyse evidence
            and draw conclusions. In developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught: to use appropriate geographical vocabulary, to use
           appropriate fieldwork techniques. Pupils should be taught to: recognise and explain patterns made by individual physical and human
                                     features in the environment and recognise some physical and human processes.

Pupils from
stage to Year 6
all carry out
field sketches
when on a

                          I used knowledge learned from the
                              experiment to spot erosion .                                                                         in tThe islands in
                             Transportation had occurred                                                                          the river slows the
                            further down the river where it                                                                       water up because it
                          was more narrow. I could easily see                                                                     has to go around it.
                                evidence of deposition.
Velocity is how
                                                       many metres
                                                      per second the
  We used metre                                        water flows.
sticks to measure                                      The quickest
 the depth of the                                     was 0.74m/sec
  river and tape                                       which links in
   measures to                                         with my field
measure the width                                         sketch.
  of the river at
  various points.

                    In their studies of localities and themes pupils
                    should carry out fieldwork investigations outside the
Class 4’s Spring topic in 2010 was                                 erosion
    ‘A River Cruise.’ They spent an                                               deposition
       exciting day studying the                    bank
       features of a local river.

All staff at Furneux                                       transportation
Pelham School value           Why do it?
field work and embrace        Children
all opportunities to get      remember far
outside and ‘do               more
geography’ with their         information
classes.                      when it is hands       depth
                              on. It makes it



                                 The width of
                                 the river was         Children completing a field sketch of
                                 measured at           the river. They were told to think
                                 various points        carefully about the vocabulary they
                                 along the river.      would use to annotate their plans.
                                 were plotted on
                                 the river plan.
I found a bug on
                the banks of the
                                   The river study was brought to a
                                   close with a mini beast hunt. The
                                   children used key indicators to try
                                   and identify them.

It is small and black. I
    couldn’t find it’s
characteristics on the
sheet we were given so
 I’m not sure what it
Suggested geographical skills/knowledge and other activities to be taught during China week :

   Class 2

                                                                                          Class 4
                                          Class 1            Class 2             Class 3            Class 4             Class 5
                                          What comes         Where is China?     Where is China?    Where is China?     Where is China?
                                          from/ made in      (continents of      Which countries    Which countries     Which countries
                                          China? – find      the world)          border it?         border it?          border it?
                                          objects at home.                       Find Beijing,      Find Beijing,       Find Beijing,
                            Children in   Where is China?    Find Beijing and    main rivers and    main rivers and     main rivers and
                            Class 1       (continents of     main rivers.        some other         some other          some other
                            learn about   the world)                             cities.            cities.             cities.
                            the shapes    Look at            Flag and            Compass            Scale work –        Locate deserts
                            of            contrasting        importance of       directions using   distance            and mountains –
                                          photographs of     No. 5               map of China.      between cities      compare.
                                          China eg city vs                       Climate.           etc. Use            Sustainability –
                            via 3D map                       Farming in China
                                          village and                            History of the     different scales.   bio fuels.
                            work.         compare            – compare with      Olympic Games      Grid references      Effect of
                                          Animals from       UK                  Invention of the   using map of        deforestation
                                          China                                  Compass.           Beijing.            and pollution (see
                                          Chinese counting   Directional                            Uses and            Ashden Award
                                          book on animals    language using                         features of the     films)
                                          (Enchanted         map of Beijing or                      major rivers.       Similarities &
                                          Learning)          China                                  Emperor and the     differences b/w
                                          Invention of the                                          terracotta army     China and the UK
                                          Kite.              Silkworm                               (make replicas?)    The Great Wall
                                          Olympic game                            Extracts          Invention of        of China
                                          characters         Invention of                           Paper.              Foot binding
                                                                                                                        Invention of the
                                                                                  to show                               Umbrella.
                             Class 1                                              progress
1b Assessment is seen as an essential tool in planning learning and monitoring
                                         pupil progress

Pre-planning of
Papa Westray
topic: the
children were
asked to write
on a slip of
paper what
they already
felt they knew
about this
small Scottish
island. They
were then
asked to think
about what
they would like
to find out. As
questions were
through the
term these
were recorded
at the top of
our ‘learning
What have I learned in Geography this term?
                           Pupils in Class 2 are asked to explain what geographical
                           knowledge and skills they have learned at the end of a topic.

