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The Adelphos Youth
Adelphos 11/30/22 Katiba
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ADELPHOS YOUTH GROUP was created to serve the pursuit of financial and social
welfare, peace, prosperity,integrity, and dignity;EXERCISING our right to determine the
kind of life we deem suitable for ourselves.
DETERMINED that the values of transparency, accountability, observance of Land laws’
rights and social justice shall be institutionalized in our Association to ensure that all
members enjoy prosperity.
HUMBLY submitting to God and recognizing our responsibility before him, humanity
and ourselves; PROUD of the diversity of backgrounds, cultures of members religious
affiliations and intellectual diversity united by a common purpose and aspirations.
CONVINCED that this Constitution shall guarantee the continued existence of Peace
amongst the members of THEE ADELPHOS YOUTH GROUP Association. RECOGNIZING
the desire of the association to have a Constitution that will govern them and the
supreme authority of God, the regulations governing the Association, conduct, and
Discipline of members made thereunder and other related and relevant laws of the land
in all activities and Associations of the group.
Do hereby ADOPT, ENACT and GIVE to ourselves this Constitution, as the Constitution
of the the THEE ADELPHOS YOUTH GROUP. This agreement is made this 24th
day of
NOVEMBER in the year of 2022 between the undersigned people as members for the
purpose of joint investment in any viable venture.
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This constitution acknowledges the operations and workings of the Constitution of
Kenya 2010 and the Societies Act CAP 108 Laws of Kenya. The Group agrees to be bound
by the provisions thereof.
Table of Contents
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ARTICLE 9: Eligibility 5
ARTICLE 10: Subscription 5
ARTICLE 11: Leaving the Group/Exit of members 6
ARTICLE 12: Dispute Resolution 6
1.1 Chairperson 7
1.2 Secretary 7
1.3 Treasurer 8
ARTICLE 14: Terms of Office 8
ARTICLE 15: Vacancy in Office 8
ARTICLE: 16: Suspension of officials 8
ARTICLE 20: Fines and Penalties 10
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1.1 General/Regular Meetings 12
1.2 Special Meetings 12
1.3 Annual General Meetings 12
Article 1: Name
The body constituted by this document shall be known, called, referred and addressed
as the Thee Adelpos Youth Group.
Article 2: Citation
This document shall be cited as the Constitution of the Thee Adelpos Youth Group Kenya
Article 3: Vission
To develop a sustainable investment scheme.
Article 4: Mission
Equipping members with knowledge and skills on investments.
Article 5: Core Values
1. Integrity
2. Transparency
3. Teamwork
4. Compassion
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5. Faith
6. Investment
Article 6: Objectives
The group main objective shall be “Growing together financially through viable
Other objectives.
1. To build each other's financial Muscles.
2. To support members' welfare.
3. To set up an endowment and asset building fund.
4. Community Charity services.
5. Trading in building and construction materials.
Article 7: Colour and Logo
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Article 8: Membership
This chapter shall guide membership of the group
Article 9: Eligibility
a. Every member shall be a born-again Christian.
b. Every member should be of sound mind and over 18 years of age.
c. Every member should be ready to abide by the rules and regulations of the
d. The number of people in the Group shall be limited to a maximum of 14
e. No introduction of new members.
f. The Group reserves the right to refuse admission to any person without giving a
Article 10: Subscription
a. Every member will be required to pay a monthly contribution of Kshs. 200 or
such other amount as may be determined in a General Meeting of the group from
time to time. This payment shall be made on or before the 10th day of the
following month and lateness shall attract a fine of 10% of the outstanding
balance computed on monthly basis. All payments shall be made to the group
account using any acceptable mode. Any exceptional cases shall be given in
writing and discussed as and when they come to the members’ desk and a
resolution shall be adopted by a minimum of Two thirds (2/3) of the members
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present. The exceptional cases include loss of a job, death of nuclear family
member and natural disasters
b. All members of the group shall sign the constitution, fill in the next of kin form to
be generated and any other agreement provided by the group.
c. Members are responsible for providing up to date personal or professional
information that may affect the group to enable effective and efficient running.
d. No member may assign, transfer or pledge his membership or interest in the
Group without prior notice and approval at the discretion of the members.
e. Members can make their contributions in advance (limited to 12 months). Proof
of any payment shall be availed to the treasurer for accounting purposes. This
however should not give the member undue advantage.