 I learned how to find places on a
map using coordinates, how to draw                                  Year 2 pupil recording some of the
symbols for features in a key, how                                  geographical learning he
to follow a route on a map and where
the Isle of Coll and the countries of                               experienced during the topic
the UK are on a map. I used lots of                                 ‘Fantasy Island’.
different words in the topic like
beach, pier, jetty, mountains, loch
and peat.

         Pupils were asked to record with pictures and
         words what they already knew about our
         village for our local studies topic.
Assessment of
    work completed
    during one of our
    Topic Weeks.

   Teachers assess where they feel the core of their
   class are at the end of each term and place these
levels on a foundation subject assessment form. Pupils
      exceeding or not reaching this level are also
  identified. This then follows the class through each
Class 5’s assessed work on Coasts
(2009) to give pupils an
indication of their achievements.
This pupil is confident when
describing the physical and
human features of the coast.

With the use of tickled pink and
green for growth we will be able
to suggest to pupils the next
step in their learning and
geographical understanding.

     This pupil has shown through her
     work that she understands the
     physical processes of erosion and
     the effect on our coasts.
1c: Fieldwork, active enquiry learning and the use of ICT has a clear impact on the
way children learn geography.

                                                        Wow! I spy a
                                                        waterfall in
                                                        their garden.

                                                  Class 2 (Yr 1&2) children went on a
                                                   short journey as part of our Take
                                                   One Picture project, studying the
                                                  painting Tobias and the Angel. We
                                                   wanted to spot as many different
                                                 features on the journey and to think
                                                  about the differences in landscape
                                                 and land use. We would then compare
                                                   our journey with the one made by
Once back in the classroom we studied the
  route on an ordnance survey map and then       There are no houses
plotted the different features that they had
     noticed on their journey. They were
                                               here – it’s all open and
  confident at following routes on a map and   you can see a long way
making their own simple maps. They noticed a    ahead. I can see trees
   lot of features on our journey and could      and mud and fields
remember these – sharing their preferences
                with the class.
                                                                           This is a man made
                                                                          feature but it’s made
                                                                            from something
                                                                             natural – wood.

    Look at that tunnel
    of trees ahead – it
      looks exciting!
To kick start the Spring Term’s topic on the history of the locality Class 5
     took part in the Frederick Soddy Trust’s ‘Go the Extra Mile’ competition.
    They walked for a mile in various directions from school, taking note of the
     surroundings, land use and features. They then compiled detailed maps to
         show their journey and their thoughts on their local environment.

  Don’t forget to add
 the oak tree and the
 road sign by the side
of the house opposite.

                                                          Drawing their observations onto
                                                          a self drawn map of their route.

                                                            Lots of geographical enquiry
                                                            as pupils consider how land is
                                                            used and possible
                                                            improvements that could be
The school benefited from having these on
          display at school and we were delighted that
           one of our pupils won the competition. We
          were able to celebrate this achievement as a
                          whole school.                  The hedgerows
                                                         provide a good
                                                           habitat for
  I think it is good to
                                                         birds and small
  have so many fields
 around here. Lots of
different crops can be
    grown for food.
Year 5 and
6 pupils
show their
skills at
making their
own maps
with clear
and keys
The winning entry – displaying careful observation and enquiry whilst promoting a
good level of map skills. A keen geographer in the making!

                                                                               off her
                                                                               prize to
Teaching letter and number
                co-ordinates linked to the
                Katie Morag stories and the
                Isle of Strauy on the IWB.

                                                                Pupils carrying out activities
                                                                on tree identification and
                                                                tree habitats during ‘Out and
                                                                About’ week.

                                                                                                 I wonder
                                                                                                 what bugs
                                                                                                 are going
The children were excited                                                                          to be
to try and locate Barnaby                     You have to go along the                             here?
Bear using co-ordinates on                     bottom first, then up!
a map of the Isle of
Strauy.. It made it so
much more real for them!

           Max is demonstrating how to find
            the position of Barnaby Bear on
              the map using co-ordinates.
Class 1 sharing their views about the
                        school environment. Map work is
                        introduced to Foundation Stage pupils
                        with the use of aerial photographs

Pupils help to create
a pictogram to show
how they travel to

  I travel to school
  by car because it
 is too far to walk.
Pupils in Class 4 referred to a
website on world weather to
compare the annual rainfall in
Dublin and in London. (Europe
Week 2009)

                                  Pupils in Class 5 used the internet to research
                                  plants suitable to go in our new pond. They then
                                  used this information to produce an Excel
                                  spreadsheet to display this information clearly.
                                  (Designing a Pond topic 2010)
1d: Geography is seen as a key subject to engage creative and critical thinking
about `people & place’, local and global change and possible futures.