Article 11: Leaving the Group/Exit Of Members
a. Resignations of membership must be submitted in writing to the chairperson
and copied to the treasurer and secretary not less than fourteen (14) days
before the next meeting at which the resignation is to take effect.
b. When a member resigns they will receive their share of the Group holdings
(minus 30% charge of the total share value after all incidental costs & other
statutory fees have been deducted) in full payment within 90 days of resignation
subject to availability of funds. All payments meant in respect to registration to
be a member and fines/penalties paid while a members are non-refundable.
c. Upon the death of a Group member, their unit value of the Group holdings will
be paid to their next of kin (less all-incidental costs & other statutory fees have
been deducted) in full payment within 90 days of the Group meeting where the
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death was recorded subject to availability of funds. All payments meant in
respect to registration to be a member and fines/penalties paid while a
members are non-refundable.
d. Any member lagging behind in his contribution to the Group will be required to
make a written commitment detailing their payment plan to the members
through the chair.
Article 12: Dispute Resolution
a. All affairs (conduct, behaviour, attendance of members, monetary etc.)
affecting the Group shall be agreed by the members at a constituted meeting.
The meeting must have a quorum of at least Two thirds (2/3) of the current
registered members
b. Any disputes to the interpretation of constitution and rules will be decided at a
general meetings or if requested at a special meeting by a two-thirds vote
called by the chairperson.
c. The name, constitution or rules of this Group shall be amended by a two-thirds
vote of the current registered Group members.
I. Any proposals must be submitted to the chairperson in writing and
copied in the treasurer and secretary.
II. Officials must be given a minimum of two weeks to present the proposal
to members.
Article 13: Leadership
The following three executive officials shall handle the Group Matters. The Officials shall
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1.1 Chairperson
a. The Chairperson chairs Group meetings, coordinates the other Group members,
appoints committees and ensures that each Group member has their say and fulfils their
commitments to the group.
b. The Chairperson will have the power to create and conduct an agenda for all meetings,
and may enforce or waive formalities of such an agenda.
c. The Chairperson will have the power to recommend disciplinary action to any member
who, in the opinion of a member of the Group, is confirmed to have acted contrary to the
provisions of the By Laws or has displayed negligence in the performance of duties or
d. The Chairperson will also have the power to execute investment decisions approved by
members even in absence of the Treasurer.
1.2 Secretary
a. The Secretary shall send out timely notices for Group meetings.
b. The Secretary will keep a record of Group business and issue minutes of all
c. The Secretary will be responsible for all correspondence pertaining to the Group,
including the distribution of reports from meetings, officers and committees.
d. Upon notification by the Chairperson or the Treasurer; the Secretary will issue a
notice to any Member regarding any fines or disciplinary action, and include the
reason and decision for the action.
e. The Secretary must keep hard copies of all Group correspondence.
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f. The Secretary shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in his absence or if
their position becomes vacant.The secretary will be responsible for the activities,
progress, and reports of all committees formed.
g. The secretary shall assist the Chairperson in any way the Chairperson deems
necessary in the execution of the duties.
1.3 Treasurer
a. The Treasurer keeps records of all financial transactions, monthly member
contributions, payment of expenses and notifying the Secretary of members’ in
default of dues.
b. The Treasurer also manages the accounting and auditing process of the Group.
c. The Treasurer will serve as agent for the Group to execute investment decisions;
and will distribute and collect funds.
d. The Treasurer will in addition to keeping records of all Group financial activities
calculate and distribute valuation statements each month, and any other
statistical reports required.
e. The Treasurer will maintain records accounting for the Group’s financial
operation, assets, and individual account value.
ARTICLE 14: Terms of Office
a. All officials will serve one term equal to two calendar years.
b. All positions will be open for elections to be held at the annual general meeting
(AGM) after the expiry of the current official’s term of office
c. All members are eligible for election
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d. All officials are eligible for re-election for another one term. An office bearer can
serve a maximum of two consecutive terms of two years each.
Article 15: Vacancy in Office
If a vacancy of office occurs, the responsibilities of that office will be temporarily be
handled by remaining officials until a suitable replacement is found by means agreed by
all members.
Article: 16: Suspension of officials
The suspension or removal of any officer requires a majority vote of the Group’s
members in attendance at a regular meeting. Prior to a removal vote, an initial collection
of signatures from at least two (2) officials and Two-thirds (2/3) of the current
registered members of the Group must be presented along with the grounds for
removal. The officer in question will have a chance to present his case before the final
Article 17: Nominations
i. The method of election shall be a proposal seconded by majority of members
ii. The member receiving the majority vote will hold the respective position.
i. Elections will take place during the Annual General Meeting; officials will
have a two-year term effective at the closure of the AGM.
ii. The first election shall be held at the first AGM. The office bearers at the
promulgation of the group shall be acting as interim officials.
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Article 18: Voting and Decision Making
The voting system is one member one vote. Every member’s contribution is equivalent
to 1 unit thus 1 vote. For investment decision, consensus will be encouraged. However,
in the event that consensus is not possible, for such decision to be implemented, two
thirds of members present in a properly constituted meeting must be in agreement.
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Article 19: The Finance Policy
1. The Group shall open bank account(s) in the Group’s name. The Group shall
appoint three signatories who are officials. The Chairperson, Treasurer and
Secretary. All cheques drawn or transactions made on the Group account shall
require the Chairperson and any of the two authorised signatories.
2. Each month’s contributions, fines and penalties will be banked with the Group’s
bank account and the treasurer keeps a record.
3. The Group will only deal with the investment and for the benefit of the Group only.
It will neither advice nor deal on behalf of any person/group.
4. No member shall make any commitment particularly financial on behalf of the
Group without the agreement of a properly constituted meeting.
5. No member or official of the Group is liable for any Group member’s financial loss
that may occur as a result of the Group’s investment decisions.
6. All members shall have the right at any point in time to inspect the Group’s books
of accounts, investments and the list of members.
Article 20: Fines and Penalties
a. Members who fail to attend a general meeting without apology are liable to a fine of
Ksh.100. Failure to attend a general meeting with apology shall attract a fine of Ksh 80.
Any exceptional case for failure to attend a meeting shall be discussed as and when they
arise and used as the precedent in future similar cases. Apologies should be received 1
day before meeting time. Apology after then will be treated as absent without apology.
b. Members who arrive to meetings later than 30 minutes after its agreed commencement
time are liable to a fine of Ksh 50 (up to 60 minutes) and an extra Kshs 30 for every 30
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minutes to a maximum of Ksh 100. Members are not allowed to leave before the end of
the meeting without prior notice to do so through the chairperson.
c. Members who miss 3 consecutive meetings without apologies shall face disciplinary
d. Failure by any member to attend an Annual General Meeting shall attract a fine as shall
be set and adopted by members.
e. All fines collected will be deposited into the group's members’ welfare fund.
f. Failure to attend 4 meetings consecutively will attract a fine of not less than Ksh 500.
Attendance can be via conference call for members in far distances.
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5. Chapter Five
Article 20: Meetings
The group shall hold the following meetings
1.1 General/Regular Meetings
1. Meetings shall be held on a Sunday between 10th and 20th of every month at a
location and time that will be communicated by the secretary 14 days before the
meeting day.
2. The agenda of the meeting shall be communicated 14 days before the meeting
3. Failure to attend a meeting shall attract fines as stipulated under fines and
penalties clause.
4. The quorum for the General Meetings shall be two thirds of the current
registered members of the Group.
1.2 Special Meetings
1. These are meetings organised by the executive office as a matter of urgency to
deal with or dispense off urgent matters that cannot wait for the next General
2. The agenda shall be communicated by the secretary to all members and the
meeting shall be held within the time agreed upon by members depending on the
urgency of the matters at hand.
3. The quorum for the Special Meetings shall be 50%of the current registered
members of the Group.
4. Decisions arrived at on a special meeting shall be binding to all members.
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1.3 Annual General Meetings
1. There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM). All Members of the Group shall
attend the AGM. All AGMs shall be held on the first Sunday of the month
November of each year. Failure to hold the AGM on the set date, a later date shall
be set as agreed by members.
2. The secretary a month before the meeting date shall communicate an AGM
meeting notice.
3. The agenda of the AGM shall be:
I. Review the year’s activities against group’s objective.
II. Elect New Executive Office.
III. Present the accounts and audits on the portfolio.
IV. Review the group’s objective and make adjustments as required.
4. The quorum for the AGM shall be two-thirds (2/3) of the registered members of
the Group.
i. The AGM minutes shall be issued promptly to members within two weeks
prior to the next AGM.
ii. Financial statements should be availed to the members for scrutiny two
weeks before the AGM
iii. The Groups financial year shall run from 1st
November to 31st
October of
each year.