                                                                     What’s in the
                                                                     News? Initiative
                                                                     introduced in 2010.
                                                                     All children have
                                                                     the opportunity to
                                                                     research a recent
                                                                     and topical news
                                                                     event, produce a
                                                                     report on it and
                                                                     then share their
                                                                     findings during an
                                                                     assembly .
Examples of
          articles written –
          children are asked
          to find news
          events which are
          geographical in
          nature. They are
          encouraged to be
          critical in thought
          and consider the
          impact both
          globally and at a
          local level.

Work is centrally displayed in school with
the location of world events clearly

                                 Holiday Challenge:
                                During the Christmas
                                break children were asked
                                to look out of a window at
                                home and draw what they
                                could see. They were
                                asked to pay attention to
                                the different features
                                they could see and think
                                about how this view
                                differs at other times of
                                the year.
Geography is engaging creative
  and critical thinking about
       `people & place’,         Clockwise from top: 1. Class 2 pupils
                                 having ‘thinking time’ to consider
                                 what it would be like to live on the
                                 Isle of Coll and the similarities and
                                 differences with living in Furneux
                                 Pelham; 2. Class 4 produced
                                 thought bubbles following role play
                                 to consider the effects of a village
                                 and home becoming flooded and 3.
                                 Group work in Class 2 to consider
                                 which animals might live in the 2
                                 localities of Furneux Pelham and the
                                 Isle of Coll.
The old pond was not
 interesting. It didn’t
look nice. There were
   old brambles and
  stinging nettles and
     no one used it
                          Class 4 children spent a term focusing on our old pond and
                          how they would improve this area of the school grounds.
                          They completed a lot of cross curricular work and had
                          visits from gardeners and landscape gardeners to help
                          with their ideas for pond development. The children
                          enjoyed the fact that their ideas were taken into
                          consideration in the final design of the pond and could see
                          the improvement to the grounds that this made.

                                              I thought stones
                                              would make it look
                                              effective. Emily’s
                                             pond has stones and                              Mrs
                                                it looks nice.                            Gravestock
                                                                                        came in to talk
                                                                                          to us about
                                                                                          the design.
                                                                                        She showed us
                                                                                        side and aerial
                                                                                         views and we
                                                                                          devised our
                                                                                            own key
1e: Core geographical knowledge underpins children’s learning about the world.

                                  Each year to
                                  Day of
                                  Languages, the
                                  whole school
                                  gets involved in
                                  Europe Week.
                                  Each class
                                  chooses a
                                  country to
                                  study in a
                                  creative and
                                  curricular way.
                                  The main focus
                                  is a
                                  one, with many
                                  throughout the
Some of the
by various
age groups
Week to
show that
about the
We enjoyed learning
 about China and its
features. We learned
how different it was
   to our country

                         We discovered lots of
                          chinese artefacts at
                        home. We also found out
                       that lots of our things are
                              made in China
1f: Geography supports other curriculum areas, contributes to the enjoyment and
achievement of learners and to whole school initiatives

                             Class 2 helped to create
                             this display of the Isle of
                             Strauy. This reinforced
                             their knowledge of some of
                             the island’s features whilst
                             providing a valuable tool
                             for geographical work such
                             as following routes,
                             devising keys and
                             comparing two localities.
                                                  It also provided
                                                  the opportunity to
                                                  develop some of
                                                  their creative and
                                                  artistic skills.

                                       In art we explored manipulating paper to
                                       create our own papier mache island. These
                                       were then used to help us understand how
                                       to use letter/number coordinates to
                                       locate features on a map.
Using our knowledge about
the differences between our
own locality and that of the
Isle of Coll we wrote
postcards using 2Publish +
software. Pupils had to
include information about
what we might see or hear on
the island.

            Whilst comparing the wildlife found on the Isle of Coll with that found in our own locality the
            children had to investigate as a group, where certain animals might be found. This involved
            displaying their findings as a Venn Diagram, reinforcing their data handling work in numeracy, as
            well as providing great opportunities to develop their thinking and reasoning skills in a group

          Posters and postcards
             on display. The
              children really
            enjoyed creating

                                                         Clay tiles made in
                                                            response to
                                                         finding out about
                                                        the wildlife on the
Pupils compare
                                               temperatures in
                                             different mountain
                                             ranges in numeracy.           This shelter is
                                                                        made from snow and
                              Pupils produce                              wood. The snow
                                                                           insulates the
                              information texts
                                                                         shelter and keeps
                              on different types                             you warm.
                              of mountains in

As part of a Mountains
topic, the teacher brought
in art and poetry whilst
studying the different
forms of mountains to
create a very eye- catching
display.                         Class 5 pupils design and make shelters for
                                 mountain dwellers – they had to take into
                                 consideration the specific terrain and
                                 climate where their shelter would be built.
.              Section 2: Leadership and Management

                                    Through Geography, children at Furneux Pelham
      During the last few           School will have an understanding of the earth,
        years a Vision               the physical processes that shape it and the
    Statement has evolved.          impact that this has on people and places. They
     This was written last            will be eager to explore their own and other
     year and shared with
                                        peoples’ countries and cultures through
                                     observing and interpreting information about
                                                  these environments.
2a There is a `vision’ for geography that is helping to
Pupil voice is seen as a   shape the way that the subject is taught. This vision
very important tool by     informs the geography policy and guides the writing of
the subject leader in
                           schemes of work based on the NC. It has the clear
developing the subject
further. See appendix      support of the HT and SLT
                                         Since achieving the PGQM award in 2008 at Bronze Furneux Pelham
                                         has come a long way in the teaching of Geography.
                                         CPD in map skills has ensured all staff are more confident with this
                                         important part of geography teaching. There is a clear progression in
                                         the teaching of map skills and staff have recently mapped out when
                                         they will be teaching these to ensure coverage and progression can
                                         take place.
                                         Digital mapping is being used in all classes by staff and pupils. They
                                         are familiar with this and the impact on pupils learning has been

                                           Geography is more respected as a subject in its own right and is
                                           taught as a discrete subject as well as making good cross
                                           curricular links. As a staff we are more able to focus on
                                           geographical appreciation and not just a cultural one when studying
                                           other countries.

                                       We are extremely proud of
                                        one of our pupil’s recent
                                           success in winning a
                                        national competition ‘Go
                                        the Extra Mile’. This has
                                        meant we will have extra
                                            funds to spend on
                                        geography next year, an
                                          achievement we have
                                         celebrated within our
                                           school community.
A whole school initiative – Art
in the Environment 2010. To
coincide with National
Grounds Day we decided to
celebrate our school grounds
by turning them into an art
gallery for the day. Each class
were responsible for various
art displays. We invited
parents in to view our work
which had been inspired by
the outdoors.
A whole school challenge to design and make a
We are more focused on using our school         scarecrow. This was soon after the completion
grounds and local area as a learning resource   of a new classroom to our school. The grounds
both in Geography and other subjects.            had been a little disrupted and the grounds
                                                men had recently re-seeded part of the field.
                                                 We needed some help to protect the ground
                                                   from the birds. All entries were erected
                                                    outside and the children could see the
                                                    importance of looking after our school

                                                                Class 1 & 2 pupils
     Pupils hunting for                                         use Barnaby Bear to
    Barnaby Bear in the                                         help find out about
           village.                                             their local area.
CPD was provided
A Guidance Booklet for                     Staff know what they have to                        in 2009 on
  Geography is in the                      teach and will seek advice if                       developing map
    process of being                       unsure. They all teach                              skills and in 2010
   produced. This will                     according to geography -                            on Using the
   contain the agreed                      specific learning objectives and                    School Grounds in
actions for the teaching                   are very good at using the                          a Cross-Curricular
  of Geography at our                      correct vocabulary. Pupils know                     Way. The Subject
school. This is linked to                  when they are learning                              Leader has also
   the policy and will                     geography. A range of                               attended courses
    ensure that the                        resources are centrally located                     on Using the
teaching and learning of                   and meetings take place                             School Grounds
     this subject is                       between teachers at the end                         and Developing
 consistent throughout                     of the year to aid transition.                      Gardening.
       all classes.
                            2b Clear and relevant development targets guide
                            teaching in the school and subject monitoring is focused
                            on ensuring that the provision has a clear impact on the
                            progress pupils make, identifies the professional
                            development needs of staff, supports transition within
                            and beyond the school and ensures adequate resources
                            are available for geography.

                                                                                  The subject is monitored by the
Pupil interviews take place on a regular basis to                                 subject leader – planning and work
ascertain the impact on their learning. The                                       sampling takes place to ensure that
pupils are generally enthused about the                                           pupils are making progress.
Geography teaching that takes place and
definitely prefer the hands on approach!              Pupils are more aware of the world
                                                      around them due to the ‘What’s in the
                                                      World?’ scheme. They are able to see
                                                      the effects both locally and globally
                                                      and are able to empathise with a range
                                                      of siuations.
The Next Steps....