Article 21: Welfare Kitty
The fines and penalties charged on members shall be kept in the welfare kitty aimed to
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This shall only be done when the people affected are either the members or their
immediate family. Members shall agree on what to give to the affected party.
Article 22: Dissolution
This Group may be dissolved upon a two-thirds affirmative vote of the entire
membership at any general or special meeting, provided that a written notice of the
proposed dissolution has been given to each member at least twenty-one (21) days
prior to the meeting by the secretary.
On dissolution, all the Group’s debts and expenses (liabilities) will be paid first, and the
Group’s remaining assets will be distributed to the members in a liquidated value,
apportioned in accordance with the membership stake.
IN WITNESS whereas the undersigned have set their hand this 30TH day of November
in the year 2022 Witnessed By:
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1 Peter Munene Mwirigi Date Signature
2 Dennis Mutuku 15/12/2023
3 Mirriam Nthenya 15/12/2023
4 Humfrey Pratt Ongadi 15/12/2023
5 Zipporah Wambui Njoroge 15/12/2023
6 Mary Wamuyu Kmunyu 15/12/2023
7 Deborah Jelagat 15/12/2023
8 Clinton Kibet 15/12/2023
9 Emmanuel Vuma Charo 15/12/2023
10 Antony Katiba 15/12/2023
11 Belinda ywaya Chuma 15/12/2023
12 Dorcas Mwayi Akinyi 15/12/2023
13 Stephen Egen Ogwel 15/12/2023
14 Charles Otieno Ondiek 15/12/2023
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  • 2. The Adelphos Youth Group CONSTITUTION Adelphos 11/30/22 Katiba 2 | Page
  • 3. PRE-AMBLE WE, the members of THEE ADELPHOS YOUTH GROUP;AWARE that the THEE ADELPHOS YOUTH GROUP was created to serve the pursuit of financial and social welfare, peace, prosperity,integrity, and dignity;EXERCISING our right to determine the kind of life we deem suitable for ourselves. DETERMINED that the values of transparency, accountability, observance of Land laws’ rights and social justice shall be institutionalized in our Association to ensure that all members enjoy prosperity. HUMBLY submitting to God and recognizing our responsibility before him, humanity and ourselves; PROUD of the diversity of backgrounds, cultures of members religious affiliations and intellectual diversity united by a common purpose and aspirations. CONVINCED that this Constitution shall guarantee the continued existence of Peace amongst the members of THEE ADELPHOS YOUTH GROUP Association. RECOGNIZING the desire of the association to have a Constitution that will govern them and the supreme authority of God, the regulations governing the Association, conduct, and Discipline of members made thereunder and other related and relevant laws of the land in all activities and Associations of the group. Do hereby ADOPT, ENACT and GIVE to ourselves this Constitution, as the Constitution of the the THEE ADELPHOS YOUTH GROUP. This agreement is made this 24th day of NOVEMBER in the year of 2022 between the undersigned people as members for the purpose of joint investment in any viable venture. 3 | Page
  • 4. This constitution acknowledges the operations and workings of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the Societies Act CAP 108 Laws of Kenya. The Group agrees to be bound by the provisions thereof. Table of Contents 1. CHAPTER ONE 4 ARTICLE 1: NAME 4 ARTICLE 2: CITATION 4 ARTICLE 3: VISSION 4 ARTICLE 4: MISSION 4 ARTICLE 5: CORE VALUES 4 4 | Page
  • 5. ARTICLE 6: OBJECTIVES 4 ARTICLE 7: COLOUR AND LOGO 4 2. CHAPTER TWO 5 ARTICLE 8: MEMBERSHIP 5 ARTICLE 9: Eligibility 5 ARTICLE 10: Subscription 5 ARTICLE 11: Leaving the Group/Exit of members 6 ARTICLE 12: Dispute Resolution 6 3. CHAPTER THREE 7 ARTICLE 13: LEADERSHIP 7 1.1 Chairperson 7 1.2 Secretary 7 1.3 Treasurer 8 ARTICLE 14: Terms of Office 8 ARTICLE 15: Vacancy in Office 8 ARTICLE: 16: Suspension of officials 8 ARTICLE 17: NOMINATIONS 9 ARTICLE 18: VOTING AND DECISION MAKING 9 4. CHAPTER FOUR 10 ARTICLE 19: THE FINANCE POLICY 10 ARTICLE 20: Fines and Penalties 10 5. CHAPTER FIVE 12 ARTICLE 20: MEETINGS 12 5 | Page
  • 6. 1.1 General/Regular Meetings 12 1.2 Special Meetings 12 1.3 Annual General Meetings 12 ARTICLE 21: WELFARE KITTY 13 ARTICLE 22: DISSOLUTION 13 1. CHAPTER ONE Article 1: Name The body constituted by this document shall be known, called, referred and addressed as the Thee Adelpos Youth Group. Article 2: Citation This document shall be cited as the Constitution of the Thee Adelpos Youth Group Kenya Article 3: Vission To develop a sustainable investment scheme. Article 4: Mission Equipping members with knowledge and skills on investments. Article 5: Core Values 1. Integrity 2. Transparency 3. Teamwork 4. Compassion 6 | Page
  • 7. 5. Faith 6. Investment Article 6: Objectives The group main objective shall be “Growing together financially through viable investments” Other objectives. 1. To build each other's financial Muscles. 2. To support members' welfare. 3. To set up an endowment and asset building fund. 4. Community Charity services. 5. Trading in building and construction materials. Article 7: Colour and Logo 7 | Page
  • 8. 2. CHAPTER TWO Article 8: Membership This chapter shall guide membership of the group Article 9: Eligibility a. Every member shall be a born-again Christian. b. Every member should be of sound mind and over 18 years of age. c. Every member should be ready to abide by the rules and regulations of the group. d. The number of people in the Group shall be limited to a maximum of 14 members. e. No introduction of new members. f. The Group reserves the right to refuse admission to any person without giving a reason. Article 10: Subscription a. Every member will be required to pay a monthly contribution of Kshs. 200 or such other amount as may be determined in a General Meeting of the group from time to time. This payment shall be made on or before the 10th day of the following month and lateness shall attract a fine of 10% of the outstanding balance computed on monthly basis. All payments shall be made to the group account using any acceptable mode. Any exceptional cases shall be given in writing and discussed as and when they come to the members’ desk and a resolution shall be adopted by a minimum of Two thirds (2/3) of the members 8 | Page
  • 9. present. The exceptional cases include loss of a job, death of nuclear family member and natural disasters b. All members of the group shall sign the constitution, fill in the next of kin form to be generated and any other agreement provided by the group. c. Members are responsible for providing up to date personal or professional information that may affect the group to enable effective and efficient running. d. No member may assign, transfer or pledge his membership or interest in the Group without prior notice and approval at the discretion of the members. e. Members can make their contributions in advance (limited to 12 months). Proof of any payment shall be availed to the treasurer for accounting purposes. This however should not give the member undue advantage. Article 11: Leaving the Group/Exit Of Members a. Resignations of membership must be submitted in writing to the chairperson and copied to the treasurer and secretary not less than fourteen (14) days before the next meeting at which the resignation is to take effect. b. When a member resigns they will receive their share of the Group holdings (minus 30% charge of the total share value after all incidental costs & other statutory fees have been deducted) in full payment within 90 days of resignation subject to availability of funds. All payments meant in respect to registration to be a member and fines/penalties paid while a members are non-refundable. c. Upon the death of a Group member, their unit value of the Group holdings will be paid to their next of kin (less all-incidental costs & other statutory fees have been deducted) in full payment within 90 days of the Group meeting where the 9 | Page
  • 10. death was recorded subject to availability of funds. All payments meant in respect to registration to be a member and fines/penalties paid while a members are non-refundable. d. Any member lagging behind in his contribution to the Group will be required to make a written commitment detailing their payment plan to the members through the chair. Article 12: Dispute Resolution a. All affairs (conduct, behaviour, attendance of members, monetary etc.) affecting the Group shall be agreed by the members at a constituted meeting. The meeting must have a quorum of at least Two thirds (2/3) of the current registered members b. Any disputes to the interpretation of constitution and rules will be decided at a general meetings or if requested at a special meeting by a two-thirds vote called by the chairperson. c. The name, constitution or rules of this Group shall be amended by a two-thirds vote of the current registered Group members. I. Any proposals must be submitted to the chairperson in writing and copied in the treasurer and secretary. II. Officials must be given a minimum of two weeks to present the proposal to members. 3. CHAPTER THREE Article 13: Leadership The following three executive officials shall handle the Group Matters. The Officials shall be: 10 | Page