1. To promote the issue of sustainability. I am keen to make links with other schools
in the area who have already developed a Sustainable Education Curriculum and then
create our own. I would like to initiate a project with the Eco Committee on decreasing
the electricity consumption using the Optimal Monitoring software. On completion of
these two things I would hope that all pupils will be more aware of the importance of
making small changes in order to create a sustainable future.

2. Develop using the Outside Classroom. I would like to ensure that all pupils take full
advantage of our new outside resource. I will work closely with the Science Subject
Leader to develop this area further, providing weather recording equipment and pond
dipping equipment so investigative work can take place. The growing of vegetables has
begun in the raised beds this year and I would like to see this continue with all children
having some involvement throughout the year.

3. Create progression books. Begin to collect examples of map work and other levelled
pieces of Geography work from Reception to Year 6. I feel staff would benefit from
having examples of high quality geography work to make reference to. This will help
everyone to see the route of progression within certain areas of geography teaching.

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Pgqm final presentation

  • 1. Section 1: What is geography like in our school? 1a: Achievement is high and pupils make good progress when considered in relation to age, ability and prior experience Year 4 samples of work from A River Cruise topic. This was a pupil’s recordings of what he already knew about rivers and what he’d like to find out at the start of the topic. All teachers use this as a way of informing their planning to ensure the learning is pitched at the correct level for the class.
  • 2. Pupils should be taught the Knowledge, skills and understanding through the study of water and its effects on landscapes and people, including the physical features of rivers. This pupil is Pupils should be taught to recognise some physical and human becoming processes for example, river erosion. confident with the In developing geograhical skills pupils should be taught: technical to use appropriate geographical vocabulary and to use vocabulary secondary sources of information associated with Rivers. II found it interesting finding out about the different stages of a river.
  • 3. To draw plans and maps at a range of scales. Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and Carrying out understanding through the study of water and its this effects on landscapes and people, experiment helped me I had to follow understand the instructions to process of the water cycle plot onto this co-ordinates grid
  • 4. In undertaking geographical enquiry, pupils should be taught to: analyse evidence and draw conclusions. In developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught to to use appropriate geographical vocabulary. Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through the study of water and its effects on landscapes and people, including the physical features of rivers and the processes of erosion and deposition that affect them I understand these This pupil is learning to processes so much more analyse and understand after doing this what is happening in experiment. I could these physical actually see all 3 processes and remember processes. He was them enthused when he explained them to me!
  • 5. In undertaking geographical enquiry, pupils should be taught to ask geographical questions , collect and record evidence, analyse evidence and draw conclusions. In developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught: to use appropriate geographical vocabulary, to use appropriate fieldwork techniques. Pupils should be taught to: recognise and explain patterns made by individual physical and human features in the environment and recognise some physical and human processes. Pupils from Foundation stage to Year 6 all carry out field sketches when on a geographical visit. I used knowledge learned from the experiment to spot erosion . in tThe islands in Transportation had occurred the river slows the further down the river where it water up because it was more narrow. I could easily see has to go around it. evidence of deposition.
  • 6. Velocity is how many metres per second the We used metre water flows. sticks to measure The quickest the depth of the was 0.74m/sec river and tape which links in measures to with my field measure the width sketch. of the river at various points. In their studies of localities and themes pupils should carry out fieldwork investigations outside the classroom.
  • 7. Class 4’s Spring topic in 2010 was erosion ‘A River Cruise.’ They spent an deposition exciting day studying the bank features of a local river. flow All staff at Furneux transportation Pelham School value Why do it? field work and embrace Children all opportunities to get remember far outside and ‘do more geography’ with their information classes. when it is hands depth on. It makes it real! velocity meander The width of the river was Children completing a field sketch of measured at the river. They were told to think various points carefully about the vocabulary they along the river. would use to annotate their plans. These measurements were plotted on the river plan.
  • 8. I found a bug on the banks of the river. The river study was brought to a close with a mini beast hunt. The children used key indicators to try and identify them. It is small and black. I couldn’t find it’s characteristics on the sheet we were given so I’m not sure what it was!
  • 9. Suggested geographical skills/knowledge and other activities to be taught during China week : Class 2 Class 4 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 What comes Where is China? Where is China? Where is China? Where is China? from/ made in (continents of Which countries Which countries Which countries China? – find the world) border it? border it? border it? objects at home. Find Beijing, Find Beijing, Find Beijing, Children in Where is China? Find Beijing and main rivers and main rivers and main rivers and Class 1 (continents of main rivers. some other some other some other learn about the world) cities. cities. cities. the shapes Look at Flag and Compass Scale work – Locate deserts of contrasting importance of directions using distance and mountains – photographs of No. 5 map of China. between cities compare. features China eg city vs Climate. etc. Use Sustainability – via 3D map Farming in China village and History of the different scales. bio fuels. work. compare – compare with Olympic Games Grid references Effect of Animals from UK Invention of the using map of deforestation China Compass. Beijing. and pollution (see Chinese counting Directional Uses and Ashden Award book on animals language using features of the films) (Enchanted map of Beijing or major rivers. Similarities & Learning) China Emperor and the differences b/w Invention of the terracotta army China and the UK Kite. Silkworm (make replicas?) The Great Wall Olympic game Extracts Invention of of China characters Invention of Paper. Foot binding Silk. from debate. displays Invention of the to show Umbrella. Class 1 progress achieved
  • 10. 1b Assessment is seen as an essential tool in planning learning and monitoring pupil progress Pre-planning of Papa Westray topic: the children were asked to write on a slip of paper what they already felt they knew about this small Scottish island. They were then asked to think about what they would like to find out. As their questions were answered through the term these were recorded at the top of our ‘learning tree.’
  • 11. What have I learned in Geography this term? Pupils in Class 2 are asked to explain what geographical knowledge and skills they have learned at the end of a topic. I learned how to find places on a map using coordinates, how to draw Year 2 pupil recording some of the symbols for features in a key, how geographical learning he to follow a route on a map and where the Isle of Coll and the countries of experienced during the topic the UK are on a map. I used lots of ‘Fantasy Island’. different words in the topic like beach, pier, jetty, mountains, loch and peat. Pupils were asked to record with pictures and words what they already knew about our village for our local studies topic.
  • 12. Assessment of work completed during one of our Topic Weeks. Teachers assess where they feel the core of their class are at the end of each term and place these levels on a foundation subject assessment form. Pupils exceeding or not reaching this level are also identified. This then follows the class through each year.
  • 13. Class 5’s assessed work on Coasts (2009) to give pupils an indication of their achievements. This pupil is confident when describing the physical and human features of the coast. With the use of tickled pink and green for growth we will be able to suggest to pupils the next step in their learning and geographical understanding. This pupil has shown through her work that she understands the physical processes of erosion and the effect on our coasts.
  • 14. 1c: Fieldwork, active enquiry learning and the use of ICT has a clear impact on the way children learn geography. Wow! I spy a waterfall in their garden. Class 2 (Yr 1&2) children went on a short journey as part of our Take One Picture project, studying the painting Tobias and the Angel. We wanted to spot as many different features on the journey and to think about the differences in landscape and land use. We would then compare our journey with the one made by Tobias.
  • 15. Once back in the classroom we studied the route on an ordnance survey map and then There are no houses plotted the different features that they had noticed on their journey. They were here – it’s all open and confident at following routes on a map and you can see a long way making their own simple maps. They noticed a ahead. I can see trees lot of features on our journey and could and mud and fields remember these – sharing their preferences with the class. This is a man made feature but it’s made from something natural – wood. Look at that tunnel of trees ahead – it looks exciting!
  • 16. To kick start the Spring Term’s topic on the history of the locality Class 5 took part in the Frederick Soddy Trust’s ‘Go the Extra Mile’ competition. They walked for a mile in various directions from school, taking note of the surroundings, land use and features. They then compiled detailed maps to show their journey and their thoughts on their local environment. Don’t forget to add the oak tree and the road sign by the side of the house opposite. Drawing their observations onto a self drawn map of their route. Lots of geographical enquiry as pupils consider how land is used and possible improvements that could be made.
  • 17. The school benefited from having these on display at school and we were delighted that one of our pupils won the competition. We were able to celebrate this achievement as a whole school. The hedgerows provide a good habitat for I think it is good to birds and small have so many fields mammals. around here. Lots of different crops can be grown for food.
  • 18. Year 5 and 6 pupils show their skills at making their own maps with clear annotations and keys
  • 19. The winning entry – displaying careful observation and enquiry whilst promoting a good level of map skills. A keen geographer in the making! Emma proudly shows off her prize to the Head Teacher and school.