  • 11. 1.1 Chairperson a. The Chairperson chairs Group meetings, coordinates the other Group members, appoints committees and ensures that each Group member has their say and fulfils their commitments to the group. b. The Chairperson will have the power to create and conduct an agenda for all meetings, and may enforce or waive formalities of such an agenda. c. The Chairperson will have the power to recommend disciplinary action to any member who, in the opinion of a member of the Group, is confirmed to have acted contrary to the provisions of the By Laws or has displayed negligence in the performance of duties or expectations. d. The Chairperson will also have the power to execute investment decisions approved by members even in absence of the Treasurer. 1.2 Secretary a. The Secretary shall send out timely notices for Group meetings. b. The Secretary will keep a record of Group business and issue minutes of all meetings. c. The Secretary will be responsible for all correspondence pertaining to the Group, including the distribution of reports from meetings, officers and committees. d. Upon notification by the Chairperson or the Treasurer; the Secretary will issue a notice to any Member regarding any fines or disciplinary action, and include the reason and decision for the action. e. The Secretary must keep hard copies of all Group correspondence. 11 | Page
  • 12. f. The Secretary shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in his absence or if their position becomes vacant.The secretary will be responsible for the activities, progress, and reports of all committees formed. g. The secretary shall assist the Chairperson in any way the Chairperson deems necessary in the execution of the duties. 1.3 Treasurer a. The Treasurer keeps records of all financial transactions, monthly member contributions, payment of expenses and notifying the Secretary of members’ in default of dues. b. The Treasurer also manages the accounting and auditing process of the Group. c. The Treasurer will serve as agent for the Group to execute investment decisions; and will distribute and collect funds. d. The Treasurer will in addition to keeping records of all Group financial activities calculate and distribute valuation statements each month, and any other statistical reports required. e. The Treasurer will maintain records accounting for the Group’s financial operation, assets, and individual account value. ARTICLE 14: Terms of Office a. All officials will serve one term equal to two calendar years. b. All positions will be open for elections to be held at the annual general meeting (AGM) after the expiry of the current official’s term of office c. All members are eligible for election 12 | Page
  • 13. d. All officials are eligible for re-election for another one term. An office bearer can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms of two years each. Article 15: Vacancy in Office If a vacancy of office occurs, the responsibilities of that office will be temporarily be handled by remaining officials until a suitable replacement is found by means agreed by all members. Article: 16: Suspension of officials The suspension or removal of any officer requires a majority vote of the Group’s members in attendance at a regular meeting. Prior to a removal vote, an initial collection of signatures from at least two (2) officials and Two-thirds (2/3) of the current registered members of the Group must be presented along with the grounds for removal. The officer in question will have a chance to present his case before the final vote. Article 17: Nominations i. The method of election shall be a proposal seconded by majority of members present. ii. The member receiving the majority vote will hold the respective position. i. Elections will take place during the Annual General Meeting; officials will have a two-year term effective at the closure of the AGM. ii. The first election shall be held at the first AGM. The office bearers at the promulgation of the group shall be acting as interim officials. 13 | Page
  • 14. Article 18: Voting and Decision Making The voting system is one member one vote. Every member’s contribution is equivalent to 1 unit thus 1 vote. For investment decision, consensus will be encouraged. However, in the event that consensus is not possible, for such decision to be implemented, two thirds of members present in a properly constituted meeting must be in agreement. 14 | Page
  • 15. 4. CHAPTER FOUR Article 19: The Finance Policy 1. The Group shall open bank account(s) in the Group’s name. The Group shall appoint three signatories who are officials. The Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. All cheques drawn or transactions made on the Group account shall require the Chairperson and any of the two authorised signatories. 2. Each month’s contributions, fines and penalties will be banked with the Group’s bank account and the treasurer keeps a record. 3. The Group will only deal with the investment and for the benefit of the Group only. It will neither advice nor deal on behalf of any person/group. 4. No member shall make any commitment particularly financial on behalf of the Group without the agreement of a properly constituted meeting. 5. No member or official of the Group is liable for any Group member’s financial loss that may occur as a result of the Group’s investment decisions. 6. All members shall have the right at any point in time to inspect the Group’s books of accounts, investments and the list of members. Article 20: Fines and Penalties a. Members who fail to attend a general meeting without apology are liable to a fine of Ksh.100. Failure to attend a general meeting with apology shall attract a fine of Ksh 80. Any exceptional case for failure to attend a meeting shall be discussed as and when they arise and used as the precedent in future similar cases. Apologies should be received 1 day before meeting time. Apology after then will be treated as absent without apology. b. Members who arrive to meetings later than 30 minutes after its agreed commencement time are liable to a fine of Ksh 50 (up to 60 minutes) and an extra Kshs 30 for every 30 15 | Page