  • 20. Teaching letter and number co-ordinates linked to the Katie Morag stories and the Isle of Strauy on the IWB. Pupils carrying out activities on tree identification and tree habitats during ‘Out and About’ week. I wonder what bugs are going The children were excited to be to try and locate Barnaby You have to go along the here? Bear using co-ordinates on bottom first, then up! a map of the Isle of Strauy.. It made it so much more real for them! Max is demonstrating how to find the position of Barnaby Bear on the map using co-ordinates.
  • 21. Class 1 sharing their views about the school environment. Map work is introduced to Foundation Stage pupils with the use of aerial photographs Pupils help to create a pictogram to show how they travel to school I travel to school by car because it is too far to walk.
  • 22. Pupils in Class 4 referred to a website on world weather to compare the annual rainfall in Dublin and in London. (Europe Week 2009) Pupils in Class 5 used the internet to research plants suitable to go in our new pond. They then used this information to produce an Excel spreadsheet to display this information clearly. (Designing a Pond topic 2010)
  • 23. 1d: Geography is seen as a key subject to engage creative and critical thinking about `people & place’, local and global change and possible futures. What’s in the News? Initiative introduced in 2010. All children have the opportunity to research a recent and topical news event, produce a report on it and then share their findings during an assembly .
  • 24. Examples of articles written – children are asked to find news events which are geographical in nature. They are encouraged to be critical in thought and consider the impact both globally and at a local level. Work is centrally displayed in school with the location of world events clearly displayed. Holiday Challenge: During the Christmas break children were asked to look out of a window at home and draw what they could see. They were asked to pay attention to the different features they could see and think about how this view differs at other times of the year.
  • 25. Geography is engaging creative and critical thinking about `people & place’, Clockwise from top: 1. Class 2 pupils having ‘thinking time’ to consider what it would be like to live on the Isle of Coll and the similarities and differences with living in Furneux Pelham; 2. Class 4 produced thought bubbles following role play to consider the effects of a village and home becoming flooded and 3. Group work in Class 2 to consider which animals might live in the 2 localities of Furneux Pelham and the Isle of Coll.
  • 26. The old pond was not interesting. It didn’t look nice. There were old brambles and stinging nettles and no one used it Class 4 children spent a term focusing on our old pond and how they would improve this area of the school grounds. They completed a lot of cross curricular work and had visits from gardeners and landscape gardeners to help with their ideas for pond development. The children enjoyed the fact that their ideas were taken into consideration in the final design of the pond and could see the improvement to the grounds that this made. I thought stones would make it look effective. Emily’s pond has stones and Mrs it looks nice. Gravestock came in to talk to us about the design. She showed us side and aerial views and we devised our own key
  • 27. 1e: Core geographical knowledge underpins children’s learning about the world. Each year to celebrate International Day of Languages, the whole school gets involved in Europe Week. Each class chooses a different European country to study in a creative and cross curricular way. The main focus is a geographical one, with many exciting activities planned throughout the week.
  • 28. Some of the work undertaken by various age groups during Europe Week to show that geographical knowledge underpins their learning about the world.
  • 29. We enjoyed learning about China and its features. We learned how different it was to our country We discovered lots of chinese artefacts at home. We also found out that lots of our things are made in China
  • 30. 1f: Geography supports other curriculum areas, contributes to the enjoyment and achievement of learners and to whole school initiatives Class 2 helped to create this display of the Isle of Strauy. This reinforced their knowledge of some of the island’s features whilst providing a valuable tool for geographical work such as following routes, devising keys and comparing two localities. It also provided the opportunity to develop some of their creative and artistic skills. In art we explored manipulating paper to create our own papier mache island. These were then used to help us understand how to use letter/number coordinates to locate features on a map.
  • 31. Using our knowledge about the differences between our own locality and that of the Isle of Coll we wrote postcards using 2Publish + software. Pupils had to include information about what we might see or hear on the island. Whilst comparing the wildlife found on the Isle of Coll with that found in our own locality the children had to investigate as a group, where certain animals might be found. This involved displaying their findings as a Venn Diagram, reinforcing their data handling work in numeracy, as well as providing great opportunities to develop their thinking and reasoning skills in a group situation. Posters and postcards on display. The children really enjoyed creating these Clay tiles made in response to finding out about the wildlife on the island.
  • 32. Pupils compare temperatures in different mountain ranges in numeracy. This shelter is made from snow and Pupils produce wood. The snow insulates the information texts shelter and keeps on different types you warm. of mountains in Literacy As part of a Mountains topic, the teacher brought in art and poetry whilst studying the different forms of mountains to create a very eye- catching display. Class 5 pupils design and make shelters for mountain dwellers – they had to take into consideration the specific terrain and climate where their shelter would be built.
  • 33. . Section 2: Leadership and Management Through Geography, children at Furneux Pelham During the last few School will have an understanding of the earth, years a Vision the physical processes that shape it and the Statement has evolved. impact that this has on people and places. They This was written last will be eager to explore their own and other year and shared with peoples’ countries and cultures through staff. observing and interpreting information about these environments.
  • 34. 2a There is a `vision’ for geography that is helping to Pupil voice is seen as a shape the way that the subject is taught. This vision very important tool by informs the geography policy and guides the writing of the subject leader in schemes of work based on the NC. It has the clear developing the subject further. See appendix support of the HT and SLT no. Since achieving the PGQM award in 2008 at Bronze Furneux Pelham has come a long way in the teaching of Geography. CPD in map skills has ensured all staff are more confident with this important part of geography teaching. There is a clear progression in the teaching of map skills and staff have recently mapped out when they will be teaching these to ensure coverage and progression can take place. Digital mapping is being used in all classes by staff and pupils. They are familiar with this and the impact on pupils learning has been dramatic. Geography is more respected as a subject in its own right and is taught as a discrete subject as well as making good cross curricular links. As a staff we are more able to focus on geographical appreciation and not just a cultural one when studying other countries. We are extremely proud of one of our pupil’s recent success in winning a national competition ‘Go the Extra Mile’. This has meant we will have extra funds to spend on geography next year, an achievement we have celebrated within our school community.
  • 35. A whole school initiative – Art in the Environment 2010. To coincide with National Grounds Day we decided to celebrate our school grounds by turning them into an art gallery for the day. Each class were responsible for various art displays. We invited parents in to view our work which had been inspired by the outdoors.
  • 36. A whole school challenge to design and make a We are more focused on using our school scarecrow. This was soon after the completion grounds and local area as a learning resource of a new classroom to our school. The grounds both in Geography and other subjects. had been a little disrupted and the grounds men had recently re-seeded part of the field. We needed some help to protect the ground from the birds. All entries were erected outside and the children could see the importance of looking after our school environment. Class 1 & 2 pupils Pupils hunting for use Barnaby Bear to Barnaby Bear in the help find out about village. their local area.
  • 37. CPD was provided A Guidance Booklet for Staff know what they have to in 2009 on Geography is in the teach and will seek advice if developing map process of being unsure. They all teach skills and in 2010 produced. This will according to geography - on Using the contain the agreed specific learning objectives and School Grounds in actions for the teaching are very good at using the a Cross-Curricular of Geography at our correct vocabulary. Pupils know Way. The Subject school. This is linked to when they are learning Leader has also the policy and will geography. A range of attended courses ensure that the resources are centrally located on Using the teaching and learning of and meetings take place School Grounds this subject is between teachers at the end and Developing consistent throughout of the year to aid transition. Gardening. all classes. 2b Clear and relevant development targets guide teaching in the school and subject monitoring is focused on ensuring that the provision has a clear impact on the progress pupils make, identifies the professional development needs of staff, supports transition within and beyond the school and ensures adequate resources are available for geography. The subject is monitored by the Pupil interviews take place on a regular basis to subject leader – planning and work ascertain the impact on their learning. The sampling takes place to ensure that pupils are generally enthused about the pupils are making progress. Geography teaching that takes place and definitely prefer the hands on approach! Pupils are more aware of the world around them due to the ‘What’s in the World?’ scheme. They are able to see the effects both locally and globally and are able to empathise with a range of siuations.
  • 38. The Next Steps.... 1. To promote the issue of sustainability. I am keen to make links with other schools in the area who have already developed a Sustainable Education Curriculum and then create our own. I would like to initiate a project with the Eco Committee on decreasing the electricity consumption using the Optimal Monitoring software. On completion of these two things I would hope that all pupils will be more aware of the importance of making small changes in order to create a sustainable future. 2. Develop using the Outside Classroom. I would like to ensure that all pupils take full advantage of our new outside resource. I will work closely with the Science Subject Leader to develop this area further, providing weather recording equipment and pond dipping equipment so investigative work can take place. The growing of vegetables has begun in the raised beds this year and I would like to see this continue with all children having some involvement throughout the year. 3. Create progression books. Begin to collect examples of map work and other levelled pieces of Geography work from Reception to Year 6. I feel staff would benefit from having examples of high quality geography work to make reference to. This will help everyone to see the route of progression within certain areas of geography teaching.