  • 16. minutes to a maximum of Ksh 100. Members are not allowed to leave before the end of the meeting without prior notice to do so through the chairperson. c. Members who miss 3 consecutive meetings without apologies shall face disciplinary actions. d. Failure by any member to attend an Annual General Meeting shall attract a fine as shall be set and adopted by members. e. All fines collected will be deposited into the group's members’ welfare fund. f. Failure to attend 4 meetings consecutively will attract a fine of not less than Ksh 500. Attendance can be via conference call for members in far distances. 16 | Page
  • 17. 5. Chapter Five Article 20: Meetings The group shall hold the following meetings 1.1 General/Regular Meetings 1. Meetings shall be held on a Sunday between 10th and 20th of every month at a location and time that will be communicated by the secretary 14 days before the meeting day. 2. The agenda of the meeting shall be communicated 14 days before the meeting day. 3. Failure to attend a meeting shall attract fines as stipulated under fines and penalties clause. 4. The quorum for the General Meetings shall be two thirds of the current registered members of the Group. 1.2 Special Meetings 1. These are meetings organised by the executive office as a matter of urgency to deal with or dispense off urgent matters that cannot wait for the next General Meeting. 2. The agenda shall be communicated by the secretary to all members and the meeting shall be held within the time agreed upon by members depending on the urgency of the matters at hand. 3. The quorum for the Special Meetings shall be 50%of the current registered members of the Group. 4. Decisions arrived at on a special meeting shall be binding to all members. 17 | Page
  • 18. 1.3 Annual General Meetings 1. There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM). All Members of the Group shall attend the AGM. All AGMs shall be held on the first Sunday of the month November of each year. Failure to hold the AGM on the set date, a later date shall be set as agreed by members. 2. The secretary a month before the meeting date shall communicate an AGM meeting notice. 3. The agenda of the AGM shall be: I. Review the year’s activities against group’s objective. II. Elect New Executive Office. III. Present the accounts and audits on the portfolio. IV. Review the group’s objective and make adjustments as required. 4. The quorum for the AGM shall be two-thirds (2/3) of the registered members of the Group. i. The AGM minutes shall be issued promptly to members within two weeks prior to the next AGM. ii. Financial statements should be availed to the members for scrutiny two weeks before the AGM iii. The Groups financial year shall run from 1st November to 31st October of each year. Article 21: Welfare Kitty The fines and penalties charged on members shall be kept in the welfare kitty aimed to support members in times of PRE-WEDDINGS, BEREAVEMENTS AND MEDICAL BILLS. 18 | Page
  • 19. This shall only be done when the people affected are either the members or their immediate family. Members shall agree on what to give to the affected party. Article 22: Dissolution This Group may be dissolved upon a two-thirds affirmative vote of the entire membership at any general or special meeting, provided that a written notice of the proposed dissolution has been given to each member at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting by the secretary. On dissolution, all the Group’s debts and expenses (liabilities) will be paid first, and the Group’s remaining assets will be distributed to the members in a liquidated value, apportioned in accordance with the membership stake. IN WITNESS whereas the undersigned have set their hand this 30TH day of November in the year 2022 Witnessed By: 19 | Page
  • 20. 1 Peter Munene Mwirigi Date Signature 2 Dennis Mutuku 15/12/2023 3 Mirriam Nthenya 15/12/2023 4 Humfrey Pratt Ongadi 15/12/2023 5 Zipporah Wambui Njoroge 15/12/2023 6 Mary Wamuyu Kmunyu 15/12/2023 7 Deborah Jelagat 15/12/2023 8 Clinton Kibet 15/12/2023 9 Emmanuel Vuma Charo 15/12/2023 10 Antony Katiba 15/12/2023 11 Belinda ywaya Chuma 15/12/2023 12 Dorcas Mwayi Akinyi 15/12/2023 13 Stephen Egen Ogwel 15/12/2023 14 Charles Otieno Ondiek 15/12/2023 20 | Page